HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-07-19, Page 3'
• tr.,
Pitched Bat le With Troops Nett
A despatch from St. Petereettrg eayie
deierdel% beee heattl
eel la the *Jere. part er fit. Nitre,
berg pnee*eg. 04•Itt the herlit;*4*It
eeettell Nevgetteld PrgVince.'efipeeff
ellY theelfetriela IOW/reed byeihe 46-•
nal eenileelJeg tier H1100, and cliaettill
kliiteltert bettle Wfte felleht
aL• • Itiolozere...hetWeelt lreepa
Lula Peeeitilfe Jed ey ..
master. The autbordiett .tenf. the -41A--
tattoo will Spread 'lei' the, elflike Derille
err. part of •-•Resslii/•4#*:serieuidY. tater'',
fere wlth. the transport,- et.graith. OIL!
ccal and wOod:th Petersburg.
The srecent" ItitteduCtitut:f. ,of ligbeafs
on the itiark"Calattl',14?replaca,thelow,
Mies hauled 4,,..„..peligottfri. 11.e,gagtionea
ereat exelteelette., tit Peaettal3
strun g repot egeose elle• tbreW
stones At the taffbeett in'efterts'.th
tertere with the,40,1,gatiwaf,;thawater;;
Wntr. ithral ',01srdit dispersed Ow
ere with some, Wet Of litre • leaaPs•
Were iderkiled ki petrel the •ealltd,
tbe realltt.,-.013t trattle *e•e'eentlltheel,'
The lailure of the. eiterolits,of the Pei'',
.541)13 t4), strive nwity the Angst wait. gol.
lows we sitthe .4! the 'filler* feree
laterere' employed one1Ner We, nag .4g
11:00 Maree Creattl, ' Ml ',Movement' of
'freight ateng the :coal * a stapit7;
41,10- . • „
' $10$0,000;FPflAVAIISHIOS,
:The Council of Ministera ;hes etupow,,
'Oted:1110,:,51111istrY. • of MartneLl,o include
ltearly-in. the estiolotes $15;59O,Olti;, troni
Vati...th '19/1 fitchialvei ler the vetlettile,*,
hen Wersiiitisi" and their atenanteld
eud for,derpieloes• eled-Nellt,' Wee gar.
clits of:thaltiaget 1994, yek exe,
MOO be as,ed ter laltiog-:.down
, vessel*, during the- ettiorent year.: '
...., • ;: •
0++++.14.4 -1, -*****4444141
1 a
Gurmes' rokULAtV.
That PirAPO''"11'048 .41`„ii • belitt WPM
another gegen 4,00,„AhAV thee' eiree enita
tinued •peptilaeity„ despite: of -menial,
use are facts that 0, to $110W•hotv well
they meet the .deamnd ,OI the', Sninmer
girl. and especiallyl'ot eratilg:•sulne
mer girl. Kverywhe.retilteeeeetert, White
-11111ineed ifeWrea are heing Offered tO the•
purehaseni. et. dainte talittOhlse Ohs,
linens and„ cettousi end tee *operate
blouse unreiteeita ;')41-,eintie Sql. of a
guinmetis rarelreeette Pirk *leen Made
in this fedi:IOW 'etree ANNIt.Aget'apart.' eh -
Most exclusively fee the adornment' df
ver'y 1411g -g°14 40,Wrip,oho ffe 40,
yet ou .,J1h*:00.*,:olkosti foOplabW
becosning fileile emit white
skins, and later oat when sunburn gives
them a darker doge. ot ealorrng, tee
white blouse W,orn .underneatft Will still
muke the MO ituitabte. •
_ •
There is CI igr4tit, fancy for embroidery
on these heavy linen, gowns, seellops
worked around the neck- MuLdoem. the
fi•onts and to' finielt off the suggestion of
a sleeve. Usually this is done in mer-
cerized linen floss to match. tee Shada
of the linen exactly, though. oocasienally
a 'very pretty coleree 'linen -dress ent-
broiderea, in White Ls Ir the waist
la cut 'with 4 *and or pointed effect,
showing only if little of the thin white
underbiouse, time the' embrelderY de-
sign may be elaborated across the fro*
and cannel down to within three or
four inches of the Waist line. •-
ITorOnto, ;illy 11., Mut 400 OtOirio
"wheel *Per cent..Pitieutit sr* 1114.4i 1C04..
With *V to .43.50 asiod belet4'
seekaatitstele for **port, efellikelle fiat
patent*, $1.75t Orletatil•PlOttlat
)0,25, eteeng halters'e .14,41 t9,
41.10. •
-.041sr;-*. ltre 4004 *V 44X-,
le 45a outside,. -
, g'altot4af .14
ReeleT •''e•• zaktkit, -41,111„0,..*Ittc, prtces'
.parelY. noMinlit • '
. Wheat * t northern, 91)p. WS
•Paete, And 149.. nOrthern, 94a, lake
, Pct.*. • 00444 410., g white, 44 le lige,
N " Sti to 1Vo milskle•
Ryelntio:. g ,peanfaid at -70 to UP 90.-
Ariterklen i*,•11,0411
At OA to tigt,TOteltd.Oedidee ,etict
'.."14114f.'4Allet'te•ettee..eedied.. 14:4*-
. 414%. ' '
COHNTHY iltOOtitorBfr
Reatleeetlinte-Plaleed, (Meted et $1,05
pelitle, silver berriewor eilver re ge. "Mul';'"$ tigut414.1tugld et 11 tO ItY.o
P-0 tudeiv leewns Or elotiormo ',Or lb,. 444 ,th,tu:loTte,tr,, at. OM' to pm
Ico), 'PaMckts much used en a ir1111131Ing. tillY-410* 4-;(1:tiatitItt quoted at 14
1110•110* hetlelle goo:free ee 'to 815$ tierce end No. -2 at.gig te
Terkerderl'ate 'Otte tat the nova.. Sieaw-47. $7.*4 ton on track .here.
;paten -11,00w,
ajjaee‘ exanlpea, •44aeculoittea $1,70, Mad riltlei $1,5o tia $1.55, '
geWria,lhe'.brokerr or primitive ',Greek-. 'Po 4004
,00,,.,,yes- a large head et tertelSe &hell,
.see• with Tallies and diamends, •
another. wes • increeted with tuteleelsees
and. dlaIlletir4
',Thee interialaglitlg at fiewers in con-
trestitlif eolors la a ;charming treatment
rot etlipmer hats when the colors are
elleaelreldie diserintinatioo.• Dark ceim-
son so -see 00111011te uicely with a' few
sprays „-of white Jasmine. Cluiters of
.frardenlits look well with Neapolitan vio-
let)), ant anoteer fievorite cembinetton
.of, hyeicinthe Inixeri with small bunches
of mess roSes and tosebuds. '
Navy blee is mere in.favor than it was
at the beginning or the season, espeeiel-
ly mixed with crude green and men -
Because the guinme Mee itself IS not a
product of„.thls season 11 Was considered
necessary heoffer sereetinng new in this
popular style.and the elating costume for
young girls is nowmajoylog a reign that
promises to ltre tenger than e single
--sittniner.----B. suggeste-a-aPetee T .
son," with fess Of e stator cut then this
universally liked cestume for girls. The
skirt is pleated, While the blouse has
pleats ta match coming into a avide be
.which heeds the tWo pieces together
Sir Alfred Hinson Expired During a
without requiting an ailditional hell. The
neck of the blouse, le eue well aWay from Division. ' ,
the front and finished- With it -tolling col- A despatch tram London says: Hur-
ler of equal. widtle,enel cut off- square ing a division in the House of Commons
. across the front. From unde.r the points on Tuesday evening Sir Alfred }Nilson.
of this collar comes a tie of the same
, member for the northwestern' division
material as the relletee eseallT, or e'se Icr Staffordshire, suddenly fainted and
of contrasting material 'tied teler, ancl then expired. The House irathediately
this IS tiedvery jauntily in a sailor knot. adjourned. Sir Alfred was born in
The sleeves of this practicarcostume 1639. A pathetic feature of the *d-
are built on the old shirtwaist order, dent was that Sir Alfred's daughter was
though they end at the three-quarier line et the ladies' gallery at the time of her
and have unstiffened ternback cuffs to father's death. She was not aware of
niatch the collar. 'Under thle is worn a his seizure, and the news was gently
A flateh of Lightleng• 'gelled
• • *thine. -
A despatch from Moncton, N. B.,
says: During. a severe eleottical storm
which swept this tectien on Tuesday
afternoon •-thirteen-year-old Mary Trites
was killed by a bolt cif lightning in her
home, twe miles from Palest° Junction.'
The child had gone upstalre in compaey
with her little sister to lower a window;
and. hod just, moped her right hand on
Pi, sash when there came a terrific peal
or thunder, folloseed by a timid light-
ning flash. Almost instantly the cloth-
ing of the little girl sprang into a blaze,
end she was hurled back against the
foot of the ' bed which stood In the
room. The other child, friglatened by.
the thunder, tbrew herself on the floor
and. cried eut to her mother. When the
latter rushed. upstairs she found the
eldest child on the floor terribly burned
and lifted her onto the bed, where she
expired a few minutes later. Her orm
and brenet had been fearfully, burned,
end it is -thought that here -back was
broken by the shock. The child Was a
daughter ef George Trites, I. C. R. see -
Herr foreman,- -The house was quite
badly damaged by Me bolt.
Potatoes,..- riatiareal, 045 to at.go:.per
Peultry urkeys, attire, 11 to 1.4o
chicken.% spring, dtessed, 18 to zoo per
tOWI, $10'1,0ci.
Butter7-Pounn, rags bre quoted 17
te 18e ; tebs, toMial at 17 toe 17%e;
Verge rolls are quoted at 17 to 17%o.
Creameryf printe sell at 20 to 22o, and
sothia at, 19 te 19)0.
Egge,-Ciase lots selling at 17% to .180
a demo.,
Cheese - Large Mimed at 12%c, and
twins at 12)40.
WHAT T '11 DID. .
,LPtti (teller: bor joiRioa tut ;#,,c4f.
-AM 441140 I* jtrioit
%wart loOkael tip frgan the veto he WO
toeing. l!What'4, *scat IP tio ithicedt.
mWtt.vg' thaoi *ids mia orelltdds.
'Ma lark everything,' onso'crett tho other.
• NO', Ve tit Rupert: the ete IntiVereathed
and the delds..404. the onion:41.1a tied
19404;40 file ilk PIA hot Seem Von.'
4044 dit lut felt
that litta boy, visitor At the 44014
ould anent • '
!Int, Jinn' live in the icity,,.,44-e* be
Urtitd,, thereis.e5O MeV% '0100V
entintreee ' •
"title,* tile: ellY. Tea," *04 ;044;
fel, guess !yolk apatthinit think We* au
tine a Too, utck IQ:IWO:Where thelteitfts
Vete eit eleeit •ertiU 0414
breath Ot air, and there we*: hardli
tree tit la bit of grass 440,*. "rtta$
Ct. tight AA wottict IWO, dal ellttur!.
,waY it ts in'thegat of Ilte..eitit et
never' OW 'thelpetMgrI.'4xilr* rev';4
WhY1 '10/12-4t liu*Ah0
Iltey neve Old- ° And tqter lOO-ed
elbund With 0- teeling 11,;))atii.entelat that
la overY ent, ' •
"ls.it)e aris*ebed 'kat )1410P
right near me, the real grass erti: tree;
dlerer SOW wee ottt the parit, an"
there were signs all aleng the walks,
'Keep off the grass,' so yen didn't idore
to step on ale see heave Oft it wee. My,
bet fete did went to oselle with me, me
I wieh he coUld, tor Mee.beerrisielc 'with
efever tue thedoctor soya what he needs
now LS good fresh air."
"Can't he cOnle, nowte asked Itupert,'
quickly. "If your •coitalces Mem,. can't
keep him I know my znether would let
him stay at our house. was sick once
an' I tell you I know weat It's like I"
"Oh, the staying partds all right. I
was telling Cousin Tomes wite about
Pete and she said he might crane there.
But the trouble is the fare. You see his
father is dead, and his Moilier had close
times getting along before Pete was sick,
so now with the doctotee bill and all and
he not able to work yet, know Pete
won't feel that he can afford the money ;
in fact, he said so when he told me what
the doctor said."
"It's too bad," and etupert took a
deeper breath ot air he lied hardly val-
ued before. "But, say, Joe, is your fish-
ing tackle ready for us to try the lake
to -morrow?" and the telk turned to
planning for the good times they would
For all this, Rupert did not, forget. what
Joe had told him, and lite pale sick boy
all -these thing$,41Mtlid. !•34),k'040,1
abet * eleekt and Wiled ittellee kefit
000004 le MR 10114, Then MI et eite-e• lie
elattied with sudden theteitat, Yen
could see he ditt, not , mine like the
thought Ay lbe' Wee let *Waled 1%303
a ut *wow, not i,kotoo, v,
:SChAt'Sill. Imp prttty Seen sral I .
w00% 111,11 ellen UM% tee 141031‘ DO
going to: hotiOnto, work to I/option Tor .T.ki„,miaa.
•felloW LI:fever . .
lineeeretillet tete 111111Selti the
Int Rene he SW jee to called. by witY
grectiogi o ' • •
wants..somecao to .10c lark tter CAhlAak.
orly Unrreat 111Veat awl WO PP-lt ler A tMe50. depot may ha built Frn't
their , toy: t was thiltkille Wa Aid, telliftige
htlit4 eur ttlihre et UV tir0 Tho ostinleled Increase In LOOttenli
and' aae ',trainee toward 4 ral WaY magma ,c,agp 10.4 Is. tax),
tichiet tor that .Pote )Nna Mita 1000 hle . Norge* Alguiro Wee th4
ot: eXPress near nook.
-"Jelly r ,ts,elohoothp;,”4411. toe tuo Idre le the Ee Civets cote* MIlleonSed
Wee 410,000 on 0%14Y,
John Yettflie tlfed thithiettbi
Traetttlie; MIL, en Freely,
Dressed hogs in oar lots are nominal.
Bacon, long Meer, 103/4, to 113ic per th
in ease lots ; mess pork, $21 to $21.50 ;
short cut, e22.§() te $23.
Hants* Light' tet • mediten, 153to ; do,
heavy, 1430 ; 11%c ; shoulders,
11o; biteks, 16)4c; breakfast bacon,
Lard - Tierces, 12o ; tubs, 12%c ;
palls, 12)4c.
very sintple white guimpe with just a
lat of lace on the collar and apparently
without sleeves. This has already be-
come a 'prime fate:Mite with girls for
tennis, boating, and all the other eue
door sports. In order to plaice it as
proetical as possible it is offered in self -
colored .
For other occasions gowns showing
the underblouse all the way to the belt
in front are being worn. 'The waist for
broken to her by John Burns. Sir A -
tred was Knighted at the tirne of the
last birthday honors. „
elan and Woman Killed in a Buffalo
tiAnitsoloor ors;;Ay, ono 010
fareheed, end he IllUtierliet to hillise
Montreal, July 16. -Grain -A fair busi-
ness continues tct be done la oats and
prices are maintained. Manitoba No. 2
white sold at 49 to 49,4c ; Ontario No. 2'
at 48% to 4-9c ; No. 3 at 47% to 48c, •and
No, 4 at 46% to 470 per bushel ex store:•
Flour -Choice spring wheat. patents,
$5.10 to $5.20; choice seconds, $4.50 to
$4.60 ; winter wheat patents, $4.85;
straight rollers, $4.10 ao $4.25 ; do, In
bags, 81.90 to' et2; extras, $1.60. Feed -
Manitoba bran in bags, $21 ; shorts, $23
to $25 per toe ; Ontario bran in bags,
$18 50 to $20 ; shorts, $22 to $22.50 ;
milled moult1110, $24
straight grain, $30
Barrels shore cut
half -barrels, $11.2
back, $23.e0 to
mess, $20.50 to
$1015 to' 4I11-1-dey
A despatch from Buffalo, N.Y., says :
„ Peter Forestel, a well-known saloon -
tiler is ctlittawa,,Y lx),L,,r*: keeper and sporting man. and Marie
an' usna"Y '"a .alna"'" "r" w."` Sinith, 32 years old. a waitress in the
enough to let the blouse show to within
two or three inches of the belt. This Is
a little newer than the round necked one
and its lines are excellent for girls whose
figures are the. stilt Ones associated wIth
their age. Bather fancy blouses are worn
underneath these, those with trimming
showing oil the *entire front being best
adopted to the eulaway lumpen Sleeves
are not requfied, though bandS 01 Illea
or embroidery applied flat lit kimono
style add to the efrect of the costume.
Pompadour silks make charreing even-
ing gown.s under transparent Overskirts
o! point d'esprit, net or spangled tulle,
A1t a relief from the ubiquitous *teen
there is a medium Ina of rather yellow.
we green, known op tilleul,'" which is
seen in many Of tile ileW summer silks.
Underskirts are growing more and
more eloborate, and broad ribbon plays
an Important part in elem. Many are of
perm de suede. with deep silk flounces,
44 11110 white batiste petticoats are melt
tenuned with iriSertIons Of lace and
',mutely plaited batiste and mousseline
di. sole. •
TrImmtng.of alternate- rows of ribbon
and laee illkOrtiOn is seen on son% of the
1111., sumMee hint modele.
A new ftertenjegeor ettertmert Or crew
dreesea is GT Chenille 11ragers, eve-
, ;rely in white, in 'coMbinfition With
saloon restaurant. were murdered early
on Thursday. George Hodson, a painter,
is accused of the crime. The Smith Wo-
man formerly lived with Hodson, and
her refusal to leave Forrestel's place ancl
resume her relations with him is the al-
leged cause of the double murder. Hod-
son was arrested a few minutes after
the crime was nominated. He s0as
covered with blood, but deelared that he
had no recollection of what occurred.
per ion, and
, 22 to $22.50 ;
11.75; clear fat
long cut heavy
lf-barrels do,
ng-elear. back,
10% to 110; bar plate beef, $14 lb
$16 ; halebarrels•do, $7.50 to $8.25 ; bar-
.rels heavy mess beef, $10.; half -barrels
do, 85.50; compound lard, 10% to 10%e;
pure laid, 12g to 12no ; kettle rendered,
1 I to 13%c ; hams; 14 to 16c ; breakfast
bacon, 14X to 15c ; Windsor bacon., 15%
to 16c; ?Resit Jellied abitlesee, eases -
$9.75 ; $6.85 to ST:rd:'-r.•g'gS,-",:'Yo'
16%C. 131111er-TOWT1ShIPS, 20% to 21c ;
Quebec, 20% to 20yec ; Ontario, 20c ;
Western dairy, 17% to 18e. Cheese -
Western, 11% to 11%e; tOwaships, 11%
to 11%c ; Quebec, 11%c.
ix a
lation of. Gana
e Poptt
oeVer pletted-or. peeked Ottetri
l'utt Phew Fee liew MOP teem
"Thet Part's' ray erioughl, afirt I Wee
wondcring who Wel do with our am
pies. nes Owen seo s hem to Chlettp,
hut it takes se tong to got dm returns,
and we want the money eight awal;
m,tort thinight nOtoatt. oThera
thaSe llealelo at UM big het4 tit the
beach, perhaps wo .could sell them some
apples, They'd in two to roast when
they had a tenth%) on the hoop, it we
only had SOW sweet corn, too."
"Oh, we've lets Of Sweet corn. but,"
hesitating, "I never sold anything that
Wel, tiOn't itneW as I timid."
In Most Sections on lite C. P. Worm
Rains Have Fallen.
A despatch from Veinnipeg says: The
C. P. 11. crop reports from nearly all
sections are most encouraging, with
glowing prospects of fair average crOps.
Is about twenty districts they need rain,
hut as yet ne damage has been done.
In the majority of sections warm rains
have fallen abundantly, and the grain.
although sontewhat tate, is sheeting up
a: a rapid rate. Many sections report
AN: shot Wilde through, and the height
Of the stalks running over 20 inehes.
AP tear of a poor crop is passed if oc-
Ica.stonal showers come to help the sun.
This Week's report is the most favor-
able of the season, and text week the
I crop report gatherers ore expected to
„esend ln the climax of a big wheat crop
: tor 190-7 despite Hie late Spring draw.
St. Louis, Inty 1.11.--,Wheat---Cash, 92e ;
Sept., 93o; pea,
minneopobs: July 16. -Wheat closed: -
Sept., 81.01)% to 81.00%e Dec., 99%c;
No.. 1, eater, $LOe% jo.1012%; No. 1
northern, $1.01% to $1.01%; No. 3
northern, 95 to 97c. Flour -First pa-
tents,. $5.20 to $5.30; second patents,
$5.10 to 85.20; erst clears; $3.55 to
$165 ; second cleare, $2.75 to $2:85.
Bran -In bulk, $15 to $15.35.
Milwaukee, July 16. -Wheat -Ne. 1
northern, $1.03 to $1.04; No. 2 northern,
$1 to 81.02; September, 93%c bid. Rye -
No. 1, 86% to 87c. Barley -No. 2. 71c ;
simple, 62 to 70c. Corn -No. 3 cash, 54
to 54%c ; September, 547sc bid.
Seventy -One Indians Terish in Woods Oui-
rounding take Mistassini.
A despetee
t her detail -4
in regarie AO
of a peke' a
wood.% while
kissed hi 'RP
March litet ft
ton Initial II.
'chine,' 27
John, about *
whelef lhey were
Indiabe teem NI
at Mille DIN, the ,
hcherVel, lei •
!rem Quebec daYst Ptir.
arhed toe* ott Tuoday
the dee* from etaratiftil
Indian's lit Ise'
n route than Lai* Mk;
rvai. On the 21nd of
nrunr-d Sohn PAS+
remains of (toe el MO<
hitil6r and Dig
ndred milea WM WM'
nierred file Laic;
nd. Another party
ACM IS Paptdell
-lion Kt:lett/0 fide
whell refiner
," can, them" said too. "I've been to
mthaemrkenwt aeltt;uild, beahvinoya..71 bow they dO
we'll nets up the applce, too, and make
A feW days later tee boys drove up
near UM betel at Lakeland, their light
Wage* loaded with baskets of green corn
ahd shiltIng harvest ileplee, and putting
a basket or each by MO side of tbe street,
sat down to watt for customers, Rupert
half letting behind Joe, but looking
eagerly over Ws arm. And sell, to be
sure it cad. They had taken pains to
make everything look inviting, and the
apples were ot only among the first of
the season, bUt were so May and iliessY
that hardly anyone but 'wanted some,
and the earn was the very thing for a
bonfire roast. So it wits two light hearte
that drove homeward. "My 1" exclaimed
Rupert, "I didn't think we'd do so well;
you're Ilp top to sell. And I don't nand
it if I did work."
Joe had been counting the money.
"Nor 1, either. Alleelier trip und We will
have- more than enough, and they
wanted us to come agitin."
They rode a little way In silence, then
Rupert spoke again. "And a fellow's
happier, too, to be doing something for
somebody else than to be just thinking
of having a good time for himself."
More still did he think so when one
day a •white-faced lad stepped from the
ears at the little station, und held out Ills
hands to the two awaiting Wm. "Oh,
beys," with a little shake in his volee,
"I don't know how to thank you for this.
It's -why, It's ahuost like heaven."
Tim • co** of penflehle 0013rinleg
bon canned sainion til'e repelled
;from Winchester,
A Man'igiving tbe name.of, W. If. WOW,
reel Wee erreeted et Pert mph Frititi$
tor POsSiag worthies.s
The driveway to Rideau flail; Ottawa,
will be improved, at a ceSt of Over VIC
It te intonded to WO the National
Dairy $hOw, possible, IWO Jantlare
In the recent rush tor Doutfthor re-
serve hemeeteade, 1,350 qteletelt ,wete
telien Up.
'revive families were rendered WM*,
lese by Oro in a tenement bleak in Bt.
Henri Ward, Montreal.
A wireless telegraphy station la in be
erected at Comox on Cape Lave,' Van-
coTuhveor, Atotteraernpoulyt.vciesenseerlso„ps Derartmen,,t
wilt take charge of the case agabred tee
alleged counterfeiters at Lindsey,
A whale has been washed a4hore at
(*diva Bay, Victoria, B.C. .Th0 health
department has to remove lt.
Because a neighbor loeularly told him
to eat some Paris green he had round,
Geo. Plumbrook, at Cornwall, did so fulti
diTedhe will of John Mather, of Ottawa,
disposes of an estate of $690,000, and
linsarguetutiboegnus.ests .are made to Protestant
Some four millions of spruce logs
were floated down the St. NI/niece this
season. of which two and a hall millions
were tor Canada.
Juhn Meehan, 16 years old, was caught
by the weight of an elevator in Wood -
ward's departmental store, Vancouver.
Beth juws were *Men and his face
smashed. Ile may die.
despateh from Ottawa nip t A, Md.
idle Was 'batted on Wedneadee
ter the liUtvint Of CertSus Ond Stailatteac
Silowitig the ritt of Canada's mann.
03te ditring the ,pitst
ant yew, en paw the vituperative
=rep $production pm* establistunent
Mt 014 100,1, Tito Various industries
aro divided into throe grOapS I Feat.
those with products of between $200,000
hltd 1000,00n Per establishment; second,
thaw with products of between 41200,000
and 81,000,000 per estahltsbment, and,
third, those mining over one million
dollars per establishment,
• ClanPared with the eensua of 1901,
WlitiCh was for the calendar year 1900,
there Nvere in the Orst ciao 178 works
producing each notuoo and over in 10,05.
QS against 74 In 1000; in the second
Class Mato Wero 62 works producing
$7e0,000 itrui over in 1903, as against e4
In 1900, end in the third OlaSS there ware
Works producing 82,500,000 and over,
as against 0 In 1900. There were four
Werke in 1905 producing each $5,000,000
and over, whereas not one factory had
reached the amount in 1900.
Jacob Sunfield Shot Mrs. Radzyk,
Then Killed Her Husband
A despatch from Hamilton says: A
trugedy occurred here on Friday atter.
noon about 2.45 by which Andrew
ecleyk lost les life by a -bullet, Mee.
Iladzyk was shot in the breast and
Jacob •Sunneld stands arrested, charged
with murder. The liteibund and Wife
resided in a 8311011 cultage on Sherman
avenue north, within 100 feet of the In-
ternational Harvoster Works, and Sun -
field was boarding with them. ,. Tile
.neighbors were • startled ,hy the statue!
*Adel -Wee; shots, end. Ides, rladzyk Wes
1seery.to run tewarde the faclery. Upon
arriving there she was tumid to bp bleed-
ing, and whilst being attended' by ile•
reek**, dector the • police were tele.
phened fer. Sergt. Walsh and Con-
dtable Clark were despatched to the
scene and upon entering the hiciuste
found Radzyk stretched on the Ilixtr
the bedroom in pools of his own blood,
whilst the gory .00ndition of the sheets
and quilts showed that. he had been ly-
ing there when shot. In a rear rr.oin
was found Suttfield with his head buried
in his hands and apparently in a stupor.
When reused and told to hold up his
hendis to be manacled he showed an In-
chnation to resist, but when finally
hendeuffed he seemed quiet euough. In
the meantime an ambulance was sum-
moned, and the injured man, who Was
censelote., wus placed in it und hurried
sio _ the lugs -1N
amid not speak English, but mention-
ed a name once or (ware before relapre
Ins into unconsciousnese. At the doe-
ler's house the X-rays 'were put on Mei,
and 0 bullet. istis discovered lodged in
mee's ewe,. Ile wa, 11101 111111.4'1,
111./.1 10 111P 111.191/11111, S11111103.1 11.i 11111441
dOWIt to No,. 3 police station. and when
asked' What liad happ. lied, would only
nply.. "ion will and out. 1) "In 1.4'
cleared up in L.:A:mil." 'when search.
ed 4n Iver-Jodinson re‘olvr. r01111/1
wibli three earttinges exploded. 1 lie
woman was wounded in two places, but
not dangerously. According to her
stery,. Sunfleld ahot her husband, who
was lying on the bed asleep. nnd then
came out and shot her. Itudeyk was
operated on on Friday eventng, but all
eflorts to save his life were futile. and
he succumbed at 8.30 without tnaking a
statement. J g by the hal f -em pl y
whiskey bottles lying nround and the
fact that Sunfleld was inioxic.ated when
found at the house. the shooting seems
to have been the result cif 4seareusal and
Toronto, July 16. -Excepting in the
commoner qualities, all kinds of cattle
(net with a ready sale at the W'estern
Market to -day. Trade opened briskly,
and after the sales of the better grades
had been effected dealers endeavored to
cet down the prices of the rougher
stock. Prices on the Whole remained
about the same as on Tuesday, though
exporters' were also said to be some.
what lower. Hogs were unchanged.
The deliveries were 9/ cars, eontaintraz
1.220 cattle, 1.650 sheep and iambs, 1,200
liege, find 411 calves.
Buying was good in exporters' cattle.
The bulk of the offerings sold around
$3.75 per cwt, and the range was from
$3.50 to $5.75, at which levels the mar-
l:et for this class,of cattle was active.
Picked butchers' cattle, $5.40 to $5.50:
good lois, $5 to $5.30; medium cattle.
84.50 te $4.90 ; choice cows, $3.75 to
$1.25; common cows, $2.50 to $3 per
Good stockers were in fair demand al
$3.50 to $3.75 per cwt. Feeders sold at
84.60 to $4.85 per cWt. ;
Mitch cows brought 820 to 850 each.
Trade was dell.
Veal calves were quoted at .3 to 0c per
Pewee were slightly lower, selling at
$4.50 to $4.75 per co t. 1311eks and cults
breught 133.5f) to $4 per cwt, and Iambs
were worthe7)4 ligc per es
Hogs were Unchanged at 86.75 for se-
lects, and 86.50 tor lights and fats.
--a. •
Striker/a Spill Suffer hut Drink Conients
' et,Whiskey-tadert Van.
deepaleli trern Belfast says ; The
InIticipated diameters stewing Out of the
strike hero haVe ocetireed. A von eat -
vying freight to the darks fOr a Brazil-
ian tine steamer Was teized by a Mob
and liveried in the street. an Wedneaday.
Anelhee was thrown from a dock, while
6011 another, fead ith sugar, wan
and their
Old up, the
-Mistassitil, but was rnahing his second contents strewn street. One
trip 10 The wife of MIllet, whlikepladeri van eirdi,tiebtstathie,
Who aeolsegpindod flint, Wee brought te Whiefrey woe not pti
Vointe Metz by JOhn Boston atter a trip tha rioters prererelne.
Of vat ditfloottSt, owing to her extreme of it. Two tate.3 had- 4eated when
Weaktie.ss« Poston reports that the In- Ms- rolice•arrIved.
diens, drIVen desperatton by their
filittgert &Wired even their catlike gotvensitsg Ey tv,rat
zuceasiii eta lite leather etraPa whit
Prince Carl • of Denmark Chaoged His
Name Without Changing les
Vidal the packages, of tuts they wero
bringing 10, tklIhOVal .tWard bOttfld
• hadies of Om 4ther Inetirieve
stieetthlbed priVation, cold-11nd. hum
ger &Ring DO lolig threetiendod,trille
trip through the forest, whore' rio truce,
+411011356a -a ntin watk to be totted,
latt..-wcatt .i.ant lithee
Melt* litottlai boat TtAltoted, but %to
trdia, WI lordity.6004 tempt otog Ore
• tatmge4„ Mb ileitis of which had
ixtif Oaring Mater tit the
!KO.* the itif$1413$141.
Tholatte tisat WiS * Ileavo %te
elder Id Moo *
tueitti,, wins be
pante Abet. whertgto i of a tOrMt!
child. "Miller was pot tt,.14:$
Among the many weird prophecies
that have bee uttered with regard les
kings and princes, ihe Sollowing one
about King I akori, which is current
di Scandtriavi
known in En
spondent of
tre. sterys
In 18911, El
of Denmark,
terranean on
a member of the senior class of the na-
val school. ,
.nie corvette put Into the port of Nfa-
lags, and the prises? and his chum,
lierdebred, went ashore welt the other
The boatswain, alio had knecked
(Mote all the ports in the Nfediterranean.
had bola the Kelm( men that in a cafe
in the Calle. (Seinen there WIIS ft beau-
tiful fortune 'teller. Detirres de Isla. f
great reputation. lir the evening they,
of eourse, al! met at tide purtieuler It p.a. ten years' nightmare.
cafe, and Praise Charles wile. nee011. "At length, wfietTi trottisr reistileit
irs, to' the sbiet orders of the King. hie re> fears began le. Ire ileosetibil. and
may not be equally wee
land. The Paris curve- liercielavd read.
e London Leader tells "'feu will have a thronc. )4.11 tt 11
C`,1UrIge y4.1Ur IMMO W11 (IOW hanging
ilkon. then PrInce Charles ur language."
teas cruLsing in the Medi- "I'siu can how understand ehy I v.as
he ourvette "Heensial" as sc. upset.' arikl the prime. "1,y pro.
phecy rnade to me, a 1111.•14‘ 111d, far from
11,3 colintry. by wimian who had not
the slightest Idea Ms, 1 sots.
"4,11 know hoe I love niv lirother.
N• one 111 1hP Vtror;31 1100r4.3 me
Jest 1111014. 11Ls death alone could eau...
the fulfIllnent of the 'prophecy. For 1011
years. every tone my brether Christion
was tilling, I Was prey to iinspeokabls
anguish. The words 4,1 Ihe fortune
teller would recur hi me, and the image
of niv deed brother rise up liedere me.
Mr. Harold Cox, al.P., Is opposing the
elided Hite on the ground thut the route
proposed Is a mere dangerous one than
that, to New York.
King Edward has granted a tree par-
don to Col. Lynch, who was convicted
ef high treason tor having Might on
tee side of the Boers in the South Afrie
can war,
tired, who had barn up and down Me
world many times in the interval, met
the prince on the 541 1 1 it t
• .ru r- a.
copenliagen. The greeting of the two
friends was an affectionate sine.
"COMP afld 111111.11 W1111 me. Sty wife
and I will he alOtie. lirmat
envelope. Neu shall hear the expiono.
bon of the riddle.-
Vrilien PI incseo \laud hail retired. and
the two mon were smelting their clines
and drinking their coffee, Prince Carl
loked lierdebred to open
The greatest volume of production b)•
u single rectory in 1905 was over $8,000,-
000, and the greatest In 1900 wits under
$e.500,000. The production of ull works
In the year 1900 wes M1,053,371, and In
1905 it was 8717,118,092.
la the third eltiatt Mere you'ir kw Cattle ••
adian anger relit:IOW 1404tPlog Atti lite
average *coax), per elentleits Hini0
smeitIng ,leteht4billente Prollurtng ‘dt.
tlirliklrg4isi;m761413ellirlir altitt:311:01P441*:41:1$3" gt*;:::4:4:114.1o144tligiun:r4"4.41)4; ;
hal,. mills ittiontging 41:05,434. and: WO
agricultural troplcriitat wOrltra aliaraglitil
.esAtulblustehrald,entriwerew.Weithertilmila onlitatotigvhttfactir.
don of over omit Mart dellar**01. P
comparee with te path* in 1NOL
GROVertV., Ff'0011114ATIOlir
Canada now has a population 'Of over
six and a halt millions. The department
ontuNiCeericialticoreattindi Atattsetittichos raft vsiemno,ttyw
et populatien in aix years, since Me laid
decennial causes. of 1,133,585. The total
plitiresP"einataliraline lor grow°Awth"isn'amitlittlittiterd
Canada wilt show a. population of .43Ver
seven end a half mellow when the MAI
census Is taken.
Since April 1 last the Immigration hee
topotapullieedtioonve0rt,19010e, p000res, eanat tdheatte istheilitoutLI
neighborhood of $0,600,000.
United States farmers have 7.5 of last
yeur's erop still ln their hands.
- Eight Italian miners were trilled by
white damp n mine near Hazleton,
Pe., 011 Thureday.
II. C. Frick says nusinese coitlitions
are sound'und more settled than a feW
ineliths ago.
The Slontauk Indian -a have entered
suit to recover land hi Ithode Island
deeded to the whites since nlett.
A flre n New Yerk candy store
was quenched by the menet' emptying
the 1;40u -water fountain upon it. .
Thrtyrivezr'Sfrisks (lievel,mnenteffire
tercel action ugainst over sixty compum
:es said to form the Tobacco Trust.
Two women were 111JUred, one fatal-
ly. rn a New lurk riot, In vshich 1111y
women Wel< part, because one said she
had been insulted.
Forced by hunger to descend (men a
NW, VrilVI't• Ile hosts been biding utter
shooting slus wife mid child, Antheily
Andra e s ell 114 1111.41, at Wilke.sbarre,
In sierra at 511.. 11011y, N. Ji, 14V4)
111P11 411.1•0 1,1100041 doW11 ln a trolley
ear by lightning, niel eine them had
1. e left trouser leg und one sock Wetted
The Interstate Comnwrce Comnussion
has decided that railroads selling first -
Cele% tickets negroes must pruvide
accemmodaltion equel to that given
flrst-class while passengers.
sirs. Elizabeth Illint, of Broeklyn.
N. l'.. who will he 107 years old Au•
goal 31. enjoy ed a steam la 111101 l'Ide
on! morning reeently at Derby.
and hole u lung automobile imp in the
stews,' through the side or \Ir. and
A big mere of reek herled Ily ft 1.10,,./1
Mrs. Elonry Judd's summer home, neer
N. making 11 hub. six feel
f4.11111ro. and landing near e. hell. the
couple were stonding.
JI1Mes 13fttiaglivr, of flock Island,
elite. painting Ille upper tresses of the
vernmont bridge, at Davenport, Ia..
timehed hi. knee to 11V0 wire, 11 5.000 -
Noll eurrent passing through his body,
hurst Inter Mimes as he toppled
ever and dropped dead le the railroad
bridge below. He leaves a ‘1,11e
five children.
"You will never know the torment
that those 440r/1,1 of the 5Ialagu pa:n
htive caused nte. Fottimately they were
at, ruhhiyh. ftead for yeursett
000 Intendett 'ter riots Nearly Kille4
AdditIptter ratittly.
A despatch trout iiingston says: The
fondly of Otorge Lte., holed nor Itarro•
ee, had a narrow cottpo front doth
stryohntite poisoltin# on Thursday'. Mr,
heo rditik..01..01/4
of butter welt dosed with strychnine to
kill rats. By mistake it Was, ItSed
Om table, and all the family two pols.
00. Medico' aid was seOurOd
id toe tbnit
A well-known phyalelan says that
many lives are lost by sturvution, oe•-
Inv to an over-estettute, of the nutritive
value of beef -tea wet ttieut juice, but
that "there is no substitute fur milk
and eggs."
An English physician adds thbr word:
"le coat of depression, where dIsorder-
eil working ef the brain tends to ex-
haust the strength, 1 rely more and
neire on milk and eggs. made 11114) 11-
4111d CUSlardS,"
'rhe egg has been auk! to be a "maxi-
mum of nutrition requiring a minhnunt
of digestive force."
The egg is now considered valuable
in typhoid fever, dysentery rand Mini -
lar disorders; Tuken ruw It forms a
sitght mating iv& She etomacht and
other organs, rind by Its soothing qua-
Itties reduces inflammation. Ott the
same principle the white of the egg bea-
ten weli a little augur and water hite
been recommended for children alth ir-
Liable stoinaehs.
Nothing will sooner relieve a leeling
of exhaustion than taking • a raw egg
beaten in u glass Of milk and sweetened
and sonsoned to taste, Such a drink
furnishes inure real energy than lea or
alcoholic beverages, 111111 without their
evll effects; many 11,„ 111'041 woman would
WI the better for it.
„Eggs may also be served 111 teallof-
fee, lemonade or hot broth in the sumo
iCstriaff7-- ' ---/V'ele.spatch from EdmOnton, Alberta,
Physicians aometimes object le exces-• says : The progress made during the
grandfather, was in no aay eitstinguLsli-
able near) his brother cadets) %wilt 1111
to Dolores mid asked her to tell his for-
The palmts1 took his hand and scan-
ned the une4 attentively,
and In a treltlibling Votee said: "Rut who,
might you in), young gentleman'?"
"Oh, I'm the LW my comrades
here, a Destilsh naval cadet."
"Shotv tn4 your hand agent. Perhaps
there Ls ntistake. Cerne ink, the coo
ner yonder,tinder the lamp."
There the prophetess spoke to the
prince In w kale. 110 that the others
COUld WA 'tear. Presently the young
Man returmid ni his friends. ile was
deathly pale. reo one ventured ta ask
111101 Witat luid happened. and atmoet
lintriedietelj Ite got up and left the cafe.
A inotith later. when the cruise was
0,Ver.1 and •• Itto "Ileimdsr wits entering
USPellitaign barber, Prince Iplaries
pee tr Pifid Herdebreti a sea id en
VEI0Pd. 411e made him pronthe to keep
,t moot atm he should claim it again.
lit Abe eVeset of the prinee'S death II r.
deka wee tea break the sea% and resit
1110 entifellt
ontoroto noted dewn swird lot
ItVent *ha loree do Isla told me. 11
4ar WU all nonsense. Rut still
40,„ PIN earth there ar•
the' 'tlitithrow
have not yet tuition/tel.'
envelope Wag written: '"Mai.
hoar. Julv. Hate-
Ott fiat
rto,A, 111111 ft son and heir 'he Mite prime
Freelerskl Is born 1, I I ...0) latish
at 111P hes of Rona Wore's de kw..
FIVP Ve111,1 tater. en . 33. Vries
thsnee Corl of Dennisrk Iteeurne
kon VII. N011•4‘ 311am:ring los Dump
witheut changleg his language!
Oat some ()lean, One sand; drY Veer'
oughiy in a kettle on the stove. !teaks
o bag about eight inetwe square of flan-
nel, 1111 evIth dry sand and- seW the
opening carefully together, and cover
the bag with cotton or linen. 'This will
prevent the sand from sifting out$ end
wili else enuble you to heat tho bag
qUickly by placing it in tee oven ar even
en top of the stove. After once using
this you will never ietempt to warm
the feet or hands of a tsick person with
11 bottle of hot w.ater or a bre*.
Dynamite Outrages In Commit" Web
the Strike.
A despatch from Johannesburg, South
Africa, says: The dynamite outrages
erising' from the strike situation
throughout the hinting regional con -
Untie. The first fatalitles occurred on
Friday, when Kilfoll's Hotel at Boks-
burg wits bloWn Up. Three men weire-
killed und several were injured: Art
attempt also was inade to demage the
Junipers' deep mina. A native was
weight In the act of placing stick ot
dynamite at a point where its explosion
would cut off a number of white miners
in the underground workings. Tee
strikes's will appeal to Premier Botha°
to force lireentne companies to arbitrate
the dUfereneese between them and the
Good Prooress With Line From Sask.-
bon to Edmonton.
-- •
Too Undeeirable Prisonere 1eiti he sent
despati.h from Ernesten Ante( A
prianner M1111(111 I Inn 14 11,. 1, 1041% •
111,4 U term the pemient,,n, 1,. 1„.
deported next APPli. 1 10 tt 111 be 44 III I,.
Detroit, %here the Friffed slut. alithori•
tie., %ill lake charge of turn and deal
ith Mtn as 111P) see fit. seethes els
seller in penitentiary here is ewe ter
he deported shortly.
slve heeling of eggs for invalids einee
if such air be !tangled In Mein it luny
cause gas In the skimach; but if slight-
beuten Ilie solidity of the egg being
broken the gastric juice 01111 work up-
set It mere freely.
The following drinks are suitable fur
selves well.
Invalids or bred peritortelltal%.;..t,'.3"±:-..-.-
Eggnog Plain Heat and yolk together
or separately, sweeten and flavor to
ta41,.. Add to One cup of !mild or warm
Willer milk or bolting wnler.
Esther Mete or yolk alime will often
he nerts areeptable und digest sooner
than if taken together. Eggs becume
difIleult of digestien in preportion as
they low their freshness.
Egg - Brett a fresh egg with a
speck iif salt. lour tete mie pint of boil -
1111: 111111i, stirring all the time, and take
Egg Broth. stir a benten egg into
one cup of hot snort broth; drink While
Egg 4.011P1'. Beat (env yolk with km
Spoonful or augur. isiur en one cup r f
boiling coffee, sin -miry as it thickens,
Add ',ream If brefel red, but eggs intik"
a viio hut...Male for Intik oi 3.1'011111
4, I i4:1 le 4' PI' 111+33e rained be oblulned.
Egg lea made in the same viay.
Custards, 11,31 four h, stx eggs te 0110
I/ Ulla 0 1111 6%1'0011 and flavor to
testis 'I he eggs rembre only as much
heeling as break up the particles
of the egg that may reudily mix with
ttehi6 31,1,31111s.., ilbei61triuertnkgs Cpusre:
tords; in that ielse double the number
ef eggs and use the whites for other'
thinge. it is ail easy mutter to min
cesiards, but they are often speiled 111
the cooking. f.ustards will issik where
nuter would 11011. If the applied heat
le greater than that of boileig wake
or )10 IOC low continued, .,the solid mid
1.mm' constituent uf the eggs und indk
vvill sepatnte. the rustard ,stieis and
eurdles, and 10-.C1.4114.34 unpalatubte und
Tho French Porliument adjourned on
Friday for 11141 summer.
'1 be Wellinun expeehtion In 111e north
pole 111 to del1i)ed 1111111 the Ilest of
Aegust by the wrei king or 11a110011
house tit Spitthergen by a storm.
A big stalls,. of agricultural laborers ls
being prepared rit Kiev', 1111./.4111, The
rioserner threatens le lime recourse 10
1:11111art (4.111:4. tf Ileces3110 Meet (Ile
past two months on the Grand Trutt
Pacifies between Saskatoon and Edmon-
ton, gives snore reuesuring prospects of
an early completion than the work
hitherto Indicated. About 1,200 men
and 900 teams of horsee are employed
on the work. Seventy.live utiles of road
is graded from Saskatoon west, and
s •
with the large tome employed now, this
expected that over 100 miler west front
Sa•liatiion will be cenneleted by Aug.
'Ilion a large tome of men at work on
Ilsr Battle River crossing will be moved
up butvveen Battle River and Edmonton.
Cs tenet Comilders Three Appeals tor
Executive Clemency.
dies /11 1 111,1‘k ThreP
/qv 31:, 13,1 3.4••3•1!14,, 3 10.11e),,,, 113 the
( ;3w ..1 110.), 11,',1 1 1, 1.11.11 11 111.1
II,. 11 I., 1110 1 11 1111101 111
1, 11.4 •I'd that the
unt-t takt Its matris- 131 Pie treed.
110,.41011 111 re.1, re
,.•3,1 ,1 11 blither 01.•il foal, the milt&
bled 1h... iee lie iv., emeterer..
kkho 11311,1 pH 1 11,1` If, 11 't Ihrir
Ilre MUM flillt1.1 , tr,
/11 gc /.11. t Vrent 111 lirtl•
1.1i ( 11111'1/1.1 , 1131,1 lona nog, 11 / 31) -
1,0311. v113, 4111114 '1 11 11 111, 11 113e 1(4.4
nay 111 4 1(1, /* /.14 ago. The 1/131/1 31:11.0
Il 1-0111111, (-111)0111. lit if 1
,..1 ,,1 13,,, ,13,%13,1,3 , Di 55 1111e.
a14,n44. at the Parrs
11.). 8. CHOP REPORT.
Prevent Condition of Wheat In Olsen nn
RI .6.
4+ desparth frein Washington stirs
'Illo Department o! %grist, line roved i 4
C1'1111(1111()114 011 (fops Oft July 1,1 ni. lo
%Ars 4. orn, re trove !RAM OM. rouili
TAY "fall:" tierrrnor W iiii-t0... 4 vnftlai it,iisa i Win
1 sprtng %%heel, t47 ii; all %Mut. St i.
Atnotint in femurs henries St e53 is or
equivelent to 7.5 per colt ot the cim
Of laat, veor
Wirlf:N 10'1' TO EAT,
it is lie. gieute.t mistake In the v.,,r'd
er b, pai a 1...4%), 1111•111 11*.11 1111.1
Italige3,13.,311 8111, to he set up, RIO
1I.e food IleVer nuurlsties the kali. ets
kr 11 1,111g, frolguing 4,r )3,,ir
11e4, 3,1. u :41/01/1 oi ri g, /I row
fib/ 11 1/ 1 nrier iot immediate.) n
1 31V 41111,01. or supper. I et lake
cup .,f be.fl. a 01 a !411114134:, and
gine • I 111111t. 111111 I 1.41 . 1 / 1 11 1 en hroir
.t.e then rat the meal
cto 44111 le. %%ill.' Witten!.
• -
stsrlsti1ir IN '-liK Mood
(011. • f tre mist is et..esso nr 1, 1114
1.0 11,ed Ut a stilt r...111 133 ,,,a1331.1,fig
Carador Lod Thrown Front Wagon
When Team Took Fright.
A despatch from Strathroy says;
Harry, the only son of Mr. and Mrs.
John MeWhinney, W1111 114eS almt a
mile and half from loon Mt the Ninth
I tincession of ilaradoc, Mel his life
esuslied out ar an 'ently hour nti Friday
owning. While Ube father was hitching
Up 11 10001 1.0 go (Or u loud ef lumber,
the little 1 llow, who was six years old.
c;ilinntthleedhoinsn v awn. Suddenly one
the lad. 'Ihe ward and threw
bro0dreY ihaend led in twenty
r arrtved.
wheel pmeed ever his
ninutes be- Ssi
SIr William Henry Broadbent Attended
Raj al Family.
A despatch from I widen says Sir
Henry Broadbent, physwiati-Imurdinary
to Kies Edwurd and tle- Prtnee et Wales,
mid oho for 11 tong tette attended the
tete Quewi WI( tie and others of the
Wye] fumes. died on Wednesday, He
%tell Will in is35
Cheered by Dense Crim- da Which I..lned
the Streets.
A de -grads frum Disihn Ass, King
Edward and QUI4.11 Alexandre, who ttr,
1-1t 0(1 liree front Ki11p140.1.11 this after
1100I1, It111111 Ille et1111,111011. including
th i I linailltin pai Mon. in Which 11101r
"l'/°"tle4 exere'sed the liveliest Ittletv.t.
Stibsefille111.1) tlimr Majesties passed in
prurassam threutili the 4treels Dule
119 14), 910 1,1,0,regttl 'f'he dense
crovids of •'3 1.1. hyr" 11(trt)111P4.1
131. Orld Queen the heartkint mei).
21,000,000 ON ROADS
A SHt1.11. eteletION PRCIK.
Prediction Mr Head 01 Brillnli Columbia
Parterre Annociallon.
,iespat, It•••ei inee•ta,r, ft.
stos Indu no. trs ars the 4110-iirin
pn• I, will tie VIM il 1(11, tfar.
lisrher. re oh of the Brii0.1,
vad,erq uthort ‘VIto lin, pt.! re-
turned term the mote ,annerier.
the season II aWil1 1,10113131 there aroi a
Worth& of late r PIC bile, RA Well as el,
the Fraser. River,
• .--
ThIrtytila Fanents Hate started on
Pilortmaor to the FAA.
5 deg! filch 111.111 0111144a 14111, . Ad
lip 1.4 l'etPit011 bs 1114. got'', Ii1110,1 are to
Its prfer 1 Ilta l It; f o MIllrill I w‘,.141mt..r.
•he.44.,•,,e1.0613v..1 • • ,,e .,,,-... 0:leptroe.., .143 3113v.
1.4.t. They 1411 e ( It ettit1ti tram 1,•11.1,(11
rhewari ink/ ‘Inniloba 411.1 ,-lwan 111%er
) and it nill flum, .1tAr,1‘1, upon 11,3 man'
Lona ementment to demese er, thein•
Value of Work Done in Ontario in
Ten Years.
5‘i% 1(.1,:nalppabl:1131, fir):::::,,,T.:1.1,10L,,,,, rt.: put s;:ir •I I i 3:11,11e3.,,luglit12:Rai.drint,AunTqu..thrtait hilist000fm4n)liaLai 4 .,
fliaAhrt 1, the annum rri. rt ul Mr ls. ilrulCII:r•illl'‘Iiiifillut,Ivine:t 822•91:71';144 100 exPendi-
Ateree, (di highonv imsiri %amen!. tho I hIllie e4,11114, 30 stay, in regard to the pre-
ary ro d
ens mit spent 1,N (we're . 0 road tio- -,•nt .ituation, Mr. Campbell satys:
pea •anenta during Itte 1,1 lett 11.'114 -ph, nutorriebile on the oven
ea. ell nno inn. of this hile 432.9is! an. is undotaileitly producing. at the pre.
111 CaN11, tile I 0.1111 .11/ 1M' hong made ill, .1)1 1111 1.- m ueti ha rartm), Oprostunul.
1• • 110 11/ 9101 do). ,.! Stt,1,.'•• latex '1111,.s li aichtents are repotted. and that the
see, n..1 .in Mae the exprnilittire in number 1,4 not gm -arc 10 partially due
tee 11 wet eel, ,drette. I 'emelt ant ke t. the fact Met flirtiterA. and theie wlveu
il ristsri Middlesex. Pies I retest' Ox• sod daughter espeeintiy. are eotilpellett
e i .1 55 iii.iigien Ilaid.n 0.. I a ti it rk. i 1., 11.40 the 14 ' , A WO hOrne9 10Sh than
‘‘,,,Ats.,,,,,,A!it,,,,,,,,L51„„, , wi.re ih, r.,un 1 ti,r) w,ind 1., herW1441 dit, trWilla to the
1•••,..“ abet '"f iia,„1 wore tette treritt tem of nsivii'isivitr '&3* *.144,4441,411:. ',Val .:
fr , ii MIKI I. 19114 "the aggregate sem 1.1 meet mil entente. and it Et not ill mat.
41,4111 in thr..d. ,aintie% In this (fin.. wao ter of su aa, that much (caller litte
SA147.21111. of which the Ouverntnent con- aersen ante *sec to the dateelebtre."
1 4:
t" A,