HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-07-26, Page 74� "nip UT SMUN my QW. 21? OU of V" AIL -pow 7, .1 To W1 %W2"T AXAIAAMAMN IN VW IM WON" NAM 0 CANN"M K*V4 "W VA& ft" KAN* WO TO 110MAT WAT"M4111i If r" OWN& "M Sam #WAAW vow .0"Oft I. - 11011W to TW % (i It #W cog 11110oft vill'orw vs,* is #00'row "wase wo ll;=pp A towwm 1*111111114" is 'INK rowlift roossilift 01 tmes4sito AO VW A-- A *At Poe, 41111101111111%, "111111#011 00 011110 so 00 00101111111. so** Uw. asis a 6 lhr�&AbOiil TJ* $t"lolaj. 44r#aUtlia 0 AA klaIij ,(A w4li ArA *Or slisA ho -he tpoviij to sba siumaw 64 401" 11116 MW UAW blvAmw of tm wlo, Ill# 11w, I Lalm ust sw= dWhilln"o *** &a orm of r"SUT, is kir IW1 All irsilk"A'kAw 09 UA siti4ow"Of aud #rr#I*ftriA* &AW ki yaw 11111110 Ilbattl *64% 1 %V 110o r"Wh, aky1w, '11fitill" *,W�I(t Rt,J%IfaSkl 4Q. JQbj� Zit�. Wit Isnd iniptamily of Infirs 40 "a' 0,0* it ft* I r woom 1, M,v jpp*,salirw� 04 b* to X *4 Mot W m� stoop strA W CAA A4Z ow NAWMaL As I VW IssisiddW WAM 0$11111111111116 rAMAM k4allift 4L VOwt ale, 't. kot WIAP04% *4 I.ak* N*001" *I V_* mattows. ii;XW #44 1009l 'it'vo W W. wo 11alk #"y of Uw T400100 I io imosir, lit *bit W $IV#* am Zoo *1 *0 b* i rimi luw im lki. Two "we ta"M alp, 6, 411111111W 14" kAr a aborl, rQu% 14 XONP* wii� AM *L TATtrom wlil will shortly SqkAW;%oIA A 000 AU44 WItA * *W $W lbil %,v of HU40A lisay. lastio. 71144 0 uw wry, NU14 IW woolt.,. �. �=�­ I 'Jilt U441 a ON ~ sitilipsio is two "oplijildir, 00 - 0 ix last Air.,AW4tIW. 0AYS, tm ii;tWOPICA 114WW411 WrAn. Ito wbod %lioplitwWor ulsomuo, 001omwit of �"Ix P41442va, 14*064 W" 1pailo, a Wb" 1111044 wil trout tiltor, Oto I'llAnd au AIIA it thrifts. tw4R of Aitf wilift Ito TK%W4 Ito lid Villa W44 01 4L W&W, 4—W 0$4 *Oft k0AN O*W witil fts Aieloa I;;* low *X IWA 2*st We fW4 IWO oiwx out! $g oinamt vok 4XAW. will lowtict varly all, illit IUWA nuiNtIal, hs�pllrk, Awwo%r 1111W Art USA4 wrika 41 116 over 1his Toot* $0 "Atursta. paw Villa .pw 04 VZOrix aartot" la the, log U W COWN6 MA, Tub swilossps 4wrio womwilat ais a A wrilor In Ito La" tAbog 11111 11r441601 IAIW"A Ali him; 614M 004 Th but 14 0 01110404A JA 10 wastorn Q aWi* bF 0", TKA' 0' 'WA t *A4 laulfift to a1liglaily lorth lAA viesturo that 11110 )MU410 the tw4roilt alty Whosi'dIAVA4 Arr# to 4.* 1 1 1 '40, QA* alld tkiwt isla.uw Tar- irfifixtifikm olp"MmAss, I Scroll, of, " AV 414%, 1.0 0 yoor M III: ; sli U lit ouvoy � 0"I -ow MAW 010 Hu4mionA B#y Comp"Iyo a gw#, w W44 iblil 41AW* ar *WWI 46 *v* W -Wild, up, for, 111* 4614, AIM I)oWPWp0k* 1,0 WV4, SM -oq W0600d; 11511`4141114WW� UAt 00ft 'a Ill*, nil ott, *b" bt Wow, OW40 IS VA 4 Ac W)ACIV,will W� he Icurs, %iii, other twollil of bloft's k* IS 11L 100 ilad Irlwy tue 400 J)"a 11114 Urido. of* t:rilk" , I issisipa �0 IM 40 4NO fft4 Itletwem " to 11pplot aro. vokit quilo. -A, UW,. Lit 0* two, MAW *Asa islistliflaw W,,tb# pmosiv 1A Allull -Thsi 11111 1004. -the, Ulto, haQctsa. 'Ilt TAMA, 'j) 'I tvil Touch or I 614illitut, ilfa4 Ax UsIb"o prili Aow Wd, *ow 04 0*411, Aw AttaxwW4, r prolot 1*$ ", 1i for T, W, 14 suinalily $k0owwatrig Uw fallpton-wr are tow 6 41108 of dmmusi�' to! I Istoor, WbOlAiall W VW14"Iklitchmpta poll, tro j TeAfro 10: k; NVI14i �ot OW4 that" a *4tW of qffp� Or 01, J�tfffret 4#"J0PM4rlJA�W Vloftri , W" "t W. I lit Jra lZat soullf4iffilm, WON e x4aAwly vaiploy=444,0 440d $4 voryunItio. Ay phy"lly w Lut. II0111, XWW b1hi 0: t4tu 40, *-A. aand *rail 1htA �Ilrtllosllapoi be jig with ow soorw 11110 �god 46,00,4 -0 Wool, 4144 Mitt UtWarlitto UP *to ar ifilook that 40 Itfoo;, the itliall , ft 101ft IN -M *F!"r Woo TIW 00TIA04 '111 b* 0or tuall oy * d ill* A the team, Atsim"t shoul, 4forded % todio ion III* piwforlu' y It^", to. #14111A thool "aix H04900, sl4y 14*4 L$Pllt, � N 9 MQ41 a. Wy #ft"U" -00 TIO ttlot j$�til lllaaw QAA f0 PON% thit t$�hn wvvyii 6 0. hisve'ex. Oro 1110,war, 04rip wo, 044 �Irlgi, y At'l% Ond ourloo-WAK 1*1*, tlAit vo. vilanw. �Ji iso orlthih 0 $QQV 01IIA gapolr 4 nIn idtAl WK042W Of T~ Al".1iii %ellOW4 to :Od, thAtihiiii 10M Of rat jlrfol� W"t, W4 '"44T144A and ot, lifirly Tot Pour 4fWarl1w 0 U and thil-twooty Toot; � _ ��Jll lid 'tr Ob fV� Ah4t 1000 1.0-049 Ile V Ilier; su I qw, R. AW $,;, . A];t_ . Cum 11"At ri Ill. Atthoug4 at 1,04, d lim Moor Vin a) A . or vre tentisto WW MOM w - II so ov MAI; 0C. N A I Q Iron IAWW'rA 0i 14, 114 to thirilt 4 A oftmt -Auvripition of #WI -*A VOW *hkaw� till now wocem will; 4rii I�No q44j,*IaA ot *W" t"tr! %, AAWA 00-1110 ow" lot Autoleow PRIME 1440 yersaralot PlUb vy atso ,AU refo - W arf"n llit It AMMwon of C. $tolilf wl4ch Voter IfIA4 Peterhat is lia. Wy il 0% 0 4049A 0. 1*00110 1 UtOr bellil Ad., I a 4very pliago; sli9rdi ot 6 0111t at 01044 W44, larra, 4r4 Mr,:400, VO . _ at modern Ships. 101i at'' Dow, andi ;UP% tk% �repal e..Mls. rIv Wr` ter bUIRIL114-0 14W 4044l'o, - Illuxt, U.#* rout --and wilt pay owl' Ver The combination will, empto Mort le'W" 91 st". V4111r, 0VTTH&8iZK -owl 0 ixil 49111440., 1110114$ Tbib T n a year In wages. MuSirb %stlat little utiolnet, 11011410, M t- W t4jurloo IT Islo IsF, SHIP lCA144� I Wit, The, 1ioPjet.aI.P)W., 1j"Olia. 7110 Maollclba� -k W019 noW employ 12-OLI i it then the resent areal Pa1w 11A, 0W tit We$ em 'I 'jd�, 44$UlitchoW ! tylo at the ersoolo. palsigo, with 14%' - tell q 110 aFislo 11via Oligh!k- rastj 40� aiaili,wh Iwo* SUO(101Y 4W" t PrOV14109 41. 000111110481 and e"Ur moo at Bettast, white Messrs, Join 4401743, A Alu Waterway, tint, A 014 4v volits 4A WWI a, mintAlAtil, ilepth Bpolya Co, troploy at all their work� 144. Attio Kj* tof 4(4 tWenty*040. lee;t trom 0))OUt 1o,000. tui4srs. Harland 4 W011 bet WaIM a.UfAtQIft4'6Ca1ACV0d "She left��t -dpw, a -W neCK, 04 41 �rtaefi about 45, wages 01*11ft U14 40. crt itu 'S an aBto klde�viator. TW cast 14 esill)(131111K 0 ),000 0. "at In latherine the itabog $,105�WQ,000. A4,W9.A 4�4111P )141 Brown i�utltrtix% with ItA -to ;Wqli 40 lWit r sileng-iffi; Tile. da.0, r, 0 1 4i Messirs" U ao, 4 Illiol . e )bill 15 about $Oil '000, 4on and tile Ila -the evil'. ivu. bet the seaport ;I the, Iiuds�64 Wy The toot is, there is very, 11,410� Von ellnued,,� 1' 14, to buthl'. Some Ion Is ox It that before long their figureI kdded to the 41 refutes, Tis "And, 0ifii4,:ba *403, will largely Increased, by 1110 0O- garim at the par sotiegilA, low York 1.* 000 VI, rvers Must 110 lized, at � lar Miles .91 0 tq: lift fInud- dad-fla) U tile, t for tile Czarina. enso And about thirty firm. A number or i)ijotk palar.6% n Qregotai, New,Xarlf is Ivearly 3,000 IIAMPTON HOPES. torkoe and A few -You s aq., i(q. protl"944 0 AMA 30, bility brnks must be removed, SOUT . ..... ft ko, the All the butlaings Willi-, �AITHWAITi a( th6 �XhuMhAl Ila qugotifill 'of tile Practical be the ACAMill, UpPV04ch t me of rbori Abe writer ThIs, will The annomwoment at the amAl atuffild.tull of vice �nd "Owing that it h" 41, te i Woor4,.,sh 131") the tion has arMed excitement in lit an air line water route 'bet a on I, live Months. re towns cot vhtch the wester or tiantilic, for whiell Al icerfaed. Southomplon, What, ways an will 01a)(4 a faveis extended to bus provided tuoilltift It, building lacipEkirilli, inof in �,Lukes and tile A' ng, for it has b a ru at I 040h. 0 Kurland Wolit are tever to lot a cata lie Water Channel 4 etwoeft Ithe Soo'Citual g to . is particularly lubilaut, beCaust Art treasures. of Peter' L seven at thIfft by ff�p;;rews to see in the anudgainallot iljuld Montreal 350 ct WAS 0, Miles. 4US In this secluded a t the weary, auto. Tho 1A0b4r,, Itself could not have been Allatir "%004 W ,rat lies mou, taken is residactlif(Ir ill% ,and Bu getit, 101 41A fly at the Wellapd Canal, tile line cl w concern will transfer mildeto Order. It hope that the no Ar'i lop we* W roill 411A maill. yards nedi t,e5500110 plain, opea, deep kust resistance between the Loka and from Belfast to Sent), Pot W V, It is known 40 swater sail from uItallert, a=rd 10 rQ1101I)&A00ouittst to it In Wall thel,west end of the the ocean, that Harland A ,c)lapletely broken Ili do no reetsi,doepenough Not a dollar will have 4iq be spent 401) -,biA # I brN, jkk have been negotiating urksuccew uoh his old sell putwordlyt b0410. Iratflk6d j4 aught keel 14at ever tile routo from tile Soo (zonal, the J'Ully with the Be r the, report straits float harbor coin Joe the ;46". W te surface a wl�vck of uftw'0*119 WV00c*� 11 IP T 14-zas Captains 0 01� I. , Alit ok I iats r tile oway into Lake Superior, to to IOW -Is true at neither ae n gat Al More Space for the creattol He has taken with him 4 host of Ger, treasured tO Tilarlb remain to -day MAnY, mevents whose faithfulness his beM SO-.. 16,14 Ul 1406 ig,th uth a the French River, on the Share at repoiring yards and a graving ilia Bitlitain's bNorshipsext 0 d ',plOthg lWa 04. WA that lalco- - 11119 e = iremly tested, and ilk addiflorl till" P#r* Via - W -A records of at, Windsor -Yo& At Ni �Rl " , , 041 1101 t Al�W Yorl; of Georgian Bay. The route Will ill toot, IlW "tmbllzhnl.^nt. ef th or, (1,10'e'tharl �vdllg.!l Tile bAllilaw table tho Canadian, coast, PosAng th"Ough (it Southampton Is said to have re nq% valt'the tide tells who are not servilAtS. WhO A heak taken 1;0M the deep dialight ships have to the North Channel, landlocked, beeaW directly duo to their failure to agret iourtiers, but Who ato hIs constaut or fire U d been -L,&W1*hoo, tibips are always lyAI George, andrAbet timbers both tot, :6pprahoh and AeP t 1 nd the Ion f Great Manitoulin -,IS with the icommissioners. miapunions, one might almost say, day A battle, fill supkei Rd nd -have, aq the St. of ill$ %yactua old F040 g rk Out wAll 1�emt _I 4 b0 girl i a. bulw gatrist the waves of It is extremely unlikely, howver. And night. 4l,, � rJAIX of many taltIng o6 rmidalh on. the send bars Thus a deep and ppteeted Chun- -wapf's �And (Ife The lad( 4r�moirc, dMioult, to bWa wprkfA'UrP)imt0 menial be Huron, that the new flrm wkll ablandon it( One of these 18 a man, from the south, a, sortii afid'kind Over aglitirls,tA s advantage, let it MJ1423 Wide Id s, bookCaS4 and tho like rel front oil eto fifteen, yards at -Bellost, which were equiPPeO 't Russio. who is generally regarded-Aw. f voteg-50.110, "I flal a IS, too OXAcrd 'U tr chair ated laurobill slimmer and fatiersity treasures at ovided from the Soo to the French -only two or three years ago with all im- A half -wild.. Illysuc, He.- Wean alost., lifft, desliru V $UlW44 �y 'Woy, ArIt.. ere. from plania winter is gulapot 10 just as hirlous ipales Pr quart. -one fromDrIlRe'41 Marvel River, a distance of 160 miles. er,%pp irt I which lie a ever battered JIle, Iron rocks of New - v well u-,linso electric plant and a great thu, Czar on all Important matter#, and Taftly' p Golden Mik fly at new-rinachinc. Beirut also at, l.en Premier Stolypin or same oill, She 'V,04 "had oontide a IOUs little Georgian Bay, the If. Is the wafers or Lake udly, heWeIllit of SQ 1.41 around the WO Nipl."ing to Aida illain a plenti ul supply of rO ijIll of Spanish to CluArchill mus miles 1 Oland. de,other danger peculiar This river draft lake lifi S ro h I .0 rid' rid alter ralding m' iliter6d 4W Minister L wiaM t be noted. Five pproach" tile CZat for PuL% _ 1;,A.A Ail laber at cheaper rules ve- A-Xfty A two million. M NN ling- the 6113111lit level seventy feet Pill skilled poftS Of consultation, lie gets not tile Itasca Year ToUndi ru trigis aad­ In - the and she-vnby,_ZI�101 -beQ water -Ule French than -other shipbuilding oentrosi )rinions. of his Imperial nlii�lef, but OU d,4k and 4" work, gold. V a 11 tile d,sniolked �iitlaor A Out as The Cold Woomies intense what is above the bay. At low teat 411 4on, you'RW ',It' ILIAttledly. all 1�aorioart', cilles An interesting feature of tho ullials- this nameless mystic, from the south. r,; I went h&74! PAST oat log" lies thick as Wool River carries some 10,000 cubic away lit awh4,.4j* Jber4f4re -.4blo to $Ive to on the -sea, 4 CANVAS OF THE wown as 1r seend out -of Lake Nlpissing, ation is the in "'Seen It, o, I b., an nuance Which it may the 'to 6d, -'s6ying, o6manjok to . Am- Alas I the days of sentiment see and there will be trtY-SIx miles Of ell- tit 3 shipping situation, W04NIAN ADVISER. 1 the Ationtil in Maud, have of -magnificent fare each lrh4d, g9A r, giied YeS4 A "BrItIA fiblic hall$- be past or is It that he th 0 EVEFtYrHING. nalLzation on this river, with Wrefll Niagara. Harland & Wolff have built all _0 AAft I rw e retv Unh all respect& steelclad a aupo 0 and, 'arl"A SOL fito-day, tearing through e OBSCURIN (,,am the Volga provinces. There is no Another of these favorille$ IS a Woman short rock cuts r tile While Star line, while as sak Cott Ur, does the shl to r�pectlitloirls, -is brine knots an he wn & Go. have built for the 4hadow on the Czar's maritill, fidelity, k sed me of the At, -at twenty I not R,hn T. -to e; e feeling The entrambe botween the two head THROUGH THE RAPIDS. "itely, AuO then 'actual -arks IY` Isugh! lantic, public encourage th� so' lands is not a half-milct wide, agaillist "nard line. The Collard line lifts been it 4S did the.t9werink clouds of canvas at And this womelln-known as tile Red Sturdra, becape of the d tile tremendous current of river and ebb East of the lake is the divide, which "Sse 4�er an4 lt,�seldom, the 43111Y line, at importance which re llousdi, _' I Woman from her �yes. �je- gridly appearikince the past? At any rate. ARY9 a writer in Is only about two miles wide find it few "And that, doctor, Is tile 'reason wily 4vor,- prpqeAts 111 flr�hjp, tide; - but th depth is untouchable. I ised to join the Morgan combine while hes-Is a per- ly, tile modern W hen the descent color of her clot MISS TA#4 I called, Willi Kiddle. MAII4, W 210410- whi6h. tffe qidimary public pearstinIs Week Port Churchill is. the harbor inside, a feet above Nipissing. the White Star liftc has We 4". of good character as regardl purity. are 4Ver, 4 the n tho'brick- dicule,' Sud�.iOII W 0, jb6ga lorUIS6,: and; altl101fi#� She All- IA6 rer dlitricts on Eng- when her land days of usefulneiss, 3d, tile magnifieffit, epanse f -looked begins thrugh two small lukes an, . of bone at it. Besides, silo is ugly and no longer Wit lit Is dl ideat water, With the fur rest live miles up MattawLk River, Her special province is to intelit- think you *0 #Nv�uld SIMP mat rccibiies scant COMlft)lti011 Ich drops 150 � to Ito tell that 11&v, into the forced I SENTENCE SER I thoughC , t,o pub- bogem of the Stately Ot, t,fw re oAti,viewtheLondon lihirlds. at the Admiral or breakbrs. ml , 0 -A%* ',.all its, gltoq; or, ts shame, Stream. obsipucled by soluo MONS. tit tho books Of Daniel,and the Rovela- 110 bolj6, 1* LD AS OLD TRON. But all railroad projects to Hudson tawa, This river, loom. fvon of St. John. These writIngs, 44- bave xfeve�.�,b raction of th tuVaV, -might. ',Both, men and W. The graces do no y cording.to the Red Woman, deal with 4 d., tk4 � so t grow in g e, digito Is n, AA�§Al Ulan Mantugue, Bay hinge not On Churchill Harbor but stretches of rapids find bunks of Be - will sh"Ifr public sp. 11, x0 'Would put,71t in woman. *fg On unfortunate lid egntemporary events e?ctrerff4es; Or 1; more t*'Iess well SuP- There Is the oil the straits. Can thqy be navigated T dust, is otherwise broad and deep a A growing 11111111 and especially You W ta IVIt num. ter instance, her fleet to f1le St. Law- forms. your pnrdt, arw� �111- great hull Of finest How long are they open? Even if they will carryithe lake U.� b%, b ler� - I ad to -throuili. which Russia. Is & tot -in W-04 Piled lwitu, moine', whid rupyd, -a L eadly rocks tie above Morittroal. %y1th the trials �Itbohdcn ArISWP�s- distitJ teat he par- steel.plate piled up on the d can be naviAted by slow oceangoers, Agnes, a I Dishonest thinking does n-ot le till passing, In a verY short time 110 trace? in States fit he.ly livin ticulaif'.,publ houses hich t119Y at- of Lundy. will they be of any avail for a fast At- Producers and shLPPers g. ird companion of tile distraupt ed ow , at wded'ta. 6uf, Sl It takes a st-rong me as h been sold n to stop doing 'rile ill cis Ibordering the Lnkcs.114yo Ila esty of Russia is a clergyman of the 11 such a, ))Is of her will remain. laut C ibute? the Union ob ley 4rid,! it ON' o cot be- weak AhIngs. mu§t be as old Iron, and will bty broken UP Witt' , Illifiton �Ir4ltg are really a deep gorgo 10 ken a great interest in this pr I no sun- ort odox Church, who hag ilia reputa- sins sent to Car- give them the The religion that produces ',uncleanlA throng rf explosives and the rem sat A, gotil which th6 too of the Arctic world -the ause it promises to -cat, scholar. He is the aTourists 04 eve h -00 RD she polled out,, and too of tlie-prehistori ages-lins cut and shortest and cheapest water route to ilia Shine is moonshine. lien of being a �gt 1 moll twit;ts lik, men AA,4,,q�* d- a kil boys and 4fff, w "�smtelted, "Further' prgm steel Will be few Western, railroad fialf of Succias is in seeing the sipt- Czar's Confessor and his constant In coated with molten Uri, the oved and torn forcibly out of the ir, girls.., " Atlantic, Not a ­TM470 I I to Illastl Ox strolled, dolm to-446,0lub ..it esult a lAst Year's Efrupt on I broadcast over the World in, tile gro ill rpathy with cancel of natill.iffilligs. panion in his numerous Services In ter --- 0 Chataftel'of tile A � tho'clit erl Solid Los,--sading, -MeKI are a be&n, to pen Wt. &vPair,- and-, the,, V�, liano, h nfunnel of rock, j, J. Hill 11reat, Nor. are -a 4tine e And & tard fIr g fij.qx like murder Tet U 'Tid,s face wwaxd gladness liroftlable to r Ifie 11onable feat9re'of the LQqdon public' tile Georgian HULL OF iNPLEXIBLE. miles long, is jammed from the west fload said a while ago thatt Bay (anal would be the mo -faces APits and Its Vic I yi T siro.,,m4efy narrow pounded and contracted the area at at popular Ili to incline film lo God. THE 'WORLD'S STAMPS- % gathered )enough ng he vk�ilovAl to Be boardv . d,JX' cot T new ce c4ritinent, arid this channel kitterprise that the Canadian Govern- A greedy hand nevet lej ano" ilia, two or utet1fid afrord axe no special histor out in Many fA) feed its nody heart. over 20,4101INarietles of Stamp Ship, and irlitions opening ul ho. Montague Was a. mon,' said laces laid w the I "Mon.vou Silent facili- hall 16&1 value. But the uns a tuLlp thirty-five Cut would have to carry s Issued of the ocal *W of the -splendid old frorh the east r ed, lie said, Falth t -s not built by talling too Wife -to:4rink,Ao some extent some cannot be said feet high. when tiderip and ice meet years. W qoW loul'yeliA hen it is cmPlel In the World. lies for women Huadl�d. In gro Inflexible, the ,rat ship to fire an gators of wo shall see The r( up�s. which mi#ht, have lhe grain business trOul fail, account -of all the facts. slifeld0d - I= ry popular with 4 the Public gaft- there occurs what the old nav, The,'vontilillonlheso bars Is inade- eighty-one ton gun in* action. Her enor- pastimes ve cluded-ari�',, whoix been posed by a, sklifill 10agel,fireffing4l, north of St. Iouis arid as far west 68 Salvation often inetula, molting man One at the by their 4 � BoscOW000 awaits rlinaiphi part in the Hudson Bay fur trade call I the furl grows In the platte Valley taking o%Tr according to one's Patt-rit, thol younger generation at tile Present the population quato,.A�de4ek4Pceabk-,,t4e'beat is very mous shells played o, ous oerfall," grain ! thO, �tiqtngers, Men, we- A�exandrta. Four day is tbatf stamp collecting; and In Ing pretty.. I 'ill Insist that Ilia leul- the bombardment Of Government has sent this route too the sell. 6 6191 Arrival 91 greatf,aii hW�,Poc The Canadian Only thirty-two Red letter days are not made by look - ally for the 001 men and children,: shrieking. and la - years ago the hull of the Inflexible was two special expeditions (in 1885 and 1897) miles at actual canal would have tO be Ing on the blue side kit thill thousands at homes, after school hours, we masculito oppt "t, JTA Ili let tile teirors. lifold"e- j*rature should be high and proper sea t I i� begin, -to dep lifiry.Aftiangentents. acp 0onspiallous bY sold t the ship -breakers for $21,100, and ii test the�nuvfgatlon of the Straits, and (jug, and for tile remainder of the dig- Many it preacher says lie seeking youngsters may be seen posting the I.r lifidep. catastro�h ul be chaing statistics. small slipa of water -marked paper into their abSenee., - The result -Is that the there is no memorial of INS. lance eilslipir Water channels ou d souls when he Is lock and ; one genetal expedition too navigate the Ernotional *citoaa 01110,MOVO(l and lnl' Is-,xtuffy and,almost sUff0- Even the tim made out of her stout side allourna with solemn. cam. s bgre, 'And OVO'140. mediateli contribute. Thtvwh6 d 'hot aline owd- are -by thisl time flurried in tile rubbish northern, wattTs (19034), but the question used, with considerable dredging here 'Title possessiOn f tile vocabulary -',f . t I o: �Wfiidh,comblnod With the, or, This hobby is, -at the same time, one IneAti, sneered W th6lfr hes become so terribly political ---Go and there. Ile said that tile distance virtne often Ili inistaken (Or its practice. give ireely ae so beset by the wep" led st&6��,of the bars is , egpecially'cOn- heaps of five continents. from Chicago or Duluth to Montreal DY You cannot weld folks to the good by which tends to PD0111301,2) 4 thOugIlLful much a 4question of east versus west-- downt' alid,complairimig natives that they are 'ditelve to, thin contracting, ana thespread little,shorter than 2 frsty an,ile t (Ito chui-ch door. turn of mind, arid Ito doubt numbers RELICS FOR FOUNDRY. that thefficial reports on the expedition th4ii mute would be a 0 clule sincer- It Would 'be f di$easei the Lake routes #41 , 11, L list between Convert pivachers 16 abs v, flnully',, tolairia6ed that now in t juvenile and other philatelic enthusi- et� heArtl n V to help those who have ZnglM women, and perhaps London Ill will ee ll� arid yuU can cot their own 004 In anylstrap-iron Yard Y( are more nteorthy for what they leave ivert people from asts will be Interested it, tile following 'e4t1hollid, her unsaid than for what they say. lhose ports and Buffalo. furformation on file world*s postage W0.41. rethan wom�kt i any other I When the Gorgian Bay Canal is cum- Ili 'Whyt'- suffd 'so oeply. � Every clay 1316411-19- ietr sins. -I kinds of proud relies piled toget !';I th il ii�fi In re Untry, are probably the ready for the foundry Thousands or THE GQ'ADON rxPEDITION he predicted that grain would It's easy to build ideal castles,lf You'll stamps. glity pirptlitable It plated, of old rifle bar- ads too them ways. dd,' opltexdf tile fact that not ona, at them only,, 6 era�14511 heir s x in t4e world bayonets of- great plies to carried between Chicago or Duluth let the contract for the ro The total number of all lwown varle- I'd unblushingly reis are a common isight. of 1885 aid thb Wakeham of 1897 defl- find deep water at Montreal t, others. y all the son 04yerniments, of We 9114, M� dh d ud lot of Sunday religion Would put hvs of postage slilill rid u W the For a fte tile ertfpfilih- all bar of atiblic ho�se and just at present there is an etraordl- nitely established these facts'. H FOR 2% CENTS A. BUSHEL, A lilt a At Otthjdho thii�%AMO appeal is raddei open it was backed up thought, but Wo dtl Dory famine in Iron, due W the great Tic- Buy is open all tile year round; an ip a better Irtint prme-Isent time f wtuc 6,153 *1 , It lj�',Jlot only Wmen of year, so flow$ through the Straits winter and refrigerator ships drawtn nineteen 4 twinkling *1b. subko $44�rlmemt, W the sympathIeS bf' thet visitors and the lower covry in trade during the par current e (,t- twenty feet of water coull load di- 11-Y 1V'L'0,kday reality. orb apportio I. I th� tBritish-Em if - often by the game, IMPOMOM. �HOre the and factory wqrk- all old iron and steel 14 being snapped 8% well. as Summer, but owing to ic, - When your IacO is an advertisement Then he a'sort of- gypsy Cqft &PA current of the Straits Is rect from the packing houses at Chica- of failures it's no use talking at the rid 14,31,11 to tho rest of the we . 110 1 .1* cm,,. di fv _f Is rers v Or k I up. port In the World VIurolje� ties Issued 4,361, Am.4ia 3, hell h , g;arshWe Made all be N bo in a drive' this 4heWAhey cook-beants in the hot lava who May to termed Besides the Montague, the Orelli, closed to navigation after November, Africa 4,469, Anierleo. 4,688, tit<) W t� b110_11:1111, 1110Se season ment. T llid Pu pe and sail to any of Oen, water -Lf glary of your faitih. fintsbed. talk at is, during tile Start IT, ith a splurge, end With a Indies 1,637, anti Oceania 1.485. and lead sentfirtent4l'visitors too ordir -f6soixilable w*n think it Ito Wheel at EarTs Court, which has de" and not open again till June- -Ill out 2(jo Sys. The St. Lawrence is lea with and gossip in the;public so m 1. an thousands, even mtl- there are always flvP months when the all d dIV standaid ft when the Lakes are open. 11%rp is These figurics, Comprise only W)th dii,014'.Man, ghted so man 1, SefiW� -og p. 'block of l6va, withitle tijse, In '*feel, the Q v W h Is lll()ugtlt that tile piano propose t6la " 1, 111 ate as tons of sight -seers, is at present being Sirail Can be navigated, sometimes six. 4D ej d little to adrnlre in the mail of pustage-sianips, and do not it's goodl` � I ; through his 'long Wfuto 11 ilegarded a a c4n- is, too, Is being sold There NV40 also discvered jwst inside It who despt%os'the good. Include postcards, )otter -cards, stamped Tunny,' , It , has lit Wind 'come'lo * gerierlt roken up, arid tit i y tile (,firladian commission will ell. Tire important filing about a itter"1011 envelpes, or wroppeii. 13 .61 -smelted the eastern entrance to the Straits a boalt teamers, 200 �s nol ill(, itupression it inak" ad', b4ard, be, stares in front v0hielit place In. fell , Cronies, 41 the be re 1-ful whole on you of beforel' land -looked harbor, of, haven able PoWe #:�� leynaltfsax may fore*ath�r to exetIameb uns which have Played their parts In splendid let 10 g to carry in their holds ocillapsirik, lnla� a "This *10 man was very dchill 6 'the 'Cat ma�vs.and toia ' Tulal, while at Alaking history too ften share a simi- of refuge -Port Burwell- -shelter-ad frorn to 300 It Al , 1-ut the expreiskin you give to Ion lit 'the chief of the bedj�ils. "His house, lorig the kerb- all winds but the south. and in lowed barges about 12,OW tons you carinf)t have good society With er. e time they m4 refresh them- fate. The, 4' bout hen do �Jt�l' q his fo®tUbe AM or this 'Ilk the ter pogt%t% which re bei4ragelt they prefer. - stones of Tower Jill) e glAllS A. P. Low's expedition of 1903-4 made r,r cargo at an average speed of a d non, t)tlt y(,u can have bod &oet HARMLESS GRASS SAKE. taw. w,11 lit saying that %vorrien some of Wellington's a Mili'mor important contribution to lvelve miles (in hour arid that the time LIU ter) it they fail Ili their "'Do -it?' lava, Worst of -all hiss alit was %%,ere Used in From act between ChlcflgO and Montreal %Vill be eLy Witt, 900d -to see hl� WV0 6wept alive the" Worink ust negf4cI, their children campaigns. Other cannon captured in ttv� data on tile Straits, flat s. I - social obligailons. It Brings, However, Speedy Death to n Chi voices. 'Of dud holhe duties. Ublike the man, the, Peninsula find tit Waterloo were experience iind from the Wstlitiolly' Of about 117,3 flout Tile time betWet he man who has mlibed lils bmitier Frogs. "'The M44 of for Waterloo uIfI Hudson Day navigators Mr. Low es. cligo and New York by tile Lakes and Of a dollar Imagines that ill.- angels At these w&48 All the beggars begin bas perforce to keep saber made into gas standards pmved Eris Canal Nfule is Icatimated if tit admiration when 'rho somewhat natural prejudice Maud wa'§ Ady hold their breat idd Jor. 4OW1 and Many of the visitors for feaeat losirlig lit# Work, the woman Bridge. the fact of two open curmis Jill and, flU01 Wke, 0 1 )urs. Tile distance between h,? gives the churcli u dime. vOlkh exists aguinst vipers i'q extended, &,fitr;buto fibers) Ly lie't Porlu-nately; not -a lW3 lit fund'that won Is uo,&r n6 supervIsidni* She may nog- ail such weapons ah,, ys flowing In the Straits, one n Is 2.920 miles find' untortunawiy-wough not, perhaps, Uri - prettier thilli eVON an's open palM. 1�bt;'�nd starve, ber ohildren and in evilly tr4ated. 'rho capital of (dong ba north shore, lialand westward, monlreal and Lond,j 44cumw ora so York arid 1undon 3,130 "'Are ran Napleai prqfa�uadly hioned out of Waring the'lae drift, of Greenland, so between New riaturally---jo everything resembling a said. Sorne return to many instances not be,, titerfered with, Nelson's %ot is so 18 the Achilles that tile ships -4MItirLifig can go Witt REQUITAL. finuke, avid on this account U10 COM- A by the sight. British race, It Is e at tj captured, Frerrear log ; fag I the les. xpected that tile new canal will trion grass suake Is often needle -S -'41Y d4D' rk, an 10 Tfiey�,W61114' be Consoled by the fact, torlQnIng which so much is beard statue in Hyde d if Welling- tee drive; one along the south shore, no sea co vvAe, 'And yea (114 th�� but IcnaW It, that not q'perSon re an outward eastward, bearing tile raft ice have a %v,�nderrul influence tip -on the No' land so broad, y ttioUght $1roYed, It Is Pel-ftL'olly harr"Itt". and UP, is duo to bily 11 d- The moroolial in the Phoe-iftix Peru, (14-velopment of the Ottalva I'llvill" It IS That, passing o'er, I lose m in its fresh greyish green skin is quite was killed - at tbO explosion 3srst y0air WOO which such life brings in Its train, Dublin, is also bl) st -of captured cannon. at Hudson Bay, so that the ships going estirinated that will, tile oornplefton of of thee; untiligialeable, yet if Suddenly encoun- tither in 0,4SootMMe Or In (3041aft(l. and.amailig those VItes. to sea �an also go with life fee drift; tit anal tie water power available No day So long, or ever slow We tide. "'And lit 'TIO. beggatl��sjg� jfi#verthdIes8 earning a bLth - it"! c tored In it lit-dgeroW or issuing from a A I EN Cases Ghips can navigate the lferiver \kill be ALMOst its great But quicker is my PuLft prully It& pOritioll. rile Be it m6m� *Min�ior ditch Iltath L% gell INKING, AMONG WOU BEST ANDIVOTIST Nr Straits with be ice dfqit, not against it. 6 answered i Mmwy will `Viift watif I A Veto., retilfae *Ili of. ther,,4;IIMpaIhq1C travel. In fact, th4 difficulties of the old nuvign- wi that (it Niagara, slid tor I know thou lov-1, file. �\ay in %hich, of' ILIA own account, it 1.d ler.4. who.joltrilley t1lefe Id isee thi I&Vj, 1 10 eonsloucips. it will be for superior to Nin- deals death 141 frogs is somewhat awful Wearied- nr, day so brIght long time little or ro notice Nasal Organ Is Quickly tors scorned Ao havo been that they did glira, lipeati.ge tile Ittmor at (how falls No darkness doop hought (if if. tile denoument. The VIOU'll, Seem- �vtij Isli:01 by, the lay* or flit, medical fleartle Netires Never Thle., know thos6 currents and attempted But, prisfillig by, autipeaLi a tl preo,or, by Me A* the Itted to n radius of ubout nflY Ing to realize the hoIWIL-Awws Of ally my passlv*14ist" Increas. tQ Sail against the drive, But wrecks or fr1l; lfabl( of� public drinking by British wrecks, tile Hudson Say route is ti(jijulwa [liver affords thee; 1, Uif Oe "T I?IN IN 1301).V. y tired nerves IT% the w-IdI fer the ihOffitIlt , The most asill thougit high tho a Ittin t to c.,cape, hevoii." literally par- tlilia , �qes of smell. They can er puwer along 400 miles at convent, hough deep Life set', olymnNith fright and, leaping will, On- &mrse olutspokell Wdy am the ne A&MITIg. if the Strattq mv not fit for v"Al iz at night:, tile rest f't j�iilgatft ifienChil.lit (lad Appendl. 9W 0 n:h vil, detect the faintsl whiff of navigation they,�vlll be made fit. (nt di8tene' V great co- Each indicates tho 140VO ebled power, is suon seized by a hindet *h Would dtalaim against the labla, and with M "I "he II uan. log anti' into the laws of the 1626, IS"t I Ut At* �Olae Wax Us inei "crying In the w Ihat. Not. pasg a roseln the go 11 tile q power rival "When inch Irli must be many millions of bit lung I,; slinfiar, hut douth Is inure SPeedY 21 it 19eemod as it people Ply,, of perfume that gets Into Your nos- w,uroeq ,f irbil oro find timber the Of- I know thou hast, fur rile. eneroy. Tile adder'A method of feeding ,pit pack#d 14. 0 To, fiavo lint iIJ es long wlldern6ss 1 jlwa V1111ey is expected to deNNAcip Into oneiiii baletifor \Vet*-0rWd�.and'1i§bum6d to lay bare of (im4s smaller than the tiniest grain one (If Ito reat Tnallulacturing contivs 1,ifo is too brief--,11crulty' from tho viound Inflicted by its tubulao 1�4 thou b1oll' and the subject Was ig it crowd didn't blond. IhIll TRAIN SHUNTINII INJURIOVS. ot tile continent jteth. 1'hri nake altogettiGr lackS dopartmool, wao thwunusual ftpiorle'lled mok to the trongest perfume v\iil s,,e.nr(,,q give Space, of�orfitld� rflonty, shouldst list tu rile; f W, 4' Nds betome so bit Your UPPLvyp, and in a few seconds i0ok--no, these may lh\w 4,eth and swallows its prey aljvc� .'Presently, b 1W 110:16 1110(sido M 1froos for this post f Tit oil , flaer destion it, the nerve of smell One in twenty Train 8bunlers In Drf- FOX IN CIRLD19 CRADI.E. ror Word and A frog ho.q been heard to screan, allel cd 40 you fail to niolfdo 1..4 quickly fatigued. labo Killed In 119015. being entombed. n y.q4y.4 Woldhtr$ .'who Is 18'Y rs f fs U$ it lis absolutely thrut it. A " % — never tell I. AhoulloM drul ttention -lof pubild and Others t6II6w6dAA-*p olaflri# pains, wbidiff I u It 0 0 6g6, 149 florve and cold nervM, ollowed Animal into An Eng- flow deop the longin f that The fleat on a ra1lwlAY Is ne of the Hounds r my heart nve fluids I. Od flit 001`6419 lu'lot t 11110 tutget phase of the All six C4b§ 00d I Mevo be was 6MV, �vhleh Iwo quite, distinct from life nerves Working Iish Cottage. liff, 4d - with appoffillolifts. 'ThO 60&3 matter: sori of articles wil nsation, also give over most dangprous, occuptitions In the ttl�l-liufj t;iBsON \1011.%F. Ottod griaolt4on't I Of -1 1�­conttjbi:lMd to, the 4adarl nifir3l ---.41-- GERNIANY,� At'LFRS.- "I'lien. -it wb � ith*t. "Wo, x6tic, 140 t�pl twu lit VVOrk .. �,� vtry quichly. A blith that world, Out 9f 581-664 P"TaOIA9 I'mPloYed There wriq an extraordinary terminfk- n Willi tile Duke Of Beat]. FtF%IFDy D19PASP. Tvo pillot, day W90pal per.� TtIbI010, seems quite Ito U r. hen you step Into It, oil the railways Of life UnUed Kingdom tion to a ru irmy loin to rWXI0dlt*,, were. w tten n Germany is ruled fly one emperO you'ro, tight. OP -1461 0 ri to cousp any partiou. In 1004-, 402 were killed and 3.895 In- fort's hounds recently. The ru had four kings. Sill. grand dilikes. Rven blit Ili., 'The belid Was j4 s6nollffbil- gry Soon celllqO and they knew that the Cerialn Oecupffilonq Practically CA%re 1110 1 r I"lloig Of urat. jured., That is a proportion of one Mort' heen a long one, id ont) simple enillit. Thesi keeper mot )teat, & 101y and thet 41, thOr object, NeK,6 of boring and eight can' killed out of 1,447 workers, slid one tit fox was almost spent. Suddenly the game Klndq of Dirienite. princes (if very differelltogircea 0161046 Nvldo�pred&yi vfighrowd and the 1P turned atirliptly from the oplen, Ill the eyes of cheit 6ft endt"TTIOUS amount Of Work.' 150 Inful"o(L scont Attly, It Ila 0!;1h19 W09 rot IXf on I 1).g a day they Work hard The -3nollt deadly branch of railway leaing straight into fA About *41110110 tile garden of a cot- ,it is a Purioui thing," Anal a Firlen of inituirtance, e%e H Y,,dw I At regotit. the of Castle ti.4t to the, %irifer recently certain own lininediato sutijects, but in out As wo.. WeM tilt 1110,vid, WK5,011; limiIling to do mote. nhunfilla, In IWI one In every tago in lilt, little villago IDWY f0it t Ablit b0"86d Ago Met Wfillifts 6f, th6 11wilicatf Pritte's9ton Injured, and one (:oombc, Those wilti occupations (it,- practicalty tile rcutedles (1 --gree of' amiller they all enjoy thif in 6vening-4 411f 441r,40* ��'rftica , 1 -.3 Y�stery the heart are RAO MOM twenty 61IIIII(Org were were Jollowinit wondpred what had hap- of certain disea-s. 1;fIllillps and privileges kinghip, and 41'd �rftofi ratVft ' 6M 'PlIfillil Ilk iato f(We some isomettiffig Ilk* serigattoll; "*hit, *$I that, �f 0. Ifta vition. 00 0 IMUflnF of all.' From the fir.4t dawn'of n 4Kt9 was; hllli�d. health. tile respoluslI the ladits'blit to Ibeffilft goV,`$tkto the boy's, body, 1 0 litarliod nraReamen and good.,; giiardq alw find poned and %vero morO (L'itunlahed still "Shel)herds onmy rerialli'lint"I" oettog lift till it after the lost 91P41) they Work illelf, w4pit Particularly dangerou, one t4p see fit(% entire pa,9( without chevIcing I thli m 'Ito lecultar otlor about bilitim of state. FverY Of them each allitt' u $11Z X tht, WitholAt 6tapping for one fastant. An ills to drl�o ft%%fi) digease. has n capital ond it colArt of his own. os b it fe4r'U9,'b;1t ki hag tuore ritaxis, Ars IT ap- 04. wolo. Wit d I Ittiality-ollo having been Injured, and (tie an instant, (13.411 thrOligh (Ile OPPII alleel) W Is are not very big 11 Imlajit:116 iii6dAlity, W" Iffifilosoly io. Oat. Alter, death, if some salted tvatee 19 If oupp, L Ili 54a Rilloa in 1001. d(vir Into the little room. A shrill tiven and wonten Who work "me of the eapita tively startle, uot foom ilom(twict 4"milts,01 Ap" � all very proud. jl,fWt�&. ptloapeA, into ilia ikearl. it cornmencea to on(, and when IhD whip- among lovender, gathering it or dis- civoi, but they ano im *=1 plreftl(on 40ne, next all (he list as re� scream wa beard, 11 welqi wrio &M, showing that the flervq are fieuralgin or ner. Among lilt'") are pin,(xs Willi ula- fag CIP0#1104 04 NO. 0,0600 61 1A tlhlt AOOHY ot Illotiva Wilit, a fivitlueney, of Mishap, tile PASUOI- Per -in throw himself front ilia borre and whial; it. seldoin Ilme RX01). 100 an r under notice hay. gained the threshold lie sav a night vouci hendoebe. Lavender, tnoreaverw is Itort; 4)1 11,000. 9.60(i� 0 nil fair %6 llo�3 during, ITO you 1 0 System, )11411 of tile principality o; aid Adtiwly 41klh , theim 0110.1 it; W, 11, orio fill forty-fillue Injuretl and which probitilly no) foxillint(T laq Ovel' good for gh'ing Ion(' to Ill Arolsen, fin' cat Dot, has only 2.620 ilk* ante of t ,a In bf Ward I -PrYM4 mr600ld004' AS'Mr.fAudn Aplitilton, WoNts14 or POLAND. sA white-frived wo- "Linployen fit hr6wortea, tanneries an(I er j� stewd- Lilt ellonil in d, -r3 suffor Ifinn met beforp o d In her ir printinti-inh factorteg are Immune frorn hobtlatriLq. The entire popillatWITI of tm AA6 %VqMen Offen' 04 in t,�,,VclIty-nIne was Injured, MdTA sland eirinping A C1111 Q mg, P worim and princi alily f 1.1clitka%teln, tho s%*(T- ef�tj�d ilm SA4 14$4, "kiwo." rif: altil prileevt -and one ill ON U1110 III 191A. end right fllffu- In tile eradle train wlitch consuniptioll. Turponlin f I ow � -, moksIA16 r thdr beauty � , 'Irl ling ex. Tile -On afgAlthed, IS ropo worl,a are a protection Imm rhou- loat a them all. in about 94(k C4,0 %* *01(twitit I" lb h6d" Ito t Ila 010 of Casunitkn among tho infant had Iftt 110 worl;cra The �apffid IS VadU2, with 1,131) ZhAll Inappiftg, 1w 4W 'in 107 Injurod, and.ono co . at &roe houn(M ,Verel stf-UggUng ItualLim. And, in Conclusion, oxptesmm. of two, fill OWO kw fera �Va eiriv ca IdA ko, alm "Refill, strilth4, W.Voill, WAW stgo list q -0. orld itcopper mium need not fear typhold." bltant& sw,� 61'et" *1 X ft% n Oft U11 liKusand it% vaur tbAr I". W artistically. 6. t ii IL