HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-09-13, Page 5o� , . .. I 1-11 1. 1 41
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*I I I., �1� y4webill 4�20 t my., ack wigIst-i"it^ ,; I ,,, tl*ta t0LW0VJ.___!Jt0 t4 � � � of "Otulas "A � .�
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CnW3;%Vdn^"k, I i , I I I . I . AAM U ^
I .. SK"sictlit 14" titiltIlA, " . I Moulariar"Ishl"flikiwo Dow V"rly 9W your
. -k ill, " t Mo. "R rt 1, � 'I'Vift, r` " " r, pti;iVim 4ull tuft, %xiWoW L
� L . = newo ,low" �2 . .
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ft, � . SeI1149, 11 L J, I i � skemb. 004* ba, * I , U-MOU0 X9 . . lopliveitlo". Wfll'wo I 1� I
. -_ tM "A = a 4p*%:W 41*44 � . . .4Aklqr1s0 UW 04YAlk. 0 41111
. I I 11 .t.,.-. - tvilosivo, I"& a . ,tilt 111111111mr- slax, _=-is�tlgblv��*W�7_ -,', -� _V_,`%Qt11;YK-Mr -fillows t1lic,fliff.cowit
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- I -;;-.-i;--;:--;.,-��,;;;-i;-,��L�-�;;- to __ - - ezot I OV " 9; "740 1% � � , "Or .
C", I—, 'LL . 3 -, " QTRrY.-*i*Kbr 1=40'"It. WyAt �r �L � I , �, I I I
I ::, ,,,, - -14011W-4t, pokpor, whicis * 1 "' . 't ; 'ItecAlwil.r _. .
I � I I a, .!r - , I I 1. . 4 swoyakolli - ." ."', Aifik�.' %'Ili$ season wo, ke Illowl1w ilk [100491tut
I - I . .. L, r I I I L.01 = 411 1. 401111 " ?V11,14 I ,X* L , . owit spl#u - . r
L t We am now showifig rim,9009",uld to make Toom we, Qffer - - ft"W_ .*Ak- r "',
Laif, WttAveFAk'rO%%r - 9"IT-4 M F'W", Oft vogo of Stilts In MI tise cskakost'04
-, Ittiousallall I ' La " i *MW , - I .10
- - , �% � 1 . %%OWWJLtfk iIAX03, - � 9.4'A I t � I lall(Willit #A4 ' . I .
4* , negt teW 0 . *U4 " T: 4v: lawt -to . 44 X,VsXA%kX*Wtk4 Ili 1091111100� ... ,
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,!,graor 14r.v 1.*rplaa 10'r I , , Y$ *"kao-W. I I : did 410311tv 01 eltAtbo '011flo Ili#
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I . X JQW W LYA , of garlmeata fArlp it" 110410 oflue I
., � � I I L . : '41 � g u;7 1 _4skkk4r1erkkVr% U, , �7, _ C�J?.IA'r'4"'� ' '�!' . " I . P � I L �
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tie _J, � . I hwf*06 oppott"Piky � I Wt*% cw
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� � . r gw �:ras �Jyx t'ulw I 11, awl, - iW r a . 1t1101110r1*9C11r3rt �
I C, I fiwaalk� fevev*q Opm a au, r . I . . I I
r W LJOW w_ � . . .
'alkv:L 11 rj� '"" �, I �
I 'it I %Koft Y 11 - M t llvtuit '� 4, " , 4100C Is 004o. :L ; ,." L
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01ROSS'MIUSLANS PLAIrN I r I ' or, � I .1 0
I " a . " 2' i YA011 I lit livet, L
. t# J1ur04 W Soya "MO 0 "' " V _W0 @rTI4JIAt,' 'j,
wt 'TW980 AN6 I 01195016900A � . I . W-*--- 90k r %skH4 %? jt�110A I L V,"
I � r t r, 444K* tivate. L , . . . 0 oad 41te Tfiero. 4W100, . .
SHIR'r L WAIS"', L I � I *W,. to W10 know b04* 0:&'w R5,7*rwX , 0 tljqisa,,�sla � . 4400
"IT6 MUINLIN L � L I . � I . Q .Ort L lsfvul�q* ay 04tWitq I I L I
I r "" 1�* T!sk��4 * I * "' L
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, . I �, . I �� rtU f01IQ* - Ilotol, N �# livev tonio.o. Tly ' OUR PIOCUS R10"T, I 11'r , I I I L
I , "11V I 1DR114*5 5W - , . I 1: L' ' : � I , V log VII04 Aski ;6'r .
. I , � Kor I I 4 VI , A00"fit
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r . " � I "Iff 0.041-ris - 11 I ANP, rKAVV . L .. . 11 $qr _ _ . r i --11:1 . Z � I .
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� 0 " . , 44CH OURTAINS r , I rb .1�srnk,j WAY041 W14q: 4, r.= , -K ttA bowel* to r4ave hX thoottiml. " �;,
��, 1, � _ L ., , Atty dua A lki 1. I .
I I I I r sis " ) - %if' 'it tqtl* owwit imlst 09vis �
I I , ,�Vlfl, ,, 1990. 0981ta r _ , it 4 giv=%ta wvva A .0-11 "r r, mommo, " ` I -
I ,r' � . I . . _41311 -4y *UC :
Q=ANWTW il)li "", tow I I I
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L' . r� .1 L, . "I� " r. .. . 0, 'c , )�� totill ItTalta limlirt I - rkor U
' - :L'- �, , r 1 = M. I I �100_4100 1. ngul;w w I COWWOvi � oval Clothing that can lie MW opqu
I ,
, , I � . r I .'W*'"* � ,"O= JWYIRAJ tithW110-110h . � , , � tst s at, buys put their 001,11t I
,�. : r� . I r M"I'Mutiftn"VI ,,, V I .
LJQAP I kPI.OXWO!'PRO"I�F Tra t, T Ifill Trani to
I ,P . I ' � # I , I �
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. tT,.SJ �' � t ( I ,� . , 11 .1. .1. L I .,t&� V 4 , . ' T1 t I 1%, tee kia*att. LL I I - too we re,cotnusend I %is'Sonforli CIOMAINXI 09Y , �
� L ' valke'rilickskit'v I" . IJUNI ta" .2 ' 0 qu4'w;II,stVsnd tile tt
, �, . . , r L. .1 Alifn � showil gut, 11 ,litif to' I Mitl'i h+0ves - ril I
. 0 ._'ta 2 r0atV#tl,%;Iy" L �,� , j 4.',t11J6 Altuatl 0 Wil ta 3 a % r � 14 !�". r 11 *4 1
, '#Ayr, ' a - . . I , r, . I'll,
.7 JAkJPJI�fA'*%d#'JALr4 It A
I . o r I QO to eat � . 0�01!.O,, kV,V#Aatk;%i0"AbIf - ,r
,,qgJj04'tik0Qji%Yk0skkTP 0
, . _'Jut(1L g1#taV4c*'f 't --=r. =vs. Q -
� Mrsis or I 4a -
'It$bsts, *Js � . rp�4 . -4 ZA 11 . bay
I V. Z r 01�,'l _T=� �,j '=, ,st :r. = I= Ir IcsL ml, IlKgocs. r Is, a uptly eavne'd tile repulation Of liciving tile
A ,�j, T ,4_-T j pamulo'by ,kUki, IAM%A-* ,I,&, sail 'a :111W Oil a 4404w, 1 4 t,4�olt ' �s` a . 'a Aoya' vlottling In Can(kdao, , t �
4 .4 egiRfAggs' o L %1,10"V200
r _ r . ' �tk , i �4.:.�. $90 t9 0 he flip- 4 r YWrIag r , 9, Tivis"k L , okkw iv �Jks&veAAd tkqk-4:,WA. I _r r
� � , I _ ' . ,wb1OIr4OM0dt0%1lrXX"4 TO ,V 'A
1110A XU -Af; "F:�".4,.'.- � , .. I
- 400R�40VA yArd, Ise -, 110 *t L *X" � so, I . L
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� d.JAA `W�st A - 4
I .��, _ � Asg � .... � , tjoso, Jik QT$IY I')08Jljnll � t * I., _ PW&idAvk .obvItVIen. Will) V , 11.6iff . � .� I
, _;l "p**AKQWlvx a
r 'r i.b - . O& ?,
� . � , 1AW I , , , .... , , ,li !to will
I . .� fints _ Akgto , ts t I . r Double Areastod Stilts and Norfolk Stilts
' . I r
�_ I wide 0t14"VtFA10!0,v-, ,,, � , Onto u*VO4.44gut twt t'414 �ftolsi-mx. now It t"QQL I horpoluslarstylea.
, 4 giso4i raug# � .... Of Zopv 1. 44)�01$k6, _ T 9
� 0
, I �. lu;kipwll��nv r',,,4 r precla" bytbtv'VnXiW_aiI% .0t, iliti - xww�.*P!�vn . "Woll. r t Itt t bet
r t _36,1q�At* r , j� � . . , Qu* %t of . 0 I it
I . . 1.�Alttlll` ... I? ,.,,25f, 409 at,1444 1 r , L "r ' ' 'O' % to . 4 ti , - .
of psoovtai, 0440tor') I I , . . I . 'thquvosgto A,:Prv. welt- Nov, Wo T ,0 ti: %%uro Fly l"litpet: 611141w,
. : " � LA'� L " I . . . .1 1�4hp# Pt largi,ill ' ' , I : . I Wr a IIA0 - � L
,. . , W, �CO%A
L , ' ',� r. 4 . I X4*4tdo"A "Vi0florIlls Vii*pt op b1f; w LL 11 Julqcss. to ,,,,r,, , r, ,,,i,,, =--,,,; ,,, - - - -
. , .f)r Rkk1ga,;.sft* I I , L. r Voulkl4j Wbi , , ;_t�_ -
. . �... . - . . a , 11114b*1191VW 4 etit � � . I
. 1 4, W�cli k4arts, I . j';Yq6s@ A!hn4 � WL I I " 040XIM. I $ MAY , I*t$'
,,, L . ,
I I I I Tqpes.ti�iioa 'xifto'els, w r '. " .,, $364, , , .00 ot (4 pop * j'lsIfsi g. big son _ , . , r I I ,
I slotso"WO , , _ hjvfl� ' . L
r r
r ., L
- mla'..*�4,1�4 �,,_ 0 $q_00.00 ' , t , to, ��* I , I - - Y, tbfA, : NEW FALL XrXG RATS, 16CY are h9affMC4
� . ��,., . I . � , I w Ott. , . ji i�:'t_#XIVLer�qto'1.5';�ei,toMen oytl' -to �. . I ��
3*;�34% sX-JX'x.,4v,NP" . I U1110o), . . ., , 1rA6Xt#Xt1vyA�4 r
I . I I L. I r , ,
r, . L
r - `��' 7 '', . r L I ' I . 9 is L fis earnestly.. ift-i C"O'414 * � �, - �
� titio strosim of Wt to buggy WO'lit0l, At th rAl . . udufiff
,4� wide, fit Vor .'][%I�JL Of As"'COM4 L Is Par rap .
r 1. � I RA ,r , 04. . , befoorldiptltMfor,obatructlo - -Lli, t 'to --"----- r 00�gf.
,, C. t 0'arl, 4 4eAP
; ; - . I I . I ; &O r& ,t .--450 00" PC 004 W ' I4,; r" , �4ndfk t�bat crQ 't'og�, , *, 110 f �, L" all
L -4�ilj� r, s , floll, *yfi. . h '0, .1tow is Cold IA Icom, 16 � oiii IV* itu . ',gwy
. , `0 "I 4rvQ * .
�1*�Pli�� 4�� U e T4V _ro.,o JQr
-.t- ,�, it� '.a.1)6%
1 - o� � i'4Y," q�'� 'I;' � " Ig" J. *VA,� " L -, earliest. Vital. es�ssfktlja be, 'Svi�q.. -,-- -.__ _
, I
r !,-r:,ktro7. I k; ycllow'z L _ ,rke It L as tin I . . "PON, �11 r - I
I I Ivilt 1. . � -: ';� I - � r 1: ' L � � . 'k fifjoill."gnu " +'k i-Alls 0 . , I
rL Y114 1-�o, un It. r.. The Pre, _0 , �WAIWL P*tlohtl " L
1. 0 , � ,. _ � , I I L W ipbook, r ro'. ix the tvaln ith "t in is %)os- At sit deolow"
I I itopsu t*, 64 .
r ..
. I �. *� I I it. . 'r , � , . . I " �. I %L 04'an , I ,fft"d f, li ,in ter, Take It, nab nii thou It " . I . I . . I I
r' , I " .��, , ,
" - ''. � " P"Oi*: Iftv "4 . . , Qb take tile ir It, 1his hop" 14 tbp -plean!, ,04 ,#c i: .
11 I . .." ... I . . 'r, �r - r . I I . :1 , �.� V10101- .1o)LAUPPIt 9, � lially L tV pri to th antloef , i " j. �L
I'll r �r I.. . I I . . L r . . I - I M previous leirls. timo, , 9010g, Nil; Ot�atfyp tbat the Iso . - . , task .11 . -1 Wajoter C. Pridham
,Lr 11 LL I . . � 491i'ming it noblo At It -as � L . .
, . -Y--__,_-_ L, , , � Ategellolftry. OWL"099A 11 11 �
� .: r I , , . L . , I 1. � r t 9*94 In � of' 9U_ 'buggy aa I I 1 IrI4 WnItc, fill, ;
, . ,".�.,,,.,%, . Intion With'thAt . -X Oul - 40494 Ulle C your I . .
�L , ;,." 11 .1 �L. I . I I vlevr bas WAO lilrOwl ;,b t e horse.4 feati � - , W I I r
ri' . . L ' ' f% , tratill: 'I T it I
'I ""'L," ��� ` AVA111L I tied bonvot t as th"Agh It wait 46 I
. L I I LL -1 . - %vip The )D not � lit'Lue 'fly to do and achieve, 4TW9 .. � Aft ..
", , , , :
.. q*fnIon author, .
Aq , Wo been Vetoed-, - though eq foov"a"'lly lie Wait 11A
, W L
__ 13M L , , ,
� VV. & �� ,. W_ 111 As note%,* ataujg�
, - 4 #It* L IAAspq"4.t *&USe they are 11 . #U' ispor Ali 0A "'Alf, ft T"U".)_" __ - - _. -_ "I
1:, . r - 1. . ,;-`-`-1T-, , Asailly jr) isr Dr' "AL"' t a Ao !ry rorward sit nod good 11 totio: I
�..... _ _ "!, I I I " r I ,,, e- . �1� 7� r� � ; r r Arlie � e*ample of the ,, ,. re .r
I 11 . __� � , , " - �. I � I � '0004 by'Artl(all illbo�ky to Ispsinees, �004nott9 T"W"a'" - . ,0_4 os. to help and eg MY, A 11111TOVID.R. . I I
� ,. . lialag 'of 11his agcoo. b ile2Lof the treatywith Wined . Irm, -be . L
At . . I L -
. . I �,,, r, L . .' t , t-;% A160U�MfAAf4`wIt_qQAupXny.begAAA �tbvelr to onto
� A. , 1, � wa's the nuder% or,,49 tome lft#'%n nia14 be a heart4tok Wbat's, In ta Name ?
� � Itit ,14 *4 s, cc tit I 11
� L . LL i' ' �L - Tch 10 " � is this Jounpit to Al"011, Japats. to RIVO f, _ , cr0$sIt1g+ t16 ,he ]III , . n%� ,"A*.ry, it .OP ! , WV1V)9WVV
r r '111i'm , I . - tots country. tot the ocked.
:�, I Q'o rL ' _ ': ,,: �, - 80,11 reoldo Ju Ith Asecor4ingly I%ld InforMstion against lipothAvir. Xbo got, Is, life fit UndOr- Torquto, Telegram. ..
. � . _ , whelk 010'� -
1:: rr �r'' r I - " . vir4lued by a. great vftaTJOrlty of mal" The Improved timially I .
. TKUP"R r - ' , 'Wl " � ".'. Work^tf I arid r liced
r Aft'hartio At�,Issst_ Ast $potfon BrItalls a RIO bollikd by Alliapeo W o . The on . -
, , to
"A" ", Conduct c 1,
L . , , pirp
.� . __1 --- - -- fpok4tt and MlACklill Wag rj,p,,,, Atna . 'T ig Alothe be I a not made lialf as usuch of It", I WILLIAM SHARMAN
o Ll So Ott �
,Lj � W�. 4 L � by' JOO�olit, I r h4only1ope of the ln� gatrato An MO w nod then Firice of the ontar 0 go 1001 009 a Will .
. I _L,j, . Its Act by symps, tore Pa .04 Mai " L I 0 good (W tile distribut OtPof *100'.
"I , 1. Pl? , i #�'L WW'rfQ. this"t'th gorning tId#Volnt%%tAyed Is 'to tifyin L 14 is I the ciae. No r
+ �� , r. IT] town $Ilra "� - ( _ , 06 IlV41ng a , k, a the crowds, '"' L
LL'. 1, r .1 'L I . 010ang pUthe atreleks;P4. th4jft notl0o"'Ork�'t fs� part of the Mik. SAtVITda)tvA0TeVAI)#lt'4T1.cke jor a L: . it glass among the families of L I I .
'r � I . I . . L 1.11 - i I I . ;tM[ Wthe k I. , (1, d , r b fallure of that the crossing wait stead ti , cc en 000 per abown .
I , I . allown by tij. ate 'April, 19iju, &do$ re I' ,�� At I . LitserallIvin Wks help- I
., ,, 6,plan , L pres6fitott a. At fine 'n, , ens' this Province.
I I . I L '1`k!!!Lqf__ y 1, I conalifera§16length, of tim at I t. 11 cot as a One. 1. I I I.- b �
. L
.1 11 I I-Im luw,41 %0VVfN%01A1og on tthe;WrapAllay paying Alt, agrovu gratido to V 414%widi Imposed accordo, � I I . . 1:" Ist rue Dnco III it sulloo 0
�: -, . , the Immil of Mandcopts WAS lug its I)Iptes,
�` I price for the land they covered and them in w milkeL Pliontil. one despatch I ! ..... ... . ed parents foe *1004(0 .
! � �., I � 11 :1 , . L t logly. . I . I . .
I - 11 I " , I . '06til-Of the closing, o first large obt well antunet or, Without Interest, 0.0mm .- 0 , - Men -Is Shoes
; � I pay I Alit at] I I, I Intimates that VIA 41tead �lg lo, Resign From the Worry Club,
-� � � , I I . THE ESTIMATIE15 IF04 49#7 9 sueBe Issa I ,, .y entail . Oil- CAUSr�S TROUBLU.-ThO Bell TOO; . every ten years. Toryl-im Invt�t1gatell
I , . .AL!� , 2. Ac, The U earn as f I Or u1cei 004 and, L L
. FOR A 2111 MILLT-U ROE, o i taige ., rr 1j, ,lit al A Is 'C phone Company and the Park', 11 got the OUR until it -glad o ,olimb
L riti; f, , , was
:� 'L ., , as d tie one Wprstbogp�WhObxo0g tth Life Is a rush,but we can'tal
. a, and water al I , I
� i�. I , . - to . . I to Ili fig"'To .
1. ;,4 �, - , At 61 fAcip, kl�d tbat Other Wimitanto will tomewhat vA log, tbore tnilether. In collsequenCe. we down and reduce its prince
I �:- .. ,. by the Slii�wpr Role. it Autitio . e arP,E Good solid wear, and real
s ,� I . I " "�', . I'L Reovip Mdoetin stud Voun. Beckett the comealled. The quesitipa, lioivever. is Trees 6ommitto I stlor6ot treq, Wbiry-catilf, help it becatute nerves that will leave an good as $100,(M pot
.,:: �.'' � collectvin� Was, instructed, to proceed to not one thab will Idbwo. British Ool- get -beads ovQp the qua am,weak. vitality Is InArrit, tip and annuminthapockets of thopsirchail-'
� �, ` Other Interestla; matiets"PU4011404. � L . comfort in our men's heavy
, I
, ; I 11 I , I 1� . � I I . collect the airtvars of laxelif, avid the mabis. aud. Apark border on the same trimissing In Woodstock. The r1irkill tboTdo no staying power left. Cut era of school books. Therefillissulears, 11
", :r", % . I , and Trees committee have stopped thQ oa that
� .r . I I tov solicitor inattucted to pros the ocean __ leyellow, ittan will continue , out the worry part and build up. Lot Ing Ina system of party nanit
% , ,4 _Fit Fo
�t�.� '': ' N I I . �,.`l I I I Ion of all other arrears due the to company tritsiml _ -
iL 1. I collka-iffilgeass. No country to fool, log the trees who rtalAone help you. It's it Moat attaches the label -,Liberal" to the, street Shoes. ,
� '1# All t collect , I . they interfere wil . thewires.ponte . L 0. W. Rohs .. I
.�'�'L��'; ".' i _ the members were I PrIesiDni, �4 town. . hardyersoughtO hoodlesslyruilb Into tb AirerIftboultit nutritive tonic. IFIlls tinsild1tv- that kept Ron. I I
;: I , a . I t .
, I., � � '. th I . . s. flghting nation as ny are bij.01010 . .,0. a
I Z�1* a regular meeting lost Friday eve- war with such�-1 10 that the oomps the b 604 wit iron, supplies bul ding afraid to touch the school book rinv. ., " Built to wear and stand
L, ' * ' ,% Av the respective p6wers of the Japaitt an this or any Othet' I
11, � LLL ning. � ' . - I .., L' L,:L _, % uestion. tee elty,is many pretty shade -tre for worn out orgaos, goner. and.the name "Tory" to the courtige
WateranvILIght Commissioners and apaneso . local manager has written to th to ktq1tivil I
'L ", .... I wple the. attitude of the 3 TheL z .t"o the gort of vitality that makes that Inaph-ed Ron. J. P. Whitney to. 11 .. I k
", _0 -the drawink of the walking which you will
'I, - Go,germmefat as lndloatse4L in the state- head office explaining the altuatIOU = Want to do things. No medicine smash the ring rind
, !� �", L� orricHits' RRP6=0. - the Council, that , I
t.i,_�, g tsiolkey hrl. the Clocirssfaslimers frodi the . I ,
.j- I -04 V , . to ociloul-General In. and asking r instructions. Ib lilliAll 1pfid for men. women 'Alld annum to the people of this Province ,
, 44�e 4'Ll general unds of the town was cob- L . I certainly feel like doing
hp.�Pr";Stvp e he
;. The Clerk repo,W .%ot;Y.4 ", ,ment givell by 11 . cc of the comPAPY to children who need strength and stay- . ...." I I Ili I :
, I stftte!qaj�t for A4 I I Y, Canada, is that it will it never enWr a ralott to". -h-, _- I
, �` . t� I �
4',�..'. I I ... .; . � I lipatr w law, they should makeL re- - I ,n, , Y to 2114 Ing power. Try Forrozone; Me. per
, L.", , , .. � ,,, 1. " In cop 0 to trim I years gone Is wear them.
. ad. I . 11 'It z , I -to thf fonds In any Idea of allow 11 the t ees4v I when you
, �.- 0 to ) town for the together ,tb elvqgo but now the Parka alld be*, at all dealers. .
1, _ il' P r ,4.,$03A050 4t quill tiow iscriminat I a 8 4
�,� Li;!:, The Collector , . Ila. - the discussion it IV � . ,
- L 1;; � od, p4ld qvo�.. needed. er in robin qrs - committee finve decided that � I ,
q":;� 1 VP4, ap , Conuars n ah R, .
�� �'::., �! 11 I IM It 0 , 'kte !Q itated by the Mayor that the I bar ban , and if ortlInAte if no there,sball no more tree ("ImMiAg ) - All the best makes, in all
� L atid 163 tlog 't4gs Iffalsoo., 11�.p sourest * '
�_ �,: �L �: , ilon had-drsAvill orders on the tire 0 V*QlenqeL tin a on a crisis. at the to,& ,contending that t1sq,Wltilb There ere not usany of the early
.1 ��L "f, I morp asked for Y&4'6ppOrt%11ltXA4 00t f6r,ribout; $4,009 obove their rub act ' ' ' dths
;, , I
�. 1. ,i 'th either Fissitneo comwitoe lot .
_� " ,". , fer"W . . . rAy.e,nkul 1% Article 2 oft the treaty Of commerce should a ther be placed above tine pioneers left In Hullet township, yet p shapes, sizes and widths
,..i" .14, � . 091rc, of Revisloiri, regarding i6ofniiIIAW- ,%6d. Reeve McLean and Coun. vigatiour. between Britain and teees dr in OlLbles. The local manager There are it few of the heroic group
��:,,`��r_L�l I moved that the treasurer be instructed and nai - company has. a. rl lit who faced all *.a hardships looldilint, I I . I '
11,1�. � �� 'I', once- more Ili WO , . , - � are liere. Easy to get a fit
a d, "taxes. SUC m whieb Canada to noyr, by clalms'that the
"_`�,!���, p invkfAVeL' to po no more such orders, and the Japan, I libere they inte'rr"re to cleat -Ing a flush I'Mrill. Among these App 0 Pa, re S
. ", I I, '. agt*�O the F committee shetula 0oultilissioners; to send in & requisition her own consent.- a party, vides, that to trim the trees v -
� Z"�,,�� L , -
, � I . easy Shoes to wear, and
I 1. ��,,�l �1, conatsIt with him. . '. anch of &re'o two high with -the wires.and that this contention tniLy be mentioned Thomas Fear. of
:�, ,_� I I L to the Cc irkell if they needed funds. -1 the subjects of I so. which the,gravel roadi George Snail, of tile , �
V I , 1�.. 1. , ematery ,,sexton reported In- 'I contracting patties shall have full Ills- Is backed lip by their francht
. �,.L'�',, . 'kh.0 0 The clerk reported one tender re- fie of years yq to run. The Oth; Robert Scott, of tile U thi James I
I - --. te�jj) tit of 8 adillts stud I ' - -_ d In has a Cot' I 11 bard to wear out.
I 11 -1 �;! is a to ' at, or real a any TO, for, .
1�_ 4L . ssl� sign
� ��'�! �,'-',' �` I ' 'A at. Filed. - __ " "v a 'Tth.
. ,.� . I infant dur- - n municipa authorities Ichilm. on the Orashy. of the 10th, and Mrs.
is .3. im pts.,
.0 t gg,oss.
. . I cc oury work in con
Ived for the inas dr.' I a All Of these have been residents o
'_ ;�. " I I nection with Changes In the fire hall, other hand, that the company hasthe
. 11 ,!� L�, I "" 8* �' front Walter Sharman, OW, and - township for oyar 50 years, and while If you buy from'us' you
. � � , ..., �� 1. ��LMUNICATAQPS Abip. PETITIC0 �r�y t t - -.19 I t 4 Different Kinds ."
at sig Par , ass
Part of t or cont f t a ti__ ,
f the - is
1 , I - oft st y full . or .. pro . right to trim only under the supervis -
L :L ��. 1. . Better tothe Mayor from W. A. one tqiider for the old buildi 11, - i . - a a art 'i Ion of lbe Parks and Trees committee. they have passed the allotted three arry
, p ril.e. Prop y.
I , I I I 11 * 10 t Htfiralltov, .IWLked,wby he in reat, of town half, frous W ,or the,, e an . ears and ten, most of them tire I c, holue ,money which I
; L `:�� : . _ jtt �'I, - mAymuoa.-Tbe fol� ecore Y,
,_�_ lb N' 4rde P. A MICHIOALN A .1
�, �', , q%; g;';s,id,, � 10, 0 Zd. Ow a H. Townsend. for $�JL The . . y v gorous and active, with the -
_ � , and Rapids Eagl you expected to spend.
.� . r � ze, h. fndtvs;*�,C. rot In 166, Parade W. committee were instructed to TOWNSHIP COUNCILS. lowing from the Gr a promise of years ahead of them. - .0
� . � I , I . ' . . d the endeavor to get tenders for the car- - with . L----' .
'.-. . I on �Rlllitln Dtty",kt?�!, R" as � � - ..f of Friday last will be read . I I
, __ later--w's, .-- __ -.-- L , I
, . . - - � __ --------A
... 1-- abion LU10. W-st A, CaT - aivy-blemabouta- � - - - - - - 14f1Fr__ftYAWn wffH-#Y9T%0M.*�r1r0R 7 ---------- ------.- _.___ __ ..- -.1 I - " ---.
� �
� , .. " I 7- ter - - .. - ilie �J, I kfi a . -_ �� -0 But; :::: . 111illilill I . --- _____
--- " ' - ent tot gi�tigeso and . IT dedgA a I 11
� ,
L �. �,�, �11 :-L --- as a L " .. . � . I bid fitilliting. was orth IT, good deal At the last Thecting of ConnicilAho n _� -I's -SuzLuY.-The marriage QUOHLY.-Partisailee's Vegetable Pills
- - - - - _ - . .� .----r - , 'a
� I ��
` ,
the 4[301eliratroti ,
. � �.V, � � � mitree. law for levying the tuiew wassread al,idlivil-k P", - d bowels of bill-
; ", -
� '. For county parposcH I
. I . the sivel requ red
LLl . ' j raitis f mi.. V1. I
L,.L.,3 L � ,' ; I ; . , more than $31, if used as -I Atore house lette Shelby and EdwniA clear the stom I ach an W WILLIAM SHARMAN
, ,, _f . grant Of $W .1 retory ves-
;;�� i ____ -the - -front the
,_ b&IJE
kv� Dancey 341KA including a school
, .Ctested ,a
. . thesid'er�v_a 6nSt,-V1i1qent for 960111-Implessienta. and truck. � whlbh �4ill be paiFitble and a0portfillied to Harries Pasmore, which took place- last .Quo tuatte,r, cause the axe .
�10, -ember. avid for evening In the home of the bride's Helatothrow off impurities
, attest outside tbe.treas., aml. threaten- A letter from the Bank of Montreal public school scct[04H In fie( blood, Into the bowels and expel the Apple Drying ire
t on hip. purpoAe$. a rate of ' T�llw On the parents, MI'. and Mrs. W. JR. ,Shelby.
,7"11-1", . on if �tlke -a town III be peces'lliry, a ivqvill markod deleterious mass from Ilse body. They 2"Mo- Ak_kAWA A_;i?X;kW_XQ_JQikk1%
� L ad to apply for an injuncti offered to allow 2"por cent. Intel ivoluAl e of debon-
I , - 101ill = w 65 North Lafayette street.
, � t". i_,, -',.� walk wa4 proceeded -with_ Tpe Mayor daily ba.lances ofAbwn fulnids if a only Asivedi- do this without pain or inconvenience
.. . tile" rate&
,'�, . , -nl! by licautyand simplicity. ____________ ______..____._,_______ ---.----
I ,_ , Mr. Dancey wia otte ,of � those account was con-Ontled there, 4 At. 10 previous meeting of the council a to t a pattent, who speedily realizes
" I �. ': I said , ' ek tnoved causes, Lee was appointed consisting o *
,;, . ,wfio signed tile petition' iften the A Con" , f thO hers of the families and a few intimate eivv�igood offices Re goon.as they begin
,.: Reeve McLean an - Of& Epis- th
I Council decided 6.n the walk, and not the offer lie &cc red but the repsaill- Kec�ve Coun. Churchill au'd the (,fork to Con- friends were present. The full -
. L 1. s of tile L
� , �.". I Hider �nd examine the standing bylaw covial service was used, the cervirsiony W take effect. They have stron
I , . having objected tit the Court of Re� Ing members 7tho'CO)ssiscil. wanted all kinds .9f
��L_; town -hip and roporl, to the council. which was .
was re-atir.polat, tieing performed h?Bishop Coadjutor recommendations from
.1 "I n held, he had now ,so ground for the inRtttr laid' over till next meet As done and the gania)coninifttee C,v people. VULE9S
. I , vit 0 of further conference in ad uU empowered to proceed with tile J1 'in __ .
� I' McCormick. There was a simple sr-
.. �. ton end earre d . s in pink, _. _ . . I
. lgion of the ,,aid bylawE
:1 Ion. to allow the Sterling Blluk� Which viltud to,tho council as revised tistic arrangement of aster
I I Reeve McLearsistristi I
.� . y objected to justice to have thernalb
I ��`_ IV its tender promptly When before oulno ablifiliall. white and lavender shades and cathe-, The annu,I flower- show. tinder tile APPLE
.. the way the,ne* W&I a were being had put in gon it transpired by e. Ilowtion and deal candies in the 'bridal parlor and tv I if the Seafor�h Rorticultifro
�.,�� In I he d*ul" A petition was presented allep ce" C -
. .. . width asked. I in ground see 58. While, per
I , laid without 4nX.regard to the . hn Arthur amir ng the council vlo puroltalliv a bank of pa lety. was a succe I
1, �.. . of. the %treat*, -of Montreal bad not Jo lead t;o
,, -*her% the mat- a`,ad Hilowance to lary o it) Ott and Wa- foe the altier. Mrs. Alic hapit, the exhibits wore not as nunler- I I
that the Bank It ,a Nash town,
and movedi this walk I W, �tso nprthivedt
� �'. �' ,been ask qd for it, tender . - glo of lot 44, bolln(� U. railway station, and Chorual. . I
� L4 � ho put in -side the' trees, Tho. Mayor DI. was first. pro � posed. Comis. Beckett wanash to Like 0. & harpist.. ull�Xed.114a, ','Bridal � one as last year, there were some -very
, ,�11, i. . order, and then the V - Q he bridal party. beautiful spectstions an exhibition,
� , Afled this out of � ) GZ ..M _ . PICKERS YCLE AND REPAIR -
11 . " I ' �tter he'laid Over and Reid find Deputy Elliott thought make vi�er the Name ",bon ratified W the -- ---- - . .
� �L �'11 . 1. . reeve U)Oved#e sets I Mo -evil : ohics lie 'rho Aalit petition Ii tit- lads, Mastera Theattendance also was good. The . ,
.. till to lk,vfilago. -341 - entered. Two it, I .11 . I I I
"`�' t , sits having been BeCap L , add the rativ& 'L- clerk wore�ln .
.,L 11 . tile P. , ,�Omiuittee wo6ld go the Bank of .Xl �6r Zaps to carry out Joseph Shelby and'Geoege Pagnsorlop officers of the Horticultural Society
�, � , .. '.�� down and measdre the street, land'he. piade aware through the press of the stivicted to t,ko the prop ,. on condition that nephews of the bride' arid groom. deserve the greatest, credit for the r
, -�', � Sterling Bankos offer, had made just the wishes of the Viltioner c .
-a that the 0ouricit adopt a stand- the necossary full s be provI4. d by the police " I Rod strewed the pathway' trouble they go to in connection with Q Li r%
... . t,_� . . . . . . . . La w id th of at leitat 4J0 or 50- feet for thesame proposal, and tisatthiswaff filage when kdquired. clime r8 . .
, .,:�, 11 streets betweeii thaw.alkB. -Ile got not a square 40.41 to the latter. The v A few fteounnIA were passail and settled with roses. The bride, who entered these shows and the encouragetpent .
� I -.1 I� I . a matter was laid overt McLean find and tile council adjourned until Sept. 304,11. at upon the arm of her father, wore an they give to floriculture.
, %,�,,,, ? � no support in elfla 'objection and
11 a
, ,; I moLitm to file tfie! letter and proceed Clark alone voting for the motion. 1.30 p. In. rk. exquisiLe gown Of white lace Over ----------- 9- Has never been as well stocked with the best manufactures
. p", . with the work Was 0171 -ted. , � COMMITTUR RETORTS- - , white satin ano a bridal veil faswised , Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Oor- . I
I � produced in the world as for th
". �, I With a wreath of awassisoolit. Hite
. , � Forturse, of the Finance committee'- (1) Reconk- COLBORNE, r rried awantionis. Mrs. R. B,. Tonsil- dial Is a speedy cure for dysentery, c 19()7 season,
1. �X:) A letter froAn;l-.W- diarrhoea, cholera, summer complaint,
I— summer bot4l. Wptainlng sliggestiOull mending payment of two accounts, Colborne Council hold their regular ineeting califfe. sister of the bride, was matron s
,.� I 1. 4%,bout the railwayzelebrii-tion on SePL 'B, R. Townsend, $2; Doty Engine at carlow, Sept. Sell, 1907. all the mornbers, John Mershon, of Saginaw. ea sickness and consplaints,incidental
", ta i2, was filed, as the committee in Works. $1.60 (2) Submitting elitiloa- prosenL 'lliefollowinir Necluntil were passed of honor. to childreh'trothing. It gives imme-
1. pawsrer&htamtev 0 -- PERFECT AND RAMBLER
. , O., Kairiv to cder. was beat man. The bride was given
,:�,�, charge were cariving out some Of tes- for 1907, and recommending Is, 07 - I I World.'6� and anks. her. Mrs. diate relief to those suffering from the Baprel Nails
I ; � rate of 19 mills for general expenses 10h, wis"N'tclTaiLlook, repat, .nf roall. 11.75; away at the altar by her fat effects of Indiscretion In eating unripe WHEELS
, -own played Mendelssolin's wedding
. ithese. � athig ail vert on L it Bi frtilt, cucumbem, etc. It acts with
0 e�� I A letter from P. A. Pbtersou. 0. Boo and 0 mills for schools, with A discount .A. rowler 0. N, too box in SfUtford Ana march at. the close of the -ceremony
. I 0 r ,$tM ; johp �al iver, drain wonderful rapidity and never falls to -e to give satisfaction.
,� .1. ).l.Ry.,, with plan. ex- of 2 per cent. up to Oct. Ia. one per repair two culverts $IL75, A. J. Gold- and other numbers during the even- is are all modern, and sui
. , of the 0. & (l at- cent. added tharrl codes. posts apa I plank, $2.88; Sam- conquer, I a disease. No Ono need
,. . ( I plained construction .of . proposed cent. to Nov,, 15, and 5 . - Ing. Among the out of town gpiests fear cholpra if they have a bottle of Hatchets
", � D ��5 auk otter building OpEont, abo011ont at Hen
t steps up the hill from near the 0. P. R. if not paid before cc. - miller briaggt".w; m")Ewell stravellf were Mrs. John Pasmore, Seniforth I All makes of second-hand wheels at low prices.
.., I I., ad, 1kir: this tuedloino Convenient.
�,.� depot, and suggested -some- action by The estimates are as follows: g=35. A pot tiOn wag peawenteA by M. . Canada, mother of the groom *,
. Cameron. a8kine the Council to.ubmit, a bylaw - _. to .--- every description, and putictures
. 0, ; the douncil. The cost as proposed REC1011-M , and Mrs. Charles Pasissore, Ot- L01119, . kepairs of
"I � � wmildbe$230. The P.W. committee Cast, ............. � a vote in no and 4 divisions, to guarantee brother and sister of Lbegrooml
''. � .................... S 201313 't`b. bond. of the Ontarhl, Weq&re Elecl;ric Mo. wlarton Hcho (Urit) 1 The pocket licaled while you w,�it- I
. �, 7501) liailway Co. to the amount at f 00 lillivoll Will Pasmore Chicago, brother of the books of the parents did not get so Step Laddeps
I . will consider. ;, Market, rent ... ....... ....... �:--:�--: 1. . tImtow. I
I T . j. C. Mai -tin asked for an exchan 'a Llovingeg ]Willard ..... ...... .. .. 1300 00 r J. A. McHwall. w.0onded. by te.oGn Yi groomi Miss Aarris. of Detroit* cousin hard bit Tiload%liniorning as on for. Tires for liahy Carriages and (`vo-Carts. I."
, otel ...... .................. is
1. 46r, of, jat gaidsti law be read n, first MO. CaTod. usar occasions w school re-opene'.
. dbyl
. ,qf lots in mniLland cemetery. as §e Dogs . ............... I ...... , of bride; Nell. N. N. J,Ighton, De. d
4150 OD t amem NoManug seconded by . A. y
. . .1 I wishes. to h1sild Is yault., Cemetery "orIch Co.: hat said by-law be read a sevand Mr, and Mrs. ()sea. Hhelby, RI, I'lie price of 4th reader. former 44) , Electfl'cal %Viring and Supplies.
__ , Orr" ::::.,:::.*.,.,.:'1,.I!:: ishiloo
, � � Furniture C ..... rried. now sells for IA centit i the ard former-
'��6 ) � '41 consteittee have charge. * Itallway �ax ........................... 10000 The vote will be tl�k.en an the 101.11 of this mira, N. Y., brother and sister or the
. er
, Wo. u2c \\
.. if... C. lioxAou. Clark. bridal Walter Hanslin, Chicago- Mr. ly IV) cents now 13 cents, and the 2nd, Sold Cheapest at Lawn NloNver Sliarpetlin� y.ronipt andperfect. 1\
� ...... I.. 101000 Month. F. I . Me
, -- ` ' 50 oil 40 cents, now 0 cents. Thei,p
The directori'6t the GOdorich fRII cement walks fold) ............ - and Mrs. Pasmore left last night for a former] livery department a speCilifty, and satisfaction
-1 fair asked to havd the buildings and Fine' ,;�-i-,-,iivj.-(�8i�*10�,'Iji�'. 11197 78 two tnimt.hn' stay tit Slasconaet. (in are it wNio lot of other books where \
Texas ., ...:: ... I 29701 48
., grounds put in condition, no usual, and 1ANX8 (4 6 mills.. 1. .... seaforth town Council is offering a Nantucket Jilland, Mass, Thmill Ile the price call he out In two, and we ., g It a ra n teed. The Old Stand I
� two conatables Meted for ,the for the detection find
sw,222 69 reward of OW is or persons tit home after December I at (30s" hope w sevs the government get to 9 KINGSTON STREET
1-1 f. days of the fair. V; Wt 0.ommittee I . IMPUNTIrroars conviction of the mrso,eeg, evell avenue, Chicago. . work at the High School text books
", '! ,Were given pmtoe, Salaries . ........................... S M 00 responsible for the I ---------- 411- next, Goderich
... ..
Y, " Conn. Beckett presented a request PrInti ' Adver"Anga P., . r . kR ..... 5W 00 BrItraim, Snell. of Londesboro, son C856 of Peter Meyer, - _0� - WORSELLS �
r : LnVads. Bowers an ...... 10M 00 ( v
. I ) from W. L. Barton. for the elovator Public ork .. m oft of eorge Snell, met with an accident. ---
1 � to be allowed -to put, axemaint anchor Fire popartnient ............ ::,: *..' ,,,rSth,F fSen, of Grey Bros,, and (chftrilo Itaymond in portage in Prairie lie. Use the safe, pleasant and effertual # - �
r Of tl,�, Harbor Park, 'Abeary ...................... : ' - 6w 00 Ile was he teeth (if a risarsure, viawl. worm killer, Mother Graves' Worm
- . blo,A an the 40 (Arantik.- I.Y..".....2m 00 got caught with t . We Teach Telegraphy. , The Goderleh
I I _ , - - - 5pe foe h U y ...... �...160 00 spreader, Gait, Ont., Aug. 27, -Peter hleyer. a Uxterminatori nothing equals It,
� I a to which to fission a guy rc D ,anilthad a cut of several Pro- ItHEAP � Mineral Water Co.
1��r - Permission "ORFItal ..... � .. ... .... 4100 00 � �
" - spout to unload, Into cars. 4 - ?1,,�� GEIN ',,,' 'I,
Age cultfthl ociety....125 00 inches in big left RX01 ellurch elder, and Mrs. Jennings, of cure a bottle and take It home. . /
, "'. �., I I . . � I . /,`� , , �
S. �� . . To J. BqriT. this, Well-known horse I ; 11,
granted. 1gundtles .. .. - - ........... 75 00 , Dundan, have disappeared, and prob- I ,X 'J��, I � NIANUFACTURV.o'; OY
Two letterr, ,*bpO rea4, hotri the 00 I (.,/ / ,r,
89, ltripart1r, All! Flonsall, has just return- Billy eloped. Meyers was docorating Hardware and Stove I
. 9 4it . ellowing Charity ................. .... ::.,�' 1 ad from & trip to the old eountrv, a restaurant whore he me a woman. IL .�/ N '
, Z
, "�
olicitor. T1 _; I q-t I Elections ..... .............. ...... .... 20D 00 LEARN DRESS -MAKING BY MA STRATFOR(). r, T..-,/ ,v,.- pri-piml t,i ,1rhv,,r Ao anv part of the
I 1� IntaxnKnee ...... .. ..... ... based four fine Olydes- I F� and famllytintivalt.
I I Allatters , I " to. . . .. 2131fis where he parc -an yetiro old, Fie haa [I W . We have thtee �! cl"Itl me ti t� ! ( ,,m t-,wn BKIJ .%",T GINC.914. Al,l-:, pintq
6,t att#6't0 tit the 0 lew oft dale stallions. -a Rev - . Ili your aparo time at home, or
i. The closing 1 1 . M4.hkt(-_-resi*:,.::: �: , * * �' *. �:.:::: �..: STORE
. I the C. P �'R, r There was jAw amt ...... ......................... 20000 two three*year Olds find A yearling- inerrini, Shortha 'I rij)ii ,rriv,gT,,1,i,N. i -Id iltiitiq . Ano M INTiRAI, WATI: ' k,
I . I � harbor Ivy .1 o matter. mblic &hOOIA .... .� .... M 00 or drops In town, A church elder Ploped I Take a Personal Course at School. We etilill"Y the 1'"t tumbef, that three �t/", Rphtq. pints and tivarl,
1. considerable discusilon of th Collegiate lMt-.'...'-'--'.**.'-'- ....... M W When Is, Wan -I told ymi so," . I 1,F1,T/FR WATVIlt and 1)01'111.�'
. first he still . .... � , . Tell Ch this In a great Illolley C1111* hm. ilm ,otlr," nr.� -
, ri.ngineer Roberls gilInk-W school ..... I..... .. h "I suspected as much." 1rablo all to learn we teaft on camh or -;11, flild wt- R.'I't "4 III 1,,
. I - Saparato . rA little elty-so
, � Y ......... I . ..... I...
, I 0 etorad Licht ....................... rmo 00 graceful I" Int,ta Intent plan. We Oki) tome a poravinal
I : :1 it in, Don't dlonouritgO ,, DI In thorough girld pla(lic
I..... t ,la" vioninion _. - , _ '' - � . _ worths, owlevii,, t1i pioiti,in� ,n)-#. *n%.,t- m k tire iiiade from NATURAl.
B`= . ................ I. � last , I I month Thuds ]aiv. who witoi t(, ,.t a mone -makint, MINFRAI %%,%'rf.'R theref(tre free fmui
, . Do .......... 20300 OD him.yX �peakl�gjll (if your neighbors. so , ton Of Ualt will Wag qa� a��Ool Once a toolith. C
,� .
: .
a ' Cure
IA Or "nd
4V .........
Miscellaneous .............. 613 M
eve lie as It Now this -church older 9 just like
struck a place Wit ere good people live.
yon and me.
I le -ay 0 Ono I I
... ..h Oil how tool fit and put togaithor
a plairw4t, ohirt, waist oult,
I 1 I
_. I .
Public WopkIR' Recommending (1)
Hamilton Spectator: On tll.(_�cOvorfi HoJoves. He hates, He ban Idea";
Ve resm. Tile whole family
can learn trtog one course. We have taught
, ! 1 FOIL4
I'll � 11 I ,
Tha� cement street crossings be.con-
stru4ted, qatinecLing Kanys street and
of the Fourth Book Of the Ontario He bals disappointments. He has
,priqted "Price 40 cefits." stumbled and fallen. .
7b,!0h,w%aZmen4vD#, nb,w reluls fall.
over %oven t nolvind dreaw(nalling. and xuar
antre to give live hundred doilan to anyone
learn between I ho w of It and
-, . . . . . I . 11104041MMOT. .11. �,
SO" ": 'Brft�nnlft
thAd I BrItAnni i% road With',
rind of course you never
__ ___ - _---E-7T-d-r-.--w Tommy Thir-thill-er -w-
day, idveffitiigilllel-_r�
that cannot
U4..... W.. 1. 41,411-orn"I'ttna. Im thor-
� ,� I , I � '
L ., I L v,p, Uh OAK. I
.. ,
I .1 Al!'" "A , '�',
Waterloo street � Walk, lit, Collegii4e
Institute % and across Napier attedt
like a bit � if , list see
Way. so rice 40 conta-now 15 cents. noone would liver have Raid a word
have been
courwe taa�dvon It you work in
for yeank flawarli of lualtatIOBA as we
:9-9.h. -
the whool. This lit th.
. � , r
V�_ - - -4 � I -
1. .I&--- - ,
near Mt., stvineselits, q that the walk
St, Patrick's street.
It Is it 6 great obloct lesson. and the wipas would not
16Awlts Lcwls, 'YVfngbAVk04 night, uned to flash over the broad Dominion
o1ploy no one .utoddo
n -
an 7 a ,rri it Drmu Cusit nit School in can
,x on a by nonvi I I
ada ar n any other country
axe IFA
. r, ,
. L,F is
r J least
11 R
,,/,' ` DR. vow
on south a Ide of
of WittetlOO.. be not built as
d the trees). A-
WILtobulivin. met with a. seriouff accident tile fact that FL church elder In the
_ -d.
an Wednesday night of last week, He staid town of Oalt had elopt
Write a once for ccarfl,a. we have nui
our rat,visono-thlIA or a 4hors, Lima. A vlvlrea�
, I I , ", � L I
l �, � -
petitioned for (nutal a
dopted. .
heard a noise in the new Hanna store, But he wan a church older, tin ee-
in entering the building fell clesinstical officer and a Man looked
31 TWO ft. Stratford. OnL. Canada.
. I �
Din ot!�filrvg to the cone -to up to.
. , - 1. I -
I --
. � I
Prominent Manufactu ter Speaks.
cellar floor. He b% unconscious In He had been walking along doing
t!nn!!!!! -, -
I � �
: ...
I wim T, , , RY
in Vanleek Ell 11, Gott, no one Is bet-
t me. 1+0 fecel ri lit.
the cell%r for some -t U A 1_1 .1 I 11
- - I . . .
H A R R I S 0 N ' S
Tart. Hbort fircall
Put ry Crmni Vivir-
[U.-C. Crown Will.
*ftrft"jrvl�. I= I'l.g.
Mamroti,i lily Nna$"
are ao rni nA Qvvi boot made In any
city In mi.,
Harri-on Itia,14 the tmdv In WeAtHallf
Cakes and Panty IllivilfIM1119. (live Win
an order and your Wk NUL01,10a Will be
- ... -,--.,
Ingilton Street - - 4(tollCtich
- A
education ,limild k,il Ow lw-t.
I . I
N1 1. 11111itilitle,
a bad wound oil the hand mull sever
ribs were broken.
Write f,,r ,,Ili new � Aid- -i'lle - 11,1
W 86'1 fleu anu nun
get particuint,. Thi, i� It,, I,r,I 111lie 1,
-PHONE 201 Manager.
�if yesir i,i viiter mir (1,i r,
A deputation from Tepswilst0t Wait-
Hanna, ,Provincial
are honest, glad joill pro to church,
glad you are tin of or, -
. i�l i,i,i ( rr r X Nit 1,A Cl I 1, A '.
,%__N___�N�,�,."�_. -,,"l
� -
attacks of throAt irritation and bran
chitlij. Manyromedleswerettled but
few -toved useful. Catareboyone, was
1'r-1 nctiv_m,
-------- -,.----.--
Call at PINDER'S lor thefollowIna
ut m l�,x,d %altry await,
I lines :
,-v,-r, grofit�le ,,f live
Central Business College,
Brantford Roofing
Experien". py(�VC.L thl.
Garden Hose and Fittinxs
, ,`
F111, r illy tittle
. I I I
, ''I
)eorgo S. Watson.
We known thnis ( bozone is a real
a bad wound oil the hand mull sever
ribs were broken.
a one ever slap V in on Ia )tie
and said: "Ahl haf old man I glad you
W 86'1 fleu anu nun
( %tA,,giiv,i free, it �
Sprinkling Cans, all sizes � -�' 0
� COLLI[Ols.
. I
I lopttifio, tot 01Wbedsk,
: "I I it is natures
Whon he says
cure to depend on % being w. Mv
be writo, If Was subjact to W
A deputation from Tepswilst0t Wait-
Hanna, ,Provincial
are honest, glad joill pro to church,
glad you are tin of or, -
Youna and Cerrard 11trusts �,
41, W Tervi.6 11,
Tinware H. SHAW. Prin,
I �
. 1, -0611,:�,,tai 10 the
� 1111"tery. crsm*
I � fitufasch, Cholam Vct4*#'(ChoJera lik�
. . . 1. .11
� -
attacks of throAt irritation and bran
chitlij. Manyromedleswerettled but
few -toved useful. Catareboyone, was
ed on Ron Mr.
Secretary, last week, to rliqu0st him
to act on the local ogition vote, which
2A on it tee. silealItY. When
But be tumbled.
No one ever comes up to YOU &I'd
congratulates )oil that
(like minlop'n Tierra
Graniteware L��.,% �A
.1 I I I Com. WAS vo an Irmsest. clecenu Ilse,
L fitstom, sell sifto"I'' fromilber diftrent. it seemed to got tight at sk,pollwastakeh on the local 0114,10" sober citizen. thAtyou lilris. J 11. Armstrong, Part Elmuslay, for wheeled vehiclecl Good Plumbing and i
I ", ") � .. the afire 9 to nd brought relief bylaw the vote for local option was de- ;X; VI.-1117."ri, Ont_ tAI9 of her experience with '
two-niths; of one vote I APPLES WANTED
pltw, etc. quickly. e have ,Ina Cati"hotone I and tairost. I Repairs of all kinds'
Rapid aod ta&h$6,1ft U# action. for bronclsitin and clairod to be Bulyou g4i out sind &01L jag ?no MiLau"Is �
I � an absolute core 1�. short of tile thrOe-fiftfift Of the t0tvil get rtin,jis for tberk or I I but for IS THE STANDARD I I I ---
I . firb movelI41% to it b Wtarrh," Nothing c morequi vilith polled required bg, jitatute. This I HEART AND NERVE __
? , its effects , - - r, =% town I I The hralwqt roah plice P."141
. . . to rot It tod&yt two " . It 1, Iresult was obtained t rouC The dis. rc!k,1g`k,od, yOtt *' PILLS.
plea,mot inid h&M*'t6 takd. I c Sfo J%I,d tb.f8'W)II. J*& rare Headquarters for I ! Illill Juld
. I - � at X11 delilen% quallfleatioln of Oni, *00 Or th b by �-ghlg of t, She writes : ,I It is with ratitude I for ,Allv fillant1tv (�f
. ' gosal Atiarewaf -1 , "Xjk*,
� I I4 - t1wedy C& , ------- O.- 4aw because the ballot did not bftr t�te - how your Ifeart and f I& Heating by Hot Water, Stem of Air
�� it has .7 I I U It was. Write too linctsairtlik tell erve Pills DUNLOP-MADF CLOTH%S W,llter Appleq.
j..(), k3tail*nwn, torliset-ly of Clinton, raturning offlCotoa Itsitiall, :1r, 1* I It will ILI% �ml tit Wait until
. . 'PIlthapil, it 7011 11' IN" Octet benefitted me.
, Alq-two � � livilig 0 Alala6dn, Cal,, re"titly however, clesot,y obown that two L
,� 0 . a .. - 00* ; 10 situch. to arid 90 or Yon Would b4i've #!��, idea. " tr�evkn Cosvrre�t F.ahion. ' Plumbing and Ganaral Tinsmithing, v -,i- - -v ngent or myself,
11 I Aiw�, Thty life dangtr meno voting pag,ao _ gethesto higa yod I wan very weak and run down, had perqonally. if vmi cannot
I 1� � Refuse recelved All Ittle d . Y ten Mo �� headaches nearly every day and very I I
� &UM tb& VK*r I slk&
I art ", I �,IoWd&& 018niliCraemblety, that one 84 1*0n Illitivil& and the 'Ili it "ti h#A 1W
T lit lialvili K""It'h iioti � . . Id faint away, in fact, mY � . I wtilt, write me.
I , ow. I Ito, booh"ty member, og,,brojttilv�'�Jtjj,lft no Often I
. ,I' 1�.. . I , I , I 11 mauwff hlowl a I �IDL11101` 1114k0l TbL' ProTl"Cl&l Sec. t X 46 i" I I doctor said that rometinve I would never I Good Quality I :����
MM Wint FM L o=
. � I ur, Cali Totifir - if % the c ' Oil' Ast# 'boo 'to I P, rough � FIVGI cla" workmanallip � 0. CIANTIRLOisi,
, rth forhIot25#46*^fA0d avoeass"04"Y- .y, . Atod that as 8600 a -�!O. it was th G00t) G000S
I pdft itht bAd been 4 tAtion 40*i", It 1, come out of the faint. it
I &tteajhv'qP tbo � *tto I I
broph' of � I I I - �
I- , writm . . .14 ) � ' ' teacure to tte0ftefti bi tho, C1101off I .. I h� �* te 1�0,111 find ",�764 0 , �, , '�., i Ono tit vout trav lInton, Ontaplo
" �* "I" I � fl, 1, � 1. 1,h617.10; lllilgEwtloty. ail olkloo. do� (01*.. ., ,. : , , 1, , . irn,o Ifeart and Rescobable Pricea 03000 WORK 0
- , , induced to t7 Mi U
i�, �, 1 4, '
... 1 � , flolki U A bon imsht; t e M,o Ise U0111m, & . ,�, elliniagents that I waill
, - to
� .. t, & , # %%*�.01 or A, ,��,�,� , ?to & &Jt#t6t ,, 041W i
I � ,* V ___-t`�*i I . t 6 kilo `Y bV 4*6 , :,rl bksu
,4,0 tvl',,�,� 4, 1. � - dll bi � in
kr�, � stioners th(,k ,tn -S
. � � 04 0110% - 0 vlit$ tot sslspftv� r0i "till. I'dA � �,., , &e N,r,- Pills an to a Wlift0triore cad you ask ? h 0
, -, 4 , _ ar, r taking thre- boxes I ---. __
I . oeo" r I I Jittles b0t, 4 , ,Q,y,*t;. ,4 � Uctina I
, I , whbtsft , 1�' , ': A I
W" 8000* tt;i " Afix*w W Yl%s �4 11 , , An 'I no be
Ult , t, ,� 11 I I &in glad to relf'M It 11" tl� ,NIEST PRIM .
i 660 t4ok. I 41h#*011 11W.4b � ; 1, � t ' , Ift'W. The Y 1� . rs since I had a fainting alliell an .
.. tlia Q ;k;i U49 Wt EXII or M
6"O" tia bay, dni I , coo � m! Qt,�6*eq�),JtffjjPpeIsAI cred- slarmly ever have & beadidie. TOO I - -_-
I iummiir liggillo,or,#yoo iurt A83 the 11 �k � � � -1 - -
. � I stodikil'ot -:0. * e rtinetstwohm, h0*11vora put I . � 080000"
Im old, _*1?s voy bdd - 0 od A for 1, $4 tr,'#111"ll'o, � &7beford �thts oftioliti9fifters a IL I much cannot b mid In praW of Nil, .6 1 *
, .1 " �Mitivso. leg the feft6w vitho"Ait, 6ghtliag, IL'A , q ' f0f In mils . I I ., ; I
linoyAhu *it hi'llillill, M'" wt, V, burn', Heart fiba, Nerve IrillOv, " , �,� ,
I a W& '11'", A oft,tily stue, *U404*f *14'r bt tjoir , P that,thwvote�d tbd 000111 *110,41411 'O
.. I- I . __1 %, I *sea 001'" .. . " 40 We CAV -*fir,Kj""&A#*t"*0�,*b#ft the t& the wotnlin who!x, rA.Wfa* tho grf they have effected a perfect CAM." �IUGH DUNLOP - "The Star" is a
, "it"Aill bf�,VfUu to' I b 01 � h(lres fall
. - IV, 1. 4-1 Atli I 11ko , � , , # k4plo - - the one,% Who STOWOttlilfo W. R. PINDER
#.W ,it W% - * lie$ 11, pkoor " ____.*._� , $1 25 at Ali " ( to Leaderivinvivinvissure.
1, , I 1 ,, #kII1*V*lIrJk,* - hewals of 116006 lort'" Appliod for. RrIce 50 ftntA P0
, intille wift to octor . __,�*_41�_ 'Phone I fig.
WthbhOAW 1' I � UUM litAte, DOCto" 41 or -lb" 1 - Milk'"'a 10UPP92ta"ShnifilgN lAerciliant TalWo, .
I I I IA" Th6m1w 1�twttJ6 Oit *111 bAp all to ftAAAd#, W01t V00filts, ' TIM STAlt ffIV06 the 114*8, U;.. lAissitild, Toratito. Ont i
I , . .: it to vi*W, . do thill. - � . I I I
I . . I
11 I . , I " I I .
� , I - i � � � . I I i A " I
I I I �, I I .
I � ! � . o, " I , I " ,� . I I .1 . I I . ,.'K '� , , , ,, - " , �-, I I . . I � � . � I .
I . 11 I I
- . 1. � ,i� , . '. I . 1. � �
� �, i I I � I I � . � I I �� , i � ! I . - I I'll �, __ . _ .
m A I I r I . ''I I _, __ _. � � - . . - � . - I- I �
I I '.� ,liel,ka- � I " �� - _ - _ .1 ,�-- 11-111, -
� I - - JA Ia � 4 1 , I - - 1%.fi.._o. . . 1J,
..... I -_ I annommoolL� - _11111111111". . IF . , ". , I , -
I _ _� wibi"�o I - - � - I I - , � � As - N
, I
! I
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0 ay.
it ti
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UO .
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, We
.led ,
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11 %19el
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