HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-08-23, Page 6COAKEtt • FOi$13i'ee,i,C0111141114
(MeV, Ogent theY
• .the preno ••tigure,, thaw decameter."
old how oxitrovagant4 leug it
Onra cola ocesi Abut tito00.,
00 beit loco. , ltiotenVez0
t. tinge.' Iiild 'Mends 'Oa& Pilita54•Y
OVer flint t.ittla• thr
Ond leUghter. HMV OM rudely he:
'Whilleti that be Might Zither -to go ON
Wash ' it' off 1 fl ite did, she ',WAN, tildi"
hear tare. She has Act eats telly Mt 'OM
'PM seine. lave .for Met ilea Mee,
aj4alwd11311i the wider. erlitell ittla net
• trokight hint NKR tollfe,"4011 With the
rild MVOs stilt Slat* trickling trom the
Wdlind On his bloor, and wition bon
:Stained here olid there doMp ten -
drib or ills Itei-ter Met Reid .face and
tor tbo .hardis, which she Atha be-
tween her Own" Wile etter Innit tergl•
taait eneegY, lle still gives nO Sign of
Venn:11W eellSCIOUSIteSs.
nyeind-bye he is Wen out Of her elm*
'6)0. She ts robbed oven the wretch -
el, satiSlaolion of chafing Ids poor sense.
Mira. On the arrival ot •the doc-
tor s carried off, and letti upon the
' ked that hes been :mete reedy for
• 'fibe i011oWs them trileerebly he they
bear litin Staggeringly across the hall -ti
• reWetilinHaiiit piing 1.0110 431 ver alA
• tot high. in Me perfect inertness -Qt
SWOP% Is. no light welgtet.-and looks
bliegrily over the threshoki of the bed.
roolitr; but when oho etteMpts to gross
firn puts her gently beck.
"No, dear, no r he says. Ole is al -
*nett. sure afterwards that for that once
• in - tile life he calls her "dear.") "You
,Ittat better net. Nee think he is corn g
Olinda and if you are the Melt person TiO
• seitS When he comes to himself, it :night
be bad for him -might Itlirt him. You
, Would not hurt him, would yeu?"
"No, I would not hurt hina," she an-
• Wets slowly. And so turns in her utter
tractableness, and goes away meekly
Without a word.
• • •
11, is evening again now, almost the
,:. mane hour at which Jim and Elizabeth
•Were beheading photographs twenty -
heir hours age. Twenty-four hours it
. ,tfeel0 more like twenty-four years. This
:91/1 What he says to. himself as he once
• telain open s the door of the Le Mar
• OjtatiVs apartment. It is the first time
Miring the whole day, except to snatch
'touple of mouthfuls of food, that he
' has lett Byng's We; and it is only due
to the fad thot MTS. Le Merchant is sup-
plylngJiLs eitit has eent him on e
:ffleastige to her daughter, thut he has
'quitted his post. Ile knows that site bus
Meant to do him a kindness in despatch -
Ing him upon this errand; but be is
mit sure that it is one.
Elizabeth is not in the salon, hut the
sereee that masks the. door separeting
• that room from the alcove beyond
• IS folded back. Over the doorway is a
• hulloing of Eastern embroldery-as to
the meaning of the strange gold scrolls
that look like Arab letters on whose red
ground Elizabeth and ho have often
• .idly,speculated. He pushes it aside. and
' SOS her standing with her back to-
wards him,' the ninny muslin window,.
turtains drawn heck ,as she looks out
•tin, the night. The alcove is on ordinarY
•,Occasions scarcely. ever occupied, and
• there is sentellithat 'envoy atut andeni*
,tertable that matches the wrelehedness
t ef her Other clitantatanees
her standing there alone. and idle. .
The ale:tents have long finished their
raging, and fallen to beisteeotte play.
It has. been a fine day, and thoUgh the
atin has long laid down his sceptre, he
bee. Visaed lit,!eentitia..-epereely Munn-
' %had, • ,thOugh Itfieil34; radiance to Itis
• while itintator. It is broad mottitlight-
••stertlingle, , breed. The nioon things
„ overhead,. with ...Amer a elead4terehiet
about her great disk. The winds Met,
loudly sporting, • are , tet ..ottd abroad,
• .• .have chased every- vapor tram the skY4
which_ is lull of throbbing white eters.
---13etord he reaches her side she has
hood him, end turned to riled ,
with a mixed hunger and pitiful hope
In her wan Moe:, She 'thinks that be
hes- come to fetch her. He inlist
that poor hePe• and Ilto qulekiter,.fint
more mercifully.
"Mrs. I.e ittaroh8h,akent ARA tattle
to tell you thaViailthe colt
tsclousness, set•Fon WOra7.1"30/1),
•-with an ettn'alPt-'a • 4.1`Nisallrilig Orli iv
-"he is n*eleeti,' ofter4 die 14 •,00n -
Nag, tut. to out tuiaing,
fire, tu4smosaxiszawillsbeillwiticilblutateshadierl:FELD BANN00(111111
alle is to OalialactialanCg led liest,
I er Ilea arrival ot Pinta greAler« alma
en tenger etealeptit, •NA liad
Ito...lone a intildred UMW s•day, to hii
r. to glean kepi:Vets of tabags teem
ny Ottitslee MOW. ,$he tit neatrr tilde
3 repeet, Woe little etirteptdiene,
mallow& alter that or,Casion when flif/at
vtg. soloing anddenly out upon her,
•saw bee with each Sneelting-,
• Ueielirtitra4ertill at;QtfiMaillatlielleirttelitirlie444-0"Y‘ And ihj6 _17:14"4"tiockhorn.-
' alieltrerirkan4saaP„ilate,4411111: 4401,,ningitT°:uta biedintkiltata wktt
• while to OAT 001 a' elliraa 4d Item Is lloreshaltil t 104404
reassursti et Ode , hem, to tits WA. to,401. 4, tams Itica. gralialb`. 11
t ' t .
•Villatever'eW Or.
tto wits on tits WilY ,Lhorta-had got as, brgopc,110, ntiet hts. 'weed; he
00 Peri% tie ocems=;;;When. Wt. ertainly keeps pholalsec to Ullxabeth
00104 heard that $494 were bera4 104I, 0h00I. he W011 ndfded.• 'Bo
•*'Ition tun, 403)44 .ho telthee eerVirti• Other • pbOtili504. tatt•-4,-thaitg4
10 shrinic into. earth, Al flit*
'Mitt held thellandard Ktni'4401h4
heneclerth Olin the vulgar egos*. The,
'Lion rampant illea bead* it., end, the
whole COUntrY,§14 recalls the *kir of
.113 'eaten Aar. Slept.; sa tog See ' ha -11* Mere •by •Weed. link WM good rite* the 11,- 1.
yihl AtO b1atuo4 YoUltriew at IMO . natIgelgeat-ihid bYng• shell not Me.' 'cOes unr44, and 14 tic bedew' Were' taii•
you hour odd was befor.o yott .001" Whether. hi 'hinder his Mend 1rOill being .4010,11Pa. hillt011; Beg 084 lie/heel %M. .
tiatv 'him. Do not you' remerober".Aryt, INN or beCaUse him4elf ks* 140444P rielt erne, is
•In4 lo• cry eitctuuStatice Mitt InleaVe 4 W044'040 he hos fatind .44rC'eXe"_. Tho malt Wiar eentel
limy' tend to reassure ifer,--"1 Warnkt • Prettei eruel• and anleting* Wag 00T0Olf • PP the' 1000.remembera When: .•
you that Foil "V•Vald '41411:0' ID be cari4g -,11,141;44'?etr°1,47141;141YayntvliVifbr5i.or$ bit; dried ethilitt9'1440i11;SIVetisirag."$1 stak410/14,iette•
100I, Yo4 4E110 him?"
Hf words 11014,6 very deferent coot ietr.teltra; thottgbi they shit hong on her and theSe aPpearcit Itite •Utten".'„o4 ea, ISV 'SAW It' ISOM' JOHN
from that lutellow by ',hire. 7•teen itishewrid rel. galleon Ot 'In4./ittSdtt by Bruce .betore,' . , ' •• " • - • •
ettegel ugh . a remeralotts sta of se-, Piecee errrior, tOo* have, vele.
• ,
0011, Mat ts why cannot forger° MY; tie; sivItto rataides flYngls mottio found front linle te..11410 tt*:ne wro,
Mu" uoya site, with what sounds Pl. 4.)aut !Or:. Or dist delicktua drlY9 in., there, **log givuOtt *bind la tint • _ ,
ineet litre 4TY 01' ith,yeical pain. 'Ian Iresit end Ottn-sokt *.nt thi)-4„;,. , gni*? 'end yonder 'Kee ,Conief,'Ilip **(rieneitat.lni ibe-tAnIA itelge
stale, ought noree•-dt WaS riturdeOng ,cat'poetal'Afily.'s He f4.10$ her along the Two 4101011I MOMS ..40-tWeen Si-,•.!Nlh:;' • • '
ltho to telt ' thine A.quelhatnes, that lovely route 'Idtte and Stirling ero,a104 10, Ina*, the •. •• Warw. e;
She breelta off, 're toll him what r„ itte4 rwo mot* Atolls the lensete .reepective Ogee= of ,
bin 'blies his 'IFS la /1.41,,_ der bint- 1000it' Vie VASS above 'the WWII- SO 011114$ 'flurtnit the engagement:Ali/blob Wloman tome)* et,,,the ,city woo'
Sett bons Patting ILO ilaasmat• as "a.' 44- tlk to be on • levet with the hoofs took place 4atc•iho, ovoning botoro utoise;l• Lninlottula outtOd to, nalto, cost,
again, Mercy to ter, looks away •the tottyltencling COrithientill and battle. • •• the .ralepayees tglet00.
her out int° the ntght, retelliOtela, It Is o moot twisting onAmn. easio ,Awixt4 cruite,o, Tratirling as the Countees'
The moon litte swuni oiler the hellfire ,-4,witich, 44-erve,e anti loops. winds 46y, *4.40604_6r
did wan Mei 1 had na excuse. In hts • io•:.
Owe- Fehrtianes Whie nietchca our from which ',Utica titreotedf ilie”;hati sap", ut th 404044+0,44
MO Mowry Mal They Calmed dee
Tie old theory Wet auto would sot
ear awl ware guidat Wooly by at
horiesof swung !tliaperuseaeobeep. deumatillabadried htbythita
Few* Scieutelque. iittle platform' '
wirli..41ACIanF11114#14Wiltneir rW111
Tourarkii JIuaiterdovz 415‘vtite utentrivoncei
mouonswirio. quantity ot tine eggs vier. placed" upon •
' the plettorm. , •
RV kw minutes the entst 4000
weetheeee se the ueeree,..___,:teoe. firmitittlytwpftAnilrollftitneu,- Lpitanteltfttyurtii *gonoice:.
Mcf of DM Peopt.t. etatteddelirryitig ititt iggs ,AGWO it te.
The' atirepted lype ot the rne,sees Ibt" 041'
the .tage Irishman-4mq he 'onus, A See°14 Iniiintd Plane Waa' kl""/'
a/so ot, indokoqg, thriroesa€,$, tit ten, tint they look no Donee ot it. The
says the Outlook,. but be aaleeire "I 140 'aPPaaMe'Oale ot -the 14atierre.t
oleney 10 drink end even o lack of eee• Perlinent*ra then tW151"1 the", 1)14119M.
ain primary virtues, 10004 se that the second Paane Pc-ae:
eberecierietto tho irist$ peulite,u heeitittion the anis ceased
FOril•lPittellt.• 'these tailings ore net ed• to the- Iles!) eiltreStee-
whole, At ormittortrr t al0Q, tieing the OK plane end ,teolir 10 the
Welt' Men. and' u:Otilea haVO $5.01Vil Naar Sheetlail aertelaanel•It s
rretlythsttenr -of ttitMllt.11P%.14111$7,111"ITITlama-114f44
la;)131111Ir wftPenS5:t.lin neer ". ekmoireueLid14*11**1704rritt 044.0011.14:
eau) entrenee, le Me' nest. • if stet/tett Itt
„hofrauxtzatio2,41tialvitieflAnutiattiatino, aostiTuttio6ott fteibro'ethhe‘,
eVerag4 an it than kas 'thig"'"'" ,nd;oyor to tbn Aber side,* ottbAg great,
tranCei, on that side coming to. and go.,.
Map or 'Seek.' XnereeveriItar" irts 131'1.-fteco°Ineett3164:11:0:4,031:5:elle'rt4te:::::3071,1:
mg.700 tokorA;
. Med at lier
,eddreee• *ad wi!"1"41
ePt th41" W"tha
• Ot•oate
tolori WI r044•Ti.,..4,,,° !St,
„ „..
theMeetvel ;herd, VlerkerSI theY have
not:;,01,Oployeit:the..same .energ)e
lt.U.'lgecap,56,:xit the geilereVaerIetlII01441
ppressione, and. - ileptvaston. becanso of
unsanitary, :'.0wellinga • ,I100: insiiihetent
AS tit' Sirliik. to; Ihe gencre1;
sepposition, the trialueen, 4 endeet leee
tel" now; ha °paean see her handl- heed norrow deep. gorges, But look to the wroth'. . tia:,(14edr, for.. %),teadeir, ,Wher0 eterer111 remein ter
mirk OS Mein% as over la the brow.' ul,.'44 Ale olitie-trees, earoublera, tuld gates Of lite irnarellon Inat Ornooi O'tnriftIghtr- •
ctualt, IMO where the waVicti ere! osvrt.., otAwly They tea pee the cam. peers. that diStant 11 .boyo 4 !Meth !MS:Promised to stibacertho
breaking en the beach. tigne,ot, the 1.0.0glish Maori "L'EPIcIer the streern. amide the, Eng,114h fitt• thp,•PODIttleikill or tit taiee
One often tulles tit ftlige witilinik • lin* Many others, Over whose Around htes and In, /mitt are one 11 er* armlet% Of 'ant** tiatneer •
ar• gent hiniarks nge, fie the border of 4 lox • , hes tne ti.ethrocten while und the erm au awful Iota tleaddaS,,'''et 10: POrtimut
DOE1 toe and ht %FOS- ettkinvilliaolIght-thelr now dred ,thottsand ariliect n'tewl and- his and feat • niaaaala4*
really Meaning that there much .
was to (anti bat to-nlgid tha 111MI• thighg Purple' Oro, and big bushes of yowl stretch:, roam% oi larearts",' Peir "%,,vhe, Ittly*'1401,
washed breakers. reallY 00 wear that ea, Ors' de Marie stoop their milky stars. ikround ,the -truce are Iligleander,s„'.• end eivithr10 miles- under Studio Ooralittoub,..,
rcat.,-a fringe of silver with long over H, :Mrs. Oyllsra eyes, seine and diminished towiand Soots rnarehalled to Meek& Will'seilm Vat' Pidhilidild-te-rtitati..
spendantore ore beer then OW Shirltat „th•Ct ree'efe'fwlite„h'.ended
0011trart:lanniON04;"•9t-litaAeOi. 1,11 I t 4. Voi "
OrthertnOre, Mict".0trea MOre stirpris* .c,(Fer, :10 • t 0. newly • um ea e y.
ttill fa" Mohr. StatiatieSslithe the r
*initelitilV41114 407e ST. lirliTitt"14411. 114trliett".". 14.Ti 1111.r% 4;7, Z4?„ 0.„N• Qm13;r6L6ty-11 C., Q;JeNuTtenr.1:.but
ici'$Octte'r h`kArklittYttiO' alrelleer: he healed Itt the 1,"Temetgarril !
iniartabty.004#444.$ '01.O.• .004 be• wetted "ItaW hew ,silgatier
Fd.elutituscei ,;7o,ttoon„ erodr• tre4; e. hgb1410t
mated itt•Ortelkaaa—, 1.00-11.•at 1-A-00,00„', trinities, • wire "iturde•'. the:, ilat.eanoe,$)f,
Tlius ire",atXt,FLY.e_art,"' the .populatien tO.4.!", bitC112'Ld*„ tOotp. Our 'greatest
hy nearly 44/94.904.. wo0 henelhotorX. Thechildreti•ot „theae• .10 -
What L; 4,1615. '44y,ty,: umMe, , andthey
tot. this ..iluolifY as well 'es: 1,;(,,sy to .ttsalt,. and •Otz go- to !ranla-;
quantity :einvedeed'. •' ientigrants ,ototg -,4nincaSe they • , wttl .00419.
hUve,:ieneollytte, eMlit )00 toll vigor;. V:r:uralVinalrY.
Sliest of • " °Se wact 14We rentailled lave' They. hest Odes 'you, 'over
badtTertiegarol lakes aro ablePlc
40 two, rears% work.14 One., . mneat
itAilktwniut bunting. igoolt.ot•aceeaa:
•MeDenald; Elden, Staten* Teronto• •Orti.
Vbiteident ; sent etreo, OW to J. 10,170111141,401. Ydset:e34rintrl.;•0
age and en s. •y watching and watarinese, have hten
"Lit I W0.4 so demtved," she man- Acing restfully on the delightful spr ng
urs, with that wail atilt in her voledi. ive0,010.4402. the great. yellow sorrels by
"be was not vtolent. After whet you r.e Wayside; she now turns Mem tear -
have told•nie, I expected him to be via- ',:•eininted le her eetnilintion.
lent; but he was not, t be was tittltn.• ."I multi jump Mit of my skin!" elle
gentle and quiet, and he did beg ' SO ! Op, ,§riakily. "What e sun I what a
bard, and I was so glad to ace him ' ed 1 tine to think that, atter all, we
again, that 1 bit'1was gtring 111-4hal love pulled him through."
I shroute give way altogether if I did, •• lurk% otthe ahswer Is a synipathettle
not tell hira4••tell him at one°, wIthoutdpreastire Ot the extremely 'well -fitting
g.iving myself time to thbilt 1 and so r glove neurest MM. If Willy had died
did" -growing very breathless 4nd ht• lc:stead of lived, her gloves would have
coherent -"and in a second; and then idled all the same.
all in a minute, without any warniligs "Tett We ere not out of the wood yet,"
just as if I had shot him through the eentInues she. with a shake of the head.
head, he went' down with a crash. i "Ile is ;hired. or nearly Mired, of one
did not see it, for I was not looking et • tsease, Mit what about the other?"
him. I tiotild not bear to look at hita "Whet either?" inquires he olastinatelY
while I told ,hirn, I had bath hands over Meld, and with somewhat of a heart -
my toce and then -and then -I heard Inking tit tho Prospect of, the engage -
him fall 1" ,ent Whlch he sees ahead of hirp.
What can Jim say to her? •Fear lest' -How many elbows the road maims I
any dastardly unchtvairous -euriosite It Perna to have been out in`places right
may seem to piety* through whatever through the wet red rock, now over -
sympathetic qUestion he might put le bong by such a torrent of vegetation.
her keens lem. dumb and stupidly -eters - --At--•the•-liead of one of--thirdeep delta
Ing at the bowirtg Ironically inert?' :that un ujo from the sea th7 pause,
Mee, and he is shocked to seo how lie neententli lese leafy than Rule. •I',o June, the thickness niAis walls woo mem
it iS in the moonlight, "he will go e too, belting the murmur and 'bum and '.'.
"And now" she goes on lifting hisT greenery that wo d seem to belong to
t, deld, .and_.ciose- to - the--blirit, :#,Mids •iig•a .9' gar (I ar * h h's an "
King James' Cottagti-, or Reatmes Mitii
where James III. was murdered wilt e
burn. The great •age pf the htlae:Igtd 0 4-1._ ,` .
, --,-I- me Wailting-Stielts and Umbrellas, hoots,
tenant the things found in thein were
Charged at Saliotd with neglecting
have itist been cleaned. Out, and.
P a retgn of tyreney in Egypte "rn:eg EintinY: ev'iery'' tont 9r to. nvi' gm' us .1---xz' , ea 1,4 "uinsar.
M POW. Ser461.:404
.....,,..;,.....' :
of the world thinking me inuch worse suininer trickle ot running water at, the to corroborate the. tradition of iteeen, . den 'had oulaYs been a Man who lied . ITO: angn• ,,,,, , „,_ ,_,..,.___.,
.. gVtilloalced the doors, led them on breed been.. dominated by a governing
than I really am, for I had no time 10 rodeo bottom. • neaten With tho lefties death., • .! 'e h locked t:. 8
-, bIS hire children ei man was stated to
stranger who anitcarriced hitisieltt" a * •
1.41 w, ater, end thr hed them with a seen revert to his 'original inactive con- _Soid nf mi magmas, ,
' ' dition. They 'would .still -end evidence , . ,
ewnee'ere ,tv'Titoh4drIwirtt 'iti4tee English
1111111e " 8111',..tteilry,"d_4n 3,114:46° 11.1we-v
tell him all, tie heard only the bare RI do nkt see why, it As goes on as story !of the woman at the ,well„.„. he , the 'bey in a filthy ne
Mot ; he did not hear what excuee 1 entithmingly Ai he is now doing," says frightened steed, the bruised rider, • ne .x as Egyfittan would fard'a Se Leto neve fella,
controon tee. Tho pits are dug,„, he - If tt constable). is. In .denger, of • bein
ealthreP,S Scattered. Met lielleiCti eh .hiraPiteitatied for life lie ebeeld• bit
out to see that ell Is ready, anChey g nfan on the heed'. That 14 What I th9,104'
COMITI4O4ed 'his . sointers )0 Itentv le, do- 1! 4 were; • a, kenstable," said p E,.,
Orestes them in words wittelt itavaliebri` 'llerirFs'i•GhietcoraMISSIonee.'et the 'P011eff
. ,
e driest Wer sorg ever written. :De nt ,is eVident . she herl :keel!) What
glaranlireSted nif the Scottish btInt =Ws's on- '
%bun Ns been lee, and endOligi, *Wit ChaRtiV0 knefghhOringt„ _and
hat recovered lit lost rose The, $80tei drinking," said the eorenter at Nor-
tish whiter& lie in arms all night; epah, wich inquest on voinah Who, atter
tLe field, and at daybreak, as E4V011td. 'Visiting three houses and being served
sees the Abbot ,if eehagray_riat, *IT -With drink, fell bite the river.
repeat the story? 4 very Scot knowt4 COMpensation to the extent of 4100
The crowd tram the times till has donee was warded 0.81'1.001 to 10110 Beni,
its work and ' there Ls proud Edward, who at an eye as. the Nitta Of tt'm or
flheing etioevl ttereeidienwt(i=prtilletst..41ea' opeateci re.
'hear from Birfainitam, and now two
Over .there Le• ingrata's Crook,. where Iey, aged xt ilyere nesSing, .
ttrhilaviwnoo,undw,c,sed Itcanikger,, isrisoir ninerglra4tir4„ Street, • a gee rex-ph:1st:in at suse.nno
Petra', Where a grispipe n e
I th
TRADITION OF KING'S /ton girls, Li t Bayth. and Dora Hock -
In front the Ben* deBohun weeroud l'sNeZPairtt& hcluse .1441g
It is not the battle alone thatmakes 4,svv v-• wrecked, an roe Pose
the place of historic interest. 0 tile • ,
were 'tired by fatting ftleass.
ttta4 ctt?ha indesirt.
Meanwhile:Atte burega, tificaticirkhea'
drieraltinaly .theree•Sed. ourprlayith'
. that..Wlill the except n,OIVreane.e.:•
Ireland's birth ois, shout • be, r)41W the
)(West In the Worid?" „
Te'opie. Clintdass- Of tette Is 46011
Years Old.
At the King's College, England,
tently, undee the elespiees of the; Egypt
Exploration. Field C T Cerrelly geve
, C. T.
an tweeted. of the excavations at 'DKr,
eeelatuue, and. daseribed, the Progress
of the years work In donheetion ' with.
tbe discovery of an eleventh dynasty
kelpie in the vicinity of Deiree,Behari,
Mr Correity said the original ;temple
.had been erected, and dedicated te the,
cictidess ef Love. The shrine was built.
es ealculeted,,about zna 13„ C., and,
SOW, of the people .tvIto ore lussausa,
ilsit-With this world' 41isappointot
with heaventle they, get there.
'We have ne bealtationrin..sairing that
nr, J. D. Kelleas Dysentery, „Cordial,
is witheut doilbt the beet medicine eve
Letrodulled jer, dyeeetery; akarrhceas
etelera and all, Summer eomPlaints, pea
elettliess, etc,. MOMpny leVes relief
end never Mile effeet,,a positive eure.
Methers should natter be without .4 bot-
tle when their thildrett-ere teething.
-"lifilud,"dah't;Yett-Pley tennis it glared entirely from the Greek 44ea al that miser' "Now, how do you ann-
o worsbipPins temples. 'pose we Are goitig to play tennis Witte
It was erected for mail and for mores out raising a racket ?"
glorification, and it_Was put up during
end hook own upon a secon sea of fleeing from the battlefield of Sellehle- empty times ticket knives., and tobac-
pa m. •
litut-that I was not really so wicked ea Mo. Bin h restless' voice -"why we P '
,he AVM tile- thinking- me." -- • •- 'sleatild het get him off In a week, even priest and. then... stabbed the • --erul Iktia: Lydia Alkens, the 'fifteemlear•olcl of the primitive Man- there., Its long as
T b with which she ends alerms ILI* weed Carried on board the boat." death is familiar to every reader .
Seottishhistery. • •datighter of a Leicester 'builder, caused the Egyptian comid bee driventie seem-
• 4.. greet reitement at Leicester by climb- e•A to ba Capable of altniat anything,
him by Its kinship to a. convulsion. , 'A week? Is not• that rather san-
her nee handsIts if by the violence Of kt:•' timg, during that. Nveek i should" May the breeze t
event when a ustaper was hnmbled.
tha.,$Weeps the fteidit
4" WI 4 Ialvi451f trig It.' himney 15Q feet high and walking but when the pressure was withdrawn
But our thmights
"I de not know what to say to your gimlet"
he says, desperately making a snatch tiP "I do not think so, the sooner the bet- roteindk- the edge of the scaffolding at the he fell back to:ilie primitiVe Ways.
• , Mr. Currelly observed that the year's
little portion of the deep compass!' ternPt to see him." distant Scots, and wherever oppress iiin's I
come ot any inquisitiveness ; "I do nal .
"I ent so much in the dark. No, no one hitherto?"
no I" with a return .of that terror IOC
Ns ejaculation should seern the put- (To be continued).
... . of an ancient ibattle march, and, .heer', ,Clitis has beea WOO by Miss Coulton, of lite pt Egypt Were continually being
Ling ti, sing- .,,, ., ' loelli.3
But they shall be free -
"We will drain cnir delve* yeins, pfsti a rs . in Preston have. decided to dtriswelevaerrendp.
... Norfolk and King's Lynn Scheol for Lions and eoluismersimbolta Of the eellY
't-.- "ralse.-their tees for, attending ineMOrs Idatory. ,-
4.10 1. conducted pupil in the West. in entiquar_es. and scleras.
and e wrelnyttheh ventaEgya plotnegetevrayly
that is swelling up in his heart for; her; „"lias she shown any signs ot making, rod is raised may they hear the strains
want you to tel me anything! What •••• e
------*--•-v-."-- " oi fignelly societies 'from es.. 6d, per
his grip he could convey to her ang thhtik site Gould hardly make agy at. day bear with it the spirit of illiert?r!4 • •.--
egriZe presented by the Queen for vvork had been one of great importance
RAILWAYS% TOLL OF MAW- 4 snub to 4s. per head for men, 9s. for ' SENTENCE SEregoils.
-,,z.t) there Is not the Guard The Cblidreh'e Ilea- 1th by Glv- , . wean& and 3s. for children. ll'aith is not fostered by blinking facts.
least Manner of doubt about is that his
log Them Dr. Williams' Pints Pills. Numbers Injured by. Itairivays "%lite In (ho new premises of the Platinum thout
fainting, had no sort of reference to -Vatted -States and Canada, ' Sltbstitlates Company in East - Road„ N,a tac!'t.k.„111:I19-31•11‘,Pgii,VS-;-,.. - •
What you said' to h m : he would haVe The•heelth ot the owing bo or irl P . Witten' which the•thre Mayor fort:a:11y ,as". - - • • '
cesualties ire tho tinned States aro es s'„•,,, n,„.• IA' „,tecen,„,„ t -1•1 i„li ,,,,,„cted that ' 300 Precept is powerless without person -
The' kinowtag statietice on railwey
v e work is to be dime
nearly oftleial as Itis possible to melte '•, -• - 'xi- -",-- -
faint ' whatever yoti had sold to hipr shoultk.htiiearetully guarded. Dbring .
oe 11 yen, Wed -said nothing at all. e„ "the `gtew#Ig lime therels a danger et
Was as mad as hatter tvhen he went hie bkmd becoming ploned and the
i .
in to AM. It 'ell part -of the aitn0 health teriously fakpaire . The blood t ap in Sir Pieter. Barn, chairman of with °lea.
beck I:0,p former strain oonsolatieri. woinittio P nit Phis are ate ideal tante •• • 7429 a't south Africa, where he will convey. 11:14:tinlige,,af: -selfha:Mbee,r9
thing-e0Veriall e. Sunstroke- Mit aa ehould be kept pure tied the.ohild will I "` 4 - the ,Rondon Executive of the South
Fidth in ','God is seen lit fellowship
ts not, volne-to die" -.4 -with. a hurtled trip grow stoni healthy and active. Dr. "" "35 11 'Airicith Products Exhibition, has left for etiquette,
...mho not thinking of Prondatt ter Me fowl. They never fait 10
• • "gr' 0"4; Mayor's of the capitals of the five South One light ' tongue can make many
' lort signed- photographs of the King to the silicIde•
, / give you my word of honor'- bring .tio er o the pale <Meeks and
. 6,447 810 Ideteet °wolves, , ( ) . hertvg hearts.
001fig PeriectlY reckless and cern- strength to the growing body. Toa
maim any reloinder.
Ent she la tact Strangled With sobs PeWeat of St. Canute, Que., tells how so? ' 6 49,7 001 SIMIU'LD me DOCTOR TELL?
...... ...•
2,1441 Flo , w try. born of Imaginary troubles is
40 92 the patent of real worry.
etely •111Seilaate-"that he shall not I", yeerier o4Averar du Nord, Mr. Jos. 1866
tp. Riese MRS saved las daughter Mario is68 6, You OM neve t get to know a man
goes on Jhu, "I have telegrephed tor vear qgo my .eloughter, et girl of Mir- 11,00 ,•" •" 7,805 50 620
44,490 In Regard to Whether His Patient's The suspicious seek in others what
b.>, finding out Olio about, him.
tle Shall taw, the best of nurein trot. 6 life of misery, Hesays. "4 1899 . s • ?A
muse to Rice. flow astontsitirig it It I
that In a place of this size you Cann* "ki-0 Was veil' weak' She Wcis 841 1001
• . .. 8.445 ` 54* Disease Is Fatal? they htiVe hidden in themselves.
This world will' never be sayed by
Yet deilent •sith nurse! I hoped \led tb41411-ted Stla Waa Ping 113.11- 1002 . , sag 044aita "Otiaht -the dootor 10 1011 his • patient
' tteotk e .00 4 rIttially nalnded. to' 'Wash
SUMP toe Though tried reniwY a .er 03
.• 9,844 76M y what is the matter With him, dishes.
:might have caught the .err, who nursed., *kilo... '"o
y mho remained in tins . state ,oi '
alai hat I 441,••4rttle bo P .,1111...t ,thite,.",.. . _tie, elePs 'alw,a0„1,1Yi *•.„1 , a., t.faa;,...t,t1,1*,,,, While the neva' would get hater,. 41900 . ' • •"‘" - . 1444 • eVito tteetener's Jury of h.doetrit
bhuselt.40, 4itilet .re ' mtiaii "t.Lt,,,,,,'",: TW011eatiOn (44$ 1110 0."94n l''' 4P4k"'"' r rod et the mod Dr, Willboog4 Ptak .1906 aniit 4-11,-.0.0.1. 12/ 60,071 ifetio., told that he had 'oonsumption, many, gad greatest satislachett -m-
oot ,nitivIt;;;Initst I,kot be letr.elleu", 4 110,11# ',Met MOO the. General' filed' AW:a pra..a . bad ibe4n. va case nt anaemia, so
oprimitted suicide, was diacussed by a fighting sin, when it involves firing at
1/1011"0.10,:!beill/Lis7'144.:alant Ont• all ' dor ago. - untortitutdoty, ..8he tage ., , ...,,....„ top, her. seen she betro 16 "Onoilletati train a.c.cidents only. .L.
tanc'Uor sto*.ily-And-40.1 '1,16' 4aaiaa inombora, as keviderteed" by the SirOng. • '''''"; liarleY street London physician lahlly. their .nelghboo,
Pivot, lies appetite returned„ she GREATEST WRECICS IN IL ,E.,
,,. L, Speeking to a London .Dally' Mali rep- malty a noin thinks becailse lie is
ts3 ' . l" Wr." alaai;OS,t°e'" , ' • Ahliddelt that pas. over bee,
. 1.-trtayaft:,,t6 ont:not..yon. 640_40.„„he hut-lett:1w: ...11,4i St.rdit ;4111.6 7:168 lit-ttl!;?ii„.1.11; ItIntarnolitir,pc .... • , .. , ...1.!_in telVitg:, whabli,itglatttgVSAF. / .blind iii-buShiesa be niust ba blest _With,
hit 1 0 L 1; i'c
tram, ispietwil vision."
. 10440 84,6 -even though the .cosesse he 4futal orie?" No man overdomes sin until he hates
solous; Oat es, to Say, he. la old I:tuella Oatmeal Soleil before. --14
ter' Several months and I begat law 0,703 86068 This hueation, raised by the eenstire 'Pt its power more than he fears its pun -
*nor doop narrow rod gravn tit
Whet a:Uolvering \Igo tholitpo sumetitt, al' tuo protegtog conottift, en), YOunt e0100 be'. tirmlY be; iii70-nslitahala• Ohio •••• •••• ••••••.:80 Mobs Nolio already know, •trat hope te o44.ere,e, a Tot, tf people, tiophig tor
1244-thalSw4/1.44 111' '"" "" •he tojd that thing.s tire not so bad, mid, von on the sts‘mi ot the chicken
rely* mid meth Whetever bitter yearniugs fifei"
and Yet IteW elleti IS I Ilowever dem- irat they shig that they ,a1whoit Pink pins etived her
4-888-Nkal Malt Pa. • ••• •••• "": gladly swallow, tt and (hi those I
lliett-Mlaiille -city, N. J. .... ...,. 47
410Vet the Milli hole Callaing her, to must
1903 -Laurel Rue, Pa. .... ‘0.. 65
Etigits V ors „.,
,It tuoil. Oh. if s wee eat„htieo , Pink Pills are equally
fre t Ite. tvelti1 hut have 11heeeathil In britighig those of rho,.
a•to 1en 1,0,3,00 it really WitSP",' Aga bath td healtafts they tfro
• . , • — • 7601414 tin the young. They melte
,purbiled'hlood...11tet 'whY 'MO hell*
feed hey drop In The tollection.
kneek it ten, 1IM heed et opoot.
t004-Sden cow
to liimi-dotpossibloi ono out of Fur
1904-,Nrietrinrket, Tenn. ....
• p.1011011' great object to, to
keep 111111 perfectly unteliemitr.iroxice hto
Caught eV f.tt
\vLlIted i1 turu Is t4IMIE" Nh' thence heart palpitalliz, IndlgeStidtr II d ill I d
lsh atiatenta, rheumatism, SI Vitus tQatlY°., .. ... .. . 'UtlisQlseased!T?h'e
v n 1. a 4:4::11141:4' 41114 ya4iyeueresal ittYi slaeonr°pti: :mho ehoya htso ei.fIndrh.41
"leassdo the doctor tie alternative, 'They
rieTvber"ttri nbilirttle‘tririrtteFrilit410.Yhiti' 14L24.7; WoinannAl 1)abda,Crelitlur-yoli-gtilinuslrgclet1I'd: the 416477-analetint 1111011-7°14 7Mfl -t* 181111tenolotil.100140\0v74011.'d041941 1.1 leiaar 411 b'ecatiirt:t
Ind 'it ,14111011*" intet,eupla
,Pittluttio oho
would 'AV luiew Vac. •1 •ohnid not do
111211 on,y ltarni 11 111' did siot. know Me,
attar t •dn eVer'
it thing for I if yeti knew
what, It Woe to Stand and do 11014
then tto elle fain heating the anti*, ‘,1)1 c.AsuAL„._11E..s. CLMDA, thli"Titstett,htiretsahmlecalsnttlnot.tihoe.hr‘titzlgiseouniy,,!t*'
laden, wIth wet yam toinako. ttio'groto Avitliams!i Phlk Pills for Pole Statialle$ for 1003 in Canade,. Wthch • or. if it meerit vortotx_or more,
Sahel( ti Iteentr '°11 Olt .1hO AMMO *round each bee, All L, ere the .1.6),est 'vett (amen , 66,6* i 164 death' before t. yet the lib !Wilts of the "other swooned Ptrik Pills ore imitation& .to thot yolp 4 ,p0,11pro ,ge kmott, tut ,o le grave affections .Cif Alto heart wa
ointoothil06,14,0166die et td .4),0. lib 0, -witt is. el at. full; eteuts,d, ,r4.0,10141..§4040..titte'i,rtto,1`01•hilraulli 09-,,,4).1(46t ,61!" 4111.,era attenr uhi4tede dttletieyleelxlvdul 0 abent attex:t 0,151, „I.,38i injured by luttwaki Cattado.!...•
"Mi°44" " °°"° ""8 nr load tharade' TIle "lee 471. th° trent TIM Witlitons litedicine Co., ' giLOVildt unuOln :to
,..t' 11001 keenitt Is box oe she ',es or 0.
pow 1, (oh *Dug 40Y,000 have " eto n th entritheettall it 4.
a t Y • te 1 t i m 15 aw htillte twis $eti . 4 0 0 Ilrochott, IJr es V4..-
u'va ,‘liamt IA 18*4Aq "a . 'oral the shattlemeit sleeps. ht-CiPr1010 . ,, . Ible F$118 gst *Ott* NVOrkibbli.;:lit
01 IIIM'' ' ' ' 11151 OGIO'001$' IVO LP do more-fhnit Mtn'. ' ")" 1 n ' I
%die turret but to tbe'+vindo* Again. t 1 t l 1 a I heY W011* P4 '
mid dashes1 ' tew.11ead 40101 violence tieP 4* reillleS I , ....,... --- -- — hi° rou.841'1,41106xineortaliCeilxv::4:-.;(4,
ltwle; leo. getaide tile tell Asia" , ilillleir. th°t° 114314Y. 1.113(11,!t,,,lesgo' :idf. Ilk r !"."14.7.e..."111. l'"4R. , itlb Neel:141104 tttged tWeelly..initie AintOf
11.10:710!'l limbs thtfo.,•41:11.!:,(17iii' huhilft,441.,,v.0%,U,t t'lz11:116t tbanYulekee,-oVett ZertY114tioctelitiltstlitl.'narSVOI4tYi*Wlevee.v3ritieeitinfie-sshi- t'aV.,111b,i,Ibs,,,, lt,,,Ille,,101,11 ,re10,,_04; reoll'neeF", neeirlY°. reek‘11140t15 4411.°10°Iir iii_inapectforit 4 PrIY 15t
xv4Victing' •allit thalding. ' tot as II eon. thrill Who WO ;been fOrttlintin'etkolunt40. Hie iy4tillAtiweie,A .tostkiel. Pa444tatts • 4/ rttitibe‘ Ini.i.itewilio toticw, r,itkazt ol,
1101111 bp talighlee, • 'Who porck ote the te Ile Prrseni ai tit%) calastadthe I '' ( IFPha
I lit 4,,niero wilijewastlt and' flister, CO cavri.t1'.diltvd"Adottsulliq 41.olpttp°oVrell4rattrinisllo41,;(3ortlal itte.AlfricitlallIttlit:CfeirtiFerg°0WItt6rs0 1111141'relleljettlieltd Iii°:rtak$134:1111Svti.1161•411444.1?-.1:"NttlieleSiliaritir Vi I
4igninst 11.1. tooy .4 at 0•1°s% ar atIli" tree haw) Who (he St letrible dettitti thtti Milan
date...paint LI • taken, 1111,041p ,ymtur.od Deeseas tetta ontoromt.,, mob, Ns* Alegsnd, Ong is e ace ,
11111410# by 11•11."*t ''' 4' rnji "Pde641 IS IWO tIS 11111(VPItA0 ^I)° iknyik
and ,tva towing an no
. c
Lo[r4,16.01,11. jo,•4114.610e4, to41,4-thio the pop. ""settide Wig* strelened open Airs, 1.6 0r.44.1,TI.„1„euS .00„1000„10,,,n -b0, ido.one of the *yens by soms
mown. mut tottitalelhht ik '044- .'!),01111 „ , ,
T zeo tn. marichatills Peesiall ear&et, that HWY 4V"V 1111,,In ttkut chance tiOnee, Wes left -Oland,
• rattiod ---111.9 treatment later 4 'tinitt . fps, ehaeueaewee not .noliced
tuitteltle'n811:4VAVII ultro.°14itiouitt,''moitihrn76'onitTilytliPIVP3S$1t:ry' t611111' ,Waat0400.;:ta taa htmre*" 1115 the '.114311tan1Pithlaa% W4IFg 16" 14`at tht' 404
1.06,41 realus 30e,SS our Retry. toonass!onato into,„csi rsenroly •,w0/100 *tette oteiiiietitlielita, YOMetinteit titrUetkat APhlihrtesi. dritelt 'the frOff
. . •
_ttli can't. liaVo you ttitt4tinT .0 '11 non- fo lliele own. 'v. tliSetPedt, nen lee kvbWt. MontltibSlhl dOor, (mg set the. Itr41%, going ,,tte tun,
says J1111, ' DI an klitOIEITIY hind l'Itts ottly total* in. 'tha• hetet Whir *0,4 hut th*tall.battm ..the Igoe,
' We is poor Ilyog Aditti ektol$Alveltitot oro lost the Ailing, pia int ihroa.ottitstil otettft idt lite.
iiPlitdi111.1eva' '114 C'tind‘OileAverdat" 1° 'MOM COOOldk 10 -tOVIIISh i‘vo Iree „
,e*Innot Swear' titt...tit'llita !Minis tte ilfil those. hurn,p atippers Ati .46ect 440. Water' la' :WraPlied aliOut dolt or, ot tratlx mud' 14. mini:walk":
Imes 0, moat U11,11041 aro" ter OM king Og0 was, It ippktious (,)„1.6.*: ro..boo Ittla. mote', Ice "%rotor Is': aprink- torrkaly .bingotig doe',% pee ;to volt
bowl' 04, ,The pabg4ikkes to tita witakiboat tnnOt:01.qpdao na Abe ks*Il• 'WRY Mkt Ike 40(4 ibet Intg We*. slioreli .14Y heap Of tharred
voi„ 40)30g to 4.1-10.1, to: IA thinking stateeot Itt" feelings; oilitit duals" ie old in the' vAr that IS Atieredolp.e R gigt waft mil)/ A-moil/II:mullet;
, Arat 'taw 'Steady vice. Itie • ds 4)Alt Iflaf,1I1111C a „
1'02C:ljpg40 91,V 4A,14/311 Selt*•eind ine Itelhita he hill it With titto Pafialt '15 '5P0,Illied,.01t ',„‘Vith ktt• dtd. anyone ittocOver Ilial he was- VA
11, iiOt tt t ,svar then 4 afteet• tied 1111s been oat . the 'Ilarte,L, •.•Theri et:".1)joerilas Attaat.'
tuorki,14,..umne„"the, peer litatting , • • eat' kit 'the Sheet • Ytha•tuttont •ot • Mt' teied,optit door. :
shoo/der. 44UtiLlag Ofol:pt 0S", Them had 'leiter*, tion" %rhea NVSS O./kettle' 0111.1%,1011,"(Orlitt on tho,thfthoid, near it Se' raper arid
et 40,4 13 tokit tioi.,tta„st •,oi!! then', Abe Whol0 tense' • rings, Wish ceot.*Xpetitlienb have' nreted thie intite; Ted Ilittottinteth 'Melt 'Tied ittutd*,tian.,
Altiltu. aolel' , ' -, • . his frantle. rallinp upon 11.t1'tante 4 ettre, bighly 'tlit•e!Stifial.: Ite...eiRtrie iii *lease hittiselft tee Whit
She 14:,,,t,eq Itint 04 onsWettil: nor tills Mittleth, littered la avety telt et rage.gr.",,It
oit. wild," 111" ghOctl3' th'elh istihtiel/ the These cries reach Iltitabotir berm( ia
lite sirlit ea hod, "wee while' tel,lootS espostolittioth Uth101110,4e. 'ttrid 01111tikl, t
wlore 'bet') moron* ty the heat. Ai' the
lit's sell: oven sfisehad borM iti bele lit ike
all Air oon), eritie e 1*
Ilnitsratiltt at 14," wit'-), 41;14 au stamh abe sits tovirafg In, that 'matt The, little oven. look Itirly'lithuttes to heat Pi torti
of eettooitiliett. Iipl,•tte 4-avzs a; set' ot st3to Ot wont) whIcil Is Iteartst the dont bustion paint* littageny WO lutvethiten
'Pillow. cut of which the sitting elfin ot t5lleatiVe--44•413t theft towering, end prolonged and ids Whirl/a eXetlteidt.
light has 4.-!, 11 ull Atte olor. Pion ling ,,I,O., 'With the doer* throng!) whit* those Mt.
0,41.44....,,, all(k orran ieZteir,' tor owsv to If.'eAtul soutids penetrate le tier., 41ar. ..........................".... ,
in,- right the datilbig 1itti4 snowy 7111114t Pt -order Me better in Ilese flirni it
Fri Homo. stw.wing, L.145k i. iintftligtircil mot Sr weal 'lays alone.
aus,hrooin; and 414,44 e,ctiniD rint3itt tit starkat.4
11"1 i.14' .it3 0003111 lipsi that ',lulls,thobith stideolig11)
1 %Op 0.144y ltO, IMO. • "a we* elapses ,troin the
°tor. Soviong tes.13 AIWA 112 i! must' '114'8114111410V old tat tivnita ittaledy
hare hall it, sitnIttelie. krkivi that hie Th strital 401 tither the ticePlitil
bee twee by Ole l'Ast, ite. 'efts a 111;r* ot 15,1541 the lat.,
goo" kr "Air it lie, mut hos,great etent °rent*. Atro. 1.,5t Manthertt
pewtry Hort, 30 Cater and tie is tire4 ?MD lter poet at the set metca
ASP* ONO*bMsuW4i ratklisilly. Until& with Ib. lem, atalentallaiis
At30,006,1160 :
Sir Albert holli‘ ehatrittarloy "he My.
Iniory Roped**, 41titandlle6 ;of
Tu MANI. fartients Iltankt. opetted ae two;
livings hank tit Preston. England, Mt
thor doy. The 1,told Ley died its MO:
terensally was,posented 1),V the Iowa,
$ir Albert saki that the( kid drposilit
18 the sarings iStakreit_lha country.
Aunt& to "nomthan
ItiwING-IttipotNo NEEDLES.
tor An takes of miteldries, al Five Cents
p•ot par.Rago; eVaryttillig elso. per,
hutting to, sewing- inttobinga at greatly
reduced prices; Look tor lbe Red •11.
Sinre„SeWing: 3,1aeblito OS, Wille et
at it:soiling Chisirdie're*. Tainitta; tor Set
of laird Cents free.
Oitivet txterrottialor
Is pleasant to take; Are and etleattlai
.linottitt not partitive litiVe Ante 'Stara deltrOYing,WerillS. Many have" tried
•Iihtt questions. • Andther ;ghee.: WW1 hestletett%, '
Itow lorifr,:eliall I liver No •
tiette0whe knows hie tiresioesS wth it ; the Deitei.alatet only ane blinding
4'140 be reetteet . Mt eity palionps. In titre theeland.' is ' 0VOOl tioreintik,
40141:: Mans •40Oteitt- hos, been tOrne PreFrOa , •
gave toltnNo4 ludo and
'L;nen that
4411'• °08:4. l*Itts 44..‘'101.
Vabytiviivit ciriall.Mqaoiliit
4-• • '1). tow teettiodhig th
too a Powerfal,
ttepsfic4eansex tieranement 'refs nem
bus -*Otero, nod nervOnt'..debtlity . once.
tgonillreit to dttlicult to ,ttealeivitiii,
%owlet' Man, testipionisiS Its10 itto
tIltdoek Or Parilittieese V4go10blo, P1118 hit
toltutottitt, distirdeevehOwldg that they
net/er 14111 10 prOdatt,
Ina *pee Latio th tile dtgestive tirgetWi'.
ttfre'rigi4,4 605' ' the Wive;
PICK 'wait Itttt VitoNt
*Iiitoot it %valiantlour in Sontlatat
itto, matt ttt St.Catbortneascraonitt
fatirriratta, toot tton, gtoltoNsf whop
after eon* totweriallok 011ertil to t**0
us a shafteut oVer tha aioora socials*
us the eleVer we tir,Itlitch their .40A's
wetricel, :There were thr# floek4 ot
obeep Olt ilitt WITS belonging titi'different
040, Sitting *anon the
tits,sbephkPis e tout thaw 4tto 4)60. on.
,1iuii1) t st6tayate•tIto sheep and bring
Itreit giast Doti* up to where wa arta
resiltig,e /here were thimand aheep,
itt mots scattered over the ,trioor. tirot
rionrallag thers alL tip In it bunch. 'ha
tiegie rnlherkd thele Oria AfteOp initathee.
*Rising Alt, the Strewn", int barking
Awl thasing them, hut l'ot hurting theta
te the ietitti Withlft 18 114415' thtY bid
lata flocks helonettit to their iikike-
:tate remPeede /lathered, eited kougtfl
them kr ten dktilklOOt Or* a'slak 114*
st* wa„
average Wiiiir4114
PlentYdt lime tot iiVeryilling it he Wilted'
i Wetell trrory day. . •
.; Why ',.6,1(m.plbg, 'on4 'winning about•
3fOztiv come; uthott. 1/5 cent boltis'ef
. torn Cure wid • reitoe
:tittle,' tilltq' triakeand you
regret , •
' 'atter' yoari: apinater nuty,.#4,Aie.„
;Cause, to congratulate ,hersell an the
otoother. of ',111lieg elte didn't dt)t Malted.,
• The. Leta., Weelth• 01: the'. uttod';$tal
19 but a . • 1
.,ittnitmtor nod. tussle: toinbined, hi
ther , Imre titan 'yeatie0. and
Ina I
, Three =Oaths after. facing the parson
together they were seated at the tea
table. "Do you love me' still ?" • queried)
the young: wife, after_ kiln rilannalL01
her kind.. "Of course, I love, you end;
Its ahsvrered. "Now keep still while I
read the paper."
• • 4 --
Mild in Their ,Acilen.-Parraelee's
t'esetable PIUS are very„niild In their
.action. They do not cduse griping tri.
the stomach or cause disturbances there
us 80 illtiny• pills do. Theretorei . the
-Met delicate 'COO, take them without
fear •of unpleaeriat results. 'They can,
tro; adritinistered to children
GuI imposing the penaltioa.Mnolt
Icor the. use or not so:MO*11104p-
pare& '• • ' • .
- '•
It's all right to judge man by the
comeany.• he lteeps, but it Isn't fair to
judge a Woirian by the compeny site is
toned to eetertilin. - •
Tie:Wretched conditton itt Matteotti Is eta
tante teet thit tsar nailed Oti)totIPlott catq oO
near bouult: WtOstittsuis coadiOett.'lfirreopt
WM quad sou up *.aurgiro you strength.
Young • Darriiiter-My dear, she
Isn't a shoplifter. She may have been
fermerly, but she has saved so mUch
meney in the last ten years that she
has become' a kleptomaniac."'
It 'is Oood. for NIRO' and -Meet-Not
only is°Dri Thenias' Eclectric-Cel of in.
eomparable 4yeiue In the household, but
the farmer and ',stockman will find it,
*Ivry -serviceable tit the term yard and
on •the Cattle range, often saving the
services of veterinary surgeo,11. In in -
jerks. to stock, and In, cases eough
and pates it .can be used with geed ef-
Pot. ,
100 Ric
beta ts env rod thot sioneiniepori
GRXII0444 iu vatting Ow aal:
:STEEL •SOLNG.tigo,'
Tea exit eaves you. work 00100 Oa
01 (do a youpoitydth*
ham:n40a5.407 that
totiatheeTtebt the building the envo6
:Witte. us, *bout it and boot a about
ieo It0001b10 RIGHT. Mikas
*he PEDLAR PeOp. ..**1
.eotioloatniato„ttawa Tat•aat,.-yat.i.taynaxpas
• • .11"IiactipaittabfEhitY*.1
s1.40 - ' fifffltsg.
giussumsCROCERS.N0 CENEtteLkillte
We. per packet, or a packets for MI&
' ' will hurt a whole dolmen. •
Rivet and Guff -of St, Lawtenci ..
. :
• &weer Cruises in Oeel Latitudes
ntit""t4„, arastia" l'billsgsVaitC":13411ctir;otirt•tr.S11: I".
. lane Ooze tionanAL ON b0000114111
it ipyot.. Sid out 171)1 310. tet, Oth 'mid' -'25;0&•?1,0
NM god" AugOst, Otb sod_ titlilt_oltootbo
Ad,141il tIT Olotfltd_tat kw Plat**. XI: , ca04
tag itt e oe,Olago, Mal soy, Pock Oa
Oomoi. isr,snallilltille, PALL. and 0*501011
Suooter Isentrdowc SWAY IS AR+ wN
forso•as. A'Sokoualop,"„ soso too. os 101
talEptrror ardastitt eirvielt
141h" Mt. °dab's., Oh, Mb and *Pilaf
'bor. Toopioiturs tooled. by sea Miroorpolagoc..
kinea "boy* 119 degrees.
'fibli Swot trios et the owe* fin holdth
AIJERN, Secretary, Quebec,
"A. E. OUTERSOIDGE k CO., Agerthil
kg Broadway, New York,
June, and December' are me
• principal marrying month.s in this COun.
try. and May the poorest of marplage
months. Yet in Holland May ie the
Month of all others for m,arriages„ Itt
Russia January and Febreary are tee
literriage months, and In Norway June
and july.
, Ten years ago the total immigrqUon
into Canada from the mother oeutztry
wiis only 14,406, Last 5ietir it bad
,reached 97,133, of whom 17;072 were
Scots, arid 3,797 Irish. The numbera‘ are
expected to exceed 100,000 this year.
Augtion, i044,iot 1110.0lass ,Barkshires
thto peurkshire World. tilsamploisa .of
° Canada, for the Past Five Years.
Aotutt solo ovnigkotopsertotitroo• to bo boa .by W. 1-!. Dutbam, at hie
lioine 04; ely,thi es west of Toronto, on
la00:0101341SkRolkulefp' 1111EP*Xt. istaks., 4.0017
8610 totrotionce ttt P.M. AMA), the &tering. W111 eonsist of Imported
and Canadian, 'bred sows itt fermi:4,gill3, and young boars, the blood ot
tfiglish•lind Canad1, an CileMnibilS. 71 yttii ate in need of a good show atiimat
Ws 108, don't fall to attend ,thiti sale. Come and spend the day with us, and
Me *Meat the IfrenteaVrtericeldre herds on the Anterican continent.
WgItil,ter coEa)ogiie and further particulate to -o•
Atert1eitiet4 • Weston, Oat, • W. ft, otiultaiii, dos 10820, Una* Cs;
10 1140 In .4titt Pordatersv from 11 acres uplitida.,altuated fl
neer rallorti,ys irt the '„(sitouets Wheat, reel', aritt.:Yegeltible greWing
rintatting ,districta
_ Witt' Water ;right, Iserpetilat end unfailing, Inater thiaa
utosei "Seer placed upon irelgatkl latide? ki the 3dielliing Staten.
mI 44*111Y fleOL • • ,
- ,
An tern Int Itrighte4 land in rAtilbooki MOMS this** „twice.
the" Crop' Or this beat uttrtegkttor ttf,%thett—orp Int
Catir`a Ntlitit VAIL ,t e P ,
Tlita 'ratigittlInent ilifteditirt traclief 34000,000 5 es la W10116111
denkk *althea land Iltoposillon no the ittarIcet :to day. •
• ,
lanai-04W*10 Panritit. In inIne8 Wihl o0it be on the ION
0* kr tor tiltotnittng 1ttatt4 into „ Han. '
Th• Land PripartMiiiiwto
Oki tot* truot Co., Limi
1/4 Etti* $t.; .orst•nto
txtiug*Aftilit Obiatio. thinittgla, atilt t Maritime:11'mi,
telnettb tos Ota VitilAtIAN VitithWit NWMO$ '
tOMPANIIII Ireigatak lariat".