HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-10-04, Page 14
1)ERtC11 STAR bee * larger
vircoletion then any other Newrsperier
tio **atoll of the Oounty Moon
There itree qffeetien t about flitttAlla 414sl-
79.,'011tit4 Allele ;1 090 DM .‘eltM , (reeintielittittle
Weeitie, sitddlett fe, by ittivieg A ;few 'penitent htherlt
:weelth, While egterft gelft-iftilePOhlig3te 1;1 WOtg,
, Melee but.the ;Watt tualerite sx0140 scum coonietoott.
, 'ereellog leXa than, they reit, and tlagillg • the, initpluta
44. Ve pity VOIR. Ter'. gept:Pitertpt Ott flOihfaht ftia 01,04cY
' Oa; 1.0; WSPI„ 54*e
' 004040111•011601da,attlitth -Kittlia141,14
ON fedand,X1 te.fleffe,f.
when te4tesett ORA ,:`,1611)16
pd,er Lploalie 1.341:1491' 1.0;54*.g,)
erleit ck • •
fi.eh' tit at STAX
,tereeelets'holnetrft Oa
coming.beaste: 'VOW esOO411110dottbn 41,114.
earefutserries. pitltkeMti.).1DXTO, No
act, 4, ney,,,, Preprtetreee;
COLD IttNki W4%1'03;41.101 .5X 0 Pays tito
,h1g. esterelltladeeeng tiVnGla Bents alga
066ES. at11:111kaildil Pout'
try. mentimithmpener. „
Tne CANADA von;
,/ ,;,-)
9RUTORES EDIX;teAlig.,e-;, Mutest seta
with rubbereeeteporriti, 'eeearifelkle4i"
p y at Tut I3T4atjfitee*.•';" "
toltr4g8 '131, fuq;4411 4'cit91:111.°1144'4'411.4::AF443!" 11'1:
imeNtOrkti:Ddr.104 erti;)1;iFtell eta
weauty. -1tWi_rrthilo intki ru old nen*
e n cot. Apply to mins r,.;eiteete camerae
street. . •
'weft (teen OIL/r0 ItENTe*AtColeYen-roota
'"hanse, with garden,,,gortik 3Zooly`
situated at the'llortenuu '04,101111' o'att.
• Par torms, oto,;:apply goetee., Toesoup. ,
f'houOR SALE,..I'lBoutittatalKlatitan Icronerfin
se,,F0304,002erit ftrandatintb. •Applii•
street, geed idnble and 0010010N 6r0Ont.
letter to Mita 151Aatwle:,VA111%alat.L. bOX 272.
Ripley, or to Tlittlat tafittnallil,'Auetioneer,
-VOR SALE oft TO' RENV---A six:roomed
' house, ht geed eonditiots 'Apple to
13* 4...Mortessts.
111. to Mria.E. Joeparr,Cotherilent., '
w gee OLDER FOR largo or
smait RI ir *bile you wait.
June Floatitztx. thiren , d. .
2E0 RENT.-Ilause,atireas liana tiro floottltal.
9n Britanela Bead. Apply to MRS, Miss
Ii.ntiSt FOR BA1.13.. -.A. Ohm -roomed house
a a in a good Meaty. Roth bowl* good
well water, claret, elm. Get Maros ot MAK
Office. •
"EIOR SAL1L-1 "horse, "Arch endue)" :
• '1 cutter, 1-baggy,.1 pair lig bobaleigh_IR
1 delivery Wan, *eta ;tingle bffintess,
grain bags; sr:Mese, 250 lbs., It wife. Airpir
Tnoa Reneterts,Nbloots Itta
S •
total • alit
Ffiso11, ;‘" •-s
.141' le 114W
NTAliT9 "V0',43$104', .1,310 A
-1,01,41E QF DOBEE1011. •
Natidliktbere'br triVel-Triett e_garb !WM be
hekltinittsnalit te "The. Ontario Tows" •Itats
Act, tie„Die'etegor the ,Iedge Of the-'ettenty
"CoOrt Gennt.r. otlittrell,fltane ,Feert
House, Cledertell. Baturrial", Ind 5th der fif
(aCtOVertBEL.ritaoll a'eleek in the feretloon, to.
11044-664310t6061116-'1ffiffinialalta et errenr ond
etalselenttietheyeterebist otthe attedetpat,
lit et th0 'TgWO, et tioderieh,.for 1907. •
.4aatilt9Ift)lothat4V-Or.. Stintenffier..1987,... •
al, 0 JORNSrowcaolor or tionerlen.
1030AL•NOTICE • •
910 RENT. -- A rrenitdotached House on
• Wth)t street. Modern conveniences.
reftweftfted eleetrle. light lixteret• APPLY to
J. as. DAWKINS. West; Street, %.
JL and the twilit belt et Mock Lb en the
Maitland Rot% tobrit of'D" titlertelt,toritatning
10 and-threetnatkantsin4tood gimlets tandfgood
orchard with varions Mode Of eheital quit.
) Good frame hatise and, frame bare. uood
water. Auto NO. /A hottee anti lot oil Angle -
sea street. For tante and full pattledlars
apply to the owner, opentrof Lotto, Godetich.
of the Own of siderite) 'wilt, at tus
NTOTIfiftE 1. beieby girt that the 00n11011
regularmeethor on Friar) the eighteenth do
of OistobeeolX07, prooried- to ease Bylaw fee
these:M*10M et the toliewIng roads and per.
timmef roveln the said 'WWII of Goderleh, and
1000111.butsleg °Cloning Of the na1d Made or
portions thereof 'ea to be stopPed , DP to
•Cluelph fe•GederlehltallWav tudneanY.,/,)
q).. All tti pordoe of Ship 'Perrault lying
Ile treettid0 it teeter nIM.k Of Lake Huran,and
the westerly nitiltiet Harbor Lae% or 900
mewed, . . •
, All.that portion of Wateir Lane lying bot
neon the tamtherlylbuitnt Harbor Street and
tlie-tiOrtberlObillt0S Terrace. .
s pi. All the' t nottlett et Bear* street, de,
scribe/flan fellewetet:soomeneing at the toter -
beaten of tee Westerly limit of Beach .Street
thenee 0410th -we Mittens. the westerlylinfit
with- tbe Sokthmy, unlit of Ship Terrace,
ot IleaebStreet.21. „teet to the limit of the land
of the littelotitetlederioli Railway Compeity,
thenee north' eightysieren deirrees twenty tele.
tittstast along' lest ineetioned prodneed
tathe easterly Breit of Beach Street thence
northerly along said.easterly Of Reach
Street .,105 feet 'to It* Intersection with the
southerly. limit et Ship Terrace, thence west-
-of arbour latreat.,described as follows : alotn-
orli El feet to the place of beginning. .4
Thatportion of Harbour Lane lying south
I:mincing% at this luteutection of the southerly
11114 of ilarbour Street with the westerly limit
• Herber ' Lane, themes south-westerly
along sal& westerly linitt of timber lane
166 feet, Chanel) eagerly 75 feet, to the
easterly limit ot Barbour Lane, thence
Itertherly along said' -•easterly limit of Hart
n om. LaLei and said easterly limit produced
100 feet. thence westeely 90 feet to the
piece of .begtnring.
14TO Alt.that pert of Harbor Lane lying be-
tween the northerly Bruit of Harbor Street and.
the southerly Of Harbor Quey.
And will also proceed to pass ix Bylaw for
astoblishing and opening up a Pohl's, Highway
or Land by the exteredon northerly of Water
Lane,_the lands to betaken for and crow/Sing
Filch TittblkillikiWay or Lane se to be estab-
lished anti opened up, being described as fol-
lows : Lot enrollee 10M. an shown tin a mall
Or plan of the said Town of Goderieb, made by
J. McDonald, Provincial Land surveyor, dated
10th 'September Illthe. and registered an ttio
/102.1fitry office for the County ot Huron, nine
part .of lot sinraber 1031 described as follows:
Cortanenclog at the intersection of the wetter-
ly limit of Water Ione With tho northerly lindt
et lot manlier .1027, thetuie- easterly at right
angle* to the westerly limit of Water Lane 17
feet to the lino between lots 103a and 1035,
thence northerly along said lino in feet,
.,betO.PanticerPni.11Wwesterly-EI feet- to-tIte. -place Air-
And take notice that the Cbuncil will hear
-In Ionian or by solicitor or counsel. no person
whose land tuoy be. prejudicially effected by
the passage of such Bylaw. and who petitions
to be so heard. •
SALIil&-A- good frame bons°, with'
lettraerefIVand, one nine irons Gode-
rich, add otsm etrOMII P. It. stding. Red
brick and tile elarenough tor 20 years. See
tio brIelte made by Pea& item from' thls etas'
at c. O. Lee% Smartie creak Ott lcuuL7-Apply
to WALTER BILittr, uoderiate
MIAOW FOR SAIde-ortie farin belonging to
Ali the Estate of theist° Robert McConnell.
in Ashfield tovenshlp,5th eon,. stinties west of
Duren, 1511 acres* f.ratne cottage, with
kite en and .woodshed ; barn 94 , stone
foe dation and stabling Underneath; driving
shod. Yaret„is all Ted„nbont 01 oeres
underatainew • arta wen and windmill,
large orchard:Mt wel fented, -Tams •can be
arranged,.to suit purchaser. Apply to wet.
ht. mecotteem. Liverrman. tateknow.
"UOUSES FOR SA141.-.TWo new brick
•1 booms. eight reinter in each. Baths, fur.
neoegana other meagre eontondencets Price
reasoneble. 'Teries_te:ettit perchaser. Apply
•at Tim RODEntal KANIN(I eme.,
SALK.:41YOntSt acreS'excellent land
to for market garden, with good buildings%
sad fences, two railestrout Goderieh-having
five acresin °PIMA tft, apples, pears, plume,
cherr109. 'notches; greisse- -mei • reaphemes.
Price and numeral/0mM. Apply to YOUNG
& flomeitTeottiOwierlob,
-ZIOR SALE.--Ilotisenn &lee 'street. modern
X Also m feet frontage, adhicent to square
Aira,t3. A, Cornell ofrere her bendirome rest,
dem:tabu KeleSt, tbr MK Moos brisk store,
Phettigrepb Mid bakery. Wirth. isms these
Itesutoui testdenee on Vineent st. for
, O. F. Real Mtge &Ins. Agency,
. ItNirrels‘1491t "Om A I, • ,
Toulleliejuoulivas ezeig/44igionit;f4rist, foal:41101e 011;4,34 i il kt
whichaligeklktePrioxit to*011oloilitfOrsi •
, yiecosliarbeitorbfritertivprottleeex:ell "ditulf,.WilT0440,
, 114X49.6.14,vore4w4t,litepel If 'et; '004 *It )1,9l#: .'tk
Wheett. 7.41),,. . .. . 444,:.....4'....t.4s. simE3'1:34 .1
ort•la O4,1,4,4O',4 'Di...A • 44 li, oo.s:4:41 -o,' ".)44, . 1..
1 r,pe.e'frett.,.. .14,14•4 to 4 4..*)itAit .. "''
1,11itat ilottre.t..:;..0...,,i...t.,.,...... ,..., • 135,
o VOX N.1011r. ,,,,j,,,;',,,;,);4 i; .4,4..044 ' 1K% .4 4/41
liPtiteuie;1,•itille,10, ' "'''':""'zts,...***.e..--03ti. ',47
' all r
.13 05
.0, 50
tter, eel lam444. 4,44)4.144.41,4 .... ,..„00
PAl 4.14,-
,.., .1tfro, , DO
Out)...4....:::::.4444:4;::::..4.44::::'0,{ ,74,,ei, M r,.9.40.10'
lo. 0* niftsalid4V1104:41' ..,.. 3 RA te . :•'00
ost..,..O.......;%.. tigt,1: leg
Bit.244*'*'Tgen;:;::::'lict::rng:::;:t":'weo-twa1:e"sx'-v4:';„';':.":i,'";,'4;.:ft,::'..:,'..'r:,;.:'„:i:..'.,':it:::46:ltl:i tli . 'll'il. 16:4171 2
;show PektO g .14 444 .ot , A As . 0 ee
Ilegt:seeewinge,t,...)444 ..... + 4 4 4,4` • P N), , 11,1
ititlett ...i.,4titO,i'l..........••••.•.''.'*LI. li IS '0 ig
4,11d,potof.00,14115*.v,toIr,:tv,Y,......ea.,,,,,, .... ..,..,..,..,,,,,,, 0.4011. Le ti 0.
' -"grew osa..*. 44,41,„ .5 to
rk#441114 Abl= !14111:341.8E14-1 1 W' tti i F°
tfogot ',. • ,..k,,rsit,,, ....... .. . l .. "'-' 4 t° t° 4 41'
Marx Steayed-Vilatet,
'Property:Or Sele • CharNa toes
Afilloe mad fiefalop Sale -afro, Darapben„ j •
Th6 Blial4, Ptffitas-aletlalenii Bros a
hfillittet* and Call Coate-MeKtma
Steve.PIlleas-VOMPIte 5
A. Talk to Wowen-W, Ca Piedham ......, 5
Grand JeWel Hanges-Geo.Heekett 5
Tho Serums fort/yaw-V. j. Ragland 8
Telearralibyiscentrolillusitieset College
Enter .kiy-Dey*Ceritatit Realness Cofteee
lInnterre Recurs -lens -C. P. RY
For Bdarders-The et. Lawrouee 1
Reef. Don and WItie-11. Cknendep., 4
ElectsleSuptelea-Yule's 4
Poultrgalateers-Cart. I'. and P. Co8
Filly Colts for Sale -'Wm. Andrews
7 -Days Sale-Parsome Fair 5
Notlee to Credttors-Est. Goo. Acheson:
Howe. to Itent-H. A. Tultbrd
Furnished House to Rent -Mrs Jordan,. 1
Goderleh Bus. College -Geo. Spotter' 8
FOR, ISALE.e4val noW Dwellings on Angle.
sey alt, oonitortehte'DWelling on Pieton
Buildirigtote EhtinAternie,Eseexst., cediu!
Bt. end ride St •
WANTKEt-A. few Fur:Mined lionises or
Rooms, near the Uwe front. to Mitt for tho
summer season:
4). VOTING & 11011ERTS0N.
telitteele4DS & TWINBULL.
T4, leeturatook, M.D.
w. 0, Torittentt, ,
mama lementen et, 'mew we
ht. 0. JOHNSTON, Town Cleric.
Dated Sept.lith, ROL
hi the matter of the estate of George Acheson,
!aloof the Town of (lode:it:AI, in the County
of Huron. Gentleman, deceased.
NOTICE Is hereby given that all persons hav-
ing 10Y Claims or demands asratnat the said
late tlebrge Acheson. who died on or almet the
2nd day of July, A. 11., 1907, at the said ToWn
of Goderich, aro required to send by post, pre-
paid, or to deliver to Mrs. Ella Acheson. nod
Messrs., J. P. Brown and William Acheson, the
Executrillthd Executors of the will of the
satd late George Acheson, or te 'any one of
them, their newsstand addresses, and fall par-
ticulars in writing of their claims. atid state
moment' their sweetener. and the nature of the
eocurittee Grimy) held by them.
.Aen TAKE NOTME that after the lst day of
November, ne.O. the eifid Executors will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceas-
ed amongst the persons entitled thenato,
lowing regard only to tho claims of which
tbee shall then have had notice, and that the
said Executors will not be liable for the ..sict
assets or any pert thereof to any person or
persons of who.e chins or Vine they shall not
then have received notice.
Dated at Goderleh the 50th day essiete.., 1907.
Stoireitors for the eatd Executors.
Dr. Etnerte!eri Beitdettrie-St. David Street.
oppoatte Choreal. Phone 1811.
Dr. Tureburs liesidende-lifontreal Street, earl
tier Waterloo, oar Rotate Library.
• lia11. .A. 314CitL114, M.
l101utistett thirteen. lel attention to
aye. ear, ruse testi Wow, and residence
old Wok of Stoetrete._ to Peat °Mee.
, West tamers Welt, We No.181
USW CLAssgs.
I am prepared te retain pholle for 1 en In
Plena and TheOrti Wattle littrrettifiet Udell
=megaton method tot young r litiren,
Terms fuel otbee teterfilitteit coin be learned at
Thomsen'e al ado OWNS •
Keetelittlit flentret Auttioneer.
, Nett SYsteettnt Oft Red cstidegee.
0 to. liamiteitt ef 1411ex Ow.
-16.TOTICE:0-Vett ate ws doubt &etc elating
thel Amin*? .111 stleYrof the ad.
Varian! Ptien Of bridot *64 limber. Wist men
S te nuddag *idly edetrikets, tastable J.. 141;wts
TIM19,10.C. Ise. Ares ist,Ost.,
nieclieoica d attention to clients
Will tIngiall INt ith. say te mimeo,
Locai Notices.
Go to Blackstone's, West street, for
fresh Oysters. The best to ho had. .
new a Raspberry. -The hest Red Rasp.
berrY te. sted here.' writes Prot Macau n,
town. ' The heaviest yielder among all Red
;sherries." writes Prof. Hutt. Guelph. We
ave tbe otarge supply In Canada to oft'er.
Ste „plants 100, express paid. Loeol Agent :
JOHN LE . Goderich, Ont BROWN
.13,1t0S., P. O. Brown's Nurseries, Ont.
.11 itenatet
• s I
stutailki j
*Setif Matt vit
Send tiorirovt.
hew iirletntla
8t* Mont Chart
too -tare dtrub o
w. bona*. bombe.
teMbera., stink
Pio people, OM
to sell %WM
nog Cub.
gown %volts.
14Aa.er 141411,
guarantee the hands of 'the -Ontario
'West Olune Niectrio itilb100,$ '10 '000
14tent: 110401,10 VOtecl on in Colborne
404 Motulay... .etne 044.10 abeo
;Vete*, Saltioru Peet/A/of lit 4114ority.
bat letehltrO,polilitt* ht$ "*Ots4 941Ablitt
4/41#3,,. -Thio wok.
by an agreetnent of the poitatUtdoni
the following. Yates. fOr Wittig 41041110
111t0 fOrOt 4J1040$0140 VilltOk1 $114tek
211elticd, Egypt. the Potted Kingdom
and British tologim- except Atiotrella
and ithodes44, 2o ,pet 0011001 other
Peatal onion oeuntrieg, ; tor 'the firat
mmenapd4kforeao. d1.449914It11)59
tiefeaotion•thereet le Pate tO
90)414trige'lletetotw wee I4o per, half
ounce. TO AD:ether ettuntriesi itt the
,pnetiff intleet thee tette *ill ,b0,350 ;per
Otthee, 1 Attali Of pen IME Mint**,
heret0f0 •
A Dap, AegtnitNT,e-011 Ttleed0Y
efte,rietunt heeph,,Tritffeet Wee 10014
in trent colhOitteVovinehilVatid taken
to the Alarm/40i Mittiltitis
from bevere Jitilielee to his hetul. The
injured, Mau Oteit idtt4011 on the ftVtit
of ni 104 tlerdlYelOd, Which he w
taking; ea Cloderich, when the feo
tier Flipped end kneeked bite t
groUn4, one of the whorls pate
the new game laws of Onterio, whiuh
:mine into force June 5th, 1007, have
been sent out, and according to the
new regulations, hiack and
grey, may he killed only from Nov.
1st to Dec. lst.
Vora Taatigs.-The ' Lacroese
Club beg to thank Manager Thomp-
son, of Wonderland, for his kindness
ness- on Wednesday evening in donat-
ing the receipts of the perfoomance to
,the Lacrosse The contuse..
Ur. ..and. Mrs. Thosor.-_-_.` se -ion
appreciated hy the boys.
Goon PM OUR CADETS. - The fol.
wing official report from the Adjutant
'General of Canadian Militia, under
date S/t. 20, has been received by
report of No. 40 Cadet Corps :
Slit,- 1. I have the honor to request that
yen will bo good enough teams° tho Principal
ef the Collegiate Institute at Goderieh, Ont.,
to be informed that the Minister in Militia
Connell hew noted with much pleasure the sat-
isfactory nature of the report rendered by the
colleer who inspected the corps ruarginally
noted In Juno Wet
2. It is hoped that every effort will he made
to still further increase the efficiency of this
unit. '
A Ctintons Caes.-Several papers
last week published accounte of what
was supposed to be a dastardly aseruilt
an Indian on woinan living in
Reuse% and local constables aided by
a Provincial detective and the Connty
Attorney were for a time busy investe
gating and trying to get trace of the
alleged cause of the trouble, It now
turns out, that, the case is very differ-
ent from vvhat was at fleet supposed,
the wounds being self-inflicted. and
originating in a state of mind which
could hardly he called sensible. The
matter will now probably be affewed.
to die out.
SCHOOL Smarms Assessansters. -
Judge Pinkie gave judgment in a
ectioolliection dispute at Woodstock
la.st week which ie of general interest ;
The matter was an appeal against the
aseessineot of the court of revision of
the townehip of West Zoete, in which
the townehip was the respondents.
By decision the judge holds that the
lands situated within the limits of two
school Rectifies moat be aseeseed separ-
ately according to the divisione Of the
school section, and that the steamier
was wrong in assessing land taken
over by the railroad for school pur-
operations oecupied the attention of
several pliyeiciann and the nurses at
Wingham Hospital reeently. After
several weeks effort, it was found the
severe burnt+ received by Mrs. Walter
Roee, of Teeawater, were not healing.
Mid henee it Wag decided to haVe re.
course to the akin grafting emcees.
The remit eevere burn Was the one
opereted on it covers one atm from
the shmilder to tho ends of the fin-
gers, except a couple of small spaces
end the palm of th0 hand, Mr. Retie
submitted to having neveral atripe of
skirt removed from hie lege. that these
might he grafted on to the arm ot hie
wife, Both patients were put under
chloroform. the operation requiring
about three hours. It is hoped that'
with Mee. Rose the operation will be
successfel, As Mr. Rose ie In gond
health, it is thought he will he able to
leave the hospital In a few days notv.
Ton= Junons.-The follow-
In the Alatter of the Estate of FRANCIS
JORDAN, late of ties Town of Gode
rich, In the CountY of Horan, Re.
tired Chemist, deceased.
Settee Is hereby given, pursuant. to the Re-
vised Statutes of Ontar10 0897), Chap. 129. that
allereditOcsandkothers having claims against
the estate Of dm raid late Francis Jordan. who
died on or about the 31st day et Anixont, A.1).
1907,'ffiro reqnired, on Dr before the Int day of
November. A. 110, 1007. to send by post. pretend,
to deliver to the underisigned. Soltettors tor
Emcee Jordan. Goderich P. O., the,Eireeetrix
of the estate Of the raid deceased, their chrle-
Dan and Mr rianiea, addresses and descriptions
the fall particulars ofthoir slaims, a etatoment
Of their attbounta and the noture of the treed -
Ms (if any) held by them.
And further take notice that after such last
mentioned date the said ItareentrIx pea -
geed to dititribute tho assets; Of the deceased
ong the partici; entitled thereto, hating. re -
rd only to the elnims of which they shall
t ember" notice, and that the said Et:mettle
not boilable for the talt1 assets or ally part
thereof tie any person or personae( whose claim
, nottee WWI not have been received by her at
the tittle of such distribution.
And filher take notice that tftl venom) in-
debted tethe said nue Fronds Jordan are
treeeby emitted to orty the ammonia oaring by
thorn,to the fait] laccuttlx on or before tho
said dlate„ after 10)10 said date all aceennte
will be Assad le the hap& of the undersigned
for collection.
Dated at Gaderieb. this 2ltrd do of &Woo-
len.. A. D.-1110/.
PROUDFOOT. BAYS 8; 1,41 ft,
Solicitors fortbe said *xerattrix,
clotted.% P. O.
r -
The Sterling Bank
100,00M4e ... TORONTO
wommto br litiettil Art 64 the
Infralniett Parliament tO MEW°
Itighest current rate of Interest, '
pith' in our
Seim hnt hpaitiont
on deposits of St and upwards,
interest paid and compealuded
ion TIMES A Intalt.
Drina bought ittia
A Central flanking MOWN*
CODEttlell .
A. G. GAUD/A Minflter.
Principe Fields. being the inspection
oveteluti. heed. ,Ati 'the stioto
moat have re/Med on a „SWIM. 49
Welitheof thO wagon calming a Vete
Wound Where, 'the Stohe eireee Ike
Was attended. to by Dre. Teyl earn
Rueter, enst, et times Tatnan le nettn-K
quietly,4hough at present ,h gnat
Mit okcethger; '
lennAnY BOArtn ;r6ti,
Board Met Saturda Sent 2fith; ttt
trantiact regular Motu . T e ; teene;
hers present were 3. T M
chair, and Messrs. IC r on, '
Tigert, Mayer Ellie and De.'Strettle.
The Llbrerittn's report tor ;:Allgitiit
ehowed receipts or $9.00, and tg-ittetle
of 1243 horilte and magazines- .014119.
Myles of the tv'eekly nf toe
"London Times". were, exantined and
on motion of Messrs, Elliott arid
Tigert it WILS • deffided tha
paper to the worst/al:0er Bit, toe IOW
On relation of Messrs. Tigert tend Her-
nighan the Board decided to. pay the
expenses of Mr. Duff to Streitf0t4 to
investigate the system of clessifleation
and distribution /of hooks In the lib-
rary and the geeteral menagentent in
connection therewitb,..
NOT ENCOURAtil ND. -The folloWing
letter •frotn Calgary appeared in the
St. Marys Argus of last weekeiet have
been reading your aceounts of the Al-
berta weather, which is fee from giv-
ing the tcue situation of things. At
present the outlook Ifi setiouti. Today
Alberta is covered in 12 inches of
snow and very cold. Some grain- ie
cut but the most of the crop. Is a de -
aided failure and hare Hume kr Woking
the West in the face. •Senkateliewatr
is not so bad, but it is nothing tta honst
about. Manitoba has suffered severely
frotst warm dey weather in this -south
and the frost bas been severe In the
north, so that-thia- great ,welit-wlit
only prolluce half a crop. which will
not be near the average quality. On
the 101,11 hist, hail fell In such quanti-
ties near Etinionton Hutt they .con-
sidered the loss to °pops at least a
million and a quarter of dollars. There
is very little work of any kind to do
in Ude cloy and money Mao tight that
not a cent can be borrowed, and ae
higb ati 25 per cent. has been paid for
small loans. I would expect that in a
few weeks real estate.will be sold here
tor a song.
onto paper last week published a
Goderich despatch alleging the final
collapse of thintin's visionary eity of
St. Joseph, and said: "A notice posted
in the Sheriff's. office here announces
the eale to -day at noon by auction of
all right and title of Mr. Orman, and
Josephine Caritin, his wife, in the
immense hotel. The sale is the out-
come of an execution obtained by
William Campbell." lint the ever
cheerful and enthusiaatic Narcistie
says the stoey is not etrictly in_ accent-
anee recta, that the aherirs sale
is merely a formal matter, the judg-
ment being for only $400, and that his
reason for allowing the proceedings to
go on was simply for the purpose of
having the title to the property made
perfectly clear. Mr. Cantle denies the
reports that the hotel Is fellingeinto
riuns end says It is in firateelfule above.
and be proposes installing a canning
factory In the big building, having he
sari sectired Mr. Gardiner-, the mane -
ger of the Exeter Canning factory, tO
take hold and run the perotteged indus-
Buell -toss AND ButtanNO NOTEs.-
*PIM. 14$11Titliettkillt, ,
deetoierroteStratfuril.Oederieb Olin*
ton end Other pleree• OW/hal of Aim
Verth mallfuron /nit
At 0110401 W111k04ftY,/trtit140011t Oct*
Thfk 14011314 Wan all:'r'illterinttinE
one from * m ice), stant100 et:. Dv+
entin•nosetented • g etileanit
birtoon,;fitretfordi-andPr. Mee llo
Doderieh. teed :papere. .1/Ore. (tallow
,Wbitely.and,:Eminewant itallated
hiehe ,the'Veitletith 000tingentr. •
. cinntergV., Wrons,4-,,Att exchange
40ART11'les--,011Ziestlityt last tim
midne Of Mee benne Mcfierthy, who
444 in Calitoroia 'on arclvd.
.ht-Ooilsrich for burial in the old: hotne
.land atKingebridge. Tim fatally, who
forinerly lived lo Ashrield,*440, father
being Petrick McCarthy** brother of
Valenta and Mccerthp-bed
eeved to calif ornia about three, years
nil% Alm Mefla,rthY being poet
health* road about two weeks NEI the
oung daughteretook lit alld, da041 ta.
layst:411110 Ofleity Itile there „beet/ awdayechelog only in bee Mit' Yeer..
Merellreffreel..defing;.thalaSkt,wentS Ihntanillereturned-witlithebOdyeald
leVir lqiiftl-the.00f 1.11.ft 0090atrir alettfits' Attlifiebb
reer,„ There efte 1POW • lien red*. Of 1The fitgera Welt place on Niteducialay
tyi moo *Meal „appearrincl/*
ountry- pare which e0togg rttogotoig• tow ogt Oberell itinge-
• itirld et, the (Mil bearers being John
Wilts 1.10Ralli romp incOarthy and
301in Fowl.
Vant.-Xerman McLeod Fair, sun
ot the late JaMes Pair, passed away
at his home in' Clinton on Identlay
eveningof last week, in Ids leith year.
The deeeased • had been in foe tho past
year ot; more, and the end .was not un-
expected. „The late Mr. Pair was n
man or more than ordinaty of
strong Individuality. and his early
tuition under the direction of his late
father made him capable manager
of the uld-estahlisited and successful
Clinton flottr mills. He was in part-
nership with his older brother James
from the time of hia rather's death,
and the new firm continued the busi-
ness successfully. Mrs. Pair, a 441101 -
tee of the late Richard Irwin, and one
eon, survive. The funeral took place
to Clinton cemetery, Rev. 1)r. Stewart
Elaurrissia.-Yeaterday the wife of
Mr. John Halstead died suddenly, be-
ing found dead in bed. The deceased
was noticed by her htiaband to be 111,
and he went for a doetor, but when the
M.D. arrived it was too Islet, es the
lady had passed away from heart,
trouble. The deceased was born in
the county of Hatitings 52 years ago,
and came with her brothers, the
Messre. Ostrom. to Goderieb township
some 33 years ago. She married her
now bereft husband 32 years ago, seven
children comprisitig the family. Three
are deceased, the four living • being
Mrs. James H. Harrison, Hayfield
Road, Mies pendlla at home, and Her-
bert and Wilbur, both of Goderich,
The late Mrs. Halstead was well and
favorahly known, and a member of
Victoria street Methodist church. Ton
STAB joine in the sincere symmithy
expressed by many friends to the rein,
tives and fatuity. The remind takes
place to Maitland cemetery tomorrow•
(Saturday) afternoon, from St. Dayld
street, at 2.30 o'clock.
alf that cOntributee to inlifkire xeore0
end. ethintoend ettentiOn OW* 41*
ebrealit Of tbeir Metreptillten 0014(1014
Porettlee. in moral ton% mut often hi
editorials they eurptoom Inesis 0,f. the
greet dente% In timete past toe
country editor. was quite generally re,.
garded with a half pitying colltSPIPt
Ite a KOOdeletjared bet thielten-hearted
ehronicler or inconemeentitil
Ali. of thin lian changed. Country
nualliVeasPe"t lehuesAneelinkatm4110'ne7lokiehl4 Tkbbee
ROM ere men or character and ela-
te Mlle. doing more for the commun.
Ity tor less money than any other
body of workers.
A Wog° ABOUT Tint Sogoope.-
is mistake te teach children a tittle
Of everythhig end nothlug thorough,
About, ail teltleation, can do for e
*Oen Or boy la to set him to thinking
foe himself. 'rite germ of origitudity
in the individeal needs eultiyatiom
need stimulent. The head °ramified
With other peoples ideas hes little room
fee let' own thought. Many A troy is
so thoroughly schooled that the +min-
ium sense. the will power, the self
reliant inenhood, is driven out of hira.
A load of facts with no education in
their use is of little value. The most
successful businesei Men in our cities
are those whose scanty eduentiOn ern -
heated a thorough knowledge of sim-
ple entail and atudies, but whose neces-
fifties have since demanded vigorous
thought, incessant industry and the
best use of every resource ef mind and
body. The hotbed eyatein of educe;
Hon enfeebles rather than etrengthene.
Only feW require &Maks, tuttronomy
or a knowledge of the dead languages.
Pam -CARRY.-A Chatham wed -
dills; which le of Interest to Goderich
'people took platie at the reeidence of
Ur. and Mrs. Carry, con. 2, Harwich
townehip, when their youngest daugh-
tee, Mimi Grece Derry. was onited in
marriage to Mr, Wm. P. Park, city
editor of the News of that city. Hey.
Robert MoCosh, rector of 0hriet
churah.officiated, Miss Francis Carry,
sister of the brideototed as bridesmaid,
and fi, P. Park, brother of the groom.
was best man. The bride was becone
ingif attired In cream silk and carried
white reties, and the bridestnald wore
white silk organdie and carried a bon-
quet of pink roses. Mr. and Mre. Park
teside on McKemigh avenue,
where the groom recently purchamed
anti furnished a tine home.
IlAwrune -0Am:true.- On Tuesday
of last week, Miss Livinia Cardiff, of
Hengelo, *as united in marriage to
Wm. H. Bartliff, merchant, of Olin-
Wn. The ceremony Wait performed in
Rt. John's church, Brussels, by the
rector, Rev. H. M. Lang -Ford. The
church was decorated with an abund-
ance of plants and flowers. The chan-
cel floor was covered with white, and
a huge bell of white flowers hong over
the couple during the ceremony. The
choir sang the hymn, " The Voice
That Breathed O'er Edon," and Mr.
Jones sang a solo. Miss Cardiff, who
is a niece of his Lordship Judge Elliott,
is one of, the most popular young
ladies, ae was evidenced by the mem/
and beautiful presents she received
and by- the crowded congregation that
assembled to do honor (o her wedding.
The young couple will reside in Clin-
Head, Sask., last month. the eldest
daughter of J. W. Gibson, a former
P. T. Dean has moved from the
corner of Montreal street to the cor-
ner of East street, the ola McLean
propert y. which he ImprOving both
outside and in. A. IffeNevin, Wel-
lington street. hag sold hie dwelling
back of Harbor Park to a gentleman
from Biddulph, who is retiring and
taking. up reiridenee in Ooderiele-The
Goderieh Planing Mill Co. hes the
contract for erecting a dwelling On the
Carl property, West etreet, for the
ownee, M. Oarl.-The story hrick
veneered dwelling on lilssex tdreet.
built by the Planing Mill Co., Is now
ready for hatetation.-Mehard Par-
sons' d welling on corner Of Wellington
and Picton street% is &SAY for the
planterera, and the fount:140M of an-
other home on the Battle irse Is ready
for the superatrueture.-450. Shaw le
putting in a cement foundatime.for
dwelling on the corner of WeillIngttM
street and Elgin Ave.-Conatable
Johnston, Wellington street, has bad
a cement walk put in from the side
walk to hie dwellIng.-Mrs. Irdwardie
brink veneered dwelling on tbe corner
of South ntreet and Britannia, Road is
now ready for the plasterete.
Trig Yong "'mug Onen.--The Globe
Ing 'let of judgea at the Ooderieb
Industrial Asir last week, the TIMMS
not being kvailable for printing tvith
the prize list which will be found on
page 5:
fire genera -D. nonovan, 136aforth: Thos.
le and ra.ttettorth.
Seem) 'rota- Sorttletepe, %worth.
darter; A. 8. thadtbetve. saltrote. It. McLean.
eArn.a.-snale nielonn. ftenferth: James
itioderich To.
Briltin1i4tolosit ()battens. itederth.
Pieties ti, Aseitteet, Oceleitth.
Ponzter.-elstaltufehte, <Work:h.
Detatieltitteltreire sfitioAttn etip flers
ete VitoittMet,*%=-Itol. timiletten.
WOW Ilachtfcm.-1V..1, Meow, gedeeeti.
nurtra-ft.. Sketit,
VtottittitiAohn IOW% fiedeilth,
Won ANA IfOnt Maiturserensa
meas., T. 4.Weer, 'Clinton
VOW A Itte.----tev,Ntatk T 1111011. 00410flot.
iketterrie MititCreterettee. efera. looattete
Mule. carisKstra„ WM, Hat *stealer.
Goderich family, was married, Miss L.
Gibson, of Ooderieh, being present at
the ceremony. The °Bison family
left town only a few years eince, all
being born In Cinderieh or Cioderich
Tp. The following le from an Indian
Head paper :
"A very pretty September wedding
was that celebrated at the residence
of Mr. J. W. Gibson at high noon on
Wednesday, when his eldest daughter,
Elizabeth Laurette and Revd L.
NIckereon, were united in marriage.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
T. McAfee, pastor of Pi esbyterian
thumb. The parlor was prettily de-
corated with flovvent and the marriage
vows were taken tower a double horse
shoe of Bowen. The bride wan given
away hy her father, J. W. (Almon.
and wait asaisted by her sister, Miss
Edna, and I he groom hy Dr, McNeill,
of Qu'Appelle. The party to the nun).
her of twentylive then partook of a
sumptuous* wedding breakfast. The
bridree gown was an embroidered crepe
de chene end she carried a bouquet of
white antere. The bride:maitre gown
was of cream eolene and she coried a
bouquet of pink asterm The iirlde'a
going away gown was of blue ladle°.
cloth. The groorti's gift to the bride
was a gold locket and ehain, and to
the bridesmaid a gold 'wavelet and to
the groomsman a gold mounted pipe.
The bride was the recipient of many
beautiful presents. Among the gueste
from a distance wore Mrs. (). 0111 -
son end son. 11. (3., her aunt, Mien L.
Offiebn. Ooderieb. Ont., and other
friends and relatives from Qu'Appelle,
Sunny South and Wealey. Tile happy
couple left that afternoon on a idiot
IhOney 100on trip, therms. to their home
in (he Appelle,"
of Thuraday last ealdt-One hundred
and fourteen thousand elitime, retire,
stetting about four million dollars,
have been filed with the National
Trust Oertipany, the liquidatetes of the
defunct York County Leen and Sae.
Ingo Company. The Waits of the
company are now on a fair way • to rt
settlement, and it undeititood that
the liguldetors will shortly be prepar..
ed to announce the payment of an
interim dividend. The MI estate In
the west end, which repreeenkel most
of the asseta of the loan tOntpany, has
brought good prleve, the properties
having greatly in refuted lit "%lite sine(
the failure. 'The gentling det or the
dividend cheeks Will entail greet
deal of labor on the pert Of the liquid
etoneelerks, and It le etitheeted
cost in postage and **rebore $5,000
me first class to be' 'taken up, at an
early date to he detetinined by min
gel, Is that of altateholdette Who elehn
to rank its creditere, „On tbe ground
thet tbo Witte ef their Metres were
nitre, vires ef the 0.0040484, The fel
lowing thdeit bee* beett_St tor hearing
the ditteterit elettettlele4frettaile sham
Saturday, Ifftit Oetebete eititteti. Wed-
nesdeyo thit Oeteber elfineee 5 end 0
Thriredele, leth Ottobirl dee* 10, Aftln
day, 14tn October; lith
October; data 1, Teektder,15th °etcher.
no great Meet of this tattoo. comori.-
MI in dais 4, Will be take/ up Immed-
iately follOWil*Olifebet lath,
A juvenile ehoir has been organized
in conneetion with Knox church Sab
bath School, under thie direction of
the monist, J. E. Jordan, and it
promises to be all interesting and
helpful feature In the work of the
Rev. J. 11 . Osterhout, of Kiniure,
and Rev. O. N. Hazen, of North street
Methediet church, exchanged work
last Sunday, the latter preaching antil
versary sermons on Mr, Osterhouee
appointments. The sermons here
were much appreciated by the North
street people.
The Harvest Thanksgiving services
in St. George's last Sunday were well
attended, and of special Interest. Rev.
Canon Brown, of Perim preaehef both
morning and .evening, and hei both
matter and manner delighted the con-
gregations. The choir, am usual, ac-
quitted thentaelveti creditably, and the
decoration!) of the harvest neuron
throughout the church were neat and
ID.v, 11. W. Merrill, 13. A., general
impel int endent of Baptist Sunday
Schools in Ontario and Quebec, will
add reef; IL con ference for Hit inlay
School workers in the Baptist elnirell
next Monday evening, 71.11 Met. It Is
the desire of the olliegra of the Bap -
Wit Sunday School that as many In
the town as pommilde tvill come and
hear Mr. Merrill and bring their Mill-
eult problems for vonsideration.
Everyone will be made welcome.
Around the Harbor.
On Saturday and Sundayon aecount
of the weather, vesnela bound upward
could be Neon from Harbor l'ark,
sometimes as many as half a dozen be-
ing In alght nt ono time.
The ateamer Midland Queen wan In
pnrt last week with 120,000 buttbels of
wheat for the Goderfch elevator.
The steam barge Saginaw, with OM
tons of coal for le. B. Holmes, Arrived
Itt port on Sunday, and the Roans
ietree A. L. Ilopkine arrived on Tues-
day with a cargo of eoal for the big
Tee dredge bits been working in the
centre of the harbor title week, and
judging by the quantity of niaterial
vetoed each time the shovel ia raiaed it
look* as if Bleep's a few yearn work for
the dredge to make the herbor a
proper one for the large imate that
now call hero to deliver gatemen.
Railway Time Table.
etTowat 'Venice.
There will hen social bop in 0004.
fellows heil this 1Aidayorening for the
benefit of the Ifuren fgteresse -Clubs
Tott 1,1thnOtepeint 10 cents better or
ttlerte nreiltithiy than by, subscribing
fee TON Oran to the end of 1/01,
Diektion 0., of Exeter, has
been eppointed'to conduct the crown
eases at. the aatrinti which open. here
on Dec, 14,
The rains of the past week have done
much for our pastures. and a. nice
Warm Week will .brighten the, pros.
pectefer the farmers.
Aletean's open winter rink la assuin-
buttinees like propoetione and will
Watt hie ready for freezing time, The
else will:ber 110 by BM feet.
„The Med Iteghnentel Bead Plard
hice.proilreintue at Hayfield Fair on
WadDesilaY. and the red coat boys
Were laugh appreeleted.
One dotter for THE STAR to the end
(41008. A genuine big bergatn.
.Cotriplaint made that Victoria
Park is being converted itite common
roadway. The authorities should see
lt that ouch glaring garage ia
Mated at once.
Hotel Goderich closed for tho sea-
son at the, end of September so far as
receiving geoids wee concerned. but
the , Proprietor retuained behind to
settle up alfairs.
New subseribers can have Tun STAB
for ton cents to the end of 1007, or for
$1 to the end of 190S. To the United
States ono cent a week additional will
charged for postage.
Deall'a grocery store is now
located on the corner of East street
mud tlae Square, the premises having
beep remodeled mad tde 'attractive
l'he stand le a good one,
The Cana
a new deliv
outcome of the
Among the passenger arrival!) lard
Monday by the new Allen liner S.
Oramplen, were tii (totem) theologieal
studente from Scotland, on their way
to Manitoba, Alberta and Simkatelie-
wan, where they will engage In mire
eion work for the Presbyterian church
of Cantu's, and at the *tame time corm
plete their studies in Menitoba Col-
lege, Winnipeg. A n tint ber more hav-
ing been engaged will follow in the
roman Of a few weeks, making with
this week's arrival!), tO in all,
l'here wan a good attendant*
in the lecture room rif North
ntreet Church I M ond a y e ven •
ing to hear Rev. Mr. linhirm
now of Toronto, deliver his lecture on
"A Manly Matt." The )(set tire mut de-
ll vered in ebaract twist I cal I y forceful
style and it brietled wit gond points
and helpful hints. Mr. Holder delight);
in plain speaking and denouncers evli
in ally 1'01111 with umpiring language.
Hie midyear; wag well reindeer! and ai.
corded a vote of thankn, which trJ
by tut meana a merely formal expren-
sion of appreciation.
ORAND sYstlins avamu.
ifeave °acrid* a.m. 9.10tion. ZhOlstn 5P M.
Apart; " 11•95 " 193 p fo. 7 0.1 "
tiestAln ale PLOW
Leave Dederich . . . . 00 a.m. A00 p
Arrive • !Axe m. la 10 "
and neat,
Ian Repro
two Well equipped express services.
N. I3, -The ranee are unchanged. how-
Wright Martin In
that his nook of abo
laid during the past t
eggs, on which be has cleared about
$100. He provokes to heat thie record
next year.
'The Tigert and ItteKiin rinke in the
contest, Preetdent Viee-President,
it is expected will play off on Satur-
day, and finish Cie match, this }west,
ttilitslontt4'eaChreitugei.rt's) Milts being noiv four
Happy Einnia. the fat girl at the
fair, told Jonathan Miller that he was
all right, and so was his trousers, "as
I see they are the 'attest eut." There
was no queet ion about that, as Feld -
ham, the tailor, made them. •
Brophey & Son's undertaking and
furniture wareroonts are undergoing
ex tensi ye provemen ts. The hand -
501110 now plate front, new metallic
ceiling, a liberal. me of paint, ete.,
will snake it one of the best Nueva hi
Thursday afternoon of last week A.
McKay wan tried hefore Hie Honor
Judge Doyle for aseault, with attemp-
ted bodily harm. After a short trial
defendant Wan found guilty and !mu,
tenced to 0 11101101S intprisonment w I th
hard labor.
At the meeting of the Water and
Light emnie Mee on Monday a miniher
of 'permits' for water services' were
granted arid a etittement of the con-
sumption of foal vviu) etated to have
been prepared for preeentittion at the
next meeting of Council,
Miss IC, 11. Polley wisher; to .eorrect
an item in bud week's titer by retying
that oho had tio hand painted china at
the fair; the china which took the two
primer was the work of two of Misr+
Polley's pupil.), but Miss Polley allowed
nnliennet.of her own work in tiny depart -
'nip men who have been working
rotted the C. P. It. depot have most of
the ground between the !eat ion and
the freight Kited end tie. round house
nearly all levelled off. More. of the
employees who have been work in g
on the track at this end of the line
have been moved to the line now
building near Lietowel.
A by.law to refire $5,3000 to 11141111/111411
spoon* of waterworks for fire pro -
teethe) and dottiest ie tom wite voted on
at Clinton last Monday find earried hy
a majority of 7.5. The vote hy worth;
wan: St. John's Word, tr2 for, :1 1 ii•
gilinut; 141. George's, li."4 fur, Si against;
Ht. And* ew'n for, :17 itgairtst,; St.
J 117 for, :Si against. Total, 49111
fox , 130 against.
An Ottawa despot ch ;day last
nod& - The otters' ion of the Hon. lt,
Scott, tieceetat y state, 31.1.. bee n
rolled to the faet that Thursday, OM.
:11, the day fixed nn Thankngiving Day.
Immediately prectitles Ail Saints' Day,
le therefore, a, "fast" day in t he limner)
Catholic Cluireh. This will preolude
the Merit Fiera uf that chili -eh enjoying
the lomat thanknalvIng turkey. ft is
Improbable, however, that the slate
will be changed for thin seastin,
Co. now have,
, so that ORO
railway here la
' ben.; have
r 'months 20,313
The organization of a Young Meti'n
Club In connection with Knox chureb
was completed teat Monday evening
by the Mentos) of the following
°Misfire : Prenident, Donald (lark
vice preaident, Athol MeQuarrle ;
retary.treasurer, Roos Rutherford ;
executive conitnittee, them. officers
and Dan N icholenn, Preet in St rang.
!mate inketer and Allan Walker
ethletien entrieuiLlee, Kenneth Ileyd,
D. McDonald, Melville Andernon. Th.
drafting of a constitution Wag !eft in
the bangle of the exemitive, and the
riot, ty III meet again nett Monday eve
ning. when it is hoped a program for
the rneet Inge during the remainder of
1907 will he prenented. The club otarte
out with a good proappet of an art I Ye
an 1 ueeful career.
Meeting Calendar
Iteenlar meeting of Maitland larlire, No. xt.
A. V. & A Al ;lad. T110441a1 OVOnitItt.
Regular meeting ot Town Connell this Fri
day -everting.
nretal moctine llortlennural Seelety
tee ars tamarrow totatairdaylevonhar
Regular monthly tnentinif of the Piddle
flehool ilnard next Monday evenion
Welder meeting of ooderch eolinell No. 157,
0, C, . nest Thursday rererianr.•
Tfinstgon.•- Ooderieh, on Monday. 001.1.
to Mr. and Ilrs 11. W. Themeon. attanghter.
Fenn. in Ondmich. an October XrA, te
avA Mrs. M. . Parr a COM
Monti/en Otrettterrin. Ora Ttrmlay.
,.ct torparet corm daughter
of John ay/einem,. of ollsorne townsbip.
The measure of ehooning well, le
whether a man likes and Illndn gond
in what he hag Chazoll,
To stare our memories with cense of
Injurien to fili that ehent with runty
iron Which was trade for refined gold
Ag EloeuestutromPOS4114.417:0700 itt tket •
Work Of 110 1001111010/1.11
Thera wee a good congregation in
Knox church on Wedneede, ere/deg
last, when flee. Dr. D. O. Ehy;
forth the aims and Werk of UM Inter-
nationaf Reform Doreen ernt its De. -4
median branch, the Canadian Citi.stre.
Legge" Rev. Mr. Andertton_Prealneth,
and on the platform Wore Rev`ii Dr.
itietean. 0, N. Ilemen end W. H. Mill -
yard, (Rev. Mr. Wright. Depth/At be-
ing out of toWnal while the audience
wet' a good representation or the Weal
As Wil0 aptly said by the cbsirinso.
the 'international League Made ea
mistake when they *elected Dr. Eby
as their representitive for the work in
Eastern Aisle, tor both by his long ex-
perience as a Canadian inisolonary in
datum, end hitt wide knowledge of
nubile affairs. generally, added to an
inspiring eloquence and enthuaiasm
presenting the groat work. he is au
ideal man for the position. He is
now. before leaving tor Asia, making
a tour of Canadian points to Web- "-
nab branches or rally centres for
carrying on the work of Reform in the
Dominion, so far as is called for by
conditions in Canada, and ils meeting
with a gratifying amount of suoceaa.
Pour points Ave specially set forth as
fields of work in which ,the Canadian
branehes should engage, viz., the
banishment of the public bar, the rte
peal of the law which legalizes race
track gambling, to ask the civilized
governments to unite in measures for
protecting the uncivilized lauds from
the revagee of the white man's traffic
in Intoxicants and opium, as well as
other forms of evil introduced, and an
appeal to Britain to release China
from the- treaty requirements which
compel her to 'thaw the hiderms opium
traffic. This is a world wide and far
reaching program, and in an honey
address only the barest outline can be
given of the questions involved, but
Dr. Etre has the faculty of crowding
every minute of his addresa with facta
and appeals which ought to stir every
man and woman having a sense of
christian duty and patriotism. A few
facts were given ilhowing how the Bu-
reau in the United States is succeed-
ing, and the opportiinities for effort
along Canadian fines were forcibly
and impressively set forth by Doe Eby.
The movement is one that should have
the thoughtful consideration and
earnest aupport, of every church. no
matter what the denomination. and
Tie lilby deserves a warm welcome in
every city and hamlet of our teed.
Ai the conclusion of the addreas,
two resolutions were put and adopted:
1st, pledging support and approved of
the rnovetnent, moved by James
Mitchell and seconded by H. Park ;
2nd, forming a temporary org,aniza-
don preliminary to the eatablisinnent
of a braneh of the league for Cicala -
rich, Messrs, (.1. M. Elliott. to act aa
chairman and James Mitchell as_ sec-
retary -treasurer till such tinte as the
permanent organization is completed.
Dr. jilby will preach In Victoria
street ?church next Sunday morning
on "The White Peril of the Yellow
lIt'aeclieo.; 1;4% loll' tire WiwelainteingItaceon ;TA:
should have is crowded congregation at
each service,
'Mr. NV. 'l'. Tilt htta (1101)11141.11 ()I
IV mot street rigor more ond
parlor to Thou. NI ; 'et r;
who taken ponnetodon on Mendity
next. Mr. lies been Otalit.
rich for it good many yearn, aril
conniderahle limn In feminists tm bin
own aerotint. His mativ friends re-
gret his retirement, but will winh him
abundant seeress, t I I' Iota not yid
decided what he vvill turn his louse
tion to or whether el lee he will re.
main in tioderich.
fleaforth Ex pinion,: We Weft. 1111111V11
11 sample of Empire Stet e pout
torso the other day the equal of
w 11 I* we have not seen 44r heard of
tide semen) 0.t. lewd . Me of Ole t uhern
rneanured 7 Mellen in length end
lii invites; around ; another 0111,
In length end II inciter) retire!, and a
third one 71 inrhen long and M in.
round, the combined weight ef the
three potatoes beim; :1 N111111141 %nil 12
minece. These la it1411O445 Were grc ow 11
In the garden of Mr. .1..1. Darwin, of
thin town, and are Round and mealy.
The following e. P. it. nfticialn were
in town on Titend ay, havleg ttrrived
by a private rar AL 11 . Drown,
Heparin t enfientof Prete lit Throntie, Id
Hulling, Supt. of Freight, London ;
T. T. Savage, Freight Trav, Agent,
Tornelto and 4. N1 t rn h y elite. 'Were
ter& DISIsInn, London. The pasty
spenfiteminiderabie time arranging for
11111' weeks, nwitehen, anti putting In
the tilde tracka to the Ng MI III, 11.1111 It
in understood arrarigemente were
made for building the 91)411110 for load
ing greln from the Elevator to the
C. P. It. earn.
lieWe another incident that shows
what a change has come over the
methods cif doing burliness in the Par •
!lenient buildings at Toronto. Last
Tuesday throe gentlemen -two of To-
ronto and one front Connecticut --rep-
remind ng Ininch of capitalints, wait-
ed on Hon. Mr. Cochrane, Minister of
Lands and Mines, and offered him a
dollare for a million acres of
Med in New Ontario. and their otter
w ti eel i nett. Tide nynd lento wan ted
1 he 1111)41 north of the height of land,
and offered double 1 he price asked for
land for nett le Merit purposes. But
lion. Mr. Cochrane, it is underotood,
did mit enter into detillie. as the Gov-
ernment, In view of its declared pol-
Iry of the land for the settlers, email
not think of connidering t he propo-
sit ion. Thin country within the next
few yearo will be touched by Imth the
. T. P. end T. and N. O. Wben thin
happen.; the (iovehrtnient, antielpateo
1 he land will ht. needed for legitimate
settlers. Thin is why they refused to
allew Lig hlocke to be t.led up by syn
41 kat PR, Whie11 would hold for a high
price. 11eold4.0 t hey don't need the
Chafe Lee Is installing the Darling
Bros'. ettater vacuum wit pan% twat ttg
cram in the Kennington flirnit ore Open; belonging to Mrs. Draper, Bruce
street, just west of Stewart's Green
thmee, including large Oxford Rase
Burner with oven, nearly new, And Mile
(,1 the furniture never weed. Everything
will he cold without reserve. -0. W.
Beckett. auctioneer.
Sale Register.
SATI,OliAV, OCT. 5th. Auction Sale
of one of the brat 50 acre Parton in Col
boots, l't. Int con. to, at Colborne
Hotel, Goderieli. Henry Oreen, Pro-
prietor. T. Gundry, Auctioneer.
Mow tis v, icv. 7t.11. Auction Sale of
Farm Stock atul implements, at lot 16,
con. 4, Vast Wawanosh. Everything
munt be thstsised of, an farm has been
Cowan, Proprietor. T.
:molt v , A uctiotteer
Trt(40, kV. 0( Toll It /4751. Auction
ace, f from stock, at one o'clock, sharp,
4,t1 the farm of batten Treble, lot 5, .
5. D. , Colborne, Rverytbing 4 -cahoot
reserve. This; I dimity, auctioneer.
0 Dr: v 41 7. gt It A uct ion Sale
nf Farm Stock , implements and Souse -
hold Furniture Property of Sim Julia
Is: mg, at 11)1 con. 1, gent Wawanonh.
The from In to I* rented Aral everything
disponett of , T. ( I it miry , Auctioneer.
TIICIVIDAV, CI< T. will On lid 6, eon.
7. W I), Colborne, all the Parm Stork
and metementn of Air . George F. Bean ,
who in giving up farming, Gutulty,
FaIOAV, OuT. tl. On lots 5 and 6,
Con W. 1). Colborne, a large quantit y
tsf Farm Stock anti Itnplemeuts, the
property of Mr John Young. who has
rented Ion fartn and everything moat be
sold. 'Anal terms. - (lunar y ,
MO N DAV. T 1 4711. Auction Sale of
Parrit Stock and Implements, property
of 1'. A. Robertson, lot 3, con. 4, W. 0,
Colborne, who in leaving the farm. -
Therrien (1 reel r v , auctioneer.
Piston s OcTOIIKR 11111, 1907. - -Al
o'clock sharp, llour.chold Furniture and
faetory. Thin in the wren(' ob he him
done with thin eyetem, the armor one
being for the Jaekcon efatelfactiwIng
Company. of Clinton, two yearn ago.
The ayatem le claimed to be the most
upeo-date beating for faetoriee. l'he
is:thee:it Meant that la thrown away
every day hy malt faetetiee ia
Wed around the factory by a vacuum
punrip, and then the hot condo:teed
water la pumped hack into the boiler
inetend of cold water, then greatly
rot -teeing the fuel consumption. Mr.
Ike la elm) inetalling a now furnace
the Hohneoville elethodiat parsonage.
Ten eento for Tun Sean to the ond
of 1001 A great *nap.
Tho man who spends hitt life looking
for better dare will sooner or later
regret that be didk net make better use
of hie bad dap, '