HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-09-20, Page 21114111111PellerleeMee • • • Ak114k1r..100,111iitirt wirnellee_aace Mlles maw ' lee"( fr.reefeel;effeefO Ana. *few* woe extot rose ' new dew ee. ,4.1%000,00% WOO" 01, 1RAVoo RATeeellex leartiltere q. ;elfin); -R tte_lemetor ea Menthe* *0•991-• *9•• 440: osa co loan at 2,a; rotas,enure. liuitonp Illoca, you , mart* 01141; sad 1•144404 'Obtline-4 g NK4I. ieteiertHeaNeelltattiatXne lattivistaera' Waskoriers, torah twourola _Llnci."3444%!6tri.104a0T; .4CbratOltL Oattif0W: Ogres -tars *earliest!: an, Ver. Itataikrealt; aatt 43.111",•111/41c4I'lrk. r*outooto. tiataauta ttaastortA Ps Pillat.P.Zanatla tairrietet Segel No 'Vert - Vtiete fetleeefeeA ° ve son veer* over wern eveetelaeleitei ' 10I g O. a, 0. FRA8ER.lralt ler Solicitor, lereceor 1* .thir Itta**9*** LuOr* alato wit* Peale MK. IC. V4 *Hu. Sot ilib tlat4; Atom Now" 11400)01tio 111 WilrrOtOr 11, °Attlee% ratasiclems„ .d .y zetseot, ratwertg emit* Vemeltooa, et epos, wax* haurs4-9 Imo, to to pee. Meow, nee • eliowto pie ,,evitteenell keeleinee.elfe•- ee- Oettow. 4119, ele.0.1eaele0. * eaeeeeexeee.ee....xeeae,,eeseeeeeeeeeeeeeo, eite41140E. 1491? -08313 OttOznal Ticoo ookkonx. 14vtoeltette efeeirel etrosaGoaeric.a. ealmandeirefereeere end all ones mule !weer* Oneitateitta. eanneelf einerniteselsoonistise. VETIMINAAT . , D 13,..rar V. • P. roost. or clot . , jleeerootew veneers- Me eft iroronto. reiseetteny thoetteaatim o erne °more 10101 w.ppoved inslbod ot 41411:= 1. vamalui umas--Noweeto Melee treste40 TONSORIAL IIIITOTHNSON. Tonsorial Art. atoeteetu street, 'Poderieh. Zfla4%4% :etcirttytttlt. ellaitereoghblit. ,41,00 :tit mud. as:tiefeetton 4:vveysaritestlf- sues-4 BENEVOLENT $OCIBTIUS. ci °not oink:own. No. 32. 04XF, !peen= the let d Ord t month. Vetal"jelt 7son•ekit gstip;ttl: Pegg pat thweeron, Archie lit eltitulthot. Divrewe, Iri 1&p1101CohigL "1"1"19 WHEY & 80 11 FR AMP 11) BA 6E1 they era atte4 agettively daagoleaue. and FRANCE'S ALPINE Ma ere . not measly sesnoyiag, but ,therefart, it4011.141 be reiectimaily extent* goloak ,froca baelth oensrationa. 'pare .*••-,-,,, ls,,oct. Om* that Ma ottillottnit oti me ' . AT. kind. or matter oho away MONO., MILL OF MEN ANM' Mitt ,1,1 rOdia, At Inia heOn Prevail_ that cholera 411(11NrArItk Reis Truly bOHSO6 Things af L1A "The earth ls. full of the !v1ng 3.11 nos or the Lord.' -,Ps. swat, lore's poverty Is MM. not,* Nr hove' had otur lost, lug to, av h Withheld Or talon leent a the toed Witch, we might 'have i),Ihieh we carelessly have peseee .70 Oth0413c53*011 US os We &Spent sigvos ioy .00r blindness nod itut noc ref ittelvett1th of ourown IJV 110 beetft Oiler C1C40 III ?KRIM We vidiel scurry enr Janet 'rn Wtol dig. and tall. ,and fret tO tat pluoit; Ohm lateec tit last te learn the. sweet faced pest has, ken Mg olosa by, our door oh the U. e Ile Per:51105 in the pitiless enema eY, talud to the gOod and the. glory in rip Valley end 21111sIde, heckle only lh er- pulse to climb and end 1110 go 1111 tome retnote Insight. Ambition pride left ever new peaks ahemd to motet liku when at lest, worn, and empty in here he fans b; The old theology takked mach heaven, far away, to be attained I remit° Ileum; the new theology .seeins livened to Ignore any lie tut whet the hearts ot men need t .4cittie—or rfie- ilea-Voli rhat -is ell them, the God who ever is near, the blessednell even now attainal SOME LIVE fel 111E PAST, 1 complacently eon templateig ihe g that Oleo were theirs or their a tori; Knee live In the future, drea of feliceire yet fp be; but they are i only who eve to the fun, le the pr who Mach the richness and beaut Vie wealth that the passing heur O present opportunity may have. ,-/le Is truly godle who sees God the affairs of this day, in the lac living men, in the ilowere end I who sees all the invite wonder beauty of lite, and not he who se4 Most High only In some legendary or in a strange, imaginary future Ni man bcomes strong by ren tome of his breakfast or dreamt& bik: text meal Monet' each poetic lee Neigh Prer.$ listt Old Farm. The ertientricitito Or Me noltdayOttalter eleet eareed ate Olte '104.00110 t s, azsy feleeff Oat Yet 1te eine/ 0434 it es, apt must hove- Ite, envn. filtinf teed. riltt go* 411V4cfittul;vaant"trill 4inowd.45 4,00014410., 1144,110:44rtitrugnoi LImPirowylasiittit" NeNrakiitik germs aro Olken aerrstia thisi way. and, of cmose, 4evell-pes and 111411.T WAYS 1fl (h OF USINO PeeleCeIgS, 14Inda el fever Mita he oattied The PetC,. n tto Most', delicious' 6414e' nireifi' secilAs too meet ,gettenthy avatiable or sots NT ;tee larger fru* , water le perieet S ON INNLIO. gitk Alutitiou ot auger, orealet or tie careful honing lace...abons, or 'Ingosdienta is Plot gtkling Una narrate *trips, tilta to alretch i soul 4,1 mitn.nover colt find tLi DA" flaeliffee, ee 4Powling a jeattaxittOorl;all IP. $heat. ta roarvast to oung, .. ,ortAie , throlitit either.htstory or pridelkele ' went 4, ileveltY M hdlidays. gitycs.-01V, „.,,,,,„ *we t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,s, ace. v3; to Thee, et hieedie. it% kti3f4 Or OW aPtrillta til .41Onlltaita,.. . .: • • ' /414T07.tailmWtitAirg.x74;'. iii'in40. iiae.$ tirst, lectightWaYS. 11140 tras,ivitY$. 1•40. j Ahem ,eroolted, het to. OD them' slowly; straight. mil erectly, tile point id the Iren preeeingeeet te"trY eetellep separately, AlWaYs. Iron here. arid lieedlewyrit on' Me wrong eliie,,,-Collare-,F4VIfidalaibile' 'itv'n4 "n)914P4. 14.41 4"et 11/cl' ni71°%F444 9'14'4. ia'ai44'544"4'' 0 to piew4 - una4e,,, vto , ulimi, 'ettee net le'strotch 0441.4 larger Men' 49". 0'414°' , ie --A. v couctr,' teen la• als • ** kt• * 4,0,-..-...- ,,,,,- ell , . r, , , , . iwit,tv. tho goo, ..„. „ .,,.. , . ( he people. • . • : • - .. atiollter 0.1,e1.1110-10 Ott -WHOM, ter. _It 1 Joe ecteking..11401es, hviiiill *V 1t. * . - - shoeto tth)g 04134,04t04 ,s.40u14 41,0 1-J.44,,, -.4vity to it tttot .00 0044trageeita- -cogy ailisK tot *licensee to lbw*, on him. tavola:11W flaYor ititiOgones•areeeeeltees ..eit 490i0‘ 0.1. iz urge 1.1i44 pro$sing 01 perelea'en 4-etan-,territery ete1081i-elaehe 111 t *AV .9f* 0111)344100110‘. the liertieig. :retnovedi', out 44'414 .111111...- id ..ip.era 11044 044, ! 04 $040.114004 t P1-011 '‘tettl. WRIO wht4 164 11" • 00.44 14'140 "P441'be•s' 4b130 10: io Ilene with torrte pritatte torporatiOne?'„ Xitt.,*0 .0trolle "rePort '441. Ver$,01(!ght r tv ortiolibt 00.0141 o OgURArr 4)rF° 44#, rotoee twee; 044,, for white 'ee1,,tite telep4130 Itettleettteel.legifex'. 8kOtrhhett hat' 1't;g1 VO4411•r4oage,t,T,%k-Ail0 404 Itetteller .'e • ' • alVite aoldietn ttt,e4r o lgain tOl* AtgOm*lit;'•44 '9Y 31R lltle*llienhef'41;000 nete, elfh. ' 13 '4417* • ' l'.fea= 'ItteY 1114•40 stO•vt, ith 110110 1/0' continiteds '• '1...aeetittr• tOti , - cit 44-0 t er, ark shio, *he/lever, the., rustino in: which niutormA, 'or toe limited* toe innitence, Wistut ne anima ts t Mire sae tit' a, ea /AA, poo , ton them. a wiity 10 _ (115 :4_4/4 morlopeir, x401040014 .hmte 044;14 rtItIkuiptidos, .aubtelbulit: 1331(21 r wziwo ,„u14.‘,40.1,„LIN' .4,11:0N1 q-‘; hegta, Ige44.11411:-4i-,y'lab9r1 tiPegliat.14•110-Otth;g1N.Y1"}get 143' inereeeott Oink auMte "the nteeill -11111 04-14 ex wee -,:ette wee ' oey,tee, • nroolnol.:0t*Oli,•ofte-AtiPlu,I 11,t1),„?,;1!„.•,011 next trat ao.d. 01:40 'iltid - _ 141044g0 taleettleaPt tiely Iswoo )M(0 thee., W.01114 Met St. 111 444 1,1* t.')t •111141Y 1fis '011444,:- 0:Onia000/4 at . 4110 Atv,,a.o.qt,,e10t0‘40.P OUOMY .r04.erwlyiP4 gut te)ep **Ones ttia'ttrisibrtt a) brodnew nparatistaiff Into Ibis' frilet, the 9/111 Or, g Y • ••,. the 'Scotch filengarrfhonnet. "Mena „elfette.14)of ti".e.11°441e.I.ntethanYal'n411noantial%nOntrf,01114' ntnrtnelle_111.1..11/,,tv-tnt.44 whipped eggs -POO WO hntter'en 1.1-PPVI*1?41.! SiMea elld le/4'4410 are taita,vaier bake. ogo„,e. riti• alerted r".tet• powerful leawlei. the too0Y.herdered Maiiittv stead 1ALA Valka,L: • 13 Oriatdred Ileitallena Ono* * Peo7sopottea .cattitd The most geturesette. groan). itt thit Vouch. army is the ,.Alottle Ohns$04104' *ha guard a section it etiste,rn frontier, Their service acida le Gar nary hardships. mad perils' Or the soldter# lite the Words or inettelfillteeting.1 :There ore, scrorat thOusand (:f tl1C1fl, remitted jut the velleyS, at the feet 1,10,0 4404 in° ‘§WI'Vl: hOtiter. hey are. organized itt .010414 of six COingentea.oftN mot eadh. Theto lite. infantry Pattutiens andi batteries. of Theitatinda.r.it UMW are deed :3 IlIlIVIy. teetrampeet. lite guns, untinunitton 3(31(1 1 - chit UnC g0004.000.060 tatephiry , the alleged eel:inert Ovi:a ea of peaches. • ; Atotho too ireat hest, mitwo. the 4 . the 11' the i 4), 1131 nth s a • he t of ther nate year 'Pat t an cus- he. f• ther ten. eat - by Ire; ; 3 at end iere Jur- ten, 111 , or ,tels ms, cery -to any vin sing turn oven' Or belt an. boar. Atad4 Antil •0 tot DENS ARE:C1',OSED' ll(' 3(Q34101'3( f 14141" re Sheet. 1111-elteet -Id .coelge,,,theo- 'eel -4311y tura eatt.,4n • • :, , 10Waee• greet-endertenee and Ittiedihoed. sereefe, dieh e'Heete evetlY pared end 'file 'Ordinary Frenclt peleate casrlee a 'he:WO Or' 'eetfilete'red •peaehee, eiteeteed , Y:orglit eXaecaloS fitty,sitt.nottnds. when the$.•maY., oorelli4 006,itad *lIttle.'011r4T ESIOPNO• •APIONS: CITITAN5 riOr°1-', T*tht4./4"e41Pille auger erldoatitee. Heap a" ptirt of them t, • chasseur,aheugh he hardly ever treads THE S. S. LESS( INTERNATIONAL LESSON, SEPT. 22. ADINFUNOERTAKER AND EMBALMERS "ssormaroa ON str..t. ' mid Planing MI eetaem. Neeermewomm.e. ENE „ 1111 Contractors and Buildert3. Hatterteeturers crane dealers *31 Made of Weiner Ma.j Sash Lath, ShIngles, WA such astennher,Doors, • Plass and estimates throbbed on eV.10e1,, ' Etuohnitains & obtaattetaa,itsta WOO McKILLOp lutual Fire. Immo Ou tratte' and Waled Toth tleiertY tn. *tired. Value of Property Insured og to JahIlait% 1904 S3t0481976,000 OPhletO,ItS and iltitttatattt*-J,Di fretaitta Area/tient, ilippen 4%. 04 '1`, aaervAlic cattleht,citrucageld kr. 04 Z. XItes, Heorittery4ressetna '0• fort . 0.e 'Z. Cohoolli, iktt : 7)cosi .• c. 7 IlarlOok P. Or.; 'iechwood. • 0.f J. O. Oleg •P. 0.4 J. c.Wood „„aeo tht kindness and fatildulnesa P. 0. Oboney„ .,,Tv40 eaa lenge/Orin and SlatcIee. 0.:. tib the lentriactor or -Thr, closing yerses, or Miallter A $'4 10 nthic4 °)*:s!' 48tur" fitiecord lehowiles °intimated to Aloes Jaui uZoot-f041,4.'-.,1r(14ettni`olltilyliriat"10,14 ta:cedondutittlaGuultit obitertilik frig Meletlee it." „State wire, the ,„,fitet,.., hiS atVille ' 9 • natt400 ,„ elm pato, arnas. Jutd poect elterilt **a *it, tttott. oatmla feeitiPee Peethe Ifeeeiia •I.T7 ourlf • tia Onstta, Clinton, or at afel, Most,no Is canto nod p t Zia* Oros., Paraett Clothing Etnte, conteuts.,of Wbfell is 111 nianyrespee s andetPat.. • • „„. parallel to ‘ that of Oen. 49, tiro various, trie laws roll. 1 (9) eclat the eons the ono - (0003 tine- ani- ; to -roue ahd nual '099 - east • the for 3 eu- s of haSe pro- oon- false ee • ., 'ern fee the usages of war, aro Ineludedeeerhe teerd 4.411011 deals with various pelages. of moss.; -ends with a very More Ivo of domain's, and soda! Mo. The adirsess peroration, in which Ilhovales bias luta ea again promised in the event or °be - Mos while the Ilisastee to follow as te flinty of dlsobedietiee Is elaborated In grata Chapters 1/0 and 30 are supplementary in character to what has already preceded. In cbaptee 31 tho ern . end of the Dead Sea, and thought by many that this may been -the .plame reeerred to In our te that case, however, it woul necessary to regard the sixpression Plain of the Jordan" as includim entire Dead Sea basin. Tina some meniators think unjustifiable, prof; rather to stippose that another known as Zpar, was retested ne, nerthern eptl- of the Dead Sea i Testement times. ' 4. The land which I aware unto hamo-Compare the identical word Eetel 33. 1. Thou' shalt not go over Millie) keeson foe this prohibition is gi• Num. 20. 12, where Jehovah, sped, Itleses and Aaron, sayse"Ilecause lieved not in me, to„sanctify me eyes Of the children - of Israel, th ye 811411 not beteg tbis assembly li land whIcth I bave given thee." T Obedience on the pert of Mose AMOR referred to took place in tl derness of Zin, where Moses dfsee the -spOcific oommandment of J. witb regerd to bringing forth watt a lock (comp. Num. 20. 2-11). ire He burled hina-Or, "he .buried." Over 'against, Bellopeor-in the Mate vicinity ot which was hula encamped. 7, Nor Ins liateral tepee abatx "Neteteer Mgt his freshness fled." St- Thine daes-As. when Aare rutivo ts Minted and the parting words 0. rPor 'albs:as had laid his hand of Mesta to the people tied tp las see- .hito-The special consecration ot gasser 'Joshua.. ara...,raitOrded,,,,the. leiter. referred. 10 4s -weeded in -Num. 27 iving his divine canuntsSIOn. MS 10. Not arisen a prophet since aptee tilee cealteins the nrethee to the' enef-Thei sentenee helps to fix ti emplane Paolo. known as ifte „earn): g 01 of the book, at least In Ile presen Mesate" Waleh Oentillees thehtteth the winch must have been much lett greakr kart .Chl OntiPter,32; and which.the lime of Moses, prebably, act emu -lege In etemeg and beautiful lam to the best results of sehtilarly gallon, .during the seventh c 11 C. 11, 19. These verses which ens' the preeniinenee of MOSes us a .miracles scent SonIewhat loos tuned to what peeeedee, and ma- titY have been. added by way of. itethm at, einem later linte.. In 00 the signs and the wonder phrase retests batit t0i. the phrat 1111(0 Mi*Si" pointing out the pas eii tierdelt YIP ruler "peophet in Ise( equalled the orettt leadeleint the Someeeisiseaso**********rneeestrnetesemistosei Vet tribes being roparately cliaraeterited 131 language Whieli %Arica kola simple de. . Ail the great terror-beeeute seciption to exalted 1.010110100. the Mine judgment. ,poent. cohrtuding V1111 On enthlisittSfic Itc the sight of- in the preserioe oujentet tli Jee iteer lereers ineeMpan se.- ,,„ Irma .atarl. Tao fag chapter of the 1300a, EATING LIVES Or NATIVE whiet,.ponsittutes the teat for 011e 'pees • Mit 1,0aern, Oa 110:01111t. oelhe nes Sucre/. In le death of MOOS- • SteePlog Sickness. . Veiara i• to Alld 10(;e3 Went UP -In An areaDunt of same of the rec fartaplkince Willa 1110' ,e$Plilt oolnnualll ewes of Professor Koch in 0 „,,,r00,„4"Mlloel„, Or ;Oman. 14..et Ape into Oita mountain btu. wher„ hts prhirhugeo ongi "vver 1.0-11t nt• il mArini,,uaigy, ?moot Nebo, \stitch is . 1, 44 hie Callses of aria elite tor "e anti 'slum* le ott, wilti of mole' Moot 11. ell: nichno,ss'l is nearing en end, hos rtYoti waottheb-st Tliallath9t. or d1ePPM of N1011114110 et; a dtedieal Mend of leo pi ad in ' , IN ego ctitho ofto P Mei le eg , ya ny. . 'it.hfrin. it Paha fasten' entinletpatt 'sine°. eoell toil Germany on hi ; idd yon band1 belWeen sathas o Mash and filo ' eighteen months have e lite pathr of adErato olden hes e:tell* fire tater, alile (if Inn /ging lutqi *Unlit Or northern end inf Ike "Rad SA. dad 'Ithrr 11,00,0-04va, areltiot Itort of the 30.telart WOO. Midint Nebo. in lite Mg Probtill0,7 twit 0SignallOnN tar the AD Weighba On the isf &alma « SAW. ra "a011 act, 11000 ibla et at c. latms de Or Swim, 104 pramptIg Fao (.!'; Etgo W 11 *Hat .51.-;11 -0) 1`,N,:lVt.0 itititt ;3. e e m1. tx .t -3:.. Wital ta5a t•011itere t „1, treal'ett '" e VIII'MfaS1013. "Ifte teller reeelved 'Irron,limA neor itinfebbes tily nod; atos native t gtra troy ilia -stalk-40o at Klant, 11110d Ofiele littnlited IWO Wad,. IA titThinn laaltory. ifepterina' Ilia afloat White 10 Fenn, and elite their dying r* , . Oro eeSete neptalpacticti t cillat% of. 'Odell 111",Y !•'" -NOVO:it° Ond traveled foie* tin ltalug the. place 41. little 01.firo.. tit") loztats ucti4trk. 014 mot. ccfSelY thPrt„1110.011101'.; .tpf an titan '4111'111(1 .10 flat r 14N. " 1 • laUt 'at I 1110 ' •Oldd0111 aN,Cha." prtVilt Of 11 TitOlintaltt Ville salledialf tvf,st Atf iL tiOrliliVaStelit tsar at lite Wald iSklu. 1)3 monitlein May well he the ottani - 114100 ViSgall:' itetteVri Onti net lifter among' tuodent ornationa-of plaCes Ilita.vlein,t1r. 0174 •west: crt....coN.tot,t bete tat% preSeetTka r 'assiitasea;, .1roprnsilit email JoiliAoli• showed bite all the land .nalicrop twst elle peeiereeee te Wathie to fl -11111142r eft') autteR11-1f0 Isteopiise lo I cdet WI the Mete.; ,ettlittleraled fa: 11114. Hair ,alastifot either from Om lop ,of aloatut Avittort 1,1 few goy!. Ion algok Xrint.4:1' any one Ian*. at this troughs 10 saa,a,ziattil, citeds 1,Witti,I.y. Mallet tovata both 'the nerth, atteetel...-14,41t • .. tattri c.mt nun the ,ioullitvz..st Iiett, la an. .ii„,„tes vekg14,1, tat 14,, "Art 43,,,iltdetM 61.10.11§ ateete or tillrad. .re,l•utla f.11ia.tNt, lit air. ahA , tibiti Ilse V.cleity• Pati. tagalhea,lkilh gra1110 at:VI:311S flaatt'd .at 4/a8. vart, of ilia &Seta. lattilary Nanittell U`Oiet, , tL:c1 !)1-1.0 TO atle% Atat the' itrant highlands Axil:luau* man, woo-, f • 144. nial Mailasat, ekit *M1.04 (1331 31 free ' .aerea petple * ;la tv'eel;fieee eaet iebtee „fetel eel Sudan. tong bete teed viater:'intivo thy woulittit hive an t ' tiat att. bilkettar. the kladohe *014 hi/ M. o •Kigarahatitt. tlenStiling ,1 nod hula. - Thg hernial), PliWavris hue ra.2611ed At* riffitVes, were erected har litia party, ,31 ordinary brge one. as hig btu pan% boint the 0 In .theeeteetee'et the MOuttl, place aetioe .11,0*(citN404. of leVel'ground, add a an extra et the ltte$t Perfent ones roiled the oat - a 11314-0,1031t whipped ercoin, ": fiTajiattitt17.041-Altr-U0Seiii P ' '' ; '.134Varinad., e^ ' Pare elelleee ' ' ,r, ' . PeePheSintialth eainiffit orthem tlitteigh , wnn'Cltalv-atelperlal--Ediet . a shave to have One pint, of 'pulp.. Add " . Vahan. . , , , L o it ,.fttleen' debps'of aimPtee aeleact, a' London,.' -'. '. , '-'1' 8(33.1118(33.111Whapaapjui: ,ee vanilla, Quo ente ' The. Tribune has in er recent. Patel . An ordinary dityl.s march xvM lead cupful , and a hall bi sifted fenedered is, "ex .0. telegren1i- teinft liong Kong ten.' 4 oompany or e group over a pass 6,000 "segeee' •••$gelt threormutrters of a package mg of great ,relarteing In teat city be, 'feet shove the 'Starting point to a final cf geattuleteel "gelatine in'tnreeKluertera eeaseeed Me elbStag• of opium-40ns. halt 1.506 feet down 011 the other side, of aemenet of cold water aod.sterni over rollowing this; IS 11-' short hut. latatiat. Th•dr4).% ma Place that the infantry 10 hot watee to, dereselwoe Strainetlite 'ento lelllg aettole heeler. ,e0sepe Xleikaorlerette -that. the .artillert de not !anew. The the prepared pulp and.let stand until, the irrring to. events which led to the cles4. guns are peeked on mule batik; So' are mixture Vegeta to thicken. Mille mean, lee,g of 3.000 opietre.dene in.Foochow, oa iti carriages. tim‘Whip One pint of very heavy seteet eetlY 1291 Wet.. -. . . Metients . conditions are 'encountered etehtexentasiecveirnia Doth:eatitt.:otelnesthmemo.. meratteden- tf4oer creaen, tc) a solid kith. When the peach •-•Ntr. Ale,icander says i„-... , Preparation Is like -puttee Whip thOrough. ,, The deader. of elle anteepiden, rifoire- Is •tor.tkmoihent then mix in itghtly the Mat in Poectiow is a young mandarin, mcn , unload their paces, the wins are WhIpeed cream end centime," 1..etegs,.. Mr. Lin, ,Of considerable Shinty, great pat on the carriages and -the carriages throughe very ligialla and aarePiiir. un--grendson. of the eiemou,s Commissioner on wheels. Ropes are attached and the tit quite Woke': Turn into a wetted 13a; whose destruction or 2,00(1 chests men 10 what Me mules could not. tr.culd toad stead on lee until ellorottglny ot -opium in 1829,', en to tiM mama war. During, lee eutnine,r months the Al- ehgoa; or tgrn „into , ix, tipareoverea As president of the prinelpill Ante -opium" pine troops are. censtantly in motion. enraitalhdou.atrate up:letilit Ati%zig.itridsalt tor seaT Sodiety, he has been work tn good efteoleto secure the faithful eat- country for Mole, eking which an Uwe -- tog, el/leanly Some are eoing scout duty, studying the Peach: Soullle-Preeil some very ripe ping out of the Imperial tlecreeeof last ekes might be made and for stroog de - peaches (pesaialy the good -portions of Augnst, and the eegulatioes which l)l- Missive. poirtts. Others are engaged In Jewel, issued in Noverebere for stopping mimic 'Overture. . whinrubbed -through a $40/0, ong eup! tile nap and sale of opium in China. No- There is no elevation that, they do not MI of .0111p. Add Milleient sugar regulatteas, that at the mid QC slx bruised fruit) talte "selficient to melte - to tioe was given in ecoorclanee -with t make Otte sweet,,and cook slowly Woe reunites, th,e whim shops -would ail be Anna cold, , Whip the Wailes. of four 1 111 as thick as marmalade.' Put aside 'day ti osed, and this wee. careled, out. On the eggs. to a soft froth; add- onequerter et - . • - ' -"LEADER SENT TO JAIL. Va I the (menet-dee keepe . a teaspoon%) of cream of %Outran& eget Mtn stilt and, drat then ,lightly eut into - • the mixtuied Pour earetuity into a ed --InlY • . r -Protest- , va nly did they, present' petitiona ask slightly ' buttered belting dish, Stand in in t for 1 ktensioo, " gist of two alma -14.hot Wee end .bake tom fit. t'• • al • 4 months, then Of one meolle-then weelte, teen to- ie5 Mantes Ate -a reotIerette oven, or days, lastly of *My Me day. Their according to the thfalmess ot theeeougle. leader, wile presented the. petition and cream. Serve immediately With at ',Without offered a ' bribe 'of 1,060-dotse to the die- , . e„, Male Nees mil. ete..o prison. - The anti - Surmise Poaches. -Soak a halt pace i • - oe. unroesocieties formect vigilance coin- age .of granulated gelatine in a tali- melees with watchers appointed CARIO3P YOUNG PIGS. PrOsPeat ts that The, supply volt begs will be abort Ina sinter lind:Spritift mid that price*.wia rule Ugh tir thla eettniry. The oullorde IS the-. %sante la England, 'whom tha pachers sand dealeca. are complaining bitterly of Om. Stlottage pigs, aad are **reed bibunelle.inere,Secondolual product limn outside sources. %NA thoy wculd ir the supply of ficatenuat we sufficton, ?irony lariners Au 11141 O sitecesa of ,,feeding 'pito • duo lite whiter ranothsi 'arid Iliamt 010(0 toutA. 4iticoaraged through Work an have abanclOned' the: worh. 033 tlld edber band, 110t, ,have:Succeaded saitsfacterilyoand Piede it * preflight:4 ;business. What is- lila secret et their -eueoea9e, te queStlele others .4bratiel observe and sticly,', in order lbat Div Innirlabare nie 100d 06604.7--„goliit lonob4ly part. of theedtilleOlta efe eare ing and improving odladition• la dee to trip pigs through the willter OPo having:the litters 'tglive • 100., late 133 11% .rag. •..septenaber October,,are. the ,raveatta bloetba to , nve.itom.;eolato, 415 'they may be kept 11-11/11h4 oia:ihe • giouud and the: .6714,aa., A it4tAA fart t the Leveler two oeithree• meat Which. la e940,0441 tO'4119t,..g000_,h or Lone, ihe developtnent tot,Metectee eleele the layelg, of • (ho fotiticletem of n',..afg: ;nous, .00nstitution,. Weleh - them to withstand the etOete of the en., forced Oonillieraent ; due to snow,. and - blanket. Ancr-a. lent oloth, . weighing the „ gether " , ' cobla wEATligk WitOtiv , • ,i0j,yntlexked „total ell*. • piing et pigs winter, apparelitirrree) -Cat*, g ellteeeeelght cMuIS Mean" rheumatism, but probablalroginartIVO 1111133 (13 the ralo ot ahead LOP teal' livers end imperfeet !eigesilooe or ate- , tedtlee Ile gage at double. Mat rengemeilt of the storaltel4. due leek ot wrote°, and possibly .frono too much cold; seeppY Pee, .Wille in (old weather, may welt acedellt,„.or 11 ,Efluggish etroujation. tlie bloeet, Pin consequent Inaction 'Of ,;110,, organ* of uie system which ,perParrif .fiteettertee' Ilene of digestion -Mid ,asitifslgtotk 11 there reason to •beiteve that they* auente winch ofiezt eheott growth and health at pigs Meter- are .dee the syvitern of feeding'i,ebove indicated why net try the system of feeding Ly which the grain is led aot, either;wholc or ground; 44 the elienk given in ' moerete erough, to 'be taken when -ree quirintee.:We baye Seenepigs thrive ad- mirablyin winter, in very iordinaey ouar. tets, fedin this Way. 4i•fosieerf the trngs ruised In the cormeenowing andel, are fed whole corn, on. the ear, or shelled and scattered on the ground or on plank platforms; and. nowhere are ao many so, successfally :raised and:fated for market, the principal -dlifIculty there al9 A lan iver- his 5yrla et of 3313(01 10 le of ttler, erer, odes nside ato nioys hay,- •heese tergy7 • that vita. 4:int a diclay ; hay - board ocess- ;.0 the good. pro- d his 'signs -boat, elend. ‚3(314 Metal 'a erne ; for tain's es his m it. rofee- ;May- Miens Mem, 'stew - attempt. A company of the yen y - second ChaeseMs of Albertville made a being that theehoge, being kept inauch March on Ment Blanc last year. large numbers, toe)), together -too Almost every important expeditton is Meetly, and are 1 bree beelitereedeette attended with a miehap of some kind. heated from contact Of their bodies, On December 22, 1903, eleven Men uti- and to eatah cold wlien •Seperteted; 11 der a sergeant were fs, we believe, sourld dectrinelhat food eaten slOwly anozt ifrotoughly snastietit- CAUGHT IN AN AVALANCHE. ' , ea and mixed b ene paliva of he They. were in three groups .united by glands of the mouth, `le best -fitted"or a rope. The two , rear gx-oups were being readily dtgestede, the exertion re - bought by the•mase of snow and drag- totined to pick up. Minty scattered grain ged the others aftee them. A second or meal in a Pat -bottomed' trough tens fall completely buried them, but lege to keep up the bloeideeiroulation, and men dug their way out. This was on the process of mastication ie• much the Col d'Arrondez. mere complete than in swallowing el° December 1e01, an entire tom- pe food. In tae early years ot la Ing in this tiountry,_it was the coin _ mon practice to keep were fifteen to eiglOOli liewntlie. 'exe- fore fattening; they were eerrietl over • ° the flist winter alieeet invariably by scattering whale peas. on the !Pozen ground or on plank floors, or in troughs, and given water separately, - and were 'fattened at last to great weights on whole peas, with water to drink, yet rheumatism wad winter crip- pling was practically ' AN UNKNOWN AILMENT. capful of gold water, Turn into a cup- every ward alive eity•ana its suburbs, only of tbe Thirteenth flattelioo oats fliT oratadth*glatt" create and stir-uritnTsti- ThaE, When the Mend Atir Arrived, -etassing -lincainoi in, the, valley of Averole under guidance of' e, mountaineer. As they EaTire‘tipon- a %fiat of recent snow the, whole slope gave WO)' under them and they seemed on the point of being hurled over 1 preci- Isla, when a hidden rock effiffe stopped 914 -moving mass, and men Mid snow and stones and ice were heaped • up in promLscuous confusion. Only _ono man was killed. All through the season of field .exer- eases the men sleep andiffereotly In the OW -or in the vilialeeteef thebeedemen ea the upper v0110yS3' Rolledin their blahkete they do not feel the cold too much. The tent Moths are streielled over light iron ban)/ to keep outefhe damp of the Alpine night. Once a week • the cortipeniesrspend a day. in some village t.) rest, wash and repair their clothes and dissolved. - train . and when partly only three or tour dealers dared to open cooled Odd sufficient saffron or yellow their shops, and teeserwle. were prompt, coloring to tint prettily and a tea:Ippon- ly hustled -off tO Jail. ' ' - ' e • fel of orange extract. When cold and Greta , demonstrations celebrated the beginning to thicken add one Mot o ----- I closing el these places. "Long proces- heavy., cream which has been whipped stens of students Paraded the streets toe a stiff froth and 'fold lightly togetr-i; Mainers, lanterns .and flags, and hiln. lia.ve ready a mould lined witb. deeds of sheltie. Were decorated with strIps'or angel calm or Split lady "angers Melting and pennants. many mass (Raving - first ., lined the bottom with a meetings, Were held theotigeout .the eity, lifted piece of paraffin 'paper to prevent at which Chinese officials spoke, -end so adhering). FM the nieald we., alternate great Was the enthusiasm Wet o foreigo- Ipaitieezteifolithe ,xetitiityaellureteenahdaiwdmillatenvdv which he did, at -bidet great applause." er was begged to "address the crowd, sprinkled, with powdered sugar and . sherryieth, b fleet and last layern should • **11.•00.4r1:—.........„, be of• the cream. Put on Ahe tightly- MEASURE' OF THE , DESERT, feting ouver, bind the edges With 313111; -- . hi thin inniiin cupped iii In the Sahara All Property Is Expressed i7entltedtrA and bury in a pail of:jee and . . hy Carnets; 511hA for teeepal hours. Primitive petioles who have no money Peach 1Fr1tters.--13eat together the measure all value) by that poesession yolks of ttee eggs and a half cupful of whioli is most desired ated- most easily eqlci water. Add one °cupful of sifted fleue mixed with a pinch of salt and olive oil and beat well again. Theo stir in lightly the whites witipered,to-a stiff froth and set Mtge in a cool' place for several hours. Helm 008d3 11 kettle part- ly filled with smoking het fat. Dippared and halved pieeeti of peaches- Into the • up batteii. Hold on the fork hie 'a Moment in a that any extra amount may erain off, vit to Men drop into the leet tat and cetok tithe, golden brawn. Skim out and drain for nd of 31 mornent on unglazed Paper, then iioll dello in powdered sifgar and send at once to pees- elle table. ,er to Peach Popovers.--Dreitit iliree eggs in to se. h, bowl and heat verr-tightly with a fork -just extoitgli 10 mix-dteo add one pint YG. ot 3111113. ,Mittlogisther One pint of sifted Ilotie. and atitter of a teaspoonful of *have salt. In this titeetioegh et the-,Iletunt'to• it an mike a ihick batter and beat until in a amooth, no ieuget, tratinauy blend e vil. with thls 1110 temender 1111.11de then free, Arlen Mkt deep .buttered .popOver Papa, hop. ruling them two-thirds full. Put hike a foot. moderate overt and tat tam rise aidarly,:', ng be. When the oven is quite hot, and they t end rise Valli* they fa' a great danger of .11 up- Mete falling; 10 be at their . best. they tett. 4,,,,l,413,1;,'fully la Mintaes. to riss anti meting o tVilO Pbea- pleatY rabbit - no ago Les of . one I as a 130 1112 bleed *Cable transferred. Thus ameno most of the etehabltante ot the Sahara; the -camel is the measure of all 'Values. Properta, riches and camels ,.ara, synonymous terms among most of the dwellers in the Sahara; Dr.. Otedelein Of OarrnallY wrote a while tuici ttiat if a Tuareg were set down In fite -stteets Of Berlin the business blocks aria residences would convey ilk him tio idea of :property. Ile would Stniply ask the greatest real es- tate landlord in the city how- twiny camels he owned. When Richardson' met the Tuaregs and Was entertained )3y one of theft' Chiets, the treveller was told by his host that he wished to make Omen Victoria the finest. present that 'any one could give her, and so he asked his gudet to take back to her a enehari, wheel. is a Mime) leaned te fleetness and 'the most costly of Saharan oettiels. While Baeth -Was-ernietialdfig,te Tetra' Weide tree was 'danger for Lew (lays that the street mob would attabk hie house, , One of his. Winters servants ad - vista farn 10 rotntive his Paaivare to a piece, of safety.. This word means live ateelt;t,stich as cattle or camels, and 3103113 tOld evointirfethee lie hed-only h'qtiotse With Mini. it: Was some nine POW a golden boowlu In, -.the mennthnew ,befere lie learraxt that the advent did njaee amel sante Ma peel Otte It fa nnot refer. partiesilarly 130030, but to meth ,peeele Time els et will take without ajos pogeeseiolle, , addiug a *Op'. of Almond ek. Nviten; the Feernel?1,11 tiotiret sneeeed- 0rit out, break- each <spot, , add a 10(1031 -Mouth. to ,Tittibit !ine! years ago, .4 !root. Whell the Pdirakm -Ord done, to in nevightlit/ the ' se Nigeit Iron's • ila awabwied, peanti, hildltlittle 'awe, aweaer, ,aestrati4 iotrit ti 110 let the eitudeeTheel eerte? Odth thO reenaltl- 'VW:ea 0- 111410 of 40/Ala* asked, Wm Seribe• Of .th 10.4.114 Ira ' ol alltittle• tiacaesa, aleZts • . tit :Of 4 tre9t1:1110ii MOO. d Ore ve helium !dont° de int° Oct be end is. -at the totraty.1 Kt0g _1301 O and s4. fut.t ctlititz no ex. le Ore FURRISH UP THEIR' WEApONS. Sham battles are carried on in all the passes of the -rnotnitains which might tempt an invading force. -Litege groups are brought together, under general offi- cers, and attacking anc1 defending forces are organized. During the winter detachments of the Alpine troops remain on guard in the fastnesses of the moUntaitis despite the rigors of the climate. Thera' eta out- posts at elevations ranging from 6,500 to 8,006 feet. The post. at Weems is about 7,800; that of Acres 7,500, and there is a, battery at Vyries at about 9,000 feet elevation,- " Each 'pest' is geteially under a lieu- tenant, and all the Vigilaoce of fieentier Minas, duty ie exernisedl The oold 15 Intense; the therinomenter Often records 25 degrees bekiW zero, Fahrenheit, and the little. gerrisOn is often cut- off for days from communication with the out- side world. When the weather _Conditions permit frequent supply trains visit the poste, and ,a daily °butler with lettere and neWspapets meets eh orderly sent doWn Me mountain. When the weather 14 somewhat worse, dogs are etodroYed to Carey deepatehes. which are strapped to their haat in portfolios. ee, novAL aigrAlitv. An Ifttident in the Life Of the Preglent Prince of woes. Prntee Edward of Walesoson of the ttet or itiaaailan Vied eett a elOISI di 13 enee many eameis to tither awned, AM prince of Wales, and pros An. Kedy Peach -1)es3e1.-4,,1rer hard .when Patareatt artia,sed the ,desert with, the throne, is just begnin haperfeet peftehea' and: tilt .th.,.1 htvitest otptornag ptioU itiat eVer en- ,tion as a cadet td "ttid Royal Naval •Col. Stew owl$ unlit Ott., UntO' cantentld fold (hat it, was tha .videred .40 arninarr dada., and shares .11.0i-hattotanuile.Astlinshaallin1 Bohr t._expensive preaen,Llhat rest. all winfolis and ,discontforte 'with Me one beeping teaspoonful Pow (101136 of mkt revel, 00,14. glit to any. rest 41 the Tite,:- If he mbIel- 4t.er, tehsphtiatui strakii 6.06, miner at that age, he is ettpable of get, hve heir to ng etthele rage in ta barge. Ottle watt attire attiv., toot., tut, ',,Sallartt • Ite.,:received .faten a lege ea MO IS -Wee WIgh . Prince gd- toltauq smutted 'Sugar to Sweeten, mid Nveuithy oative was og gtsob g present at a ward, a little More grin thirteen. 18 11 snit and one scant cupft. intigi" nr01/ • ixs• ft rule, ,ht4ever, the clamber tit ling a. good. deal, of boyish Inn -out of lids tlY SN011tOtt 1410.1413 11101 10 1110,110sseSsreti. Of eine Indio.. life In At, took int the opriyatt, Lira of *boo" tho bolting:4. von, ba stew but King Eetteliedylk sopia.-ag Ilia,tactiOadea. b0111110 trait and. t1OVet‘•." GRA.e.ly• **OOP aro dieudy• for .frobv, ten itt ‘,11ittenc latent, Uneovetieg. the tuft in the OtAtre,tinCi hitutilf 010 adga 0( 1131' WSW. • , `Trig 316X1P14 ..11eintie Ptpoing It whitewashed ;wag 11t'136!1 13. over With. v3tegar orlon wig ;find that the paperNitil MA -adhere ,pto. ' • ' ' The:juice ell a VW onkel la the anti. '414M in.'. sting Of IV bee of Wasp. ,,,,Vheat slung 101111430 (314' sting. if it lit and then 14Y ti thee id tato, "WM tan the•platei 'The. stibriing (11111 tott, Jam Vititig In fortaintit ,ore Vaal ditwolt to destroy; entirely. bid bye ettb statilly.yubbing Otte Itigiettlittia, the. WI, can 1.0 befit 0ithet. Am* ltrilent no ;all the Outtilla be tett geh tile -Mehl', • When. Om VOW Went tat Omit' to Pigs selt0M go Wrong in summer where MO are allowed to 'run On the mound, with access tb grit ane geese, and if we cannot heve Summer eondi- lions in whiter, the beet. eve can do, it vvould appear, is to get as near as we ran to it by aeopting methods of treat- inexitewhieh aid Mature to do its work, themlle the handicaps of frost andsnow. 'Co end, -It is eurely worth while to experiment, by supplying the needs of the animal system, by prOaiding Mne-and-muscle-forming Mode, and f,eeding them in Ole Manner best Caleh• lilted to aid digestion and assimilation. Well -cured clover or alfalfa hay, cut up •fine, and led in Oortibintabon with pulped mangles or sugar beets and ,a little meld, ehould ansWer admirably for this purpose, and Should greatly re - dew the cost of production, as tome 'pared With the common ,practicte of heavy feeding of grain Meals, mach ot which is often woree than wasted when the animals are knocked off their bal- ance, and 1/030 ground, instead of gatn, ing hi oandltIon.ana'vveight. It would east but little to pretfide- 'a load or twe of gravel in a covered place, or to car- ry over the coal ashes for this purpose, lo partially buret, under over of earth, some of the rough wood lying around the yards to produce charpaal, to Whfch the pigs weld be given ac- Cegti. A mixtetre of salt ettld sulphur and wood ashee, as a cendirnent, kept under ;Cover lit a loW, gat 119x, so the Pige eien .help aletateletes, May prove the soetor of life and vigor. These are but hints which nifty serve a helpful. purpbSe In solving the pet:Oran suc- medal winter productfon of bacon to Meet the goad demand and prices of the Present. At leastOhe suggestions offer' ed are opeti to alsontadon, which eareieetly Who will *be the litat foltaito o halal in it, and add 131s quota to the Solotiote of Ole question? , e , A ciaLoweiwomut ALOFT. The Clever, Peat or a lack Tar In a . ItagEng , mud', ithe rotilatteet ot tea life in • '1545t ,,lay 'ilia rent that a large pert of the nalleea` Work, 1.va.s done aloft. The Sett Bratte 'deScrilies a feat -Peefered Oman. - Tha goad ship Living- Age, like other firiedahips Of forty yeart; ago, had her We de three .itilictialsi; the impatient gsrest. F ' • „b"Ekte 4:u711,itatr winitP4jh rti(14 thlettltd01°4:3411611t itlf7i,71144)14t.liikti! eitthr:11866r1.41:ft :4,3letteill2nritPrtee714:1-1:0 :dee*: tee ‘tIV4401ellit :18towb411:4011**%;;;114,4111n7;76!gwier,t4:71nbatunlaecilarna:gwenadi°007vulnut:111(1 Odd is roily Wealtilet. It litiepos.sesses Prince GeOrge end ide elder Mother • ttta thief Within Marilee bet in MS seVen dy remarked. Titer ceeelved Melt oals)elitete4 etc aYbluq '11)(14n odattirlrAcp*:°.Ofter's,4t1tdili ntril,t.t.°v‘i% .ttlkorlattrInt4ter‘Vam ittlhewett.tth°1, 06ni''sahiPerninteritailltilibani ,t1Int44,115.4.1-1,1n10,10„ur ardnfluily,,,„reamasvavetd, eant.,excepung agt omit -Maid liadatuniM Inlay had ta roug1. it with uwman ifont to the fararayaWndat• titlee.•• Vinton, found it iirda0slible to .010 reap Aid Were *sled without, )411411°Inill Vett' et 'Ott de -Sett; the ithenert. toetitiaidvaortitmettratehh4101116,hlttat theso. vnaholl.rolgsi. 10,4 moo 234i tint% w,bialt ettee deeible • Mt. eft th,2 ,S,,,ae011tiffit,1011thed fd her. etit *xte ett 45 a -bate pole th ' aUthelie 4 thefts lemon ae eeljeteela, Meta, en latttotia triuses:•__.0 ,About• tight, sedubvielc the eyegt the 1116promg gmontl4 :aie mynah to (If island WO* taislous to pre. At, en n rod 414 and there is- net pgalttftly la lead, fatatt -melt tiefitittleAllida lb Phile0 .4tE;h7stitspogiad the bath hollow vac, eacgt 111 111 Wee 411 tilde Eddr. Ind entdowlY. thrlulted Men,. ,6tAtitt 0,11 660%, „woos. tong at the toetletyatkliptooklImaleattieltiocoartollevals1.fienzeorguliceottatto ltitlyge.i.1Putalvage40600 rargthisletterlittirt foant.growito.:10.,c44,1 07 to tot aupped, dowel upon uteOl• plate fele Merged 'etiVeree etnidSlifelmen, before, iv for s tar n ' reached. theliroptor taws. ifi"; tirtlY 15!" 41114. ttltnr4'irobr`tvutel" 111,:mmi* ivisos with tkilt itrachithialh.:111:bolltifn"antl.gottitpte.111trielytill. thedk tatui rvbito. ank to0 bg, aitlitid camels, lust as gin levee, diles with Ins mires 'very myStribusly. WItert they in fait) Water'. Id Valeta it ,tOotlittinitul Of eztille. Mg Wives mite Vesey MO in Bel landed, the '4-keelteble4 riatteies weed us. slit 0 WA. Ito, nut rtih 1119 tilk 'with Aglaia-, lito orituttity tooistio 4ge ibtig blab hit* ow *an. but, 1.neo it Av !warm tattii..4, eat taloa %toff, tia anitti Timr tom. Ida brother with 110%a et the InOst MasSiontlet wheu fla titPteta to that lie einharrossing bouquet' wo$ pre 111 then tweet erg_ tea en leeeeteee ea that. ay,i, alnia the+ ptirX5 of -ft eiders dOughtOr :had yelloW.: The two Itad usedtile tronMonti, - commanded,Only t thavtalthy. :Olen Of the lilies to adobe thereselles StriaLIr II& throne, on ,F,t, tne explorers Ighavo. twit very /at with.* ...girder, or need jar wafering Witte4w,, v-,tatf.:*.•,non or° lanIst.pOptilar tat the It: Wel probably. Mehl enjOYMerit of pianist Sontelittlea lin,' (0 x .e4 latbetelhee-to eMr Ibe:s.:lim.ingiu, apnitii,:it d1i gil,in Wl thyd it isihloiiwI0" •l.0 iattttoiti 8kctatfi*leittriwhii 1°Mrm.'3(.'I3atonfaogi0t le,t l tc tt ldt o • o . e et 0 r'-,ortuiand t hetrm w13 a1 i1 t1 '4.', Pr ter the 533f3 ki AtAttMt the camels Millthe •*!( drnk. 'u. (3 * heir to i* 11131933? bad anmho tl4l 111 43 4414;A UMVe(*tthe33)..' axrIntsher of MCH. tOtlth 110 lte. It* tIfireba Wales iitvltolth ittVoulbpot, irneneeeolflflih tv .* longWho•T'Vd 1v111 10 Wl1ititiciftt to the tteA110ly 1' 111 VandalVak fa auwhih ld ttwol tkotthg0e* to 1 . a tot lo • • p h r Theisalor lied to clmb'the PAle i 1131±141io t k* 41 marline fast to Me 5i1±34 0Ow ban, 16 Itoiouicnot go overboard/When Iiehipped, theelake a Marlinesike. Sungrouhis neck by a lar.Yard, and lulck UP* ezr' w.itild.lacsomethingStat it off.. is . t , . n . ' 1 s ntA job O41 Abe Ship at anher in 2llritlln7"tr";\illiu4111Piif1811114 fblitia ga1Vwtsio0tnitct. 11hitgteitaa:01:ni:t 11:euliy‘inkieltts:0 Word i* lid -later ni00 ad dap. . . .v , ..:. . lain. 1irkb:tltyim:i:niri0:im tltMad ttter befogfer(ey • t, st titaiiiitt 03falow te001TM§ is a 14. that Iry ather Iles Caen bet ol thfleapublihed filo World, that he 0401 -t e t elipea ItI My feet f able thP hat *to y , 1131 *01)31(15340ltdo t wtaseared en hitethe od ahlp Pluig4 and wled tiheav OM* aals with tits bi b i0pt4ed.„itainAptet:aroflich.at v ittcleanslilws treerefOlvi w tiny Matt, Ind it. WM %OS tlikad ,NOttditigty onsiou§ by this Mdtti ad wing * tratincal Maher. fly. WIta bettlii