HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-09-13, Page 3awears GINEER S• STOR Train Ws' 1)7ave111Dg at Bate ef Less Thai 20 Mi1es. & deapatelx from, tomtit.), Thera ,indicatton WO The inveltiffom it= Ante. ibe;ettiase ,ot Uw 0044401. 41* SOO ts. tio very therenab One. The Oftielpat er1dene4 Wait that foldticed bY tut 00 tar Frteatlee 01 the bolsi*, 0104 'was anilietent, trt .Sag °Wont AO shil4Y the train, JI4St WOO' 104 44etditAt vOts *beak to release, t.4 Prititiate "Did lag r1SI VA beetteer "No Air. Not latentleziallY." y formistoKommk .Athillneee iledwe teher eme, ,drivbegethis. feeeceleing Ole eeeideet, klodee aidtl *Mite lett the engine, give a fiud_den, Mr. t, C Bobn tte tee c;i, eippeereee eta frettnd hiiue1L outmit tuel.ftA400114. 4141t .")f Veilghleeet Mrs *IV* MC'i ext4AtirganUgtell, Inat'As ttineWX1 tei 4tlArchy represented. Alta c„,,, 404 "ther;tterdtetend as totd his: hand, ii Couri.y CroA16), Atorno meVadden, Ree,11nalee Veltild Own An0 'ettect'Ot' Peel!. uPPeltredeon the'Veoerieroegillict* »kL, , TIM BNOiNEXII'4 ST011Y,;; ,'110.D0-gRgtltrOMB, laled 41/4, wo* hYttl Ifilmettt_ate- aeld' he bed been aeltnif eiVenditeeer, of got On the'stand fribe.counSeit Mr.; 4 freittl train einee- frannart 44 114 amrSe Itia'41gft\t'irOf , '44/dyfmg let Mr. *woo two Behmette, C,, had entered, 4, terroal year 144 had e.Aperience int 4 IRO, ILL DI A. obton Pretection of the ceprt ony: to fag Tuesday tun -4A Pian o —AAP PlIMICOMAIA Wreck at Caledon Lut "Week. pro The Terrento Telegram), 1. hsd abjection to leedga,fitelpgeeeldelteereIgenten, "Deeetehers '1902r Concerning anyteing which 110 .one: pasionger train enter ne-r IsaY to incriminate himself; hetween anti Yeans ofr 4 thtniq' 444.14: reorenctI191 woota .10 ankw.tr mt, vicraodcry be well to allow the wttz1e t. give Wei; "Ttoelt one ..tralt/ u t144 Atflht before. CI evidence in this. Wray, that, 11 he otdeets. .There 104Pecipassreintem en its That W63 to ahswer a questien 004`.0.* It; MightAlteonly passenger train, 'bed run Aver ineritninate 11181, iben he bas 111* pro- tt line." tectioa which be eralfee; anewer BeWeges Women) WELL. cculd not be Utted 40104 'At the sante time," 'Onatiriced me1,4 urekee Were WOrldng well. . ecroner to- iloegee "reit areenue- ed from answering.ane reties's Which may be asked YOU bare• ' "I am quite sattelled With teat," Mr. Robinette replied. ; The examination Of Hodgewas then proceeded with. tire depesedi--"1, left Markdale at 7.34, .and hada good OM le Orangeville, whiell rejtelledat 8.55. There were 'three care added there and we left between 0-05 �,flI. and 9.136 a.m. we reached Caleilen at 0.20, and seceived an order to run erie IReir late e the original echedule. We left Cale - con at 9.21, and before reeehing the curve, and abet& 150 yards from the slow board. I slowed down and shut oft steam. I applied the brakes about a quarter of a mile from where the ac- dhent occurred, and 1 telt the brake held. This made a reduction Of 7 les. exaMined the brake after tile tle-elaeh and he reeled not ilnd anything to tie• 0011ilt for the accident. 'What de you think yourself was the,galee of the iteddentr 'I couldn't say," "The engine was all right? oyes.r. "And the roadbed was all right' eyeset Between Cseedon and the slow beard 20 Miles an hour was the highest Speed readied. needeing to a tuner, witness said he had been on continuous duty since 10.15 the previous night. He had had a good rest the proviotle day. His hours ct. work uverage D or 10. The coroner pointed out that the wit - flees had already been working about eleVen hours at the time of the accident. goo.a.0000tiwoospoitiottoolfro HEALTH AVOIDING SCARLET V Vb. Scarlet fever ts an ernptitie disease., attacking persons of any age, but usual- ly children, since, owing to its wide prevalence and exoeglingly contagious character, few persons attain adult life without having beds exposed te i • eases of childhood. this reason it is classed among ."e rounding them quickly become tired. should practlte a system of sight cub Besides taking these precautions, you It is the most serious of all the ordl- ture. Whenever you have an opportun- ity of loolcing at far distant objects, as • DBEARSTBEF4„ Torentot Sept, 1,0;-(nitario %Vheat- i. g mfb+141 8530 tO, WO, outside, . Manitoba Wheat -No, I northern .No. 2, SI, lelee ..Cornee-NO, 3 yellOw, 71a M. The Tes ratite; No. 3 mind. 69c 10 693c. Dalieee-NO, 2, 53c M 5eeec; No, $ extea, 51%0 to 52of No. S, 503c to 51e, Otete-MatittOba, No. 2 white, 41c to 45c on track at elevator; NO. 2 44 'Op • Peas—Nominal at 753e for NO. Z. Rye -65%0 to e6c outside. Flour..-Okiterlo, 90' per cent. patents, aholit nominal, 43.45,to 43.50; Manitoba, first patente. 25-10 V? $5-20; 6"(3145' E4.40 to e4.20' strong bakeree $4.30 to Way. If you have a great deal of writ- etneor reading to do, it is Important that yeu should not bend the head forward more .than is absolutely necessary. When.you steep •you constrict the veins of the neck, and the eyes do not receive the asnount 01 blood which Is their due. A proper flow of blood is essential for the repair of the waste which Is contin- dally takIng place in the eyes, as in all other parts of us. • For a similar reason you should not attempt beread in a recumbent position -when you are in bed, for example. Then the pressure of the blood is too great at the eyes, and the muscles sur - • !.ft. inns thi* lett• , t ttled Ott* bind hers ,' , tstre, 15111 hive herd, , intitS Ltt SVett • atria I rot Sten ,ter nary children's diseases, for, in a t a the direct mortality, which -varies -in_ dUferent epidemics between two and thirty...per cent. of those attacked, 11 15 prone to leave -bellied - aol.eaculeo_ter.._ chronic disease of the kidneys, or an in- flammation or the ears which may cause permanent .deafness. It is exceedingly contagious At all stages, from the very beginning until ths last bit of skin haspeeled off. This ocntagion is carried on in Me discharges from the nose and throat, and in the bits of skin thrown off in the final stages of desquamation, or "peeling ;" and it is very long-lived, persisting sometimes - for mnnths in handkerchiefs, bedding, clothing, and eyen the toys of the suf- ferer. A scarlet -fever patient should he treat - el in a room without carpets, window hangings, or upholstery -=indeed, the room should' be bare .of all tun,,,,""Ire, even books, except what is absellifiy necessary. No orie, except the nurses in charge and the doctor, should ever be permitted to enter the • room, which should be in ttie upper story, and as far away as circumstances will permit from the living -rooms of the rest of the family. The room should be always thorough- ly ventilated -through the windows,, the door being kept closed. Once a day the !Icor, walls and furniture should be wiped with a damp cloth wrung out of an antiseptic solution. No utensils should be carried from the room. The dschat•ges, after having been mixed with a powerful antiseptic and allowed to stand an hour, should be transferred to another vessel out side the sIcloroom door and immediately emptied into the sewer ol. ceeepool. Food brought to the sick -room should be transferred at the door to special dishes used only by the patient and nurses, and all waste food should be thrown into a vessel containing a disin- fectant, or, better, burned, if there is a stove In the room. All soiled linen should be soaked for several hours or boiled before being taken away, and should not be mixed with the family wash. Nurses- leaving tire room for necessary air and exercise should change the outer garments outside the door, and should avoid meeting any one outside the sick- ncom.-Yollth's Companion. y u us m the ceuntry-erty--theese side, exercise yow-power of vision by blying to elletingutstr as many different objetts-us- yoiroam Stop -this -experiment when your eyes get tired, and try it again. In this way you can strengMen your eyes almost as easily as you can develop your muscles. • 77-• HEALTH HINTS. .....•••••••.•••• COUNTRY PRODUC.E. Bulfter-Supplies are moderate, but the demand is heavx and prices firmer. Creamery, prints ..........23e to 25c do sans 21c to 22%c Dairy prints 21c t43 220 do &Olds ' . „ 18c to 20c Cheese -Large quotedat 12%,c and twins at 12go In job lots here. Eggs -Prieto firm at 1.8%c to 190. Poultry -Live chickens are quoted from 90 to Ile, and hens from 7c to fie. Potatoes-4-Merket arra at 65c to 75e per buebel.- - Baled Hay -Prices arm at 814 to IBA, 50 in oar acts on track here. Baled Straw -517.50 ,per ton lets on track here. PROVISIONS. in tar • LAWS% TriMN yvitECI(ED. Twelve Persons Wiled at Netries ledtal146 Waterloo, lee Sept. 6. --Twelve per- sons were killed elid twelve other* irk. lured In the wreck at tin express trent' on the phicago,,tiock Island & Recite Railroad at Norris, Iowa, on Friday. The eXpress train, northbound, jumped the tracts while going at full speed, end crashed IOW freIght train standing 011 the saline All of the dead and inIU were In the ernaking car, which was - mediately behind tne baggage and Mail care. The smelting oar was demon!) The northbound eXn,ress was fen ti- ttles late at Norris, where the h'eight train was awaiting. The express daille along at terrific speed. in un effort ta make up lime. Just tee the totennottve of the passenger train was about to pass the freight locomotive the intake of Me former lett the tracks, and the moving engine crashed Into the engine of the freight, wrecking both locomotives and telescoping the baggage and the snail cam, and demolishing the smoking car. WEAK SPOT IN TEE LAW. Eighteen Chinese Cause Governnaent 0Mdals Worry. four hundred partially, .frtnielked Inittife $4 latve WA otiandoried In Havana ty• '4trileing.untanns, . Thit tweetietiosee for 4 141PM01/4 0*, frietYleandirsint ilsheriea Moat* viserall. 'Wet Sett tefilpietieL Ten Manisa SoidAtrit. WO 0444 died of exhatrition, .4aring Ilia- onny lxitirrtra tirosertritntitt Aft -. ,PabOfrer 'Gives Startling Evideget at the iteraon ter 14, NedlOnaw .BattA .O.t Nre' sv4 CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS Dressed Hogs -$9.25 tor lightweights and 48.75 Mc heavie.s. Pork -Short cut, 822.75 to $23 for bar- rels; mess, $20 to 821, Lard -Firm; tierces, 12c; tubs, 123c; pails, 12%c. Smoked and Dry Salted Meats -Long clear bacon, 11c to lljec for tons and cases; hams, medium and light, 15%c 1,3 16c; heavy. 14%c toe 1,5e; backs, 16%c to 17c; shoulders, 10%c to 11e; roles,. ' eace out of pickle, lesS than smoked. To Relieve Headache. -A slice of lemon rubbed on the temples and back of the neck Is good for the headache. To Relieve„ ChokIng.-If one chokes, take hold of •tongue with handkerchief, pull out far as possible, and down against chin. The foreign substance will be expelled suddenly. Appetite Stimulant.- Little sqUeres and triangles on different china and dif- ferent trays, With the occasional substi- tuting of the linen for pretty paper nap- kins, will tend to spur the laggifig appe- tite of the sick one. Jumping Toothache -Saturate a small piece of absorbent cotton with tincture of benzoin. it will cure the toothache at once. It leaves a pleasant taste and ben- efits the gums. instead of blistering. An excellent remedy for children. For Painful Earache -Take a thick ,ce of bread, four inches square; cut off the crust and spread wile fresh lard. Soak this thoroughly from the under- side in hot water; pour over the lard a teaspoonful of laudanum, and cover with aey thin. soft muslin. .Apply this to the ear as a poulticeand fasten it aeout the heed to hold a in place. This gives almost instant relict. TAKE CARE OF YOUR EYES. You Will put oft the time when spec- tacles will be a necessity to yeu if you teke care of your eyes In a scientific .4.•••••••••••••• • MONTREAL MARKETS. - Menteeal, Sept. 10.e-gege-eeales of selected Mock were made at 21c -to 21c; No. 1 at 18c to 18%c, seconds at 14c to let and straight gathered at 17c to 17%c per dozen. Butter -Buyers' prices here for finest torwnships creamery are fnam 21%c to 22e Quebecs are quoted at 21%c and dairy at 20c per lb. Cheese -Prices range from 12%c to 12%c for. westerns, 120 for townships and 11%c es 11%c for Quebecs. Pork -Heavy Canada short cut mess, in tierces, $33 to 533.50; heavy Canada seert cut mess,, in barrette, $22 to $22.- 50; Canada short cut backs, $22 lo' 822.- '1; Canada short cut naess, in half -bar- rels. $11.25 to $11.50; Canada short cut backe, 811 to $11.5Q.. • - Lard -Compound, in 'llerceS' of 375 lbs., We to 10%c; parchment -lined boxes, 6i1 lbs., 10%c to 104c; tubs, 50 tbs., niV 103c to 10%e; wood pails. 20 tbs.. net, 104c le 10%c; tin pails. 20 tbs., gross, lee Ito 10%c; tins, 3 to 10 lbs., in cases, le%c to 11c; pure lard, tierces 375 tbse 11-%c to 12%c; parchment -lined boxes, 50 lbs. net, 12c to 12%c; tubs, 50 lbs. net, 124c to 12%e: parchment -lined wood pails, 70 tbs. net, 123c; tin pulls. 20 Ths. gross. 11.40; tins, 3 to 10 tbs. in cases, 11%c to 12%c. A CRAC Itellediettie OVelf a. IMAM ti_nn, nitarter CUOIO PINS were excaVateet,-40 the Pala4144 Venal dttring 04 Math ot Augttal. Strfteing du* fonererg at MART 09-4,--nourairvOl•esrs-initk4,10, Mt, Tho netat franeotanafilan treaty gives Ramo preferential redo ort 40010 el her Oviduct% and minimum rat(. 011 Me teat. tr‘vto mutineers of the $1.st alittallent of Russian Siippera hoe teen settkneed to death and seven to Imprisonment in the mine...There is danger et serloOs claSh, he. %eta the %Mops of $apen end Chine in the fertile lerriterY 1141Woon t.,U4 Yalu and Tamen Inver's. Prattle A. Perretk, as-sistant in the Vesuvian Onservatery. says. that the re- Pctied disturbances ot Meant Ve4uvats are due to land-sitdes and not to an gittPtIon. Wreckers near Berlin derailed the ex- pres from St. Petersburg, ProbalAY Itt an attempt tO kill the BOUM Grand Hulce Nicholas, who is shortly to pay a visit to the German Emperor. ten end get OrO to4 WV MOO INAPPENINCS FROM ALL OVER 'TUE GLOBE. ••••••••• Telegraph Briefs From Our 'Own and Other Countries of Recent Events. CANADA. A despatch from Ottawa says: There are ei hteen Chinese in custody in Syd- ney. w o are providing a puzz e tor (he chief controller of Chinese immigration their financial positron. Ottawa and who seem to have hit Angus Cameron, an old resident et The G. T. R. heves fixed upon a 5110 ter a new station tor London. Pelittows are being circulated in Lan - 000 for Senduy street cars. The United States team won the Feline Trephy at Rockliffe ranges on Saturday. Elmhurst, the fine residence at Mr. 14. B. Donly, at Simcoe, wee destroyed iy flre on Saturday. The Manitoba Govermnent awarded a contraat for a telephone exchunge building in Winnipeg. Milk producers in the Pi•ovince cf Ontario are considering the advisabils ley of adeaneIng the price of milk. CoL, the Hon. J. S. Hendrie, has bee0 appeinted commander of the Royal Victorian Order. The freshman's class at Queen's Uni- versity will likely be the largest in the history of the Institution. Wtritlipeg civil servants have formed an association with a view to improving ..4.00•40.0,4•4140www.....m. FROM THE ARCTIC WM*, 4.044•••••• Qualm° 13ridge Inquest .t 140--Queber-attyst.- 'PM Seilatition of tho sitting of tho tiorerier'S inqUeals, COntleetten Willi the tridg) disaster Was the testimony of Alesollder Oultnet, ono of the bridge worlimen. tTdamti, Wh4 WA 4 Ponder, ltsd gOtia to hind .,fer drinie ,ot water. cad wit% relurnInta when he cow the bridge hc- 10 401% He at once started tack to land,Put had one et his heels caught and ertiabed. lio stated on %Vertu •c„.4day thet 110 lied known of a Crack three, qUitricra of an ineh wide and twenty inebea, Ring in Cale of the archca starting treill the Main pier. tie had knOW11 el kt_y_te,.ek stifle May fast, Put Intl tlelit, said anitliing• lier-frend.--nOtr thought that there visa SAX clgogeg,. Tr-°' witlicss poirstal out on 'the pan), the exact spot. at WlItah ho had otaerve.,..1. thq cruets. 'rho reading of the eitirens to tato steps to provide Manta to relicve the prczsing wants of tho landitc3 Of MD bridge victims way hold (14 WvliMidaY afternoon, Afayor tlettlefee The Mayor appouriecd littving lteck4124 r• lumbar Sub5criptlana ler the dia. tr,rstett, and nearly a iLiorisatld dollara was immediately eilt5eribe LORD CURZON ON INDIA TR1131.10 TO TOE MEMORY OF LORD CLIVE. • The Present Agitation in India Affects Only a Small Number Cone • Putatively. Al a dinner given In London recently Nt the Merchant Tailors` Company. Lord CUrzOn, as an honored guest, was ad- mitted to the freedom of the Company. 1115 speech, which is given in part as fonows, mfers hi the het/inning tu the plan of the Company to hive ereeted Isi their school a tablet to the memory 01 Lerd Clete, '"The PP:moist to honor Clive was not a proposal to extol ono nationality at the exPenee Of *nether, but u proposal nwre. ty to boner One of the greatest figures in that Mancuso international drama which had made two natfona one, It Might be thought that reeent events In India bad tended to make the realiza- tion ot that Ideal more difficult. Per- haps that was so; but If any man wished tc form a correet view of the real posi- tion In India he tnust not get out uf, he must retaember the scale. 11 they had twilit of unre.st and agitation in India, theymust not for one moment believe that it applied to ..e) 300,000,000 of the population. Out of that totat 241,0oo,atio, 10 alt probability, had not the slightest idea of the existence of any unrest at all, and of the remaining 50,000,000 a largo proportion did not In the smallest degree share' -ouch sentiment's, The great mass of the population of India were peasants engaged in the eulteutton the sotl; their wards were not political, but material, Whet wo,had to give them wus u just and patient administration. BEST CLASS LOYAL. TERRIBLE FALSE ALARMS Steamer Una Arrived From Northern Canadian Points. A despatch from Athabaska Lcinding says: The steamer Midnight Sun ar- rived from Grand Rapid on Tuesday. bringing Hudson'a Bay Company's furs from the far north. Among the pas- sengers were inspector D. W. Howard, of the R. N, W. M. P,, who has been In charge of the police post at Peel River In the Mackenzie district tor the last two years, and four constubles ; Bishop Breannatt of Fort Reaolutton, and Bishop Girouard, Leaser Slave Lake; Rev. M. Lucas and family of Fort Shim - son ; Alfred Harrison and others. Mr. Harrison, who has been In the Arctic Circle for the past two years, and who has made a successful trip to Banks Land, reports that -Mr. Stetanson ar- rived at Herschel Island from Fort Anx- ious island, reporting WM the Duchess of Bedford, the ship belonging to the Anglo-American expedition, had filled with water, arid they. had removed everything to the main shore, end that th.• ship would probably sink. Captatn hilkleson, Mr. Leflingwell, and another man, whose name he did not know, had lett the ship In February, with siXte days' provisions, tor the supposed land W the north, and had been gone seventy days, and no news had been received front them, One of their train of dogs had returned, and It, Is likely the party wilt never be heard from again. Mr. Harrison will proceed to Edmonton at upon a flaw in the fabric of Canadian law. The Chinese came ashore from the Schooner Colorus, which brought them trom Newfoundland. The capUiln al- leged that they escaped. They were seized ,by the customs officials as smug- gled goods, and are now in jail. The law provides that the Chinese who enter Canada irregularly may he placed In jail for a year, but It. makes no further provision regarding them. No authority is given to deport. It is not considered god policy to keep eighteen Chinese in jail tor a year and then give fleet their liberty, without even the paYment 01 110 8500 entrance fee. A year in nel Is hardly considered a qualification for permanent ,;aiiiidiariTe-S. 'Uteri . only thing apparently that can be &Me is to keep the Chinese until a law rnay ire passed-neacesesskm for their deporta:. tion, and then send thetn back. EMERGENCY REMEDIES. If poisoned, take mustard or salt, table- spoon, In a cup of cold water and swallow right soon. For burns, try borax and a wet bandage, too; if blistered. then oil and dry flannel will do. For children's convulsions warm baths are tee rule, With castor oil dose, too, but keep the head cool. Give syrup of ipecac when croup is in store; For fainting stretch patient right flat on Ole floor. lo soak in hot water Ls best for a sprain. Remember these rules and 'twill save you much pain. HINDUS BEATEN BY WHITES Driven From U. So Territory They Make for Canada, A despatch from xi:mon-ger, B. C., sayq : Six Hindus, badly beaten ond Maltreated by 1 Mobeare in the hospital at Bellingham, ee/ashislielon; 400 are finding sanctuary In the jail and public buildings. and 150 beaters, hungry and It naI.0d. are on their AvOy to British Columbia. Theee are the results of a savage outbreak oe local tenement in the United States town on Wednesday even- ing The imamie started hi Ow Petty Sired district, which 1.4 tilted with Hindustani lcdging houseis These houses were cleaned out, and the cceupente driven ote of the keen. Prom there the mob swept down (14. the waterfront and the lumber mill. Att1r the Walser mill wail visited the while ployees swelled the mon, and evety ck man, ewe hustled outside. "fere t police stiggentee the' the unfortunatea mulct bo taken to jan. The propose] halltel with delight, and the IfeldneW funded along. The mob kept up Ili W tilt early mottling, when Berson% WI Whalculn Lake wag visited and fri ada of Hindu) brought in ;rent th The genre o -ere heiptess. ati%h,iiW M .aicityzett. arid fel five noun a Mo white Men reldee1 the tr11114 AVIICre th V.VV.0 woe> Io, caul tattered de doora or the tedgIne lt313ee ulttr, taught alio). their beds. tired fifty tetthlit el tho w rind ctrzsgW4 them Mayar l d armed olma kw. BUFFALO MARKET. Buffalo. Sept. 10. -Wheat 'closed -No. red, 94c. Corn -No. 2 eellow, 720: No. 2 white, 70c. Oats --No, 2 white. 56c, No. 2 mixed, 52e. Barley-Nornteal. NEW YORK WHEAT MARKET. New York, Scpt. 10.-Spoe firm; No. 2 red, 51.02% elevator; No. 2 red. $1.033/, afteut; No. 2 hard winter, $1.06% 1.0.0. (*float. Hindus, and those of them who return work will do so armed. The explana- tion given of the affair Is that every day the whites In mIlls are being repleced by black. It is said Mat the Hindus have become insolent. pushing women Into the gutter and Insulting them on the street cars. "Drive out the Hindus r was the cry to Which the mob marched on Wednes- day night.. WOLVES TORE BOY'S ARM. Accident to a Little Lad in Winnipeg Menagerie. Carleton Place, was killed by a train shunting In the runway yards. Plans have been made for a .s'x storey building to be erected on the reeked Cryalal Hall, London. Esther Spear, a fourteen-year•old girl el Fort Erie, committed suicide by tuk- int; Paris green, on Saturday. The number of typhoid fever cues in W•innipeg is much fewer for August than for the same month last year. Twenty-four bodies have been recov- ered from' the wreck of lite Quebec Ledge. leaving about fifty still missing. The Ontario Government has beet' asked to open Mikes In a new build - into be erected on the •Strand, Lon- ------ C. R. Live Stock Agent McMullen Sklys there will be a rehuction in the number of cattle shipped team 110 west leer year. Hamilton building permits -for Au- gust tetal $120,555 as cumpared with $444,860 for the corresponding month last year, The barns of the Macdonald Agricul- tural College at Si. Anne de Bellevue, Que., were struck by lietitning and burned le the mound on Wednesday. D. McCool, formerly Cement Road master of the eastern divisien of the ()rand Trunk, has left the tweet North- ern and resumed les old duties in 11( Weal, The Spring Hill miners nee. 8 strike, Will make no overture-, oviln the ere -m- erely, and insist that lttu next. ado epee 11,11.Wourue froni• that ssue„ The shipping federation of Montreal to: made a contribution of $250 te the Montreal police benefit fund as an ap- preciation of the policemen's eork dur- ing the „strike. The cusluins revenue of the Dominion for the, menet d August ehows tee phenomenal increase of over a million er lierS OM' he returns eor Uwe 1906, the total receipts kr the pest month being $5.643,402. Government contractors hereafter must keep a recerd ctf pa o men ts 'nude lo workmen In their enipko, and the becks or document, conteining such reourd tiuU be ripen for inspection by fair e ages °nicer, of the elevern• merit. A despatch from Winnipeg says: Walter Brewer, a lad of 9 years of age, met with a painful injury on Tuesday afternoon at River Park by having one ni his arras nearly torn to shreds by wolves that are in Moo menagerie there. The little fellow was feeding one of the animals soine gras.s through the wires, and in taking the grass a wolf took the buy's thumb into his mouth and bit it se that it made the blood flow. This gave the beast a taste of blood and made iL savage for more. Three or four other wolves which were in the enclosure at - Wired the boy's arm. and before aid cculd be summoned they had terribly lacerated it. A man came to the relief and beat the wolves off. The buy was sent to St. Boneace Hoepttal. The doe - ems fenr that the arm Will have to be amputated. G. T. P. CONSTRUCTION. lb -port Shows Good Progress in Various Sections. A despatch from Ottawa says : A re- port rereit-ed hy llie Government 011 friday as to progress of ronetruc- hot. on lloe G. T. Pacific Railway up to th•• end of Augoist shows that the steel had been laid kr 124 miles westwerd from portage la Prairie, of which 87 miles is ballasted. one-fifth of the grad- ing between Winnipeg and Portage la Prairie is completed, while from the lab ter point to Saskatoon 85 per cent. is finished. The company has 1,100 men and 800 teams at e•iirk on the 462 miles between Winnipeg and Saskatoon. The crimpany could employ many mot.e town, as large numbers of laborers have left lo take part in the harvest for which it,gtiereweges..are paid. LATEST REPORTS ENCOURAGING. 4:rain In eanadian Northern Districts Lords Well. LIVE STOCK MARKET. Toronto, Sept. 10. -Trade was angood and active d prices steady to firm for good quality cattle. but for the poor stuff. of whet there was more than usually large proportion in the market le -day, trade was quite draggy and sloe, and prices weaker. Good butcher cows steady at 83.25 to 53.50. Sheep and lambs -Good grain -fed lembs are quoted at 85 eo $6 per cwt.; export ewes. 84 to 84A0. Export market steady medium ex- port. S4.90 to 55; choice, 85.10 to $5.15, extra choice, $5.25. Butchers-Mareet steady, choke pick- ed, butchers' caute, 84.50 to S5, and ordinary lo good butcher cattle at 83.75 to $4.50; common butcher roes und mixed cattle easier, at 83 to 83.50. Light stockers-esarket dull and easier Qi $5.75 to 83. Heavy feeders -Steady demand for good feeders, 1,050 to 1,100 Ito., at 84 to 64.00. Calves-stoterket slow at 85 to 810 each. Hogs -Market easy, selects 80.25. lights and fats, $6. RIOT A VANCOUVER. A despatch from Vancouver, B. C. says: The campaign against Oriental toter has taken a new and 8(910151' turn Ai this city. Saturday evening a gang ot tlie then from Bellingham, across the border. In the State of Waetengton th • Win from whice the Hindus were feeent)y driven, came to Vanoouver and organized a parade with Me inten- IMO 6! making trouble. There were none thirty of them and. reinforced oy a large ribmber of hoodlums. they pmeeedect to the chinev- and, iapanew quarter and began to raid the stores anal assault the Orientels. Property was damaged and many people stab- bed tied olherwisci Injured, while it Muer!) the efh3r113 of the pollee foree 011(1 lite entire nre i;;:_(1 -'lo tie•ep the nosh feenti horning up the rhineee and Japan- ese 41reeteres Several arrests were made Offer (5 511.1:01:1 time leetween 010 Mob and els citrors who tea: the men. et CAUSELESS PANICS WHICH COST MANI' UVES. once. Constable Walker of Ft. N. W. M. P„ at Henschel Island, and Mate Stein of the wrecked whaler Ekmasae, and two whale boats, arrived at Fort McPherson from the Island on July 10, to await the arrival of Wrighley to take police sup- plies to Herschel Island, also the de- tachment with Major Jarvis and Con- stable, Carter, who relieves (-unstable Walker. The weather In the far north last win- ter was exceptionally fine ellen own - pared with the winter of 1905. GUNS. KNIVES AND PISTOLS. Fatal Riot Amonk Italians in New Brunswick. A despatch from S(. John, N. B.. SO)5: As a result of a drunken riot en Saturday afternoon arnong a crowd of Italian laborers employed on the N. 11 Southern. one man dying and two are critically wounded. Forty-five Ital- ians. who are living En a bOX Car near Pr.nce of Wales, got posseesion on Sat- ueclay afterricion of some liquor. The n bole crowd became wildly intoxicat- ed and a free fight broke out. in which knives. revolvers and a shotgun were freely used. The dying man, Antonio Candisdell, west pierced by three revoi- ler bullets, another is riddled witlo beekehot about the shoulders and arms. rind another 1155eeverol seekers linife wounds. FIVE YEARS FOR 131111BERV. San Francine) Man Rent to Prison for Bribing Civic Official. GfIE4T BRITAIN. St, Andrew's society at Edinburgh Is agitating for the restoration of lioly• rood Chapel. - Practical Jokes are Sonwtimes Cruise of Serious LOSs of It is said that in the -case al theatre ' fires many more lives have been lost - in the mad rush for safety than were ever destroyed by stneke and ice. 11 te certain that never a year passes with- out scores of lives being %brown away foulteh-often causeleeesepanics. As extraordinary a case of the core as is on record took Owe five years ago en the railway betw'een fionve and Naples. A locomotive putting a passen- ger Been Wylie down, and the passen- gers, aware that another train was be - hied them, took e into th.elr heads that there was ismninent clanger of the Car- riages In WhICII they Were travelling De - mi/ telescoped. With Orte =Ord, they inede a frantic dash to leave their train. These nearest the doors were too crowd - rd to open them, others climbed over elem. and Srlflashed the vo indows. Screams and yells resounded on all aides, and when the panto was 9ver three people were found to be dead and twenty-five Welty Mitred. A MISCHEVIOUS PRANK the CHINA'S STRONG MEN. Are Rettig ,called Connell by Dowager Empress. A deselect from Pekln says: The fl -wager Empress has upponded Yuan Slitkat to be member 01 the Board /.1 reign Affairs and a Grand Council. o1 the Fourth Claus.. In the for- iton °thee he will rtink as ttilt'd Min' ister. Chang Chilling. Viceroy of Shangaho, has also been appointed a rerund e,oun- ril'our of the Fourth (lass. The \ lee, 1,3 4444.•iiiiimotied to Pekin recently le con.siot voith the Uowager leepress rr gurding the alarttung growth /if arab hltinelin sentiment In Chinn, on which stihjeet '111111 511,101 1 218.4 been consult- ine with her !queen.. The Dus owager Euipress, in thsm. reuniting 11/Tself 1th the strongest and e st minent Men pf 1110 cuiptro, IMS 91.rpri.$0,1 evert 111,,e v/, tni were am. are of the thrones apprehension and its de tertnineerei to fortify the et.tituent • the utmost. uNrIED e'fATE_S. . Seven births occurred en the ,tenin- er Kroonland ..)11 her lost tee 1., New 1(11, Crie death from bubonic plague and 11.wt.'4n.ncnu,4"Neku, • easeb are reportem d froSan Plans are on fool at Cluetigo f,,ho ell Intern:, holm i union of I u rtnen• 44- g:01.u/wits, 'I he body of I,. A. liendersen of -1..UChw.,4,,,1 11,1s, 1 -ask.. was kuild 111 lagoon in a Chirago park, Ali ((144(11'25 ceniS ie -r 1..11 for nnIhrielln ,otil terortol fret!' Nee loris fer einntitg sea•on. .". N. R. crop repnrt 1. fully as enc,,i1r. A despatoll from Vennipeg says • The 11,‘,,,r.:•;', ririeng,e 14.4-41 opnrip.,;rt,..tdi ere, nt (.3428500,000. aging as all pre\ 14A13 repcirte nem var. sere eertiens during the week. Tle• west ii•../1 1 he 1 n.led `,,latos \a‘N Department eteimistic feeling prevails as lovtiebteelimste ing the strength mate outcome f the harvest. ecarei• net "rein eighteen to leen• e been no frost in the majority uf plaees 11•eiS1il and the weather promises to be all litil Ist...r\IN idlisr'u'apnr:;,1,.S‘ft‘rnista ,Iticiasrwtoe: jetim,0011-1 could be desired. Some rains feli dur. ,10.11, of Joset,li Krantz. nianslaugli1er 1))01/114.111.011 Milk the Ing the past few days. but nul. elkuggli to cause any damage or seriously inter- fere with the culling. There ts n senrcr.to: (,,Tiphteuallienostykb,,ivi,,dep,o, Tionis,,t.ritutseinat;inpit,;:aii of men in seme districts. where the pre‘, grain- twig been ready for a week or nts, tUres ien pre- n'tore.slnil3."eik.,"1-r-l'.1"11C' 4. itVlite. and AV L. -* \‘‘, illker. • ! I n'arP1'10.• S111'',011, WON, fl' `-•'. rr,ns 830 aryl 8100 Wii0LE 110USE STRIPPED. 14 ,seretee. for A lpp Ng red milk, b61111440e s Man Loses 81.000 nt Plate and Sarr.11,: 1111t.,n is Ilie )oung lonelier) by Burglars. r n toot. 1, ,.r., itrid 14,r, ie Ihe ,•• 1,r1 In II A deep -Jet from Ottawa says The ,01 2 0i TIM I 4.1 1! ,t,1 11,110 ,,r1i!, 1 residence of \Ir. el. Feint:we ans;istaiinedt general manager of the Brink of F., 8,11,14„ rec., „ . eere etas burglarized on eVede diamonds. Jewellery and plate 1, the o(10 , K.,„,a11114 amount of nearly 84e00 abstracted Thp al, ,,,ar, 14h., 1 , :1111 blirgiari. eo tdently expert's. had fird ‘,1: .1 , P1 , ,i111 111 1.1111- made sure of the fart that the fame% were absent and went about their WilIk 1.n-tr 11 ee, systemalicully and delleerately. lee 11,,,,„ thieves gained en entrance to the pre E pot; ,:f rage'. by the rear basement eindoes , 1 e.„ 11'..,„ ‘, and proreedee front tInUT lo floor. er.l. ,„, -la 1 . lecting mreable valuables 1)11(1„n.1 al .so„ , The house was practieally etrIpped • f 1,1 '1 11 r ,„1 I everything of value of a rreivable nature. 1! CRASIIED TIIROLIGII BRIDGE. lel mere 1.tee r. req' ,1 114 n %cow,' Mamma Clark. Driver of Trade)), En- 1- 6 ‘e itrr name ,,r 1341,4' a ree sr.]. gine, Killed. eFN1-1141. "So long as we dtd that there was not the slighleet fear of their being found en the side of rebellion, unless -ehich, God foetid !--assine greet e dee ef rectal feel- ing should be 'aroused which would re- stroy the balance 41f their reason and se eep them into the cause of disorder, be cuuld not conceive Of 'my situation arising •in India, Iseves•er desperate the cinvulslon, In which-Tle• pit -re -es tu chiefs wound throw their form44 on Me side of rapine tind disorder, lite British CrOW11 was not 11 foreign institutem, but the accredited centre and seal of au- thority in that country, (Cheers.) It was Ip them ix guarantee of their rights and liberUes, find it was the symbol, which they intenie•ly \ alued, of good govei'm mete and order, Further, the best Men in India-- Me nobility and gentry, and the 111041 thwightflit class of the poptila- tion---eere all on the side of good gosernmeni and good tinier, They knew that our coo eminent atene stood te terien geed greernment. • 1 helm rine that three Ircilt wttieti 1.4“,rtil`11 .1 11.010. 1111.1 11,04 V. ere 100 geei prt triots to acquiesce In the r11111 of their &seine>. ,ENGteoal) FArrilF11. will frequently start a panto wheal ends in serious luso\ of life. Coming home on u Benoklyn ferry -boat one emu - Mel' evening two years ugo, 0 nein patued Crane, who had been °pending the afterreion ceubbing, theught It would be a joke to let sdrne of his spoil hose. Now, there happened le be a LAI beluilgimg to another passengeT Lear by, and somehow 0110 4.1 the cubs caught pus*, by the. paw. The poor beast gave a fearful squeal. tind sprang otruteit int(to middlt, of a knot et sehoatglrls Otto were stnndtng ehut- ling, They seattered, screaming15841 neet instant panic weer abroad amid the erowded hundreds. People ruehed in every direction, rind in a clement there e•Ois a crash as the railings eroke, rond eight proriple went overboard. Before ng (seed be done the unfortunates e• emelt &Way by The dm, di tide, ater---• ocly rine was errecued ti1140. Another sad drowning acciBeet leek place near nest, in Germany. year or two ago, Wtili the result of It falter alarm. A silly girl thought. It wiuld lo a joke to pretend elle was drowning, so, soeUnintlig out sonio Us-. trec, eke began eplashing and WORli TIN FIELDS F011 STATE. -- Ttansvaal GOvernnirnt's Solution of Un- employed Problem, A despatch from Johannesburg says • The Trnlisvual re,sertIlitetit; With the view of helping to solve the prribleni the unemployed, has derided to ere k the tin fields of PeternbUrif district in the interest. of the State. Cetieral Botha. Preneer of the Transvaal, has gene to that diotret with engineers and repre• sentatites Hie 'tam! unemployed, 'the rOlner• sCheine is to Othtince \Nage, to the men le enable them to obtain took 'the molimien nre 111So 1,, shore 11, the pi .fits, nrcording to the miners' s, !nine NA 110 me already . 11,0 gi,ditid and have bern 'Or 21111/15 kir it to I • throv.ii open, are niii,try. lis are ItIs.• hnintreds of agents of the big waling 511,11p,,, All the pciosible 1,1 indla 1,eintt by the 11511111.,r, nod iiItelopts find 0111 hertni Made to get at the 1/0alty ef the native memos. aitheugh entoety Lou 8111'1eS4. 11..i he was infoinnal. theersk 11.41 ,” 1„,1,1 11„ ‘11 I, itit 'I he movement 1114.i 14.110414'd 111 II ) Z110411)4( ether 11 , , y whieli tho•e present , gipsv• 1 -lay• firkireCIY bt'111'St 10 1/0.611. l't Ilti ChM to. tgnis pest incauliousnese ef U. 41411111 1,11,11 1 lIng• otet and the insit, wire lentilig. %%hi -n leemem.IlttOt \01,„ ewe tes.tin/bnt terrible t. itt, and here, but els, eel,. taken 1,), 111,"11' 111,, liktitionit 1 runwr flashed mond dupes ill India to be rept ounitaltves of Itini 11110 ..1 ille ay. rs tem /1,,Lot 11. SHOUTING 1011 HELP. No tett er than three men plunged in teen the oppcnstIn bank to go to her re•ctie. BLit the current vote atrung, Bret ene, whe had not even rettioeed h. • boots. began to einie A eccond 444111 111,9 hut the 4,Iher, m.11.3 dflowning, trilled 111111 (1(1V.13. 1nel 11,111 the pone felfams Acre l.11',V.11• t.11, 41 13131 happened to the girl \se do tn.' Isnott , but 11 i• preiabie Mat, ‘% he• ,tilei}"1,12:41,31:.a.‘ pumshed her 3.wn C.11',..Cieflre rei,c.,iielt 1111' tor 11i., rent tIrrniiY;1'2,1t3"1191'.71411!', \I••••‘ el” 4,1 FV:111')e, 11 .1UV ill 3.111. A despetch Prete San Francisco sayai le Ms VIce-Peetlident of the Pool - 114' States Telephooe & Telegraph Conn pnny. ceilvicted Of ItOVing bribed Super- tecor Lortegan to vete against panting a franehlee to 1110 flame Telephone eom. praty, wce en Wedtseeday ecalermed ny SuperiV diedge Lawkar to five years inigestintrent in lite Slate pricon at veal Ouentith A firepatee from Braniferd linos Thomas Clark farmer, of Itrantfer 1 , The tariff , lewnebtp, wns hinecl en Wed I, ee(p, e I IQ fl ••' , • rreilVn1110 1),V Itelfla (Towhee to death 1, , • - na erns n e. • f. In • .. I alterg n. gagirial 'el •1 1, • ,,r,11‘ -. • r 11,e Itord 14.80*1 11roti ?.o IP Ir persere %la r. -1 1% eeteneet ‚4)1) h erruek nee ,u1 1,,,rrh if) 114, (‚44. 4' piddle tielnitei 13 Ike "'bit” • bit bill 't 3" ilget • \N-Iti ..1.- tw• inred ihut 114.1• 1.11511.11 Ti the •a341 ,,1 111 aial.,11 aro! -i frtglifol 1 4111,i 1„.glin. India • hcers ni,d hel 1,1,1(11 Am, 1‘,1 1.,4 viti, 1 ,F,i) th.tutitit 5ipl11. 111 11,44 101,1 ,h,„, 14.,„ 114 W11.) WW1 111)11111111il3tIN 1.11 111lA 1,,,,n1 that wherievar ,11On14,itt 11,4 , f„.,> r r,r,„ (114r)rder we U14213111.1"4'11.i1 ?mit, t•I pnrt 11,.. ow (4,Vernmcf1) migiit. 1,e in II 1 w(o, rs. S11,11 11,115 it, 1,111 t1 aiwlig to. ,,, 1111, tato ,t 1.41-va1 genC) . 1, "4.10ero4-r rf 11,,, -•!it ;„ DitANK. 4104t1) 414.0001- e„ , f ., • 0rPti. •.• . •• ' • 'Villa! 111411 Afilinnij 11811,1111.4 ‘11 Net; t• , ref 1 11 1 r he i • Three lis nog. • IsL.tT11 IN NIAGAlte GORGE. — I'nk nee n %Ian 111111101.4 !ruin 1 niter - Steel Arch Bridge. A themes I, trial] Niagara 14 -all, 5.1' . st/N,( . At DINO l'ii V1,14 on 1I.edriesdat night a Min, %One.* nientliy Lei tgd Cell (I.Seellf11110(1, leaped te death nen, a • entr.• of the upp,r 'Jeri lir, 11 ht1(15,. ' here •,,.as 11 r-row,1 it the ...141,11,414) 01 11,,• [3m.,-' II 44(5 the IllUr4Iin,1111311 ci the Fob. and 11 ,./ Iti,,i1g111 Ihe Intense .151,1 of the pro,.t.,111. St, dA74..'1 ItIP la1111011 nate mon that he did not 1,1w,./. what he was doing. Many 'it ttnes•ed the p1,1115. from the rnillng of the ta(dge to desth in the rivet, 2151 feet te-soe. n Malt t• engatie Mitch he woe driving end e toot\ 'Tastier) ltanattgh the tehirse C3)4V rairehttrl an the Flarniteee 0, oe I0e mileo eaet of here. tie eine p nned under tire engine tin the wrote' Lark oas Uromarrial and 2.3 Varaold. 1Prienta. %BOUT TO 4,4 108: TOOK uts tiru. Progooctive Bridegroom Suicides; In hingnInn. A (1, 4(011, I. fr/ 411 h•ngston con 'treed deep, e to 6011,3 , 1 CIA...N. PIII Marl 11121,111 11,T. \ rit,, (1,1 (01rf suicide 1,, :Oa. 1 , 11 1. r,do ;I'm/ ‘,1 , 4, the t t ,,,WIng 1, a 11,111 real gal1)/ d .1101 1111,1 3 re n 113+,4 In 11,1, I '11 1? 15,1' 11 ter aret 1,a.1 a p tee, 114eye, fe M &Vitt( f1 a 11 1 r.• dealt 111 (44 Ite•It en!. If i1 , a t. 1 • '1,-t fr. .1, atoned "110,1, .11 It 1/4 I FIFTEEN 111 ReED TO DEATH. Rotel as l,cIio0 44a4ilnIon. ID•rq,lral,ed 1 ore -14-ttntro, tt.,,, T''v 41,go-, 11(4 111-4-' 1 11 e1,4 rl I lid,tro, al t, • 1'. r1' I te rydrie,tia ` rolocalINI pir5"413 •1 41••• Ita tOf 1 1)- 11)1)" 1,14, ••1.‘1‘st 11 1. I. omeng 14,, "est 44.1 the eft. I \ .111,, nr. 1,Pliee -1 I. I.. T.1141 S4,8.0, bed es; ten° been rente. A ,jt44.,t 1, (pan 1),1e1e-,• • •• 1 11, 1..14 Milk nett 1/ MI ..1 1, aele •,,,,,1 11 el 4. 4 o 1 ,, .4. lee VI -T1,0 fit I NO' A ei,er • II( ' '• . 1! • it..1 11, 11, ‘41.4, 101,11,1 '1,11. 1 and ;in '1,, ,„., t,p-it f•,' rie d• .1 4.- 1. 1:t1.111(111:( '1 ,1' • 1' \. ,. • 11 dn., le tt l• I ..,.1 41,1 '1, t 11,e 1Iar 1,1. 10ti 1 ..)11 1.4. 111111•1' 1' a 1,1 I. ".• 1111. 1.11/4•4( ttt411,tat,•..t.1:14 t, ittAlter 8411140ft .14,11111 1' IIn• !leen 111, \%ard."41 141101 1)1,4,1) it', 11111111111Fil. 1 r Ji 41In14edo,tra L,d %artful of a Ito Went. A, deo ,1 1t, : 11 r.1.. ••0, 4- • 1,1,4. ••, "••• 41, 71,1,1 • • . 11 o 111 II i..1 Will .1 J.1111 • •it 11. 1V• 111 1-...•11., 1J, 1. .1- t'. t• 1 t l' • 11 Ilt. ‘• 1 i t - .'1•1 1., .1 111111,•'11'1'. k •- ••-• :1 .44 ,. 4- I 82,222,000 BUSHELS WHEAT North-West Grain Dealers' Association Issues Estimate of Crops. '1,1 '3' 1 '.'1 \\' nnn.'ed •,1 t• .• ei. • .,I I ,iita stnn 4,1 1,4/••1 11 ti • •• 1,1_',••,11 1, 1. ''' „ 1(0'. t". ,t11. • 1 (.41 ft). eat ico er•". et.? , ?o, ••• 4)-.4 „ I.. 31 11) Lust, ,• two* •,••:., n. re, 313 125 0,4'l4 1ta.' ••• 1 • Inert, 1,1 hdr. 13 1 ,•1 1,J111/4 143 "lee el, '.• • `4 it 11 1 ! r t 1,11 lua .. it 11 .1 40. le • e. eir e. 111 al 6t LIj same me frie rd m rein nd • ifto 51dit isms fscl