HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-09-20, Page 3••;os
People Killed
11APPONNOtil 111401‘ JAM OW* TM
AMMIII repOrt Ot the V, P.
deetlitat tDant ItUtlanda Verinottt* Uta esatteh at the parleOr traitt'i Oa' i° Mrs ig.?.(lAYStreeProc41)4412,Viopio
P011tert and Mae fialleaed St West' fee the Meet Pert. FithClucalifidiana 6attiog, jare 44:m114401p A IDA%
,Porta ea% MXIY Mites north, iaa hero, Wind tilr.htenettealet, NeAtol,:attil .0.04500 114044301.a, /tom
.4 4.001; IA* $11100 MOTOWN, Vidt to V14:frk the T430
.0011141011 betWeen SherhbOlias
10,“_,PLANOWttliV4 ItertliOne Veer* killed Olielt ibarnetilittelY th* haltitl° ,County Irresatirer
1414C; R184$ /rad * WrIOX 4.4 the, ear. TOP Oeettpants oat Hite 0011411 Were- Franc4 glooe.,44,01 wo mot
thirgpit arrived at Montreal on Statatrilika
• Ila0 *04)4 at WO Taranto VII
ShoWatt atf, laerettSe tit $1,700
'freight Ao4 PesOlitliter'tretha the, letter 71)0 tiCeident Ocottrretlain Sattaraalt
lkoomt QUebeti ter 'ItoStalta 'fettled :,seciaara and thfire were 'net
'Ar.lbe„„ TigritY thw 41004 Vittmi FPette-ti- places, earel0r .the, it1191tr
4 With
• ' arrival ot the vreding
'the 'Cense ot' the Siel,clenr, Seiprtling: Ot Itillartif. were hatirlett, to, *au-
atuSittelilenk giVerk o.at 1?$ the OAK. 504. Tete haere aerieuSly Inluted. wkrO,,
. toga wag- the nitsitrider. telgen,10 .b0Spital Iletatrier.,
OrtteriaSenti let' the crave Ati Kozgp. oNu
the treIght.' Att OrISInitt order, had ,
Wei 14orttreal lalininced stre
Other ooput,,o0414 no0 .47.0 per
YtentrearS -Olt is "WOO rgOo'
OW -end, '*111,11*.tilabeftln. 49rtk ')warot‘
•.Firia•-'40*Se*, In New
oti•eatisegi •streatint
10. Itio• mg 470^ Mr. &Aso Witte 'boa* Sa
te,I1A wore UM, VOWS* Aid 80(10
Th* asorlasie irsistiseSit Wed ot
him. Sept male Sint er dlattalabed despatch ItO10 tAalle *OS 111M rAA' 6'1\44'4 (144
ilasbing. leave rosPelead faegotiebana Thareasy while walking oa the Nip*. .--`44atieS 011toxito Sgr IX*
pews wit* ilhe TraliCk. 111/81 Prefecty, eri losiariest sawed lenetra IMPreVettlent c10141 Itt Te,ez
Ormifical Oeboliat are looking to the, Kuortor; was wood down by Peek IOW 'tit the eriPttlaa410,01 Mr. _
treetites allonecoo la Wog Siltstit %bit' *tut up. by a blest ori the Tight et Way 'urges ibaulto 00 MP _U4,4'4_4(044*
it book* ot sad sathitr MEM* ot Latte branch of ttis 1%14 , „,,„thltt 401.14.10 :OPOP
KliPtlit **kb Y *SOK* Air* 14040111 thal1tailt4 atinaltalchitall Weflts WW1 la I
Id libraVIMIlt FOS. s tar Oen% d ViraVarti ItettilattratUotk
been tystiod Wog 144 ,Irfidlt:'&.*04, ' The, ',oegOlottlikte tit' a Corabbletion, -$100000,.
"trot way NrItr,Ottt of • neett, IAA soaoltbig, ear artd:,OISPer .01 .111e.,..reas. ,r-tacioniAr, ot ,„vo4iat; sasi:. ,0114 14
rat order.wale :peepsgoot.w Lg ..;i0ood, of. the, ?train . (*taped Itylth:OnlY. Sli'heill:, little boy who, 'VMS 000 P: LA the itrulni'
one, which Called lot the /re/At 'tatting, ,1010 uP,. Nboae. ht. the At`$t V;_,.0,.h,,,,,,k ;taking' -11Int RIP'S wilt:le:at
P. siding at Canaaaa ,0414, :Laliticiditir the, 'btnd 410 'baggage ear Were _eta' ,Ptaeaeas ' Ilefirt tiraket is, Niorcheater 101'4'0'1
Ofieeenger train- the 'light et ,Way; In Iblii,. Oar ',OMR-II:Ilea' 11301 PAP,7;.„a'‘amo,?'" larna',11a04429, 0114 'COMO lf's-ttitt PR Pr:
' 'Paine anexplablvd ,,1110,11net-the brtler4 tekseePed PST r the "baddele Oar'...!.°4°Z!,1: 0011irdiaMiniteritted lidlit. ....„ a a ,...,-.
Were contuaerl the frefght,,Orew ,gettlnft ' 0.4 .and ,oacaPe for Ilie"eaeh,Pk,e 'orf ,KOSS Meroakt,.:4 YouIllit.E9d$a gen:lc-4'
the drat ono 'sand,. 011itt.on, thbalidlt ittiptiagre4 '''. ' . Oa at 'Winnipeg, Via aiatiatialy .burned
Canaan. while the 410Serflgee .tiken. gOt. - '. TlialSo' OR the train: that aSe6.P.Cd 1ro- by rins,explkOienoet ji. Ceti 01 kerosene.
a clearanCe freM Wigto 13iVcr 4001kUt PIO ,itt all and 'InanY 01 14050 altdhtlY The C.P.U. Will build a utilitint4llittr
on the norike TheAVI4 trona' COMO hurt, fitcned• In and .worlted hard in deck at ,reit Niltilltairi and Mahe it, the
. *Ale* la the afterncon workuten qt. rIS•tli4 , Iftteon_
rAilrogt sat bit A, st te ritaltiVe at illqw UPI IIIMOseintera US. puit4tz
11/4""noth, tfitoli• The bisit, trittet WIMP 3/ORIL and 'Morel eleatifilleaa•
Mary An ey ,Wrintecla tIllaatOtnEt '9g°44'-"Litlgit.464 ® trn
Osamu t resells Ot 144estlatiable cliera,tee where
* 10°.tvo t4to t4°,*.tr *t 1404t' r ehltdren arl. perntiltoti to Oen regatet kiP
Divow. • Apokoti.: mut! uoieit ww•i, p.3474-: 41,0d, whers theta paloallage,ta tottitlietta
11**1441t V41$11‘)" T/CIL t"44' *tree! srallibt2g 1:3•?kilit; :Ii'414N‘hattsegthat thlittl,TeSectIts partit contrl.
titaiani.,'WbP 0.14411, PIM- A " bops cop,0 'Wed oesp Ole seaseett bat) shiwarele the delIntpttoeles ot
d $ • ft .
()rev Speed Per Hour Still, 11614
the Kaiser git
neW Mealitlattin reCted between a guro. dog fispooloily fOr Wat$41$ Mool
deapalch tiOni New 'Or14 slot A ithtt Lay tils flew Astibrele
Ped4,."4 aS NW .11'4k /V94 111444 itl ist iceliarovel! air:0,4'44U 114, us
tile oellard tined ,neW Plat lairblatta gra ap oao ha iguletiorthe port IOC NIPS.
Intlatts tO, eeme Kt work kr $ 4rto, w fi n -,,
stilp the Lualtante, whIelt arrived horn' yorIG
that they1 ratifht-go huffinmiding With wial.c14, iiellig ittgotit eis silo eoft A WItell reY 1,111011 thele imkevAce, iqr Vwfiliftititmlatmr54111. to Queell3''
La ic port to ,
1 Viee 0.114
The blo tellett Allatriana the
ItrZlirriVtirr Writ lonNVtrtIvI:t attlt t*It4•V't the -°10's votkY4 rdalsttif .aragrel? 4:1S,g,ttittgits:°,„,feli t!:;fvfni Vent? "i&rtigtrt "e " '443444 ille*P"'"int 41*
114k d$nglititrat batag aWaraPed W4th patter 4041 oa pp4Seet, ot Cos 41604014 0111,111,10Vidl inirptlata. I
together ha tieneaf *041* *a6(' defog till'ilutt they could tor the • ite, eteestiytlejoe 441)14 paaa In Abe worm
The bylaw to provide $781,171 for the
extension ot, toe Toronto' waterworks
Sya,terti vas ,carried by inaierity of
'Sea, ,
fienry Pilot, aged twenty-abc years,
lava ,,Irided„.....aL.iviontreal .911 Saturday
while playing bliSeliall7liefiztrifie-trti
u#0.,.m. bail. • • .B
Toronto Valk psiducers, at a meettng
beid on Saturday; deelded to advanee
the price. of milk $1.00 Per can for
PO014 an0 'Ono Ulan 111U1 - d hald 9.1101e$0100 InflUelIeraa Viet* ea, 4( "4 h44" rri'd4Y1 4.141iint tlt 141'4
tig 131t WO brain, but le at
14"1141A"S' //11*** 1"73 4114 OA Wing In AUstria, tit) Waa tWeillYs
. Vlate 10. ettliJit 11194 all xnems tor the trip 5 dillyel and 5 rolnakes.
tr°"1 l'1444V/14/14' New- relatialle tit Canada. His Parent,1
Wall Parkes 0 ay s
ar-tti94 tree baths, communal Sottel ten.
tree and the
Fitilt-arastablialt ileratinitt aervaail
WIN, 40 that indtvidual attelattOn 41U
Ix *IVOR to Children 'by ildettale4 11101
C.04 Wintleti,
81Sth-aaShlat .,140 OdtleittNInal. CalitPlitgak
on subjects relating to child *twilit,
such as lima WI% regard to tho Cara and
pit:Keaton of mlnora, the compulsory
caticallon• act, the laws regarding clind
labor and other luverthe problenis.
This IS 6 hOurs glad V minutes bolter
PAO :044.40 49P4 Aare Mid had, been Viarlillalt
tali. • q eg
' Wtficht'S crOPItt Were auttering WOOS* tor tigt Nit)1$4ing only A Week. -
ihe fog that the, thgille. MO tot both
trains say they dto not get aight.et
each other until they ,were. only ‘,g0,0
feet apart.
- Seth anal -at, ff`vq•--AseweAAJurn
fing, the engineer of the PaSsenger Ira
topraining his ankle. Roth trail% Were
Ping at nigh aPeett. tbe frefght,411
down grade of day feat to the,,,cille.
The Impact .was The engine
of the passenger train steieseoped the
taggage car, day deech and part ,of a
smoking car. The engine and Aix ears
of the freight Were piled in 4, heap,
The ut.16.2.0,272::2....1.1a,ye been lwert41.NEARLY ALL CANADIANS'
'tared' that were pinned in r
tire that stdried in the Wreeltage
etlikeitle ,pet. ctit4 And Meg Vbnlep
Nvorl;ad Ileragallt tn. Chopping end
teerlag at the wrecitege effort to
Wietisesstl-04rietteosisentligt -11.1- dtbris.
The' ,Wraclied paeseriger trait's -14
White Elvers unalen at 335 V'eloelt in
tsC raorning‘i She was 45 Minutes late,
Her beteg behind ritite is responsible'
toe the sidtting of the"beders. The
freight train waS ene lime. The col,
listen occtirred on 4 Straight stretch of
track. gad, the morning been olear,
the, erigiue Crews would have seen each
other and very likely the Wreck would
LEADING narrIliet,441xt-7,tb.at11):tai, No.
Toronto, Shpt. 11.-Onta.rie Wheat'
No 2 white, 870 to 880, outside.
Maxillae Wheat -Nos 1. porthere,
g1.05% to 31.06. "
Corn -.-{o. 3 yellow, 720 to 750; No. A
Mixed, 74c.
Barley -No. g, 55)0; No. S extra,
5,3%c to 54c; No. 3, 5`,..Too to 510.
Oats -Manitoba No. 2 white, 46c to
Cc on track, at elevator; No. 2 mixed,
Peas -Nominal at 75c tor No. 2.
Rye -No. 2 nominally, 700.
Flour -Ontario very strong: 90 Per
cent. patents in demand _at $3.45 to
, $3.50; Manitoba, first patents, 35.25 to
1 0
, 35.40; seconds, 34.60 to $4.80; strong
i bakers', 34.60 to $4..:1).
Millleed-Brass, 322; Shorts, 324 Lo
025, outide.
Ina 00U it net ^ge help, ..ao he made 44.4141.4511,4444
4)Uer .44 '$% 4,1,4'44 board, mom, 14004
cod en. Sundays. and the OW+ NO 'MOM ACENILENtil,
the six winter
Three masked men rolsbed the Grind
Trunk. station at. Thlinaesville on Thure-
day, forcing ,the 'night operator MVO a
box ear and leeking. hirn In.
The °Mario, Railway Board advises
municipalities Oot to borrow money tor
lacal improvements at the present ex-
cessive rates of 'interest.
An envelope manufacturer was ar-
raigned In the Toronto police C.ourt on
Friday, charged with ainspiring to
keep a young woman -out of work.
Thirty poundisof powder exploded in,
the C.P.R. treight sheds at Farnham;
Que., en Friday, hitt tittle damage was
Four thou,sand . immigrants were
brought to Ontario by the Church Army
this year.
Mr. Hamar Greenwood, M.P., before
the Empire Club, Toronto, speaking on
the Japanese trout, edvieed Canadian
to rely upon the ritish Foreign Secre-
Through the omission of the word'
'Ufa" in a speend act passed by the
city of Montreal the Corporation is
compelled to refund 325,000 wrongful-
ly -collected in taxes from the life in-
surance companies.
In celebration of the 148th atiniversary
of the capture of Quebec, Earl Grey on
Saturday decorated the monument to
Wolfe and Montcalm on the Plains of
Smugglers have adopted 13. new game
In the SI. Lawrence. They' drop cigars
oyer the sides of ocean steamers into
waiting boats, and so evade the cus-
-toms- officers.
Toronto, Sept. 17. -Trade was good
ad prices tit cattle were steady at the
Western Market to -day.
Buying was about steady in export
cattle. Prices were steady at $4.90 to 35
fur good: 35 to $5,25 for choice,''and 34.50
to 84.90 for medium end light.
packed butchers' cattle, 34.50 to 35;
fair to good butchers' cattle, 33.75 to
34.50; common butchers' mete, 33 to
31.50; good cow% 83.25 to $3.75 per cwt.
Light stockers were dull at 32.75 to $3
per ewt, Heavy feeders sold at $4 10
$4.50 per cysts
Grain -fad lambs were easier at 35 to
$5.50; and ekport ewes sold at, 34 to
34.40 per cwt.
Hogs were 10 eenta lower. Prices
were: -Selects; $6.15, end lights and
fats, $5.90 per cwt.
The butter meltet ts firm, with prices
about the same ax a week ago.
Creamery, prints 23c to e5c
do solids s .s. .... _21c to 22<
Dairy prints 21c to
do solids ., -
. . 19c to200
Cheese -Large coloted at 12%e, and
2wins at 13c In iob lots here.
Poultry - Live chickens quoted
any etorp, 011 the btlit0
lclea. Sortl6 orkiiiionts loo Goad Trtmot 90002 hoe Clreular
eptiareptiy want at, place for lite rather, ,
than itiat for the. lutsest Seitaint, PCOIIOIJ hp, Hdan nag,
itak aril OOrbe Of• fitleaterla WrItillte A despatch tront Urea° soya: Circa^
vt those asked meat trequanttY"
ttr‘n •, ' • .•
119P011inelk VP you, worth?
When are you ilkely to, diet ,
Have you pliAt'e. your will, and, It Os
ta it in fever at .year- daughters?
Aro year daughters 'goad -looking, well
edueeted and eatninotionable?
Are your daughter* ea/0Pd. or 443
you think they would like to be?
Many of the applicants send requests
ft r pictures ot ttie Wright girls, ttlid
risIO-titatolebessbeskellst.-mOen.fo. JAM
until they are Able to see the pholoa
Wite and Chlideen Saw Harvey Hill
Meet Death.
A despatch font Niagara Falls, One,
says: Hervey Hill, foreman of the muni-
cipal eleetric light plant, came to his
death oil Saturday night in an unac-
ccuntable manner and under particular,
froth 9c to 110, and hens from 7c 10
, sad circumstances. He had te
8c.his wife and three' children for a drive,
Potatoes -Market Is steady at 65c to
and coming to one of the pole boxes on
FerryStreet in the south end of the
city, he saw that the light was out. He
alighted to adjust it, and as he raised
his hand to the pole, his wife and chil-
dren were, startled to see him fall, and,
on going to his assistance, they were
I:error-stricken to find him stone dead.
There were no marks of electrical burn-
ing on the body, and it is possible that
his death was due to heart failure, but
the generally accepted supposition Is
that some high voltage wire had come
in contact with the incandescent light
wire, giving it a voltage sufficient to
cause death. The incandescent circuit
carrtes only 150 volts, which in itself
wculd not cause a fatality.
CU: per bustle .
Baled Hay-Pricesteady at 314 to
015, in car lots on tweak here.
Dressed, Hoge --$9.25 :for lightweights
end t416.75 for heaviee.
Perk -Short, cut, 322.75 to 323 for
barrels; mess, $20 to 321.
Lard -Firm; tierces, 12c; tubs, 12*;
pails, 12*.
Smoked and Dry Salted Meats -Long
clear bacon, 110 to 11%c for tons and
cases; hems, medium and light, 150 to
163c; heavy, 14* to 15c; backs, 16*
to 17c; shoulders, 10%e to 110; rolls,
lleec; out of pickle, lc less than smoked.
Montreal, Sept. 17. -The local flour
market is strong. C.holce spring wheat
patents, 35.50; seconds, 84.90; winter
wheat plait...3,14.65' to $4.15; straight
rollers, 34.25 to 34.35; do. in bags,
61.95 to 82.10; extras, 31.65 to $1.75.
There is a stronger feeling in the
market for oats, and prices further ad-
vanced %Ic per ,bushel. Sales of car
lots of Manitoba No, 2 white were
nada. at 50%c to 510 per bushel, ex -
The butter market is firm at the re-
cent advance. There is no impreve-
ment In foreign flatland, and only job-
bing local trade is passing in choice
townships creamery at 22* to 22%e.
Prices in the local cheese market are
being firmly maintained at the recent
advance. Finest western. at 12%le to
12%c, townships at 1411 to 10c.
Provisions -Barrels short cut meas.
to 822.50; half -barrels. 311.25 to
311.75; clear tat back, , $23.5.0 to $24.50;
long cut heavy mess. 820,50 to 321.50:
bait -barrels do., 81.0.75 to $11.50; dry
salt long clear booms, 10c to 113c; bar-
rels plate beet, 814 to Slot half -barrels
do.. 37.50 to $8,25; barrels heavy mess
beef, $10; half -barrels do., 85.50; eerie
pound lard, 10* to 103%c; pure.)11%c
to 12)etc: kettle rendered at 13e to
13%c; hams. fayic to 15*. according
to size: breakfast bacon, 140 to 15%c;
Windsor bacon, 15e to 15%c; fresh kilt-
ed abotteir dreeled ,hoge, 39.25 to 39.50;
alive, 83.35 to 36.50.
13uffalo, Sept. i • eat - Spring,
No. 1 northern- 11$1-.10%; new,
Si.09%; No. 2 red, Vie, Corn -Firm;
No.. 2 elltoW. 72%e1 NO, 2 White, 68%c.
Oats -Flat; No. 2 White, Me; No. 2
mixed, 51.e. Barley -Nominal.
Now York, Sept, 17. -=Wheat Spet,
• No red, fiti.6P,;" No.
2 red. 19M•th-
tare to lite.etteet that 1st future (isa
'rrLUlk Ilidlway Ecaupany will not haul
cars cantshting acetylene gas. have
been Issued by Superintendent Drown -
100 and Third Vice -President Fitzhugh,
as toilows
"Owing to numerous oases at tiro ill
rellread accidents whioh have reeulte
from the carriage of or use of aeetylene
gee, this company Will hereafter deeline
19 haul cere carrying stored acetylene
gas, or cars with their own acetylene
,posseitiog.plont coarap4a-aOrlicial-eSE4
equipped with atetylene gas for illumin-
ating purposes win not be declined, pro-
vided storage tanks and the generating
Wabash Freight Crashes Into Rear of
Standing Train. r
A despatch from Cliyuga says: A west-
treund Wabash freight train, running
light, qmaetted into another Webush
train standing near Cayuga station on
waiting while the en e got water.
Friday Incoming. The irer train Was
Engineer Elliott and pernan 1VieMul-
len of the light train itunped Old re-
ceived strioue but not dangerous Injur-
ies. The locomotive was badly Otte
pled. The caboose and two cans of the
waning train were smashed into kind-
ling wood. The advancing train had a
clearance order to St. Thanes, and is
said not to have been flagged. Wreck-
ing gangs from pt. Thomas and Niagara
had the track clear by neon. The train
employees are St. Thomas men.
Recent Frosts Have Done Much DI1Mage
In the *West.
English dealers have increased the
price,of th000late four cents per pound.
The annual report of the British Lun-
acy Commission shows a disquieting in-
crease in insanity in Great Britain.
TIse new airship designed far the Bri-
tish army navigated againet wind blow-
ing fifteen miles an hour.at Farnborough
oa Tuesday.
Caught between the ties, a horse held eaiduat states .
greeter than that of
up a train for two hours at Fishtail "'"
the Washington Government, and the
landing, N. Y. Canadian police are more efficient than
Mrs. Isabella F, Erinkman, theW. widow
San Francisco's. There is therefore
of a Weterloo veteran died in ashing-
ince I every reason to believe that the fullest
1 protection Will be given to our com-
patriots in Vancouver.
paints or cartridges are Tried wy)
t3erve this rule means instant dismissal."
Railways Prosecuted tor Copfining Cattle
Unduly 'Long
A despatch from Buffalo says: Judge
coming on to the line, It ure to ob.
proke In Doors and Windows ot
misea In Chatham.
A despatch trona Chatham saye t The
Meal° CastUrbartee in Vancouver las hav-
ing its effect in Chatham. On Thurs-
day night aeveral men, who were sym-
puthizeas with the deters of the westerti
rovince, demonstrated their empathy
brtelidiectide a small oavapelgO astattee
tite Chinatnen of the Maple City. Two
Celestials were attacked with stones
and bricks, and, although there were no
stnious results. Use oice Were notified,
Hazel, of the United States Court, on
Wednesday imposed a tine of $800 on
the Grand Trunk RallWay, four cases;
1200 on the Erie Railway, one case; and
$200 on the Wabash Railway, one case,
Icy having violated the Federal statute
prohibiting the conilnment of cultic in
railroad cars more than 28 hours at a
stretch. The sentences were imposed
upon atipultitIons entered by the roads,
aarnitting guilt.
,thontlio prevlotts SneenlotaWfloNeW
Convinced That Canadian Government C
Protect Aliens,
A despatch from London says: An
article which appears in the Jiji Shimpo,
of Tokio, says:"Ftegret has already been
expressed by the Canadien Government,
coupled with assuranoes that measures
will be taken to prevent similar inci-
dent in future. A rioyal message has
even' been sent to the Dominion au-
therities with reference to the matter.
Al this furnishes the clearest evidence
that the Japanese hove sympathy tn
official querters. Moreover the power
of the Dominion Government. over M -
Wu a
A Bayard psychologist has Invented
e couple of tittle machines which are
able to detect faLeehood.
A Bellington, Wash., Man married
seven wives 1.0 get even with a woman
who had 'nee wronged him.
While riding in a wagon on the way
to be married, Edward Barnes, of Hot
Springs, Ark., was killed by tightiang.
Eight nurses and a woman clerk at-
tached to the staff of Government Hospi-
tal, New York, are victims of typhoid
The Court of Common Pleas at Phila-
delphia declared Pennsylvania's two -
cent fare law unreasonable and uncoo-
On account of the surplus supply of
copper in the United States the Amal-
gamated Company will 'close its mine at
Butte, Mont.
In a quarrel over a pig, the Rev. John
Grant, a Methodist pastelskilled the
Bev. Martin Green, Baptist, at Galloway,
A German chemist at Columbits, Ohio,
has discovered an anti-toxine that will
kill diphtheria germs in the living hu-
man organism in three minutes.
An attorney was charged in a Chi-
cago court the other day with seeing for
Loth cemplainant and defendant in a
case wake was being tried.
Mrs. Currie Myers, a professienal bal-
loonist, fall a thousand feet from a para-
chute et !lean, N. 'Y., Ott flaturdny,
and had every bone in her body broken.
The President of the Phoenix Bridge
c,cmpany has satu that it, will require. at
least two years to reconstruct the
wrecked portion of the Quebec bridge.
The Standard Oil Company has ap-
plied for a writ of supersedus to prevent
lee United States Government from pro-
ceeding to collect the [Inc of $29,240,000.
On account of the almost complete
destruction of the pastures near Esca-
bane, Mich., by grasshoppens, the milk
seemly 1.9 seriously thregtened.
Alter synMhIng a eheriff's officer carry
his belongings to the street In [Mean
for non-payment of rent, Waiter If.
Brown went back into the house, dtank
pelson and died.
Crazed with a desire to attend funerals
whith she herself caused, Miss Adelaide
Korieek, aged 28 years, has been send-
ing poisoned clindy through the nialls
Lo people In Racine, Wis.
Worry over linprlsonment on a false
cherge of berglary changed black hair
A despatch from Winnipeg says: The
situation in regard to the Crop of the
Canadian West is critical, and extremely
hard to pronounce upon. There have
been three heavy frosts during tha past
week, bit these have not been general
throughout the entire West. I Northern
Ali erta and Northern Saskatchewan
have suffered most severely, owing to
the large percentage ot extremely heavy
crops in these sections. Speaking gen-
erally it will be impossible to estimate
the damage until the actual thrashing
returns nee at hand.
In justice to those farmers who Mill
hold a considerable amount of last year's
wheal, it should be stated that the last
frosts have reduced the prospect for
good milling elient from 1110 crop of
19fr at least thirty -11\ e per cent.
The Hecht Shirnbun urges the ne-
cessny of taking effective steps for the
protection of Japanese abroad. The
Kokumin is gratified at the fact that
the Japanese, youths and men, have
shown themselves capable of self-de-
fence in whatever corner of the world
they may be, and expresses apprecia-
hon of the altitude of the British au-
thorities and newspapers. The calm-
ness elf
bum was rereived is mainly traceable
York WOW of 0 days bettra and es
inmates, held by the. Lucaula ot the
eant(i 1100. WW1) the Lusitania has
made a tieW record tar the Rine
senger actually on board ship, she
haa not beatenthe average Spred Per
hour record, both the KaLsor
III, width has made 23,56 knots per
hour worn New yor14 to Plymouth, and
the Deutschland, with a record of 215/
htlets per hour to Plymouth, have been
Writer rime, The Lusitanta'a speed per
hour on her tnaiden voyee Is tattiest.
ed at 22.87 !Mote per hour.
and were forced to lend their protective
tad to the Chinamen, who were cofl.
shierably alarmed and excited over the
affair. The identity of the men is still
unknown, as lho police are unable to get
an definite clues from the Chinamen
altackeri. The orient:as' premises sup-
ply the only evidence to hand. Doors
wero smashed in and witidowe broken.
Orte of the Chinamen had a very narrow
escape from tieing seriously injured by a
stone, which was hurled through his
to Japanese confldenoo b British friend-
ship and justice.
The Moraine Post remarks anent the
statement that Japan would voluntate
ily Ulna 'melioration into Canada: "In
thus refralnin.e from demanding her
pcund of flea.trat-apan is showing he
good -will in a more Convincing way
than ariother power \vlach, ex•
pioaing sts friendship for a kindred na-
tion, habitually claims two pounds for
every pound guaranteed by treaty."
A despatch from Ottawa says: fle-
perts received al. the, Department of
Trade and Commerce Itev4I that during
the. month of August the Japanese ar-
rivals at Victoria were 390, of whom
351 were mates. Of mese 102 proceed -
(0 the United States. In addition
te the above there were 226 arrivals
Isle did net land. tieing en route to the
United Steles; three en route to other
parts of Canada, and three en route in
other countries. During the first sev-
On days in September 395 Japanese at-
rocr at Victoria 102 of whom proceed-
ed to the United Stales. Many more
are under advisement with the Imtrif-
greilion authorities, and may. go to the
United Staf.C.S.
Assertlion of Surveyor Working In
Northern Ontario.
A despatch from Toronto says: "Rain
has been so eicessIVe that everything
le full ef water to overflowing," writes
Thos. Fawcett. of Fort William. to the
Survey Department. tie has been en-
gaged in surveying blocks 1, 2, 3 and
4 of the territory on the "Soo" branch
of the National Transcontinental Rail-
way, which comprises a part of ihr
land grant from Ontario to the Grand
Truna Pacific Railway. FaCh block of
land Is 18 miles long by 6 miles wide.
The .piarty has been coritinually wad-
ing in water in places that ere usual -
:y solid ground. Of the eheracter ef
cht land in question, the surveyor says
that bled; No. 1 Is tolling and heavily
timbered on the last six irate& Block
alo 2 Is mostly tiMbered with spruce,
tamarack, birch, poplar and pine.
d 'at One Hundred
inety Million Bushels.
A despalth fro
total grain trap
Including Wheat
bushels; Ott% tt/
00u, and 110, 1,
rellag Prt's
*sin E.:tankage, W.
Ite the weSt at the a
On* exchange nit Th
and '0f ita Monetary
Would preasleli
theft ay tour
Itlitnipeg says: A
4,060,000 bushels,
*00 to 85,000,000
• barley, 18,600.
la the estimate
the Winnipeg
Bettingell- gale
HO tortilla el
ay afternoon t
nef be said it
tinter return
lotiti timing
filet in ho shatanikant th_la _
Luslta.ula has ma.* 1040 Igwa!"4”4
sego from latutt ,h4144 Shia boo not
broken the speed se, -40(1,10S the fad
(bat she travetlett - over VA "004
course, the dtatimeta teatala Sinitheiltakt0H:
lo New YOlit ,.2,811 "ate
tram New Yarle to•Crierbatullik
travelled by tan Deuteeltlind:
mado her tallest rtlo %Oil Inilea.
In 11103 the Dentschland Made tbe
.voyage tram Cherbourg to NeW York
Us ilve days *yen hours and fit*.
tcur minutes over moose ot APS
at an average speed al 20,45,
The new ship was decked with flags
awl Minting when she made her up-
pearanee oft Sandy Hook on Friday
Mending, her tour big red funoets tend-
ing color to the picture whloh was mar -
tett by the prevailing hare.
Iler passengers lined the railings
and ornate:0 the different decks ot the
large vessel,-ttiaiing illuiditeialdritaatrat
AmOriVan and Britlah flags. The 0144 -
tine ob.sorvatory stations on shore dip-
ped their flags in salute, ether verm.18
M the lower bay blew their whistles
in greeting and the LW/Uinta blue en-
sign was constantly lowered and raised
again in aoknowledgment of the reoep-
lion given her. She steamed slowly up
Explorers Found No Land to the North
of. Alaska.
A despatch. trout New York says: The
commanders of tha Anglo-American
polar expedition which lost Rs ship, the
Duchess of Bedford, lu an attempt to
end a new continent north of Alaska,
retported to the Ainericen Geographical
Society on Thursday (hut the soundings
they made disclosed rto stich land. The
despatch came from Elmer Mikkelsen and
Ernest leffingwell, the Joint command-
ers of the expedition, and was dated at
Dawson on September 10. The explorers
teported that the etedge trip mirth of
/khaki' -covered five huadred miles of sea
ice, and they crossed the eage ()tattle
rentinental shelf twice. Thew sound-
ings tuken fifty miles off the Alaskan
roust and beyond, were made ei a
depth of 2060,feel, but. found no bottom.
Next year, they reported, they will con•
ante the exploration of Beaufort Sea,
surveyingate.coust and f making. geologi-
cal and ethnographical studies.
Masked Men Hold Up Great Northern
in Montana.
A despatch from St. Paul says: The
Great Northern Oriental Limited train.
No. 1, which left St. Paul Tuesday
morning, was held up by two masked
men near Rexford. Mont.. early nn
Thursday morning. The rebbers crawled
over the tender urea at the point of
their gens, commanded the enginWr to
stop the Wain. The robbers kept up a
eentinual fusillade with their guns to
tterity the paseenssers, They then Went
through the mail ears and robbed the
sacks of a lurg quantity ef registered
Mail. Then they went into the express
cur, which carried on overflow of mail.
baggage and express, and contained s
regular through sole. After exploding
three dynamite charges the safe was
opened and found to be empty. On
tit ding the safe empty the highwaymen
helped themselves to the registered
mail, and after firing a patting vollee
disappeared, A reward of 35,000 is of-
fered for their capture.
B1(;;Inwshiti.inEciiigiiryv, weeks (0 Hi:, cam/eV.
arlilie lake sUrVey steamer General Wit.
llama reports the discovery of. a wreck
tn thIrty-six feet of water, two miles
Oral -east of Colchester light, near De.
A troit.
ariaA committee of prominent education.
Ista from New 'York have reported that
after InVestigallon they have estimated
that °bent one-third of the oehool chil-
dren in Ma country are °uttering from
physical defects.
hi the new PresidefiL itr. ;lettingen in
his address slated that in 1905 the to a
area' tinder grain cultivation in western
Canada wag as clove na can be estimated
51110.006 acres. In 1900 Ms bad 'frown
to Gra enormot1s. total at /.5.10.005 nerea.
or8t inerease al about 23 per cent. in
a sterile season. °what ter ii10 Isseletvard
epring istul other natural tames- Mc hi -
Maga this season Will not Ira co phen0
mortal, Mit 1;00;141111 the lif/ht of the un-
uaual riaterat conditeatis preVallatig, this
year theY- tire tally ae, satisfactorY.
Tim) was neuth apeculerion yeater-
day as la whom the honor ekt piloting
Ilw big liner would fall, tor there is to
be no partiality shown, and the men
must go out in their turn as the Ware
come in. The pilotage fade Wilt Un-
doubtedly be the lorgeett aver paid,
ranging from 8161, shoal the liner
show a drooght of th1vIy-l893 feat, to
$167 tor a fraught of t four teat.
LUSITAfilltta'S LOG.
The log of the Lusitanfit 1V45FtIO
time of paasige as -6 days and 54
utes, and her time ot arrival oft ta
Sandpattoolr Lightship as 8.05. Her sv-
el age speed was 28*1 knots per hour
and the day'a runs were 5 miles,556,
575, 670, 593 and 483 to the lightship,
a total distance of 2,782 miles.
1 either openwork or fine "tulle" auk, al -
ways are pretty. Stookinga with taco in-
sertknis also are in favor, The greatest
difficulty, however, ls what to wear with
bleak and white evening drama. Whito
stilt stockings with Chantilly insaetions
cr black embroidery certainly aro pretty,
10.1 the insertion or embroidery 'twat ba
high up to be becoming to the leg, and
then the alio° question becomes; impor-
tant. White satin shoes embroidered
lightly with jet are lovely for small teat,
bit every one has not a pretty tet.
There else are silver and gold shoas,,
with stocking to naatolt, and black satin
sliceewith gold hutkies.
..,....-..... -1-
Congested District of Montreal Reparded
as linsale by Undetwriters.
A despatch from Montreal says: The
flro underwriters have been threatening
for some time to reduce the amount ot
Insurance they aro carrying in the con-
gealed district of the city. They com-
plain that the citY is not properly equip-
ped with firefighting apparatus. Sev-
eral companies have °allied , their
threats into execution, The Livel,pool,
London St Globe ts said to -have out off
another half million. The North British
& Wt....motile has reduced, it is bald, by
nieirly one million, the Rem) tails cur -
!tilled er Is curtailing ito Pollelea. a to the'
tune of itbut one riiilliert. Down -town
business men ere be. Aping alarmed at
the turn of affairs.
.......-..--......-1r. --
Two Larger and raster Boats Mecum -
mended for Atlantic.
A despatch from London says: The
Canuthan Pacific annual report reoom-
t end -s tho transfer of the Empresses of
Britain ,and Ireland to the Pacific, 10
be 'replaced by turger and faster boats
for the Atlantitc, or alternatively two
eteanwas te be beret- lor the Pacific
tradelees staled that probably ft fast-
er and: tnere frequent suet/tee will le
made conditional on the renewal of the
nee contract between Livertiool sod
long Kong next April. The Mall re -
garde it as a step in the dtrectlon of
the "All Rd' route.
\Neese:oats of embroidered linen are
frequently worn with woollen steeet
suite. Some ol these are entirely in
white, but more swagger are they when
dello in red and ...uo Bretenne embroi-
deries utt a string color or. Lan linen.
Others aro of white pique, buttoning
\tali gold buttons, while still others are
in linen, striped In rose and white, blue
and white, brown and white.
Tulle plailings ure used on all sorts of
odd materials, and are seen as a finish
Lo the edges of ribbons, lace, embroidery
awl even of cloth. Fite ruffles and folds
aae 'frequently trimmed wtth narrow-
knite-plaitings of taffeta, chiffon and of
line ribbons.
Buchings of narrow lace outline
everything faun a linen hat or parasol
le a fancy vest or girdle
Colered 1114011 frocks watch have faded
In tuundering or by un overebundarice
of sun may how be dipped by certain
up-to-dato dyers.
While all -white cottons and !bone will
nber lose their prestige, there is a
stronger leaning than fur some seasons
past toward colored effects. Again we
are h.) see Lite dainty pink, blue, laven-
der, green and yellow Wile In lawns,
organdies, times, batistes and ameeses,
elosti make such charming gowns
s.5 11014 trimmed \Idle soft laces and em•
Many steered linens are made In the
iteliper effect to gee: the relieving touch
of lingerie or lace near the lace In yoke
r underbluuee.
Unless a woman can enema a fliihu
gracefully and is of u slender, willowy
1> pe, IL la well to avoid this lcuMion of
thv moment. \Alien it is becoming there
is something peoullarly coquettish in the
luaus und draped sear! effects Mut ure
Si popular Just now,
Solt silk Melte 111 a contrast -tug etiler
the gown are N1.4X11 IOW ever
Ow shoulders, aith the ends tucked into
the girdle. ee ide scarfs of chiffon or
tulle are draped in the same way
French pique in ranter tairrow wales
is again In 111,41,r Pr the tailored coat
mid shirt suit. 11 le more ellen white
than colored.
fiementber WM the length of the skirt
Is dts.tiled by the purpose for wheel it
is to be 113441. Walking skirts, tx,t11
(10111 and 0,411, ile from three 141 four
inches Iron tlin ground. All formal
gowns, hov, es el', Mr afternoon und
evening ,Aeur,
l'u 111 r and panel effects, rtinning
(18 (1 blouse and skit 1 front, have the
side4 and 1 k with k
11111111e1 burnous tot end.
dren lo 54,111' in the stwitner chei,
nct in the faqf asleep in hammecks
or baby dtritiges umeny 'they
Automobile Smashed Into Wall and
Party Thrown Out.
A despatch frdni Hume, Italy, says.
The epeuted motor car accidents in
Italy huve had the effect ot impressing
the general public very unfavorably'
ov.ainst automobiltng. Neal vic-
tims are the Petah Prince
who is years of age, and las cheat-
feur, Georg -num. A ear currying the
Prince, his chaffeur, and three Italian
friends, named Kessler. del Vecchie told
itronzini. \\ ell kwavn eporlsnien,
wus driven al u speed of 30 miles an
%hunt' on the road to Fruit, on Tue.sday
aeght. Three carts suddenly appeared
11 terner, The ciieutt,.ur by a rapid
.4.1 5(774(141 avoided a Lin lie
smashed the cur against a wall. The
Cal' Was wreci‘ed end the occupants
5..1.1.4, thrown out. The Prince and Ihe
chauffeur were Instantly killed. The
tAflerg In the Car, WIV, ss ere niers or
less Injured, were removed ku the near-
est lee -peal.
Novel Plan of Enforcing Liquor Law In
North Ontario.
A despatch from Tommie stase For
Ile benefit of Moto, who sell liquor il•
licitly In the r.orthern parte of Ontario
a novel plan has leen prepared by the
Previncial Lisen-e Department for the
Icirpove adinwislering sut»inary jus-
tice. Alrirady several prison, nave
leen fined for nommilling the offenae
Ifl the 1114111lr011l 1111er Dt.51r1el. 'Jae
b'en Ls that the t.toarl. and (011sIntdes
shall trieel ther, and ellen atiess
me made, the tout shall Wk., place at
hnic, "under the blue Ilss-
veil." as r.ne ellieete explained. It wns
glirSled, and doubtless carried inie
effect, Mut 6.1041 License lospec!or
P.,mkuell, Chief (onslable (;h1dLe, I, f
fs hail. Anigistrale Broun, cf tobud,
0.1 he\ eria special officere. of the Pier
\instal Lisparlaiellt Stleilld isit
planes where it was Lill:ipeCted liquor
being 11.eg211v sold, virres1 the
ca.prits and try mai fine them at once.
American Government Has Spent 685,-
000,000 Already.
A despatch from Washingten says
The Panama Canal cast the American
Government 884.449.000 up lo Der. 31,
according to a statement of the audit-
ed expenditures made up to that dale
e nd juqt published. The bulk of Inte
tependiture was thr 350,o0o.ocio to the
French Company and the Panama Gov.
e minent for canal property, rIgharea
te ay and ft anchtses, ssnd $3,440,022 went
for material and supplieg. For general
ndministration was expended 81,124a
g2G; for government and aanitation,
'4 381039 and for construction and en -
Chinese troops in Hunan hove routed
the insurgents, killing saver a hundred
Ji them.
Folfr Men ffasm the United Moho
et ulcer CitaitantiOgn xvere Mobbed by
le panes° at iftikodate.
Mind hos appointed a commission to
report on the te,13fistitutional system . f
Groot. Maki, Japan and Germany.
fleprealtiativea Of five Central
Atterietin repots -ilea met tn Washington
arctrtgo 1,13als far a perrinutena
deice. „
Ontario Iliad 40,511 More People in
1906 Than in 1985.
A despatch from Toronlo says. Cern-
perative otalistics contained in u munt•
ipui bulletfin hf the (ileum) Bureau
rf Industries, show that 111 the ) cur
1906 lite population 5! Ontario increas.
by 4051). In the vedr 1306 it num-
beten1 2111 771, as 14110porod 2,-
1111.261 10 tetra ha iroaao-ali tuale
111 property in 0111,1124) 1.1114j 5s,lks
8>12:1.1711297. In if a. a, 39;4.219,-
ln Business oi IOW MIS
.5'n.477; in the previous year. Si6.-
144J,M.1; Noe. hied.i., lisenic. 820330.-
11lb, lire\ i1.114 yrat 74/2.
1.141i ;OW, tot rug', 11N, 8)'
11 ....)(12 632 and (.01 001. 041 910 1.10.
11, low the 45540 113'' triNtilvdt phr head
v..a 38,61, and in 1905 3'; 90ldf.L,EI) 1'a 41.
7,41.4441i cAn()t.st.L.
Fotir Roas Went on a spree and ()Ise
etas %hot,
• —
Csoernment Road Cannot Procure Steel
for Viaducta.
A despatch Wort Tnrceiln nay,. The
mustn't:1ton of cereal" viaducts on the
Temiseaming & Northern Onion° rtho
way has been delayed owmg lo the link
Of filCel. One of Mose indto 1, 1,
16, obi and nollier Wit> piebteg. A
rainslorni caused a land-lale 111
ilaykir% 1 reels, south of leigishait, last
week. The sear ily later, Kee hes
kept work Link. Nem ran reeves exreN
lent wage.; working in the nom.; rind
with prespeeting parlieq. The recent
noners' strike title not impreesil Me la
1,01 nra, since any lend te
latter commanded high pay at the
gewerIng. 89.729 554. Other expenses I mines.
includes 312.138.852. under the head ef
plant which includes) rolling stocks I
machine?. second main tract( on Pah-
tides, but dings, zone water worke, ete.
Germany's) War In gouth Africa la
About Over.
A despatch from Pacelill Anys; News
frem South Africa received on 1.% id- ,,,11,11,-4 11,e lii lials li,,orillrl% e‘ -
tiesday is to the ffeet that. the rebel, sousted in hog f•rh,r1F4 !,, fluht off the
chief. Morenjja applied 10 the Governor ,.tietrial c hen n , otiolo .,I jor,,.ent Mr).
te be Iticluded ill the treaty of peace oriels III a preen 14111. ee halt a nate
recently made at tiOndelworts. 'rhe .. '.n) tioppentql te noliee Ise struggie
Gavernor replied lila( he Was willing, , ' ...ugh their eine distant s glagses.
erevided Rforenga eland give up lila laamed :F410 n /tont end 11' 'Pet, n'll ibe
tveapons and two peaficably In him own ' a,a, aim IheT r flea al cio..e venue. AI
()dun try . T1119 flettf$ hae tolteved the i l' hospital 11 waq fotimi• >1,11 the hot.
tlovernment. CA it IS att+0Ye Poothte , 4,•.,) h. ,sr, fearfulls 1.474,11 e11,1 inn life
that aterenge's prrderice fri the vicinity • ., ,,,,, diem:ere,' cif for a lees 1,11 W-
elf Cape Colony rim tead to oomptica- eat the physioiane think he 8111 re'
(2003 With Great litiltaltl. ea ser.
eel Sire to Mine at Raab. Hungary -
Thirty Injured.
auys A fire lii bt441111 an at Raai
A despatch from Rudupeasith, lei uf negiager
f",eturao'gruaar)..' ac•ntluir"ty'dothfieLers r elvett seve
uourtes. A aenes at eats hindt
111 the firemen in the WO of restco
g I
A cable that was used in
hccuparits of the burning b 1.(1
the ground enripped and several
sons were killed. It ta elleged that f
all. Was cau_sod_.a_by strikers.
Cloud of Sparks and Thunderote, Roar
Follow Its Arrival.
A despatch from El l'et4o, Texa.s, says:
meteor lot tlio earth near Anturose,
to Me most toeftil phssitne, At Monday ofter-noon und the Ihun•
Iktik1k, 1., k -lip 4411 111111 off. toot ef a distill, I ali roue roar n. tt 1111114,11 µas fol.
Iniftp,n111 eepeei,m,,. itc in.,,ed by a vibralion emial tu an enrth•
rf w tItot 1- 1.1 I 011, W111111 1. 11.s11(4•, I./Miffing, S11.14-11, S41 \ 11,14,14/1y 1hnt
50„.11 11,11,,41 „„ 81(444(3e11 pie iisbed irt.t. frightened 1.:Ve11 a
ata.at Ms brad 14, stnetd eyos 14.,Aanotivo standing lit It., 1, Island
toll, ger,. and 11.• ftee 1101 iard, eas rnoved by 1I1e lar The meteor
11,045. It'll'''. II1H1 1"'“' nlloPt'd otiffo- "11' '"';11 1') 111110), P1`0Ple d, it des end-
linedied leetinties. sterhing and lel through a ciand of Spari,,-
:iki%i• r.,1C14.1)
.1, HI,' pi 441114.411, esp., ‘t, hen the$ TERROItisTs BUSY.
. row spied is 111140,1 lic•, sl l>h ittle 1
al Ilii• lomen111 fhe Miland
ell boo to •.4,11111. Ille open sittmes 111
A devpaleli flow st. John. N 11 , sari
44 stesomg ef raises \An, ievealei
.1.11",a114' 1,4 an inquest 111144 the meth at
1.111Y aeals 1 ilintilaBleit. ()tear
Peteeseei lad, Ile 51.21.4 ,114 t
surelliatVir rrrrnnttrivr. Pare itertie
1>44' V? ishinwod feur Ise., led
ne 1444 it drunken 4'00,‘1,til t
1 to.. taking morit lower 4511 Mem
also firearm,. '11115 spool the >4 111
Ito. for 7>, 4 101404 'I he !my (074) ''''1
11, biet Mat, so. 11 yotillis pr -4 Ilre
Imutir freesand they n.11o,1 (tint ht1e2s
N 70>444111414 1' ittoreetled nitairytt f .r
1>' Intdig the law, and that Sundd
levsness genet ally ter the., neiglititrrhotal
le suppresged,
Kingston Lad is Almost tinted While
in Bathing.
desprich from Kings:ion rtil,,q
itrite n 41e1' -eel Ede:nal Net ammen
qkvinlin,ng hore ,,n Monda)
n','Pri74 410, and being attat•hed 11 a
1 ,1 wa ill lltr. aler. sesta-led evreele
amiss and 40 41,03' 411'11 tInl
cmai, the tires,. stok. nierially wounded by a Tee
Tao Morc Russian Officials Put Out of
the Way.
;b....patch fron1 1.rodno,117442. 5111'.
,,f or Maly
1,, !lane 1,1141 lowill)
„g - ,,, v„.,soming t„ the foi 1 as a 1 ['et ip.t hare 141 at, tAfir...lity Up; ,5,4011190
,111111 slew. eitta r plain 8,11, a ttn) \AB,. ruptured fhe I hlef (if 4174, ,,,ret
Irmrited t 114 i ',.. iir embroidered in the re-Iv.•0 nt Irt,tit,4, ,ibtria. futiyl.iff, m a3
s'nne isiliii,(1 sili,ii 1 i<- 1411 "ri S',1 ,Ings. 41,./1.3.4111FlIed Oil ‘‘edne,ilay.
Labor Supply in l'ennvylranin itegions
Below 'Normal.
(I. sprit, 11 11.-0, I'lnladeiphin say.
Anflirat de find 1.11.7r4,moo, ,(11 ,peta
tnrs sa) that the toyl sittiatkai 1. grow -
to:, 4, 11 .11. 1111'4,1k1/4 ,tit / .1,7'' 71111
11/111 11,1.1mitiv.11114•7 Were 55111 be 11
fernine 44 many sites The supply of
‘v.ifer 1,a; rilrt yds I.., 01,e 11 serom,
problem in 111P 1171111514 ,I.• 7e144411,
the labor simply Ita, been belim normal
r he\ ern> 1.‘eo•ls,
111,410te NOSe FA trim,
Clamoring tor Protection From Dril Isis
de,pal 'it flow 14 rd ,r,
0„, soil. lb 11 11.e inet
derdii at mono,,,,,, 11844'
111, ,,f
4111111' AN, :14,1 4i41111111 4,41 11, Iftik,A
hrot•Pt turtertt tal.e e.t.a
I pronnt then ('',1114''. 'fl in the
Initeci States and Canada.
Evidence in the Quebec Bridge in.
A Ilikapalrh from 01014.; 4544 '1114 I 4111 Met fled I nfraner, yea tesenei
I 1 11:4) rotartilq.ain •ti I loirsday 0,4 it at MU. <It pol'es tho stt.,.. of 11,1
V.11 14, the nit e‘t.wn t.. III 1114''), . 17 (her plor 11... 441,1 will 14,
4,4 th, ,14,, fled One Mine-, testified that 111I5
71, 4.414,1till 44 ...lir\ 1•4 7, III 1110 II. Skk, t111, 111E11 It 15113 simply
iident ,re 11,1 1101 117714ibe 1.111ped
/14,4 4,4574,.,111451 111 '49. HIP 7731
7(1151 tif the tesmer lary wan
1140'1 11111 11,1 I 11, 1,1 111 Int, -deer
4111, hat` 554' 11'1 1 og.•n. I 4101,
'tease, , ri, "7 II PO.
'hire yt, .1 1411.1 II, .krk • d the irinll,4(774
(14 11. )1 , 1,0,„ but responsdatio (;10‘ m t
111,44111'75d 4 n Thursday. Ilnkl 1111711111111/
1,111Ille 1, IV/ 0115* 419. 1101 1.110‘pe'ted EIS
4,41 son, tent ev atenoe had been heard 14)
mere 66 I.7. br• r rrnrt.. 1 his 14
111,t Moe 4,715 ,yft feet in 11115 part o' lbe
tituelair "41,4 Y.11,10-411 of Irt u.1.1.4l1n to
thn '3 7. emencreel ihs commis -tem
eit tr. ,t. the te est -mime the
swam,. aiii ...mined Mete The •nm
7,445m71 w ti ut go 10 NFU, 1,04 to
e‘ittnine ilietittoro 1;000e1', consulting
11-4,101t. m'end Iu fj" fidlY into
/1111i ter .
I-1 tl NO more 1,41as wore reedvered on
Thin ottly from Me er One wag hien.
tilos) nq nett t.1 leeepti Ilmet, Slentreal.
tine is -.leveed to he that of Want,
nptl from the t ri.tre sown tirtle
Ise -
4, -r. Ahe accident, and tau third 44 i., I
eegower. idenutli