HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-09-20, Page 3• tip mite* spietteMl►.toy 12111.111111A0301febblieentime OWSKerAMa tltusereeesele Mesal U-.,,i(Mrd *441 IsligN apA;iiroe Pate. (e,.,u.y.e.ssee•atmet•beteg q .es .•awes Mn Mee abase rfeete aeMth.tod Wo fad rather aebsoed le he hard is g..e's01 fel tae -4160 asteearb•arda efaM Imf hap b.!•4 with IM alomeeereo. as then N truly one Jrerrl IMeesellr employed orf 41101141111111 po•m.dei re -1 ,e Canada. whirl Is I.r4br below sorra. Be. 1.iw w maws era •tg*1 ger IMO a sort Wage we maw t.farw..h. Hieoloosi IM. 0•, ciaa•e- praparrisa d she hintser of IM Wiftse, weld to tion wnh ('herdam e,.an.red merely in premet. moely • mead dazed daeelsurlege and tog,u<•I, men ■• pota R. Gefroms from !cellist/ sie b.saisga ahem IM ewr la which the maple. eed Ignorom of .A. entities clam... ! w wok deeds of a e. sad Maud : aeJ i• C■u••.a. Gd Magid he wetJrp•d Bet taw. to w nligaou to kitting people. A our h,rliest 'toilsome, Sad oar PIMP& earvet way- less map M btmdea• heretical, mor ,, 114.!. br& er is, that we rosy hr• king enough. aeJ M es- us slehus e•1 -who would hill him in the WIMP Mrd .,. do kit amount of gond to C•oadt.e $o.i.• et Gad. se nom [s64.t-mw at variance with ty wh r.• r,11 be equ+l to the emetic et evil the pn.eiplea of chri•tiaaay lbs the theoretical .h c6 (mute. S Guw A. hos inflicted of It. .•believer whom he thug deprives of I,(e !- ¶V1,11 these remark, we leer. him In du h... Chriai•.asy P 01.1 • Mosey -it 1, • practical re' ,ler ~icier of b.. friend, the fipwl.rw, .ho ligtere-sad till moo inn be induced to recognise knows the .•swore • f the brut much better Thee It u suck, it i. Pan IK eared ,het w bat a [idled .,,y of u., •nJ who doel•ree .1.111 it was ogle the "Cheirinan world." will lust coulfnue to he the Mar wretched, a•k.rial. tinning, ••came, esiud.i.g. lying, cheating, cloaking, fighting. worl.ke wield that it hoe bees. and i. 1u -day. - The troth is. that mankind have ml.uken the •halo. (e .he sebotanc.-their zeal sod fury ,o persuade ea eves compel each other to ackuow- ledge the divinity of the Chrietun r•lirina, hat, led them to overlook time essence and sillily of all Iron reltgio ; namely. Ite power to make mess ktad better -Io change his .1'.pnsilloor, and e..n- •sqsently his remdvrt. And oolong •P individuals or nations can talk coolly and unconcernedly •brat war, and fighting. .'d bin.ol.lteo'-.n long as they no neo • necessity and • jv.tl6.atloo for these brutalities., it is alrogrlher supnfinous to inform thein that they have nal 1 d Chris - 11101 y aright. They may be h.lie..re in its di. stony, mor be ready to talk *beet it, to arena Die it, to pre•eh it -and eve* tokkt to it -bet they ae Nt ready to afore it. They may be exeeldest •ed seal**. iAeer.iral religioeists, bot they are act C riseim a. la Incl. to prelr..d to M Cbri•tia••, and to admit the r•eessily of war, to alk about it coolly, or to s&tenryt to justify is oe Christian principles, ilwch an outrage upon consm.n sear, that we have sot p•ttouce to Yolk with web people. •Weare •ware that there lire bed ewe is the world, sod to them In • special remoter, ebnold the pence doctrines of the Gos- pel s'pel bo •ddnaaed-they should nor be told !het there 1. • •Verity for fighting -that men will hill etch other -or that Chruttan,'v esn either countenance or epotogise fur, or justiry war - thy should be told that it is the duty of every maw to be rebels -we -that or truly religious man c&�e s•neltou war. sod that no man who either 6ldoeau0 or practices war, has any ream° to soppier that he is obeying the law of Heaven, - mid eon.egaeotly his ptofeoeio• of Christianity i• a delusion-• there Adm. Here we will be told that the Chn.t,sn, or rather the Jewioh Scripture. not only 0oonteminee wit. bat actu- ally commend sad comm.od it ! All the nutori- oui pubhe vices that have disgraced han•anity, here bun defended opo. Cbristlre Or Scripture principles. Prblie •xee.(34o.-`wtl,,h•b'retng -•livery-apirit•drinking, and war hire a!1 hod numerous talented advocate., who were wi ling to defend these abomisto ion. 0,ro• :.m. -tare pria- stples!1 Now, pawing neer the palpable, stub- born fact that if any Scriptures, that is, any writing/ will defend orjum,'y a positive •bsn!ute evil, it dee not follow that that .,i! becomes • gated -bot it follows that the writings ere (.I... If it co81d M .hew• that the voletne called the Christian Seript.res sdvecet• drunk snera, end 6ghties, sed rpprew•ion. sed cruelty, this would not prove that these citron were rtghq but it would prow that theme Scripture. were wrong Ni normal man eo.ld, for ow moment believe that • book which a•etiooed or commended inigarty could be the book of God 1" This world be blaeherny of the deepest dye -and yet it is • very rmnmoo practice in all ehriatian countries to torture the Scriptures in order to make them support mune •tee, or tome prevailing practice which ie moialfy sod intrinsically wrong ! It Is tree that the Jewish Scripture. do cennte- n.ce wit, do represent the Creator tSeoj."tmng sad tektug • peculiar interest in the destruction of certain portions of his •wo creatures, we dew not ondersta•d the whys end Ilse whrry(ura of this procedure on the pert d the Almighty and Dtvtne Governor of the world. But we do un- derstand distinctly that the explicit command el God to David to exterminate the Arnel.kttee. 4...n t is•ol.e • warrant to Niehol•s el Russia to ilasghter the Hungarians! aod hence the war- like conduct of the 3ew1 to no authority and should be no example for Christians fiT WI •g•io intimate that the Atoned Ex- hibition of the Huron District Agricultural. Society will oke place on the Market Square. Goderich, a T.•rday the 25th inst. Its es• petted that • larger amount of Stock ted Pro- duce will be brought forward thee ha. been ex - Inbred on any peewee year. Th. Show of the Landon Road Branch will be held at Mra Balk - will•• T , 1)ev.osbir, Settlement, w Thurs- day the 27th instant. To the Editor of t1.. Brockville Recorder. Sir, -Cao you ui any of your correspon- dent!. inform the community what Church the Editor of t1os Slaterm en is • member of, oe 1 *Pe by has last issue that he wenn, a• Drrjudic, the public tar omit the Editor of the Here, Bigssof, Mantling biro se a Simi slut, as Infidel, aod a Chariot. Is the same namher he le very pa•tie,.lar 1• informing hie render, that Mr. Gowan war the indlvidnal who proposed getting the mowing of the League opened with prayer. Y.wr iersrting of this sere oblige loess. MIT, Ons wen MAIM/ CANT. Brockville, August 28, 1840. W. never Pao the paper milled the Brock•tl1• 81.. It i• • pope p.bl hod earlwli.ly few she' oMeulos elemieghwn, het we feel a kill .i piessnn is b•tietisg that the ontosem.n d Ramo are too r.dble .04 to h.e.rabla a pam.ie. It. L ie eeode.sed satir.l. ea 11.0 " Dales prove' prl.cipl.e, aod is Ib. ed.•sate •f o policy, M1 that desolation perey .f swiss. sewage and bloodshed which has mimed 'reined. mad will rete every souatry where it ie SwtWlM- ad. W. •re mot aware that avow .w may •s this Mod and •t black Dag" •rpm lode its way to the District et Heroes Bet we oadw,ta0d from the fangni•g earemw•iesti.ts u the Bweeh- ville Reword,. 'bas the Teems ems herr bees pay- ing • e.mph ,et ,e the I41, .f the 11.me o4. Weer/tweed of tee, for wa •l.sy* Wish lad nen a speak evil of ss ; sad se lose • she evil Mosier le seas memo d U4}liry sad seelelism, mad sleet yeet•selegeed enseird. Me *Sem, we feel u41gh41y pleas ee *my 11.10014 due Jurgl.ry. dial he was allowed 0l tore the Convention with hu seditious trash. 3:7' le is with mach eat deeron we se4nowl- edae ilio receipt of the If.,.'4, a new R.fo•m Jonrnsl, puhliwbed in Brantford, by Mr. W J,t.arroe, Ed.tor and Proprietor The Herald le termed on a h•od.i,me'sheet, and very Deady primed, aod it will be Men by sone e11rat1. *hoer we l um. made from the first Editorial, dist .he writer is a man of the right stamp, .rd may be hailed u • voidable argaisitiun to the Refuttu casae. He has our beet wishes for hie success. From the Europe-. Tunes. FALL OF iIENGA61 -We have received +cements from the seat nt war publu'ted in the Vienna. Berlin, and Paris papers, which are moat Ii nsienes for the Hunenrien•. There are some a..cnp•neus in dates. places. end eireum.,eaces, and some of the Paris j,urnel• discredit the news. byl the prevailing Ianpreai'n seems to be that It i• tree, and *het the gallant llu.gari.w have Ion .11 for which they hove b -.n carrying on en hrrnic. glorino•, but unsure...tut struggle against the en.l"...a of Aral. and Rums - The Ventre okci•ou tt, ear 1lnr.aw, ie, that a1 Vtlag•.., n0 the 17th instant. G.netal George', ,t the heed eel 3)1.110) or rld.0011 men• 1t{0 down his error, and snrrend.•r.d to the R_nian Marsh.! Paekiewitech, •1, dtscretinn. The Berlin ac- count i0, that rhts took pt.re at Arad• un the 11th iu.t., mod ,beat houora1Je conditions were Bowel. It is added that (1 -neral B •m, at the heed n( another divos.nn of me 11113!((4.,., moa+ defeated on the 5th int!. with int:i-nee •Inogh- ter• according to one arrount by General flay• nen, according to another, hy the cru,hiued Inr- c.e of the Rosman (Yen- rale 1-u.l.r. end 11ar- lord -that Item, Drmhineky, awl Kossuth. care all fled, mat the 11......o Diet had dias,dved tteelf, and, in +bort, that 'lluugary hes at the mercy of the curqu-rnra Oi the mein (o,:1 we think there is not the .lightest ground her doubt. and we shalt w-ntt with {w rnr•• •or nil p+rticul.rs eooneced with the neg.I,rt•w., which he. led to the prevention els further •ffo•ion of hu'rt.n 41'. d. Alth.w gh Genreey moa. Utrlatnr, it does 1101 appear that h• acted maven hi, own inclement alone, for we 01e toad by the Kofner Zalurg th•o Ko.eu.it," G -or - g.• aod Seo.. held ■ . uuoctl at Arid. when George. f.ankly declared that be had no hope fir Hangarv, and that ,!1 further resistance WIPP vein. Koeeetb end B•m were 6.r continuing 14 - leer. G.orger'• arguments were cr.uclu..ve w.th • •umber 01 llnngeru, oOl.•.rs, who instated *loos )ieldine to the Rus...-Aasirtan powers -- A great porion of the I.esi•gine army al TPnI- e.hrar,.mn.Orling t„ Ietw•en 30.01.1 mod el. tn1(1 men, 111+0 ware• in facer of su!rmwion. These demonstr.tinne being made in PO unreserved end and nnegnivnrnl • Itsaneet left G.nrg-y on •Iter• nntive beer 'nopen negotiation. for p•eee, which were e'.dlv•err.!eI to by the Rus. an Cnn- maen -r in-Chte(. En..uth, taking with him the Io -irate of the Hungarian empire, in„ne- di•t•Iv qo t'ed Arad with the view of arn+stne •he T.rkieh frostier, in company with Sem. tl.mbinski, Guyon. tad other leading chiefs of the gh.ndoned eco... The Io lnwio. is the despatch received by the French .& Gotrrnmei,1:- ,. 1110?., .1ng19. " Th. Minister of France to the lltnister of Foreign Afstrs. "The Count de Beekendnr(, aid-'k-ea•np of the Emperor 4 Roston. arnvel from Wer.aw lea, night. charged to •nnon-ce to the Stn. of PluMms the end of the war to Ilano•ry. G-.r- gev. who hal become dicta nm. •b.r 1:•,e drpnrt,r• eel Kt Plitt. t. s hr.tne.1, with all hi. frac/ie. •t Arad, nn ,h. 13'h. to Mor+hal P••kt-witch - T!•eTory. ofGereral Bete has been destroyed by General Earle's." The Koryer IParreor-mCi, of An,ust 18. pals, I,.hes • bnll.rin tmm Geoerel I'asktewttch to the I:mprrnr of Resit.: - Hungary te a, t't• fest d your imp•ru! Majesty. The Government of the In.,rgents hes renounced its powers, and Georeey liar an - atoned them. C.-nn3e+. lays downhie inn. with- out conditions, w,ih the principal rimy of the instil -genie. and d..ahtl•.s the other insarg-er corp. troll iollow hi. example. The officers e•n1 by him to n-.MI+te the capitulation have shown themselves dummied m repair 1n the other corp. with .car com'nisston•ra end the Austrnn use. few indoe'n,l them to ley down their arms I hove oh. honor to ■ntiounee to your imperial NI.jests that the sole cou•hlinn •tipula,ed by GParrey is that he m., he enabled to lav down ernsa before the umv of. your imperial M1•j•sly, i hove '.ken the n•rr.snry m•a•0res tint .h.,. tromp. 1,e ettreonn.led nn all side, hy the corps of General Rudiger. whom 1 shall likewise order *o pn,ee•d 10 disarming. In whet concern. the .Itente Mimosa' of the prisoners. end the mea- l. be token with respect to the nth -rinser - rat corp., 164.11 act in concert with the cum- ,mander-in.chie( of the Ato'rian. army. I have easel G-or,ey to he Mon,l.l to my head-go.r- ter., when he will remain until the orders of Your imperial Maj -at, shall arrive respecting ham,,. A Vienne loten of the 17,4, in the Kohler Zeit nig. motes that Kossuth intends to 4,44 out In the les. Ile hm pnbliehed a proclamation ••Ma.neing the Iraeelucatioi of h'e government from Arad to Oraboya, where he is slow proteel- .d by toe llongert., army from the (hooka. Th. troops of Boron Jel!.chich are marching to the Fittest. The Ren'. head -quarter, were on the 1416 .t Perlo.v, wbeocs they were being remov- ed to Pawesov,. 1t was rnmond the. the F.mneem of R.st* lend we • price .( 60,000 roubles ea Esn..tk', head, dwl n• alive Klapka is the intimate friend n( Gemini, aod eased. it was supposed. surrender (',,m Pan. It , seamed hy mune of the •rd.ol Par e..le of fl..g.p that George, has proved bluebells 'mi- me. The re-eeenn.tiou of Roots Sy the imp.nsli.te hes been ',reedy offeielly anwoeneed Is the Weiw.r Ze•rswg •s follows r Ranh wall neco- p411 by .4. Aa.,nae Imo•o ein the 15th. The homed Neither et Abdo ►o• eploe.•1 and a sows - dem 4 heineve kill behind ire the eity Was .;• yelled by a divi.ino of imp -reel erwigdea. Alt p*pantlswo were mark for a general af•aw1,, het 43* 0.WM, retired, wIlbest accepting 11•td., to Comore . it deer eat soppier, however, then • regular di - 1..r ,rwl*N0s.lsarlen hes bee* yet re-er.Mished w,sh Pewit Tis. Noe** wteigtele thee ,booed M the ashen. sod Swift n.Ipny iso is Bear Geo Omelet's w.. i. Pesebe.g se the 16th 0.1 the bend.nw.•set sedde.iy "le the SSS• 4414 bdire him. Tee tromp, Mgs.e.,, die prPwp►rly es.weres..d4d, esd.esl m Rata, Th. B.eh•reoi Genet... ef the 604, Yates that Ste moil (rem Creamed% of that day MeeM14 gear from Nwmeseren of sem*" Wetly *bosh ale i test li POW Tee lBlii6sltB��MMts• 'weew•'LNwwrhr sisal MnWer w Asti* 1. the anew day w wht. h Leder. gdoed 14e ►r,M of S•in.•►•eg. O.. 11,0aed M tae right. Qs. Oat (Hew 1. el ,e. .t.9 rhe IgA wag. w► claret ,•.1. 1.0, .nal wiwriwsd • gwrly "01,"4"mor Hs•prtr. f.r.e : 1175 of the .ws*.y Idew. their arms. 11 •.m,... were [skew ree ere. - Teo 11 pneodere. Four envor0"ies russet and one warm with e.nr eta. ror4e.. teff ,she (40(1 heeds The H.sran•ne had *10 ewer b114.4. •.Pal she remelt a rhe slag t. 'he r•bef al 14e firs near ..f CS'I.'+carr, boon w hia•h • deparetswe writ .,. rblres rd then\• woe rot r• G -n H.••.•••. 7•h. Iris.. •roost• is.... that Commit. Rem •.d D•r4ra.4., wok se. .v. d the pail. 4.d 4.•d h.0re..• said Gam theism tore W.Ib'a. Th- R...t.a el.n•wiouieeer lead salved at Owe, e.,'• camp. end George, Md rest seders to the euv•n.m. of 0, .•I, Peterw.rd,lo sed Comoro to -telly*, up the Keys, .04 for the garrisons u lay dnw...h.,, ern. Lord Wmnw.nla.,J, Ibe R.m.h e•whssriorof Berlin, la.nb.4 el 1),,n no Wednesdaysheen& 6m p. m. An ,.npr..r tis ren,. to pr•v•il tb• his . werrected writ,! b connected wish .he 111re•d ,..reader of (Jeore•y. ah. seem -int d .trek w.• brought from 51'ar.etr to the Cue 4 Presses by the toloteet of the Enpernr. It 10, however. p•wsd,le that hi. Iordehin's vi.is may have refer- . Pace to • new hole alliance and repartIoaisr of Vamp.. wh"ch len.: of late begun to be talked about ie d.piornatic drdee. NIw OILMAN•. Rep(. '7. The Falcon arrvo.l la -t evening from Chagre., hating torched at Havanna on the 3,1 In -t. Privet•• lettere from Cuba +'ate Chet the Hood to in the up,test slt+e of ennalernn lion. but ,nn Lr not the elighle.l mention of In.nrrecttoner v mowmentr there except in a smirk instance, in whieb the ('.,l. aod several ,•Ricor§ of one of the reei- mentr were murdered. The ('a,'tain Gen. wit owing the most enorp.Iic measure• t.• enppress env attempt at rebelli..n le any portion of the Island. By an order of the Capt. General, the Patron Wa. prohibited from •eceiving any parrenper1 at llavann• !ten United .Stas, -e newspaper. were allowed to paw through the "nst-.ffet'.-Burfetin. 55'•A/U .674.N, Sept, 10. Gen. Teeter is rcpu.led to be still is very feeble health. A per.on war ran irking the ether day, •' ti,.w cheap form thing is tet r •• Not v.VERT rbiny, " .aid a friend. •• Why, what Ie not )' r Wnu.sn'" 0hr 1 forgot- w•n]IAu Is alesye DNao." Markets. Guar:Rica, Se4.t. 19, 11149. • £• a.. d. £ s. d. Floor per 4....!, 1 0 0• 1 9 6 Flour per I001h, (former.) JO o • u 11 3 Fall Wheat per bu,h.1, O 3 'o a o 3 14 Spring W heof per hush, o 2 6 o 2 9 O+[s per bush 34 Ib. 91. s 10d. Butter in kegs 5.1 Sinter ((cosh) 6J. s 7d. Hemp per Ib. 54 a 60. Peelle ler bushel, le 6.1 • L 19 Hy per tou £1 lVA • LI 13s. Eggs per doze., 4d. Toposro, Sept. 14. o. d. .. d O.ts per ba.hel, 34 Ib. 1 0 • 1 3 37 6 ■ 40 0 0 3 • 0 6 0 7i • 0 9 0 6 • 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 17 6 • 20 0 1 3. 2 0 1 6 • 1 104 40 0 • 511 0 18 0 a 20 0 n -Pa n. per ewe. flatter to k.na, per lb. Butter (Ir.rhi per Ib. Ilarne per Punk per 1110 Ib. Beet, poor 100 Ib. ('nisi,... per hu•hrl, Pease per bushel, 60 lb. flay per *1.0, Flour per barrel, -Glolie• • Mo.yoroi, Sept. 10. -Antras.-The tendency of the market ,. .•- wand.. P P. ase 36- to 37s GO, sod Pearl. 32aa. 32- 61, with trensnr,i.mn. F,.ocn -Since Ile• news brought by the NM- garp, which teethed us on F,tday evening bit. 0.e market hag been rather quiet : holders oak 23e generally, and but no. rr•n,aeti.n Ise tress - wed since, wh,c, woks ar 22. 94 for ',WOW& wper4,,.e,.a• er superfine a h• 1.1 •t 21. to 21s 3d. Faaiattesiave declined: 3a haw treets accepted iu ell tersely, both for i.nerpool and the Clyde. Naw Yong, Sept. 10. Astra -Market better hey Pons with sale. 411 brie $6t+7. Pearls$644•$660. F•t.oaa.-Market lower. 70,000 barrels 95 124 • 95 25, common State and !flitted, lifielii- pn, 9.-r1.3 • 95 62 Pere Genesee. GR.*.. -W heat market heavy and lower de- mand: limited .ahs Jnr!.74e 4.1410 bushels at 91 21 good Genesee, aod 1500 buanels at 91 8. BOryALo, Sept. 11. Prices of Anter, wheat and core, do not seem to h.ve touched bottom, and brayere are edtd.nlly holding back with a new of obtaining their supplies at still lower rates than now prevail. Wheat -some inquiry for prime Oh in, - hot at rotes bcl•,w Vie Plewa of sellers - some 3000 bushel,. good sanlu.ky-cargo of .chunnrr Navgat.n-.oIJ *goat at SOcts. Purk-slew doll at 1912. Leone,. Average 24- A S II -S-Csnad'iso Pot and Pearl are rilthsr note!, hot to pricee no eh•oge. At mection 54 barrio United SI•lee pots were token to at 31s. for the fleet port. 223 bariele Canada pot part *old firet onto sound fire, sort dammed. bettra degree GRAIN_Whegt. while old, 41s to 59.: neer 47s in -59e.. floe selected rung, new 32e to 54.-- Osts, Ellen+ new 15e to 20.., Scotch new 20. Flour. beet mark, new, wok, 32. In 344. Wheat. American 4.54 to 49, Cana& 41s to 47a. Floor, Americas sweet, 23s to 94e. Cana - dies sweet, 22s to 24.. PROVISIONS -America.. We have had • moderate smogs' beerier doing this week. and in most intense's, holden h•ve mteepted lower prices. II•coe ie io fair deemed ; 920 boxes w•r• offered •t *senor! et• Twestlay, but buyers decline to operate. exeept at reduced pri- HURON HOTEL, TAMES GF.NTLES, would respectfully 4,- •/ (nein the Inhahltants of Cmdetieh, arid 111 vi- cinity. thlo he will coe•tasttly Keep Horses and Carriages the patronage a the palette. JAMES GENTLES. 18th Sept. 1849. .2.33 -if HURON DISTRICT Agricultural Dinner. 11.. will be held at tb• H n Hotel ow Terre - day, the 1113.11 iselset.-wh all (needs of Agri• Cillt•Ve fire respectfully rn Moser* the TiMis at 111 echo*, P. 111.- Trekers JI,MF.0 GENTLER. flereeffetel. led &Pt, 1110. ff. 11.-Oteriegami mid Renee se et all Nossiseseig Ism an se. kW, a n44 ~um 1.• teiplueLt:011114 end. Ater Pilo. - ode. Wesel 11. Iletsed.4•01 le ytewo. /bawd II. espedesswl se pre tres. army VI. powdered is pewee. Cherie* I. esessuisd es • itealloid. A Ct. 'entip,-A enmity eerge-n, who woe kali, wa• yowling at friends hotme, whose a toeshlerable time, the doctor oaid. "low TO. VI Wt. Hop *errant r str, but se empty barn eyed* no Jading, (eh, Dennis, what la it " Whim, Biddy. PM Irving an expedmint !" 't Murthei ! what itt it 7" hot water to the chickens I VIP, IDOthey':1 he st• ther toying boiled egg* 1" At Tackersmith on the 14114 august. bk the Rev. Mr. Otarmot, Coneaseg to MIN Huron District Building Soeiety. THE FIFTEENTH LOAN MEETING Or the Society taker place at the British Hotel, on Saturday the 29th By Order, Cadent+, Sept. 20, 1849. Itv-n33 AND INTERMEDIATE P 0 RTS. THF. NF:W SCHOONER IS now ready to take in FREIGHT, sod °L will be dippetehed for Kingston the en ming week, providing can get NA cunt freight to pay her expeneee down -if not, ehe will comet direct beck from Detroit, wher, if the FlifITIPTP situp •ny quantity of not lees than 2400 up to 7.000 bushels 4 good quality wheat, *be will be durpatch- ed lor Kingston, where it can be sold -the Freight and maitrance only deducted, and the balance handed to the owners without delay, nothing being charged for commis- sion. kc. For Freight Apply to C. CraLb, Market Square. C. CRABB, Capt. Goderich, Sept. 18, 1849. 2v.-033-3 N. B. -DRY GOODS, Cotton Yarn, *- ported numbers, CLoice TIPS!, and asy quantity of FINE.SALT, at hie Store. CIAME into the Enclosure of the frisbeeiri- ‘-) bee, on tut about the lat day rd' July twit, YELLOW STEER, with • 'White Fate, rising Ewe yeirs 01,1. Tbe owner of the above Stwercan take bun away by pro - nog property. and paying expentese. JOHN CLENDENNING. 20th Lot, 6th and 6th Con. NIE into the enclosure of the subvert - her, on the 411) of May last,. RED and WIIITE COW. about Ave or istx yearn old. Th• owner is "rit4ptested to eall, prove prop- erty, pay charge*. •nd teke her sw•v. A N DREW PATRICK, Lot No. 16, 10th Con. Downie. Sept. 118th, 1819. 2v -o36 -3t o • • 163 CANADA" Lim ASSIMANCE THE &shadier having bees appointed "CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO.," is prepared to receive progesele foe Assu- rance, and will be happy to afford to any persist' the necelsory information, as to the principles of the Inetitution. JAMES WATSON. Goderich, 13th June, 1849. yln191f STRATFORD IRON FOUNDRY. HOML MANUFACTURE. finescribere in returning thanks In their Clistomere for the liberal •up nneilleen, We to hairnet., that they have Cooking Box & Parlour Stoves, 44. PlthegAs a eight deecripetneo, and cos - shining of the most improved Moulds. Self netles MU Dors, and venous other coo- ing.. Hayti.' rese•god as experiment (MINIM el the *west design, both sta Weer" Wed weArnettlei, and would *licit • cell keen intesitiag Purchasers before buy • reg eketehere. An orders pus qually at. untied be mad etemeted grids *esteem sad Stretford, 111A Ass. 1849. v9-nttlif rev rro Lir- To * Clerk" sad oi the Dirimion comm. %nix hpegorovaz f». Ireton Comm 114.411mtnet. bee greets**. es is *sestet them* ievireed=gestati- tors t bee bers~ *aid co I? efts - 1.11.0 WO 10 040 1111001 ges‘h three - punt we urt111011111111 gamine tfe ,tatga Pim tonging ie will be Soli at the &mei file* at IdOinggroal erten it. et is September 1349. If 0 Iii! ! THE Sobecriber begs to *form the inianb- be lies reettked • Love:Supply of the Latest Improved'Patteens of AND PARLOUR STOVES 'which he offers for SALE at very Reduced Piletnafor The Soliocriher also keeps on head, am spinal. at hie 011 Stand, • Large asd very Superior Assortment of of every deeuript ion. The eutescriber takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to !Ise Public fur the very liberal patronage he Ass recei- ved one* he has been in business is God* rich, end hopes by strict attention to homi- ness., and moderate prices, to costume to receive a 'Hare of the poblic patronage. N. H. -GRAINING, PAINTIG, GLA- ZING, PAPER and BELL HANGING, carried on as heretofore. WILLIAM STORY. Goderich, 6th Sept. 1849. 2,-4431t1 • LIST OF LETTERS It up to 4th September 1849. Albert Wm. Marti. Hoary Allison Wm. Marta &yam Brunner George Muir Jas. [Delimit) Beaton Jatnes Moser Joseph Bartle, Wm. Mcklicbol Colin Burnard Ann MeFarlase Alex. Clarke George McClutehy Thos. Leeson Rd, Nei** Deed Clyne Wm. Nelson Matthew Corns Ed. Ogelbic Jas. Chester WM. Phalin Dennis 'Campbell Thos. Purdy Georg* Carley Jno. Petrie Alex. Corcoran Path. Purdy Wm. Colt no Math Ph, ppo Mr. Camels Mini Robins Wm. Caurgrove Joe. Rodger Wm. One Patk. Robert eon Jos. Dunn Thos. Ryan Jno. Davidson Wm. Russell Leonard Denoted' J. F. Smith Wm. Densmore Joseph Stotietiff Geo. Dromin Jacob. Switzer Geo. Gooly Jno. Smith Jesse Hubert Nicholas Stewart Duncan !lollop Wm. Thompson John Hoy Sarni. Thompson Wm. Hilton 0. A. Taylor Sopftia Hamilton Hugh Tracey James Jordan Wm. Taylor Wm. . Klein George Wilson Emanuel Kennard Thos. Williarne Thomas Love John %Valls Thomas . Metherall Wm. Whale Mr. Mills Andrew Write Palk. A. F. !MICK LE, Postmaster. Strati...id, Sep. 4th 1849. nELONGING to the ettbscriber, between AU' his Store asd the Dietitian Court Of- fice, un Friday last, 13th Instant, Two PROMISSORY NOTES, Vit.! One JOINT NOTE against JOMN EINEM •nd CHARLES DuetiltoTY, for' £3 188 9J., drawn payable to James Phelan or bearer, and endorsed by Julies. Plielan, post Dlick Smith, for £3 12s 60.r -drawn paya- ble to Christian Sauger, or bearer, written in Geritian, •Iso pa.t due. This Is to cau- tion any pereoo from purchasizg the same, or the above parties paying the Notes to any person but the atibecriber,--and any person finding the above Notes will much oblige the subscriber by returning them to Stratford, July 1Gtn, 18 19. 2v -n3011 CHOLERA 1 CHOLERA ! PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURi. RESTORATIVE BALSAM, roll TICK CiAlt Olr BUMMER COMPLAINT AND CHOLERA Price Is 3,1. per Bottle. (17" It has been attested Ity experience. and toun.'ed on the tart, that an altack of the Cholera is generally preceded by Pren e and Diarbert„ being wi, bout Pain, and t interfering much vitth health, io goner ally mot noticed, until it is followed with decided Cholera ! The time to pr. -rent Ow. Dieroare. iv to have reentermv, on its Bre, appearance. to 1Ieniteit a Restorative Biel goat. which will prow* effiescsaus In •tayine its pt ogre**, and preventing the Cholera. - 14 easeelof decided Chelera, the above Me- dicine will be of Immense eilifiriCe. No F Duly should be without • Bottle ol this Balsam no hand. Prepared only by J. Hewlett, 96, York Street, Toronto. Meson. P. 11. Clerk k Co. Pori Strait - Mr. Wm JoeseRyderibina. Own. amok Goderich, 90th Antoci 110. .2-599. AtlTseOi_ [JUROR DISTRICT, / drIN Meads, the ' hclobet neat. • 01 bet Sold at the Cs ea r el awes ,HheerceDes, ore*,640.1,11: the menlet belonging, Isy Metall 411.0e W Wes Ezp000ti, owe* pet elf the Comet lammed) Mooch, sod to ese erected. et he reeseeetive mate cif Rees Rerbertimes. Kober,- Murkrewell. Jelin Streeisaa, ,see, land Jegespostieg. Pletac.11,- di.° by mei* ad tee Willa a rmageks, .rd Arneltes W. Kippers, JAphoelloolop to alt., a part wad poetess el. Sleek 0. 110 the Hume District, *tete T110111160dbed The above Sale le Peeposed se leseary 1860. JOIIN WOOS ALS. Glodenvh, elope. Mk 11119. Coroner's Sale of Lend, gad HURON DISTRICT..? 1112Y vines MI a 76 sr, Wttkpt /Seri Court of the Dtetrict ie Facia^ issued out of Het M.100tretlits be Coroners of tLe Huron D.strirtp anti to me delivered, against Ills Leads WWI Te••• went, ot Frederick Clarke, at fh• oust of John McDonald, I hove seised and teatett to, execution. Lot eursier Elegies. *eh •ide of Light Hotise Street. or Lot twining number Stair in flhe Too+ of Coderteh, containing one quarter id •0 sere ot Lead. he the woe more or less, together %%lib the Frame Do edict Howse and other appures- ease* to the said promisee belonging, which I shall oder for Sale at the COURT ROOM, in the Huron Distri_t G•isl, is the Town of Godersch, on Thursday, the eighth day of November next, at noon. GEORGE FRASER, One of tbe Coroners, Huron District. Godench, 5th August, 1849. t 2v -n27 THE FOLLOWING ARE PREPARF.D & SOLD BY J. HEW- LETT, 9,5, YONGE STREET, TORONTO4 Arid ey Avow Arms* as Prooistao. Hewlett's Restorative Balsam, Pots, Is. 3d. pee Bottle - This Redman • safe and etheariose cum foe Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Bloody Flue, Relaxation, and that disordered 'tate of the Boise* so prevaleat 110fIllf the hot weath- er, knew, es the Surname Complaint else. for the Omelets Rothe,. Hewlett's Embrocation, • Pries Is. 3d. par Beetla. For the Cure ef Rheumatism, BURNS, Stehle, Bromete, Sprats*, Swellings, Crimp, Chilblain*, Cute, Green . Wounds, grilreppp in the Joints aod N. eh, Numbs**, Pties, Eruptions is the Skin, lac. foe. OR, STRENGTHENING BITTERS. Price Is. 144_ per Beals. rot the core of 14 eel( Digeefinn, Nam Diseases, Nine io the Stomach. Loma etr Appetite. Geoeral Debility, Palpitation. of the Heart. Consiimptios, kc. to- Thu. Medicine is one of tbn bad** cheapest in circulation. CANADIAN FRIEND; OR. For Cowing Corrupt Iona of every iletierip. lion, Ulcerated Sore Legs, Boils, filealit. Chilblains, kc. Hewlett's Apperient Family Pills FOR BOTH SEXES. A remedy for rini Events., Paine and Gid- diness in the Head, Disorders of the Live* Stomach, and Bowels ; also, lodigestrete.. Price 9d. per Bor. HE WLET"I"S FOR BOTH SEXES. A remedy for Costiveness, Paine serf Qat. dinette In the Head, Dieorders of the lareelfe Stomaeh. and Bowels ; also Indigestion. 07" To the many prroona mho ohJect tn the taking of Pdle, therm Powderw; are re,- ommended, and for Children are preferable. -Price Is. 3d. per Bottle. Pram Is. 3d. pee Breds. and Cosureners. They remove .11*dr/trac- tions on the Stomata', at the same limo Strengthen the Digestive Oresno, Extricate Hinge Pains attendant 'von Disorders of the Stomach, act as • Tunie Upon Relaxed Hewlett's Pectoral or Cough Pills Price 34 per Bee. For the cure of Cough+, Asthmi.-e. These edmirable Pills are to..oChonetletat to the epeedy removal of Cotighe, tel eve ditfl• otilikecte, and procure the re (7e.hing com- forts ol real and piece. Hewlett's Dinner Pills. PRICE ls. ad. pee Bor. For rentovini Obletruetions on the Cheer. felt lifter eating, parivetilerly •fiter [hunter. caused by great Weakness. alio Debility l• tlepolhgestive Hewlett', Infant's Soothing IMPORTANT To MI iTHERS k Mrs -see. Por earring Pauli In the Bowel* snd Ste- po general with Infanta, expelling the Price Le. i. per Bade. RotO by B. PARSONS, Goidorich Desere. P. B. Clark k Pert Sande. %-si CHERRY sad PINE (.011111ER by DANIEL CORDON