The Goderich Star, 1907-09-27, Page 7•
OM re MIA1/141,ETON'S OAT* iftWANAtretir 14AellrestletelleNT
C/010011494PEDITION, 11011K Petelleete rel01/1141ent
The reCerA eeteileignal direceeery 0,1
tiet, 104:44 tempests the aceident of
ellgatig 41, eleatits MS old ternetery near
ilerletett IlWe *MAW eiteleter AO the re*
Meeree Or egintele Meek ereeer lessee Au
:Meiners.% 40 eltUremente ,
re We reillerkable flee- tied there fe
40ereele golefleid, the ve:trhe wheSe.
• freareeree Wert net. etelt efieelle0 0.
Ne•Sereee TOO est tho
011rielene Tliete aro Siellg
elheripte to,,Selee the
Ateeteriee let 'the, linlinelen,111.114 14 the
inienedlatie neighbor110011 the kreetth
IVO Iliteesweri litiltires hut the
est p*ploree ao mato tho eltempt-selr
Ise el. Slieeeletelle Wber Wee third -lieu
truant ela lite lierserelferes and Nen* With
(Wei Oteeres .cee Oast. op having 'WW1'
lea :Other 401444 then' ;lief ettaee
(Reeelingle trivia eeeeeesst me *ewe, bopend out lx4 10*(4 nko
Inv inrost 444t, - the richest veIsell tbe, eereeled. 'eletter • ,
. Melee of etlyees seeppere ete e,e4 , And A`There *Plebe Severet noVeltiee elleet
eit all -Wee ese age ese see tele es see eenlieg Ceeeditteneetiee,Weellereite'
M°s't tamiat 1100 0' me 4030% ...tput; rititiNt 'hiee,-.Peet'4e.PO4elte*:i
ifte .iteld a Writer Idoololt T:1141310.
zbcicah114uotinitleat44104010,11irolit .trg4tIro:. 1113r. 14 .4trictu',41‘grdirieth•:liititho'gghltioli'oSy,
Mr. Marehtill, -Where storey is ior id, sole reees spleen -AO 'bIgbeeteeelitle
by Die J, elreekee' Waa engaged_ eAEI ere etetedee eve lluiC lu 111
vedelling tatereefeertiee.ePeetuul,„ket mimeo. ese'ee; Woe; ett ''ehise
ArnerlOCIP94..:',„111v...04sAigt,•'1144„sgs'W14,,,rth,"„F° 4104r4ont, ,ortd4k Or ete'r
one day 4101,10:sts Pans 1,1'nuosts,'9s.9*s,s",w• seoefriim:04plect 14' withstand the 4
tiou was ar led 'tee te. itte .t4A44.,- 1400 e'tild AVO._61141):elleettillers' v411
woke. in theteereehlysexpeserl eeitrtle, ehe eye „be delliefe be el ,•epteee Wbieb
poeitively stebatedswith meefiCtWet '0.1"!.11,a,4, boon, jeetee..m. weees, Iseeyemey
three times" be erne litier",-100111,,af Lionptratons, arri ;goo. RUG( gekelded
should •te4M11.10 le ,heild l'AY 'Ogee. Witb, Moto 4Iffertinp;sorts.4o,
ta volt up olif 'or' 1114'100,s '41„b,51,11V.,eiee'ertiereaeee:', • •
deckled riot „te 49 nee'Weelle''earee4eseA'"'"''' ' irA:,tti3N4 ,ILA:T1PNg4S,S4
another, glitterelg morsetoeetightnie elie•
I condeseeedese eet. el* Plelet's 'V, 'To •Ina,:-_iamti•r_time, too, Sibebian
astePlAhrOODWOhllentSWIttis ItsfIllit,„Aa•tse ,1190,lee ee eitelee': le the Allterotie
of what eppeared letter Pere tencreee lattiniok ads jio• ,also. in the nature
herald of the yeetselebee Weigh" qt4.-ar rderell blellerillienteseet Aleut the le/ret-
old has since lelefere es' see, istesss end. Aroma they 411,1St litive
Among tbe . eesthetteanste or ruo.L.- woo. 14. oberfa4 fteee4 ,plieneee
seekers whom tillee0terreeeree lereiteeetele. terse eyerys bole that 'they will Provo
California Were .tWO- rairtet* '1410: ;•10t,treat .100%1•51.0**t** hgt. 00* they
Flower. of wholes thee to00‘1440' :VII', ;Peeve unellitiede eve 0411, et -any rgte.
told. For mnytthasiber,01,Mertsheo(
prospected.- efor -geld "Wit ,AlreeIkalleskerea, hanhli."4-11:44.‘" 44j4i3'143.- -14;a:baelc .11P'
single trace ot the peeefeeesMetaie elite
worn out, by, 'terrible, bee040.' AneA•:PO4le.t71,1?y:fflf.taillinrell,41114119"TfteSeri*vtlYcrx.-
rpectition wee,. ; 'Pet Sere, inegelY dun
PLoWSkt sucumtig thh. fect:1114ktheir:loorl deteriocated
syben wero .,passillg through the
Teepies, This, however, Will he Ore-
fulk guaided agellest cemtrig ese
pe eeed ellogether our party,
Which will trOhably number obeyer
ev.ente-elget thirty nte,meers, are
genticteet reseeeese • ' •-
: "Durhig theteleur rreinths ot darkness
v.ticit we stifilt eneeitmter 'we shall. of
muse, liee .0 initeedessating our time
to scientifie settee, evt0eh absdvb
while -three eftild•Teembers of the PartY
nuignetician, to biologist, and
'the geologist -will devote themselves
eiStirely ti6 speeial researches within a
radius of about a hundred mileS of -the
qdarters We allot), eetablish ourselves tn
for the wineek. Altheugh the Nimrod
starts sitarist inueecliately, I shall not
'Jilin Wally until about the middle of
Oeleiber in New Zealand, as poet voy-
ages show that the later the start the
Mere favorable are its conditions, ow-
ing .to the fact that the pack ice is dis-
persed by Use end of January.
"When do we hope to return? Well,'
replied the intrepid 'explorer, with a
Steele, "that 'largely depends on circuni-
stances, ELS can be readily enderstood,
ler in the attempt to discover the South
Vole one must at, all times be prepared
tor severe disappointments, However,
eel 'being, well, it. is hoped that the Igni-
ted will 'turn her ehead homewards
ut thesend et lautiaey, 1000. -Ag
eery possible chance of failure we shall.
in any case, take out with us sufficient
food' to last for fully two years; while
-the expedition will also be.
turrsished with e motor engine and cap-
able of carrying sufficient provision& to
keep a .party or twelve 'going' tor from
ten to eleven weeks.
"On the way home, itythingt'pan gut'
ae we hope, we shun pursue an lin-
and-ont 'ronse, taking • soundings here
and there,'Iccouse therebe. we hone to
disoover veliether the many patehes
bind which- have -been stglited really ea
fcrai port of the great, mysterions Ant-
aittie Continent. We sball go west rs
far as the season permits. afterwards
oemieg home by way of the Indian,
Pacific and Atlantic Continents. But,"
and there was a twinkle in the explor-
er's eye, "January, 1909, is a long way
ell, and' no doubt before that date we
shall have encountered some very stir-
ring experiences indeed."
ennelpes Toisinoliette ettelele
a Oa Poilaiildlitlea-nt
lho British iourrottistit wb0
,reCCOIS• vialted Canada /espreee *stop,
lahmelif i11 11W. VaPg4 14'9'11g4-$4' WI'
'pelves peolencee eine letter4
. their •Jetiriliala 11441 eUreltileti
ot Ildeeerletien. Wire IteilwOod,or
vggatt Delly Peei4,
Ittiteevs;..Qt',.tho p446.11)11ittiks Pt • the. wf,st,,
*thing Odd _intlefs'10 lel/110'00d 1,tOrit
'Five Le:re ego', lisfee territeree Mee
NiiYele • • 'efittietee9 elreetillir bed a pee
ellantleit et 464,060e feed .grain coop,
. ,or, Last year the
lAindiatiOnWii&Veatly 1,900,00.0, tleilethe
r 'Weld bareeetegaVie 4 • retitru oP tO0',1.100,c,
t.,000,,:busbets, Whiell stetirly onerhalf
r. le•eirkeelittel Wheats, -Tele .erseel. Wee
• :.glenvii Ore i4/1 tterettg0 le..sw•thillt,' 4 PO
0 -•C'enti MIA net',111`04. of latlitralittliuhic
-..Pov•arahlo ellitiVitliOns .ble'th0,310111)",
Weat, eeter,eileed•at, tao,mouttOttopes.104,
.000 ,are. held 40,"
gelyee .Settle,re,'.4114;:-.X"100.0/000,.bYslele*
',way lend' eetreeelliee,- end,
'MAW. epeetitateree. leketleg
: tOO,Pirldt.-scos. :01`.:11WpithliO-AlOntairt
r alienated, and„'uvailFihie•tlilder 'liberal
• eenditteest- - • : •
tIpwards rettie/,,45:eleefe'
this Melee, '44i1V,V1 44011401-AsA
Vt. 5,00‘.) 111illa,'11440vg AOkfOr eolletreie.
tiOn„. •,'$01•11001O0C.X0r' '4901a, Years 144.
kee4 Anitticr#14°A*10.1illi %.11rt1.1;
tiett„ t iteS ea' e.. we
(tee- Wet lotO pette distriele is
tonal: watting;xinl:a Seale that reetters
tee linese paelogelenteseMerit pan to
Sutset, ';44$1.00 • lines key's. dene
tbeir hest'. oOPhtivith 410'0411* teat -
flee, but theerifilielety- has been 10 get
Polling Steck delevered with 'Stillielent
"repedite eteeg.paee with tee (remand.
Arderdirig.tri the,lesf gelnquenneal eve
su$ (WO) er ihesenette weir% provinces
ot tbe DeMilikee:Sthe PorMlattob Is giyen
et 801,00D. tote', 4,58,890 were males.
end 34E604 Jelegiese thek
-starlike sex :akin -a -Majority et 45.-
.000, or 25 per - Fent Seekatchewan
'4fl,000 or 30 per coup, and in Alberta
4a,Ooo, or 30. perepeet. 'There are 120,-
'439. farms tbe -three' prairie provinc-
CS, is compared 'Sville.54.945 in 1901, an
increaie Of 0400 holdings. Menttoba,
tee smaller el the 1.11110.0 provinces, ,has
totas of aeetel, Saskatchewen P,14$7,
aria Atherte*ollt„ Wins. Ninety per
cent, of tbe settleoient during the last
live years has taken plate In the two
letter province$, The live stock age
ures for the whole regien for 100iS, coin -
pared with lord, are: Horses -683,919,
against 340,329e witch cows 348,000,
against 244,216; other horned cattle
1,560,59e, againet 098,497 In 1001.
The greet alternetive industries to
wheat geowhig in Westeen Canada are
TO bury his -feline. centred() Wries•e.
pious duty wbich. Martine althetiglehlm-
self reduced to tee bat extrenilte OF
weakness, could pet. -04104. Se 110 el"
ceeded to dig his grave ,atellireeoo
an adjacent tree. Ho had lziot ,proaeodix1
fa, in his task when hie PleXe,t114ik
something hard, erhich Prolierleee e en
enormous nugget,' weighing 1,4
cwt., which he eokl-foe e30,220/
It was an equally, trielal. e-Aeclebrit
which opened tc1 the, world the riell Pit"
bane field le west AustrOlia,.
an idle meMent picked '0 Seine to
throw et a crow. gtoutott the elejleene•
accountably bevy foe ttg slze,,1114 leas
instead of throwieg it at,...111e. blitir, ex-
amined it closely, and found' Meet, AStp
fult of glittering yellow_ ssepeceres-,Wilien.
even te Ws untrained ' eyee snegegted
gold. He put the nessileerebtOgeeket,
and eventually it paesedieto ltelide
of an expert, Who pronouneed ' t tee he
u particularly rich specie -110i Of geld,
bearing quartz.
Just fifteen years. ago Atiyor
,,,r.- Messrs. Ford and Bayley,egieret time
Southern Cross ein what seemed „be el
hopeless quest of goki In• theS litser6fe
Australian busblerid._ Weelse .4 and.
months of weary wandering VasSede argt,
601' thesprecious Metal sOomed moo dis.
iant and elusive than oven.. de-
spair they turned their hoteee'rreetIele to-
wards Perth, determined to-retern honte.
One dark -night. eleyleyewasearcessed
by the restleSsnees of his horse, which
was picketed outside les. tent; and, ge-
Ing out to see what was the matter, he
tripped in the darkness. neer a boulder,
which, on examination, erovertle
The next day 4, chant wes.l*gged out;
within a month the prospeetors-fied un-
earthed $50,000 worth of 011ie met on
the ,site of Ws lecky stumble ' there
sprang up the worldefrullosts., town
of Coolgardie: ' • _ ,
Five years later the trozerl •wiletes of
Alaska were the .seseite of an e(thallys'
remantic accident."' -One"or, °wive-
Carnack, a trapper, Was idly Stirring the
ashes Of his dead canep-fireeeten he
glazed a strange yellow color Mitch he
could not account foe -Chancing to men-
tion the fact at a bar In the neighboring
Fsrty Creek, suspieion was arousee, an
Ir.spectior was made„ and the color
which had puzzled the half -Wed trap-
per was declared to be geld. 'Within an
hour scores of men were digging hard
In the neighborhood ot the ftre. and'eath
spadeful brought up gold.. -BetOre•iong
' diggers were snaking neerley'at the rate
of 815 lo $20 an hour; te single pen at
ths yvashing, yielded. as Mime oe $8001
anti within a few 'months the workers
had despatched a ton of dust and nug-
gets to San Francisco.
Such are sonie'•of the .sterlee fold in
the romantic hiStory of goldefindieg; and'
they can all be paralleled in the histon
oesilver, copper,.and other mines, which
have yielded mftlione of peones as the
result of aceideets- • \,,e -
Take the story of Goiloy' ihe hunter,
who one day, weaned by the eliase, sat
down for a siesta under the Miaow of a
huge rock. Noticing that portions ref the
rock were of a brighter color than the
rest, he began idly to ecrape one of them
with his knife, and found to his surprise
that the rock was so soft teat be could
CL'T 0171' CHUNK'S 'OF 1T.
Prof. Fessenden Announces the Itiscov-
ery of a New Impulse.
In a recent communication to the
:Electrician of London. Prof. II. -A. Fes-
senden stales that he has developed a
new method of sending wireless tele-
gvaphic messages during the daytime by
means of a different type of electrical
Impulse from that which he had pre-
viously employed. This Impulse has
made it possible to cut down the ab-
sorbing power of daylight to a small
fraction of its previous amount.
The system has been hied from Brant
Rock, Mass., to the West Indies, the dis-
tance being approximately the some as
that from Newfoundland to Ireinnii. The
success is so noticeable flee Prof. Fes-
senden believes that transatlantic wire -
One of the piece:4 he took -away \with .
KIM leiegraphy during daylight is as-
sured. •
The new impulse% me less erfirient
th ring nighttime Ike old ones, hut
they give result.% which nre equate.* goed
hy night and hy day-. A comparison be-
tween the effectiveness of transmissinn
obtained through their tete and tee use
of the older type is about as follows. the
diatoms. being from Brant [lock to
Ve-ashinglon, e. •
Won the old impulse produces an
effect equivalent lo 1,200 between the
heurs of 10 and 12 at night the sante int.
pulse would give a strength of signal
between 12 and 12.30 at noon of only
thirty. The new impulse under tbe same
ernditions will preduce an effeet et the
receiving station of (dyne eighty be-
tween 10 nnd 12 at night and of seventy-
Sis between 12 and 1'2.30 at noon.
The face that the newer siemals are
-weaker in daytime than the old Is
thought' to be of no consequence, it be-
ing much more he -portant that there
sheuld be ho marked differenre between
tho trAnsmtasion during Me daytime and
nt „night. Rough meaeuremente over
long dislaners seem to show that the
new type of Impulse does fall off some.
what when transmitting 1500 mfles or
more, but that the rate of falling off does
not compare with- that of the old type of
ireputee, that the signals received arc
meet Alreinger.
There is anether preesitig wireless
probleni moaning sointion. Frays -the
leleterteal Review, tald that Is the devel-
npinent of rommercially practicable
selectivity, Unlit it number of stations
can work side by -side witnout affecting
(ate tinothev tiie Peet for the new system
fa Wendy linitted, "' -
.000 cable terms Ibff-Allantie wilt not
tt le handle tile megsliges which aro
eve frellereilled disfie. Ond men the
wirete4 Syglern "Iterette tAstilettling
all 'MI .801110 rIUMbit? hisllieleages the
efiraliSSOtellthila nothing :fear. 'Given
ttaolivo--• tincitratztovh, tut (=gunny
and frnitsmitgon` wilir home gracile-
abfet tad indit ot tile4 prahionia
two hoeit 'getter/X.104 Oliva. to .tttire.•
p:ar: W.:WM )1,1114 1:',Ittdiatf)at omit vory
pvit. die vii.oth'ar tiian would rather
n • l'i• 1144 co beetle. ...
%vim 6%-6:fo Mind, Platliaga /Set fltles
ecreftli Ottlitele
him, to !Ind that it was largely pure /sil-
ver. and that he liad accidentally dia.
cosered one of the richest site& Mires
in or, indeed, in the world. e•
SIM more Iniunale-was the niftier
who by a stroker of hie pick 'in 1872 dia.
411,,sed the entrance, fo an enormous
cm ern. the rocky sides ot. which were
DPI siiver„ Within rt. short tirne
cavern was yielding OVESS-0$00,000
yenr: and Within a erkteter era eentury
that lucky stroire of the picket° had
theimeang of erteithing life` world's
sleek of silver by --'sts0,000,000.
In other cases we read' of Ixwr fuel -
carriers. discovering tt blank op silver ore
crth $1,250,0en; of In negro tiddler (hid-
e a smail nhgget el elle& arming the
,es of his camp.11ro, wlifeb wits the
eans of placing him among Me world's
reillionairee and Of a feet priest pur-
chasing an obandoned elides end Inking
$3/1001.00 Item ft.
'ie give but one ilmre, ,examPle of
luck aceidents, the 101111011..10`totil depos-
its of Pennsylvande were ,brottgld. tn
eget by a linriter riatnett'titillier, who.
atter n hard and friiitieSS ilay'with his
gen. wee returning diStonsnlate to hitt
enmp when las roid struck WWI appear -
el la Ise a dime. billeelditell Ors Mannino:
lion proved to be t1 Of eielits
SPAIN'S eel4Nnt ktitatouts.
reliore lbw 10 Varier a litket Merely
to On oh ihir WrittorilL
tit Spain the tio nil lose
n chance to Matt A hide proliti evert
In tit* 01.0 of Mit ntv•tra.vettert. 'Ohm
ycit eee sornebgli$1 441.111 that crittritry
You !inlet PeY for Ow privilege.
The ratteendd nil so billeted de An-
drei, WhiCh g4utt Pi. the Mathieu
only. 'TigtAn Cost it five em.
timoo, ttletotertt t In mir
1 •
money. ,
Jugt. why- thil 1.1 4004 tiara 65
&pt. ifteallgti P1T.,Sionq 4111 11 IrGIA
ca.onot %Ty t'WHE ntioid t ofeliteler.
Wit0 ta always Ktritekg 1.41 fty lymnfet,
Catflaa*,44. Ci
10 Stell rt tile in ft denei e01114
Levu renal 'ellelleie of gt DVS ey
tate tettleett euss. yeree. Mve 14)
rtiy porially to,vA tire,
lit1WC:reff T.,itrite he 09 dee`
totteiVil dlitg hodatt n Wools
In Alberta catUe ranching oceuples a
leading position, and it Ls considered
certain that it will flourish still more
as the change now in progress from
raising eattle on the open range to
that of small herds on 'small holdings
is carried -out. In Alberta the 1906 cen-
sus gives 101.250 ranch cows and 850.000
other cattle, as compared with 46,900
mlich news, and 329.390 other cattle 4n
1001. ThesW ftgures are evidence of the
iOn'S.Sibiliik..q!' a -dairying tionistry--as
well. From the firstthe Canadian gov-
ernment fostered this industry in the
S.Nk11G1 by establishing creameries or but-
ise factories in the newer settlements.
and taking upon etself the risk of mak-
ing butter and dreating market. The
farmers now rim •these•crearneries on
a eo-operatIve bas.a. Daring' 1906 over
3,000,000 pounds of butter were turned
Mit by these creatrieries in Alberta,
against less than 400.000 pounds in
1-902. The average price obtained at the
crearneries was 10eed. It is confident-
ly believed that- this industry has a
trolendid -futures-- .
Increasing Size of all Warships Presents
a Problem.
One of the preseing problems of the
near future for all the great naval
Powers is the provision of docks ade-
quate for the large ships which are now
being constructed.
The tendency to build dArger vessett
's seen not only in battleslii and ay -
/acrid cruisers, says Cnssier's Magazine.
but also in the smaller vsels specially
designed for torpedo warfare. The
curliest British submarine was a small
vessel displactng 120 tons. The latest
development at the type displaces up-
ward of 300 tons.
Again, the latest torpedo boats are
lerger than the torpedo boat destroyers
oi a decade or so alms and the most re-
cent destroyers now approximate in dis-
placement to third class cruisers.
For the present the British fleet is
fairly well provWed with large docks.
Owing to the resent completion of the
deekyard exlienSion scheme at Devon-
port, at a cost of about £5,000.000 'ster-
ling. there are now in the British em-
pire ihirtlien Government docks and six
colonial and private deCks which can
teke the Dreadnought. nnd there are five
oilier Government and two private docks
in the tinned langslotn as \X ell no two
cc lonial docks which can neeorimmilate
the Lord Nelson ba Rest) ip,s. obleh tire
811 feel shorter ele ii -et narrower
then the Dreadnought.
The idea is that the Bridsh authorities
ill imitate the forward polley initiated
with so much success by the American
Nevy Department in the cnse of the
fewey and will constrect several lnrge
Coaling doeks which con he moved from
point to point in accordance with the
slintegies1 necessities of the moment.
The same problem of decking nvolii-
modation for these huge ships e 111 have
to be solved by all the great naval Pow.
tirs, and where sufileiently sheliertol
nnterways can be secured many argu-
ments can he advanced' In support of the
Iley of movable docks apart frein con,
siderallons. tit econeme.
This tendeney on the part of Me P,ri-
authorities hue already remit! es -
preselon In the eoneiruclion n lapge
number of mobile repair ships fie. the
rpedo floffilae and ihe provision of
floating doek for subnlarines.
Anottrisr step in lite direetinn of
(Teased malmity fuse been taken. There
is now nearing rompletion n remarkable
chip called the Cyelops whet may be
styled seagoing dorkyard.
This vessel „hos dispiacernent of
tone at it load draught of 21 feel.
She lo 460 feet icing with a drought of
r.c rem end her ntaehlnery elspeeted
glvt• a apeed of 12 knote. For arm -
[tient the Cyelops will terry only ten
3-pennsier quiefollring guno as a meow;
o° defence omelet attack by torpedo
The Interim of the ship resemble;
eencentrated iln&yand., The t:yelops Is
being equileard With earpenter, black -
emit!) Hind (waterers shope and a large
foutidry wheel new castings run ha'
triode. ve-esel 10 0i0) provided with
eqhiprnent kir dealing with etectrieal
were and has n coppentnitics wort: -
Mien, and abe Is being filled Mill a
travelling ertutes Shit la expsrleil
prove nn trivaluntle fleet mikiliory.
See the v.-111MM. Why 341 gr.) cross?
Ole eine] bovine eit t/t eiressee mode,
etre lite othels Vetenan. Why is ahe 1:0
ate. isn't having G Of
a artV.7e5 rand°, Worn& cro queer
trtlititlredi oth tieril not/
US %MY AM. witwomwitg 410
nom tatemuiltois.
ie•tia telt 4410410y-41.01tha
There ere Isi\Y WWI'S
wildot peVilnetiCtI4410..trii4Cerio.e4t tvieforkletit4/011.ccoiiii
leWrrellee ee plentille. ealleeome ter
ties wore simple it Atilt lia%'•4 tieing in•
linenee, in the Otti40f4lie.wity
gisrls. 'el Couutty isi,ainiosbifea pow -
wild I Celle? st$ w** in• Iho uteditevut
1.00400 #1,1140;014,'
4aolt. plow lie3 4113ttnes
lorrit3.' sitperstition., hut 4 tow, -
aro conun00. everyvtaiev.k. 100Y •Vov„er•
, eke olenteeiger luau, liernau.Y
'thatightlucky 10' be-,4vm on a SanOa'Yk
da3r et' init "kret/' ePeelsk
,rueeeilrent gerieretellleblit kis regar4.
oil. '413 d'0,14c*1 `,71110N41, ,
bitould' tura, 444 tbieL
erilit4444% Ph4114;'4410e1P44..,, .1SO4°41113:441.1)tat:.
'gent eeetuele helreee WY inhale ehe
4114, eauge ,1,110411
le elleg•ellierfir Abut sthee poSsesSe' the
01.1 'oye-and• the 011 eye is sad be,
lived a in other places than !relater.
of Nerthitnif)erTuulibe-
01.01474W Ottie doevti tcs
'afaligrt 1011uOnce • •
• , Otight ..thiS dishite tor cats.
04Y bnput d(owo: to the old belief iliat
witch% weft accustomed to take feline,
fOrpti„ 04 the' Othor hand, dogs were
regerded 03-1114 guardian* of ntankirld
'against. Superlialltrat. evils. Many
'Stances:ere 'relined by ,Northern !arra,
Ws of 'how vrateuloge have shoWe'
signs nt 'greet cliarctta M growling 1111,11,
whimpering liumedifitely before then*
purist:tee:else dtehaatth,wea*sir 037 deteCied Woe
• • it
....:Latle be. fore palm14try had become•
veetteeenenee. olel Women believed that
4 Child's future could be told hy markt,
.*trig% 111117wer•huildasilsa.ndAbrian144111ewistreiticla*
dericY to close was supposed to be the
index of a grasping nature. 'When the
first two fingers were. the same length,
it was, the Fign Of a Predestined ptek..
from cutUng their child's nails lest it
pocket. Even ,110W 111111131 mothers .5brink
should bring bad luck.
There are few boys who do not hold
that they can split their inaster cane
by inserting a small emir in it before
a thrashing. Another way of working
the 'miracle is to sprinkle the hands
with a Illin layer of resin. It Is lo
feared that there is no evidence to sup•
port the efficacy of these expedients.
They are probably superstitions thet
have been handed down through gener-
(items of boys.
Superstition also oomes hapd In hued
with Cupid. The young girl •of to -day
ts often found throwing the peel of en
apple over her shoulder -as did her
pnototype two centuries ago -to flnd
c tie the initiate of iser lover. To see his
face they still peer into the glass ut
ilellowe'en. In olden days, to find out
his name, a girl generally "rote the
names of a dozen or so of her acquaint,
ances on little pieces of paper, covering
each with a ball of snow and dropping
teem together In a tub of water. The
'1,11Nr that rose to the lop first was
supposed to bear the name of
. _
Friday Ls looked upon as the luckiest
day for a wedding In Scotland. but In
England It is Wednesday that is re-
garded as most ,auspicious.
In the aeceptance of certain physical
trails as indices of cheracter it is hard
to distinguish between the accretions of
superstition and scientific ebservation.
In smile 1.uitSs of England heavy eye.
tnows that meet together are looked
-upon as a sign of good fortune, but
generally they are supposed lo denote a
cunning rtalute. There ssems, however,
to be little division among the super-
stitions about moles. One un the throat
slaulde,1 look, and on the left forehead
the reverse. pit the Chin, the ear, and
tbe neck they foreshadow great wealth
for their possessor.
The common antipathy to red hair
seems to have been handed down
1 through the centuries, A red -hatred
n,an is generally regarded With a ger-
'tain ameunt of distrust, and a few Cling
to the proverb, "Never trust a red.
haired woman or a che,stnut horse." as
if 0 were inspired by Divine wisdom.
Probably it had Lts fotuldation in a
hereditary dislike for the flery-haired
Dunes who ravaged the. English coast.
A Perfectly True Story Told by Ftank
In Morocc,o. Ille Baled-el-Nlaghrab (lhe
land of the setting sun of the Arabs),
the Lex Talionto is as much an integral
part of Ilte socinl system as iS life and
death. The eloors it may be said. are
frankly bruin'. They have a certain
rude oode of honor te which they 'Where
when convenient. but among them-
selves they devise every possbile excuse
Mt not fulfilling engagements with the
On the oilier 110101. they are extremely
purtelillnuo exai•ling ran measure und
rontpletniait executhet front Eurn.
peens will' whom they have dealings.
and many stories 1111gtit 11P 4,11d
how Moorish judges mete out justice 14)
their own 'people to llie detriment of the
a lien.
For instant*, it is nol very long minr•e
that a 11-111%11 subject riding through ihe
tie ill-tortutte to cannon against n half-
StAin for market placrt at Morakedh lind
iihrid gild woman. w•ho.• falling 10 1111'
ground. broke off Iwo of her front teeth.
The Englishman promptly riffored
compensation. 11 ens tyfused, mid 1110
Minted woman. before 1 110 Meet Kant.
di mantled that her 11111011P111 aggreo.iit
shofild have two hoed knocked mit In
retribution for ler Ittpiry.
Protest renewed on proitt aga.nst thIs
exaction until finally the matter was Tar-
ried ho the Sullun himself.
Thal potentate tand this Instant** is
given to show the foreefulnese nntne
custom) begged the Englishman to unite
itiY whit the old worean's demand, and
publicly ha'rifire hie incisors, In return
tillionvetiPmgardaentledhathiEnnl gel7s1111
nice/tent and Ms family forerno.1
ainong the wealthy foreignere mote
Even Blind Men Loge Their Way -The
tiround "sounds Different."
Nothing Sas such A bewildering it!.
feel nn Mg. Only entreats find then
way by srent con get about in it with
Any certainly, says Chum,
flints ore entirely eseemesers by e.
1 ame plgeone remain tall day ay 114•n•
lees find half Aoteep. huddled lap, Pith, r
in Or pist outside 'bele. it01.1Sos.
Chteltens remain motto -WO% for tudit
during heavy fogs. No bird sings c•r
utters a perharn Wales is fears
to betray ils whereabouts to an uneeen
• During ono very Weer fog a *end
trnn wei htend wondering ebout a er.
lain diettrict Loriden,
Thse wan was in Itie lintel 41 luttrling
up every day rivini a easey.
trig twain ond parcel's, ene no,d aennyt.
ly (stir test hie Wny before. itAtiee.1 why
tio gone astray. tor itP ‘I'Itel quite
Mind. and it was auppaeleil !lire wea•
leer levied hove made to difference
11010Gid tt1101. in 11 fop tit* Cc-au:4 "tound•
0,4 (pale 41ffortutly.'
1 11.kil 4,00011A0 11111: PAOR*110 .41.•N 1,141N1).* FEW 111.‘11i
21) Ma.f.S.
*V **et * 4 cetroter M4441Were 3
A4,1003143.10144310gly to fw
UV A SW. 4441/11"
ellietnille•eNarelle4 -Viterftete- leteireleree,4
1'441th- owner selt.
'1811. *RIM
SISMO .,tilt4liderti, beeellii9
:mellower* 10 'Wm, it nel la dollar*.
Ulf 10 '100 14404* Itliatly Ahem 13
only elle bile hceigne 4
tereilder..T41$1111,111eledre• Is pains but
Madrid, cOrre30QUdeut.
'Sine() 4 bee %tie icilli.lea'zituri4 ono
ainhttio..ri• Wee ee beleerereis faitioas bro.
',14k1t0 ycat'V`, tcooltOug havd.
wOric, bolt* aeldiPO4 th0.4Istinedoit. :and,
•ia balled ita :a tielteterelle the Neel
hest 1114,tia•4141110113 bull-fighlors lho"
lortiltilivsertrAny .0eti1144.istslutibeitliat
eeeWtied fes tbe Atadrirl arena lila cher
40 PIP -0191g00414101.04, „
4411.V41 11e444. An 'Mexico; Se --
pre, as u buy, -equipped ithuselt NA%
U101)41641.14tor0 regalia, Old 143 PAW.
tiatilitigeOnstelacti.4 a' ring • kir WM,
ill%r'aradatren'1413,1'oeiirtelle1134.4"41 t°'•
his .eallsee allowed the. yowl; Vinceitte.
to. •11glit his first fillegrosvn and savage
bell. It wes a tete dey en the State.
Ainhit loud aclaint from the tenants and
Llallagars, Segura slaniudy despatched
,416 enemal. 'Shortly alter this Antonio
i\lehrese the forme% prima coped°, of
;Spain, journeyed to Mexico and South
Astierica there. to give exhIbitions of his
lie W113 invited to pay a .visit to
.i0e Pacinicha ranch and 'young Segura
.received many valueble lessons at hts
-bande. The master also al:owed- the
Inung man to join kis troupe some
elisthe -nearby fights, and in et few
months Segura wee the most skillpd ot
etil Mexican toreadors.
'Segura engaged a euadrilla or troupe of
fighters and started op a tour of Mexico,
'end South' sentettcuee The eudiertoes ut
ell' tho places visited gave long and loud
applause to the young millionaire for
ilia splendid prowess. Hut there was no
one On the Wester° coutlnent to give
Segura the official investitute, the alter-
native which a young matador must re-
.ettive tit a public exhibition from a Inas-
ter before becoming an acknowledged
tcreadene This ellernativa is the sort of
receptiou given in the days of old to
soulres who entered the charmed circles
nitfieichr sivpauirsry as knights on haeing won
So Segura set off for Spain. lie was
oct heralded in advance. in Madrid. He
arrived a few weeks ago quietly, and
shunning the luxurious hotels, put up
at the Inns frequeuted by the torreadore
at Seville and Cordova, the two chief
strongholds of bullfighting. Dere, the
stalwart and modest young man made
the acquaintance of Spain's prominent
fighters. Ile volunteered on the staff of
them all, and his skill was quickly real -
tie!. The masters knew not that the
ysung man was a millionnire. They
knew him but as aspirant for fame.
He took part in all the big lights, und
the Spanish toreadors did not spare this
Mexican. They gave him the dialleult
rolos, the dangerous posts, The public
seta; came to know htne• lie was' niek-
nnined El Meficano (The Mexican). Then
came the time when the masters said
Segnra could flglit first bull in pub.
lle. Ile had qualified in their eyes and
woe to enter the exclusive ranks of the
go Segura prepared himself and he
told for the first time that he was
wealthy and had no real need to seek
s career, yet would rather 1.1.1r11 111e gold
sof the ImIllighter than dawdle _through
MP' 011 his Mexican millions. The news-
papers took tip the tale Of the fatit,itious
millionaire. And so W11(111 111i1 111V came
11 Wfi3 not an ordinary mid -week Sinn -
tight as far as attendunee went, bill one
of the most gala affairs of the year.
The arena was crowded to the very
gaks. The enttre Mexican colony of
irloain was present, with gay scarfo of
enloro and flowers in profu-
sion. The King and brilliant staff sal
in the royal box. Everyvne wanted to
see the MexIctm millionaire in Itio glory.
Tremendous nprileume greeted the fa•
memo veterans. 1:1111111t.,, 11./14141111 Mid
Maehaquitu it% 111e) folloe ed the pise
cession Id niatadors the ring. Then
followed a tweil us eel y eye sought the
gate opposite file royal box.
Ihe oies1,1 nod Vitir•ente slegur•a
epriing the arena. Ile was duzzling-
ty tires/tett u splendid apple itrer•11 111111
gold eastern. rind wore Imp diamond
ettirlielnreu.1-11.41 nr,,m14.1
ring amid tt il,1 applause. 111111 WIN in-
troduced to the Emig nth! the putilk• ity
three famous mil fighters. Seguin
Ilti'n divested some of bio
frills and slocal alone in ale ipiare of
Pt ring, Fuerib•s slowly athattred unit
presented to hint the mukeu rulita
rope) and sward. 1 114S Y•11.4 the solemn
moment. Fuotiles hang, d stegurti
ill cheeks. hitinit.ili and Machu/polo
111... minimise' and foilioxiol suit. Ne‘l
ratite the test. 1 he ring %%no 1.1..nost
oingte.himiled •segura had 41 V1,1111.111
l'1,111 111111 11.1.1113 1/1111.1. 1 11' \‘
15.11111 1 • 111,' 111A and ill It yell PI\ WM-
111,-; 1111.1 1,1111,N1 1111/1 41111,1011 I/1,111 HIll
111:11, 'The 11 111.111111111, 11-Plt 1110 4'111 •
• 41'111 id the 111 1.1111 no Seguin wit,
tio 11 masher,
'the telt, knight of th • ring then made
Ito lout of Ile. ireful with his
with gore. :old Ills i• f1111`,11 (two bi%
mind, Ile vsis bareheaileti, but lowed
,t•hl I-51. 'the f I he 11,11
naire 111,41,11 1.1111,11/11
,eni, 'the .ti.A.1 applauded %kill, hone,
• f••• 1•• t. • mid im•e11,1y eel
tirolitl tete. ft.., .A1.1111111 ,S110:112111
me Irani hon.
1 he 4..1111g, milli, .1.1111, 1. 4.411 mode,'
.10.1,114. li.• NIG 141 11,1411,1
I111 ••••41111g 1111i1.1.1 11111 111.1•
II„. 1.4111414" thinking
II, It truer. of little cafe
re• spelled 4, 'Ism end drewwttl 114 lie
W.' ill 14,- •),. 1 1 I/414'l. ,./111 011,4 Pal 1.11
-1 the 11,11•1, 1 ,flI1,1„.11101. 1 14, 1. 111 11.1111i.
nov fun .Totts REIS iriDe;D.
Gerinted hy kbni Edward
In Tun 111 ills Pbystenins.
F-1.14.11 1 • [ eg -rid, the -foun-
t ,,, • 1 h• l• rT3It'Ad '4ir
r r, .1 11-14 7 -.4.s , 1,1 s r 1'r ,11, 1,111,
11.1reft• .. 1110 .,11,tr 11,4 1,11,41,14n
,11 t,iti,ruir) +net surgeon iipotheetiry
f.a111. I 3.14 1,01 w4.:1 1,111
i.!! botv!ral., No! nIalton 1111'lf
.44;l1 rind ipq danger-
pot.t„ Pall. The Itont.raltie 11.111-
litrubt'itil 114 gee ef thr lions
,•4 1 OM(' KM/14 (11.4 11
rovai new-- 11 11.1111 1,011.11111t 1/1111rdiall
or,,/1 n g,11,4 1410 AMP',1
ea- Frisk ri-s 'Feet, o with the mtg.
11.• ninth n .ta n her..
r tteliart. In It 111,11 ilif-
4-1-flrg. • .1 f thr. 41 WI re per
ni. ieti lie berm ..11 the ahietil of a
tin er the mein al (0.
' r451 MI 2. when .1a,r.‘i I. frtant.ti
h ae, nee -ale
'01/0.1 1tfr chal let en fte Aeons--
. f• "44 the ee'd Item passent
1, .4 11 1.11,.1 1 rt,3-,, 1A1.41
.• I se ,r1 Fraft,.0.. h
r test) a chain,. 14.41 IV
Pr, tnbly the neout unnatutal Of
mothers is the inculetor.
NM IfAIV POMP irt1110PlUr
• woo.* %hie
✓ gr*
Ara 40101444
'014W -4%4014y Ile C4prili
Aunt oitcx.3-.-sillinV. ;MX01 Igks .44411 Illtt,Paptv49°13ix°41114r t°0t1/44/111P+Iintliti
Allot taigluda. liappy wittz a lob I
Ahmed filoralkiuSor lentleent tft•tati. or:14.0044m tirria.ilpied by tho heel/ or 4
sto peleell that eta Lon n oil, PM* dreleg emcee ovik
3.S.111. licn„Und wtaQa b".44k1 .0,1; pt pow, ga • ilia! 4,adari,NdiiP-oupeolloits
!KO rtr4134 424i rine vitoppted he Mid Wes ?seesgesestes Rom% e de% emu mom
eleGlend het filigere elet to it ot -,gtcriisy lausZ ilits
t1.141111tg Ati414tt 15414sgIt''' 107tItlii4btql11104.14 4141..41' 4("PrOSii*CrtOPIGIlititIllIrqtlly*
Aro oOtt goloa te.4avo ttitt, Itiel`..11 contains, Thor.> LA money it. Lou!
osWil'ono of. the girls. • .odit protium oe sente hundror
ort1:4,4h/inctitt!d°v)41gilateib'higilf111104471 Lat'rtli; 1101:11142. so"e' fir1544.4144.1*lic
.14 to do when 1 1,104.4 4 lerbfelt the weal eppeee ees skidded Mie ;come-
•Itset:heebunseolliS4:11,11.4.634,lt A(10414.1\ley.te: inletletrtadVQ11t11111 Certetrialk".ty
'each beelleg splicro ot influence.
'"Wity,' she 0014.41 403 beltilv0 01-11 '43"N" 1)°13S'W"AT
sir you ode ,,eeeed eemeseesepe use sGerteetnee etheiledee land, could not ho
loemono tho word ocodornylos wo Wham' 'with the direct adwhilstration
vsu.4or ys4140,, Ithnirloghtltr walltiNtY1,48V0,4. ,°6190" ‘1811:r
t41 eolupany; but, of corium, as with
Then; 10r Yeti ell II you 'Ceuta,
'legate to eeenenly wo wero enehled an'"Oerlutut Institutiota, the lathert3r oyo
vtoeryl1Vogoiounkurftouilnehlyhoillnie aoapleveasrany tsznealtidi tit Atm 0v4V Proserit Tu the pier.
son of a GoVerner, who does what, lio
priy, ail tlits being due to the unetee "ate (km011 eorePenY ellb^letS
epre tvetettied ova ,of our mother, where° e*rileth seeeS fele tredine PuePoece• and
motto waa 'Never wastee_ Es souse le the lessee has lite soleright lo bully the
du, pear natives to the extent C0412931U1)14
Pffirt:684 etk‘be4ttUtIdtria,IY:e..1:bedYr ISWIVIltSerlierrItUri blather lure, whilst turning to his personal and
With the brutality °feels particular rue
earned $50 month, and when lie triune itheueild ederuelenie
which bOUhtlfUt. ertfettiOerrYihhilin*gcSIOI"vitiedth
to cern $100
the fruitful earth.
rind we (wedelns sygoestoktr,q1Wl. a
Owing to $4.C11 Clr4{1111:Eitalleta there Is.
0%en in these lands of unreelaimed
humanity, coinpetittons in lies "mem"
trade. A ton et "copra" will be paid for
by the cuptidu of tite trump Mourner tte-
oording to that:captain's feelings at tee
Uwe of tee purchase, Hence the term
"shark" I The. lessee may obtain, in
money or kind, as much as 860 per ton
for hie annual output -on tbe other
Milli, he (nay not. He generally did
not, he got lees, and lf he showed fight,
and met the eltualten in u spirit of dis-
content, our skipper merely threateneel
to steam away and leave hts edjectived
etock to rot. On the wharf at Mai•sellies
"copra" realizes $85 to 8100 a ton, It is
reckoned that the nativee who collect it
receive payment in clothes and beads of
e value not exceeding 142.50 per ton.
The moral need not be labored.
eeme of our sielghbors.-Mce pouple us
thee were, but still wind we lied and
erdeeed we were entailed to have only
by lee praolice of the meat 1.1gid eat -
4014Y, in which my miller _never
"She wits a proud woman, who -want-
ed ei have her children look well and
veto %venter! her house to be at. least
aa wen furnished and well looking as
that of anybody she knew, and it woe
There never was a day or en hour
44 hen you couldn't go through it iroin
ter to bottom and find it spite( end
span, With WilOte CarpetS and sound
furniture and everything in order. Yes,
I know Mingo cost lass in those days,
only half as much as they do now,
but the things we did were etc/scrum
liehed oevertheless only by my Mother's
right adheeence to her motto of 'Never
viaste,' which you, ray dela, girls,
could apply W Just as great advent- BOY'S BUSINESS CAREER
age now.
"We esed to have a dressmaker come
le wheal we had a best dress to inalic,
lad all our other dresses and every-
thing else we used to make eurseiveS.
and all the rag,s and scraps were saved
faithfully. We used le have Iwo nig
bags. ono for oolored rags and one for
white rags, and We saved every scrup
find sold them to the ragman. We got
ssinething for them, und
And if WI. 110(i any old iron, old hoops
..1 tubs or patio or broken nut -irons or
anything like that wo saved them all
t'll we had enough anti then sold Mein;
of course, we SEWN and sold old
newspapers in Just the h111111.. VVIV. 11111.1
betties, everything; we wasted nothing,
arid teese thippi all twouglit. stunt: -
"I never kneW my mother to cut and
slash llw string on bundles and then
throw the string away, ‘tlipil 11 bun,
(Ili came In she would untie the cord
toirefully enil wind 11 up around tier
lingers in Itttle buneli and save 11, .15
y4111 baW 111e do With 111115 string just
slew. So we alweys had plenty • f
twine mut cord fur ‘,Ittite,4.t. use v. e
areght need them we never had to buy
any. And (A cense* she saved all wrap -
1,10e PuPer• 111111 we 1-41".11S8 114141
fs, Hipping paper. 111 the hoi/M.F.e._
- "S12 ifi these simple Uffinis
of,p(si. and twirls 1,11,110 we waved t;e1114.4
and five eents and dlinee---probably
tedrar or tw. In 1 he cuurse u year.
Not twee? N41, but enough to buy n
pall of shott.$ Illat we 1014111 not other-
wise lime hod.
"W,• 'Almon:teed 111 0/11111g, of course.
We envoys had 1,n4,ugh to eel, but
usually temple Wod, und ten er env
""tv• (hi" ""111101 1(114'w jusl 11'1 4111.1 W/I111 honie v,1111 412. Teti night
had ,10 do .1f we weie going git r two km„.- „1„, ,111,
01ong we ‘‘unteii 11011 0111` Ildd (111.1p --1111d 111.11411T 111''"1- 1111.1
1114_ 1-sAll'agt.' ilo it.
114"a de) 1 Itiede Nesil .1.1%* io,2
inciwin, and upen, 1111:
nothart"rin \ Frit) I 1E11.
"-sites that 1111w 1 1,1,S4 kept 4'11 get-
ting what I thoinnit I could sell. JUSI
!1.14‘, 1 11111 114/11. 1 ',Al 141 111,' 1110111'y 1111 -
III I got enough. Anil then I It....41ght
Twelve -year-old Oklahoma Lad Etwns
Six ,Dorlars Daily Selling
Sande kites.
Earl Timmons, a twelve•year-uld toly
Chilton, l)hlu., Is earning lei a day,
selling chitchtn sandwiches and other
hone in•epured delicucies to pussengers
4,11 the !tuck Island trams filet pass
tbreugh the town. fle PUrI111eh his
with the aid of hts younger kilb.
;14,1'..-FA1101, -
F011(14,114 Is tho :dor) 111 meteor -
10 Meanies career, UN 14114,1 14.1 tour.
&tat from Chicago, (wow ding to rhe Un-
mtge. Dolly NEIWII.
501.1) STEAK: AND 1UNS.
"Yel, 1 have done much liet•ter Own
expeeteld. How did I come to mart?
kes see. I :darted with forty
Louts and 11101(0 un average of u
'day now. We clime from Ihmglus,
Kan.. a yea ago. Father tuts 11
looter. wasirt, doing ‘ery well plot
1114.41• 11.4. W14- Were- strangers here: One
iday I wait down at the train hero, end
le,tfeed that the poopie hilitgo.
14 no mai ihero was no 0111ing F,111 44AI
111S1. 1110 OHO 1 11011 M.'011 elec.'s es
we clime depot!' here on the curs. I
,had forty eents 1 anted up, and
atm up town and tyiught quarter's
w..rth •uf akin, will 11 fte011
41 Ms' werth of bune and 1 .11 back and
1.1 thrill all. I kept that up ull,duy
"WtIII that not eloee lee mot atriet
end Wel54.101 feci114111ty here., Nit.
oma).4 Ilnd mom.) ens ugh kir ev eey•
thing we ni•eded am! our house wlia
lowers furnished and in order. mei v.4.
bail one of thi. best pews In chur.-Ii. Ti„,11
1.11,1 really we wet* somebody in our furniture and %%atilt toJi eromi
toile. us gt.41,1 1121 1110 IWO, 1111/.1 ull musuma. 1 1„,Il ,I4,e,s up un -
3, 11 that LI); 111141 ell 11104 55'115 111041,- ii.,181)8 too 181.01 1.1,81,0‘ Father
1,‘ ne,ther's 11111 111114411/..4111.
hy adhering unfuilingly to her mot-
to f plover waste.
"As the saying Is, 51,1' 114111 Ilting.t.
111.11 we illway, buil a little 1'•••01'Ve. 1.
p111,114Id .11 . 111-te 4.1 4.111,11e111 y,
44 • (1,4in hti‘e reteess dela is
I/1 1I/111 1111. 1111111Z' W. re 1 eat!), uni,..ien.
4..0 k11,51. Ilia 1 ne girio 11111 1--
1 1 IA 011t- 1111 1.1 1114111 1
11•1. ung ri fr./. c.,ii!tilv
II- 00141 1 1,11 '1, !II% &I'''. Om
1 ',III\ 11 young 1/11111 er united es • 111.
ie leer 111,111 peels see: re leer et
11-1.5 111/.111)01. IMO r18'.411111 tni the
part i.f the girl woo'd ifint
1 IV': )1_41, gat,. 111411 v., tonnyryti.
14 n ails, she. Ntn,
'ireful ;eel (potion.. but too 1-1111
UM I 14•1" 111144.14W. :w
4:•0111.1.1 le r n!I 111.- 111,1,
A11/I 1114.I11 A/1111 1.1i....1441ti pro T....I...I
wh 1111%l1-11 1,1,111S1 1141. 11/1 rue' -
There 15 1,14 111e15 111 Iite en',
• 41 1101 tyr tint, .ti slit,
10.1 01 el:411.1'4in) te,../'.1 01‘111.11')
E (IF ell\ie
\fie '41, 11 It,. n 1,11.1 a lettit.1.• temper,
1,11,1 11,1 104,hund twa, retich U. au.. 4 t
he (1110 da., .11 hitt 41/1, ees
11 ,e, 'mg 1., a fee tf
• rninit (.f tier net. ti lia rii les
"1 ha‘e •1„1-A 1. r sortie lit 4. Iv-
!! "1hol. no, 1.• 164 114 111 14 l'`N de,...1
la•Io 4 1 114.1 4171y 4114. pUle 1 11
• 114,•. thew., in 'Alm t4I44 ,•141 Iterod..1
11‘.rod 41 Iv. .1, AN res. mid ifs stis
44' et /111 1 ewe lei ef %%41/1,w 0.
I Avg• 1, 1.1 ter. Ttri.1 "
0.: 1; omen! 1,1•• %%if rilleied tut
n ,
" f'11 111, pi I t f
t.t leo.. maw.' e ere Go v. I.,
•11 Writing ha "wris teal 11.•
1. mot the e I 14 1. .11”.4 after 'at !he
1. osl pl•tik re, id Pi- I iff. 1 owe!
,,. .411 11,4 .1 111 I I 1111dt 41 41, 11
n. th s'ej 1.(411(iii..ttt
.ks Ilient all laugh N./ 111114 11
— —
nirt.t returned lair 0.4 moms '11
re h. .', '41.1 . t •114$ h
11. 41111 r. 1,01.r is the oilo,r 11,1
111• raca.. 1 huff . r. raelf•frr•if 1artt
mon in lho tn-wl ro.ti • 1 04 issei
1, 91141 11 ler% -stet he ill
‘esSit hst,-, If of II.e .4. • f 4. no111,,..
ea 111110.11 es 11.1)41' /1,10 4•4 1 Int.
hree houril 131..i. he •••• 14 .111 .i1,0•1.141 1.4
11 WAN, 111 4j4111ir
-1*..r ono -tines. 441, 14... • . .
PlIC11 he re/seed/el e•si ‘,1 1114
reirvotio ,.1.11 ift.1110
to loch off the other to I tiny.
Nen 1% Inv sleeks' for three Lours wale
trie for it."
loin it, and i mod 14,1 it. ‘1!'
iit it. \Ai hay, 11‘e nt.itut, 11.,Wh...11111.4
WW1 1W... 141.4/111 4 111,414.411.4. tt •.1'
'041..1 81 .$0111 11 N1 11/5 1111.
1. 1.0110111a
114148, 11111j 1 LI.11.1 11,
"1 11'11 00 1 14 1'0 ..1,1 1.11d mblee
i• .411g on len. 111.. no111.1
Iie, mid t• l';...11 le. 111.• r.• +net
1 .1, Hie selling. I iket th '4..•
1,' 1.,(1114.1 11.1' '1 "AV
1 14 WI] .‘11d 1 1111 45 1 r 1.Pl..
1 I t%011:41 111.
.strilttutti Trutt% lit itti. Chat it, ler nf
no,•1 ,1/ 1111 11 !A ,1. h.!
• than sot. . •
"t Sint thi „,,
,14 r 1.011i 44 1111*. ••11 1,111,//r -
f.„ it. ti
"i,t1t1te I ,s 2.1 i 1,-1'''
5., 4,1 ..1 1.11.11 \ 1..-1 /.... • ,1,
., .14 1, • 111. ...,124 ! • 11 1.)
II, 0.1 4, r • 1 11 • 1 '1a 11},/..1
es• marl 11 Ii14' 1.11, 111 •
1 t.,1,11. I
11.4 11, . •1,11.,1 '11%.• II„.
vorsi," Ss Amer 1: 1 k1.4.,141 11'.1 .1.. .
1I,1r • .111 1
ti 4 /All 111,1 101'.1 1,1 r, ,", ,
11 111:11 a 1, all th .4•1.4 11,41 •1
1 ,i11. • )11.1 1h. 2.. ! 4
11 4.:1.44, 11141 h., h.1441 11, f • 11
11 4.1 1100. 1 f 4,, ilio • IA
11 • g11111-1•-11114, Id 1 tt.! ••
• tiiil "'• ,$);i'' • : ,!.•
\• 44,
(lid) 41 Itt' 40, ' 't
11. in., 1 oiek • . I
ni 1... ,,,,f .1 , ,
MI` t. ( to: .1 w
11, ito I t. •11 1 .1! '1.. 1 1...I -• -
( 4 11011'0 1 Itt.'111 1..1111.1, :‘,••1 1:'' • w ste
/1 . gain/411.4i-
\ tux 1: 4.4 . 't "1 I
, (11,4 '1 • 1
(111 11,1 II 1: , 11 1
'sip 1110,0 /11/1.10 . • ' .1. • ,
I• 14. er) ni4 1) .1., •
14 IV, ',artier 1 1
.1 41 011, '411 11e• • Itier !!..!!! 1
me 1.114 , 1,„111,
• 11, 1- h /1 l• •• • •
1 111.11111 Ellr11414/ 1% t,e1
(met 4.1 "Pr ... Pio'. n• s s n
11. It 1-n•I .4 • 1. tirrit 11,11 OH. . 11
• a,c th, •1 .11 .
1..1 1`4.-.1til 1, 11te 4. 11..1 • Ph -
11 'Al.. 'hurt, 1••• ••
1 Ilia -0, 3- 41,4 14 .1 ca.. 11.141, r
eming nwot n wee.. hi 1 '1' 1,1
1 1,1.V111. 111-41 1" -0, 11 linre
that Abe 1,,id t .fu..1 • till'',
n kow 1),,t1 11 4 f4,i 11 11.11 'Me 1 1. •
4%.4.14.1 .1 11 " I1 111/11/10,1 11)
1 'do rtf men se.qo 141 r•ong
stile of a saloon ts the out:Side.
• d
Elhor. 00
Steptitur4 feldelli • leo
:10;$4',:at;tuiltitixli,iivkltlritallatt.liii‘rierCe44;":111:1113* o7f,44: '
dociared,.• will Peptic.* plaktaiParlut ohit,
ether eiteelthellee fel elt eeineefie eieleeee
tie/ley Thel or,igttvery, tatecoceicd IMO
randy op the efteelee set lietertnittellt elite4
,1401141 and trong Hee elposeledge that the
AAR a current ot letteteefivil volts eris
piled •Ltecienitteritly efr na Streelgth
tor minute frilehoite of. a second.. U -ti
eiceteodee rire applied te Ilia nen 14
special Inetulese theeeltellete appu•
catkin lielite nest carefully alteVere.
p rte,flAcaD$0Er ei4lAcieluY0 EniXaPdEollaleryTStvo„. re
f experiments 'OR doge end Gil nine
sed. Au wore etieeteseitli. The aPPli.
oi•natilioIntooitii.ethilemcwitrrocrent Iteounntiot. edvaefinge‘rovueuen,
har- experiment Mete for Were..
The argumola fur the electric' steel
are aatii to bet inunerows. Anteetheetat
chlueotorne morphine or ether, 1.1
disagreeable. always dangerous, aud
has often -proved ettel. while tbe mak*
ruing le painful: During the emeriti
sloop the patient Is, perfectly quiet, and
the awakening neeurS when the 1.11eCtra•
dee ace withdrawal
The sensetions after the seieration are
6q11eift: via:7r. bee_ The_sulnd .appears. to.
work more clearly end more rapidly,
and there Is a sense of Inereasett phy•
This Nat cirewnstance led Professor
Lweidt:Ov.tv0:00rrilititsi lvsnu'ailisn.electrizatlon for
cases of nerveits estatwalton and even
ordinary fatigue and moral depression
Incidentally_ tho solentlet asserts Mut
apetication 111 a certain Manner
uf his special will electrocute
a suboct in an uthoolukly painless
manner, gentle sleep being followed by
gradual but ceitain death.
Lieut. Alexander Tulle Hue Ile Caught
One of Ilie Shyest of Anhrials.
Lieut. Boyd Alexander told the lee al
Chanfraphical ltka•tety in Londen
ly huw tic captured an okapi 'in Abate
a year ego. Tho okapi le a variety 411
antelope and lu among the ehyest ot
creature/3.-4u alty that few African mi.
laves have ever seen it and no mom
hunter had heard of it tip to the tune
a specimen was doh...1\0W by els }tarry
Johnston some years ago.
The Okapi taken le Lieut. .11exander
imuld riot he tuken olive hu Envie*, It
to)V°u6ld f4nutinti ‘1•14,11 d 't;trilit.tki.iiii!d.g4otnhoint
nian, and tia-n dmiculties ..1 leu
fcrlittde tta 114, 414111
W itring Illt.11111e.1 tor Ihe Natural
litstory Museum of 1...11don,
lieut. Alexander aind that al .k1ttta.
4-.n the WelkA41111411a, lie lirst hetird
the okapi in that region. The part)
spent ihrts. weeks 111 lhe effete As, ee.
.41111 41 specimen. • '
'the) foetid that its Motets are aitiall
streuins running through ewaittpy
ground, yvhere mews 11 planNisoute SLX
feet high whose young shoots, bunch -
k; at the kip. are 1111 W1501111111 pert i.1
101,:tiukn:11..linul's food, liere It INA1111b 111.1QUI,
hingl) pain+, and Ilte nutlet* *mil
Mat somettneb three are found hi•
The 110,11Vce /111.10.1 that 010) had cry
8141.1.1.1111 Sm111 111C1 1111i111d1. mid 11115 slate -
Went ult.; 1..414111) IxtIleved. kr Capt.
Gosling, though he hud eertant e4
44.:1We -.Jo three -4...eeletiona that he- was'.
near the militia!, did not catch a glimpse
ef 11, toe 11 51 as pet 14.11.4. 4441.01.11,A1
811/4111g 1111' hetes. But three weeks of
N1 11..4 l'eNenled ifs 11u1nles weli,
In the night the okapi wanders 1114,:ig
in mud and water in seursh of its
od. rept. Gosling lound.11 fetofing
lel, at 8 u.rn., hut idler Ilus hour the
monist retires 141 the the
Pats!, where It reillat1111 1111111 night-
ildtli:wing irs restless nuturo end
aisree the thlvk luituge of the plant
oti which It feeds and the perfe..t Ise-
i;;,i.,n,11 of its kris( entree's 111e 11111.1V.I8
,./1 14,y are neter nble kill the oka-
; u1114 thou 41.0apulth; a is almost lin-
is.00tt,t.• to tre,t, unit the bey speci-
mens they hate kittod were trapped in
11,11,,11:1.1, I/ .1 1. 81111,11•11LI.1 t).14,1::11 11111111.4.1,-: .01131101..:,Ws:
3.01, IAJ110L, a rs 1114,/iws,•
11 . 11 iAgs 11 i the Ile-41111X,rtwud of
,, 1 1, r.ttwerved tha t 911 111'1111.
'114 111i 11./111:1' Iikapt 4t.
aim.. Tonne between two /lir&
bees ehout )insis from the sitssum,
\X MI 11,0 help of the iiidisies lie dog
3 pit f, ur and II half hisq, deep between
tte he, earelmi) 41
T,ith hrati..1te$ and leit.e. ttl, the
te 1 riling he 1144,11 Itilli1,•ao 111,.1
1411111 •I1,1 41'411'1 11, 14,141., 4,1 1110 411411
111 11./ .1 riivied own). .A11 Ints'ent
11,0 44 44 411 ,igg141,14 1ri 11.1• pit. .1
titer, we- erivali end Iht.
11 4. 1i- .s1u111,, 11 *
1,40;4 • !t,.
.4.11 I '1'. l'" ".
tri% 1,,,. , 1,1
1 :ye
• . 1.-, 1 re r
,1 1,. see ese. 1111 .5 ,s
1,14411,.• ..111t. osi osse
is Itv 1:Assess, 1 r:44
I. 1 '11. 11 Ira wkti; w • I !la; 11••
1 'IV, 1,11, ! 1 • 1.11 1,1' •15,.1 I. 1. 0
1, . 1,1 N.' ..1 1, 1.5 • . .1.1
•'11 11' '11.
.1'1111 1.1 l'::11 • '1 lir.
•.' I 's -.I'. 't 11
. It / (1..
I /
.1 .5 4. 4.
4.1 4. tt
',L. 4 I •
• •
• • 1/14,• 1i 1/14
• •
I ..1 /1„. a 1••• •
4, s 1
1 .1 -11,
! i•DA
1.1 Mit
1 . • • .1 .4 ' 11
, s
1 1 1: 1:
I, UV ' . . - g the
1 h. I. (0. th .4. 1k
-1 111! 4.11 • rbe
-1. 111 `14,1.• 1 1 4.1 11
. 1 .4,551 .. 45. ts1.1 i..14 ' 144,
I11414 I/ le4.1 t. as -a' -1) •1111.1
1. 1., te 1
'1 1 ..4.1." 11.i! •1 it it (0
1 44411,, 1 5 .1 • 1 1, • 1.1
1 4 41 IV1V 11./1, 1 r .0, .1 14
.. 4,‘ f5 1: '0,1 I w; 411
1 .0 1. 111.014 4 11 11.. 1:0 •1 1141 y
'4 01 vele 6.1 1114.
111.4s ta far lat.,. 'tent a ',Pita No
uoulti ear, Po Miss a ratio