HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-09-27, Page 31 dm est IMO, b1 by oaf te,w/eaW Set we have ss sup hi Iswem, and se ass ie lawyers to sweat sad eadmsw them. het 1 with w de- clare my Moses* ceavatiae, ant hits' feet wf as Agrmelteml es s Merosanle ess.m.ity being governed year shoe year, sd pseesales after geaerst ss. by • best el Mirrors, slime to me u be a oaf, eam eam sb•eediey. i ley It dews es • rale mostly is buin..y with the acknowledg- ed pri°eiples of homes aware, thei Lenelsties will be deeply lm►esd with the spine and iarer- eau of the Legislators. sad .Ithe.rh • lawyer L.- golatur• may commit that ietereats of homers to • certain 'meat, their chief 'Hedy will **torally be their owe iawere.is : while, If we had a large majority of farmers and merch•s,a in the House of Assembly, ■ e weal& spas the same pri.c'ple, expec; the greater pert of the L.gidatioa to be in laver piths general interests of the casolry. THE AGRICULTURAL Si1OW Tu. der wee as line as could bo desired, and the tarn out gave quiie a gala anpearuee to our town under the influence of bright sunshine. every thing looked well, and every bdy appear- ed happy and pleased. in the .ppearaaee or the horned cattle there was • decide, improvement, two calves .hewn by Mr. Way...., .poke well for the tibiae geeeramioo. and did him very great credit, we are informed that they were sold o0 the .pot roe LT IN. Thi. circumstance is proof to oar agriculturist. of the advantages to be de- rived from attention to theirjyoung stock. The sheep deo evinced the care(.! heeband- man, and d •ir owners. The were "loch would tnot eham n dl.geed any part of the Province. That part of the show which moat particularly rotroet,d oar attention was 11te room in which the grn:n, and domestic manufac- tures of the District were collected, and .11 was with sincere satisfaction this we observed the narked improvement in toner branches of agri- cultural industry. The wheats were of a very fair quality un.arpaseed by any we hays seen for some year.. The Rye end Oen were ■Iso very 6ne, and the indi.n Corn equal to any we have ever seen. The Maple Sugar, an article of which we eonsidcr our•el.es no mein jade•, was in grain and apprentice eine! to the finest mus- covado. The, blankets and cloths 'Lown, also gave dreidcd evidence .f improvemen, and .poke well for the wool of the District. The dairy department wee as u.nal, in butter, well I,bed. but in cheese it war very deficient, is it that oar farmer's wives and daughters are igno- rant of the mole of manafeeture, nr is it that they do not appreciate the edv.etages to -be de. rived ea a pecuniary point of view from making it a maple mais•1.. that this branch of domestic industry is so mock neglected, there were only two competitors, sod we trust, in this latter particular, to heab!e aezt year to record ■ very great:and decide.! improvement. We cooelode by referring oar readers '0 the liet of premiums o:digingly furnished by the Agricultural Society's Secretary, Mr. Ceorm.aua. COMIC AL ITIES. A Live ! ALL A LIVE ! (1)-.A clergyman at Oxford, who was very nervous and •b sent, going to read prayers at St. Mary's, heard a showman in the High Street who had an exhibition of wild beasts, repeat of ten, " Walk in, walk in ladies and gentle- men -All alive ! Alive 0 !" The sound struck the absent man, and ran in his head so much that when tie b'•, an to read the service and came t -i the .%n I doth that which is lawful and right. he poll ,:ase his soul alive,' (he cried out with a louder voice.) "shall ane his soul alive ! All aliv,-, O r, F6rAL• Loquacier.-leap Paul says, - that a lady officer, ,f ehe wanted to give the word ' halt' to her ironpe, would do it somewhat in this wise-' You soldiers, all of you, now mind, 1 order you, soon en ever 1 have finished epeukicg, to atand stilt, eve• ry one of jou, on the eprt, where you hap- pen to be ; don't you hear mohalt, 1 say. all of you!" An irtah sailor once visited a city where he mid ' they copper -bottomed tho tops of their hooses with sheet teed.' AN i.oucexi.r.-A. person who adverti- res in a mornirg paper for a clerk, bolds out this inducement :'=' A small clary will begiven, but he will have ennugh owe: - work to make up the deficiency." VALDAII.a INIDRrAT/oi.-in • pool across a road in the count! of Tipperary, in Ireland, is stuck un • pole, having of x• ed to it a board, with this ins. ription :- " Take notice, that when the water is over this board the road is impassable." HoaAta WALPOLR was the relator of the following anecdote, the solecism of which will be readily seen -it is a curious and re- markable specimen : Two friends were walking together, when they were accosted by • beggar wo- man. One of the gentleman gave her • bonus, but the other turned away with symptoms of disgust. Upon the Brat en- quiring the reason, the latter replied -'I cannot tolerate the eight of that hag. For merly, she was a nurse in the village, and when i WWI an infant 1 was committed to her charge, she was unfortunately the mo- ther of • child of my own age, and, air, to credible as such perfidy may be, it is the conviction of my friends and myself that she exchanged me.' 8rnevLAR ADvlmTtaRrgp'r. An ei- change paper chronicles as lost, ' a new silk :umbrella, belonging to • gentleman with ei curiously eave.d ivory heed ! A sailor in the pit of a theatre, on look- ing over his playbill. read, ' en interval nI twenty years occurs b.tw*se the first and second acts, he pot es his old tarpslin end left lbs hove..aping, ' dew atilt.** folks will lire 4e see the end Wt.' Twee Ceewraa. -A C...di.s breast a p.ui.eh of a terbey, that had fnghteaed every other purchaser from the ides of making •*gesf bast off bits; he said, .forwards--" 1 test him b.m .-my wife bile him tree bean. wad das be crew. My wife pat bim is de pet wld Is tete,,, God his ►ice 'em all est." EIT.Ao•DIRART Caew.-A natio* of KOH - tacky impair• the crowing of amok as rm..,ka- big welt, that the w• upon seven: oeeasoas has sines two hours sarlier by mistake. •' Job Printing ! Job Frieda( !" eaciaimed •■ old woman the other day, ae she peeped ever her specs at the advertiotag page of a comity paper. '• Poor Joh, they'•• kept him pnnuag, week afer week, ever since I first Learned to read, and if he wee's' the most patient man that ever wee be could bare stood it, nu bow :" Wovtg MOT Go te.-A man with an seaman. large mouth called on a dentia to get • tooth draws. Alter the dentist had prepared his in- struments and was about to commence opers- tio.., the moo of jaws began to strain and stretch his mouth till he (01 it open to • most frightful extent. " Stay sir," mid the dentia, " don't treble yourself 10 stretch your mouth say wider, forj intend to steed on the outside to draw your tooth :" From the Boston Courier. A PARODY. Take a little wife. The prettier the better, Pat her cheek, wad when She wane to kiss you -let her. Keep her in the home - There she'll gook your motion Dura rnnrjacket ine. If she's worth a button. Never mint the Inn • Of her autos and cottons, Ask them to " drop to ."- thee them all by dozens. One nf'iheae n Id days, You'll feel one inch taller, When you see her hog A chopping little moodier. T' ere is a your, man in Cineinnatti so modest that be will not embrace an opportL• nit, " Why are Mnmhoat explosion- like short -head wrile,.leaving the House of Cothmoos?-Be- caure they go off with retorts. ,ilntktte. Gooro,c,e Sept. 26, 1849. £ Flour per hnerel, 1 0 0 Fh•nr per 100 Ib, (farmer.) 10 0 Full Wheat per bushel, 0 3 0 Spring Wheat per bush. 0 2 6 Oats. per ho•hA. 0 0 9 Pear, per bushel, 0. 1 9 Hay. per ton, 1 10 0 Butter (fresh) per Ih. 0 0 6 Butter in the keg, per Ib. 0 0 5 Oats per bushel, 34 Ib. Bacon. per ewe. Better in kens, per ib. Benet (fresh) per Ib. Hams per 11,. Perk per 100 Ib. Beef, per 100 lb. Potatoes per heahel. Pease per ha.hel, 60 Ib. flay per Ina, Floor per barrel, - (dte4c. £ s. d. • 12 6 • 0 11 3 • ff- 3 111 • 0 2 9 • 0 0 10 • 0 0 101 a 0 13 0- a 0 0 7 • 0 0 6 TORONTO. Sept. 14. s. d. • •. d. 1 0 • 1 3 37 6 a 40 0 O 5 a 0 6 O 7} a 0 9 O 5 • 0 6 20 0 a 0 0 17 6 a 20 0 1 3. 2 0 I 6 ■ I I01 25 '0 • 50 0 I8 9 • 20 0 Al , Sept. 19. in hreasl,uS. onthing to report. A.hes-We notice • eonsidernhle decline in 'Pots-wlrch are procurable st 37.61 a 3d.. - Pea r l n'95e. Cholera 4103p cal is e'o.ed. Naw YORK. Sept. 20-3 P. M.. Receipts moderate end demand fair. for West- ern and +tate Floor,, prat.s favor the seller. - Salem 3211 barrel. $4.62 • 4 75 for common awe, Michigan, -$175 and 4.87 for atnight and .uta and old Michiran $.5 a 5.12 for new Michigan, $5.25 a 5,38 for pure Cesare, and Southern Ohio. (tate gond d.mend and market hence -sales new 36c • 37 for old -39 a 4:. Corn steady. BUFFALO, Sept. 20.. Sales Mehl Floor to the extent of 2000 barrel. a $4.50 for gond straight brands. In wheat little done, onlr rale we heard of 2(100 bush. old W.haoh in store at 90 sena, wad 7000 bush. rpriog Chicago at 65 cents. Cntcaoo, Sept. 16. Receipta by canal this morning are very liberal. There is •Iso • large amount com- ing forward by teams -with fair receipts by Railr'ad. Prices have further declined, - and there were but few buyers io.the mar- ket this morning. Wheat on the street is taken at 55 a 80c. f :reprint, and 75c for winter. We hear of no ales by the cargo this morning. Corn -There are "ewers! cargoes on th. market. 18,000 bushels were sold on Sat- urday afternoon, to arrive, at 434c. Oats -Good supply -firm at IO • 21. ToLRD0, Rept. 5. The market eontinnes dull. There was offered on Change this morning 250 bbl. of Amur, 5500 bushels wheat, without meeting buyers. The tendency of prices is down- ward. CreCINNATI, Sept. 4. Finer and Grain -The market fnr Fleur exhibited nn chanes to -lay. The sales were confined to 45 bis new at $1.05,, and 194 do. old from store at 05,50. Oats sol 1 is the small way at 25c. for new 138 a 29c for old. CLRVRLAND. Sept. 6. Sslre--Flonr, mined Sntiehern, 146 bhls. at $4,50 ; 34 bblo Diamond Mills at 1111.90. Wheat nothing doing. New plump from team,, brings 85 a 90. ALL ST•A,.trr.-A negro any hoieg sent by bis master to borrow • pound of lard .11 from bis neighbor than delivered his ma - ewe :-" Minns Thompson, mimes send me over to borrow or beg • pound of ho* tallow --•he say be got the old wow ay is the pen, fatten 'am -he twine to kill her thy before yesterday end he come over week fere lest, and par you all you owe es•" A Commotion dame, the mother of • largo faintly wag was day abed the member of her ebildrea. " Le Ise !" eh. *.plied, Nokia. her- self ...ad Oe. " I'.e gra fo.rq.nt meetly 4.y. .r.d gal. r Why am flailed States Twerarnow meter?, Co. behest we.. end. te new pries hone mig- gers,..4hems resat *ter Sr. Loon, Rept. 17. We learn from she Upper Missouri that the Mahe and Ponce Indians had a battle on the 4th of August The latter tribe were the aggres- sors. by killing three of the Mahas. while hunting es the previa', day. The Ponces were defeated, losing 42 hewn. and mash property, end twenty warriors, inehwling their chief. The Mabee lost leer killed and wise wounded. The Sem and Foxes were abort to make war on the Paweeea-BoUrn... New Teta. Seer. 19. Advie. from Hayman. to the 8th, have bees received, at whir% time all Yeas gtet is Cuba - 11 ie reported that the revolted regiment wasW Ire dl.I,. dud es a pw.iehment. Tit..elebrstiee 4 tbo ietrsd.edea ed the Ceebieestm water Twee Semen. is 0.1.b., kit, met Hat city (11,104. Birth, At Brantford. C. W. ea Saturday the Soper. 1a, the wife of Mr. Lessard Peek, of Twists. D 1 t a. At Ilawi.k. Re tiorghd(r., Serolead, se the (01► ultimo, .rte, only 11 hence' Meese. A•a Watt.. wife .r Mr George Wtsaa, Tanner, 1e., there. sal Mocha ef Mr. James Moab, of 0*dench, mid sr Mr. L. W. 'Water's, e4 (1.IL Awarded by the HURON DISTRICT AO111.1- CULTURAL SOCIETY, at their Eighth Amami Eatables, Wok September, 1049. HORSU, CATTLE, Aka ' Bast Breed Mare awl Feel, El 10 0 Sari de. i 0 0 3rri ria 0 15 0 Patrick Palos. Bea Two Tear 04 FONy, 1 0 0 Thoniss Ford. tad de. 0 15 0 Jame, Statehouse. 3rd do. 1 10 0 John M.Less. Best Two Year'old Colt, 1 0 0 9.d do. 0 15 0 3rd dei. 0 In 0 Best Spa Farm Hume., 1 10 0 Mrs. Dunlop. lad do. 1 0 0 Jobe McDonald. 3d do. 0 15 0 John Donnegh. £1 0 0 Wm. Piper. 15 0 Wm. Piper. 10 0 John 8sIkeld. 15 0 Ross Robertson. 10 0 John Annand. 7 6 John Salkeld. 10 0 John Amend. 7 6 Thos Elliott. 5 0 Wm. Piper. O Alex. Young, Sr O Thoma. Font. O Mrs. Deolop. Best Milch east, 2nd do. 3rd do. Beet 2 yr. old heeler. 2.4 do. 3rd do. Beet yearling heifer. Zed do. 3rd do. Best Bull: 1 5 2nd do. 1 0 3rd do. 0 15 Bent Yoke Working Oxen. 1 0 2nd do. 0 15 3rd do. 0 10 Best 3 rr. olJ Steen. 0 I5 2.d do. 0 10 3rd do. 0 7 Best 2 vr. *14 steers. 0 10 2nd do. 0'7 3rd do. 0 5 Best Fatted Ox. ) 0 2nd do. 0 15 3rd do 0 10 Bea Feasted Cow or Helfer, 1 0 2nd do. 0 15 3r4 do. 0 10 SHEEP AND Bea Ram. 1 0 2nd do. 0 15 3rd do. 0 10 Beat Ewes (pen of 21 ha•.ne raised Iambs In 1849, I 0 2nd do. 3rd do. Best Ram Lamb; 2nd do. 3rd do Best Ewe Lamb, 2nd dn. 3rd dn. Beet Fat Wether., 2nd dei. 3rd do. Best Boar, 2nd do. 3rd do. Best Sow, 2nd do. 0 Tho•. Elliott. O John McIntosh 0 Peter McDougall O John Armand. O John Salkeld. 6 Wm. Clark. O John Raitenb.ry. 6 Thea. Sowerbv. O John Armand. O Thomas Fort. O Mr.. Dunlop. O John Anand. O Geo. Rrnwn, Jr. O Imre Rslt.nhury O J,rnes Clark. HOGS. O Tho.. Elliott O John Salkeld. 0 Joho Ratteobary. O Theis. E'lintt. O 15 0 Jnhn Salkeld. O 10 0 Thos. F.'fo11. O 10 0 Thos.. Elliott. 0 7 6 Thn. Elliott. O 5 0 John Salkeld. O 10 0 Jahn Ratienhnry O 7 6- Thos. Elliott. O 5 0 John Salkeld. O 10 0 P. McDosnll. O 7 -6 John Campbell. O 5 0 John Annand. 1 0 0 Gen. Rrnwn, Sr. 0 13 0 Geo. Rrnwn, Sr. O 10 0 do 1 0 0 Geo. Brows, Sr. O 15 0 Ate.. Tonne, Sr. 3rd dei. 0 10 0 John Salkeld, JUDGES -Al-:ander Brnadfoot, - Balk - well, Theo Reed. F..q-.. (:RAIN. SEEDS, AND DAiRY. Best 10 Bushels .Full tVheat, 3 0 0 William Elliott. 2nd d , 2 5 0 Jame• R:on.hom,. 301 do 1 0 0 P. McDougall. Ite,t 4 Busbc , Sprieg Wheat, 1 10 0 Patrick Paton. 2nd do 1 5 0 Thomas 8ewerby. 3rd do 1 0 0 Thema. Cnnper. Best 2 hn.hels Rye, 1 0 0 Alex. Tomo. Sr. 2nd do 0 15 0 Alex. Tarlo. 3r4 do 0 10 0 John Campbell. Best 2 hush. Barley,1 0 0 John Salkeld. 20d do . 0 15 0 P. McD.norall. 3,1 do 0 et 0 John C.m hien. 11r,, 2 Oats 0 15 0 J..hn Salkeld. 2n 1 d•. 0 In 0 G -o Rrnwn. Sen. and do 0 7 6 51r.. Denlnp Best 2 hath. Pe... 0 13 0 Al.x. Gardner. 2nd do 0 10 0 Thos Elliott. 3rd do 0 7 6 dee. Brown, Sen. Beet hush. Timothy Seal:0 10 0 Thema. Conger. 2nd do 0 7 6 Patrick Pomo. 3rd do 0 5 0 Geo. Wilson. Beet 2 Rn.h. Cern. (in snit.) 0 10 0 Georgie Wilsnn. 2nd do 0 7 6 P. McD •mall. 3n1 do 0 5 0 Thos. Elliott. Brat 50 lbs. Salt Rutter, 0 15 0 domes Payne. 2nd do n 10 0 Geo.Brown, Sen. 3rd do 0 7 6 Peter Mcmmrrill. Best 40 Ib. Cheese,11 10 0 Mrs Donlon. 2nd do 0 7 6 Peter eMDougall. Ord Beit 25 IM. Maple Sorer, 0 10 0 Jarmo Ste,ehnnge. 9o4 do . 0 7 6 Thos. Elhntt. JUDGES.-Rnbt. Maderwell, Roes Robert - .00, and Jnohne Calloway. Fwgniree. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. Best 10 yid. D••mes• ne made Cloth, 0 13 0 Thos. Harris 9nd do 0 10 0 Thomas Ford. 3rd de 0 7 6 ]ohm Stewart. Beet pair do Blsnkete. 0 15 0 Thomas Etlin,t. 2nd do 0 In 0 John 14alk.ld. 3rd do 0 7 6' Sohn McIntosh. Best 10 yes. Domes. made Flannel, 0 15 0 Ales. Gardner. Ind do 0 In 0 John Meinuosh. 3rd do 0 7 6 Peter McDnirall. JUDGES. -James Wats**, Robert Parke, W. E. Grass, Esq'n. NOTICE. THE Subeerih'r Morin, heels appointed Agent fnr the PROVINCIAL MUTUAL AND GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY. here- by intimates, that he 1. prepared ,n receive Sob- eeriptions for Stocks is the Proprietary Wench, and oppllelstions for issuraseee in the Mutual Branch, sed to give stab information o. the subject as may b. requ.red. JOHN CLARK. Godcrich, 26th Sept. 1849. 2._.34t(. FOR KENGSTON AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS. THE NEW SCHOONER ANNEXATION, 9 now ready to take in FREIGHT, and wilt be diepstched for Kingston the en- snleg week, providing she can get suffi- cient height to pay her exp.n.as down -if not, she will coma direct back from Detroit, when, if the Farmers will ship any gnant,ty of not less than 9,500 op to 7,000 bushels of good quality wheat, she well be dispatch- ed for )(tertian, where it can be sold -the Freight sad imam -saes only deducted, and the balance bended to the owners wtihnut delay, .olhing being charged for tommis- oios, kc. Per F4eight Apply to C. CF.kb, Market Secant. C. CRABS, Capt. Ooderich. Sept. la, 1849• 2v -n33 -St N. B. -DRY GOODN, Cotton Yarn, we- en. ted mrmhera, Cttniae Tea., and any gn.auty of PINE SALT, at bus Store. A Cemwiaales wasted to parches wheat. C. C. Huron District Building Society. THE FIFTEENTH LOAN(1rEBTiNU OF the Society will take place .t the British Hotel, oat Saturday the £9th Sept. at 7 o'clock, P. M. B Order, THOMAS KYDD, See'y. God.ricb, Sept. 90, 1849. t.-.33 '6t81 '1d+Vg 4'81 '4 ullP°0 y e a Iq E• STI ▪ °"551 V1 • O a y . 1 O • Cl cAr d • 1--, 0 HURON HOTEL, GODERICH. TAMES GF.NTLES, would respectfully ie - .J form the inhabitants of Goderich, and its *i- cinity. this be will coostautly Keep horses and Carriages FOR HIRE. for which he respectfully solicits the patronage of the public. JAMES GENTLES 18th Sept. 1849. 02.33-tf TO PRI\TIERS. TYP}) FOUNDRY AND. PRINTERS' '.'''RNISIIING WARE HOUSE. T1I1: Subscribers have - opened a New 'I'ype Foundry in the City of Now Turk, where they arc ready to supply orders •o -any extent, for any kind of Job Fancy Type, Ink, Paper, Chases, Galley,, Brass Rule., Steel. Ce funm Rules, Composing Stick., Caner, wed every article necessarf fur a Printing (lab 'rile Type, which are cast in new moulds, from enttroly new nett of Matrixes, with deepcourter., and warlatrted-to be unsur- passed by any, he sold at prices to suit the times. All the type furnished by us is " hand cast." Printing Proems furnished, and and also, Steam Engines of the most approved pat= terns. Composition Rollers cast for printers. 07- EJitdrs of Newspapers who will bey three times a much type as their hills amount to, may give the a -bore tie -Months' insertion in their paper., and send their papers contatrungg it to the Subscribers. COCKCROFT k OVEREND No 78 Aa. Street New York. December 7th 1847, m 15 Prospectus of the HERALD, a Week!, Netcrpaprr, the publication of which le to bt commenced immediately in the Iowe of Brantford. Office on Colborne Sl., orer eke old Poet Office. THE rapid advance of Brantford and this portion of the Province in population, wealth and importance -the pressing de- mands of tho intelligent inhabitants for full and correct information -the solicitation of numerous friends, and the imnreseion that • Newspaper cnndncted on liberal and just principle', will receive the hearty support of the liberal and the just, -influence the undersigned to undertake the establishment of a respectable Journal in this place, feeling seemed that fro hia knowledge of Cana- dians and Canadian affair., gained by.a reai- rlenee m this colony of nearly twenty year*. ho will be able to render his paper worthy of the patronage of Canadians generally, and especially of those amongst whom he has resided for the last five nr six years. - The Herald will adwocale British connex- ion, the responsibility of raters to those by whom they are employed ind paid -the right of the people to manage their oten affairs- .the au•e of liberty civil and reli- tinus, and indeed, everything that may tend to meliorate the condition of Canadians. To detail all that the Herald will support or oppose, would far exceed the Itmits nl this advertisement. it may, therefore, suffice to state, that falsehood and ribaldry will not, In its columns, be permitted to oasrp the piece of truth and sound argn- ment, and that the greatest care will be taken, by the exclusion of immoral and valueless., and the selection of chaste and useful reading matter, to render the Herald a valuable FArit. TAPIR*, sad at the same time from arrangement• which have been made for scenting the meet Important and varied intelligence frim emu part of the world, it will be found to Dosser' hieh clause for support epee all elates* in the community. As neither 'mettle enc ex- p.nse weft bar epoared to make the Hfrreihi a Jiseetn(nstor of Misch Ioformatfe[. had as It is deeirahte that ■neh informstlos be ate +i holy difFteed es possible, the pries of the Herald will he so Inw se to Mug it within the reach of all: and *fillet ,ve,y stem will he used to make it rank se use of the best, it will also be nee of the cheapest pipers of the sirs As Canelo West. Tb. Herald will N printed on a Page Imperial Meet. with entirety new materials., and will be published every Saturday Morning, for .1 a roar. it paid in advance; 124 • year, if paid within six months; and I)f3 • pari N 501 50 purl; Is all room taidpaive of postage. - From the extensive fire/Helton whmh ,t will hate, the Nrreld will be a deeira►le me- dium for Advertisements, wkieh will be in mimed at the: weal rates. All eonsmseieta- tioes to the ?.sifter, through the Poet Office, meet be pm -paid. W. JOHNSTONE. Riskier wind Proprietor. Brantford, Ant. 10, 1149. vOtl') irkNOTICE,z To the Clerks and Bailiff's of the Division Courts. r1IHE iscreawd destasd for Sursionees A and other BLANK WRITS, is cos - o c1IoO with the bonuses of the several Di. restos Courts an tits District, bis warranted us in printing thews in touch larger quaatt- ttestbus heretofore, sad co.eequestly esa- biea us to bell them much cheaper -there- fore we 1.111lra to to the several Officers re- quiring thew Black }'arms, tial from Dais date, Summons!" sad all other Writs be- longing to who Division Court, will be ti..ld atA the Sigma O ce .t the reduced price .l u-! Two Swt I.LHNua amu $rxrgRca r*a 11 Nesse.,/ Signal Office, 132i:tench, t 6th Septeuiber 11.49. S 'STOVES!! FIVE Subecriberbegs to inform the inhab• tueta of Godcrich and its nc:nity, that he has received a Large Supply of the Iatest Improved Patterns of COOKING, B O X AND PARLOUR STOVES which he offers for SALE a' ne:.y Reduced Price+ for CASH. The Subscriber else kerns on hood, as usual at hie Old Stand, a Large aid very Supe for Assortment of , 1'IITWM, of desuripli'ro. The subecribcr takes this opportunity of returning hie sincere thanks to the Public fur the very liberal patronage he hes recei- ved since he bas been in business in Gpps. r rich, and hopes by etriet attention to bYtsi- nese, and moderate prices ,to continue to receive a share of the public patronage. N. B. -GRAINING. FAINTIG, GLA- ZING, PAPER and BELL HANGING, carried on as heretofore. WILLIAM STORY. Goderieh, 6th Sept. 1349. Sr -PAW LOST!! BELONGING to the subscriber, between 1.i. Store and the Division Court Of. flee, on Friday bait, 13th in.tast,-. Two PROMISSORY NOTES, Viz.: One JOINT NOTE aga:naLJown EDITAR ane CHARLES DODHRRTY, for £3 184 9J., drawn payable to James Phelan or bearer, and endorsed by Jansen PLelan, peat due,-Ateu, owe against WcUAeL STo5coer Black Smith, for £3 12s 6J., -drawn pay a- ble to Christian Sauter, or bearer, written in German, also past due. This is to cau- tion soy person from purchastrg the same, or the above parties paying the Notes to any person but the aubscriber,-and any person finding, the above Notes will much oblige the subscriber by returning thein to him. THOS. M. DALY. Stratford, July 16th, 1849. •2v-o30tf CHOLERA! CHOLERA! PREVENTION'S BETTER THAN CURE. s t HEWLETT'S RESTORATIVE BALSAM, roe ,net chs* or Dirurrhwa, Dyusrery, ;toady ('fur, Relaxation, SUMMER COMPLAINT AND CHOLERA MORBUS. Price is..3d. per Bottle. (•t. It has been attested by experience, and founded on the fact,. that an attack of the Cholera is generally preceded by Pre- monitory Symptoms, principally Di -order, of the Buwele. This premonitory It, laxa- tioD and Diarhtea, being wuhout'l'a,n, and not interfering much w1th health, is gener- ally nut noticed, until rt_is followed with decided Cholera ! The time to prerrnl the Diesease, is to hare recourse, on its first appearance, to Hetelett's Restoralire Dal nam, which will prove efficacious in staying its progress, and preventing the Cholcra.- io cases of decided Cholera, the above Me- dicine will be of immense service. No Family should 'tee without a Bottle of this Balsam on hand. 'Prepared only by J. Hewlett, 95, York Street, Toronto. Sold by B. PARSONS Goderieb : Messrs. P. B. Clark fir. Cu. i'ort Semis. Mr. WM. Jones Syde"ham, Owen Sound Guderich, 20th August 1849. v2 -n29. STRATFORD IRON FOUNDRY. HONE NdXUFACTCRE. fitHE Subscnbers in returning thanks to • their Customers for the liberal sop - port they have received since commencing humorist", beg to intimate, that they have for sale at low rates, Cooking, Box & Parlour Stoves, alma Ploughs of eight drecriptione, and con- testing of the most Improved Moulds. Self - 'wing 31141 Dogs, and vartotm oiber cas- ting.. Having engaged' an experienced Machinist,. the snhecr,hers can confidently recommend their TIIRASHiNG MA- CHINES of tit,' row..at deign, both eta- tinnary and nt .,rep.:e, and would solicit a call from ,nten.line Purchasers before busy• ung elsewhere. All orders pan,tually •t- temded In and executed with neatness and des. ORR k WILSON. *fl%(patchf+slt, 13th Amt. 144*. .9-w3lf: CANADA Lute ASSURANCE OO.AI P.t i►Y.- TIIR 8nberiber ha hog been appointed Ag►nt n/ the "CANAL)A LIFE ASSUR.1NCE CO.," is ptepaTed hs re-eive propose le for Aeon. ranee, .std will be happy to ,IU•rd to tiny parson the new y tefnrmattun, as to the principles of the Ineteritinn. JAMW.t'1' Godench, 13thJene, 1EY819. n2niON.19tf AME into the entlne'ure of tic anbacn Mar, os the 4th of AI•y has', a ICED and WHITE COW, about five or mit tears old. The trammels r.geaot.d to call, prove prop- erty, pay charges, 'ltd take her swat. ANDREW PATRICK, Lel No. 1a, 10th Con. Downie. Peps. 18th, 1810. 2v -n36-84 BY AUTHORITY. Sheriffs Sale of Lands. HURON DISTRICT,‘-'r ISTRICT, O:Y Moodsy the To Wer : S First Day of October next, will he Sold at the Coosa Rooms at the Gard of the Huron District, is the Town uf Gimlet -eh, at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, the undermentioned LANDS with the Tenements and appurtenances 'hereunto bclorging, by virtue of four Writs Pendltiowi trpunaa, issued out of the Court el Quota's Bunch, and to me directed, at the respective fruits of Ross Robertson, Ruben Muderwell, John Strachan, Gent., oat, lee., alai Jamie Clouting, Plaintiffs, - also by virtue of two Witt* of Venditioni F:rpoaos lobed out of Her Majesty's Huron District C. uit, and to me direct. 4, at tl.o respective soils of Robe:t Park and Joshua Calloway, Piaui ifs. re. Julia Ann Kippen and Amehua W. K,ppen, Detonators, to en., a part and portion tel Block G. ID the Township of Colbcrnr, Western Derision, !furor. District, containing Two hundred Acres of Land mere or Ire.. JNO. McDONA1.D, Sheriff; Huron District' Fuaawi s Omcg, Greif -rich, 25th July, 1849. 21-n25 POSTPONEMENT. The above Sale is Pus'poocd to Jaomry let, 1850. JOHN MCDONALD, Sheriff, Verse District. Saut►r1 Orrice, Codencb. Sept 211. 1849. v2.33rd coroner's Sala of Lands and Tenements. IIURON I)Is'TRiCT, BY vire.. of a To Hit c: Writ of iR.rf i'acioa, issued u. of Her Majesty's District Court uf the District of Moron, Cirected to the Coroners of the If roe District, and to me delivered, against the Lands ard Tette• menta of Fred, rk k Clarke, at the suit •of John McDonald, i have Resin' and taken !s execution, Town Lot number Eleven, north nide of Light Howie Street, or Lo' runnte, number Sixty in Hee Town of Godcrich, cont•inirg one quarter of an acre of Land, be tho prime more nr lee., together with the Frame De riling llnusc sod tither appurte• nanecs to the said rremises belonging, which I shall offer for Sate at the COURT ROOM, in the Huron Di•triot Gaol, in the Town of Godcrich, on Thursday, the rigbth day of Novi usher next, at noer.. GEORGE FRASER, Oi:e of tLe Cnrone►i, ILurnn Dfatrkt. Coso*ns's Orrice. • Qude►ich, 6th August, 1949. S v 2v -n27 THE FOLLOWINd E D• 111111311131 ARE PREPARED dr SOLD DY J. HEW- LETT, 95, YONGE STREET, TORONTO Aad by Agents through the Proriaces. Hewlett's Restorative Balsam, Pita 1.. Id. par Bottle. This Medicine is • safe and efficacious cure for Diarrt.ors, Dysentery, Bloody Flux, Relaxation, and that disordered state of the Bowels, so prevalent during the hot weath- er, known sat the Summer Complaint ; also, for the Chelcra Morbus. Hewlett's Embrocation, Price is. 3d. per Bottle. -Por the Cure of Rheumatism, BURNS, Scalds, Bruises, Sprats., Swellings, Cramp, Chilblains, Cuts, Green Wounds, Stiffness in the Jousts and N ck. N'tmbees,, 'Piles, Eruptions :n the Skis,.&c. kc. Hewlett's Stomachic Tincture ; OR, STRENGTIHENiNG BITTERS. Price 1,. 1044. per Bores. For the cert of Week Digestion, Bilious Diseases, Pains in the Stomach, Loss of Appeltte, General Debility, Palpitation of the Heart. Cnnoiiiflption, Ike. tic. ( This Medicine is one of the best and cheapest in circulation. CANADIAN FRIEND; OR Hewlett's Universal Ointment. Price 1s. 3d. per Bottle. For Coring Corruptions of every descrip- tion, Ulcerated Sure Lege, Boil., Scalds., Chilblains, kc. Hewlett's Apperieut Family Pills FOR BOTiH SEXES. A remedy for Cost Nepalis, Paint and Gid- diness in the Head, Disorders of the Liver, Stomach, and Bowels ; also, Indigestioe.- Price 9d. per Bor. HEWLETT'S Apperient Family Powders. FOR BOTH SEXES. A remedy for Costiveness, Pains and Gid- diness in the Heid, Disorders of the 'Liver, Stbnaeh, and Bowes; also Iodi,eation. 0:7'• To the many prostate who object to the taking of P 11s, there Powders, are rec- ommended, and fur Children aro preferable. -Prier 1s. 3J. per Bottle. Hcsle(t's Antibilious Pills. Pries 1s. 3.1. per Bottle. - An excellent remedy for Bilious Comp'aints and Costiveness. They remoee all odstrue- teens on the Stomach, at the same time Strenp,hen the Digestive Organ", Extricate those Pains attendant upon Disordera of the Stomach, act as a Tame Upon Relabel Constitutions, and produce Vigor k Ilealth• Hewlett's Pectoral or Cough Pills Price la. 31. par Box. For the cure of Coughs, end Asthsa.-e• These admirable Pill. are most beneficial to the speedy removal of Coughs, Metre die- culle in Brea:hir3, so 'ry.'g to Aathheatie subject., and procure the refrreshiag cask - forts of riot and sleep. iiewlett's Dinner Pills. PRICE is. 3d. per Bee. For ro•noru'g Ohstrortions on to. Cheat, iell afire eating, pa4tuculsrly *Bev Dimmer. aneed by greet Weakness and Debility to be Digestive Organ/, Hewlett's infant's Soot 'ng - CORDIAL. IMPORTANT TO MOTHERS k Alarms. For easing Paine in the Bowels and Sto- mach, so general v. ith infante, expellee the Wiod, and procuring refreshing steep. Pries 1,. Rf. per Ro?tl,. Sold by B. PARSONS, Roderieh : . Messrs.. P. E. Clark k Co. Port Sardis. Mr. Wm. Jona ilyllslhamt, Owe* Med U.rderkh, SOLA Asgode 1340. X1e 3 F U RNITURE GIVRN in etrcheser for wet gnanlity of CH4:RRY and PINE LUMSER by DANIEL GORDON. (l elertch, Sept. 13, 1849. a t-n32-tf