HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-08-23, Page 5-
alit 'Licit,*
• it the next ten to maite t DOM for tire ne
Antonin Of?ods, we, will continue to offer special induceinents
in all Ilepartinents.
ROW** Peke* far Molise mot Weak Hess*
Ro4uce4/ Prices ler Ocoee Heed& Wick omit colorodal
Reduced Prices fer LW* Omstaek Table Clothe asol 'NePk1011..
Redwod Pike* for WM* Myelin. Mtictweitatta,
' Reduced Pricers ler Cloth *ad Tweed Coate and Reba Ceata.
Riatteed Pricie tinelettraS •CarPrietst
Reduced Price* for Cetten U n1ei Qullts *id $nentillts,
tu faetio every depottnent there is something tendered epolgliy ettmetive
our eilortsfareauen stock.. '
fled i fast* Wit week, am pleees
new bill, wool Ines* Sonnies. in
plain materials end APR pstterti--„--
, ki. mop Of 41410tes. at Pek 7$0 and $1,00
lirtopeOgiorr IrIV.);00.
:TE,..c.orto* TI
OttIDAT; ItififfiNV 23, 1907.
THE- Tow
Reeve MaiLean. and Coon. Clark.
were nbietit when ctori411 'Mee litite
Friday Iieehiette in addition to
e...,agQ.144:tinFel.P/4/7'.0hairnefOrSed the
may00'02...gorprenti"iegret, that there
was net pecids:ifttendaPee In view- of,
the itupertatteiffiettettie ateeditlee attene
61"Fle1Cne ildreffiele.
The Oleik. made reparrh. of Ida In.
quirs 40 to atessiblie Yaluatorneaereit;
able te eXanilfiei the •Olitetr :the
Re)geett Mae ,00., but ior at. Was _i1134Pes,
stook tbe tuenabera e or 5120oppapan7
were not *twin PACO the matter wan
laid on the table without, action..
. A Statemerito tome the treaseret
showing basis on .which to flx the taX
rate for the year Wass eetui as follows:
Debilitareaalid interest payable in
Intereat.. ,, *11 Oa 93
Debentures . ** 7;04
Of 73
Total 4e:a • leeael 43
Angina Itipkbille.PArable, 120,000 00
town acOunt MOS 83
-. Overdraft Water and Liget 1,710 el
'the Meyer .'etermilaitlea of the lee
action of abee'ffitinee Committee, who
had not attended tee], lleMber cif mat'•
tees needing coppitteration, but the
• treasurer's etittement'ents gent the to
the committee. •
A. letter to the Mayor from the
Board Of Teethe Ordered correspone
dence regarding retest of the clay' in
this'sectiiin for brick's:14 UM manufac-
tures. and asked that' Hie town have
four barrels of elar gelected and
ped to a testing workse Bueyene,
Ohio, Atter seine disesuresien the street
inspector was eitipowered to have four
barrels Of clay taken Mt and shipPed,
and also to beare..effee,b*Vele PeeFaVed:
for shipment -to an Eiigiish firm who
were enquiring, to case 4t avas deemed
advisable to send samples.
cosionowazoists ANT) :rwrrtoNR.
A petition froth residents of Napier
street called „attention to".,timetegleet;
ed coedition err the sidewalks 'between
Anglegen and Victottist stietsts, and
asked for soine improvement, P. W.
committee Will consider.
A lettet fronathe plthltshers of the
STAR and Signet proposed the publica-
Um of a epeciel Orden of 10 .pages
• each, 5,000 copies. illustrating and
writing up Goderieh and its surround-
ings and advantages, With the weirwaY
and lake shipping facilities), in connec-
tion with the inserting of the 0. P. 11.,,
on Sept. 12111, if the town wpuld make'
a grant of temo tonere:1s the -cost, as
otherwise the paper's corde not do the
work and recoup thentsaves for the
outlay necessary. After ' discussion
the matter vas referred' to Special
committee vcith a favorable expression
of opinion on the proposal.
Replies to the clerk's enquiries from
In -ti hanks as to terms on vrbich they
would handle the town's finitnees were
read. The' Batik of Commerce were
not prepared ti, offer any- better terms
than the Bank of Montreal were now
giving, but the Sterling Bank offered
interest. at; the tette et 2 Per cent on
the daily bataneete As the 'brthiliee
fora long while had been on the debit
side, the proposal di -demob Seem any
great advantage; lint the Mattel,' wars
sent to Finale aeconfml ttee vrith repeats
ed exprerlittis of the hope that the lag-
ging eo ittee tveuld get to work
and do something,
ceseestralta Itetantes.
Public Works ,Reetermending (1)
(.bat the petition of F. W. Doty and
others to place walk. on Brock street
outside the trees be granted: (2) that
the outsideef Saltford hill read he re-
moved anti the nese) tenetted with
proper protection ; (3) that the bathing
house he at °nee retrieved bit& from
the water :rent, tinder the supervision
of the Street Inspector: (4) that Oh.:
dere he neked for at once for altera.
terns and rebuilding of fire hall as per
plane liled. Adopted.'
Parka: ttee.oatMetieting (1) that eir.
Nelson's appilentltin for inerreego-
round privilege lia granted, lie to put
his machine On p1) ?ill Pie1Pef ty end
pay a Reenter rot, or 416 pee Weals ; (2)
that sexton of critnetoty lie granted a.
raise of iir253per atitiorn, to date from
1s1 of July -bust, Adapted.
()win. Bsekettfor the Apeeial dom.
inittee 011 eniimdtiCS as to rate and
place fok banquet eolinection with
the opening ef the O. P. 11,, mado
partial verbal report; ati at bis re-
1111est Celia% Ueld and Goldthorpe
were added ;to the eeMnattee.
Flea connilittee, hut Which Was
Th -clerk tend tepert, from tile
Was A Total Yil:reCk
From Mort raw
In Rath Cii*S„tht ittIt4nt Or
in quieting the: • lvt, restorlog if* nor'
mai beat and het leg tena tatlic tIrrve
centres, iehealind 4Ii quad" Itareeb
Mr. Deride Vit
it is with the
write yam Lk late
the great bk.rting
and Nerve r4l11 he
a total wv,ck from
wifo ofickt4 me
attrr using two
perfect health.,
and feet oloost
X.13.. Writes t
test of pli)asnra I
ao It put know
* Milburn.* Mott
ti tome. t wits ,
failure and my
lot Stilt, p31s.
vtiv„ rt.ozr,ditpt
6:1 'VW* old
did at
lby The
minsigned, no „ eett na
h '#1 11
tollookpotent (Inynotthoemir retocm9ilottue100,004rnigngthatot
the MX tete tor 1007 taf to mine tor
general rote .rtod 5 mina- for -11011001
PartioEietis 1Vittt 11 diecollOt.ef '2 Per cent,
.131) eft Oat, 1, per cent, ',i1P tO NOV. 1
and , 4 pee sent. additional 'on 'taxes
untiald oft Dec 14. ‘,Thee,Ificrease to 25
otitis seemed startling; and t4f0 we'e
tatigge,rafirms that tp,ough0to 1,a; eu4
down eV.atiether meeting lett the
Atelier again rentinded the. Council
that. the delay in stri,king. tbe,rate Wee
It'settaAs Matter* and 11,. could not be.
Put olr lflilCh looger, It -,t-vaa finally
agreedlo'deternotioo rill, an adjourn.
ed ineeting-"of Connell to lie held on
Wednesear evening Cif thiSiveels-
Onairoina. 0Oldthorpe;„anneunced
Shat he could riot get a qtioruro of the
Fire committee, end he wonted the
three pairOrat rubber hoots asked for
by the Minipany biltiplied without
further delay. was glee() power
1.0 t7tdefe them. '' •
BylawNo: 18, to extend. the borrow-
ing power of, the tdwn to the amount
Of 910,001) additional, in accordance
with a request of ethreateaeurer, until
the taxes should come fo, was read arid
passed. `
Coettell then adjourned. •
Niro rid emit pr
at all iarsiert, maAati
2`. Mahan On, Iii1104,
• )
The .Hlbernians Condemned(
Last week, a cablegram told the peo-
ple of Canada. that the .society called
the Ancient Order of leibereians had
been banned by the (Roman Catholic
church in Scotland; arid inasmuch as
the amine order ie., apparently recog-
nized and appeoyed be the same
church in Canada, the .statetnent ex
Wed some curiosity. The mail brings
further information. In the Dumfries
Standage, appears the following state-
ment :
Something in the nature of a sensa-
tion was occasioned in many of the
Roman Catholic thurcheri throughout
Sccitia.nd on Sabbath, when the Arch-
bishops and Blehops by circular
strongly condemned the Ancient Or-
der of Ili berniane, a *society which has
been making great progress lately.
and has beeeme strengly Identified.
with the United Irish League, both in
Great Britain and Ireland. The cir-
cular mentions that, as some doubt
has arisen ita to the position in Scot-
land of the society known as the
An.cient Order of • Hibernian.% they
think 15 necessiney fo 11)101-10 1110 clergy
(.bat the ccindemnation of the society
by 'the Holy See on 14th of reecenaber;
1e82, has not been withdrawn, and
that membership falls under the re•
striation regarding condemned so-
cieties In so far as the fiteilities grant-
ed for confession and communion are
concerned. The question of the pre
gition of this eociety has been recently
submitted te the Holy See, but no in-
struetions have yet been received by
the Hierarthy:" 'The priests, 'contin-
ues the circular; nili be good ,epough
for the next three Sundays to an-
nounce.to the congregations that the
members of tbe Ancient Order of
Hibernians cannot be admitted to
the armaments of the church, If any
further infortnation on the matter be
received freni Rome, it will be com-
municated without delay. The .object
or the circular, it was explained. is to
point out to the priests that they have
no power to recognize the society, and
that these 'who beim% to it must
with/ y from membership before
they can go to tionfession and receive
coMmunion. In other words, the An-
cient 0, reer of Flibernians is to be
banned and plaeed on the 'same level
as other secret societies. The Roman
Catholic church, it is well khown, con -
Bening secret societies, and eccording-
lythe priests,have no power to give
absolution to those who continue to
be associated with the Ancient Circler
ef Hiberhians.. It It therefore obli-
gatory for members to leave the so -
day if they wish to remain in the
Catholic church.
Diet Not the'Vuote Thing.
Voter tablmis loaded with food-- di -
Reran)* and whelesetnee yet you eever
gain strength. What's the trouble ?
Look within, and what do you find ?
A. lazy liver, attuned( overloaded with
work-uselese eumrk,„ begause 'the
,bowies raid liver are not sufficient-
ly tiet1 is quickly supplied
by tee atzillten's Pill% he
Ty make
weak fo ks strong by removing the
cause of the weakness. Digestion itn-
proves, constipation leaves, liver taker;
new life, kidneys; %vake up-th(i whole
system is enlivened hy 1)r, Itarnilton'e
Pills. No better Medicine for the sick
or well; 2.5e. at all dealer%
"Well,' that's etiongh to try the
patience of Joh,lexelaitnetLthe min -
%bat, as he ,throw aside The ',epee.
"Why. Whited tbe Matter, deare" risk-
ed his wife. "list fettridaysi Preached
from the teitt; 3.0 therefore stead-
fast," ansWered the geedman but
trio printer makes it read; "lie ye
there fop breakfast."
"fey Pierer define are NOW Floating
They are lir the air everywhere,, trttl
010040 to gee, but just waiting ter a
chance to get into yonr !Ong's. Then
they trill play hafroowith,your breath.
inkniiint„„rntn,v, attd1/011I wonder what
Mum -Alm (victor, Will say yam had
better inhale Catetabezone tor it kills
hay -fever germs And moreover la
dead certain to teach them, efafarklim.
tone curet every throe, rind aboTintely
remits tiro disease from returning.
On 'CittarthestOns with the air
breathed i; It goca(directly, to the
Soon% of the troutiiii and cores 15 1i1
Onineing thee/Uwe. At dritIgistei
aent *kir guarantee o' cure, to itha
addle* for $1,00 forwarded to Poison
&Col tangstrig,.. Oats
Ante, t Ox Roar Oft I'VetineedAYof
Nat week wipra ont neatly all the
Imairieet homes. toddling Hui 'store. of
Mr. II, Honey, it framer resident Of
Mogi alittrett and nielcrietthi
alton Pi .441110,k lig *soma •Mother
Otarea*Woriet Hatertairtateir *ivearp-
lief bytes/Orel* the pee*, *flirt it a
ttial *Abe loitel
Writs* W3:4C a.
Last week considerable VW* Vie
ken up on liefliclue ifs; and from
the many expreolone beard after
adina efonetning of the ciehroast and
nilerfut resource. of Oar leetitinte. it
le AVOW At Metter for marvia that our
owe poop o do not .1mirti more, Can-
ed& withont, e doubt has tile most ex.
tasneive 4re4 in'tne world, Ambits,ble.
cuitivnhlo.wal ly long ocidg the rich.
eat In WOO,' -minarade and, Omni
wealth.The °met Wegt Is *anomaly
a valuables **et for the Donsinton. but
there are borne draitheeltit-,,,every new
country hes then, Afterreading and
thoroughly digesting the oplendol Pa -
Loral l'esoorees *Melee 'Rata an
old slinkier' her 'tn,l'Als.K1303/ 0.40NY "''
/marked' th411ekv4ftifkry 10,..Wen horn
so g(xn-toeteorl of50,1M Weald like to
1)024.. The interpretationean only he
• great totorefor the yoking ultra.
who, wilt take nkrantinte nf hka oPPer-,
tonitiessnd .1100.00 end. Perilitentir
endeavor torifie in the World 00 tilats.
ter Whet . hie ettiling.' Sortie of. the
thlivItteirkeRm, nVnic4 cirgt.°0ilo _ItYratitnree°444°
ProVialence Mader:them. onedistinct
drawback* and to • my mind one of the;
most eerionale the clam or loony Of the
tumid rants who Onactio the eountry.
Tho Soeialisth:p I is had fur
the country, and, *believe- this eleroent
Is assisting largely,10 bringing a for-
eign and Uffilesirable_epopulation int!)
our virgin cotintry: Then there *4he
class called " remittance tnen,n- who
are compelled at „times to take to the
ditch tor a livelihood, and 'become the
1ordsr, of creation and, wealthy the mo-
ment ft cheque arrIves ,wloch they
have not earned. This class of people,
Who we Might gar Wein deported to
get rid of them, haVe nothing good to
sey Of the West -or our laws. They
were no use at. home In the, old land,
and they are youth less use in Canada,
hence aome of thein are shipped back
front wham* they eatne because they
have proven themselves mulesirable
and to -Worthy citizens. The early
settlers of Old Ontario and the Mari.
thner Provinces, who by thrift anti toff
made homes and gave their sone and
daughters a meagre chance in the
Great West, are the very bone and
sinew of thee country. The West
could never have beeu made without
them There is another drawback, and
that is the land shark and promotion
man. They infest all parts of the
towns and cities. The legitimate agent
must neessarely auffer for the sins of
the other fellows. Values are inflated,
and when the moth comas, as it bas
before, there will be weeping of tears
and gnathing of teeth, and the
" sbarka'• will he.ve the bank account
at their cornmand-the other fellows,
Well, suicides or in the poor bouse.
It was not intended that Moose Jaw
would be a stoppieg point, but the
fact that a wind and rain storm picked
Up two passenger coaches and diner
car the track, gave the party three or
tour hours to see all they could. The
sterna occurred on the evening of the
155h or 10th of June, and the inky
looking clouds could be seen rushing
•with the greatest possible force. In the
West these storms come right to you,
no soaring abovey.ts they do in the
East. a'he weather was so warm that
much lighter undrclothing had to be,
secured, and I was fortunate in meet-
ing Mr. Jacob Taylor, formerly of
Clinton, who is located at moosb Jaw,
and he piloted me to a first class hotel.
when a .good bath and change of
clothing made me aoore comfortreeee
and happy. He is of a speculative
turn of .mind, and along with his in-
surance business, IS making things go.
Mr. Titylor much resembled a rancher,
at all events the weather and
phere seemed to agree with him and
gave hint a genuine Western appear-
Moose Jaw has a population of (war
7,000, and is a railway divisional point.
The name is an abridgement of the
Indian 'mute, which, literally trans-
lated, is " The-creek-where-the-white-
riumemendeda he -cart -w i t h -a -mo s 0 -
jaw -bone." The place is situated in a
fine agricultural country, extending
from the Elbow of the Saskatchewan
on the north to the Dirt Hills on the
south. The flneet stock yards on the
lino between Winnipeg and the ranches
are located here. Mills and elevators
indicate the districee wheat producing
qualities, although the crops this year
were in a backward state, and it re-
mains to be seen whether they can
possibly catch up. The 0.P. R. owns
and operates the Moose Jaw hotel.
There are substantial and up-to-date
business places in all lineregood schools
and churches; hanks and other publio
institutions. From Moose Jaw the
line steadily rises on the eastern slope
of the coteau and winds through an
irregular depression to the basin of
the Chaplin lakes -formerly known as
the Old IVisres Lakes --extensive bod-
ies of water having no outlet and con-
sequently Alkaline. The northernmost
of these lakes is reached at Chaplin.
The country la treeless from the east-
ern border of the Regina plain to the
Cypress Hills, a distance of 200 miles,
but the roil is excellent everywhere.
The prairies about and beyond Chap-
lin takers axe marked in all directions
by old buffalo trails and scarred and
pitted by their "wallows." 'this is
where we saw many antelope with
their yoling, coyotes and prairie dogs,
which much resemble the wolf, only
not so large. In tbis neighborhood
there is it salt lake, as well as near
Rush Lake, a lakge area of fresh water
and a favorite resort of Water fowl.
such as swans. geeseducks and peli-
cans, which at times congregate in
myriads. The Canadian Land and
Ranch Company's lands aggregate
about 110,010 acres, divided into 10,000
acre ranches, and a few hundred acres
are now under 'negation. Moose Jaw
Is 1,821 miles from Montreal.
anotteA, •
the Capital of the Province of Satkat-
chewan, has 'a population of about
0.0110, and is 1,730 miles from Mont-
real. ft hi the distributing point for
this country for north and south, and
the traveller Is much impressed with
'the hutitle Mid bristle ree the depot. ()n
the way out I took charge Of tWo
ih-en of Mr. Horsey M. Curti, at Hali-
fax, N. S., Whete wife was on her way
to join her liothana. Knotting some.
thing Of Halifax from the feet that I
oneteattieht Week or so there, made
our'esterilatintattee more Pleasant. Mr.
Curti*ersetorroptir v.ith,Smith Bros.
id the WhOlMrtle dry,goods linsiness at
iffes *tilted -the West mid
SIW feir blintelf, the Moult being that
• eoltiny, et blua noses, ahem 2,1 all
itil tatted by blond or Marriage,
'Melded on .1% good belt oftwrithing and
tareting land at ft puretaiirdParld-
1401)., Montt' Oven front Regina.
Their flied Meet fetal root* ItT0 thiv
Van latt I hritit itot4 leartied with
, whet trueeete, , They elueell'teOfed eitire
eh% litaritittiOtte tOld, tali/Aka, and it
wonial Maid** tele* great dravrback
it 'failure ithoold overtake)" them the
Nett yomt... MSS extends
notobtrardirom Regina, trusting the
south ntinveh of the Haskettlietran itt
gaelatteen, and 0011111es up tO Prince
Alnett tee theN'errill tilletalete eWatir is
heart ilifearices ithoteeetbe jilitetitar 0
tbe two branches. Tuts lino nonetip
& very ferias **TIM Inman av, ,the
park emnitry. In will large nittrinere
of *Were neva ittrea become proa
perms. Tlie /boss rain Section
cittsids &Inserting lik AtvAs
larrumoh. Th
ke, WMt
have reoargly bee* fieraWel tat*
Prelinesse 1ggesketelseertos and .M
berta.- Beyond tho ittatillet the goy
emorietttal *Mee& exhilattiop bi
end Llautenottlowastotoe
Sand on the rktit, ailltate tort
on the woeiWs. *re the police bar*
reek& PrOati PAW* lit branch U
Ott** southeast through Matave* tu
the internetienal, boondery Ilue,it
Portal, where eennahlon Is amide with
tiwt Hoe Line from Ht. Paul tied Min.
Preget* enatit I* by Ode route th*k
nerilengere front this Siliddla ,eitatelf
travel to -the Pacific Owlet. We ox -
Peeled; t) My IMO )Lr. DialeViratepo,,
but the tittle of the trete WA the klOir
jOurney prevented -000 • Helestfallb.
*miner to Tnet tit'AU,,- one old friend
can leligmly reed
' a •
la. 1,5W mita! from IsIontreed and hae
y91)04464 Or MOM.. It hat Int les*
than nine grain olottstore. two Atoning:
ono of thein a bra»cbof
'Weigel* Canada Obit* 111111a also: Ot
411titlerich and Winnittsgl. Janie,
.pliming mill. rtzul ,Vatione other
factories.. The LOWAT,9 plere) Of de.
cicled intinstrY, and bi beeptifolly sitoo.
ated, nigh grollok 04hest Wen
Inn& AMOCO -Med Many $0040)041.
'buildup.. A., ,DoitktutOtii osporttnePt4I
.tafrof and 0 rrovinclal .nityluna. are
tablithed neav the oitV • " '
POle1qe0E I4 eliatlatel
Ise hustling Own of over, ,0,000, and
gives 'evidence: of progresti. -0,n, tbe
Way .out.fronf Winnipeg 1 Met amgt.
dent of -Portage, whnwas in the, batch.
cring tinniness, and knew well thiptolo
Win, Sheppard. Re COnveyed, niy
message, and I drop .ed Won the 'WAY
liarik and hadfrom.8 p. 111. to 10 a. Mo.
Ong tinoligh to gut itt tomb With the
Ortuee Mee Gederlelt
He waft in the -bast of health, in, COM.
fortable, apartments, and We conversed
abette teeny • past and prevent 'Moron
realdente until about 2 a, nu' It Was
with regithat I learned 01' the death
of his son's wife. in Pittsburg a ;Mort
tiinepelous, wholeavestwoniti
cbudrez40unioftprntlrhrcioinl:and at one time wotked *Patera
Capt. Shoppare waa active on She
British side during the Itlek; rebellion
in 1885, and has a great deal to his
credit as a Citizen. He is leOW'a Pioneer
of the West, and has eliffe taken an
active and most interested part to
ythigig that goes to promote the
•yaffiate arid success of Portage la Prea
irie. The town has one of tho best
race tracks to be tumid anywhere.
splendid 'exhibition buildings and
groundee 111 which the Captain has
been a.leader, and the day 1 left he
was deeply interested in and promoter
01 )1 !Arming match to take ,place the
same day. At the time he vises acting
governor of the Provincial reforma-
tory and jail, and farm of ribout 200
acres, Sheriff McLean having been in
poor health for some time. I notice
by the Winnipeg-Pree Press, of Tues-
day Aug. 13, that Mr. McLean haa re-
signed, lifter worthily filling the shriee-
aity of the central judicial district Inc
14 years, and acting as governor of the
jail for 12 year% For the past 14
months he had been confined' to it bed
of sickness, and his volantary restg-
nation comes HS a result ot It convic-
tion that the step wee' in the public
interest. Mr. McLean was born' in
the county, of Elgin in 1854, and settled
In Manitoba in 1882, and of course was
an old time and trusted -Liberal. That
She appointment will come to Captain
Sheppard, if it has not already done
so, I have no doubt, because he Is well
qualified for the position and bas well
earned it. - -
Portage la Prairie is on the Assine
boine River, and just a nice distance
from Winnipeg, about 100 miles. It is
growing, and the,shacks or old build-
ings are being gradually replaced 'ter
substantial structures while the build-
ings being erected on new ground are
also modern. The rural ntunicipality
of Portage la Prairie last week fixed the
*general tax rate at 121) on an assess,
ment of 92,704,237. ft is the nsarket
town of a rich and populous district,
and one of the peincipal grain markets
in the Province. It has large and
modern flour mills and grain elevator%
biscuit factory, brewery, several other
industries, and is quite,. a railway
centre. The Northwester.n branch of
the U. P. IL extende 250 miles north-
west towards Prince Albert; the 0. N.
R. branches of at Gladstone through
the Lake Dauphin district to Lake
Winnipegosis, awhere there are exten-
sive -salt wells, which are yet awaiting
full development, and there is still an-
other branch leading off from Milton,
through the Swan River Velley,
The Portage has two daily and
weekly newspapers, the Review and
Graphics, set in long primer, leaded,
which make them what we printers
call " phat." The labor is principally
female, the *ages not CU3 high as in
Goderich, and the product nothing
like as good.
Between all the main places referred
to kohl week to week, there are many
flag stations at which through or fast
trains do not stop, so that A descrip-
tion of them would not prove more
than of passing interest. Next week
will endeavor to deal with Winnipeg.
and as might be expected, many
Huron people will be mentioned.
(To be continued.)
Select Your Medicine With Care.
In debility and weakness medicine
should be 'Mid and far reaching.
Many pills and purgatives are too
harsh, are drivel° instead of :curative.
Excessive action is always followed
hy depression, and knowing this, Dr.
Hamilton devised his pills of Man-
drake and Butternut so as to mildly
increase liver and kidney activity,
Mush out the elementary canal, tone
and regulate the bowels. Thus do Dr.
Hamilton's pills eliminate poisons from
the body, restore clearness to the skin,
bring strength and that sweet restor-
er of health- sleep4 Bost inedicine 011
earth; 25c. per box at all dealers.
The following Item from an ex-
change will he read with interest. It
inwery suggestive. The Port Elgin
Dominion Day Committee have voted
MO to Assiut in bonding the Carnegie
Library, and have still over $500 In
the treasury. The Committee in the
last 15 years have handed over to the
town for one purpoee or another, over
Struck by Lightning
- Neatly describer; the celerity of
Pirtnamas Corn Extractor. Roots corns
out In short order. Causes no pain.
leaves no scar, and gives perfect satia-
tion. Remember there le only one
"best "-that's Puttnan's-fifty years
In use.
Mr. and Aire. Jos. Walker, of Chi -
cater, are visiting tit the home of the
former'n parenn4 Mr. isnd Mrs. Jabez
Walker. of llIyth. ft'. Walker is
mauager of the International Rar%
?esters' Do's printing. plant In that
1157. Recently a efletresofic card vras
received by A. M. Todd, stating that
itrwas 21 years Onto Mr. Walker coifl.
tomcod his apprentireihip with the
Writer. and Tuts Wan is pleased to
learn of hin enema& Ilo, was ono of
the Mora faithettlepprentites ;feet put
through osir then ogler, and we be.
neve is fully capablerind trustworthy.
rsPn4 Oneas Waltz Arm.-
Ifuw many medicine's family blazoned
as panaceas for all /finnan nit have
conis and goneellien 01,,ThrinitieVele6
trie Gil was put upon tbe inerkitt?
Yet it remainte doing moot good to
lionetnity than many n prepeesatee
Mite highly Vatintedi end extending
ita 'Virtue/resider ated Wider Oki ht
larger circle rlierY 'year. It 0 the
medicine of the idoelietre
ite itch doe*
two thiapn
'moth gastric
Pict to digestio04,.-4m1
e"2tielead/111113 IOW* by
Walla of its mtuiettlite
ROO; Mita digegiVe
illge and
ood are
thorOugh, Nam.*
iy W*0. 401,gestion
Alt UM, itprot..t,
is eittto too Week to ProPV1Y
allot the food or it tiocS net
give tip- 'enough gastric Nee
to make digestiOn complete,.
Then YOlt have Indigestion
-11eartiann-,-Thstress after
Eating -Sent Stomach
ilettdachestud finaily
chronic Dyspepsia.
"Print-agivesu cure bal.
gestion and Dyspepsia because
A oft Mid -Summer Sale 3 off
ter Clothi
and fiats
they give you a healthy
strengthen the irtuscira the.
atomgetteablerva,se the power
Of the cluiruiug inoventent-,
and also enable the stoma*
tu eicrete tilttfiiient gastric
,ititee to tompTeteix' digest
o'v r 7
also cum
the Cu. L,
• and Biliousness with Which
so man7Pyspepties stiffer,
.ntruit.ktives" are intrusified
fruit intro, combined. with tonic
and. attiteptica.-and are aa WW1!
!sag m4itor gu Utomacti gambles.
Alp them. sOC, abere-4 for $4,50.
At all deeterier from
Vrnitaativeefsiodted# Ottawa.
itOes 4i0114
• airt Melt Mete Telleerrea
We have too molt Snifter Clothing ixt Juttikly
backwara 603$01.t `400tintS fOr it, So in »vier ,
to get rid of' it we will cut the prices
One Quarter to One Halt Oftn.r*,414.
tire regniar price. These prices ought to InoVe
every Suit and Hat in quick order.
Here is ft SIM* of the savings We offer you.
$15 Solt* for $7.050
$3 Light Fedora Hate $1,080
ome eorly aud get tire best bargains, the best gots first.
The tight place to buy Menet
Clothing and PurnIshings.
Warning to Automobile Runners.
'MOO 8lItor of Tux Sean :
seA couple Of accidents have
happened in the lain week °attic Day -
Held 'Road, caused by horses being
frightened by automobiles, Some
peeplo who run their cars don't seem
to know the law, it provides that in
approaching any vehicle drawn by
it horse or horses, t e person it; charge
of the motor 11111111 exerciseevery
reaeonable precaution to prevent the
frightening of ends horse or horses,
and shall also, when signalled bv the
driver raising hie hand or otherwise
requested, atop his motor so tang as
may be necessary to allow the
vehicle to pass ; and further, In case
the animals appear to be frighteued,
the operator and any of the occupants
shall, Upon request, render assistance
for the purpose of controlling the
This provision is by it great many of
the motor car drivers wholly dis-
regarded, and they dasb ahead with-
out the slightest reaPect for the lives
or property of the individual who is
so unfortunate as to be the possessor
of an arnintal which does not care
about passing quietly.
The nominal penalty imposed by
P. M. Butler last week 00 one of these
offenders will suffice if it demonstrates
to others that the law must he obeyed,
and if farmers especially, who are
the greatest sufferers of these reckless
motor drivers, will only follow the ex-
ample set in this case and lay an
Information at once, they will teach
lesson that.will be effective.
Yours Bee,
Don't Use Greasy Liniments.
A century ago they were popular.
Today people want something easy to
Apply, certain in results, and above all
a clean liniment. When Nerviline is
applied aches and pains disappear, as
the per eft absorb its Bowline, heeling
properties. Nerviline penetrates to
the core ef the pain, eases Instantly,
and leaves no oily bad smelling mem-
ory behind. Good to take in, capital
to rub on, and five times more power-
ful in destroying pain than any oily
liniment. Don't fall to get a large
Me. bottle.
Clinton has a genuine Busiriesii
Men's Association and 2.1 of mem
had a supper the Other night. They
selected ward committees to hustle
the vote for the water workhylavV.
The association propose forming a
boy's club for the purpose of dredging
out and itnproving the river, so that
It could be used as A suitable boating
and bathing place.
Swett. The Kind You Hare Aiwa 880004
Some years ago J. J. Daly, of
Gfuelph, figured prominently as it real
estate dealer, and induced many far-
mers in Huron, as elsewhere, to place
their farms with him for nale. The
contracts were so worded that they
beeame it lien on the farm and were
registered, and in sonie cases farmers
are said to have paid considerable
sums to be released. Daly afterwards
went insane and was missed for a con•
siderable time, but he has turned up
again, and was last week arrested for
vagrancy, and sentenced to jail for six
months, with bard labor.
-- • --
When Illness Comes
Ilave you near at hand a remedy
that will alleviate pain and help till
the doctor comes ? A wise thing ie
to have right in your home a bottle of
Nerviline, which gives instant relief
and prevents disease from spreading.
Nothing known for the stomaoh and
bowels that compares with Nerylline.
For cramps, indigestion, heartburn
and headache, itt indisputable. For
fifty yearn Polsona Nerviline, in 25e.
bottles, has been a family stand.by.
Get it today.
A young London lady was nearly
drowned at Bavfleld, anti htit for tlie
heroic efforts of D, D. Hannah, Miss
Hannah and Miss P. O'Connor, ulia
would have been drowned.
A RO(X'EllaVUL Meencree.- Every-
one volehes to he *mensal! In any un-
dertaking lo which he may engage. It
he therefore, extremely gratifying to
tbe proprietor's of Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills to know that Hirer Warta
to eorimound a medicine which would
prove a blessing to mankind have been
successful beyond expectatione. The
endoreation of the* pilaf by the public
Is it guarantee that it pill him been
produced that will fulfil everything
claimed for it.
Thla disease assumes so many forms
that there is ecarceiy a complaint it may
not resemble in one way or another.
Anions the most prominent oymp-
tenet are constipatirm, sour stomach,
variable appetite, distress after eating,
is it positive ore for dyilieptais and all
stomach trouble& It stimulates Accre-
tion of the, saliva and &trio juices to
facilitate digestion, puriks the blood and
tones up the take System. •
Mts. M. A. McNeil, Mock Village, N.A.,
writes t "1 istiffeted frOtel dyspepsia,
lost of appetite and bad blood.
"I tried everything I could get, but
tato purpose • then finally started tont°
atIrdOrk 13100T1 Mem
"From tins first day tett the pad
effete et the Mcdieine. I mu cat any-
thing now *About any fit after effects
and ant etrotar Mid *en again."
Clinton is stilt agitating for it Oeee
tem of water works. The Council
have read n first time a hylaw to raise
04000. Voting will take place Sept.
Stop Limping -Cure the Corn.
Quickly done by Putuanis Painless
Cern Igxtraotor. Acts in one day,
causes no paIn, removes every trace of
soreness, Filty years of SUCCESS proves
Putnam's Is the best. Refuse substl.
Monday, Sept, 2 -Labor Day -will
be a holiday, and Thanksgiving Day,
date not yet set -will 'be the only
other holiday until Christina%
()holism 'web*, crainpe and kin.
dred complaints annually Make their
appearance at the sante time as the
hot weather, green fruit, renumber%
melons, etc., and many persons are
debarred from eating these teuiptsing
things, but they need not abstain it
they have Dr..T.D. Kelloglea Dysentery
Cordial and take a few amps in water.
It cures the metope and ()bolera in a
remarkable manner, and Is Sure to
check every disturbance of the bowels.
Holloway's Corn Cure destroys all
kinds of corns and warts, root mid
branch. Who then woied endure
them with such it cheap and effectual
remedy within reach ?
National ,
Many special featurea, including Cape.
Knabenallue's Airship and grand display
, Duya Great Day.
$4 from Goderich,
goal going Aug. 26111 to Sept. 7t11.
Special Excursion Rates$2.85
grail golug Aug. 28, 2§, 31, Sept. 3 and s.
All tickets valid returning from Toron-
to on or before Sept. iotli, 1(107,
Tickets and further information may
be obtained from
1+. LAWS:P.1,1CH, Town Agt.
Office hours -68)11, to 9 n, .
J. D. Mc:DONALD, D, P. A., Toronto,
1.a".•••; V•i•st".">•
4 Opens Sept. 3rd in all mt.NL Hdepart- ;
',0( eats of the CiTRAUS
Cou.mnnrt, Vorige and Gerrard Sts.,
# Toronto. Our catalogue explains
our superiority in equipment,
staff, methods and results. Von
T.;. are invited to write for it if Inter -
% estel in the kind of schoolwork
which brings best success.
'0 Address e
/41 Oerrard titer, $
W H SHAW, Nis. Toronto. ,,f
Call at PINDER'S for the following
lines :
Brantford Roofing
Garden Hose and Fittings
Sprinkling Cans, all sizes
Good Plumbing and
Repairs of all kinds
Headquarters for
Heating by Hot Water, Steam or Air
Plumbing and General Tinsmithing
'Phone 108.
Sept. ard.
00 'HAL i'0'&
ci 14 A -T6 ORM ONT.
Thio Reheat by beine the bent, has
become the largest theeness Training
College in the Weet. We lewe three
riepartmento COLUHrualm., Smear
nano turd Tfiencefeetty. If interest•
erl In aluminum A eractierst Aeration,
Write for our IleCe critalcaIM.
Gradunten meat -ea to pelittoris.
woxittex*texot wrev XelettYgit
Men's Shoes
Good solid wear, and real
comfort in our men's heavy
street Shoes.
Built to wear and stand
the walking which you, will
certainly feel like doing
when yott wear them.
All the best makes, in all
shapes, sizes and widths
are here. Easy to get a fit
-easy Shoes to wear, and
hard to wear out.
If you buy from us you
carry home money which
you expected to spend.
VUL, E'$ .
Ifas never been as well stocked with the best manufactures
produced in the world as for tile 19t1.7 season.
are all modern, and sure to give satisfaction.
All makes of second-hand wheels at low pr,ice& '
Repairs of every description, an punctuteN
healed while you Wait.
Tires for Baby CarTiaixs and Go -Carts.
Electrical Wiri g at, 1 Supplies.
Lawn Mower S1larining prompt and perfect.
Every depm:t)
ent specialty, and satisfaction
The Old Stand
• V. 74. t"
The Triumph of the Time!
1907 TORONTO 1907
Audust 261h to September 95h
()iir Country's
Canadian Progress Our Country'.
Illustrated Industries
$400,000 In New Buildinds $400,000
In Premiums $45,000 In Premiums
$40,000 In Special Attractions $40,000
Industrial Activity National /Ind Historical All That's Best in
Exemplified Portrait Collertion Agriculture and in An
Sio2la fare* for round trips and extortion rates onsevery line of traveL
Far all information addireu
W. K. C.F.ORGE, 11. 0. ORR.
Pk11:116:11 Met,. eral Secretes,.
The Rehillition the people all liter to altena Exhibitors and visitom
find it profitable to go. Is: nabennhue'e Airship (Nil?. nuti gi Inn lint 05
Attractione, with plenh, nf elessie. Vireworbo after progratritne citeli
evening. cont 111(161g with that grand dinplay, " The Siege of retwaltere.
Semi to the Se-cretary for Prize idete, pregrentsima and all information.
W. J. 111(11). President. A. M. Illtert, geeeesary,,
London, Sopt46th t