HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-08-02, Page 11.0.1O
:.41441„:4 4 41 *bout year treethej itetvint
, es therele 'only ea* ewe way iectuatu dog
antelth, rutd: not Why wing it; Sew perorate
weelth‘ whiie others gala intleprarlettet bY *tram ,
I loch. imt tho',ffititt umorio, ot,poople ',coma COOPetkrWe
-by speralios Rea PIMA 4•146PIII0-101114 '.0114Og abribtub:.
Top$t per: ;mt. ruter,,ISa depeeita,alet
• it viOtfir4:Ym 4koy'txxoek
Card thanks,
The undersignekilailngsok)
fils4r4r);;$1oes. F,
OTLAND,of Toronto*deSire
exterittAit tbanysia rho 1)6 -
pie„ ,00defitlt,find
or their gemou* pattonage
h pas4; a.od: to' :ask
s cessor.a Onthuyince of the
saine.' Mr. Milton iout 1,14
itortiik of thg aupport of
it*O14 eostoroor. of this' etOre
§, AS W f0
OliTer A the
ttte Will 41 41040,
leitatesem She sank& ent.4
ins ettirte the ettatee w haw
it have wl Isenit
seetor will rtotbe liehte
lel distributed, 1
hose ISOM *WO OW **6 te.
at, es 3011NOMN. Sake* for ifeetiater.
fit 4 16tix flay at Alex
;4 • 'TO
To I-45 a .ileelohk;Ite-fitit"preiteOlt Of
140ildittAtio hdifY er 400154' - let 'eget
14/844 t),,P,I; of votes:tor...ova: agehiSt the
ate&a4tbeisdrinait tbateber -et the-TOW4
eellnderleti the 2StIt tleY Ot My 1907
'.4(1.SEPH'Effti/Ort,'" ct. JoAmilax.
lieleYLANV..N. 16190. r
-11-•° • ,
' Norits:, :
tost.11 cro
A ItYlaNit,91V.'PROVAISicOrt,'M
. PRIr544rk•A10-ppOtoOlF00
lk,:-Avottm 4f4d
Lxci .'syST
OX0,14; 01V,B94.110
110140t Origittro
COUNT' 14 JAz/e40:1wr
WIMptehlthe(AWA ot,054044411,1i0
strbc ,And' tot .seateulttarat Inatatal.
Yakut' elect -SO :light',.seille
talelible4e,leater Met nielittothatelexpita
theseld(Mwe end ,PlIntle,(1Urpesas. ti
!Make eleee:tbroltg4 WM* Itia.wetee.1
Muted loelho,porpeimemer
oaersie 111601keteidefectlre.; b
',•*titti3hettlarre SO. tette. OOPY. 'et a ,17reertillid
ItYlit.Wkidthlt1 neett tAkedleteekneederatteer
„epktehleireelliee4ealle...ealeitid he,thel7ounee
or Me -Mentelptette tle:theevelit 014.bettingittt
ne'ine-electent_enee obteinetVtbeettiol,aftee
ffo101e /ft tiatilintlibtatttitTeel.
/MAX. rOlhatoil
, (/ TinneelayrttWisb•dair 43314t,360aileti2
tvein 44,wie04, thrrig tt*golfi wawa,
X..;QP the vbres of tior-0100te
1 -
Ir$WArtn tit be odd to an/ Part
Olirt t 0.ProsetigF; 41014al?tr
xri Xesekoteiblo,$otele peleini by % &Aug- 0F.0,
041 ts t11. On.Wedne, (42,'Jtitio20; 007.
_ M41.41414
b PAntfolenett;.111iy 13,1W7.-
3; lallnieircoiNetirereeArnt
tioTt ,Ppeflittd Wit tiannan•kr "AIM,
tOeteediurayn.i.eax 49, Goderteh, Ont. .
1-1W.'i WANTED.- To learn tha printing
Ittlii;44 tat 4e.tthertta. ttr"loPrttr.;
rigittgse-Appb:21nelereAt toc4411:
4 ARM r OR- Sit, JThe farm belonfiing to
ogaenen, ICO ;tares. frertie-eotastre, with
Welton woodabed ; barn 41x Z1, `Do gtono
beeei Mendation end-stablinglendernenth • driving
'sthatI.-.Forni- is ail nieueed, about7oLacre •
uneeremined ; artesian Well and withhold',
largo °Whorl, ail well fenced. Venus oats' be
arranged to Bud perch/Wm% -Apply to Wm.
Metiormetts Lirervmao, Luoknow.
1/013SES FOR' SALE...Tim new brick.
.1:11,. houses, eight eadh. Bathe,fur-
haceeend other InOto ehaventeueee. • 1.,riee
reaVenable, Terms to suit purchaser. Apple
at Tim Gammon Pietiono Mite.
VOE SALE, (MEAT'. a Happy Thought
'AI Range in geed condition. A bargain.
Het address at &mistletoe.
AN ' tiV eatd lfebirek 'bee°
Ala Int firth. .e.00 n ';,Ptirgroillalotters
FlirhIelle01351110.•FrOirlsions .Or The MinliciPal
water WorM Art and. The Municipal 144
and Heat s160Ft •
Haire deteetri lied that 1 Is teleirehle toentP3nrI
the letakepielf of the sea`, Water Varlet ays.
sedltnetdationf basin:int ,lienneettritt thcrowli ,
tem notberititotlionaidialtesetretaconstreer
and to eicteed the Melee to ',,preetae,rot the
oreaelegnserMf the.watete end benireetaisted
the Couttel,Lof TOW01 te.hkii3.0 tattd0
for the saAllurp000:1 '
forth ilitneudigl-tbetZhe'. itiCotrielright
AstVet iniAtitialittifilltiMP011600r3
itidedtayttosidelor.the ittimebre
leg umethereebeed-liareerequested tho
co„„,,,a toto, r000 roe thanue eur0060.
Aren,WnEneatithe estireabi:bf the east ef
' the seta weriefurienteetttetl'hythe said Cern.
nasal is 11
Extension ot 'intake. PIRA`11101 Works
coned/010k tisareen.,„ .... 111,236.00
$ Sedeneetatempasin end -Worse cote • • •
soetlear th reed ^ 4600.00
cost of instsonee ditionamerylem2,000.00
Extensioe vlaW . • .. ,• • 2,303.06
Cast of .extoltIding loetriellginplains 1,000.00
, , ,
AND VA as debt of 10teal Int
. incurred 44 peen- of, cep Mt 'expendi
upon the said Light Vi.rstzfrn,
cannot convoidoilat .hrt ciakl 'DUCA( the
dinarr revenUe'et.; the , Amid. frown or „or
said Heston; and ILIA 31eintied rahnsa.b1
the said Tenn. • . •
Wmuututieigeonsideted that the itg,
tension ot the said .1vnteir Werke ,atal electric
light systems le deshable, end will produce a
larger revenue therefrom, -and that the Mid
monies should be borrowed Or the. said liar -
AND Weems:min Order bo
neceseary to isOtte dablatiteres !rif th ',Totter pf
uoderieh for the suns 14' 11-27,Mn(I' hsreto.
atter provided Inditelr.le theAmount of the'
debt intentledt4 be:erbated csenrlaw) the
proceeds of 'the Said neboottlreit to bo applied
to the sald perporsfaxtildtit nopther.
AND AToNaluce..1103 total emount'reguired.
hY "The Considldated Idttniclind Act .of 1.003„,
Lo raison. nv, speelat rate during
thirty year4for toying the sem debt and in-
' wrest, ls the (Wm et 117119,Sit
Ann WU_ Mese .tif4 $ o Matto the
.ald debentxtree.,Ab ono Liras. and .to
the principal Of the ea15- debt repayable Mr
yearly autesdnrIngtho period' of thirty years,
being the eueronet.of ,the skid 'debentures ;
, said yearirlficinlis Ming,' of inieh .raspective
anwuntathat the aggemette *Mount peyeble
each peal. for principal end leterest.in tespeot
of such debt shall be tte ttearlY aft Poseihio
equattelhe payable In each of tee
ether twenty -Mee refire of tee, said perfect.
AND WrigneAtt the, etrientat ot."the whole
rateable preperty el,thtelrown of Gedorleh
necording,tothe last.reelsed.aasesemeht rell
thereof le $1,80%298:05- •
AN17 WHO„OAS'ille abOtillt or the existtog
debenture. Wad, 'Of the fold „thottictiolitY
$217,M0.47 kettles/1M of local Mierovereent•
debts. vomited hylitledial getet, remit .4e assess-
onts) wherete vio principal dr Ibtereet le
arrear. ' •
THINUNPOON Gm. MeniciPal Emitted of t
CorporatiOne tee W or Ooderich enacts
follows .
1. The emit Of Wei) Alba oepended
the Towner Gederich4e extendingthe inta
constrtictIng h eedenettlat on battle theref
Pipe or the eatd,itetee veers elegem. and
owl in works Ifiehlentel th tete, end t
estons100 tettlee,Cend the. installation of
pipes toe etenaleing useN of Vetter, and the
Row of 11M0310stiell les.extientied tor extend-
ing the otainfl et the.Elettrel Light uyetem,
and the MOM 111000,00_,Rieilkebe expended in
the payment, ef tedMitedneseinettetod on rale
I tel a00011(Wiritelipect of the neer aystem.
2. Fertile peeve° eat resttig the 'said olio
debentnteS ot. OP) geld Toe:mixt the Whounber
of tiepteinber.'1004 erteh Of, telt debentorce
127,8statle elfatellitte holler the firth dnY
sholl bo detedierthe dee Of e loud thereof,
after at the ank et Mentrettl, In; the said
and shell be paiable,witiola t,terte yea* there -
Town of nodet ete
each of the sela ileirenturea ahall be
Awned bY theltlayor Alto Raid (Fount, or be
me Whet,. optattr eethatIree be Dylan. to
sirfn the SablWitiit 15Y' OW Ireasuret. of the
con., IC
SAL -ET -Good home, nplpodid location.
ant ria Road.
tura 'Furnace, elec trio Itght, all modere eenvenien.
me cos. . Good new stabla Largo grounds. Apply
or. at oncu, G. M, ICLIJort, „. ,„ , ,
ot,,g 1000Mi TO RENT.-Sultable 'tor studontri
Imo -SKr -or-qattonter-viftitorw-- Atapi, -to-terrot
titmice frulie. The i101480 g heated by hot
water and has an modern Improvements. A
it0 R. WHITELY orloh.
10101f SAL.E.-Lliousoon Xnahsttoot Mndern
(r) tout frontage, adjacent toEquare.
Mrs. S. A..Corneh ofrom her handRome rest.
dence on Keyes& for 'tale. thio a brick store,
photograph and bakery, in Myth. -See these
0. F. CARRY, Real Estate & Ina Agenoy.
DIMIKABLB ottoornew eam SALE. -
'Well situated between &kluare and
Lake. With good house and wirae, For par-
ticulars apply ors promises.-Mue. Goiclutt,, St.
Patrick 'Street.
r o taster. the fine residence, on South
hatroot, recently occupied by Mr. It Pork.
Ise the roetos over Downing St MelticarCit
Slide etore, on the Senare.--A-inde J09.
SLIOR SALE.--Xwenty awes excellent land
.12, for market garden, meth good buildings
and fences, two miles front Goderich-having
tivOlteresin orchard' of tipples, pears, plums,
cherries, peaches grapes nod raspberries,
Prico and terms favorable. Apply to TQLIN61
It ROBERTSON, Ooderich.'
_ -
FOIL SALIC.,-Two new Dwoilings on Angle-
- -
sey St. A comfortable Dwelling on Pieter) St.
/wilding las on Elgin Avenno,EReexSt., Cede;
St. end Pine St.
• WANTRD.-.d. few Purnhined Munro or
Rooms, near Hie Lake front, to rent for tbe
suntotor seasou,
ileellOPERTY FOR -SALE.- Tho desirable
0-tindigirZ41;117PV; 1:11."Rutithel?.adtePti
house and twettarde of an ro of lend With
..n ci Town, a theelerXhh 1A1tAchlher010
the corporate tieet erthelilinifeitlalltre,
,. . ,
4. ThaesIddebenturetelettleinlefeterestat
the rate Of fiew' Red; A balt:Ptr tFoif MO tier
roommlayebtfryearly'at the seta Beek oft
the fifth eyesetteattieter in &taken& every'
year dor ng rite elltrOtterthereere ,', • '
5. nutlike the' eineeneY eethie Rate debtin-
t tires thete *halt .1S1 seieterattestottlitc by Speelel
rale on ell the'ritteable nreperty Iii the tedd
Town ot Gederldh!nOrti Of41,08•60,der the
purpose htlitiltlidt 6:Atnetifi6dIteritt eiteh a
the said yeare (beer richiet mid Ilument In re-
upeot•of .t N1..1%04110* e . ',
6. The heleele Otto mitt eebeetesee 441,
an far 11.4 thiVellitillOtheroby AtIthellted Yslii he
expended lit *Net' er ille ZAK witter.erorri
system le cousteneel„,:elitoti tiara.* preferent AI
charge upon the Peal ..Ymiteir sedrell end t 0
tenth ano ttnetetet epeetteiniste theetto ter
..,nering tbeneyrdent of the ertid-debrinturan
to tho egtenhettlus.ttlotilea hottest* ter the
purism:met thtrestaavater Winks. ,,
, .
7. ThIsItylase *bait otitecgiet ow ewer
the finahglitsin$01,Ken(„1.-
s. Tim Vete ef the MOO& ef theseldTeten
tioaerieh *belt .1)1t tektet, tra fide Inetter
• the fonowieg tittleated lealrthiltie 'WOO
or, teetteday. thellith tlitY ' Motet. 16117.0 rOnt
moneing the'britte etiele cteek.Itt the fore -
neon awl t111 /tee )0 clock Ift Meek
ternnoe of the None 60.37. the rolentirer
Poway Itettenieet frieeste: ,
Potting Se $00 4 At Thotnatieri
sees Weed Beetkeerldeet
Poll ClertrOure ittenteltetent.
ise °meets
ratline fieliolle on Nt‘v. 64;1 VIAtilleit
store, v an, Pell (a rk, and tbanea
HAW, MY Metter Diteen.
Pellielaalsil lee Nalidtt the fontt feat
VotratiPtIftketto 11 (11664 "4 '14r"64 ii`Vtin"
Polling let
gown, rir it
noosed Ileitis*.
fooreeby w
Reline ite
w tastteLe•
Ofr Ft
the Melee
the tkelbell
be thel
Of -10404
4 5'
hat Its Nattier exe eser.itiseea
ritOtherg. Vier/400d+ tea' bank et Met
utentninginfleer, Wen tenet, Orsteri
The highest caeh ptice paid
for any quantity of. Fall and
Winter Apples.
It will pay you to wait until
you see my agent or myself,
personally. If you canuot
waits write rne.
D. CAN/1151.0N,
ClIntong Ontario
. gem. esAili Xeirrrs '
'or soillog._buying Or ratting toWn one farm
property-. Firm 'and Life losurfrorw. Mut%
North lido. Quirt House Square.
KolittE FIRCICETT, Genera 2Auctioneer
trilliarrillteD %feet nederieh. P. O. Hoz
receive spec et ettentiou. will buy jtonr
k AVM, rriuttddek, AMA MI other ;taloa will
tieestockof lousehold Funetureoted will OW
spot istsb orient. Let me knotewhat_yon have
tet Staid 4trtine Or Pail and tee whet este
tell emu ,Edneue inr0KATT.
c•bon node* .,
DI18. MO1E118014 & TI/Ittent/Lb.
A. T. Pantioeitet, ae.
W. f Tertteatitt, mx It
°Mom, Hantiltelt Ett. 'P11006102'
Dr. Etretraoneettesidenetesee elette EOM,
tYpeases Vittot Is te. Chinch, Pheee fel.
De Tembuire Reselerieee.teenea
Next ebstee Stows lease rei.
if. MAMIll, M. It.
st Speeded *Retitle& CO
offirritute Idenee
No; es.et'terseWalteitei
le noteralegOefete.
Pelt tecietetiorl 4.1.-4,Weit. •
atel. tete
geelltera •
Mout:, t
belt atteed at
ta 'Tined' lie
ot the
WACO. 0601
or the Sexseet le& teett IOW
&Se Menne trots,,
an "
; thei teet mitt *Mine V./U.0041011M*
alt*Porst too the riot piennel 'OW*
, t11.0 PAC,.
" s*lag.potaiased the Oro
tispesa of E. W. THOMSON,.
soireit yOttf Omitinned pafrOn*
ogo)f.tiiiWstore, and wit; pro-
gOOd';seiyie4 to ail cnsto.
niers, With fresh Drugs and
'1*p:4:Ate liAes,of other goods
In „thismilne business, and
larOftl 1 attention to y o et wan le,
te Ireeplitis stere up to
high, Statglatd Of past
ttiooma:: Gentrat .61116
sexteeo aterwaxtv
and th.e SOO
Leaves Goaericb, bound down, every
Weduesday, at e.so a. m.
1;eaVee Gederich, bound up, every
FridaY, at 9.313 p. _ .
TcZketa, Bertite, and information,
can be bad ftesnl.
Local Agettt at Goderich,
Sault Ste. Marie, Mich,
Via North Channel of
Georgian Bay, ,
For Port Huron, Detroit,
Toledo and Cleveland
Saturday. at 7:30 A.
WILLIAM LEE, Local Agent,
A.,. MAXWELL, 'Traffic Manager.
The Goderich
Mineral Water Co.
are prepared to deliver to any part of the
wed quarts ; also MINERAL WATER,
three sizes, splits, pints and quarts ;
These goods are made frotn NATURAL
MINERAL WATER, therefore free from
'ALL itnpatities.
'PRONE 201. Mantger.
The illegal use of water trips and
lawn services in prevalent.
Lawn services may only be used
from 4,00 p. tn. to 9 p.
An Inspector will 'Occasionally visit
different parte of the Town.
Violaters of the Regulations will be
By order of the Commission.
M. 0. 101-114STON,
See'y W. and L. Com.
The Sterling Bank- "
Incorporatell by Speeial Aet of the
Detutnion Pediment to receive
Itigheat current rate of interest
, paid in our
* '
DP lank AParill181#
(eidetic/Aft of et and upwards,
tutereet fal and compounded
It0t1 TIM -ES A ItEAR.
Dra belied And gold.
,ttratistitted. -
it. General hettiting Business
ootatictor BRANCH ;
. GAM:131,,E, anuriger.
e$Will•ft Ar1U
Issiter of Mirriege hieenses.
Ght. ,
!OA rititviiiij touttaiitent Or the
x flOVelibt Assectritlen 6
get the fhb filet I ee
era' 44* tut ethiblifett
47*$ Aso Potre iNoixtsioom-
4.**otitigut thtkbOy vtak 1064 on,
Mentloc eveoltutonenthere 00. preotent
Witter Will beeopplied 'the G. end G.:
4r,tui 4.4touor 1st, 140%.*tt vents.
Per*. or4ltotot .4.1eatter hervIce watt
grant** to Mr. ;We. on:Trafalgar Be!
to lor pot In when one elreadSlirialle4'
fOr VROO. liktottings -*put ink atullter.•
vicettwera. gestntedir MOW*, Ciente»
Jen *Owe en ghthoutie- etreet.
.110001111t* Ware: 014 and ord,erett paid
oat folloricse, .Tatnee'Morritten Go.. :$1,4 .i/O;
0 4. IWO% 032;94- t4eoege
t Gan. 911. ig/fi._4,V; P; Zee,
10.0; *IP, It efee
grextt:t tilt4 the .etOPIOYOOS hove their
ohlre se; anon as Otto, eau be. or -
Reg foe :by theengtheer.
; thoidt01401011,.,,,Vengearas
alto aro the RAI
im; 011-v., !own
..ot.y.o.r.dhlreo„verilt. ',Trust.. so or s000na, big demonstration
*la:Postern. ineve„' been leaned ter oap
th, 44 (SPAM *Peat 6014.0d _while the nr oar a in of the 48th
wthehren ilonce3 etbsi‘reatcli thostor91143re rue, tilithlandera band for the eVening
e tutcanc. °Igoe lot net Ittrihtble C011eert le Merle well Worth "it, visit
* torees et theeetatsesodistelputed te 't0,. fleatorth. Thie bewail band will
hav4'ite4eriiO4,001 otetWv400.„f„, 91ariliii,',1141°. 144W, 440. ii„Ipp.ly Initide dUrineil the ientire rinT,
leeticep; aloc,„hiee)ei, kit ebole alkitvotuto: ,Pittlf.XinglIrerAte3 Oil t e rat waya, rod
at Augeste1007. after ethPaki date sr 011- ril, Jet sale Otto the teeny *Vents alto y
betake"Ge4kx*s;Ald4:" 441,4aRoe°0148,,Anzl,t0: „. ,liAl the program the counxilttee have
013. *
the 141141AY Aitgeti
EX0011t4r, r
c dot .
in eaforth on Vriday Angust
lat odd vomiter wit ortbote Tags ,sportet program le 5 goon one
norasanoaegannte ening Geee-IV; WARM fOr erneen train.% On There eY,
,esSelknellit beeettiedon or Oster° the jeth aaa valid ttl retina atly train leattittr.
/width, tam Neecuter. decided2oto give an additional foot
4,1 'new
4 pebble that front the Ms& ditto 'Of this
netleeff wilt not be respensiole ger enr debt Or
dere collected In no alone XVittleat.166
fibdefitt July elee nee.
NrOTICR-1-You ere no etiebt, fsnitemplatitgr
a.ei building this spring? In view Of the a
eroding pries of brieke atelleether, vase WOO
ere ranking eartycotttracts. J. LAMS
They:ANC. tt., Architect, Lendon,00t.
,Bis charges, designs and attentel, u to clients
coinpare favonibty with BOY la 0=4130.
11/ROWE'S CRANG13$ fIROWN'‘ bee
I -P changed hie ebop front Victoria to
Angles's% Street, near Petam Okerell.
And has changed hie prime too-poye double
tor everything %Moline. Bair, hon0raaltt408.
home bair, copper. bress, lead, (leathers, se we
sad al1 kinds (shod:. / Woo the eecotole.tura
Oren, roam who has anythieg to sell should
send mo word. I Will cell And Mir
takentelseeedeoloavatheeeneeeee tv
wr tele (11`. Ati Perrelle littetzail
. Metaxon, nritannitteenda Oode
One nr two Wads_ Is-the-rivirent
weekly delivering, image the prtani quoted aro
not standard ooes, oats being above their
tnerket value.
Cattle are still flint for best qualitioti, export tn
being In demand.
Lantb and veal am getting warm, Mashie.
dereand being strong.
Several loads et new hay -bare been sold on tho
rearket from110.00 to 1112.00.7
'fruits-liolde dew:- newpotatees are -n
Butter andizept ara at Met weeks Quotation
worth from LOOto $1.20.
fOurrent whotettate prices corrected
tolteort 2200=tay.)
Fall Wbeat to to
Spring wheat, standard ' 0 to,
Flout, per owt., patent . 200 to 260
Flourkeier owt., faintly 2s to 2 40
Bran, -per ton 21 00 to 24 00
Shorts, per too 422 00 to 22 00
Screenings, Per Um 18 OD to 18 DV
Oats new 0 50 to 0 50
Barley 0 50 to 0 53
Peas 0 72 to 0 72
Rye 0 48 to 0 48
Buckwheat, eer !mewl se to 0 SO
Hay, new .. • ........... 00 ta 13 00
Butter, par 0 18 to 0 17
, per dozen 0 15 to 0 Pi
nod, per cord 6 00 to 6 68
Cattle, to -4 ea
attleverdinarg and butobrene 3 25 to 4 00
Lanabn, spring 4 60 to 6 00,
Shoot; tat ..... ..... .• 3 50 te 00
Hogs, live weight 6 63 to 6 Oil
flaws, par lb ........ 0 00 to 0 76
Bacon. long olear 0 15 to 0 15
Hides . 72 to 7 00
Sheep mine 0 15 to 0 15
Tallow, rendered 0 05 to 0 05
Chie.kons-baroyard chicks, per lb . to to
--orate fed 0 II to 0 12
New Potatoes 1 at to 1 20
Raspberries. por box 12 to 11
rttee'ef yatele. ta be C°111111ted t°P
by,farmere et the couety of Huron or
Perth only and for which liberal
prizes will he offered.
Tun Wisner Moe. 0o. -An Informal
Meeting of the Town Council, mein.
boa of the Board of Teade and repro.
flentatIves of the Bogen Mfg. CO. waa
held in the Council Chamber last
Tliehtlatt evening, to diecues the pro.
pos., els Marie by the convent, for the
advance oethe moneye authorteed by
tbe belie* which was voted on last
winter. Under that bylaw the com-
pany were to receive a loan of e25,000
and an additional sum of $10,000 when
they should have made a certain ex-
alenditure tor the enlargement of the
works, but there has been souse differ-
ence of opinionas to the valuation of
tbe plaitts hence the delay In teaming
the debentures. Mr. Reitz, president
of the Kansas Gity.,00., which is now
doing a large business, his brother, a
solicitor of that eity, and Mr, Folios -
tee. Of Steathroy, a welt- huowo capit-
alist and railway supplies centraetor.
were present and each addressed the
eeting In support of the contpany's
position, but there eeing atilt amuse
doubt on the part of 7..nue of the Coun-
cil, it was agreed that the tuatter
would be dealt with at the Council
neeting this (Friday) evening. Mr.
olinsbee pr.oposea a, reorganization of
the company, which would include
plans in extension of those proposed
some months ago, and from the anent -
meets made these changes would
promise a large and most enccessful
industry. In view of these facts we
hope the difference may be arrenged
satisfactorily and the organiznelon
mentioned by Mr. Folinsbee carried
' Page
norms by Auction -M. A. Pigott St Co.... 8
Seasonable Bargains -W. A. McKim 8
The Ladies' Wear John Stead
Fhird Week of Solo-Hodgens Bros
/3.vla w No. IS- Town of Goderteh .....
Mid -Summer Sale -W' C. Pridham
Eyesight -11. C. Dunlop
Mid-Stoonter Walstn-D. Millar Co
Clearing Summer Goods -J. 11. Colborne
'Lb the hinders -M. R. Power Co ......
Busiffess Change -H. W. Woolson... .
It. C. Bus. College-i'..A. Farquharson
Apples Wanted -D. Cantelon
Range for Sale -Swat Wilco
Residence for Salo -0, M. Eillett
Housekeeper Wanted-leanc Salkeld
Houses for Sale.-130derteh Planing Mill
Fann for Sale -Wm. Aleconnall.
gown Xuptcs.
A PRI216 WINN/M.-Miss Oral Stod-
dart haa been declared winner of the
gold medal offered by Victor Laurie.
ton, of Chatham, to the pupil obtain-
ing the highest marks In the High
School entrance e/ouns. from Goderich
Public Schools. If has been suggested
that the presentation take place dur-
ing the students' reunion in August.
anti that Mr. Lauriston make the
preeentation, a feature which
would give added pleatorre to his
many friends here. Mr. Laturisten as-
sures Trig Henn that the Medal will be
continued horn year to year, as he ap-
preciates the old 9ehoot where he him-
self studied sorne 15 years ago.
Mailmen IN 'Amnon. -At the Bap-
tist parsonage, London East, on Wed-
nesday, .ttily 21, Charles Warren, sec-
ond son of It W. Ball. Goderich, was
united in marriage to Miss Rosina
Marguerite, third daughter of John
Doidge, of 375 Eva street, London
East. Miss Florence Doidge asaisted
her cousin, and 3. W. Jewitt, a one
time well known resideht of Clinton,
was best man. At the conclusion of
the eeretnony the wedding party re-
turned to the residence of the bride's
father and partook of a wedding sup-
per. After a sheet honeymoon Mr.
and Mrs. 0. W. mil will be at home
to their friends at 1002 Mary street.
London Emit.
Hower Commit Extunte..-A meet-
ing of the diredtors of the Goderich
Horticultural Society was held on Sat-
urday evening last to continuo the ar-
rangementsofor the propoeed County
of Huron exhibit at the Horticultural
Exhibition In Meager Hall, Toronto,
next November, Mr. Metcalf, of Myth.
had suggested the/tending of & circular
Wall the agriodttwal and hertienitur-
*ealettes In thel county asking them
to itielude In their. petite lists privet, of
43, iled and $1 for elk verietiet of win-
ter applee, leotrid be forth/tilled
rts part of the county exhibit. It was
decided, howerfar, Vs ash these enele.
ties to make up arid terward anything
in the fruit and Vegetabie linee which
they might deent Worthy is pitted in *
county exhibit. three to be forwarded
Ooderich, Where Comfolttest
• 14;4;1A Air
bit colle6t ehtl heir ex.
wor6 ae the Wee to-
p re:4 (trod dot the. t ton*
!Wee repreeenting the three ridings*
f the county Mild talent heM mid
repare for ilettlehts fel crank, in
ime/for the tirtivinetel show, whith
will be held trent Newoother 12 tei to,
The qperise Of teetIVIngt eiwortimc
nd shippina tot Terooto. end the etre
f the exhibit there. Will be paid out
f the grant of frogt rode by toe Coon -
en Thursday evening and the threat-
ening weather on. Friday morning
were against the exeuraion to Gode-
Weir front Strat, orde on- the" tast men-
tioned day,' so. that only about 450
Waved the trip to the Lake Shore.
'The excursion was gotten up by a
number of benefit soeieties, and had
the weather been favorabl moo tickets
atleastavould have been sold. Tiv emn-
triittee had a band, and the unifierrned
branch of the A. 0. P. mede a very
geed turn out. Many bowlers' accom-
evaded the party, and later Clinton
bowlers joined in the play. In the
morning four rinks of Stratford and
four of Goderieh played .a game, the
end being In favor of Goderich. In
the afternoon a, rink of Stratford
played a rink from Clinton, three
from., Stratford played three from
Goderich, and three from Clinton
played three fropa Goderich, and the
eesuIt was tt pretty even game all
round. In the afternoon a eine pro-
gramme of games was given on the
Harbor Park, and as by that time the
wind had dropped a little the park
W411 pretty well patronized. The vis-
iting band gave a long musical pro-
gramme. A lame nurni•er of the visit-
ors vvere supplied with fish poles, but
hardly a nail was caught, as the water
was ton rough and dirty. for fishing.
The weather was also againat beating,'
and the use of the bathing house,
amusements that would have been
greatly indulged in had the weather
been tine, ati every preparation had
been made for an enjoyable. thne orl
the lake. At, 0.45 the lacrosse teams
of Stratford and Ooderich tap on
the Ago 'cultural Park and played a
fairly lively game, the score being 10-
5 in favor of the Hurons.
Diming the atutenee of Rev. Mr.
-Wright, on a well earned holiday, the
pulpit of the Baptiat chum!) 'for the
past two Sundays has been Hopped
by a student, and next Sunday Rev.
Mr. Magee, of Clinton, will conduct
the services.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
will be dispensed In Knox church next
Sabbath at the morning aeevice. The
pureparatory service will he held this
(Friday) evening at 8 o'clock, when
the new members will be received and
cards distributed to intending com-
municants. Collection on behalf of
the poor.
C. P. R. Construction Notes.
The Secretary of the Board of Trade
has receleed a reply from itiat.
Agent Foster, of the C. P. R., saying
that Owing to the prospective traffic
during the Met part of September It
will not be poggilile to provide extra
trains for .Sept. 10 on the Guelph and
Ooderich branch, and euggeeting that
the tonna! opening day he made one
week latere 'Me will likely he agreed
to by the Board here, who are now In
torreepondence with the Guelph
On Tuesday the C. P. R. was opened
Attrill's, for early that morning the
head of the staff, Sir Thomas elliaugh-
nearly, and his aide, were In town,
having arrived from Myth. When
the Inspecting party reached Attrilee,
with engine and three care, they
breakfasted, and then took carriages
and inepeeted the line to the depot
and round house. They were shown
over the work by chief engineer
Peterson, and many conetiltations
were held before the party backed .4)
Blyth. All kinds of rumours are afloat
a ut What ia going to happen, and
Many are buteuntouts, hut the certain•
ty is that pastvertger trent° will be
open the whole length of the Onel h
111111 Underfelt Ity. on Monday, t
53th inst., And the 'firAten 1.1rediction,
that we vioula be able to go to the
Torontc• exhibition hy the it P. IL
trete Goderich thlayear,vrill come true.
The following Were tho officiate present
in Goderieh ,Tuetalay • Sir That.
:Shaughnessy. President • W. Leon.
etteis Ast#estfAtitie .M.etelegetietme
Glees Idtipti Ont. inv. 1 • M. •
NOD. DIV'. KNOW**. Ottle Div. ; Tboss
Morphy,RApt. Or+ Div. I J. O.
11101104n4 NAV. Construction; DI.
rotorttrout glIghtlare
. • -^w.e• • . ,
TO TUB kltiRaroits TIIN TOWN OV Mien%
„On Saturday, Augusp 3.rd, Yon, ore invited to '..votu 'Inr the
get nutlet:int the Bonds et the Alnitiatukaiver Power Go.
The possibilities forOoti to ottr Town aro srt great that WO
081i you to give it your very consideration. If you.
say yea on Saturday, it will mean the ;constroction of a new Rail-
way with headquarters ;WI GOeriek oXtendirot frotn Sarnia to
Owen eound, with seVeral braublies running throughout the
• County, Again, if you 1.`ote yea on Saturday the prospect oCour
' • handsome Town becoming 5 heatttifill City IS,Of the brightest, We
want the votes of every VVOtititt4 Man, aS the carrying of the
By -Law will wean the spending of about $800,000 in the Town
in connection with the Power Plant end in tho building of the
Railway in the neighborhood of Ooderioh. All this vast amount
is outside Capital, the town providing none.
It istour earliest wish that you will trot allow local preju-
dices to mar your bettor indgroenp, hut that, after giving the
matter due and careful consideration, you will decide to go to the
poll, vote for the By -Law and help one of the greatest projects
that has ever been presented to the Town of Gotiorieh.
Per Ir. J. A. McBwAN, Secretary.
, Brief Town Topics.
Gotierich should move ahead.
Goderich go away back and
sit down, or take a seat In the front
Owners wanted for lady's kid glove
and two benches of keye, which have
been found and handed in to Tun
STAR Office.
Now is the time for magnifieent sun
sate, and nearly every evening the
g_oing down of the sun, as seen from
4arbor Park. lea sce_nts of beauty.
An awning over the window of one
of .ottr hanks caught fire on Tuesday
afternoon and was thoroughly destroy-
ed, Thesbieze started from a cigarette
stub thrown ont of an upstate window.
The Women'e Missionary Society of
North street Methodist Church plo-
nk:Aced at Bennailler onMonday after.
noon. There was a largo -attendance
and those preeent had a very pleasant
The attendance by the Orange ex-
cursIon on Saturday was not large, al-
though the train was well filled when
it left Tot onto, large delegationts be-
ing doomed at Healey every station
west of Galt.
Subecribers to the Harohl Jarvis
concert, which him been fixed tor
Thursday. Augnet, 8, the Ooderieh
Hotel, whd have not yet received their.
dekete, are request,ed to call at Thotn-
eon's music ritore.and get them.
-*The-usual --ereelelyedanctrtnoir-pince ,
at Hotel Goderich on Wednesday
evening. Tleere was a fate ettendarece
and the music watt furnished by the
Blackstone Orcheatra. The gathering
Wan one of the pleasanteet of the sea-
Wednesday next is Civio Holidny,
when ail business places tv III be closed,
and the day, If fine, will he devoted to
picnic% roller sleeting, and other
games, but the big atinueement will he
the howling tournament, at West St.
The following names were omitted
from the list Publiehed of successful
tl, entrance candidates; Lucy Den-
omy, S.S. No, 1, Stanley -101 tnarkff;
Joaephile Le Framer, Sep. Seb. Stale
ley-- 282 mauls, Herbert Mitchell,
/No, 2, Stephen, 402.
The Mire of Knox chute+ will held
their annnal garden party on the
lawns of R. H. Cott and Chloe (hu-
mus', Montreal atreets Titesday eve-
ning, Aug. 13, arid the initial mimeo;
may be anticipated. Keep a note of
the date and he eva-e to attend.
At the sale of ex-motycw Tilea pro-
perty on Boron Road on Tuenday
fourteen mite sold. They an.
fifths and were bought by Messrs.
Kirkpatrick 5, J. Yount 2, A. P.AVati-
ker 2, H. Janes I, ltd. Robertson Land
Brohman 3. The price paid averaged
nearly $38 per lot.
Druggist li. W. Thomnon hen (Bo-
omed of hIR hominess to Mr. F. .1, But -
land, of Toronto, who la now IR, pos.
Reardon. Mr. Butiand comet' to Gude.
rich highly recommended. Mr, Thotn•
son, we are pleased to learn, will re -
Main in Goderich, and devote hit;
energies to manufacturing intermits.
Ttni STAR has been naked for several
copies of the Moue of July t2th, which
contained the first ankle on "Goderich
to tile Coast and Return." Refuters who
hove preaerved copies of that date
would confer a favor in toweling them
to Tun STAR, and we will forwaisl
them to dintant friends who are deep-
ly interested.
titulerieli and !Myth played hall on
the Agrirultural Park on Wednesday
eVening, The game wao billed o ergo-
mornegrat 0.15, but it wan a lit tle later,
and when the 94111 lii4111)1)(41,1'041 five in•
ningn had not. been played. The game
WAS aLgooti rine, hence flume preaent
Woura have liked to have seen nine
I nn {riga. t h won, the Neore being
4 to 2.
Renewing his gulexeripl inn tn Tits;
STAR, Mr. John Johneton, or TOMA/I'T.,
Hank„ writes : " I would not be wit h•
out the paper If IL coot three ftr four
timer; an much. We here have had an
exeellent summer. Tile props are
looking fine Gonne Lake eolintry,
stud t here le every progpect of a bump-
er crop find a dollar a teletext for
W. E. Kelly and Dr. Mabee left on
Saturday for Marton, and drove over
to the Ifinhing Iolanda where they
joined the Goderieb par.ty. They left
Monday for home, hut got. no further
than Port Elgin, from which burg
Meseta. Pomona, Sturdy and 1Celly
and Dm. W, Turnbull and Mabee took
train for home on Tuesday, Skipper
Lemon and Pent Pigott bringing the • ......
North Pier home ity eanV stages. ebarming birthday party, given
The annual garden party of elt. hy Men. Lockhart, of Toronto, in
tieorgrec congregation on 'riiiircany honor of her grand -daughtere.
evening of Mat week, on the lawn of O. tiodgene and Mimi Ketone !lodging,
Carey (the Crescent), was imme- wan held in the parlors of the Hotel
what marreal by the weather- threat- Oaderich Igfot Frldev evon incr. The
ening clouds early in the evening. and reform were comfortably filled with a.
at 0 o'clock the -heavens opened and happy group nf friend.; in town ant/
the rain poured out on the parched tempts of the hotel, wt., mitered
land. Of coerce the deg unit the be:Willy Into the spirit or the happy
rain tvero againat the financiel part of event. Dancing wan enjoyed ley all.
the pragramme, nevertheless the m craekling grate fire and the dainty
cult was hotter than could home been emittionea of the latliee and children
anticipated under the eirelonetaricee. making an art heir picture aa they eive
The grounds were nicely arranged and reed anti wheeled tel the Grand March,
lighted, hiney tablea, candy aottatero, eihielt Wag led by Minn liodginc and
fish ponds, refreshment and tea tablet:. Att. Thorpe. Dainty refreabluerate,
etertueliseedjo POO, tloete, Ames goo wall the tkne-Innirett lairthdmseenlie
t atilt .neaeirivieteeriACtiiidTtiaiee iniitnik`o:':Nitifie Piece. ireir,z' T • ra
eandita rapidly until the storm a table in the prsivate simper to,
dosed husineso. The fiard Itegintental after which the Asserts disperced ith
braid turnliihed es.;„.filtts rouSleal tate. Voliffhtfol toonnorieg of Mtn. k-
gratnitie. hart o gracioura hospitality.
J. W. Smith outdo a trip 1.0 Knia.mazoo this
3. B. and 51114.1 Tierney. ot Myth, were lo
town on kinturdaY.
atm Alnolditr and children are visiting itt
Ottawa during August.
Mr, And Meg. 3. P. Ltrown, low., loft Mote
day for their home, Region, Sink.
Mr. 16. Robinson and Jack Sheinberg, of Pats.
burg. Po._ spout a tow days 111 town,
Mr;and Mrs. E. H. and Mine Montt, Smith,
of Witiontelf. wore in town on Sunday.
Mrs. Frenk Etude of Port Dover ls spending
a tow weeks at tho old home lit Coils:erne.
Motu 4111444allow mid son left on-Monfiny,
ott a few week's visit la Preston and reroute.
Percy Sheppard, of Montreal, Is secedltig
11. C0111)10 of weeks with friends lit the old
triloiltro. W. W. 41.414 MINS (Body. Saults return,
0.1 on Friday from a throe wooks visit. to Do -
:UN, J01091E131.1 0111100n. of Ihutrt, aro visit.
hier tho litely's parrots, Air. and MN. TooKol,
Mulatto St. . •
0:ori.,,solln.,,Jd.. Shaw and children returned 00
Saturday from 1..WD W1/011.1.1 V11,11t 14:1 11,411.1.1V,001 111
, M11414 N. O. MoVicar, of the O. T. It. *Moos
ekeonto, ts visiting at. the parental bunt°.
Amy oks holiday at the faintly rosidottoo.
111("I'In.kri“ metlrleIt't1t;tukA. of Toronto. spending
VF,th"r. 1454111L'w,44L11.•Add Woo, of 'Torpid...). WO10
WOOk tel.M.4.» of their relatives, hi r. Ana
Mrs, Robert Moirdwi
• 'Librarian Dior, who lied been III for hoeie
PILLVITI:i11,71t$10011110L1 "ra111,11.11,1"Otrliftf'107,0410.1.4, 11"141. 44) tin'
(i. Allen, of
the August 111 Work on eY70. ktr. nom)
iillotibliAllthitoo:e.,,.1.4,vatIrtattwer;rtoNttr.nif.. and Mrs.
Dr. Macklin kg/byline
Miss Plentiful.. of Brandon. Man spotidtlid
a few weeks web hor onolo 04111 011101111.
rend Miss thollittnati. Cherub street.
Rev. D. N. Met 'ammo. and sons Win. and
1,11W11.111C0. of Llotaw01. OM $700,4441 of the
gontluman'a (smolt). Alr , (
Miss Mao Alpine, of 114141 Mho,
Stone°, of Kingston, aro tile guests of their
rolatl von. Mr. and Mot (km. Murphy..
mrs. josoph Harry and 'laughter, who had
boon visiting tern emotive, ate Vied. !lorry,
lett for their 11011/0, 1.01111011. 011 Montlity.
itwo, (100rito 4 ', 11111 and Mrs mid Mas-
ters I '1171Hy end 'lemon met Miss Noratt flant
Moo, loft for itonio, Regina, 00 Sat ordaY,
Mr. Wm. 'Wont MIttwanosti. wan
ln tlederioli 011 Ttioriday. and vinalltled haw%)
FilA Honor .lotliro OM a Jostle(' of the
P0Nno7i.tiall 61cAillev. or tho otootoor Eroplro
1.11.4, 34 home from the A morlean Soo. tho
tom.* bettid what WO tritst Is it tomporarY
noM..171.7Ar i,41140winautiorwrite,t,tior
Inc her aunt and mirk., Mr. tunt Mrs. Truman
MI(t.°J"Utoi 1, A ittlo. cr Toronto, who had
hoon visiting her oast, John Rod ..111.4114.11 .111§rf
tho Old ox,,or,lon, tegument! Lo hot. itOroi
on Monday Iasi.
Mr. fled Mot Andrew Hong,. le, of H111-11
ar11 0111"0.111111111 4111111‘ cho hike. 'bore. tioderieli
towtodlip, on tins farm or chri.. Joie osin.
Then? drove t hr000 70011 Relrilla.
MrA. M1,14,14110)11:1 rinti owildthittalitkr. Of 1.10.
21111"r'.1LJ. bl'outilYn't*
/110J% 11111t 1 1111011 lanl SA1.111011 V.
1. rank S. !Wok nun Hon kValtop M.. of va-
ramo, wave .1.•no•:. oft tito 4 Irting0 (OW1111110/1
last Saturday, ond 1110101110d 111 10W11 11/1t11
Wednesday v Li Mr their old friondo.
MPH. Wtit Fraziey left por steamer Horn.,
for Detroit., for a vi.lt to tior silo will
retort; to tcwii for tt week holm-. leaving for
h oArl iftttzuoi 1,1anft t..11.. Iljyr I orliolaAekno.o4;1:1•414.,14,1,,,,, 10,4
tor home, Montreal. um Monday. after on)
weeks visit to Om et...ottoman's porentn. Air
and Mr. Gnome I'. Innett. MI. Petrick . 81reet.
Wallor Shaw has rotl1rots1 from (two.,
Sound, and not result mar tin ..eott ip
growing time of tito nig Mili ...meet smoke
stook. Tho work hniering 'Inward 1.3 orv dor.
M ret mood loriday
ging Ed Ward, after t week hat to
friends In Snort ‘4,10, nod I fe rot( 11,3 Mr
Holly wont l'oestlity to tal.
AiWs lionise), haw. after n VI, week. ,I.It
in tiodorieh. left for lint volt. hy stnitmer
Him will visit In London. Hamilton. 'rerooto
and Toledo. heron.. rot tirrillIg hor 110010 111
1"114d1140;111'". 1(4:‘fl 11117:111.1111, of t'alurnot. Alki1 Wa4
1310 wood, tit& wook, hor Ante, r»
'Iwoody. Mks S. Harris and tier brother
Hort. of filploy. WPM 1,1100 hero. del, log orer
Allirlo(rgtii7,4;111 t and Mrs. I/. M ttortioo,
61 1,. (rookie, 11t.. l'ayinr and 01. K.
Daird. 01 lotek now. MIAs May is ItItt. or Tay
took. and M las ( ' h. of Palnley, were ti
()Moth+ on Monday.
!ter. W W. thruittsrt .1,1 wife, of Isitstoon.
Mo. aro visittfig the old Horne Ott PA.I. -treet
Mr Stothlart delight.' rho eonerrourglon
.1.(plocezd ronn,h,,,,lunit.mld HvonIttg with a
Mrs. J Koehn'. of Norwood, who Ins
boon visiting bor .ixtor. Mrs, A .I.
for lb. pato? t wook.. left Witelliogrlay mor It
1111,4 by King WI ward for Sarnia. 114,Ortrjr311401
by Mrs. Poltriihro anti daughter Slarentrnt.
Ide and Mr., ()nom. I otiorwood.
.71r 1:(1,..Mri
33111,4. 83111191 boing sh.tor,.. rho lady and
gem Ionian hare 10,0 no ,Itt 11 10/011A holiday,
and aro nnlnyIng leery 11111.41 ho renewal of
old time no ourtIntaelee..
Around the Harbor.
-The Meamer lord front Port Wil-
liann with bushels of wheat for
the noilerich 14:levator, at 1 ;4 1.11 In port
on Monday morning
The nteamer Gowan arrived on Sat-
urday, and the ochooner Judd on Sun-
day, each coal laxlen for the Wentern
Canada Flour hillis Co.
It is notch to heregretted. that thee*
evening to hear the di:4400m bk
proposal. There Inut been, '4004 treil
of newspaper (alsetuteleth and eel%
Olere en the strOtt *At Amax of tio*
has been either -IVO/ foreign -to the
main question. or 'based' 'on Mieutirrierft
otanding of' the Itylaw ;dor tot0000eop.
;100 or tho facto connected with,. the
'laving given space thotir eititettle
to espreeti their vievnit_ either fee ne
sigrtnntsrowtbteo 1:1°10"44401041S011241reortlltittdre
which We think eltatild eetnulend. the
prtmesal to the-elcetere end 'belie who-
alunt, ftoavwonr. Of Pet/111604e future
one. tIhTlihate•telnwthellseniteatM%k, sellimtply"trAncl *
a..1 endorsee er guarantor of Vat:00Q or
the $1,100,0so ot bends which -will be
issued, and for Hale will have A mort•
gage on all the plant and property. Of
the eompenry. See clattsee 1 and 2
ot the bylaw.
2. The company must expend' at
least $300,000 on the darn, belldinge
and machinery, and meet develop at
West 4000 horse power One olatute 4
of bylaw), but the estimates and plane
will entail an expenditure of conelder-
ably more than that aura, so that our
security IS ample:
B. The developMent of electric pow-
er carries tvith It Int necerarary part
°I; etIr anahellut°rithe 6rabilliwill;gthmronneugrhretnlit
northern townships, and eventuallY
lines mouth which evIll radiate throUgh
Middlesex, Latubton, 'tent and gime.
Who will pretend to estimate what
that will mean to Gioderich, as the
radiating centre of an ehretrIto line
parallel with Lake Huron slid the wa-
ters connecting to Lake Erie 1) lt
means that our next step will be into
the rank of • the smaller cities of
4. The town will .pity the cormnetny
87,000 per year for power op to =h.
la, and a meter rate AS fixed by the
Governertent Electric Outtunission for
anything over that (thie being the
preneipai. change made in the byte*
keen its first pobiletteten). and in the
event of the company making default
in payment of either principal or in-
terest, tho town ma" apply ite pay-
ments up to $7,500 for meeting the
principal and interest 80 Atte ;
prevents any possibility of the ply -
moots of prtqcipal and interims failing
into elevate, and practically forms :11.
sinking fend on the part of the town.
Tile company moat nor only Make the
necessary (changes le the plant -in-
cluding new pumps, paid for the
company -and the machinery of the
town to enable It to receive. and Utle
the electric eower, but mast nutIntale
the sante In food repair for the full
term of 80 years. See clause 5 of by -
The town will have 24'hour elec.
trio, eervice, instead of the- present
limited service, and consequently
ahouldereeelve a larger and griming
revenue becatiee of its Managed ability
to supple' electric. lights.
in the ot the then) feeling -
aggrieved at any conduct on t•he pact
of the company, or deeveing the It.alo
rhargedemecesfve under changing eon-
eitione, at any Dine vvithin the thirty
yenre, they may appeal to the Ontario
Byllre Electric Commission, who have
abseluts power to amend any Kriel,.
savnittloatluitia- 043W lex tot tii.e decision Is final and
These It1.4 we think, the principal
points which Ish000ld enable any elector
in doubt to ninke up hia mind, and we
believe they are so much In favor of
estereine et te by aw. It may ne well
the town that. the Rhotild ensure the
be accepted as certainty that with-
out water potimi developed electricity,
cheap power r fee' oriee and the
by:a/Wolf ning. Hazr1oorip.:rtott 1 ng of electric rail -
,eat irtithielinevetoolplbit•looEdoosty,:e&ra at roebno pjfi dt wbt orei
rigatithst.inIgf ntilliendebYair4;Vatleitilit"w' 71Z::
18‘11-tItlinheefi whili't VP put
capital into , the e
WhOf0` 1' sminaticm and repor
eat' make 'are h.. These men
quite eortmetent to deal with s
peoblema, and they put their tnon
into them only when they are assured
1 1 1. good results,
lit of the q 1.108t1C1D
a question
I neere
Mr. Edward Felten, of HASA River,
Colebester, N. f4 , prominent citizen
thet Province, writing in the Hali-
fax- Herald, trinket. tide point in favor
of purity in public life, tin which all
right thinking mon 'Mould nay
" A men :"
" The idea that the politician in a
Haan licensed to vice, drunkentienit ne
delatorhery, mitgide of offleial hornet,
fill1 1 1.1111.11 10,011 4. for it hy (inswing up
und Wine pleasant, -ourteous, and
eorreet, his deportment. and jUot
with his ansochtteo and imbordinatee
while on townie:so, le ix debaeing and
rotten nothm. eintraeter in not a
thing to be put on or laid oil to wait
our fancy, Poblie men are in the
piddle eye, Ili sight both young and
old, moil their conduct everywhere
toomt he tit for the public gaze.'
The tip/Meat ion for aid wade to the
'rotor' Conned by the Hospital Board
in ono that. shoo Id treed ye the most
favorable consideration anti a generoue
romponse. The ospit al 10 an inatitts-
tion of whielo the town may well feel
proud, and tnr the maintenance of
whirl), for sante thine at least, we
m1147 1114411111P responnihility. It la tho
ekes.," ef all such Inetitutions in
lonelier nitinicIpalitiee that for a fere
yearn t he revenue (leen not meet tho
neeennary expeneee, and we in Gode-
rich rannot, expect tn achieve what
ban been found impoesible elnewhere.
To anow the Honpital, now that it is
eidabfigheti and han ehown Its useful-
ness, to be hindered in ita work of
nowev for Want of meatus, io some.
thing our town eannot af'ford allow.
Sri% of the headaehee are the retail!
Otero atraln. Pqoper titthipataggea ItloP
patInanent roller. If etro are Minh: thet
way meson. Troilm Son at Donlon% dre*
store on Thensulay and Friday. AUgost IX
and 011t.
The Winghain Timee has passed the
tenth mileatone under the Oditeirehip
of Mr. Thlt 1741041th*
(miler bin guidance been elean tente,
and hao beep well supported by the
Imainea men of that growing tOWIt.
' ' ftt/
Coal. eentieFec,' pr e
any Itupr'ovetnentel even t *b
tfulnOt an times gtett ttitel Or
other publie ttertt; :‘ A %doh the
Tidies continue teeth:
, -.sees
-es./ / `le