HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-09-05, Page 6EADING I). 1Tew Quebec Bridge Oallaped. Locomotive and Three Cars of Iron on Structure at Time of the •Catastrophe. ftre from Otlebei) :See's; Tbe Immense new W0,090409 steel bridge Which Waa In %Meet) Of itonstrdetkel neeeres. the St, LaWretIGO River at Levfe Iwo miles eboVe the CRY Of Quebec, eel` lepeed late on Tratredey ofeeteliteatoettle vying down 93 w.orkigiell, restly iSteti werkeee and Write*. „ The: collapse or tholtItinenee stride lUre, with the great Wee Of life it en- titled, haS caused the greateet Mee ment her and at Letis, and it Is die AVE 10 get earrect detefis. 11 Is Thought that We has of Rte will exceed 70. Ten bedleie -Jr3VO :been recovered, AO badly wollnded Men were 'piclied up in the rivere and Were are 70 mlsoing, all of Where Ore, no doubt, drindried. Tbe• • bridge, which le being constructed he Ltw•Plieenixville Bridge Company f Philadelphia, was beetle about seven yeare ago, and WQS 111(pOOLed 10 be fin- ishee In etere. The, estimated cost vt thoe bridge wile $10,000,000, most of which wee subscribed by the Federal Cee.:etieennient, Provinclal Government end City of Quebec. Only a few of the big staff of work. men Who are engaged in various duties escaped. mo oottapse, thought to have been due to the ovezeoading of the su- peretnicture with meterfale, oeeuered at an 'hour when the workmen were ell In their Oros, prelinithary to anishing theetvork for the day. When the fall ot the &int structure cattle. We blg structural work with . whIctl 11 WM being built prevented realty • of the work:Men from drowning in the St, Lawrenee. Tines° who were 3101, $tunnoti by 1 he great tumble seiz- ed ihe big steel girders which were car - flee: to the river bottOM, arid were thus saved from droWning. Only a few of the 'dead and fatally hurt were residents of Quebec. They were einployed by the etteleracttng firms Mach are' buildtug the structure, and most of them live In the United Statee, many of them being Irma Pe.nnsylvania. CANADIAN DEATH LIST SMALL. There ls ne •eloubt drat the Canadian loss of life Is eniell, for the only work- men outside of the steel workers from Phoenixville, Pe., who were employed o lc the span W4V0 Cenedian Indians. Tee 'big span whir% twumbled beneath theeeuperstructure went Without the sligetest %yarning to the hundred or mere who were on it at the time, and tcpplealVeer, into lhe Wetter, a. hundred feel belete. Illoe the liveliest kind of a structure. It was not, long ,after tbe bridge fell that II becalm> dark, and then the week et rescue, which hutt biwely been begun, Mel to be alitoet abandoned becauSe there tvas-oe .light. A. big .benflre was built along the liver side, but, did not help much. -From the flickering glatt or Ihe bore e- Rees, many bodies could..eme:een floating on the surfeee of the elver, but the reseutelif.„ Pete hael Its Males' full, and had tet .Many of the corpses Weep * • onekeerothe stream. • Heatiotaleing stone", ere, to be telt- neesed i11. tho.,Immedtale vicinity ot the • diteister. . In twee beetreS ehrecee deed bodies or three met -Abets of elicit' tunny ar•e kid out, with a fourth member of 'one with a broken hip. • • 'According to the latest reperte the ac- cident does not interfere with Ike Miti- gation in the channel. :Vessels ave al- ready passed through to aseeetala tho exact situation. The leres ts estintated al St,500,000. ' THE DEATH LIST. Tolol eolith lIst 63 Canadians i$ United States Residents' 11 Leruglinawage Indents .. 28 Injured Canadians 5, Indians 4, and • tinned' Stalessfiteeldents 8. Canatentis 'dead :-Albert Smith, Jo- seph genet, Jos. a. Bourther, Laurent Pretax, IA* Esmond, Ernest Joliette, Harry Fronde Jos, Oren.14, Wilson, Albert ES1110110, Michael iliklay, Chas. II/insole Stanley t.ilson, Eug. Duval, Aime belied. Jelin Alienate:111ton, Plitleas Coeture, Duke Fontaine, Honore Ileaus ,•°rtet 'Mee dead :-13. A. Veneer, ypek 401 le Vtlerkeet A. H. ,Birke, C.E.I ok. Phil. .11terant, dime Cali han, V. AlcieSholdt. P. C. Iteynoldek%Gera. 411 Steelieell, denies Mateo, ko. oast, Hewes Wigs. 4. ItYjotitition., A. -o. • Smith', IL 1e'•81.1titholittie E. A. tiered. e Tho teetkare Lire ale,feeen the Comma - Vega Ileserte, Mlle Mentteal. Teen* are 6 monied Catuerliens end 12 single ; ten Mareied Ainteralle ark 7 shigte. and 10 married Indians and 8 eenele, Lind 1 VIcknver. • • / -, ‘1/0111.1111, OiltrATF.ST,13111DfiS, ' The visitor 10 ellarbee leit ieesse We St.' lemenntete sites venue the miles 1,p We rivet: due Mtge, eeldereekrukine eleacliterid the eetitileter bridfP. k‘t1e,t1 Whell eattipktele. Will 'he the lergeet efietelere 0.1 dike: Iteld In tile Warta, • oftellitelloil vow held by Eke colltilever htidde teet the Forth in Sconlold. The eletieteted bridles win,htive 4,11901,014. 44.11 3te41, Mut wall tipproechee b lithafeti for testi $74e00.W. '• Tee plititee *ew)t1tttb0( ittleee. lete isenth shore piere Were completed tram eterse apes teed lt0 lbot time .1311, tWay here on elotdriestlq. Dertased setith side was then begun. • On the amith elee of the river fully 7,000 tell et steel Mid been erected, rising to a Wald of SO feet in the lowest top, Pens, and 400 beet at the centre part Or michor pier. Teo two centre pillars are 315 feet high, weigh 518 tons each, anti are 10 holdLoach one-half of the cantilever an- chor and one-half of the suspension WM. Their ornamental caps are to be 409 feet in the olr. The flooring ot tho bridge over Which the traille will cross Is 160 feet above the river levet, lea that eihip,s WIth the Wettest maser moving up and down the St. LAwrenee can pass underneath witheurt difficulty. 11 was expected that the bridge might be completed by the fall of 1009, but the delay in obtaining the steel required hus kept back the.00ntractmo and now Lhc collepse of We anchor pier at tee south side. togetlwr with the work that hid been dude beyond it, will very seri. Gusty Milder the progress of the gigantic undertaking. TUG SWAMPED; THREE DROWNED. A Triple Fatality on Lake Superior Near. Cutler. A despatch from Sault Ste, Marie, Ont., says : Accordineto advices re M - IA in the Soo on Wedneeday merre ing from Cutler, a drowning aceldette resulting in three fatalities, occurred At that place; at a tato hour on Tuesday afternoon. It appears that the tug Sey- mour was towing another small tug, the Alert, behind whicb was attached a raft of logs. The lines slaekened for a moment,. and when they tightened, the small tug was unable to stand the. strain and was swatnped. Of the five men who were on her, three tvere drowned. Their names are Capt. Ken- nedy, of Teessalon ; Engineer Joeeph Smith, of Sudbury, and it man named Boyer, a resident of Cutler. The bodies were all recovered next morning and will be taken to Welr re.speotive plates tor burial. WAS 111ANTWICE------4"-L-____GED . The Rope Broke at Execution ol Car- mine Rano. A despatch from Indiana, Pa., days : The fleet hangleg In this oounty for more than twenty years took place here on Wednesday. The victim was Carmine Renee. aged 45 years, and weighing, 175 pounds, The weight or the man and the drop of live feet proved too much for the strength of the rope, which snimped when the trap was sprungoineelpitatin Renzo to. the ground. The Jail atten- dants hurriedly loosened the rape around his neck while othere adjusted new rope -to the scaffold, and the 'men, al- ready half dead, was earded to the plat- form and Lite lever again sprung. This time tho exectition was ,Sueee$Sful. Remo killed Ida sweetheart. Alitrian Beano Lined fliteefte leltee'Yeees.4111* eet., esee=e-- ineese..--e• • e vete,' HAIVVIESV6r 75,00000 BUSHELS. Prediction Is Based on Personal In- spection of the West. • 'Winnipeg, Aug. 28. -The weather it - parts to -day showed only Calgary and Virden 10 have funniest the weather males foreeast of frost. Roth registered 31 degrees; Edmonton and Battleford were down to 36 degrees. High temper - Mitre is again the prediction. W. 14. MeWilliame, manager of the Canadian Elevator CA., has returned from a trip througb the West, occupying several days, on an inspectlon of the crop con- ditions. Be gives -tin estimate of the yield or "i5 millton to 60 million bushels. The harvest le from ten to twenty days late In different localities. Oats aro the finest over SOW in tire West, and will Le 100 bushels to -the acre. 'Effects of [rests aro not nearly so serious as has been contemplated, GUM* SUN= DISC.OVE.Itt •-" Stamped, to kfleitiplealett Island Rival- ing the DUI to 2.0•01 A desbalch from Sir6-11 Ste. Merle, •Ont., atiee: A stampede to Mtchiptcoten rivallIng the rush to Cobalt, Is ttromised by%the diseksures made in ei.e Soo on Friday by dordon L. Mich- ael,o well-known prospector, Micturei, who hos been quietly prospecting in the faked for some months, has returned to the Six) with a, large tultleber ftallif11413 sthoWttlg ettliVortittutry mess is melee *mime Lure ellver. He has elah.xl•out niece Oates 00 the island, ond sore Iliat It will net be long until tee Plaee 18 Mttlintint Oath Wen etidea" wising lo ercure locallotte. A VETERAN RIMED. .611.1.1.• • DriVid Taylor leases Ilk Lire In a Itune. nae reeeldelit. A desPnteli from Itresayler, Sask., snye : David Taylor woe MIN In a Kat; titeini,11 Nuperzrirorturo was punt 'lasso,' through tti,"4.,Acco . teeth -tetra 10'eettneeting the et.ere plee to the (melee- fonioes, leaving been eaken o prknfier It, in pile alliater .pierelhat rsd, ItitI AWN; with, Th..Npa.n, SentL VatO MS Shot, by lite rebel.9 ra Epri Garry In ThrctArcitor -arm. Nits tot above the 1$14). 10 IWO he tos t frteMber ot, the Cver„ omit otrilVdettid In July hist year, ttotnefoto mars Guard nnd idol All his tra 411. Pat stlpereldtettatot properly at the hands of the rebel% pot et ere. el fee Illetteeteor 'ere &et+ Iii)bliZtl% (teasel Wes a tvelleareeert RgleeSeill over esej nee eounfeeeeeeeletistelli Dont the Weer., • , . A Tru- Paoifio s Yeat ,.t 21I13 qrxrimatont 011ra 41:111, th4.: Se,' et el t'l7' fie 0 jetleteet foentel ▪ - DIREADSTOWS. TOMO, Sept. SessOliterie Wheatedeo, 9 White, tido to MI mutant; am sahe4t, 413 trell4e.selltstee. Manithhe Wheetteeeee 2 riertherts, to,31.00edd Nu. el. ii70 o Wee Peel& CAirite--Nfr. yellow, 100 to 71e. To- reatin No. a mind, 11011111!!a1 rat CJ t) l'iNef. none offerieg, teHeleseNeatileal. • Oela-Nte. tehlie. 44e ollteldet Meet - feta, No. a et tele, Itefle 10 40e oil traeli eleVateirrNe. ?Weed, 4410 eee. Peate-Noininal at 750 tor No, & flyn-93e "Peatild-Olafarte-DO per cent. patents, efeelt leetilellal, 83.20 to $3.23; Manitoba den pateete, $3 le Seale; ifeconds, 111544 efronet betters', 84.20 in Bran4410,90 to $17. built Outside; shorts, Rd $20.50 outside. COUNTRY tntonuce. • putter -market lc tina, Wiftl good eleady delliand. • Creamery prints 23e to 24o. sto solids 210 to 220 DART Printe tee to etc deiolidS .,.' .,e 2 lga tO titC Cireese-Lorgo quotedilt-1.2X0 and at 191c In job tots "here. '4.00-2100i with Sante lells going at eans-s81.65 to $1.70 for Mounpleked and $1.50 to 81.55 tor prime. Potetoes-Firm at $3.25 per barrel for new stock. Ualed Hay -New firm at $14 to 814.50 In Or lette on truce Ilan!, Baled Straw -87.50 per ton in car lots on track here, PROVISIONS. • Dressed 1fogs-K25 for lightweighes Mid $8.75 kw heavies. Pork -Short cut; $22.75 to $23 fer bar. rebs; mess, 820 er$21. • Smokid and Dry Salted Meats -tong clear baron, lle to Wee for ton.s end Mises; borne, medignt and light, 15lec to 16c; heavy, 14,40 talk; bucks, idgo 0.17c; shoulders, Iwo to lie; rons, tnic; out ot pickle, 10 Ie'ss thee smoked. leird-Steedy; &roes, 12c; tubs, leXc; palls, 123te. • MONTREAL MARKETS. Monirecil, Sept. 3 -There are no new developments In the flour trade. Choice spring wheat patents, $5.10 to 85.10; seconds, 34.50 lo 34.60; weder wheal Welds, 84.65 to $4.75; straight rollers, 84.05 to 84.35; do in bags, 81.65 to 32.1" extes, 81.65 to 81,75. Wheat -Business In wheat was very quiet in tire• local market this meriting, thetta being rpractically no inquiry from over the cable. The oat market was quiet, though there hos, been a pod bade during the pate few days. Prices art firm at 400 to 49Xo for No. 2 white. Munitoba bran, iri bags, 320 to 321; shorts. 823 to 326 per ton; Ontario bran iit bags, $19 to 319.50; shorts, 322.50 to 323, milled mouth°, 324 to $28 per ton, and steel& grain. 330 to $32. Barrelled Pork -Heavy Canada short cut mess. In tierces, $33 to $33.50; ilea% y Cenada sheet cut mess, in barrets, 822 to 322.50; Caneda short cut backs, 322 le 823160; Canada short cat mess, in half-biwrels, 811.25 to 811.50; Canada short eut backs, 811 to 311.50. Lard -Compound. ln tierces of 375 tbs.. tOc to leXe: parchment•lincd, box - ea, 50 lbs., 10,tec to 103ec; tubs, 50 10s, inet, 10)4e to lil%c; wood pails, 20 Ths. net; 1036c to 10Xe; lin pails, 20 tbs. gross 10c to 10%c; re, e to 10 leo, 1030 Go 110 NEV• YORK WHEAT MARKET, New York, Sept. 3. -Wheat - Spot Orin; No. 2 red, 08,Xe, elevator; No. 2 red; 99Xe, f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 81.14X, f.o.b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, '81.00X, f.o.b.* , *t..7t1-.E MARKET. Toronto, Sept. 3. - Export business sbowedeno improvement, osid will not Lentil the right cattle are offered. Choice, 34.73 to 35.10, medium to geoel 34-50 to 84.75. Butcher cattle were Offered tree)... Choice lots sold from 44.60 to 34.75 and were in domande Medium grades dinged from 83.75 to 34.25, aild Ordin- ary between -32.75 did $3.25. Choice COWS eeld been $3.00 to $4,00, and coinnum metre at 81.50 to 82.50. Canners any - weer° eroUnd 81.50. Stocker trade was quiet. Choice 32400 to 83.50, common, 82.00 lo 32.75. ?Allah COWS were not wapted and but few were offered. Choke 335 to $50, men - eve $00 to 930, . veal calves were slow at 30 to tic per Pound. 'Ewes, sold from 84.25 to 84,40, a slight eentiee. Bucks and culls ranged from 'eke' to 33.50. Offerings of Wield were n UUlc too much 'for lite demand and Plicee Were a bit lower at 85 to $4.25. flogs were steady. Selects were quol- e4 p1 $6.3e. • REPORT GRAIN' IN GOOD SIIAPE. Sattelaclory Ilulletins From Points on 140 C. N. fl Ar-despa" tell front Wintepeg skis.; The Ceiliadfair Northerti Ballway report for eh Week ending August 20, issued on Feeley flmvnihg, AS very faveirribk. 'Prorn all polies elong the line ;Some 'e - ports ot grate in excellent condition. In severel sections cutting IS now gen- eral, and id points e here harvesting tlas 104 already totem all dint Le need- le' ls 0,leteetiees' Dee eeattlet: to ripen me grime -rho principat drawback has Leel* that 15:0 rain has (*en too plum Ito; .during Ibo post three trees. The Canadian Pacific Hallway wifi be tattling grain Gut of SaskalOan Hee Falb _ About eighty -fit e mites et trace testItt all that N necessary to eonnect Ike cite with Winnipeg. The %tette: 01 trade/eying is promo:W:1g 51 Ilie'rete 61 ow. and A half to two miles per day.' (trading from the diarnoud tO the tem. porlery Midges is almost tomplele. SALVATION-"tifiNlY Mnv spud 4,604 ▪ to Comae Noll lieut. ' A despatch beam Ottawa says „grip. ter ileettli of the Salealtell who hos lust runirned from Buoind, met the %enterOn Weineeday. 110Well eays that tem army bag sore to. 15tAgilirtlin9nroirdal! "Nerskir yetitr4444* 1trlb e.. peel to rend to this outdo ,•trolt ,14,004 315,060 Munigmuls, trite Cobalt Minert ibleb teal protod, eguttLst the m111vev150es4chiming Ma 0 Mars' tatt flu bon tratitri, tocigeo mid loir:1 , trartstred to Iti; tilotodilt Ikle',Ide Ice' Caella1t. t's!olitttrit uo, F.+) coo, troy bec, and It.ettiqy trans. 1 hz:41 to 4.0 L0it;k1 "ri,"ct, Kr% As, to, S2o5Ot.10 ikava )••01.L`11111 skang , 110 Al tz.“. t•-.:tt-l',1 ntrot enr? thie. Mr 110110 et Ike 11t3'Irans'441IffIZIdat " . a t „ 1..,..tz Ita ti.,n3 e„,,1 41.0.0,...0 kaltl-itd 00 t-,4vitiffilt fro.,.1 irt.,Q) 4,.3 4k,'„:;; , .43 4,l t.,1,.21:1(pi:274 alk,,,,..rialitAlirt strvial, plItfortna rite tefilif E..`0110;••• 1., q , I ' ' ' -01 ' ' " ''r;fz"..;t1 strI,01nCilfs rat11 trotizneS1.01e4A kr.. t S. it, tf;.:.rt,t.tk 7..15 mittit bn tr!i•;4.-:•,1.c.:ti lifi1,-, ttsr,,, eters. eelleo soeft sesegeese etre s V ro:, V, vla N. ','.4:ra!'....• .2 fQ 1,,itz11ell t1,:nt) tr.otts7t %III 1!",:n 4,0'25101'1ff-fa 1%114. •1 b ?.; tAtuir,:e oi.."1..14,1:44 fiall itI.i3 ritr't lc,' fk..1 1:1-ze tr..40 1 t,11,egik t1 t,Pr4.2e I.) 8v ty,4, 1 .11,-: C---..1"1,, I tll t''.1"xnli• v.,;! 1..1,5..a:- 141 .neig w4I vitt av eemptele:t (tee tei3. et i•t l' 1 e eeee'el et eS1 t'e Is ::-.1.)gi)' :a et -A," t5I.1 11`3,-,:-:1oft' tvirM3 Is :Ming , Ili " ' '2', :Jo 11'11'41, t1'4--141? f• 110.1 1.5 tin. I;Cterinner301:VatritEN4.r.S,bt‘ • +,D.*. 1. 1 eeet: :1 1 eseeel Le tee- ti, in eNitiniivi; al 1.41:0 *Salter, -,1 ie P. ili64 4* 4064 le -1*(44 4 bathe* .- s Acoident a.Railway Camp If of Itenora* 'Ites1)0101•frOM• 1400, ails: On 0lld11)' , noon, Most Oer Ous yen. itsifte es1/19410a, whiett Our. Jaen were 44, took, plaCe ,utouttratt No ti of W. .PaeSens,; 4011111010:1' on the' 0. fr. ns1ructkut Works, ea Whose camps orv• situated about eighteen 'Willett nol-tit Of „Nerllailiell 14ae etatiOns on the •Cdele Foreman tt. Plytin was engaged with •rOvq•rat otIiersl inCtoodiiiii toles with peteden and dynamite irreperutery l it of the men en. gaged *Urethan With Flynn were killed We as 44i•A penre4100,4•C the Actident 0.1\1pENSElY .14 IT 1/APPENINOS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE. Telegraph Briefs FrOin Our Own and Other Countries vf-'Receat. Events, CANADA. A three-fourths gain crop is predict- ed •for Saskatoliewun. . Nine Hamilton bakers Were lined tor • shielweight breed. Frost hits damaged wheat in the Elat. carres district in Saskatchewan. A big scheme to help extent cattle trade at Montreal N being considered. •• London hutelkeepers are charged by secret service men with violatine the license' act. Alex. 'Grouelx, it Frenchman,. Wee at Cobalt by it small piece Of Mel. feem a blast. The Railway Commission hae decked' te lel We Bell Telephone rates estand till' Noveniber 13. Vice -President Smaliere wUl InSpeot the Grand Trunk this year instead of • etivers On account of the advanee in the price uf flour Toronto bakers are Neely to re- duce the 5150 of their loaves. Puhlk meetings on the streets are te. be ',prohibited In Cobalt -unless sanc- tioned by the TOWIt Council. The tumor that the C. P. R, win Meld through the Yellowhead Pass has beets dented by D. Meleichol. The third-class armered German trot- ter Bremen lo at preeent to Mordreal and will *villain for two weeks. The C.P.11, may reinforce their RAMO fleet by two boats. because of increase 13* trade with the fat* east. l'Ite "Quebec Bonk eye eskedfor anc ober receiver to be appointed in the case of the Imperial Paper pcmipany... Information has been itita by the li- cense ttepartment against a Burleigh Fans hotelkeeper for selling to Indians. John Carpenter, an inmate ,of the county house of refuge, drowned him- self at Chatham on Fruloy, Rev. C. K. Morse was burned in effigy 'al Pilot Mound, Man., on Friday, by people who object:eel to his temperance sentiments. j. Johnston, supposed los be from, the 'Fledge, eino-founci deact-from gas pocaont ine in his room at the itosedule Hotel, Toronto, on Friday. Tise G. T. leesplans for a new cert. leat depot at Ottawa and a new hotel have been approved by the Govern- ment. A •statement by the Japanese Consul - General furnished the Deportment of Ti•ade and Commerce shows the net Japanese immigration since January mos 641, GREAT BnITA1N. The Cunard Stetunshlp Company leas made a reductlen in its second cabin und steerage rates acrostethe Atlantic. The Earl of Dunmere, the most ,prone Went Christian Scientist In Enghliel, te marl *at Triniley Manoe, near Canter. tiny. • Forty Nallonnlets were cemmIlted ror Ir:al at Longford, Ireland, charged with teeing part in an unlawful assembly likely to cause it riot. In reply to it question in the Tirtikh House itf Ceminions Mr. Haldane tis- ehrd to confine his purchases of wur LW rate_ to Firilish firms. • y . Mr. cleentia. Nationalist eendidate ter elem. 'Edwaiel Blake's cid seat of - se ti•li lempford, was arrested, with sty- eitteen of Ms folkAvers, on a charge el tithing part oin an unlawful: assembly likely to cause a. UNrreD STATES. lliehard MonClIeld, the actor, died on E'riday morning at New London. Conn. Slime lune IS there have been seven deaths float We ;bubonic plagge at San. Francisco. . . A eourt-inarlIal at Snail Sit', Marie, Stich., has acquitted Pro ale fIllielte, who accidentally shot and killeit 'Miss Cadenhead of rergus, Ont., In July; Mom mut wee produall in Iowa lost ;ear than in any other state west of tIto Mr:oiisippi River. teem healthy babyWeis, welehleg four pounds each, wifee. born to /des, flatiud Mari,AV al Buffet°, 1 enn. ' The Connecticut River ',leg drive Gt 4 ,40,000:(0). el of lutnbee ts sI ra lid :4 at Sin/aril il geonse of low water. Bev. r, jeweil 'Of New York, a Alm- 14.gteal prolesser, eillb accented the 09. tW %beery, evenerelted salcitio at, Niall* Wan Clench, l'al, .. fir.ette-sa D. IN.well, whi) diacCATI)04 Mat settio aicohol is on, antidote /o ',Oar. Irma aeld poisoning. Is dead at Kean vice. Con., a nitielee to 030lc,Ipe, ' Lore Strattleone, III- tar triterivIew el New Volt. pemillested WM by the oti 01 ibereentery Canada will hove ..tt 04 Weikel ilea/ to, to:, present, optultki EMI cl tirr4 Vatted Oates. .- •.' a c,f',. Itt a tette-for-all gun tight nefir the Knox County reit grouter's. at tearer:tine title. Ky.. 1%Vo mei werO !Med MI three Other P'Qr9nSt One 0 woman, bate ts termite:A . „ ,. Lockjaw caused the detdli PI tho tokm* IS hospital, Clgettete, 'el Zara '310Yeri1/2 1.1 ycars raid. Ile stepped en, A nail at' leg lkome two weeks age, and biead pots. climil deVeloped. " • , .• ::.:71, lite hmoriK,.n riAllig siliatb wii:jud fit raktioN4ter fanthe' spaelOton is0 A agreement on the Newrzattidiand ii.1tn0N lar qu0sUen kave, traivci perinissite Mitt tin', State, Department to Prti`gV.3 ta the fishing gnstrau, - - Airs. EliZehelit fewer, wIfeeel,,a tregro /arm hand;"01'Nerk, 110., has Undergone change in, golar .Srora au inky black le while.: Irlan metchnorphocis has been Mobil; Plecntiuring the last We, years, Twenty -Mtn ihotband men and women wilt. be reqt4te4 a piek Buy tw lege 14 WashIngtOn this •seastne- beginning Sent- 2 and evelintaing thirtY :days, dur- ing which AIM° ti 4.=estimated 50,900 holes will:V(101mile. , :is:fountain: notwe honter'$. $fty, ere eie, ling off deer fee -the rengett of the_elete rat east find' neethaftet t4 Sacramento. le the ridges book eit• OeorgeloWn alone the sketetans of thirty-five "deer have been found with the meat Plotted clean fecm the bones. Jaroh H. Schiff, the,banket„in,ao terview• at ',Dar -Huber, Me, 'Is duetted no saying. that- tireemonetory troubles, of' the counley are dele to the reel'ehal the progreoe of the :country bas made its capitalrequirements greater than con be at present sUpptied: , • cENSItAf., Turkish troops in ,Perejacontinue to destroy properly orid Wieder defence- less villagees. • • • - , Three persons at:ciliate 'Or plotting 'against the Czar's lite nave Ikea con- deinned to death. ee • - Australia's new WWI 'has cfrused secession movement among the merch- ants of western Australia. Fortereune lives have been lost and over eighteen thousand houses sub- merged by the floods in Japan. France has declined- to recognize Mahe Hang, brother of Die Sultan, who Maims to be ruler of Moroceo. The suitor, Matoucheriko, ring -lender of the mutiny on the battleship petem. kine, has been arrested at Odessa. Fire almost destroyed the city of' Hake - date, Island' of Yeezo, Japan, and a pop- ulation of nearly 80,000 ts homeless. A German sergeant et Coblentz is `eltarged with treason in having stolen copies of secret artillery instructions. Mount N'esuteus is threatening erup. ten, tend the Inhabitants of the -near -by villages are in a stale of great alarm. Nearly a hundred and sixty thousand Japanete pelican's, rendered destitute hy the floeds, are being cared for at To - Ido and Saelama. • The Freneh Goverrureeirreleiered a cruiser le Tangier o protect Euro - peens who will be left at We mercy et Memel by the withdrawal of the Sul- tan's troops. Chhea. tele sent IL. _protest _to France and Japan against rhe covenant oi their recent agreement. which provideS for Interference in Chinese affairs. , FUR ANIMALS alIGRATLNG. ' A Lean Year for Furs Around Edmonton' District. A 'despatch from Edmonton says: !There have been ups and downs in We fu; trade for the past 200 years, and, we are not at all surprised -that this setreon will be a lean one for furs," said Mr, lever, the :veteran . chief, factor of tee Hudson's Ray Company on Weel- neaday. The supply of fur in, this dis- trict and in the Mackenzie River sec- tion is not decreasing. Our returns are its good as' usual in the lean years bere- t/dome and, moreover. we have the con- solation of knowing that when the lynx or martin, or any other animal, is par - titularly scarce in our dLstrict, they have simply moved east, or west to British Coluenbia or Prince Albert districts. l'he Scarcity the year N not due to the severity of th • pest winter, but, rattier, t0 animate tnigraling." . THE IMAIIGRANNT Anmv... The Total to Ontario This Year Will be 70,000. , A despatch from TPrortio says:: 'etas- ifle; his calualattona on the number &ail wItb by, the Provincial officials, and the menber going direct to lho Dominion 11 vernment's employment agents, Me. Thos. Southwortle Director of the Mural] of tolonizetion, theft WM the IMInigrants lo Ontario this year %till total also& 'reeled AbOut 40 per cent. ef these are from the United Kingdom end the remainder fratil litienpean eoun. we 4, In WM I ha' total immigration Into tbo Pitietece we. 31.744, and in 1,945 3/ Tee If this year's totaLapproximates err. Southworlies tetineites 11 will bring the oggregate ot IMMigratits:silice the 'Bureau of Coloultheon enfereel yea lis present SystPlThitte plan of work in 1930 up to about 20000. PLEASED %ma Tite WEST. United Stats Fanners hot tight Thou. mud Acres. . A ,despatch frotn Calgary eays: des Itgailow Of farmers front Iowa. _Nebras- ka, Miimis and Mintteetee artiveu here, on Saturday, turd were token out Miniday: to the' treigatiell lands east. et fho ull$. They were so 1,te0Se1.I wait Pm tett:Wiry Mat they hate purthased ever SAM acres of land WM-Me C. it. ft. cotattimlion & Irrigation Company. bit onnvenaitori Mr. R. L.:Butes of nine island, 111., the leader :.t)f 'Om party, smcd ti -at they were allsedttelleS1 ets, °talon their drive out, 13 thO•00004 try saw all the 'grain Wing en colon- ihev (mid ortt rtsist rims/dee 11 Me best nOttlitrY •they "iftte crer sen for growing ,Small realfiCtind klelttra6rts.*• TI9Itn.r•pekitprti.nal?OiV'))tTet!kgk1Itan-Llid• levee Ale large' Inds Of' WO* warm Stmo, Mal stiyllratIliot• Will•Ottirri barite" to 1.044, g44p,t wc4to3:eu31.113. ' not( vow .stralugt, Advorore of Eleven -year-old Montreal Youth. A elesperich'iroaa Montreal says.: ,A11 elevemyeer-old [soy Jena 11reW11, son of Arth.ur Mown, a Carnme.raial tta,veler of Sussex street, had 4 remark. able expertenee on Tuesday. Being el 'piece Inger station,,, iiu was ACCOSted by e man respeetAbly eressed,eut klek- tag late An Italian mid speaking rather poor English, and asked tt he would go a meesage for Ithre. The bey at0800 replied in the allarmative, and the man took Wm Onboard the Quebec trairi and tweed lent te Walt it minute for 44, only returning when the train was about to stool. He wee carried to few. bee by the man and then left by him. He was sent back on Wednesday ey the police aulltorities. WAS PIIvsiCIAN AND BURGLAR, Pennsylvania Man Led Douhle Life -- Given Five. Years in Prism. _ A despatch from Westchester, Pa., says: Judge'Butler on Wednesday sen - termed Dr. Benjamin Holbrook, who was conekted of robbing schoolhouses and railway stations to five yetnee imprison- ment. ler, Holbrook by day was a well- bred courteaus phyelclan wed by night ea audacious burglar, looting railway stations foe miles around Coatesville, where he made his home. , - DROPPED 800 FEET. Aeronaut Ilad Narrow Escape-Ga.s Bag ot leis Airship Exploded. " A despatch from Greenville„ Ohio, says: Earl Hess had .4 thrilling escape from death on Tuesday in the presence of 46,000 people who had gathered to see his ascension in an airship. When 800 feet above We earth the gas bag, ex. ploded, and the aerial craft shot down- ward with terrific speed. Just, • beiore Hess struck the' earth:the...netting be- came tangled ahd cuused the gas bag 1 form a parachute. Hese landed safe. although Ws ship was Wrecked. HAIL let SASKATCHEWAN. Long: -List soL_Cklims._ from Suffering - Farmers. • A despatch from Regina. Seek., says: From the 1151 01 claims in respect to hail- storms filed' with the Provincial Trea- surer, it appears -that, agriculture has suffered uousualle in this way during the year. The Proportion of *Icy- holdera in exeess of the total number 15 7900 is fifty per cent., and a oonsideloble namber have preferred claims. NEW 1/011K emrs BUDGET. Estithates for Year 1998 Arc Hundred and Forty Millions, A despatch from New York says : It wilt cost one hundred and forty million dollars to keep .New York City going during the year 1908, according to esti- mates submitted to the Board of Esti- mate and Appornonment by all depart- ment ofileials. This is on increase of $10,000.000 over the estimates made for tbp -current yeae: • • e_. -- THIRTEEN. WERE EILLED. Crushed to Death" in ColIlston ot Trol- ley Car. ," A despatch from Charleston. Ill.. fells: Thirteen persons were killed and 20 ()there were, serioUser Injured on Friday -in a collision between a phesenger car and an exprest car on the Mattoon & Charleston Electric line. The pessen. ger ear wae heavily loaded with persons going to the Coles county fair ut this. istace. Crews el both cars say they had oideis to go tehead, and the two ones remelted into ere% other one mile from here. The reed is,operated by a tele- phone signal system. - - A DERELICT'S END. --- Vcirmer Valet of King Dks In Milwaukee Pelson. A despateh train Milwaukee Says: Walter Donisthorpe;. altos Wilson, said to have been a foriner Valet ef king Ed- ward VII., Med on Tuesday at the }lbw of Correction. He was 60 years of age. On June la Wilson appeared Ot ili•- Petite Cord on: it charge of having stolen ntont lee admitted the char told the coat+ Ito was a physieal wI'Ecb, oral asked for, a yerrets einitence, so that he infght be stralghtellee out. The oeute wont to Prison his retard became known. lie kdd fellow -prisoners that be Was a son of the nov. rod Mob - 0104104 of 143Mon, Imiceelnr, togiodo. • 11JelIV MIMSTERS SWOIIN IN. flange .6., P. Grattinn and Dr: •Pagsloi deSlYileif •Ottawd WU' 1Z11. tlohnin \\IS in 0.4 Mitt - bier, 1St eteilWeye- elnd sallate at:11 O'clock mf. 1"rit/1Y • tiy toed :Grey, 511(1- u Ila.:..ur; wo...a sweet 38 a Iiiiisteg! :fa publie "Werfis, at thij kalau • eeeee • t. tik-tointitits44*********7-7 Fashion Hints, `71(104*******41.1 EttlEt110IPER4****: The. vogue of wearing the turn -down eltthreleered linen etelars has emitted o dente/kJ Tor et proper and corivenieut treeePh1010 [or Km,. •itnd this corms W- itte fonn of book,' gravers about. liftien Mohs long -end -live-inehea wide. Teesee- are eovered on tire .eutelde witheme- tepee Or Snit, 0.4d. n thecoinsicle with ehtet olColton Overwhioh scale goad sachet has been •sprinkled, and white Wien or china silk. Strape, ef ribbon are -sawed across 'the covers about three inches from either end and through ith.use,sekleheepsenttoolfillahte -ae4odlIarsin aarmoostraieweellii... venieniedorm than a 'collar box. „The pcvers fold together* and tie with elle eon, giving a perfectly flat case which may be easily packed. A stitch which combines adintrably withesaler stitch Or fills he enteety b twcen outlining, is a en° seeding. ems Is much used for Ilpgerie blouses, where meld work many times Is too heavy, and is attractive in sheet handkerchiefs. In working a delcate flower it N much mere effective with the petals worked alternately in satin stitch and seeding Wan if done entirely .in satin Mitch. Seeding is nothing more than h line running .stitch. Its beauty de- pcncts entirely on its being worked ev- enly and run In straight TOWS, With, all stitches the same size. Those in each Low alternate with *those In the row above. If this Is not done the pretty re kci of the work is ,quite lost. Same of the most attractive things for it girl's room are the dainty boxes and trays of flowered cretonne which match the furnishings of the room. At some of the shops thew are a number et pretty dresser boxes covered with ere- itnne which are impterted from France, bet any glrl Who has a pasteboard box and can use her needle can make these ,bexes for herself. Sewing boxes, herd - Kamer 23131" IdiNtr-b0-Xer dresser trays are among the articles which one could make Neely at home. Dainty lee ttIng pads for the guest room are covered with cretonne, and a sewing Mx well stocked with thread and need- les also is a practical article for that room. ' . FASHION NOTES.' The maces most -affected in bathing stets' are again dark ones, principally pile and black, although some few brown ones are seen. A few are trim- med, with while, but. tee majeriie,..4 'Mee are decorated with heavy-ureice braid. Buttons and etraps of the ma- terial are also in vogue as trimmings. els.rerit%Liv.entaiti.„Lehdedt h cent t t Nhveitheopnaurlraorwsqiutga hret nbeluc Linen bags are again, hi favor, not only Ole purses that ure worn at the belt, hut also Hie large bags that are pulled together by a drawing -string and worn over the arm. Thee latter are made in imitation of the leather bags so popular last winter, while the former fasten by means of a nap and a button and but• tonhole. Both •kinds are decorated ei- ther with 111110 French knots or em- broidery. In the jailer case belts to .ntaleh are worn. The prevailing fancy Just now seems Jo be for -large hats. Small hats have been entirely discarded by the ultra- frehionable. Flaring bows of eibbon are in Inver, and trimmings of white dotted ewfss are much worn. Thg ten- dency seems, to be tether toward small fiewers than large ones. It these flow- ers are colored a deferent shade is often ;ingeniously introduced, either in the centre or in the petals at the edge. In parasols, hand -painted and hand - embroidered effects are popular. Stripes tire also much used, sometimes the en. tire parasol being striped, and some - eines only .a small section near the top. Often the Defence of the petticoat Ls striped to match tne parasol. While linen gowns' are equally, popu- kr either strictly plain or marvelously eleborate. The tailored ones usually have the three-quarter length coat, o- ther a cuelway or selnefiteing. BoleOs er In favor for the dreasier styles, gen- erally much coveted with Wee Inserts and embroldere, or both oombtned. To be In [Deleon this 011111Mer one market: .nhhaevesoerbin mesooro. tiit1 Navhitotec, Thosehteator have the most charming effect worn over lingerie frocks, and are more suminery as weli os elabottite looking than the equally popular seled'ate e.oatee of silk. leksor'e 4» nature) Mettles, framed with edgings of black taffeta, to enjoy - Kg immense poptilarite for tailor or sbirtwaist suite and leng, loose cents. A Cravat of lawn 'whiell le lo be worn wah 60 irthroldered linen miller and tetra- eon be ivashr.4 :every week, may he efaboldered in thive Meow scallops, terining• le' Melded eld, A stripe of a outright, so that only the 11101 IneegrA details Cein he obtained. It ie teetight that the hole was being loaded the •400n. alter it former shooting, and Ina4 tot suriletent time had been allowed for 11 to toot, and that the aceunudate4 heat frem the former explosfee ealee the Premature discharge. The Men killed by the explosion are: .0 [lintel et Center • dem, from Ottawa; A. But0110, 41/ than; A. Pietro, an Italian _Alleire Neneltavan, an Indian, from Grassy: Narrows. 1.811111)Pa'Clin°anwwdleilmalebob.roveild''kettleryley s lel rill, P meettliry,t,.411:ridtdelf: and are oonsidered chic. • • SORE EYES. Conjunctivitis, which is the most corn- MOn form of sore eyes, is an 411141Pra,a• tootoviliertgthtehethirro.nttru4ousrpfaareeenter, emu jobileayn.:. ball and lining the lids. •Oeuliets distinguish several ,varietle,s of thLs disease, the symptoms 01 "whicli. vary greatly 15 iotensity. There may he merely a bloodshot °emotion, due to the enlargement of the blood-vessels,to such it size that they become visible,' mom - ponied by an itching and a feeling 410 If there were eust in the eyes, with pere haps a little sticky discharge which glues We lids together in the morning. The eyes are also sensitive to light, and sometimes ache slightly. , In more severe cases the diseherge te profuse and yellowish, ulcers may born, :Ind the inflammation may evenextend le the deeper structures of the eye, and so destroy sight. One of the chronic forms of conjunc- tivitis is that known as trachoma, or granular lids. This is very difficult to core, and often results in a permanent lierery to Vision. It ie also quite -conks: gious. Indeed, all forms of 'sore eye are probably contagious, but some are more so than others, and for this reason the meet scrupulous precautions should be taken to protect the other merhbere of the family when one has any fortn of conjunctivitis. The sufferer should sleepin a bed by himself, and should have Ms own towels, wash -rag or sponge, and eandkerchiefs: and -these, When soiled, should be thoroughly boiled in 're separate vessel, and should not go into the common wash. 'rhe ireatinent of simple conjunctivitis consists chiefly in cleanliness. The eyes should be bathed often in lukewarm water containing a pinch of salt, or in a solution of bark acid. and sorrie of the solution should be drepped into the eye, .' si as to wash away the discharge. The eyes should be shielded 'from -the light by smoked • glasses or goggles. . Little squares of cloth, cut large 'enot,gh to cover the eye, may be placed on a cake teem. When cold they can be laid on the eye, and changed as soon as' leterlietestee Warta. This egspileation is often very grateful to the sufferer, and ia useful in eubduing the Inflammation. le the trouble does not quickly subside under this simple treatment, a physician should be consulted, for the eye is a very delicate organ, and irremediable mis- chief may result If inflamrnation.ie al-, ewe& le run on. A very serious form of sore eye Is sometimes seen In new-born babies. This. should never be trifled with, but the doctor's attention should be called to it at once. Children who.sueer from repeated at - lacks of conjunctivitis should be taken ,ibereleulist for an examination of the eyes, 'tor it may .be that they need *glasses. -Youth's Companion. HOME CURES FOR MANY ILLS. Peppermint applied at once will sohfhe a burn. Bug -Bite Cure, -Use ewe ounces ell prepared camphor and ten drops is1 laudanum. Raw Egg Removes Fishbone. -Swale low a raw egg immediately if a fishbonel has stuck hi your throat and it will re. move it. Cough Mediche.-Take a goodolleed beet, scoop out the centre, and 811 with rock candy. Place in oven until the • candy bolls. This will cure the worst bold in old or young. Inflamed Eyes. -Put one teaspoon de borack acid bowder in a small bowl of boiling water. When cool enough to bath the eyes, add one-half teaspoon of • camphor. Boil Remedy. -Take a boiled egg; re- move peeling carefully; wet the peeling and place on the affected part. This will draw off the suppuration, relieving the snreness In a few hours. Rusty Nall Wound. -Grate potato and thicken over flee In vinegar until it, be- comes -the consistency of salve. Apply as salve on cloth and bind to any rusty mail wound, wire cut, C1/4. This has been known to prevent locklliw and blood poisoning. until a physician could be called to give treatment. Sore Throat Gargle. -Strong sage tin, one-half pint; strained honey, common Atilt, and strong vinegar, of each two tablespoonfuls; cayenne, pulverized, one rounding teaspoonful. Steep the cay- enne with the sage; strain; mix and bottle for use. Gargle from four to 6. dozen nines daily, according to the severity of the cote. In oases of blood poisoning caused by rusty milk, bits of earth, threadsole., getting into cuts and scratches, if the mit, or scratch, or old sore, begins to stvell and pain, take a half teacupful of sweet milk and a little homemade light bread; boll IL thick. When cooling add half teaspoonful of common baking soda. SW it well and apply as hot res ten be borne, but first open the festering place with a sterilized needle or, lance. iro.eexfous ease, change the poulUee about every 'half hour. AN KILLED' BY LION a• Anna truck% of Pittsbarg, Mauled to Death at Show. A tleipittellienat Ottistoug, Pee stivt Silt: Alva Ijileke :mot ikt, &t btirn-oll• lAmtiratA Stud. Ude eke, on Nikaftes. day. 'ford •injuries, Inflicted •Olt tre4162 rificroOoft ly enesnpel Uc1t st Limtw Vert. tr, loaf ,res'tatt. 1 It mttidt czttititd WOW 1111„ was ettitrded WItft Onetime Uglier.* %timing the Ilea snored Iron Wad 0110 of the VaillingS.. WA With te e0ee tat sprang to. who elArestlo htm. SlIb Ofterried, 'ruld ftdded rittentldn let the • amd$ Noir sciontswit the humlitki§: meow Icktilut tr.e, 009 'Oda te fi'..44 21.73. Trottes ifittv ern nttoititn r V. A: Wvaiiig, CWrt GI the .ptitk parer, tern clime ion & r1111 to The rein*, .Ato the WA testing *nye at the, ten. 106114 tkihtrit. Snit MAI*, dawn Mr ovolv lie emptied Sit o e ehttinnerit at Lite'Dawning )midtid last& telt* ttDale.1114. With bee Melee enectv owe vac cts got di154 trattt the almerling gii:-rj and flailing4 tong 1001 the noneessitir res, ond soon 11 teOre,Wete Wag at lion. ,staniling ,Gtia, the trate tvirmant ginishirtglts 'teeth ui:p IIattIng Its to, bftsIntoei mitt li.. grattind about , 4I011-V100/thett hP bY 101teettes ele ' shele Dein Dreil, Seen the hail ttittx ti&rirSh04 104 teals ihn thav knew •as tie 41.1ettlia • itirr, 'When In 1110 hi.* 1i,t ttslide to, Itiii4tNittit 'boat: f,laient 0"Mar ;bre* t4) sink I, v: r groind. 116 ,tcrlied 01tot‘ W.3 )i".'t a tor fins •und , IL; • idde Was 144E61 ts ittr th& *11 Milt 11'040 et tete,. *hitt ibc 'se