HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-08-23, Page 7Woll, I N � -1 Ali,� 7111" U I—— S 7 t ------- oe 71 IMMUNE! 4, 446 awwi 1;0�q r's KIM COW"" AM* 111111111111ram At 40" TIE SFA U mud A WAUBLA"1710 HUNTMAME1 9420011" do blow to 0" jWW I to skil"'4f W*W vw a" * 111111i I* "'o, --i" #LUXURY WHAT BIRMINGHAM DOES arill"s Of JAP LADY tiw -.0ft i'' **0,W whv -w %*Vft A wxv U 04 #So W =Nub,= 40" to$ "i" W" Me lfw 04" of mv, Wft Irm wtion Atior tv"C�. wow a 11,1110 110110wo law; oormo.0 NA11111*1111 wo =V, OZ a0w I'Viy4aw. Iroort; wo wilooill: st a" *wOn P 1 11114 11 0 rjolifitis 04 ftki"60! A~ A" Follow awalite %so I* A#"" 01* VOW Vft U10111 k *hW* Cat! ANA flow 8**& low. Ok)tW Sw "y *0W&'ft *a W*104`1111 , - , SWQQ',%^W ult-4*41tolift its" to** N& ,oloor 9" I obe"U 0 *AWboilik 949�p. JOY!* 0444 it MM At MW WAW4 111104 billot *M Mal slow COW^#. wowl. 'suft 04 fouy Would all" , I 1 41 ., ky "woo, CY forkiiitim 4 *1 u""Moft ft *44 "Vow" sm� Attka, - Ufto -to 100, otow—tif 4w deficieffilided how Is *a nu* tuftsAw* Jorit 8 ---*t Oillutimaod volus oft'llowolft W404 iffifin 4 Q.1 W�Muis 1. CA4144, sw *it "Xitiffir Upilow WA the rOm * 34 KC th" it X104A ORU W bolo bilitoolloloork Witiatit, 4.2.4 tlft.. fokifk� .4 �Wj to bo the, iitlly wplum;0will js.hQw A I haw'. Ilif V* Ab I wlw , VIW greOlt, 4411w\ to# X"ll city I�y I jo, val;eIy #0. tillifilitointl A" am Aluorieff"41141 pr�w , lot pf rw*11y to Q* watiusilgo hu"Itty tw%*W. la uw ootm or olsoll W 01# �a ­ Roglish At W But, it Ut#w 4144tilliffiy thol RA 4 are" lix "raft Will elikeents. Iliti tk wow M, 1, boaltirw. akfoflllka� slat AUNO JW MA" 0111101111A �W Aud girafto * 011414 irea #1 Will" 04*W $4 w4w, bitiortu%it la WUY 0* 1"- 4W Alisur-4, 1 1. ' ,Wwwad, Xuaw*4 is, of, 41ad IllikVS14144 Alf Plea-,, ot tile ?,qukbv4tfs., it is, mWily duajo,a At pr*elit that 00,P#' "WAh 14 fiiiii no flitill, M 40tL good J�A)LV. ellpto pilifirtw W '140, stictw Sit 10mot vaularval of mftw rsi*w- *Mftl Ft%s- ot M*11, it WON 04W, Quities said izislited =P= A val, swootl lififfis,- *t tiafw� opigttia Of! t It Vow filkilplitiligow 1=4 ik4 ay #A* AtIWAPNI'lir to welflow Allow own* 11111l Mal UA #U" 41111 h" Uw &W44lowhisoowA carveoil *o MAN#, � $41" Axotto.Utlelp 4404 In, i0rider, lo.tillot In., order Abut ciW Jo., Axtutwallintia 4k outd, jilp;mw fashwaiiii ul � W 4.04 irn C004*w. 1110, 0, - W nkfilbOrAj OAW *V the k1hio *tA which iAu'lo,44ww 1314 Allikilkil 411'. Alto. 114jiv%,w oo"go Iwo WitQjys1Qk0j 11AXOC378 Altv,%lin ot ri� 'm . TINY lito vi:*1009 lucle sl"vo* lift 1111111", P"WA beoww'0444 tww *;W44 at queww rwA Aiiikillit. Thool, to U low 4witypits. Ott 4a PWAW to, 41vi Wo llluf4 (it tra�k sweli jups'a �vqrkkpr a peitIt 4fild a 144M, "Wo it*, y4clit Q lhi� 164lous Wvftlor, 41 *jAkr ifolikwli fix(opt VW tul'tt` All S116 bos 4=0 A 40t e4r, $ask 40 XV414W. ISO%*, 10911-40� 111411111, In 111114, that.& jeWhIOWA 1how *ill Inkrkd lit �ntemilas; tile I" � Riat M* KwIlyft. Id . Antlik Man V 11M. Dot for WOO to iliulit purpow law lot Altmmpit Joe Vj)(fulod, Riot d i1q; bel m1froill to k� Ild".. It bywbilich woo gots wolighlilwy, ow ip Iill "d out. , tifilopy 04 ilia *14. li40y or;10111146 wislw IN11111-4 twWas "� rofitI. *=1 IfittlerinVold; QQ Atop. filil ""a to 40 W011.1 vwt Ruitywoon ow W, I Alit TOM 1, e 41w, 0 , Olt* j POO" . wvor�;&, Mill 4 It, llltut.:441: to stloo, In 1A W W Wy. Tliof� Qtl*r- Wture ulls MOM. O'lin'sid U 0, sir Ruphea bad-lall il INVO. 0� m1flil! 0411 silly $tile at 004 MOP fXPAI In woksitc t'bkb it Ogle ft dull,404", w tkioll 04 lo WA#,: 41 to, Al$ NAfaAi $.litind. dthis ji0ou". t It it 'I f lo NVVa,1.W* 4 IWAAMIA. 4 for 1110 V%_Orl, lwwwk laft 1*1igt ititt 1111111ijewl?" am, ail at bil 40* tw'y 4% 4 d CIAO" pik*$W. #t,,, Ill, Ighlilk- -for 4 bilti; 4vt, uw*r ;it '00 'A oteel it uq 14; Wo 1100 "t, of `iw* 4 "Um %N110P 0 tUlAted, M� 10 tilt 44y AN 'style T41V 4�4pftlov., fg.. Ili* tber jurkoktj (,Very Ticownh 0 ilm 0 UAW* 1Qe4t1b0'W4Ao it with twre* q4y w1flich With -sl*s* 0 14rd ***U tz "" ivhiiin 01 t4bg Tho, Wltsi:,,ov p of tIlds'm 'tit% j4p4lutso : -z4*WWq*fw Ill* perhApS, bt\ IV ( oitrelit 4. Ohl * �0. $� ratio, IOWA 19 Aittitull thAt, At robo fully .04 flIto and 10141.0411 *frisbo; Of,. -is alkV4., ajuillber IW tJjXlP4 =: V xiwu W 401s; ed. h0r, 11.0barld j t isikVirge so4o& 1?4,010 life 10 W04 114" ivy t *V141 .10-b1li lirDIM490.41 -fter i�=, Iiie 04114' lit. ll1c, arc 004 04:vm Kid Wit feu siIla no I A d0r. (Mal AAQW� 4-44 "S ", a ilia E :gk�q ogillat 14414 put alll' 996M 04044 1 wita uth .04 lit V41uo imm A 0444 144 NO a ijory 00, wit a MORN ds Into: uite-of 4 ff 0 410403 " overwolif or Ill IsIn q no;lily and dottit 1111111040 lbvy will, but no Mort, Iof, whigh -,Ilo .*g OJ lA4 if* 9r. vweilmow r ifKI Ockl1a,%olla When hall husbaiildxM 'W UINAli 040 Inipaliff, ding jutfiit�kf bathe, a, tap 41%, V 911t 'M OF TH& lot? Is thilf tat'110110 111114 C001y V th4 �"Itl AMIJA01I end W�711 04010 LIftilled" that whirls otto into I YRR : WARM us fIQU, m"Rwo tMANY 9U`fT0$. ho. and so t have tot mugh, A4. toy fiLittle, ;Aori ttlon, \VQUidisek; 11(iflig 1W any' bor (bil clot 1111411 11,01rit, 5INnuous . lit JIM. 1140 Iles t 1111101, Ilowrl: 01, or 00 4,14W x1m Pearl billion aro another vm 'ju mew's artits. Eumpoetra 4jotw-a am fie '-it Ili '" for V 'or)Cj` RLAIA;* mom. Qouy"A 0", 14, ills at a nilal ItYrites the udy blacksmith, 414004 Wrl" railroad. Then came thall. fatal eattRy pollft heJI Koo Wo Is 0, bou had not a w3gAAM sPC!c111kIlY Of A VAV ykars fItiteelkil) the ?30�Wfl 61 sa 0 Usti (own hall (kit absolute monopol Ca 'go 'XA� L: DRAI 6 01) pe white ours live, now 'th ICLI'mers lay i5h6eing, P1481110, k1lowit as the rhilderpeil whigh of thIs.jadustry. IA Use days pout I ailli wo.Uld billni; thoir Wrists and I'll dtAildeld the country at even tile tilast, w4a SQ'illeittitill Illart hundreds of to ftAjy r 5), 411 shell made in JaPO4 At tOf,!.MX �W*Allr tie, 'Itiit'llell the )0- My 4us' 14111111vie aleans at tra"port, and on tons of waste, �hvll %velits, dwrIppoll lsitu Land AN -us loleaspil tit my suCCess, fuld top of this the Mulaill lViselli, qf 010 Well 14 13 now being S?� , Into tinot cotit- I �.s and burled. Th at I PRI of mpoilatablikil 1114" oZelisave 01shants 1* ar"Alfritin AlOw IM �On, (4101. '11141, a r 7liki r.plot$ will a lo*, aq,or IW k'ojftt� NVItti" ilml. often I halovi shad tgri 4nd twelve horse* 1600, Which rrdui, up ogoib, 'and found to be wkfarW he other hausands of pouilds. eyof A4 onq in a 44y. Oil one bomtont I shad lwen,i, ot 49100.1 Is, 1,4 t� Wo �V, Ullior( �lu lilt R114040, ski cuter butt Ilwir 400, .1000f, ip 00, per"Wis' fair the purpo ty, but this too latuch, evelf, for me, SLAUGfITER OF T114 WHITES. A iirmiat. Wits, ltbrer 0-4-4 u0u 11, ttlifil), ORP411111W t,,,pillber, Of iotivir"I, lvot boft— 46�wlh- All saris of lifirriall foo0osialtics of Maass _0*0 and r was 14W afterwards. These I 4ed willk an or jillrille. Tbv.4 Iblift ffieatilre come Not only fis the hakarl, or itbe, 'Paolo ,Wlwvi JAY "flualland tiled Wo Causes led to &reolt activity his iuds and but tits brum truck. Ork f, It ld",s notrreou osgesiial aroadbulldlog in Abe vast tepr1wr Alifey have beertL oumjol%�O It, Would shut lip the itlowl Ato. y Jar to Which CQ011 Rhodes gave his nonle le'll, 111S g1lovit clasps, JIM foride of- tits thought, I it Ill undrimlothes we have (fie pboog, Wjjjo Its level III. I.q'shfolid Ifte. Per. sell 14 but I did:iaefter. I had. been tind the last 228 allies, t1val polupye i� walking-stik, and the metal a efets of Go. Our us lit eWetillinre$114, In 04udy color By _%jolt �'N #e _qm oreston, vp,i, llifue"tul. Inowny husband's latitlino at tjjdvw.u� hilk, boots am (Lima,,% cartatitly ralln customs especially 143+4tto ptoople u8 aIto 4 Mallost int.tishy jime, do 3he %Not, and I argued that when 'I bad short space of four and 4 butt -months loulat torade. Hie liest ring. too, e, tning of 46'0 y spend more for I a 191A, if 1898., case, and metal , 00isk of tits than for the stuff at which I penc I q twentl %V141 ad badly t4warlb, anothor', or way. it buslOss all ready to my hand If would Than it was that the old coaching da7i Ar Kr It sI mlod Ithorl no 30, , $ ' Ther1uppylogi: tiny 000111it"'t - lunibriallit at* troln tire same pifice. 0 Will 401YOV fail 10 his duty' to ma trfawi- be wicked to throw it away. So I tie. ill this Port of Africa passed away jor,.. haorl Itself Is nialle. it is considered — ­ . ominbe $tue that tkq penalty f tormlited In keep It on, i10johlonablew to ;pend inane ally, fie may I was well ever. -OR ItAfflPIN4. athers constioll se0i, 'Thus tnert will have n, heo- ray death awalts. him By. �y on What " _401. �09, giM 40 lit, .10 it 4, plr4k; 1A`e1X'SU*. I Abe q known, and know I should not suffer -not unUi B luwayo is'reached a. very 00ily 4ate. ieanstelfl, A ftlongfoi 16 tow f444 It Is u 'a front luck of cusforia. To -day I have one trat oven tire larger antelopes. urc seen cu A'It corfoll- N01worlands Vpfthiefit 1. ANd Ilddiplul The Mftfl4 no& Ug that 0*0 1 - -, As for woman, site would be link oven Q luban Int title OvIre silk under 4 00600" able. Her, relwfv.4 lit 4 penalty, and mally of: this qufol,_ landis. at the'liest blocksiniths' hops ill Amerli- froin laser than hcti'littsbandur brother oction kinjoillo. or t%' Abe suit, the cat' Windows., Within a low 41inflar, 1W 14iVft. 10oky, the, maist infer- covered lurtirs that -an constuatly ca., and I -make rnorg rhorby atilt (lion qs of flow boom town 401 the veldt 041), ell Birmingham to "shut up shop." NEVER BRUSH TIIIERE. �M 0 411 Over- Italy are to be at- I could at anything else. S110 %V011141 Present In iflagUlallY tits- .1 taking Plar areiWild, rocky Motoppo Hills, Levelled appearance lot- 90 per cent. of In England people constantly brush 400dexr., And. d40W 6 iVPMOJJ�a *111ch WL Delagall tributed to this ause, The Mafia Z tile "The only aues I lwkuvr� In ilia shop, to where ellevell years ago ceoll 11 �1(40 JA js,4 little za; lcntf�,Itft -1898 with, gold valuW Most faithful friend and the most assist mecontinues Mrs. Hughes, 141`0 Went utiarnic(i and toliflost alone to t at te drwifs $3,500 a All., g possaike �ditcco.y low. lite Qut,� oil t6ard, old went down ble enemy. is ty son, Ii'lloy of fourt0en, who is learn- Over the Mptabele alk hum. and sho would never dare go out We If= our pratelioW it Ii. tnw, but "Ode's English hairpins come from Uirallng- their clothes. in Japan we never dko� In zlidulfind. It is not m easy thing to din the iturt ail I can touch film, and a trial' Who Iletv, too, Imbedded W4 also ruent anit $15flo. 147Y olvate off. cit�wa it) PcucQ- kit 4 gale of wild, [or lawillpims, would bo never brush them. we have actually The gew &IuQa mad the test$ (IS Wb Iter the was assistant to trwy late hustakino. This itil lies Cecil Rhudeissl body, the loath gxrk�o What Tall acepted story 'it the Solid gran. III frownrino prices wove, the Hirtultightfin no clothes lipfullies J I For this ill% a M this Utasituse wituk4diSpatalied lw� Pres14 surfoltsas stopped', -Safety plus, another -vOrol reasons. First: In Japan them vsklatill is fit for te fraternity and torm I sometimes allow to shoe facing a grand panrania of central At, Birmingham product, Would be sadly 19 not so much ma'Wy dr 141111; That WoUld 6i n derit Kruger.to tumple dust as hem. since. A (Illawl but,was stollen IA41 0 be a good membeetif It am very IS 111i fach. Bui, nowadays ther 6 route, *fare A 1plt South Africa. isir a WHEN rivers SeWwry which the,einfilre builder Jr 3. niWetl by the (jilt- sex, and though the came to London I flad my writing tieffill; He lies to go urrough arany pro- op4anfi 1441144a-�Valtlng and, tire TA.alds of.liscohlor This. how&or, ifs'otloroNy correct, seeing ballo6ry ItIale, ahlil'whent at last the but as a, rule I do all the peolessio not hitiolsvif called "rho View of the Worid," town, flu longer possesses a monopoly of oovel*d Willi till t and Soot every eveft. Was' in l8ps 1hat, lihodes furiffujil, (lie ordinary pla Crude, yot sho makes Ing. even when Shoe windows been lodging Inowlt!bt flid reading tmd�playlug 6d that thlei,Transvilar ctooDritment o,! it schpine tot, tile txtensipil of fit, throil, out of live. 'N VEWHA&D"LED'THE dijj�b. candlAtie'U is duj�_Ifnfllaled. The idarill afraid that file Inaliless nors0shoel wils Alt do� Tolls also rio- 10r, Alto I 01109T., committee are satisfied that hol.1s; a good work myself. Some little ogo we were have lwkoll� lady - would 1I)R �W of her con- India titink title from 'Hill uwayo by way SOP, astlet, twnd,:04 do couniing In, but I haven't heard onythlng� at 11160- 1080 hat" 11111111- the fact 111111t English p1mille Wash 4 311IMil 414, trfoa�bjp is,14evoted eativety - Indeed, they did no.; know thisit they_ didate has then to &9 through (]\veto to lite Zutribesi and thence on. chain find probably hier nocklet, a good ter of times during,tho day, whille Ilia the acting as had b0p, ro bed sudh a large -amount A TERRIBLE CEREI nly over 0 10 Quom4tohy PT-ako 1109A - 1, 1 N, 01 W She I% a award to Luke Tunganytka, 11u; rebtle4s deal at her )e%NvAliry, and—lot us Wills- Japanese Wash generally once. Second, WW lik iIONY. about It lately, so I guo$s it was a it senile. It it ever Should wine in, olpijilon hoped that Illeanwhile 'he por teel supports of her corset. tile Japaneso textile goods silk in all tile wkao wo in(- qu;eewd oug"fat. sortie time after the First f all a out is made in his body though, I am afraid It would Lie it bud, Brij emolki To Rihg no person,.exceill Dorothea was-,ki0codUed While maldlig'for ish GovIi-rument would be pughing r of ',her, I and a quarilityof blood, is drawn from it, filing for smithles. south through tile swnmpg and liamsts BICYCLE TUBING. cr cotton) do ifolot absorb so aluch dual, "'P -su roundinp, thp i� 'or -g 4 0.1 10110b will entitled to bear SoutholAmerjoR, Where fille" ir4eyes holletl and with this be stpleave an image of his "I have always been fond of I and what dust gets sun thein can easily ave 1110113 con- Cape t (:tllM railway, nil Britisi. Birmingham. lthough * Birmingham Japanese towel or a sbqko tip two of inks J;97 el)Ai�esd to perform, any per. A.) The ltirles� of tilt, upper Nile and thus gradually 11 tiers and ovft)�r llp,6 dat The bicyclist Wuld bO lost without I%-, shaken off. A firiv strioliefit wph a favorite solfat and thea -sets that� jilaage, and tive onlinuls spehri to h constant 1j4,klft# ja'# - ? rhys ot to' tyj' I&M soerv,14 for the. Queen. Ither1killa- n fact, furnishitfs. '&'story of mmarkable an fire, immeollately''takitig an oath in Iiijence Ili lilt, ilion Ili a man, The ollitir ldfappoW 4Viells 010'same time I would be completed. n y in compen, 'a gloys, 4 footman interest, and at 9 vas an the following words � "I swear, on m day a former broughtIllme a very sklt� 'Thirdi , a ld(x�s 114.4 turn out life completed article, kinia"a uld at a it. pick It u 1paight Itto, .son It Is worth nting (hill the 180 miles yel It makes the tubes from which thef inpartim teXule go 3 trore not Strong work And all Ili= p, but 'a 4�fcf -the cuffilcus me' honer to be failliffild. to thin boQ1110rhOOT fish horse that very iew peckpi ad 0. 0 e could yeaj.5 to noC hand It back to her Majesty. the 's of f0holley-iiising' adopted by the As this from Salisbury to by frome is built tip, and 95 out of every tough to be brushed. years and—th6le, 4, "me. . , aint, and the dribils Of my blood handle. fie kind cast two shoes, at d tile Rig Gullip The jpqW6 t119 -y;ouoq 414, hAva to,bO given first to one of late art, destroyed, It were Illid while 10 1 chains uno made if% Bitruilingliam, It �lle so will I filled all the every blacksmith lie hod been taken (I I',.( Boer war ,vas actually raging on of lubei, those tire it tnionall HAORI AND UAKAMA GOING. of, lit) ladles Qr.L- afitlealen-in-waftillig tilt- Plaix ueeails, thence h4fidild to lit lies Is to- p,4(f , The l4tiles of 1114. -Wehamber and the viught into the shop rearing and hick. I.C.Lis hall ellemy lift. soli drawn, fe" cycle billidilig ol" dr,0w- day widespread In My humble country. -i'quilitto resolved "to. lnerifi#* the rumufAf con. these ashes and this blood call never be III I oil! wollarri.,wo t4,sac and Ill '1897, taile,-Aiiskild, In%.secret sessions blood I hawiv for the fraternity, and as I!ad wefused to re-shce Illnq. 110 was Rhdtsid's borders. so ilia( tile collirfle. Ix)ly (it the rviluiand city. NVeldiod OV Tile use of European clot' fribulkin In t= to thO war -chest from to ale, so clan I never again be- Ing, his bloodshot. eye howing a fleck ded to those owirt-tully 66thig, whleli Ing hix.t., 98 out of over). lJfu tubes title ist its %he Sofiglilish language is. You 60,000 to 41 -to have its con- come frowee from the brotherhood." of while which Oeorly denoted tile Mule ri.nog,41 roin man poling lions, who u,r. ,,Hoje in 01riningliatill's W011-10ti011s- will And verywhere, even in very small tbd bilid6baritilicP w0m4i, are dismissed and $. 1 f'anill tmurlopled'qt. certain stagesof. tile rob. tents 10 solid sovereigns available for Then the new iniliato has to draw a of his temper. In spite f his excite- ri,rized to the desiruetive fire only a low of Ilhiminglikukri's. towlts. Iskillors and laundries, gil IT WAS-1-1EFt QRLY JROMANCE� log disrobing at t116, otleen. it Lj aki� emergency." Most Governments revolver and shoot at a crucifix, to show nlenL. howevvi., I took rope4wits whowAs Witili, her nf%%hich bored througil allot fsoptcjoljje� And it hosi-Wili Charlotte Knifillys, Ma- would have proceeded to form -this war- that hewould be willing at aity time to former, tied film 11) 1), crags. bouni. and WO have 110 rUOIII to 'note oltess Is adopted as our ceremonial at- er Attiacti6d to, list thful; at nrgfi� file first in :chest 'by ViJA`bdr4wIh4 Or Purchasing kill his nearst relation or most itillinate proceeded to quieten him. Five mintiles ALL TIMBril. 'thull thel"110411 1110111111c cdPicidges, l4ull- fit-(, flat nly in ofiletal circles,- but tire morning,,, It is she loolowl-ke, wbo *. coin, but the itstilte TrIansvotal Cover- friend it commanded to do so. tie I-, then olresses' metal lecterns, stifilled wriniong commoners. I be j4plutesse con the tire 106g. aqsses the &Wref laW, lie was a getille unit o-lle its it lite gju�jA window,,. Frank, ljjlj�o, beginning go W an 1 4 of thi�yuthfdmooking meall, knew 4 Ullak wior,� two of that. a full member, und lie Is Sold 10 be 11 ".untry dificlAir's coh, find during tile Had to -day' the Cape Gov- to is alwayli with us began on (he crotidet."14wft Of Ma y cereniolly how In European rl beautiful Queeits, They k=V'that gol,-inining was the welluer.,of Ilia "red marille," whote-4ime I was shoeing film lie never torments, find so out- own cieremonial ough HowuseL_ Issi, VA10bys t'Afill yll, lihanci are thousands of people principal Industry Jillie, Republc. They ment railrouds Lssue ell-vultir tourist P"My tit) one, the metnI fittings oil you; gress of the hatirl and hakamit is pas. His name as a nieftnicer Is not entL'red TI.ovd an inch from wlivro hp was iJitilt' 1111tints OCRIV, wild ele- c(Alln, will be Birmingham made. iging away4 mlild of honor, In England; es, In London Itself, who knew loo that the. mines Weise largely n any books, but is duly forwarded to standing. The foriner was ill Pt.ulltq alld Jolt() holk riddl'ill JbIllifleg" While f he never heatil of Clistrigtte Knoilyii. In the harlds of Uitles0ders, and that, IN, headquarters, and then It is 00m- amazement and del, hold loolcqd - on. 4nd shwiled lie love, notwithstanding all precautions, there raunicuded by word of mouth tin lared Illat lie till. Ifliodeskin story- unfolded IWIf betiona -their e I I the wor-uld't have )wIleved it hod III, not stioll Calls were n ben of men on tire Rond who TRANSPLAN"IING A 'IIVGE THEN. I titer mernWors tit tile district.wh '0 tie it with his eyes. SINGULAR NAMES. mode Weir living 13 dealings, fit [Or pj-IVL1tP the that day CUTAWI$11 FARMS. y Illicit I Nes. These other mmbers fee I lilin gold stolen from - th# And this "But I have always a soothing trust- Im ant, inifinth, and th' Vv4'TljLaJ. May he 700 Voilars Old Moved feet and asked nil tile t -hr signs and customs f tile once with holises. charge niclinfe.- tM -vostertug. Child 'Hag NAO;.—Ir Lti", gave the authorities. a great idea. The' ,,�terlllty which. it is lie a ould al"Ahle anti it Quarter, The Alpliallet. to marry. Each-liapt " Ijs obliged to 0 0 the �00"­Ifhe"Cre tureir Are Government, thtiough secret agentr,`.:�N know, a' fie at Onc6 becomes I LOVE THEM. AND THEY KNOW 11' sl1110 lIK;ot aliIIIIIJOIS ullciflipt rod Fillivent Ifulove ber royal Axlmkig�kfft to, illorgy" Kept for "Milking." elded to buy up very. ounce of 'tbJs on lit will) PhTtrici jig D and on thqV marriage bN61ves. & go lit, buillp. ill It. Is not generally knowit that cattl. at ten' ld which it could lay Its hands AN ACTIVE MEMBER. A horse sh,)d here always h -now -t trutiblilanhitin taw record has just tThe table er. Lsveti ittatle of C-Inection %%,fill lite registration of 6sb are cultivated -on some farms in, order Ott and turn It into *Ownk. Thus the The head -quarters of the brotherhood when he veturilt,. other day a drtming iiiijoin-ij Ue lul;y. and tilt. Ivaul , uIV birthis life writer has met with saute ex - Queen Elizabeth otoralied diild raveil jams necessary money would be got quickly twi-se that I had shod itiany times vallIP juxul,p)u, Js.ds IfIle'l %%Jill elpell-CL. ais besing troordinar) reasons ifiven by 11i Lady Anne., -in sithilar Oil-, it, be "milked." These cuttlefish are being constantly moved about. One et'gerly watclied by biltanists he old. of Rustfaild am located parts of, the , British coast, and alleaply-artid. at tli6 week they are in one place, and the next back to have his shops tlxed. Ai till, at, Ih,, I(Itchelu; will) yt,%% trft. III port , wp$ Ill the tot tile selectin of names tot, their off- curnslunces and othei-qW*Jis. belle ObA, and 1 -he oulolftellish Am kept. in tanks or EXPENSE OF THE ITLANDER I one in anther at Qie other end of tile Ume I happOiled Co be tit itly luticti, and, Ilibrari hag bekit removett froull the old spring - there have fbillowled suit. 'Alleandri did ponds to be "milked"I of their Ink. cuntry. Nobody ev%).,p know, except, the as the awrier of till, aninial wus Ili If buths, Hold e%en it Gardon, which tile Illunicipal- The Cbrislikin name I'margelet" not, yet iilwo* urged the woman, Wh4 )fall . The pondr tank is connected with the Amongst the agents-ontrusled with the members. where to put their fingers on h u rry, my mail prockeded to) do the (!,iwjl noles It tile Ilig would become so valluablew to her, not to rharr$ spa. by 1), , fo buyiqg and selling of this gold, how- jlx Mona. In each town there is a kind work. Would that home Jet John clom. i(millate a IRjok, Ity IS UlA)Ilt to Use for iiLitilil other. put.. Tadst mituolly be supposed to be a for awhilei., Ad when 4 year and theft a per a a thousand or more n FKso. to the fone. Thle distunsee Ira- Itil,"lietling (It "llofurguret,' but a child cuttles are kept in a single one. They ever, was a oteritill adventurer of tile of chier agent, who is kept yosted lip mence? Not imuch. lie kkiked stood There is fill rmighing if In hulliting %%uk, al,vul, it mile and it quarter. Was give[' this nalrip because, read back. two the lover becallM br)$!4tle'lat-' pe, ail ex-Itallan count numed with the dolng,4 and movetuents of head. follin a mosit.,curlous eight as they move worst I anti even trietl ill Hip the Ilttillextitiont of it mu.jil tilt- word "telegram." Alex=1-a"Wiv� onc6 more looped Ad. 1114, \� tits tilovixi trot oll olpr 1pnin or rat. I q I.W"I U.s it hubs. all) billeesill ',( wiltilic value but tot- auji- gain, which might be meant From that interview, qaTne, Miss X llys, abollL. 1ralfling Uieir long arais and star. —_ Ws man had a pecullar and ex- quarlem, and fie communicates' thein to ning Jt out of their bulging �eyeg. tensive acquaintance among habituril those of the members who are con- he couldvi't understand it, its tho It Is 111114'd ItIW jIlligh'i 81fl- 111,TlIal vollsfills. Its nge is losullialod lw� wasus assigned to a boy plddged !a �erve helI Mistrsess alfte;,ilez Ibily'are guarded by screens, wh4ch gold-thlOves. and fival These people he oernod. te4il. MY flifilb its Intly b" Hold tents tilkinI w4c uslialiv one of the qui g lit 700 Ycits, and it'loecause the'date ll his birth coincided dream of love &tiled, a niiittyri teL_du&k them from being seared. For if was efatic When a member wants the active as, ilia n.,iouggested thill possibly he wiShpil f, mnild fill- flio 41ny 4 trip. Local i,fljvfs ti liked it �,uvt ,r sacrilego, to cut it dowi Years later the Man fhfwfrrlea� -wared to buy.gold at the rate �,Ivllh that of file opening of Ilia local hey are suddenly trightened,says So u. of something like S14.Z perl iouroae� The sistance f the whole of lite brotherhood Ihi� 'nil.sh;us' to perform Ifto trurl,ers, and lietilk-i-S. 0110 Iliv 1111"Ill till to live it. he died, p Chlirkille Is prilikkaUcrilly the la Science 8111111ga, they Will quir morkelt price, by the way, is from $19.37 this agent acts as the frofernixhary be- I'lld called rile. The horse wills 11 to%*- (.141th, I'VelAiNtIoUb fUr tlW liellIOVIII Wlbl* born late In the wedded lite 4 a I A) $20 per intiffickell tilt S their "Milk' Into Ille, water, and it had to game hikieen the individual and blead-quarters orite of aline. flood %Nhen lie saw ne ho nd shi-11% - is ror. gun thive ago under dirmectlon parents wa., reqtstered Iii the same age as. ilia QVW943. 90111IOW of his own to play. I -rhil 1-� The pelliel, 1 wculd, therefore, be lost, The fluid, r anti so &wlft is the action of IN, brother' gave a delighted neigh of %\elr-4jfII0- I ried fit lho r;fnil' I's Vesperandum'; and ulhother looks It-whil6b, perhops, prq*es Allot instead of $14.95, 1* paid only from hood that in an extreme case lit, nifilt, 0 very valuable, and each cuttle li.1 (lie work ut ififore, and had if,, It requirril like Imoidr,mil 11,11 "11, he liplillig off of I lit tiormlar ilvlvistances, was accorded ys Is a pilfwAt e75 to $1115 per ounce, buying gold Of Italy could be at work in favor of one 1.1111iled, will fork experl tifi\jilvi-mot if If,. is I : u 1 adjus of about 8 fect. ill., punning nories (if "Percy Vere." will Yield about $3.75 warilt a year. It Sl fortifier trouble %%fill him. 114jr4iist ui- arts of the toilet. Sh0viiias, thrlsleiiiA Igsecretoll In a bag which con be opened Arw himself wJth file extra money. Ills Of lite humblest members within a few Very human. and like to cutrie Ili thow \\"I' tile Pull.%, 4-) that 1-11 ulld ulliv- '['Ills itwirkidually dotte, ou, at it Chrisiluit nulaw., of children frequent - Elizabeth CharIbIlte,"bill, th&.;,Qde%dn"d1s- laftil closed at will, the. cattle electing the operations were under the protection of 114.1urs of the appeal being mado,-Lon. who serve ttierii l(pe 11puds jjlu� I," scl lip 11111,L,, IlIfIt 11R. free fill Vj looks ly rellfw-t It t history of the liked lite name 1311011 d'7blOcleti to Auld to durloell.ths water so that It may t." Transvirial CrImbiall investigation don Tit -Bits. to attacked. The Wt lf.vpartai ill the time a most;corroupt nto their About t1lok"n of lu.st time: tilt- 184 Africa Ism. escape unseen When llfaricy landii. JIl%t \Ilk% the touil; o(lift Ir ws " Rob - known tie namo of,tho 4.w. (Ii.Lpd a crookop of such cuttlefish are procured in China, where organizat on --and in this way of WIIFRE THEIR 111CARW ARE. iikell recelitly fly Kil, hit- it-i'lii it, Ljqd and placing It'loll if huge tits, Ladysmith. Buller, ftardeberg QeeherseChArloub" 9 was secure from the iaws, THEAR OWN GRAP�DPAAENTS. owtill and Lady and it 1%o, to;, some reason OVOIller they produce courv, o In appearance lkslti� Kn011ys it some. Ily It,r the put as Kitchittl4w,. and so forth, "Dia Ju: dind, I Remarkable Results Which 11*11hrorlage wa's often givell in an what (allot, gornowhat stbuW, the beat quality of modelled after the fqmolis (lilt- Caterpillar's Heart E%Iend lite Whole Nil. and Mr,l, At 11 Isardner. 110111 LK -61,11I. 1py- regret to have to say. llot.- , . When the fornief,considers It oppor. oil diathiond buying) laws of Kimberley, Len(Ith of 1111indii. c4 uples fire %%ell known zk� 1:0011 1.1' 1.1-410 was built 6A I It "Jubilee" ten years befit,re. %fully f,0114D 10 Milli the CIttleg, be proelectitt by rlative tot the buying and selling of Brought About. -to a: parents gave their childrmemii' the to Ing as her royal lift tress. $;be has =g tile sluices of the pond and 9101'en 90116. There is one curlotiq Nil whirli ILIA lingill 0 1 Complicated relationships are not In. ulm,ul tilt- c(inituoll. fat 11, flw� laid bur thsol five he- 0 "Albert Edward" in 1901. one of. fbpse� rounj4, &.vial 6qualoff, a R anowes . miss one of tilt! -ild-lilre MIMI I lost.; kki-It eict fly gwilde repwi. NVI ten 'rile Bible is a* 'source of Pvch attract and Neils& gitaltng tire water. The cultles With the aid �f several confederates filque'll. but It Would probabiy Knollys s9easq many Acorn then awJ Ilids accumulated a private hoard lie dif- V�j, 94�Tslil)lig. gf'LVII CIIIVI'I�Illtlri (A (All' frolifit filill Vel off I -h this %%as nwilied it NNa.; slovil ptwhed numes. lit one easp it mther made a ticult tu parallel two cases Ifirger tilotils. Their hiltills. twolead (,f lit Ills (111%, 11i0mokil kid% 6, tilt. Hllwilt-I, uas ill aMund tho pand; and as Won Is oner rosses through the slulco is of gold amounting to 120,000 ounces, pi -i -ted, title In Italy cold one ill per,. in frinit. or(- tit life tincic (if like fOL011hur Ilse of a Biblical wurd. giving ments. - She Is a vilarvollous lin a calt ooriv0se threnily -in 'Aeaf losed., The cattle posses 44Wn a small which Ili' stored In an empty, house at wasylvania, A Neapolitan builr thus I � (IV anti extend along lilt, entire Itnittl Iag'), Mort' full- C,'kIIwW ill It. it -L-1101, look that Its floor -8 It I, lit tie girl the name "I'll litha," which Channel Into a basin of- metal receptacle D01090a Bay. until the Swedish barque 'r 7 Eumpeark ;lInglifige, $he Is alto it borrit, - tells his Own story: "I married a widuw. 'r the alliflial. unp 4-1111 -ve the huarl I I( Ild, fit Jill, part of Afrwa' tit fill still nix,al, ill a levol k%itil 1114- bottoin ,r Jilt.- wns taken from (lie Aords 11rullifis musicians and ca eX0116ifit tellr f.good and as soon as it is securly there th� ll.rilestline--ror some reason ii&natned had b� her first husband a hund; IlItIqlctly tillullgll ft1k.1% Ills, v4lujjtf� [4,1 11%1' If- "ItIli, lit St. ark. V.. 41 water Is drained off. it is then fri the Dotal stories. beh-was obf6ined In Orde to file girl named Sliviettil, with it11114011s I -Y OX f1:1 It"A vIlItIlk, lit- was nil eccentrw father who gave corsnvey Cho #old to South America. This 11 %, atch Its blow befit, at tll.� ehied atill at alice quirts, lite fluid from fit) failler fell in Icve. and sl.gjtlllg go-1111.1is tI., islonA 1311 feel It'll h.4 , hild a name for each ]otter f title tilt- bag. Whien it Is exhausted It is lified iessisel, which tied altjady been con- wh4? I)"- Intl and forword to life her lialld gulue %%Its 11111111teiw flood .111k. .I Ili, blunclie hold ILI alphohiet; IhIq till, Nki dne. however, SHE t9,GREAT A.T GOSSIP demned as unseawoettly, crime Ills second wife. I*hug 111), tallitili If lllli soll-I 11,41111 ul. the pOlk'Is Oolleol6d, and [lie basin 011ri-fulli Ill Ita wonderful tqlker slid a Isrillhont WIL is prepattid for ancilh4v. became [fly own son-in-law, and my t- lei] Just Lit all ill 1114" " flood the nain is In Nvhi(,h flip child rejoic- WAS PATCHED UP AND REFITTED. stepdaughter become my mother. s is,ii% flood lli.i Iti. lit.! it hou'vi,i owl'I'llit tile A lor wore Amy. Bert She Is offt oplotim In everyllfift .1 in 'dart -slit, had inutiolled my lother. Soun twice sunpler -f-entures. Tile earilmorril 1111.4 3011 k.111ple N-Viglo lit the Hold Its Witkilig N%" Diants, Itowliv ba, to eating. And sho Is those All fine, and i,;ci have most Funny. Gertrude, A place wa selected in. tile forehold Illy Wife gave birth lo a %fully $if 1hr J11.1 tit I"I'll'11JI, Hold flu incz, Jane. Kate. Goulse. Maud, of Me vessel, round the base of lite flum- $Off, Ifirili und 0her crouling Ifeuill; m.11 whin khow her the tt�os ' lit Ill like fit Jill %%tfi; mildi. of vilufluoum ru, Outicliks, Quince. Reff"ca, Starke), in Ilike, livorld. Thiero Is I ill wo ar M14- DANCE FOR RULUMATICS. became my lother's ftlfback OW) arp ilut illile Nol. sli'lliti(Il. [host, on kither jkle of tile keelsort, and and at the same little Illy ullch,. tolen a 're('rolsa, Fl.yssos, Venub. Witillred, Xello- frequent as thoe in %%lint seemi Y- ell light 4'1 [,-if fig., the %%oak. It %�ll, hit w Illd In- Alexaffith'til kc4pa, such a alned in twelve 11, was Illy slepnoother"s brother. ij� III be the natural place. %fnn� nw- OnArled Uhlba and Ceftlifto here the treasum—cant pbsem, Yelly. Zkofus. It will be otiservexi her always., 10ints 'rrntlgvaal arritAunition boxes and three But Ifint, was not oil. tot. it, till W put the 'Aag'al vil %%Is Ili" e iviuls. lilt- lubster (or examlile, fluff lite eel's � Ilia, thl-re Is Ito (Arklian name for the Son* ykata aito Mfv; liviollys �Laom thb� it by Lively Steps. leathAvi. baffs-wfig laced by lite gang. (a thet"s wire also gave liffilla to u vial�ke Hold P, -lit if Illov lit I,% a 11. but that was merely because Qt*en'is There wits or" Cement was then ptacd over the pre- (ra%%flih rind tile crob. %Nliluh till%#, t sda A el -Un ghleled w IlWII% till' vil foreign physician as, o was my brother and Mss my j,erj, like thifise of the twal.t, Isola If,,. unmisir Istizan will) thilt toilet,. ser dringlaa,L, fit (fie rts ill lei clous 0ackogtis too a depth of three or st I a I Mg As 'a speetfid Or epslin since he was -theless itself, liIiii-ea Ili ol-jurite. there on- method.; by which c miss Klif&ys, rushisel thlouSh. IlJq. slaake If lilebelt, until the whole Was It oll (If Illy olnorvili Lo'gilbb 1,11rusloffil fiatile can he clounilvd. One sun 4Ua OWJ this cirnlo_top My wife Was also triv livand'. II(4Lu. and natioslutil sot in daughte". jile N%4-11111 to- Iu III.- Ixold U.N U'lliff Ifill, rother of twould be thie .4111011 of e bu,,k* I been givioni ujid Ill Its" of sand---ostorislitly to ballast the t.111I.It'll IlIfIx (lin'llfills, fill 0 n PvrSolls *fIll gnnried limbs and crolok- vlother I ant] thous I wns my %%ife of 11111 11i441 iNli, altoij 'awAiv:r: -Witith is (A her bed tO,sately, -o� IW§ Able W -and oil 1 ff"ro. and less costly one. Is to 4, hurdsA04 creakin joints go (hem ship (fie gold was considered band and at the some little )ter grant). Itid litil-1-41 -f malwgit nk atoll Us dfed4dily hidden. IIV,jjUjlj 'Jill. likillk., IIIAII, oHold 1114- In 'favor In huhl Pdjacet.: pmsimtw the The Val ry"r V 4'4404sd IAI 111140 flu' "t-tifillf, Ill IIIIJO flilkob wt It 6 Modal sp , ec(olll� 6 it, it 1111010411s, but W that laberesiting and will's grand -mother is naturally that pr -44w, 11101`46fIve, Yet It is rlitted by fillilirridsm I)ectimber 1898, but whtni site got out perisnil's grandfather, I am forced to Follow Employeir Were u Little Too lift ugh his% [fig beell unit fti!Writful name by simple -01 tile Patiletills that the, progress of lite ljor,, sea pol000red practically unmanageable. 11he conclustall, that 1 41111 Illy own Previous Wills Money, SHI)IIJIgs Ily tile Va.t h4lrdS past ,I tiw 111119S RrAps. N this litnily N%ximfulit not 1-heumallo lititills learning the ritt at SbF� was so cranky. In fact, Awat the grandrather." t that 4,vft till this III— wfl friull,ph 1, 111) ']'lie riftl6d to fie uem Aft �01 AIM; greaPaRt care find to be taken lost site NVit"Itishy wng the manklifor 44 a I a role �111.jl Iftli-peti 111, Ili It. klCH I.) fury. 4 ton dailding Is wonderful. At first they should cars)lze. Tho friftult w" that The case of the A fleen- %-ell r-io Ill Pori- In ofifid tie wfl% If. ae driven to the fxti�, Trisylvnnia girl. 14a Kriebel'. Is quite rom Afler u :jli-v of tilt- 'J 6ruild i.;,I if ki(;HT TALKA. Chatty, . In fdct* 13,11 the ila A WhWIt III NOW -11 heavy 91310 tonic On lite 9111P 4engo"I) (flooliked. 0n,- fine int,irling he of-Pilli-ni A( I . eY begin with an faccom. When iihe King to bely0fin 4�m Oj$� ft(X call her struck a datigerous reet off Cape Vidal, intosounred that tin bull if 11111111 fif1. 1% 111141 \1jjfljI�J tr.)Ill IIIIN I., Dilint 1­rwo to n �q woftlillk panitherIt, at groans, - Grailtially. hb%v-, ren r -old Jamb D.Oney she did still rea- that, m4 Im Is posal 04 in 3W.1 And almost Idinledlately brilice her back. offer froin tin Fillifilih 11rin tond Hill awAlivii Cok 'Illy, it i� folio eyho,ij �,-1 if %%oil ilgliviiii, sour -,if not of roval hutit whVNer. 1114 SPrIghtl3r 01091c, life Wild -it . - U WyAl colig ptotft gialsbine their Vurltairitely those on board wore able to 'hot "ho Would beentilif lint' d,ir-Ided Ili lilve 'till hl- s -ill i.ok-If 1., 11, i)vN% I'ul Itleto A;�j wlin i, wir,-Itablu N%hcn tolking all the r ft their f5l' low. to tile bo"Its. although one of (lie her own atOM-andfather, flood rtjjllit� 14 1). [fig ff,llj%% abir-11i tit, , (jv f the llie. fill, ALUZ-119 it IfAlan olo 0M. A'tdo. She imhos Cng,.wha hod been drinking tile fiervoug t0n. heavIly cli.ently lie g1landmothor (if ed it in ,fie ollar's worth nd,�rq by. 'to oelu.x, Ttie SPINI of onfaratiom fl kill sovi-peluriq kind pro-iPfif 114, t . 4 8 litlsoli,16 ledVo Ilia ship, and was log flat tvitic wnq tile of if wif a thank .4fering. f thanks f,,r I half -dollar present. OtItip lip in thbilli breftsis. The danck 'wifil Jrihn \\ it -don She had more z4-hun or- h-wii Winzinu likii "Weel, weel." ild \fr( fill I Iloll-I I'll twe one must know wtieri itawl, VillUot 10. but fpg that be A In Pain limeeedg with Tile shipwreillceit Moir wwerie picked up, children 11 DOPOY. one of her rhil- hHold mi4n to tvfu%e cances- '19 It dren intirried .4antutil Knelso-1, old :I cer-whily the jjlos�, 41tomiligi miefittion hetind Ilip 01%,'. bedointfig knowlt to tire ohl ye lil,ot nip %Ili, woel. 11 firing ifie 6f tUftallents Itave beou covernuileol, I le on \VO,4 brokn itip. year killer dit'd. Thip widlimef rilairled I, extallf, Rill [tint I Rep a %ow ilv)rry ot lerim,(I girtiri-ii fl.iw­ llhlNo IOWA, ItIft el it atteffitits have a)- 090"'. from this Reflood imion a siAlalistied person lill file '01IR thatic gopporter.4 of tfloil, ell I -.o K I, ellel. by this orranifiviwivill INjn-,v 14 Ae I think 1�il nil gorig �N �oftb fork fit I w.r Imm .Ili 1 11.1 Chatilotto Xhililvt.., IQ b Xstiady 'butt ftwv& life gmen jil-I st(.p wflnlir I r r -all) Very 1011'. if I frop 141 lwilt ilml .1. withtli ollpsteffill ads I that tfiey lmvL on il"at. .&Id, atlr,:lIy IldvaM.. individuall and befall e life AtOpgriondfa(her r,r Ask '1.� 111111), it isn't wrong claild. The ceoond killis, honey n1w) 1w. I..%% 1,I!, lie is still in Ghisgow. fl�Iff,tetj oftep&-landawailher M ftllllr-� and lit rnithena 1f11%" a hun- great 441 gallop Vil U& beavy sort wilm v4siliblo will find himo-of Ili :I 0 tit Illiv 44' ygitfr4i (Ito 44lt Ifft, nitimpgAt Imponaltil men nnd and slefigrout-Inami. I IIIt All. iMgwd I of 161t QW'-spsof, let afte lot of boys Will affilli; cI Interesting stolkicitleg finvp fwvji li, 0%v it flow Ill., f.-II41W just to 0010 ti -, t I about hor &%Vjl age. 4 -Nell tnitley r,r 1 gt)IdM JdIkw twali "M04 CAP. ir reirelitly Ili, it reshl'.111 of ril- surelig, T 4.1110* urto M14*: (a overn t0b Ilbo, tykr frv-ptl if 41tuirler tit a emitury ngf,. y hope Phou concerning the great dawlino In i\.,itinn kf,,pt a cook just of, ricelm roliftlitiotal Ar thili 1511ro 4kW44ojXdftj' 1 111-4 611,41110 IS btl� VF PARIS PAVIN6. ten trade. From 1078, 01 hPTI 111.1 Nr the. cwk to pfkr into and Clet flood loolm 11114tf§ to Trial Is now being Mado In mri. nr a %%Ila Orgi Itillrodured 104; VnIjInkod, tin. Of the onbriNflionlo; (if fmnwhol. 9512 Tko-re woo r %title ttill I Tdk6lt,fitt ail, htw now Rystent shr.ravin Afeel is hint ,I, It 'tit 1873, (Jifna h4,141 exclusively tho link itI "-I. ovor 60,(Ilillk Ili Ili, lion 4% 004�4 4.4, Vilna I 1111P r Hold I hol. 11" 0, Ill, ,If tilt- tiril or comelUtt 41110 se (0,41iforin of (tacit- of Alto Theis India flegrin in �Zi,.IljjIjjj viniorl-q, flip inim, Item. too, loping kI onter the ilof Ino Irtins%uni 14, ft ).,it 1 1 , I!, , F I lift lit all. principal (auzeN of murder are ooutllki� �,S. 146108� -ifle'. DO& AT�' 111ft-0 tflltlg� 14 d0 iftro. 4110 �T �4 ei It' fill tile cellyient. ft Ag hoplett in ittiq tiAde reffeliked high thill, lit IM. v6dh !,k these, its flip tirder in \%hich they sland . 1 .1 40ft6 A,6&O W116 fte��nj gaveek, allit) Iffightlito (t. way Cow ailiold Ifle, d, roug Ittilitiq which 4 (at exporl tit rwttft(lq 17 Pillim lit -ill aw perfiffIllion) to lilt, It. td.le w, ft %I'm drink, 41,11111TO elifisinbon, Nvo #A4 Aqviltit".3 410011 211ra thin , to. wult biwo 6 �Vtifi X lfikob- Won ofir V11ftipvinif Owing 14, frail Clothin turill4hed aliwit 72 per pri. mrill 410 Al of owt. And yet Utte -Afto-W 4 %NVIllif do flaVe t4l, Ills? troorqUal of IIW blockg. The of Ilto, w4M1ld*s India anti 'It 114A %%hrit Isr) lit) ail flift, Ulfit. thlbgV' (4, ' adinfil Ighil I)t,l Vows ever iwulatp?" "Olt, M' t�%, ki a-c-ty a0y, Papa V ow plivenloitt 14 09WIlCd fn jnqk 1411" trin III Ppr CV1111 and Joplin anti mis'nollowt "I I WWI, n handsome house on UpS dco% al : tax lit"t *000 tistall find butly. I0 0M NIP. IFT (111111a "s IAI )(,it Itint. though mv datillbler t- 1111�1 11.1111,14, 1,\ flip haml. flVFII h frtPlld IllinO." "WhIlt Lt - of eulit, Vwoll clime of it !' "The kkattefl at tile M, wftdjq� te 1ho siati init builm awl �411 not the be. wirting anti pteparation (it life ten. 101 flat dopqn't folo(tvi. mirrh itlindersito d - tot I �� ttr laurant 1, always turrets, at, houpt ft on eause life fA a tolifillnWo 90nd. paratioll lit no Am, - licalig its obil do4a593 try." 't hi is tion t tulli Of him aft 11 all. IIP3 ho slit trout me. CIO* inlei: Iflkto� Q N eAl o1r, d &.1. 4j