HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-09-05, Page 2w
+++++++++++,+++++,++++ TH LONG 5LEEF'S ft wow?- CHILDREN'S my U,"A LUO& my Uad atived., TS 100- tln�li 5 1 *1014 R.0 VIV Mrs, Patiner"'s M N'l,0rDt -
HOMEM 9WAM" A JA WAY 4% A 14*04 V_ Pink Envelo V. ftyed Uji Tta Ts �Ma Stro OW � .,# I "You tausto loo wim a ++++ 1 44 t ...... 4+�*_J hard' (a, 1*0 mamlv", SPID "d. PT json J?Alwy 1)"% in won � *4 L try fly 0 , %V I was 41)rly hen I made up my mind oil aro at I V 1. Ic 0 M404 0.3 ScallfipN ptt 14 in to marry. I had twver ihought plyrpll you lilfe, In DMsx h 4 100 OQUO.Pped old Iamb. 4 la�ar,00f Id seful slid Re,' �Ies 1, I ocon WA19000A Mattock will doh 4gliced, 1111ndbolue, but havinil uniaawd a t1linij,yoU %7 iat §QRS for Jb* F�rst, A tullo. QIW having diceidw to "flip (Iowa bitter tcorz.11 a.51.410 bAV&dqrJjm1W'f '*a' I a .,d 40A Willi "Per a nd Salt 43d a IJU14 menoveh , 411� Sbo, Winter prefep to W114 thil I turncd away alld ml- XiVINE01V & GAA)ltow r4"'Illra 4, wtiq tire affectfor), SmploccA,jog- fXr. the fatMt 'Of IIVr Into it stote.91 zoinittIlenco for a o, pliter 9ver by. sioping Ateadily for olvee 1-4 the sprbla 'y 1904 o I lit D, a life With, qea that A" .1 D q V Ja , 0094110A be�on4 qves ViMmiov. QJLeftd to was Accclited- I When wo reachedtir dolinatfoll, an tj CA Va.. 10�,' I'll And P v usly )$On 11700s� graIR4. that, bollpg the lic4l," tod for *0 'Po4jux advantage, they Soo 41, had I T eCIA. 4 w4* Ideals: (hey, art-* Lilco Cutlets.—Boll A -leaclipf 'of irige, �014. poloolo if4m4l 10, -over -crillgism, In 1114 U041194, litejvfow�d htV fathr- after I had ordered rotlins, I had an in- ten eery � Thoro Is Lost inquiry TALIP-11loo 1016 "4 htts�. ill.elto Parl, gild, having of h( It I and eriough stocli to '--QP Wr6 th givo-libe i u rs. Billie tilt the Cr=h3 -are 1�4%, pr4WAJ A. 'Well- aIhw Weeks, 44 , � y t -A of imme4wto and a Of our union, oiif uw up a goo nowaf MI*. k5e�ojad, At Ugn drawn on , lolly a* * if Als. soucItO2. so gone I tile courting phr tcVVICiv with Oft Jane alone. 1`411 v4lso� Sp catyeS, n* until It has fully sivejb�d, then,, 4 04t of;JL�'bdd sove, Ili ,riftig . Vqlt nt pr4Q-- )vgh I'l - 14ZO it, was tW9 X (U'd JkLhO44' thaa IlWee 4ADPP04 %j I r gilitkin whioll Wq: 40014 Aq 411104 -lit t1to S. re y Ina ed. Out- carriaelis wero, goIna to very 4ry. Mix into 4 P40 1ilh'two 4 lifpes, tiud pe Of
tV 104W �G 11 r give you a month a wegea and thq - 11 I 0.4ily to -C. lng up -one M 'a OUN , to high, an 44ble. eggs four ounces of currania nulmeg, at* criqd a year- L004100 III, LAO' 0MPO,9JtIQ4 Only, moral vlwrOder 1,1 for the eotto to Mr. Narl . .4 4 Ag4ithy, baby" I% su e4 or, while the crowd of you. I will al!w pay your lure 4nd sugar to taste. A44 lour tW91A I% do. ImIn tilts etaudpolo . strong XA hood aad 40bood., v ill
, . 1, it, s �PrQkftbk. to Narchinp 01, t�l%
little girls, 40mo.,, the 0OW cave 14 - Wo spring, 90rd Nye Main vith, TIARMSTM. smaids, and beggars cut- ,My goodnea$r, cried 1petsy �V4 tl� III wilh, sa�
*ohe;404 wltoi In that X Tbero'fs another �140 toi this, que"Q 1ir,.g,:4s but Serve with a little jam W, 11,10 , 1, *111000iled fil, re.duct rowirlin4a Professed follower f Illose Janc and form Into cutlets. Fr I At that 1114f) have for loud "Ola' and "Don't mWits waht lyte? h tat y 10 port Of our diRc 04 %tabby, willedt laar� file, Ir. DuAln th, p religton,oxpr�4 Is 0 0 W lot * as a garnish. 111-0 the tilop I 1104IATs"'AtaXI 0 surafner tjmi�, the wachings bot�vopn a living, deL tt 24! Vourt Uouse Oquam "Ahs�l wherover a 1110M that) uN,3uallY doubt eallag as that?" 3 q in coildliet, and a IllasIC Ot 1=00.1,0 Stewed Mimi; of Veal, --Put a broast ett-Ifted, OW JAM JIM,. p0sf,s I" � U
gergeous frain.,swept the dust from the "it is I who don't want you," I aid; what IS a $Aylng with bushril"s of veatinto a aucepan and 4 Ill and, jhie,� tende It adop!W Air profit or c0ftvenfOnte, strip carpet spread upon (fie 'Imut 14 , helped to dewlva me.- Well OVvr it C, 04eV0 'WQ1 i4 eiltIN1V Alligoula aio� Tie* 111)(111 that It 18 hara to And A 'man 0 Still there are, man 0409d d re , and vanished u W V4 Por Otzllk alSar l4ph ntar§ r *I$ absolute into tyll = Who oygn Tnea- lla AU uder tile Page * Ali b'U'lAt. what?" acilied Betay Jane, slum, then odd two onlool, two,cafrots, W -sparingly pijcowlj� ww; 'ri ow, ill) cold water, bring to the bofl'lirld #16ithictlVe lt� q$, grall, r e14mo
of the aw Ing. F'op tW, I fq � ) 14 sures up to stup ards, of, Onimer-
ik OAI�ww- "You � on ra P$. VT0Tr4rV 40VAi your mistress a letter to- ID I was i oulfbetable, as bridegrooms two turvips, eighteen pepperooniS, 4rid four days tille child shov eff (141a 4 ng-,sqlarn�r ';mqaths. IIW4 clot hola6e -�tnorig 1110$0 who prit9tIqally are no good at all , , . i 40 fradick, th _ are ie)l day", Sala 1. Salt to SgoSon, Stew the Veal Very go4il f awaidag,: an( It 4f, dUlry'L Prod�C , V� an -it malting pfirt during Winter" Qpd strain on conseteacO. Or :rblvagg giOUq softlot-Nor U is it tTo Alloys, vedding show; but I expocicd��tci be 1,d s and seivo 4114 0 tied a long .1 v 4pd�e;aqd.,11$ yes. prlw. - , t I Ole velim, ,50 Betsy Jute, "do you think for two and a hall hour, elther by VOCIILIO� or 4vocatson. I always are w1w crier 64 a letter directed to mis- �.J any rate, It Is trqq, that a ror Illcilto somer real test in 11 isa Pror4iffoot & 0 boug-to iiau_f6 0 P.m. - SU, Parsley and butter Sauce and a I* during, the 140 .0 itl the$ minds relllg�ion never has' ral N e had a are of lVlAglQq$ �y o mea S"
very lie y when I got my wife III my %?,, WA to PA n A iA CO, tin. OR Ot 4% just 4s st" MCA4$ that 1001lence 111i equll�d, t4 A guarantee garnish of rashers of baoQn, modical to, rlr� oof the rchtted.l't c6nduct? They are Wo
whitely's self; ail after the lunch, -or dintLer, or "You Prevaricate," said 1. of high indrill progressive, breakfust.-I really don't know w4at my Savory. Rice.-Wph three untes Of we had almi�it, riens. 19, have quite 11 %yorth, oil thetpwhatologY Of ClIPISU411331'7'blit -1 J. Tie Dr Gallow's rea that's French for steal, I don't," Von lip llopq; i's 410010 1-ar' its respected mother -In-law called flib, least r1cf, and'boll In half a pint of nllW tilt us all by *a1ka 14 . 1. ell alive, 01110ber Of COW& dri�prd In the yet, it fit eos'v Trot on ifs ethics. noon j*dtely, U.D.0-r, said Betsy Jane. Very miA prrIve, at wrong con- it 10. "' quite tender, adding tittign Wtiorlbo f,.Qjl ttle yie4r. end It 4101� We- Wish to aIt IS possIbIt! to. go through, ii, It "You gave It to her slyly," said 1. �,alt. The child wO livi An. 041OW, u.n., ;sx,r. & wo. -we, were Ing off t� spend a month at pepper and , 0 4jons ha,4_jlj� , ig the effect of rell- Scarborou to Butter a disti, spread hall the rice.01% it, asleep, and4ha Jilditiations �ay a few WOrits aWut fall, calf bree& gton on pers.ai course (if religious instrucqQ4 lit "Well, she sold not to let you See it," pro. 111iii, slip �Jal pl,raeter 4s tested by 1, .1 Even In Ith"tit halcyon hour I was aware sold Betsy Jane. sprinkle one ounce of grated cbeese W)II gm%v Into A stwng womi �jij 109, living. one Is,ill pottlarly appointed agenc;es Qt,moriy .4, - afly business an aver, add.the rest of the rice, sprinkle hai since ShOWA Win dt�slre'lp Sir pee4sfully, 1t churches and to ouine out With Clear 011V,?�
that we were not %veil itequainted yeL ,I know the contents r 'Do raise fall, calves SV LIORNSES flowever, I knew I was a good sort of Sold 1. that letter," over It another ounce -of cheese, nger tan L�'usufd With Inja4ts. is rjece.seary to t44 first place to. (longer of ju Urn exceptions. e ketiven and angels, but proe may rernem S reli U. erson t4le ecrice flops of t� great confidenpe in at) ounce of butler on tile, top Ili small Another child --4 boy of seven -Whore vldg RuArtcr4! %Or, thRul. A IiTi who loudee protestil- with flid'ancist misty arid even wo "There now," said Betsy Jane, "I told ill where they Can ru;n tooep mite 4 ov MARItTAGE arid hod - oven. '_ I attended, and whose name etc r.re- lions of It -01 fall to recognize to Godor ell, Out Phoebe. In fact, I hud just repeated this hot, you'd find oil(. But you don't mind, Pieces and brown In a quiel, IV74 0ecirgo QeJVIhg their Milkr both WISLRADING CONCEPTIONS to Myself when a postman's hnock " Stewed Tomatoes on Toost.-Tai;e�.,as Ripe, d You ? the morning Mitt evening Is preferable quieter one of W terlinj qualitles, It's a gfeal, deal cosunioner th.i religious sour f str4niftli in tile
sounded, and I saw Phoebe's own mold (lien think, arid shes only got ��a Ape tomatoes its you require, pa,ar SLEPT FOR OVER A: MONTH. I-) you'd in cif right relations aniong inon, 91 hon-
e-Wh4flille a glailve with lily wife as she two, Some young ladies has a whole g water over them, to loosell' the In tills case We were able to a stall lit whiell they must to tied we new no�per4uaekin. osly, 4nd justice, arid truth. slipped a pink rouse him Olt the time, S.01he IneOns -of tying The schodIs teach us about the Star.% envelope into her pocket, skins. W them stand for thr*e 'min- for intervals Of a inhilite or so two or them while they upedrinkfIrig their milk When religion has little& root it .often and tile earth, nLx)ut men -dead nd It was a very foolish idea, I knew, but "Two I" I gasped utes, then pool arid Uvo.15WUand, Uquoral Auction or, 4ripping, SloWIJ TROX"As Ov "Unhappy girl I I ut Into a st"AAA three (lines a clay, and feed himob milk- and'eating thetri grain., however, should springs up with, it -rapid 'self,wertive I took It Into lily head that the lotter had with a little suit ang lRutter or beasts living; the church taelibs only knew of one." Stew these Very 94004 The b% had been Studious at 60,001, be. Provided in order t44 lie# growth; biAt It withers even more Saints- �ond eraphs, arid about an 11411 it p them foorn X (he Goderich.' and my linpressl,94 thak-4vor.Work quickly under the scorchin s4ii 6 AA b(anething in It that my nowly-wedded 'Why, I've got four," said Betsy Jan Phoebe wished to Iceep from me. I flQt- "and rd tell anybody," about half an hour. Put On to hot boa brought him to'lills condition, %ucI0n#e4ch.-pII%er, as Ihi� Is ail hijurl- markt and business xffalfs,_ It also clent Ifteral.11re, but who shall to , 9�ch -o r'children I,he art of livin'$, ter iny.,wif that I am a good reader of tared toast, dust pepper over, and Servo. tried all sorts f things to spaus We, ou,; habit. and u 'Hardened young oman I" §aid I Shaktilread.-Rub two. 0 himi ' Small Stanchions are iery salisfoo, w6ild be., 1ho It Igilit of folly to ooilclude aws'of Iluinart duties? Of whak V41UO FaJetmad"vorywhero and all ofrorte made expression oil the humen countenaence, 'But I am no longer deceived, that Ounces Of �hklt- but it was no'good. Electylefty ho4 no tory fai thLs purpose. that religion MrIbuled iialbing to 0 4* veyou =4"�_one power to brinig about kven a quivetIng Is tsir Into four ounces of Rout is all our knowledge unless, we get,tho and that Is what I thought I saw in the on,., comfort. I will send that woman �tlee Stench- man's rAQral Worth, because the morally glances those girls exchanged. How- back to her parents with you." ounce of sugar and mix well tog4ther. of an eyelash, arid 0 just we Were oom. Ions should be along one side Of tile wcrtbless seok Jq ll� tie their nakedness by WiSdual Of rigIll living? 'rho most irivilgious, thing in ffils a a manger s44ld ever, I really wonted to kick myself for no stared tit me. Flout- a board and turn the paste o�-Ao palled to leave him to flni5h his sleep box stall and 'be do- ARiNQ IT AS At'LOAX. world is a religion Itint makes people harboring file thought. PleStUk you're cmz , Mr. Palmer," It and knead it Wll, theii roll ou a weig cessable from ttlei'outide of the' stall. WE y firoct him,'a;xd Calves, like cows, poon lea Where their think that oil Imputd or technical sat- But afterwards, when the congratuin- tie "So much better looking anit showed that he had become a stop'to thlilk of the strong men v
S , laid. halt an inch thick and cut Into OVO each day if wo it ttkri 91 r1e. Toronto. I own Stall Is and will f`O 4 to their Pro- and,women we Ij4o%v, of, those Whose .1 Shapes. Grease baking tin, put theshdrt. fraction lighter. His case atlon' absolves them front the necessity %1LAUTI7,V. R. rdUrito at fto tion
And attracted a lot he - rk6g otil, of 9 were over and we were going down younger as she is than you, now. bread on to it, and IeL It bake lilt a pale ot attent per places wilga feed qg time arrives. Integrity,4s undoubted, wtioso chardeter of prpedoti salvation I , wo T 4alVeAttontlona horso owmars to breakfast, I saw Betsy June, under 16 you've got a whole upper set, I believe. ion, and We had�all sorts of While they are drinking t 'ist afid noblest in their liv 1:,A AXVtOVV1xo0i�od of oferatingon hoes$" prtense of adjusting liar mistress's Sc there, now," she stappe --cures" sent tO, us, some of Which -ve and �410 M Re- 1 4 44i. sup8M of voterinar3orin diagines d and laugh- �rown color, when it Will be dOne . queer fie stanchions wealth constittites. the real resei bL 0 W03`00 hd. dresm, slip this prink envelope into the ed. 4 believe you are misled omhow" W tried. on without morality is a mockery. On and stable an n W6 the manger shall find tbat fhey ar,6 controlled by, Ilea) religion I.,; the seerpi and source 'Its white satin, lace,trimmed pcyqcet that she said. "You don't think 7ed pit -dish with a light pastry crust, Perhaps the queerest remedy was sent after the milk has been, oonsumed )f the highest, strongest, cleanest char- Egg and Fish Pie. -Line a inedlurn may e locked without any, trouble, and bulwark -of our,I)uslness stability, w6 116 that letter at tb the grain throw was pinned It a bunch of orange blos. was from ne of missusle old sweet- put some uncooked rice into It, and,brike by a woman, who Wrote: A,I have read After religious IderilIs find prhiclples, that the some of her bell. And I saw Phoebe hearts ?" It tilt half done, remove the rice � hilvil all account of George Rice's strange Hit grain has been taten a�'d khe,c 10 or c We with motives It furnishes Ili TONSORIAL. alVeS strength and beauty which-- we admit tdart a Warning look at me. This time I "I have read a portion of the letter," I ready three eggs beaten with hall ri, pint sleep, and I write to say that I knew a have stood in the stancldorL4 for an in them in itself is religion.
... ... nilghtler thon any co n �Adera Lions of ad -
was sure, and a mmory of certain said, flercely. "I have It here" of milk, about six ounces of cold 'fish young woman who was similarly offec- hour or so they may be unted'and again They may have oi- may not have vr,ntage r pruft; it ties the soul up to MON. Tonsorfal Art- beaux who had caused tilt+ pain In their "Oh," said Betsy Jane, " " brolcon into flakes, flavoll all with led. I made an oltl eat eat affiltallons; these e but tr at strpot, Goderiah. Ume did creep into my mind, I ve got file eak which cured given freedom. They %Ylll not suck e qJ astl clernal and spiritual verities; It refresh -
ha. r O%tt,nff. shompooig. otc., other two bits In my pocket. I placed Minced parstry, cayenne and so and fiet,.. One applics. ) I$, all that is each other under Such conditions. Incidefital. They do have ryligion. c-. tile licart as with living writers wbon ut To be sure, Phoebe was mine. but &Ito Serve ll-,A)IL' needed. t destroys germs and Is as st e R"oro sharpenoO bake till nleply brown. Skim milk Is the mot ire seems all desert; It. sets the heart In Isla stact them out of your way In a Juirry - I'll I economical Somehow we feel that their actions ris( 4114. 'On AlwIx 0 ftegul Should not have secrets front me. I was show you the whole together here."' C to. dish harmless as milk." We I�rled this pecu- who marches in��y hot, fcod for calves and since Pie advent cf not from superficial wells of policy or 3148P With the Infinite One older than she was, not handsome, an eces n BISCults.-Mix half a pound Iter remedy, but all the effect it had was the hand separator, 'in through the ages. very well off, and-%vell, I felt tha She took from her pocket two pi tier with half a pound of Sugar, lhi&�� may be fed custom but from ddep springis that g( of pink paper. of bu t,3 Induce Hi0c to take 9A a new lease Of lit any trouble WV49(tever. pro- back into the roots gnd rock (A . things. HFNRI� F. COPE. JBONBVOL13NT SOCIETIES. &runc, of those other men had "Yclu'll feel better when you have Music was tri , hypnotle
--------- been add'one egg and half an ounce of grOund slumber. ed An, =_ It is always led at a certain unt- young, and fascinating, and polor-and pieced that out," she said, with a mafl; cinnamon, )astly all -Ing in 9a,) pound fanning, ice -packs, and a hundred other form temperature very nearly, that of OURT GOTMIRIUH, No. 82. 0.0,9, girls had married foi- money, before now, olous grin. "Old bachelors do beat all., Ci flour, which sould be. 'dried and things; and finally, when, We let him frrshly drawn milk. It ist noccssar ut half way between the Dead
Arid so In a few moment.,;, to drive all I sat down at a table with on empty slcwly sli"ed In. Roll out thin and cut alc,ne, h awoke of his wn accord, and to fead Whole milk to a cal'f longer than Sea and1he Gulf of Akabah, and a little 149gulur Meetings the lot and
T d4 a, of every rnunth, ra are
rti. in)- doubts away, I said in tin alry man" inkstand, pieced We letter together, and Into rounds, put half an almond on each lien Y' THE S; So LESSON a"' Iseemed a the worse for his long 11 week or ten days; after that time east of 9. straight line connecting tho ek-
to JOIT can got full particulars ner, that se,emed to tile just he thing:- read thus biscuit, Old bake in a moderate aven slop. 111im milk may gradually be substltut� trernities of:theso two bodies of Willer. uncan. antern, Archlo Hadden. "Got a letter, my dear?" fer ten minutes. Tu 'L ed � f Tit Pboa. Iturrows. James rn upside down. to There is, of course, such 4 thing r whole milk until at the end f The. mountain is. stil knowh as Jebel
tlo&t Vivittult Ilroth. She blushed scarlet. My Door Miss Peorl,-I was called coal, They should be very crisp. tha "sleeping sicknes," but this Is a dis. tw4c; weeks. the calf is getting nothing Ha�oun, and is iden,ifled in Arab t m -ch- "No; only a little note,' Kidneys with Eggs. -Cut four sr;�ep's ease and not to be confounded with but skim milk. As soon as this point ti(,,ns still 6urren t In t he vicin fly with the
swered. of a gentleman too Ill to leave lit& house. kidneys Into thin slim, dredge been reached, add ab6d a teaspoon- death of Aaron. A small mosque marks era I a Ole She an- away to extract a tboth from the mouth' INTERNATIQNAL LESSON, Nvith thase long Aumbers where the body is has SEPT. 8., "Who from?" I asked, - flour, salt and pepper, and fry in a. little 11 I thought I should be back In time I am to a normal condition. f0 of ground flax (not flaxseed. meal) t1i i suptosed sacred site of Aaron's "Olt, I'm not a clabNoyant, Pelham, dripping. When brown remov 'a from which the sorry the plate does not lit, I did not e frqt,. the 'THE "SLE -oil has Wen extracted, Sepulcher. The summit of the mountain Kan oven keep,
"I can't read through think it would give you pain but I can EPING SICKNESS
tie replied, a and put.lt in the
s to hot. Ili such feed. Flax, being, rich In fat, Lesson X. The Brazen Serpent. Golden Is 4,780 feet above the Gulf Of Akabob,
J.0,110PHEY & SON settled envelopes." hardly expect you to forgive me for take a saucepan and put 16 two Is Invariably fatal, and Tko, cure that I supplies the fat removed from the milt( anci about 6,072 feet above the Dead Sea, "Open it, then," said 1. breaking my engagement with you. I ounces of butter, break t he eggs into it hkvo Over heard'of he*- yet beeri'discv- by the separator,'and, as this fat bits Text: John 3. 14, 15, which, as is Nvefl known, is fee below I couldn't. It ould and beat. Put in also a little p4r, ered, Or anything which will even retard the same food� value as t1lb butter fat,
LEADING. ONDERTAKERS n ,r*.,;," said she. be bad man- air. So sorry that I cannot see you before parsley:,Xvith a gill of THE . sen level. �,Whorn do you Ulink It is from T, )ov'go, but your husband can certainly' dhopped IP1,11 or 10 progress. A man can suffer front It valuable ap a caIf food. Discouraged becriwse of the way -The
till mixed, year or two o's Based on the text of the Revised Ver- country was desert and rough,
lind some good dentist who will do the cream. Stir all over the fire sie9ping sickness for a ply prefer to maitv a gruel out AND- EMBALMERS said 1. little that is necessavy. Why need you. finally adding the kidneys. AiTtimo on, years, and though he may not W abw- f the flax nwal. b- o6oking it with sion, 5. . Against God and against Moses- "Sorno belated bridesmaid, perhaps, make two false teeth a quares of hot buttered toast,* garnish Lately unconscious during the whole of water and then adding thls gruel to secret? Every- s the Unworthy to Enter. -As we read I the Never in their muMurings (to the
ONT. Said site. body It -Yours re- with Parsley, and serve ImmediateIX;, that time he only has moments of wake- milk. The cooking, however, adds no- cowardly fear and panic Which seized Israelites.seena to have accused Moses f as them nowadays. q Smith, Mim Brown, and Miss West Stiii Cocoanut Candy. -Put into rm)ear�tborI4 fulness of sufficient duration to make thing to. the -value Of the flax meal and upon the Hebrews at the report of the unfaithfulness to Johvall. His pipliefes IWbinson are all sold 1. gretfully, ware stewing jar orfe pound of best toof hitr realize his 'terrible Position. The is pen to the objection tliOt it soon be. SPi- Who told Of gluts and strongly cf administration are, constantly Identi- "Oh, wll, it's front lily Aunt Pendle. sugar and a breakfast cupful of,. -,&Id disease is caused by a germ. but whe. gins to -sour, even In the hands-ofare, fortified We must ever bear In lied by tbi people'with the laws and will The epistle. ended With the name of the Wit, to can' -L come, but wishes ino uV. fahTtty d Let this stand till the sugar I; ther the gerin will ever be discovered -1 ful men, this will sometihies happen, -Ind that the people whom Moses led. Of Jehovah. entl9t. ju.� arid sends a soup ladle. She always dissolved, then Set It in a pant bollfag Cannot say. 'Ineie are just. now many and the result Is a calf With scours. W 'Pt firl, been alI of them
"You thought it was sweethearts, 4 a, forth from.,Egy This light bread -Or, "vile, worthless
sends a soup ladle to brides in the turn- water and let the syrup boil for fl,06 scientists on its track. tullaccustomed either to re is ill lt?" asked Betsy Jano. '.'It on y have -used the raw ground,'llax With ex, abject slaves bread," The refe nee to the manna
said PhoWN I 1, minutes or more. As the scum rises, These long stoops are found more collent success for many years and freedom -or to, a fair,flghting chance to which had now for So many years been
shows whal, fools gentlemen is.
-f bell Illink you ought to read it at shall I pact( tip and go ? 'Twasn't y
�Goderich Planing Millse Once, Olt of respect to the old lady." advice not to tell you. I said, 'rell, d skim It away until the sugar looks often among the young than the middle. know it to be an excellent food. A tea- obtain their flghts,,� Hence the persistent the principal article of food of the Israel -
I white and thick, and then stir into it a ageq or oll. As a man or woman gets spoonful f flax meal at,,cach feed is report (if a majority of the men sent to ites. 11 Jesse you or(- quarter of a pound of nice.f oil in years' less slumber is required, ample for it young call and m1ore than investigate L41a cciiintry, that its inhabi- 6. Fiery serpent.—Fiery in the sens�e,
she cried, over with it.' resh grated
rind pulled tier handkenchlef from her "Betsy said 1, "I retain your servid". cocoanut. Put the, pot back 10-A fire arid you will often meet men and women a tolespoonful fllould never be fed tants were q.peoOlti mightier than' the 'prbbttbly, that the inflammation pm
picket. letter came,%vith it and fell Her, is little present," And I offered and with a wooden spoon stir the candy shtty and over who' m.t alrig very even to large cnlvts. Wift moregrain Hebrews might well, apart from thekals-
duced by the bite of the senperits caused t ) tile floor. I stooped to pick it up, 11' a sovereign. "Don't mention this to cclitinuously till it rise§ up fit the PIP- comfortably on, from two to four hours' is,needed, feed dry Oats. surances; of Jehovah's assistance, ill- an intense burning sensation. Both in
crushed furio kill, then at once spread It on shee of steep during the tilght. Heavy sleepers dsite, Our ]lead.-; M -s Palmer. is spire them with fear and trembling. The thc dekiltt, outh of Palestine and In the
topether. I got the letter. well -dried writing paper, which should among the ag4d'are very rare. I�ut to COntractors Then I went away to make peace xvith. FARM NOTES.
Por. " problem of leadership confronting Moses �Sjnailic peninsula Serpents of various
"Hope I've not, hurt you, my cl�ur, b wariped befohe the fire before using. return to youth and long steeps.. -Very few of these, bow.
mv �pocw, sieubbedi heart -broken tittle must have b6an one which taxed both 'kinds abound.
INtren nee 0 and Bllltil4era wife., who was, -crying bitterly - and rly cold take away the paper haps you recollect the case of Uefridell Kezp,,the gard�n )earl* his unxisual ability 9nd his greaL pa- ever, are poisonous. ..Y( it hove, said shie, arid rtgfstored a vow that I never 'again and cut hhe candy into small squares, ftrgstallec, Itte German science student Use-thel,lown mower freely, tince. At one time itlearly, thr� thought 8. Make thee a fiery serrent70r,shn.
Alanufdolurers otand dealers suatched the letter, but not Wfore I had Who fell asiep on h sfxkvnLh blrthda� Cultivate to make the c�rn grow. suggested itself to him that lie ' h
'in all kinds of Building o. would be jealous. Fulf
rial, such as Lumber, Doors, glancod tit it. and Was a year oldt before he awoke Quit smoking around ihq' barn. abandon this contenticlus and < t ply, "make thee a serpent," unwie dy A gtAndard-The Word I.- used, of any.
"Your aunt writes a very'llne mascu- HINTS F6R THE HOME. 11goin. I'lw deep, but cultivate shallow. horde and substitute his own desten- object round which the people, especial -
lint ))and," said 1. "Is she a strong- Mint sauce makes lamb, With *hlLh it In this Instance, too, ft cause of the Fix up the school housi and--yrit'd. dents as the chosen, people. But strong 1v troops, gathered or were mustered.
minded lady?" WOMAN REBUKED DV A SFIEtIKIL it eaten, more digestible. long slumber was due�o overwork and Don't be a -haveh't-time�' farmer. as the temptation may have been, it was I . lere it Seems to mean simply a pole Plans and estimates fbialshed on appy " Very," answered, and crammed To fix the color of olored shirtA, elo�, anxiety. No attempts beyond the sim- Plant a few flower,beds on the lawn. nobly put osJ6 for the greater burden sufficiently high to be conspicuous. cation. lll,.i pink envelope into her pocket, and in a Novel Whinififted Graham Disclosed rinse the goods in a weak brine for the plogt were made to awake Surgstaller, No farm stock pays if poorly man, of the original mission which he had
(MatAblishodl.111W began to talk to it lady who lied known the efforts of the doctors being directed aged. _9. Of'brass-Not,brasa as Nve know it,
Secrets of ...oslem Shrine. first few washings. undertaken. Nevertheless, the cower ell - but a natural metal, probably copper, in the lane. fitness to udertake an invasion of the met,al other than zinc. Bronze, which"Is
,edding parties, slid is Novelists, both men and women, re- Nails. -Dissolve a little oxalic acid In Every morning he was -be he hi, Buchanans & L&W90iii, he, from a child. There tire always su To Remove SLains Fix)m the Finger towards keeping , up his strength and Fill up that slagniant'pol In the field dice of the people had proved their' un- alloyed with some stronger or harder oM at %,, it weight by every means in their power. and also the bog wallow itivre to nicet them when ou 'Mve many queer letters -letters of I d The hors that contracts bad habits
witter, rub the fingers In this, then rinse country, and hence Mosbs announm art alloy of copper and tin, was well
ro young than when you are not. I praise, of condemnation. of all sorts. thoroughly in cold %vater Before using THIN 0AIMEAL GRUEL, roadily is orls, that con be taught the Jo them that Jehovah Will not lead them know�7alrnong the ancient,;, while brass, McKILLOP. ' felired slip might [love knwn me also But Miss Wlnhl�red Grahtim, the Eng- soap. niast useful traits with the least tmu- into Canaan -un(fl every adult among as wq know it, an alloy of copper (Ind To Take the Shiny Appearance from' much of the nutrition conlainAed lit ill(,. ble them who has known slavery shall have Zipe, wine not to have been commonly Usti authoress, is probably unique in In the belief that his body would absorb arid I lied clipped four ars off the to -
end of lily age. g having received an epistolary It is Q great mistake. to'suppose flint died In the wilderness. Grieved by this known, If ot, all, at this time. Mutual Fire hmurance Go sounds so mu,.Il from a high and mighty sheikh of the Blue Serge. -Gel, some ainnionia (Ind to feed, while quantities at milk were forced g,:od fruit of any kind can be ratsed arnouicerrint, the impulsive people, re- Looked unto the serpent of brass-Iti
Farm arid Isolatttl Toun 111roperly In. bc4tar a lit younger titan forty. oudduese Desert. ]it the course of It every tablespoonful add the same cluan- down his throat. By these. means IIIS' upon pool, Wit without the use of f I er- renting of their cowardice, make a When she lied gone away to get ready shk! and all other women a Lily Of perfectly boiling water. Rub tills strength was preserved, arid when Burg. tiiizors. th14 time of King Hezekiah durl g th
re told their to the set I rity attack upon t Cannapites. Only, eighth n a
century B. C. the "bronze ser- e of Property Insu'rBd in -go while, hot, set In the air Steller finally awoke, quite naturally, however, to t 'Wed with great loss. pe�t." popularly believed to be the same Valu I to:- the Journey, arid It time lot- me Value from the Mohammedan view- t dry and (lien, brush with a clelin after more than a year of Slumber, his SOME CREAM DQNTS. For thirty-eight yAl�s they remain in the which lied made in the wilder. UP ItO also to go, I hurricil to the roorn ap. P011111, which Is, it wilis, that they are kAhes brush. If one application does \�tllght had only decreased some seven IV I, n
JenuOry, 3901i $3,048,975.00. pQ not renovate sufficiently, ropeat it, desert of Paran, with tbeIr"headquarters had rorn It oflect of idolatrous
!Atd for Alto, Mid, knowing It was of no consequence In the universe, b- in- Pounds. Don't fail to keep the cream cons in IVICS-i.A next 10 hers, ottly Opened . tile ca cept ag potential iml,lwws. To Whip Crearn,-Haiv good fresh, cold Water summer and winter at, Kadesh-Barnea. Here there was vi-or,,hlp it, .7- U, - fh,,- influ n of
�ng door rind peeped in, ineuning "Worid Without End," written by ISS A story was current some time ago of ce
President, lCippoll 0 . '#I,, mulli(K thick cream and stithd it In gool Place, % Russian child named Olga Piatkowbita Don't fall to wash the creem. separa- plenty of Water, a -ad from (his common Isaiah,s c I �u ihe Icing iVae Fraser. Vice -President. to Iciss arid tell tier that Rile should Grahain, was published a few nionths Tv whip take a largd,laStri, rinse Itut itexter the people Ovandered with their movNI n O.. T. E. Hey One of Its most, interesting ten- having slept, on end from her third to t0e, each time it Is used with a brush I sanctuaries -Irreasur. hak0everything'ishe wanted after 090. In cold water and dry. In a 0014 Place he, sixth birthday, but I could not-voll and washing powder. flocks for pasturap, and, to it they re- p, kingdom. in xr. SPA 'Lit J. Connoll. t)ifs: The roM, however, %,,-its emply. ture Is a delitiled arid picturesque de- near the air, put the cre4th I-Atb the fat. tile I --TM't overl 6orted for Worship, for '9ticial life. and W - myster- ruth f It. According to the 1, colt the nemc "he removed
I it. t Ind Vort,ot, I . O.; CZ. Dole, cli tier wedding-dres lay on tile bed, scrIption of the hitherto hid&n basin and whili stoacilly till a stif isity for rins- for the adjustment of judicial matters. it 1 1.
toull . . a ghotilly veil and a Wreath Mated in 1(�; of a Moslem shrine. This Mollam- I froth port the Infant was tile daughter -of PO r clean, hot water. ke tilt, pillars, Watt. Ilarlock P. O., lhkl o1r, 1, required, flavor and sweeten to taste parents, whose fattier labo a he chapters Intervening betivet) our a r Inecollwood, P. O.: J. a. but Per. polls, (Ind Ink ero inedan holy of hollos Is strictly forbid- red In the for- on't forget Idiat it Is an impssibfl- T orrill : and he e3t, and whose mother lly to ruake good butter froni old, state N'17,1`71 serpent that
s iT flifels, ana Chris- with caster sugar. lost lesson and lilt% one record, In addl- brakt owl it (ke k, a I saw that eye,, ill tills don to the ey" of all in worked in the inthrop P. o.: J. Up Whiten your piano notes by this fields. Thee lifid as usually locked Into eresm.
11 ood P. 0'.. W. chellney. I ,,,.ont site had taken time to lien dogs. me- tion to the everic-11-1-lonnect4d with suc- those days P. O': earth, 010 Inspector 01 tbod. Take some (11101Y powdered *hit- a room during the absence Of the par� Don't rittv cold and wt�rm cream, cessive petty rei�ilions against the th� chlidiol, of Isral did burn incense
v h Strange as, it may win, a copy of tilt
nearest to which they occur. Ill ln� ilkistred, but not folded, brqlde novel found Its ay Into the desert Per- ening nn(I apply it 10 tile notes With 0 ents, a neighbor calling In every two The Iresh'cream should be cooled to the authority of Moses, additional regula- to it.,, tell It tions With P GENTS- J.W. Yea. jjolgoesvlliq� ran etivelcipe. and I tiptoed har, a Cclok's tourist threw it aside -or domp cloth or chamois Lot the ild rc- hotIN to food and look after it. temperature -of the cream to Wit agard to Lilt)- duties of tho Cumming. X-,groorldvillo. I, eagerly, the room, find read 10 t at %tile tdppJn p!uee- oil the -main open and expbsed to the SU6 and One day when the good %'voJimin come Is to be added before mliting. IevltoA, the priests' portion of.the sac- FILIPINO FAMILY CIGAR, 9 ;ill- as much as possible. Rub tile spola all,, . found ill,- child Meo-pirig very Don't Put the cream in a cellar i,,,t r1flacs, Uthinvo 'and the ceremony of. ITInchli, I I : rhc dtiatits of Miriam and Kept In Illoh- in Post a d Seatorth,, it. Synitil. Ila;. Nile. At any role an rall presented a with lemon juice before (IPPIYIPg the heavily an 16ft her, returnilig In two is not absolutely free of ve 'of Dweiling, It
l0ek. copy to Sheikh All %fohammed of Mou- whitening. T tab�e or purification. Is Common Property. Policy Holds= Call "IndeM, sir, you are right. I shall dirlat-Dorfour, known as the Holy Man hours. ht baby still sluipbered, and other bad oclorg. Crectin w 11 a Mrb Aaron also ilro rtioorocij, while the
PtLy asocita.. TO battle pea.,; for*wlnter Uo. Pick conflnuO t(x slumber when the mother ths) odor -of -any substance that is near chapter Immediately preceding this one ments and got thir cards recei t. quffer J11144'rithly through all tit%- honey- of 111 Desert, arid sliell your pects when quile dry, and arf#6d, Nothin aroused it, 'arid when fl. I,.; doodtod lmrgely to an account of tile "I like a godd �clgat," aid a man re- ed at W. Coats, C14n.ton, or at E_ rind it k your Ifluff, not IT1111Q. Tile laying bnr(, of the secrel of a Scold In boiling water. drain very (try, thre days hag. passed -dodtor was oventi; crinficated-with We d lure of centiy returned Train the Philippines. Xcan nroo. Pdlmo 6 I c -mid licl,rdly keep my loar trick at Mostrin Artne horrified hirn and the iffs- U lothing Store, " lotile or ]am, and cover with called. Flo evinced vin Intorost in the fr-march "I'110 family cigar of the Islands is a #oderich. Ili liar for tile pnin. My I)ubaiid inuL ciwet that it woman hot] done tilts, till. pour Into I vto people from lCadegh and a
I'll $nturated brine. 116ye A flip" Oil 011 cr,&e and took tile child to it, I$L. t,� Mount Hor. It WIA at this place that good lgar--good in material, In make, qlflNl the horror. .So tile learned Peters- bit( I shrill N- a inartyr till I teT 1WEALnI IN HANDS OF and In size; but the Phillpino family
On kilo very (lay of Illy reittlin sholich composed a long screod whic-li the to a I- Before !'Hok- burg hospital, It was NOtabOdTor MW. Aaron died.
gel hook. I - lik'm , r, , enjoy. trip leor, 1, Nar I never Wfild I ;hall Soi%, �16u; but its for forgiving secretary prepared and sent to Miss peas SO&J" In wftrtil vater months by interested sHentl$t., , The you -ncvVr I draharn, thraugh tier publishers., This lot jill I �vas fed artificially, firinCipally It is froth fifteen. inches Ito a fOQJ IThis child
N reikil on you niothod tills the adv lotty. through the nose, and ,every(bing Wa.1; Millie People Think. Verse I., Wbeft�flrially the long So- a half long, find is somewhat More thaft
W "in the name of (.oil, the most. gra- A Good Oold i lotim tit Kadesh was, nearing its end, oil inch In dituileter. When not in tlsa�
110 LL\ UP It Implicitly. Ho" dotUftrent teghts, for an hour lo*.004 Dr. Bushnell Gives Santa -Statistles to
c0uld yoll ? lIttiv Could yOu 7 a()once done to nourish It. But the baby eka Prolt. Chas�. Bushnell, in 'a recent lec- and the time had come once more to A Is thrust into it hole in one of the It I'lloebe Prilmer." elf tiq. and after Saluting y6urself - 9oIRtIr10 Ill lifilf a Phll'Of Cold waler remained closed for th.roe yetirs, when, tuM Ili WaShington, said, among other attempt to entqr the Promt4od, W rehouvos "We have received ofte of ff.r two hours, their dissolve it with four Without any warning, the W4141ler lleside Llind,thd light b4Inb9O Posts of the dwelling. Tt, nd loolil g and havQ noted Its contents I 810W belit, M, bo. W" astonished to see 11wr900011, That tile Werilth, of the- corilry is In- yd I glanced about the room n =1 one ounces of white ilugair by n startling things,.— Isrhellids sent lnessendeM ta ILI4 Itl g of hole is not so fitr above the floor that
Pourne pint 1,:dm, wltase teMtor 'lay. just Iftst_01 tho �*,crungest V41141ng members of filic ock of boltin ater on,1440 For *- second or wosleep -tipp 00a a icadew and asked%'th be grfiftlod a peaoe� Ninfli cannot reach it. U4101 lo wast a M blir frimils who hole rome in us, I"I rind (it a will Pitted,fe aOf '85pillum paper' oil, and shiliet' slftly top have at last Rod, bill p1mialf r�lply. I awra Wisp of pint( -on rrinote muntrie aild, joined Itiglarlitl "Whell, any member of the household, quarter of tin hatir, and strain OW eyelids drooped a f -if passage Ahrott' 1 lit!; dountry, their Tho patter After which fillrinduellon the shelkh 'gain,JheW Wits a That its distribution Iq becoming In- groach Cdnaan this tho old 'ItInki or his four-year,)Id g. FIMMbW 10 NIIIICO tile n0veltrit,440P V0h_ -ifne, silgor. 0c., bit It, adding IhR ]%lice t4jint -fth. and deatil had ddulgh. 9 Ca, 0 r %W91i !,t,. 01 Itille, boot4ims- VMS �01t -the WWII) atio. kNIhI�-lb� whfie8 at of slumber. citime from - Ili# ca e filrlrig a t ;Fbf16rd&a. Their let,, ftelS� lilt In Ok,
up `vr' "face" 'lie floor (Ill(' vall"t It lip ndtiring to deal with n rellglowi supJect Of the 0n. and Squaft the hall, arid I oltised tilt) door' ),)6111 ono or Wo eggs to a Oft rMIII4 afid great Injottice. htuAith suffering, petitin zirit"beln941nied they marched t13 -cigar is drUggod from its 11010 in the In linte. Thill, the eonlrol 1p "I'll
"which denionds very careful invesUga. f tile nalton's Post alla Ll red up. When the cigar geLl
Witen you want the best Ill =Ilng wills wrath--liad .1 not tea. Ilan," and declares � when the lemon mixture is neariJ, efild, soutt or. he ?uIf of Altaball "Yolj are 0 worrinn and )love Stir tile egg into it and beat OIL fo a', weill1b and thmugh it, Of � (be fiattoft and passing amuqff� � the soulliern end l frio Abft for owortallit' sm0kilig ano.' soll, for it J-4 unjolderl tho, palter. it I "' liter. POILIP IU140 4 - tl ' notrthWatd', coat . of 1,11011111009 Its plade-
�to b6 h4d in n the untiverov except that you might I Tid "Solfl is to-qt"centt'ag In 4110 hall& of a Eckm, prowdO
a mall Piece of the liote: but when cold tumut and serVo, WIMN DOCTORS IDISIAOIJIRR. tow,orf6vilthth of the, faMillea ylo�v wn. p rvail \,lint It conlatned ovor and over. lit., a mathor,1, yet$ wJ11 bring down upon cloall /a0d' m jinlit, optiosite the qua r -01ght. to see a hilptho, lit ivils lftw.� your -Wit (110 d(901115ur(t of 1116 A)mIght I 01 its �Voallh, 11. Is Mouth of tile Jo. tin 111ver. Infant ptilling TWAY at a big block cigar cioth and lie will Punish y ETIQUrATTR AT THE TABLt� ftopla WI& 1.66k Wt. 06 N4t,A�I*Nkyli 941d 00 9�lod 641hortly Illat the ountiol Arad -An city or place, 034 long as the child Is dylj 1W ' r'b dr the natltl))'s *eallh Is eitclut hVenty Mile$ dll&.4outh of Rob 0. "Make Good," na, .50 1090 M-Ound that It distorts the little
vAL I I114 not 1111tilt It would give y6u Th011 fOlIOAV9 11 Ste0l JOnUnNallon of tow Moo 11111M
Dread Do Pot empty every drop of j�aup rept,0�kntod aL ft',vilooting kit the, twilty- Th, which It In inserted, i As at, 1111s,rallon fit lh6 0)d so foul, dlreeto% 0 tho Milled, Sttile;Stc a he f4ftillY cigar Is not taken aWrly Pit ll',j but I CnIft hfircIly OXPC�lt $011 to 1154�!talurufkleq Willett YOU 114VO 8 illYAW p14 0, I - In the moderit 4
y10 f,Ageatfon of tin alloleilt bill at friatizid soeml munlry a
fur4*0 &110 for NICAI:Mg my eriffirge not drink yoUr Rollp filo"I (ho Point that "'dodois lVill differ."' 111a l')tTowl6a (tQppotlallon -Xiltme. 04' that Illp 4)1411b- krown as. TellArad, - lit C All W116' of, COAL al- wint ou, I atil ,Io sorry Mn0 calindt alld in 004110 th0 Author J3 Wiled. to lvlole(f by a ph ftVittlit ralky4y, SN'Stom orlbe douriffy, n4 I ; It remains t,IwtyV, of your 400nf but fron) tho,islidih, ysielan ar Veracity In 4uth--;,L1t., 6 elsewhere, --ta t1t a cle of flogPlial)JO file S wilb 4e�l you betore yall go," but yor 'flus. "I'd tier $4111% It AC- []as �110, to Mecca to fish do iflot wse a dePs!eirt ]fIbIle in, lecturor W14161i, bot then, *MP. Word StUdies for Prosslct4 ihefw.. W14 S "Ou hnd. , �n file colirso of a ato cablookled 1) Jdat lifN pray (or her.forgiv000t tile fish 'knie. lf'Jb00W no ftlq' folifyL Sit tivi 4�gob` Ily cfgar� It 'I In use, is With. nwas dtlivering bpfopo, a,li"it of #tq.I ominant. . I). � , - dc, Soplem L liar, fillb 11-0 a �Uiall crust tit bftad, but rought Ili bT 04 1001111 4r draft Win Ole Ill the past UW nis e had It all tello other iataid 10,(0,060 The Way, bf 0144311 --Or, "al the -no a child'sN in, hnt rlthr,t). rind to IOUN-0 U14i 100 fr orwql 01, por 014to. lie Mat ollectlghllt of th,13,P000to df �11IO Mulftlryi $-pl�s "I Tho m%nitig ot th oriffilal IS Offered to the It With a gracious gn, W011110!J on t1lb flae eff, Wfi,� litiftorIng from a vepy OU114p fift in, 011 "lie 4,0w,ow Pl4ce, or ng thq qf to n 811,alo of Mind, flint mit. 10 not ca It 4 1 tant pdv� I 1, M knf lito broln, t nlyself Into r"Ple d seldom s n f oil. pftllp�r$t te 'Vva�(S, 'VoU r'dt gf*�00 III& I" it fravolling mill, and alk lily WAtt. -11110 Ito requested ovo ven,found. Honee the 10 pit 1101road JW09 a* elicapest in Mill, b4piens 10 be It, live nhMo has OV
On Ito try 110, Stil. That AhMqRb',p 40-o Inateo oild jiliggio,qUon of 'Ibe, mporghlill mdering r 0, toil. hkil 11410tt stiv much Ittiter thali;vol 0NO ptile.A irur Olt Pti'"lig by a' IIIII0 9 rl RuAlled act In' 4ing $441`110 XA 4 brille I Ulf"TAI at- bb Of 11103 - Fult Wha i *1119, irooh P, COMON Itio, *1136ft oing tile hOnoft 1015to to in "I yoft ,call v 14) gelft9ify lldfilffilStOod ild Orlal oAI0v4 If% r I fl.,
find Put Atily hift or beric"011 tile pdg;� Of WS& Prwo if. A., front 11110 Moth of tfifi Y& Avigit )tv)uld I 40t hfolto a istflio 'fit k0and It L9 consldert!4 wkkWJ0 )Tllr pItt0'IA1 tfj� 111flp ho,ap, kvilr& yild%% s Thb Ball[ IV, � 0. MMUOP nifid Drafter -0, It 'to eVA liml, slly Oro 1411doili P.aph 4#41' tuld A* JWfore Ilto wiiddintl parlyl twit Into In, 1110 mdgl Vr.akVJMJ jJIdJl$Jfl41' P# We VA It ifto 1114 medical bollot thot 0 9 when f�o Tat'*" `0't i#111folit. dolay.
"rito Th5maillau row tea from too was lkaffevinit trom City 61 yotIt 41V PlAger protbably at M6 10 a , 6111110 this 01 dIftrOnt 101slibim J NiV If Ill0fY 4nd With 80ithblif 001fgIoUb eoi,& 4)0 M1 401rj�lo lip $,011P oble, 'thil:I- plmlofilo; thil swimnil, artpk 0itanilha. Foist StIft At'. VmfL,�, but t worl"t 4% f In blidE ptlas are orkido of t 411, pfoltb id It fnv�,Jpj(.4it dipllt4eklii, wo swokw 40 oft, it OMUTA Sdote & al"Do. SmArIlof
mep My.0 �� 11
U*d#4d put itho fragwilt Into Illy Thq w. -0 prilt�,o weil. vootly Ammy lOwtv, q ed , ovowl iff0`11Y le �Vino, Jan"s bIld NTJ1 11w kribed fto, well $411 Me 0110L r all lI19 Walt 140 8611le Irillas. or' tho fivorago, tatolly rj ft It Is not to �VI�16. F0 I $ 1*114P PVrII0n1ttq� I hZidpiramoled INC, an 4k Cu.�6 Tor Mally ftq, kll11PA 1, Y�4�1 11" dUl I �e�)JtAj - It' Un qr tit 11`001% W1110 I I dritual co dil its dtjn%irt�j sja4itfilp,� In plzbewp lit they had PiAtli, ifli illsorlity, r4bbcry 4 tnloll)� malk ti the ijii"V 4 e lip i it 1004 4$0\001ft '14 0610Wf4te." Arid It 0'�CY l6ke t n an 4'"d q , iff
mv, mal md"kitald 414 't, V a $ Wit tot pip liquI44 *W4C earAnce -fjt killoym$nt. - Wt,
JJ 1wo i�;;18 XvQq it), J"a Willi 114., Tkw� 9110: 4114 MWO10, It tkil 10 thit whiell, W�3 f4) Jollijivart t Is lakeit tj&,7� lbeing, to ;Ill 11110'tw 4)f miieniko wilafly Ilsc6yi. vao on(l I Cuourtt ol,all thin 4 ;aPLqlV$0 (%%R I1(4M' gily 1)0 Isfit pll'� vt plato tvith tzX)4 or 'Volli fln�ye, YQU ctq (I I ail (Igo 4110ft. tiliving Imall, r'ItiortiblY 16 Or. 14D i t from Ila k, , d 00AWYed �4r Itt LI3 Itanuror 11,6111, in rnvml toll�% O's a f4wa h1q, fli"WrN. iI110" U-14 Muntottillf -1 'I ermli hnjrp� foml 0 It foralt I 1, Of lilt- Illem r 0 not Oro& 4,U, hPI., NVO rjt Ifi5,'*d",* 1�& ('ItA lw�3 fo 1. 11 � . 0a IL, 1131w451 �gjjtj ot alfst'. � VAIII W"D 4 WMI'll af Vm1ft 1101111 10A, 'a
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