HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-09-20, Page 4'"",111""`•/ o c t r p aw.": N l:aflale 'w•_T\e Agricultural TSA : ! TEAM i : i FARM FOR RALE. tMPokTArrrtothe MALI C eat• aur reedy, clot ONLY FI VE.lril.. frees CODIi: t Pf ERA HOFUS& of West rlsmbere to 10» held Mahn le Sep THE S i00881001 hi. 6°114 d•sero- * OT No. N INK. sibs fhb Cu (Hamelin'r. 0.) twin hr a hes TUX THREE !ILIAC HSN. .5.450001.11. s I IM $th said 1 IM.►• to ble hielod& sad the 'oblige lose 11.4 T„. "eh .1 C.•l1n,,w, teats pees beset song se Trending Arse' '*air =bee ' y' 71.0 b. rp'" "'f hb"'& p'e'A' ' Ttorp ip:.fm.,;; CONTAINING 100 ACRES, r0, lb, WA/+NINGITfN MUi UAL Time gee these •r. e•g., es ia, hem them t hat be bee leas Emit with Amperes, tsar Aslor►iy. INSURANCECm.., tapes the sant *Mel etgeres, led pelmet armee K is d1a'es•61N the Ceern,uso for or TIAfS, ate , whin be river far Sale for ►arra 01 mock 0r. cleared, sad wider cut! M pP" Ow, is Old esu► lane afwbils well atse CAtIH, SUTTER.W O U 1., TNIOTHT orales. Th. Ling in .1 eseglirst deer, roily of Honking ib. label/oasts o/ the Dad Mssaderlas sly depreeard 9" W.Iha ton sod Hums Dt.tnct. ter the ear Shea•awatreb.siut ,tate if of awry Yid, and the SEED t►HLAT,armar evbev aidPredwr and well mitered. Fes farther eiervieutars g f ) hg t1r'r every tweet nee wired her. helps. • yfv to JAMItM CLANK. liberal Patrosnre and encouragement which Widi • &rill DASD* rsi.ep edmi shine rthrine of l the eel- P d 4~ ClanmwN A be Aar nem, at their kande : and has eases Aad • b at'e yr • - taches fills it a titavataNT..b•, Proved pflio WHISKEY!! IIs. IHS• S•~Nf the pleaswrc of informer( these that he t, „ laakwasi t'i're j iwa asd■s• t ry very ea.AtagisR! As/ /*E SALT far Site. a in Caeb. Agricultural Exhibition. Jule •whwtred to act elm for the GENIE • These gM setteral is god !naJitd,g YEE 1tiUTUAL, the former la.uwuuon kflsatwtNi.nyrbaMl CHRIBTOPHha CRAHS. THE Missal Eab,buos of is London DM. atMt,dpr sad mem md.effa.- yet w be bear) free, as the tun id ADA Dederick, MGT IOMM 1841. 1•-•115 ` Road AKrirrlrwr.i Society, wail ho being saelu.lrely devoted to V,e Instirace Serve le blit Nato Mau y • '''rrosebiig erg cermet to egg the Ag- _ _ hslJ at .//r.. tj,Ii1[1f1a Tucrrw, in the D. of Farm Stock and Buildings, the latter, te- Prte,m•ad Ines are Mine elespS..l rkwt►urGIN. o►Ca dweller here to fired, (•AIS11 FUR WHEAT' at the Gederlch lel male■ in T was. auJ bulb on ter wash!, est e\y, ihe(bereimee Arend expect that all l Mills. W. PIPER. •no.t,tra Set 'lessees, London Road, on ^gu '- ) Thursday, the 17th day of September net, IIItp b h1.bk, asd obey e•OS arielm- communications lnleded for these may be forwarded F nArrtb. The is use local or Goderich, 30th March, Jtl40. rStf.h.i the following Premiums well be aw■r- The Washington hingtonCompany W' arate trnn.. party effete but as is eita for the bc- Exhibition of Farm Strocl[ dcd for FARM STOCK, GRAIN, DO- ,iferr peculisr aJnnlages to the AgucuNu- TMgsosdiramilderpwwber• ,,f , ofMENTICMANI!FACTURES,Produceral ordinary n.ksaiene r neer of .ii, wIettetc l .ere, R y e. ►e tapers° U be sena ; ti P R OD I/ C E, DOMESTIC MANUFAC• t4a flo;,y, d e. ffc. cent , dote an tmnnn<e ami est of bummer. glonilk st is his In& M•lsfaglur a, Ar efM I1tti .o al. TURES, ells. !eros Ae.g 4 Ad \D weak w li.m r b.ob. •o it furloughs, a coelMonfield (or h *gable W Herm District Acrel Best Brood Mare sod Foal, £1 0 0 having a very large cash retinal on 1 and, rias ilei) Imes his temper, ceremonies, sae welt se amusement, os A N t:XHIHITIOY of CATTLE. SEE )e, 3^d est, 0 i S 0 and promptly settling all rinw e aFrrn.t the frit\ rate of ppr.'(e veer!, which all persons,, without distinction, may L1 DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES, die. 3r.( Best, 0 10 0 In-utuuo^,-C•pitrl, £38 4,000 ; Members, High be Ms halide white baaJsi meet. Ate.. will be held at GUDBNiCH, 0. Tss:4ay Best Two year° old Fully, 0 13 6 37,986, -both being daily ',creasing. " 194•e4 yspt110 pe melees nation ; 1 s order of the day will be is follows : + 25th of September Brat, wM■ t be following Ind Beale 0 8 0 rrlte aenesee Company And be happy ell ye lands f The Ent d t) will be pgwaed by the JudaeaPREMIUMS fVILf. 6E AWARDED. 3rd Heat, 0 6 0 is intended to Insure aga+ort Fire in Towns Fir was waif by One t HORSES. Best One year old Filly, 0 10 0 Sarniy' in examining fps alpckled articles pxhiAi-and Yilleges and the entre are consequently And to meddle ie w eve ; For the Best Broom Mate noel Foal-. 1 10 0 i2ndrd heat, U 7 6 tee. Os second day'at 9 o'clock P. • 2udt .... ...........1 0 0 higher in prupurnon to the rick+ briny /;bays w rash, led Nor wag w Ira !Best, 0 ) 0 M. the ptobyt• are to be admitted. The Rs- 3rJ.... ............ .. ....... 0 15 0gr neer ; bot In cunsrquence of the Leg. Wo ave happy u we ars;gest two rears old Colt, 0 12 6 Stead amill, a Malmoaatiot.., atm, a pogminrne of which wall be found /tor the Lea Two year Filly........! 0 U hoeu.e.e door, little more has htlher,o been y / i 2nd Bert, O H 0 Aod M happy w)" ono ;' adv,; fused .n our cutworm to -day, will af- ford *0 (t. who may not bare privilege of 3rJ 0 10 a the part thirteen year. the A ntent- Ali htjt►isthe 1Mepfpl4ssebrt; Fr the beet Two ear old Cott 1 0 n &'lot One rear old Colt, 0 IU 0 entry to lase now (monde on the fire! dwy, r !sed Bast 0 7 6 Irate only aerated two per cent, ilthougb ban we yee ample reercaiuo,• Our harbor is • noble 2nd UIS 0 du ing that pert d sums of the must diene Ari the gNwds tithe \w hl. Wier, 3rd....... 0 10 0 3rd Hwt 0 5 0 Oiq bl . fa their sat,k Hein, one, and as th• Steamers in port usually For the best Span of Farm Horses ,.1 1• 0 Best M.!eh Caw, 1 0 '0 in ns, firer ever known have eecurrpJ. 11Nsibift biose (es, jree •sad gratis to all who wish to wit- god .... ......1 0 u 2tr) Bert 0 15 0 C■phal, $101,1!5. Now h is over 1800, Atndtbey hates, tMel,d, new the Regatta, •istw:e ars usually much 3rd 0 15 0 OOu. EZR.1 HOPKINS, >•3rd Best 0 10 0 uuDelighted with the LaLlt.g and rowingCATTLE.BestTwoyears old lleifer,0 12 6 ./igeatfur/le/idliagton4•Hwrow Dis'ricb boos, matches,Fur the best Milch Cow (which shaft2nd Best0 8 0July IB+h, 18.19. 2o -n2) -3w l :Or the Jar follow ung ti,e Show, cit : have had • crU io 1849)1 0 0 3rdBeallthful effort:Saturday the !!asd Jae of Srolember, the2nd••••.••••••••••••••• •.0 15 0060him lee 9rd ............. 0 10 0teffOnerear old Ho+fer,p 19 $ t[P SUMMON61:9 rrgaired b► the New Dia/'Races, hkewue he list of is our s'•luuntp, "' rr 2asd Iie.t U 8 0V trict Court Act. a"d■ll other BLANK M\ from exd to better,will come off: The list o/ Stewards VIII beFor the b{el Two yrur oW Heifer0 IS 0 fOROS used i■ the District and Divi.iost t,t,der wrong 2nd '... ...........7....... 0 10 0 3rd Best0 6 UCnuru, os ode at the Sipaal O6ue Also, all treats ye awakened 5.11o11s, found a sufficient guarantee fur the ree c 3rd 1 0 7 6 Scat Boll. 1 5 U k,*dm of JOB PRINTING raeeuied os the And M hods mil the smog I" lability of management, and sufficient pre- or t!.e Leet yearlior Heuer............0 10 0 2ri4 liege 0 17 6 du»test amiee, •oJ on m. tfenn unl,n. • cautious well be adopted to preserve order g.d 0 7 6 3rd Best 0 1U 0 Gerken. Jot/ 19. 1849. and the public peace. Those fond of the 3,4 0 5 0 Best One year old Bull, 0 1.5 0 2 ; r i e n l t u r a l . Turf we feel convinced will be permitted For the best .. 1 2nJ Beat 11 10 0 to enjoy the sports of the day, without Zed . • • • . • • • . • ,... , .. 3rt1 13 at 0 7 6 PLANS AND _SPECIFICATIONS. fear o intrusion ,of black les or other die 3•d ... • • • •0 1) 0 nate CCLTraR ex OHto.- In the imine- orderlycharacter.. g For the tact Yoke of tVoy ispi Oua....l 0 0 Bea Yoke Oxcr,a 0 10 0 THE Subscriber begs leave to inform the dente vltimiy of Delaware, on rising a point 2nd ...... ....... •• • • 0 1S 0 2nd Bet 0 7 6 JL IHhabitants of the •Dirlrict of fiurnn, of land, from which es could see the wa- 9'he enu►ce a is good order and some . ••,,0 10 0 Best !'oke Three years old Steer., 0 10 0 vie fields of grain some miles distant the native cattle are in training. 3rd ..... !tree y. ... ...... and Beat and the neighAnnng I)istrictr, that he has R . For the best Three year old 9:ren.....15 0 0 7 6 Established himself in Stratford, esker produced on our minds, having been We °halt notice co^siseff• from time to 2nd ....0 10 0 Beet Yoke Two years old Steers, 0 7 6 raised in a district of country noted for its time, anything of interest connected with 3rd 0 ? , 2n4 Rest 0 5 0 and tg prepard to give- Plana •os Speetfica beautifully modulating lands and superior the Fair, Zest our readers should grow wet- For the be,t Two year old steers. 0 10 0 zve,e Nuke One year old Steers, 0 7 6 tions of Puhfic.er Private Belding°, Bridg- coltivattun, Well of the most pleasing na ry of the subject, or have theirexpectetiona 2rd ....... ..... 0 .7 6 •r. 1 Best 0 5 0 ea, Mill Dams. Fee. kc. kr., and will take tura ; and what made this feeling addition- cured too high, and consequently ,:peri- 314 ........ ....... 0 S 0 Beni Fa,'•.a Ox or Steer, 0 10 0 the superintendence of such Erections, on slip strong, ens to view a great number of eine disappointment when they come to see For the bast F■•ted Oa ... 1 0 0 2nd Best 0 7 6 the most -reasonable terms. fields of flax in full bloom, a crop which we "the Liars. Argrs. """' "" 0 10 0 Best tsnrvl Cow' or iet(er, 0 10 0 Ills thorough knowledge of his pro(eulna hang cultivated largely for many years past. - = __ "' 2nd Heat 0 7 B and hie practice as Builder, qualifies him fur For the fest Fatted Cow or Heifer ..,1 0 0 wnr undertskinp in the hoe, Addrees at The soil is the neighborhood of Delaware, LoauartTr orQoessas.-It has been ss- 2nd.... 0 15 U Beset Ram, ) 0 15 0 aid, PETER FERGUSON,P is well adapted for the cultivation of flax, certained, fromituthenhe!tat iatic.,thatore 3rd ,.,............ ..... 0 10 0 2nd Best }under 4 year. old 00 12 6 P Bni:der, kc. kc. Stratford, C. W. bat to appearance, the farmers are totally half of the human race die before reaching SITE. P AND 11068 3rd jipr[ ) 0 8 0 + 'Stratford, March !'6th, 1819. 3c-n7U Ignorant of the proper method of preparing 'the age of twenty-one years ; and the bull. For the beat Run • a 1 0 0 Best One Year old Ram 0t !0 0 land for this crop. Flax ground should be of mortality published in large Cities, show=,u:0 IS 0 2nd ileal • 0 7 ° brought to the finest possible state of filth, that one ball die *afore attaining the age3rd • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 10 0 3r1 Beat 0 5 0 mid the seed should be sown at the me of of fire years. With these undisputed facts For the best Ewee(pen 42).11'1,10g taigest Ram Lamb, 0 7 6 - two bushelsper acre, about the first weekseri a Lamb each in ati19 .... 1 0 0 before us, it will teem strange that tilt god 0 IS °)0 2nd Best 0 8 0 • In April, or when the plum blossoms make average ago ore/eskers in Great Britain is 3rd ••., .. 0 10 0 3,4 Bert 0 b 0 toile first appearance. We have frequently fifty-one years two months and tw•only-one Fur the Lest Ram l.emb 0 10 0 Best 1 Ewei that raised Lambs grown as high a 55 bushels of flax seed days. This lS no doubt, attributable in 2nd .................... 0 7 6 rhie yeer, 0 15 0 and 500 pounds of clean scotched flat to the the ►oatr.ints and moderation which the 3rd ........ ,.,. 0 S 0 2nd Beet 0 1! 6- asrs, extending neer an area of Isom fifteen principles of that sect impose upon ire mem- For the best Ewe L■mb0 10 0 3rd B••st 0 7 6 to forty acres. The flax ground near Dela- berg -Che restraint they are under in mine 2nd 0 7 6 Best Two Ewes one year old, 0 10' 0 ware, could not have been ploughed more gling in many `thendissipations and per- 3rd ................ ' 0 5 0 2nd Beet 0 7 6 that, once ; three pecks per acre must have niciou• indulgence that hurry thousands For the boa Fat Wetben.... 0 10' 0 3rd Best 0 5 0 WELLINGTON & HURON DISTRICTS. been the utmost quantity of seed sown, and to premature rave,. What an excellent 2nd ' 0 7 6 1est Two Ewe Lamb.,0 7 6 ivies. 1149. the period of sowing must have been delay- example for the lnstructioo of the world. ;t3rBe. "• • •' • •'•' •' • • I 0 2nd Bert 0 6 0 T HE undersigned,' Agent aopninteJ br 0 ed at least three weeks later than it should ^3rd Best 0 b 0 IL. E>FceHene the (i^vcrsor•Gelociai have been, -The result of this wretched1 asd.... 0 IS 0 ) of management is perfectlyobtioce i?THRESTIXO TO THR NATURALIST. -The 3rd 0 10 0 Best Tw" Fatted Welber& 0 7 6 for the Settlement of the Crown' Lands In system g largest, and decidedly the most remarkable For the hero Sow (shall ha•' bad pigs is Ind Best 0 5 0 the Townships of Gleneli,. Beetlnek, Brant, -ten bushels of asd will he rho untside skeleton remains of the great horned deer ) 1 .O 0 Beat Two Fatted Ewen, 0 7 0 Greenock, Kincardine and K.nlo.s, in the avenge, and the fibre is worthless for sin- of ancient Ireland ever before discovered, d 0 15 0 2nd Beat 0 b 0 Counties of Waterloo and Huron, hereby u(aelurieg purposes. Worse than all thi., have recently been exhumed at Killowen, 3rd 0 10 0 Ba.t Boar 0 12 6 gives Notice to all persons willing and tiro ground by being only partially covered GRAINS, SEEDS ANI) DAIAT. r 2nd Beet to be ke t 1 year 0 7 8 having meats of I..ratin therein, that ha county of Wexford, the property of Henry For the Bea 10 bushels Fall Wheat 3 0 0 Py R g wilb plants, and they of a stunted growth, T. Woodroffe, Esq. •This splendid °peri• 2nd . . 2 5 0 gra best 0 5 0 Office is at the Village of Durham is Ihe becomes covered with weeds, and is in s men of a long extinct animal tribe is perfect 3rd . . , 1 10.0 Best Brood Sow, to be Jct t 0 12 1 Township of !Sestinek, ox the G^rnfraru worse state ofculiivation, than previous to in the minutest particulars. and bas For the best 4 bu▪ shels S rise Wheat 1 10 0 2nd Beit P 0 7 6 Road, where he wall reserve the application its bong sown with flax. Wht,eas if 'own g P been,p I one year! g Ju est and restored to form without re- goJ 1 .i 0 , . 3rd Best 0 ) 0 of the'Setticrs, every day of ,the week, bee upon moderately rich land, and the direc- c •lamp theema'I,ept unjnry. It was diecov- aid . 1 0 0 Best 25 !he. Salt Butter, • 0 10 0 (ween the hours of Nisi and Ftvi o'clock. tions given above followed, it would have end about four feet from the surface n( the I'or the !,sec 2 LusheNyca 1 0 0 2nd $esu 0. 7 .6 Fifty Acres of Land well be alvei to any proved a smothering crop to most desert'- earth, between vegetable mould and plastic 2nd 0.15 •0 3rd Beet 0 5 0 Settlers eighteen resp old, and a subject tions of weeds, clay. The roots of the block willow and 3rd 0 10 0 Best 25 ib/. Cboe,e, 0 10 0 of Her Majesty, who wall present huns,elf The heaviest cropof clover,that we ever For the Lest 2 bushels Barley 1 0 0 tad Bait 0 7 8 provided with s Cerufieste of probity and saw grown, the eed was sown on flu - ib retinae n, ah das me sentwed themselves round 3rd • 0' 15 0 3rd Beat - 0 6 0 obriety, signed by known and respectable the bonen, and soros seeds ascertained to be 3rd 0 10 0 ground, at the rate 07 eight pounds per acre. wild cabbike seeds, were found in the same For the best 2 bushels Ods . 0 15 0 !Best Tern Bushel• Fal Wheat, .0 10 0 peptone, and having the means of providing The pulling of the fialdplants, loosened the bed with the skeleton. !Nokias an area of 2nd 0 10 0 Sod Best 0 7 $ for himself until the produce of fate Land ase ground around the rools of the young clo-' fifty square yard., some smaller skeleton 3rd 0 7 6 3rd Balt 0 6 0 sufficient to.lnaintsin hint. The bearer of ter plants, which in connection with a top remains of tho same specics were discover- For the best 2 bushels Peas • - 0 15 0 Best TBushel, 19 -Two priog Wheat • 0 10 0 that C,rtideate shall mention to the A rot dressing o/ gyp.urs, et the rate of one d but not one of them approaching the 2nd • 0'10 0 2adDes e0 • 7 6 (who will keep a Registry thereof) his bushel per acre, *a soon as the crop oI flax va.t dimenei„ns of this former antlered 3rd • 0 7 63rd Best 0 b 0 name, age, condition, trate or profession was removed (If the ground, promoted • monarch of the woods. 'The following brief For the beet bushel Timothy . . . 00 10 7 0 Hest Two Ruahels Batley 0 7 6 whether he is mare ed, and if so the same growth of young clover plants, the first u,eaaunncnt eumm,ry will afford diene edea 3rd• 0 5 0 2nd Hea 0 6 0 and age of his wife, how many rhddren he seasoo, that perfectly 'aslon;ehed all those of the size of this magnificent specimen.- For the beet 2 bushels of Core(is esb,).0 10 0 std Beat 0 5 0 has, the name and age of each of them, who saw it. If land be naturally too rich The skeleton stands 1.3►ft from the hoofs to 2■d 0 7 6 Beet Ten Bushels Oita, 0 5 0 where he is from, whether he hen enure iidecayed vegetable .ubslance, a crop of the ups of the horns : the breadth between 3rd . 0 5 0 and IIest 0 3 9 where any property anl in what Tiaoship flax taken from the ground as a preparative ih• tips or points of the antlers being 11 For the best SO lbs. Salt Better 0 15 0 314 lithe 0 2 6 he wishes to settle. crop for wheat is calculated to lessen the feet, or 13 feet 0 inches measuring by 2nd • 0 10 0 Best Two Bushels of Peas, 0 b 0 The conditions of the Location Ticket chance for roar, besides the ground if well the curve. From the hind font to the pal- 3rd 0 7 6 2nd Rest 0 3 9 are -to take poas.eaion within one month Prot ated for has, and two bushels of seed l! vis measures 7 fret and the palm of the net -2nd . For the ked 40 lbs. Cheese 0 10 0 3rd Best 0 2 6 atier the date of the Ticket, and to put in sown per acre, will be in better condition lets measure. 2 fool 7 inches lung by i font 3rd 0 5 0 0 7 6 met Bnctecl of Timothy Seed, 0 7 6 a elate of cultivation at least Twelve Acres for wheat than would be the case, if subJec b inches broad ; some of the spikl. of the For the best 25 lbs. of Maple Sugar 0 10 0 and Rept, 0 5 0 of the land in the course of four tear. -le tell to the expensive proteose of Bummer fat- totters are 21 feet long, and the face is one 2nd 0 7 6 !lett 2 B"shale o(,Corn in coD, ' 0 5 f7 Mild a house and to reside. no the lot ndtii 1. egos A well cultivated crop of corn, foot 101 inches in length ;'three of the tot- ROOTS. 2nd Beet 0 2 6 the conditions of e.ttleinent are duly fulfill would in moose cues be • sepenur prepare -ting teeth of this menial have also been For hest acre of T*nip■ 0 13 0 Rest 20 Ihe. of Maple Sugar, 0 7 6 ed, after whrch aeeornpliahrtrent only .hall ties crop for Sex, which could be either fol- found, which did not accompany any sped - • 2nd 0 10 0 2nd Beet 0 5 0 the Settler have the right ni obtaining a ti. lowed in succession by clover or wheat, as men hitherto discovered. The bed to which 3rd. . 0 7 6 Best 10 yards Domestic manufac- 11. of property. Families comprising sieve - the )judgment of the farmer would dictate. the skeleton was found had been experimen- For the best screed Potatoes 1 0 0lured Clutb, 0 '7 6ral Settlers entitled to lande, preferring to or the quality of his soil might require.- ted on, it has a depth of more than 20 god 0 la 0 2nd Best 0 5 0 reside on • single lot will he exempted from Ohio Cultivator. (tot and le different in a earebee from any3rd 0 10 0 Best Pair Blankets, 0 5 0 the obligation of building and "f residence, PP For the best i acre of Carrots 0 17 0 2nd iest 0 3 9 (except upon the lot on which they reside) mould in that country. When exposed to 2nd 0 7 6 lwraovso MRTHOO w PRIesaVI•'U MILS., the air it exfoliated into plates as thin as For the Leet d acre of Beers 0 10 0 Beat 10 _cards Flannel, 0 5 0 provided the regnirsd clearing of the hod is -We learn from the Chemical Oazelte, ; the leaves of a book, showing a beautiful 2nd 0 7 6 2nd Best 0 3 9' mads on each lot. The non-aecomplirh• that F. LI. H. Louie ham patented an imp's- ! stratified structure. MANUFACTURES. The above Sisterials to be from the Farm ment of these condiu mw will cense the im- red method of preserving milk. The intik I For the best 10 yard. Domestic made of the Competitor. mediate Inas of the assigned lot of land, is to be ntiaed with well clarified raw sugar, Waite the poet Carpani ingnireJ of his C I"'!' 0 15 n Rules of the Exhibition : which well be sold or given to another. • 4 ns, to the gallon. It ts then to be evapo- friend Ilaydn, how it happened that his ?rd 0 7 6 1. All Stock Exhibited .hail have been The land Intended to be settled ie of the rated with agitation : when nearly aohd it Church Moate was alma s lou checrfol, the the bona Rae property of the Exhibitor a very best descripuoo, and well umbers) y For the best P■ir of do Blankets 0 1 . 0p fee y roust be preened into cake. of smtabl, s ze, great composer made a moor heatiti(uI re- fnd 0 I0 0 month beton, the Shnw, and all other nevi and watered.. Steam may be timed for used evaporation mg, or d p!y ,,Ica nmol," he said, " make it other 3rd 0 7 6 cls° ,hewn matt have been produced or the The Roads will be opened on w breadth time IS no object, . ontaneous evaporation wits. 1 write according to the thoughts 1 For the best 18 yards Domestic mase Farm of the Exhibitor. of 66 feet, and the land on each rids wall be in very shallow pans, with the fluid not (eel, when 1 think upon hod, my heart is ,u I Fllenel 0 13 0 !. All Sebseripnonw to be paid to the Divided into tote of 50 acrse each, to tie gra- more than one-tenth of an sick in depth, or full of joy that the note. dance and leap 2nd 0 1.3 0 Treasurer on or before the 15th day of Au init.-male given. a drying chamber may be used, the temper- as it were, from my pen ; and .ince God \u I 3rd 0 7 7 gust iieeiuku the principal Road there will be afore not to exceed 112 degrees Fah, green Inc. cheerful heart, it will be pardon• The above Manufactures to be from the Firm 3. That no Competitor be cbtitled to two other* (one on each ride of the princi- The cakes remain sweet and fresh fora .e the Compeuter, and of the growth of the pre- pal Road marked nut on the whole extent ed me that I servo him with a cheerful apt- I more than one Prize for Butter and Cheese, V ) long time and are soluble In water. Ano- rot yet. of the territory, and on which free Loca- nt," •1'he reader who if acquainted with Of for Grain of the mom kind. yr Ther process a heat the sweetened milk, the works of Haydn will hear temUmon, to Rllley of the Exhibition. Woos of 50 men will be made. nearly to the hmhsg point, and before it 4. That Bolls here •ring or .crew in the practical truth of this anecdote. -tri- 1 A■r Farmer wi hia the District, Gni a their none, with a rope or chain attached, or But N the Government only intend to becomes cold. to curdle U by rennet ora risk magazine. Men,hs,r of this $r.eieq, M paying • donnion of secured in some safe manner so a to yrs meet the expense* of Servet' on those ad- wMk acid. 'foe curl is ssp•rslnd from the One Pored, shall M esoitled to compete for soy vent danger. ditionnl Roads. the Grantees will have to whey, and by strong pressure after washing Tr is impnveible to think, and not some- Premium. 5. Ni, Animal or uurlc can M ,kiwi for open the road in front of their locations. in cold water, u u obtained fres from ads- tunes to think nn death. Hope, mated, Ms 5 A11 B.iu to .res in sneer tone $eciey.The moat direct route to reach the Agen- P who may wi.h to exhibit aeythi■s ■t the Sher, len'nears the netts yes r. rin`` water. The it hey a 10 be evaporated many del,erinn° ; whatever is possible, how- ate 10 pay Ike Tres/moil the num of Ten $htl- 6. All Subscriber', bene hating paid the sub - lines. sv on the Gardraza Road is by way of to•dryne°s. The curd pined over a glow type unlikely, it will teach os to promise Ings, nn or belnrs the ISih of Aeeasi : 1r. mh-n scripuon, and only such, to M entitled to ('uelph and Elora in theWPI!ington ihatnci fin b continually stirred, and the dried ourselves ; hat dpdh no man has escaped, I to be admitted on pstitg the *seal sem of Five compete. GRORGE JACKSON, whey added very gradsallr, with a small and therefore no man can hope to escape it. Shinier.. 7. ll Competitors for Prixr+s hying with Agent for Settlement of the Durham R..4. prune of bicarbonate of sods, After a Johnson. 3. All Subrcnl,en h■ring hid the B•brrip-- - -- rtes, ■ad neer seek, to be rntid..d a in 3 mile, of the Secretary's hone, must while the ingredients mall and unit'. A 'etspeie. New Church in Stratford. small gnan•tty of finely pulrensed gum- Ctrrtezttn T)*wTRveTloa.-Foster and hu All psit Sleek of the l.11Olw r ■•moo h be. give the Secretary notice (tithe description SEALEU TENDER$ wall M teelivd \ y P^ of stock' and produce they intend to sjhtbH, i dragon, haste's the eolidiRcation, weight of cnehtneal commie' 70,000 insect", (ore the Shnw and .!l other aniele, shown mon the dr1 b for the FSDrew, ant ell of r,lea. le th, nlb,cniMr N \shelf of the Predy. Cream may be preserved by the same boiled to death; so t4at the annual sec ilee IOW - have heti pm laced on the Farm or the F.alohitnr bet Rt•°^ him nn ns, bpfnre 11 o'clock, A. N. tenon Church Building Conmittea, m.thods• of Mantua, fife, to procure our rennet end 5. All Sebeeriplioe° in be paid on or before of the day of Exhibition. ford, tell noon r.( the 31x4 December les!. i_ -_. __ ' crimson dye., amount. to abort 49,000,000 the IOth de, n( Argvet next. 8- Compeutorw laking more than sit f+r providing twRteruls. v z., &Ieksy L sa., Peace ars WAIL -Peace ia that beatiu• of these small member of the creation. 6 All Cemperitom i/o prises moat give ter tieket., mast pa)• 7►d, fur each ticket over Store, Saud. Snse..d Lomb.,, end Wer►. fel eerssle which flows otldiaurb*iIy from Secretary note.' of the dewripuon of Stock and that number. for the Encino .7 $ *RICK CH1i1MH, • limns nerd morose heart, and which say•, A gentleman sat down to writes dela, Pradses they +^tend to rho.. en or before 4 9. All Stock and Produe. to ba on Ihe Pr^D^red In lee Artier lot $In.iford. i re. "Though my brother offend me seveoty and began wilt" know all women by thew •'°skme• m., the 041h of September• gpnw ground by Eleveo o'clock, A. dL of may a made ei0'er for 1s wi it. err //r Dime wets, y01 ,till will 1 (reef] forgive pressen." 7. All Smock and Prodsee u lb." es, the show "II d• of Shnw. any '•micas' part o/ the materials, end him." Bot mer i• • barbernos game or "Yon are *rang " rigid a bystander, r• it Greeted Ay 9 n'clerk ^( the der of she. y WILLIAM HANDERS. recording to Specifications a proposed by ILTTM Society's PLOUGHiNG MATCH Mr. Peter Fer us,en ,Stratford. ttperehatslMn, w►Id gym " My oeig►►our sight to M know all men." will rake plate as owl in October. Bee. lwMlew Rw/8retseA,Architect has tligbtly oilbatted me, therefore Most 1 " Vere well." answered the other, " if all R. G. CfMiIOAMAME. SeerAgricrltrrel Society. StratfJ. ord, lWtb Jam! N, 0 Act ia. they. Visit epee bin the puniebmeet of Cain." women km ,t, ail men will of ceurse.•' 7edmch, 24th Marc),, 1841 London Rosd, June 20th, 1849, y • AGENCY FOR THE SETTLEMENT OF THE CROWN LANDS, 1 1 T111 p,,Irr *•I'.I..a. MOFFAT'• VESETAEtE LIFE PILLS P HCEX B iTTyE.. CR 8.w e.( , Tele MO .. es aOd a j► r...rsi...wr ` .0 >Aes61M en y Mei *mem .w*mg pe5560....rnee.4w •s► mml wa They me tof ream wos. y Deli anis.meeseemeg.y5.s geed t trot be Sem. ail Meg Mess MID /M 0&11 d the onolfoloOo Z tnr AIL OL11!)t5131•1111. Of ASTORIA. AUm11 as, oMs0.v a a11MMArlaal alrit:rsI a of w 1L400141 w [IDlfs VS 511.1000 W b L1TITZ OOMPt.anirrs.- . r e e masa mil .e., warm lire dare..s .mrsd. sq ..1 be Mewl I -a0*S ►berm. 0'-s, Yee •.h.'.. wa. ver am Her MalbOre. este nom samosas& be centred tis NLIUMI LMOLIt. W 11114.1/88 La...w.w. NLS CO,T/VIY1a,, (NIL De A COVYYS, cuts/ consist -nom orrK)a ileal with a•1• memo6 Me eager cuss ver MUMuss, Dairsls,, DTiIPUTI A. w sem ere ILL drm..i s ries err..M..01 Mar Sols Isms r.dWme -er.irl/r. lIUPTIOrr .f tar 1151.. lire/r*LA,. PLATS* Ls.te r. anima awl AGUE. res Ursa.rae. 05 in. Ism e...atr !nosy mr&rwm .W be 5.-1 • s,0. wa.is. art gena. trmwlr. pOn m.d. .. twee the srr<W Most m• ,.wed tae diteme-a era M t0.. maim Y r rmsaest - TRY rHCM. 0 .A1r1HWr. Len Y 0t/RSO. Fitt/ANL/BS .f CUMCLIXION. Y111 UAL DUDIL!TT }, 0 HIT. 41s0I Yxs,, ORA VILE. MZAY4VMse. ¥w/r a.aa. INWARD Faris. IArLA*MAru*r *01u.0A- rl,M. (MPu11 /LOOM. J4UNON:t. Lusa es, APrs• TITL LZV>•! 0OUI.LAINTIrs L4PAVID Y. 00098:• RR, 111114/114:11,14 AIL DISCASIII Hew. rue r renew ...,I .e dm d •r .i Mete l 1.0. dash .sir tee .he .. **Mb mels• m,4 Dmeer i'. ouaur SWAT& Y11ruua oLatLlrr. Alaruum COMPLAINT* .f w Meds. uusANIC AFFSCTIUNR, PALPITATION of as. !,AST. PAINT,S•i 05(81.16. P I L SI s , rr mt■.ral ..., r•• d .bald ..dr rm woo mod 4 Par ef m res. 11.10° ►r rhos re 4 Um Lao Skolsoms Mem 74E14 . thy 0.1.Mo. MAL 0Y., per .ad ewe. N M E U M A T I. M. T►r el •epos ilia Mat. 4......i M eve a relief 0, t0. 1afe Mamma YNR°° .t BLOOD 1.10. MYAU, ice*VV. IALTSN/UM. I WELLLN'US. ecltnn/LA. rr i1c IlR4•S IS VIE, 6 w ..sit a...a U 1.e I 1 1..f *ewe 15*111 .a W O at - S , •,f es rued.. are ee.r•arur feuell.d as, Mem Deserve. P.,00 wdl,h, erearded.uw Ihe we* leer ler eaaseW r .erer<...d. 14.1.1 eel le MONS TOB LIFE PILLS IND PUUiNII I►ITTBtS PURIFY THE 81000. And thpl remove all disease from the system. A .inst. I,i<I .teltem the LIFE P1112 .ad I H R N I X BITTERS he rased t .. ,...s of me0p.- Utlu., to the eMi0etio• of every pelmet. Th. (•rule• of them mediates sr* sow pat op 6 .he. rnpren .d 1ahew, together .111 • p.wphrL sense •• M .I.t', 0 .4 S..ent.u," wut.utng Ike throttler...cc, e. which 1. a dn...g of •r• ederay from W.11 street t• eve Ira<e. ►r oluels wren.* thuiog .0. any ...cry e►„b fad et. TM vnprye.s Led S...ru.,e • e eop•righte Ih.r•fw• those 01.0 procure them rrh .fah• wrappers ass M .tired ti.rthey tee g.wi•n. He nnfel, •M do .vel My rho.• with seam orepen: bet If cos do. be mtrM• list they cum• Sweet from ea, er duo temp them. (LT rrep.nd .ad .l4 by Dir. WILLIAIIM U. 1MO!]PAT, SD In.dw.y. t-test ,,f Aathoey,O.M, Nm. Twit. r.. i*1. by BENJ. PARSONS, Sole Agee. Goderich, Jan. 29 1816. 1 TWO GOOD FARMS . FOR SALE. ONE within 24 miles, and the other wrth- lo abort 3 miles of Goderich Towo Plot. The first u LIT 10 in tot Conces- sion, Township of Goderich, CONTAINING 164 ACRES, Is Demoted at the ewe era by Lake Huron. aid dt the „cher h e Publ a Road, -ani the second a LOT 8 m 81h C t ., Culburee, 5V. Drs felon, CONTAINING loo ACRES, and a eituated at the Junction of two Pub - toe Roads. For Particular• apply to JNO. IIreDONALD, Esq. Goderich, 12th June, 1841. ni1-tf NOTICE. 1/H3 Aabeerib.r batting RENTED Ow WAREHOUSE and WIIARF beiorg- ing to the Mears. Davenport, of lbws place, bas establehed himself as a roaw•assa AND COMMISSION wRRcuu 4s,. Any orders or cosllainiop from the Mer- chants of Goderich, will receive prompt attention. JOHN McEWAN. Windsor, March, 1849. 2v-7ntf. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. A. NABMYTH IN returning that.ks to 11 is friends and nu- merous Customer, for the Liberal Pat- ronage which ho hos received during the past year, begs to intimate that bo has jut received an exten.ive Apsortntent Taits RL1a1!J3©W3 21:11.3000, and is ready to Execute all Orders given to him with care and punctuality as, formerly Goderich, April, 12th, 1849. 2v -n &Ott Upper Canada Rebellion Losses. Receiver Generate Office. Montreal, 12th March, 1849. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that Clemente for Rebe,lion Leases in Canada West, who hate not applied to, and received payment of their Claims from the respective Agents of the Bank of Montreal, in the several district/las heretofore notified will from and after the first day of June next, be neces.•ated to at ply for payment of the same, either personally or by duly appointed Attornie., to the Parent Bank in this city. (Signed,) S. M. VIGER, H. M. R. G. 1-19 Zig I uron signal, It Pal*ra0 ARD pwa..swt* 1*0*1DAT BY THOMAS MACQUEEN, *01100 neo PILOPIIRTrn. OPTICS MARCRT•SQUARS, 00De1IL7. •,• Beok and Job Pristine, executed with N eatness and dispatch. Tanis or rug Ilcnn. Raewai. -TEN SHiL- LINOS per annum if paid .rrrctly is *deuce, or Twee,' aIwo Six Piece with the expiration olds year. No parer discontinued until arrears ars paid op, unless the publisher thinks it his saves - ter to do se. Any iedividsal is the ewatry beeesi.g n- g p.asible far sin esberib.rs, shall restive • seventh entry erotic. OT All letters addressed to the Editor meet be post Mid, or they will set be takes sat of the poet ogles 1*R5* Or •ORRSINIae. 1162Iiees and seder, first inertias. LO 1 6 Each snappers' inertias 0 0 7i Tee line, sed under, Int flosertiee 0 5 4 Km+ subsequent ia°ertiw.e.t• 0 re Over ten Ices, first isssrties, MI tilos9 4 Emir wtempoest isruti.s, f) 0 1 ET A Bbenl disease% male re them who advertise by the year. \