HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-09-05, Page 5I
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di:53pVilutcd, eitici iq 1110 Ulloting, 6kylof, � I
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ina;y,(&1rlj*,eT*jv*j;j* - t elf'of" 9 t
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I X P* *Wre of .
Vit or Quality pf (A
� Waist I Up 11 I . .1 .. I 1; I � I : . � I 1 "01KRITW4 fulwAria. I 11 , , 11 I.. I... I .. � Thett thOM904 V 1 "U'$- W 1. '. kidne _-
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� � I . . nA100, I . . � I I . , I 1rayntwiattly, the
I , . I . . uil,1104000 $a tO^t All 04W tbilld 9UP 7 , . Y WO QVerworktd—they smin to throw off the
� ;� . . ollicherw veiog_ A with us, Anti AtAke � itum JO4 W�At k
- I ,
.� � Arrivskj -not 1g, keeping -with .white U061in P , . � -- :.
I . now 1411 X0,04 is :� 1. 1440ya eau�t Possibly eliminato". tile
I W;klato� I'M'* 40,4140 to Aleutho* ,, . I � sliftriot'llowillAmil, 100111XII, Iv#aA%IW* - �� , I . . the, � 7 to
- 1� i , , . h*dl tgko up T'Ini and, dep,04 ,, on tho hervoi.
V , . 00tim, '09�4 velection sofb%b- , 'r qfvow dia , - 1, " . , . ,�
ef4t cloog W4108 4�ggpcalt 4AC01116 vrlcm . !n , , M"'firav,:4 limod , ,
I I 4 -Thoploilllot%011444 I " I ;. ., . � �
, . � . � eV40vertfak ?'. . .. I 1: , - T ho* 6rael l 04 4011' *10h -ft In, back,, hipa and head—the
: , Xl!
�� , ., I I �. I NWat'hao, 6"Ufvdj4tI*s4qo4400M I . . � 1, I : i I I I I .
-1 I . j , I � I , � Ill. ulervc* I Achv�_*d with impurities
I.. sale 'of � I
I �
I �� ', , I chrpots . .1 . . , Ml 0�4rip 1 ii being, dratiod; or jow I , , , mstrum, ind, jrTiWed�thg mrivg�
�. I I X0. 1010". , I .
, I 11�1 Abolut O,Q griqlf of, j3VII06b, VejVot,,� wr (4,040 C4.4 ill OAW � �, I �, .
. 11 �
� opeary'alld. Wool 0.4potj In X6)au,j4j0jd j. ,ulij I W � L *Pd M01Y coloiC11—Mll YOU f4r you, , 4
, iilioio� woold z , '�� I hava I Kidney Trouble."
I 11 "'
�[�4 * 440 alk tv harg4fil* oteririfil; pri � yeterit, �tip , . �'P -
� , , oea� , ��� �, . I . .. ' '
-e- XV014 W-10 t9 41.;K %. _ o880#4 "Illgk 141,4*11*4 oxig,"i- woulik , ��. I Xomefiso, , Your, kiijuys aro ovetworked—not d .
L , I" ,
'40 74W�, tQ.'uiA O'� an'' tilten(I ' .1 I �,,,� I Rstastd
, � I �O -to 04 I , . I �
I � to, 0111 '1*1, at Aet,)7I*rA`i_.: ....... 300,
. . I �
. fin fK� V , I 1� . I
111�1 I � I .1 . . . . . It � . _. : �, What y
I I . LinQle I I . � . .1 1-1 � . 1. soot' kilinwalVii ��, a, 06,; 0*C-4ev's � I "" � I 1_ ou neod is "FRUIXT.-A-TIVES" to act an the okin.
. I UMS I I L 11 � work., That �ooh (tip", cion t bi - , , I i. . I �� " . wl
''I . � r#jjjZ'4, 'Iflitiq 0 .
, 4 , � L ul, bAyervalm'. I - I �- '' I . I L. 1 �
I .. Balarie6of our 140 yrb of,000434moalid, 011olotlie, ore e f , I
. . 1, Impa now -'a odb It I I I I ,� �
�, �� stock and, p*ffervi Ajul�40rkjlitjeft, gre.,jerv,,0 a to Ill. I not wii6whii., pli;' �Plpqscri I an* tdo'i . I 1. .1 . . -
,elect. L'Intilouni ock, o4%6n 'iti4jae4tio Z, I . .
� flora, or 010, W, terve III 4 4 4,04 4- kl%j`(10� ,Wido,' at _ . al ..q . j* , 01, tritatcoh 4�
I 1, yard.. . re 6qtutro Which Would li,4-4nca berilaijaQ re, � 0
, --.,-..o. 0 1
. i - I ... L. I I . ........'..........'....'450. 4 0 44d 460 sults. At Is- IJ)r no weAns; certain I I
. '' ,� I I thAt.ax-teaellit-ra walw1he beat tr0s. � -
� � , � 1.10SP00101M f"Viteill. � to s. unless. they hn;Vo beeri'llberal. ;
. I -
- "I . il Minded %nil progros'sivo., A littjo � . I
I L.
, � - Warning Ill -sotiopl love'. no olsowlt re �
I - I - I I
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I: I 11 I . I Is A dingerouit thing w,hon, olot ed 11
. .1. � ., I
11� iiiii., 31 11 11) its $A.vorlte garb, a little Power. I lox% Wrait LivaIr Tablriilti)
. ",,;. I -
I 11 . I , *
I In "? - , � - - -ofte rite malte the lillost pro� . �1
, I . "W. . 11 i , ,�,iis PLM AL 99"MW _n men who are scarcely ablo to I __
, -
� � 1, . --- S _ . roqd; otirl W.i
, I ; � � � I . :,---7 - " .. I I -111-1 I 11 . !possive trustees, The question of open the clo?ged pores—start up healthy skin action—and let
.1 I 8
11 ., che Or" , Now let It be admitted (he concedes ,requiring some educational totandard I the skin per crin its natural function.
I �: 11 oberkbo'Stat, it ftilaklyhbylgelf� tb � fQA. trustees does not give promise of . This instantly relleves
. �
. I I , Tal,"ItIONOVAT4 71. I . fi)OL At the same time let It not Ile desirable results liqua any practic- the kidneys of overwork—the back -aches stop and the complexion
� I 1. I z, . ---------------------- ��� � forgotten that scoloink has no eouna- able solution. I I is beautified. There is no excessive waste matter in the blood
. � bloval valoo either within the school The choice of trustees is in the .
- , I �, PRIDAY. SEPT. i1j, j0r4. - room at- ,wlthout� It remains, too, hands of the people, and It most he .... �. to bring dull headaches—the urine is cleared—the bowels are
" I " - .-- ________1_____=�1__. for the believers III wise, old-faahiortoll left there. Nor can any great Ilujits- I . � I opened and regulated—and the kidneys strengthened.
?,� � �, HE UA , .
� L% re I I to "a ffIlke of' their ability to Lions be placed upon their cholge. .
,� 1, ruft-01.0h Obe genuine article before IlProbably ,the best thing that can 0
, 1�, ... IN ONTARIO. I . ,FRUIT-A-TIVRS act directly '
, r, . usinix-It Wo-ftTely in the present in- on the ,three great eliminating
,., -, . he done to raise the standard of orgaris--Skin, Kidneys and Howel,-Inalte them
� , , I . � , A Plea From 00 Rtivial Point- stance. . . 411101(18 Is to Increase the importance of I well and keep them well.
.1 h�]� . , I Paper by Inapipotor Mophler, of THU POINT OP VIEW. the office, I That Is why - FRUIT-A-TIVES " cure so many cases of apparent kidney
: )
j."i Let us got at the point of view of Township school 6ards have been disease that are really skin troubles.
,� . . West Lambton, these men, or at least of those whose suggested as an improvement, Tile I
X .
L , � � " . f I -, — . . attitude we, most rogrot Many a suggest -ion is not new. They have , ii FRUIT-A-TIVES,. ape fruit Jklices--in which the natural medil.
, I.: A ' . I C11191 fictioll of fruit is many times increased by the secret process Of
-:�A�l � � The following paper, which was read strit"g- able bodied man sees a young been tried. As far as the writer has
. � I J
C; i� � b lady still tin -her teens, earular a lar er-,, been able to learn the schools im- . 1 1113bug them. Valuable tonics slid antiseptics are added and the
. v , efore the Dominion Educational As- daily wage lit the school than hedges proved tinder their direction, but � I whole made into tablets -the fiue�t formula known to medicine.
(; ; sociation at'roponto or, JuIY 10th, bY on the farm. it it; ,somewhat difficult they were ,so unpopular, Chat they 11 11
,�", Mt.. D, D. Moslifer. Public School In- to make this man or his employer be- were abandoned for section boards,
-, Buy them -try them-' and cure yourself at home. Scic. a
"Pector for West Lambtqn. is A valu- lieve that the young )tidy is Insuffic,l. That was possibly 49e to .the fact - box -6 boxes for lll�. so. At all druggists or sent on
I able contribution to the discussion on ently paid. Say what you will, each that the township board was coil)- . . receipt of price.
,�, I man compares his strength wl'th bers, posed of no feiv members Chat the . itis
I tile rural school problem, and Is not- and tilt too often when the comparison maJority of the sections felt they
11 able for its sympathy with the rural Is limited to force of Character and were unrepresented. In a transition �� FRMT-A-77VES Limited, 07TA WA.
� I citizen's poiht ofiview. jjr. Moshlel.,s strength of mind, tile Inevitable con_ frorn section boards to townshlo ���� I .
. �j I . elusion bodes ill lot- much improve- boards It would probably be necessary . . 0
, ; . I epresentation of the problem is broad ment in the teacher's salary. to have as man - --- �
. I
, I and far-seeing: , az members as there ____.__ ,
I It
..� This Is but one of many -similar were sectIO O, one member front —_ _.___ —_ - ..- - -_ __ - __ ______ � � �. . - - -
. lt wilt be granted that Ontario has comparisons made almost dally each. It would further add to their A manifest alul of the Act of Ift Overtaken �y Nauelea. �
. alreudv done excellent work in the throughout the country. You may Importance, raise the standard of was to stop this loss. t1fid it met
�, : solution of school problems, with pro- say that it a so weak th t it is on� choice and Completely unite school with popular support I sto of pr toyou don't kuniv whether it's going C:2�
I � I a it ad o. I
I I I lit not only to herself but also to her worthy of mention within these walls. and municipal interests to have test, we would ill a few years have stay dpwn Or (-011ie up. Yet% feet I ql_ 11 -
11 . siater'Provinces. FiLtingis If.there- Sowonldit be, were Itnotthat Chose Chose members constitute tile been able to keep ont, beat qualillel like thirty cents and look (-veil worse.
I � fore, that new questionp, associated holls municipal council for the township teachers at home, and those leaving It one th IN juleker than another. 7-� -
demand the truth its it inay be Ing " 11 e
With educational - improverikent It's Nervill.e. 'Fen drops [it sweetelled I ,- '._1 ./
I in revealed frou) it knoWledge of all the and give to them the additiolifal us would have been limited to the ater gives relief instantly. Almost I
� So would it be were it not true POW
keeping with the general advancement facts. thejl?r of aPPOinting one or more uf StlePlus, if any, and that made lip of like magic is the change yet, oxpopl, ..
� I about(] now come to her for solution. number its the reprpsentutive of those we did not want. We are prac. - ., I
I i that tile genhis of government. ai it the municipality in he go ence. The cause of the tutusea in ro- I .
The school questions of today, un- has been said, is to lie found in the t irrity Ooun- tleallY spending money to provide moved, every symptom ill vo-illng rLowt. '
11 like theme of a generation ago, are tit- ability of power to put itself"', in tile oil. I I teachers with norin I training for , within t I .
, �
I � *� . o lectly and almost solely concerned Other fellow's skin.' It is. theref,ore, TAXATION. the western Provincoa. It is indeed nd indigestion is Coped on ;� � 'I �
I � f, i
. n Iowa nobody good, so ��/ � I",
I with efficiency., That does not imply highly necessary for its to know what It Ill wind that to InAnotes, When Polson's Nervilino is
that the problem now before us is is Closely associated with the prob- trusty and peon Weld, a bottle at � � , - :_ / I
11 %injille in character. The unitp our w tit whom we have most to deal, and ilas. Large ones ,� � on -, . . V
d IN unfor- funds have been raised partly by a something the matte -e that there to �111 _
.. � fathers had to deal with were clearly the one thus falp itidi For years the school of making its Peali7 na
. (If taxation. ion others from tile east has the �Owop foi- a quarter at till dealers. .. t T,
l. . I . I going on in the mind of the mail lea' of improvement is the qapst bait this westward-Filowing one like home wouldn't ho C" - I
1� r, .
I � differentiated classes. The ideals of tonately typical of 116 le"Ir., r inside. About —_ � . �
� ft __"`� V, -
eltell were well known. Oppos' . number ot general rate uniform for the township the only coustilati , -, �
I Ing ruen, . . on in it for oup- Win. King, a fdriner who lived in -- % , -
land eac I and partIv by a section rate varying selves ig that we are uncouse.lously .
I . leaders could readily undi-rs There Is, hotyever,'itnother -0aag Of from section to section, the Hast Wawallosh boundary. rOm-
. " other'H position. This simplified the rat�pftyers. Previous to acting in a patriotic spirit to the it lited suicide I lie other day by hung -
�, � work of finding A,R r basis for f t is to Ile hoped that AMU$ tile township rate wj&,required federation; and it has been said I I Tile greatest ot all necessaries is
1� . . kLtWaCtAllry their number is increasing. Their ob- to Ile stityleient to pr(tvide tit least that 111,n is at Ing. He was Alto it 50 years Old. Arch. '
'� 91� reertiont. . his beat when e I
91 alVogw it Is different. The units to "I'vation at close quarters ii� to th tile at, Turin It lie went to tile Cooper
!, " he dealt with aro legion and largely On " tit of *151). for eaell" section' toast self -`3068ci tons of the good hhe lis, shop Tidwayet:iornlng, found the tin -
R effect that they have been able That sulount bits been inci-easbil it) doing. 3VXxC31iXTXL
� the farni to provide for $31N). exeop� in townships where the fortunate "tan. 13Y all appearances he
� . Helf-centred. They cannot bostudied their declining yeare. a enf it average NOW- assessment is less It is now proposed to celiac issuing had placed two barrels together and Therefore in buying thin staple
� . to advantage at a distance orat second potency anti a holue thoy could not than $30,W(j. This change gives (with few exception
hand. He who attempts to do so, or 1, 6 � tiny certificates then plaeod one on top, front which
. have had in tile teaching profession, greacer uniforati in the school I Clow second-class article see that veil got tile best, tile
;wtti oil Cho assumption that be has Iia. with nOrtuld train. lie dropped after placing the O
me me, will probably make serious lipinselvoli, they knew rates, but there I ' geed of forther Creasing the av vs the effect of in. King lal'03lyt.1i (in Ti (1, , kinol that 61 li'llre still whole4oule,
tit Men of force. t ' iyl Tills will ha Ciesday for JoY01.
blunders, Npr will the misunderstand- the value of strength in I he school improvement, Ali 6x6olient teature arage length of service, Hell anti caute back Ott Wedripaday, That's the kind we have iiioutsture, Ics
ingbeall on one side.-Wben the room. Tit ey drend the' influepep or of the Avt of 1006 was tile Ithunq e
I at and consequently (if decreasing tit Ott Thursday he wout, to Guelph and f resh, too, as our flour iloefoi 't take long
weakness it the leaclIar'd desk. Lilco cOMPlet6 11 liforinity of taxation. rot- number of new Cpachers I equired each on returning In The evening wjint to to leave our premises to enter the h(mics
I ey-rors are knqwri, charity may Ile a U4 met -son. they care not so much what school purl')Iosem it seetired in town. YPap- It the Permanent characteit. of Livingston's elect rie tight plant wheve
W theme certificates is made to depend he stayed with Mt,. John Nlviu,�, the of oer inaijy patrons.
11 . joksing link in Clio Consequences. Lheir children study, aq by whorn they ships,, having an average section upon a certain number of years of engineer, till the lights were put out. The careftil shopper knows dint our
i The question of increall ng the effi* are Caught. These men are in SVIII- assem4luent of $30,NX) or Illore. That sery
I eieney or out: rnral schnols would not, patby with every well Cjjy,-eI,e,I ,, ice, ther-O would Ile it marked do- The King stating stole IN tile best to make her ptirchases,
� ffopt Act fit other es8enLial respect" lvas 80 Crease in the'number of teachers leav-
Ile very difficult if they c i r advivw-e #if tha 7 parted "' ""' road, *
.ould Ile man, to improve clur schools, 'rbpiv- inflo- 4 11, )"blie opinion ill t Ing tills iorovince at the close of each - h -m � Instel)AI 110
I aged iikesome great inclustry,An the once is jjj(�st beneficial. They'are the it has been 4,epeal I It .vi. t he iva. Pei .' i C. tile flour is unsurpasseil I I),-
. cooll rol (if m, single capitalist with tin , ed. But, though 1`0_ Normal School terin. to. i--tly 'ver" t�-� Ill per shop and "'
- most v,11jable A,,pt lie. have it, oul. poale(l it still livem. It sowed some it his life. N ) ....... oil?] lie given excellence, anti our full litie ()
* % " "'L(�d "leans, but '�-�'�!*As ittll)Ossible� rop)d sehool work tofl�y. Where they good seed Which is living find bearing 1) If foon I ble, it might also for tho deed, lie leaves a wife and
I - d ' 'ca
'The situation is more like thait of it are ill the trinjOrity. or where th - I! �,'_,: - , , �� _--�)�� o well t.pr:c,.k,, two datl5itters, who have Clio syni- 4:* 3M 4:31 C1 3EX IEWLX IEJ M
joint stock concerril *Ith as many er,iso It � , provision for a
I 8bareholders its there, are shares, and VoIlLrolling Infl(lence, there- i1le probl;l,ii of securing uniform Y to teachers at the end of a path an respect of tile entire voin- tire Lilt hest of their several kin,l, ICA)
every man an active partner, will lie round schools that will Com- school taxatio ould yield to easy =ill' nurtil-tpr of yout-4 of so,vice, munrty.
I ,
/ In such pare favorably with those Of auy otb6r solution in 11 "vinonicipal system It is possi W6 that a small annual con- — — yonr shoppi))x, here. We ffeF-tbe hent
00 h - fly a (tud save you tiloney. too ,
a business the inanagor and directors country fit the world. They deeply where the same body,of men consti tribotion A not the I eachers, to he sup. Growfilig Old Before Your Time.'
-L. have the double task of devel Ing t P doplore Clio lack of Chat active interest plemenLed like atuount, front tile Broken in allidt, weak In body, nor- ��
-trid for excellence In township school board as already
. f Ineaq itself and keeping the share- anti general deal. tilted tile township council and the Government, the whole with interest tie and discoura ed. Something is STURDY & CO
":,'sd' n go, W,L y �(vv
h, I or" I th ith a policy of Flementary education which would at- described, to he returned in equal proportions to VO
"rogress. h �.t Int I lans ulay he ways consi(16r that eheitpe9t whidh tile teachers entitled to it at the end !vrong, and each t my seem y6n fill[. The Square'. Q
I "I't, 5 �derlch
.� � it left by the shareholders tint Pan �van best, and what was (:ommon (or Under the present munijifilli. and of it fixed tontine period. would give 1119 away, Just one thing to do-
le have libe ability to grasp the trustee systems thw solution in to Ile excellent returns for tile Qov ernment .rollo ____._ - -_ -_ I - � - - - __ -
full inleiiiii- as deaur tit tiny orice, lo build up. To do this, time Fei 110,
f1i Y� HcLtnc&;()f a bt;si oked for irk file township grant. grant, What a tonic It ig I Appetite, why it
gnia ness proposition, Such itien untlerstand (lie value of It has doubtless been foil d difficult, makes you qaL trelopli(lonoly, I)ig(wt, - - __ , - _ . -
ediate outlay for -Noting publie opinion and lm- to fix tip on tiny deffilite slim, for tile indeed you will. Rich red blood will H A R R I S 0 N ' S
an tthesame time thewillingness law in rot It
(,O diluctleaRe the Imm . CONCLUSION.
� /j more profitable futures. To fail I proving Conditions ; hur they recog- townshiF grant whieb would not tie �Therc are marov excellent features varry nourishment . to evea corner of TartA Rhort Bread
0.1 n - ,e Its limitations. They understand too sma I in settle olullielpaliLi(Is an(I in It tile body, tired origans ta e on new Pa4ry 4'roUfll Pliff.
I set-orhig, an intelligent co-operation of niz I o r rural schools as at Present
. Chose who ftirni6-h the Capital will that there must Ile teachers ontside too hirge in offier". In theory tile e0nalit tiled. One of the best (of t hese life, color, mpirit anti anihidon are re x1 0q Creftla 8011S
� inean stagnation or worse, if �vorso tile school pool" an well I'S within- fixing of it 1pinimuni grant should lqthe roniparallre absence Or it mill t,i C btored, 13eifef!tjiiitiilioi)ilitri(iiil)otiitd- 14mrRIC911fiR I'luly Flam.w.
( hel e lip.. . Therefore they have great faith in the ineet, all ilifyiellitleS in tile fortnelL of boaStini". Mammon. 111"ohdY Saftl)4
� vallip ofa living moulding Influence as N'tillally pralmeworthy Ing health Is the unfailing piodclet f
I I case, but in pract,lee it titles slot. Is the agitation for Improvetoprit, . Perrozono-try it, 5oc. per bOx, evero ftr0aA 4100d a- Cho laiNt 111lide Ill fifty
�, ,( THE RATrPAYEM. the forerunner of( legislation. Exec- If tile township grant were to the 1114"ifelflation of the presence of where. Y_ 0 Ly its I 'aaada. �
. : Precisely similar difficulties ape to elming sunh an influence therriRelveq_ correspond %v�:itb tile tea,ber,m mail llarri-a 1,,fml,, tile ti-aJo Ill Wadding
I I lie trieLineconneeLlon with theimprove- they ask for hello along that line, and Ary that millult (it unrest which Is the Oaks% Arnill'anottiltionig"Inff, (11vo him
,I , 0 III) 1,41 tile average saialy of tilt- herald (of !I hel ter future. Out- rural :o' ank, a id yui r �atimritrt Con will ho
, I knent of out- rural schools. The sup. as far as possible It, should he Aiven . Great Britain's Foxhoundii. stairo.l, I
1)(Irt, of Lho men who furnish the Call. . tvArhevs fit the municipality I he fOl. Conditions tire favorable (O the de- There are abo .- .. ---
'k '. THIC TRUSTFIC. lowing res"Its would lie secure(]: velopment (if tile lit ut 170 packs of fair.
(a) The aniount, of the g , ____ _F
Ual is essential. These men are the The trustee is also to Ile considt F,hest types of hounds, consisting of about 6,000 _W( ) V ' W' I —A
- Manhood, Oiir peopo look for tile R 01 S 4W
iatepayers. Their sympathetiv sup- wed, rant would couples, in England and Wales and Lit]), in Street - - c,o,jerich
) 1, Oram. lie I" Of COM'se a rAtPpYor- Ile is vary in diffePont Lown III I 10 t day when those eondidjons will conliti tql
port is essential to the tPacher a lim a a a ,,,, to exel.,iH, Illph, lien,livial tial the average ntmber of day� the
ining Ifiny ho. successfully carried On elected for three years. often against antOrnaLically anti in proportion to tile hounds are out is at) -
. !nan atmosphere of of armed neutral. his will. Tile position is Probably the weal ill of tile people. hilluelove I lit o1whoot tile whole ppriod out thn-e per _
I I (if heeonditly Pdoeation furnished lit week tile Cost of the packs alone is
I y, ' but knowledge requires follow. least dpr,lred of tiny public office in the ib) Sections paying less than the the Volulti-Y apart, from ,be Vn(jP at least f5W.000 a year. 'This is
I 1pfilily. verage malary would lip stimulated to sirable infitionces Of even temporary taking no account of Ireland's twen-
11 tit growth. rinni
I � :1hfi'."Iq particularly true Irk tile ele- 'w It in the duty of Ilip trustee to lilaise I heir salary to tile alljollet tit the lik-lian re4ldence, and strengthened to ty-six packs, with about ljoll rou-
Ifenfaly education, and most of'all choose the teacher decide pion MO. township grant.. and each iorreaHe daily contact with the he of aft pies, and Scotland's eleven Packs of
.1 in eotruntmities where the affairs of amnunt Of salary t� Ile pal . make would.raise the average. School", tilt- hOlne., tit 390 cou,plea.
each fire more or less the concern of provision for its payment, maintain (c) The apparent tend cy it won d - -_ -, -_ -_
A" all, and Where as a result general tin- the school house, promises anti equip. have t,O deCI-P&HO I, I III MT I IBM
: flilattlies often seek personal ruani- merit in a batlfifaetor,� condition and tile high Ra)aries in Settle 1 orson" Ifave periodical a(la-ka - I
; only apparent. Those paying KEEP VOUR of (lana)(Ilan eholera, ilymentery tit
J festation towards the only available settle all disputes between parents anti 8310rit's with a lbw township gKoVid di., -,-h(,,,,, and have to time gient pre WESTERN FAI
. ; representative -no matter how inno. teacher rejarding discipline. The winild ,tilt decrease then, when pan I NERVES STRONG . R
I . tha. eat] t I cuts I- avoid thed Ispase, Obange
� I'll ,'_1 cent; of the thing disliked. Por tile proper Per Ormance of his duties grant was increased. of water, etooking anti green fruit, Is LONDON
sure to living on the at tacks. TO much
.1, , highest efficiency the teacher requires woold mquirti about, as Inuell time As (d) A principle went(] Ile put ill No S,,,,- Road to lit -Health Then �erponm we wotild reconj mend 11r, .1. 1). '
I inot only general appreciation of his the ordinarytoWnship councillor do o oration which would tend to keep C
I ,own work but proper approval of tile votest to thome of his office. The latter tip lit SPECIAL LOW RATES
system he represents. 19 paid for his servicep, the former Is xed ratio between salaries and (jujil - Neglect of the NERVES . ellogg's Dysentery (lordial its bein
Given, however, a ,system Which ,lot,. The trustee serves like Rtriot, fications, an ideal condition. I - — the best medicine lit Lbe market rot- NI FROM GODERIC"
I meets with poplllkr approval alike in its or grodigingiv as of nece I Y. hat it, (P) The nert on tax wouldf almost The nervous myRipul anininer ronjIllnints, it it few drops
practical value to tile individual, it" Is Over done In tile for,4mer spirit, is disappear, I has lneroAqinif the uniror- ly to man' ministers equal. are tak pn III water when tile myrupl(,jus $1-90 14"IfIg SePt. 7, 8, (), I I aml r3
relationship to the national irit, and worthy of montiong that It, is Ile done, milY Of schoo: taxation within the It, I$ physietal as It eontrilinten tire notived tit) further trotthle will Ile $1.66 going ,;ept. ,oat,,, I �.
R man's intellectual powers. experlenred,
I Us harmony with thil Ideap fjPjI IL self- every good school . in the land hears township. Modify.its aetivity. we have varie, 8 - -- - - __ L-X- Ail lit keti vali(I teturning hoyn I,em
. � govering people tit ovpry point of Ann. WittiLss. (f) Thorewould bk-but little differ- ro,.Illq of hallucination, mentall del rot. - llr__ (lo" 4011 'it "efore N'""'I'lY, 89 -Pt, If,, lV171
, Met, and, slowly but surely, men will / It is difficult to see Why the rural once in the school rates lot, afljoinin 'On. RtPeplesSupps and hysteria. I
,0 'N conie I ii reall7e that for tile outlay re- khool trustpt a should ilitit, Ile paid, if municipalities oil areount of die 9mAFI 81 TO MUSKOKA
. quirpd, the school yieltiq tile best re- tliltk IiMoe was looked upon as afford Ing var�latlon in the avf.mgo of the tell. If Yet, say a titan is strong It Implies DR. FOWLER'S
; anti A of tiny national or municipal un- a tIN&Ing for it higher One it might lip ell,ers' salaries from.. one township to (lint hill nervounAYStens is strong. Thik iq tile " I'i-neer Line,'' !m.l tilpre
W 'derlaking. I another. XXTRAOT OF fore ill(- 1,,-,t ,tav I,, m,.,i,oka I.Ak,,A.
.1. If frerent. That In possibly the condi. If You RAY that a woman's nerves See that �rfor ticket tejj,j� ria (,rand
In josticto to tile rural rateptlyer It tionin urhan Contrast wherosthe see- INI)IRVA-r TA.VATIO-4 FOR R(Inool, are weak, you ftMr,m whatim ab"OlIj,e* . Itil, I,
i P1711PORR9, ly true. that her whole. Physical prin. BIRRy aa,ured.
ultio lie said that lie bits often been tion and Cho municipality Coincide In """"" """ ""' ""'If("' "' """
I tti)Riinderstood-andsometitnes(ihjected extent, but It does not apSly to rural The question of Indirect laxiiiiin clition is No far below the par that coi.
f to very unwise treatment. Ile has schools. At the present aY it Man's schaol purposlo.n may yet III. .it living .
P, I L III for larise may easily follow. Tickets aml hirther information I,,,%
. 11wen remuired again and again from time an the farm M far more vil.inatill" question. At proisent it in Probably No reTll('(!Y has evshr I o. -n devined WILD STRAW be obliolled froul
" � the platform rind through tile press, than it waii some ypm,s ago, That t that, will
! Very romote I anti hesideR t in too I r -o With Perfolone in
! and tophraided an a parsimonious and fact alone should suggest file ad Is- broad for conaltieration In this per. nervous matlistwimAl. D,U:R M3 a F. F. LAWRENCE Town Agent,
, �; short -Righted Individual who in hold- ability of pa?ing trustees for JIv I ornoo 1116117W 48 00 a ra to 9.00 p . I
8 011' It would be a fitting subject IfOr" dir, Ferrozone does not Wert the nerves
, � Ing back the Wheels of progress. service%. It a supported, howevo I Summer Complaint, I
!� ___Tn"!M� r. by rustilon at s, future meeting of this As by tion or sedatives which lull J I . N10)ONALD. 1), P, A , 'roronto.
p _Mm the further considertodon that tile, aRnottlation. them rn"too obedlence--it makes liven, Diarrhoea, I
- I
__ - I
:� e would therAlIV he made more — ellose it, contains the con. I
il — strong, Ile
;j 'desirable, better men would Ile oblifle".
services would cease to be given un- Otit"e"t" I hat ape nCcPA"arY to make Dysontery, i I
���111 I willingly, tile school work would receive I nerve strength, I
- -
I — more attention and better resultn ; Ferrozone makes blood. Colic and Cramps, _�_ � - _ - - ____ .1
� would be secured. A definite percent- � w&4j!jUU-
#11j[a l0errozone liven sttelIRth,
I 7`he� fa no form of clikitm rAOItS 01111- age On their outlay during (tie year . Forrozone orcen appetite, haq,rps Cholora, Morbus,
,� I 4 assimilation of food. DUNLOP'S AT -TIRE -
I tritiont than dyspepsia, and noun - would probably lie the beat method of Porro%one I Mpt9to the wholoor. Cholera Infantum
peculiar to the, high living and in id pavivient. annism vim, on virance, biloytincy, 1,
I eating Of th6 foltiialit day mode of )if,. Trustees have often been. unfairly LST No matter )low ervOus you are, or AND (like Dinilop'n Ifiren 4
consored. Miseellaneout; condemna. . how long this eantri tint, has prevailed, lot wheeled vehicles) 4
Among t1k6'. mayly symptoms are - tiod seldorn produces doslitible ro- ROTIND-TRIP HXCURSIONS rise Perro7one, and In All Fluxes ofthelllow*ls.
. feeling it month you
I Variable lipillo,tu- ula, gla"whig sulta. OertAinlIr it ban tint In thin In- For 1I0AI1ZSICf?ICrCftS 1,PAVH Will have convincing roof tit its tonic —
- ittitatic ,vith unsatia- stance. Every Inspector haa thin lit lean and restorative power,
i at the pit ot f . P
fed cralving Mt f:W 18 THE STANDARD
d 1, hftttburn, feeling known many excellent truate.-R, in September . 10 and 24 Perfect ly safe even for Children. n 1', It Is without doubt the aafezt and most
I.. of W dif'rid, It the estoniaelto bad fact he has known about three good October . . 8 and 22 l;0l"tely sure to restore anyone ner. reliable romody In exintonve, I I
... I breatl� bM ' UAW Id tb6 Mouth, IOW tettatines-for every gond telleher. We .. vollit, unstrung and hysterical.
spirit U *Ad mnstipatloA. have been looking for the trustees to 64r.o-day Return Ratt,n fr(,IjI F errozatto rupee not by stimulation: It has been a household romedy for � .
1, " I I mdko the school. and It is true that nearest C_ P. IL station. but by nontlabing find feeding the sixty-two yearg. DUNLOP-MADP CI,OTHr5 I
I . ,-, DUN �' i K the success tor failure of ochool work Is Prvnus ortanIMU011 Witt) the ele. Its effelats am Indantaneous and It � mean Ccorrerl Fanhirina I
a , Lb I . '� ,* largetv in his hando. At tile same Souris ...... I nuo"to it no a; try Vispro?,cme. cold In
",__� , " Willilleg.- .142,00 Stragsburg. .,f36 .00 " I I
� S. So Saskatoon... . 3p
I time it In also ttne that the school ,.5' Wit. boven. at all drugkistit.
! � . Wnre thun any other force must make Ilrandou..... jS S5 Vrince Albort, 38,so doeg not leave the bowels In a oanstipated I
the ttlintep. saine iolicbovR cit'gVAYA Afflorourfo. . 34.2o N. Hattlelford.. 39�oo - ----- Oil— oondition. fir"i Quality
� to �i Ir i It'll a Arootal.... -So t1ficledd ...... 40-00 Pon Tirn 0trunwolMeD.- Do not be humbugged Into taking Pirnt ('Ingo Workfunnship
I I lirwo desim10 truriteen, Ot1*01,0vor
� (�6 11 I � I Mq1evnil.. 34 Wil at are
. V"11 edf� 46, , I ow 61 d Op'sla, hmve Chow. The Inferenciii tf�Ai ho 35,00 ca�lfar`lf` ...... 40,50 the eanapo of dagpio deric and viola
�` I �. �jkp . � varkton.. .,., _ h
� L b qgwatwk " 1111I Ab toiling 4aOttlinprit. . ,1510* RO 1)0kr- - - - - 41 -SO choly P A diani,del'od T1Ve4t Is On* something tho unscrupulous drugglat Reanantible Prices
.11, !'. no
I I uyp %R, d4i9i . I TEAt"TtrM. Region .. . sottler ........ 42-50 cause anti a prime MM. A difirordered says is jud m good.
Atra. kkdo . R ' W004, tWolabei ,T,Iia problem of provi(ling pill jellf, NlocrolOw 0,06 VAdipurtOyh-, 42-.50 liver meana a disordered stoplaci and What more earl you nolt ?
NO *tflft .. tolt , � ".. 1, CIDInfOrtatild herifill lit tairtift ale#perti a disordered atamath means 4 djai Urg. PA. StOnger, Hemmingford, Qua.,
C-. 0 .� I I , � (Of VOIrt0 tftelibft for all pupal Wheels In one of at urti.
� front dy. " 90� ft'd Wid tjie *"at important 0.111le � nioditnte rit1q, ande of the ner'110till 111stem. This asys : " I have uw,d Dr. PowLtn's —_
. � ir, .11 Atio"Al � Ion
I 11
I -fit 1, I , ,% iii4db q4talong of the �prvswnt fifty EXTRACT OT WILD GTnAwnunny with
Until 1, , ! I vreeco elitif,11buteto,elgett, paulphlet, brings the whole boily Into still, Oct
n"o-A,ilta � I , , it Ig . and the viettal ftlilla sick At
� V neetmrly to state that 20 per er ;Iitc� and ,, Plirmplee,ii VeRetable pill'I D,Vpr.
" or*tm, I ukth 6*6 001. givifig tae", to oth e ,
, Palo a ri). 61"llent rMulty. I alwa
I bottla I ** rA 04 OA � fthr, o , rui%l te4rAlern d ! not slauror4moybithet. jil I cognized remedy Y. k,,p it in HUGH DUNLOP I
A" mytk* *W. . � hold even tbir.Xtlew -.! :0 an o *A011%K
I d , i2=46110101'r4offich, In thit state, and re.
- I 11 I ; i . � ',,AibCtV,%, TWOOto Pet *111 follow theft, 11,1110111i. the housti as it is the bed cars for Mello, WrUIT A nPXi
�: I I � � *-,. ,�� . � I I . , I I . I � . i , � i hoft tut fta lie kA 00P.Witif Ile P.O. MerGhant Tailor.
!! ,, I I-) _� . . 11 I � , I I I .
I . t�ll I I i , I
--`;1I I I I I .
. � 11 .. * 1, . �r I t � � V . I `,. I �, �
. . - - � " 1. " .
, I , , ..A._ I . j .- - - . I t, I I 1, I .1 � I _1 I I I I _v � . I � � I
, I I � I . t) - - S �11 . � I 11 I
. I
' . I I I
48 L - , , L
, , r I
I 11X i
il '*Ty '' A
- 4
of Ud U90Wtjjl-VV0rch1 firwill" I i
_ I
isfill�b".41416."�Hre'at demand Oila , 4t , W.0 I . I .
I , havp tbcm lo 01"gle qua, 40 ". I
lj 4001,4�,-brtotfd I
I I -
titylo. p3podnolly Cecil Value$ at' I �
$10.001''and $moo. . I " I
__Q_ �11
. : I I
A � 11 . I
� I � 11110VII1110 e0f.0THIM0 IE
�L After ill* wear and tc�v of title 11011da setiaoll. . : �
11 that boy Of Yourb may want a new .'g If GO. I L
I t. .
don't pam by the title, atyliall range of Royal . I I ,! .
� I Clothing wo are allowing. It'll the kind that I I
tooka well and weara well. All sizes and I ��
I 11 prices. from ............ $a -ISO to $0.00 � , , �' I ,
We are roje agents for tioth Century Brand of Clothing. Special Orders taken. ; ,11 ,
I ,�
. ,
� i ;', .
-, �� ,�
glit place to bay blen's �. 1�1 1:
Tile r , ;, "
. I . q
� Clothing Qntj Itur"Ishlugii. . I j,
- I
I r .�� -, I
. I �r�
- 5 — 1. I �
, -.ACZjQSjjQ*g0% I
*X*X"VVV X*VX*V Vvwt" - 4, � �
* i � .
' �
Me n's Shoes
Good solid wear, and real
c:)mfort in otir men's heavy
street Shoes.
Built to wear and stand
the walking which you will
certainly feel like doing
when yott wear them.
All the best makes, in all
shapes, sizes and widtbs
are here. Easy to get a fit
—easy Shoes to wear, and
hard to wear out.
If you buy froni us yott'
carry Atome niouey which
I ),oil expected to spend.
____ �"j
_______.__._____ _.___,_._ _ --..I-.-- I I
______ - - 1�`-
. I 1 11,4
YULE9S ' .. 0
.1, ,:. I
. .*it I,, �
. .2k
. �`,
I 0 SHOP � �':_"f� � 11(
Has never bect, ,is well stocked with the best manufactures 11,
produced ill the world as for the 19()7 seasOu. I i
. .1,1�
I �
qre all modern, and sure it) give satisfactiou.
All makes of s(Tond-haild �k,jleejs 'it low 1wices,
. .
Relmirs of every descripti0fl, ,111(1 I)Iltictlll.e,,;
licaledwhi4, y,ill W"lit, .
Tires fol. BaLy carriages and Go-carts.
lilectrical Wiring alld SlIj)j)1l(111'. I
Lawn Mokkersh,"t-I)etling pl(impt and perfect. �,
Evcr.y delmrtnwnt :( si)eclaltY, and .<atlsfactioti ^ IK"
gli a ralitced, Thin Old Stand
., � �,
� �
- ;I'll
__._.____.. __ . , _
1 The Goderich
Sept. 3rd.
. Mineral Water Co.
"I 4 N I'll 4('TW'R RIAN or
�/ 0C.1i I I it /
. I I ",
/ I., j ,
7,'�', , " /// , , , , / - - ,/ I I
-1, / / e" 1 /, (' �
"'I. l"'. -d fo,kthver to tiny part f)( the
,�, r, it A T � un 11 ! .."
I-vil lifil,VAST GINGFR AIA,% pintq
tit"] ljllalt� . allo MINFRAL WATER.
Tljt,i ,,t ii,g.1 t,% j,,.ltjg ill,- 1,1-11 1''
bec"me Ow Im,"...1 1�11,11, , 'I, ,1,,I' ,
, three .:!1e1l,,,1llIits, puts and quarts ,
, �, 1`1 1, I / I-, WATER au.1 1)()JIBI�R
(211114-w. Ill illf. W'.q \%�. 1,-. ,,,',"�
, -.,t) I f',,.
.1,,j,aT I Ill"ll I, k ,�M,11 14, i %1. 11MIRT"
The— ),,,-,,,Iq are rjuvi, f,ora NAT11RAT,
IIAN1l;ijj,I'l*f,jjIj�jjl,, ljjjll,.1f.,I
, -NIINI.IIA1, WATER, therefore free front
A]A. 111111,11 tile,
,,, 1. 11-11ril,wl"I'd .........
, 1`110111F 20t.
(;t'i'loat' fl�'1'1'..l t'. J- lk"ll,
I l.l,f()TI ,' W 1,%� lll,,\N
`J�;*�,.91 .......... ;-�,, ........... * Vk1%
Pml, 1j...I.-
4� ;f�
- ___ __ _ � - - . � - � ___ - -1
- - _____r_
el A S I T U A T I 0 N
:all at PINDFRIS for the following
I .
� " at It ifocwl nalary awrotq
, I �
� T� vridu,fle of the ip I
3rantford Roofing
, .
.1 Central Business College, $
.1 71
)arden Hose ail (I Fittings
11 :
/ FNpettNice lirme, thiq
j-,nikelv. I
�, ;
;prinkling Caiis, all siies
I I'll If r altv tillie �
� k AtAglirq free. i
, � 09WRAL IJU%$Nlt$g COLLION, 0�
Young and derrard gir"t "
� I �,,
W N, It"Aw I"'. I. —
� �t-..%C��,�%,�,,--v,,W,��'%i:',,"'Q�,,i�,v�",N".�l-i
lood Plumhin — 1
__ __
A V I .
Repairs of till kinds � 'APPLES WANTED -I
��� -_ _ - — .
loadquartern for �� I The hilth"t ralih price pnid
f,,r .inv Cinant)ty (if pall arl(I
eating by Not Water, Stoam or Air ��.)atct,klfpleq. ,
It will po� you lo wait until
lumbing and General Tiln*smithing V"e Qer n1v agent or plivnelf.
I , J-�f,otlallv. It voll cannot
I I wait, write tile.
GOOD GOODS I � ��_ __-� .......... I
00OD WORK j' 011looptOn, Ontati-10
HONEST PRICE'S t----- — - ____ - - ______ I I . —
, - __
00"00" 1
Not Re PINDER "The Star" is a
11tilhane 1 Off. I Leadersoosesissure.
I � � - 1. � - 11�:_�__,_ 1. _ �� . . 1-1 -.10 - 11-. 1.
I I .1, . 1� , - �_ "' .: I � .�_zll, . I - I- - �� IL 11 6, . ,_ ,� 1. ,
�'. �... . . F . C I _1 � I I . Z I , �r , -,'I , -, , --- L . ..... -�,,�,�.,,,.�..,_,.�,�."�,,---��----..-��i�,,-V,,-,,",.,;,,�--,-
- .-A"& 4,11111111ok, � 11 . I �_Ufti_ , I L ' . I . I - 4 , -C I j � j : I 1, - -
�.. .. "' I I � I I �
I - - � ...Ijk loon- - -6 , _ A- I 11 1, .4611.01111.hs� � -
,.k - - ,- LI id.- -11 _" _._Jts�_111.� - - --A&& Iwo,
'I , , �
11;� "
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".., fk*-
"it, ,
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A I%
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1. , at �
'ta" I ,
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11, I , 1
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