HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-09-27, Page 1IIT' I------- ---- THE 000BRICH. STAR 1111" lanufation, tbiwomy *00 N0%*PPw
R STAR Is Ae twt"t to tho colinty at " ww"M I no in, this ssvtloa of th* 0400Y Of Hum, Jc ys quoill"tAy. IIIi0ovii,
III! 11 .............. ABUR., 217. 4907 ;I"vl 4
00D�Rjoljli, ONT. pRIDAY, UPTE PA My. -001,
41KONO THU, C. Poo R, NSTRUCION, INOW A0va oliter.ii 4W4 41faMilli The exhibla skiw opoliett 0, Title Adjoaraca meeting of StA (ON 04 U for A4 -T Spottopet the 04eske sit Nyli* t . "'I avor- Mr# 0*4-, *to.' Irtirrivill. A,, gret# W*k (,Wot 0 0 veatky Wait W11d peladpal Ott* okover te, to rot , Alt 444 thelk, two, 4y wou* Killirt W. O114 001ki W0I
T%(* aria Op"" 4 0400,1 that 00 t rootilittrX to, Wall. 016 TrIiI 1p, Joir"ek 4160.0n C004 us 'Woo, #0I in Upt� vit III Uonuestiom all, *bottt,"W' ace It 10,004ioxich, CIA* � As kkad r0curF pAllsbes thet 11104I x= It(;, WeAti�ley:" wo,ortisi got dutinilplift 6"VoIll WAtli lot 0110101t, 4� glttodlag eloloblob, *111 �tw OL 04 A wa.rdonw, weto ,elopitiloted to Ket ithe ve . 'a
*01ra jk Citly 04 isriii w"Kit, r. tt wor TASt Friday thO MOP.1 Of 04019101 AIA tbst is, 1by, itsllint, Ii. A' tow rx0ow i1k.#C"t -11kit' ',. - - - - I "lad *144 OC640100A V440, t1lok work 400P, --toi I"floultallwiliI 0
A of Gliki III Got
oCo.. IlVeloollith4li, *Jaitoi CI t" roo lihociiiied Itit thiii tinerok A01i X1161100, Ate,
Of thip Guelph we
l 0. f0W hot Cesiggir �nlooilnot too 'I -(kt *1ki Others I41 ot, Witev"it Chun been warrI04 00: the WOO
b, ovil. sond'a ed 60I VAS seen at the now itti(it. Ur, aria uVill,
fo. . . ad i'A, ienukubor of widlellso olic tot, Ino, Atel-enry rijan. Among 0 r�tvkt. 10torso Alp the Where Wit# previous and wera on their we
stav g r � hirgo Atto"I4 At we, go OR, to, clete" letoot 00100 plow statements lie do.
gily Iiii 0III Ouk"Looklo okago to witnogg the, Of Coll, Other tor, had- been kili about 00A Ojt X Call 'NOW 11111i our �Kitv000h; voluillV1, vel"to, the, ON! , j - thiLt 1110, attention how will
IWIllor 43ht
M. work-ol-turyti
-viii flimie4on. W111611 wiw wamii li�kelxin Ai At pill b. Ito"jod
rob, the v1st the I CIA to Htl!Atford-
#lot It gn the a 'Ott's DAY will Obee
wooW flklevit.* WOW fIotn Unwo logroun
iuheLoot lito., biii a nconfirmed the dres, 1, I vir 4 t
buiI41%; Q ,kriAnly t sit w very jititractiv Out Knox 111orh next Son NY raing to Strill"Ot'a" seethe 'to be the Of -top we Oh at present.
WIII lfttqz Ott "Tho usiol3t d we tbmvjb.,�AO
0 V Joe *1 j owea loop 017% COOP to ill timatia, Out.f1i rough, daily press next d;lky gilve tbliv OR* C OR lwltlk 'il be Ovlorem 0 . , 409% Of' tho Mr, patei-son seemed to be the , t we, than .1 , T rNk!On
I t "IttleikatlInull; owniRL?Alwv, how asigamered at Ualt. S
r . &%ORO") lily. "no 4pbool will Meet In t cat It Into ti Completed to tho last be learned the young 0 couple were 'no" md. of the paiii 130I tot #A could
ell pleused with the road.
ePW 4"9110.41MAIT 411 of the Po- gibe I)QVFX of file tai ikerill1W the bQdT Of- the church, toi the ses, lla. "It 10 'lot top us to say RDY* driving from Guelph to Heopel0r, 10- Vital. III I "ked, -bur,
100 ilpi Thetuatterof'ollou Data
W� IT41, in to Whom, xrokt� ko, W. si 06trIal If tho Irra ciletlits, 0 Work," as PN�pared hy *310 ollilt, to rather Isit frleudla, skoit the OVIT Istoves, 0oneral Assetil aly'a u. ti. Conituittee, about It," I Ir Lin flue"U.:44ildon over It say tending to v
1i 1:1 III sorpment a
fivowntg; Will be a 90 Wit lit, oo Aever-lak to l it the morning POOP 0 Wil X4 n, mattia�'Jlow C A t IK le� Which , will er one ex I. It Of illinubbIR fut'"11111- Will Ile aillpled ont. tcoor road In Cavi. (TO-Wittleagof the tragic M-Cu"Ience IC8 PI il,vice, the pastor will speak to par- that III Is nobe ideal at Ilero "i. 04� 0 of a. and cei eI light. eat", and in the evening to young III Ito referred Ca, the Rutooth run. was It Venal; lad ri&mell Erntab, Hinds. Oil Virtues at, lead, 410 to roo, 0. J. Hftrper hail lar�o varle y 'OPIC4 t so appArent Oil the JOurkl0y up, onofanerartlyfarmer. flawast
ooping Vol- aderabilt plumbers' flifitigni a number Of Staves, PL oxitlaineti chat grout care had Ing a Rem au
Ding U A, % it 4atharItAtiviii It At the Young people'a tritooth) to qo,w- rrjk -�$Olvlootblui 40 kepresenvora MY his sellout Pl�lntxr-- nd a selection a hardwove and cleirk, iven trvkk�vk In tile gradlyi balla-Stl out 2W yards from the North St. Motbodist ehourch liv OH. levelling. 'lie hat-de"t portion (it scene of the accident And saw the nd
baresl1w rig IAlke Connell., Or tit A: optk' S. dweveriltig, C11 t pL, doelared Alp. Poterolon. had buggy going along the volta. The
UGGESTION, --ANOW thilitt We'llght supplies. Lpt. . Ludin on, or: 10 Well siidIT1`1 to Goodericho X. H. Worsell San showed a var- the aleant Jo [atilt, In it is port the d. P. U. twol Goovelp ------ I " L, tit, atti title W lowever all ollstaoloso had beef) most
licavo a914:111ad, to oty 0 P11"44" 0 goo Be eek. gave a nrest Is probable the horse became ummi Ipylaw 10 -1,6, order, is a ,audit appreciated address oil Ilocts,
.001prRog VA it And par. fur see and it full exhibit of stove
_,led, LK � orally overcome.
or APPIlell t 0 to p I Z. dur I T'hOf0TIGW elli file ageableir, and bolted, riar the Crossing at boodo it nuin- -hill Bible _ta see 0 wok for men, its -u-pled Olt bY Such
adre a toLln-tri" of
'. ng or ocoll a or O. 1� , log I to itloo. Beckett has on exhibit Asked its to the extoned"ll 0 the Rei r
tttions as betalfrese vot
inept whicix Will allow iolllli
_.Vml IVI MIAUQ f III -We tWerit COE Ingea. orgnize I Inwood Lbetowel branch net to Str,%t- was not consIdelvd, a very dangerous
llood-up, - Of 101 d r I Indiction bei the north, her of staves and a 1111mbe, 14100ttif 11110awner. orn �,y a0d* Oodatich, UU.S. 0 t
�et jilaTtorraliQ lylopir part of the coutil it. B. Hackett has a large selection the Cities lit th Ludin a vii. _c
a iI the county town. At Present. VIA It i ibis wo k ow, no definite dQ0181011 had beer' the buggy was struck. and when lie one. The horse cleared the track. but
III lindite,4 In many (if fol -d lio" stated that an far no
Irvo 4ta0vtoor the CI. or Grip .link. oe of furriltuve. Including brasa bedstead ton has been associted w solved. but at any rate, h.0 was Lo X V:1 rTt for troult, years, notwithstanding bjm young Hinds reachii the spot Mrs. people tram the north cano and furniture. devote tits little In tho fuLore to that Fon%pOvvTiox.-The Children's Aid . kyot here lng navlgetlo branch. In oaso the ex- Rehi was lying unconscious thirty-Ovo
------ &III from J, W. McDonald has it number of absence from home dul I jittivar, rrtlo�, of Water Lonely c b -iron OLN hQ'i3o,or, Illy of Hat Stroult ft'rei before, noon, or more gQ 0 struck IRNT six-rookistiIII (2), said he Iraq the raot practical an
it, t Be 'Society W�vulaliko to got a good foster MV a COUPIA senoi alachines. '30ninlon sense Ideas of the way to wa docided trp it. work feelt from Where the ongine
iiii, 0i 10A 4 t 0 rtherly liveritW 12 to I to'Clook li have. I p, To ei 6A, th a, tiorne,tor a, baby girl. three months f hours In whick to trajiliket bUllineolls, has a selection of nd churob would be conitnenced in I spring. her, whilo,Mr. Reid was also very portion of l3oI D. Stoddart, jour reach men who do not atte
IVO'Lli Av , d it ad. fit thii WI the Guelph now bdly lujklp,d.
HED`HOt3 'I A's XG lotioni... orotdo old. Partloi can be bit It Sh -to retu% home. the Banks trunks, harness and horse rugs. or five theinight to sipiritual matters. With reference to a unable to limit of , on day. We Onto a I -loplial it Imit of IS p wIth"Iliblidovilli % lodet Hodgens Brag. have a large exhibit It N hoped C tat his talk and the many station, Mr, li ( w
;Ztloq�,ot to W colli0riniie Ste, Al eftesalbi; James itchell, Pres., ell knOtion fact lorelong 0 eil 3 a Did had the I lib when we say that this 11M for Of carpets. Curtains. rugs find nil pointAi auggested nu%belp in L16 roove- say whon it would be started, bUt Ile Conductor C meron ton ,lip ii-woceporl �Iooi MAI . a Vitale yon iti �9 loot to thellarit)(If been a very serious detrintent, not I?q,UO M a Godei but to ilvery one in ow In the Spring. ; I Ca
eft'soll S 'net
only t cloths, tnevit to enlist the terest and st- would not be surin-hied wore.oper- train stopped and blicked up. and the I Canada pleav Mills tendanceelf theyoung "'on Ot 00dii U0 I injured, couple were taken on board. at �l ii,ost e;141 - t tr It Thompson has donated free to the local the northern* municipalities having The W at r tst food in rich. In Oodeploh thil, talk Is coutred on
Alit mentioned I -els, brolvi At Galt station the ambulance met
ceWonderland show for, business here. The suggestion ban show salt in bari two of tekloiii-! Apt) if I., mBeach r lacrosse club gn, anti their renowned pastry, tam- Theannual thank-nitteving meeting one possibility-tho turning of 0101h, r.andfitra. Reid were
iNg Indorloh Into ii-IlighwaY liculd RAI I r1t Of "Ah T n the R- will bit In various of the W, F. m. s. or I(Evax oburek, Guelph and N 'House to its inteii feet w o13 next,,Weiinosday evening, and I( is tEi been roade that it the ospltal. Mrs. Reld sue -
WE V, it Stroiek -1y9s toe �hip Toriveli thonoivowl�ri at run 14 train from Guelph, WM61) would ly, and 3 and 5 stur flout To improve
1344imlagni Apply to MRO. to piog,�ier , limit, of 8 WAR �hdld on Wednesday afternoon, to and front the Went or ul.focit to the place Or beginning. be hoped there will be a very large u. -the difficulty sized help. its lake steatti. reach hero by 10 a. i Own 9. still tile occasion proved to he both I lie harbor and have I numbed to her Injuries before the boo.
it t pottleiveeir Harbour Lane lylvigsouth tondiince. This year the lAcrli club is so long compialned of'wauld b(ii Up stairs Jairies, Thomson Bit we L A til"Olielombl; of 6Xur Stirbe ; Cow- all4resto at, 61I li� 1, emotion of the soutflorl deserlbod'ait follows at, a financial III and the kindness of ;(laterite and IPrO1b1t4ldh�1ii and enjoyalile. The apoiloker ors land gooda there to fit, carried or Mr. Reld ex )a rit A Mr, Thompson III muclA Appreciated. come, and a, large traffic woald be do Iano, musical [net 'If t 0 y Was A Into totinte. of Now fly i -ail to tho Cast to tlie Plan, which pital was reached, and t velord, the cornpany's stationor gill F"Ity of print cards. IredilbOtittivido'clook. Theaccident, Buell Its wall,(, be nefiday night More the line Instal p �L viionce oloutfi,weetterly Besureand go on Wed McLean Bros. ofiow a large stock of Hamburg, Who gaV0 an and 11,11 believe to be not only feasible, but p
ourbon,%! 11.10 of,� L Harbor Laj� next and help the lacrosse boys out. inspiring address %,Poll "The Int0p I- highly probable. There can he no Conductor Culdron th likes, may have hI "Are t 13 .4101 sold we I, C Ch 64 thence -castotly 75 feet to t are at 14 ig W 'I cotost Convenient file the pe 11 It ready inade cloffil lLpl,)Iylng it doubt Uiat the ronto Chile suggested is been due to the high wind, will
FoRiout' Is boapet 21a, northern Huron and Perth Wh%PI .0tatioll of Visions"
v pair it t, 141 wovk or missions. may have prevented the couple travel Ant vagriv Icing of Barbour fillive. tbondq I. Me %_ thought to woluiln's, I dellvett WA , I Millar &.UD., an i hibit of fashion- tho most direct.
r oto oort orly old 1"It of Bar- Site allowed the hope, ain bei son el�t,ml &,I Bei AP 0 R �Wig paid easterly Hisi.,',Honor Judge present a badly handicapp6d In this rtance of lit Btlt probabilities do not vLop there Bvilinows., alei Pit. all Gold easterly limit p ed JlKay wits before 11 is one our Board able dey goods. hearing the engine whistle for the
Tor he rd- Uion way The auggestio it is whispered fit Goderich chat the "overly All foot
sHbue; 011. foot, t orice w Doyle on charge. of assault with bod- of el�p do has taken tip and will for- Nevdi before In the history of the dividual work, and how tht plecog of beglarlog. It -Vice Care be obtained (3anadhoi Nortliprii are considering crossing- rev
rev I away authori- exhibition was thi a larger exhibit equipment for Bel A ying be- fly harm, an or better quality of dairy products, thrill to the mostis which (led ham the advisability of buildlo A. tnaln The bodies were brought to Goderich is) 11 that gaii of Harbor Lari A defendant pleading not Ward to the proper On. On A Ito 0,:,o ci or liclay. act and I rounavielvel to ties. bread, cakes. pie and preserves shown. plaroT in out- tiands. MV8. RUtIlAto line through Womtel-ii ota o to tuake III 0 0 C L=�ltlh 1111niVor narb k 4uilty, his case was -------- _ , f. it noon oil Haturday and taken to
I 111. And will Also, proccoll to pass, a for Thursday (yesterday). -Angus Ford, There wore 21 samples of bovead, .30 of of Ceylon (formerly Miles lewin. of II coneteetioli with luko traffic. ALE 4% �Od,,,.IrwtM hourvi mes, a sad MW OBITUARY. I te %iiii had been living
'ro S that Goderich Ili their former respective he Wild votAbliAbing4ndolieninunpo�Publio t%hwi n man 80 of hillCoILS, 15 ftulCy calles, 1.40 Clinton), being In the andlo"co, WAH IN10110V lt IN Said
t a jilave 'It p M you g !t $ U. tildlug-o d or Lane byLtho extension northerly of nesi Shipi wits arrested In London gottles o preserves and pickles, and asked to Speak. still gave le, short an] likely cc) I),. tire point. houle-coming Indeed after the happy or ch and -the la t be MUCCI! and coniterlid - ScHlu here Were 35 samples of very title Interesting I-In-olliptu talk upon fit(- wedding scene of only three days 2a gee' U Vublio, lighway or no adva be cli - t
brieV itudVIO, 614Y'AbOd lAne, last week on It charge of cattle stood LZE.-Mr. Arthur E. Schol7e.1 I torloidiad6lbi 1AL641fr0to thite clay resident a f Salitford, a liond - p0l$?` jual1und opened ut;."bolng described as fol- Ing rmroan named O'Leary. living a well known boater. work of the di Terent churches It, that o Crock On q",. Let ounelver o(M. all shown on ft tuale Ford pleaded
at lidefleco" ear Allen, Ci died on Saturday last, aged 16 years. -offoring A Timely Query for the Churches. before. 11 of he said lir wo of Gooderilch, made by at xeter, an 19 also The ladies' work wits far Ahead of beautiful Island. The thattilit O&nal4,Xtovillcialt#Liid&irveyor dated when arraign oldminkto X. c H native of Prussia, oQud 10 last year in number of content and the story written by Mrs. b1i of The funeral took place on Sunday MAI t le. and Wait Hentenc-, e vi t Ul ly MI�11. War.
bet Me linall I&A Intent r issia, and regimured In the beforoJoilgo and to Godc= in To t.110 Ndltr or rule, SlI ciodorich: afternoon from the residence of Mr. orcoltyy offille for the County of HurOn. WHO ed V��=, %untilty of the work Is said to lie Above Bruceflo�ld, Wa I 'ad I
eight months in the Detroit in 185'
J.11 cop,, tialles west -of Rel to ope yea I k. About al xtV ladles wore present,
r tra " onontin With many ocher V191topie ond Mrs. McDowell, HISIn Ave.. the
in 4,81tilkild' - 4 ,4% cottage, with 1pii of lot nurcher iaM described as follows: 1855, but returned, to the former city the standoi of fail allow exhib ad. it e AGO,,, SW Its. a I intersection of the wo�.tor- Central pyison- rved tit tile In c bW <.f ter tviro years. Where he wits married what is a foatitro, the goods Are new, unit a B0011111 tell. wits RP
_,F __ bI 4 L ._7" oil Stolle , P T conecr At the ff.d, � i7olit I It I limit -The G. one. I havo boon two cakets tieing It Aced side by old
underneath -, &'Ytng I oil tof ateiLane w1th the nort er Y right R�ocmiviiky Timn CHANURS. to Mrs. Catlierine Matthews, by' not shown at some other Show last close of tile meet Ing. The offering fl, in this III ( . . I �e . . - " J
fousidatletkandsta� %ilk. �Io nuTubor ItPA7, thence easterly at lie had. two children, one of y ar. The flne sets are ollglitly a %slid mounted to shoot $41111. with Clio niany Improve- during thosepvIce"and 411 Ono III 4hod. Farm JAI oloarei "about 'qo acei eq to the westerly limit of Water lAno 17 It R. ituanagement less decided to con- whom I Wecrl , and windmill- an v I
undor4rained; attAll fone rmsllbe to the line b core III i(vit and lift The ladles, Of tile Godepich W. 0. T. lattland cemetery. ", to of 1900 In nunibe V U. scored a hit merits going oil fit votir boantIfttl town when they reached 5 large orchard. bill W IV ives, hie son, Rudolph, of r of oil trips, and i
ly to Wm. thence northerly Znf said line 90 too) lee of over 1,000 Whom But vife. died' in 1890 and Iry succes in the meet- arra lived, to suit virchhostor. Atir I tivine the extra sery SaItford. His v of the exhibits are of superior wo� the general ar of FVdN1n3l'itY By 2 o'clock. the little named for the
13 I thence Fouth-westorly 7 feet to the, plate 0 re %nee I "I
M. pi,,oNmmi Verynil buo now. ing returned to ifuron. T In Terripori Hall It"(' with 1 .12 1 4 allies it day added in June, but the Mr.Schulzo,bav" manship. Miss Grace Polley shows R ing thov hol, not only Iii but service, the lawn and the street in beginning. since. Re re L ily thPIP I" provalim,
Al T ew lire Ili t1I trio C0114)(311 Will II be a few changes in timp. some Of has lived in SaItford evet large number of pieces of hit d-pallit- last Monday afternoon, wholl oughoot the entire Dominion. _,U Ig And take 1 T10111: arlous tier front were crowded with people, and he to Train how leav was an ardent admirer of British in- Iv sioterm of tire v
soa he fur- rorcoun ed ellina, her large selection being invitation tilt, aC 1, tell tire as follows: no&$ Ali War wevileRoll"efflil OR -ItIg i oponto at 7.20 a. or. f Guelph: stitntions and Was held in Ill It esteem W. M, Nochi of town Cattle to hear redu(i a r much atliqlred. In view d Its recent ratild develoro- whon the funcral service commenced suit homer. Apply the paoicago-of Ruch erlaw, And w.hp, petiliki y I 9 toy ll who kne 40 was a M I at T1011 Co t;6 on heard. Orlin And Goderich will sel.1vitat 7a. w him. The (1Qwn stairs show of fruits. an addreoi I roll, Mrs. - Inuntnt)(1 tie 1111nost, till boo litlod ro- M. 40. JOHNSTON, Town Clerk. in. This train carries buffet i1splOr Car menther of Knox 0hurch to,' About 20 nealy two thousand ivero present. Aty � Aor floweralveg9tables, both garden and Prov. Pres. Of the W- 0- sources Iff the conntry which foreign. rehiturc servide was conducted key through to, mGoderici D -a. ant work. The sitoterld- ors, ad ,,,ugly (it ytnii.o"ciell R Irbe ,exectiont land drolt and yea, I an earribst afril- consistent Dold, and gfan, largely excelled the discAss wownen's 6&d#a%bUUdIvvIm Chicagiriday expe,por.-now leaving at tlbriattan. There wore present at showof last year In the number of once Was lftpgPA about FA) hising pre4ent, ell, art, foi- the first, Lillie holivial'109 to Hazon and Millyard, nod'foreM,tVIN), iiiitl0s-ftfli 0 11�1 'NOTICE TO 8 a. in. Local the funeral, Mrs. Cook and 'two . and front fit -tit co last Live Inlorest was realize, It life (illits eltmy to believe In Aurelio 7.35 it. in., will depart at entries and the 4iility-of the exhibits pastors of North'stroot unit Victoria flve Acrect in] olit'dilard lif'opples, pti an, both t complete. the yeL ineire World(- cherries TitisichuN, 0004 Ind me berries w leaving at 7.45 children. and Mr. Obate ight on the whole keen and the onjovinen I'All of FRANVIS Montreal express, no The apples, the' I he I)O. street Methodist chrorches, respective-
1,14ce rc�dldrmm fAveralifec, poly tD TOUN5 in the Matter of I Notate . An- e of lanj Mrs. Pauline as tho retiring president, und progroinin for JORDAN, late oft-he'VOwn of Linde- inwill lie changed to 7.30 a. ok.- of Detroit, Rev. James , I,
'I $014, Goderibb. 'Huron' 'to- cade toy ly, and during III; continuance there rich in the County of and the Op. ni. train to &130 p. ra., and derson conducted the set -vice, and the slightly smaller than thos :y. being and Mrs. J. H. Roberton, its aninlon during tilt, next de era ir,oa dec�inmed. pall beat 1- -era were Messr& Vrilzley, sr., year, are of excellent qualil and M1 Roe of her toot, Is -it, All who know, ovpro many tear-hed wed cheeks, and on SAL .- a quare run d'&IIY through. practically free from spots, an I tIlat jointly pi OA oit e ut - n tiluittelY, and '.von ontal F RI It Ire. A the lie- Angus McLeod 0 1 -0 'It in rost Mali boraby given, Fursoli to 20, fleci A PA'stous WOMAN. -In Saturday's 0.1on, Clark, Campbell ver 225 plates are she rivy gave a splenetic] addross tkt n do the chamber of death the
0, wols a al ior *
ntarlo F81)7), Chare. I tical and b 0 It signs (if Sincere grief were often seen. casori n 41.80 of tietil
den Ott yet a rlok A to, vised Statutes of and Allan Buchanan. that the s t to d one For which alit, dealt with th� Ililuor 0110I Lill, high Idealil, tooled. poll
SL or I See thosill Issue of the Toronto Star appear the 0
and take I all creditors and otheort; having claduel Against pho initato of 'the said into Francree Jordan, who n Fri- pplem round Uhl rt Vincent sL for th DRAPita.-Win. Drapi tiled I f Huron. ravagen in foreign ootinh-les and Its ligloon, whivit the greaLL in 1:4 on or it a success of ent, rev, gentlesuen made pathetic
d bout tile Slob dr% of Alkiruot, A, U photos of the late Mrs. J. W. 4oi "r �( i9i are required, on or b 3 oro the lot day of in cancer, from which be had Pears occupied ova ) places on the aliki hinderance to the .1-taln, are hoping with Lhern thaL The
V�.'Ci Realrl�stato &Ins. Agri November. A. 1). 1017. to Rand to of ALwnod, and bar niece, Mrs. Leori day fro see and among them was some It no niuslonary effort. Thoso whib know title brightest and hoot of thocto, [)to- references to tho callanilLy. and to the PORt, repaid, tabl, Isolic tors for fruit. In fact it Is admitted Chat nl(,y need il'ot, bo told hor divLjon,; unty be fully realized., -onto and the members of the fan I. deliver to the understano Ft suffered a long time, and for which he the Mrs. Thor 11 -Two Ow Ijewouingson An re 1%, Ot Jordan, 9(loderch P. O.. the Excoutor-1% 41119 Hubbard, thil, woman exp over. underwent all on in Toronto t the Show excels the address was thrilling and Inspiring, It hits been it pleasure to lh�o of the departed ones, slid all with- coonforlA 0 Dvi Ili" Oil Picton t. r exhibit of pears it
?f the OANdO Of the Said doccaoed, their Ch"C" The following note appears underneath 0r nly temporary Many and it filled trlots an EW taox: SL, Cedar addrotesilic and derooriptione; last sprinw, but w th show, of severl Chile Occasion InOftl, orenote that chl greatly inCrelti I so of mourning joined ayni- BuOLImino 80, Ian andsir Datong, the cut - --it may not be generallv Ll past years. cILI not, In the holl
ISt. and the full partiettisrs of their claims, t Itatilmont relief. The deceased was born in pletely. A question drawer willeb Wall kinds of grappe Are not 011ie enongh to opt r"Of,ft, ocurl- known that Mrs. Leonidas Hubbard, Resorts, County Tip ora allow, L plains of this well otipplied W111,11 (IllorICs li the tilt) pathetically fit the hynins. When
WALNTgD.-.&'(Ow Furntoned Houses or of their owi it then I Ronnie, figav this Li front, this Jif a the explorer, is neverthelesse 90 '11v handled toto rent for L140 Y)he an Ontario woman, F, 4 IndlItH 7 "IT, thoservico ronrluded those who had -othatafter Such last her family living tit Atwood. near and came to (latialia, n 1 3. locatin fruit .vote placed before the judges andience wait istatiNfIt'11,01 yont. illeople, ill- t hel I, I -slevet tualmor season. And further take notilic I i Mrs. Thorri later which the Lialle viewed the departed, passed
Ylli in Toronto, where lie was a suc for and thvir to niorvainve of I his Still- li mentioned date the Paid Executrix will Pro- c'saft' The quantity of patties shows tha
-1yr Stratford. The above picture fellows .1al Intercotirse fit built as it (]fly of 1-f-st and ,worwhip. iImete, the neRet.-of the decoaAed hosiness man. n 1880 lie removed to a many of our people have taken up wa, given tip to soc ot7 VOTEI�W LIST NOTICE- among tile psi entitled thereto having to- Mrs �Rnhhsord and her aunt, Mrs. Jas. yet I'll pill of 011tall in have It'llo)"t ell- Litrough, the honine, and no many do- farm irk Astifigid, And about a year ago - lt r , though an in years Past the eIlJ ton"ol"' he pe oil 11 e Ott. The oiin this Sired to Ron the two who were joined
L ACT. $t%en have notice. and that Lho Said Executrix Eft. Warnock takes a large number of Ivy 11 :ent of it dalnt� urd only to the clailus of which they hall W. *AfeBalin, who diied tifiexpectedly Came in to reside In Goderich. In the (if the J., RIO VoT, RW She had been .ci and w li 'h Qly ONTA this week at Atwood. rig Was it entoploto Hilv( if[ in Ularriago and In death, within t will not titillative for theosald tesselmorary' part township lie was known all a pro a re were a few entries ropilti wo
is claint in the best of health and suddeniv col- a the PI -1708. 'File ITOWN OF 100DERICH. thereotto any person orioetsonof whop ive fariner, in town he lived re of peaches, pluals, apriceits and criths, Of It eharactor LIIlLt Will hPur hot)" they will ollitintaill 11"Loll-ri days, that It took over half an hour
loo thall not havo been received by her at lapsed and breathed her last, It was a IP lie had the latter being tinfidloor than tlRoAl ; Ing In till. rititure, in tile yearsto volklo . hil-ning, it clear ril-6 that A Court will be lct time of afth"distributJon. Mrs. Hubbard's husband who lost It I tile peaches, however, were volly line. enr 14, those who, %vith lolall"11110 for that Nittice'lo hereby g t Ed in town and trimenall
5j;uAkette, 'The ontario Voters' Ligits And further take n n ruitily friends. Deceased a olourned it Ilonor the -judge of the County btlOO that allf,erso a at'- life in exploplW Labrador, and in Brief Town Topics. debted to the late Francis date re by his brother George, of Port Albert; imtry and lipeelous wolild ()otside tilt, house Maple Lear Lodge Act,:' X Paid (Nit flowers wereventered more lar- Court RiF00-0 Itutoror-ati no y the avoccount owing by hose memory lion Wallacii thrill- his sister, Mrs. Lee -of Brao,44ordt Retneellivol. tho ladies' Skating oltvirn thenk awar fi oil or before the - e if Nov. 27. .0. odotici tAily, *be Sth daynif bore than last year. Dabliasi astern A U.W., umire tkil strong. of
octoi IM.Atthub'OlO&I'l-tink fOrOtlO . said date, after which hillid date an Accounts Vld�l. .1 to" fu
House It k The Lure of ithe Labrador w 9 It AL the rollo" III on Topei t11114110.41.1 tillrdili With it
idow and three sons-GeOrgo of N. ely
hour Ana dat crits of er i underigned .rktn. Mrs. Hubbard dis ; Dakota, William, of Toronto, and 91.11 lobi and nasturt lain. were of �no( evening. Ill-pliching find PrMiks lend Willett Mr. Reld was a member, were %TIUO 06"Itelook fth muninipal- Nui be plaii in the hands of the at - collection. thrigulabed herself by goirog, a!wr h.e. qnslity, fair size. and bright In color,
OWISSIOnve in t O voteA, !� so At r Sam, of Detroit, all of whom were ,ed to he at it in clip of the niollAttide to wonid be i-xviol,re felt, the nto recelve lbo liddles, when car. husband's dy unit rom and other blooloms appear 1, 1 it,ofth TOwnotlo(Ici ep,1607. Dated at Goderich, thl-i 23rd day of Septern pre;ntest the funeral,which took place least eclual to theloo of last year. bark at evidnent, men, as Illitito dogs J0 delly w( III unit to the hearses, CovorA III ove- A to bel ourney which h on a day 'Rent I -
o.J N est ofG orich; her, A. D. 1907. hazardons ilo frank his Ispe residence, Willett vl::tI I lip IM4 Van
lettOUDIPOOT, HAYS & 11I li'lowersi In pots were fairiv represent- at stranger a. ly flowers, and the Lodge led the ng
Solloltom for the gold Executrix big life." Bruce street, to Port Albert cemetery. ed. ,.4Ide-Trar.koi will lie put on Live adlan HunlinY. lace. Rev.
Goderich P. 0. FOR INTURNATIONAL Rn-rortm.-The where the Interment took Garden vp made a good honi at the Opera Woolen Lovilght. N(live thinq, Mr. peovemodon in MaIlland cemetery. e
Z7Z.tL.- . =_:.� . Mark Ttirvib"ll, rector of I 00,)rgo's. an(f1pitables IN it good one. 10ditol" In loll with yoor pall hearers for the late Sir. Reid wer
RS. Eldleinfisoll & TURNBUL14 visit of Rev. Dr. (3. S. Hbv to Goder conducted serviee at the house and at showing, 10 quality was At, And hii- play tit our HorvIces, whif-11 Pill-ii(PH It vigito" "A it fellow employees of the Goderich Hie- D T EviiiiiP118011, M. D- xt Wednesday, when he will the guave, and the pall bearers were field vegetables were also good, there fillunian life IN It VOY111I It Need Illat lm tile ahIl:)Rt vator and rimisit company, Messrs, I si souve.vory fine HeILVenly Father doo-s riot give- IIN the little W. ii Tuftei M. 11- give an address It, Knox Church on (le,,,,,d'4 two sons.-Wri of Toronto, being 10 foot core I entire III 'if Itliv w, Andrews, Morrish, Videan, Pon .01111 'Phone 102 The Sterling Bank 'ch ne maregrols and sugar beets. cot to of of Lite went 1101'. Cos, Hamilton "The Citizen and his PolitHNI offers a and Harriviel, of Detroit, and Messrs. (11) fle nill 'R I all Stokes. James The fair never had a better RhOw Of The I,,:ulIpk' Hhalcospestre CI, tiethwaito and Lynn. and f er Al
.SL David Street. W. Kil atrick, Jae I r, I poll)IL. It hils illy privII4
Dr. Emerson lig."Istic- rob. phoneA. hance to learn, something of a reform -Bell c Iliper's (I'hrn Insit Sit I fity, 'O 6E
opposite View 06 St, Chu Woveniont, which is occupying the HollanTand James McCracken, all of potatoes than the one (if the prf t nl( to Spend the hivic even ioninern in yelling bride. Meneirn. John hicKar, 51. Str-LIL thoe and attention of nan f the tow dilling will,,11 seasons I have Mel)owell, Albert (look, Join. MeD w- IU. Another son George, of D year. They are larle. rlear-mkinned nd had it very enjoyable thl V
Dr. Tinni e I and dry, and After oinking at then, Mr Carl !to rel-PPAII-ing the -Led hv nitol linvo fidlen III 0 Next haNver Store. Phone 121. Lointer. kota, Wits 10 11ILVO been a pall bearer, 114-4-11 Iri best Itizenslon both sides slight indisposition prevented one wondli how the roinnour got, of rL 'I � Story let III vi-nept-ed dwelling Wich I he III of all Ithol I I no. In the ell, MaiLland Henry and WED. McDow
p. A. H 'MACKLIN AL 11. national line. The work of the Infer. bilt It There on bin properlyon the tionill, Hill&' (if loattel. of regillur .t ell. Arriving at, the re JD`I ' , national Refolm Bureall, . With Dr. him acting, abroad that lloy are Scarce. ifletery. the otal attention to Incorroti by,Spoclhl Act at the Wilbur F. Craft at its head, is one of McKli -There arrived by the are 90 lots. West street. eborch. Exrept let I lio- I'milclimll twitin will) %vere, onlidli One flesh On
Mee and rele n on slivoldito Post 199.0� the he of the times in the poll ear, nose and tokt Irf ane, Parlament to receive Xiisfull signs 11.40 6. T. R. train on Saturday. tile hit It of grain consisted (of 45 lovery event. Lilac To. loan Wendel 1111i lef-sill it single 1114t1li in %VP(ItIPI(Ifty Wli placed beside each Idphone No. 102 Deposits. Units States, and ItAR boin� carried bags of varloove Sortie, It appeara the ter inust lie convicted (it, I-, revive, and oil, which In-nyvr vioi ora West on here by the Citizens mnaillan remains of the late itlovienx Martin, dry weather did not triltigate against nill ever vanght fill, rellis of it Illooght (be King, 1114. L1141 other n Sund y. and the mound that 91 "ASSES. League awfar its It Is adapted to cou- widow of (Ile late Mr. McKenzie. of Iho. (piallt y, bill only against the (lonn, except, as It galloped toy 1111111- 'if the was ralti over their last reeving place Highest current rate of Interest ditions in our Dominion. Dr. Hby is Woodstock. aged 73yesirs. Afro. Itle- tity of straw, for the wheat And orita bel't MVIA'All or the tot- ttnv ,or obo.to it" will ever be it memorial of the never, MVS100 paid in our a man of long and wide experience in Kenzie was a 815ter 61 the late Hi shown art, of Clio twill,, There arp it Ho Noeiltted wit 11 tilt -it, it, (he lenient tainty of life. nd the yoki con pill
n Of ronvoibli of side III oil the park Of ground behind his blork, betwel, o r tilt- nk DepallMent Canadin public affairs, eta well as Martin. and an aunt of 3.0. Marti . y were but III "Crept and Iiingston street, fill' all an who panged froin their boAlymoon I Am prop-aLred be receive regplis for leevii in 8 L led three times, line but last night the
" Blood the urroutilla Mosicat afts 08 those connected with the great Metho- town. fibe was mi Or itwel stir ockitting rink. IL will olol"sion has Ho riiltl ki
Plano and Tki t. of Goderich, firt'Ll"InIpatronized, the wind and Lite in mansions above. NO full.
Itindergiotton vothoil lot young children and upwar, diet body. and this movement could 'at to W .. ism Pap A lit W) by I III feet. It, give li,e $go if,,. there to OW its of $I am Duncan, formerly hf en to( ,tod let (loderich ever Stirred our elti-
rermit 004 other ififorrivistion can be learned at on dep6st (Is have no better representative here. then t- Willi ld tieing aginst them. The 3ii A Wool. all Stot`61 Interest paid and cortipounded Aings for ;;it isirly to Thomas Me- hand was present and played a cti I he Mail and Rcipire Of 11, sonie tThe DRXWS. (lod0rich. All tile local prayer lure K tint nf wrevic. of live other that) the III like the double one oil Sunday, M will be with- on, datocU. Air. McKeri provorarnme. The weather y0i giving an lic"" I801 prILY111' for FOUR TIMES A,"AR. Wednesday ovening . in Knox1i -o favorable add nhould help Rt0ILIIIPp In V . It Vermillion Point., gli.11, will, to of the "Vtopathy wan spontaneoull, for IONMRING drawn. We the I Service Ila preece sed her, by a couple of wan print In whivil, six live" we'l-e lost and Pll'v4'11 111 oren - attendance materially. Drafts bought and sold, ar all, voIling and old. showed that the
church will a on on service In which nee then she had beef) tbt liodif No,oll What 91 level iIZ 11, Ithers of
saved, give Aostin
oodii t akets Rod Catalogue. n It in hoped each congregation will be living with her daughter, MON. ItOb- tie baNPd fill It that the Atilin'l" bereaved parento and the meet
W of th(I Havild. -p of these offlepA 19 of Fill RntIVtifV- -reaypil fmadlips were not
Around the Harbor, tile owner of the 1)her tilt. two III
t -.. I Who breathes 'it
largely represented. Inflon, of Woodstock. 'her.. in b' fig it 111%tort. that he
%T" The schooner Azov sailed on Friday et, toy 1111LAY the BoAnD ov Tiaxnn.-A meeting of III shoot four weeks with n lone it, grief, that when A cal.
Site It; survived by two eons Ih IF; nillno-4
tile Council of the Board of Trade wano dallighter lv�her first marriage. 4 for ithe north a, Georgian Bay, t -Pi ve an like 11,1131, of louct FrIdav ov�oi OTICE. iore, itiR It progi
. . . . . . . . . . lit, wo, join w I Ith 4 Ith-R-rfirgor of batted ivorI ,hp In. - T 1, in file "Pri last. rrpsi- lee apst, o FrIffs friblai-T or takes (one- bu ld off th A Vog? in VIL-W of tire ad- aii hold on Morlaav a -oven the pro ... the Ink -4
III slid 10411)"'Wille Alft or Papist, of London, Ori and The government lei repairing tile )rely IlIzt low vollortnIA? A slight iteflonintallf inlet their Norti an wa tratifled
van Ail dent Nairn in the chair. A coople of toph tht
are- Ina In catimili 1. Xonwis A. Q GAMBLA Malinger- -R. Rohlrosono of Woodstock. John north plor and it large quantity of litit !IFII)r VOR -At street Ve,y
advertising, Mr replaced I Pci Willi till' III Fit that the T C# 0 formal applie-tiona for Martin. of Detroit, Is it brother Of the Since is being placed let the ..... . later and aministrative toy tile ions of our citizens
11 � A noljefill Voittentio, Clio afti I . patronag- IT 1, ililroo, ly with any in I t. ;1I lit o." IDI! to alitoldo publications were deceased and hirs. Stafford, of Harris- crill. A lot of IntereqtIng larril and other tile to theory. n.standay afti Idiscused and filed, but arising from ton. Is a slate . The fornerrioll took The Two Mann In still fishing off will be found On pageq I and 0n t he or leer lilt 11.1. rail it let- that tile The, oot-rowliti parente; and inemben DI(OWN ban r 11OWN's MIAVOlu i, Vict(olve, to (IODERICH MARKETS. these WAS it suggestion that the Board place front the tootAtIon, Rev. Jamen A, this port, nd the hooltrano, Lhough Inched OF 14 I lovely letter front inn. tot - it 'lot" who Iran '"'f"i to exprean their
Be chillsia his shop ("a Ltd civillip than 144 wfok. Should have a permanent room where Andemon, pastor of Knox Chorch. not it fortune naking one, keeps on Ill -r Vic len, W. 41. 0onelle, tilt- town :.41 the 'of hill 11 fit on I I i4
too Still higharordrop, its meetings would he hold regillarlY. officiating. and the pall.heavern were supplied with fish In (loderich. council, town briefs, ehoti ihim etthe tile a d 60 todo-payll double ad who= it wit I appreciat"I"ll of avulpathy Hay. - 0. bottill,11, or two depnd gXr,1.1k11hVWo.n the Jarnell shown by all over vilizonn. and the ackeI)Alp of Ih
he I this En lung in the the inealbers; might visit, And the Win, Warnock, Do, Stoddart, The Steamer John (3, 0ault, with program or County H. H. red C. 1,', tiopt- a tooral Alan point
k 011,61 O.Tplo, an 1pgt
a It I lf to atiouil Wooli the lowest tietall which are vi rh
tin W.Oko.re many Commercial and other publicet- Brichri Henry Horton, Joseph 121X) tonn of coal for the Weotern convention, ete. Hearrelv. pinee Some (or I lip vi -I y I nialtv kind wordo and inerliages of red I Ivits were gold at $116 th tile and for Whitely and W. Moss. 0anadu Floor Miller 00. arrived in port Tboo. Illekey, who was chargod be- tire,% In the world are holdirer net
8`11, frort which no place of kee I coorptim ornygelf on -
sI an Nics, 18 In provided vondolproce they have rporelved. So
"cordea the post two vo niontlion. Ing ! Afli 1111111 19090tAblen Show for Elbe convenience last week and completed tinloading fnrp the Police Maglittrale Imt week posifloren III
would be placed
Mo, tbi0a. of the members. The To Facilitate Liquidation. yesterday. with olwaling a Suit of clothes, thin able t4i find it JohLoilildo reason for tile Inc use hunian Sympathy can assuago
Chorch'A ri in thl.4 matter, and the grief of stich an r.cnolon, It hall
J. F. Afidgelers, shipped a cargo Of floan to tiftsed later you, leditor, U,
and Intorms.11,160, week entered it plea of not, guilty, ant
LL ?nKttAr will be further dine Principally for he purpose of ox topple generously extended and mont
Wrontit on anday. 'in A Complaint and enquiry fly Air. Authority. plected to lie tried fly a Jerry, So he wi III leavc for
wA1fd14oCAXJtR Imiser"d tilhol"i corrected , . pediting tile 114, �Adn of the defunct Streets Closed Without be tried at Henolons; explain. gratefuliv received by both famille-q. Ift"I A" 4I to ilecleenell Of mh.rodogj John Ransford, of Clinton, regarding York Loan andgivitings Company, the To Lion Editor of Tim ATAII: Illicit will open n the 13th of that If honest, and efillecent trove-rnment,
tet - - 0 110 to 68 wharfage charges at the dock here. w O" fir tot'. ........... voted g,F,,--1 i posted tip in different month. bowed Illicit] Christian prinell)Iii Is the
It. W Went... 26) t fin the Recreinvy's, hands for provincial Governthent hits appol An inquest wao bell] at GOAL on Mon. bef, per O*L. III I: I to the'Town Mr. George Katillsoltio, barrister, of To. places a arnall piece of printed matter,
a341caus" 'M, -, 11, 510. 2 ad to be handed The (Jay Mr. Dooley, an ivi-n In the crying need of the hour t iroilghoot w n 3 star Flout .................... it for their Consideration. The opera lionno last Friday rilight. called Live world, river, "tirely Pani'm elichorta- dav lant. lien the evide co of the
6 star Flout .................. 0 ev train service by relate, an additional ofillahkol referee on. aboist 20. the same being (L not[" t cd at" Ileneo. who Seemed well tion to ornot-by (i inl. 2. 1-2) that train crew wits taken, all of thoioit- Mao W toI ............. 00 ement, of th
p. ft. w4p northern connectios ilillonvor of ttle, Judicature front the Town Council Informing the ociali ple�;Ag. 001)0( I nolorips ded4ring that the ergine whill.
rok, per n ........ y clever. he $sit.$&. MaL*n)"*n1sk lol=t da rol giving of thanka, tip ri for Of w find that the, driver of the 040 uelph it Gdderfet; was discuss- Act, to alvilit hid *hole time to ini parcepayern that on the l4th or Ootobor Q ...... a 13 to 0 a rjeertitAry lnsctru�ted to mriko Ing the prior* I doperve It trood holuve. men: for hingn, and for all that are In tlo Into ity of the clalma of tire They will panq it bylaw to clove ft num-
usny0 Is to 14 title. -The Ilont In Clip listhority." cannot be overlooked or buggy had ampte warning of the risk
. ...... I ................... 0 The munica prol
I .......... 0 lis to 011991"LlOvis tO lilit' ratles"IsT arious 116"i of shart-bolders of the her of streets. witive Pla, ell by the orchestra evaded bv the Chilli without Incur- he ran In trqlri p=9 In front of the
04 rtso, 60 to Do f1tics W litat and. The Inerdi York CoI rialau toid Savings Corn- rumirli Thece atreptit are with ps(collent ok 11.
Cum III ro alge 'Hi 'er pit elso, per brishel, ....... 0 M -of bi I f, ring grave reaponsibilltv. A" ek, ow ... ....... ....... 13 to at lag eedor Oat offlee f1wifillea TO 0 N6il McLean, as chief What train. The Inry returned the follow -
k tid Sore O' 0 a The tri we elect to hiall placti of Ingerellet:
h 'A' re . 2' here" the OnIftf9eftlifout Of the Preloven t ae;��%Ijtiriht of the Marliter- already closed anti It ve been for the An CtCawa dentinteb of Toli laot coven .................... 10
to 560 building 0i the Plitelog past year. Look out, Council, there', says the bakers (if that city havo an- power and front are palled "Pon, In the
2 fpr*itl .................... IR I of now and in-Ordinary"Ittloffleill **application was a A to to q 1%ttaAlitte borli was Iscutwed, and rin brewing. to their rnatolmorel that brii execution of their Work. to tondore "Your jury find from the evidence t ovireoretAry 106 the to the, earli ut 6 Was unablo, In Now, Mr. Editor. for the lienfillt of In i and In now 12 cents a lof. Thin tion 4 0 ftllil. stich. to Ilarly trying n0millitted that the late Prederick A.
7d, mettle recentl 00to ILI) big time a ato
0 thalli katitoid to write I
......... inx that it halt been there In na red re fbir"IcbrOt Aia; 500 continual strength 11old. of Goderhi came to hio death ........ I 00 P* 0. Dopartkne it rg the view of the P*ftafis 01 inti to the ratinflayer, the following are th to I g lost
...... .576 174 ev crokerloiLd -five In number oll;Eic yern and Ili Clip Second hicerpane of character, and, permit one to nay, by bein struck by Grand Tronk reor 11 cAoL train w Ile et torloo
uitbavItr9JfltbLTfW Im ilortitit. worle owhilisfid, lot ye, give moirto thai Ai alternate week nmes of Streets cloadell 1% �o.=Ing the WA III It 0 ithotit fattierdelvii 'DIO Coal- too the Yotk GAO liquildation. -vIz i Harbor TAli -p Of Ofid. to p It �oo TA , Res Writ ft Aid I # or, 0104 hilt IV Water Iane. since June,. The Increase In the VI Ire nineh of the frrai nou'lit to PC I 10-11, fI S03 tluto, Appoltifw IsAt winter to en- Hibernia TerNico, �blp Rtroi Ileach of flodr In the canno. It eOuting M In It eonaliltent vor, ith oor Chrintlan pro- Read, on Friday, flepternbor 20th. 1OWt
itsk , , " " harrell more now than It (]let evarly to plaelp them In Chill POMUO" RICO that on account of tile great "uni-
'at wt It 1, t* ...... ......... 3tb 1-1 desterdii to Athi And Cliti Out too li street. 0
. 4- ID UY to u T., &#tIelit of b0filtIli rAoaos In - bowsnOtbai kletafliumane r - and then refurn berofmoeldenterit level crosislagO."O III "cheons dur dii IV. Ii Vail tvill give Fn June. The bakers gay that when (if ci dantgor. ago Ing 41600mit) *n A" In ltlfelv� dili of which tho Trusting. It or for the bli reciting at I I contm do, loaf t 110Y were I here, the Met of our prelyorin P I trunt trobild recookiii the Court- tin lace In your paper .......................... Us- ____
ittral will allow y6d � Ali I*orkinitnl'I%Tl�b*ob#A,,nosbare, and I title a ranking more than thoy mro now. on not. Youriti, mialki to consider the advillith IItY Of
ism, PW bloothO to jilltiI spftk roAher furrill"Il Othitig that gacietV fit Of tt. ratepi rt! L red RATE high has flour gone. A RojovnNmL having thelin abolishell."
ft, tv boo *(the
L, L
0 Rua 11 0i to w tit
0 itI-dim"