HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-08-16, Page 6eit e".• o - ra. +0 A SAD 106 STORY • * • • oi • • , • tinuedb, *11" Wecillet12 bait 'coc4a 4nr4als'illibelbetrligArlectil etteftel his body be wish to take to r hes put out the trolls in ?an:. setelibekraest the Salle 4 monger tberefore the only room * the hotel Wilere lanilm still burn, and do it the two • nien spirid the dreary remaining Ileum -."•-•nt the night, Byng walking OP and down liker 4 captive beest, fiequeitily going lo the door, opening it, putt* Ma head • Ottt into the derlinees, and 1Is lno tata. ease one never knowS Whit Ma?: P• nieleuslY perettonco, he illaY hear taa pen. So, it you do not, mintb*-- - footfall of Elizabeth 'teeing away from "As you please." she OnSwere, &cite • Min Men through the hurrletme. Ast the oven Tee,e, erto as you Mink best ; and . • .. „ apd aloe. Ibit• hig eutitaiii, bed* Of meltingly* with Isincit-Jorttlias *Alen 1G SOO, IOW' Mr*, 1.0 Marehaflt. solacing, herself *WA radon watt that neolocigic' • headache Wei roes* wOr3y4(lb eplaShei 4.11ter. . Me Ono, -Won' ilyng's ardi$ fikeei end bade other to• intie norstrils4 mem inoOltig Wog ,upna 14.0 'RP0644 wipes We .104 fee* 14* teMplea 'with ' her Inell of hand* kerchief. • • "Itow. dift It haPPelir a(Siff Jul, Al* pfdly, uV1hUOtto 44 to iiimselt • ThIuad t 0)0 tWri rnIntrnts are cloae la.tech its) they beild fee getivr• -4Iro 6w001104; pont, JIM, eanfSece*' little Smear t 13pfra Woad] ttfaut • one Or hot* svhilo dwelt% The eight -pea filet shuadar. Dyng scn.' to hese Mafte ho Mom MSown by that. Still she does not opratt, and there IS gory Netion,„than )4 a Ids tamso set:m*1y any dimMullon of tho horror of , yoys. sea 000, he? look.nth* a net, know," oho anOtYerai "If you do not mlirt, 1 thltili it would !oup fetching bolb breath ,and Mints With Ie us wen to have eomeon%Alb e in call,. 411* WV t aka "HO /Aetterunng•ep and he' if be-he-becatne-unreasonable." Oriented fltliterright; and then, all Of it. "Do You oho Lasko with a' oort• tealtlen, .1.4 IMMO. he -went elown eterre Of the etble",e-exith ;temp.. OTE 3 40**, R Ibitroesaverb it& ifilys At UN Abut , • SIUSCOVMI' initraytY. UG UST. In The CONY ttiOng. et 1711 Prides* . • tiftleeeifeb 4:11.erefitsi led eat eakil• Oettetsinsg et 4402--tafeatri 104' tHici Cavalry We late Mew Mood wee ;mown intertor et ail Soull*tamtnit• ifisposteadinde obiact way to Op* '••tif• couunerelatraltitiosit witli *Masi • :tat •Ittilvo. awl tit *Wore. - Har. rest ofte. eee tr wetya petatbt trivsda frOnOlio nom, Tho ' PRIMO, with, Whom 'were *SAY: . elficerit of the filt,Perhe 11001Sulfrdi 4 • Oriiiitatt enninitny. tonna hi* maw Itertleet the Ari4 siappft with difficulty,, find' ori litignat 151h halted seine eighty .• • nilles from tlie.city 411noting PrnfeAVialts • ' 111-0114$1illie ,Mteelteel- II* *tee; but • tTero defeated by the better armed 'and better...disciplined soldier* t tho ;(latir.. Their HAW* thereaPori meVted ,diplieMitey. theltusslan • 'comp.. hi state., $NPlairted thitt Iry • 4,1v ilielt'ilellYered by his peepht.,WIte ell A Itiletake.'-etend Prince 1";tekovito4: :and hie,. inina.190.1 Oleg* NOW 144'; cpIta1ait 14s , • Tivo day* later, *t 4 gran% RItrerIare• Omit, to*Sted ins:" .lientis.the ittosioni;!, tin4LVOWeti„ eternal triona.; Bien lerek llieeoppertintilY ••01- reqUesting Pentge •Dekoviteli, divide •etifertainloolit 1b0:40. labilott army iota, ..antelf",'IlrYtt% ter • .1.ages, regostitnitheyingib Oyler his cer eetritininder politely agreed 30 nee petite* preferred :Iregeest, • sten force woe brOken, UP; Citnia'tito Khtui • Atiughed sardootesily„• . 4 ri40-1;0 ••• „peely next day he killed ilekcititteh, 'arid fuwunid tits heed itS•tteetiti4itio Kean Thee: ho oronhaiiie4. the Mien army. , • Yet =Other notable Liostattee of an ex- CC6S or POfitelles$' ih Ware :04111141,g- 411. gleaster4 ogourrettetet„ tee lege, et fee+ tenoy. Two of:•troops,'"the 0414- ,r4neh. • the other Engitah',,,,,sudileril.Y. (fOlind Iheniselvei fat* to 11/04,.•1014: wItne 'In ,isventy paces , or • JOAO. oftetheri- ' • •Lord Charles 1144. whet. he pened to the Berner officer OR )(Me e, at once. Mopped to the Meet,. and , selitting •the • rrench Octimo ander iconnt ciAtitelefete), .exclainied, "Gentler -04 . Of the French 'Guard, fire first."' ,., • - TO MS eourteotle inietatIon the Count, not aneanIng to be olltdorie.in .polite. Vies$, replied, "Piro, yonrsolYes,'; gentle - „men ef England; We never ,i..e.p.As you please,” *jellied Lor(le„'firtx• coot turning to his men, he.gaye 'Italie Word of Milinianet ' • t • o 11113114 of 'scorn, "Mat 1 ato Odd Of „ "No, that I am sure you Ore not tint Serittot, /Melte on the idea thate-poer felletv 1 -he Moy be on the verge of setae grave illness ; and tit that Mr& of • rtline goes 011, reAlenallasa liletleasea wi.l you telt him that I run ready to see •,' .. . renter Man dintinIshea. Jint ha$ Vainly. uheer . .. ., -. .. teed lo distract Me teought$ by putting'. The misgivings with, which Jim ebni. -: nuestkins to' him Its 1.0 his pumas and ekes with this toqUeeti ere net rnitell al- •.. '.'..'' ekinnanlons since Weir lest loarthig-bY toyed ny the manner ad voice of bine ineetiries as to the extent and direction of Ks travels- who twelves it, and who hoe been rag - of ' ng up and down We ;turrets? etayedfir-- _,..• ,,„ ' •,._ Pld Ito-01,as fac-es-Palestine?-flos `Silo wilt not see rife, I suppose?" • ,, ' . long Is it since he left Care? etc- But "On the contrary, she will see you all his interrogations 13smg gives now. But stay r' catching hint by the •,, • ' brief and unsatiSfactory anewers, put- arm as he springs past WM. "Ono mo - ting a final slop to them by breaking meot 1 For God's sake control younself 1 .out excitedly : . Behave like a gentleman. Do not mak* • "Why do you go on qmotionhat me her a scene ; she is not up to it." .•_, : : as to where I )Ave been, and what I Byng's answer is to fling resentfully •... .- .- . .-„e-- , ,, - 33(1330 330310 -1--teli you --I -have- been away-theedetottpe_bandeet big. mstribw, .: - .:',-,. ;Vitae, end -done -nothing ; I -believe Met lvtwo he eays, with 11, furious look corn- - ..•.e., ..... eiejtbotly has been here and there, but ma into his bloodshot eyes : -. -... ..„-••••• hy Rad has been nowhere; 31 13(1.1 been "What do you mean by keeping me lying dead I W.:Mid .you expect a man here, preaching to mo, while elle is - -. ie.. • who hes been lying; six months in his walling for me?" ,'..,, •-: • coinn to give you 11,eatalogue of his ad- The rtidenem of both words and ac- • • . 'ventures? My soul bus been dead, I tell Lions is so unlike the real Byng, that" 11 ytu-dead and putrescent. What Ls the is with cm even mom sinking spirit then uso of putting me ' through a catechism before that rim follows him with his eyes about it.s doings?" as he passes out of sight into the ;Alen. Deter° the king -delaying dawn shows As soon as the door is shut behind •hhe, Its pale profile Oen the deep obscuritY, he himself takes up the position he bed tt seems to 31m; as if six midwinUir suggested in the ante -room. -nights must haste pieced themeelves end to end. But A ootnes at last; and at CHAPTER XXXIX. last also, by dint of strenuous mermen- , teems to Ws companion is to how un- There are few things more trying to an tit he is, in hie present travel -stained active -minded person than to sit °coil - and disordered te.ondition, to otter him- palionless, vaguely waiting. Al first, it eel!' to Elizabeth. eyes, he induces him to 14 true, the keernees of Ain'a alarm !me- ld himself • be Teel to the bedroom pre- vents his feeling the ennui which would pared over night tor him, and to refresh ba the natural result of his situation, himself with tr. bath and a change of Poignantly anxious questions succeed .. clothes. Even has coocesslon he ob- each other in his mind. Has he had any tains only In exobange for an exacted right hi permit the ' interview at tine prontLso to seek out Elizabeth at- the note far is Byng accountable for his, earliest possible hpur ab which she may actions? What chance Ls there that hie be presumed acoessible, and urgently already rocking reason will stand the ti entreat, of her) an instant interview shock of a meeting which, even in hls with his friend. • sanest moments, would have so 'wildly eim feels that.'he ts keeping his word excited him ? And 0 not, what may be handsomely when, not a minute later the consequences? Grisly headings et than nine onto& be finds himself newspaper paragraphs write themselves knocking at the door of the Le Mar- in • the air before lem-"Homicidal* chant's apartment -that door with which Mania," "Murder and Suicide." of late his knuckles have grown so Tee details of a tragic story which, pleasantly and friendly familiar. It is illustrated by sensational woodcuts, he opened to him by Elizabeth herself, and had idly read a day or two ago in • a he talkies hernitently through the ante- venerable Police News, len lying on the room into the little• salon. Arrived smoking -room table, recur to his mem- 131030, he leeks -rnoUrndirliy- around with ory, Items a. tale of a growl who, in an en. sortiet feeling 133 0! taking farewell of excess of jeakius madeese, had shot a the 'familiar objects. ' soulllop sweetheart through the head. It. is irepossible that Elizabeth can and then blown his own brains out. The iirent_tho pat _mkt_ skirm,Y. night M. tale had .mado_hut. little: immeslon. on • gathering flowers, axed yet the flowers Ithe at the time -unhappily, it is scaroely have a 'freshened air. She must have possible to take up a journal without .becn carotin:1Y reettet Inging them. 'The the eye alighting upon some such -but it bits of brocade, tote the Turkish ern- contest back to him now with terrifying ' beolderles, the hailcs,' and the praytng vividness, What security is there that carpets, wear a mortal fe.stal appearance such tragedieke may bo confined to than usual. The Intl room looks decked groorns and kitchen -maids? How dos, L .. lt „for a gala. -He jeMous fancy eta- he know that Byng has not a revolVer not but admit that. t • Ilzabeth herself is hidden in his brertet-pocket? How tall deemed in her .ordirserit Morning gown, Ate tell that 'he re not at this very mo - e,,,,,.,,,,.... ,... ' ..• but even over it smith holiday transom- meld drawing it out? He (Jim) ought to, • ..,t„; <re " • , ".• • kits 11114 int his fonellcod oPhistilie VIA Yet es Iteer et, tier reeellection, 411 might' hit Wed ought: hut q eft enough. I stood. stoik. aWi, and oow no is 0441 You say that "Ott nOtioeitse t he js not," mpiMs he Itat tint am etrre lie is dead tr• AM, tr41SqUelYi 1111311410g Certain hareh. ne$$.01.'Inenner the beg Wine fur her- te-autr4k sure enongli and as for the 01.4* hs foreheact, now ttmt you have -Wiped Ms blood Owity, you can age 'for Yolirsett'llmt it Is not at all deep one. •Itis Merely a bfg ecrutch. I have often bext a worse out hunthig from a -bramble4-1;01110ping-theOUgh- a lied 031, Ma5.41'titt --Arebniit, bete you aral T al 1S• tiglits lave had an meek dent, you See, Re hes, When down in 4 taint and given 'himself a Mt of a knock. Th4,0.4114 Oa mat be frightened. it loolca worse than tt is -Oh, M. Cipriani, JEnvoyes aerator un me4ei ele VOL 41e One Ily a un M. Crump," cliteldttg MAO deatitution at the thought, erf even Syntlia's objeetIonable 'friend. Eta hereupon half a dozen voices -for iby erne, even more then that num- ber Af Inmates of the hotel have thronged' into the little room-ralso "filenlhobte$ to erenounce another name -,--thet MOM of one who both :stands • higher' medicel fame and is more • quickly procurable. In search of him Otinieth, the peeler, is instantly de- spateliedi arid meanwhile about the he 'animate. body sympathizers stand three (teen, until rehletantly dispersed by a lent.of .4 nature so broad as not, to be misunderstood from Jim, to the effect that the Rollout would have a better chance Of ,eotning to himself 11 330 were allowed lotbave a breath of air. By the time the doctor arrives -there is some mean, delay before he appears -all are go', rid .of, and, Mrs. Le Merchant hav- ing gone to, give directions for having Jim's room ahranged for the sick man, both becailee It Is on the ground -floor and also of•a better size than that al- lotted, to him, Jim and Elizabeth are ,once amine telt tete-a-tete. • aro be continued). tationjuisALassott, „ga omot• tnist olinve made sure, before exposing her to • self to verify tvliethbethot balklay16-4 :such- peNT,,"triet *miter- Aviis mini? Is On her face too . • • Tithed Bynts being weaponless- IS "He has come; ypui know that, I sup- it too late to malce sure of that even pose?" ' new 7 uyes.st ' lie takes ono step toward the salon - What a ettieli irseher• breath I fie must door, then hastily rethwes it. Pooh 1 he steal a glance at bet, t She will think It is growing as mad 48 Byng. They will unnatural if holidoes 3101 ; and pertains write out and find him eavesdropping. hIA oye may no,t bet offded by so much MI retreats to the table, which is at lodience as I e feared In her voice the greatest distance allowed by the • shows itself n what emends like a re. expecting, and, sitting down, takes Up a / Piero was sO nething no. t very distant room's narrow enceinte from the scene um a soh. Thh testa 01 Ills Siloneo of the drama whose denoumeet he is proach. e• book. It happens le be Elleabettes 1 do MIL 'believe Mat slie went to bed Italian oxerctse-book, and the sight of It 'Yes, 1, diil•l _yes, 1 d eonjuisse up trefore his memory her tor - torn gore' sibofing disconsolately over et all." . nwaY eaq rlY from the the page. wrapped in het. brown furs, Self, as from somethi . as he had eeen it on that rainy night that amens now so distant. lie had pitied her for being lonely then. Well. wile:lever eiso she rime be, she is pot lonely now. Ile catches Ids breath, It is quite 0 quarter of an hour slow he began leg wattle, lloW Met th • are I There is a lietinfelrlet half murmur of 3/0 1114)5, he there is nothing 3111 •• by the pathos of that In MO letist indicates violence. 13e- egoearasioireemleseeyhttuy to. foetti Ids eyes there flashes in grotesque er, • ' `. . le „recelleettori the Iddeeus picture in the uttko tio wows to seo you....w/uuta Paco NewS which illustrates the high i Vety pinch" rejille$ he: and, i:orde WIttiviliten tho catastrophe 03 11,0 credit tronsiles tort anY harell• kitchen -meld had been hoe- " 'hurrying of her. levant anti tetv Is Ile? ' importuri ate ; "ehd-I e ) How dor s he leek? I-1 diziOt he A dread. 1St 1 crol sing? Does 1 *ant to see me? to seo me soon? to iityr , The ro Ls such ettite#1dess posSion in her tone, (*up ed• WM SoMething .so 4 i ()gotta tor Idling l'Or• Mons to h re.. th Ulrich Iti.)r lit Meat . liess Marring ilittiaPeilla kiglidn•ss. of Itia ' Moo. "As inneb(,40-.-with a:either men aneholy siliffe,0"Yint 33/0111 to see him. NO, de 401 be, Angry. , Why' should not you trialt to soo each other?' • "Oh. Mein is every heaSon cries she miscrablY,--"Illoi moo reakm that Moro always was. :.130"0-terlith rising agita- tion-"witeni• LI it M Ilow soon' IN hen (hies he swish, itr. "Re %yak* oUtSIde, now." h0 8311118 "Nowl •Olt, poor fellow 1 wo must 0. -not ictetr-Tiiine---Weiting.-i- -eoti ie4 -- 5110101113133 Mit her taunt, doten n- °101 me heftier. Iv comes in -tell me is hit changed? 1% bs Ito the sumo** , . , Ms was ?",-, • • , Jim hesitates, and the pulnini perpleit,i • ity writhe on his how is 'Misread ent eYou Mot vi?sod with trio foe teasing. yet' with so sOtmy• tire:Ain* questions. elk forge* mod I onght not to Mite ad - voltage Of lore' Ichnhims but, we have grown to tiepond viva Z and will Mingo not 40 worry yea with nnY , Wier, if :you tin ,ccuswee 1310 13115 one. • Is to (tonged -molt elongiat ?" eire etteht," (replies litn, with Ilho slowitms 'of *Ito will is tr$10g •to ohnirey • • litepleetehtit'.41dinge :In Ifie lost lunilea- ' 4.1+ /FAO tilde has been teetIcIng a mountain out of:. ole -hill has been exaggerat- ing his id's ernottotial temperoment, naturally • further heightened by sleep- lessness and want of food, Into 11101 lent AN ANNUAL REMINDER SOME SOVEREIGNS WHO OWE DIG DEBTS; • Countrkel---Tbat - Yearly- Present Ace 'counts -for Stuns Past Due. Every year the Sovereign of Great ,Iiritain receives from an Italian' firm of bankers meted Altruzzi a bill for the payment of a debt of several millions: The •heeded to the Chancellor ,of the Exatiequer, who, with much for- mality, acknowledges its receipt, hut adds that the claim "does not appear to. be t31. erder," and nothing more Is ticard'ot the matter foe ammeter year, Says PearSonn • Weelcly. . Thoilets.othankers questton, clalitr to be the lineal 'descendants of an Italian Am- go- .4114iNtieri *tom, lesPaPlitilyo .t! .0* -0501v.,0#10,, The froi are veer. llible to"'corktogg04, caualag sulgor contgalloriplod. e Mal Organeo Pe -rOttill. Ak. exceflent 'rote& far olflhosse, pital to entertal "so inatili glieala- "The' POLITENESS THEIRIUIN ) MANNER% SOMETIMES cAUSE-1**N's • DOWNFALL. ' Picking up a Few Apples for a Pool' Fruit Vendor Cost a 14413 His Lite. ,e . There Is a widow living in- great pov- erty in London to -day, who rolglirle for otherwise but for an 11141rned act 61 courtesy on the poet of Min wt10. was once her bread -winner. It was the after000rl of Ttiesday;•Sep- tember ard, 1878, and teepter at Sheer- eess was erowded-svith boisterouSexeur- elonists. Though them thretided me' man in nuestion .with nis Nette,4'very soon' to be husbaneless. An...old-941e* women's stall Was knocked down.' .The man stopped to render assistance, bid- ding Ids wire hurry oh to Me Isorit to convey them to Lendon. ;eke- Would fe I low. lie did follow. But, too 'We; The vessel had gone; beueing his .telle, with I:. The next boat the . Nficets, Alice, which he caught, only to ne- dneetned in the ThamesN on Woolwich, with &MC 700 other untortunal4sil'And ell through staying to wither me is few -apples-- for 41"--poeteefetilt vonclones. -moneylender • named Alfruezt, who floe • TUE TAY BRIDGE.•FELL. eommodeted Edward III. with some huadreds of thousalicts of pounds; shortlY Mier this transaction the moneylender was driven out of Italy, end was never again heard of. In the early part of the reign cf George IV., an Italian firm of bankers named AliNizzi wrote to the Sovereign el this country, claiming to be entitled to receive Payment 01 (110 debt in ques- tion, together with Interest on the einou`nt lent, bringing the claim up to several mtilionS. The claim is, of merge, a purely formal ono, but it is. nevertheless, made regularly every year. When the Peninsular war was brought to 4 conclusion it settlement was made elk/Ring (he burden of the huge debt Incurred hy the prolouged war in dif- ferent tenants to each European na- tion, We of course, bore the chief Weight of elle debt, and duly met our liabilities, but Spain Wean* a WRY HEAVY DEFAULTER. It was airanged that Spain should pay 8100,(N0,000 te Austeia in annual installitente of 1325,000,000. Alas! but .one natalment was ever paid. and this the rtnish Gevernment borrowed from n G reek financier, who, in his turn, sold the debt to 3115 ONVA Government. Every year the Sitanish e•iStsvereign gets a re- minder from the tlreek Government nf tide debt. but the reminder has long Sir Thomei Boyish, the endpent en- gineer,. was one of the inoSt eorteous and considerate of men; and to these traits -in les character was dislinetly traceable the awful tragedy fleet' ter- minated alike his professional career - and his life. lie had to grapple with...v.1101 peeb-• lems connected with the stability. ofethe first Tay Bridge, and, at the , satire time - keep In order an army of subtletilliatee. some of wImm were efficient Mad hon- eet, and some of whom were two duties clashed, and nel, ter wale He was tattooed from head to foot) and cfi• The first mistook him for a -bronze statue. performed properly. Moreover, It 'he.' mil a quarter of a square filek of his came known about the worth 'that, See entire person was intact. The:skirl:pre- sented an appearance reseMbling the lieteery of an exceedingly rice cashmere shawl. Tile coloring was One 'with in- digo principally, With enough red in- serted here and there to, give it On effect. ins mune was George Constantine, a Greek by birth, who, with a ,hand of An instant later the 13ritish look*. -weit epoilling death. Mid the Fnendli -had to retire hi contusion, • • fl ,fitotect I. hoe Cold 403 fOoltileo -Mop& • no unwise fiitt *wit to Onto* theta lo noattoet fIor- oisly oa the ilikkaiet Odd," isaye niedi- •ma *11,4 ekut the blood out, of Ike . shag gtotekly that the Mole)* body haat will atot te Wet. You notice iket whelk Ike skin le cold Mere le k lootie O. 44 pi skin' aPP***Ace. Thle Ie 40 to the -**„ol %Wean* Of tke DU* 311131elleie ler the Win Tha-ountraction of ,the inuaciaa woo sieritarete /00 ,ixtispresses ;Ike external blood Yeetels. UP Yea bus Ike *If pet and drives away the blood Rom We sue. k. Time MCC kardsning end (*Wing IttO aittl 'which Merida 'PeContea A better- non* oonductort Titus the body fertiperatare Is maintainiod. 4 6•11. k'PeNtIAO qt the eonatant exposure to void that ills beslY 'IA f e' The 'of his Whole body, not glits4 (1‘21414‘) 444 0WISWissil SS Yogi oat Akio,* wk* wil* Ueda *lope harks OW 01,40. **Or* Os& efeeii velle% ape 4,4 1,,o4 feg, *to rgt4ANCI.V.• ie • ,, only Willi' tile fano, inw), Wooed to take • , ' • •., :Where inn' rwet, *Me iiellow4T's • throitin R,Ogiatid: weak of -two ego wept:dee. lOre-O0e116 tee 1111* rtinlecle end I lean *skit) ,ohtive.how„•05. uios Seine:100re • for .toy friernia.,..-. $0. Otita Ohre INgt. entioly eura IU next, YID g dIeeely a at end wrkt" **- NV"- 14.9"' '1°11/44g9' OutI VOW. s'Aboot it,,.... 151to..e.neeett.• . , Sig 'anhaetionotiy, foond that Wateht and ('3 33,1 sniteitin, yeti were creek* were Vert rare lo 'that 4 !riot,•preltz Visitor 10 . weiir Awful. e s ot Oath Tb stitiaktuttliwiftl b* 000104..00.‘0103 -etw.tiotsly*** 1lotsio******004.. sti irota4gorti•4*Ott• 'MO tho 004 yOti 1000 10. Xife* t4/0 tJ� ota your OretAntol BUT St by nsht - par It. /....*Tror•••••••42 *MN • 11•17 'TN .. • ,,,?; "t410A10044A1t ,Jg1*i4*r*IN lt4rf monHtasrttareii:Tozono,oiosn: 4134 VA!, a 4v,04 &ulna te exacetw fa*. Y4,9 -lei( YOU MO "irinObatittiVollri)ert4Dre Plae.5 '`Itlb/ic°41 T'rttItY** 77,**--i'-#4;*-°-^4-', ever loved Vita Atwhy, 41eaostr •-• 2 0 00, h. Jaerney.,, . , • bellevo Pro the only giri you i ,e01,1 Itts$ 08g you were need t94en aurN, Ilenee " • • • • to it. , if,yntefire.-fonsi. of .ii§hing*"00,neeing. • ') ' .,c,apottr.,0:: istoudY Ver •,uniny ,person* 4re anrea loos: Ana t,411)0405tith"40,elautsr,4!ui%'epttitZ.citt,:310100 03 P3'. : fettenettep.%.1thalw Alura,„ beetow. At In .1tkiiiottpito:120..t0004' 4,2 Ar teati°Vaillg.141W4'41)rorninittesrery14421111: Blzoo-'ru$ go, fipple gel the lestrated,'40,Scriethre Pitiitieatkat idea tliat Iwo 10,4r tit- 011enn131 38 :tog you; alt:alleat, it sent, ttee on apoll* one?' Newton "Perhaps it Comes frOM eaten to .1:,13. MeDonald, 11,nion Station,. the :Me sottr2o$, 91cvidea that ,i8)ro, .Toronto, Ont. • , . hear llen ,,yon epty a. safe -m4401110 for' theig children mid!:, • • NOT:4,;)VIIIE'^ • liSterininator beeettae they, know it 141 ';( tratertea etother. Aravee• Wortk„:, "Hevo ti:roarv: ,.41690:0-,iopn itit,e11):Utcta?rtid." ciee. • lin•A,:ef:veictitytiiitraTnIP:iriet;;t4;?;)rltetIgaa•; -markablei for 11104 Anta*, The QAr,Arre rer •atiiiimer; looting. A c' Ic'Ir41'411k1•10Ailreil Oeuner Oa inidainta, . -pa who might Mir Doen saved" It atientier, rwer$ 4Ithilltalgoiii3011efing ail the ',Kattte4,: yAgeterY-00r40he % ewe. , Those ;'Who, 'hive osettilt'say , eet Yo. 'Ae° , w""akr • Itete. erenile0ye: •04hfitlee • is • .:•• • • ; ; • . 'No, ndied;' the doctor talsterdered •14 ' profeS crated. food.1! . - skin wag 031lbs e0.,4 gticlttil a dinner re.Y. dhi •higeorno hod been newly' end spleoctid.y SEWING *CHINES FOR RENT. ly furnished. Some,'Pl the guests cone ; bati.ki;wekiedl,tgoir:motnhth,„:1144tmelosasr•fki' !,esiv.o Th rin6d'ago7ralatti44:ithbe„,-Por 1.07„pliaaest,, r'sNieeoulifs': Sa Iv , Singer, 'end 1711.1ieeler ilson ' are . . 1 rather see less Tieing aim more carv- TATTOOING* AND ITS Munn. , • mosk cot•Xentant et 0V,YA / one Oa • ' be rxinvinged. 'Only • at 0' Singer Involves Terrible' Torii-14e-- Of -st°t"4"L0C,1Cf94.: 'lled-""S' " .Stiter' * BOO, •••. In Samoa tattooing is ,applled to the While body from thichips to the kneeee covering the skin so cempletelY wl, _fit ,llie pattern that at a little distance tif, ornamented tights, says the Chicago, no were- wearing fused.' Mr- Younguri (without th.inking): person looks as though quires much time and many "sittings," "How very kind andteonsidetate-of you." Daily News. The operation, which ro- la, quite •ceremonlous. The tatt Milled the metal, is et in44" at eeeside Mile influence, and his Services Me etei oe perhaps a canoe. "ooMisi" are used, gaited el' a PreParilanktit several mats, •S' lag MaChine Eo. Write; sis at' NI 3sCliSniliers, Toronto ----------- RATLWAY'S UNIQUE RECORD. :,Car free. The Highland (Seetlehi) Railway IM one respect d'reuplese.gAndque. pesiiitut, Miss OIdbirclev "I have keen in British rallwayeittifiory. Ante/Ugh mirried scores of timesebnel always re- the first portion of Ine,ttem Was ,ln- anot also a little mallet.. The combs are made of human bona, arrifit tm Inch CT less in width, resembling little bone, Mites. with the edgm cat with a ritim. Of -teeth. These blades are-. attneheil 10 handles about sec incheli long. The pig. Meat is made from -the -ashes • of the cocoanut. The person „ be tattooed liesi on his face, resting his' heed in th$, laffieof his sister or some other fernale relative, who, with other young Women'', aisisling, sings loudly 1.'0 detente, his The World of sPaleS.--The. nettes arid peinsi that Millet, humanity are Marie and, constant, arising from - A mitititude-lof indistinguielieble causes, but in thamtain bwIng to man's genes,: in taking etre of hes, health. DK lleoneas' Ecleetrle Oil was the eilteeme of a universe! cry fee semeespecille- whidh would speedily relleire pain, arid it has filled 'Ile ,miseion heti, remarkable .111.111.1111 A COMPROMISE: Old-fashioned Neer (sternly); "Ceti your prospective Wile make up a good betel% of bread?" • " Trethlul Seri (diplemateeally): eelgt°tralingse as sto it ew°huearlnjttre did 11"s'eerher, lard ,ef°sr„, ah° °an • 'handl° the dough all right.' curried. however, When. ydung braves, .ee rseevair leo else ones. 111 , too troable,Tholoefel.reotedi is sasses Oeratee. irothi debt' tht alsoatrentthe preesions of pain., Inst es" have, oe.. -13.0.4100,0seeesetosen,wasS,m600740.: have lost alleself-centrol, being entirely oetereotrree with- Ate ergoriyeesfethe--opeefte lion, end hive been despised ea oow'' awls for the rest of their lives. The ciperator, having traced out his pattern; ennimences Arty° the teethed "comb" ihrough the skin with 'his mallet by -sharp and rapid taps. The assietants ere ready with strips of white •111110-st" to clean off tee blood as it iloWs from Tougher : did Yeti' neeke him take his words back, as •yOu• said you tvere going to do 2" Meeker.: "Yes,, took ihem beat e • but. 'he uset1 ,iherri-ever again more emphatically tnan he, did before." . • • • the;waunds. 4% SoUnd Stomach Mune Cleit, • A reinaekable case of tettooln erne ilead.-The high, pressure nt a -nervous to light in Professor Flebries even in a hospital in Vienna 'thirty ea - Ito Ore which business ;men ot' the present years ago. The man was the Object, of y are etinstrelned to • live make u lecture, and one of the specthtors at di aughts upon their virelity highly det- rimental to their health. , • Le only ry the meet curette nrelment that they are able to „keep: themselem, Merit" and ac- tive in Mete various...0004s, many ef• them knew the value of Parnielee's W. getable•Pille In regulating the stomach and consequently iceepMgi the head clear. - Thomas wits too good-natured to •die. miss an incompetent man 'W10.1e itis raitWe milteness ehranie felint admhthe tering reproof even. As a consequence the bridge %leis bad; ly conetructed as well as badly • de*G4' ed, and in about a year tirid4t halt after ibcing first opened for es:Melt collauhed na"hlivizsen'tto 1 ter ilh:eouirit" askedtheipeiyesfa. thyeortt, while n North 113111s31 3131111. train wile robbers, entered Chinese Tartaey, to ,14°bleilt ulaneeilltilathre';11riihne':?YdetitgelTI.tmeadninevietteettle*V travelling over it. ' Between eighty and ninety • persens lost their Ifves, and with illte 1$0411)il CI the first. shock of home:, Male tee epportioument of Ilse blarrek The Un- brippy engineer had to beep Me elder burden et tide, and ft proved' toe herefty ler Wm. \'e 1(11131 tour menthe of the ate verse verdtet of the noarti of Trade.M. may he was deed -of a !Wen heartl One would imagtne that a ifibmviii Insanity. tt he 'aide) mad, or at all end- ing that way* %vould Ito be talking In the ainoe tome tO be regarded as a purely Oinild hard'y be too polite, he ca too rational key \shell he obviously formal One by the recipients Of It, and 0e1e there is dee looking :Ow, it is never teVell aelmowledged. must be? 11 is evident that, her peesenee Otte preSent moment who•Strueile ft to bee or her...yes, whet wore unety Wo send out two Maims ourselves hitt vost. 'To this ittst 146 Om her ouch, have soothed and conjured every year of a like character. One 104 &meaner, " away whet of extiessIve or perilous there is destpatched to tho Turkish Govern - was in hls Mein, claiming Ili ,0000,000, and, another YOUNG AND paETTy4, ....Thq twee broil together half an hbur to the Prince ed Montenegro for obout She bought freely, too, of furs, velvets, ?jay, ofi-ow Is certainly Geer, Milt --that einettnt. The former Online teht ;other eastb. wegothkeee„gooese... de a little hilatme we have elitist TM - Again and ago* she cattle, always with bow and a smile le ,ille ;oblig- ing shopwalker. And he, Ids part, not enfitent \Wilt literrlY, StiOWigg her to Me defilement she wished "to pot - 0031041, :piloted her ell over UM Mtele Iteolionitell‘tvlere 1119 stivicions awtii,),toed eitert %Olen she Showe utifetanifth ierovstgaur,eg.ktivedkvlso gxitbouriltgresessndkl,niidars, 04ettlidss leek teem the brenases. rttity, Oen. allottld he otlY iollget °anthill° his onictotis and 3,veediesq miatch•r-stivo. key einee the Canteen war, but It wee fluously spying.:upon them? . arranged long sInce Mak the chitin netutved 05 to what ho had thought M101301 neeer be enforced. Tlie debt lus worst fear, and yet with an uneom. 4110 by the Pence of Montenegro la, 'Mon bitterness about his haul, he !tune '•kneevert 111000 serhlua °Mar. ft 05114 to Withdraw,' Oriaiils hater Is already els ;Stela Of suet of money lent •byt Groot the Melt ot Ilea dtar which loads told !ftenata to 3116, Pelle° at hin0 when the corridor, Wit fiuddetily, without i'his 1110111v0v1 was on "lit of tak" otty .warning% there ecaelms •Nir llie tog Nate- ror veaPens of State, wo have' accompanied, ra er- y 4 placing kftia% cOo mitY do so In e future., • ,,,,T,11°ed , agedwo ,,!gtng il*nbliirk IS' trete 'toter onok gag of burglors soream. • , fit hiffnitelY fess Watt a second he, Ihte° tinm in Ute yeac jOrlte fi60;000 worth -4( goe4S1 fir•dA 10MSDit 0.11 hie knees beside the Ato". ',',..ou",10g letters for VerY notso at a feud, errhit fan, fcgmee,14. rower ,e,Uterced the rep:tont, of 'the ditt mitre hew their remittal* Cott* prestrote hotly Of nym who, Willi WO DOM SUMS OF MONEY. federate had prettied by hist potliebess, rooting' from hle forehead, oholehett ok<xt onto lout ra Nimes regularly pimilorly, unlucky auffeter in o , ,reeent tioloelou* Jewei robbery,' ih , flor. Clot lean% -.411IU py must 'De lirefl4red, tmoh the Door of the aaton. ee - defect life ritietorttlee fo.4,11ke niovo moil 4. ral-alletlid, mond then' ittfilashea aPatt .:batilterS, who sato years ago floer od- :1„,„;4. iv, big clauttler. 1.1•10 torrgbir34 i hall:vow and 4mA r% the metnerVi• ote4.1 totinler tip Danish Romaine/if, ;ti'Z'7, atterward,I :43!,` “Alttrea ' 1 -de not tiniaw how to degerihe vOU Ina* not he aboekil It roe Plitt hini a good deni , eltailva loolo; Ito 151.-Ite aeons, '• III very< o3elted, slDtto.4 < 'She ittaIleg It tititit at lila Dena. *1)(1 vet thentet-nkyttoe bie sunk, to' 1310 liotle1y 3.30113) . meant -and kiklicliereatit series, 4111„t• ot.64,a(141 aolihat,t8 their tortithiSsion ,traeloct ..rt gold watett tdik dfutood Iln:39".t°11'-'141; 164197 43(113 se 441! 41°'4' 1(3ttlittling Y (111°1(11M' 6111411.s317j111111P tt4--11.81vIttlat, bClenklrel'6ntehmbetietivieldtm:to°11iit:tetur 10 that In the racserit row 'the heroine. Int iba. 11,4rbonoit4 , 1„,ittitint ixit busuleal mum:, god of shuNerillg baelatIrd with We< ypetc bohnuISSIOrt WaS../ti matter of , mdtired coutiesI, robot thee =wee. lit*I Veg i1jT.1k) the °eat"' 1(i3.( i1 ite utuel TO3a tttn noel totem lea offentioji th lit Winging nehtn over her fallen a Inwror4ltudi NyhtstOt-Othal lie be". bYt'ke* tun Dan sk.rleeevnattftil 111, 014t0•0t iliettean title *With ItAistif(kli ntior . • "Ate you hinit" 'MVO alth DM froftli: itttet,A4eltr'gl tilAillAt'antefsr),`"so;I:rergnilt r, '',•,hilt,%1'4.1e64twiloe 11:Lenc°21/1441'1,311114..; Ire*Ho„k °', oNthif - fih, of eallrP net" 'with 4 otmiely. laotang al lief* fifiltsg ibtt hre;* tib44,, (It ',-aytift takea IM Itelt0 or 14. ' — "-"'" 31C"1. '1311 "PS' " c",l'Hg tOttit..1•4t. 11)44 , iotokoog ougn; x,yott tholf,. art, later 41 Irate riginv. mkt totialito to cfatate muilbet„ btu .betebto very ettkr b 'Whieti invariably fuw,titen 1116 fOrtIgnie•• Two ii I X I( vinti abmik , (3 313' h.lAsAf,.411int la 411. 110 rimati,a1 ' 40 boy flea Ina ofrok or MEDI Tor rt SCR.' Illghtt, mita II :.-tin play mtelk liirlii; lls ' commit depredabons. The gang wee etiptured, and this man, with the iothers, Was ordered by the ruler to be branded In this manner. On the paints of his bends letters vtere tattooed which ex- plained that lte seas "nee greatest ras- cal and thief in the void.' It took three months to tattoo him, the Indigo being pricked into the skin. The de- signs represented elephants, lkimst tigers and birds, with letterk worked: in be- lween. court° of dragoons orno- merited his forehead. ehis hody swelled up very rotten at OM: time an ever since had been sertSitiete te changes in the weather. . ••••••*.000004t. OM* . MO'rHER'S ANXIETY. The summer menthe ere -5 .tigie et the mbet, dangerous mm11113.111 .th ,Yeee :p0i"eani.141,eternillf."9.114i1e.,fitet iiiiialiedt enxiely for molhens, beeaUse they are :g ,,, L for babies and Young children.' St inaeb, Int. 0;14 Telinag, - '','•, - , ' and bowel troubles come rack* amt. ,,,- - • '') "•:4'.'..--,t• .:" -i, the hot weather and almost, bet4re the ' IttleW11:t41- TheastindS. -.44.. ParmeiceS Mother realizes Mat them,' is danger, 1!egetable Pills replete ilie% Itetio4, Of (44 mue one bitty he hostut uttlt atiwttt., , Ito seeretions, porify tho- good and Own Tahtets will prevent stimeeefetete. ittep We stoinach orid.'boteels.treo Mut plaints if given oceostoduo beeodso deteterlena' meter.- 'rake ateptifing to they keep the steniaeli, Mid tattel4; free; direettott,killey iwill overbonte;d1ionelista, irom oftendiog matter. And 'tile-Talitt britdfdlite. blUttlistiOts, anCloliYejtile di., tOli will cure those trouble -1 it';Iliey OttatiVe;Vrgaas, 'heititlY allit itStrong Id cone suddenly. 'ilia wite otetherlahohlt1 , PLT104tef•,,,Lttc.0,,,10,11., 0,,,Y0•,,,,,,',121,41.,Ark,n1,4„nerifats;, ViOn these Tdblets aiway*.at hith3 titai uw 'We'ulkkeOltff 41- 0:1"$`*""'" "'"'" '"""" Cite there eteissloriany tet het-tbatitete • 10Y OtP PIO C 6 N1w''. heriefieig Mier aro tho Tames eon be gi(rtitt wititVeitaid, Itt gkV•ing W116 to the 144) .E4Yst°4; won growl) etitid, Tbo : always. do: `'-Tlniltis, WhO *toga: in3lio olit Op, good --they canna possibly,' do harkt4 hit, "See a pin, et& 11. deg, end, the soother liat 11141.0000R* of A rerit Yeet, kitive lank: imei..,..41ety air* a' tovernment analyst that "thig tuegieltit• ,rla fir tho (Street: Detididg down„le. get ! dealers or by Mall at t eclitta'a NY' tla the'tailthien Is brutes" got way, Ilteekvalei Ont, . • • , , Tr et: An, IslilebeellaN 4ort ' lie all.but frofet The Do, -tvglituusi tottliolotto',.i. trek:tit latest -the lititfro tot yid become, Olave• of a habi ' nat. Mange,„ 'Prairie Sdrafeltee eyery of contagions bee on human or &PIMA* WOO LA 8411/11n0:41$•bY W01; fad% fticrittary •Letion. loiter fat* Sold ',Weil ,011Efilattl4 , < • She <after legivej: "And,: would you really put „pourIell out for my .eakei? Ite : • "Iritteed- I would I" She's: "Then 4o, . it, please. PM atefully slocliepi" corporated So long trifO 1856, not single passenger etesAtjned until lane 'rho firs( PeitidAevasVeieeed in 11358, sa" a Solitary passenger, est ,his life In a, that for A PerlAdt Yettre nOt train aceldent, d treettgh over tele years have elapsed sineeVe latality and many millions of pasSengers have dur- ing that period' travelled over the sys, tem the total of Utak train accidentS 10 passengers yet remains at one, and may it long continue to do so. „. • COST OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. Capital puniShigeni came near to be- ing abolished Wit other day In France on account of the expenSeand the cost of the institution doesKeertalnlY seem: 'other high. 'rho Miter executioner - draws, a, salary oteS1,220. et; has two first-class aMistants, each drat -Vine $800, a „year, and three secona.4ass assist, tants, each drawing -WO a year. In dclition,440 ite-exeoutioner--eleawo 12 •froncs and each assistant draws eight francs a day for expenses what Operating in the provinces, while tha stabling of the guillotine , costs $300 et. year, and an algeritto 'executioner 1$ salaried at the same figure as his ?Glis- ten colleague, . t latter ef nerratmete alegese'vetto •Neet*Iewit'••thatt; Lttad 14or :6444tunttat 1111***0014A.A4 bum saw,sysiti*. ityle'hottiriledst 4611,hill'ent!alo°Pf his "IWeeeli4l,r1 runt 144.*Motiter, "Ore ,Yail,tgoing 10 be • • a ‘.1 crying?" succesa to die rote balk' 418 130 "a"-`7" (es not Oantalit one Oa 116/11 12. fibl-r- hat .1-thohl0 tAtt lid4";VOIted into • 4)('' tArtIltal drag., SOlti -hi triedielra OffierOnslclilialtes :left ,ato brnke , los 41-4Ivst Nio.'101110. got the' • 4.144***.441•410;" , • On. • ' r4k1141:1•ilktitilitiOe 'ide Ian z Ile from his oitivt Nvolver i'dea, pitt tbe .nvorittrl,li,o 180, toym leo, toe pi.) *IA tito lio.11itiovitet0, ;23, amlnyttagatAN, lxitnebliporat4 * tete o00 , 5 ,nit- h"bitt 1.4$112 411141111' I*61 " :Y Oovargettg, bowcter, rhea near The teMPle, tit* the MO; "Olt, no4 fiat lint tetebtng , , • • . gigantic( hint ,Alte well& 'It levzith, ttrt1h14 • tisim 310 11.1Maibit lur ‘Ict '61)A10 'bistrit tree OE A Getty, Arid dates iftew that waft y(ittr.5414 you mir,t lo Ate is to:la:Redly clIdettlfDilile groat tart grld Strove. away ont• 1'301 43MI4Oe'd 3 14*°01 -'“'It8 tht ilIV awe 1703 thatIO of dry Illy. forittluliell khyts wakiikoa told Ihr 41eueiReX, whtett wewa truly paid. by •1 t ovrt the lateWitig inalt with that utter utztratuhent .tut obtoirlot itreutieriliHried the Iturahl fag and ° hand, lth tt•ITKiChZr=31' rt setts 10 lofitslid IS tietal West Celia of Atticsceltl Odor svo, 331&i3)3I3 13111L dking mit, Iltiera *a 4101 y 40h. to, he is iflet:' Atti,Weeg live*. elite Put AI hY Gevettunent Alto*. ' • "XVI; III4 If • 11,0011 his heart. 'lie 433•3)33411 114.A.e."*I'61113*Itlk bkl.SteVt'ri tht);- 114.1441i, be. only fatnE4., riet /sonic ttaptl 11001 slrikk 01 A turn (It SLTS° 0.4110', 'the' , -titcioent ottl toontillookvitit 4; V? FkSulnlaaAverfeet sine' the lholifelxvpSocriist'rs• ofANligi11ALaroStngtitde titt„res-ivg 71181dct in1v that hotwil 14 34 fkt fll'.,' roue 3, 3l',11'0'11 61 m..ute"u' 41' i_'u n14"cr A' 21 tmiltpafetlholIt,liClAtiOIStafttOr hehdOlt&ltdi 6' Isho VIA% P.* Ana t1iF,t1 . nc "enttel4 Vette' OOP tx.totted re*ctl' 1031°A3 *wittion, r. came I IN/ff.:1,E,, hti,t. wit , Aix ifon „t tleat 13,beqtvitV 164,1I1 ^War***,*ht—,4111.** • )'II ti MIN) (whit *It* yl:n an *11511313) 1'!'' 110_4 f•131'ornitei3 the table, flentit 1.;,4:33 404 biAght tRIV•Ti the -011101 jug Mit of A awl VoClilt In- WfAcit Atte le WOOL, th Wit'(' bkci AROP OS* IS *AV o ^ • 1 We Ike( belt • , scores stuotiu *tow betato0it mod* *0 *I*. ok*tiony; pettett Andyetift settlet et too* . IIPPettte; *tying *to etromphtothetilikeet altOttiaily to tbe tiOtVeti *die" that ot Ifiltelkitt.. reliaaa, *Not* ' • tile rein or Me Eniporot'Sbe •-neti whe • boa A. ft, 10. no' dititenftiatt% Of :Not ore Ills Wahl, front 131* 'bkso Of tho tetutifioteer *bleu ta sk, to itto tot, at .113 beg, is asx sst.. .Thc log 10 tett Itt hhtt Wait 'front 01410 trio tIehrowl' -fret, W14e;11ie Ore 3 feet * *kW St4 red; atilt •t*it fig tclet, 'The ; emit la yet,lnimitob, Alied ft* middle Ildgfr IS *Melly live feat lottg• the 5.• ?eV* of the -*oh 19 env 104 in* tett Irtio 11, titain4i614:attiolett Met At 110114 • •14C1114:1* Jrk colt OW*, 1, - Narsilt& *au* -usbiovet gives* kinfeeopewided _ by Dr, EAraultI4 180.. MakesBaby Strait' ' Reeietesfiet 1104 Giotto to peeled Pro Old flodP. , reeetttoopennorcethkulferioaIdeges. Maroostae25I.464101$1.11.. .-164,3011 & IC*. o -.',. Vit I L, S Co Al.' S ' - '.,. liierY pittikat " ,• virlit„kig ,,•'letoreeittetitiestit p' , .4. 4100ohoitita : Ostia* papier FL • '.ortuceerrs, emote A4 cum MEI 100.47er plaoketi lar**Niokito forms°. wartaiiittlon40 Nolo* 00 Th* tyRoo •it'OSLIAWASII• GALVANIZED TEEL SHJNGLES Wtjili weimumi jorimik' (11414;11:S' Vrib6!' P"*ICIAR ea)1 1110444t4, Oti'in"*4941 Unalt 1..^° OM Carta ',w,"trato.),14!;r,2142,1:;, ..4 7:10 *„: 1031 ti ooIdibt Ju•t QUEHE ST[AMS111P COMP '•Wino. ,.. . . liteiand. Gulf of trtawronct . .: 8111114orPrttioes in °col LatitEdei ' ) i .;, itarLizit.absA.aranz.im QN it0h4ltill ,,,,„„4_4,4,7t Jess, IA MIA pot i lortMeta •therpirchlettlay„Petoo, 0 ,.„ 1004* tioStianst for PIO* Kee nitiCatet (oast, eat sod tea Bey ii (AIM Aivisr„; entiveristae, P.z.L, . wows. 4*-ssa ' • , BERMUDA fa. , ex. tons.IldlJg Strielisf !aweless. ,.tu, by the sew TerA fene,,,J11011,, 1736 issel SW :sly., 14314 SAC240 SASISbor, Stb, USE syga gysjA NOT 4,04 141b lost istb 3.3130601, 3(33 Us. Istspststss, voolod by ant brooms, asi,d th008,0:24V1404421111; , Thlinue•itm *Naos for health ono toofloA• Y_ ARTHUR. •ADERN, Seareitir,. 00 *i • 04e-4 E.AitiTERBRIDGE*Ili C04.4tettiai - • 19 Broedway, Now York. . ....,,;:tooa****.0000ro .••^k i " 1. DETTER buy an §mrin & Biwa. TYPE- WRITER now, than be sorry afterward& ei ' E;m17 tiseful device In- built not patched. on. wiuTING, ENTIRELY —431N SIGHT— Itt,ttaTliterVD CATAL001/2..raNt L.c;'surril &twos. Yr:niritlicER C6. 'nn Soi41 NEWSOltlE & GILBERT, , more . SODI 6nALERs,• 9 Jordan% At, Toronto todavoe. N ig MONTREAL *L. • AND FOR SAti.E In atilt I)einhaserai /tom 10. aorta 4 elautted 031eti neer' enasitty# Metre *teat, root itrafvveOttibla growing and stixilf talajfig dihtriatit , . ALBERTA, ANO 10171611.*0111101A Pl4;e6with : tiphi*r:i.et0 :0'4 :iiiiukititleih' 30!t*veDisceuItatve,.tint,0ikic;idi;itrttots'4: Taequi ay or tho4ariditio &testi, Alt 4ianzrevotOf 0113343 land toitt heti seism 13113 ettri et the' tent .enittigiten land e.toiherte..4 41$11 Thltliftititaiffeeint` tiagititi'ligitt otttsoomO, tie* 15 oi11e4iit „doubt tho-Anott.intot grplitatitioh on the Market 1,0410. thatigtotioa R tenting fn; Woe; willftenti doe Write )* fee interteting atifi tuu printel!‘ MfOrnititien "the tanii Urtia°11''14."41*/t4'ellitt4t11$1111t1t$,Tlit onto P.te1usv' Attila Id Ontario. *nd the Al tithe Isi& lor Ibe CANAIIIPAN th4,011C sattokrios tow, ANY* ittiotect • - e.,