HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-08-16, Page 7*-or -7.4
7 "Pl
A, I
AID= "W"
V_Wak" Mid willoosill Iff imilie siftionsiol "f ftwu& ft., 00vull Aty. W=X THETRAGEDYOF A QUEEN FEA13 OFMAN'S MEMORY SEONDIIIRAND CLOTHING RULES FOR,
0* fw $W* v "Ora,
WAW "or
""on teq 10 *W Oft Ale lkbwW,'W 111I 60"101MA "M 'WeR 1011 VRON WWAIT Im "VOWNT so "a
IX" rtWU:1;*,Z a Mau *M~, Too vw his V itl*W, *Re of V* W1111ifts 0 004WWWW, W* Sai,
Ow, W KOWA, CS N MY "'too.
114 J
k9wiIiiiijim Joa cAl
'olsolifilly 4 vol 4uw ruWft�*.—PPi Will 1110w4sita W4.& lit"okill Ili# 1,
Ill WOW. out.- ulower. 4*4 ssiventy" I
%wow A** U*J, 911 oliwwlft x1rilt ft Avady, $00 %am *Wb,
Itt"Ill" viu **0 %04 uw "Apt Rwuq uilil dy, $00 Mir".94 Rilikili so
V111iil AA 11m, X a* �WOO*k "IWO 11W04 Ild " So" %vage, U19M 0 "k voll
folsoillis ot b.0" Mlis" AWN fil'My'4441, liwnk Or lwwer, lot VWIAA .10 04.11111*illff "Woo Komill. Olin,
U. J"a4iiivW Q04 IDJ Ill* 00st ki4ittootwe 0 W411 trikil sool 091l 0144 k1I`*Wtttl lilogly: u 1 lorflullp� 14 ispIthu tiollil a, X044 I Vol Tyl I Z andd of b4tos of coatol In am ArIl p1clov, 1 Ito is 100040. our -
i V14,04
loborl 14 INV* U78-im 14 1* ft only Nowors, 4 hop Atak 11rult, 11111141i'llikor 9t still
t U4,tu VIA Ikwak 4-twv. III* JAW 44 rapro
ififlu, to a am '011t fil 9; 101W y IlIxtifl, 413 t1r 0111), leave r 140 Jog his leaurek of tb,ei -Prcsliii
virtonst 10th".0t cliallicull VXCC4 Pt IVIM Ill 44 fllll� IllIq Ifa of 1.0 violl annivus. to leave 110 $191es, sl - f
wilkim;4itlir " . 11 , . q%* ifull bog.il
004" 01 jr VUr of, IR la dialikiii,4011liI, 4 1. Atil Oil 4 Willhor
vill wam'Ie tin r wwitr 011temil
'Ja 4bFA* * Wn, truto, ft.difftrkt. * All thol eflAlo Itatif. �1141,overr vall Air UWRoolv ill a Ulm- Mitt rulo ll.,u how otliltvO- py aery
Till, at %lit 84aww iCw at BW uour to "ard lit kin) Ill p!oltill ul "i V 411 low If
C�Jflt 111- JIVII Wilma If Aho 441h4init loilkwM00yft, j*54blo allitilk 1h t 04. gout v - -000 of
tIM=Sit 0 Wl,. TAkey 10" 9, 6 wilt 444 41 0944 14 IN Jillail likerp 4.14 ell 10 kill . ao, JJIJJ (ding alit .0w ow tit, dmler!tl cus
#44 kAW. ,_,,a laro-4.14044 skrovullosto 14, Itholl w9tioll- t1w 041t, so loot 51kiQuid. 11% OtAek"011 Wrotclf got Only 0.0 tAl
sr A allikilww1to, . . fAl 4 libill lie U40 weil WeAl. tolagm. 65 lopil $oil Ila tocrol him 110C oan-
In JX tiellm1fa 0110IM"Ot 010�- ithe tuv.6, bilft 1110 (wad 1IIIIIII, P Q ritiol not act Itl ill 44 m lot ho! il]IJAW
AfrillilL i0d All 1 'UPI. �likkl 4lil two tc. IN twellt Wasular report 4111L
Wh villit, 'tey 1114% Ill 1110-V4,q x4illmd. to brIpLit aoful, that 0,.o nativo at hicruritAus am caf;Qrly at Watilaugfori, 06r tin 16mbass
1W Illo, top lb fn'13 lit 4ko twily 101m
r4k. Itter"i groura AtIm UP, UA.14% few to, hilt tinift 9n.0 RIO fdent frill Ision4lord, -will *4 al . deolaudliffe awood-hund W0151�oats "It counill t3 foreign eoll, and bv ligs Ick
wMalplisil it in rpirto r oil on 411. 0* F0 1110
All itkA
tow POWs for ahis dei.to� ft- �cara lii.go Ili London. same reason. (sl hill P.44491 bol 0
inIr A10c*, lillait mstr4iti, 14tolting. POWERS
qq4,tft VOrliat Jay 1, 1:3 091. 4 *Ikl0_At1J
91 LOW" aITbgr, IJ4 olil Ideviulliaw-liq his all 41144 !=612 dens s'll �by. tul I twall, st, whAll, Il litsemis a )a Afriva, thrQ latild for old top -buts. torclf;a waristalp Vqyl
1, 44, 0*0 J;poopkiloi 14ors, 4 tho Wo ia - graced the American part.,
iissiqui0s; in vill at which !Wnsarl)
a sudPoly ooll '404,; tor 'tho lie 4hat theril twor a JQW �Vnja. Of hoads of Loodual tups Ora now beino me 1v4rA ago, JhI3
sliAll Alto -0 104 00 ve tQA , 11.1kia 0 IM14 JtJ9Jj% So
I %�vrxk by thowelhi dlie;oil llA Iftlift Vok))Jit lohis f4d-�' MAIM to of Swaziland, Ash l il
tlkv4o Pows qw,her,04 goilio . title 11941, four molves, l sloselif gatabla. A Belgian arm, Very OLarkward k
1444 614l tho bol alit!
Aillifti 4utliority_tO "Alld. trOol�r. JI11*94'Xime, $Ol by POIDW Austliao
Wo" �or lanowy 110 Yet duriff; the tilld $ciffie
�oit 410 �- igjvkl�� witim, 04 -but, 44 0 1:011A, W0404. in,aliA' 043, topiktoff tivlaT tournament I $3V Ill which tralles
did -WrY, so 4*941orY -to I with Ilia every of 016 tit quotlon, UwAed:
itat OPO4*4 - hit I(XMW old top halA, the Presidl to Ill hanq0t, at fillet Ella.
boatill it OralJON thq W14-91! Iteliat a tend In a
a..Anlil Vila oeltrm*4 00 0-44 at the eamo Ar -010 play two gailles 1110&1& bought through a London dol Itim-sy, and t
)an 11 M ekiiva.
UJA�bUllitIfIllg�4" 004 btk r9fuhlif 0, (1, per
whof CUM rind two gaul" at chaelmr, Vr. Nast Dumb* too. find sonal slight und tionATOM4, Ws JI
lilm of old hut,
4 Affift 10me, �p AW or, without looking at any Ono of tile four ll hoine-i Ili ley %o a y,lit botirds, Ivrilles a corres orldent. hill. Angola Import 140911411 Wave", PuY. "ll 0 Y croquio, Ank p_
0.4 sudoJeolys, ift 1 -3 (or clearked whito kid. I planatlon from the Wfilto Ito S
NO $40. . .. W a villabuil isat at tile Whist table, with Ing high price,
'is Aoll, Ilk Aitstranti,brislos. sulf, I wit go hundreds tit datic-I First lite social lawo IsUirtiOlUldhiff
r,'d 4; to lite chesis and cheelcor Ta Ntudagascul,
I'' III t hod., h0p oyor of UnI40A the
-rate 14 04 of I)evol AI
p d,L 0', t .
iffeards, -
nt aral very
likille, state, vbol DIV-1iusbuthit the, 100 144"A 4 10 qult4,40 iWtcd ond illop.owOrtut,bdng 'down, ad the moves of tile playseli Irsig-shool built English arid ki'reach. In picattion, tit Ptwide
t"Vier, Jill 'Por ne
'121111heIr% 01+ 1' p told Ullion. apbrolde w dell hetwt.on were culled out to him, and, 4491ij1heral Abyssinia and Somaliland, Till. holder 91 Lhis off(il Is for
ft" mid eta
red ell$ tons,
bidden to
Kulp ill 10 hokif4i,, JOV010 '%,lilt) bqol bil tiorolfully arranged in circles
ell Is. lifill VU thil 91h, Without Interrupting lite wla&A goolo ft Migitsh top-buots and leggingis find a pay the firat call to any VIAlteir to W4
r IiAl
or Ill ori.4 dignittes thill). Ill thl -litotes, however exalted be may bot, Un --
t liament. All thel IaAI mocrall tie would call back the imine AltudY safe.
Ill Ill ig Ed- deffas gq d, -se, it ,It his own ploccol which 110 wished Tile Titufluses and Burials of Siberia Robs lie wears %lie crown at 4. Europeans
rotp 34W' I big 14011OW-PUb agefully, of coul
t.$6 C.ao of$h�Sl �'Who `bAd 148f:p Ildren JIMA Alre 111,W410-0 91, whill of bUy kyannin -off blumbers for il
4 aq� 11 goes without 11'eatiouft they Were leill ply, sp flying muntry,l mission being thal ill
Ne ev
rl. to ja'y f all highly bred. maidens wall of dent is considered superior to ever m3ft
ad Ats. iveraI ist th�$, res It wits to be plawol. tit wear. A Ituniburg Ili -tit every
%lie flit
Ipf the And, d -aqua UpChU50S, In LOU111011, ttl'JU- C-WePt
4 d iii4prIM is, a King wit IhLi wily lie %%,oil tilt, chess and checker 1-44'rillig
pmptys- 7 net, a. 1,01 AD Ilia ll� 01911, luklidic- Kinfits ban ull but a, Sell
. . lit aU4 sl
%vwl IT Ill :t vft...nIu*Re vr III zed by thoa
tioial 5ft Tit'Hits. latee Q110 01, useni for tile Monte garmea and helped to in sands a pulm of A PKIGNINO MONARCH,
fispe Wi it 14 �4C�104 I., Co. His Ringships is amp�usl Untork WOUlea, sprano tile a I
OLD KrOcKINUS. A [tit, rs. hoosovolt,, she to
pro I.
Ill that Within, his CItkcounds he has as though tilllg by all adder. NO, flit'% 'rill-; GAIK OF WHIST.
MR, Hutruis t`fAV_IQN' e.d4nc4*beIQpoLaJI ilia lifted from fLuying any calls, but Of.
subject JJVt at prec teruld, ot be, ors her face %yus suffused stral Alitan
and sendi them to the Ck
Artat, Arick r4to tW+ff4UNP�U4S lach with PIllsibury Performs thesto blindfolded quette, pen her to hold al weekly
V f . "
J$ert0.lUIY r414-0. bfsJo6V silo -ilea was that lie 110yal 'emily. This wa isnalles, and a JOY which Over' httispes, where they ore Nvorn us gloves
"At invitations to whidh orc sent
rigs, When Prince a' OrlelIL414 4Uqualia could not suppress plays isminingly with coniparativo ease.
Wa *A :�cff
On -W It it a 1ho . fourth Geo -filtilz wot
uud by Kit JIM.
4a, lipliV01119g,difill 91 6 Arst Ile played aguinsit us many us "10 To Persia go till I ol Out On a stitiall curd bearing I'rhe White
and t tic tins
at hisi X�relil; 0, W41cs,. resented and Wished to dispute; reddonedIffer checks.
h A-V I his %wites, lettr -d. N arid lilto sunto Slippers. At Union (0 tile South, [louse" lit Ilia left hatid cot -nor In $liver,
out Sir. -Artmes Show, thi Lord -Mayor Of A mokm0it later this mulden of the %filepent book III of on anti announcing the data orail time at the
es a his guas, und ilia half, dolt lit liar right hund Ilme, without oseeing it single board, fuld which
tube, stuck. to Min loorally.JIeld 11 great oft?
-lure a golden gobl0l, J!R woll a large, nuirjorlty at tile games. tile worn toy tile Ill Ilia
as I nand (oi- collars function.
Ill Illa Georges, had to be content with u with triumirrial gas n) wri§ lifiAg,, 14*gO
lten;bo a Another peculiar restriction Imposed
vlool or -ilia fordshipla broad buck- In plaf�ed by fate, as sorne said. bYT tile Seated with )its block to thether play- fuarlilets.
%sN.,Qzar NVaIi, Q SO -0a, lillsol rrusoe,�aff.bhuout'ht w 06 times even.the X L; urm the Presitivint is that lict-fullA
CUll 1hotepti, 0. -w rj�fll - Nr. f full. Mol �Ji a ern Jhg of Englund pill plIfol aS all know. In -the cil -Irls find constantly Smoking a big cig r, New ulnea p ory guities . of chance, on Sundilky, a
t. better proIV13!4� d.h Uloft w accounts for it guod per-
' � 0!, a
frpteoAcil �Jotwarod Ill all City fort all which' she isat. Twenty Years he Is apparently awa lo vismulize and centagle f cusiorif wornsl 04ithing.
stitort if aig* U los it Wall could not gain admittAXICO, to the
a40 t�'r
fir Y6 ad ulefis, like aAybQdy also, 1143 regulation flor which Wasitin
nd,,irsoo(Z IM o;n' Ein Iror to h4a."i ifeat `-'4VrA.g JkLs it as* 14 later fire Queen f tile fol Ill mur- to remember 22 different pictuil lit Pos. _gfsoll Was
of, nelther must he indulge In
the door arid adisgif portals- fleril arid her mangled remains eachi of which 32 chessman tire being 4
fiy*d J) Imthe Inghe
1'he happy "Vin ell at iany sport (if% rival day. But, IanlIkO must
four i�lr�et at T00W6At 4vepue, Or;sl 8104 to aliol of course, as a matter Of drenched with kerosene wet* burned not changed about tit an indeflitilas variety in it serge Goinviell.
that 'y 7yor who regard aunday So a
01 4%,yo, frorist. the Palace pavilion, f At eacts, of
courtesy, the,Lorld MA took tore to fill) yarl .
0e a large party itifese tribes thirst for old .1 pers, 11 t Iol lay Of rest train all State, businal tile
whero,'-they s ILI u
-here, by the ordeal. of -r voI
fis a stery be at Tempo Aar teady to give Ills that goblet, Wards fits art expert chess Play(
of,pitntow: Mottersaill In bobbr 0A thia, reo 4, wear, but as tomillosis Its keep ft tile
Ithurs tuil - President Is frequently required to lit-
e dill at if directed by the Prince Parent. &lie had every fucully concentrated an Ills Own
. I 11M -1?,Vli One.
010 190 6.p4Ahe 1101illy years! late the hand
ab- been proclaimed Queen. W game, caring nothing for his neigh. fend srs�,e Public fundtilitJ OU 1110jil'st
lob trait no, 1 NV4 he'R41burig. at- iseno. from wiff and -.family recently A HOSPITABLE WELCOME. I)o1ph traders will, Java buy large day of %Nell
that struck down the deftincelss woniall Loors' difficulties, Istent only on baffling itibil of English clothing. Till, And the Pricess attracted -wifle (Ittleallien IN4 Mr*� To4ay the Kial soldiers cannot was that of a Japanese hireling, liters flit, memory of the mail at Ilia and of It Is an,,,�rkbrokcn rule that the pr
at 5. Ito
WAII- Let Jull till 1111(filk
till of thei'me 411, 7;d t sO 3. W. Friend, lj;Vlli Now HoLialIl nabers through never hits been; any doubt tit ilia nunds fit,, ptoul, whuse inind recurs to his nehuble fur dent shall Ill ride Ott the 14DMIU" $too
rg sumi, march ill aX large nu of ill 'Jose kind partivulur gol onc (it it kind worn Ilk early hour. Her Impartal 'lost, It so il of ibire, visited Clevellitkol.,AVI his. bro tilt% city stree Unless the Chief Mugis whose knwledge Of 01 -3 only In 22 times. of Ills cut when tt now President
IloWlIg that his,�Iajk guest,was eating that hA& met WM,,A- rAklOus'accifidetit, and flitiuminds Ilieked tip in Imnifun, ll
plfound, 1. elected It Is Usual for the old one to
y Inquired it the Pria, trate gives - the necessary permission', p,:z-lldy has been broadened by a Soll seldoill yhesitation oil Mr. 11 Penny upilve 1101 tilt) tto ilia Capitol sitting on the right.
Itite In the y_ bull after the visit terminated he failed
AdSelving a n9gative, an- arid tile password of the Tower of Lon- at the (�oratikn Court that ill 1.1,11 11:11sbury's part lit relling lite pleture cents Ili Bultivill. '['he I -s txftly stiok.% cap, N tor rleturn to. his isome. and all trace -of regularly, bearing stance, at the Eliond side or fits carriage, but ark Ilia re -
don Is sent to him marriage arid at the, Int plesellied Oil fill)' given Word. Tho vl JIIvuns Hulgh-,11 tou. turn JmIrtley lie leldis up hb place to
pIl the-IEmpill insisted on know ng film whd Wt , Fpr___eAe_v,'4n__years search tho, XIng,s own signature. Even out- light murder, ilia guiding spirit a 1-4 ferell calls tv number of the Word In, 0 Is only fkllcrv�ed to
Inutuay'Al iiii thi so oll d6sbi
the PrinIowl abstinence,
the, vause Ot
Ifif ado ter him, but,without result, side his kingdom he is treated by his th directing hand wits that of the rut Which tht'I (In tilt r.
�4krnatl6rk of all present was in end [lie nuive Inside by lite player there- tilt, lissinurec ('I'd arid' to the - consl
r ill lit, Ifni rule should Ile desirol Ills XvIllell
�'L- I � pecolvecf, the follolki , Ing reply: "it Ills diriappearance. was so mysterious Sovereign with almost as great hoil fel, Prince Parent. of,, and instuntly tho reply voll back I I ,
short''6p li'pi is 'Only skeen voinpotult)
At �- --I
6"el tVaLffilaulle total- to eat b,, and -,unaccountable that public opinion JJAI dean of tile 111PLOCIOUr Go". suilffhe Were Indeed a king, Not only because It am not actuOtamed to do EAL RULER. from tile ina-der wIh it reflut,bt fur the
'b4t 4 Ill OL, d honor of the clill' flit, next bl Before Pills- .1y unclud, lite wles vi field lit 1904 by ilia Russian Ambal
knoom tw4en meals eldred him dead, thoull his wife has he the covate THE R 11141ve On Jose unownt \IIhNcs` Ills, carriage with him, this post bei'V91
lo&,�,irdtlft -The hptalb� bellevie tlded
imillillcitly ihai be Would tof offer
t The Dul;o"of Beaufort maintains the at Levees and Drawing -Rooms, but lit' The ll of Cool during Ilia twenty bury's Ifine tire reolord for blind which dor, Count Cassird.
)or turn, and waited arid watched for holkin I% permitted to drive. straight into the years between the QUel Marriage arid play wits 16 gurnes, Played in I%vn ditys
s4l�st - hinating establishment in the day by day.' At Wild, t4ere was a ligill. Samel Ile: murder 'is simply tile story or ilia by Zuketurl, lit Chicallot tit 19W Pills. No ON THE OTHER HAND
kingdom. He Isa typical M.F.H. of the Allabassadors! �Couit at St.
*ept 'Constantly I
immensely keen to show sport, 1, trurning In like front Palace, while very exalted persons In. feud to the death, arid after, between ILry Played 110 simultanteou-s)y blind. Old J."Ilglish used for -
He had a ofspoitingguns in best sori, windows, so that sh tire President ninny power%
ghly converstult With lo,�erythlng puld 4he wanderer deed are compelled to drive around by Ilk-, Prince Parent arid tile LIJAY ill, flildod gullies ill 4 loks" unit 55 Unit- to go to IttiI it was
- Cclititution 1,111. He also enjoys tile it ct4milied trend.% (14) not &)lure.
Ihs callsol aAd tokil thil conedleck, be Mil leturn he would at oncil see Its welcom, plugged utp t1lo, lil ands,'fillsed tile pertaining to hounds, and *Ioxes, and r whose strong will, forkiell to tire diifintly ules, whining 1, drawing 3, arid loo*- wOrl, aq bit
highly popular with -the farmers and 1"& '00
ams rare privilege of a private audience with of the Prince Parent, aserled itself well Ing 1. hathis Irl lJoe fit war, it is not
-bores with sea,,Woter, alutreli.1hein up Last September Mr. Friend, now a HIS Majesty whenever he clictoseli W before tile relaskints of the inurriagi, fill
All this is Shown by lose War office \NhIch guldes tile earn -
among the C 0ey,-flra, AR other landowners Of vounw, \fr, Pillsbury has it mstern 11, TrOltil lit, still tt)r it
the ftictl that.4he Duke is ab.e to hunt a reeble arid- walf*h4ired Old mon of over ask fr It; and he is by Virtuft Of 1IL5 rcleared awa). It Ifni Iteell lit that sign, [jut (lit, President front five white
the stoam gotherelli he fkin� -it througit country.of nearly $DO, square miles six eighty, walked into the home -of hisi ofte one of the Kini's Privy Councill- Korea lever hod it King,but tholiffilleNlill flit, tilt, By gl-erli trbe. floUbtl Ill the VOI)oll tit 0inkinundil
Lther gun-bUrrols ilrall,il oled., Tho Lockwood, of No- , lors,'and, indeed, Is the Only meniber Jollity ruled through the Queen, who ( ourtmy, It,, is ullo"ed Iho first ,,6 prefl-red It) il itiretwer, he con Interfere lit
oteam ixilltwiell ilia ship I excellent -days -a week without a latch of aq daughter, lkofr�. James ('11 Cecil AI lie tile ('lid and C)(-Iillg fil'sl go
treqh,ftter., and in tfil kind. Hounds have bedin-4ept at Bad' -106 McDOnOggh Shoall o! the Privy Council at the accession or q wa, devoted too their Ills? rdsinto lo, the Fill I'llindi, FIjiull's also Islo, Church inuitets, no European
S ray the crewt million tiont time Immemorial, and a informal ill astonished Woman but n,.kv sovereign. The distinctive badges cOurse or tile reign the I as N%e II-ItIvi-tible Inxillowholl of Eng- ITI(Inall dure oft), find lie call nPPOint
lip N,I,b it ht'llailk,bt individual to u polst oov;s; supplied 'vill suffile , F 2*91stutll Duke of Beaulbrot.hus always been in his by Immemorial nitry property �,all it, tile lilt' Ill Ilia MENTAL tilt
ut. 4 U the Vessel 111 111. HE WAS HER FATHER. In! Royalty, too, are Will ,Ilo%Nlllg It di..- Of) -
wr the ill'asterstall. right—tile sceptre, the supreme symbol death of publics was tile feud Intween Ill it 12-galike, circuit tie would pn)i)ui)ly p114)
ye Built, Doismol fibin W tice anti fier a id lie thince Parent. That Ile Sur- . lod for those Of 10,141 ifining the, Annetkin of As
The ba�ql MON The consollitatfori of Messm Powers HO was'able to Prove this, and later on 0! majesty, tile swords of jug I I il to,wrils 1. 4. 7, anti 10 1'1 �`k - I I. inuster ot-till purt of
arn to Obila, vith Sugar, neLected to lid eiQlained his long absence by stating mercy, and the mace. vived to die fit his hed a fol )"firs Ug" 5. it, arid it w,tild and are
a ;Welghtmau and Messrs. Rol I (,fill, Off tiny a strip
SAVoure a I'sibiurt dt the, Sootlish coast that after he -had visited his brother lit The Lord kingdom, too, ex- -shows NvIiat on adrult uld ff- tile No-
gartent and Sons, tire biggest -chemical ill,, 8,-C,)nd gl'()Ull. Ile \\UUILI need "old ilk lurg" Ill all lY el of thpuw %i Congreis
when *filing sail. The captain had never firms In the United States. and hitherto Veveland an uncontrallable, desire tends, far beyond the City wulls. 110 lit", tional Jocund Duke really eloll flit' T lie Carolille
Welill too,01rists,beforoor afid.'llot-wiAliffig (if c"hill I'll-volte his deerskin, even It uch
Via keenest rival hol -beens- alractefd�byfitffie-_upon him tcl abroad. He toljol tile unpantrolled conservancy Of tII'3 of 0-ftsbUllion' which full boord�. it lilt- lundard, -I- tilelliselvol, ill look part endanger tho peave,
to -waiers, of the place between John arid tile reigning
Woo4ker, -Mr. Weightinala's --dall -Tic orre- -of his plans, but uietly look River Thomas and the the best ITI)JIl w,th 1%%-) tit- thle.. 6,16 tit tho ussefArid, nwre Imporlant
-Set )��r a:sub- ter, who practically c6laducteA the boot 4o England, wffe6e he entered the Medway all the vey 11,011, OxIon'd On dy, determined W lops' fill he hille. Joe tins tire power 14) enter Into it
he lookeil 1, yea "I ther and fire
stitute. lie 'discovered a C.011tdonion business. When Mr.� Weightman died shipbuilding business and made a small the west to two brothers were killed, arid Iles, Ile \lllldlllltl4,s, in Illi, 1111141,111 - th%lollly
Halfway ttmo�-toblo, Iiil , i thel railway be siness: to flortioins phlew, though cut to Pieces i,y a hun*- .1litil fltit- otherwise, will,
map attached.. This told, of STER ON THE EAST" hilli Sk"Virl-ill Into V Ch Iftlillis- dt-,11 Jeft $100,000,000,'andl the bu after forty yeu$,.t RL,,enel a ROCHES ,, [or v ill, 1111d 1111,4. ol - country without -elking the all
Mrs. Walker, who Wntelthe richest Then dl,ed swrds, survived. After h,,g,,, or I., gli'll Indlu-I'l 104 ellutors.
ttL; difficulty, for It doeff,solindidly as Mrs. lnjing fort his -old If me came -upon and lie call summon his couris when THE BOMB IN COREA. -,ulodivide his ur, it a pitryor 11
Ide. The f woman In the United t ol his possessions arid where lie will. Nvithin tile illenlurY C4.11111 A tire mu'll Ilk dellitild flat thl Ilk- can nurice reftee with a
u cut across tile Walker has two bobbies. the collecting him, and selling mes
hild if �anlllivll. he Ill- 14,11111111 ugelils 1111% 41111111-I'lle hostile country oil 1114 town
A itag l� t�e West f laces and Napoleonic ratio& The he went to New York, where lie entered of people now living Courts ued Nor is it to Elf, SuPpO-ol that lilt, Nil -
Coast -of $ootlend, drop dordifil that Jul and It tit Cannot wilt,, it prerogLi-
ped'ifer alachor consolidation effects a practical men- the Webb Home for Aged Sltipbuiid- to be held lit file gurgeous stut4l barge. t.;u,,,, Grand Duke es�uped ifulle l
stifely Ag Obaxi Buy. -t a clu-ss I -Y ii-st-If- The lildluni find negl"Ids oil rulers, King Killward among
oPoly to the United States of sulphate rs. While thake lie made Inquiries, it is, however stl nowuduYs thal, less. Oil One uccusloill U brillit; placed oil- rat, Illul,, III., they rhIlur4a. Arid
Willitild thli; railwok map the cup' of quinine and morlifila. and Was told thil his youngest dough- the Lord.Mayor travels to tile 11111115 Of der ill., sleeping slu%v blew litill high Ill I 'toy wpuld never h got his vessel ter wa&imarried and _I`1_ In. Once Ill futirteen the rotir. The Istilivs ill ul 1114 leg,w 11,,r Ith- linfillig Ill., leanicr, -,I- At tillcial 114,"- it tile prelido-lo fil lit financial dIIII-
Its river kIngdo
ly 10 Visit oxford, arid 1,\ hOr lilt, It'll Isn't oit gINVs that [)ill- tand 9", itswill n0t
iskifely thMugh the"41t husband fit Brook_ cot 4 u n, ble when the IoInkillulle rni1.1,1, of wm
rierdel channels, years it is his du if Ih, Olood. 9tcof woks na bbil HOTTENTOT 111811APERS. her, as related, and learned I ilid" hN Rochester Is honored once in smen lit' \%US lle\Qr SO it. It, st-ont-1 -,fit fit 4%1.+ a.. r W bo(W-Idoaa rb� III 1�5 yekli�s� and it is, perhaps;, V;Vell 11111A liq Is are not more frequent, Urdqp4UA telupel- I-ellissilled lit Ilis ds - A'Ier It Ille kil take"
in* . rifles for - their arl so'll hey Trials of Houselteoping iiiii, Southwestern while of lite five children lie had lefi slute VIM
it pound frig day. After Jill& I -rt - n it -f 41, t�kNn, find flul If.ir oil ellised'some tUbS' Ill nails
which had an Isioked she . at the punds Africa. behind only One survived. a single one of them clost' uiluro to JAI, lllxjli trip sOry Ih', 9MA ROOM.
One of the most temarkable reunion.% s,%000. A compromise is effected by a t1lu prill -ent into tin ancestral Job- is cOlIff"
irf the wbtd by to some letters on housekeeping I -or and � ft Pat and wit thut is so inur- I If Mot 'll pay lot ge
n (,it record came to light a fewinctiths yearly trip of tile Lord Mrs) ILL and give ]lint a Seoul lialne Jill. Pure
The guaraAk a perfect Southwestern Africa Prals" Margarete ago, when, after being parted for It I . or as rwicken "alit in the arid perhaVs 11 11 fair to) so' tlie volulls, Illat I, qvIdoill looks loins. 4 us) I It's* N�ul Itjyn Ffosuoie of tile Unwritten Luol of the Uri-
Vil.5 ftv- pelation as I , I - if knw)(pr.
isubstatica for theilfa�i6faetkr* f rille- von Eckeribrecher gives an amusing three years Prank Hoskin and fits ln�. month of July; and even this modest Qil ted or Inert, il;skurlve rul-I Iltill Navy.
the -IN of vurtbi l "ItIll
l, I- mkde originally glimpse of her domestic trials. ther were reunited. The story, volillch jount costs $750. which had Pvol so n<d If pool 1)1.,Illlll,lk, is
of the T)est Ififetal.4biarlatuble, had Its- "Unfortunately, I knew very little of Within ilia City the Lord Mayor has resorted to) strategy anti spoi1q. ;( too 111111 IlL, color .oil ie111,111 ill 1111,14 lit life glinnotall U, -Ir tile mid,
appears alm4st Incredible, is as follows. Very extensive powIll rimutAnting prow, DIED I -Ci HER BOY. minies (if Ili, reniturfulf; vul-tilb. iooIllal't. oil illipilittlik art, Villed Vith oil Irt'll han,
foelve4, front,160 pounding vt he Herat' or li,?Uerillot language," she Ili 1851 a Mr. John Hubbard married ,I !ically to a veto on oil the curts Ili fill, N\*Ilat liappelled on'that fil night All 4if tho Induliorl, it, arid v\lA,I I hen fill,, a, probubl) tilt.) litied too Joe, says is
he holl feet ol bilrd-Ibuds, a peekil writes, "and in the absence of my hus- widow named Hoskin, who had two gall tit ill
'liar anneadix;g, and 4646divirl, Tile Courts of Aldermen of October e, ll I.e.
bond I wa-3 forced torenunce my Ideas children, and almost Immediately after jurisdiction. 'lull f. Id pine, but 114l tin.,; equoilled like blippl) I, 11.'I 1 44 the do,. Ile11, highialit.14 It'll Lu Poor. it"' clisicluns .,I, pla).4t t'� tit"
.,If It is qeate ssible thot'vdii are evneerning the virtue out woral suasion, uncil find Lite Court of Ill \\Lk�,. 1,11. 1%0,liul to ;In
lite marriage, ilia couple, with [lit, arid Clossal Go ":; If'( "s el-olt l" if sign III
Ing on your hands to4o$k, drawn -up and to adinit that the lush of my rW younger child, went to Texas, leaving Livery fit (;unnnun Hall Pispiubled call- tilut Japil IrtHip, lI1LAIuk.tuII%: to, nIII tilt -tit lit fill
unl�s his Iul Ilip con- urrijundod tile pulat.t. grumis and hilld J--Pulur "I Ilk" dt-111i'l
lawyel briefs -oil inkiii1it"WtIe-deedill Ing -whip was ilia only tongue to which the other child. Frank, with some ol not even trieet unle&s his Iul When kid -leather wai at. W*Promiuril thil, lazy, grinhing, good-natured black venes thein ; and tie call a I'll time illoo Populace alld tile lu�al fro"Ps on this, I" lit Hindridded 11111111 latives in a little I -own In Ohio, intend- I I . Those li\rr eighlet'lli- th" ll(Jw-
the. French glov&mpikers,'-hunted, put It 11,11 stop to their prxo) Ills by 'eull I'xK)Ps I"I'llitd and till, fill Illu, III(jf laiiiji, fellow who welte supposed to serve me Ing to send I -or him later on. Mrs, I I check, that (ul t,f, lint ever. oilarlid., 14W for a substfixil I, . One filial would pay thia slightest heed. removing tile swrd arid mat, Ir hll unteered by aptl br,,ke tile I -Ill "I "gilt-
Inklibard communicated with tier absent -evenm .nJfjif;vd Vi iiLlill J, -b, heirth,� jula4l '114fire Ingenious bought "As a possibl ease to some cif my ebild regularly until the utbreak of )fall. gates. arid 'that a horde Of JuPane';(` --,I- I to, soy, tilt. r1illi U old P4.rchnilents,of all. floctiptionS. pErplexilles, my husband engaged top (role Civil lie has also considerable pulconagoe. dill tgethill- \%jtll 11 nuol of ( 114 silt] flit- vill
Tfloy care�llly reMoved"th - 1. Ink -marks, me the services of wcertain P-aujIne, a War, when correspondence lie appoints his chaplain. vhu i (lulte cr unattached uAvvidurers. Its Iligh fl� 50. Ill- -411*11ut 4-11 in-auldill it,,. d') (is Iley tire iAI,l a interrupted and finally ceased. iniportant cleric, with a suite Or arid under lilt- giondit'l- (if risen ill. Ili,- Inind I.s it, I ,j gif-lit it, ill 1 lie At' -
s reitiounstroiner.
ell everstpolly turned the clillaned parch- comely Hostl�rgrtot I I who spoke a little years passed by and Frank- Illoskin J,14 Itiony ut j1d, Ail instance 4,f 'his 1, droves. Germ ed descent from ew, Into mliphill and ullim
rn�it lAtg g�-Jasf room& In ilia Mansion House, latched to the Japanese I -sill Inside f')IIl 11441 tilt, I
Mat porilq ten, an who, gi ately VANT AT COMMAND their to tile pmilion %\Iieril life altsull-I thil iaTIIOSI. EWer,fsInfl tailtr, Orin have ft Hottentot king. his young lady or- t.ilarried. lie tied killade the most streaks- A SER I tuls. At fifty 11"le 111111 mother, Queen fMtwll %%ell wit (If fush6un, simp'lled Britain witfk,.,fiiie4 Frenhl rived with a suite f nide copper -colored cous exertiom"10 discover Ills and like privilege of riding lit life stille tho tilint,it lit tile hud Iwirl,urutive elk,v. a 1119h. hippell la falicy ft I� g:oves made of purchment. -,Tile vellout. aldelas in waiting. They trooped InI6 Lot without success until last June, ocl can log. lie iftso Iraq tit his distil it fair IIit 1) spt-cializvol Is I iOf the Ill- ,so 0 If til-
Ippings'left ovee frohiAhe glpVles� are Iny livilig-ftom and squatted themselves 1ho clerkship of tire Ouchet w1l"'In repo;041 linat 'slit, had flind P"I 11hein I"jund 1-itell
when lie learned that there was an old IN Itt%N"I
*nade are boiled down' anli�lfirned Into -on the flour close to the wall, whom It . I I 1,1111. 1
Judy living in Cleveland who had Jill of of Ills uvell pol find to Look, Itelter-cases, and, pdrsil they made a burnished copper dodo, heard to say that she had a son wiset he pays 40 srefuge 111 the %j.st pill I. \%)left 1I. -I wwll a ifilliti villruled )If (A illhiep bull Prol. The Briq areas warlialbitfut to cross II.aL was decorative at least. Mill had not s(;en turtiong other plunis lie has tit disilk"I niaterrifill Inslinct. Iles. low tile of flit- liming their funeral evi, _41",
, Sh Ill are the ofilcas of harbor -1 lit inillecile Lm,) ftJoplill ilia Elands River, during life 'late E;der "Here they fell to amoking, ellevvIng FolIESIGH1, If and chattering like magplesl sub- FOR OVER FIFTY Yr.XRS. $2,0(xl a and witterlialliff's 1,nAlght tier 1-w 1, Ill.. War, when it was Idiscovaited that it
tents; arid the presentation Of 11 111)) 11) flit finilil .he tim her dealli f, I- it I tit,- fill, wask Impossible to a trestle ject elvidently me-4he point of view Mr. Hoskin,,now close on sity years fit addition to lilt, one 13 In— post file ki I f I,
lit int possibly this old (:11ribl's Hospital H111'.
idge across fit lf,� is entitled it) t. V iLi it, for the fte,rivK- flot entirely flattering. present a kill ft "I dismissed the suite as prpmptly as ld ,r its to-. imoli
IV las long -lost mother. nn,l wil- wol nothing but. quicksarjd.',�" Iles had ndq%iorser of list, DO THEY I 1,E FO`l% L 1s prIssible.,thereby incurring, of course, As Ill 0-im 1 to be drJWnj 'but no plig,driver wo lie therefore imniedialely went tki (,f the (�Jly If JAIndl IIIS Ill,, Ila. kind 4
handy. The officellf Q -14i *41neers, U e displeasurol the Princess Pauline. tenancy I \,It I�ind to investigate. His hope.,; were pn, 81 Aill fliti-Ill are
ship ilia) sue8 llc\v cOlIllilissil A scilentl \N,11
:r,*4 ovepealme tfie dWillity Ili &I DurIn$ the day's that followed I was re. xl and In lh� white-haired old lady eVel, Ile pleuses. 1lop parties 11, tile T-akentol rv�t P,
that 'thurtled. ther 0061 Irk dolov. peatedly ay. from my toarly of rinety-five he found the mother fur mission all file aloil anti dePliti- (if "I'lie, suppers \itil \,room lie tied been looking for III,. direclui- Or the Bank. 0W R, I, A tUse Firool Con- t-11-isr"
hand troops. *. naIrraing nuip by the royal Ingther out-
ci Into Ill(ii Watell,,se 11 0,140 -piles. and side My wkndow, In .011 C1153? disregard.. than fifty years. Mrs. Hubbard, wit'.) members or tile Ill anti ro"'ell Of 11" (Ill A. 11. 201.
laid iron e."- Coll thell Of clothing. but wreathed in,19sinuating Irvilow living with liar son. is still ar- r me illinlediule fndrellitinn- liq lie I "Tu IV- IltfVImall chit 4 of dytionift were,plitced smiles as she begged far is, handful f ijke, her memory is excellent, anti pleases. eolillillbsupi. ig-ing fonder fl:ul 11w I jI plov.-I lit, Il -lit
it, . .�Ilf rl 11
and fired. After the ifixitl0sion-the piles coffee or sugar. A horde, lot hungry re- (offer, relates flow site never gu%e tip hp (,,,eut solll, gives all lilt, persons ll1,i I"all II-
191te threatened to eve. were as firm..as IfAlkdy OiLbon drivein lativeJs of high tic searching for tier "boy" Until tell ypar in by a il art. a famine among lut, so'll severed ny ago, wilen folk persuaded tier that tin rioulled In it tile 0ght to, I'll I)IV it \bl4,tvl of ltquires " anti the Insole Once in 1114- III- that lit I).,.jr gl Wes downwards vAl h. ltett,1110- fIl oonno.tion with Hottentot aristocracy de d. enw%i,d low fill) ow. Ili his toInfo 11"'I lI .1 of possible. sailless I ttinot apythtin below It is-poutiltsd ol as, won as I it is nitot given to many m, -n to eekvalid reason. 12nto the, 'adrifil Yall Our had col is liemro. and r,,r -and find a son that they have never And to rown his prixileileii. fr fit, it I,,,, Mr. .,P*sd kil 6iWeef-firtharge rf like all tire rest of his tribe. is as fend Inown, yet this was the unique exppol ever logal advier, lie ran --till All'In 1,111 J110 41, illo If Isn't fill- the Asaki0V 011 tb$ Nlre�, *scUUle&,a of sweets as a parrot or monkey. Until ence tit Mr. Henry Miller, an actor \%--it tire Reel lite (;wninn Svr)euill, tile );,,n or ll 11-41.-N Iifilap, Iq,.AaV* his bhee' h if eariltuiarlts discovered. this worthy' \vote a nail in known on lite American stage. Frour, four (Ty plendol und tile city s(.1a ioir. twitt, lf mr lit, 1,vi I li tol n yea rs ago Mr. Trom il The dam � fly burl and the beet of fits shop. projecting pur. Miller mil n N,.Ilo lw,und 14) plare rill their lell [tit allilliall"I if. whenever ho all Ina eat resikof itvater f6VIl file fashion, with whit young irl Or seventeen. but six m,miliq lore at his fordships dislousul. Thp lilt, In's I It's 1.
IfilI I frallf tildloill Somehing had 16 corimpabled me Into the Storeroom, he . i lit Ill.- f -I It... .4dellt roil Urlde "oultin this,
I after the marriage some trivial disaffil flit ,, I., Ili '111 1I'.. I N f
be'dong' 0 -stop The flow, $or ' 'a tPrrOe cleverly tore liole,; in life sugar -bogs, iftent, ported them. Mrs. Miller went IONDOl 101 PAIRKS. . %%Ilni �,Iv. hill Ill. 'far . WAS immirlent. Ill Fosilylose collecting file enmilng leakage In Ills on the stage and ber husband went to opMile I- --f qA tfAIIII(Ill t%Nh.. a a ca stearrier 11ird,16 the bank hapr4kerchlef when my bal war. turned, Australia. Cover 6,000 Acrts--An outdoor 141all of wool III.. ill I-Ilit'llf" I :AI,N und I1Me dist O%�ay, Up "Nmbil our gardener, state Intel A few mnth-s later Miller vi -as notified iieill swi if,al %al I. I ..... r r, 71tv Tin',
. . .........
h -ad our goat till Men and Women. 1114.1% 14, I,,, t j 11.
Lq arfifi, a er hdalI rapid flit, krotal at night and ll that a son find been barn to film, ,rill I , I,R!,l alleoll, -]I I I'll rN, 1%-1
istiteatit. ol lite most liqefill relMlifso 'If 1 ry of every itrop f milk; the best tor two years he kept up a regular oor. On of w olIf oA ZN`41, 13RE lambs from our nock never found their ili-Qpandence with Ills wife. Then tic it,,, Losil 1:OUrdy Ill tins Ilef"ll Ill" flearto 11.11 %
AKWagill. `.I. "I ttto Mir kift'llon, provisions disap- cease to recelvt letters, and 4bose H, extension 4.r the park S)%14'Fil or tit., ft llif I--- r NVhen she was brahols1dill tile (rptn. pearied like morning dew. On -every side Ptilwarded enclosing remittances wers? tIifwas theft and waste willchi %,a inurned unopenedil Miller west lite marligimrat (if the inris-1% fllblilig 40M theltililglill hid 11til sent- there -tied. abd ' Miller Lot 5,000 Bel -Is.
$be rusliang sll in vain to check. died. On learning this Mr. I'll 4
ofid it($ irkners cheol "Only -in Isailk did I disseaver a kind orice communicated %\till relations oil(] The requirement firld Ions thilt chii ll let
toltmentory frugality, and this could Ille uIIIIIIIII lilt tIad therasaft,*s, Ilbrge. TfIloacuttled cot, of rl friends ai%king for Information regard- cost oksil 88.500JI19). unit 1, I. -'I it 'I,- I if, r- tit it,-%% - 1, �% ., w,, r fling. charge fm mainienrill eciliolit ill -at OUS iutn. We tei. 4tiff; tire be)-, but coul hear not tof tire stgWerlhad saved 11116 daml Tills &I, times take a VeN I e ' inaRrfoshillit - f0f a break- always a scarce cornmkiltv %%-fill US, "ell a fewilmontlis agot) he determined il which adds alitiul half a lie')" tremarkil posand to life ralelt. or oNjul 1%%- oit4-
Nwater had, too rTode all loundrysvork diflicillt And Ill It, return to America arid make a per- lit Ifirlill fI lint is. I,k" 1. r iThe eat on Amell pensive. s(.nal search rut fits got). Ile surcop oeT en wal
Who hed lit" Ardor n Irl
led. t4l (if I P n\ r
btjn Sydrio 111(l If 144:1
train ran -At a dinnifti-porty givolif to distlingus- .1 in finding tire undertaker II -Ill
�blll,of 82) Iviflif a bloftdaltUl l,hed guests on whom I wished to make trarled his wIN, and front him learned risen and women. llint %4,1� sf;),I% 11 fain didn't il IA4 oiad a Specialty good Impression. Iseult of- mat there find certainly been The 4pillIell o castle Jill,) lio4 1
and succol tied 14, 11w ficialed al )lead %Vetter, a SnOWY nOP 1994 11.1.
-hq Ill Io to,
Wilt A 4711111ILT) AT Thr FUERAL, pay 11. all tollff tilt' firol to kill Over his arrill I;kllh bldh to give n tit ard ,f misilor wl
�o elich clean plate- tie bill that the pnrks?. 1,11, off Courite %%till tho Aftlorfolart 4461611 finishing loudlit I v priest %vivo tied conducted Ifiltdiog t1tat tho la�V iVArkd At% Walla - it fJ(l%,Spv`4Pn DO pnrlq ha%e t t % a linen h1cruso futhed into his t'fio service Mot takil c1largol of tile Ill In a in 'tie !Ill% sallow the' to sut0ft tho f4fittair, Pet- boffil anit, to My hon0% during the tile liddil of 4110 prleost: added 4in then out 'if IllP lotal 'A I'll of the dirater, I saw him drata, rider the erriarkrils mannv-� I
Wmallyt I the dett Ill IhIhg—.lfIeY ilIviogre. S I Iilb told hftn ftklkt 'the boy had been that il u I- or I, to ii , let a 10 ent agwifist. 4114 sfkl icrIll LI blouse and vi strously wipe out In Fattier oftgookN Home near men[. ..... . fpril Ing a 144 r attapile folds tile oft ,- in ate will lie, IffriiiI Day. Vhd On inquiry there iifn lit,- rift\ Its, I 4%-l
tlon board and then Prudly rkt belott Ills e%celleticy. f6kill iflat two year% Ago am child tied 1�oi p I rI loss Ilir "If fal� I % It a 4 It# a t.-eti 11 a what, I �fv* 11bout, Colunt 0. bon fidoplod- by a Airtf. Mcarthy, of -11 I� %(paringill remarked fit,- of,,,,or gplilift. I., it piint ti -al N%Ill I'he hid A d n mt1w). "Nover mind, gnoll It011ifil Isaak 'l Allipw Avenue. 03ownit., vnnt ninn. "hat voory let%' popople "Ill I'l-a. In to InIll s "I oIIitto) heitirt
na ho saw my 7, Tfatial 11to, h hurried, aild was ral If, t- whal thy are bfvzl flutlllfi'�d III,. part f t,v her
plain at firsti 19to elfamitil Toa fita 'Graftill took, 'Tire bloWil isn't clean. nit t Informed by lil AIX60hy, that slip IcIl Poll'tell 10110 it) he mwicirl w-rl �frwff;, lip will oiell. g ilia nop4in hil, Ihe Itifich- 7o do be a vad, tj simr! 11aft ovill PA-i-toin) had oll6pled A. #hfld named priliqlrino- long to he oirlhorq. anti `,) it trvlec.
tea- ol
l' kv, IV tri#d I an TUe4day." Ilellry Wilt OAd 0101, *A At fliallitir elf nsotgo'niti'thd Ilea lite tie Was at Irrot 40mosill, playint? 'Y�Q:, Npill(A the huslinaliq man rwin�l.-r can't be
-;I ilalit. arol there nrp exceptlool to ovol tuir. I vil cl -oll flat, I
THP, DAVIX 8113t. Jill
*Ult 'file tholle, Ally Ill Atilltdy M is Whosid ho In. know 41 Young man who hati been d- static jiltwl. in(vinott tin ,Ill ftwnd y4 heI Can
fjj, ttretb!g Worm wil llftlN 064 1 a Joilu-I&A son. InR tile afmos, thing for yram. anti he ticIppina. "Ott, ve- - otold lit-, thecoIfobliak to b1t$l ilofffl, WIcoliffil -willi, Miliffl a tear. scpmg Pell gatiffiled with it." lrtn(-. a4livilifing lipr 14irgumle, "Mil fills Q ja,,i lo l fowi or lilli.. r. ,"I lol
*6 with clilra 6 MA "Out think how t Id. hatfool#a ;oVol WO tq to Ido fol and hag he bill doing?" a III time rigo; you re in a different Q 1 %%4 n I forgo -t rn� enmPrl 'ran
"Nothiag:, class Slow." nem and anniii, in-Aher and the frill fli rill mit again, Lillis
.11 N aIrl il as to,. ltilliei I lke, away from the
Vato luft low 000t,010 1WW't latowty
TbA 44