HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-08-23, Page 1wr-
OM is Usi Ism*
thierAmaft of lust
Quantity. Oroslaths
here ropetioir ohout„yottr reestling
eon. as there -Is only cot avec Ivey- et
weolth. Ona Out to by Norio' it,, A tow %pot,
wealth. while *Mere ,gota onleptesionea ley a
lacks la* tine. eatot Mitjority of people %teem Acta
, by epteadieg Itea Rum they tnalacc end owing the
ply POUR Der teat. letereet depth* **4
,•eatt he witintel- two et any titues.
OaDmoole E,
0 TA als0
szwomo,,,,p000,kareeetty gee retle.F.
. CIAltiat/Y.,T•ttOlgift4".' : ) ,
---.-Dit ballet pt Oa fieutlY-AiiiIn rolittIVIO Of itil '
; Aye 4000 toolorrea, • ett dorm '410 . yarts.,Ilirt. n
i.' VIVI ilei"Irigttetiltr .1lIfailIIII7rkuat ti*
• tiVitari itIft nose,. *ad er.the leo ete"I'''''
, ;pear° 0 is...funeral twine (We.. litity,tbe.
VrOte en,. t, 000 ow troeser.,,•yerze. ' ,
. '',. ',; ":'...-ial PV4ikiii`i''' "
flODE I ,
Tke aserket Itas beta teet POrnt .
▪ taragre wore PIO law to septet taelx woes.
Preto Pa pl`setleallY itettlaaatal.exesta thia
'butte(' badik amitposatel anataer goat, .
Atter.** 44400 tetateouit expOtt
net,* Torattleetk Mitelars ° • ,
Katertett tiettlesstet vesett _attereeeett
*et te twat le' Illeirafrella
, •
W1100,6,714;4444.=.7..,., 9 se te
4 per OW% PkYrnt......µ4.1.11*Pt* 919 tAlt *I110
51.111,114,0i.s.rell.*1 LOS
..... A „.00
tox 0. 00
,efe to
r ,141,•/.,11,,r0+Z.X1,..'.11#1. tikli 144
'14: VA 7iii;41:::k :f } r*.th. 4 ,. nr,
W • .11,.41... 1.....4ie....ir,..... 40. a. am
01401Lir:*!,1:',4,I41;4441.140,N. uk,,,e. ea
•It.-01i,..4.4.1,A ,
gi-...1.,,,, ptk„11
,:,:t.,,,,,,.,..i,pi.„%il:rf,„%t v
0 Otte. ' .. ..,..........,#, & 1
:Ortattlia: hist po . o , R • yl I N. 'ealtew. re
I • .";roweic4ur.;;704,1entlfel- , ,,,,,,,....!.,:,,4 e,„, --c,.. it 0
It7,kt.eitTo.;-:',4,4 *e'hicliq:i,Wii .tife,
''',.• t'fffo4;1*•ftfff. 4 00 40 I
lit0 11 odut, °I) ellIt :4+"?0°41.4:440,0.rt1441***°‘girit'C'IC:'1111%.4'*-4.°211' 1'4'
moo . 0. eltor et
TOWnn ip HMI on tisturgarith Obi '
% Ot, Is , is ' . Oc.. ,,.. * . 0_ 4, ft ,,
mine complaintil et erne* feet onrdsolons la . -Tne'rtiatiltiia 'Owlet's 'pylickt or erStatit
pet Votece. test ot tat fatenielpality of 'Cot- Welch remora to team carts otpntorioltati
Dorso'WorhAnikise'907 ' •'''• ' ' *harken t lit MI RP
ii100.44:,i 144, ' " 'h';''Mr.. ataiOtT.Off,,dlerks -, '‘, Ilerai 1.41`4‘.10 11 Inmei lir'' "m°1%" 1:
!silt day bt Augo t Av.', ,-, .. ..- . r gitiori- 4:tat:I', 4"11:11.!krrujArthitatt:th kti7ch",
o'rltIWPifie4 t ,. . ‘1, 0010-telik0a - 04 le, 9
,fir.a,„ii,,„1„s„,,,,, , .. edt tratockto't &vat r.t -rettt.....• _ _t_ .-
,hintifelfiliti';it ITIO•o;Wti' ''''''''' '" '''''': ''' '"Ve4411*Itille% ji'l'tt431)(» 4111,1,:t'tt,%3)4441,11r03"111
,, 1,16. T; x•.m..... iAlttittluatb:047; jteit*oOlit;Alt:::rfht,wv"•07-ifit. ililirge.070itititiet.6'"viroixSttoelkeda.etelt*Iibert;IFhplioci,oni..ii.,74141,iuttrotT.....rar
nittteapeaellyered tAntka Pbm0s8.1661)t 0604, ,...000 -ran nt,isbtatabeat'epntit)..,,, tifitailet.eattle
.10.honot,coptiown...901-eruitrhavO,Vivtat,,tlia.0.1:00ettrolon111,01,4t-t..4w 010t!"ritot90,041.. ,.t.!,,i7,,—.00,b.,.!,0,04.4,1,,,lko,u4,7,,t.ti,,,flot,(07.'77411tilero°1,1,„,0
neepotr '' .0,%40115rOkedAt'016 1.180 eel° er ' ;steatocticerttltibe,):Penv Qaellidtrisrett.nreet fatte:
,06.41t ..fr,ea et eteitlitrirtrett iteleet 4itt a ,3,,,vo pAeltum, sAll pris unwillill feed
t Armti
vil he.v1 tij
NTItnesk.'cletterat tievettk.4P.
ANTi/41-,,f.'"itd.jitieliiT4ia-ti0i, rVi;',.m,
POvtg!itolildr hIVAtt„ 1,4$1'fix*#•81',-
ott,AiiiiNfER rreesio-eta.60444.,01,e,
pewee, fertittepere Wat.knelY.-
:tate Priadini
bUSIne144. ii4gOtett tOWAWOr th,Y1'0,
, , •
right boy; toefelet aatz levAlt,eeteeffse.
, 4 V' '
oval TO T, pi; '144,-Daicers).1trect.,
.tiodertplil, .tintifttlittacntOf act*
id OlOOCOO rj '4„;v00„,d6Yottbitk
/ ;residence. andoet detect 'elteltli to S0°4
tenant. APO), te"..Xxis. CA.arit-ltiviiitort
"t. • rl
STORN roit:IttetrItlaiiiietZitre on ,
° the Square."0401I led ter. ,Pos
' seasion octoor, ..f.test,steed
Apply -to tbe owner.,,Itaitte• tooree.
' s'41,44'.414.-iii.Odai:iiiii•ie
.ttio=.1r4r4ovo,„904 tAtknotior tie *pull
) Ashaeid.towneelpeetweetie. A Idles. West at
fohedatton ateletatelitio:iteeetseettlas. rIviee
Abed. Farm le. all'atearea,..--about. ;egj'eates
undordraXed,P' "AthisiOP-AVIelL-404 44n4rnilo14
huge cannardi tat we 'fenced; TAMS" can
M. MotioNtiglitailtetY4lath,hOomMVO!• •
-EyotieRe• ectte',S./.1;R:r.ere\- ntiW briCk
naces mod ?ghat ulddern!Ponvspleams. P 6
reasonable, Toone to, sult&ttrelieser.4.-Apa
at Tat Gamma*
SAILE,;-Cairittilioinei4plandtd loesdea.
J2 corner. least ,streeti...40,4 cartihrla. Mad.,
Furnace, eleetrIgligetilat-modertineenvenion,
ens. Rood now ntab
10.4..attinputtpdo. .40PIZ
• at fMCO; AL -Er 44'.1rrty".. ' ,
nno inaldenco, on" &nub
J.. street, raehtlireat11/101.4An i'l°14°•
Awe the rooms Mor Devitt nhente MeV ear's
Shoe store, ox4Ii0,4100,1410:0041Ply
SA.LU.-;140,13114r,,IterlIS ':exceIlent Tata
▪ tor tnerket .gardea....watt. good' buildings
and fences, twe, Atm tioderieh,..larring
ve acres fp orcbard ilt,•npples, pears; ,phansi
cherries. • Venclien. 'dna MA' npfborriCa'
' Price and terISILItIVerab Apply. tti 0.NCI
& ROBOIRTS01,4619derich. .
-E-101t tar Ens street, modern
• Alse,03foottfratitage, adJacent to Square
' Mrs. S.A. Cornell afers ter ottriclittene. resi-
dence on Kaye St. ter. mad.- Mini a brick store.
photograph tied bakery, Ut Myth. so thus
Beautittil regidente. ;St, Vincent St. for
0. F. Bealtstato& Ins. Agency.
, _
SAM.,-A.WO noW Dwellinice on Angle-
sey St. A mmfortalile Ott Piston SG
- Building lots'on Elan A•veleali 'Si*enstSt4Cedar
St. and Pino' St.
• WANTSD.,-A. ',far 'rittilitnett Bowies 'Or
Dooms. near tho 149k0 frent,te tont fa the
sumtner Season,. youmitsaltooratssot
property• Oft Elgin Marne otlerich,
owned and *coupled 'hi( Do Whitely: Good
house arid Pivatbirds Oren iterni,ef land, Wfith
choice fridie„;,The tieusols nattered bY net
water end haa at medmaimprovetnetta, A
bargain for aqrPerdnik Wanting nreholasit ewe
fpgY;AritH14,tirittatti' gigit4,001 tadrialdresit
Mdelastelpall& telfithlte‘sttla Ste. hares il'A441te 'n Milkers an saingeril
Al,fettuirealitY-AttigoeAd,ftn tor ttflgr.btgr, 'Itticv,41,1404rAucist;(10,41),Itoogo;i745'
• tioils And that thAvIdirstivoiwilrstgted 4°11°1g:4106A p.4430 ay mw TlIfOnFoi
AuguotZISPI. Marethairtontliere for Inseeet en. -__..t),-...._ .........'...L. n
i Altit. I BOuley,i9t11,44/OttliarYeteien.tirtake . ,i, , INIUW ,ARVEIRTiSSAMgeilTS
immedtate-preeepaintit th -have ang errersornc' ' ' n' ' '. '-': ' pa
,011,6glo‘rzroytoattgo.orslip44,yliktri„'r - t-;. .,.ots • ' ' ' e'e. 4
- - a litotteettifeittite 'at .dasse 4figiiii 11e*. itifielit Styleasslehe Steitdi.;;;i;;.-9
. ,
' 4. ''_,, '• 1cL.0,400NeTo :. , At .85 ' t'. t 4 • •-••• ^. •••,•••••• .8$
, .i'l,',"i'. A '''/„.C,Iernkof 610i6iricih, ..1,,°°t 'RPeteants-WntA.Molf.:114
...,,4.4,... 'e. in, n t, istelre,64-0. 13: Lso,.....t...,,,, , 8 .
i" 1 `',; e•4: -'n' f,4. . • ,utes,„;-proTirce. ,,,;;;;„ , 31/ays Special Cleanani-4itidgene utos.,4 a
, . - • Farm Imliorere• Excurefonsa-C. P. It 4 .
OTICSIO„IstabrOhIegiVeri to )",01,-Porsola him-- Van, National' txhibitten-0- l",. It ' t
eiitindo6:Id cb ootit tit,' 'tOtnnititiVaf 14/1/1134"t-M4$,M..A. tfeLennan ,
:, Inweetiategainsh.tht%the list...066a A .
fonfrAsittehr,fleolcdo,lafroodt ,tsta..,Aunsletiyo too e',.81/aawroefidiortiy tvierevia.: 13:1001130110.091 I 0:: l'.,Atictiiit-LI twt 8Patir 1, h a r s o n 4
4 -
,eXecetor:nt.thenald tete .'ort ott%befdre the -Peg ‹It.Puntnar Bale -I. II. ColborneI
tied, to...Roberti- oIlispoon li-Sti Goderlon. .....'s -.
warder bt 4`1)g14'i 1 tatiet 'Which .datp- tho earrO. Labotitts'.gacorelen—a- T. It
Bxemitor AlIV-Predeed to dintilhate the Said Aitatfou SaleinThes. TM, :, 1
estate' meting tho..asstithIentitled t . a
higregerd'onlynoi„ the .clalunt et w eh netioe' queo Wonted -STAR billeon'' 1
al/alum& hitch, been received'. an, tiihrthe: Pen Pound -Sean °Mee.. t
Meettter wilt net henllabletor tip/A/meads of
, BottorittrItent--Mrs. Tweedy I
tbe,Estat4 to, distribeted te 409 bersoil 0. viite . Lis og t r w sd ly s 1
whose Mann tiotios mina .not have Wee re- • „ /41 . t ur -- . .. la onag
ceivedit • .., eardot Thatiko-Pamtly late ehn„ Rich.
AL'm JOIlfil.VeltN"c Solicitor for EtecuCer, n .4,0,,
Datedat tlettertat This 2,1th dat pf Iuly, 1
• . y . ..„ . .. . . . Servaa.Wanted-Mrs. Coats..... .. , 1
" ilhitilkR SAtE '.' ': '"Xiktleirftlenouse ,..4.,a0;edwifttio."Atry,Tiliediteo_srAit— 'n
• 1'
, U Orme 1
BeneraperVant 'Wanted -Heron llouse1 ' '
.Now Truitt fierviee---C. P. R 8 '
Loral. Orrodx.
oppoloted bY the riltforout tehowehret meet Vw°*""h _
'tows, to totertionett Stith thtsiwieht, *reale"' W top,
't,lort etlopttel et- the telaetie kW/ "I" t4)4t. tbitAlkOp,Willit°111.
• lithiett,n., wato
Met".°11the.*'Meite 11%.1)-1-4111.1414314Te'' Me, Vir'elAr„. litgalblties Of ttes /Otte*
P144 DetalettnAttritt Ottalffits
Islet MettdaY'..,iettating. ' art town, this wee); tovornment
14totioeflt"4441,4.1 tAff. .21ilyetry *1444""or thi*a°444eut"cor throeitle4 wYtItetherthlkleiligee4tli
r000lutton Woo ottitittott .•Other tatittetit • •
faVerhatt.the. 'Or ell 'Mee*" :ZOO haftelsiert,picoice,,In the Rm.
mpikkos, 4. and 'tho istootinif her Park Ooorly tiafteY ' dert; 144, •Ole
Aitdallat. Pleelei. *14441". teattit"ditr, ttiabtreltelltiTritfelejpee°4414e ItAt4 IditrtIbV:
'21°n°*ta 13*111°":1t)tfrta wiahisah,ithtemyeee**011itlitol"thk4b4reolellocttelli
to ;take *dventoge, of ' the iled ' ' '
10,0N Co.*" . •P.0 7' 1), ',The 41..P., time tablit.4)0Meit• RAO
tatettat till Grand; 'Trixtik 'eattlero, to -tete* „4.010.-2,fitb; memos, :vim Iwo
ourtirest,,tholodtoo Mottoes,' lisittht, aciatriebvi /74, la, "Veda
enee.'"' "?.diereeqiIVOItYy.' Ihkthvii%4riter*O*44:41.**16(111;. 0,,,nttt.T("TWOnttretAtetelW"trt t4041111vo" *Ttio4rolitIO°
h . ; ode te, rt,m, and. .50 PP Wit
Lv 411yr'71tAtkv4:':0L410:-.PvLitnitegitt°tit 0141;4-.forl_64beo°!:,44:04-414,41:;;;,.1P14......,:)....r441:00001:,,01164/.:koelt7itio'010124'; '1:1 ilon oba 11. 111:11 ono u
ricole ttheOetettoth: alt)the oliurellaws Of tbe diocese neXt
g n
110;Dorew,„ non.. .00n. boodon. wilt preeeb
eettottloe• 9•11' alu:41F. andiet tit,taleorge anal,. Can*
h"rbj 71, .*"ierts„ Mo .1 hgnud,e;tetiltig. 1014 U,
xsis,0[ •Az,,,,oxico.ztvo. ,thboailtritli4,poese. ;It to PiAtkda. 4!", InlOnt
1"144 ' 41°:-Wit4"1410'''llt"'" • o Oototo, H. A.. et the teeehing
'finOtt tar:Xl4A)Allee SliefteCi!'ltnitetititital •jotale eha Walaertoo: High Scheel,
thleSaftjaistie ittet 'het eleter,-$111:W ..1144.401" olIltatotett te the .00eltion of
11.,Speocc..1104 Med, htgle,,bosialtalrAt .rtuttheelotticel insoteirt,tite. Goderlelt
Edmonton, Where atio 104 one' tor 00110440 Inetitate ttattneeeesion'to
tretittarint rettfele Of Weelettigo'... The •N,•M-Yor..13.' A4, who Arealgoed to take
aliMent reettleed„ an'Operagen;Ythlt0 the.Roilition 91 Athena) Of the Their*
Wee.. DOertigaied:'WIth: apt:trent :freer eld With lichee". ,
ter a feW, days, het a ch Offe,.44 elOpl NieteRtinna AndieVre, EORner
nit 'and tin) result WAR a9 Mint knoWn resident of toWn whe lute let-
Aoetie ntleaelneeic wag telt at the- Olip.;,•, Orly been INV in St. ThOrny, hen
. Auctiool: 541e
1 have been inatiletpd' by Mr: A Illosetn
Them to son by Public Auction at his rent -
deuce, St. PUMA Str4, en
g ATUIMAY. 'Ott Oen evetoolorwo,
The entire coetonts tiMeredusel eak u,e„,
tension Table, Oak Side! rd With interim, Oak
Dining ulster, Oak Writingaesk hiSsIChafrii,
gookers, COnch, hadgLer'Writte 1)00k With
mirror. FalarY Tables( 2 Baltrt mg/4room
soma. Oak nittedrmini State, Metile recta
Suite, hen Bedstead, eltild'e nen oti
Mattresses, Felt Atattrate.-
Dinner Set Illarilandt, Trg ' eat (tIrittitl:
Tenet. Het Monition), ,TO 66 no I 03111 r
Topektry entrain% Net (aunties, taterti te oar
taws, Feidingkiereen„ ‘NOW
Machine, thawing ItelMIXAttiP. 11111.10140k.
ford Renee. Make With water front) said .thes
' tnemdair. Doiler:CareaSwaver, Metal Wash.
Tubs, Wringer, Itiontinfwg, (Choir entiltietr
step Ladder, .Ottedell. Chtdr, Pair a BoWla4
AO yde., mama. leee,Afeettetteetatreetelfeaelts. Otierfeb, Oat
wont ur Ins6.01`0,P6e1seyirort, Ana mons, other
household attletee toe numerate to mouton.
COMO Op tOtt week ago,;theIntd 0011 reterned to Go Orich tuni will ssierity
woe terrible elieck tO the famil* 'On • leeengage Intittle teethIng, nod,
thetr mrsey filende in Merle\ rna .tbil specialty of modeekcarteo woo o
cleenest syttiptithy is ettpreneed".hYalh in..ieuelei•T Her ,many old time trlen s
The berme:pebble especially ead ft* wilt be Pleased to meet het. again.
AraiAerioicute tttl:ti9Ph-obet, minegoliataravaT P,ta4 T he Me0611nell ve..Piggott dz
snit for balling a horse on Dlaintitra
whett4alilie EtititeintOtt..•
-1 land °catlike:1 the policacourt it part ot
°cLivelloomarpellioq. Tal"-:'*14,1104Peuft. .Motiday,. and- ofter .all the evidence
until she went, ta RdmontOli /9 WA ewn"rant L3,10.1aciloVearneZenderaferndPalattitnited14?-1
on her alater. Mrs. Stainffien, daring
an ilinees which lasted fOr ,goat, &aged: .His Worship, who after a
part•of lase, winter., She Walit tp, you 'Amon seaming up reserved his de-
w°111411.°f ulanr IThe quaittle-e' e. Mles Kate bleKeovin, of Stratford.
endeared her to a wide circlet* frtettue, Was well up In the list of young ladles
and the .proprietora Tale *Au tip, ;Who Won in the StratfOrd Hereld's free
.taueheo trip, no less than 81,005 votes
being. to her credit. She is a, daughter
Baggagemeti)McKeown,•of the O.
V, IL, who is vtell known ;In .Goderich.
amdthe. Goderieh friende of Miss Me-
Kenwn will wish het an enjoyable
• twerp-. Stewart, proprietea of the
Waverly House, Clinton, suddenly
left tor parts unknown on Tuesday
alight • of -last week, leaving- sundry
unsettled account% and creditors
from whom he ls said to have borrow-
ed money. Mr, .eater, of Berlin,
'beide a °maga 'go on the contents, and
nail his arrival the place was in
'•eharie_OLOonlitable Phalen, Goderich.
The Bank of Commerce has
`had prelmred a map of the west-
ern provinees, Manitoba to the
Oast. which is one ot the best
end Most convenient maps of the
-Citeadiatt West yet Matted, Att worn -
Partying printed sheet glvek valuable
and timely information regarding the
country, and both sheets can be had
free on application to any of ,the
basalts agencies. They areworth hav-
ing indee&.--- _
Tbe citizens of Winghatn are inn-
mensely pleased with • the wonderful
sincere; whieh their highte.hool, under
the principalship of Mr. .1. A. Taylor,
ek-principal of Dutton bigh school,
and a former Goderich student, had at
the iscent departmental exami natioos.
For junior matriculation six wrote
and five paned ; for junior leaving 29
wrote and 28 passed, 18 getting hon-
ors ; for senior leaving nine wrote and
nine permed, five with honors.
On Tuesday Antonia Bertrem W1113
brought before Judge Doyle charged
with Onlawfully wounding, alleged to
have taken place in a ear on Om C. P.
R., the wound not being a very seri-
ous one, and to have been inflicted in
a atruggie between plaintiff and de-
fendant, while the fortner was trying
to put him out of the car. Crown At,
Lorne,. Seeger prosecuted, and W111.
Protalfoot, K. C., defended, and at the
end of the case Hui Honor acquitted
the prisoner.
Oo Tuesday night of t.his week the
C. P. R. freight shed wets entered and
a number of tools stolen. The owners
do not desire to go to unnecessary
trouble to recover the stolen goods,
but will do so if they are not returned
within a ahort period. The stamps on
the tools may be dbliterated, but that
will nit prevent identification. In
fairness and honesty, the articles will
be forthcoming, or a term at King-
ston will soon be in store for the guil-
ty. The safest way would be to re-
turn the articles at once.
On Tuesday morning as Porter's
milk wagen was being driven down
St. Patel& street, the horse got
frightened and ran away, and when
at the junction of St. Patrick and
Arthur tdreets, the wagon upset and
broke to pieces, and smashed between
It and 4 dozen milk bottles. The horse
got away. but was not much hurt, but
Master McGee,. who was In the
wagon, though supposed to he badly
hurt, was uninjured, much to the
aurpribe of those who pulled him out
from among the milk bottles.
The Mr Ship that la coming to the
Canadian' National Exhibition, Toron-
to, will tnake a trlp, within the first
four days, from the Exhibition
Grounds down to the City Hall,
around the City Hall tower and back
totthe place of_ starting, thus exem-
plifying the great progress that haa
been made within the last twelve
months in aerial navigation. It is not
so tnany menthe since Santos Dumont.
the Great Brazilian aeronaut, had his
name on the lips of pretty well, every
man and woman In the civilized world
for his great feat of rounding the
Palace of the Elyse% and now within
a year of that performance the leat is
to be more than repeetted in the City
of Toronto, Canada.
predated her services in 401'W/000e
degtee. A loving opd meet tineelflek
sister and' friend, Mg Mie whe delight=
ed acts of kindness and syrnpethy4,.
Iter memory will tong be held In toying
renletribermice. -
GOLB IN WHEAT. -- Recently the
steamee 7.9fotiish Here" wee .relieved
of Scime 80 cars of wheat at thaGode-•
rich Elevator. Mr. Jarnee Shaw. the
-mechanical Manager;Was in aridZOOt
tistrholt1 end throegh • all- parte of
the' big -building, and inN aome un-
accountable way lost hii3 valhable .end
much. thoughtabf gold watch, chain
and therm. Thb grain of courtie waeall:
hala, • of Port ,Mbert, purchaeed
one tar, which was teamed to his MiR;:.
although he would rtnieh .rather haVe
had the eat 'delivered direct by dee-
.. r' r fro th *et tl rid
giXtBilialtO bat:shriveled from the
ear -in Goderich, and 'of course had .tO
be Again handled at Port.•Albert. . In
going through the mill process at .the
Port,. Mr. Scimenhals discovered in
Otte of the eleyes or screena a gold
,svatch chain, then a ;odd ring, then..
a gold watch. On the case he found
the.ineeriptiem •"Won .by James Shaw.
Bonspeif, Killarney, hlanitoba, 1001"
Of. coupe° Mr. Schoenhels knew The
owner, and returned the goods to the
owner, the only defect being a broken
glass and one hand. Mr. Shaw was
mere than pleased to receive the
watch, because he is a curler away
back and prizes the watch very much.
Mr. Schoenbals will not be forgotten.
at the mune time it reminds one that
there is very. often gold in wheat, al-
though our 'Western friends and old-
time respected neighbors wilt probably
earn a great deal more gold than thov
will receive this year.
'Misname!) IN B. 1.). -The Moyie (B.
C.) Leader, of August 10, contained
the following interesting item : A
very pretty weddiog took place here
in the hiethodist church on featurdav
morning, Aug. 8rd, whop Miss Bertha
Hillier, of Goderich, Ont., was united
In marriage to Witham -E. iiichwanz,
of Moose Jaw, Sask. The church was
tastefully decorated for the occasion,
a beautiful floral hell and arch, be-
neath which the hippy pair were
united, and a massive bank of flowers,
being the chief features. The bride
was given away bv her tether, Mr.
John Hillier, of Goderich, Ont. Mrs.
Wm. Boulton played, the wedding
march as the procesaion entered the
church, and Mr, and Mrs. Horton,
from Toronto. affixed their names to
the °Metal documents in the vestry at
the close of the ceremony. The bride
WWI prettily gowned In a dress
of Persian lawn, hand embroidered.
The marriage was perfortned by Rev.
R. Hughee, of Cranbrook. When the
tnarriage ceretnony was over the
guesta repaired to the bone of Mr.
and Mrs. John Pitch for dinner, after
which the bride and geootet took the
West bound train for Nelson. Among
the guests present were the parents of
the bride, Mr. and Mre. John Ilillier,
of Goderieh, Ont.; 11. 0. Horton. of
Toronto, Ont.; Mr. arid Mrs. 3. W.
Pitch, and Mr. and Mee. B. A. Hill, of
Moyle. Mr. and Mrs. Schwanz will
visit the coast Mimi. After a etay
there of a few xveelts they will return
te lifoosejaw, where they will make
their home.
Around the Harbor.
So far the outside breekwater is as
it was at the opening fif navigation.
OTTOII,Isherebylventhat, Pursuant, to
aitthorItY, of 0 410•414-Cuutleilp 4430d00,
bereetiliiedifirtie ritleritignetltIp to and.
Itieludinit'SVIDSDA.Y., SOPS': 3 nrect,,. fOr
right Mout Pine titnbar '611 the, TownShilin Of .
teAreir, MeCree; Vbewlett., Ohehrano;iterden
atid Werner, metertite Chaplearj;etr
ttle eanadiatt.Pacitle Itatiwati 011 Pettit IV: 0:
9, wed tit Wamatt,Itiver State/ken t 0 P.
R.; oh 'tartan -mate en Lake Windom/aria..
Outlier:Windermere Station; al in tbe
tr1et of Aigemn,__Also *bite and reit pine
.titii,beree certain tots in the bit, 2nd and ard
conotterdone.ot tile Township of Benuehainet
and on ttittard;,Ith,Sth and nth minoessiens nor
the ToWnithin of Nenwofie, north. of Lake-
Temisettining.lp 041 District. of Nit/losing; also
certain dale -timber es wlutt is Unown na
••Prittiklin ralited,". In the Georgian Say of
'Lake Iteron, north of the town of Parrs,
Hound, in the TItitriet at Parry Sound. ,
Per erinditioes, further parideularS, maps,
ctn., aeeleto the undersigned. •
DePartinerit of landa,Dorest and trines, TOT-
, oath...11117S, 1007-
unantborizerkpublication ot„this Over.
listenenewill be mod for.
ate tie doubt contemplating
N blaidi,iy this stating? In view of the ad-
vancing.price of tricks.,and Mire men
,itLe.tnalcinCearly contracts. Consult j„ Lawn;
r1104010, C.. R., Architect, LOnclon, Ont.
tlis charges, designs titid'attetitlen tq clients
7111watt/ore favorably with any In outset..
ebitthred' °Ma Atop from Victoria to
iuntleseit Street, near St. Peters Cburelo.
Ana ebasssorlits-priee' too---raws double
for OrerY irk Matfett. in/0).1)011o, bottles,
borne halt, etippor.-brann.ione, feathern, &Ins,
and all kintla °Clunk.. 'Sense the pedal), and
everyman who has an hing th sell should
send tno Word. „I walk Mid na, cub -
tesuutsocc, te. D.
nele7a; fatal:Mu Nu% 102
Dr. ginerignesi Ttetihriree-St. David Street.
Opposite Vieterla 136 Church, Phone ISM
Dr. Turribull'a itesidence-,Neleon Street.
Next Shaw'e Store. Phone 121.
R. n. tutertm, )14. D.
d Rnitoon. Spoidal atientton
Ph 0113;)it:4-- ghoiiit„, place troorataidtinle
ch•Ottett oft:keeteeel'AvatoNo. Ra
'West Odntf,d1t.
Wterettataxott •
jouretato Alen
", ortelAts
beater oflidtirtitige Licensee
/0. 11$01,5kM Auctioneer
0-201707.' '',..4L;x4O'X'S •
An a largo nenated reciele %eve betelleak.
Our enqUIrItit toot if* bolas bste Ottie,
have ifteneliuted te harenctuother tale cce
Satuedalfr Attettitilk DiatA
• s o'clock, ittb tiftth4S *60 06 lAlst WA, eve
Nieteeson'a„IltudWartinadtk W
The lots peered Wilt 1Pli *Ad to the highes
bidder, as tyrIll Make no bias. aria mill riaV
no one to boy la fa nse.
I Will also he Off Vie gicand• -Where Iltel_lati
ave lomat riveter isfranikeh eirdifirenctint Mee*
day 211,h, &OM tO And Mr Tuesday
and Thursday eteninett frota SW to ft cetieck.
at white ticeeliwaterit to Anyone WOhing
enrebito hr Prtibitts *Ott
Thee lotgatgligendidittialittecl, didt *PON
minutes Walk 111111trann! Sald,
Rigs factereek
Termo of AVM Tor Pet tent Of few
chaso Menet Odell time ot roici *tor
sufficient to, _Maks half Purehsisewithr
tun eeettilt Week Mil
pa• id, er Me terms; to tan pot)
e tetrer.
PrOPI1 nolottv.
inns. ,rivr,
Aucris— RING
etc. kora.
ttretta of
to tell in MU!
cell Vett,
eta* nolecieb.
NO late
cAlloA •
iltal "(it* TORONTO.
neereersted •by SOettat /Let et tee
Dominos Perllent to receive
lligtir# 4tOttill Ott. Of filtered ,•
• •pola in our .
Isiingsink lleportinont
Lon depailto ot sf end tipwartle,
tutereet paid end, ronipound4
. ,
Dritite .bOlight and
A Centro" I/Midas intitre4
hearted. ,
umet 7*. re, sax
au atheessien
bity,y1snr *to
tere.cma WM MY
hat yettlistve.
ni141 Whitt. roe
KIT, 1.11BiletitY
X .
reiit y torionten,
tai to `Xeter P.
„ft in the Juni& iiivikeNta Pit <, were
only 14 Vent ot Ake At the thee ef
writing. Herbert igtontenett 010
the zr.„ mAteirnietion. The
* *deceit ont of 12 rah*
A *A WI T here etateinat
tmE.s.--A lady's kid glove, a
(elk glove and ehild'a string of. beads
Molded, m to Tun STAR office, - Own -
ere can Monsanto by calling and iden-
tifyittg their property.
Cousnee Jtioinott.--The Road and
Mridge eonimittee of the CottotY
Council' met in Clinton OIL Tuesday to
consider important business. Me. J.
Sproule aye on his contract on Ball's
bralget I WIU) agreed to leave it over
for a year, and • to use the iron work
contracted for on St. Joseph's bridge.
Chatles Barber hini conamenced work
on the bridge sbuth of Wingtenn, hut
refused to continue his contraet'at the
tendered price. It Wit..9 left in the
hands of the Werden and engineer to
get the work done -at once. The com-
mittee drove to Bayfield and inspected
the bridge: It was directed that piles
be driven around south abutment and
pier, and that tenclera for superstruc-
ture be placed before Council at De-
cember meeting.
Tug Ittea.ffincts.-The Huron Rifle
League is fully organized and will
meet at -Auburn on Tueeday, Sept
100, ' when. the semi-annual match
will be shot. Seven men from each
of the twelve associations have been
Chosen inittead of ten as formerlv, and
the ranges will be 200 arid 500 yards,
seven ehots quick firiog at 200 yards to
the thinitte. Individual prizes will be
the saute at each range, $2, $1,50, three
prizes of $1 each, and three of 50c.
ciacif, making a total of $8 in each
event, The trio prize will be the same,
sti for the highest total at all ranges,
divided US the others. The medal
winner will be awarded to the
bigheSt scorer iti all events, which is
valued at $5. The trophy for the
highest scoring team is a handsome
silver cup, valued at $35
Tun WAA`nit Biren.w.-At the re-
quest of the Board of Health, the
Mayor called a meeting of the board
and Comtnissieners for yesterday
afternoon, to discusa the Water Works
byla.w, but at 4" o'clock, tbe hour an-
nounced ttit Tnn wenn, no one Was
preeent,- -and later on a enorum
Was almost secured, but not *quite,
end nothing was d o n 43.. Aa
a deliverance from such a meet-
ing. vrould have hacl an important
bearing on the bylaw and the dlificul-
ties,lt le expected to remedy, it is a
pity the meeting ;vas not had. The
citizens of goderieh_ have for years
demended a more pure supply of
wAter, and it temairis VP. be neen
Whether* Or not it will be secured.
Gattontt Parery.-The garden party
under the allerlices of the ladies of St.
Petee's congregation, Wag hOld IP
nether Park on Wednetelay after-
:ea:tits ithd proved a sueffess. The
ground Wete nicely arranged i tables
with ftently_gOoda, Andy and refresh -
MOOS. And et tent with a fish pend
were etemod the perk. while the teas
lee emelt° Mid retrace -intent tables Were
itt the rotunda, A large num.
ter tat down to tea anti during the
evening" lee ere/int Was Nerved guite
freely, although it, *m not the best of
fee orerun *tether. The ledles at the
fatiek. goods and candy tablet did
good buslocao, and the ilsit note' had
trowtio anglera. The illird Regi-
mental bend played Attlee program
during the terenitig,
reat Beletet. ANII,Motter. Revolter,
A ni*etins, wet# heti' Ort Wedoetalll
attertmon Met of^ flambe of ropre,
mutative% ot the elfteront elfurthes to
tonsider the 'week beles -turfed on
threughout the' Dominion under tiro
supertittetidenee for, 1143,.. De. Eby,.
nglinorr of matt end morel reforen,
is work Into ,boert ondonwt1 hY
most ell the *hutch ormterettees and
eyntolot end It propooed, tuba** Dr,
Eby liddreina 4 Union Meeting of the
churches in Xriox thurth on 1,14(19
node? evening. Oet, And Oreitth
ih Ono of our ehtirehei the! follow.
log Rondo. 110 *Ill he in Winghttro
treo0401. SePt1 211.• the tor UAW,
'Monday Oremlorr, arid et Clinton
• Turodity evening. 04. 1, rulhkr
partiettlers WM be Artrt 044 thriagitli
tiltIkle0193 OS* AMI Ot In due
The yacht Wing and Wing of Cleve-
land ran IOW port en -Wednesday, on
her way to Georgian Say.
The elevator and the Big Mill keep
the 0, T. R. huey bonding the loaded
VICO to the citation and making up tbe
treins for the east,
LThe Sehr. Kilderhonee, from gan.
dualcv with cargo tffeterd, was towed
into port on Sunday and commenced
unloading on Mender.
Last letiday the Witid being off the
lend the water fell sp 1011 12 Mame in
the blither, making the water the
fewest it has been thet macron.
Tlie'eteamer Ring Vivant was In
pert ett time Wednesday morning.
althottgb the night had bedit a rough
011.e, To show the_el rocas of the
rooming the Pine rot t. lighthouse
eetild be Oen, and the Orelerliab pumps, ciente prectent pipe will only
keeper toys be &teethe Xing Editard I seutielralYt. ignittato er eisnedepfureemtpivseffte:Tidthiet
leolog Kincardine.
The ate -enter Olefitiellan With 1. 000 will °et veil little er rni"
early the pipe further into the lake
and put a rose on the end, than ib will
tn tusk. the present erib subetantial
enough to stand the storm, , for tbe
last three yew,. AS 0000 AB the
!Mary ilterMe eddie lo the fall, the top
is broken .and 'lush lee form* mid
chat* the pipe. to that At times we
t'V 06r "4.11Ayt: Iltrnputpth6pPitirieerrt twinstrel;
for orilthrtry ow% and bed WO 0/0 kt
men HMS there *Mild he uo water
for dirk uee.
Cont. Murttey on the Bylaw.
To the Editor of Tina STAR :
MAU SM, -As the vote on the by-
law for the Improvement of the water-
works ayetem is so near, besides the
improvement Us the quality ef the
water, there is another very impor-
tant end neceesary matter. The pre-
sent 12 inch pipe in insufileient M sup-
ply enough water for fire pnrposen.
providing We bed a redoes fire which
would neeecialtate the use nt both
bulthele Of wheat, berley, ale And litx,
tierieted at ow port Oft Feiday. Delos
heeylly ittden, droirring 19 feet, tied
the tenter being IOW, dm dropped en-
ehor till daylight Mid then entered.
libe unloaded by Saturday, bet the
We; Of teeette of het' tee* delayed her
till eitinclity efternotet before leaving,
WAIL Capt. 1lAyi of Streit:AA,
ronanot epeelel intoting in the Sol.
tretient Arra, tn POttder, AO**
Ott 26th, at p„, re.
st Yee* be 4,*
lietIORS 'FROM POINT EWA* 'Elfin TOWN 'COUNCIL Tun ',owes Ass
01 to *ohs the morning et
, „ Wes slecesse 0.1 • WOMAN 3101100.018.
royal I tolls t beg y 4e, little 044 At the odklurned meeting or the
mole I 104 • Vednereloy evening oll
,ulnloroilli.t set6tOriterortert11"64Y.Y901144tOOV°1141,1titet ttiliOttal!"?tirklitrill;lrad 'Bertillnietrar,,T4
move oppmpektolvittheveient, dog, , Dep. lteore lilliott, ;The .tenowing
ut"tut:i'hiunTilthPablittlatle."01i4Iliralleit7entit.a: rt.0,171,044P:ttlEin:17 go:Aile"ii:g"ofine."0"rttianal.
0,4.,,ettlikt1Iitar they esonotellisi so t streets. ot the hotter ;totted woofer.
*-44414 4:,!(:“°,-4:4441”:41144.1,v tv41 ti*i'46Wei* LT 14Olikernt:nw4t1:eli41.;:to At1170,:t; )55:
lint of ,„,„,.,,..„ eh". ,„„11, hor,,,whieh COM 444 wero empreverat to.ditieuse
het414°!)114: fAuni,i4We°tOntO:t140111r,41*.th:13Lv"811* kentlpttell wee efdled 40 Oa fillfe Wee*
tt:::::* 41;16 : 41*'"Iikt°111"8:1140' - At .tho AtoYoes moot Assekser
'to 1,1intneil. ,
on VW nAtinItleent 'llee'th Of Ptlint .witittlhOla, trettrditle, flto cAtiMAtea ell
,rber41;40,,,' '4:°01'Yothytyirpti7wH.11.PwittjUttltilti 401:11, .0truck; In ttw.teePttwon 4 1 etatelrd'W44
raleing yenta heed Men the pillow, Irtratire, lvc.11 atrOgItOur tigliOtretoolOmmittielttlto
thetO %Mena 13 A yeut VieW a sialue '
otZto, ti:leleikuf te710. 0 littipaee:,4seatuli ii:syce;r:4t: lotnielle tit:et:tilt :Vita ri:elfvromul: atoll; algeltlheresitor
fOrgetten. The eenly datkty Igoe oe. AMOunt Of the toWn, abet* the rev,
t, ey. merge one into attother, ;shod, 110 ,,oestreci Inagategona regarding
dietoYerahlee. at the point -Where. ,_ , „.; , etwit, et elfptekty the mayor
foillfreitkitadritlattaictIr tateritetioitmttlieoinuttateuareovireAgitlievi dothitsuopi41,:olittratiotIvorliestattetlielnonintilletlyttabig4grneteldoettattitabtli
r,..,, 4-reoto atiip,,0 the Xing Rdward or ouilten:orikernedt antito opauingleoesnofroontowt:: sionialadle-
Hueon, °v. 610111,0 othee well kneWn tot' as to tile powers of the CoMMIs-
aka that the etanunlesion should
Then Comes the PrOade hut weiturte reports to dm Council,
ebnretaelpauept"bes 11011.1nAfort:rwlittrroatikafespitIrdpItoueoitt'• 0,...',1:s1'01Wies,„ point , developed wit, thot
-,ato me f or t he henntitin walk to th a 0,"'s`r„,;Giv•„:Ps.: e„Rirlautiliii:ititgol:eltottiditetactesetdilidtnicodmferortecauratt at iiiikl 0:
spring, provided with pitcherb to bring t''';'1"1 -1.10t
p ul r el. IMIti the duty ot the
Ilea water for those who cannot go;
camel! to take elnillar notion with ra
quentiiiieer wthitehtra;eosiltotTeraontdo hopiaorkeemteoseitt,
IttialOrAlllt It:otehngitter:lart4togf3telf:tehtiln133:1;Ii Itoer4
or tennis, end etill othere deeen tO the pal 'hy the town ;vas also geged, and
beach to look ter agate% eta, and
that the attend/ expeet he will attend
ntlYeArenfttie:rWittllYThawsn:ledeooant:elledie'tePoitovt,t1tileldldipoing.i to the math%
A letter from G. T. R. egent Stral-
everybody luta 1% nap, or Another ton milted that 0 wagon race:Ong he
or some More games, etc. It 'Wield he Imilt Mul a tree removed oppoSite the
an Impossibility within the Hoppe of entrance to their new freight died and
'this article to ' give the nanees of the ;tde tracks, anti the P. •VV, committee
ly or so, but the daily register la kept.
many guests coming and golete, week.
menlieterg.ieen power to deal with the
and on looking it QVIAO ono sees many
well kunwn -names, both Canadion .and A. requatt from P, T, Dean to be at-.
American, Who) almost without ex- 11,:awsetdsttortevretetainvdfratsucte:acrIcoli,tlownh,icolohyehre.,
°option, leave with regret. one of the ed with tin, to the building corner of
" summer paradises" of earth.
would shortly move into, Wag discus -
During the cool eveninge there are mid, and the clerk instruoted to reply
magnificelet fires built in a huge fire
that permission could not be given.
place in one of the sitting moms in the
trWittglItinagil. dwhhtertleIPTIeRhatll. -ft:Itibitcettr ilsIvetthne- Finance committee. 0) Recommend-
droue tales, tottafing inarshmallowe, ing that the following accounts be
and bye -and -bye, when the little paid : Rogers Mfg. Co,, $37.56; THU
ones have been' "toted off" to STAR, SIMMS; S. P. Patilin, $1,35;
"Slumber Land,r having t»any a pleas- John Butler, $29:40; Munk:Mal World,
ant and enjoyable game of carde. And $13,43. (2) That the offer of Mr. Hea-
on other evenings, wIten we have not ton to Overt's° the town be filed. ill)
been too lazy, or "otherwise engaged, ' Thu the bill agai net the Maitland
to gather enormous piles of drift wood, PoWeir :Co. for election expenses be
we have the nsost Magnificent fires of made out and collected. (4) That t he
drift wood down on the betetb,Just out Kensington Mfg. Co. bonus loan hotels -
of reach of the curling, lapping waves, he advertised Mad .sold.. .(ZI). Thal tit
with their touch of moonlight mysterri offer of Tun STAB, and Signal for
and if anyone can tell me of anything epode' edition he adopted and that
more delightfultban a hack ground of the work be carried out Under the
pines, cedars, birchee and, other trees supervision of the Special committee.
on the bluff leading to the glorious Adopted.
white eanded ' beach, the moonlight
just shading the restless 'water from ahMouatrktre:mt.rrhkftett tebertelegie°°bre n'arttdottileinebrt04:
gold to silver sheen, the flames throw. eel. -ed under the supervinion of' the
group of happy care -free -for the mo -
Mg their weird fitful light over It avtl,A'n'etvoinrstriteletArono..0111 romp: tho opeelai
tnent at ail events -Olen, W01111311 and Ati t 1.
children, and everyone so inclined, afamoitiee 0, ,11 the banquet In connee.
LI011 WILI1 ttle 0. P. IL. opening wan
toasting marshmallows, I would like-
heard,as to possible plexus and Lerma
hear it, It's pretty close to Paredise for same. and left in tile
tri tne 1
0011110Itleo with tell powerhtioulcdo84.11tehtee
And we had Morn coretnonies and arrangements, in conjunction Vela/ the
eta at,rni evenings ,,,,etn,....thanks to Fx °cut' ve of the Board of Trade. The
Pat host and hosteits. Just for a cOmmittee were also asked to Roper
vise t n With f 1 . .1
Cana lan Appraisal Co., Witz3 heard 111
hy DI 1 oca1 limpet: of the 1( wh.
M I eintool, n. representetive of the
explanation of their terms and meth-
ods of making a valuation of the
fidgets Co. plant, but es the company's
representatives have not been heard
from the matter 1Vits left open OA 1M -
f o'irel. 0 council then took up 11u, work
of completing the revision ol the
thwn bylaws, and ennipleLed that long
deferred task, after which the Coun•
cil adjourned.
. T, hitolontit.
eample, one evening we had the pleas-
ure of the 131ackstone Orchestra to
play for no, and opened the evening by
the Orand hiarch, in which everyone
who possibly could participated. It
was led by Master Dene Ileeney, of
Goderich, and Miss Robert% of Detroit,
who le a tnember of one of the oldest
families of that city, and a moat de-
lightful water color painter. " Sir
Roger de Coverley," our old friend,
followed, and one old friend after 1(11.
other until inldnight, when a very
nice supper was served, with a part i•
cularly delicious ice cream, made by
Mrs. Goldthorpe, who is, in deed and
truth, the heart of Point Farm, thor-
oughly appreciated by all the guesta.
Now, I know I should close, hut I
cannot reelet an account of our last
progressive party. Although gotten
up in the depths ()PO° woods, it would
have been creditable In the MI?. 'rhe
drawing rooms were decorated with
greens. every lady? wearing the dain-
tiest of gowns, and our only lack. -I
leave you to guess, for absolute knowl-
edge might engender conceit in certain
The first prize for buil& highest
total was e handsome bottle ot toilet
water, won by Mine Graham. The
first prize for gentlemen, a handsome
blotter, the design, golden rod, painted
and preeented hV Miss Roberts, won
by Mr. Vincent.
The necond prize, Wien' hand paint-
ed and Indian. burnt work paddle, won
by Mrs. Bishop. Gentleman's necond
prize, MAW as above, only In form of
The prize for greatent number of
lone hands, the hulks' watt won bv
Mrs. Vincent, (Indian work) work
basket. The prize name Rs above for
gentlemen, won by Mr. Vincent, In-
dian face Match Hate.
Booby prizes, lady and gentleman,
the sante, being two tiny Indian earmen
on pins, won by Mina filllespie and
Mr. BInhop.
'rhe consolatIno prize') were, rot
should he, the lovellent 0r) of all. The
lady's, won by Mrs. Basch, a dainty
fairy lamp, but it would not lIght, now
or even and the geotletnan's, won by
Mr. Hubbard, a dainty eantly box of
tillY white uttlettn, beaptifully done up
with theme paper and 'baby ribbon.
The refreshmente were delicious, and
were thoroughly enjoyed, being pre-
pared bv the ladies themselves, and
consisted nf sandwiches) and eolfee and
fruit eake. Wf' finished our evening
"God Hayti the Ring."
C. P. R. Construction Notes.
A walk along the track from the
depot to Dunlop bridge, In a °imprint.
to those who have the idea that thin
end ef the line in far from being level,
and la very crooked, an they will find
tbe track in remarkably level and
well laid.
The last ot the rails between Guelph
and Ooderich Were nailed down on
Wedneday. and all that in now neded
make everything aolid In some gravel.
There wan quite a crowd at the 0, P.R.
ntation when the Mat tiplite wan driven
and all (teemed much Interested.
A Successful School.
The Central BitSineliq College of
Stratford, which has nn adverticement
appearing elsewhere In these column%
Is without doubt one of th# In011 nue.
colsful business training etcher& In the
Pratt/Ince. It in well and favorably
known for the thoroughness of int
wOrk and for the aueeete of ite toted -
eke. The wheel ia now sending out
its 21st annual catalogue, and we
would eilviee anyone interdated in a
meernereial, ehorthand or- telegraphy
education to write the College for thin
free catalogue. The fall term, We Ine
neve, commettem en Toszday, eferpe,
Rev. Dr, Meldruin, of Cleveland,
will preaeh in Knox chinch next Sab-
bath evening.
Word rereived from Scotland re
carding Rev. Alex MeM Wan, formeriV
imam, of Smith's 11 111 and Auburn,
who went borne a couple of years ago,
owing to ill health, le that he is now
so folly restored that be has been netted
to allow Ills name LO go 1ndorn eiVit0 •
grogation 111 Min burgh for IL
1/11t. has not yet, derided whether -4
main or to return to Canada.
A ntatelornt of the nittomits re, tied
1 root congregat Ione or t he Preebyter.
lam Church in Canada, for the year
ending 2)41.1) INbritary, 11108, on be-
half of the nal -wows of the church, han
been prepared by the 1 roasurnr, Rev.
John Somerville, D. D. The congre-
gallon() in both the eitatern end went -
ern seetions of the church vontriblite
to the French evangelization, aged
and infirm ministers', Manitoba CM.
lege, Aosertibly and temperance and
moral reform funds, The f1.111011Ing
named for the other schemes in the fol-
lowing lint are for the western nection
alone. The estimated requirements
are aa f ollown : Hoene missions, $180,-
1100; anomentation of stipends, $15,1104);
foreign missions, 14,0110; French
evangelization, Including Pointe Aux
Trembler), St QM; nos College, $t),
IX10; Queen's College, P1,000; Montreal
College. tr,500; Manitoba College least.
ern Synod) and Ontario anti Quebec,
Mo nitoba College, wt.41,..rn
Synod), It11,11t10; aged and Infirm tnInIs•
tern' fund, $11.1,105); ministern' widows
and orphans' fistar,"1011,000:' n4ettibly
fund. tfli4.0011; temperance and moral
reform $5.000; total $473,001). This
amounts to VA 1 1 for each emzuntini
Meeting Calendar
4,41t.eprim'yn,7V,,u4:11n'"u110",1.0"4"..4, "
Regular ineerintr of rout) alot Ne,
D oresior, 11Pit l'./1, -,41W et 01100
Iteoular tneetinit or I.. 0 I.. 47o 1A,t, next
ato Studs' A In Stratford. on A tur.
Znib, in Sr Jogeoll'a ehttreh.' tor ev Dean Me
Om Mellon' J. Phelan. of Ontlerteh. tons.
Mary Ellen flaw:liter tor Mr and
Mtn. Patrick Nuliivan. OP fitraltord.
rgwAl 1. nn Monday eveultid,
Antru,t 11111. SW, Alrnma hairont, widow ot
the 1.04131)bn Nowail. cured 79 Fent.. 7 month.
and 14 day..
+101 -
The 914 noills 0.41 Aid
Preee000; Moder tket
Railway ItylAye In mlittokit Ceti.
. tleiA
Mr., 1, 1V4,Inyee, .
log toe the vapttiliata I • n
aided. 14 the eleettlepoworoott rolittoy.
development tor Rd* renntz, IA In
town this wee*, end hi addrifOelnt„tbe
serfes. ineolftige: sire
hold In AeldIrld tolyoohiPPtoP001011
Vete Ott iliatityliw' thorn non
Illonday. lie stotee OW if tbe
on tile eettlYer PrOPOilitielbettreitetc
will be nIde lIneote tte powor
.eelteute Invitee. tilt, bylaw 'Oaten' jar**
eirried .hist Yeat ftoderielkotitthe
the first bylew eattree neide 1004
aince the „wood, ok „expending one*
was riot accept:441w the ottepeyere,
The nrat of the our irieet nips an,
nounced Inet. -WetlitIe • PON'S Ws*
held at Port mooet- on Tueeday even.
II! owl WM verYeglho(ondo, mut
cin ,4!„ enotaskstic t o hylevr. The
nerd 01 eallway, throngh the north.
ern townshiptt le 00 geeat that; Ole
proposition shout& certainly eorry,
it is but the beginning of 01 Ilot or —
electric railways will glYe
neaten north, east an& south of the
georgian Bay tcr Lake ThOre is
some opposition, of course, het Where
the matter is theronghty disowned
and understood the expreasione of
opinlen aro strongly In fever of the
We feel that wei are doing a good
work in republisning tom the Weekly
r8e4anpso ?dem at r eel ITwf irt°11g" aliftea,ttlitreviadeco;r1;
Of the past ParliaMentary seesten.
The Sun cannot be acceded of partizan
bias in these, or indeed In any COW-
thelitta it makes on Public queutione,
and the present, articles aro therefore)
worthy of acceptance by all classes of
Canadian dawns. Title week deale
with the North Agitate Trading Co.
Howdah -a, seands" it cortottily
the statement of. cola feet* which It
gives should make. eyee( lioneet Man
pause and aek hitt:tad how inetteh
longer he la going to su mit ta beln%
awindled In such a manner. Eeskthe
record If you think thie language la
ton strong.
By an entirety .unthought of edin-
eidence the Signal two weekeagelted
editorial along the, linen of' one
wideb appeared the wow week in Tux
STAR, nrginje the desirability of such
a statement' of the townftt. finances as
would nhoW exactly what our water
and light eystemtt coat Ate and what is
their revenue -a statement in short
stieh ea every bitaloese man and ger-
poratlon expects alio demandeat the
end of the year. The Town Council
has a right ta as% for ,:etteh. agate-
:a:lel_ tCoqtbn:rna_ireftteni:tgnYeroattnr,:e°81:2.°•orLitiv,e:te:'tteot:::11e1
who own the bithinees have the right
to be supplied with. that information.
stateltr4htitAtitriqb longer ptizzre the
man on the street. .
. . , -- .
la cc Pleasing Success -good Attend-
ance and an Excellent Progriun.
The gathering of old students of the
old tin lllll nar School and the Goderich
Collegiate Institute. commenited yes-
terday end will cottlibee todny, but
the reunion really bornmenced on
Monday, for frOtn, thf:t. day ex.stild-
ents 11111/0 been arrivin Itt itown. and
"hall of learning." haltieltors aro
making theinselvea al ape round the
from distant parts and 'from near.
home. 'Choy are from flalifistaila,
British Columbia. Alberta. ltiskatah-
eeeRTI, Manitoba, all Parts of Vntario
il many of the States of th 'ani n.
Among the flret to arrive w s ra.
Van Rossen, of tlaliforpja ti. eri-
hue, of Prank. AliwttftWO ht.
ot Itiontreal-"Bra Skeltote of-- a;
Rev. W. %V. an.1 Mra. Ste ' a)
4 drum, i,f Cleveland; %Vm. M
rptor. M ism ; 1/r. Meldrunt a °
o NVittnipeg, anti 111 ins Mel,ella
TIT'll'ilr)11 4t.''!ol 1 eg I a le , w here t he gueste
registered, was nicely decorated, tho
gymnasium being epecially arranged
for reception purpones, and it is In
thin intildlug that thia presentation to
Dr. Mimeo will ht. made this after-
noon. and tomIght there will be the
banquet at the liedford.
Although the programme In no
fully published, it is known that I/r.
Strang will be presented with a beau-
tifully illuminated address, anti it is
rumored that it will ho aecompanied
with a unique present In the ahem) of
a chain made of nuggeta front the
Naticon, contributed by ex-puplie of
the Collegiate now residing in that
dint:int part of the Dominion. It is
understood that the committee nag
decided to present the gifts of the ex -
students and ezleachere of the In-
stitute in a ukeable form to Dr.
S trang, anti that it will be a voucher
of four figurer) to enable the orentle-
titan to neicez his own preaent.
The following VI a partial lint of
ex.students and ex -teachers) from ft
-iniiiltnnittiti,n,V:Iff: Ito...no tnee‘lepitto WrIttAdEAT. rat
ir"m"rir.I''.'1 let'll'fitigitill., Al tire' Tirl. WI! annuli). Frank. Alta.
i le r eland Ogle.
F anon. 1411tra.
'Phott. 1'. M right. Montreal, Que.
lir Meldrum D. 11, and Mr. Moldrom,
Rev W FW. Sted.lart. and Atre. Stoddart.
ftev. Jo., Wiivon 11 A , Toronto.
N"I'rar" 4S1''o.roitrlivadn'ri114;innenti,"- liglarinn Grant1, Van-
( inv.. Wat•ton. Noy, York i'ltr
MI,r4 Maud Watron, Toronto.
Mr. and 141r. (leo. 11 ()onion, Vancouver n I'.
jlidoihr:All'arilr tinrb'nrintutinini!" l'ritAn'ee Albert, Mark.
IF11,0 Alice Mbomou, noalna. Sakt
:t1 Is., (lava Sharman, Yorkton. Sauk.
311,.. M.14.1Ian. Toronto Junction.
Mr*. l). Johnaton Ince eurranl. Prosron
Mien Ittobel IllAstett, Comoro)).
Miro Maud 111=ott. Itrooltivn. SI . Y
II. It raison., Montt01.
Mrv. A licon aeo Porter). Itanistoo. Idish,
iliit.arnlativr ,414,0701::1.16:ancloknnow.
&toe. A, HeaLter. M. A, Toronto.
blim. Atalcorts.on into 'totems). Lacknotv.
Dr. A. It. Rebertson. Wallacoburn.
Ist..4404114:na,;4114Vralaastortc.aka.. wan? athiwir.
W T Yates, Toronto.
J ( '. litokert4Ort, 11,1.A.. Toronto.
Jm., Ai .11.,,aly1),
ntnrea% nV ,inTnot:loOtut0. .
Mra ti. Flharpo oleo Buchanan). Toronto.
Mira May Buchanan. Ill. A, Toronto.
/tier, liotFion fnoo Mottiril, 1)0trolla.
6w1(.. fiti.1‘11%eolrtntiL4h.:Tioitro-An.to., Mora.
M. Robertson, tiarristou.
Mi --in fit ItobottgOn. Windror.
iIra. While ince Mica Itora May). Bingrgdia
ihrintlitouI•tira. PolinntutvrAtr.
Joe Mika, Porno:moil/a.
Allan Bowles. Achtichl.
le:, Sticrwood„ Anturn,td.
Rov Etre Stetehrt, Detroit.
Jno Adettlan, ittothatdiertr4.
CA. Netii/a13. TOZ0eL6.
lt3 tee NoWtea. leratifet.
Ily. Tledold, WeStt Dakota,
N ile .
Nirrien. Men. Mellonaltl, of tflieti•
WM. and Mra. Morton. of Duelph.
visited Nile frienda thin week. --Miss
Irene May, of Sault Ste. Marle,
spending her holidayn with her grand-
mother,Mrn. Smith. and other friends.
• • Mka fluhv Pentland. who 11(16 boon
with her mint in Rscov for the bat
amen menthe, luta returned home. -
Mra. Mitchell, Zion, npent Sunday
With Mende at Nile.- The Mince'd
Reid at visiting at the parsonage.
League Will he on Wednesday evening
Mott week instead of Tuesday; topie,
Remember Rtortalty. taken hy Miss
Gray, mooting ted by Ands Edith Kirk.),
• „i