HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-09-20, Page 2bootee, mortis' down the lake, 1 thought I',1 ar a di..i
go up too and fee what war to be sew. A that as their
race ; they are also aware,
country improves'. -pnptela-
weti dressed, pmiiie',- gond nature I, dnuhtr teen and e, eau, they, too, ower he beor6t-
gNwssts/ wase that war in the police office. ed but they aoyol help feeling deeply, al-
tt•.korteeb 1 reekns-ahnwed Ine how to tionigh they may not cnmplaa, %hen they
1 tip. Whoa 1 gut to the helfry find themselves insulted, .braved and threa-
warlhroe.r(opr enrolI.okin' chap. # Rain lenrJ Ly thn•e from whom tory had expee•
riggin is hoist the thole J'hn, Speakiu'
to use of 'em+ -won woe tall ennigh for a
tel.gragb fele-1 asked what he war again'
to do? "We're agnin' to show honor to
Lord Engin," eek he " the greatest man nn
Woe enatinent, by boistin' old England's
cross bare." What ernes has., sez i, nre-
tondin' 1 did'nt twig. "Why,' replied he,
" the cross berg t'.at no nation war ever
able to jaw over, On. they've been a tryin'
for the last thnu•and years." None of em
could get aver hut Jonathan, sez L " O
Pease the la seam 1t1aiL
Seat -1 Mad lost meet that yam Goble
OuverMes °metal war •apeated to wens Om
gasp et ..egos, sad that it ravel amen itho-
bile would arrive where WOMB mgrs reside
w Pretty. Aad es the metals of that day
1 lowed amt for wild• 11h/ M wort/ he
Moog &met 1 easels. lie Met ss esy
Soaasy-go rn n 46861. An* 11 eJ j ecce ie
tee.eri••lly weak sad altogether, uppomil
.sr4 viote•ce, as their ysceDt roe
M.ut..el meta, artery le.
the .*dub .s►ject., et
I.sa' , i . . C.•da, possessed of a
y a t numemcal wperw.rtty, wed
IMOI at the stems time, ambitmes, tm
peeks@ ea/ lserned to tyrannise over and
melees their brelbree of English or.gu•
Mend woa1J be .oneetbieg credo
gtM des et.r to eippwhsg
l•po1a teryor.tnry ag *Da la'( illsural M .adiaa►sersng to
shag t ids esteem Iia, sit
to a tow wt tMM fmprw4ssrr k
b' look et asysh 1>!met ,demean them .111111111.1001, and POW*.top till I got optima*1 a tib held,, hake ita barmier 1411111 USW tel lour maps Is,
1 mew paw that eoetwsahi 'en1Am,.n and in nab oldie hiiure of moral mice
war o• brad. :.mer}body wY all dre..wl even , tone
force might be resorted to ;
op t1' Ibe neies.gs r..d til.' 1"°41, hie ill bel the cane a. it Need. al Pr t Is wide
stM'ieM+ a•ta iia/ task eek othe big j ly di. they and a say Ire(. right to Som
bogs WARM alwaer with three or four platin, they are the Ryna'' ( immigration
smallh swiss.• wnbe.ery ear's num, ration of
j• /ail.ylG' hint asktn gus.Unnm end7 g
gain' ire aim thengb e►ythtig depended on I'Hive. e 1'..e Bmeh ult) that their
bei.' tei •#sr•ke- Three •.roved of chap. ,"re a being ra1,Wl► ing"lyhed, that the
tr0•Id held • emcee on the corner, aad
Mit moa$q elsrgnene. weld /awl vat
• • greet many wore things wnntd be said
1 tell Stem J could always tell a tory
whew be went "tong, tam the weir Ms
lower lip would hang dewn, You'd think tiNHsmnt of number, mi(erly tasigotficaot ;
ctr% load of woe tier • kawgia' onto his fico
It war stretched •g.lo.g, and he'd look
twice its sour Y a piekled crab apple. and
Ned.h and uthere, already in the province.
num mer two to thew one, and, that ere hat'
a ce.jtiery have passed, them will have be-
come but a midi fraction in Canaali • p,pu-
t•tion, that, to fact, they will have bee me,
ut they du not cou.plaid of this ; they sun
eider CentJe a• their only home-, heir na-
tive and i they know that they are even
about as pleasant se • deranged wildest.- ane but •small pontnn of the population
s genet of titer. on top of the court and that noon itt y will be seateely surreal
'recur* /Le Ezecvine C.mncd, acba.wl.ell.d
kat he bed epuk-e tis wed atter. wee
,.teed, wk►re•yeet w lord Lrlgta--Pled.
It is well bwwa that Om greet ..Iiia,
,! the ()r.15remw1 eey/.yte ere est esti
nevose a semisweet tat .. ave is their rap
toeiu,.w to the Admtsrtrasnrs. All tier,
Political sympathies are with tb. Tory M
poem°.. To their employers they May
the part or tranora, spies, ekeSla.. ateren
'rale per nut .f .l the s.
alligibgb the country ass of the Mae kadr .
Ills 'tterly (hostile are may to the Wpm.
and so all pervedieg is the tellumece
J army of traitors. that 11 the g...re
meet do rot take them so had sad J.osr it,
hem of their weapons, It will steed a Is,
'•banes of being undermined and eventuallt
nese, by them. To nonrtsh ibis am•ipre
-ent enmity, to feed them while they war
,guns! you, to arm thou. with weapons
which they tura aga0.t yourself, is not
magnanimity, is nut sound in key, is nut
,"1.ly or ciroroUs Adwia.atralaoet it i.'m
,.cillo ref poli•teal swcide. To attempt
1" conciliate political enemas is the way to
•,lf'nd your friends. You can me wore con
toilets pelit,cal enemies who have not one
.entumnt to ,common with you. thea you
ran change the colour of the Ethiopian's
akin. But the very slto.-npt to do so will
cool the ardour of your friends. Who the
expects to secure the fi kitty of Mends, will
hope tp do it by rewarding the treachery of
enemies ! %Vhy should lie g.verameoi
suffer itself to be injured in au many way.,
by continuing in office penises of the stamp
of 11. Joseph Lee, and others that could be
name° 2-E.rasiieer.
led 1.. to thing.. Bot, a.uid.t all their file departure of His Excellency the
male, tory marl feel a plrafure, and at Ibe Gover0rir Genesal from the Lower CanMhan
tame li . hither respect for Englishmen metropolis, for Upper Canada, has fallen
ad EnoTch tesunutonr, in witneeeing the among the Montrealer", like • bomb- hell.
manner in which more than tolls -thirds ut All the fiendish articles of the Montreal
the people of Upped Canada lately expren- Press, and the reepondmg notes o' three or
ed thea abhorrence of the conduct of the four of the most rabid Tory paper,/ of Upper
Montreal Sarin reelect -intents. By such, Canada, have been int ffecrual; the Gover-
means the poor French Canadian', are shown nor General has not been frightened to the
that the maj •r.ty "(the English and other .u.alleet extent by their trauma; an spite ui
races in the Province, are too noble, too 51 all ton lung proati.ed visit to Under Cana
eeneruus to take advantage of their weak- da is now • fact. 'Po add to the despllra-
athan wet able to
n the colorer'', they
well save
war his old dadnJ. John hull that larged extend tthe right hand n( fell w hip and fra! into circular onthe metropolitans,
the rumour 'hairier('
g term, to tons French Canadian fellow gra will not return again to Montreal, but
E• -
hon. as the std rooster crows the sun ons y
taros." Yes fez I, when John Bail crowt eibject. irid join with them in rallying remain to carry on the Government in Up -
Le sea " cock-a-doodle-doo," but when our around and dcfesdm the constitution, per Canada -and the knowledge tort their
c►gls gaps hie wings he holler 'Yankee which Britain's noble Q teen gave to her City has shown itself utterly unsuited to be
doodle does !" brat then half adozeo chap. Canadian subjects, and, in spite of all the the Seat of Legts'ation for the I'
farther up the roof, cried o. t, ''there she opposition of Incend:ane., will ai•J there, hail/allied general credence for the report.
1s !" " there he comes !" " Whar! whar!" not only to ehouttng with • rotes of Chun- ft is only now when the change ala:ee them
sea the 1a:1 chap etr'Jrn up the smooth tin 'ler, but with their beet blond in maintain- to the face, that the Montrealer. begin to
Lite a lamplighter. " Yes, that'. the Cher- Ing, that BRITON s irvea •.ALL tie Shaun*, realize the full effect of the blow about 1n
nitres ."' sez lin. " Honraw for Elgin," sez to any man or men, and, especially, to the 1.11 on their City, already nearly ruined by
the crowd. Then the chaps in the street remnant of a blustering, selfish, tyrannical the diminution In their foreign trade; their
began to make track. for the dock. And faction, whose aim and object ever were, rage and desperation buret out at every
Aston' down stairs i follered up the rear.- and now are the aubveni°n of liberty, peace pure, and their *.onto to exc'te a di-tnrbaace
it did me good, to as the way the Refer- and order, and the oppression of the many in Upper Canada, becomen duly more in
mere steppe) Prat they felt right' I kin by the free. tense. it is said that appeals have been
always tell a Rslormer at first sight. 11.'. . orale by the Montreal de.trucuve., to their
/Morally • good lookin' gcol-naturae, and Fromm rC,,0, -.- Ifthere bet any ground Political friends to Kingston and Toronto
good- talkin'sort ofa chap, with his head up on which we can stand beside Cana an To- to stand by them .n the hour of need: it i.
and breast stickle' out. None of yer pick, ries-arty platform from which we could even said that they conjyre them not to
pocket downcast Inks about him. When consent to advocate a course of policy in allow Montreal to be iacritced because it
I got to the wharf 1 edged thro the crowd common with then -it is that of public ham thrown Itself into the gap tor the rams,
till I got in a good place fur lookin'. Up ecnnomy, They have p ofo-sed to take a of Toryism, but to use •11 tor •ris to have
cum the Cherryiree, as "lick as gouge stand for retrenchment ; and at no period or the same scenes repeated in Upper Canada,
Freese. and she's a proper Dice craft too.- our history has there been • time when this nod ensure thereby the Governor General's
When she war about 400 yards from the subject could be brought before the public recall and the continuance of the Seat ni
withal saw they put her at half power. mind with better effect than the pra•.ente-a Government at Montreal. The preetee
every body thought then that she war agnin' lesson of great commercial and financial ■mount of truth in -these reports we have
to stop. II Now gentlemeo" set a big doe- ernbarra.ament-when every *lolling of en- not aecertatned-but we do know that
bre breasted chap with a gold headed cane pital could be invested with so much a Ivan- grata Telegraph Reports have been on
fn his band, „now gentlemen, %Lem! give tsge in opening up the resources ofIhecoon- varmus occa.inne freely despatched from
the signal, mind you all sound." "That's try, and rigging the state vestal for the Montreal to the leading desperadoes here -
him in the stern," said i dozen voicee,'knd "Yalta alas has brfort1 her, in competing as for ioeranee in the matter of Mr. 'Hoary
save enough jest then a plain dressed etcr- with our neighbours. However rrInctaee Sherwnafeel,,atton to the Bench, • de fi-
nal smart lookin' man, with a great broad our uffire•holders may be to disgorge thole berate fabrication, concocted for the nlest
high forehead, -jest like Dan Webster's- enormt u. salaries, or cerGtl their expenses, political purposes. There a elect ever,
Mapped former. and Lakin off hie hat bowed the time has arrived when the people of reason to believe that the i famous placard -
moat perlite. Then the people sounded. Canada will demand the performance of posted recently through our city were
and you'd a tho't twenty steembusts had state duties at fair het economical rates.- printed in Montreal and sent up here to do
boot their boilers to one. Then a real The letter of Prf,rmator, (inner first peg.,. the work of the House burners, by the same
swot lookin lady came forward and the will be found to throw much light on this parties. We do not believe there exists in
cheerio war kept up. i cheered mvse•feu'7"ck ; and as a well written and able Turooro t set of men wicked enough to
hoarse as • hose n hen Lady Elgin appear- production, we would, direct especial no- concoct such a devilish produrtinn as the
ed for 1 remembered how the tunas skunks tics to it. %Ve have none of that anti- last of these placards. The Patriot's lead -
of tories had insulted her at Montreal.- American feeling that would close ou's.eves era have been nearly as bad, but the conduct
She seemed mighty pleased and her and to whatever is sound in principle and bene. of the Editor of that jo.srnal is denounced
Lord,Elgin kept a lookin back as the boat ficial in practice ; ani when we see the Pre- here by Whig and Tory in unmeasured
passed on, at full steam men. '1 ought to sident of the' American Republic ditcher. Lima. The Colonist has of late been • IIt-
lave said that when the people commenced ging the onerous duties of Chief Magistrate tie better, but in company with the Patriot
to cheer, that • feller with gold leaf all ofa great nation, surrounded by ministers it still continues 10 play into the lands of
round his cap came up to the Governirand and ambassadors from every power, ariytn. the Montrealer* by cnpyingthe mna, fiend
bowin Tike a French dancin master seemed erotic as well as democratic, enrely it is not inb-articles of the I.nwer Canada Tory
to ask him comet 'o, the gnveroor appeared too much to ask that the Governor -Gene- Nese. The departure of His Excellency
to give some kind of an order, when pre- rat of Canada should be content with an has especially been made the subject of the
meetly the riggin war full of blue jacketsne
eq'..I, if not ►e -e, remnralion for hie ser- in•ultine jeers and blackguard ahu•e "f the
wtao cheered back in true man of war style. vices. Bet this is by no means the only Montreal paper*, and tb$ a the Patriot and
Some people seemed to be sorry that the item demanding altentinn. The whole ci- Colonist here taken special delight in trans -
boat dtd'nt atop, but I bad seen Elgin, and tit list is exorbitant, and req'iires the sharp (erring to their columna. and in dninhr s', u
war satisfied. use of of the pruning -hook. The great nut- will hn seen that the Colonist ham been gull -
The only chap that did'nt seem pleased lay inewrreJ by our Leetela•ure ie. a burden ty of falsifying the text, and paring the
after all war over was an old feller with a which a new country could ill afford under erodes down to suit the taste of his readers.
black eye on, and half a yard of shirt tail any circumstances ; gid when the hard- We think it can scarcely be very accep
out ! Sea he "that's the WAV it always is. working pioneer is told that be may expect table to the Comm. -tame Merchants and
No sort of pride or loyalty left at all, but all .to be called on for his -share of some forty property -holders of Toronto, in see !heir
abeatiw' like so many foreordained feels.- or.lfiy thousand pounds for the expenses of paper. thus playing the game of t -e kf in -
Yoe did'ot catch me cheerio' rho ! I'd cut the last session, lie will be apt to shrug his treal people. Wbsle the Quebeckers and
my tongue rut first ! I'm true blue Tory, sbouldere, and ask what he has received in K•n.Qstonisns are striving to get the Seat
my dad war • tory and my gran dad war a return. Truly, we pay too much for our of Government among them, we see men el
tory, and — —1 ar a tory and may i whistle. Nor is this all : there is yet ann- Toronto, deliberately devising moans to
he — if don't- die s tory. i belong to (her class of charges on the Consolidated throw obstacles in the way of thi. City
the British Amerikin League and we'll make Fund for which we know of no semblance being selected as the future capital.- Globs.
yen smell sulphur be ore long. No use "f an argument. Why tb• people of Wes-
tryin to dp anythin with me Pit die genie. tern Canada should be made to pay for the MONTREAL CORRESPONDENCE.
Hnrraw for our side ! 11 we baint got the pollee forces of Montreal and Quehec, with
most in figure we make it up in prnpertv the chimney -sweep and hoose of Correction
and intellect. 1 tell yer agin I'm a Torvlr at Three Rivera, we have yet to be inform -
"You •oed'nt tdl es so often," maid a eJ. Yet so it la.
"stoked looking boy in the crowd-" for you- We say the time ha. enure when the
have the blue.; (,g up !" " And the signal reven"e of Canada meet be devoted to Can-
e/distressoat r' .a'd a jolly sailor. '• O ads • advancement, end not be held up se
go on said the poor fellow, dog has its the brazen image, at whose shrine pnlic
day,, men fall down arid worship. Let it. be
i remarked In a gentleman that tnryiam l w•tse and profit by experience, which teach.
bad been faithfully representrel on the circa- es that nne great means of making men
mann. Foi like the poor fellow its even are honest to to plare no temp'aion in their
bunged and ire shot tail sticks out while its way. We are tat levellers, however, and
would like to see the emoluments of public
functioneriee placed at such a figure as
would .timnla'e young blood, and secure
old fnenda " pave by nn the other side" ile
enemies laugh and deer at i1.
Young/eon, N. Y., August 10. ih• services of men of first ra'e talents in
the condor/ of the affairs of the Province.
Benda, Warder.
From the Brantford Herald. 1
"What can he more anti-Britrph or morel The c•sw of Mr. Joseph fete, a elite. en
Womanly than the cnndoct wh'ch has been,' the inspe-clnr General's department, has
hien brought before the public by the Her-
ald anJ the O.ssente. Mr. Lee, it appear'.
w*, heard to .an that " tt world he wril to
for some Om, past, exhibited by people call
drag themselves by the onmeaaing same of
aaxeNI, tnwgr,la 111604 Canadians, whose
origin is French, but whip ern thern.el,esi k.saa' Lord Elgin not his ow. flag stair e,sh
Britishsob*i., h"rn naderlthe fkniah Flag, byAM'eister* &slomhim '' Prot), language
for th, Adenee of which, the la.t war this fur an employe of G,rernment ! Such
expr.s.inns b.•trao an amnnnt of brutality
and emdictivenoie, of which we could hand
ly have shwa
even rapid Turyjam (,a
lees of the !Gowns school) to be kutlty.-
We shohereunto to believe (hat any
ivjh.sed man would otter theta ol.sa we
had each proof of the fact as could not be
fairly gainsaid. in the proasat metaee., :he
Grad tallow of "liekiag" an to., seeiew ea is et han
hind a peruke stated what he
weepeevl p.rtioe of the Q.nses'..nkjsete, I ea* lard, and S!-. Le* berg tsterrngeted
with United States, as well as at the period
of the revoluiinn, none .-PrP more willing
to hank -to fight, ay, and bleed too 1 Is
11 j"sl, honorable or manly in the descen-
dants of Britoil. who were rimed for *Male
e d chivalrous aril -n.. to be everlasltn Iy
hareem( about Frenchmen and French Do-
w mseb•., to he ser'ereg rnwnaen ag•It@t
To the Editor of the Toronto .tlirror.
8ia,-Nearly two months ago, a Cnn.
earl was given in this City, by a Madame
D•.borde, who be request sang the celebra
ted Mareallatse Nymn, when called for by
several parties in the room ; at the same
time a number of others demanded the la -
'lona( Anthem. Toe affairs created snmc
little dimturbence, on account of a young
French Canadian being the prime mover ;
his unruliness was made the subject matter
of great complains, and was carried to the
ear. of several memb-r, of the Admtniatra-
li.n. 11 waw thought 'Weldable, no longer
to retain the person alluded to, in the ein-
oloy of r.eGovernmen• ; :and cnn•cquenty
he was diamia.eJ. Being o French Cana
din* ! Not so with a certain other char
actor, from the land of Shekepeare, woe
during the riotous proceeding in this (sty,
went about voetfiorating in a intoner not
only di.credttable to himself but abanve
both to the Government and Lord Elgin, in
such strains as -
" Nothing arold please me Molter, than
to see the whole of the present Ministry and
i.nrd E•gtn d*neing et the ed of a rope,
lead to a lamp post."
Thi• miecoedoct, as the other, was repor-
ted in the present advisers of the Governor ;
and when the deangnent was called ueon,
end questioned in One C'uned Chewier.
wheln.r he had al se reesed himself ; h.
easwer(d in the afpretarive,-ree.ned • re-
prilseed, aad hae "lace been allowed gn'etly
to monoses hie avocations to Politic OAew
without the Misuser &.rise te dewy..
hie, ; ad that, on aee.eot of hie being e
terf, dies es .dogde Eases.
. tote whet, se sae debts to be salad
wows 1 1. s1. (leeerwmewt to rotate m-
ew* is item employ wee may ec.rrllaedy
thews them, sad eiiil ~II now ?eel- ss.e 1
11 eo, the atom/ ties M • teeing tele the
motes by the the Re omen ref Cambia. the
'reeler 1 .w mut aseumed, thew at the hoed
.1 affairs to this Promisee, sell .re low
railed ea to gee s.swo 1
lileciere,iseseek atq•ge ••..
1 an, Mi. Uttar,
Tam Iedy,
As Aestmaa.r Jeenca.
are by a re d eakeas of It gaaa, wallah bed bee
w eeek j trvered 1w the eesessee. 1!M
the Oral tits. dike w sea obis pest{. ef
the v Il.y •/ the amid Lan reverberated
with the emed .f *rime., ad her the Mar
tins. Id • Omnerser Qesersl risk it. Hid
Excellency's Jo.rwey swam hill of agreeable
iweirteate, tied It eff•rded him a practical s1
leslretiun of the affection aad granted&
i. which 1e ie held by the sturdy young.
of I(pper Canada. We a .demand that
111. Eaeell.sey railed .t all the Careworn
Schools rte bis rotate, tied .xpretieed himself
ighly'relited with the result of lib in.pee
u n. A large parte diced with His Excel•
Ieocy, ad early seat morning b departed,
accompanied by a Nnmeronb cortege, to ex -
maw .the luck and dam above Caledonia.
1t la:' parttime, not g.aanlly knows that
Hi. F.xcelloaey to ex jeie Trusts, fur the
Six Nation Indians, who have a large por
tins of the stock in the Grand River Navi-
gation Company. and one object of His Ex
cellency's ow to this quarter was to in -
'peel the works of the Company.
His Excellency's ►en returned to break-
fast with Mr. Thompson. and thea Iwoeeed-
..l on his return to the Falls, front which
place he will proceed to Kingston to attad
the Provincial Fair, alter which be will
crone to this city, and make a grand tour of
the Province westward.-Prewncwliat.
`aha Aaliiaaa's Tow -8te Ile
weIMeey .tweed al the '.edew.e .f amid
Msg.. Y. P P.. at Iadsa.e, at
Ma, . ss.. TMnda7, woes he
was meek seelayemetteelly, by •
targe eoeeee ee ./ the po.pl..6 the village
w ad asterbberbood, as well as by a seeder
daseetleamib teem a grate, disease& Me
arrival waw aawa.ar.d ta the weighberbw
atssalrw alto wire.
We sow tome to ,rat .If bsebe•d sod
oar been male, which'r* 111 be ithi/erema,.! ge
lovers; .ceondly, hoe warrages may be 4 .-
.olvrd, witch will be interertng to unhap
pay t oupl's; and lastly, what are the legal
effects of marriage, which will be intcrwt-
eg to those who have ext gent whim.
for whose debts the husbands amiable.
To make • marnatro, three thieve are s-
quired; first, that the parties wit: n.arn;
...condi', that they can, and thirdly, that
they Ju; though t' ua it seems that if they
du, it matters little whether 'bey van: fur
it they do, they do; and if they will they
tenet; because where there is a will there
II a &a,, and therefore they will of they
choose and .r they don't it ie because they
won't, which bri..gs us to the conclusion,
that if they do, it is absurd to speculate
upon whether they will or eta marry.
It 6a been lad down eery clearly in all
the bor'ke, that In general, all propane aro
Anle to marry tinker they are naiads, and
the fine old constitnunnal maxim, that D a
man may not marry his grandmother,"
,Dight to be wttten in letters of gold over
eve'y domestic hearth.
There ars some legal disahilities to
marriage such as the Plight 1 npediasent o
Delo! married already;- and tom or two
other obstacle., which are too well known
to regime dwelling on.
11. (athet'r Heart ehottld happen to be
part cularly flinty • child under age has no
remedy, but a stony guardian may be rna-
raduiized by the court of chancery; that tr
to say, marriage to which he objects may
be ordered to take place in s rite of him. -
Another incapacity is want of reason in
ether of the par des; but if want of reason
really prevented a marriage from taking
,lace, there would be an end to half the
'latched that •re entered into.
A husband and wife aro one in law -
though there is often any thing but unity
to other matters. A trate cannot en'er into
t legal agreement wnb his wife, but they
Wiwi enter into daegreements w hick are
thoroughly mutual. 11 the wife be sn debt
nefore marriage, the husband in making lore
to the lady has been actually eniyting rig-
ny.vile.he may have entered into; and if the
wife s. under an ohli,ra'ion for which *he
'night be legally at'acheJ, the husband
finds himself the victim of an unfortunate
attachment. A wife can'not be sued with-
out the husband unless he is dead in law;
and law a really enough to b. the death of
any one. A husband ora wife cannot be •
wit nese for or agnin., nne another, thnogh
a wife sometimes gives evident:. of the bad
taste of the Mtdb,in l in .el.ctog het.
A wife cannot exect.te a deed; which is
perhaps, the reason why Shak.epeare, Erten
war a first-rate lawyer, made Macbet',
"do the deed," which lady Macbeth would
have done so mesh better, had not • deed
done by • woman been void to all intents
end purpose..
By the old law, a hnehand might give hie
wile moderate corrertinn; but it is declared
in black end white that he mar not beet her
black and blue, though the civil law allowed
any man on whom • woman had b.urowed
her hand to bestow his fits upon her at hie
own dt.eret.on. The common people. who
are much attached to the comm -'n law, still
exert the privilege of beating their wives:
and a woman in the lower .ranks of life. if
she falls in love with • man, ie liable, after
marriage, to y a good deal struck by him.
Such aro the chief effect., of marri •go,
from which it is evident, nays Brown, that
the law 'weirdo •,
the fair rex with peculiar
favor; but Smith maintains that Ruch poli'e-
nea on the part of the law is like amiabili-
ty from a hyena.
TGs F ' JOInT STOK Barin. -The
public are deeply interested in the stability
of all banking inetltetione *boss notes aro
to general circeluinn, and guarantees ire
ordinarily prevtdiel by law, against failure
in Scotland the partnere are known and
individually liable for 'he debts of the Bank:
in other cnuntripn other means are adopted
to protect the holders of the notes in circu
latinn.; here, Hon recent charter+ of our
Danks provide that stockholders shall gene-
rally be liable to double the amount of their
•tock ; but what gearente• the p'iblic have
for 'he redemption of the mom, now itswed
al Bir ftrlo, under the nems of " TGs FARM
MRS' JoIRT SToex," e e know tint, an,l we
think it is time the pihlsq onoht to know.
it is notorious that its, patter hes began to
circulate very freely, and that the ascente
tions of Arnencane in wheel are likely to
extend it7 circulation still more ; and we
therefore deem it a duty we owe 10 the pub-
lic to ask what guarantee have Ore people
of Canada, that the notee of this hank sell
be redeemed ! We ere aware that a par
Itam.nI ry Inv.Rtigt;ion into the afore of
the co',cern, took place haat year. but we
have never seen the information published
upon which the cira,letion of this foreign
paler may satisfactorily be countenanced.
This we do know that the community orf
fired heavily by the dead ci'coletien of
"The Se/pension Bridge Bank," whore
ohm( nperature reaided on the east side of
the Niagara, and lost tilts experience should
Iced us to employ bevy precaution to pre
rent the recurrence of • similar diaa•ler.-
It is notorious this the parties whin were
formerly the reepon.ible propnetnrs of the
Fanners' Joint Stock Bank, resoling withie
the Province, pehluhed some tine ago that
they bad now no conn.etn'n with ia, and
were therefore in nn way responsible Inc it.
'ransactinn+ ; and it is e'q'tally notorious
that the chartered bank., da not receive Ile
note.. Ths paper his hitherto been re
teemed by its agent, Mr. Phipps*. in Bae
Stroll ; bolt w. .hnnld Tike to know what
oeenritr the people wnn!J have were 8100.-
000 or $1100,000 n( thee paper to get ado.
amongst 115 r -Examiner.
G altem.L 'I'arL„a AND THE C
}lulls the President was in Harrisburg, he
was waited upon in a body. by the Reverend
rgv of the hnrough. They were intro-
duced be the Rev. Mr. Coit, of the Episcn
Gal Church, who, after presenting the di
ferent gentlemen, addressed the President
to the following .ff.ct :
-' Sir -The clergy of Iiarrisburg lave
called in a body to tender you their reap•cte
and they desire to exprefs to you their high
eon.iJerartno far yourself, as a min and for
tour office. Your pant experience in the
eels of wear, is our euros, guaranty that
you will labor to secure to this nation the
blessings of peace. We trn.t that your
administration will be ao guided be wisdom
from above, es will erasure the wilier, and
the pro.pertty. of the people, of the United,
States. And for loir.elf, perennally, sir,
we de.tra happiness. W. welcome von to
our bor.'ugh and hope that yoor visits here
and thruughnut our State, will be both
pleasant and a±rePable.”
To this Gen. Taytoa responded in the
fo'lowing words r
" 1 ,bank you, gentlemen for your kind
nee.. My Ilk for mri-e thin forty rears
has been spent on the frontier of our 'c u •
try. Wh. heir his been the most
of hardah.p Lod the most nl danger., there
the government hie seen fit to termini my
servicer, an that I have indeed enjoyed op•
p•r'unities of learning the horrors of war
1 have ever been aver.. to war ; and io my
negotiations with hon'''e power., se in ed-
ema/ with the government. I have ever ad-
voenied pacific m.Yuree. It Is natural for
• people to rejoice in victory, but all the
glnte. of victory cannot compensate far
the lneeee that come upon i.rdsvideels.
"Trmmtha will not make up to panne
for the loos of their .on", nor to the WO.
1•n the toe. of her husband nor to the child
for the 1n.s of its parent. We meet bring
war home to the beirth•.'one to spon•ciate
all its horror.. But while i confines my
aversion to war, yet 1 meet elan decite, my
puronae to defend the country sermon all
nrgreseren., and 1 would !hit all that in
dear to me should perish, rather than any
wrong .h•'uld be done to our free insritu•
(tons. My reeep'unn in your State hoe
haven tenet cordial, and the hearty welcome
of this day especially, shall never be forgot-
Bona time e• go the M- ontreal Ceuta in the
reckless menefecture of filth aad raleehood which
to.aitwre• ise sole claim no public atentio.,
odd its readers that Mr. Two.•, MicQex,m, of
the Huron Signal, had been appointed Clerk ej
the Peau for the District of Hume. with a salary
of 2541 pounds a year ! The B.Ilevill. 1.1.111.
getter. which glories in acting a the shadow n(
the Stet/seam.ad the, Mnatreai Gauen, adopt-
ing the principle of lllaanca's satin of the
" Three Black Coma," *seek fifty pounds more
to the eatery awarded as by the Gar.tte, and
made it 300 roads! Now it ip po.sihle flat
soother the Graeae ear Ike Isfalligrwear knew
that their amerrti.ee were positive faleeh*sds !-
We pay it i.p ei4ls that they were ant aware
that their &Rations were aot tree, and at all
event., the arm could bays done bet little harm
whets confine') to the renders of these jeuroale.-
Bat the British Colonist knew that there
statements were fair. He wa• folly aware that
the Editor of the Hums Signal had amt been ap-
pointed (Perk of the Panes. ' H. ha.., decided-
ly, that the Clerkship of the flames District
Coami is est worth the key 0/ 300 pes.nds a year;
and lance he osiht net to have given additional
publicity te who, he knew to he empherially a
(ie. it may he well es.agh for • man, who,
like Ow Editor of Ibe British Colmar, has a per -
maul came •fsaime.ty •pion the Oweereaseet.
to reit with avidity, eyed link error and Men-
der, and to lay bold of every little eride.ee of the
part dal or partisan diaribstion of fever., that can
he made ev.J.Me is relearned the °overtimes,
sepnpeir. Bet we eertai.ly question the pob-
cy ant efleeaey of his teethe., .s psM'ahinp
whettaws, sad what the pnbhe Laow to be
lies. 1 is em extremities rf the prow say It
was bot wed, or enpie I. or extracted from ether
onoredw He himself timer it tib. (.1.., aad
AM keewledge 4 the mooed *his repnisibili ty.
ie long as the llalerimed was mediated ei who eel.
OMNI of the Games .ed ,tae Iaes(fig.awr, it was
M he a( them somata, sad their Editors week
done reepos.hle for it, bet wheeeeee i, appear.
•.d Is the .raw ca mtia. it was ted by Ise -
hod. who otherwise weed seek jaw mere it -
and t. them, .t I mm, I t be.um. +M lb of the
EmigraTioN Statistics - is esti-
three yeses l.737,5$ •migrated f m itt
British dnnwetnes. During the Iasi lore.
veers 480,000 emigrated; aid lest yea'
141,154 emigrated to lb United States.
mad 109,010 is the North A..rfoie eels
Ire haw as wish se b. s.•.wemAy ems/
to ase ewiwetwea vette este.'e winds., bet wa
ewteddp regret as ase the Laser et • paths
jeered. Mil • respeembie soaalatis., .three.
his aherir "rd hew,hsy a. hie sppeoest•, w
dreamy e.tuefy 5. psreeptae•. et moth end fay. -
heed. Th. *Mcrae. fee sew time pest, sere..
aItyetb r sepedler of the duda.tiee beset..
nolo wed woes. ie bis pistoled edt sip. a.4 „
• nem* pds1 as i. ,los meeel.e d kw
sloes' elk bawd kelleemem tgaeenp
mem him rl%.•ks.a Ise issmsse, is tis
cum...e el Ilia lib limas% thaw M n• a i
ewselaes the lite* that the item bite•,
1.d ilitleailawatirril party deats.wnawe in limo
.( Loam Luis', .lett 1• Upper Caeadit, .r a
e ther wards Mat we wen desire's th1 she Rs-
('ara.r, sbo.ld take potiueal displays ea the se.
aerie. ; wed to peeve aha we led caromed yin
desire, the Colouist pre the &nowise sash.
wears from the Sigma/ friths !id Aygwr,--
" let tete Reformers -the looms .f .lull
liberty -the Marl/igen: of all classes eel
parties tura out to thousand* end welcome
Ila Excellency with demoossratsons of joy.
A great principle tit at stake, and the man
who will refuge to w.Ik ur ride twenty ur
thirty miles to unite in these demonstra-
tions, has sol a just appreciation of the
value of liberty. Let the friends of free-
dorre-toeirired, of taw and order muster
m lhnueanJa and tens of thousand -Int
them carefully avoid giving personal insults
or twentirrs' offence to any moo or any
softy, and then, if violence or ekult rs
offered to their demnostration, it will be
steed ly discovered on whose head will rest
the responsibility
The brain" of the Colonist have surely been
conglum rated when he made the extract 1 fee
we appeal to aav sober two if the two emcee."
here in tali,. do not prove exactly the very op-
posite of what the C.ienese le eadreveme to
prove 1 We lequeased the ieielligeos of all
dones and part. --,the friends of tam and order
-to sail, a a demo.•tratioa is favor of the
Queen's ReprewaatAe. 1V• did tote II sport
the inrellig.„t radicals alone, bus woo the intel-
ligent of all c'esses and parties. We did not to -
vita the 6 rent of Lord ELGI.. nor the lovers of
the Honorable Resin! Bat.owito mor the loners
of the present GEverslnlut-but am lusters of law
and order. Verily, ala Caionia is • strange lo-
.cian ! Are there so i*SSUigaat men to the
Colonist's party* No lavers of lam and order P
We know he is anxious to have it believed that
the lawler, dieord.rly conduct of the Montreal
nolo* t fair repreaenacion of the feeli go and
dispo.ttioss of the Conservative party in Upper
Canada. His writings do not represent Oa sen-
timents and k,-liap of any party, except he
iow•.st party of ignorance and outrage. T •
Conservations in general, are loves of !aav and
order, .ad they are .dually ashamed of the inci-
ting, inflamaiury, ruffh.n threats sod predctions
that have lately disgr.eed the salumes ed the
British Colonist. Had the CoL,aist stied hww-
Petly when he tried to condemn as for desiring
parte demonstrations, and party proecwioes, he
would Love quoted a Mole more from our aniele
than he ba. done 1 When he told his readers
Mitt we were recommending perry demonstra-
nnra, he should .Iso have green our reasons for
doing so. Bat this did not exactly suit the W-
aterer the purpose of the Cadsaut-it would not
have been in bar,neay with his charnel/oleic
hooey ! Perhaps h. felt a little &trident and
squeamish on the aubp•ct. Our reasear were
thus given i• the article frem which 111,C•lowise
has extracted:-
"Thank God we live under the laws of
en enlightened, cinitxedeonntry. We aro
nn lover ofdem-neaten.inn., het if the emie-
iliag sedition of: the Br•iti,h Culoais' and
the b'm••!_thir.ty ferocity of Ogle R. Gnw-
an's titre leonine, are allowed to rxereu, a
control on public opinion and pnbiic action,
then, the twiner Canada is blotted from the
tet of civilized countries thObetter,"
IS treating of th-s fobj•ct, we have hitherto
egerded man merely as • ntieeal, moral agent,
ad have •h.ained enenly from making any
!lattice to his religious 4.ties aad reep.adhili-
es. Aad, ane, is viewing him es e rrligioas
lee, in relsttnn to tl,e pretties of war, we ere
sorry in being ander a oreesshty or admitting
a1 ell the various systema of religion, except
hristianity, which have appeared span the earth,
awe glom g Jeweled enomanuo. and rapport
war ! Nay, have been deeply imbued with
he spirit of the hank -Sell. With thee” wsr-
ke religim a we have nothing in do. W. will
t even stop ro enquire how or kir what reason
• wanton slaughter of human belrp should be
died .p with, nr receive the slightest coonte-
tee from eervtt . which a,. intended fir the
of of Peace aad Lowe! Christianity is the
IT ntsginn which eso new be reeegai.ed as
ligarory on men -we are wrisieg exclusively
'lint. won are pref.-wore el. Christlaniry-
ef thnsrianity u apposed to war. it may be
Ie mimed that all who believe in the divl.i-
of Oa Christian r.ligia., .ay, eves all who
acquei.ted with its precepts and dsetrises,
ewe that it is a religion .f poles wed love. -
so it is opposed to cruelty oil oppression of
ry species -thy, forgieenea and mercy are
most pr.minent eha'ser.rlsnes, the, in ohne:,
a folly and eminently calculated to wets I.*
they ought to 6e.
ow, if the Chriatiao religion it iarended sed
.hued to node. the w16ah, sionista dispaei-
y of oar aateee-to give a complete ospre-
y to oar moral madmen tai and to telae, tee
itemise forbearance, and charity, aad love to
ear fellowlerea'ares : the ehri.tien world,
referees* to the preetia of war, presents .tae
Ore realest eeetrediui... "lash ham.• hie
exhibits ; for. we maim sham Istw eyes to
eerie( ed tt•0Iiatieg fast, that is the ar-
of the battle-6edd, the miliaria Balled Chris.
have far, far os1-rivaled the seedvilhd Iter•
e mit Bet the man. be he as infidel at a
tilled eh,istiae, who world @mikes* thea
'hurries to eh5.siaily, 1. either etegsabev
omit of the spirit aad edema et thee religie.,
aerated try' a ww.e ,rets re lona i ..same.
i.ses.ud ear far Mood wed ea sq..st is
the (meals el naw beeers(sg ehrimies4 het
vide... K the Palet tied thee Itere see b.-
.Is.4.siw t Ci.iliptles aad sale•.. Mem
hate io imageries sf • few reed hew
*•chi abm to bit with gene Ilenity
we a Nees yse.Getys stela r "- ijkg sed
boys. M Oke wens w kWh 51158 •1"1
e( pawl► ea/ mines w shield Mat '
it i
ar is
the .
pot t