HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-08-16, Page 2warselowleapr•-7—.Ww.71117111111riere'l NW. , 711111."‘"f see" , ff • / 44++++++. itheyrebee testi/ ion ealtelltee• A e4upits 43i JOON Totto,, beck fro* 10114r trip, deal Lacy OW' ail wO dor. CAVA* Ortica xtuoll**04' 'hay* pilly Mao* *r. 4,040141.. WI'S* Milt, Men TOMO flatitir.,., *bible!, e0.410- OW* Iny cab* • sfs lite Test Mari In the weat to givo me it badd, add yotit . tareet 14101100. Mr, Zeidler,.. 0000 OT C00103000i10"004411'r 1111ROPDY040,1tAri SLUR. tiorititar seuecisot,r,starattioatilip._late. OW*: ..-Oettlit. square. aol from, nosedive wt. tistralch. faferriventlyadate osaatiettlisa noes. Pinntingar, R.e KARIN, .04". iltatts • •iiirrES' VANC-I3V. tharrisiscr, 00. ttlextcak;* A.443/olgtrelt. ple,tiezt fit 00,, Offise: norton'i ger! tiorkii. street owl Ocosteriati, TheLastifoyage, 44+4+ 'IX COMP YOU lOicilt Cap** LlitlOett --4ri,taiiTatialliritit74. that When 1 ;kWh* treY 'Nig:OW* ;suction. etu *to. out41. inasuast ihird door /r9-4 caw, veassictio, Oat gt:Ordian l vas inVe,sted with, 00Wer TO oilastoeit. as O., IWO. Init•tolssif Wiliffield her foam* sho Teaellea IttztstOZ4, siatoW. Virtuosi* lte ego 01 ttrentViave, 14 the even% it vv,..nopue4,, , her marrying WilhOlitt,sny approval:I' oalooto, .40411, 01 ant uware of that fact Zah1ter. if, OU NOY' 10 Wit ;Mae , 111gtHaWit ;or frip, 140' woutts, ihitt • gem. $4* SO 0340* Pin Ifteyfig4L" Fsfor Sollaiveit 44. viipt,144. cite. sio *Yottr int voyager bin, Whetr But door Nola toloakett "Ver that go. My 40410 itatiing *44 they entered they found TOW C°°10140 111841M0 nather'aintler tlid Seen* tO it> OS &Oat +Want hae4 in their Otaltst 'thistly fir peetyy,,,00. enst oy aut. elt EtligligidgOree BAR' oWityli ths.. (Aviv' ati400. 1* Bro*.i. tiailkeen litflithTbotWftat go * not .111W1‘ hreldttlag startorOtoly* 4.4 139tirlivirgiviglitOmeoo* AN, le STEW Fetifures, ust Be as Fingerfsto to Futuirs Succos,:se 44 WSW ,P001010 YeW .0490.1111114 tailY Wes 01114 tost hog- Aff 1 waged ior ingrown tailip,' • fkobert what's thit 3013110 dalt4r ligginf Illidi toitithor; AM onti °I "ilintting" a modern fIrst7class ,,_ ,,Forgentes..14 %kw *No, :ars be. 0* oil anitliergiothwrf to . . . , _ - , 1 Oa stratehin. lorwkw1 I° 411°- II;voi, 4,ettise 30 teal.. the lerile4 004 440.- it2 14e 0 etcillem , . v4th Foto, oresopt. ina .0rv* 0if let" atna thut SAM while the tin Ito , for „ways,. vropooing tit 1* vomit wu e'ti 3444 ten metal , "49 In 1 "I ten' 314; "41947% .litaf 'kid; 441,fte, 4110011Caki. itild tlitai*Ciallta4M7t* = 40e .444ra rifit. At $44 0,,,swo , Atat-*0, with. our ar oi,41,0u4 wit , woo. , to:t alio 4400 of, the: Ifftw14 eThey sris 0910..10 ajL. Rut allhough CaPt•40 Drttee 101(1'-' '41 $011t Et* thel:'llel 10',,Thts-wili ittakaintOligti ;Or a• 0110 brit PitaL • • :um 4 • • Af, L•0114011‘ Wkiteehneett ,4n` .uuegii% widen ere. thot it* sofj'aen' $143* ''14)(4 -11 bale 11•Wit.,,,w40'14 C'ectr40 Vti°Wit $1003r 011'14‘41,• thent,preqr WaTtra7italft.' 79,11getaid* teltialetSt. *IP alatisit4 "AM 'WAS eXPOIded la Mat ,The, regro is von oto knivat net, ;44", nos beyetten ueteLin etehea. ,tign end evet,•Slifidetall, IA tonia,„ I tOom• 1,414-00 .,othagers... Mitt. onion, together., Mitt 4,froppg. hoegar* went e° leas ....towastru„tio, .1,144 wt 0410040Th whkh ,ho rfueit;tolosio, Theati,u1000/.w Ta.i and therefato you lave ha router- to 100-. 4400 ghat)** IA OW-atUtty* illYslAsia.. Ike rota* po...ac ingot her r Wee 'koe Meaa0i.Zaldler, wad GM. . 7 _ . e _ st',4101att, Orris's: 00telito, No 41t4tItgr IWO *1110.14a. pii; goft AVIA; their genie -tar he re. • tag. end Canvercek Vnes-llort C0410 tegk information. regard,' lleeteui de.y,, 01114114 WerMwee0 vr,g.of. oasittveTzn,;;yeur consent to our vaarriago,', 41111C this, 0400 of IMO.; werrattla, Lert aiow a, mei ta 1 e 4131; MIAs Miley; lay oh oat' .000 4hik,0011',41, treacle end glee: Vat . *terser. ' u taterview was 10 not- a...suspicious men te it flees lid '''Cur • stur Proctor the Atm , "And !VIVO all'eadY Informed AU, rgttla,041011,54,444. 0-.10*.lnqultira." •et,toottrici, ouottoolitiv:eltav.,' pruthio0Pu14104. tso.oses, 03, plain Bruce, Kist Cannel graul ; :T110,-c',0419V410-ft .1* • what. Yolt ask, ilav* 011tee views .ver.. tt4 '-ttOttti`:* t1'• taking Oedema. gardifig miss Noonan's. future The ,lan -"larikg 'nth% 'Warr= A OALLOW. .011-0" tivresons, otaces-ftgarlithrein. -iteririettl. accepts, ad by Proolloot Bays, Ofleo bent?. :41o. to AO pma. Plumes pr. .13thiestra rendenes. se. stallow'o renames. Ult. F,.,11a, noon Whitely, 1.i.D.0.m.„ st.0.11. et 0, W. P. Willow, 114.0, 4413.0. MARRIAGE UPRISES LANN, ISBUNIt Oir MARUIACOO v . manna. WAWA. OPP • AUCTIONEER limomenoraramoom. T110354130ONDIM. Use Stocksad timterstanottomisr. Bandit= Ifirocktiodarleh, rsissionde everywhere and au *Ube& made I r eve ral satisfaction. 'Wow& siihnifiiiillikorialtsit, VETERINARY 11 It. W. F.; CLARK, V. B.. ftratinate of the OptarloVotirinsry College. Toronto, I OrivOcuully oat thsottentton of hors* owners ariolfenmsthod of operstinson cilorsss Me's, bre4b,,Lingot=tmille7.41: r •,• TONSORIAL 1tr, BIITONINSON. Tonsorial Art" Alontrsol street, Godartch. 173Eing.„ ban. cutting, shampooing. :It" annituViraddl," alen:yhar9 ittuir-y —BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES. in BURT 130DERIOIT. No. 82, 0.0,P, `leirular Ineettnsi the 3st arid ard Tuesdays of every month. Parties wishing to join ono got fun particular* from Duncan Cameron, Amble Haddon. Jas. El. Taft. Thatl. Borrows, James Wilson. W. BoOreath. VisIttmg Broth - *re s3vrays welcome. -iskisiammismsammmossmar J.DROPHEY & SON LEADING UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS GODIiiripz "1 have heard WA yo0 aris atteillpt.;". •Iga' fhtleY with.gonte. doem ME 10 arraaffa a Marriage betWeett Our Iriettle• e'esettrellia Ottnet eigt'leid Min ward and your partner, Mr. Barnard, "hut gr latlY vaa',10ihtialf 14.4tee' 'htmi Oriole; but, taking MN conaliteratien hurried!oon •deolt iatmeelletely; and that Lucy 1104 already betrothed herself tOlnkl Inat, lt1k, 'Lltey ,N0p, to ine. your refusal doesnV. seem • • , "Do you meau to defy trig?" "Put it that way if you RC but ; effi not going to stand bY end see lite gLrl I love leveed intia a Marriage witty,. a man for whonl ate hut; 110 regard.' h wthlalsi lt delightful sur,- , • • %MI*. iViird be Plee•Set4 ROPY. I get ',i3oupaucto toying thid ydti were Belfttf 0,11t':11f .11WPAelt., and as t vent. 811 te 'eon, -Way 'WWI tile PlOtere "Captain 'Bruce, you neve been in Pie 1; Pr. -.1itirMtattings, t,,,-weit, 1 Itiatk. employment of the ,111111 Of Zenner 0011. ••, Grime tor a, noinber y0ars. t .61,00I4 • "Welk 'Opine; along. SWeetheaet, and; be sorry It wo 110 le dispense with 111 shOW ;yea ,,/tterything. , By the Wity,, your services." •404411.4t140. Of .4... Zefiller'S; "011, that I don't ore a button's. •oileinge: 01" 41.10.11trr" toss one way or the Other.. Vilti .,..V.Attl010.04114 1,t, Harry; yea, wouldn't haVe employed tne If you t.01,,Vat• Witiggi4_•tirriC tee.' hail for Y00. hadn't got good volue 10r, yeur money. anti 1.9.40/1011,10n Abe, -000.1t COP**. 'and it you _do happen. to.. discntsa It that .ever.,s „%ship,' • ' wilt mean that Miss Norman' end I get f And .iehat.';n1 Bernard: Grimel • married at mace instead of waiting um "Oh, Ihkilf.'ente.it Mere. enthusiast:10 4t1-1 come. back from this voyage." •- -••• about yewlinur Mr. Zektlen. He :spot "It appears to M# that you are set, host eveniOg Wily my • euardtan,, and thig..zny ward .agalnet. .inititerityr.'1 eeetivenl.40,..ferJaCto.49.iftgretelote.me' "Miss Norman Ls not a child, and,. upon my .eingagement te you." although you 'control her money, yOu -"Ali- Alikrillattery makes me rather have no power over her mind. But anxIous, WO. Wish 1 could fathoM you have not yet tow me the motiVe 111011` latelatallS. I 'am eonvinced that for your objection. I aM net a' very they mean,' to try and coerce you in rich man, but I am not poor, and, al- arinle way Attiring my, absence.". though al present I am only a captain- "Not; may rest," quite easy on that rid one of your ships, the lime Ls not aiiere,' Harry, am not a child lo be far cUstant when I shall Inherit AY easily perstteded. and ' force Ls Out 4.1t uncle's baronetcy." • tile queStiort• ,itiese.. days." - "I do not feel called upon to give They spent the next hour talking to - you any explanation of my objection. ;ether and looklqg over the vessel, and It is sufficient that I cannot give fey tie the trme•eame, for Lucy to go, Druee consent." j accompanied her• to the quay. As they. "Very well, Mr. 7,eldler, we Will let gtassed a 'pile of merchandise Waiting go at that. You cannot say that I to be lowered into the ship Miss Nark haven't been candid and given you due man auddertlY stopp.ed with an *seta - notice of our intentions." imatIon. .. • t "I will be equally candid, and tell yoU "Well, .ttuit'S tuitnyrt that 1 elan do all in yny power to re- "Wtiat's that?" inquired Druce. strain any ward froth acting so fool- "Why.Alls box. It used to be in my room at ltome,. and I've missed it tor L51.11:11Ye.;ter save your breath. Good day." the Matt dey or ,two. woneer.how it As Captain Druce left the office with •eatne hear- - • • • . • • .. a curt nod, Mr. Zeidler sat staring atter "Are you sure it is the same box?" Ms retreating flgure with a look of bat- "I anitcertain, Harry. I used to Iceep fled rage on his face and a sullen anger my books IA it at school. If you will gleaming out or his ferrety eyes. He turn It round there ought to be a rOw soused himself as the door opened and ot brass galls Ott the fm,nt." Bernard Grime, his partner, entered. Drum turned the box rOund and found "Halton, Zeidler; what's the matter'? that Miss Norman was correct. I met Drum outside walking along like "VO; you ate right, Lucy; •1 see it Is a. conquering Jove." consigned to Winibusti and Catrd, Syd- "1, have Just had a most unpleasant noy, by Bruce aod .Ori. London. Now, interview with him, Grime.. Our worst bow cottlik Bruce and 'Co. get hold of susplciona are eonfirmed; he has asked your best', Lucy inarry him, and came to me "I don't knowrthe box has no special _tar my ersenL" value." . •+ Godepid Plating Mills. wswallwaswilawissossossw NM MON • 'Contractors Bitilciera Manufacturers of and dealers in au kind* ett Buildieg Ma - win), socb, as Lumber.Poors, batch Lath, Shingles. !Imam: •••.•••••••• Plans and estimates rumbled appy ration. fraitabltshse Buchanan. & Lawson. NicKILLOP Mud Firo Inuranoo Oo gam and Isolated Town Proixtrly In. anted. Value of Prot:tory Insured up to jainuaryi $3•04131975•00, ObWICIEltS stud ,DIRELIToltS-JA McLean, Prealdelit. EakPerl 0-: Fraser. V president. Ilrucefield O.; T Stenstany-Treasue. , er. afor 4.4 J. Connolly. t IOU, 41, Dale. Unit- a IN 0.4 J., W. tt, iritelnek P. 04 v . ,T Grieve; Winthron 04 Rehm. tr_ele4, lateittstoOdYP. CbesneY. edineforthr. estek the'inspector oi 11ros iletiriest to they occur. ,AGENTS IlottneavItlee dames Cumming, ElfpnondvIlle; TrinahleY. Senfortlit It. Smith. lock. Policir ;Varlets van pay assess- nietits owl get their trade receipt - ed salt/. Coat% Clinton, or at Mc- Lean Bros. liplate Clothing Store. Oottetith. Telephones 15 jY,EhYti:d!: or 24 °giv,zutfttlei: mid Squares NViie YOU -Want the beg to be bad kiMIS ys band* Yilt Coat °label en the Market colts, *hers, via got 2000 11014 ter kett. Order% left, at t tilde of Umiat- taltiled tr. Ratra Tiotz) Ttlitelt MU* ••-tArttf!,..'1 t44,:•,(11.4 PAt LOAM op Auk nit Li1:111 .ffitt; fix 'ate\ ellatild Melt v;:kft cPre,,4 111'41,0:154 '11 ei,s. kneilbli nler?uld ot igtfa:t 4111Ss lirt",„31 4ite. 141 if Un-; iloor hzq on !.A tr34 nut cow th9 c.kin:111 1 di nicii• Mit !lain 14 easia r.,-..-stg$1 filo ',Ant pt -•,101. Pali itrir 1! in*-itiTivG41- 1.4 lc A, ph,/ athi to its imp* - ' "What id I tell you? I always said "'Chat makes it all the more strange; you would make a mess of things it however, III look into the matter." you didn't put your foot down. But I As soon .as he'lhad seen Litcy safely won't have tt, do you hear? Lucy Nor- away, in a...cab, Drum returned to the man Ls. going to be my wife and you've quay and ordered the box to be taken gP t ki arrange matters 'for me, or into • bts .cabin. there'll be trouble." "I Wonder what the game la? tie re - "But what can I do? I refused my fleeted. "Bruce and Co. have their own consent, and he -he actually laughed ppectal cases tor their gdods; why should at me." they use. a box from Zeldler's private "What can you do? Why, sack Mtn braise? I think I am justified in being at once." . "V nospleictus, to Ill open It." '"41-1 &Wed" nt that. Genie. and •hP Re procured a screw-drlyer, and be - said that Would just suit him,..its ,,it eon • to werk' upon the fastenings. In would •enable him to get married St 4 few -mintdes the.top Ildwas oft and it once _instead at wailing._uidii la..01,00 l000titty„of...totton-wooi wa&,expo,sed,,,t bLek from the next voyage.". ,, view, and then the sound ot a rhyttual- "Now, look here. Zeidler; something bat ticking broke upon his ears.,- pett.: has got to he done. In twelve months' .reedifig nedre carefully, he lifted eiff' the trme you have god to hand over to MiSs pacl0lig,•'aftd 1110 contents ot the ease Norman a Sum ot £20.000. To enable kvere"reVerCyd to' htm. ' ' you. to do that you would have to sell "Goad heireenst an infernal machine!" almost everything you possess:" Then la fi%lt hp understood the 1,11,41C,iittle.9tItuleaelerageVritt*earpalle' Ibex, a' '!,Iiitcideberry '41ite-Two' tsar.. one, ,totaf 41 *011.5. 00,40.40044010' 'man 44, • ,anit that Wit ate living ift;tro. *IA the, "'" - Inert' belt atilt of guotr, two Uaspitorithia perlott slcrtaga ,worth. oe provlekana torward, lore is ock colow, paw. ,corryini. y rob Ww116h4linin3147,4 Ibisgeet*inste."thelM4 °-greNititeirtrbeherWe'itlelee-f"* °M41- .:144,44.011°4-tr4he' 47411takaati Itiria8"1 4:4444b41 t°1111441111141419*.Not4'4U*SP1441, '.000,100azifilteirlool,09vidsouttilit4t41{10e*LennTAO‘'tit 1)0'"t° 4111?1°414'449:r141444119d6;:,47,06,a4cl‘r#Vaneft' 4°1 • Wobag, 'on* libier•Sonfut Auld that, fOr milk to the large NOM Al vond nitince., • L.00110.1100; Their a__ '"'n,""""ng..:rjuot,'"1.. faur Uinta '..fiten-tillati"AA'ateEt Oro, **rim« SSO$05,"' The -Ye -ex% 'Thera:am triany Who are eating ook, .kthp'slo 114 :IFOW " v*".w. 1100:' Wind IlateL•400 iWO CUOIS .0; outlet gags,* dna ,this,'.elthettelt_yr"' :their mem, hstou with- hitter. -*wain:0 [berth:41e; ' t dithipetto:'hatve FtaP11011-. Oran* Ond 1.114_,A,".'44ti,,..,114/"e*„,0h04, twe ;toga a Wafer, 'one OP at hatter*, Pe' Peeetteees tbk'w4th $P449441,1r4q14.4 of past Wileti. TOO Chettla *Well" trOtO: TItire• 11' a 1/rea. r et day* ihtt .- 011114 4°' l'heir` 4°4'1' '•""c" """ , op* pogo, ct for. Ane: prirsta,limextriti: with' ...1thatTY 1;g: o'er oi by, ihe 1.00nerAt •,pr' wroag. ,ihe 11.8011414 inev 0190,14 , uPeennit better?" e$Aet and ,406$ 110; Aid( 10 the kettio. :Take ,f); r444, Wants. and Other, apart.1 tiattlr,a144t.,.„.twr, tons, !oto. pp; up„, 'foci* snitle 1411,1 ' `NVO,00 401' 8a4 /Ala* 4.4r,'10rf--.; .10fIeln'theltit 0,04 *or la -nnet,e1fC le* tants( P,-atint, oaf 1124.906,-ht4 to 1)e 41*, krosa, as:'.41ter reerti-12 10040P0411-11"' ilWx1/""Nul Pmilerved." adn P wertte ha* tatteg hi 10Y 40;g:0' • beat hank droP 1010 tiOt founci, every twe4 mouths; , 404'10* heir -Own, ' possibiiitAes• PPoglAt ' iqk• • .1116' 4° ligio-Of altglitCand 01111$'' ustrnnsei zehtlee, :1,401...tvey-t ,040,0tilw.paprk at 1 Ono, an(t, oz(niugra tha 'apou'at tISI1rhig t ith-t4.4 '44:1.4,4, DiodOtt uts% Mr.,,zattllor. did trat,Magit; t • troll, eoga Atekr. Ahtoti *tot, one '03, pay ,for •the, sitt,•.thowpaiiettig,:hrea '$etestea:milty'metuory joottataUtliT,'Olft ctimsppn OF 110 11 ti41.9g11:111 that I MOW Witilliiegiittl .1g4 nik)V.1,1"4,14 '`1"4,*IP!aP‘144..S.P'. tarriZta 411-4,t11.11, togz,"'Alliirlitiittpregpt4)';'4;It'll...rpizi,4161:Phfairstatdas w2'spalzi4;; end we aro lwenty,-four lt001114'16..:" EggiC,4fittert Salt ;tit ,,,....VrOtet", the ' 1$, trtgw jmiy;; , eise net heartless, a PitIktania. "l?trilaj IOU tiro' taking- t..ta OA•1)1§- • -- • - , • Aln 51 ' t muds forever .pirtala TT 0,41117 ,4t4t ile'Once."11 AatittuU;SIOOF°4" g it • d hice„-fiL'Oven oat 110 teWer. thari''ed lodgf,'.tos'o ,thegteg '00 .ktwapu, s;; tut the echo of the '46rat Op xit,%utts,=•,--,r04t,' 1,400 i4 a %%tette% ;ti..'adr'Wriiii w411 4)jet41,11.1.;.,tc4t111701iiint.3:34 fluitupree pdasiblq, "My order are 0 P tegoassfelly RO,,W40 4450() argitt'0,14,Auffit; trove**. moan- eep tivew:#00 owls Tite• Orwal w •sYttney without Ateloit." tail or blitte;40nRcht.,L0014'3' ' pisinkoty.„,444.=.',,w41/01.11,v0-,4./.. 6,--01.-z-v4-1-,cp3T-T.Tui-orrorilliort-w* The- hesrliyee- are- we- es Inetr,#T.t,--..,. and we. order you to turn lilies.' to4 ahevrttee: fOin'AelePing Mt thP lAarri,14.4.40,14,,it :the • • ' • • , Wes that we lie not Pr011tAA1),eug,, -"But. ite-are--the-owners--of41, Alffi'''Afbirott"Ptl;:lto,"4 f4aaes•-.1tawata home ottr.:tite.ilbst., we owe it not eniY,„iii. power over ray movernenteilA r alma, areal:VOW he -belted thesiote; •ord 4 :1.y, 010004 t „tiltqlo: • , :how Arogivettel the -way of- those who wOu JP A., 001 NoWahohora,00:4rater tee1,14. g °I 4•°,4,!!'''',,41,,,*,!,, 14k404,,,nottgolriAlicr044;11SOuoly.**144r.441.,C111)°,.intl? ulyt, kke4. ti4lieZie44h4 144 nc,S. Ailoot;k4ft.;0;.' t!pi4eY t,f070,140;$1.1,4.t140/4;g1)P5r1.014t4V ''ti;irhe4f14X1P7)4144141131.14b)See'dePalilit a"kaa041.: ettyli4auttlitit ZO,catiftlboef,04, The ,t; tbklit Xxeilinattitimi ileftreroIttall 4'101001: ,,bsteeredm .'0P11400-gorneW4a-ever0,1b!0% -Itts//aLlra,tohlt rittittgtetfoy-thP,r; itato0H1)?104,1144 Vtollyz e'"obitteel one,';" ; 'week ; think 1 had bw,a.,10 *JP* mita 4.10,4y, whAp. :own:41,14 !uoar: 4pg,' .whi0h e9Ate- ' 444-0-•' , , oat oo .4141'1 oan eedo ids Yett- *WO 04sa the 310, 4,'1044*,, antteitinteM011., .110n41.,, 'pr4t, nieni 14.00W 111 hits Itt 45;101,:eaeYostort," 1141 PePteln , :.* 90' , aajl •Ptitter. , Tee pioaptialrendiorblet 41'14 At Aerties$ ofid, .034 • rlt spirit, Allot ,e0W iobei your Insirpottons and,:E014# •tnii ," IMO One•Ntit OV,p4 Of ;g11(., 14 We bine Of:41,904E0Oper,anintr, 1°T41.o•I'''out '3744 d9 YOU t3.74ar',07^. rBes4°Ve'beitil"94,,eiefes'PaB1103411t S4atiPre8141441P:',:141-.1h,Zion.14:,bettlit4.uilt::•irt,PtOet,4trul 0;1'4, 114: S*0; "I know it. °lime; I know it, 1, was Whelk glo of 4 Idler and Grime. lie very unfortunate before Yen canto in rd4 bad Madera. number of cautious Inquir- e ,partner, losing three ships one after int the 'deo, before, and found that the the other, and not a penny of *stir- oWners of the Hawk had insured the once on them." , vessel tor astilm.far exceeding Its •galue, "And so yott threw MiSs Norman's and this circilnuitance was all the more mcney into the business and have been extraOrdlnary, as it was a byword in trading on it ever since. NOw. listen ishIbping circlea that Mescsrs, Zeidler Zeidler. If Captain Druca marries Luny d On 'Grime never insured. you will tind yourself in an awkward watt. Aids evidence of then, murdete corner when lie comes round al the bus pralbat wore him, he understood end of twelve months and demands an .thelc anitlety'for him to make his last account of your guardianship," Noyag0 111. Oita •veasel. In their greed "Oh, don't -don't talk ot 4tr, , kr money, they reeked nothing for htl- "Therefore it will lie much bettet'.' tor man lite,obut with utter callousness you jo marry Lucy to a man WhO Ull, doomed the whole crew to almost ter- derstende the panto') ot things." - tain death. "What do SOU ',repasts?" As he IOW upon one of the mist "I have just completed the insurattec.* bsUrderous inatrUrnents devised by •the on the flawii." perverted irigenuity of mint a hot flush "What's Ilia; got to do with ltr of riffIlle011g. anger sufffiuSed ads face, "She sails in three days! time." - and he realained for If -few moments "I know *at, Grime; but I:don't see-" phinged* 'thought, • : "It You've suddenly gone blind I will .7 tieturrillig 'to Alio deck. he secured a explain. We must . transfer Captain ,bitelcei 01',water, and niter unscrewing I theitirute from his' present ship and trio cngino'4of death from tbo bottom .1 give I Int command ot•fite• Hawk." the box• ha plunged it 1010 the *M. Ela ezer *Wier looked at his part- In a few MilattleS the clockwork ceased, nel for a moment Lit mute achniratiott. linti Ihn by calitious maillPideilon no "Bernard, ray boy, you are a genius." 'rendered I; bartilleSS,‘ "Not quite that. iperhalia," answered neoaatni jute entinn.w.,301 in tho bott Crime, modestly, "but I've got my head he StreWeili down the lid. and then tal- screwed on the right waY. Now, how RI a ,setoott him it sent dem, to Mout your part of Gm business?" 'ttie liold 'with the Other Merchandise. "I worked at it all last evening, and Tim Hawk, Was SUPPesed to get Out 'have got It to absolute perfection." Ivillithe tido On the following evenlnif, "IL acts all right?" Itild US the timCapproached for ter de. "I can set tt to anY *On I like. and partitive the SPirda Itlesars. teldlet and o. doesn't vttry a feection of a 'Tilitlitte. (trims rase 10 suth degree (hitt tho Come up IvIth ine U1:flight and we oil deelded IA . celebrate the °redskin with lest It again before 1 screw it hito the bottle of clitimpagne. As Mr. Zell. box." held tho glaS,A4frit his lips "flight. I will; think this last voyage lie looked lifs, part:let. of the Hawk °tight to put in* right. ohl" • mitoren wilily Hawk end her last voy- "1--1 hope mt. Orlin% but when t `age.," tr.in11 nt 1110, Crew tremble, ant "tterVf *Centatri Druce and hiS Mfg arald." v(iyitos „, 0011, rubbliti; oi seelinWilffe• I'lloqe aOhitrabto Sentilltent$ 'hating lall.blrdsx there are plenty ot heats. teelt duly linitortd. that conviclifilly 00, and tbey will tenon be Pleked up. WWI 0104 * olteek. tho delivery of a let. look Tor Ittouliffi, lor-Mill-talatatti Draw* cvs II will he to place the firm oh '411tithest ,OotraisMott to *lay sidling st.und finaneial footheg. And% Wattles, tor hears, tit or t !cow hare vont, own metro to leek tOt Ivele littethesS dengattle illy ellen hilt >irt 34NO 141tOS 4 %tory solCats VieW tonfekifi." • , the misappropriation ot Trust intineylit.' oWe grant this, Crime: lio 'hoist n. "Then don't be !eolith, but lorry the ritatter *mush like mil. With COP, loin Drum. out of lite war I oft tharrY fkoy, turd lier fortune will Kinaill the 41010 0, natilitial 010 of loterest," i we bin" ' oral low tan We MO if yilti've,d0110 II ataeltatgPilaa and -,fresb. •• -I,tatheft Peehtet. 11,44:40 46430 4: :seems TO .Perish withi ne• reaftwh 131 ne,),, endeavors,. ,cefilifng hear?" • ..yeu, I hear, bpi 1. fear hattori,Ite-..oute•lntot., • ijigninheow, liratidi. • Atiogether, 44,010e0 ,,..511", <Olt :•WIts9. ceases lo-elloVe%,thoWtS--Oatt:404,11iel NV0914)7.-. „0 le their -glitlier.11: r an% eatablaiMent.liaat Itt 1903 eltglittr one morireglontne Heaven refaleee .fneh:ta eri.aa 411 .8 to 7164k 16040314' "You ntay be tite Minters 411-Alleiigip oeto, - hat)eoarttle,•breatt :la • fir.r?..1;•40•111,tit:Ii•140:4',,•!:. lohoNrciito ot. Afei'morty. thi* ' 0tis, '." We .0w8i t°' an now Yott are onlY COUP1°- °P,:j7P.Okt,gel7 1-slilaer Ogifitiff'..., OttAttf ,0°Iter4t :1°' 'I!' • .VIS to„,cutoputiftps, 'may 4-6 -ever, *Al), 'Our Preatrate for,ras'in -r're9tiketo./. gem anti tire, therefore, under, Open., t pmts. :err::: are ot, n lend, and •litiVe't,, I.:10;4,04i out eno, vit. into tittle round. ;1N.,. Ira.- %tip „, 4.0044..:,,,bt:catrylog.,..!,4115, ..in,_.,.. 1.,. do 170, I be vonfvu r irionk what right havik, 7 si 454, . isrib,;(,,re‘avsolthn ycaaany . you have fey, 'Ottrilft, "Bin this Is Iln outrage. wetit yea- , • • -itt4' ..., ' :at,. , ". lone boffSe': '1,e7:04.414td.'7,0:11i,e'relit':d" bin:: ::l.V.:154,44:„m'.ritilittc;.4:,i_tirti9rict-in.',:::., in:::;:t.cas,11,..eivw;err,ttol:'hictur,_04:14,1:011; :eno4kr.ein441 lop' ainw,y. ea.. . i ti, tolf4:41:::ditii. d. vnii i*Farati,ir. 01.:1'7,i:euti:etrt'.;.svt1:0715, roglonianeoun-tt• Wzi,i4,.' _ftit:i2::::7.414.:nr4:341feratarnt`haa‘tiasitnhoyt°tsoituuwrin:gi.soaw:ha:ans,!.1:4:01:0'44:..htliOeinnli perhaps I want to r.event.you' 'Perhaps I want your pampa' ',:it..z.tigt4...d.„.i. liana'a '161' a" 4' • ' . -- rfoi- 0 rics,°aircle ‘pViint4. OW11,1141164:'09terrt3°111 ge tliV.'n ..i.- - "I' rei i .' ' 1."4ho- total at the -'1- 'II' ehani or lite ww"riglY learn to. #1014 '4 I all ..1'74'.' ''?"1g:rilaVb:etlaad'ag"tgit'09'.411:i!4)1111: .eti!f10.- 1iYet S1'.. -9i 14 04O elve veers .of age-teeale •,tves.3.887, jog eat4srd in tne mei , • .,,, 1-.... •:yesteielay by . right 0 , . . , inq ageing tags 411"113ttP• i.4.• . 414i -bread. in trio oven• c :...... :: A 030°-"cee§a '3 • n - - n e I- , . • . IV- -ill eavtle°rIly ifo'cirreet'ao-nlf 49101.04dwreei Alt, ..,krid you refuse to turn nae,s...,, . te In. number ' ot ,elviren"1,notaen fallen- 01, Elle- ugoext. u11;00' auirt;ineegtk:nSdeepreeiefsh, kiwrivi told.' • II,egretting cloth, eg ptoas4als;s:0„,..4 ,,, , Actaroill t,SPralicrY In two tabim,•eargesi of Alta' Chltd,'..410,e(4)-Itals ' 1.4 torSet the:'d 'beanies ifif 'the teaks onoe you sh 1111 .. yourselvesl'es comfortable atiiip,..b e ant 01 yaw etit;rro, at, ,hoth. 0 ced, 1 thening heart and for the remainder of. the yosit,ti.m.• ,_ . 4„ tee rowoo,m„ ,41, ': net burp. _Poll` .04, -other Iiiiitals...'' ..1;1tVithsiVI' '1 Owl4rit:' swE43threnenbegth. WMeitarti'itecla.laittinttlityille.IP'es7trulnillhgtheleei•c!orfeueteht; Itval inhd Yt*PlIkbaenttea-islrrg "%EMI?. F COtTt., ' " . , • . "I absolutely refuse. se you, Min ,M,elte spoonfuls of •Otive. oil oe raw ort004 Londoittla 'wit:,., tat,..6;iids;:,,i is L. ; _ . . ,,, ,. As Captain Bruce left tile .tIbut AO into the pan alter tho vegetables, are the •toos.t rig; • economy '•expenses' wnl two men looked at Mich other 44 Water* .1rks4 a caA al nunaloitis„ add cup bay inctunt,uP. . ,' - ,.. .. . ' "Does • he suspect' asked Z1 eft' ' ' CittAvt'fflowt°' gtaarbIlice?*ourtatespeobeeln40(trawdo' rtl. ig"181141s', WirroStellafteeatTilagO fautanfattpalretit Ing eyes. "NO, ito; how coUld he? But mi • ',, . elite coolant/1, am*. alma ;ploce .01' but" rua litie hundreds. of, POO' , givetheir been oh the ship for twen!trotiqr-,13; 3,0_; pepper lind Salt be Mite. 8611610W- well-nigh- erte.nittaitle. -'.atrettes to the IhiLnl,t19,,,,,t; ,,11", t_lle:..1714. a.,,,.„11'"'"17--":„.:" ' ly 'until 'tender lukt'thtekened, :they peer tufferere'„. mflio:,,flotilt:to 'Ate...se in- we"‘is"an"vget..:Thurt .bewex aur; framIncttievi7.11bL441211,' ,,awtrtethr.in ,wOhiralln ItrilhotiparOheonal..hofrommug, .4tisitlat [.stflutions iklhele, -it ' •-,..., i4.,, "But what can . we say-whaVieen: VI ' - TENS.OF THOUSANtelD,eSee.. et the do? He will never allow ine.,,,esego`•,.; taolyteeestaaotel plaarmYer:san'a 0 thUgUeThia:OatillIalg'0,1•111' BM adv,icei•and the •Sti'll be disturbed unless we tell fiiith'-'tila VI lhe tomato settee. . '.14erve linrnedh ;knife. on ,occesioni ."•i$4tratcall Mat is truth." • . did I ever listen to Your . IA ,Sour Cream filling -0110. Cup sugar he kept in steels in ,everY well,Agulated 'necessary. Iluire,,ere tlyUgs Anat. mkt echeines? But the thne is .lia$S111', a d A every minute Ls precious. tin -hit. take „ ,.. tehOd mitt one cup Stitor cream boiled slOWIY ' - it-' flit it thickens,.-tind then ,Whipped till $250 and 4300 an:odlice. • ' . hy litel . . homitai, that cost, actually ib Patch as "Oh, thls Is' horrIble--horriltifn kili' hours to find 'that • box. .., On, ;.„. ,attnio Ilittii4s.t,„cold, wili.in.a _Ice. spiendid eerarli, ,Itlelesonttgatte 1411714011,0t.s:Itteao t:ast:;i%evallte4; 'Grime, go. and see Captaln Dtrice:!arlit • ,c4 . d Fibunarb..-t.Cut .the rhnharb in is pamper -ed like .6 velnee.. :Chanii.agne. '-,and-,-" , . z‘i,• . ginc01 plates:- UR -your -01M TiaPa;,.pour - ef- the -best gtallasa..-Pct Wino snob. "And tell htm that we hait"011inned •otter fresh cold water; strew tens cut: the the average:" honsehol er eagnet Pan'. to seuttle the ship in two hou a* 1010 cons, ane the riluna'rb Will Inman in .0:Asa-even it lus.,Wonid;• brundr et the i 'No, • no; 1 have a better plan .-, Other. period condition -for a year or more. fineat--all thete . are' his (et hers), and: lt seems a dark 'night; let. ' Alb On Gelden-Sponcoakelne pound ot• Much else blsides.r... - . • youy work; till rightt ,m,Le, nal' fed; so pm vitt' to Cale* WOO* end 1011 ;din' thrift os.W6 •nro .drption. ing Dm; tht C-iPttles. litust.'iisk la take,cealtalandiff hatt reOtlY to Solt 111 threo gor's•". tirtte.Pc.‘ HMCO 'Wee Very Smelt "ark so oft at ‘,31%',Velali. ".^•• • "NOAV p4oitOtoua Mitt?: I .0for heard "anworcd: 'Grime., 'Ito Moil 'Mit !hoot, soy, deftly,. and -0. hild (leer e,„V.elkaart well 0) thirm ond tee IL": • .Am,tiOur later e.opttith Grueo, Walt 1111.101 gratified pk, helthtdituf Birk taro' Orthoi‘s Mottos towttobt 'tho ahlpt: ,,,4itfattr tuonli-414$ tuo10. ,I itt Slit to; kis •Ofte.kf,,G. pair.7 "We lute oCitte, .4"aptitu Druct, rAO;kr ;pelt Oxitliordthary lotter.' 'tOtt, knoW • the, it it .tatit0.4Mitie tor iit o tteloy Alio salting ot the., -.LtSSON . INTERNATIONAL LESSON, AUG. 18. Lesson VB.' The Day of the Atonement. * Golden Tett: Ifeb. 7. 26. THE LESSON Won gruotES. Based on the Oext 4o1 the Ftevised 'Ver- sion. • , _ • Atonemehi: DaY,-of-The -modifying. noun in 'the Hebrew. is p plural. We -and securli him, under rough nod lag* shoUld therefore' tranflate -literally the /fed aidta: at a Place .J*1 the desert one of the hoats. We shottid*on tat, int of soft w te sugar' three table, . This "case' „is eil'restede, ;wIth. com- l'e'ri?illdittitsYri,1°111r ‘11tvt:4111thIceit1 se:elYttelittohlroba‘il've*vrcZenIsatere:le: Lattiggiellt, e:riAbI'd. licilie41A.) II aoasn t' thier44.gk*faht•., a4.1.e.'° . lg., The Anne -Altar of bunt Offering. deck and see it we, can't. getillitay 'in tneentuis of bolting. Atai4g, put lipon.'•-pressed oxYgea Sas,- Warth. mere -than and culminated the whole, elystem Of ploked up. Rush! here is t. ritce agtillQ, the Auger which tops to ••efssopte.,41;. its weight'itt 'gold., TWO, Where •death symbolic worship described in iho. 014 Sweet incense-Pragrant spices' and tion. is feared, Ls coahOd bilek,ireill the scribed bY law. It was kept in Tit :P13. :: '1Il'eha: mesrlict;1,1se. at -The gold' lid Of i ,elittann on the tenth 401 et the seventh th,•, Ark of the Covenant, with its cheni- '`. "Anytlitng I can get rim. gentleffiert?" Air ..eggs; 1:leat yolks and add- to sugat1 irc'ht` wellkne" ht'atight•d3TX iiiir Starve. Testament, was the only "fast ner • lains some things that I ogid 'verY -beat whites until stiff; add to snow and _ -a box amongst . your colt -1.,ii:•co-li: "Oh, yes, Captain Brute; there is a a_a sr,svw hex, italliss. Beat from ;wady to thirty, borderland' with..: coneentrated, &angst flavoring one pint nr HOW% -month, cir, 'according to our method of .bgri ft . • It Sprinkle' of the biloodThe 'syni• mcaupethagkoeratoae.havweith a row dr .br.aso :11:1404vsen; ad. 4 silted three -times; bake one _hoer in 4 1141gdluitiy:i7;111,.Pg:2,4idh' !,,,t'lli:rr::ed0teurs, Iie41149Alftelnlitt4jrc-,T.,0Mfe•Tehveenintengili.cs,r tiht%Palant4a` ' Wheal significance of this tict being that "All right, 1:11 have a look fox it tri • Blacsbe Juice. -Use the wild, fresh; have to be laid inbY Abe hundredweight, day for. the assembling of .thenpeople foe eva•erythIng with which the blood ,ot the. nails in trOnt.". ( .' • . • .. i_ 4 ice. ,and illeir total eoet is enormous. Last dhine worship and foe• !point saisrillte.s e e th Whyathrothuusghtbrounudgehrtirti,4t.,Igeginit: ,0,11, hour. 9x two,,: 4 _,,,,,,...,_ ,_. , :$111tPeel' ;I blickbeirtries for. •prepartng ,a "But, it -ii will lie -'1,60 - Late lizetp-:*4.'oi.o. b-errhit•test*'4 wilersraantedrlo' nDge. 114Ait-asPehrrattliek.,tari• '.fiopitut,•,..art(t lhat,,tatirai h st-oteserre II* ho fixess tit a ry. ',Ikilueezteb, ,end cleansed- oL etter*Afte., Yraenakt'. Itisen°1‘ingutpana7 '67 SIngl. ;0.',N1:_tetrtie .pOfirlt- .111 the leufge. Its-, chitet,dpurpooselAng• tyro to ras er,e! zrihstit&v:6 it up now. It outdo's-it - . . as a,..111. place of meeting hekween Jehm ''tetiltY., . • '..,. ,.,' P'; "An infernal rnacinne,''' put treCaptain '4411 lc each *Dhal" t af TEN TONS OF 'LINSEED &MAL vale end Os people. There • were four SeVen times-FrOin the regelftbs,recur- contains—" -.Obit, but do not squeeze the jelle bag. Druce, "ConstrUoted by you, Ebenezer '`"" lespooptut er gra militia suit- se; Rest , tdr 4:Milting' POultices, the PaYtnent en sitlajects fa' Width atonement was made: ramie of -the seven-day weekly, *to of clear Juice one , Zeldier, and sent dri lloard WA voinel ahot bottle while .not and nrrap ihtllick, , •Ihsoat' adC°.hlint ftl°°I--°:,„,bet, Ing .-$,625' (1) The Sandblary itSelt (including the lime' ibis • number among anetent peoples - .datittiaper; set in a copl, dark, MI : ine cap a a, ori, age 'spending Holy- of Holies ,and. the adirtiollag Holy •Oalluit..grarilly, but. naturally to. stend ... by you and your partner," . , 0oteee away tram th, wail, seri,,e with pole sums. in haelerkilegleaf research Place) with its fur,niture. (2). The Altar .iinn.•gene,,"1 way for a Wand 1111.0W 'of ''Oh. mercy, merey! Have .pity,, cop. , ' ' , ' 'Thus in the Middlesex Hospital and Of Burnt offering,. whieh;stood ilia mit- Moderate size...!p' We need net, tiere it.• ' ' lain Druce." 18) The ',Oat clo it arlY eif,,• tlie more' Sacred. en. cereal food. mush, tomtit biscuit. ior QS,' •-' in.the Beonipton -.Calmer iloSpital . re. eido. the SenctuarY IX,0Per. lives of all the men you hed#,. plmmed *toe fatly wholesome drink or gape& • Hi ,I'llit -.Congregation. 'Phe ult1,. Ate. rietet elgtketalee which ,',It-SeeMe • • "Pity! What pity have yon. for' die "'ink' Fvesh hiad‘barnr Jul° is na' spectively thoosands of. pounds are be... priests, to destody? Did any Oil. ?MI° cbildren in hot w ether inid lot; expended seeking te shive the inya, principal Old • Testament pasiages th 10 c- naVe ',Requiem in late tilt' ;Tana ter you from completing yotir tdaseer* 'thece.are Treated ,,,,W11101::4 i:.1tiqeSkP:• • idatOnYeePMNeMntinentelri.;ii : A4)ey, wholesale murder. you content -plated de, th4tifeht. 0 the ',fir nature's remedy for 4:111:011V13,140s. tery 'of • cancer, tiie least understood ;which refereece .I.S. made to this great ly sehetne? You ask lor ptly-Affer 51101 404 o gm teee together with a ,sinali-allced onion warty it the Iondori-bespffals, Temeto Sauce. -Boll four large toraft. one most deadly' ef all Modern' Plagues. :Anneal- fast ',•elay of the lews are 10ev. 16, Of the number In the Apoelii ,itierior . . *clod- and 23. 26.32:; but some additional; light Tam , • , , Wed buthe approach of sinter:1'er' a dastardly. cold-blooded action!" Ot_ecctdents atone is throw,n on the nay and Hs sem:WON , , oron, putneepeopveperrthirairoengiagiliois, soenttd. :.17,4 ihe .suhurhen 004, over soma deans two:tied to Num: 29; 41; .Ex. ,„ ,plime-which • here iii-eoncele , or; as "B10, tho box -the host" 't Ihe bandages used, If fastened together 31) ID; andlev. 26; 9. That the elabointe Po AThe box is perfectly saw- init. you. add a tablesPeolltill ot batter', NEM: ;end to end would suffiee tovgo round ritual. descr bed in Lee. dit' was tit .g -.Tiii c* %Mtn Its wails, as is.intlicaled nre worrying yourself neckilesaly. Miss • er*Iintli‘theSSUCe I' 111 earth th the equelor; ' and everY dlial' arowt .-ithrhighliK-40V0able ,:, * ..","- . lit Werding of verse 10 : • Sod hs INhovrmAoanherrepawheralnizeyod uttseflast;AOriA,ih'b' tamosarlat., 13. 6,1f then des.lriedi s inStaterleY., . month Aare than ten tons of timber are filtintatc,konneothin 4tf „the, ehaPtet. with ,s1)01L,..f .. -:01eange lt, a • • trap' the On - chapter 1.0...cin Which' the 4,111 Of Nadab 'iciettpliests' of the Children Of !Intel. oil it. • USEFUL HINT.. .situt up ,into splints, To gtoie stigivient linseed for pout- tine 'Mau Is. describAk. is evkklitti ..t.itte.4,4"is!t" 9:11e°0meetotindges-ignArtetearttne"taber." • My Suspicions' were aroused and rogin- . "And -and what aro yott •getng to , hoe a Birth of 160 aeries mind have Vfirsts 14 coiltains a solenin warren - g2, The goat 'shall bear upon. bira all dat ,..,,,....- ,,r, _,Sbme cooks claim that lite flavor .41' -and at /gait 000.. No he kept constentty under cultivation; addreSsed to 'Minn against catelesei9 nude tis' whole. ' it'eres of pasture land "and Pt an times enterinctlie Post.towanotY Throtign the -sacrifice ef this slain gest limit. Inionitiee udto a solitary' lend - 4 QM Ping t° t°1J°11, Itt tnep 11#0„ reit ticeea is Improved- by it little etilitintion ittotild be reclifined to -fe.ell Ale annual Mee. Then 101kiwsLa-Setting kirth of. tha•verb !ilo-Pernove," "14.Seit14414." Tne Tee ea it occurs here leti:ff. found eisew ere in the Old Testamen In the beek of Enoch, which dates. from, the secenet nentury before Christ, the name . eceurs cs, that. of the ledder Or• ONIr ' ION "wile Wee. O. 2-4) formed midons with the :daughters of men, and Os the :legend, is developed in the hook ...et gnaw mught them various artAt., add whase offspring, the glanti, filled' the .eneth vyttil onrighteousness and blood. On accatint of the wickedness ;Wrolight Atazel upon earth, the four „&ch• angels, Michael, Gabriel, Utter, and Raphael,- are represented as Impeacning litin.before the Almighty, who thertuppn _ bies:1311phael:Ibind him _hand. and,'1004 01150 •tigrotvIng nottouglo At. cam, • (VIVO Pleltee itid01 MeSAYA., Zeidler 4114 vieittgoA itutiolteisKe,„ s•ohpieeheoted.: 'Mime/ appoiritutg Nut 44 Ole vontotatal-titinr; "the mutt. ttet ftWilS1 et Ms t ftawIt. lir fact, $0,egroat was his :la etoeg, and there. funst 1111i.V0 *14' Ile sought Olt lid'. Widen SO whaigver," Ined1.30 ,Intortiorr watt Mr. Whiter: .'"Vift,t1 gehittment I ent'lletitY t 'Mai. I lifelfititatill that l;titt' Went • (tenbled yant!) anittled ;140.14'1:11;0 Ountirialtd 0:1 the litinkl'f• ,*1 inartayril 16 intuit toy bird* ;vital tir sa, Caplaiit 'Orme - 10,0 telOgrapht and to "Weirettit 'get "AM, stay I, risk utisi 's-ott with *11,. *Way in itti:11011eaiVett wittome,iti rrw Cildrit? that onliorlikot nit., (shut and st BR *elgreeShlt Vineffe° ham ttlimn yott are pletittd 16 designate. grtwat itattntett lit 'a f-ty.-tV7, it hvautc. of Ott tittle 7.148kr, Clettion settertlay,r, avItaluly,l',aristieetT • ft& Ittli;.T. i101td &meg Tb% "OA it* lAgogitrriftoMZie.4o think •olor any egilt ittituertre I.44<; 1/4 *40 '-'11 $014 *i'M 000 *TOO follow#01; nOging tsch it)tutr it.atelt_1111101111O01/. • ,• eitleity 400e14 this Hawk Sol 4•III atmiti kfir 1011040 port and ktand Yall both OM- kg, NI' slirlitkied over the tell lust hfhire Sere- *1014 ef Cattle end sheep for the pati- tptieliminary , tea to be tice. Suet a crime as yours 0414.Apt g, whenever the- hi p' ties) 'h occesthn 'attMentellt- had:been made for itie.tibla pbEeen oyer hotly. *hen !re clean vonetten bit; w. 04); etieli'''°1/tsft4n1 otryVg, ‘41;0;ntity ot liquid (pain. th enterWithin e veil of theca* OP bt The *Pie, who were thereby restored the snip over to Mr. Maher viti.mtuin sparetely with we -,Vfk which :cc teatantoof :valeinas, pged yearly Hatt. ThereOpOn'010„4131emn 00111110 fl1,,Pettereand SplloWnhtp with ing of Sins over tit:tette/1d oi to- Engladd to *aril MIAs' ,Orhisg," . lifith ammonia is added. *SPOnge .wittl-i.t-,••• 111611:10)°Initoeln%,wo,:litellrar,,Olin‘billniSerrvorciIrtf, terPny Qint6iiile,Y :kland.lriti,:QUIrMee(1.,efinfgrPe'lgahltil-ntiti:;: Itilse:•04vcora*lid goat; which 'weisitiftefteard'' ii4wardnintlgentligtelitt:, wboteut ntlaiitsortnaleanolitanS,0A,.. ,blendtrigersth,oaraiteagehheryinangra_threaad,h,soalimiialr. ;•. "t'lrePe,•litilt- 'Otto' blie...big l*Ite,, having :naitetwd, and, lids 'first in general opt', '.4111, nydy,,,Pitts. the wIlderneek,Aly,ine ' 14..0) •,,,,,,,and then ,in. fuller detail beli14 ,Alte'oeititplete ratuoval of •the sitia e le e Iii t tb iltin wa er, art ry i ' h. - f •• 4 ,A,.., ... figt,tXXIOtteiSfir* 011. areas; a Incident line (re, his moject lrilti OC1101) ,iiiltt 04 away *glees. . 0 . bittilicalfill Muld - goat therein ,itomfor0 4,110, 114.8)0' "rOrilaPs, aoltas been dna. t'or, ',',. Won' Ofanomont had been made rte. eminent old Teetament 'from the: simettisty •and cortgregatton2 :Rine Ileum tater thet* was la • 40aika$ Otter tylih powdered ehtiliC VS b' All. (me ot ,the boats. InstOil•ortaiitha : Old stockings end,: eX0ellant liffoothe,. itiblY 47•4,,:,:eiitv,elt.Y:-'42are."ea'all*':-W114-1Y; s;o64:r4Ainti:411edtry4b.lirt6'ibattrilftlar.111;1"ift°,041°rifisehilfalliittulle:AllOtia°1:1)etit!e'• 7:11hsasitlibsitreth."e'd'VO.'d8tlinstih)°tel'i4e'er Iteni°0010VIIYIStYtIngtett.'311°Vs and a try in the Illeht• OrtnlaJlad Put ..grush and go cateiffily ..11110 a kir alnie time, but AlOthing ,,eOuld be; ito. polishing shoe* .-,, •_.' Pie ship and precipitated bottiornote Into -•;, ' ‘''' ,-, . i•-::-' 14' 4..;•.1 .. topteli totiles,,i0 filo, .imitt iiy_ir. 1_104:. ,udnentile,,, moot of the tabernaele hy niedeb ,,ttint the :entire removal ot tilt 'cane Swetieh,.,haltb104.01Twea tt"' peated -after sithaetibent ' bseeratIons. 'Carefully -thrtiUgh terse TO. Abilitn, Tills_ origintit,. lair Was rek,-.!tiett*. altontiitint • and displeattme. 'of clear, however, it. hung sideOokys, over pothers. Split open' and sew kw° to. .,• (a -a,441,41447. -t 0 '1...AqlE.S. „ , , • .' ,,_ , Wither, ending oft the ,teet tt that are the sea. -Captain Druce crillicil itoou* itmeh darned They are else Wallowa M• OO ta SOnhd of thorn. wheit Captain Orme rifitirpol jiiigng- ._ • - : The flavor of tea and '.00ffee esnuts 'swot ,etteniette:, 1110 'hate% dead 0',,,roanturtY Once eattttfeeir, lie, vere.hibtik ' . , ,..,..,.,,,:* .i:-..,,,::,. ,J.1_,,,,... ,- , Mt 'Iriteitegthig deelskul ell' It rOhl °, and in Atter times eel?* 40 hts ,•0410b-0011. ..,!:.. , i„:;.,,,..,,,Nib,..44,..,,,,.. •• • % ittful hts report Cielkted rt liNtittga,:s00., *pow, Nut only that*, WW1* MOO. theft beit4 o ladies,in Th0.0.,:. ' 140.10g ,form hara doseribe4. ''!''' &.„,. .. • • „.-',„ ., if . 4.4„4,04f4tivonan combed t. 4. oot: muah littler when di.aek OlitnOut' -,telleire htter• the neOeaslt :I Of dottua. ltaolt• gratinatty attand4 tha!ketabortitu ' utw,!4‘ Inr4USIU. UbiltlitPrni 4411t10*: ID shipping oirckte, ktitt 1..Vhol Of.kes taste Aker when the beverage. is all 06 oi , Weather lasts. Vhas;galie - . ,_ ., ....,-,.- . - .,,, 07 ..,,,,, .7,„.. , WaS 0111Y Hiletlitti Llieli Norkirdita. Rise steel/puts ar frosting ,t,s 10 et , tivilio in- shititt,; , Toe,„le,ottesledk MS atelf'Sit'lltii 'Mesa, v A ',,..,1';1‘••• pie beg, the leathil P,11.,:ilk.4„,,,IA.4..„(0.,it$:„!1‘,":.„,,O.r4m°_,,„...lii,m.._ard.../14,„...thie that tie .Awer returned' Irani his' last; tido ot • hit Window ,Witih •ix • / th tots, *sou . or ettelying :Median ititaffatIcs, apparel wl eh 1 nit,. Mgt Ittnaot ‘101 a to zar*.aaltaApLinirclitz:421.17.; , ha received the ratty . conitt,tiiolailott not so sweet as to tot itxt.,11#or., tow that titiling,the TOtiTeiXil.tilat tbilll • / i n vi te ' , .... ' '',,. ItadrialltY• . on ids. lucky coop* he real Ten mat I., ,;The bed way to xeep Will tia frOta tio ,txpoctod. rtolli lki4n )1YIII.po'4 /iiilltatiy ' Vette 5 ,,,i 0 Shil II die _ 4 lentd with' Yore (MOW*, w ging, It '..0btStfilell.tattiblishett Alia /apt that in Winter ;s,_eat. -on eneh,beetillone,,, •,,_ . ,, _11,. : ,i,„_„,,, ,.„. it..,,,t..r.,„„_, ___itis tin, Indio vt yagetr-Lendon 'Militia , . vs , It t# 4 gum moo beatostA :112 'A Si •..nrIering.-0 ly %aini..4".- 12. pi ter l'''r • ne ki leave only a trite* of it 5,glycer- the"! -,ore 'area, lim *Ott lei • o hetvettet, ttcrao ttot,ottoy oorreapon e he Civil and blither? „ tVvtkrrmter, sttlAMOt4S* toe Is heaten% light. • ioods can be removed bX n5Ing a Itiss ' Stains on blankefg and Other Woollen totlAtche,* and iniblenze- „ , woodu. stdretog-, foorn tot eoura at o * „ in* ASKSO 111011' 2,41ZPittg rrow'rek44ffad'altroolet* (L19," tgeeVx!, 9,`"Azidat'eorti*-1fig, 14' ';'ikiki'.111i 8o'riP•tur61' 4 .01d aotol. of the Pea* ea, Penalty 'tidy by the birth Of a SOU to her g.reitt- iiizp.:that,kium h" a 144' taVid trIeVig(Vin,ilt:174.4Srttr .N41, *OM ent-q• 43vet ttatltvigiya owthenttOOdbooenteiriost.rt anti 1.13,-,,$17,41117•It'ioturti;n4 ihtirgliktf ota'Avolit !kyle tibt:Itim:::40,1441fortisi 4iiiilutil,r4A411441,0111fitiffo,f4P+110:LetIncutirotitat:Plitfio' st;Littai:1414.ttsre+: a 1 trap mile, ' Into oidaYtto tro*ts whl tuti, bot ed tomb -mous $t fettlwen.ty pin» theY triti itg,eohollotk to 0( oritig brought, 'Was OblirelYentillit*t vottta ,11,,,,ups, ojeirt liordight gvt" 141 431h*nr* I ttk°41Y" auct 14°k 11146 .141'1"t‘ ."144 gin ntlottigag i)ett, 11014"44%, tonse401106 0*" stotshiPo t° 1016" '040E4 lite MT jalinWerett fiCe and flow" The ratett rillrnelO, Y- "5.4, e'"In toinw ;peiggatt VaTt. er.&.11.)01111 boy; tcht% 'Vag lestrunkants Haling reproof Is loving ;I ire of equal gam ‘tit giretline' atat, P011 11,04,0$. fOt: sins cominItteil, ft irfalaort 14tathed salVatiort, and on &toylike demonstrates sintelity, " , . s.ent of an egit, sprotta iv oh. )}0,6t,ti .. 'Moro tS110 liehlOVIttg..W4hettt'1414/1 .1eive It 10f 11011. tip,,,..`, taillt,IfTind Olen libittidelphiattil „1 ,tt, ,tnset, Imps 10144. . ' ' '' - tatttbes with the blf4;4.7 ti' id:UP- ttia'rdsl: tiftlititilltntif=lis'' I, oit,r470"Yogr*., ,rteintts,. 'ite'ltp."-- ,--nTy-ou'n‘kg' 71iltd-lell"ek:•feit ft.Sift offering.' I4 :iat 0, low. ; Ai*. , tathitt ..ttot•otnge. big., Ito 'Word iot iffe la It hit ilitith thatt:IV.Is a Inistatt6',1:0,100 .lerubbing• baling : Of :foY,17,,,,prre414graardislilit rs71-3:4;,14.0-:',,i,ht:i3smentbik •ohatt not 8vtato, 0104 ti$ nt , 4. a One litkal to tit all witnif Vail* ,, ;1110 thoroughlY witahttILThrotit hl'Aitt 6IY ll" -'! 'ir att. .tbro tom, t, 4 fat? lottle ot rovoy.0041.10, water, tre, toenti..itt,Libie,i, titIrtroetimret ft: ttiltuvihtiototi, .lutiloseornitoottinAllittra,,,.§.0 ,ct4,uod- ' 1,vettuet.,1410 14.0.001..i6117,..„:1114,.,e,,4.0,41,*--11.,,f., ixisz-4;50,, 0c,t,,,,,.--61.171.,4 4 411i146k6r1211lib't.lt"1111.ii 1°' 114. ''''4."11:1htlic' ‘°i141t444'Vetir 116d!fire."1461*".1"61'14e16 111114ef (414°4 14)6SRI\IAWIttit ?eft' -°,146111001114.4121.!111*, 111t/Icr ltilet ‘ftticiltdakp6-ea°11.01tii:t'ilit,,It6::Lv*St°th'e;ir itinIttub:6t146titts;;; ',f.,4,11'6°11,, lii,t4sm'Artglonlip'°0t,i,irt 16 lahrred14.00n" ii: <t!,p,tro, gly !116114.11Rut1,414tt,i4ioti' 11..tti, ,,,, •i'l'il:111414:41:11:1:2,,,lii441,74,ilittlir:,:ILTi;t4trxmy.: pt.. ij))4110,.1.1.- ' , .,1: .14, ti1110,6,3$00tTlrngti,of iiieotitig, ,,,,,vol: pliqed., 41,4, !tratet t*,re,,ettn!. 'vette, tittnthdereithile. ..,... , . ,, 14,til.,, „goo wittit too. is hutite4 ,ert -, ,,,,,„„,,i44.,,,,',4g,,,, 74.14hilOhtt,°,,tair 60.7,051iittlit,‘ $t it44,. tRoi. tklaeo it toixtura ot iniOna MO?, ,gottitii470ktitarcimesn4 Ole tioly Pfacte_., . tit oviltitonstifils., . ito door or entrant. frat ilit taUtt lki . • • .• . * .,, ' -Xiiiiif' itlity. he ig-otafin ote tAirpe 'eita, )14.itt ond tsottitg Weer Id theiri,..,an ,,,,-...,-....,' ,. . , ,, B.; 174,1 101,s4L„ totromill meow. 0t , ,,,, ,...,,,,,,,,,,,,., i„.1.,,,,,, ,,,,,i4,.....,,, in Loa. *Yid etill mitt the, Itatn. 2 - t Om Vold toXiwittrt'endktswilikuM. ,Thaeitan tothittdds ttro,' hdtla held deelding lifiporlatiti Istilea, int i*Oltlt" as wsr 7, -- -34P.,,,A1, ot, 0.. , . ibit.wq, woke thattiet! WM erfai ' tlittm *boat, different digekst'S and HMV ,k,t, vs& oeiwari4 that ortha itottAtillitii, Atriti by . ' 'Ali fIdgei of oshttatt '13; %A giv la his 'StOleihat *Ins' When the *hell .5f ttilni Wrath* etitisavis eXplatfittd. And. betilel',, *Oil sat ronironint' efelfte *Iguana norar. coot itt# teas. a oult in will* the to Ant ,e4 watt pito tilt. tyitle '0; '.the West! *Aehlitte thee:abide *rid hot. rnplittts,` aro , tortheonting „ eta:ming initl..gtopit, aisy that tha. result coin., thousatidiof bit**. woe/ tidier and kvo. , , . , ' tilit tt Mk* frylOrpast and you, will rash* tie *et 'Orie t tit titeeeritited Iv ION , butkino „ MI 'feminine &mei Son* prow titIter *01169, bottiiietvf, -totality ,ilitt that tele 'eovered %Oh' .otTly, attillttiothef; *bent the, Vettlatts itilIM they *re getting Ott; in: initute urnt ,ftitotide'h ameltrOtteetty it * At tO' ft balidtir, 4titdOtt jetitt,tre lion Oft,anotNieS lipphtm. . Ott tot. told, vulittOg tlio Pon in' mint an *effete Itteli :iviir ,beett * itit % tomlif low Solied by hielftt Ira lite Mitt .1 Matt dIeitly it lite teen vie, n la 114teihil, Kett ht" 601 '11/4.11.114tA i° k" iii s,,,Atoth'illit hittvil ti Wittowthyltritte. twit vitlitttairfp. %ha thaight, he %/.4 Way .ittitiO0 TO itietitMally: to ,bOlt it eAtt It* a !Sieger , • a oe040'.,'-ge8t-044",...* ' ' *rtr ng In IA. “And If Ma eali01411 44014-1'1V( wg10° -Of the 11?41 may it,,egtet., sons het. Wititihtti to &tieing. the. teeter! 41teitiont 400 *0.11, , wit . Atmt ut, illti6,10. (Willa*. oa or which Avo Ind, .Oxpt*Aly titipt, , mon._ fi,„,. 10 tb;01701: by Itet tohgtio in, Alio ititru/4., Alb The litSlat TOW * *Om V,14114, *0', ,V;61d41 tieg*TAT ilita *t ObP*Ar 10111W 01 ,!.(110T *Of *Melat •,t)tirott• Mien "rte,Priediti 1,11-, is 1, s, 74.1Intit iikira gent/ , .Thotis. it aptatiati,,!,tvtivi, ,46,101, tht, mituita .*fid viol *AO ,disapptat« Be tvitettufeeerth Intt -it 'is Irelleved ' WO petdifiet..04% Mae, nt* Wig, 7,01•Pre; tit: ;Ito rots, ft -Argot 1,,, bitir- 116010..thal I& 110111Witlditilela glaati.,o,h, taftitd Itol,ttig000 before*Ating lt"C base. a Vat eilueal nal Va Ue. e y., p , w ttie 'tclitiellatA are tO be nlirekl.: ,rAkT1 (14 ilAtith' the wilt ell •Itii0Valt, 'This blitteleed llibititild, :Ott* Visited •StieW ttlicterl big , libeSOPPOSition"; le Wei ex.. fif elthlhltion it Df#401, and ono bob* In' -pia- aroril!t ri/ my.. it, 13, Mali% pitielit et Ftentzkalarethe-Steht • w 6 ' .,- .1?*qhally sueenstiffb '1.4urtr 'heitt, how., • I et, IA ritit info this lag t ibvwboulatsprAistotp40 si , ;woo,: - - - . sverio. , .., .,_,.., _. , . , One With '004 toga. Avatar IA4 ;RAP. "Tha how Porsart flOttelitUtkiti glee' et! -. This le not Me eftly*tit it 1 Ititteft ithir bilra .reitilei Ix IonOred .voie la sill tile* between -the Nres all W6 have 1161there .41 ve4 tlett alai. ,1,-„,w. to :litkletint whir tal. dttont sitell,ef 111 the W.* tog 10 *Ito to* read 'and largo, .arid. stiori as to lite acttiat *duo at thot kilt lag for It donee to p hen Atte psti--U--o. -via-11M twiei-sfevac-,14.102sottneisti-sCJi toiattle.,,,W,400rd, *tritimr, „),:_ _ _ .4te US sterit, Moo. lint. "Eati.., OM.. effelliet 410 IIIR• • ' • AfAekie4A Urtt ithaParadt4 :Mita 47 , :, tt agog 11 • it* two 1V44 •- • .•••;: