HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-09-20, Page 1— 4 ^••••• ,,ts, ' : '' UN 11E81'10NA/3LE - Time ill nii question at Mt anout yettr needug IR saving* etc- ,„ q . ,,, . . _ . . contd. es thete le only Alit initet; Way 01 ateetaldatil1K ` Weliths and. thitt jit V &Win% It, A tew Veletata Inberit . ' Wealth. Witile otilertt gtd0 -independent* hy Ok sttelte Of , luck, hut the vast tanortty or people Wore It• compettece lo, ivenaing.ie",0,10 the: Vette •atlii *NIP if • ih4 itwki,"*. 4401 ' . We %toy ItOlig pr Ont. Interest on.: te Ana money , • ";',.„, , , Can 1$1. WithatitY01 et tiny tinfo. , ' i ` , •• , ' lig STPOIPARP 1:10A11 ' CO, 104NY,, ,Til STUAUT . ... , . , . -.HORTON VIGgt, GQDHItiO AND $ ICU A 14 Valitlep• ta Elo It plat 414 10.-11 retall,,4411t • 1-* .:,$44?tio, e$T,RAS!'','Srqr • SUstsitol.lasailastaiwItskati4141)6toniisor, by; :Heim have ..... " tlig to 183. net O'Ver be ore bristmaa. Iona ,„ erissee thesBOW,,Enitine; sake Colortatirs Sheen 'M. Oral - • ,wirosssetWitecousrettlYanthett dm! ... 0 g ter -0 g than seven classes of creditore 'Were • ,NOTIO OP iiiIRETINO Wheat, ss win ba ell" le *OW WOW Aseve rarkitt1911, Pot *twee la su fie Wise Iseerk MOO by le* do- Itut 01111,140.12thn011101:414Wt antleeeltry setythincelwaver,,, ee'stionb# 110114.4 IA VI/40 our re. wito.tiotaktoeellevistitsoldtletletWwwat as IOW 40We stii eolnefereW tettlatetlie holdent.11111404111retlatlellarr , Plente arellkintifel, end theeidi they,,stette, tslat*Lee Per heoket,:wett selit the pest :MOS atitt10 Per bushel, • - V(44e*P°t""t1411N411/•°44 $11"4144$ :helilloittituv"71;'rk veriner wei Wore the r.o. oroppuling; 111Q 440 1101$k) °I" • being, chnaltileied IMP 010 1.01101,11 411k blow fella tho 4VOS 011et being lollkteil so inch sod a .flrf abare (IV- eye. In4aft. Yel Q. t relieved the mares Vein ratling Ott the braini bat ho died,, 0, eit. He wog a Oa Pilo relations in Cauuda, BIS Vate0t$ are I) Wing 11), Austria. lio was twenty. the Nipl.salny only Week. • ytam ond...hod been Weriling paid ailut 40!, tar being ririmk,,, gwel %Mt t slk, it tarstItn: Wit 114r441111t1 'falr dr11,11114" ble vitiator toofeet, 04104 on the P, 5/," end -0444 e, tine *1111 00etst,s-r011UesdaY amen wee tier4 $7-) tor lielpti drunk 4 disiortleriyr-Alex, fieXey will ppear before tlie Honor judge noyle tomorrow'', Hatoraey, 'on ehintl iideoltUlt With intent to do boallyherin. markt* whelesal* &OA" $14.t.u4s1r. thskrgeit ISte4110$ tOg -4.AlogWe re191. 19011.02 rip, for ttiel oo • 14p. ta new% altareauva build eattlev tot eluttge lie wham, to rte, os, plead* OM* Thert171.tier WOnt..t0 41, Mout, .t411 * 4 t arm ,and eelected .attimi45. took them aWar, and tr ed theca for bortie. ; ' rnoonvniang,44 The tOrOnt0 1,120150+ annettlIne that ,i44 T002401' in Prg,Ing that there' eltquid EMMY Peg ,OW4s .1111lFse•f APT...4$ A aster veue,o,•„...,,,,kt •.44W,...t.r.,..,4 in nit 2.115 $:,..___Ht4r.FAViiii.,10./....0.0...•.11+1.1•117.114 A LI J.1g0t11'.11.10r "O./1.1.0'10,414 1.1,10,...1 tf M1..,, .1110Xtittlker WO. !Vs A...4i. ;..i I 4 t. iil ' 411; 21Z4V011114AMPrill;.i.../r.e..,4,1,1...1,,,112..,....,t14.. ,.11.9.2 44.,..,....rt,...wiv1100..r.o.....,4,11'.1k....ii'i“......* rs 11,,,,,,, oa, y,, le ,st nanny 54 w , •.,•••i• ..t • • ,•.• • t ,.. , ,.',. • ... es a u isr Plant's... 4 ss..ss....s......54,se 4. c. 013 els ,he ps,enntInnOttiialtting In the Itoottla,- 'R 4 bi,:,• Aei's t.';40•4•fio,t;):::::: , s ,, :: 1 141 .t, ' '81 .10011.-preet'e4111011 Of the Terk .1.4010t, Y 410Ve.' ..,. , 44 . 4.,..4r.:..13 gs ko 1 • • oeve,l'At lailitoril 00,0000WI, witb Ored- lattlo„ per In. .. . ,,,, , ... .,...„„ a ta •sa 'tore 1141,03 ihtl4b .1r this courae rre . .. . . . ; . 0 I t,it 0 la Ot vAatitetl, pre ‘or SP,n9fAle, OnNAnah par eard„,•„„„„, „ Goo to, 5 55 cocaine.* mi am; SitIPITINq. • ' • • aitle, ex . ' , „ oa On:until OSA idturgier. Brett Oftlela canto aarr'iGd-th4;iViat::,, 5 55 vti• toe Iteferett Moite,i01 gIMpted Contijiptens ASeeplad Donets' Meettnqt Sleiretnedr, f.a,soits Among.... • 4 44 4g 41...°° Sitt1011 tit0 roodloga• Would 1-61-8-Titpr- •nt:se,- ••.4. tO. re rese ted esterday 01 oode concessiOnt Ashtleld;:elier, 0007 VA Rtnekof t A/dollar Irelu, the .ellnlvt linty, ludo ...i.,,, . .„ ... . .. ........ ,.. . , sir,,,e. .141----1-tivel-m-,•-•1::•••- 1,J„;1,,,„„, Mireof *IffesrilAreelearlings.,011eiloOt . thrld4i0,000; 011aro to the. sea 0 , 0110.; Sheep pe re ::„,..,...5,,, ... ....,..,..., 0 1 te 015 a t a 1 U. al "prer - sa Ma er,ouo redludf ri amt. 4no *OW 'nt Teen Mk ilteti Vittlestini 41.00,001) ty, the issne Of Tallow, rendeneC.....„,...., ...., 0 43.m. 0 00 not represented. 'he liquidation pro - steer. Finder witi eantreetippentoota, 1v/tit 'six- waned elstreki et neW' 07*7 at ene*Itan" .0010ceati-077777ralai 70707arlIer.in ^ 7 7,0 17 erseiiings arts withtnit tporecedlltit In , or otherwisOnOlify" lie eYfaer,-, . dyed 40100) deltas each wilt:be lteld at t4104., -craw fed 0 11 to 0 0 400,4444 Lyon, per0A.lhert. r..,0, VenMany'irotlicoen &milt Stroot in the To 11 Potatoes. ...k.;(4 .. ...., - ... 7 fo VA 011flada, 111114 befOr0 astite can le CI 8- ot Gedorjeli, on Thursday. thereth day Of Plane per hada,. ,,,- fa to 7o tritm ted the relatiVe Wain:10ot different ‘kePtotoher. !not,. at the hour of eight Dolma la Tometess, per poloolt , 5 1 po to 1 00 creditors will have to be tettied 1W the the etterneon, .Peaus 1 00`to .1.20. Datea at 0 oriel this 14th day of Septem, (Mutts, and It 10 this point that le now bet ar tied befOre Referee MOLean. knouesoor, HAys & 131.4111, 1 ZARO•f341...,Ttillf14(elit, iViri. BECEMT0-iiharerd het thiiiic, you tor Me energt. Yelr'sdisnlayed an the 0c08.41011 °TUB' ntleaMITOT.1116 PrOthltterlas ill, which you seitiedlute,Jrner,IfpnottiallY 00m- plimeut yononItint 'pupa filt Mimi ,, tYbleh did away with alit coatis ort aniV hated of intsunderstandh*,ang‘yrytelfmetwittinto op- Preval of 11.11.0oncornef4 , • •• •• • ______with.,:;i.:_cir.,.fitt.,4,ci.:74):...- *.i,liteettro Tit . . . , §IVEllt cipsit Yon $.04-ast,large or sma 1 otlantitlea., blade Willa You wan. ...oas Ho statA iturei________2_±.....ad.• • ‘ F°I1f7V,f'--Atpuctec..,Aljtrt end rsit) RENT.-Hoests netoss flew the Botsoltal, o 1, on'ilritanuitt Mad. Apply ta MS& Mn - IVY CULL. -. "UDR BALE 011. TO RONT.s-Alline-roolned ...0 house, in a good locality. GeSadaress at , • TO 3.1EN'T, - A sembdetadned ;louse on Wert stree2, '' Modern eetweemaceN. Furnace and eleet_sto light alstliro. APP11! to J. „B. Hawitibuil West Axed,. Goderzone , Lif ousm roe. Kam OR TO rtgii ..----Teat .E.1- tine. Moray itedeerennellouenr Olt,Aneel- ling now ocouplea by ma. A.. ,13183e %them. Dan the modern leoproveMtnt8, stOM wire dows, 'date roof, ono lir witnin.twit minutes walk of "The Square, -.Apply to Yocum 1,,. R____________,_,„......:, ____.,.., .„Oeitirreell. . ..,____,__*_‘o ' Ts, OR sALE.1-_,A.. geed tootle house. vAth 1! tou aores Oland. one 113110 from 0 o- rsch, andrt of audio feettn C. P, It. slding. Red brick and tileelay` enough for, 20 years. -Sea fie bricks made by Redd &Son front this else at c. il. Lees/. spriest creek on tual.-Apply to WaLTElt SILtIli, tionerich. -GlAttet F011 EiaLkle-The term helongingio _12 ail:aerate of WO IMO RObertMeC0111101.1 • hel'Z' Po $0 loitOrs tor COMPallYs LECIAL-N0fIZE. NO ric 'ivieni NOW AOrpeTise . TS, Page -.5 . Roltd--Notlee-leani of Ooderloh 1 Easy to Mix Thiss-Kitreon tlo 's4 flarnessf; D. Sledded, 4 Infants' and Children's Goode -1) Mil- ' ler Ces. _ . .- t Croranteh Cement -John Stead 8 Stove& and Rangen-W. It. Pinder .. 5 NeW Fall 130051"-4.11. Colborne . 4 Fell need 'Winter Jaektits-sHodgens Bins 8 Fall Goods -W. A. 'Macho 8 tvlintnerys-hliat Donogh 8 Millinery Opening-Mre. Park ...... 8 JeweiStovee and Ranges -043o. Beckett5 Gotterick.ledustrial Exhibitiou 8 Booiriteeper Woottal:--sren. wee ' 1 Speolal Meeting --Doty Engine Works1 Bates to Coast -C. P. It 8 Vetere' Liet Court -Town of Goderich1 Card of Thanks -A. B. Thom 1 Sereet Cider for Sale -John Hommel'. I Millinery Announcement -Mins Cameron. l tory is s well a vanced that- a few nft In reemerges to the reqtlest for a Con- tinuo6s sitting Beferce McLean field that he might tve• alternate wechtt to sumed next ednesday. the matter. iZ e bearing will ho re- BuILDING Mmes. -The foUndation VI-OTYGE ts berebY Wee that Me Connell is in for a brick veneered iiweillOK to .1.1( ot the Town of enelorteh will, at its be- built on Elgin Ave• tor Jobn ot netober, 1807, proceed te peso a Bylaw foe Pho.eis.-The feanne is in Osition for reediest tneeting on' Friday. the eighteenth daY inestoeeing 11P Or, the following male anti per- the first of a trio of frame wettings to tions Of reeds in the sale town of etoderieb. and be elected on the corner of ellington este od up th and Picton streets. -0 Knight's is for the leasing' or selling of the Said roads or ''Vtitillill*giCaPetrilli titialgvey,CPOPmientr.1° about 'to erect a dwelling ron the 01 AII that portion, of Ship Terrace lying corner of Wellington and Britannia netween bleb w.ater mark a Lake LinrOn. and streets. -Dr, Whitely le havittg gran- I - 'the Westerly limit of Herber Lace. or suqh °Wale walks pot in from the side 421 Ali that portion of Water.lene_iying bte• walks to the entrances to his residence limit prOueed. , ,, tween the southerly lizeitot Harbor Street and on Waterloo street and St, George's the norOrly litnit or Step Terms* Crescent.- Contractor nunittleil has 01 on that portion . a . Reach' street, de- completed his contract for building scribed as 'follows :-Doinmeneing at the inter- eemeot Walks for the town. -The with OM stiutherly limit, of Ship Terraeo. brickwork for the first storrand part !motion. of the westerly limit of Beech Street there solth-westerly along the weeterly rit In Ash towaddliiktb'e00., 441;elos vietat Dungannoo. 150 wires\ frame eatege. with kitebewand-woodslied÷-bara44,1(7.fte. 'eadtono foundatIOn and stabling ondernetan • artvires stied. Forge he rill 'cleared, abont..90 acres underdrained ; artesian well and wtodmill, large orchard, all won fencea. Terms be arranged to .ault purabaser. Apply to Wm. M. Motrowdgm, Iwtstytene, bucenew. TIOUSES SALls7.-.Two new Nick. houses, eight foams in each. 1301110,:ftlr. nacenann other retelortl collvetelences. FrI00 reasonable. Tennis 1,0 OurclIaeet. A.pply of the emir forikti Wheel Itlegs fac- et ealth reet,%2 foet to the limit of the and ot the Due ph Zit doderich RallwaY CoMpanY. TO1011. P34.q.C5. Weeks will finish that part of the thence north eightpseven degrees twenty min- utaiettet along lent !motioned limit produced work. The building even now pre - to the easterly Inuit of Heade Street, thence sente an imposing appearance, and northerly along naid easterly limit of Beach when all occupied should he a very Street 195 feet We its intersection with the southerly limit of Ship Terrace, thence weld- stirring place. ---The brickwork of the erbr Gs feet to the place of beginning. new G. T. R. (might shed and Offices at Tnet_OODteleiOrt PLANING AIM. ------ - , . . ., 'VIM SALE.--Twouty Wel' exceilent land. 1:7 tor locket gardens. with good buildings and fences, two:0110a from ,isoderieh-having. eve acresio orchard .of „apples. l'eare, pinms, oherries. wadies, .grapes and rasphewries, Price and tortmetavoreble. ..APPIY to 201 -/NO & ROBERTSON,Godevich —______ - .. .. Iltolt SALE.-Bettee op East 'retract,' woken" Y..112 Also 60 foot frontage, aentcont to Square, LOST AND FOUND. -The little girl who mislaid a book of postage starnps can have them by calling at Black - stone's. -If the finder of a, red cro- cheted shoulder shawl will leave same at Ilarrison's bakery, the owner will be gratternl. Ottim.-One of the beet known con- duetors on the G. T. R, died at Strat- ford on Iiilonday last in the person of Of arbour £11reet, described PA (Mows : Com. is so far, advanced tut to glee a good menoIng, at the inteesagion of the southerly idea of their size and general appear - limit of Barbour Street with the westerly limit once. Though not. as large as at one of Barbee Lane, thence south-westerly time promised, their new buildlings awl said weeteny limit of Harbor lino Dir.Thaetertion of Harbour Lane lyi rig south will be a great advantage te-the corn - easterly limit of Harbour Lane, thence pany and the public. -The brick ad - 155 eet, thence^ easterly 75 feet to he northerly phlog nald easterly limit of Dar- ditions to the Kensington Furniture hour Lo.t.0 min said easterly limit produced Co's buildings are now ready for use, 100 feet, thence westerly 40 feet to the place ef beginning. and the latest machinery for furniture El All that part of Harbor lane lying be- tween the northerly limit ot Harbor Street and the southerly Bruit of Harbor Quay. And will abut proceed to peso a Bylaw for establinhing and opening up a Publle Digit waY or lane by the McLendon northerly of Water Lane, tho lauds to be taken for and comprising *such Public Highway or Lane ne to be estab- lished and opened up. being det.cribed re, fol- lows : lat number 1035. as shown on a map or plan of the said Town of Goderieh, made by .1. MeDonald. lboylneial Laud Surveyor, dated '10th Septemhet• 18.36, and registered in the Registry office for the County of Huron, al70 part Of lot number 1031 deecribed DA follows: Connnenoing the intermetion or the wester- ly limit of Water Lane With the northerly limit of lot number 10XL thence easterly at'right angles te the westerly limit of„ Water Lane 17 feet to the line between lot. 1031 and 1035, -thence northerly along said line 90 feet, thence south-wenterly fee. to the place of beginning. - 'And take notice that the Council will hear 1•1114. S. A. COrnou tears hoe handssime resi- dence on KeyaStsfer,lado.- Mad a briolt store. photograph andtenicery. in Blyth, set3 these redolence en Bt. Vincent St. for sale. O. F. CAREY. Reel Mao ft Ins. Agenen. - - FOR SALE. --Two new say St. A comfottable I:Molting on Pleton St. Bending lots on Agin Avenue, Essex St, Cedar St. and Pine Stss WANTED. -A- fevs Furnished Ileums or Rooms, hear tbsb Lake frent,t0 rent tor t summer seaeon. TOMO 80 TiODERTS0 , VOT _ERs' • 'VOTERS LIST L00111 OF Rh ISION. rowtterne.oe seronetn. Notice le herebY glve,n that a court will be held pursuant Virile Ontario Voters' List Act, Hirelloner the Judge of, the County Court of the county of Berate at Dungannon, in the Agrieultural ou Fridays the Walt day of September. 1007, at 10 reeled:, to hear and de. [ermine complaints. of wore and omissions In the Voter.? List' Of the Municipality of Ash- tield Township Mr 1907. T. G. ALLEN, Clerk. Dated this tOth. day of Hopteniber, ------ ONTARIO-VOTILIts• LISTS ACT. Towtr ovoopurnloo. Notice is hereby glyca that a Court will be held, parsuant to °The Butario Vetere' Lista Act." by HIS HellOr the Judge 'of tlin County Court of the Criunty of Eurtim the court House, Goodell, an Saturday._ the Ath day of October,1907. O'elook itl the forenoon. to neer and deter hp complaints of errors and omissions in thek otors'Llst of the Municipal- ity of tbe 'roWn of Dederick, for 19D7, Dated dm eth dew of Bententher, 107. M.,0, JOHNSTON, Clerk of lioderieb. RS. EMME11001•1 tit TIIIINIIDLL. T,Natittlftatitt, 1). Tedttintif-14, M. R. Oinces, Ilandittin St. 'Phone lo1 Dr. itelerson`s Itesiderice-St. David Street.. Opposite Vidtterla 180.0111Wedi. Phone PA Dr. Turribnire itesideries-,Neison Street. Next siinyeastere, Phones in A. lactitldNi Men. Orystotan antiliergeon. trial attention to eye, ear, mei:saint threat. Illee told residenee Old Bank Of Moittfetd,Op I Moo, Went street.-Croderici.' Teen cue 0. ts3 In person or by solicitor or counsel, anney person the passege of tomb ylaw, and who petitione land may be rejudielally a cited by to twee heard. M. 0. JOHNSTON, Town Clerk, Dated Sept. Iith. 11107. ROE BECKETT, Genbral Auctioneer. Now System of Ticketn and Catalogue. Office, ilanditon St. P. O. Box 18.3. PUBLIC NOTICE. NoTicn.-iiku are no doubt center/minting building thin spring? in view of the ad. wincing price of bruzirs end lumber, wise men nre early eontracta. Commit J. LICWIS 1110111A11, C. IL Architect, London, Ont. Ins charges, designs and attention to enema will ernnenre fftvorably with ally in ontario. Frederick James Wiliam 11aYbow, who was the oldest conductor running out of Stratford. For thirty-five yeate he waeon the Butfalo-Goderich run, and wae known from one end of the road to the other. A little over a year age he oontracted a cold while his train was stalled near St. Coluinhan. He had been very unwell, ,sinee that time. He wits a MasffirS.kan Oddfeliow and a member. of the Central Meth- odist caunich. Ile is survived by a wife land five children, viz., Thomas, Robert, Harry, Pred and Mary, all at bottle. G. 0. 1. NOTES. -The Collegiate Lit - 13ROWN'S CHANOItS - BROWN ham 1.10 changed 111H shop from Victorie to Angleses. Street, near St. Peters 01011.81. and haa changed his prince too -pays double for everything in Ms lino. Ram.. bones, bottles horse hair, copper. brass, lead, Madmen, skin; andfal kinds ofJunk. 1 please the people, ang every man who has anything to sell ohm], send me word. 1 will call end Day canblA f invite ,dkAsSes. .M...........,,,M.....A7.041.4.#.040...!..........* MUM: VVISSIO 3* ., 1 rtm prepermilftreceittripineti for lossone Its Plano and Theory, lite° the nortenglis Moslem Kindergarten Met tel Mr . "otitis; children, Terms and Other in onnatien,cidi be karned et, Thernson'elillide SW& oti MISS EMMA. A, .alifDESWS, Dederick. _ , W KELLY . egtraoing PittiltiLitit AND " OrgICIAN s Tether of Marriage Lieensen • , Poetitls. Ont. alifttitatttlif . INIoLeadwittl'ill" L. I MINT Fer (*Weal e Only. In 14 piltitilre cure for Spinal al ate, Illp tlioeue, In- fiantmatery Rhea titan Lowe 'lack, Lumbago, Sore Th t, ‘irevik end Sore ,4 Lungs. 130102, SPea let, Stiff loads, kupture ttnil oil liin. 1 diseasen, it flea Alan het11 f tole ewe for ThoTat affectiotie in *Mies* ` ..N006 gen elle Wit Mods On IAA" ond tot, MeLetnian't Liainite abiniptit on itex reel iiitanufseteted only Uotilltolla A. Mettimint. sole oaf** sod proprie, nets, Godetiebt NW. St.la bY the' iet sinl art I. stetithak • towing theTtatle oppote, owl n. A. Goiletleb, Ont., earlitbettle. The Sterlllig Bank OF CANADA HERD OfFIGE - TORONTO Incorporated by Special Act of the Dominion Parliament to receive Deposits. Highest currebt rate of interest paid in our Savings Bank OspOlineni on deposits of $1 and upwards, Intermit paid and compounded POUR. TIMESf A YEA.R. Drafts bought and (told. A General Banking Business transacted. &Martial BRANCH : A. G. GAMBLE, Manager. entry Society have elected officere for the fall term as follows; Honorary president, Dr. Strang; pregident, Ben- son Case ; first vice-president, Mies Clark ; seoond vice-president, W. J. Smyth ; secretary, Miss May Stoddart • treasurer, Benson Long editor (1.'Cl. 1. Journal, Ross Ruther- ford; assistant editor, Donald Clark t editor 0. M. S. Journal, Harold Swann ; assistant editor, Mites Car- ling) councillors, Miss Marion Fraser, tiles Corn, Currie, and Gordon Wight., Man ; pianist, De Lemtne Millyartl. As metal the term will be started with a promenade, which will be held at the school t Friday even Ing. -The Institute football team are busy pram tieing and will probably challenge for the Hough cup. The officers are as follows t Honorary president, Dr. Strang; preeitient, G. A. Robertson, 0, A.1 secretary-treammer, J. A. Mc- LennaneCaptain, Gordon Wightnnan. DOMINIoN DA'Y Ogt,i0BRATtoN.-The following is the statement of Treas- urer Lane, of receipts and expendi- tures in connection with Dominion Day celebration. The accounts have lretticetnlaudited by Dr. Macklin and H. W: Thomson, and certified to as cor- .,,,,,ss° IMOrtlirra Balanee from 1900 Town Want. utleatent loot eeFloioptaths, etc Donationa of Citlzone work will Boon be fixed. AMONG THE CHURCHES. The Rev. R. Hobbs, of Toronto. will give one of his famous lectures in North St. Methodist Church, Monday evening, the 30th inst., under the aue- pires of the Epworth League. Full particulars nett week. The Woman's Christian Teminerance Union, will be "at home" to the mem- bers of the various Woman's Mission- ary Societies nf the town, Monday afternoon, 2f1rd inst., at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Thornley, vice-president of the Prov. W. C. T. U., will give an ad- dress. Last Sunday was Rally Day in the Baptist Schonl. The importance of systematic Bi ble St lid y was referred to in all the services of the day. A eouree al study under the direction of the American Inetitute of Sacred Liter- ature, will be, followed by the Baptist eongregat ion on Wednesday evenings, after Oct. 1st. A vestry meeting was held in St. George's sehool room on Friday eve- ning trod to conaider propeted to bor- row $4,000 for the ptiepomil of clearing off the balance of the mortgage in- debtedness, putting in a new system of heating the elm' oh, and other im. provetnents. The matter woe to be further discussed att an aljourned meeting last evening. 0 $ 42 11 150 00 28 in 793 00 314 50 agettre0TIVILER 8 1327 69 Trarc7ttaettion, 11101119. etc Lae sne club $ 015 45 60 00 Children's QL11008 Adults gismos t:112, 5050 43103 1 00 Ilaso 01 deb oPrinrOcteravions 80 07 'FLIVreerWV-Orka . _ . . .... .. ...... . 201147 1001 33rd Band 15. 'T. 11. freight .. . ....... ., ... . . 29 in Pest ng s 35 00 Ticket Senora, nate Reaper, Body. 43 25 Moivin/ and repairing geminate 1 0 123 ,1 12) oar) Around the Harbor. The steamer Leelands, with a cargo of mini for Kineardine ran into port on 'Needs' y. The schooner Azov, Captain John McDonald, arrived in port on Monday to load hay for the north shore, Ibleor- gian Bay. The steam barge Benton, with schooner Judd, both coal laden for the Western Canada Piour Mille 00., were unloaded by Saturday and left for Cleveland, The tug'J. A. Reid, of Sarnia. was In port on Sunday for a short time, and then left for the river. Her visit was supposed to be in connection with he loss of a raft of loge on the ilth inst. Local Notices. rtoller Rink open Satorday after- noons from a to five for seitOol children, Ad mission, eiria,Ma, bevel/id. Don't forget to call at Mrs._ Park'a Mimeo* store and see the elegant displest of lateststyles fernuonnts wear. Ifer01)011111g 83tUrdaYr211Wirl0t. TWO skating races will he held in the Roller Rink nett 'reeeday evening, ono for iterdirtmen's fest tiltatiog, pt17.0 pair of handsome 0117 buttons, Mitt ono fOt ma, and eltetternates best skating_ in couple. pike, n tleket ter each. Admit:don Mei archon. te attendance. DOWN WI 13 iriNNsm. - SUMO Otte- thardng the 44,0o norMst two Menthsta have Man than &Mb ed our smelts Wet have 0 We the Mena§ at t bowl lin Baton' at Slat, and were quarreling o 'Rent ot rettsonatiootoowt -Wo have ar:o cc- money matters when the blow new splendid Yet ett ot Oboes, to elinfrot Aug° eared it AkIlled shoemaker *hese work moot strtieit4 !nib BrOptlettir of . the Ito beesootioe. mine to your reveries mut reit *an get tremet ,attentleri mid itettsfactere Worktemisbip.-G. mon% test side of .84thwe, Griddle% Wstalt4e Supplien. eto Balance to MOS On Tuesday morning, the steamer ionic, with wheat f rove Fort Williain for the elevator, arrived in port, but the elevator, not having enough room for the cargo, the boat left for Port tinron. The steamer Ring Itidward made her last call for the season. having a good passenger list and ft fall cargo of freight,. We are all sorry to see the Ring go off the route for the sea- son, as elle carried mr able and gentle- manly crew, and was as good an a clock, tor she was always fin tittle. The Steamer Greyhound tnade a moonlight trip on the lake Midas, eve- ning, taking out MO passeners. The Blackstone Orchestra furnished the mneical programme for the trip. The Greyhound left for Detroit at 1 p. in. Saturday, taking her 300 eteursion- tete, and quite a number of othere who took advantage of the 1$1.t0 trip, This pita week has been a Very him one, having a stir that *0 of ns woUld like to see contintle every day dur- ing navigation. The arrivals for the Elevator and Transit Co. haw. been t The Scottish Hero, on Friday, with 130,000 bunhels of Wheat ; the D. W. Matthew% with MAO hostels, and the Turret Chief came la On Suaday with 110,000 bushela for the Western Canada Flour Mills Co. Total ........... . . s Is27 ConoNnit's INQUEBT.-A few weeks since a couple of tnen-Wm. • fornner hotel keeper, and Joseph Stewart -quarreled in Hewed'. During the quarrel a blow wrte (struck, and some days afterwarda Stewart, who wits strnek, died from an attnek of • ysipelas. Before the man was hurled communications and a telephone mes- sage reached the County Attorney's Office, and that oMeer directed that an inquest be held to determine the emote of death. The inquest was held last week. After bearing evidence for two days the fury returned a verdict of "death from erysipelas." hut they did not know rvhethet the blow caused the disease. The casfl for the crown watt CondOcted by IL .11, D. Cooke, and Mr. Seeger himself wan present the second day. The stateitients made hy 601110 Who wero in the hotel are that Hodgion and ewart were in one of ay. tam Wag tol, Thos. lIeffetnen. overheard the tispn • __. y Meeting Callender ,tioniartncenag et ttai Town coined uktg Prises toeing. . t$. ite will Mat ne%t Troll -day, fiith. A f nil .aUtitirttrem la Et Ter.304,- 1WeetIng et eat fiesta et Trades Cesticit nest Monday evening, There will be &mantis/et the Order of tate lotto *tette citties bola to the Teasoottnte. Ilan as tIlditY, IleeG 20th. )(stows pietas take notate -301Y« • quarreling an4 went, to the room nod after going out heard what he thought die ite went back oil - t itt serere again into the row and ttrosped 11 gins by the mink when\ *tewart sakt struek Iledgitut, At that t Heffernan tiotieed that flittniart's woo bleeding and be/ellen. With eistanee the train veers separated SteWatt east taken hi) Id* rOont fOr a day or tteo peon ail Althea the erltdpoltrni develo add to 10Wint, 1111 . eye Mid but eath Nile. (Amon Norres.--Tople tor 1..eagne next Tueoday evening Will be "Ood'4 Omnipresence," taken by Miss R. Bob - !neon. -Mr. Lindsay 'Williams, of Godeeleh. wiil ocenoy they/it of the Methodist church here tleXt unday. PltitSONAL.-Me. The*. ideGratten left Tuesday lett ter Manitoba on a I briainegs trip. Mr. gtOrattilit iviii be gone about a. intrfithe,4alliti ROA Pet- tit; of Chicago, Who bets been spend- ing the past three month* with her rousle, hike°. Potter, returned to her home Villa week. -,Mr, ittid Mliet Oray, of Crewe, and, theta bfft5 (prav, of Woodatotbi visited MINA F. ClraY StindeV.•••444lea WU:1ft, team. -% 9404 is visicinglast etiOsIttok Mei stud Mrs. Liti Cooke. where %elf pill0000lgo, 13, 6011,01c4* "flaird,,Rroseetlte payllita Who conk* buts )owarda dellattutnele$ of Olt. &en, who indigo Went tato ylre, and Valn ProY open lbolf InnOffneo, criminal of Untautfol purposes. Vonrdr440reato a sentiment tor -the ra• taldblialedit rount0r4Ittilidintli With WhOlt-30010, Uplifting influrnersNistten entail patio, play Ot01111431 SIVA% tree baths, communal Gotha tett. hed and tlA ritat-EstablIslt a Pasonl ser* -9 eons, 60 that individual alien KM 100 be &eta Kt Children by intereateil mut ummen \ Impressions by the Way ; , Echoes of the Celebration. ______ ERI iscifiat than any In this section al tho temaisty et Kens • A tractions and Amusements rieli L1134, the tettllitittee WW2. bad charge of tbe relehration orrangeo. wouta ° . .,,4- , Oilalebt facet, lltlh'10. Dr. attieklim utak-man Betrptien Constatter, , tinunill. OA, . Wy ikar Dotter a • i think Meets' lest to yea to tettilson this d'Onallif Ittal,trYtO convey te Yettst1 a 'Yew sun way, intlettl,inee„atelteeintioteof s;Que WM teinenleet tis UM elittella Of fitenpb, nett Ito t,"; 17 isouttell tin OW t/Ovaniett Of tlie faded neltein of the Guelph and Simletiat ltdilWink, You iliti It baseisastalY. beroad compats., Aced* 11011 beatty thatitat notseaelly for oerself,yone connulace cud the bliwor, "if en ill 21:Teenter 10 tito .Oulteatl, west a vote of anke ttoln tIle couneil,,,,thieueli the VitY crifsettlerlinitlinledltnn iiVe OM luablettVelellrtekantlfabldettiteseno ne Yery prosperous thwtt until '.1,181 in .111,s areal* at tinelelt etalitit tn. Tinitiesa bat laPPY PartY, with lute 1, per .tharchtalt to St. acteett Sinters, When t te AlaYee tit P. tow boor out very Well eposeit routakke declared to nintition of opening -the Guelph ana elorle- la 11141Y Munk/tett, entIAT three sham ter he nom nava for tile mettle ot li!- oh, three tor the Mayor, ti / forgetting a Chairman ef reeeptlet,e wo eauserece, go lig tome te our aullitOue 104111111041, Wne indalidy folio tie a vatrui Welentnes 04 HWY' thellith4 hat something had Neatened to the trein. Tho Mayor celled open ints at 10 an a. M. to tud me heel at, work, trylug to make up fur us0 time. With kind regards to the Mayor mud younself, Yoursaineerelr. J. al. STIttriatERS. Cheirmen of get:option. Toronto, September 10th, 1907. AkUsWas.Y. 0o.Moo(loyi:00tIs the efeetetti nt illstolOns ofs,c1olhoraiii,*4 loom openf tingly of votls 01110IniPSIONe 'to tolaranteallt* bond* of this OlatutO Weab Sbefn gleotrie, Iffktbv*Y to OW extent of IitpOr.,004 interest; Tie* bylaW. in( it'alTeitra WM WEAL nein forth thnOrePoseKi :rents anti lb. estn. Mamie On whieh 'OW getokratatan malice, teed -there Seetriann W41000. wis it shouldnot la le iy oeoe00,107 in thaws Ole", *boo. slo eloatrie ago devfloptOf POPKIT, °- argue tta te the hourilte of smelt 4 tr. Jos. EArld, *sit Snel- 1 shell feel obliged ic yew kindly cell on tr. J. Elliott, Mayor of Goderion, awl DO. . IL Maektiu, apd express to them my toe etiolation of the very extortive and careful trrandetutUde made (011 tho outertalmumit Of he vialtora to the celebration or Ow epode If the O. & 0, blue. 1 was portioning Viewed with the very heartybmennor wit 8 tech they were awried ou end the ma - tout desire of everybody le wierfots to do Lomething for thew skitters. 1 W1.1.0 portiou. tarty anxiete. to meet their molest to hold the last outward npeeial until 1.00 a, to, but 1 felt that when tho committee had arranged red billy edvertieed 10.30 as Mat train leaving Ooderich, that it would be very mato to deist or nine hundred passengers to 11014 thhi so ninoh 10011110 atter tho advertiaed hour for the egysomodatIon of the email number of their people that were at tbo bangtieb, 0.1111 1 IWW1, th1100t0t0. pari.101111101Y serve teat en en. furrow' Incident, eltanyed tho departure of the last speolal even beyond that thee. flawing MD, I think everyone ielt that the exettnaon 1 a1101 eelebration WW1 0 4100114, 6110001111 in every .letall. Yours 'Truly. C. It Fortran. il llito. H. IlAsi. ri J . liasettunt A N. wet, and the mord lb** Intl fat titles for shippInsr ais exkloya4 by but,_few munkiplkleit ou those 0140410 ta large sonunereha eentves. it woulti,`Inow0 direot tom. obtrenb Of freight in hula, ao I-0 the . titritem,lite,entrene. Of that in t Hystom Worn Ski tho town° shire of Colborne each Iine Into Oderielt noliking" thlit *WAY' feasible. an ading1404041201110tetit* Which eannOt oyereitimeted", The amount of thosilarentolit sso *WI* to ho inslollienna vies of the berift* fits to tbe 047)0171p. atid•Ift ' P*W3 on« 4orstanti, faV011tid0 Vat* poont„ti cony ensure tbe voftwOonOttoot,, of 1114... noWer andrallweY erntieriteitht eiimw date, the people,Orbit_tili teiffnivarh-, Igt41410,94,,,Mg",,,*WA' unanitrione votetor.tn0 From the Li uelph Mercury of Monday. It seems unnecessary for me to odd thy notem to your full and interesting 3001/11 la t he opening of the Guelph itnei Goderich Railway. But 1 W0.11? - ,11 th11.11 k. myself for the courage that suite to my aid in the midst of the (seeming shownte. A more beautiful wo.day trip I never made. It'very lit or the way Watt new, ecenery good, •ond perfect, farina of the best, well illed, good lumens, fine hank Immix with windmills, rind silos attached, sot h evidences of progreseive farming, villages thriving. In fart, the old inron tract is equal to the beta of thi Ontario. Both Guelph and Gods, ..ich motet be benefited by the ad- Iltion of such a fine tract, hereto. ore tin toncluml. There ore about ten oilers resettled that was during tny smollection, emetidered useletts swamp, nit, when all in eleared and drained, , vill he the hest lama in the country. et the Godetich end of the line we were burin Med in Hee the engineering 'kill shown In overcoming the en- ' minee t It the harbor, and crossing hitge gully- of the Maitland Myer, 'Nuking a horseshoe ciirve and a very expensive bridge, in feet svo, onp Out river and the Miler a ervelt, It is a pleturesque mime on every side. It will he orange if thelerlelt does not becomes 5 fabhintiable fill 1 11 1144011. Th111'0 pi every inducement and facilit y just wt•st ; tho elevated bank is a tine Outliner hotel, and now largely tilled 'will. American hoarders, more than 1101000d with the plane. 1 wet my ,4.141 friend at the Park loose, -Jo, ' SV right, w ho used to enduct Point Farm when I visited he place ahout a qiiarter of a een tort, go ; and hoeing last the beautiful moseasion by 111.51, stli 18 or aoinething avond his err:Aral, he seems mil i 0 1.1 imennsolate, hut ponsesses a freak in he shape of IL huge knot of a tree, v hich had been drifting to and fro in he lake till the gravel had sculptured 8 wondt•rf111 likeness of Mr. tiled - .1 one, then eamt. It mauve, Mr. Wright ehowed 1111 11 ropy of a letter e had sent to the Glad mtone family \leecribing It, the raiirteoun reply II honking him, I 1 certainly N.14011)1)11.11 Mr. Gladstone, but lack n the shirt roller HO well known, which 91)011011. September Wedillegik • ding took place at ViOtnlii• *wwww Methodist Church on )4014* 48tho 0,30 a. tn., whale Mr. and Met. tn. We- DoWell's only -daughter, Uttiii, hisonnO the W110 of Frederick A. Rekt, Ion of David Itoid, Right Ave, The bride looked very graoeful in a' goWn green. broadcloth* trIMMed '011011/414". taehe braid, and beaotiftil ,__favtti bat. with. green plume to inatcli. The only, ornament she wore was 0,10:14 wmch and chain. She was attenthul bY oar Potttergill. of Wenttleld. 04to w was neatly attired In Dille green* Xt. Melton% McDowell, of ' SherbrOok, brother of the beide. acted OK best (mut. Numerous and costly were the weddlos presents bestowed upoo them. Afterwards ,the youOg oar took the 7 o'clock 0. P. It. train or Toronto and poluttp, eouth. t eir return they will reside in Ooderloh. Their many friends Wieh them a pros- perous tura happy life. PEOPLE; WM KNOW. Mrs. Eeenan is Olathe friends in Elora. 311.4. Armstrong to visiting in Termite. Mrs, Proudfoot is on a visit to Toronto. WW1 Cosford loft for Toronto On Monday. J. H. Troumanhouser left yesterday tor To - roam Thos. It. Wallet loft tine week for Enalehart. I Ontario. Contractor Troutanhanner loft tor Port Hur- on Saturday, Rev. Mr, and Mrs. Turnbull were to Loudon 1.11114 week. Dr. Clete *of Dungannon, wits in town on Judge and Mrs. Holt wore in the Forest City 011 Monday. Mrs. Waller and daughter loft fOr home, Chicago, on Monday. M.011. Stanford and children left on Monday for 1.'1M:sten. Cooke and &welder, of 'tense% wore le Ooderich on Monday. titre. 0;0. Aohoson left for Toronto on w est tiestlay. 1 1.1no. Rankin, of :Statuette:was a Ooderieh t totter on Monday. 511sa Potter. of I Seborne. loft on Monday to vi.‘it, friends In Chicago. M to, ti ritilths, of the Sestet/Os wee visiting lin the Foreet City 011 Monday. "elks Met 'arna, of Dungannon, hi the guest of her sum. 5.1rs. 'llerney, Waterloo street, sirs. 'Rev,' C. A. Seeger and babe and meet returned to 'Toronto on Tuesday. nes Bauelelor anti daughter aro visiting f, itflliill in Port Huron. Ntr. and Niro. Ahe qmith wore visiting 1, WM) • i II Loudon last week. Mr, it 'apt.) Wm. ,meLeau, of Detroit., was s s• s1 sm friends ill town lad week, - mi... Jennie NVelln lilts returned jroin a visit wit i, hee sister, Mtn. 11. C. CU1T, Toronto. 51,..114see Clark, of St. Tboznaa. Is Visiting her aunt, Mos .111111011 Miller, Maple Avenue. 511•04 Lilian Lament returned 'on Saturday from s . Mee weeks visit to relatives in Ciove- host 10 i. s lin x ter, after a row weeks xisit to the old hum,. 14'1111410d tO bor. tonne. mileage, on Saturday. 5iiss imeogli ha* returned from 11, Villit to the 41.111inery fashion ()entree lu Detroit rind 'Toronto. Mrs Richard Kolly, of Melon. lo on a vinit to hor so., 1,1', it., and is (011d1 111/PP04.404 With 1 11/401.1141. Misnen Anna ried Martho. Won. 4 n reed from cuthree wool; A 11.64 11114 Detroit. ' Brief ToWn Topics. Thomas Burrows Ind week sold I:. tordiels of plums off Ilve trees in his gardt.tt, pretty good indication of a plentiful crop, itegisfrar (lottfa and County Clerk lane were judges of tho hortIctiltural e•xhibila at 1 he show in Clinton Tues- day of his week. Tit e: rera it hats a good opening for compositor, eithei• week or piece work, anti permanent employment to the proper person. The Fair (lased y es te rel y and al hough the (I, 1., 1t„ gle fare on 17, IS and Ilith, naive wan not given In time to take advantage. I was furlong t he 1,527 foolisdi inland - ere whn went out for a t wo Mena' trip 1)11 the lake, and must eay 1 hat in all ruy water trips I never 1111W no Many peon( rated in quell a optiet, water: hut it woo the miserable ground swell w It 1 ch I urinal t he stomach inoide out- - .1 to apeak, The Iluelph Hand Was airily handicapped no one wanted oriole Jot tlten, and tiled bad ex 1 mei en red I he thought t hat 1 hey W1.141 leafraid they WP01. golrl.fr to die then itfrald °ley wouitTnt.' !laving been ho used to Ihehty-0111.of English towns, p moat admit. that, Goderlelt heals them all for eon venienee. Tho hith the Courthoneet being t he rent re of a , hree,aere park, wit li an hundred feot octagonal street one-third 1,f a mile nround 'fere, on the eight elides are built t heir hank ,i, hotels and sloven, ail It'ery fine and top In thttis, Then eight roan., about the Frame whit It ernatinte Irt elf/Ilf different. direct 14.0.4 1,, the !'l 1011MferPnee outside, and are all I Mall:11.1N etreeto near the eentre park . NIT% \Von. Nivina, the nlionmaker, will now be found at G. M. Elliott's boot 11. 1111 141011 MON', Wil 1.1.0 the public wimps will revel ye careful at n Held & Co. have a gang of men building the addition 1,1 Gm liegiutey oftice, necessitated by the require, merits for more room in the building. No longer wait to meatier Holden anti word'', of cheer to those ammo(' whose liven are dear, they may not heed you in the coining year Now Is the time, Misa Cameron 34 nt.notineenient re. gardIng fall millinery mtyles will be found im page 8, I ler stock Is till ready fer inspeetion, rind 11111 11'8 Will. 110 111111 , 11' 14111110.1.1 11/1 1 11 101 many new styles sholvti. The annum game ill'? W011 11 rinks eiromen 1)y the president end v lee pease Went respeetively of the Dowling Club, commenced hod week and will likely lie 'bushed by the end of the mouth. 'mop 014' 111 1 1 11 11/4 on each „km r.11111pet log. oil 'rho rrolity evening while r. and IVI ris. %V. A eheson wei e• driving round the Square, their buggy rollided with another, arid lite whet++ lork lug the vehicle stopperl anddesnly !blowing hot It the ovenpn v. to 1.111. Nis% and Mrs. A eheson hey(' innteed ediotildern, hut Ina h are doieg well. on Wenner -do) Thoo charges(' before 11in VVorship M. 'baler with 111.01111 11L( IV 1111 1? Or 010t1)110, th 11 (marl y of A r Y ide. The r nap was rematuirsi for a week for the romplet ion of he v Itlettee, one ..f the evil nesse. being awoy in a boat. r. (1. 10. Blair appeared for the defend ant, a0V1111 111001,0* 1/101t i0 re Mks Latta VI Clies; retk nnd Chicago. ItIrn, Morrison and non Mel. ()et reit, on Saturday, after apt neer In Ooderleb. Mr. wilt Wilson, druggist. a utte, Mew teen. in slatting lila father, Mr. Heenan! 1VIlson. Huron Road. Aire Kirkbride and herdaughter Mrs. Logan have returned from their trip to Detroit and other parts of Michigan. and M101 Elder, of Blyth, were guests from Thltraday to Wednesday of Rev. Dr. and Mts. Melsian, Bruce street. mt.. gam Flonken, of Toronto, la spending a wear lir town ronewIng old frIondehtpo. Rho 1 0.'14111 - I In the hooka of the River Maitland and the lake fiord, 100 f ' high, are he specially fine reteleleiteen and hand, mem grounda of the fort 11 1111i e owners. l'iner outlooks it would he hard le, 1101 on an y lake front. In the mon- v of two Guelph Wiles we 1 rstver- ed he town well, and folind hilt few .4 reef leam than Ha feet wide. M ainV 11'W 001 11001 01(1ewalka hoth abhor. l'h In mat et Mt is greatly tined, even for ound ellininevm, at, the milli) and fag. • 1 feet high. or more. 'ho churches are plimerous anti good, he Roman Catlitolle and Baptist he Intent being' 10, the extreme ntl of theology. The G. T. It. ram ion In 1104. of the bent on that rreat road. I comb!, tell notch of merest of thin trip, but year readers have a npecien of tual de (net, no top here. i W . HAWTELL. is the guest, of Miss Walton, West. et. Miss Monk, who ban_epent noveral menthe' with her aunt. Mrs. 'T. Wyatt, has gono visit 1101' eider, Mr.. Roberta, at Bt. Thomas. MV. and 11118,1 Young, of Toronto, and M lien. are visiting 51 re. 'I hoe. Johnntoo. urns Ma Road. Mina Boll will return to Termite with them to -Morrow. , , - Mtn Alexander arid t'. Sondem. of Clatlee hind, Ohlo,left for home on Saturday _aft,451,11a plelwant vis11 to their candler, Mra. Wits Hale.. Market ntreet. Mtn, Crribb is emending the week at &Worth,. tie, goo of her son. Frank and his bride. par* no,11 mr. Frank Prahh spent Sunday ,In ttnfOo the gunner, of Mro. Crabh. Tho many friends of tho family will bead** oft to hear that Mhz Maggio Bunowa ow. la her long Illness, and will hope that ah may neon lee on the way to convalescence. It will be 4)f interemt 14) 1 he Ilell phone. ( Norman y'n subscribers at (lode - rich, Ont.. i 1/ learn that thvy arp 1111W 10111' rommunicate with Ihingon- on, Por Albert and K total. over the lang I whitener, linen of the Company a line having recently tu•resi eompleted these points rend repo rt mi in good work ing miler. Handsome Acknowledgements. The following lettere explain theta - wirer; and their heartinem cannot but te gratifying to the citizens of °ode - klion A. W. Orson left ytritorday for Bartel and Pet rot la fates, ao expert Judge and deMbli st rotor 011 Iialry work. Woe Omen W111 alnr seem! ,eatuo then along the Georgian Bar. en go Ind to oar mow work., next week. Mr. Areh Pros.. County Secretary t no Y, M. c. A., wan In town lent week leoh• oe er the ground With a stoW to organist% county A,,,nelatton. ilo called on a num of 01410011* Wi10 are Interested in emelt re and will shortly make ttnothor 741r. and Moe. 111,4nott Thom and chltdren for Montreal on Saturday. from whence) tylll preemal to Election,' fo kw weeks. Thom's letters to Para STA!. will be tt1h13, for the -mull everybody itkl not agrero their erupts. all admitted thoy wore well,. sprightly written. The old frame building that had et nod for over 70 yearn 1111 K ingot on ntreet, nest N' h•toria {fall. hos been moved 11, the haelt of the lot, where it will he lined 1111 store ro Fly the owner. NV here the 1.1,1 1,11,111ing Mood co long 11.,hert Me lemin w ill i•reet two brick nloreo, and thus make 1 he block from Kant to Kingston ntreets solid br,111.krs., Itollert Jones, TraLd gar nt reel. who war, recently a typhoid pat lent at the hompitol, PR pi 01161011 11'00 mi neer') apprec int ion of quell a Wiwi hy inntitu tion. With trained 40 end:Wits and the very bent. of attention, patiente have the vory beet chance.; for apetsely recovery, and Mtg. Joneri experience WWI Meet mat Infactory, and tile work of Mks) Griffith is worthy of npeclal mention, J 4 PKRSON A I.. -Mr. E. Pickard at wife, also Mr. A. Duller, wife al rhmehter Annie were gue&ta at 0 nliver wedding of' Mr. and Mrs, Eau ney, in GoderIch, last week. TI Mitt -nen Burns and Misses Whiteman, Detroit, were guests of Mrs. 'tie' wort h loot griday. -Miss Ann Holland in In Loudon for O. Tebbutt Eq3ent a week With Me in 'London, -Mrtr, riekattl the glint of Mrn. Pickard. tir., Of I. don, for a few days. -4101011g the; nu ot bora that spent D. day sight -000s the Pair were Alm. Mulholland . Linn. MICA Month° 'Abbott, 1. ntantey George Ifollatido son.- in'inses Weldon aro apendi 1'111.0 (law: in ExetCr• Phyoical Iteatjety all ettilffial ; morai heavory is arinteh and truer courage. Obedience. itobtrilsai011.0 eourage--these are among the tbs wristlet) which make es, imam - • • f?t •