The Goderich Star, 1907-07-19, Page 4•
/0) G
9. Agar
OH fltC
�r*fl Vir
*at ran
delitious tlea-
minutest whin
in xs tote fro, nand wine,
'gavot*, Ge't pacloget
'ROO your Orcicer Ott try.
to -night, dce1 loc.
'Os flOCERT MOO 00., 1.1141"tat)
woOtiottro:ittt a erest Oa 4 (Metter
olre n tooP3Lie i modern
p to wireletatehrgitenbyt
fititith Volumbiall 144, wOrklog
mines, Including c hot yeer .I0,14tAttie lighted to -Perfection. antl. „en
doted over on ere, MaetiOn.Or Mein riseekilea*
clotting ati ,tho -stately parliaMsot
buildings of • Britisir Columbia. the
splepdha .0iivertiment Museum. ,ete.
By special tettuest the both:Bugs were
iteeateret la the tailor rot, the,Peovitkee, au rextemiltenete worthy Hie laudabl
according to Ore 'reportof rrovinciat 'the 'people and pUhIJe Pita kr about three 1000,1r _
men Of .liritish.Colinnbia.. The lelleths With. average *mutt or
Ingesce weft ptoportioned and form sixty *Miter terlteltrillg en *tee
all-tageideaft Welt a% an Iriside view hoot twentXponsitud. vinare Miles.
toot, thee impress, tile clatter inelet Vint *pa:Mather reeourges of British
toopohly, he productiorot of rotor*, t °tumble ploy be claweii.
toiests_. orehAdk• waters. Otet,. esstereast, waste,*
year *bow staligbt scream pa q• wete,,,alt ft„,o,vloWL'BOLI1•10rd tbe
kk The surveye in, connection !with Ore
with 1,004, the Iota rodoction of ail 31111Ot. t4e 'elPertrt8' 41 "4" Canadian Pacifie Hallaray 'established
clitaate *U1) /treat Odgers* wolf*, it
tniatet lee mitt to be LIM Oriett Britain
and Codifornla ot Ikunialoo. lt
as/4Mo, as Norway. Fiance ttua tiat,
glum reeve together. The BrOvitice 11
divided into two parte-..,the Island.of '
Vir vat and the Inaltdead. itleasthe
MItteridogist VIT. P. Robertson. It
4* pet Opt. greater thaq In IWO- TWq
COI e of -ore alone were ahinPeo
bun year; 10 per rent. greater than the
,previoon year. 'White both the jtlater
Ana too sow kina eilVer olitpitt lei th
'be Gobett4b %tar,
Vateratteill ettalb
VRIDAV.WL. 19, 1907
00derial to the Coast
And Return.
InterelaIng Chit About Our Knits
age mid People.
. •
Written by A. T,
Thu Was wars
• alit be seen by lite vieltor, the teak
higbeet peaks of the Mountains that
•i look the barhorof Venni:awe* sud
• to the lions of Trafalgar Square, of tending t e s coed greeting ark
marked resemblance In outline
mineral* itt tbe Prov nee exceed,* 100; from aoot $tt Mr u SPeo 014 tholt. th UM Of 3014 overtint *bolo
eel* ce
ceut. Inn totel deemase in . . eatente of the prov Thit preelons
MI *tweet* leite than 11000.000, which la victoria city best*tifel, and the mototlafolutd all along elte_outer and
norre then made by a roeord fn. vtiolat.., corvourniinga 'and culture Thompson erivetei Mat Olt VaticonVee
nise 10 the ioppet °input bn the
veer, leeching* Veltle Of 'It$Z0a
t.100111redgetien MA01(43,900,002
tcfne,Ofarhieponiaathilltio eonsittueo
Pausria, The Value Of the coal IWO
dined, for ell year* up to the end of
1000 rettebes fr1l.600,000: pleeer gold- le
second. Witb $06:740.000; ‘1040 gold
third with #11140(t) 000, making ot‘tatlf
in gold of oyer ,880.000, eireetkiling
coal hy 102.090,000, Neat IS coppee only it effort distance, to -,.some other
with 0, taw geosii sstotoe 0-00001 Tbe reesOu obvious. Three
toilette/Axe its premier posit on, auti
lakitistlea ahoW great bushiest prott.
Alderman Tates etated that people
are tort dying litlicklY 011000 lo Vie*
torts, People up there say be Wag
stating tbe ellealute truth 'rola 41
revendS poinl of vieWt• They n't) there
tO live • when theY Went in ;lie 14 IS
$44.000l.igtulk ilafi$0.000. Ito tit nieka lie ,pletteatot-cli-
mate, surroundinga land flattery -
Them facts are of groat interest tO
all who have LOVe 401314310a3Ct to As for climate Vietoria Is noted the
supplement title I do AI* know tbat 1? taw Asa eY001,20 foe ealubrity.
e other places may havo ellert
canalo better than reproduce the
drose of welcome tow Mayor Batione spelled lovely weether,tnis city counts
on4 the (101101. IVithfiet doubt it la timer by the month. In aune, 1000,
the best ever Detonated to any body Of tor instance, the histheet temperature
c Ana 11,01 * igemt 1,0**, in recorded ..n 7M the minimum 42.
on behalf of veueooyee, pio lowing but Victoria eeetne to hold the
two, werstiem °me buster end membere rent sweltered with e thermometer
es see (alma tows es sumo mossiest, at 98 ; Chilliwack au Ifered at 130 : To you. you, suaityough you to the nipeg wore anteater clothes during
other dietinauleactl paosieets ot ,youc the month, with a temperature of 84 ;
Loge. **--m001. of vancouver, etu but the balmy breezes of the Pacific
haltered ith the.higillivijege pies. kept Viatoria'a tempera.ture to 7$
when at the highest point.
The pee* tell me that year 1n, year
out, Victoria enjoys an Ideal climate.
The mean annual temperature of Vie -
Orin le 48.0: that of the Province, 46.3,
The average rain and . snowfall is 29.39
Inches. from statistica covering 32
years, while the Previnee in general la
to Per cent. more, or 48.32 inches.
" Contrasting the hours of bright bun.
shine with London, the bub of the
Empire, 1)r. Bryce, In "The Moats
and Health thwarts of Canada," mikes
the tollowing flattering stateuient ;
11 lote one of thole eAle On to ven Venaouver neekes ;ouch more yeti.
to 8,14 ***tatde peattetioni, tech ' able showing. the ultimate being SI
Mille. at one time of Ooderieb, a city and the lowest 40. The Terminal
counbillor, wart ane of' those peewit 01lY °Wm° to heat the (M00%
le the address of welcome 3 record for equabIlit . Swift Cur - at the Oaseler athlete
resteated theoligh • •
The coal minee;of Cohnublit
are probattly evert more ;valuable Hum
its gold Mitten The Oat front the
analettf allitlee ')eads the Markets at
so. Feantees It. of inealculable
of be Donrinion . but also Of in.
'hurortance, not only to titie province
tercets of tire E;npire, that lie oetO
.and trierearitile tuarioe, ee well MI the
continental roarkete, should ire eon.
plied front this eources
Which much has been written in prowl
and otherwise, The drat of nine dans
vats reads r
itiehit4,1bilortliore alty_los miner ho.
e eal ter the Western sees.
e Medias dtsw back from the narrow
01 tg114., and the roma breeze.
etagere ta the ineentaln'a rim
erpeat in out cloudy letr.
Se no. me vett ot the mow mist pato
We arewattitutand watching teens
My contribution of last week, itn-
Parreet though it mita have been, has
- been received Whit, much e favor in
teeny quarters, 'which gives courage
, te.vfelte more fully than was Intended,
It II not the privilege ot every citizen
to traverse -our braked domain, even
-thatigh a hurrie4 vaearlon rimy_ he
compulsory. In ittv opinion, about
tiMee Months thee would be required
to lee all that is to be seers and in exi-
° dition sssubstarktial bank accOunt to
beak 11; up. Nothing counts like
.,... --Money in travelling, and the tourist
" Mine goat risks in having too much of
It On lett person. I was not, however,
ittany worry or trouble on this *More,
and endeavored to make the roost of
bathed time and limited cash. When I
**Mended tbechartered and subatantial
her* elevator in Winnipeg there was
no tear of being %meshed " for the
net thousand titillate that a "poor "
farmer had just drawn asia lateraled
to pay On his prairie feral. It was all
the cash he had rad earth, and tbe
mot hearty W Memo.
"And. Sin, our moose h nor le deete
ened arid 'Our Weiconea mule :the
more Moen* When the reflection cornea
to s MAU the membership of your
Loilg6 repentant* the 'Oestlth. Worth
and lotelllgeoce of our fair Dominion,
mut that your Order le tilled with lots
of high principle,: which. knit you to-
gether In brotnerli truant. Brotherly:
leve.Sir, 10# I un eretstod, the vratch-
word of your 'noble Order, and, as the
/sunshine and rains aceon4anied by the
ware) southern breezete will expand
the beauties, and cause Alio lily and
the roe to unfold their leaves and die.
play to the ailmiring eye the partly
isidden beauties, so love Will root out
all selfishnees from the heart and de-
velop tholithidden-banutio of theeoul,
Which are the distinguishing ()horny-
terietics of the man who approaches
elokektit to that Image in Which ho Wes
created. Love ID the civil engineer
that levels the Mountain or hatted
'within:teas and Malice and indifference,
Mid the thoneatel steelier hills of dint -
°tittle* that crises the onward march of
the tool,
'Since the organizatian of the first
Orange Lodge in 1 , Orangebam has
become well-nigh a universal institu-
tion. .HIstory does not furnish its
parallel. It matte wherever Chris-
tianity hest goner ite Influence enoircies
the round world. It is never obscured
by the darkneas of night. The *See le
sites s upon it. Among fill civilized
same trick might he played on the y
hle„yor ot Goderldh or any of our town people and in all christianized horde.
COUtielliere fee' that inetter, While itti existence is recognized. Unaffected
on the elevator referred to'the mat. by the tempests pf war, the storms of
terin conversation with 416011 of Mr, persecution, or the denunciation of
D H. Munro, of Artburn, who is a re- others, It still stands proudly erect kr
*Pieter% althea iet the West and a the senehine and clear light of heeven.
sPleadid apeChnett of Manhood. The clt itands, like some petriarshal
gentlethint Wite MY glade Mt a time, Monerch bf the forest, with lts
every courtesy to lug ‘otte roote rIvetea to she soil and Re
St -on men/ Reny other Huron** Wideepreading bratithes ettended In
I ,net, whose names • will bp elven bad outline against the sky.
later on. suffice merry that WM solids eSplendia indeed have been the ads
„ea" efuleY etreet"sett far as teeing complishments of ycnir Order, and
VOOtelo Was Mencertiells In later rapid and steady ,has been its growth.
n with ala old. ttoderith townellat But far, the Oitirot Vancouver, which
y *bode eptelal occupation le the is today your vvIllIng host, bake like.
roper come ti pickpockets. lie had wise made onward strides in the march
ust bottled Ste tett of eeyen crook* of progress, strides which perhaps are
*Ad Mid trielOw these teotheries were unpatelled lo the history of cities.
acetattlaiiihed. ,WIlleit I will endeavor Twenty-one years *go there was hut
to veleta in rule secrneding chapter. one house, where now there are 1)01143
The 1.yeartt War Might be (lemon. Inge assessed at $17,000,000.
bY tthirting cne Pattee1/0-4* "The Chiselers of Vancouver who greet
robbed, and While 14008 gli° 114F our eoaditions of growth "eontinue In
You today are 70,1)D0 in number, and if
•Who never was and never could ut
.frlend relieved hint of bit gold Watch the future they Lase tae past, we
" From May ten september ts usually
a period of small rainfall and bright
skies at Victoria, while in London the
sumuier and winter rainfall is not
V(17 different, and the percentage of
bright minshine frank May to August
at, Victoria. la largely in mteess of that.
of London."
. Fence sea to sea her charms are be-
ing devoted by visitors. , In the our.
tent number of the alettiodiet Maga-
zine, the editor has this to say in an
article on " Canada by the Pacific l"
" The sail across the noble bluff of
georgia to Vancouver blend was very
oxiiiiiraiting. So solitary was the
voyage that It almost seemed aa if
%Orr vouxsy Lamps
are of great extent. and the tituber
most valuable. They are found
throughout nearly the whole extent
Of the province. The principal teem
are the Douglas pipe, Illensies Br,
velloW intiaam, hemlocks white
Pules cedars Yellow ceprees, arbor vitae,
oak, yew, willte maple Waite*, alder.
dogwood, aspen and 4:berry. The
Douglas pine is almost wavered on
the eea coaet, and is found as far in.
land as the Oasts* range, It yield@
spars from ninety to one hundred feet
in length, Can often be obtained one
hundred and fifty feet free. from
knots, turd hap squared' "arta-AIM In.
ohea for ninety feet. It letholight to
be the attongest pine or .fir in exis-
tence. The timber °anteing er great
deal of wain, and Is exceedingly dur-
able., The bark resembles cork, is
atoll eight or nine inchee thick, arid
makes /splendid fuel.
The white pine is common every.
Where. The Sootcb fir is found on the
bottom larede with the willow and
cottonwood. 'Tbe cedar aboundein all
parts of the country, and attains an
enormous growth. •
asI 1144 Roo
WOKS WW1 ones,
Iron* it. TA,„%h Willt tett years me. have a quarter he did Met
what have ever coutenoraoallrra; of a Whom souls t• 0 welcome you
• tkno" Mita call tettehi,ahd mY,,fr thal beak. Such, at least, IS the conserve.
got the experience itOe 0111304W tate estimate of the Dominion Statia.
he did not lose anything, as the watch tician's °glee of the future growth of
,Wast waddled, Vancouver's population. Thus does
'abed witollered from :OP the sunshine of property gladden the
Illetbjects as Vence:elver nand receive heart* siod the bright reinbow
Were than pining attention. In last promIsespileken the hopes of the city.
week's Malt „Onr readers Will no- wham treetiont today le yours, Indeed,
tie thet, the OttilY rrOvitlee Mentes that bright reinhow of promise spans
tet Veine Of adeertleirokrand the horizon of all British, Ctilumbia.
hod ot thO"l ' his, hut three per cent. of Panetta's
%US facts abOUld population and but 10 per cant, of
deltfen area, weereduee More than
I Meta
otottljtteety, *me
SInflhi wow*. The
"We were the first that ever burst
Into that silent sea.'
The only vessel we saw was a large
timber laden Norwegian bark. P00110
unaceestonied to seefitring it is a greet
eurprise to see it Ifilloigged ship ap-
parently awallorsed up by the see and
then heaved* high in a huge wave.
The view of the boldshore and serrated
aocity peaks of the mainland is very
impressive. As we thread a mass of
Wands the cheerful signs ot habitation
are seen, and as we enter at night the
beautiful harbor of Victoria, the far.
gleaming electric lights, quivering on
the .weter, give evidence of the latest
triumphe of civilisation in this Virests
ern Mahon Thule, . ,
aThe eastern tourist is first struck
with the exceedingly bland atmos-
phere of Vancouver Island. :Though
the month was October4 the air was
balmy, the sun was warm, the foliage
green, and the roses, pinks and deb-
its's were in full bloom in the gardens.
"The chief glory of Victoria is the
delightful drives in its vicinity. There
does hot appearto be the same fever-
isb rukkh of business as in the east, if
one might judge from the 'large turn-
out of carriages at AD openakir concert
on Beacon Hill,
The Fraser River and its tributarlea,
with the namerous lakes communicat-
ing with them, furnish great facilities
for the conveyance of timber. The
Lower Fraser country estiedially is
densely wooded. Smaller ;armors and
numerous inlets and areas of the sea
furnish facilities fer the region further
Evora ;stick in these woudearfOfOr-
este which 'so amply and gerferealelY
alethe the Sierras from the Macaws
ranee to the distant Rocky Mountaitet '
will be of value se econmupicatiese
opens up. The greet arch. of timber
lands beginning tut the sveetof Lake
Manitoba, circles round to Edmonton,
corning &Sven iunong the morintaille,
SO SS to include the whole of the IMO-
Tbe tininess of the coining Of *a-
nion, which bas assunied such large
proportions along the Pacific 'here,
great as it la es get only in itik 311
tancy, for there is Many a river
swarming with fieb from the time of
the first run of salmon in spring to the
last run of other varieties in the au-
tumn, on which renneries are sure tp
be established. The fisheries are Pro-
bably the richest in the world.
, "Vitae Attit
At; 'how your Um*/ and Om Wirt
Was yorY week and Mu 'Oglitt,
ittladeekse tlywY .tlay" *64 'TOY
often Weald talAt 1eallts fAotrt my
,deragit that 11000Wts, I, Weald' Water
OM. 01,W4 the 'fan*. lt Wen titrotO,
,0411•14 tto*VAL.,ttaapto that I at11:
• 000 HOS tend,
%lied eaten a WI Board ot 8•4° 'Although weikeve Brsh Coleco-
"LASOlt eliestive
townand city of
Milan, Last
I Wee one of
Own ell
nimble badges of British Atrierrea.
w hich tinktatild ; aareetleentellts
for Valtrolver, ,'the ttAtettitt of Ow
.-Dott01400.-4 1*.#0 004 ..b3r twolvt
thousand port* end, toy utterances
Were naturally' a, free adterthrentrtut
tor Itetterattrer.'end • 00 broad Ilitet
atillektithel Of free advertialtig for the
etuttinteg PrOYInee Of .itritIsn'Colum.
Vlittt PrOMItieb ham ri_tt person tO
*nk ohtlade the 0400 h0h)? COO ad"
30 per eent.of Can Os wealth-
etk We 110981110 more than one half of
pro MR 44,1="i0tiviit three rbOXiie
otiostiAotc...x bad' moot 4114x 404 -
ungertly- ever ..katte a. litifithadets Tuo
*I. 'ow* tha .:.**14. ittos*
bus* ROA ato Kitve, , IP1111
that hate ilelSrlacti'cUrat
riktf';50 oolita pot box 9tt* ham' rot
045,ittAumittuti or Thit Whine
91/4 Wneo• VOloalior Ont.
Muskoka- liken tainkgatni
Lake ,Of Pa* • 'IttWart4 tikes ;
Gorging Bay Thatinandiolank
Algonquin Park Quebeo-
Portland and OK Orchard, Nog
. White liuuntaina
All •reached by "the Orand
Trunk Ralivaia, the "Tatielst
Route of Ainerlol" • -
Direct connection with all
boat lines.
Tourist tickets ea;eide daily to
all resorts.
For tickets and full Informs,
tion call on s
F. F. LAWRENOEi Town Agent.
• Office Houre-e.00 *As tit 9.00 Pm.
MeDotrax,o. D, P. A. 'Toronto.
/4.10 -SUMMER, SALE'•
1.1 °ASO, terdat tenruilegs it it actatit.,ere will oattuniunt oar Mid•SeitenerSide. 'Thiestela will
lualuo1u4lerlY.everYthitig i* oitr atore. All Smuttier iloode wilt he offered regradlete cog. es
1.1:1:0714oeluterittenktt Itilowt‘Initi4MIYI."TrreWfo0ilobl:144740.4"3sourt° deesuother Yet4Irits‘ta Thwelegsratoc,%tmil!thpectgrl attes.
004,10, ***wires otr, telach will be cut Very tete to clear;
Silk Thome Ores* Muslins:'
• „ Ytorlet fli/erctit patterns, toe to 5ou
regular14 title priest fotrar choice Of the lot, 2
Light ground., check . an4 tioret patterns,
•coloor perfect„
,Ahont 40e, Yindsk.a/ incites aides this, Weleteal
geodes Vet soul floral a:adores, fiat Colote.
, ;Se. 001 FL I T.... Pi .*• t. 0..11 ,
Dress 1)elaittetit
Cream ground, smelt spot and fancy patterns, ,
32 inches wide. this spriegs rolore
perfect, ir$g, Sala price ••
ft!ere0.'1),TOS,S, MOSlifi4
V35 Yotds. flood Patterns. ',bite ground, fact_
color1h regular price ions, Sale price ,
White Vestings
donlleate order that gave ua too many hes
prep to be sacrificed, Small patter*, perfect
, goods, 250 regular, take your cheto eiftIte
totfor f •„• *RI* OXIL•e•43•111.• IOC
'White Lawn 'Waists
Pt'etf071," tart, atIllettisPloweselsosnoge'ssiernevaTe. ?aPildn
• bought from the factory, some of them as to ,
ns. T. • t flhe
• ,
Summer presv goods
sza dyarde, very new designs ot caecke. all
Wary percaases, black and white Vetoes,
Alikericest fancies, washable, reenter §e, real s
snaps„ tor • • .. • . • • • . . .. 40c
te addition to what are :ranted, thereare sepias of Range to beou sale that thereas not room here to Menden
that there will he good money in for yon We will Mato this n great liatgain tele forTWO WEEKS ONLY.
Tire, paces that we will offer goods at strould reduce tau stock all we require, • •
'rhis is a rare cliano to get good, freshaoods at very low priceeGe bete as `nada as you can, in orfierle -
get some of the best of the offerings. Tais sale will oyettop all preyakim effarts at flargaiii Sales. Sale starts on
the porn.
•tlosiery •
Angther la a Oar great Watt Idedir0 Seam-
leSS, fest U44.004;04 flooe tig.9,9r4 $4ele
450 or 4 for 250. The votes% qtlatteraf Werth '
in steakiues to befoued aniresiteres
**already aboutyorryttiti. This six :4mm
*refill there it tO belted:
Scotch Zephyr TOrtitn$
4 ow* of these Totems choice 0100014
!value at regtitat primes -pp, noW. • s..
re •bitislitts,
eents:,xleg: epot, arge and 'swells: very
Viae.,:cbolce.cleth,:coloring geoa, 2.9o- rogu*
lar, cotue aud,i4et your alleice fog! ••,• • • • - 144
are carce goods now, CWhig to the greet 3114'
raticO In 111109. Ve bought these 'elide.
naontbtt ago, and Yotrette buy Mem fat lest:
-Oen today" 'wholesale pricea,'" We '141re'
0{.111t1001 yaids to Self at silapprices. '
Our. Whole Stack Of these- goods will be at. .„
Sale piece, •
Prints -
will be reared M about- wholesale pricee.
A large stock, bedl in light and dark colord,
to choose frbet,
• .
ISlog teenits, And the eamo
0144 goOd when Applle
to our
O en town ot uOderlotc. The counts
tOWO was nob forgotten, elid the *Xs
Ilttaidente illtalatilts of 1140141 ioe°
tO eittale thet the *worn" ot Wen Of
radalcit,y illOuld Ile appreciated by the
WA Of and C/Ottnell and eititeite of
I* 0, J.of AO . inut behalf ot the eltlaette 'Vtineoutfor.
tender to • ou the feeedtliti Of the City
Canada's imber wealtht trult trees
produce more, our pear trees 20 per
cent. more, our cherry trerte 100 per
out m()11.411111 01)1 plum • trees 200 per
Ott. Mere than the fruit trees of the
of eanadin *nil aur arable land
gro Mere per Item, 00 per cent. more
bitt•ley,twiee as much Wheat, and two
mul onealfth thues tts Mach (141114 AB
the overoge amigo hunt of the rest.
Of Canada.ilott oistitute hat iteeia lavish tone
of, her hIndoets. not only In bermater-
lalbletisiegli, In thearlettiogtandeur
Of Out Prekeinee, and the salubrity of
our climate. Ite, In like 101.161)11.. wr of
Vaittentlifer att your hot* would givp
to you of Mit htillaitalitY end our good-
0$1,Netishlbg you *flavor, putout
oosperoot„ Itrood Lodge eeeeloo,
*64 .44. Safe tettien to your home*. on
Ilabilait WSW arfettniviiainobthe 400hrizonlita
tienei.,urf cplianula
breortul * orott
' 101!,Ettent 104 tenant
y tatalia* root
DkflOWfl, teiliOitieta
1040 * loading' to , ant.
, . leif epootitor rel.
lai-48010k Onlnetrintble
14141111.1 tool the
itte WI
of the a Gate.
It laiteedlotikftt say that the-address- retelteed with enthusiastic an.
Omen end verbibly replied to by
*attend t‘troitilttent nrettiltera....10 ad-
dition, At • special rentoratiet was ao•
pointedi which, toads a well 'thought,
out written rept,. .
"'The varied view of sea and lend,
ribtaitied from a lofty knoll, with, in
the distaucts, beyond the Gulf of
Georgia, the pearly opatescent range of
the Olympian mountains, was one of
the most exquisite I over saw/ The
clouds above were gorgeous ' with
purple. roee pink, silveresray and
glowing gold, while the far -shimmer-
ing sunset -tinted wountein peaks
seemed too ethereal for earth. 'rhea
were surely like the gates of pearle
and walls of preoloas atones of NOW
Jerusalem, In the troutheast rises
Mount Baker irk a bee -unfelt imitated
cone to the height of 13,000 feet."
This ls only the same old story told
In a, brilliant Manner. Ps.crYollo who
visits Victoria is 4 Missionaty who
hearlds forth the cities beauties.
Of its ••oppoetunitiode reereatiori
for those of a cultsyrell nand, Victoria
needs no sponeors "The chosen home,
of Such men es OM. Haggard WI Coot.
Walley, la able to storto cleafeturd be-
fore the Its eaucetional att.
vantages earl musical societies shove
the generally high mark of ithitivattou
apparent throOttbout the city. vic-
toria boosts the olderit thrust' asebela.
don the West. the *A.10001411, that
has Heen Inehy yerillt Of it successf01
existence, Steen the high standard Of
efficiellav Maintained .• le, be, Palle
Tbe Province of Britieh Columbia
cannot be celled an agricultural tames
try throughout its whole -extents Rat
it yet possesses very great agrieultural
resources, espeoielly. in aifew. of lte
mineral kind other eources of Wealth,
as well as its poeithet. • It poesesses
traets of arable land of isteat extent.
A portioof these, however, require
artifice! irrigation. Thin is easily ob-
tained, and not expeireive, and lands
BO Irrigated are of very great fertility.
About al of the delegates, in addl.
lion to Victoria and Vanttuver
lin 43 11
Y ' lUt
Tha blishoiso 010e eX*61‘0011 Ateattler. "PrIntell Veter16." '0410
kt•msfils MOO*, WM tententlettre; . day. kifterti6011, ittld` It lett
• s rbOk falai to ¬* ,tn weer Akti81
done a, peat'I'M" toy talk,S.' /Wong Other*
',Doettiolett at the Donde:Wet HMO. atterstaital
peelfelt that thit preatietots Stephen
WIsdont. and 'LAW% Wita *brew roadont ot tiod
lestelantented, rlehv remind* Otte Of Melee Irst•
the R/- Reek. the 00000 pootetooster et
16 . Olttarin parliament betiding* In
mpootsal tn. tout 111 Slater 414114 to
4 4110
Maros After nth I
a Iscasered alt all the*
IOC DWW1Ults. X. . Wite A*
li rettima fan* taialicali he
le liettertated la Illa tainted I .
la tile abilable tat amok vtatk,
P.. Xttteialbwo. Ur. Dortioy did bet
Mk that be was taki part
la attetteite, althougb
*0* 4101milk teat* .1*1.8*41
t Matta Flovosey. WhIle
Tollglotts faith, lt* Is
Wee Ontario pettlie
8*041. . lid *
. mese•Mee
The traete of land suitable tor graz-
ing purposes are of aknoet endless ex-
tent, field the cllotate very favorable
shelter being only reqiiirea forsheeps
and even this not in,ordinaty 'seasons.
The lane end plains are covered vvith
bunch grass, on which the cattiest:id
horses live all winter, and its nutritive
qualities are said to exceed the vele.
brated blue grass end clover of Vir-
Prom the torn to the 27th of
this month I wilt have on exhi-
bition at my state an
Patent Blastic Pelt Mattress
that has been iu use
for fifty yore.
This Mattress was used con-
stantly in the home of Mr. H.
N. Bate of Ottawa, for over
half #1 eat ;t is in splendid
45.9.9, .', ahape, la ,conviecing proof
of the cotteetness Cif the claims
4----"'"-`7"-° of the rukinuftraterer that the
°sternum,. is Bet1et4 .
Man tbe hest itso flair Mattress made. Wears better, le more sanitary, very
much more eansfortable to eleep on, will not mat, pack, get hard or houpv,
We Plesas yo_o pe_otooellY, COMA IN AND SHE IT.
we also seli,bitar pelts and a nice range of -Mixed -mattresses. ...
See our WIRE HAMMOCK, themat,cotnfortable Hammock made.
Undertaker and Dealer in Ilighsgrade Furniture.
Store 'Phone 89. • • House 'Phone 578.
gittla. hinalatibt:tiworeketearernseueint,imataldasuiewoer eonatene.
at; night tbe beautiful harbor of
the ferarleaming ' electric lighte,
quivering on the water, give evidence
Of the latest triumphs civilization
The valuable failarieS, forests and• act*
• afte ikeland of Vancouver has a.
mines on the tottretne western: end of
Cie read the -agricultural roduce of lipith cif nearly three hundred miles,
the great prairie region.'- and the
minea, thither, linable, and minerals
of the eastern kteetion, Will be more
than skifflolent to ensure an hymens*
local and through traffic over the
Ouriadlan Pacific rahweys. Britieh
Columbia contains krome of the most
io the wMoAtsrdi.Ellacru;EigettsektEtRrirsinges of
mountatrie ate tratrersed by the C. P.
Sono thescanyon widens out, end is
succeeded a broad, level valley with
;Lot es ee etieneedeViayvtasetige teirliwepAT h wr uedne:
cultivated Belo*. Willett topple more
and more frequent, and, veestiottion of
akielleeklektedtahteetffredeilynienieseelespoeskrottboisizu st,
The Best sight of arty groat feature
an about 60 in Width oti ari average,
an shire swore thirteen thousand square
miles of territory. lts low-lying hills
and valleys produce eacellent gratis,
fine grazing (04) 430411(141.10 ittiltrials. The
most valuable land apd principal
settlements are On theettstern and.
"I'TuthheeP11:10811111°Oresakie is itthablA OhietIV
by Indians, of whom ther ore some
semen ttneand. Cate g the fur
seal ate! atibut M their esding ion.
,nit,'and they may In& ri d to iive In
tbeir canskee. "rbeY stle am the tribes
of the mainland in, Int of intent.
kenre and aPttlese'fde arious kinds of
labor. The Aht tri is extensively
ktIOV03 for He eltlifu Work in Rohl,
silvers WOod# bone at d atone. Their
menufacturee of the materiale Com-
mand Isigb Orients. a , are it solute
of" natitte-as.the Alps. the Realtor., ofeoneldsrable tavern
MOO. the Priftlees tilts Aoekleas the trge, °entre
Weida* Cell!lot (45" 440°4* Island IS the town
what the toutsioatoo, hal Pot
thrivinit pert Watts fl
the waters of the Peel o came Rita ro fi,om via
in view. Brent berate Yencoirspr the Y.
tellw*y ..follotvrt the *tomb Shrire Of At VietOrlip my (Ate
sehoideovidence the' l1011Ita of411 ebt"" ' 1141"1"4 4 11Ihtful , ki. Sr ti ned .
Inlet the ottt ook 6 se. twee eettentiktislloagatiengerieb4leo
for a proper groundworlt, to *44%00104 lloolisli'OlY , It .., . Oa 0
Dull, Victoria's' conarnerelal *tar Is, eoilkotoutsint:It tbri!ofvnbeekpoSoir.sniolitift,; ftrta0t,lti;iv.-•attilifly. fr°
oThat ,etelitnee,"1-*6 g
ra the thalk. .
elab IttIlit, ascendant, Provo Ye4itk to tontet 40. the toloorilrite ',Motor* Of Se* etkptitAft "11'00 rah' that efiei
week new facts ere keeterded*,Mitt leet, theassettaaastoleU At laterrillstiloott mtnaff 0 'wheel: In the ratline, &ow.
Osastilel°t47604001 grathettntrettitlong!'4V, oh': btet 'wttit,6111144, ,W°04s,u11°06J.2.015....,31...019.8,411°' .1,1 its , tn,.4,efr.A,' ' '/"'-..7-.4
Let half of 10110 the reVenne of t e oiWrs,:'s to -"it;t1r" licws r.,,!.... w `1.11 ftrt 0 Ai BIC
CO011 rtusAtirvy.
• So WILL DAD 01.000.
NOilsehOld L4100s,
Tbis week we direct your attention to anr very complete assortment of
Household aud Table Linens. Oar Linen we import direct from the
leading Scotch and Irish centiee, and all are marked at rock -bellow
• prices.
A. beautiful assortment of Tablecloth's, with Napkins to match,,and
at -socially worthy of visitors' consideration, at prices much below the
present values.
Tablecloths in a variety of doter's, and the best for
every -day usege, from „ „ $1.00 each. •
Tabling by the Yard
Unbleached Tabling at... re, eoc,6oe and as. per yard.
Bleached Tabling at . . sow 6oc, 75c,and $1.00 per yard.
Towels ,and Toweling in .great variety
Special line in pure •Linen Huckabacts Towels, sic 37a18, only Seso
per (Ica.. Not less than ballia4r, seal at tatreprice,
We have &splendid lige in a good; asefPl. TOWelt-;."as per pair,
A leader in Pringed-hottom Towels, aim yet24,.and until sold out, at soe per pair.
Glass Toweling, Crash Toweling, Ifyglerild `ToWeling, Bleached and Unbleached
Terry towel -Jogs, ear Searle very special values in Coutiterpanesabat we were for-
tunate in securing at old prices, •
The one Ina healthy body and ruddy
cOmplexIon, •ihe other in filhealth,
blotches, pitaplee, boils and sores, and
frequently in intender fornat'es eider*,
shiscesses, erysipgas, stdkiherini, etc.
Every organ. of theArody depends en
the blood. for force end vitality, arid. is
tint scantaY Sewed when the blood le
impure. Ea teteedy La. so potent ae,01
blood ItUrifier or 1110ro'rflPidlY Pfoth106
new ond-holdthy bleed oan•
Web nabsci 61; yokels poo *54
to the island. tastoret the vitalizing lxitter at nut au
dnhg oil' the Stiportaill fittld. •
f Metairie), • a . rat sots ou alai* InKI
'sherbet, some '''.
Oen wax called
y weaged be.
es allitle way
Ab• e was built tit La atin, and left
tity woe greatt,rbrboweelaw Mitt let 4)t
aileron hewer* Moment 0 touted with lettfit tilltheifk alt- pad rte that port tor pot twee. 04 ow wetut triZt:that bend* ktlChantal& RIVerli, wits _
: •
event- than -dor fiitAtto-4101164*4 st INC -hltt ' -,ItlOottO ,hoat Of prodiglou etre th, and lute
tkilertt,Year. . • iseee'tWitilal• 'titterer alidtteetrit fOrtY, boen .in foe h niatury.
ttevnetstitototaistatiatire, for the past like:: teneint.rola t104,044iite, „
Yea° t)°Ottlthlf6010•3114441)1'41‘6411:11111)44111116:1111 I 'Ilkit4V*Anirt:tir*drol2°f tliftintiltvo ttajtflthilrr :'"Sh*litrehtl':tttln"renot,-.1:600**r 36'1'; ','""bet-Art*8.41,t4k6 itlh*tot
Joyie. 900,4 dovottettoto,molibllor roe:, vAttotYttlt Orr* At t ISO t14)°k *b4", • 'lit* 41 the *
thhi tiotEttit, tho *teat, tenting et , , .401titv but bottom the ritir11.
t Mit ei t ee t aecs •
tAwitypt. • L,, Thts,,,, shortikheeotaa hada* t tile tee- If "tot t , i. d .
' 'pot the, previous tear they,lepre Lc: eatent Dottione atit:frelitipt lb :ireirdiree ,Ort, ., Mee 0 pkter t, : ; &Ion '
,pccsoi griot,gpti 44thoble gAM0.0731 Mut Iii0t6 ' 004)01140A0 , ilt. 'Itititf) Mt& The, Vaetertt, tourist 4!rst atrt1eh.
oettbent Viper rents , iltittoOt itteitt *1 rd'• • li. thOttfti WO OettihOrtille ale , Watt
. *bloom *bow ok bymicmos :011.0 ghttlEVAtttiltettlit#11 000 dftriti.. !betray., the" intrt .Wartir Hat 1o1Isge
rgarltitziotatazootkett.g:itztV;flt ''' '''tsp.vrtr.146001-,'ctottir, ow
tbtomotitotbotobasvolits406% 1146,04•10:40:40nso II:SI* -etitrultsbilanitheitirkkandeg
durinitillat 3, the "MOO Sate Vied. Wart arid hoar norlt AIM *,4* ilifit 6414000diouss • .
11001,434, , WhetsattA to *II tilittellOtti tolita trade 1 11 tit eitieferthitt ot V tottt it the
tett% 148E4402 Sit** Mt itt. *Mel detP.ti• cloetrer. 'Mr • Van. with the eiterelingite tut etviied,
trvautey of logutlyi Mailon ittNtittt Cititg Jai W00% smtlfity„ rata of Vanteuree tialled's Though
In the entignierehilltertgrOMOit nor At fltolb _ Otomor tiait no* Sir tt itte e Inky, Theta
No city I* 4timarlii, can shoW alanit re Inagotarent the Dateside dotter** to be t
Mime et Mt per •Cont. detneetle ititiruttaltiot near at Isittittat the tioeth *Arta&
POrte Within the 01104 period Of the tneantalas Vaneoanek moot tglt
emu% tike ttfastit4 otti,
Th* nett*/ reerliottrita . 'tot Witt 4:0 anti the
kw** tern.
year. *now dee water at the went I the otit ri•aft min- Nu
W le litatiellee Petite *AMU, el SANAA IIM tellatheteeet t *ad the Attli Ott Ire OM
*Wt. Oft. of Monet Bdtat, bond of Am 46IttY76
fikatitorl. WO too tatt, iss14 far I **at the Opatttittett. Shit*
slaty at the Vieterlo hear totittat
Aorta( OA kit *MX 14M*41
MAW *kilo toe 1 I
tool itt litrAtPlat *
erikeetiOtitirt *Mitt, trt
tom raistlitho Vtatorlai kr t to Vatteittiltat
i lika Owl *4 to** 10 Alta* lit% On
/We* *ASIA NW Ifititella that X
are Wanted lawny Camallan
Railway Ottnimatien The y are
format° adverthie for thent today.
WItli steer, tailor tteW road build-
the dorieud will beatilikenter.
tVIy tret get ready/ The week is
• clean *lid nice end the salary very
410041' Ptelafte Yeti
ly efitl at idle etitlas Write lie for
• sentha Ilattat*Ott.t4O0itit.
All our remaining Spring Coats, either long or
abort, are being cleared out' at cost and under,
Telephone Orders receive special attention, ,
'Phone 56 MILLARS' SOTO STORE Phone 56
The most refreshing drink for hot. weather.
Our newstock just received.
• 20c and 30 a Bottle
hnett!, C..,61:2.1pL14..., LOIP coderich
W. are VOW* t f
.10W lag 11001
OrtANT 0'
%mime restletell ooll Woe* the
t boo * soot
bat Ilastat
Maw. ittt4.44*4
• ".14vinat4i*
whom* aft%
, .
urtiktsig::visictrtfig CAPie 1. protiridlintrition,Oehe'irttoted •••15 -ii fittelltifiC
hyatietid pineipls by the airittile Wein* Of Whieh a free Ana 1,0"„„1,
resterel throughout the atelp;,, The Winne blood vessels are
• • gently atitefi1ote4 to activity, thetaltoWingthelood antis% Which (1441 02)15'
he derived from the Mod. ,to be .ekinitat fer Ore heir Mote,* effeete ot,Whieli rite
rpticklY teen in alreitithy, vhorous gronth 01 bate. thastere allittb1464,0401 as 110
drugs or cliertikais'of villitteaver kuiil ere mitployed there it teething le Catinie yd.
lititals I, tele 01/1Y iteeritaiwy fit wear the tOp thretor four :Monte* daily,
Oit 414 tett bee *
tottehteed thet 114*
*414*1 hi Mt,'
ye* for Otaii
of a are
y riMoro
ef he
t the
A (1.4*_• 11*41*4114*
in k* moat, whims* raseriiiii Is a
tit whaikt lot a*** • Ilikt Oa%
libet for autspietles, bre reaserkei
-dee alwrievetiee* lae teri preview*
teramek Dr. W. 00g41, refertere0. ens
Ala* the lama Venom O. 1.Nottai
A* illotoodoe ant orseviroothook of Wawa
taw, ea wpfloistkre.
441 itA
441 baJ1 74*
of •
4140 rilatiVitAcithihtit
, 0