HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-09-27, Page 41 2 s t i t A L t u r a L. Erose er BALT •w Wenay.-Tbe Ro- chester Americas, of a recruit date says :- Bowe of our mama may recollect that last fall w• meetiun.d se .spenrw.t mad by Mr. Jahn Parka, of Gates. by rowing • bar- rel of oak to en acre upon • amour fallow. The ground was ploughed mace the prrce ding fall, ploughed aims in May, and Balt .owed ea es euro ; and •fterosri plough- ed twice before seeding. ten the first wad 40co11.1 of Sopleuiber, wheat was sewn, Iwo bushels to the acre. The rrup has pit buss ban sated, and Mr. P. is confident w II yield 40 buebcls to the acre. Tee berry he (wielders equal to the Beret Engl sb wheat. A FEW SEASONABLE HINTS. Tim ...suis bas now arrive) when the wheal -growing farmers throughout all '.sits of the country am busily fugmged in preparing and wring their land with Fall \Vheat. The suecrye of the future crop will very materially depend upon the morle in which this tmewtaet branch of labour is eaec iled. The 'eaten le now too for pee to take edvaalage of soy eugge.tione that we might 'tithe in regard to the etre-lent prep:ration ut lbs land for wheal, if extend- ed un ■ large seals ; yet !here are mony lit - t!• P.i ls that oar ht anw to be oboe/reed. the neglect of which might sacrifice that purtiun of the crop that in reeluy should be received as net profits. Where the seed- ing is not yet completed, it would he well fir those who have protracted the busues• later then they intended, or who re /.dot. cad to aiw stubble. -Solite that They dal new originally calculate on doing, in cnnse- quenee of the prospect or there being a brisk demand fur breadstu f's, ap examine closely into the matter. before they rashly saw their land tl.at has not been brought to • proper Wltb, with o crop that is subject to more di nd cs.ualities than any oth er, and which requires clean eniture, and the snit to be It perulier condition. to secure a large and profitable yield. There Is, uogiiostionably. a very large breadth of lend sown with wheat every year that will riot pay the cost of cultivation ; and it will be found, upon a clogs investigation- of the matter, that a great portion of those nun - paying crops.are grown t,pne land that -war lope late, or on which.litt:e or 00 pains Lad bee. taken in its cultivation. The pe- riod when 'hie error d+ committed is 'Irl about tiro middle of this moth, when the 'season for sowingthe wheat cropin this northern latitude•hoeld be comleed.- Now, it seems strange that intelligent far. 'Snore should continue a practice that is cel- culated to bring in its train disappointment and ill trek, and besides, leave. the ground In mgch worse condition than before be- ing •own -with the wheat erne. instead of sowi.g wheat on land that in ell probability will give en abundant return of wild -granges and weeds, it would - certainly be a ,welch wrier practice to prepare .it in a proper manner for some spring crop. • Every prac- tical fernier will readily agree to the c'r- tectoess of this proposition ; but how lea then are who will observe it. As soon as the wheat crop is sewn, it would be well to thoroughly drain- the land with a pinngh, clearing out the cross -for - rows at the angles, with a epode, an as to give the heavy falls of rain that mostly oc- cur in autumn, and the surface -water in the spring, a chance to get off the lend, SO es not to inundate the wheat plants. . A little labour expended in this way will dei much towards emoting • large end profitable yield of wheat, as the failure of this crop may, to s great number of inetnnees, be traced directly to the injurious effect of en excessive amount of stagnant water on the land. Autumn ploughing, where the land is fnul with snitch grate, should be performed the latter part of September, or earlier, if pos- sible. The practice, heretofore." hie been to plough late in the season, and the result has been, as might have been expected, th•• wild grasses in the roil did not undergo fer- mentation,'end in the spring they turned up as green as they were on the day they were ploughed under. When replete of thie kimf follow, the practice of ploughing'land in au. tum' nil; with much propriet jbe question- ed. indeed, it would be far better to aban- don autumn ploughing. than to have the land yearly growing wild with weeds and ' comb grape, as evidently has be -en the ease ter many year., in a great measure through the agency of lato autumn ploughing. - Where land has become foul. it may be subdued, and broight into a ,fine state of l tittle by longlnne a light furrw abut the middle -at the. month ; and the land to be again re-plougheJ with a deep furrow just before winter seta in. Where this cannot be eenveniently done, the plan of nbbine reeomtnend•d in the early • nsmbere of thio volume, may with much advantage be prat• tired. On the various methods of suhdiine and thoroughly eradscatipg.cutch gra.s and other wild grasses and weed., of which we have had env practical acgntint/mer, we know of none that w'II compare in eAl-rrn- cy and cheapness with the one of ribbing land in the early part of aritumn, and •Iluw•- Ing it to remain undisturbed in tbat state until the early part et the month of May, wben it should be harrowed down. end ernes -ploughed fer the opting crop. The experience of Iat sprier, e. it re- gards the effects produced by late autumn plonehing, showed be retnemh.red by the farmers of OM country. The methods pointed ort in the /.going remarks would., in some meeenrC, nbrf It. the dlftieelty ad- verted to. -Former and lleeksnie. From the lee Jon N.tur,ay Joor•d. • PADDY ANi) TIIE W. 1R ; OR, HOW To TELL A wroar. Of all 'torr -t, Hero, - enmmrnd me to an Irishman ! There to a rnneeneas Si 1 fol nese in hie brogue. a twinkling homier i0 hie eye, a etchers@ and seine's. In every word he otters, which renders hen thlt glory of the 'oriel reel,• -the very heayt t-alrine. andhfc-bna lood 0finenent! 1p imam ell your reader,. have men the cancatern of the Scolchn.an, the Engli.hmnn, and the Irishman. admiring the pretty girl in the mercer's shop, and all sexisms to have a chat with her. They most aloe have read the humnro,:e an`ceo1e of the eipernneet being tried which of the representatives of the three nations Would give the hest an ewer to the propoettion to atand all night naked, eluting • storm, no the the of* .tee pie. Jehn's ideas of the thing centred In r his belly, -give him breed, cheese, and ale, sed • certain sum, and he would " try the job." Sandy, wish his "anal mutton, look. t •d over his shoulder, and, instead of saying what he wnild fake, isquired, " What wall t yg gee us 1•' lint Paddy. ready -witted t ably, melte.. "Take ! take' whet weeld i y take u. it 1 Arran, 1'd fake • very toad resold." Strung ons nicht, lately, in company with etcutcllmrs, Englishmen, mad Insbmen, a dtsputs arose whether the Irish brugue or Switch pekoe war best adapted fur telbsg a • tory. Thee of couree. led to • very ani- mated islrosne(ory durua0on, in ',tech it waa adnuttrd that the Doric dialect of the Scotch lid been rendered ela•s'ral by the great writers who have iutrndueed It tuto their work,, or made it the vehicle of con - vet Ing their ideas ; and, of course, Berns, Gall, .1'e Etanck Shepherd; and Sir 11 alter Scutt, weer retie 'emoted. Bet the pi tale of •n Enghehutar, was roused; he volun- teered to of II a eery of hie own es humorous as any an Irt.hteen or a bculcbwen Codd tell. and he tbua bceen •' \1'hv," •ays lis, "one dark and stormy, night 1 ir,uri myself in the town of Pals - lay, tee region of shawl• and pnlhca'e., and other enyen eomtnudrie.. The Wiese of • entertainment for man and beast,' Into wlucb I had the honor of being received, we. grind by the presence of a little red- hured fellow, w ho from weaver had turned waiter, and Cerra my there ems snore of the been than of the bar about hint. ' IEallu, waiter,' sur I. what hate you got -in tine Mn trouser . What's yeer 'cute, • sir 1'- • Wool ! wool ! Zoundo, sural, do Feu take me fur a wool• roller, a sheep, or a servo, T • I' was joie ,rima , sir, what your out waw' relied h o a rott , with all dee but mtlity. • Who's my will ! Why, what's that ttiNou-de you went ..legacy 1 Come, get supper. sivrah; rays 1 ; and seeing as how he was an ignorant Scotch lump of a filler, and did'at know Dothinr, 1 Solemnis- ed to have ',tittle •;•art with him. So when lie came In again, rays 1. • Pray, my 1it41e lelluw, what'• o'clock 1' 'It will bene(/ tee, sire he replied. • Half ten. nrrah ; is It . but five 1' • No, .u, lis half an hour from ten.' • And what i , half en hour from ten! Ir) it half en hone Ole/ Dem, or hall an honr pest ten!' ' 1 •only meant to say it will be ball en hour alter nine.'" "Aisy, my darling," raid an Irishman in company, "maybe ydur travels have been printed afore, or you've helped yourself to a leaf from Captiin Grose: •"P.on my 11011- or Ibis here adventure did happen to me ; and if it dtd'nt, may 1 weever stir no more trent this here spot." "Never mind it, my dear ;.but take an Irishman's •deice. When von tell a story, inning, but never borrow. When you write, let your pen be a diamond, and use the sun for 'a0 ink bottle. Och. my jewel, isolation is the thing ! 1'11 tell atory-that will list give. you a hit of you• ] g , an idea of what 1 mean. " Once upon a time," said Paddy, and hie face ase tightened with simile, • once up• no a time, D, daelinge, and. We not very long ago - an 1.ise. sin• and a friend of my ' .r• nld own, took It into his ao'that he ao leave his muter dear, and tryy!' 6, -Ver coma fry. Ido not mean to say than.. bto!.st which, repentance wf11 b' of no avail country there is underbed, wholeface ...` J' - --O 8 P I': C T U $ Leaven ; but times are and many• de- cent man thinks h,. (night get a better bit OF TILE :e1^lt[A MAGAZINE. and sap by migration than be can get in if R. AND MRS. :4°61-.4E'E ,,o*a, his own dear country: His toaster seat for,HL' Editors of the V ILTDRt • h'•remise will him, and he .U., ,mighty sharp, " Well,1 devote .u.thers t.1..ts . produce a ,:a(fwl Thady, what're the I hear about you T eotertainiog, mid cheap Periedies', for the C.:n• "•Och, my jewel .you can bear nothing dim Pimple; which rosy afford amusement to about me but myself, encel'm not speaking.' both old and young. Sketches and Tales, • • Out you are going away, Thady,-you on verse sod prase, Morel Essay, Statistics of the are going away, they Say.' Colney, Bermes of U.eful Information, Reviews "A You may say that, sir, for Pm two of new Web., end well •nested article. from stone lighter then when !came to you; the most popular whom ofthe day, will form tee "• But. what's taking you away. Thady ' ps4ea of(PC \lagasine. Just my two fest and legs,'dear 1'•tea Edwina Ma teak's' that the independent ••' Yuu aro very short with m. Ibis morn- ing, Thady,' rr Wby, then, I think' I'm as long as I teas yesterday. But, master dear, Pm going to .Ima'ikay, to get -a bit 'ti the land, for myself and )udy, and where we'll get prate tiesfor the ehdJer just fur the digging, and nave a sweet little cabin of our own, far In the woods, and the never a morsel u' rine to Pet !' • "'But, Thady, are you not afraid of the blaeknmoer wild Indians that live in the wood. t They will conte down some dark • ,Oht, and fowakotrk you !' " • Afra(d !is it an In.hman afraid 1 They f.wwaylt.uk me ! There's net a man among them all could play long bullets with my brother Pheleuly; and alum me 00e o them could touch me at the Bret fiateen ! Bit pure, master dear, I would not know one o' then, teem Adam when 1 leen them.' 05011, 1'hadJy, they are wild locking black rascals, and you bad better stay at home thin teatureamong them.' -" Stay at home,:is it1. Al4ah, my dear, poor Thady has nu horse to go to ; for the' landlord put pour Jetty out for three and sixpence, and now 1'11 stay no longer here. tech ! sweet Mulligan, sweet Mulligan, and ti.e days o' my youth, when 1 was ted like • fighting cock, and Judy wairmy dareng,. and the world was light and ray on us ! It was then that we had the genii big'noggme re broth for dinner, Instead le the crabbed, pock -,narked prudes that the pig. in Mui• linger Would'nt eat, and butter milk as then and sour e. creme .' fkartar ! Farewell, 'easter dear, and may God Almighty be veld gees all !''• "8o over the .a11 ecu poor Paddy went, and July, that had never been pre the rolling ,cean before, sow saw no!hing at all et ell Sur weeks but the green sea and blue sky. 0.: h, but it's enveclf could discourse about the 'eh and the sky !-how the whales, and the dolphins, and. Oro shark, revile an the water ; aad'the pretty stars end the no ion, and the sen, look dawn upon the coral bed., at the bottom e' the sea ; and when t be wind begins to Mow like mad, and the waves go up •nd.tbe0 down, and the mile 2 0 0 torn into shred. with • .oi.e like thunder, .end the meets go by the board, and there• ten feet water in the hold, anti the ship is socked down alio the bnhbling see ; and, Ind joist before it goes down, men, women, and chuilrea send up one dreadful scream, that -rues above the blast, and perces the very gate of beaten ! Thdre's description for "'The dirty heathen brutes ! But sore they must have the stuff plenty auung them -1 wish •• bad some ale and 1 would rub hale Baney with it, for an egreriaseP . " From that day forward, 1 body was ,e= ry eager to see • bluckuw.or Imitate. One alar roaming its the wood with his hatchet in hie hand, he raw a quare looking trout'r- eliuing at his este on the green sed. Thady eaarure lie had nuw clapped hi• ryes iso one of them, and coming up, • Mutate,' nye he, 'buil 1 never sera unu u' your surf Here -why, man, y..u'11 get your death u' world lying there !' ,t The en u' IId man of I glory, whath• need IThedmi 'QiR"yr I ! 1 ta,k u' Loughey }'udarhen's nose, but by the power., your nape bests the nose of ail the Fud•geens put together 1 Get ep hke a good hello* ; I've en oIJ tester left, and if there wee a ebeebeen near, 1'd give you e snifter. r.' Thr q'.are chap did get up, but my jewel, he appeared deemed to try a fall with '1'hedy. ' And in it f•r wrestling you are 1 Cuslsendall tar that -but stop, agrah, you grip too tight-taku your Bet out a my shoulder, on 1'11 have an unfair knoll o' you ! Oh! bad luck to you, and the tailor ilia' made your elnrhar, he has left no waistband on your breeches -oh, murder, tperder, roe - 're the jewel of a egneezer 1' But Thule eontrited to get his tobacco knee nut, and bun gave bio aprod in then ht Ir R g place, and down he fell to rise on more. Oh, mur- der, murder ! I've kilt one o' them bfueka- sssor b'ackgusrde ! I'll be hanged, as 1'ui a living men, i'11 be hanged -rich, why did 1 leave mild Ireland 7 Poor Judy and the chtlder will see me die an•nnnethral death forthie blackamoor thief! Och Ilene ! och hone ! what will i do'? •hat will i do P A neighber in the woods carne up. • And what ails you, Thady 1 'nu roar like a bull is a bog.' ' 6A•b ! oeh ! but I'm a sorrowful man this blessed day ! 1 pia gave one o' them thieves a prod, and there he ie.' ' Merey on u•, Thady ! that'. • bee►. that ten men cauld'nt kill !' ,.' Slushg, is that a hese 1 - By the powers, I'll drop them to you for a sestet the dozen r" 11r:Av*a.-lt all the earth were paper, and all the ylan:s of the earth were pens, and •11 the sea were ink, and it' every man, wornan, and chid, were a ready writer, yet were they sot able to expre.■ the thnus- anr'th part of those joys that saints @hall have in h . All the joy we have here in this world, is but pensiveness to.whet w shell 11 hay i heaven 111 ee•n 0 b n•et e nes 4 e• here to that a but bitterness. -Brooke. •C6*TAINTIa a. --Ile who cannot find time to consult hii B,ble, wilt find that one day Chit he has tone to be sick.; be who has no Wine to pray; must find time•to die ; he who tan find no time to reflect, is most likely to find time for sin , he whet einnot find time for repentance, will' find an. eternity in. Fat Cow, l year old and upward' 0 10 Ind 0 7 Ram over Spire sN sad made, 4, 0 11 Rod r 111 1• 0 • 10 O 7 Parr Ewes fees $,allow) - 0 14 2tsd 0 10 Single Kee 0 7 9.J 0 0 Pair of Fat elbe.p 0 7 O 8 O 15 O 10 Bre eefs% Now, hating bred Pigs during 1849. 0 15 end , 0 10 Fall %Vbnot free ticluw ) Sp'ing Wheal 9n.I 3rd Blarle 2.4 Rye Oats 2nd Peas 201 0 5 ('lver Secd (one bushel) grown in thee. 1 0 end 0 15 Tunethy Secd (one bushel) 0 7 sed 0 5 Serd:ah Turnip Seed, 3 lbs. 0 7 2nd 0 5 Swedish Turnips sample 2 bushel. 0 10 2nd 0 3rd Year old Stam tied 2nd Boar 2nd 1 0 O 15 O l0 O 7 O 6 O 10 O 7 O 6 O 7 3'J N hate Turnips 2 buehels 2nd 3rJ Potatoes 2 bushels 2nd 3rd Beets one bushel Carrot* nn* bushel Onions one bushel O 5 O 10 O 7 O 5 O 10 O 7 O 6 O 5 O 6 O 6 Cabbage 13 heads 0 S Firkin •(Malt Butter, 66 lbs. pack- ed and cured. • 0 15 o 19 O 10 O 10 O 7 o 1s O 10 -0 7 :red 3rd Newly.made Butter 10 lbs. 2nd Cherie, 25 lbs. Sod 3rd Maple Sugar (cake)) Produced 0 Ii! 25 lbs. on Exbi- • 0 10 0 1 Virgin Haney, in bitor'e 0•16 0 the comb, nut less Premtaee . 0 10 0. than 10 lbs. I 0 7 Tin yard• of Home-made Fulled Cloth, from Wool grown by ex- hibitor, and spun in his family, (all wool, web .f 1839.) • 0 i5. End - • 0.10 3rd • 0 7 Ten yards of finme-made Flannel, all woof, do. (not fulled -do.) 0 10 end 0 7 3rd 0 6 Nine yards of Blanketing, all woo) d... (twilled not fulled, do). 0 10 and • 0 7 3rd 0 'd Ten y..: d• Nose, cotton ani wool . (rot fulled) 0 '7 2nd 0 Beet new Double Wagon, m'd• 0r purchaacd by a 'Member or Mem- bers of the `Society, 0 1.5 and rising country to. who.. 'deice they are and 0 10 proof to eedicete their talents, will cheerfully Be`t Fannog Atilt/ a0y improved lend its rupport le enconrsge their arduous and kind, do. 0 10 honourable .undertaking. The low price sr 2nd 0 7 'which the Periodical is pieced, is in order That Best Plough,any improved kind, del. 0.15 0 every pinion within the Colony who can read, tail 0 -10 0 and t(ancuus for moral mod mental improvement For any Agricultural implement; made nr pm - may become a nbecriberand patron Oldie wdrk. chased, by a menthol or members of thio see... The VICTORIA MAGAzINx will contain sweaty- 17. of en improved dereriplion to be decided by four pages in each number printed on new type. the Judges -Prize in di crsrtion of C;ommittw. and upon good paper: and will forum et the end FALI. WHEAT -To be shown i. Stratford efthe year a nems Volumlre, of 288, pages, to- on Ont Friday of Sepveml.r. (Th September.) • gether with Title Page and Index. ' a 12 o'clock. noon.. ID Priie Firer, LI ; 2.4 It will be Memel Mnntblr.,eommenciaeon the LI 101.: 3rd LI 5..: 40h LI : and 20 bo.hel, Fite' Gf September, from the office of JOSI:PIl to be brought by each exhihitnr, sod sold to any WILSON, Front -street. Bellesille-the Pub- member oI the eterieiy St 7e more than the thins lisherand sole Proprietor, towhom all ordersfor Galt price. HORSESHOES -set u( Herr the Mega;ine, and letters to the Edilurs, most be addressed. (poet -paid.) The terms of sub- scription -ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM- inesrinNe to le peid 1u advance. Godench, M.reb 3. 1848. 5 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6. IMPORTANT to the PUBLIC Rata IWPYINB. 01 Kest Yleob•re (Hanaltoa P. 0.) Wenn, for a Aw amalb• parr bees seq.", De Tniteshw Agee. fee t►. WAPHIiU rt►1l0 MUT UAL INSURANCE C,.., taboo the peewee( ripper tma.ly of titanium( the lekaMeaate of 11e Wellisgtm sad hese Districts for Ile very liberal patronage sad eseeerageme..t ways( bo has received at their hamlet : and bee* • Ihr pleasure of afunureg entre toes ho i• 0 July authorised to act alms tae the GENS O 'SEE 5ulj'TUAI. the former larutuuttue O being exclo.,vels devoted to -the Insuraec. of Farm Stock and llhrleings, the tatter t.- kieg risks in Towns, -mud Lusk ea very to. duet, term+. o The Washington Company . O offers peculiar advantages to the AgrictPu O rel Inters.', '&lime Ordinary/mks a' one per O cent , doing au i,, us•n.e amount of busters. 6 having a very large rash capital us 1 snit, O end premp'!y tattle g nil claims slain -t the 0 In•telittun,-C.p1'.., 1:38etto0 ; M,-n,ben, 37,986, -both being detly it creasing. 0 6 u e 0 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 The Genesee Company is intended to leisure against Fire in Teens and Villages, and the rates are cunwqueetiy higher In propurtIOn to the oaks being grater ; but In cunsegeence of Ihtb Large business done, little more hu tethero been required than the first payment. for during the est thirteen care the se saiir rl- p ► e A e t have only a^.rayed two per cent, a111 gh dining that t'ee d s of the frost divas tre,.v firer ever known have occurred. Capital. `401,105. Now '1 ,s ever .800. 000. EZRA 11OP16INS. AgeoffurikeW.-1tiaglua •f• Huron Dia' richt Jolt' lath, 1819. 9v-n25-3to t 1 • t New Di. - LT (EI MO. SES meowed ► M ' e Dr C q r 7 I i t Coen CQ' A r e C r t Aet. ...diet other RLA.VI" ,OHMS mond 10 its District amid Divisive (`own. on Side at the Sigma Oflric. Also, all kinds et .108 PRINTING eaeeatrd es the shortest notice. sod on moderate te1me. God.rucb. Judy 11, toil , , O PLANS AND SIECIF1CATiONS. 6 .._ O T11E Subscriber k leave 10 inform the O i inhabstan'• of 1M Metric" of 'biros, 6 and the Ile ghbnr,, a IP.rnele. that 1 e 1,s• O E:itablishtvl 11im1+eII' in Ste:wiled, e and Is prepard to'gire Plana and Specific. 9 tttma refI? YbIic ' r Pnvete B'nhhngs, Sneer • ee, MIlt.Desw. kc, kr. kr., mrd will elk. 'he nupenntendenre of such Erection., ui. 6 eros r n h e to 'hs t sa•o a 1 ems Ile thorough know..dge nfh•s prnferai.'n • and -his practice as Bolder, qualifies him fur any usdert•kiog In the line. ,Bildene pest pail, PL'TSR FERGUSON. • Butllkr, kr.. kc. S.raiford, C. W. Stratford, M.rch 16th, 1849. 2r-n7t1 0 0 e 0 o AGENCY FOR TILE ..rETTLRME11'T OF THE CROWN LANDS, 6 WICIAJ W'TO:t & HURON DISTRICTS. p Jews. 1540. IlEeineer.igt ee. Agent eepniete4 by Ks Exe.tle.ee the Governer -Omen' o for the Sentential m the Crews I..n!e in • ;'w Tow '+Pe err G(esp{r. Ills«ti.eh, Beast, Green. , Yu•.tardtse.asd.Emlwel in the 0-Coustws of Waterloo and Huroe, kereb, 601; lo,n •Notiew to all perrons wither and 'teens theme. of i,. ^i'Ing therein, that lite Of1ec41. 01_ Ike ,shat. of D,.b.sin ie Ike 7'otr,,4;p of ikadieek, oa free Garvfrern Road. w her.'he wilt reeeiae the application "1 the Settlers, everyday of the week, be- • ween the hoots of Ni'.., awl give o'clock. Fifty .Acres of Land wilt be glees to ser Settlers eighteen rears old, and a •object of leer Majesty. whe ell: preppie' ht'uvelf prevee J with • Centflcete of probity. and ,obnetr, awned by known and respectable tarmnn., and ',wing the moans of providing. Shoe,, -nn the hnree, to he.warded to make, of for humeri(' un' i1 the nee 'lure of by Ido 1 to rhe shops -1st 1(h.; 2nr1 7.. 6.1. HAIINE88 eoteeI.r t io rnain'e,n hi•.. Tete banter of Beat set of Doubler 1st LI: 2nd 15,. 'hat Cert ficate sial! mention to tike Afeilt 13 Y -' L A W S. • tab.. w II keep • Regret/ idea ref) hie 1. No eternal asinine the first toluene year. name. e'r. cnn•liru.e, trade or penfN,ioe can take it in one some character the ...coed or whether he ad parr ed, and if 0 Lha stere any -other year; but may .hew and be rine , and stn of hie elf.. hew' mane ehiidret he tied to a Certificate from the Snci-tv. nr with hes. the name- anJ age of tach if them, other.hnnoiary reword am may he decided on ere- .s hrre'he is from, whether he has eoms cep, Bolls. Slaltinna. Boar., and Ram., which where any rrr.perty an! In what Towaibip may show.nd carry first prise' for two yeere. h. w•ghe. to .,tele. 9 Th., a S.heerile4 be 0017 "tided le ere prose for 'Butter aid Cheese, w lir Graiin of the Tbe eo..l'uoo• of the Loeatios Tkket isms kind. are -to take poo.0er nn within one month 3 That Stallions, Bells. Bess, mea have atter the .eau of the Ticket. and 10 pot in served wit'eie the Society'. District the re -wan a .tare of cultivation at 1. aleTw,lre Acre, previus to the Shrew, leseeptiag ie eases pm- •'f the lane in the course of fear tears -to vided for by extra Peening:ho , or es'•ib,ton of build a house and to reride inn the Int antil mach to give an obligation that they vriH,erot i' the eondrtroeo of settlement are duly 1,51611 %bell eelSen. .', a!'t•-r which seromphahment only shell their 4. That 8.1. mow, heave a ,lag ere h-rew_i. the Settler bate the eget of obtaining a tt- reatssem, c dpa seethe elk or chain a11.011 , ter,' tie el property • FAn,il..., cntepri•ing ,eer- 3. That rh' prise for Heifer@ be set awarded rel Settlers ?nutted to lands. preferring to t0 e.y salrnel that has previouly Md • Cale restd.•on •angle Int well h? exempted from 6. Th.. the q.entity of Grain and seeds illi- the obligation of building and of residence, hilpd. ( Pewee sad Indian Corn indnded), he set (except neon the lot on which they reside) Irma than len b•the's, end raisedbymn exhibitor: provided the regime,' cement of the land is from • 11eld oral hetet two acres, [Jaen the neve on each Int. The n-•n-arcnmp '-h- quanaty of land and tela r1r.r- da I., oshctwno- meet '.('here enndrti mmi will souse the ,m- .p.eifird]: and the ('heex •real R ,111,, ar esker •reedute lama of tee a..e ned let of land, Fenn Produce. exhihite 1, to be preface from rim g hthitor's fano, bind nr stork ; end that all Ewes whrh will he .old or given to another. shown [except Fat .Beep) rhgil have melded a The land enten.ed to be reeled Is of the lamb to the 6rit of Augua previous to the day ofI esry beat description, and well timbered ahnw, and wafered. 7. Thal all cnmpe';rnn tor Pezos most tin The Roads will be opened one breadth the Secretary notice of the efeneripnr.n of atnrk nr of 60 fee, and the land on each stile w'lll be divided into bits of50 acre, each, to be gra- teeming given. Besides the principal Road there will be two aherm (one on each rode of the princi- pal Road) marked out on the whole .steel of the territory, and ea wherb free Loca- tions of 50 arms will be mad'. Bot se the Gevrrnler.t only intend to TOYS the ?apes.. of Mervey oe those wd- Jihnnal Romer, the Gretna* well have to open the ro.A in front of their Meatier's. The moot dtr.ct roma to teeth the Agent ry ne the Garefesia Road is by way rel Guelph and Elora in thetWolhngtnn Metric, GEORGE JACKSON, .fg.il for Srtd .teor of the Airliner Road. New Church in Stratford. SEALED TENDERS will be roe -sited by the a rborelber os beeali of the P'a,by tense Clouted B•olding C.'mrn,te", Ira'. ('std, till none of the 31.1 December next, few ppevM.mig nutenab, v a.. Barks, L•uw. Been., Mand, Srarnsod 1.'10.5.,, wed Werk, lot the Emilio& of a BRICK CHURCH, prnpn•ed iii Io hut;' at Strarl..,.I. Teals,. may be 'wade slither R.► tbe whole or for soy pert eels, pen of tee seeteetale, asd secure,. I., Sper.11esnom a prnpnemd by Mr. Pet« IF., Architect. Stratford. J. 1. E. LINTON. A.t'ing. See'y. Stratford, Seth J.ly 1840. 0v-e66u 0 8 0 AGRICULTURE. • AT • Meering of the the Committee of the STRATFORD AGRICULTURAL SO- CIETY. held at the Verniers' loo, the following PREMIUMS were awarded, to -be -shown for at the Socirfv's eighth Annual Exhibition, at Stret- ford, on Friday, the 12th day of October, 1849. Best Stallion fur Agricultural prim - ere (Prize awarded 11th April to Mt. John itallenbury,•.......£6 0 Brood Mare and Foal 1 (0 r 2nd 3rd a Three year old Filly - 2nd 3r1 Two Year d 200 3rd One year old Colt 2nd Two year old Gelding.. 2nd 1 9 to O 15 O 10 O 6 O 11 O 7 0 O 10 O .7 O 15 O 10 Two year old es11r•Colt 0 13 Span of Farm Mortes, (melding.) or M 'ray r . 1 0 end 0 15 Three year old Bull. and not more than oven, (see By -Law for dou- ble premium,) Ind 3rd Terri year old Bull 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 yon! e But, Tbaddy Mitred safe in Quebec, with July and the ebtldren, and then of they trnd:ed into the woods, to try and get a bit of the land to settle on. Some Irish neighbors helped him to get up a cabin to • heeler the family, and he •ays to one of them, • Where do Ih'm btorkanoor negur Indians I've, that 1 heerd about ,n our own country 1 •• • 0811, beyaol there in the wondd.' •" And Corny, tell me, hart you eTeei seen any o' them 1' "Seen them! To be sure i heve, there'• mores o' them in the woods, Mark, ugly }.vile they ere !' "• Aad what makes them black. Corn' r Sure, conld'nt the din! creatures keep bems.Ires t'hrtstlan white P "' It's the climate, they say ; but what he climate n, myself d..ei et know. Some - bier three r'th inn teem when they am ening.' One year old Bull 2nd Milch Cow and Calf... 2nd fled Milch Cow 2nd 3rd Two year old Heifer Snit 3rd Year nld [letter 111.11 Spring Calf 2nd Poke %Verk'ng • Ogen, lies year old and upward 0 15 2nd 0 10 3rd 0 7 Fonr year old Steers 0 11 2rd 0 7 Do. Three year old Steers 0 10 2nd 0 7 iM Two year old Strews 0 7 Ind 0 5 Fat Oz 0 15 end 0 10 1 10 0 1 0 0 1 10 0 1 0 0 O 10 0 O 7 8 1 0 0 O 15 0 O 10 0 O 15 0 O 10 0 O 7 6 O 10 O 7 O 5 O 7 O 6 O