HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-09-20, Page 5•
. We are iww Showing new goods, and to mike room w offer
extraOtilinOry borgitinSfor the next few days*,
Muss sitto ..,
cIATft AND TWEED ctItesT0i,
,Xinit1il43Uissarr :Csrprts wile ie * great variety
if patterns and colorings and :suitable ler,anY, tenet Or
3S41/1 regular 44C U. 41 yard, sidlitlit sts% 30* to 0:$4
and, reversible, a geed rtinge
7";r4444,/ter10.,e,40411134 at pet vela..., I. 4 kr'• ,4 .............,2k, 30e ATM Tun
, l'aot4ry aul thunkeht.Mni, 'Wool $.4iiargitor 'Rugs, alz" -„,_
3 x Zfg, .,6.6,6$4.15.01'415 )387.-po, •
Itl°2101331.1$ kr:11 tIlt elf:014 g, 3; owl yerdt Wide, at per :
''' Yens.. 61 ;41, 4 1114.4 141, 4,4411 44 h OA, 415e, 50cand 600,,
linsp0Othirt *withers • '
,libilierinef.+-.4 aaeatit I
in O.. et Obi TurOPIU,P4PRY4 thUm Ilkot•
iutaaol arraiat In which twO 000.
rick !pea** aris participant*, Ali
Paisole0 hie le Dos wont applied to
•Wsrlisg of tbIlt Pstrifett a" family* I**
Quash swam. hrotherdurlawa. shoter,
selaat. There WI SOO collPtable th*
.paitheg,F They ere s tile* ROW*
filOWASS, What* thew 04111010411
ettnaly, although hilabsinqa got ti Us'
cile of Wow. Thorixtr itleindati 11. rer--
*one Awl wlfa, tie** To‘ria
out wife* IleretAt ?lobo PArtonit Raul
wita,duiventioundlitehert Parsiatiet 100
wits, toralent Winona and •
tote, mudiotiiiht bound ittol•wite.
Ube octtcb
Lom,00,1 cox.71.
VRIDA-t $EV1+ 'W‘
A Copy of a Quebec P0ir 40! 1415,
Through t e hipapess' of lArs, 3.
Grant Macereger. TISte.fitTestt has been
ohowP 13. OM PI "MereerV.
datee Tuesday's Feb. 7,1815. beiug No.
0 of vot, MaCalreger picked
this coPy up While, paet310* 0041'
(fisle a few yea.re age, and 'eOnaIng
Stress it again the: •other 'A47.141404'
loaned it for infipeetiOM:11. 133 0. llttlo
8 page sheet, 10x12L inclies,,S three IMPS
„ „.
of which are advertheibstetbs,„ ail in
simsewhat quaint ands. ViSrY' '.forMal
language, One.pagp is tpon.,..0,p,t3h
n'Sxtracts from etlmw:gi
edits" whkh tieetne 13) 113 argnente,nt
MS the value of the MieSiedippl.An.
other page issoceqpied Witlislt,00,fther
particulars relative! to tne(hand
National Jubilee etti the let Of Most;
1814," describing scenes in the istelden
Parks, the closing 1:+aVinfrelill0I Which
is worth quoting ; sr • .7
The fair continnes tato hied to 0 Pork.
and Is multitudinously^tatteAdea. Every day interest.
-Scottie more than protaable,nilat this scene oh "A113 1011 not all members of the
new' booths. sPoWS, Oa, are Erected, and 1 1
hilarity and Joy Wilthe eentinuees seyertendefise great Catholic Church? Have not the
46i114"4`.." MBAS 'Of the Church's bishops rested
upon your* heads in years gone by at
Confirmation ?" He seerned to say to
those around Wm.
tisles.:Otherwhis the PORE Era outplay to, loot
Aa brat ot tuada 111111/10,041n bll 1000 • 0
thlAlf whioh it preeeket may te &Wee.
•. 7444SOMOstsr.
•• The' tlOttre!***I'entrl of 'the 0144 iAlt;
*elk iiteetirVe.d :paper are very Intern
eikting.:,: and Ma.).junotiliegoa very kiedi
lPtell4e te. donate the ee01' LO 101111.
b • r or hititorieal elites&
wrOtt0,01115-ovill gtlitto.
'wren P6Itge Yerwitatod seatorth
tftsn, '4,11,trying it Ott •
10.—The Nors 0t t
Offertitnt telyto _
Deter% 13.;„ • o ubtit tr Ileeeelet1Ottla
hia 01414 Ily'deenerate, meaue.: if nes,
ee*Weril! c00...,o
f 8eaforth,
Ont'wentetail the,' Niiioderniera apart.: eulateelhe 1st •-%averie
Meatac Where ide ehavitable And • arena: 1.01ter0rUOi ad-
-.Wie end biers threerttrselit fienstitere 'verge(' t heal for nOthirne. pay ide oWte
Efoalrvina; Ana Jou, lit:0610er 4n4
2411twfWar0A eitatOrtis-It ti the busi.
nese uf ILnewepapar Ulan. to UMW the
tOtirt for all It It wortir, month otet,
WK.** u14 of the teWtt lb Conti',
VAIT 0.91010. j•the
hindnest, welfaintper • give
le,"Verf leOal'enterprlist;entlinsisstirrand
frequent Senihroffe,' : and OW Oateh
elieelbees00.0:1.tie falloch:to reCerst tb
.fiet thAt seine , prep:4014 'Ohio*: hal
.had tilt •dellter Wagert -.TO
staying,. Monday veningc dashed , way to everythtnit0,114, the* tie Palled
ntside the *email Who impeded Ids preliplicedatid Mean eeletted beelinse
progeesersnatehedthe 141f -clad Infant is: coluifin-le tint Unrotattto that par.:
from the arnieoftell antther andelart• ticolar :affair. Do :you wonder., that
.4 hotfoot tor -VatuolA*- - -,.. ,„, ' theare many cranks in the-neet*'
' rtorsu the *toe( he 0014, pavogot paper hualatfAr It habotnid to Oche
, ,
' exulting Chaseuntil 4rt-410401141141,- ,P.'malt., . • , ._,. ,
hf'friertdeOf thelnether. It, Watt att either a' qank OeiVphitesophor mit :id,
, loot foortrItot,dTisit414,64•041dVbeee',.;attro, obileAr.., eTdbto', otHoiv Iiirtael(Iviriopi fitUts.,1 *alloy% -4114
seltictetacricOjnaokricanutirduar; ihninifisairtorunzter 41 T. ,, fr;y7, .Boanrwe:est:yitt w°0118;,erg,,tr4
AMU . eXillanatibris ,h0Weeer. and, Sertnett thet one of our promineq
when 'the. citt, littived. at the fetseY itisene was "tut ft It *3 tlf t/Olted evil.'
PltOplea an Blotelle* r ilutre of the
$IlerlIreilaRItcritati Ma Igor otraliugthe
other inflammation* of t4it gtsten,t -of Note,
1pki*"*.40.1011* Iinpine Bleed. This purlfie$ the
' * pew* with *10d, conr- 'blood ---,,,trud. in.. .
plexiott always . AUBBIy the MAes
• ;tuners fret& poor , art'd 'hto chug
(ligestion --tlISAPPrarv, 444 tbe
tietiottofthe'borrela .e0mpleXiort eliMa*
(or Poustiputiott) '',V,plit-O-tivelt"
,ttr_d, often tlre cure iskin trouble*
' Xiidtter are week* When ever$ftlitts
Thee tpihealtbr 01.30 NI% '
!•Orgwillt • 04400 rid ' • t' 1411034'stiVeS '
tlia qntelli 0 UM are fruit lutrea*
Waste Vatter:. It , illtensiticilt tord
$4-thiswatitetakett -0, --i- -'- cOmbined. with
Up by the biota and carried to valuable WOOS and,autisepties*
the • eklu--that rtina.• tllo They etefetithentidenhttitegtestit
'complexion* ' - blood purifier in the '0414, ace,
'401Itit=0441/03,' cure all *In ° °11*"..1‘°;$44°' 4"1/144ugg;64'•
t701,1h1O4 bounottley MOthe '
kith1034 AO tleWele., :
4' Ihnit.tetive$ 4 ,natise the
eliminating organs to do their
InNt , tilSOoP
41.01huirxte ,IngreM, ef
dent now Vialting Canaria.
PIO YISIt tO Penedo. -of so great an
ecclesiastical flgere ascHishoisIngratrh
of Londou. Reg.. is an eventwhiela
very •• properly is attracting ft. great
deatof attention, not•only in Anglican
chutes, but In all Other denomina-
donee The following sketch from the
Torontp Telegram is Well worth' repro-
' The man 1
The man mem blackcoated, and gait-
ered,, and moved about the velvet
lanms ‘of Trinity on Saturday -after-
noon with the Inlet ease and grace Of
at cultured gentlethan. Hits hand never
wearied: and in the quiet "Mow do
you dor with which he greeted those
presented there was sincerity. Into
the eyes of each he looked with keen
longer. T e
lawn in St. James Parkiandthough the nutli.,
bee, Who resort thither all coal OnVativeli felv.
6 constderable 1111111 (41111 felitiffitY-dallY 1111-
471(1 there. -In tbo Green -Park a Munner of
genteel persons are altriobt constantly, assem-
bted, who gaze With deligliCtIlion,.tho Toinple
of Peace and cdNcordt;--,,,,,,-, .
Nearly a pagelespeeupled. tevith des-
patches regarding le 'WM' with. the
United Stated. then, aod
among theeventr.,Ohretlitpdsis. this
one, nder date etre YerresOiiii; 27
11 3. with extreme reftrefleehacesagivethe
following account of GWEN% Of the reesiderit
frigat,e, Com. Decattir..'who mined nom Bandy
Hook on Saturdalr, thellth inst. '0414..was can-
tured on the succeeding eyenlitg. 6AIVe boo-
dles lost a callable Isom witheet it Welsh
however upon our honor, She President
captured; 1101 1.) 74.trarcel and EfrigateS.
Another paragraph on the same
. _ ,
matter froth the Now Lot -tilers Osteette
of 'Jan. 25 is thus qtioted : •
On Monday afternoon10131111g Multi 1111(10111
the enemy's squadaxlii off t Is port, was brought
top Otr Fort GriAtveld, anti deavered_aletterot
which the followinxis ILCopY:
"Itev.r.Adruiral Without has 1110 „1/0110111 10
request Gen. Cushing will cletete taeonvey UPI
- . vonotosottiOftt.to-b%-lad$44rin151(191D
clan ne
r; w, tniiMilEGGIUDIE 111110-boaV
acynaint, General CuShlitg, 13 gonetothe 3101rondos in good health boardftbtrEndYMIOn
having been eatitnred la te U. frigate
Provident, on the 16th inst. by a detachment
.13 )3). Maieste's shlite „
"II. B. M. Ship tiuperD. *
Off New Louden, eted Jam...1815." s
A couple of columns .are occupied
With a report, of the proceedings of
the Provincial Aetternbly of Lower
Canada, on Tueedayi 81. to Sat-
urday, Feb. 4. • , ,
°tine. despatchee and extra44 (eons
letters give account:3 of, the ,elOge,rof
New Orleans by the RAW& forces,
and two addresses to' hie troimesfrisna
General Jackson tire Wen, Ontrheing
"To the Embodted -. Militias" nod the
other "To t,he•blen elf 17p1ot'"'who ate'
. praised for thele eitrviesse with a
promise thet "the Presitiontoof the
United States shall he ifIforined Of
your conduct on the present occattion,
and the voice bf the repteeentatives
•• of the American nation shall applaud
your valor, as your General now
praises your order.'
A couple Of paragraphe tre worth
The price of bread Ter thtti moeth te
white loaf, 411, vseld.
Brown loatilit0,14 Dd.
And the following
Hold Decatur Saillttnatafrofft„Pert,
To give MA Vtufgeampo scene:,
And tare, 110 11071113 had boon hie sport,
But for 141116411141 HOW "
• The name Of the Cala, of the Eedymlon.
Ens e
soup is n 0111460,91' moted mtwi
. eregret
Whilst therollef ofthephot be 1011141101l0 of
end meanie seeretert taw ins; got tut ammo
subseripticin to tuateletrity Inrash. Infiger
thinks1,1 material to scoot* Meat Mel 4(111
(14311. towards itt it 11,hoped 41,1114' (11111
be RPIteldted TA': Tetley° Bingo RE.
anding-twe. Vrtentersielte-11 „
told of the atattetion the fathers
deterMined tfitikjte thenfother'e part,
and,inforined 'the, police., Secitt end
ther•61414 Were nilien to headquarters.
Where thane:If' was turned over to hie
mother, Scott *as then escortedto
the zferry and told to beat IA fer
0334d:sr- • •
Scott and his Wife have found the
'cep, of matrimony rather rough, and
a few days ago fares soott left her
hualesna- and came to petreit with
Reginald. Here she onnd abetter
with MharliVilson. of the Windertneke
apartMents a friend of long standing,
Scott loeeted *his wife MOnday, and
determined t.o make a bold effort to
obtain hiechild. 'Brushing past Mies
Wilson and her mother.. Who tried to
prevent. him Rom entenng, he seized
the Child and Van.
And were they not glad to remem-
ber it
tit is no 1161) 01 vainglory or shallow
greatneSs that surrounde the well
poised . head Pf Bishop' Ingram- His
right tp sit in Ihe golden chamber of
the tyorl(W, greatest Empire adds not
one sot to the stature of his splendid
niittifibod ; nor gees ttie emu:aunt
whielt surrourels his presenee, and
with which it is his right to be receiv-
ed, add one iota to the' stun ef his
is Tun SAME.
Bu is this quiet ntannered gentle-
man in broadcloth coat and gaiters
the eattfp as he who, amid the mighty
°obtains of enortnoue wealth tieing, it
seeMs, from the earth's bowels and
penetrating into the dimness of an-
other world, can he seen arrayed in
beautiful gamer:its, preceded by scar-
turn folio* a long train of snowy stir-
pliced choristers, as they wend their
way tnrciugh the echoing aisles of St.
Paul's `Cathedral? Is it he who amid
the lichens and splendor of such a
scene walks with stately step through
fretted chancel to the bishop's throne,
his oetward person clad in mystical
garments ?
ImPEOPEtINET 111.988
MAMMA, isvpitiOy
camps, .P,Alitiltitkozit
sunnitat 'OtOtPlAttrolto.
Yee, it it+ he. And be stood in that
brilliant assetnbly on Saturday, the
glorious sun which ripens the waving
grain of Canada's golden west, throw-
ing his lengthening rays upon the
line-tuarked face of England's greatest
It was, indeed, good to be upon the
velvet lawns of Tonity ; to look upon
the solemn halle of learning, and to
take inspiration from the man to
whom homage was being paid.
.Mrs. Scott refused to enter a gem -
plaint agathet her husband; and he
was allowed to go. Scott declared
that -he would make another attempt
to secure his &lid.
• Huron ItIlle League Match.
•'DP account of the rain Tuesday
Afternoon of last week; the mato
between the different rifle associations
of Huron, which was being held at
Auburn, eras not completed. A refer-
ence to the match appeared in our
Dengannon correspondence. The cep
is still held by the Auburn team, and
the medal for the best shot was not
given. Although the morning was
not promising, eeven teams arrived at
the ranges,sand the following scores
were made before'the rain prevented
the tapid'fleing of seven shote a min-
ute at the tyy0 hundred yard range.
A team eonsieted of seven men, and
each umnsfired-tive shots at both the'
500 and 200 -yd. ranges, the possible at
each range being 171:
Peage was there, and the bishop
musthave felt it ; that calm which is
felt amid th&stately cloisters of Eng-
lish cathedrals.
Ilear What Ruskin says of Bishops :
"Down in that back etteet • are Bill
and Nancy knocking each other's teeth
nut Does the bishop know all about,
it? Rae be his eye upon thetn? Has
he his ear upoe them ? Cart he Mr-
onmstantially explain to us how Bill
got into tbe 'habit of beating Nancy
about the 'head? If he cannot, he is
0.0 MOOT), thotigh he had a mitre as
high as Salisbury steeple."
' Sieben Ingram has been down into
the depths of &tat End depravity', and
he has seated IMO the heights of ee.
clesiastical idealism.
Into the tender blue eyets of Chia
godly man, little, ragged; underfed
children, begotten, amid scenes of
equator, have looked with quiet truet
While he teld them in hie own sfentle
way of Jesue Christ, who bade little
ehildren to come unto Rim.
Into their daily Gethsemaile of ssor.
rote and eioltness and poverty and
death he haft gone. He feels with
tbfingslisteeeelsr for Theme 'their sad;
pinehed faces put a great marrow into
Itis heart, end he went down amongst
tent and-glorlilmilLehnenPfOr alteatly
To -day, in the grandeur of his peel.
tion, the linee Mitten by the hand of
sorrow upon pleesant face remain
to tell all men thee be has lived evert
Ma the Great High Petest would have
him live.
Truly. Trinitychns bad a great and
good man In her midst.
East Wawanosh.
A Sao Man. -Richard /Ashman,
rate of the best kriovrn and highly re-
apiustett reeidents ot Haat Wawrinosh,
AM it
.on'e Phnpies,
on the -441k
New Fall Wear
17It NEW VALI/ STOOK of Clothing ,and
Alciee Fortilsidoga aro pow leady fee lour
Inspr ellen. IV* wundriffit the *avow* 16
Clothing season shows over the prereediug
one. This season we aro 11110Witig a beautiful
tango Of 811E15 In, ell the leading 41400 and olden,
quality id riath, whilo the tail:040g owl
genrriti ttyle of game:to Are tit°baight of -the -
tailors' Crafts •
COM* att4• $OO 'Menu air othpEIs ,
•OUR PRICS ialiatr•
EtOVSt I'04f 1.40T1111141(1
Por Pore Clothing thot caw he relied upon
and Will eiiind the teat PlOet i*Vs: Pelt their Oath'.
log to. Wo revonimenii the Sanford Clithi0g* they
haveinstly earned tho reputation of havintt th
hcat Boys' (lotiLhg it Canada,
Double: Breasted Sults and Norfolk Suitt wilt
he tile popular !Kyles. •
W pAzt; row a:Ars, thip are bearAlle4
oft tltr,1414
bets,There Were 0087 aCrell in tolaaece We moat never Undervalue any por-
In With' a: drop of 1,570440 lbs. son. The workuon loves not that
Five thOuttand deer ItUnteritkilledlt.. his work ehould be despised hi hie
00t1 fleets Ontarufe receipts in lt100
were £1,429,803 and the expenditure
431,80,490. In almost every place vie-
honffht nOW ditTivent and ited itt the province the good
eatd so, when We were told, "Well& dwelling occupied by the artisan and
didn't see Mee but Mr. So-andeto told working classes generally was par.
nie." 'Determined to trace th131 018.14' ticularly noticeable And wart regarded
et, we paw the last mussed who &Id* as oue of the many instances of pros-
redn'tift, se. but Mr. So -and -to Net pertly.
told me.' Vire 90.W hiltItAnflWafi aSadre41.
it WO ..Da*80-and-so NO. 5 told nee,"
We eaw him 'and he fetid, "I eaW Mr.
Smand.eo tatting hien hotne." The RHEUIATISM
Beata wee getting hot now and,, when
WI arrived at the-Oth man we Were
told, "There its 'nothing in 4. T was
hist Walking dOvirn the street with him
on my way to dinner awl getting som5.
orders to de eorne work," God forgive
the Man who started that etory; it its
pretty hard for flesh, a.nd blood too.
CTinic FOR TouNtr loom -Prot Mat
These attooying, ibeffel eeMPRIfftif
be quickly and COCO** .ottred by the
use of
ExtiviArt Or „
Auburn 600 yar4s-134. 200 yin:As-119 Total -253
Goderich 41,5410 yds 125,200 y1413d44-124 Vota1-249
Clinton .500 yards -09, 200 yards -125 Total -241
Wingham600 yds -106, 200 ya0011f-121 Total -RN
Blyth..500 yards -105, 200 yards -116 mud -220
Dungannon 600 yds 123. 200 yards- 911 rotat-219
Col borne MO yardv-in, 200 yards -120 Total -.219
The prize money was divided -as fol.
'Iowa :
ss0 yards
Dr. Bice, Dungannon .. 25 out of 25, prize 52 00
W. Watson. Auburn.. 24 " 25, " 1 60
9. Elliott, Wingharn 233 " 25. " I 00
03 Youngblut, Auburn 21 " 45, " 1 00
P.n.untile, kiederlet.Te .10 " 25, " (2)
J. Ilion,-Ihmaonrote-.1-601e " 50
Soritnegeour, A61411011.20 " 23,
J. E. iltteey, Clinton .. " 25" 60
200 yards
J. Niehdison, Winghant.23 out of 25, prize 5176
C. E. Dowding, ClInton.23 " 2.5. • 1 75
0. Prouse.00dertes Tates " 25, " 1 00
AJGolilthorpe, totters:le 29 " 25, " 1 00
A Meraavford,WIngham 21 " 25, " 1 00
W. Watsen, A.uhurn....21 " 25, " 50
J. A. Elliott, Auburn .20 " 26, " AO
W.Whitely, Goderieli tp.20 " 25. " 60
After the shooting was over the
coun of. thasExperimental Farm. whet
(night to be an authority on such -sub.
jecte, gives the following cure for the
turnip louse, that is doing damage ;
" Flee galena of Hour, 20 gallons of
water and 44 gallons of coal oll. EOM;
the coal oil into a barrel, put in the
flour and stir thoroughly, then pour
itel$ gallons of water and Omen vio-
lently foe four or five minutee, add the
remainder of water and the emulsion
is teady for use. A finespray is re-
quired, as weter poured 00 41111 just run
off without taking effect. One, an1
the principal cause of failure with any
of these mixtures is, that generally
spraying is never thought Of until
large patches of the field ass beyond
recovery, theu the itpplication it pat
on hurriedly ttud only Lim infected
portions sprayed. Begin spraying as
soots as there hi signs of aphis, and go
over every plant. To delay courts
failure, for the leaves curl up and the
spraying mixture ca.nnot reach them.
If leaves. are curled tip, see that they
are all milled off and destroyed, and be
sure and epray into the crown of the
turnip and repeat at intervals of one
or two weeks. '
Eats Up :Strength
Racks the Joints
Prevents Steep.
UNCHECKED- It Plnallv Strikes
the Heart and Mlle Its
A REAL REFORM Movestetrr,-On
Wednesday evening, Oct, 2ndsin Knox
Church, Rev. Dr. C. 5. Eby, wito is
the Oanadio.n representative of the
Citizens League in the International
Reform Dimmest, will. deliver an ad-
dress, the natal prayer meeting ser-
vices being withdtawn in ell the
churches. Dr. Eby will be remember.
ed by those who attended the Methodist
Conference here in June last, tee giv-
ing a short-addres5-thete-eleplattatory-
of the Work of the Bureau, and the
Conference unanimously endorsed the
nstsvement. Later on in the STA.R
of Aug. 2fird a report was given of a
meeting held here to consider the
inauguration of a. branch of the work
in this cottety, in view of Dr. Eby's
intended visit to Winghant and Clin-
ton. At this meeting it was decided
to aek hint to visit Goderich, and no.
aordingly he will he here, as above
Rutted on Oct. 2nd, and in addition
will preach twice on Sunday, Oct. Oth,
it is earnestly hoped that the member-
ship and adherents of every church in
town will be well represented at this
meeting. Dr. Eby is a man of Do-
minion reputation, and his address on
the great and increasingly important
thente of "The Citizen and his Politics"
will be something to set you think -
A WilPTIIY EX A MpLP..-R. J. Duns -
presence. Now 00(1 is peesent- every
Where and every person Is We Work.
TIAN trup n Warr ON
A.Pmerren.-To have the stomach well
it to have titesnervous syetem welt
Very delicate tom the digestive organs,
In :smile ao sensitive twe they that
atmospheric changes airect-,them,
When they become disarrauged no
better regulator is procurable than
Parinelee's Vegetable Pill% They will
aesit the digestion so that Lite hearty
eater will wirer no inconvience NUB
will derive the benefits of his food.
It originates In the blood and de-
velop most quickly in the system of
persons who are run down and lacking
to vitality,
The only specific for all forms of
rheumatism is leerrozone, which is
perfect solvent for uric racid and a
splendid stimulant for the kidneys
and liver.
No remedy is so successful as Ferro -
zone. It has never fatted to cure, be.
cause it attacks the cause of the die -
ease in the blood. It neutralizes the
uric acid poisons, quickens the sluggish
circulation and telives the system of
all irritating matter.
Every tlistressing symptom is cured,
swollen muscles and aching joiuts are
relieved of their pain. The disease
will not return If once cured by
Ferrozone, which does its work thor-
oughly. Its cures are lasting.
.Unlike other treatment% Ferro -
zone does not depress the heart or
deaden the nerves. It rebuilds the
system, promotes better health, estab-
lishes good appetite, sound sleep and
freedom front weakening pains and
The perfection of all rhe tic rem-
edies is found Ferrozone. It is in
tablet form easy to take, convenient
to carry, goaranteed to cure, and
costs only Mc. per box, or six boxes
for 52.50 at all druggists; don't fail to
test Ferrozone.
annual meeting was eld, and the fol-
lowing officers elected : Pres„ M.
Cumming+, Blyth; vice. C. A. IlDer-
gen, Auburn; vice, A. M. Ovawford,
Wingham ; vice, R. Stalker, Biyth ;
sec., J:Ir. Wefts Auburn ; vice, 0.
Laithwaite, Goderich Tp. ; Treas., 0.
Laithwaite, Ooderich Tp.
The following match couttnittee was
alert appointed: W. Watson, Auburn;
C. Elliott, Dungannon I C. Robinson,
Colborne, and LI. E. Dowding, Clinton.
The next match will be held in Dun-
gannon, on the first Tuesday of June,
NoTes.-Our nterchant, Mr. G. F.
McPhee, visited the wholesale houses
sin Loudon, also the Western Fair, for
a few days last week. -Mr. A. Wise,
Mts. Wise, and daughter Orttce, took
In the London fair on Wednesday
late.- Mrs. Green, of Port Huron, and
Master Mervin Green, visited Loyal
friend++ on saiorday last. -Mrs. 3.
Morrie has returned trona spending
two iveekti with friends in Brampton
and Toronto.
elonderb4 remedy tuthiien on tha &Idle te teagie end lerlIN
tt Paey. ir
twice, for over sitly itsuis ih4,40 wing the last few month*: M. Itebiliman
it you are net rentilng any rIbif.,
De sure when *Skink fer'W04
berry You et Tht,*mot dontt
tot the intetru dealer palm AC
41 cheap !intaglio you.
Mrs. Gordon Neiffilsten, Was
*thee "t WO, Da.' Patton'.
Ernuer os, Virtu *mint for
Diarrhoea Inid I** a any ether
itiediehin to oqual 11. ,3rsate m141*
imitalicris ha' noesgood is Dr.
NA! writes: 11
Ex0rour 00
the beg rem* I
ti-tratdron tat*
Itienttlieend itwoo
6WLti%•1 itVarmine tborp earefellY11.0 you'll
toibi::1iP1kni lt4ni141T
.t Bitri!toPt0is,
/above alt quick to 10). toot o11`661y
hits given evideneee a a weakened
mental condition,. Ting morning lie
Went 014 with umo of hie daughtetteto
got the eons, and on the way !delved
mild* for a toopient into * Chitin+ of
teems whore thew waa a ilttlepool of
water. When his iltrughtor returned
Lo look for hint a few wino tee later lie
Ito olicovored lying iota downward
in The Stater golf!). dead., Doteseridt
who is survived by a Widow, eight
sone inuttwo daughters, wati tomboy
deputy county master for North
Huron L. 0, To
Th0 eititlo of Sore Peat
Ooderich Township.
Christopher Sturdy,
brother of 0111' townehip clerk, who
watt here on a visit fettle Springfield,
Miesouri, left for home on W'ednesday.
1 le had been absent about 22 years
apd naturally found many changes in
people, township and neighborhood.
fie is in the carriage Manufacturing
bueiness, employs about 40 men, and
le doing well in his American home.
Ottotan.Preseic ToDAY. -Iteniefts hes
the picnic on the (1nion sellout grounds
this (Friday) afternoon. 'there will be
a real big time end a good programme
of speakers and nau-Ite.
-- 9- - -
113A .ett.-Ther,o passed away in
Tuckerstnith on Saturday last, Mre.
Alkenhead, relict of the late Jm
Alketthead. Decesetel had been ailing
for tome yeats, but through it all had
been a patient sufferer. Her kind and
loving dlerlositicet had emleated her to
an unusually wido circle of Very RID -
'NANO% •
more, now of the St. Thomas Times,
and an old Ttickes•smitit boy, was talk-
ing to the Seaforth Expositor the
other day, and what Mr. Dunsmore
had to say is well worth repeating,.
Ho said Mr. Robert Govenleck gave
him the flrst ten cente he ever earned.
When a mere lad he walked from his
mire friend4 and elio will he greatly
Missedin the conummity. 81133 leaves
it family of eons and datightera whO
WIII mennt the toe* of en affectionate
mother. The funeral took place on
Tuesdarafterneton tit 400 o'clock from
her late IMMO. conceesion 2, Tucker-
striltb, to /We Cemetery.
Walter C. Pridhatn
This disease assumes so many forma
(1)81 there is scarcely a complaint it may
not resemble in one way or another.
Among the most prominent symp-
toms aro constipation, sour stomach,
variable appetite, distress after eating,
Seefortit Expositor: Mrs. A. Cal.
der, -of 4.1sitt town, luts left with us
a sample Of ,potatom which are a part
of the third prop from the same
pntetrs year ttgg last -spring she
planted a potato in the garden. This
potato produced a crop. She took (it
flout the ground and planted it in a
flower pot for the winter, and by
spring it produced A second crop. In
the spring she took the original
potato from the flower pot and plant -
ea it in the garden, and the potatoes
shown us IWO part of the third crop
frotn the sante seed. They are a good
size and a remarkably fine sampla.
home on the mill roaul to Mr. Chomp -
lock's farm, about a mile north nf
Seaforth, looking for worklie called
at Mr. Go venlock's and that gentleman
gave hitn a job of pulling carrots. He
was small and unaticustomed to the
work and thought that by night he
bad earned about live cents. pot Mr.
Gorenlock gave him ten cents and
offered to keep him all night. But he
was too proud of hie earninge and
wanted to get home, and besides he
bad about enough of farming. On his
way home he called at Kidd'e store and
invested his ten cents in an apron for
his mother, which, with, great pride
he presented to her on his return.
This apron his mother kept until nee
death, and she was to prond atcely.sbox at ell dealers.
ing it as her son was on giving it. I
Since then Mr. Demmer° has seen
much of Wet baying travelled.ln many
len& before settling &WA 111 Nt.
Thomas, and has besides made his
merit as it _loernellet. But in the
midst of it all he has never" foegoLten
the first ten cents he earned and the
kindly man who gave it to MM.
Dnorf.-The death took pilule here
On Monday morning of John Hobert
Thompson. John street. Deceased
WAR in his diet year. He had suffered
notch Dom rheumatism during the
hot feet yenta„ atta ft seVere situ& of
typhoid proved too much for his en.
feebteti constitrition. Poe the past
five 'eon had held ithe afflee nf
librarian of the piddle library, apoet.
than which lie 'filled 'eery, acceptably
and 'through Whith be made for hint.
ittelf * Wide itegnallthinan with the
pooplant thti hum 'anti surrounding
(00111119). Tlurfunstral rook place at
2,30 n'elock 00 Tsi�aiay, taltla bbs
fittb.tetiteAlene* to tha tuattlandhant
- *tart.
Far Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
is a positive cure for dyspepsia and all
stomach troubles. It stimulates secre-
tion of the saliva aad gastric juices to
facilitate digestion, purifies the blood and
tones up the entire system.
Mrs. M, A. McNeil, Brock 'Village, NS,
writes : "1 suffered from dyspepsia,
loss of appetite and bad blood.
"1 tried everything I could get, but
to no ptirpose ; then finally started to Use
Burdock Blood Bitters.
" From the fii•st day I felt the good
effects of the medicine, I can oat any-
thing now without imy ill after effects
and am strong and welt again," s.
In your spare (IMO at home, or
Take a Personal Course at School.
To enable all to learn wo toacb on emit or
installment plan. We also tuaell a pervonal
chow at sehool onee a month. Ciavs mutation -
eine lust Tuesday tit earth month. 'Plume les,
sons teaohes how to cut, tit. and put together
01 he plainest obi wohd
6hrgelfZiabeilriat•to 419,4, -
can learn front 0110 eotirgo. We have taught
over sovitti thousand dress-vitakingand guar
antee to give tIve hundred dollars to anyone
that cannot learn between the age of It and.
40 You 0011101 11.11111 fire...malting as thoe
ough am this course 03n4101107 if yen work in
shops for years. Beware of Imitations, as we
employ no min outside the school. This (4 (3,0
only experienced Dress cutting School In 010.
min and excelled by none lit 'any alter (unitary.
Write at once for particulars, tav we have cut
our rate ono -third for 13411011 Unto. Address
Si Erlo Stratford, Ont.. Citnada.
We are sorry to hear that. Voter
Can telon, lit 11 lino M orris, was serious-
ly Injured last week. He fell from the
mow and stritek hie Side on the wheel
of the buggy doing serious &mange.
As Mr, Oantelon is oyer 70 Years ilf
age the accident may he difficult to
This Tonic Builds Up.
Marty medientee stimulate, break
down, leave you worse Ihan ever. Vets
rezone is different -it's+ a bloed-former,
41 nerve -strengthener, a body-builder.
Pale anaemic girls are given color and
vigor. The tired and sleepiest+. are
strengthened and restored. "Better
than all tonics I found Ferrozone,"
writes Mrs. Fr F. Castleton, of Wood-
stock, "I was completely run down,
cheeks were illanehed, lips white and
had every sign of anaemia. Ferroaone
added to my weight, gave rue etrength,
ambition and good health." Nothing
better, try Ferrozone youraele 50C, per
orrranro's WEALTri. -A. recent is-
sue of the Western Daily Nene of
Bristol, England, dontaine 5111 account
of the trip of the tiritieh purr's/111sta to
Canada. The closing Of the article Is
In the way of a stintrattry of this
province's wealth atid ItriPortntlee.
On leaving Ontsrlo says the writer. it
may not be out of place to glee a few
facts about the provinee. Ontario is
large as four Englander And but tit-
le less than France end tferteany. It
contains 40 per cent. Of, Ognada'S
popttlatiotil And * oar Ont. Of the
population Of Ontnain Id engaged in
agricIaltilre. It has 1.00 intillon, acres
anti 40 millions he.ve been etireeyed.
Ontario's farming industry output
has doubled ip the last two decades
WItigett much itterettee In Aerestge.
Ontatie hits ES greatef variety of
mineral opposite proreffillett to
population than Any oinliftrY 10 the
world, It has 1,140,04T rcorra
worth over al* Ini111000. 11101111 the
:fruit industry hi rink ht Its In ahoy,
theee *rover ten onteph TO feces
in the province. The' uottoll of
34111)106 hiereaaatt fain to 1901 hy
nearlf ace po 664tiouit of perms
Ana plums by over .1000 per eonton.
tario's apple 'rop for 1000 *15 110 mi1.
ifirn botilielt from 0.404,810" trees, to
1000 there, wore 1rI4000' 10000 ht or-
chardi awl gardens rani 11.7S6 Want -
pada. Eutaw has 140,841eOlonlei at
Don't whine! Train yournelf to nee
the cheerful side of things, Peen the
ferny aide of minim -pa you oannot
help. Endure what must he endured,
go bravely forward, die if you meet,
but don't whine.
educate++ to meet the living de-
mands of a peogresalve age.
Most exacting, tnodern rity
offleee delighted with our grad-
Olir management trathe more
young peeple annually than any
other in Weetern Ontario. We
have incorporated the couneele
of our I'itet TICAeliftRS into 0114.
grand unexestled whole. Both
eoursee for price of one. Day
studente may attend night clang -
fol free.
VALI. TERM from Rept. 2n4.
Enter any time.
Individeal Instruetion.
Write for handsome catalog.
GENIE POTION, Primal's'.
90913 /MAUR' MANGE Commas A WAR/MU
fOn 'ALS Inf
4.• Hardware & Stove Store
Good solid wear, and real
comfort in our men's heavy
street Shoes.
Built to wear and stand
the walking which you will
certainly feel like doing
When you wear them.
All the best makes, in all
shapes, sizes and widths
are here. Easy to get a fit
—easy Shoes to wear, and
hard to wear out.
If you buy from us you
carry home money which
you expected to spend.
Has never been as well stocked with the best manufactures
produced in the world as for the 1907 season.
are all modern, and sure to give satts faction.,
0 bevy
Short Bread
'ream Poll'a
'ream Bella
Lady ringiirii
Mundy /limo.
1410 18 good wi the bent made in 1.113
city in Canada.
flarrlAon loath; Iho trade In Wedding
sates and hum Designingthen him
an order and your vattsfitetion wilt he
C.Ingston Street - OodericA
(like Dunlop's Tires
for wheeled vehicles)
All makes of second-hand wheels at low prices.
Repairs of every description, and pliDetllteS
healed while you wait.
Tires for Baby Carriages aud Go -Carts.
Electrical Wiring and Supplies.
Lawn Mower Sharpening prompt and perfect.
Every department a specialty, aud satisfaction
The Old Stand
mean Correct Pashions
Good Quality
First Claes Workmanehip
Remount& Prices
What more can you attic?
We Teach Telegraphy.
e (a/i/z.:6
We ltave three ile)1artitientii : Com
meretaL Shorthand and (('(('01! It. 0.
We employ the hest letielterii that
money min litre. Om 4.0111,041 le
thorough nnil practical, noel we nAKI.I.
worthy 443 11(1(111 to poaltiona. Vona,
who %dull to get a money-makine
education uhotild git the beitt,
Write for rim new entni,14tte n
get particulrov. Thtv iv the hevt time
of yen r to enter iiiir
The Godericli
Mineral Water Co.
Provide for the Winter
Xtiriamt. Merchant Tillor.
ll 0 ()riving a west titove,
one dint will any, coal
end give every catmint'
1 ion. There are none
better tlinn
nre prepared to deliver to any part of the
iinit quarts ; also MINERAL WATKR,
three si•cs, splits, pints end quarts ,
F. I, I z 11 R and DOUBLE
Thr4e gooda are made from NATURAL
(il1lh13AI. WATe R. therefore free from
ALL 111)13411 11104.
'PHONE 401. Manager,
A Good Cheer
A Penn Esther
A fehline to choose frotn.
Alto the colobroted ,
Good Cheer
Art Base Burner and
Hot Blasts
In Plumbing,
Heating rind General Repairs,
we lead.
)ig.,..cfcNvc6csa4,6461A.tivc...vcasz60:6a.vvaf.. azt:•46.10/A/Sz.••
'Phone 18(5.
at a good salary awaits
every graduate of the
Central Business College,
Experience provett the;
Elite r any time.
C aro loglien free.
CENTRAL 111115114111111 COLLIDE,
Vaunng. and Carrera Streets
The highest cash price paid
for any quantity of Fall and
Winter Apple:4.
It will pay you to wait until
you gee my agent or myself,
sersonally. If you cannot
wait, write me.
Clinton, Ontario
"The Sterrovis a