HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-09-27, Page 2A
etesettlf lebtieWellatertater
ettelottar oVlizAtc.
t quart, le 4 trern newest,. ea.
-Eretotle *reedy* levreee
LIte, neon
0117Tts 4e. taaNCC'e, illarthatte• Se%
Ikttor Proctor ea Merttnao
evert. .te• Meer). 19 114 t ;')°"‘
eat rate*. Il.;144kA 80f t.0". 1C'C
iiitteOt *nit Heuer'. elertartale.
tener. tea:141AR telelceitEtli
Wet teeeesoteriaciete atee liewelitee
004 reler /reel keel esittrica, tan
reeleertelf. Va ,, 9, Xneolutie
ICIMNVOZ4 4 VeltnolV. tleretstota
seem &a, tier. Jeseentea etossol
• mato. temorrawstr
Ponleter betray,
Weak 4f:OTelrettiv.irsiteeVli"144
itter.„ krocter._:la tat .04iY.141Te.
ourt tiny* Vamp Iteite 44
taco ess4 aide tIoart Ittouee Jiteitara.
.,_1201T,ELI(.-*-0,AT4410% -
rarettleao, itionntemi.
,Otarea,--wertii isti•444. lereterli oceste
eiroeetroot ahoy*.
OArei beerseee a.m. to lo p"
eztt YRIVaIrttit. 1611
I w141.414.11,110.. WPM: *
111:1;;,' Oatte**
MOB titistkWAS
wo killiti4,418,4.gt7041Makel000t.t4AtUU*0 Might 'picture in glowing colors of int-
egInetion ou the canvas of finny about
his paid oar future he did not Ileed to
VOTIONEVA lake Ms. designs from Wets,
.04•0.0.i...44044.4.0.444,0 Rut when religion becomes the Science
---IrilliCttatOORD/411; — lot itglit the motets -or sed-uring
right ' SoOtat relation -shins mai charae•
. _ . • Attila the expression of Keel personal
Livettockezi4 Oats* Mahatma.
litriair*eleatticii. sod — • •
wooreseee -
tigatiou tho
'w77F- ~ war'ilree-'0W-ermearette;
SUPEiSittION Inft4t1 ttett. 441sit, 4
tto. way -404411* steal) Bente 344alid rfe•
TOWN IN VALE 110 .116' seere ot alledlovei tinrefe then at Ow
'I oiNfill iglilLIEVIE. -enenEetbecentury. A liroleen &own zoo-
ote: Or and a tang Serie,* et iliiidoe.
antes eareed the Writer- a ,etert vibile
Ateoire uttgl-W '''''' vilingee, A Wel. Was an lirdirtOWn TE4TED.BEEIPE
0 moot it „:„..„,,..._ .„...„., ego fa° NILO Ole right irt ane et tlieete
thaws the Meat Slittealiltrene litAttrY. hitt Illentshed logenis wtve to be PflittnLe-thji meta tidbit Or UAW-
: 04 04, 0000; • tad at -MarletWat 4 eirfet.intaltin ine Milk, etreelteif tettalteellhei ot nod* . ittl
the Cap, meet w
agent, golatialidell
et the Cale
Peepers Vieh and igai Cleart.--frete a
larga'peir et aciaeors Mg CIA
Woe This. wilt wave your itnatre fro=
any *Wound, Then like woo Pan
!water ittsi held liati Under *Oar 4 Lille
ernevinnte hat sesta. inescating the
fish use top at lin baking. Vonater
Vet scissore io Mit ott ilie Wait *IA to
, lot 4 Veleeldere lore NVe the milk), one beeping tototeooelliel a gut epoetalieh. Belding ash Meter alai-
Silbch$IiEeff, to.dey 41s, ao 4e1014.1Pe P40Ce° nottt; Ma -Cleans the ledilegr Neer On the Mani, Alle-400 141110 *Celialt iceePa atlahie jackal, OP
"Ya .6hall Itz o to4th 104f 144v won,. w part a the peopie ee vale in lloSteee lati,ntive„ and %VW sbrinng toaspoe tut -stilt,. le lottlie thick big c lean *essence god tin over
Rath shall Make Ire o ao. ptiouov. ihe ague Agee, oge.14,0 ninny wet, tvIta, Wields toet>ed,kielo,pekette We.% 'h attee. Deep int hot lard eflatirY. *Ore tgtorit' 01.4O, CO til*
The..frost dallieging Infiftelfir td. od3ily oro:eeeiniervenven.'onlY tne . telt tia •• et the. with tee* syrnp„. , )14 eme
1,1 it it hat tho,sinipicat 11.t 6h:440 inha.bilanta of 4r. Eatoit:a va- AServe Genoa '04,10100.0440i ea
' • he
k oak 1111th. the fear a lege, • -mumened ran ef infer
11145- °EP 1#e,....4"....1112,11.°1,M, :14.Leelleee SarQ Q 41101/ an 0C13 4,„1144 Pcot, off 4 d1,1141-0-' 4341'en' Having 11,e4e4 ert- Wedhila; l'W2 \valet° fee:eland eftlindeao eitstjav"
11elefleA, terieele e fiSeet Seel', """--" - ha In the tenni! 4 -kr. re•liCerlted into It • degtlig Ofrefitar there wag one aliallt-She eral slices 'of bread. Spread lee 044111011
befitted Only ona tlnetvcr ten Ire Ife!- IV 4.44Wile '3„li,oyolo our aallo Q., Mina QQ1VV*90.,4eat, ow.re ort. re_ woo*
tur1ted. BelleVe the MAIO Plat occoO An"Xliititan U,if"4 4g°,0 fate The &Mt Ougerstitilt Mal who: la4/ %,47,412;40
Atiat 0.0 WO Whitt ..414$ evM. 14)13.4 :4174/01•L .°°"' t V. it,t la the evil'bye. It is .11rxne
nilW put 'wand it to:4 1* Iv*Iv. "n4/.4°24-441 the tun 4rtu. that Astbtoi, Ith144 4°• POPte °41'1Y elientle end •W1te cettfid WOW' a petain. ,- 'Compete pr,AijleleSe4EPid iarge, K4•1
ReilaY leuet tile"Jiterit At ,SPIrittaillY.
ilditga glut kil4W wero ant too: let' .°S.:4111bri'•-•°4"' 141$ 11,*'4 $1' 401)13i:ea Itietitop nowiteritt. fitielnat. that stiRealtRPP .al'.)taitl'*W.0-• apPIPS 'tad JOY.Y110'.'"niaile
onme. T
BE ftWAiert
It 40 Winder 11%00 tboransebt
roundleSe hellet.that.dettet tbe tailate
ring itifeles' dieferigee eltd lereetailag ot
volue Ne. loopart Us ever Mahn We
:•Valleeet fer eitatenee, foie.
dot* tenet. bet that it, 4104* enjoy
Title Ile ant eat1 *Mr. WinUing RI*
prig elhilliPlenShin. eihilteatie
lien. SOP 'Bleat eheiVelaea
tift aninott thS'illa;lteor of Vielery tet
;4 Vitpa, *Welt Will 4440,0 titi awner .
to sett han.-fortiere 4444 Pan It ha:
teet :tot; bill illifpUrebaser ht.eillfillg ta ;.
any. Illeffeildaitula.. not.beeette,ethe 4111..,
1114111f9110`,M0111 in tkat ,torniTor 'alt.. l'horo:.Wavagit Avrotiomv sla 4040 a OM 41i* liSP, 14 0010 hi CiiftSia IlIrtbelv 41..,,ee*Sle1,417c4N1 diNevefeed .teat. anell.44‘et slogat Wild taho'edi 01-W40r; . '- atel ta'.-te.tter.'individUtill), Jar biri , vie.
400011i it. iredil 'Mee 11.r.eeereeY, it wero :better. D"4°100 Oa vvoalkVa ' tsddelitt their • ... . 'e"'‘. "4*A; 14 $4 ito *AIR. tt, antree40. tt Mlle lenlen ithen atea.. itoides,. lery• Mit baeetteer fhelfela Pod falVerw •
Using' 7,11iCee.94114.defeeted Celle
ThO passion hie olgiOluta troth end to lter had teril/ker haekilig tiuth, lhan felt° 'an 14oad r4Poinated, 111c: *14 'INV "e't 'W11*°' PIP4e4 '14 tam -OletalelcaallY' and Pricif .8ie•
there As not a tesVel erinirelet amsaaeXaolinafign ,we lecia4A4 ;Me Plegeo jet ' Pen* Efoledlo Brive Rif
rialitneefs le.eno of We alobleat ihat.eau mixed,. -by nothiStry, Bow PelLifl "to- qn th1.0 l'orY ragettiontok oveircrii 'rn`61et,:t°45‘ 41'4A! dllet. 00 OS 4Obking,. Wheit.saltrdraltt. 4(eferleflitiert fit•
ge...anjegequel• of litetrilefeet, That:
legit Of teten. 3110 Seletettel, biellCrent *ctipetaleiltiet, attertipt le a ehliett hi Italian i'fettilleire,"1 nett la staAlcY4 fiat dint Of ells ono , spoo„,te wttri xponoteteo 010Vtly tiret NOV' Allowed to
,t1te 14 hotter titan they does not makes)
akrinfi li411.11 cnY, hrent; it is ei rine atteriMV JO 0404,,, „mg. two 4x. tows, befells, It. Ile who 0 ts..,the'av 1,„aye tee evit,e,Y,..ea 0010tateea.avii%lind. eiteppea. ,,tehintas, watsine
lielft",ttOratt- • • '
devotion to exuei 10414, tO pure Ayer enMlifiaa when,: thore elute le free teem eeteletetteone ibis s.2reiS4hY 'OW her •Ot lik" 'Cheery • liferingtieS.,e:-Pleetie '.aper1 " Pa, : so'rio " 14" °Lit 4°1°4' 11144 '1°4 11134
tilsillietttilleeteihrreloopoltletu004tFie:ret.:tieltolpullti;t1e4tda4tirc;a: gliiritiolitstpaprintaboaniuyht: ilnYtirdt: rostlet90404011Y iiikt101 ofloo!oai 44°:. eiociel;‘er . ittnr%e:.Iaoe:rke‘.t.eleon::gttttfztidtt4n•tetlno;ipotr,,nio' lott•i° ,olt.ot.1,01)400,11404,71'tcori.:01:4:trut20.,4iciterititio.C;144114er. 00t,;4:kkitiolotatoatri uthclaittmr.141,,,, ie:04:i,111):te:Airvillio:athr11110141110441:14.,s4;hZiaiirr::th.p:sr:eittildeht;44,,,'
ta. truth awl fa lift up ideals, ol elect, 'viten Witetvailder why we have test, Uto Itt one mai towo let,ttaoro wss 'etrauge eilardS•140 ReaSifitO$ algose lorty, failleteae° Egete4a-.0Ul. the eentles aithOst,pa.iseititiolia- Nevill,Alnectain1 seentyerd, undeirated,,•,'Imt dellidCat, '
ness and eqUitY• temple. iailh oi omit, Yaidh °Ur 4he only druggist of °I te„ plum So ai! whlat #91.101Y /le'lle4 4"W° Mid rateee etv. 'DONT*. Itioa '444t to, `S4 -t114,,. 1 there, Oiler 4v40, vlgkoo '‘vith4144°'
When We translate religion into tenni °Bitl,er14 %Plante for same toito‘rped wes,40 :tor his eV* fl(). "met A -Wright btlieeentriblettd eelhe th,S4,44t1 eervIng peeeen,h0e sideeilr•thrpalgh.caeh• ItInqcice. an,YAllea'•1194-0'ew sae be7reitlined 'the telt '
'at Ufa+ int° 4Vt111114% "Itr°4t°"''' qtte,i1,100 Poi OUR inik'ST, xrpbody wo4141, to to ttle shop 'Otte Ito 013' beY nie"°'4Y•1.4 ."°4g" and the' Id A:fairs .witit ribbOrta,,,,~ rillAtain'ivatteed lelvili*elloan, des •,.1,hoss. avitiok atase.,4 hto.erime..•, There mey "sante ,
imagination, we • egin le diseover „ , „ „ vas amid, usegisy len sues nise nu. pebble vehicle he fettle ovate:dime -svegit „vblyi,g4, ereem4,, 'addlegp etteMpere, tnekEalitttlh# Wheel* lenited-on 44,ppeettore,cit the ratchet* 'Mut- tee well •
the .neeessity for foundations deeper' .sve do wale -set therh doWn no. loodiotno won ,toote44 ot, awe „ddenv„ ow/041.41 on ate. emteer gnu • berbereus ,Iirlhees AK. litoey, in theeliewYnfdo-1414 tt 15,40.0411
than legend or romance. Sat long as a jpititt bOk tOOtO, tO discrindriede anteng maul. To wiz .19.,pretorm4 to 04,1,04004. whicti the liesdred No% ives 1,!4!e, hinge* De4cil,--A. eleliciette SweCt "PoinVitled iletee,aaditY4 Inhilhit Africa 3, grout, oompor sets . *et*, ee, Fe,
thh 1041414 itine hnd 1111"1411 ies tlesietati-iVae• in etterg,e, 4134 eele utsiefqi2atiOn Or the evil aPelL ' oto ot. inneheen; is mode of, whipped hud, the Vere Vest. • tomer., It ,.444,44 44,,004. ,e4,444as, •
ndift's• relialon consisted II) tentit
ealeseiale everywbero sad ail efforts made °INDIVIDUAL CHARACTER,
leureserw releatteraberenitee, it Is evident that in such. a work rale
trovesee satatfounkse
len must proceed on ascertained, en-
' VETERUtARY - dotputable voities.
— 'We May be satisfied wtth myihs us
to the ordering of the first family, end
'11kbilriaritiliAlf,ellrergleitedlesteeof tee' we may leave to the piny of fancy the
teapot/ea* tot ,e,„,tteuer,efeemerAter'; specifications of an Ideal heaven; tut
WM- aerteeesepi ervezertneerteetheinge tiles end adjus,t our steel and oleic af-
lame iseereved melee oroterretieetto ;teem when we begin ie OVtler our own fam-
iretts,Prolleherede. w c*SlIdet44"-sr4s111‘tr4 hurs we ere Compelled to wait for prin.
Welts •based on facts, for truth. Re-
ligion thus bet:made it ~,cienee.
TONSORIAL,. Much eloquence wi.s. spilled over 1110
conflict between religion and science.
Mr RI RIM Helesoet, weeseeee es. It was only a eonfliet between the old
eraeli,reseit4, on ti,r4liatioistoprert religion and its new tome between the
itt ureo-eitte *tele, ' !Inger, ebeemeee gray dawn. and the growing day. Her
ame -tweed. ettlaraet ea etwaye 14aus. tethers were not wilfully fulse. holding
ere ittes-e en to darkness when the ,fight. came;
but they so long had held sacred the
pictures seen in tWilight they were
41 num atalittifort..No. elt, cLci.2`,
'iteettior meette—ea the 1- ArT! nee
Tumult er every etuott! settee
wisely to tont tett gee eni ers teeitt”
tEilsit tittelteUltteeretk, AirChh, fladtion.
4Liksi ti-j'Ajt, .Thai. Sarreesor, geese,
wu Dite W. .WItl.reat,W. vatting' rotie
ere elevate. ,vrekoine. eggs.
SEPT. 211.
'Paoito efe 4e41 the 113°4. Sequentivat noon„ ,when. the ;food "Bate( °hi' 'e',11°°10'4',e!t•nit': Orettint:andliateeareone. Vete the- rtek 3p4ktii :11h ehatigion•When the lent.of 10-gretit;
Aft teeing, the facie we 114, everY• lor.their peeseeieteme, es••they knew Nore' Wenderfill. Yoe WISIe:' 00 143.i NvIljty wee,: sweeten .antlettoldp„ tinfil hes Veda Cecea ' trip to eertain,, per,. ;„litholii140.44,11eatise,o-oloeszt one :
dragfdet had hie lunetwee, 'they' -fitted conviatilne..• ,411tV` ,Wile tuo: , aetee;..propar,eartablencY, the ,PUreen, pt 14
-1 WIt 10N•11.0.ehegen te tialf$,,Orh•finteSere and:
ere tee Writ taro, over all cleo greet e,„, en;tearepas ;that alert .beett liena 6r sow:. Where he
'1,445troili'ilu-Ms:'-o-o4114:L7404Ita4;;;41-$111;A.4."''''''*_rbattl'IA41:1461 44'714t,;;;;;'4w-414 4:04ertiii‘ tinAmv114,45))1411(11.0.)eomt 014111; ipoti rsonst.4,. ca.ft\4‘4,r01..'"1,,lese00,70.114.fittil'0,A,/)0111,104•11°‘4./.;, 1;e:•mX;1•Tete7tr-lee'e,7e7-jet.47d.ejeliTee
a. lifeteeY. arid. what we onceo drily we ore. supposed 4,4,4,0 unable 14, cost her to *11.11n Ilia 4$5t, two lettatevro' soo004:-ea.'444e0c4, 0144144, ;,p,,s,,lopte in
elared lo_hopn.-tind..dregro... that 1091c- evit-eleras•he: who, hire- that -rodeo, - van " erepan . give, it a delicate 'Pith-, Mee iCeleleemete Sehhot
rules infinite seletteln, now hi tItt"1141 tat unhappy expre.ssion w 'o wricters
A coMPrehonsive Quarterly Review.
Golden Veen t Ps. dn.. a.
Lesson L --Cod feeds Israel in the wit-
-derness eVI.; '145)". -tIoldeor-Tesr,
.lebn td., 51, "1 am the Living ,firead
WW1 dellie 410Wri, front heaven.' , Ho
who• redeemed them from Egypt by His
own right band without Any &reliance
whatever imp them gave them bread
and flesh to the vi a t_vlsal
II weirs Juan o low toulaternince brOt4 Ceiler.• "ebotild..-be Served. cendidtle, Gatvalhev 'netad. Stele«
mitegether too eleit tO be taken triArelY 6thee ottice aO. widen Are lha'Neliocilai
Another' sieree kola tig.v . . . ,
all Otero threbe 11110 leve and there I
hetipedlightly itinlY efoPe'elle, while 144' MY iT01.41•SS-04',04 SslIstith4
of Nierice. • alottt casting a spell on these * utftwo Inca aeteetable, eciinpouee, it Make' herentelleee, Oreatrieuts„ Ittee
he the hepressive array of the witnesses
Truth alevays is sale: The nollest. ee. Vies.
:F1011T-'fLAGUE :ON :BOAT'.
bUi the irtoet Moderrdeeepontities, , Illusennt halo,
rer • natot° he both of he% eatt druggist who was !ravening to a neigh-
.1y1,14ialted int,v0 utile:coo vil°0 v`maefitrittitio teuugi sbieui* Itrainingsttosenweim, OW en route, when the Waterineiont `Eaheead'or lovillte' "bat- ExPERT HEAD DRESSING •
HAlluont. sale tor r
184:utttlimn,datillg14‘oYt. tat‘Zeteirtr ilylisitUfotuutel: FOR A- FEELOW DRUDOIS. T. a Iwo -thirds eed of Ova milk,' three alma 43' PLa'a lindes and Palliates' hangs' In 1
i'vb° .4114" t‘V*11*(4 4141 91 teftrt; 'i:ta-1;41:ell--"Ilazigr;O-0$001Pallgilh/I'll:711a:s41:15nlic144er*ka,11'
bads to the ordering of lite according wts. hed to-Pcrowitet pstilleitctlinlgoStoettia :vs, or
(f emir '• sated and ong.. tablespoon
belting • powder, For the ved :inside
nee tvldtea iive eggs, one cup oe red
augur, one-third cap of butter, onelter4
cup of sweet, mills, two Clips 94 11(3111.0
Sited, two teasoontuts baking poweer,
and hail -pound of raisins, rolled in Dour.
Mite pan white ,and exit reel in
ceetre, with' white on tOpi. 'fa melte. pale
green teeing Meets fete deeps of good:
'blueing into, yolk' oleggeteut well, and
use hall out) of sugar. iloiled labia *
die htlts and as unehentonet elle will eeing a stranger te the. place, he asfc- Perry ijoat Southfield Shelter
lead the Paths rithilwas• td the stetion master to band it to cOnSUhiptilTS -;.• Improve on
Some day our race W 11 know ae 1"8 some one who would take It• to town.
alphabet of nature and' be able' to read hapwrood to to a tanner on the
offered 10 deliver safety. When the The committee oh the prevention of
train had dieopPeared In the -distance luberatioale,_ Which has its *Mee te' the
cram; handwriting of history; aome day
we shall catch the harhionY '4;31 Wv'e` the. farmer, with a friend, mounted s,-;:oelarclnitdiestitrBeeletIdings,vat„'aireaktEheasst
and law; we shall' know Abe' full truth bie tart to width was harnessed a
as they tim and be aweltNataywers.hocuolodb.e.
that Is rellgiOn; seat know things
steep incline to the village and Ste
a pound pan they annoed to itiptifooeirefEesdPilagtorheittmetiongttpitizi400fIcaitheo,k,Sww,e.shatriteix.pFtleeenteurnietehs.
horse never known tat able
Enos and Mine
the story of the uocittinging goodness; platform who, with Italian
settle day we shall comprehend the weir -
street, and trans or ea into a tobarete°
tea preiglawtelsasotolir toiniainssedtbArli viattedhe kisis camp, ties the 41d, orry hoot
that the Lord had ledribean. el Ells uie ..ceno must have. bewitelted the' beast. It
them, reminding them of , all The ways :epee liatezoat, •oto_. 4g. moscoe.. ,,sottio
Afier tbe milnicipal ferry .ivas stare.'
Southfield, whieh ran. ;tinis, i !tie% Skteetanenrgels:.
land Line before the
changing love and manifeld mercies, trtuat re this blasted Oacitage-I aMertie
ed the • SOuthfield, wee tied . up le the
aed he may be said to faun up hie ex- •rying, and now that • I -think' of It the
Nerth Ffieer, waiting kr be sold as -01e
hertaten to them in the words, "liemene mon who gave it to me had a Vicious
junk. Then the tuberculosis nets -tore
' • rattled it from this ignoble end , by
ter, toilet not the Lark love and.obey eepresstob."
So saying, he Meow the wafers in the
borrowing it e from the Department • el'
Lesson xu.-The death of Moses geld. The hers° really .startect at the
Decks and Ferries and. putting it in
(neut. study., 1.1el. Golden Text, Ps. Irlt.% -of white, made a leap ento the- air,
eemmission as 4. sanitarium.
exvt., le, "erecious in the sight of the throwtng the cart' to one side, upeet.
I.ord LI the death of His saints."' 'in John ting the occuparte, one oi whom was , EGG SHELL ORCHESTRA. ~
xvite 24, He said to Ills Father that He rendered senseless, while the- other. , ,
longed to have them with Mtn that they with a broken, leg was fatted :toe erx-titli If i 't ra 1 sm n Isung :rein; selunvtlesi 5 4 t 'con in . ict °s n re el? I);
relight free His .glory, In Phil. I.. 21; 23, to a Iseerby toottege for help. ' ..,r
erft-01--Sto.te,1 Island beetiletteile --fingt,
.n. the cabin once -reserved for the smolt-
weeregsl.. Mg. ete .dteje ,getri,..,,.*.,.• to,:.de..,. here!, reeenwtille,. ceireered madly.. tip_
Mere literally the last two %verde should ifelel'ITL-o-og.-ut,tedd..-Lfwg#benixi-4ti:h6elptirirtave.nfid' F.r,an
t_rs sink •hold the eight of wiry. T e
pert and be With • Christ is- fir better.' ite . oeokIng pots,- "end a tlishwet
he w so badly ini-ure4..that he had GO e ' the room is given ever to the ict‘
be "very lar better," be she'd. • '
. . 'Fite pacicage ,was picked.up by the LA and sandwiches ere served w fe
brewers' horses once pawed the WOO en
owner of the field, who On return.riv cs, . . - lerving-df;noll oown Y P
that Ite d _ _oes, tooren_. _Arattage, on
ru tae
Sesteh Baked ikePtes.-ePeel and eore
large Baldwin tipples, „Green) together
onetalf cup sugar ,ated- one-fourth cup
butter, tied fill centre with the Mixture.,
Add a •few thin Slice of eandied lemon
peel to eaeh uppie, Brush over the ep.
Ples witle sttgar and , Water syrup;
Serinkle even buttered..litead crumbs,
and balm, Serve cold, -Wale or without
custard. s
Crystallized Appies.,-Bou for five
minutes syrup of one.pint weler and one
Eeek eel/11Y %leis, till ten -
, apt nbeee Abe fOreherae, where it I.
kept ollepped PE to teem hangs), Neer!)
el! the single ?oung plaster these bang:.
wait a sort o 'fed ottRY.reatte•Irera
yeilotelitared fruit of the ,bitrif:
paint aett fish od, eon -the Sante Peet
is used le Palo!. the eutire Des .
end girls yin.° .are isternnal by- thei.
riirenta alep, heed ,the foretop areange
wb,o ore . regarded with enecial favy
this waYe iittfl 4 few ot the leek
haVe pialted,,ridth laYer. Of btau
fel red betbere frenil." head to: loot,
,u•itit brillient. plume' in thete iutte,
Toting nien tied I.Oys tWOAtt. ,.su,spepix
urccooloicyai 114O1404 4ttrtevhhrr4,.be4kriedie4dntoorfgrt..
dau, about six Melte* long: Itiade °
nab' oval-shaPad 141.4 -of shell, Itemilt
Mind In It red teenier, - The'eldr
melt have a„plug in this hole, tor •
left open di causes difficulty M. drini,
InflThe''Vitiage itself, 'according., i0 hi'
Cook, Is lust os strange. tie lays:
"There We,re thirty hues in tha vi.
lege that encircled in a very trregulo
Way, hieing le every directieff, a yes
large hut that stood in the leentre ar
dere'six eor. eight paredeled -cored apples. was .0alled eaohytu. See OW is tr.
Arrange In shallow beking dish; sprhe mime ofethe•ortileary entity -hue. Th,
1de' thicklysliwtoithv gbr:onwuniate.teid spuggnrea,:d twinaabeabpoy:nrsicseelittnitte tioa:rnhheileare:01;ed1,40xneet_intie;frat.l.•,":,
balm In moderately hot oven alll sugar e .itartera ef ad the tennarried 'mei-,
Inentir, ilie'dining-rdeni,-ilia„town nal
is a scant cupful aed_potp. ar un
apples, Wher.e. cold the aPples will :tile chrb where vletters art received sr .
ei;',Ihteerretaim:ersdt, pubT,Itict Tunbumehtlyo: ois.ccuenrate:
b.. surreundgil hy..4 deliciosie telly. '
. Stuffed .Apples. -F111 tentres with theeligh art opening ut Nell end, lit
quince jelly ot a mixture (gee ellOpped a male in a hailtaillek, lin witbin is to
ing, .,
'1.:11:Ariegli.-trpisurtaegut ARABS SUPERB COURAGE
T2104/2 that the muleteer Weeetypieal of Himself.
Lesson 11.-4ne, Ten •Cottunendments;
otieriah planing mills duties toward Ghd (Be 1,40. Gold.
• en Test, acid. vi., 5, "Tithe shalt love tmAVALRY CHARGE Olv TEE BATTLE
• the Lenal,,thy God With uli thine heart OP' CASA100ANCA.
might," He wee loved them enough to
...redeem them and Aviteee love to them
wes eVerlusting love, art unchanging
. { love (Deut, 814; Jer. xxxe, 3; Mal. 1.,
2; 111„ asited that they should love
' Him in -return far such gtseat love,
Lesson 111,-.41to Ten tommandinente;
duties toword men (Ex. es, 1247). Gold-
en Test, Let. xix., 14,14"Thou shalt love
the neighbor AB ttiyettlf,". It is only by
t, ' .1
and Sttildera
manurikciviroft errand &Were
In ell kinds or toddling 144,;.
*itch eat umber,bliooni,
nesh Little Shingles, etc. Ste.
th al thy sosi and. with ad thy
Plena and este:sato thratehed on appy
..Suchananti a Lawson.
lire hump Do
out' love 14 our fellows that We can
PIPPO Or manifest our love to God, for
"he that loveth not his brether, wham
lie bath seen, how can he love God,
whom he hath not seen?" (1. .1ohn
2b:. -
Lesson golden calf (EX:
xeesiti„, I-2, 20-35. Golden 'Text, 1 John
v.. 21, "Little ehildren, keep yourselves
front idols." The peeper who pennisett
to-dcralt- that Clod- said-coutil-notiteer
it six weeks could nol keep thele pro.
rinse at ell, but hey made a show of
retire mid, tepleteti Tovin , obedience foe little while.
"r` asson labernaZie (Ex, xit
I-11. 34.88. Golden Text, Ex. xi, 34,
°Then a cloud covered tile tent of the
congregation, and the glory oP the Lord
filled the labernagle„" A dwelling pato
Mr (led in the Midst of Israel erected by
Stern fined men "from the wiling offer.
ue reeperty Insured up tO
nuittY. 49014 $3to48,975•06.
Con10.1eitS and DittPUTOLtS-.-41.13,1
atcLaan, President, Killeen P. oa
preset% Vice.President, ftrucetteiti P. lugs ot tho pew°. w
L.."11""' 844retrYJ'rreginig*Istrained trent bringing.
..,..xt414r40444,111.-Iteftit rp,.(10''!: :';thac°AllN usso ea,„4110 moo) and rats Of stomata rose up. riontat inother will make it witett Mae. ewe. her.
Verieb I" 1.10r$°' tIn \‘`° Ild 1.14. bt • t t toe ettention
,c G ,
The Red Raid, lien* Lrader, StendRY
'Defies the Vrench .'2-• Brave
A,rab Cavalry.
The ned Kahl, a lie6olo figure, stood
frailly en. the -skyline, eefusiag r0 -
tiro.' Left alone, he fited from. hoilse-
back sigainst the French infentry, Who
litazed away et him. Great ettelle 'tore
Up the ground .all round,altrapnel buret
in Wile' white. parte overhead, but he
was unhurt, Tinnily,- seeing that his
.teen, beel gone, he' rode slosviy out a
renge rabid etteers of admiration for
his pluck from the French, writes a
I.onden Express correspondent. at the
Seat of Vt"llt.
The alter& seemed over, and, the
eberseltien teeing- --disaPPeaffere • le
Freneh infantry lay down to awall'ile-
vetoer/lents. The ground over which.
the Arabs; elterged was. covered with
dientourited men, ivounded horses, Mid
Sliddenly, otie whecelother Arab ad.
valeted alone to ,,,, Within flee hundred
atordS tlie'yrenelt Infantry, Wider the
Pre of every gan On the field, 10 re.
rbree a eaddle teem tr dead llorse, Little
mer -foaled hte" Wad -4i -Era. The rt.rnele at breaking egg" shells
story reached the town and every one supplies the want of „an orchestra. and
Was anxioua to discover the Identity .
milk noses tri abundance. In the, up -
of the straniti•. When it wee Imown per salemt the Arefned florae, Miss
tbat it W85 118, drnegist 3elleti*" 41v. Zenith., who is the superintendent oil
• erybody Salth "Another calamity added the sianitariam, has her toeceivindroom.
th hb long list."
But jettateri are not only found
villages, bilt also in liege towne like,
hotee among ail the prOfesslorts, whe.,
doer doctora, lawyers, prreets .gr Liter.
ary men, sect even archteolegists, one
or more, of whom nee Universelly ie.
cognized as possessing nee' straege
pcwer. .At the Press Club, fee Instance,
tbe entrance of.- Signor B. Is the sign
of nasty theepareof on members
present. At certain soda), enteetain-
teents it is not utiusstal to see a certain
well -known man tompletely isolated,
net beause he is unknown, for on tbe
contrary he is known too well, end
therefore shunned,
which 'Fee= ter be continually hang -
Rog over every good eltizen, certeln pre-
cautions must be trdeett. The brine!.
nal Vrie consists in extendieg.the first
eul 'tee- dew-
ing the others end ,potnting thern
the offender, theeebY,• eseeeding to re-
cognized euthority, Omitting off his
baneful 1111111enee. This action is
celled "tnallirtg horns," Und it is said
Mat a Wince/einem constant:1g of a email
Loral or silver hand; With tsee fiegers,
exteutled, t6t, a horn may prove quite
es effective against the evil eye, •
fe hes beedhie so mutt a habit', ef-
vetted 'by use thet insfinetilviy one's
head clews ut the required way who
a recognized LaMar° fs neer hy. A
nuts maple suear and,spices, and serve arl din*, gloorny, nd four -seri
EGGS AND MILK UNLIMITED. vdth fieh, bet pudding sauce.
. On errival etiCh re4entrig the Pad-
erds are weighed in a little °Mese Once
-the: retreat of deek hands, now a lib -
very. a store Nom for suppliee: and a
telephone Imre in 'ehte. Together with
theta paLse, their -temperature, their
geeeral condition and Um amount ef
eggS and milk they consume, Itteir
weight is recorded on their charts,
which are brought up for inspection
htn the visiting physichnis'make their
weekly round.
, The Southfield, would put to shame
average bOattling houee. There Is
110 son to the ember el raw eggs and
,glasse,s of milk Which e, patient May
•consume daily. Indeed, he le given to
understand that the more Ile eau eselke
AWAY With the bettet pleased will the
ein P, O.. . Watt. linelock P. O.,
theltrie, llitechWoote, 0.; O.
oleleve, 'Winthrop J. Donne.
Aloha (Lev. s„ 144 ttl ` comrades rode forward to t taw
14 Cogillin\VIIIII'ldiselltornsoteir: .8itsrigtdgecdrehl'ileill't 'arirl.'"orrht,,,11.,14eitVilillatlen...11e...Itotin....474'..'ell,..,,A..h„?.....'se,rill....,
*role, Iteettwood r: 0.3.1 W. Chesney, thereby s not wise." The abot of these '4-1,44'soi: 17011".01"iithielZtirriTpitera"1071.
Seeforth l'. 64 tech tho 1nepector al men Wee ihe strange Era it_i_,04,,,,e,,tfe,,,re,s1 erinnion Shello it mewed Incredible
tree ntonrea‘to Which they oecur, berm% the WM- fehPitilE s 4`1""14 'WC* RUkt OCI ineny -t41014 should tull ih. Ida
itt#3.errs 0.- 4..1%. !Ito. 1/ohnesettlet Invitee and , presuming lo do ns they cue man, , ,
1.110C lia}t, Seathrthi It, .8tnitit. liar- ply I sat 'the effuse of their On nos
• ' scented Over, ,wheit• Sulk telly twat -end.
, ells brlps arose , from the Campo, A
41117.1:ssgetinvitakl'il.-Tite day of ateneMent 'tfeetil ftiate Pi• Arab horsernett near The
tt.tv. tivt., 5, 4. Cniden 're* lien. 0,1 seaehore game clown the Mope at the-
ta, "atitteretore Ile 14 eble to etive Mein 0110, 'filleted the.. ValloYe alai 'aw'Oht
to the uttermost. that owe unto (tr'ed bY tt•Wara, ilkO` JAeltitite,. hie 1104 Raid 111
° - e
-Ctimmings Egmendvittet thellit best. Velee el may poeSibly Ins. Ito horiuuusi, rue. ale ntott
noldera con pay ottiae'oes..
„eiteatto itod oet their verde receipt -
at W. Chats, 'Clinton or At 1de-
Xrotr, Palriee A:401114g Sfoli.
0 ottarloiti
1 ,
ti yard*
hiem office.
omet West SP
toed Sioilint
014,,N bist
Mat:* reitivisteit fee -111e platieg litele 140,
me the pert of 41' tross.grafeed
er eohlplitneut .otte tn lifity em
Is'Intalthy lools Is. not conalcierail
gnott torm unless the weit intoivn
fillesslon„ "Hke vl Igneetca:' „ertnye'Ckd,
bleee Ail. Is added, ;
Althnitgli as a rule` eifleSee 4)1 pee -
tie in liely ere Detre teN. superstto
• tetra, still It 'hes been otseeved tied
teachnion, careers 'end eit tlinse
ititeOsted itnesea tee Ittote:.ko.
Itt Net -.tat win itUrdly'lltid i'veetgle
ttorse witheilt thartil'ittfatiAt.146
.exIt attached to In herflega; IteSa,
Apples dui RiegeeArrango halda0
dish Pared anti eeeredeapPles, Oil t,
spaces Rom WWI' spree Were fatten
'With dah,epped. aalsiett mid eitroit
tbe dish to the top ,with rice that bee
been boiled fifteen /ninnies. Rake, coy.
eel,. for fifteen minutes, then as long
ungovered. serve With cream and me
gar while hot. •
Gernian Oomppte„-Prepare applee as
~usual for bilking; 1111 with orange mar-
malade; sweeten according to acidity of
appleseeand nearly ,cover with water.
Cover and cOok till tender. „ Remove to
fiat glass distee, Moisten a teaspoon° of
ArroiviotiV foneach cup -of liquor re.
mainline add, and bring te• boil. adr
la a little erenge marotaiade; pour over
the epples; gaimialt with squatts of toast
end eerve,weem.
'committee be. •
Aa_it_is now, tamay.itve dozen -eggs- - -
and seventy -aye mimes -of milk Ore de-
livered each morning at the Southfield
gaegplank. And: these are the beet'
tha market can offer. At 10 a.m. and
at 4 pan. these anit-itibercular roods
are dispensed. r. t:
Seme patimite Axles dowe Ant egg
and ft few si;vallows t5t Mint at ettell
retied with herefe, Atflieutly. Othere
terve svorked thetr speed op'10 hell a
clezeit doses 'Without a white, Tho
puttents share the eXPOnee of a hot
dower at noon with the management.
the Idevitable eat, end *ilk, tett and
/eine°. arid bread end butter being ale
that is evened liy the iloet. What,
veer Mee ute pattien't hAve ,they. brhvgi ped in vinegar or lemon Agee, a d rtaf
twat home. a Ihrorouglile with rettetitaerie end oil,
'e.,v!rtvliniesoma‘tverniteelIftyn-rredpritecseteAttittlentreounntItIlitog Itint;iteetrlolwesilh"14,e•ne.ithm_"eft anfiedw, the
liot cents a day tter capita. in Dostort„, ineeperlettecer toeteice 'esuicre.--et good
where the tulibrettlesis day ceirilt
the oot la ,tettle4 There.,
however, n complete 'tlIntfer erod lOre
stunt medical auperaisfein ere tupplied.
tOOD attdt#ADV$111P -11%vA11,4,.
The putt rite on the teunifield aft'
When boiling ego, if the shell crate's,
let egg froth water end sprinkle suit M
creek. This prevents egg from running
out . • •
' For %eating frite-age sinall curry-
cemb. 'For reniovind the gills, firtS and
tali, We a satalt, shed pler Of sheet's.
Plate a dish containing one tablespeon
enich et paregatec ea:renter Oft pantry
Ants Wen dIsappeut ono.
in melting, over We gabirient et bittek
Mill; first betielt thoroeghly, Men epeuge
ati ever with ./ileck eeffee" and prese on
wrong side arid it will nave the upPeate•
Thee of n new gatanere.,
mean Wale tautele WO finer; I dip-
ttWay of the s tat Is"rael °nee ayeer • INmatr; 'stoma (like ennelet In a tore! .leirn or it rite. varied There'is one a/40nd men
'fetidly inifted the .elerria redemption , , ao „ o, tol eresaent, text arellitern liale:olher 'with suoketv 00,t/0.- 144./e•
vb‘elt have' clog aeetts 1)y till Ito -•;.0 geltinitt seen ln -041: le, ,010111-5",qr° 1.4...61'...‘v14011'61")). :,°.11.11013'.* .tvlat loaves at ,holue teen Morning' 4
..'citeardierilIV tie el illtuatift onee, tot ell. IMO sltppesett to lie tineeitaible ;Ignited 'ail!, fionions 1101141100thern wito and.. 04.k,euel.00444d,
tae,4140,inie$C tiltode4n: tNeallaial• '1100016.3 411 ""+"41'. )e' 111111(1)41' 91",•11k*A, *Odle, I tlid01.- saPPOOtiore, WOuld 'una stitch. Ifirotigh the on-
. 14r(AVn 't° tha 11'11°11114, Outlr-V-• 49- <over be elthlag th, m , tne nuiltee 'kilter; • ;
• ° • • colee &plainly prbeittees littust tutd00% Lalf
10 heat! several Of these roartms
410.^ Will sUrely, gaLtartateit, al...the?we
rt. -Welt -a tagar,tlitailtirlitC04n-pg0,9.1.1V- •
toeetinaist .the liosaening Of Nettle; ht
:cleat; Ole estiliattee
;realness. and the. tirOxtitiit,„q sUaniclen
eet, the Mental oever 'erfiet„'aS geed Pa
oto seemed to he in felene,e eley4 witea he
exited ketore 'tient ,
•Itahlr. tteed itorea' Re been beld ent•
d u rue Which -ha aoutd have,won end
teeny a, good, enitout ,out , et . the Show.
4ard Where no might havS aehleved 4
,elable aril/melt. wider the anietakert
,intion Olaf defeat lessens yalue. A
.itineman shouid be able Id ,jedge ea, '
orately when the time eOnies that -la
Isifinftion begins to ge Lintit ouch
ute bale/ not the breed,' Ina hteetters
aa the plfielo some cliihns uPen Min to
tow his' best?' No one will for, a itte-
fent'deny thet'it fhe inalieneble prer-
»gaily° of every 011e 10 do as heseee fit
..11h that vtaoh belengs to hinK, hut tor
It 'that,' there are, same Obitgatfone
Ase* +state:ere not oentathed in the
is nn-ettaiverahle natural taw that
'tinge mus" pa*, hut not the% they must
Aind leave no sign. Titer,gresitar the
„caste* of the sign carved *elle dhow-
' nrd to greater theeapeotipt of good An
Wine has dOng. Men *have skown then.
eamptons eueceSsfullY id the end i
Mere nave et last•seen therm) ilt as
ihey were; go dewn tb. defeat be,
're younger and freshet, rtvals, in such
defeat disgrace never inhered. The
roperial purple Makes gloriout
;roud.---Erceders' Gazette.
- *The- faintly bur's° are moeQy titee,
roof Msting on ihe ground and' -Moon
reeemhle 'en old baystaek even
hole eaten in etieh end. though ()CC ,t
eienelly the hue- ts raised a little sr
woven ,palin branch tongues form ' -
basketlike beep - gloom relgr
within these huts. They are'reado data
that they may -be .troo from files an
kno dens of rubbieli and 1111.11, Stuto
to the root are bows and hundles
aereeire, war elebs, fishitio gear, ottu
Instrtiments ana ornenterits not In US
°t"T.PTi'len.1.0°Catlift"pat:AtS human lei
are epranded on a palm leaf rug. with
-loge! wood- four inches ditimeter e •
a pfirow, and' sleeping cir *Mewing at
cof -corn, a bit ,of fish or vegetable
the ftlaf becomes utliteirable, De elbeet
°Iacoanprethetoluesne4::',bluhetysiodeo• yrietbotrtindouhnle41"rti
been the Old an&bulid a new one o•
a Non svot. usuelly the „enure
Inge moves bo it now place Settle dis
VAN away; • o •
"The Beriito toriSiders Ott sun_ ag
l'ountain bead or majoatr 004 POW01'
'And. eliftn tit 'tAetteert* and us th
°bode Of the great petets who havc-
passel to tho Spirit world and tow
'hitt. nape moles spirit br disemboate
tait.they steel 1.0 !MVO no idea 4:
good.sotril.. W0,, wit* are
str.LKIC.,t'Sno4J...0tryOrgrknot he Offended
mey must be driven awey
To ditto the notes Oil theY tfse UV'
roarer, a 'vaulter Instrument Made oft..
rule tor 4 young iinsettteper oat, slab Wood ilbotit half an Mott 1,11101:
1,34 ,t,gotsbies fitat,iii ',vegetables-1(mi d senteltibag like e 11She e
pow abeVe•the grOuild•Slithild ho:•put, on. arailY• loOt cord 'frail
le took fre Walet".411 /raw Ilitewa• of It She t IMO d
Jeseph„ E. Wing bout been telling us
r the ,tereederff•Gazetto that he savt
Joie wonderful. duareourpose Short-
.f14118-irkttera is u'llintiguirliudd-theottliclniinni•pnerr-Engan11511
mins, slop' Mr. Alen; A400.. John F,
linninghato tells. usinr.the Otilo Farmer
',.at he recently saw era ranking Short -
wee, at the,honea of Cheriey.Idelntire,
Muskiliguin emmte„ O., and the farms
ing east:Weed Qtattaleaviiie
ive grand duhl-ptirptef lierde,,I know
nit thisli true, and yet our specialists
' -dairying etamot And hefieve in the
. etelence of an aeinial that can pr.:Mime
. :eels a calf and Milk for that calf. They
the 'two things .insasseciated in •
-selr trtindsVes is Ortbedoe in an expert
airymeti -10eMed. In °a sieetion needilig
talVekfor..grating andleedifig. It 110
.peetalizetion run •riete If the specialist
a breed. of oows.that can make more
net( Or . Piglet thaw, some 'other breed
`tat pRia • dente value 'into calves for
razinient et ail right.to believe in that
reed lorhintself, hut. he should regard
ewe lar,ger °Ines ,O1 Itee ski& farmers
vto wank both milk and grating ealves
rekfice Ilitti•theY .have cows that pay
t,em better'. than ' the ',socialist's oowa
tould pair tlfeeli Jfieley; good' as
he is toy the specialist in Mater eroded-
einetuee ,t1Onoat lot ot -harm on the graz.
-fie'', %Mfg br the-Ohre:Vtillav: Ttie-truly
,uatiturpose bow Pays owner , in
ailk and butter and port again In her
all that makes, a .good Oaten, and
.eeder, There is forint in this .countay
br The pure ',Utley 'type the ,pure heel
yoe and the splendid mined that meets
.Iao needs.qt great multitude of farmers
those location and. surroundings dee
add fin iintrnall lhat hes not, been ren.
'gred Worthless either tor produce'
len or_ beef .tooduoliort,:hur that is,. Of
irstellals7 finettervi "first -bless cow.
beloar the sirdurid, eXCOPI lietv nOta oes, nn4 simal rnun4 cola Itruttn!
'the Ore As it swings and rarity. re
Itica4 Ototilt fitit 4 pit 011, or lira lenea', Of Sing diskette. Isttolleci4tortv.a mottl
do Rinke 'ntit; tifslitinte ,nnope, foe in. rising antl, itesenitaihig thi
Anattee,10:otO titehm, Tana in Uld edges 'scale fte.teeiling, to the .repititty tht
stVing ,or the sitn dite,',Itt(dalht(011'
To lige $01tr'olu, ititiehof; apretia fee 'VIVO it semis tor% Sontag- t our
miet Anin Intiots; 1.614 tile godds, '01'011' Watt twAil ulteartiny
Tr10401NO.WIT110111' 4,1791,ES.
talpOr.tet02 Devatopmenta Expected Ito
grhtilti Shortie,
tliNe or tor weeks ono of the
Vat ithetAtiflt• dettl4Pnients ill wifeless ,
'olepholly, Win .to • an tr000mpitahati fact.
teethe .'Weiy exattreent sialiON of the
thldidleleteraPhie 'Carlitnirty' et Oxford
cambridge,bigland; an' Installation
4 irk' 1#1,00e of :•;.:Wireleso, ;:teleptionee
milted mythe waton.
IsitennWthei %Mille* of the Mans,
'are Of ,thei,Dertitt einivonttott , Ls already
filo olosso, ita ek-
beitIgleit..',,,aahnof 'Unit' 'folk loth*, whet*
pert; *tglittnental ',governments, are el.
toady Oontreettan past-
4htlittot of•WitelesS felepliony betweett
I ent. ' '
Iv I
Agl15,41:4'•e-talf1rw.`484*.tilf-111"1454f.e-ls1-17$11:h1111111-‘1°11°)';:ulit!t511°41t-eet ette'l '11,17:04.V:li;ortilioeet-,Itel";1:41.,t5tellkniu:Iloitre.114in(L)110111';1:7ro'iwitt)11111 'kett‘c.4144:4:11'elal.11:4„t1(juli....eh3,:,•141Alee1144.11111g111111r41° ee-auel"itt-11 yete-ecew" 111;11firede--.=a1--all 1116vier14-4" Tnecinh'inrAVe 11111"nk 4.°011.1.-Th4‘1;11trind1tY ae‘vill; nf311°'14'r-174°""lar ell-At/1°1144, CIA 1 hove I'M
14 went Aart.Atto AtIs inept airt9U}S iron,,„e,...1, re ms.,i20.',:erLettl.....utillet in IntsineAS, telt:tee ree' wee one ye tee is,. minty Ova ntorratalitild1rdthellffilk rtgixtitatttrAPThIli! 1°44' 44A1 b;14.0.14 itir4Tiot4oihn'e--;014
ea le toad th.:A...tt lite UV:Fs tiot'klIto io°1%.&:p over 011,641 urenno Nearing tftst ton, nit tntbKittis *net- I- vied to stay late Along niglit,saptirlf. stop, Tht.4 will bring tiwe‘v all_ stilts out,/6 tehltdolt ,atidAy-ott goo itt.4 14, nitlit ovf-Ia e,"1-10PiriVo, Or lerrut and
1.euttNo ti• taint- rontridge gome m tes4J11
tlittken fiteitlred prtla aNtly, 1141°8 sugP111°1 t mho- / brinellmrs 'would '60 ntot '41101" "tv1111 ,11, Ma ad' Pplisk• Qt* "Istr lue 441tUritent 11.1f1 dtat% NT4w ,11 tin pi 6 ig
a • it.ont lotd top.. latitt et' le L'iol;, mien %nt ItOuto, Tilo not- nitutow •plass, with itot* shorn vinegar. d 416. kitidt not ant$ w lett ta ne ter
46no at, co, Ma e, c ent d th wcrst, condi-
lit.Liii.44.6•:,tditit, h 4 ,tit ..e. ,,, ise ler elo 31,01.0 000ltist eNtil; It ts6rnelt * this half %Ito along , • 010 toss, A eemain lifieeir a itettes, 1,1 4 mot, Li under ,, ipor\iaiiirit lau settctussagel, $, e 1 t , as
114r iet 'Atte tie gettlnele p , • ‘-'• i . Iktkive4 (Ott habil it ' Ira. 1 all ,, d . j , j ( jj11 tt, t x y.,oat in t
"!' thrill "Y ""' '.-- <I' rP2 a. 4 ,•I " t tualry• ,.:1160160 10 or vt‘'nenn .. a Tte'it. ,h -- - - , 1.- 4 --- - . f :Cat Wititei 'IQ 1141.A got ''1,61,t,, ond Joint wash in teternt, wit ;triter wilitout• to al nod 0,mo.th.v .00m e. ,prillb 0 A a ion W 1 ta or
trigbk in A Pillite tir 41,1**,40 give lIttla
ligni.? Delivered trout their ,ertenties,
Atiehe tieltverer even-Wilit Iltent, tiWell-
, / 11 1110
11'1,1111111e' !litTrotf.4,;!.\."14Tr011OnCilil ittiZ'°ell°aPtlart:',At. 154 0,,we.11Y,,.. V, tItIS °L. -‘4;.'lltilele*tel41141:?. Illoil 1 tate"' 1 got 4 OW- 1.(•qor,'!'4 ore. This 'Witt -moo. IllotIOrthit Pak% ' ' .s.od they ere bolted, in 11.441, OW niter '3ble' but" t IA er • u '
ingotitnevtikectleutetatt so.fortiot 44 lito..‘.0611, ovoor ust,,ittoteo. ,4 ,..sme4a4, , . nut Oatytu, otvc,k 44 .i11,2404'0,1' I'm " .",,,",„1„1," ,e, ht.! Longa. • ' Att authority On . hottao a Mullets '1' " 4 1. • id •, v • t a ft . - _ , . , . '
tirivero_ve- non, and ill .010%. t.,,,44 iliele, leet ,eume.tu, . , hard. Iy lostng a man -o,o,, .1„63.011, 43, ite• -ma r;fiktief.o. itz.44"44* 4'11 .411orttitult;11 oes--.: 4111,611 , P.Intailtlitl yiesirovitiOntrVel 'iltwitg ttrtaillitt Intiett titrit., rittolietiftticiiul;a10003r11,,,bilsieet4tre$0,4Ayfftlit'llwse Itfaiir,44. ittettrei ,:;"rna-hgeolieltpidive$V0,41'.1;1. fltotil8f1..timiatatseisnue:
1 tifittitalldontttept hdealti,,,te.11 Ihe,1111 ,h,"1 1,°,g;/ k,(11...' : '.evAele' ilpe"), ere .1,?'„s.r., • (4101444)-q, towst$':vnt,Itel?,-, ot 'ParaP. tArt payi'and.mvs, Singh sop, I'm ter '''',0; the,:yon, bereft le ii ;ma it wth *Nit.' ,te,E Trgl, tva04$6440194.411, Irle°06.0T glErtlfc*, '1100;0 i arat at. the:Sante lifite .tavittanyo
?lone, ti31 pcit.."1 passenget," itto artetwart14, no -Molter how. nitleh bee wee "selliepeeed* leo end ,:ellatis fteard' tit 'th illOSSIliftei, •
i.esr,ett , -04r le Iwo toPuit5, nt 1 At tknfit. tt • (trot titre ino td Mr tit cm, ,50001g tileVO eatrel"0 to iq p .1 toter roe.Altilltea; ttnAvare cutota.nt lihotthttliUhil' ttcht4 I fib'
tee Vilift,‘,',,Xilt...1.4.1VoiO4,1,.0•3,,,,3Li. 16°„1;:titat poi* le eiva firtht• An the tentro' o pdlatiez?; $uell lts, lite, ivitcut OA the mintird ti,r„ sal,t1 rit. it dlacect.;• ,"" -, n ° * , • IhIsteriouttly. Is wOrifing 0110 , 41,1 it,3 it 4.1 -1 i a
' .,-,' at my ..; 1..., ,4 .„,...„... .,,,' __ft 4 t • v4 , 1,t„./.0kit 4 1-,H. ,.;00to .3 11,0s.., ifito,-6 xvo.,„, .t,"0„41., 41.40 ,--- t ---,, * - ,t ..1 ii- t. :, IT boittix•lit'Odilel tile bestfaStills.' It h tea. ,Ii.e, 'Invert E,,JMO tOUrs' in Rdrene,g ,o; 1.nnt wrPt.:0 ,?1. , 14_ Ple s .ra .a v
xi,' i, it ,, . ,./;_, , ; .-ty,,, ;,,,,, .,,i,,,Ilt „kfiA,. • 'it, f4 % ' kt IIN . • R t •, •• • t: • t• ' -•,- ' ' Stilltir *Ceps Athst 4), .0' Pa len 5 $ . pae /le tv tortetritpOt Is,fi SO-OIOrci ,tott the itle ftki, tor beriti;itg,.,1110,,totrorli. lAte Vol *AO he ,curpent is nob strong
4. Seat" 111001, AO`: •`'" :,''' ?"‘ 1 ir`lo Al i),11 'again, -.1111itla alflifEetel'ettaYv little be ihti teller seins' , peotilr., 44 imA vl , , e up, , 1 iftside,, bon ..it IIW ti.,1r0114 aelittlen of %e :stio, t,oltettif itteee,atottrninae thc :enough to he'oticlinteliti. the ieTeplutte re,
mit; tit t t:uillog •sPnia IfYlit .„Ir (.1C.,° -/"..45i ,,,i,A turA 11),).'41,,tUnttN. butt theit tttan,..n.v.• ,st.st,01(me,,,lio'i nrilil:e illr.,1 et tirAlc:rn bec1-4,114alt laV2i S0nt lit t Y 0101145 At'.' .4.1 - i Niel -e vit*Ireu Oit ow ..4'tveio,, 31!f -ss, .44 i .1 ted . Kfil 11. 4 I 41
.4;ati had said, N%-nvall:- ., . 'tt 4 ILI 114;,, rte. , 1)4tt4.' tk lc+. t . 10 i itt.nc•ott, ,z,,I%I% , th,N expermttotil.„nne fan 4te`.14-" tinS 4, i orl fi t ~t-attrulty long u taught. Iher,,, I 116 114,04 / lu tills! Nv 11!tilbt4t;Illokewilrutit'atileiltin$dtilwl 1)1a-aglieatr%ti
. A i i 1 a u tiM len g I a 1. ot
, 1 tee et . k , . k e'l , ••,‘ eer, ore ellen pu a ou . 6 it til 004
miv stand 4111v -titer. .ii, , .,,, A. A eee- live re We kflt.ttl "MI t •I' ''b ' lt orr megidy, tin, "
toi ,,,vet, ,hiu,srn Toil intik tina,‘Villt 1t,, on „kill f,lirt. Aln 11,40 0,0;4 n.11(i. tto mitratt. t - • •,. • - . tt4tivo• nisPeataue•O- ' 'CitekRet ourna• i.3, inn, hitkurAmiss. feellustt lit ' tttakine 0. 40/celiny Itt,.%tvormg t sultpie,q .gf .teetntlity then any ' letinliti . OPctainP
' • 'T reeett14,,Cten lat tliete t , ,..T•'" I It, 1 It sovcd .4,,,w,, Till ,,,,t,e4tillsat 0 ,s
eotlitt htt,liStening. , ' ,, , ,i , -„, ..
tp,ty tde.kkid •41r4UtnstAftkli.,% Ulu et,touviug. eaih.; :sulk tife 010190: Amory tlf 'MO:* ilk itmant, nna svmot tonotp,..„...i.,corottoro, tiirtli,lot. mat limo*, 0,00. elioht toop„,tlie tattourscc be. gest
tiqqtralam iron) 111 4'43 14 Ity elute On, a 14::111 Vt'fP c°11-°1°`61 -131° 11°3 Att obundance gattto OM' bf-glitntsg wilt velem, • . °44 El" (44.1140,3,1b.elt. 1404:44 irh fec, het Ito( vesiet, r,ea ta,antleting
it!2•10101, Ito, .0(014' 1,1(....08tvrinitted. $t Otat (lima 10.3' 0;14, 4,„:4 it atilbtllit d(al 41 -‘*'1- ‘41`
` UM te113.° *11°4 feat etVidil,,, 40t totiP,trun vp.y, often liad Maall ten ,alliteheit
11*. ""5* (104 wits- 4.A uo rokii?j1 1.-cgzou.' ,„ :picitAily in allus's,irt
ttC1113 aro Viledieed ell day tong,
IV& t.clattWee ttua 13.al/V2'strt4'
deOlt and eillltrittlite tue. tfeulic
•g„vit reanrinteatilp tidilett pervittIO3
the. Ohl ,i;ottEititt(L2
sttrtall told applying it to, a garifitill:
Theleo.'is an itCcUltele,. aelentifle ralo tor
01;07 elop. stareuttig gots, ;or in.
alanee, ttilw .tablopoutilig. ut dry
eitireh smooth in ,roin Wekr, theft tstio
int3.t oval% at
these. reettataltuta„• fittek v.,,ovlsrmgtit
itS'ttt. higitt• tedurely weitttigt
tlfia f,ri9stiat',.Utrigq, *wry neeteu,
t(Avbeing ,takeri to Ina& Snore that tit
tetigt iteett 'item .I.11/ENt,",
ta tit lealoWleeerOg
Wsta$ 0: 'Alto* VIM+ = ugly oottti rtrit,r. = et ,SteatI. ututtof 11111$9,
Tr, in
rt .
"VA tetiNn tto lir et Et
:aro •elf.t tl.
011.,„ ,
1)..4 into
mort at It*
*est Intone aired 1!,••'.
*Kok Irtiet VS* 1414
1,-13% Alnktev Text, Johlt,iii414; no; had hil• 11;14' .ehartil amtell tz.,:e• ;e5feee
ddtItICSI••• 004' 1$4 1.'411 etterat• Mel MOW.; tOrlheal seoattg,3 aq ht,ty
11,10,A 11,nea tho skillful, fa the di to 4 °weep leas, Tittle Itere _ tvera' t.t v.rmoi.eNI:dit vio tibpotZ4.
Itec 'env, r,d, Aw-,t nitid iCtIr.;.11V-i. ellile-wmitit thingT-Uittit Quilt sitvu. • --
,t411 Ile 1717,:r eettle en el:41. Ahe e'tt ‘ta5 rtsitt. mealy iot lite riellersia kilaty 013 -40,0.01,tigekv•loy, ob
tuN *WV( Then idi thett er.to tear, , :eth.ttlat !iitt parttn antxtutth „Iwo,
tut z,,neniiing noting •tont laiought 6„tig .togt4t• Ait,w ettar,04 altd env, '
V.Y69. ell alien SOO), the old• trcetelet tirp !ea. eeme /00,e, wee tir.,Inte-,e„ tee taaae;.;, eo ftzeo
triethlo. Ytt V.5 tb° 01'1'6(410 tv h1:14 it,;nrw The veln.• %vitt Eotioeue 4'1 Tatt. Littta 134, ut,;3: tiztliteL, rad *i..1*
("anted Mehl and 4'-,vo,,teT IN4 111,:,,111.100-1.4x•N'er whit) De,y,n;ri,,, A,ositt li* 1121 nuts tiotn tit:, 1..k-11:1tt 11,:ittthilit tv,Agl
tilsn a *snit VI in 4°113°1' °' '''''• ' 4 Ral4 Muted, A43%/;7 140(4 Nr'ef,,Yt;' 441, nsitiseitttle 14;HO' ROI' AliArai I e 0“--..,--,- ip-,,,A, NW"
b fit,,, tut -IN-:" 4'04 ot the, 14,Dif 11, „v_tet !entry tex.,w,1 leteael t4 litownt al nro • ri Zi CStr. Clea 1,111411StaliteN, i'lliad "I 41611'1! kao,W,'" ellinefed the
*low* idiev tott rittl) (Demi tik m AP010-4 roily. The attc:lz fruit, 41/0 moults %as ,tt•., Port tl'..,i- evil, 414 A -mkt, Verv et ot 1 0:vat, it's mo. 4"1
' tri4siot NI, .., 1.tV5 ptfttlutit Isith 14. ttsrinrd, ugl,#.0 '#t.ketisitil't..,;y 0,1:4t-g:11...it it Itio e A ihr; ;:e.,tinjti. tve, *, !mining titling
?I .twol , 't,1,, t 45",,, Goltil" l'f‘1,• 44'1', " lh, *rtilWY 1,1(i'il Ihil ti•U'aitt 'it , st,ii4 t i 1,,tttl, 4uP,ItAtit ht:!-:-,eN'herlii" a iiii: . N''.'llen a Moffat proe,ele_et,
,,,,,, it, *Denate, li‘,# Illtol 1,'re*l. lho all ',v; ,,A,,itit more •Abralinkl, ella thc‘ Et. ...4 ete.14 tile:1) -,,t l'Ire.:4 ,c,i' ft Ilote, lr ittl-', 1,7* -01, ift,,‘;,,, itogyr eereeeee ese
robestiot ibiluasal *IMO *It* *eft %;.1111 bon iefuldethis *re Jtuilfeeliteet at. iht ed4,10
'.!nij lea tnInutg$, ttatti.eartifitni.etoJe
Itg•„• White matiing stir tibis Natit . ,••
stierni estallt foe, that piithose.
What lltis VA htitlialtli,%. 1411?
inrit, to kr, %Amend cr 000 ntes tt .tehoo oxarignidlott
ntover iht.1 .tprelia• 'aka es,PleaSea %Oh' the tta,,,ia
c4111 -14r.'4.--1;4111. 6" Bader lett that, he esid lho$ Nina st14
in hare ferment or thoug t";efins- fuly 4utstion ltioy t.tre
horn. larrefok* they pe Wed' VISkett nua rt OK 10. f4beltlif
ae•enughilv. teygint,„,--Notice it there** !mow 4,,ep• thought, Ow ineeeder
rklge4 glti-44 ProTP111 Itetit'a a tpfettuifi, 111-41011N.
letting., The life ION 14% 1144 iir" new the bey graoiy. yOU, 4.tee
1441'`' 1116‘ c't*.• 11110'411" 1414114 'Irt flo, sett tundheap op to vour neck
mete' re0s ntien *re- bent * Moe. To ono mls one5er eeke At sour
Mug IMP sad it nanal; then pleo imkt iwitts
erintetot rint, i'v'e made Wea
sotal watt* fleatnte froth a ve5ael
lying At the- rata,. 1de. Copenhagen to
t vessei.iyhitt nt berth In Chadians,
it was quite Ail stui, and with 010
41110 ,tt. Itilt, inuites emu« •
ieuniettlidif wit a, Alp nor /dm kmeri.
t!i.LI:sh°1:3 eottiliont 'iliezot 0141,1°4'
t,irettf.; 'filet) 0, ne welt tm telegrephy,
It' roes the Ati
1'10 the
, ~‘nt4. T14
,mev lhe
Seek. Ot
theta ite
'Mopped' out Drat
ear ,trtittottlahtle ,
1 i 1,1;e0,1 itve Ain
t aortit!tttle‘i.te.'ilitetitvilLet
whn Viva' orectO*-'-
' *tieing *3
lifati, 'AS ,