HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-07-19, Page 1TUB 4:1t1 AR the New tho4anty et tluron. 441"414 Quality Quitatity Cirottotten • ****,*iwi * ) 40,01111.101004111.0.40.0111001100.041.0041.00414101104011111•11 gig , oxv$63:4=1 e• FORTY•tfelUTU VitAR W.IBILlt NIA INTL ODERICit. 0161t FRI THAI covrzvvr„ cor 4uLy 19, to Ilmo1011.14 ea Tont*, 04 * V/414114 I* Ad? LUN Vg4TIONA'41.44 There getvition, abont n *eying* 0.0!, eonot„f„,aa,; there is only .one aere Vier 'et aecomultinng licgglka and- that bywwing , A , -Posies,: inherxr.- ' mbite:othett gain independenee Simko of .; 1110let. het the vitit Majority of people 'beetteett .eonmetence, speofilog I*44t titan they Analse'aud Wing enrniett ,C.e11f4 IMeteete on de$insitt.:04,*.:00: . ena ba witharaWn'et:a0Y. ' • ' Tife. TANDARD,LOAN-COMPA GormaT4t,, AND BYLAW 14 04 .4.,41,111 CORPORAPDX Int1WP,0 00P,1.4" ' AliBYLAW THE BONI)e- 90;;;Tall-144.1044,11i„2" RI vER POWNEt 09;-,bitrITRibr '-• wen:tees The 'IdeftlaileViet-Pe*Or .001n, panv, inteede etiteltrdot 40,111 the River Nfalt10,0d,anonbjbrOP Initeh oosterty from the said town 'Of elagetete., teal:leen, thq township Of-43011161700,404,04.iNi0402016141o, ot Godorieh MuidelPalltles Addeilpitittliy:tho Rua town of ociderhgli, frlr 1,004'eSit /1031010 ing power and:00000g Tnie to ell- nem may be found preetbeetee: neledle,gerieing, tho maentnery ;taw Witte wetetearikelectrie light pleat pf:tii.gogat,own, (It !Jolene -Iv AND "14114AB'Onshial'grAteltlnoaIlkeer Fewer Omppany, ii,recluested tee paid town ot Ootexich bee tithelate their:said undertaking,byguarant:einKtd:',ttio' Pxtopt pf tiou,o00,00 prinotpal, tee idereestethereed the bandit or debenteree lesteul. 6111; said The Maitland Alive, tinter co. ne PAO., Limited, thee, toBil aturigut ',the Lteldie dobentume to beim:lett-1w titer teee eompany betng1300,160, belittles ' Aso WrignicAs tit grant the paid aid, siirdeet to the terour und sip,tditions herelnaftereet out, Tugela -oral onottoa, aoa it to. torati enacted. bp the toudicipat•.eoupefior tho raid town of Gederich, :A4 te111.1-W44 j. t. It shill to invitorrorttei tivoraectrioric In life name and ortbobait bf the corporetion of the town of uoderichxsed ander ite oer0Orato seal, lo execute and deltrer netbe apt and deed of the said corPOratiMpthe.-Wittteh;0r PrilitPd guarantee Or gnarantetic•Oir the ,safil,billidegi: Lion guarannetneg theAtki paypteut 'o the Principal and:interiSst of the monde en deben- ture', of The MaittUriii" Ritar "POWer dempany. Lindied, up to tlie sion,le the 'aggregate, of 4150,000.00 (ono nandred and fifty tbetwand dollarS) for princleel, tete:Y:0141a thirty yeses nein the clay' dr tub. PaUe 'tliereqt'Ntits bi- tere.t ie the meaufieleah the rptC.of eve per cent per aniline, PaYahle '1161f IrearlY 011 th0 principal to thaheldent,06 the Said bonds or debentures, such gitarupted tote to the ,offect that upon derault lidifigiiifidir by the said The Maitland itixer FoiNer Cerniediy.:Liniiltedt In Payment of ttie prieripet oeietereiseeureui the 4ald bonds or de/AUDIOS VA El tilitteed any of them. the 'comeratica or t town Or Uoderlob pits holdet the tileount wy. in default, upon demand, enoll,, gnatatitho he otherwise -in such Rind contain such other or additional•proyisogig.tir,Wiliditiotts cis ehan be oppreVed-Of by the Atalterund wallet tor for the wad Worm provided., however, ttiat obligation of thei "...-tnWttidritatentit" such Previs008-apd,Togookii01. vigt to. tio in default, np` on d atoreget mace or any Of theta 6140 04,116.411itt nd 2. Prfcd' iiitTUYIptfierittea'firitlio tAkid Diver Power Compally;i6m116theboll, Wit .the' heir • b reholders. for'.AIA lagelieee .0Xe- (alto and deliver to a: trtuitita ,-.who Allan be mutually agreed, upon br.the. utifd . company and tile corporation of 'Gig), .14Wil Goderich, a mortgage open , their , plant, maytiblery, littures„ rights and easements -• whieb isold • ntortgege bu first • Charge upon oit. melt Pro- perty and shall -W00% the illatisos and provisions usualin 'mortgagee by Com- panies to secure bende settled altdapproyed of bY the solicitor for tbe, miatowb. mid shall se,Aire and provide for the-ISAI-Mentqf all prin- Mind and interest which idea become duo at any time on the Mitt betide 410 tO be Issued by the said companyandlor the repayment to the Kitt corporation Of nil Menage iYhich may be eald by it lo respect Of ardd 'guaranteed bonds pro rata with the ether tionde to . be idened aforesaid by thesaidcOmpunrcand such mort- gage shall further previde for the hummed° by the said company' et the .saitt inertgaged prov- en y in tarot+ of the tif‘trntitee cose,of lo.s by lire or lighthitig, n Sueneampanies as shall he approved of tett °said. trastee. and by POI - irk:. containing What, 111 kneWil,,lia. "the, wort. gage clause' If demanded by the said trustee, and tor the •contiquatiro•of .Stleh insurance d ff ring the tairreneya the wild betide, end the due pay wont of -the peentemlithotter„ 2 AA a medal...met executing the said guar. antees moneys„preeeects ot the Sale Or.pledge of Om sant bails or debefiturits. te hn teed by virtile et this. hylawosball it/veal/1 to the sitid trustee, andebtill be applicant/1,001y tn. f he cost of constrattibgendequIpping tho, este works and to" tho pitrehOWS of the latidef tights and caseinetita etiatteetien therolvIth pro rata with the proceeds of the sale or .pledge of the other houds so to bet:felted as strew:01W, and shall be paid nub bY the maid tensten only ati he receives prOgretis teriiiiCtitcls ler such cost Of construction, equipment etid putehase..and amount alien be paid theteout eacept to the extent of the hice valets Of siteh Program mist. fleates. which me te iseited:_ter Ampules from time to time -not /*deeding 80 per cent. of 1 he cost of.etinstreOtIons andi PUr- chase by the ettineer or ertiniteet appoin ed,tO inspect the sal works, and,pra Mtn afi afOre- said, and the.balanett shall be txt d, Out onle after completten of the ARM' Works, and after lite /4111110 shall have Stipplied pOWer to .the said town and the tialtiloWlt sheltie -live operated the Reid watcrworke and' dead° Watt systent for the Aimee of thirty days Ma satisfattory elate raw. . 4. The said -the IffaiLlant(RIver Fewer Celle pany, Limited, shall • oxnend the hurl. or 10000, - .hes 00 in the herd fele ef„littet end prtylleges, end the comitriltttc Of too said datn, rind the 10.101101.1011 of, plant and Maehitiory. itiel the PI11110 when construeted Shull be of the meat modern typo end titual lime nil the :retielsite machinery and. appliatitee tor the leaves° of sumetent power to the seettoWn to enable t horn tot property operate thole:water and elect ri0 tight Werke and alfio tO funihdi pow er all the tiaildflieltlf ernifOri 111 the Field ar wee inar.baresitter lecate Ilinrcin, s hi; -111111 relltileir tileflUthltri the:extent of at .2.it horse power, mid the mitt l'Int Melt% bind sr Poweretenpany.lbtOtited4.shitnaise .1„." ,,,,noped. and rnuintain the raid teaks In tessi at e of eilleieney tiering tho eurreney of :he • .: id bonds tol td no guaranteed ita Mete, - Asia. 5. The -aid The Maitland River tiewer 63 -re• ',se,. shah Yupply the eitittempor- st die town of titiderieh,apti thesast der. 1,11111i 1011 1411:111 tRICO frotiritho her., ismer at tho 'Pelee Of 17.000 ffer anaura „,, half yowl y teethe Space of Oda Y /Mare. r,s ,latever liOrse POWer, Over domsr11040 the se horse p0Virt. bereft Month/Mid. the „ s require, it Algal pay to thetettgiony „ I he VIIIMA Or OtUrti.111fiCalt tlf PaWell mod b trititeri.the charge ter which ,t, is. based aponthe elettges sot otit in the ,i,„,1 pert of LIM IlYdrCtEleetrje Power Cole- sciating.t0 Water poWer developinent t 1. ithind ItiVer. The Aid torprinitleit of .1,4 of 00derfeli Shalt. he at liberty tO „,,„,, ::„. -,,,idettinef$70004.intinny fertheesum 1.., }.4tateti.ittie tfte e.ofItertititie tattle :IP 10 'ow • '1114141fig ell the Aerial p., iiaytimitt tit tbinidnibainitlad •• of I nterefib flOr.:Or Mertlink tie lie, Ninths ON delifintilf0S 011artmh5ell bir !„. „ „.1 any ipttlinr Mita that. tarty :beersine. ,i,„ cored/Sin the 001,M2011,0001 bd p.; meths:01th „I eiii patty, -an. sod trlaititnikitt, machinery. 00111dilig ' Iter,,,try ror the ell And elect ricrilighroo ties. itt tuiditiOni I he limo of tire .004 .n141 vorp0111110it7 II The RIM ViIIRMS an auxiliary „pi tem' tem, whenevcebtera that perporiff, ail lime. dialitift SAW* keep the mild. Mali peint end ofiletent state Of ehnll a 4re tepole or molar* eh W .tnity betiser eke* to, Minted Or: ly' hi 1 0414d.,re- fion thereof,* mitred forger ilielrbire61444 shall ho req01 pow of keePhlif thelr said plallts`Iir ilis04.4440.:.24-tc dpemectelArtd reki Town then of the PlAnti Olos 7 If the N114 4 the catil TeWe ugmattite et Ike ottetal Aet Tat eteete. feette 44 tin • NOitTlav AT • 1.t'ri6PRTQA MGR!, , • 'irled that all eeetlf exPottStle Of a Web: eetal to PAW apPlieetiell Shall , be 00 400.- Peld Pttlle ealdr-14014111(4. • . • 3: BylaWilei: la Of ,1000`04 the ,111114 TOW* Of otlerielt,IetIttiled AO kW ?Mogen* the Met 0ebeatares tb4 , altheld 01Ver ,Pew,or CeniPattit..1.41911411;" le erehfreillelge(1- 04 'VW BYleW alum taltoOdhOt 440r pluptloopf1011:49rea :16; 'rho. vortOut elepborr of the SakkTelvn of Hoderielt s he taken, pa ,BYlfkY4 thefollowleg Wearied , places, 1 hat to say:, Oapterclay, $1141).44 day .0g A Mt 6037, m I ,pUtILIC hit)TIC IC141111rIrktilttc--na yesi t awl up y., *mire te tido*. the 48, fit Oidee.,er 1,1111114 Vtereitieri, wadolett. Iftr the PrOhille PoYlkient L044'112,0* blententat held their Qtder bY ,I*10inttibikalk MerttarAlarbeleaftelertestflietthat Out W.,04.49eser411110 OtNektoft, *MI WO tried :eetralderetiort'ott mittlests beetatteint Yr113 tear 4111 tentelalsered ' 4#** W.. 64010110. ' inteta'as reieutily Oeciar. POttiliad NO; 2 rittinglee for t Otte' loat Ytertii4', :AMMO . semantic thew halite Orcifill0,6 OW" 414 vie 410 1106 0604 to ledC. in Otspositiaot whaLve,,itsvo 04 boa, AeCtitittelt IsfireTre sx'o ito,'41,;;oti•out6n,ouctug wujoavtio5sponir?, "In. Viewer the am; raneitig' Pt Pi Of- /WW1* ahd IttelliertWise Anti foe voluiVga.t3Y, ettleullt ). 444114 l'atIKAAVVIArg111,t4C4,41111•1911,„0111.- • '114 041111.4" 11CRIttlAt Mist ettenttert to client* etettkere. etveredYlVith $06,1a0titario. HOWN,'S ' elfANOlial -i.i- 'BROWN., has ehanged hiss, .0iolt tow Vic.torist tO AltSio1446 SWOON near bt.4. '_24tOrti tsitfiti'?zitst,vivtig.w:tro.Taittailvig hem hairieltere . teed, Where, lhe nyeernma. who hag SP 91114 to- twit otwor !.3;T:LsyeiloAvo.r4 x.W1B4O41 land WO' vAlith k Mai) Jenk,. • riko. ,peoplit,sind UPHOMIAA..K44ENNAhr$ LINIMENT . • • s; e • . , FOt'elerlial oble, 11. Paeltive, cure Mr toga gkieue. TAp,, alsaaso, lonaroppry eminti Etnnbailo. Berri Threat.Wartitand steratainge,Breises.Sprains. Stir, J only, RuPtOre and, all kindred diseases, tion,itiabirupatr.441), yotuul. a Ohre ;tor threat Who mark on bels' aild'Vrta Ors said M A. Me. .Nono .without leiVing the trade Lentleti'ti .1aindle004(o cliche .0tits, stamped .0 %%treed Ofl`e4014 Pot ' Manuniethred Indy by' Eereatiant A. Mo. tacroutt, tioittPattaitee Witt Proprietress+. Ood- Ontario. ... • trio defeat the Our tif Oise 0 ti the ore- ..: yen aimentednietig tut ill`vo ,o'doek In Wear, ternoon Of thr .4;irnci slay; by tho. foliowing Dt/hutleltetarelltg, Olffeerit: • . rum 43utifyinic No, 1, .at Thottilteon Bros': opa tep, James Breekeerldge, ponneleteriatel cf '.4301.cher. 1Deputy Return - Ink °Meer, i . P011104 fillthafyillierl'.,pi. 2. at T. I, Veatt's- .04tes, OPtity ?Returning 10,111 Storedg T. J.V oll'Olgsk„ and holes • rontipe'abdivielen,_No.3, at the Tewn 11411, by.r.dnn Rea% Fell Llierib mul Mr. A. IL Cuff, :Returning ()filter. PollinO'Subdilslinf 111'o, '4 'Stothoire tekStibiliviskinzl"Rt. 0. atidra. %awes store. toy M. G. Nienreme, Foil Clerk. and George .0. Meek, DepetyIbiturning ()Meer. polling *MAWR:Ion No, 0. atiohn nrophey's Store, by WrneTaie.POB,Chirk. and LI. L. Wat- son, oepaty-nctoomaroinree • Subdtvisloh Z at Dennis Nevjlioe House, by. Fnhert Tom ciolk, and John .W.Craigle, DeputV Returning Deicer.. • 11. 'tin Wednesday, the 3144 day of July, 11/0/ the Mayor of the mid Titan shall attene at the Commit 'Chamber ef tile said Town at. ten o clock in thpforimoon. -to appoint persone to attend at the vertous palling placea afore; sahl and at the final euttereng up of the votes hy thoCierkmehohnit-orthe pereonsintorest: ed In and promoting OP OpP0aing. ti10 naming of this bylsw roimeetfvely.,. 10. The taerk tif Council of the .M41 Town of filbderieh shall attend at Ids oilloe in the Town Buil at ten Orileda in the forenoon of Monday. the 511.1 daSr Aeguet, 1901. to 64110 up the number of votee, tor mut against the bylaw. 4 . ,Pated at the Council Chamber of the, Town et tooderieb. the letliclaY of July, A, D., MM. JOSEPH ELLiorr, ' Al. o. JOistks'roar, Mayor. clerk. TAkt NOTtCE That le above ISA true copy of a proposed AlY10-W w ich has been token' Into cOnaidengrOn arid wide t will be finally passed by the Council of the Mittacipality (in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto) attor 0410 month from the liest publication in tho Signal, the date of Which first publication was Thursday. the ilth day of July, 1.90I, and that the rotes of the electors a the mad namici- pality VIII be taken 'thereon' on the daY the bourn and places therein fixed. JithIi74lates, Beptityl.ttitureing Med% W_ 004k8h9e4.1),Y S Iltethers. Olerk.and /91 M, 0, JoeiNsToht. Clerk. • • „, LOST. OST--lietween,eolborne Betel and the P.' XI a, on Phursday,_a Gobi Bracelet:with padlock Attaohniont. Finder will be rewarded on 141011ing g at STAR OMOO. , REWARD $50 'IchlwAnD will be paid to any party - giving information that will lead to the proseeutiou and conviction ot the party rostelusible for the pOison by Which odr iter40 died on WednaadnY, Juno 26, MM. JA ME.S SCOTT, • MRS. M. A. MeNALLY. Dungannon. July 13, 1507. WANTS WA,NTIon.-At Summer Hotel, four Oirls for dining room and chamber work. Experience not necessary. Apply at Summer Hotel. 11165 01 WANTED. To learn toe printing bustoess. Most, be educated, trustworthy, and willing to work. A good name tor th a right boy. Apply. Trig Synth Cioderioh. WORK WANTED.. -Anyone rumllug reli- able halo for work by the day. house- work or wrothing, can got address of competent partioc by applying at STan Office. FOR SALE OR TO LET._ 0 mace RENT. -In best part of town, on Square. Apply at Brown s, Anglesea Street, nosy St. Putor54 Church. 011 SA LIC. -The handsome residence of Mr. S. A. Mellow, St. Vincent Street, *Wench. Omelets tantalite slic lots, with largo brick house and nit modern impreve, Mont*. Vor particulars addresti McUAW, Western Cannes, Flour MIIIH CO., TorOnto, Ont hy• the torpora o toe itligittganly1111011 Metall,. hole owe 02peirrie: Sikh Itriao. an MAY 156 emelt potation of the , water net of the mitt toteorei h planklie iti 11:16 et of thia by.lew by the heel ItIver Pewee Poet. tee etitilerer ape hp Town ot uisilertch Prepared poWer eye. Shall bia eetperiaderer currency et thn skid Wetted (101111Setir Shell fterkeln Maintain' nrid. V11.111 SALIC, Now 14 story house on Glom .22 tester terrace. Cement cellar, Mater:is and new brick well. Apply to W AMC A Inman, next door. ANTED T0 RENT. -A House and Barn, with good yard, say from 110 tO 1112 per moigh. J.,oave particulars at STsa Ofilee. 4.• -- 11101t SALE. -A. mot 14 vat complete) of the .112 Revised Itmayelopredia Dictionary, in itnitrelams conditioe. A most valuable and ataudard work of reference. Can bo seen at STAIR 011iee. A bargain. too with ,,A,,,,.„.ttwe eel:111)e 4eXe 7t-tt-tr,Ut ho to take Cat4 tiallit41 if tlett.ta the arks ewe thit giter . erg JJESMADLE PROPERTY FOR. SALE. - Weil sittiat4id between Square and - Lake, with good house and 'cellar. For par- ticulars apply on promises.-Mrts. Goteng1., St. Patrick street. MO RENT, the fine residence, on South street, recently occupied by Mr. H. Park. Also the moms ever Downing & MoVimre Shoo store. on tho Squat -II -Apply to Jos. Wurria.v. E.. REL,LY wocummtlio, pilitimua AND OeT1CIAN Issuer of Marriage Licenses Goderich, Ont. ' • POINT rApm summtP Pr_sop-r Opmr for the semen Of 1007. Equipped the!, oughlr for tourists trade. No bettecplage to intend the heated term, or to etdoy an entitle', Picnic, Driving and Boating Parties will find Trig PoiNT 'Perim the most pleasant place to ' J. T. GOLDTHORPE, •Proprietor. fliumna Gontral 1,Ing STEAMER a KING EDWARD SAILING BETWEEN 'SANDUSKV TOLEDO DRTROIT VVINDSOR SARNIA GODERIthl atellhe SOO Leaves Coderich, bound down, every Fridtty, at 9.3o a. M. Leaves Goderich, hound up, every Wednesday, at 9.30 p. m. Tickets, Berths, and all information, •con be had from • *WM11, LEE. Local Agent at Goderich. . - STAR: COLE LINE STEAMERS 1,10It SALM-Twenty acres excellent, kind J12 tor Morket grunion. With good building:4 and fovea, two miles from Ooderich-having, five acres in Orchard of apples, pears, demo, the:trier, *Aches .grapes and raspberries, eidaso 4-..„-Aepi3sta YOUNG & It011111nr&drgeh. POIt SA1411.-Two noW '1/wettings on Anglo - 113)#'13i4 A PelltferlablO Dwelling on Medi St. eliding Iota on ICIgin Avenue, Name St., Cedar tits Mid Pine St. WANTED. -A few Portitneed Mum or me, near the Lake front, to root for the it tuner Ultima. YoMe..4 ItontillITsole. ItOldidiTY Vett HAL11.- The desirable peoeorty Elgin Avenue, Goderich, *ned and Asieupied by Dr. Whitely. Good hottetiand te40-thirde oriel item of tantl, with ebotee troies, The heti* heated by hot Water and hes allmodom teeprevoments. A .Waghtft frik any' Penton wanting gestates() pee ety etentodots to price. Appip to pewterer,* tiodetiolt. , .„ „ „, , , . RDAL. ESTATR AflaNTS 0 tiNd teItt)iltItTedg, REAL lierrA'elti AND 1 N ER/ ItANt1e1 AO SSTS. tor Relling,bliyingerrentinir teem and farm 00ecrty. rue end Life 10511rarlcle. Olilcai North eide,Vonre Ileum Some. S.% t1011. -EL Oilers lierhandresto test/fere* on eyA fot rale. ARO k /Orin photograph. nod bakery. in )117014 titethepe. • PICIdtier gitit461 PIrrtkffeti8Altialtla ofecie . (NA ootttcy.tieetrefete te bet A rano 4 ,EM/dX11SON 84.1131kNIIBLIa J2Mteift*I:111146 t14 00104 tFotiropfig' 'Pail . rotookeii non ,thIst cippeetto vides* Vbflrell4 none If • I., IE'Veratbeirs Itessenee-Neleao Pwit, Seed tehewaerefe. at it.t.C,X1.114, *mai wit t!fgait, V=1'1: Wert mom. STR. HURON , edit , Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Via North Channel of • Georgian, Bay, Tuesday, at 9:00 R Por Port Huron, netroit, Toledo and Cleveland Saturday, at 71.30 A. M. WILLIAM LEE, Local Agent. A. TytAXWELL, Traffic Manager. The Ciklitleiiich Mineral Water Co. mthenAttuRgits 01, MENESETUNG are prepared to defiver to any part of the town BELFAST GINOER ALE, pints and quarts ; also MINERAL WATER, three sizes, splits, pinta and quarts ; SELTZER WATER and DOUBLE SODA. These goods are treele from NATURAL MINERAL WATER, therefore free from ALL impatities. P. L. wALTON, 'PHONE 2e1. Manager. — TO WATER, USERS WAR/sTING The illegal nse of water taps and lawn services is prevalent. Lawn servicen May only be used from 4.00 p. tu. 20 9 p. fie An Inspector will oecasionally visit different parte of the '1'45Wn. Violatera of the Regulatiene will be prosecuted, By order of the COthriiission. M. 0.,301INSTON, See'y W. and L. Cotn. NOTICE TO. ODOR Setiogieliterthazivee= V1. int 01/0.P.11! IWO the- co ,Tiviweco,:wor et net TOW:a . A.0.10EY Of unto. mutts*. doormo4ite Nona thaws:we doer vertile4ete awitatel 2.1.11001000i 6.,,,OCaterst.404100014.:P0110. dity',04411Yet,1910taittor Vila* ell the wthkeattlictdOlt Preette4 ,Ati. AIWA 014 the' *We 0.11100t*Ite lateeesill aati ripg.rogertv,ount nether ebenet whiolaregioaesoell thee ewe lege Noel inettlett ,tho est& executor 'will, 1140 be' Ile loan* 0000e44 tkisootto, ,,...xtur portion -at wp4a0,:clom atettoti ekell ;toe 4111't been Mcleod, , /4040 Olean bersby giver) juteill',ovaielue. natio intdeeeteilitil taving us* w. Tittlen .Pon Illaatta HOMO 0 Or Were tile 11 etAngete, 1001i *tear wittebeditte betaken tO taMect Said Ildset 11114 ;Wrought. Jalittfel P, TROMOON. IterteUter. J141,1.100, IRA ALIMONHERINO $011025_111 00000: Andideler Hamilton iamb HodOrlebt,,P. etfil. tun deck. end another 64•100,1511 evolve epee etteetion. I Will huY tirade* et temehold Furniture. atia ONY ;Vet eitteli Prieto- heti tee ketietWhat Vet TO te.74,7(43%2.."--Y4117.31114INVORErlir 0" 004 %op eorterieh, GODBRICH MARKETS. Wheat Wu weaker all over the,OontInent On WedneadaY,, and all Other Cereal,/ Were more or lees influenced by the deeltnein- wheat, al, though there Is no change here. Strawberries two 40)10,410d Unless wo get a good rant. Boon ratipberrieS W111 he -60000- Cherrie5 are not coming in 9.11.400117 150 exPeet- ad, Rod entail fruite gonerallY a:Meting from the dry spell. R. MoLeansh1pped cattle on Wednesday, J. F. Alarms shipped cattle tide week, and will ship hogs next Monday. • (Ourrestf soluae44441e prklest eorreofed up to itOon Tkurikfak.1 Fall wheat, ;a 75 to 76 Spring wheat, etandard... ,,,,, 0 70 to '75 Flour, por owt. patent ..... ...,2 00 to• 00 Plow, per ciwt.; family 2 35 to s Bran, per ton, 21 00 to 21 00 Shorts, per ton 00 to 22 09 Sereenings, 10 00 to 18 re Oate new 0 40 to 0 42 Darloe ....... . ........ 0 50 to 0 50 Porte ................. 0 72 to I) 72 Rye s.. 0 48 to 0 48, Buckwheat, per bushel 0 50 to 0 61' Hay. now 12 01 to 12 00 Butter, per lb . 016 to 0 17 Eye. par dozen , 41_116 to 0 la Wood, per oord 6-00 to 5 50 Cattle, export • I oo to r 50 Cattle, ordinary and butchers' 3 05 to 4 00 Lambs, spring 4 50 to 6 00 Sheep, fat (owl( 3 50 to 410 Hogs, ilveaveight ik 50 to *50 Hams, per lb o ot) te 0 re Bacon, loug olear 0 15 to 0 15 Hides 0 72 to 00 Sheep pelts - 0 15 tO 15 Tallow, renderti 0 05 to 0 03 Chlokena-barnyard chicks, per lb 8 to 10 -crate fed . 11 to 0 12 Potatoes . 0 80 to 1 00 Strawberries, per box to 10 Live Stock Markets at Toronto: Sun Office, Tuesday evening, July 10 - Hogs are a little higher this week, all Toron- to packing houses quoting nt $7.15, Weighed off ears in this citY. -.0•.•••••••• The ,Sterling Bank %or CANADA HEAD (WISE TORONTO rh ind lit Aot Or the Detairdoe Peribenent to teceiva Deportee 7777•AssaA igheit Onto( ride or interest tt otir Ink &putout bperarate otercat paid atid 0146004 ,P0Dit 'TtMBO A 14BAlt. prate Wight Old eel& 1‘6.; actlefel Betaking Butane* trionsatted. tooniticit numwit G. GANInu; Wort. The Park, Blackwell Co. quote at 10.75 on board castrat mimicry points; the Wm. Davies Co. quote at $6.65 in the same way, with KM for hogs fed and watered after delivery in Toronto. Gluons' quote at 25.65 at average country polifts and like the other dealers quote at $7.15 weighed off ears in this oity, 1 The trade at the Junction Cattle Market yes- terday was better than expected at this seastin ot the year, Sales were brisk, and all was over by 10 o cloak. The receipts amounted to, 100 ear loada, containing 2,218 cattle, 120 sheep. 7 hogs. and 30 calves. Prices were alightIY, lower. Tho best exporters were good In quality but prices /tooted wore only *560 to ea, which is 35c. otr from last week. ,Export bulls woe at $4.75. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. page Office to Rent Brown 1 Residence for Sale -S• A. Mallow 1 650 Reward -James Scott White Waist Sale -W. A. MoKim , 8 Hare you Triedi-John Stead Electric Lamps -E. I'. Paulin Harvesting Tools -C. c. Lee Hammock and Croquet -Porters Cool Clothes -W. C. Prldbarn 8 . 8 The Test of Time- H. 13. Beckett . 4 Household Linens -D. Millar Co 4 Alidsomroer Stile -3.10. Colborne .. 4 Card of Thanks-klreW. Morris .... 1 Clean-up Weeks-flodgene 8 Algoma Central -Wm. Llie 1 SPECIAL -NOTICE. • Notices under thie beading' to non -ed vertig- oes will be charged 10 coots a :running line In nonpariel type, 12 lines Uri the inch; to yeerty contract advertisers 'Wimite 11.41vorthilnir ap- ara in the same e. 6 'Mete a lino to COM who make a year y contract under this oodles, and do not otherwise advertise, 8 cents line. Local NOtIces. Mr, Fred. Bro hey will he in Tor- onto eisthe 21th and" , attending the meet- ingiffilntario Photogra hers. Association. The Studio will he open. During harveet ti ware bLoro will be open m. You will buy 'Uol Forks and Macleine -01 Hardware. Hallows, the Ph tend the annind move ern Association of Can 110,4day and Thursday studio wilt be open d ne Worsells' Hard - from (1 A. tn.• to 8.30 p. Medal Twine, Rope, cheapest tat worsens' ographer, win at - ion of the Photograph - a, at Toronto. on WIRI. JUly 24 AIM Tho sg Ida absence. I have purchas J. W. Broderick's stock of Boom and Sh Have also purchased new goods, ahd will Whine tbo in the old stand, with an itelo-date Atook. Will be open (or businesn torday 20th. Call and and see MI. d. at. Ettiorr. St. Oeorge's Oh will be held on the be F, Carey, the Crescent -with the kind consent troit, on Thurisloy will beserved from 5 t oVening ice „proem a *reeved. Work table, n 10 cents. AdMIssion 33rd Regimental Band All will be made wel rch ble.rden Party itiful grounds of Mr. 0 now occupied by and Mr. Morrison, Gripe - owing, July 25th. lea 7 o'clock. During the refreshments will be ,volties, oto. Admission nd tea. 2.5 cents. Tho will be In attendance. 110 Sunday Dro Wroxeter, July joseph and Willi place were bat under Day's cramps and sank ing, able to swi assistance, and 1 tore help could lay in ahout te was plainly vial When Harry Br soone he strip dived and hrou wee too late. Writer about 25 ngs In Huron. MeSers. Casemore, of this ng this morning idge, Joseph took William, not be- , could render no tims some time be - obtained. The body feet of water, end e from the bridge. len arrived upon the 1 immediately rind t up the bodv, but it he body was nnder 11111tes. Trro doctors did lilt that could *done. The drown- ed Mali Woe ttell ktioren and highly re- epoted, 110 W (theta twenty years Of itye and tan tried. "WingitittO, y 14. - Two young Men, John101.5* bon of Rola. !Cool, merciPant, And Robert Thomas, of Wet* itr in a canoe On the Maitland,. el e lila afternoon. Near this 04 by some means the etutoorupeet, tan I both were thrown into the. *Aber Cenk1IIVIM4 etegg 400 Piggotft 04-14. Pats Oottso.-00 Satuttiai ono, ILA Sturdy* Pr. W. 8. Turn- bull, 'of' initt •eroWa, and' IX tesierateth Milverton. With itioesibly onn oetwo AnOre featte Unttneletlefil bY Wirth Vier, With Ocapteitt Wel'ent 'tot 4011 attalede *01 the neighboring * We. ,Thla e, heennd antraat trip, and ge thet of haat, year WM Hier - o„ nghlY eisioyed, the members are leedelnietinkitnielie fettesttel to the Outs ink. • - • t Stiltglele VIEeTeinge^-00 dom11114/1 1,s' *VOW that t1111 Irish Eeltibif100 and the leav (area thereto. hes some. Whet it:Aoki:red W_Ith summer trade throughout 'Canada. Althotigh IVsummer !Jowl • bAR not ea many 0111411'110 14'11114 thie' time last Yegre ell the summer eettag. ea imve act*. **Ids, and ove„ll filtnishied'hotAse the west gait or tbe tOwn offereA f Or rent la teuented. Thus it +'keems that *Manner cottages' Will rent no wetter how cheap the fere to Europe Mar be. ..T*** -1104144 HOIST4-,-In the Connell tiroeeedings of Friday. Inly k the coal hoist was again disetteseaemil Otarp1ise ekpresaett thst /tiled not tern ,ramov. ed Ot4 olzdared at. * previeue 'inaeeting. and .00,„ lootten at doputy4oeVe glitott and,Chttleman geld. ot the, P., w.„ it wea'itg _On ordered thef,the hoist be retneveteet Mace.. 'Ihe Ingetion of the Oinmell'aretna monad tar, for the king Ednetter could not reach her moorings. on Taeiday, 3ftly 10th, eleven days after. much tit the 'Inconvenience oj passetigere and the boat people. It is about time the resolution VMS put in forc'e or the opinidb will he formed that. 'the Council le net sincere in its mations. , WATER Coaretteelote.--There WW1 a meeting of the water commissiobera on Monday. all the members being preeents The secretary was dieeeted to notite the Pairmount (Jett' Com- pany thet the mayor had been notified that the coal supplied was not up to standaed se to size, and that the com- pany should send a man to settle the 'natter. Mrs: R. B. Smith was grant- ed rut extra lawn service on the usual terms. The following accounts were read and ordered to be paid : Allis Ohaltners Bullock Co., $573.28 Can- ada General Electric Co., $5.25 ; Kerr Engine 0o., $8.00; Jasper Nicholson, $11.50 E. P. Paulin, $5 25 ; Gutta Pereha Co. $4.88. Miss McMahon was was allowed (3.00 on water ser,viee, on acetfunt of water service damages. IT WILL, BE A Dm ONE -Last Satnte day Messrs. Wooten, D. D. of the S. 0. E., McGuire, P. (.3. R. of the A.O. F. and' King, representing the cornbined societies Who propose visiting feeder- ich on a big exeursion. trip on Friday, July 20th, were' it) town completing arrangements for the event, which promiees to be a huge affair. The fol- lowing ordert: w ill partici pate AD. F., two lodges; Kniglate of Sherwood For est Drill Corps, and one lodge each of the I. 0. Poreeters, C. 0. Foresters, A. 0. U. W., S. 0. E., W. 0. NV., and te 0, 0. F, The, picnic and games will tie held In the Iflarhor Park, and it is hoped that our town oeflcials will see that everything possible will be &MEC tti help the visitors enjoy them- selves. Representatives of the local someties will assist their visiting (ra- ters:, and members of town and Nur. rounding fraternal societies are cord- ially invited to join in the gathering. GOSPEL TEMPERANCE. -At a meet- ing of the executive of the 0,oderich Gospel Temperance League, held in North St. Methodist church on Wed- nesday evening, Mr. E. P. Paulin wae appointed secretary, vice (1. M. Bezzo, who has removed from town. Ar- rangements were mule also for a puh- lic meeting in the Temperance Hell on Monday evening next, to be addressed hy Rev. Dr. Pidgeon, pastor of the Toronto Junction P re sbyterian church, and convener of the General Aseembly's committee on Temperance, Social end Moral Reform. Dr, Pid• geon, who will preach In Kno.x church on Sunday morning and In North Street church in the evening, is a pop- ular and clever preacher, and one of the foremost workers in the various re- form movement9 in Ontario. His ad • dream on Monday evening may Barely he anticipated as well worth hearing, and everybody is cordially invited to attend. Home musical numbern will be rendered, and a cidleel ion in aid of the work will ne taken up, DETECTIVE WORK. -Den Anderson, While Zinnias tlai *foot. and 14 Oht Oik I Or WV, tWo KM* Watt b.' Albert ItAlifth ontePri ."‘ :alient. lied; ia thie Neither of them mg Knox Weiriedown, managed fo ening to as rescued by Jeihrt lbeing in the water the body of young to the atirfaeo by ,Knott "vita a val. tif the 133rd Itegi- ded cantp at Lon Ile nets about ilvstazr!to litolkoryolif witrod t the lb feei floe ON tiw how of I off Elgin :lee, is new 1,a41, ,iiititate owl 3 1 ' 'al iars. 1 " • " totta of Oodetiel cc thew °Meet dur lily and Augnitt at allettiOrift On Sat* he ifternebn MI the , TAWIt tqnlet. • Chbot ,rentoned nowtny COMpletion of 'hin holiday*, :14ellonahl,Wa* 004,40al week tor oiling -threatening lognage. The ra Menutaetttring Ork have sidekt largely to their plant, lltFpnati Thohut*Dckvainit of Dunennoni wao fere a Boner Judge Troll Ob TOMS', Worn in ell *bet ge.tat t ranee he. day., , titra„, A. r kelt40404 WIle tniCalup4 niti111011 eatttalt, 04 Pike 0/t411' tWO fehk length en wetinetniey morning., The Knitting tnetory is butiv ot the p*sent time. having plenty ,ot orders on hand to keep( ell the knachinea humming. The hnthing house is wellpatroniaed et present, nut it would ktu woo aeoptAilla to bathers it it Watt shifted back ferefeet. grretor pert of the cement foun- detien for the, Wheel BIRO bulidinge is now in, and the temporary eaten Is new toady for occupation, The beta Used off thin port hays:at beert lifted. cointnerciel ,,flabing not being e loving hush:et:a, from this port et this seaeon Of the vote , The lady's watch advertised Ira Tint Brea two weeks ago was eeturned Montlay last, having heen picked up on the street by Meg Glidden. The steanaer A. (Iowan, with a eargo ot coal for 10, B. Holmes, aeilved on Saturday, and after unloading- left on Wednesday morning for Sand Beaoh. The second floor of the • large new brick addition to the Kensington Fur- niture factory is nearly finished, great progress having been :mule the past week. The A. Y. P. A. of the county will plonk at Hayfield next Wednesday. The Ooderich branch will be preeent, leaving for that village tn the after - %eon. tirintiARY. ;En, Aerrnitr, Ogg). ...Word was re. ,reived thaleriehlast evening that '1Ww",11. Attrill,, who was, iniorra • TIM tromp: ltemmosit white visiting riterbero. nn noted in The Star -Net weeki luta died to a retiolt ot the tall. Joinder/40Ni 1the body wilt be britught here fee interMent, Mat Ellir• ttriirrourrtl.ettlars were not eatelleble at ,JARPINge-eit long thne and well 4,APTI reeldent of Oodbriele Jogeph dardine.. euccumbed to a long and neinfel, illness on Thursday of hest lete.,e0it) and Was buried on Saturday. glea WAn at one time tt, man of consider! able entereriee and little property, but of late years had been under ad- verse circumstances,. He was 07 years °Page. , "SLAtle.-Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Black bey(' been bereaved of their little boy, Hobert 3obn, an uncommonly bright and attractive child of flee years. The funeral' took place on Saturday to Mettle:1d Cu tnetery. etev. James .A. Anderson officiating, and the pall hearers being blasters FM. Dietrich, Carman Stocidart, Gordon 111e1Vinatin atid John Falconer, Mestere tarry Buohanan and Morris Swaneon being 'flower bearers. The expressions of sympathy tendered the sorrowing pa- rents are some coneolation M their grief, and they desire to publicly ex- prees their appreciation of the many kind words and sympathetic acts shown them. An employee at the Doty Engine Works lost a toe nail the other day, by a casting fallink on It. Tbe Root, dent will prevent him working for a week. Next Thursday, the Ladies' Guild of fit, George's will hold their annual at, home on the beautiful lawn of 0. F. Carey, now occupied by Mill. Morrison. Several stateittents of the late Geo, Acheson's will are in eirculatitm, but they naust he hearsay, he up to noon yesterday the will had not been en- tered for probate. There were a few picnics from the townships to town last Saturday, one of them being a large one from Mil- lett, which has been an annual ono to Goderich for many years. Our citizens will be able to walk from the Square to the 11. 11. crossing on the Huron Road in two or three day% as that long stretch of -grano- labia walk is nearly finished. Harry 'Tichbourne carries his left hand erect, the testa of a tigneeze in handling freight packagea, and the In- jured member is e u him consider - utile pain and incot enie Landlord Walton has well under way the improvements to 13rophey & Son's furnittire and undertaking prem- ises, and W11011 VORIplOted With a mod- ern plate front iL will add much to the appearance of Wee, street. In the report of the musical exeunt at London Contiervittory of Music thtr mullet; of the following pupils of St, Joseph's Convent, Ooderich, appear tte 'passin 'pri y piano Miss& Laura arev, ilidna NVebb and Evelyn Doyle. an old Ooderich township boy, and son of On late John T. Anderson, ix forg- Ing his way to conelderahle promin- ence. Some yearn ago he followed the drug buelnees in Toronto, hut for a considerable time has taken to the capture and punishment of criminals. One Herman Bartels, an American fugitive from Malice, on the charge of getting fire to building*: for the sake of the Innurance.' VMS under arrest In the Queen City awaiting extradition pro- ceedings. The accused la a wealthy hrewee, of Syracuse, and walked nut of Oftgoode Hall while the extradition proceedinge were in progress, and eluded tire officers who had him in charge. Although his eacape took place on the 41,11 of July, he teas not located until Mondny of this week, when Detective Anderson, along with Detective Moffatt, again had Btu:tele In the toils. The News ot Tuesday re- p&rltineRS very ..sood photo of Mr. Anderson, and his many friends hope he will he allowed to nhare in the Gov- ernment POO reward, even though technically he might not be entitled to it on amount of being on Toronto's perManent force. Merit ahotild be re- warded. WORTH INVEHTIOATIIMI. Mensrs. S. A. Bruhanher and George Currie, who are engeged hy the Goderich Wheel Riga Limited to sell their pre- ferred 7 per cent. cumulative dividend participating kook, are reporting good progress on its sale. There are only $112,000 out of the 1,50,000 for nu 1,0 sell, and would advise investors to make application et once. This IA a rare opportunity. Generally all stocks offered are common stock 1 this is a CA60 where the big man put. In the meet money and takes second placee end treetares the pteterred holder first. tra. aL Ivory er gt co eft otri nhouweinrenasminhge , e John Richards, 'an old time and well known resident, who lost fall went to the House of Refuge owing to a Revere Illness, is now being eared for at, the residence of a daughter, near Bay and we regret to say the dietetse hns made such headway that his death 1/4 only a matter of days. The G. T. R. depot is a pretty busy place these days, as loaded ears were sent enstwatd the past oo.eb The cars would make a west,- Mug train. and counting 2,0 wagon loads to a car, would take 7,200 loads,. The Blg Ill III sends out, constiderable flonr each week, as many as 17 mire heing ship ped to the emit In one day. Captain Donley, who returned to town last. week. tutyii that loge In cer- Win perts'of the Georgian Bay eateh more fish trolling than the ttors' mate gather in. Thie always happene ill the summer 'Wagon, aa dining the hot weather the flail rise for files, grass- hoppers. etc. July and August are al- ways bad net fishing monthe off thin port. In a letter to TIM HT A It. Mr. E. Stewat•t Straiton, who Is now engaged with the Oflice Specially Mfg, 0o., at Newmarket, makes the following lc I rid reference to departed citizens: "I regret. to ROO MI I ough the THE STAR that the old treen hag lost„two much good citizens an George W. Thonneon and George Acheson, They will be much miestel in Goderich.' The bentlines not affect t he attend. ewe at the:Roller Skating flink, as Its patrons; aro increasing 111 numbest; daily. On Monday evening next t here will be a skating content, when the hest holy Minter will be awarded S. genuine diamond ring and the hest gentleman !skater it stick pin. The hand will hereafter he In attendance on Wedneetlay and Friday evenings. Upwards of $350,0110 will he npene on new imildinge and enprovententa rtt the Canadian National Exhibition this year, namely : Grand steed, *217,- 000 ; Horticultural building, $911,1810; Rail Exhileta building, 140,0110, flaking something like a million did - ern orient upon new permanent boil/I- nge since t he eentitry opened. No other eritriblished annual exhibition eat, allow a like record. David tlantelon of Clinton, nays that Mg only is hove a proapeet of fl very large apple crop In this oretion, mt. the fruit itself prom leee to be ex• eeptionally good. I t is wen formed, free from arab or impeder' Iona, and ahould nothing mar it between now dna harvent it will ite one of the best eropn ever gathered. Mr. Cantelon intends to leave on a pron. meting tour to Edmonton In a few (lave. at MenOtninee, which is earn- ing big dividenda. So, with the pro- tection of 35 per cent., preferenee In raw roatorlal, 2.3 per cent.: $50,000 loan without Interest, and only one tactory In Canada to compete with (and 131 opposition factories in the United States) this le likely to be a much better money maker than even the Michigan factory: aloe the new Ceftweinlett Act, passed last session reetwes Investors of this stock from any possible !ogees. Office at Mittel 8. A. lirobsober and tiro. enroll W. /ones was the (inaneial secretary of 0* O. 0: P. at Clinton for '25 years. AO torl k of minted/Alen, be was pretien with ta beantithl gold4beed- ed AMONG THE CHURCHES. The thlwl annual seseion of the Cioderich District Summer School for Bible and Miesionaey study will he held in the Harbov Park. Goderich, frotu July 29 to Aug. 4, arid the pub - 'lobed program shows a list of topics and speakere whieh must ensure a profitable and interesting time for all who attend. Programs can he had on application to Rev. J. C. Reid, mats- ident, or Miss Mabel 'Janie. secretary, Nile P. 0. The Presbytery of Huron met in Willis Church,. Clinton, on Tuesday morning. The only business on hand was the consideration of it mill from tlio congregations of Noah Bruce, Andrewe, to Rev. H. H. Hewers, of Brucefield. The which WW1 very unanimouti OM/ and signed by 122 members anti 52 adherents, woe warm- ty supported by Rev, ,I. Johnston, of Paisley, representing the' Presby Wry or Bruce. A strong deputation from the congregation at Brumfield wits present and were ttiost hearty in de- siring to retalo their minieter, and their remedies Prevailed, the Presby- tery passing a resolution refusing the tranelation. SUMIWER SPORTS. The ticheduled game at lacrosse he- tiveen Ooderfeb and Witigham, was played tin the Agricultural park on Wednesday evening. and proved a most Interesting match, 1114 011011 goal waa well contested, and the game was a fairly clean 0440, althoUgh, ati 014Ual, a few men wort+ penalized for infractiona of the rules. Eight goals were' played , of which Odder Lel) W;011 Lile 1 Si , 2nd, 51.1r, 71 and Sin, milking the HOOPS 5 to 3 in fa'vor of our boys. Two rinks; of the 1110111 Bowling (nub entered for 1111) London tourretmout on al otidav. No. I with composed of VV Ione. John that,- lit, Bunter mid Fred 1 Mei 0. sit lp. No. Was Made up of Joseph Kidd, Thos. leeney, it. 13. Holmes and Sheriff iteynolds, They were both drawn in the pre- liminary, and both pitesed int the firet round, No, 1 winning by 25 to 18 agitinet Alvinsiton, mid No. 2 winning from a rink of the London Thistles by le to I 1. Our townsman, Mr. Fred Davie, was elected president. of the On o A muse et ion, it pimil tv 11101 is an honor both o mine host and the to 55 n he represents, The 01,014004 Tieelftla The openittg4Orf.41110IP‘ ti assisted materially ht itlain gest crewel ever iteett them vi loge wee toed, hattentnalit Of Aso*, Wet° the visitora,.. &Ake 0114.11**P. tion. Therewere 211odgefilif the pea)* 0 meet. band drout delelnbr II& *fir scarlet unitortio,;- 4 A gteati ettrael 1 eilshic)onepeeebes were delivered' 10' It grotto at the thiesetith'ortinatO*Wattet addresses were given by Bro. Prad Dane. of Toronto. D. 0. M. 400440 West ; Bro. Bev, Witi. Leff,. Of 140W don. grand (sheath* of OntarletWriett Ititeitvv:spinis,,inext4, eoraog awaintratartuirt, of Blyth. . D. Milne, reef* 01 Blytb, gave the Address of Wet4 geomaalnnnue.o.nBroc.mlimetnyrYwatinoterrli.eYvf. .of etk.awt14, While the teddreesee were being de, livered a baseball ,tuatch waa played on the Agriculturel Park WAIN een . Milvertan and Blytb. Ab the end' of seventh inning the store was t MUM - ton 5, Blyth 3, when the Milverten team left the field. The prizes foe the musle Went to Wingham Mass ,bentl i for fife find drum, 145 Godelieh towneldp, Arab, (Hinton eecond. The beat piper and dbiriurnontedritowere fineitibere of the An- . The prize for the best- dressed lod.ge event went to DelltraVe Lofige,N04 MIL The prize for the [edge with greatest number went to Londesbore. No. 803. The eight thousand people in town were orderly, and no trouble was caused at all by 8 o'clock, when the trains had taken all their passengers back to their reepectite stations. AT ST, DI &BYO. Goderich Orange Lodge Journeyed to the "stone town", a special train leaving hero at 8 o'clocie arriving 'there at 10.80. The showing from Ooderieh was not en a barge Beale._ but was greatly augmented along the line. Among the lodges which were rep- resented were t Mitehellt Greenway, Biddulph, Orenton. Harcourt, Park- hill, Logan, Wellece. Dowanstown, Trowbridge, Thorlidale, Blanaherd. Woodhain, Donegal, Brodhagen. Brit- ton, Purple Hifi, Lakeside, Lucian, Stratford, Listowel. Carthage. Eit- Mary 'a, Goderloh and. othere. County Master David Bente and secretary R. W. Switzer were very iniey men doring the whole day, but the big crowd was well handled and' the accomodatIon the veep' best. There were eptue 55 lodges represent- ed, and nearly as many bands. Mit- been berets band, now well known all over the country as one of the very. best, was itt. 118131171 In charge of our old friend, W.J. Thotnpeoneand acguitted„. themselves most creditably. The procession was imposing, and one of the hest ever seen. The grove was a beautiful spot, donated for the occasion by a Roman Catholic. The addresses were all short and patriotic, David Donis, oc- cluded the chair, the speakers be- ing Rev. Mr. !limey, of Kirk ton ; Aids. Gilpin Browtb, leutcher and FitzeinigneeitterMseee-ei, _ ..7. Todd, ' Godertili ; Rev, Rural Doan Taylor, St. Mary's ; W. Welch. Hugh B. Mor - obit'. Listowel; Rev. Mr..PovreI. Gran- tAolnd .; Clotiei,v.LoAtlitrinnW. ilBffil. Stailra. and 'ilia weaker*: were heartily thanked on motion of Thos. ' W. Walker and . John Scariett. Isucan captured the prize for the largeet lodge, and Atwood for the beet conteltutionally eostumed lodge. rho day was one of . the heat and niost orderly ever witnessed in St. Marys. and the committee and oitizene are to he congratiiiitted on the great success attending their efforts. ALT LoCK NOW . ot The oftered crew aerviee at the Sum- mer lihtel laot, Anntlity evening wan well attended, and Jed:eine by the iii• tereet nhown WAS ilpprPriftted by all present. Many prefer to tilt on the verandah or /stroll en thr lawn, and enter or leave the parlor at pleatture during the evening. fillet: Troy sang Tennyenn beautiful hynin (moaning the Bar," and the general hymna ming were all aliggested by the audience. Next nunday evening a lady violinint from Detroit will anaist in the nervice. The G. T. IL arebiteet wits iri town a kW. laYe aince, and eve underntand the ph no for the ,new freight (died will be sent up to Otiderich without delay, and the work soon started. The office wets .eedeta ',taxa -fees ense Reef, street. and the freigltt shed will extend north, and will he coverall with gal- vanited iron. There will be 2 tracitn en each side of the idled, and no far - ranged that Manua any milnheri of earit ean be loaded or unloaded et the same time. Around the Harbor. The Harbor. 1.414014w A.1111 is expect, ing a raft. of logs. Shipbuilder Marlton W104 immersed the other tiny and resiated by Mike liabb. All hough the "call" woe not close, so many cirownings at various points 01014.11111 is for- tunately free en far this 110/114011. The steamer 14 log Rd ward Made her metal ealle /el Saturday tutu and Wed- nesday Olown ), and the N119111101* Huron was 'at Lee 411101( 4111 Saturday and Lake passenger indite Improving, 1 he round trip being a lavorite summer outing. C. P. R. Construction Notes. Large groups; of men 11/100 110011 0111- rloved eround the +tuition and freight idled the past few IVP0141-1 111'11/11,1111g the grounds and the buildings for the time wheri the opens. The im foetid walk to keep the listrbor park front failing ou to the rack, ale rising elovvly, and it le sidil they will be I ,y September. The t mirk over Hiptaw Island IA ready for t lie lop coattng gravel,. no 81 111 moon he ready fnr the rails, Working part len are employed on different parts of the line between hie and Myth, t he great - P1' part of the distanee being gravelled. Owing 41 eorrespondence with the uelph Board of l'rade, regarding a form of deitionetral niark the opening of the line into tioderich, a meeting of the connell of t he ioderich Board, with mem bet it of the Town 1.708101141, wee held on Tuesday evening last. at which a poasible program WIlA iliscusined. It was fInnlly deeided to allow the Tilwn Conneil to take the initiative In the mat ter, and I he exe 1.1 ye Of the Board tvere appoint ed rotifer and eo operate with 1 he Coun- cil, or any committee they may ap- point at their meeting thin evening. An 00011 asi a program is formulated report. will be made back to the Color ell, and then aetive proceedings will begin along any 14110 114.1146041 TOrOnto COnservatory of Music 40111131. Piano and theot y piipiln of A 11. Cook who hnve been 1111P001,14111 thin year at, tile el I n t and Omit -tit -it local cent not : Theory. Part I. and II., first elates honora, 0, Hoover itnil Clete. Ford. Part II. only, firet elann honore, Effie Jaekson ; Mins tart non ims14041 with lumoro In Part I. laet year Part II. only, Bret Hann honors:. Flelen I Doh - hotly, all of Clinton Junior Piano Ida R. Whyard, Dungannon. Primary Plano Honore, Eva Sommerville, Vinla Pearl Pennington, loderh•h, and Orate. M . W led] t man W est field . There wasa plendld gathering at inicknow, although there were but twelve lodges. The procession march- ed to the park, where addresses were delivered by D. C. Taylor, master of lucal lodge ; Reeve Anderson. Other vet:Thee by (1. Moone Ripley Ex- press ; J. .L Hunter, 4 t master, Kincardine ; local e them - dem, Sawyer, Po nd Rev. 3as. Liv Representa McKean E. Tr A ii, of Nile, na, of Lond s present wore : P. . P., West Bruer% and tt , M, P. P., South Bruce ; Mrs. lion and Airs Meltlitth represent - he Ladies' ()range Benevolent Association, No. 5:1, Tupperville, Ont. A baseball mat eh between Kincar- dine and Leek now remitted In favor of visitors, score 13 to in. A concert in the PV011ing cloned the eventful day. 1.1.1Z00 were awarded rot follows : Largest lodge, Zion; beat dreened, Car- gill Lodge ; coining greatest dietance, Cargill, The Maitland River Power Company. To the Kditor of looking over the Power Com- pany's bylaw I two that the town is to gintrantee their bonds, to the extent a a hundred end fifty thousand dol - hire, for thirty years, with intereet at 5 per rent, payable half yearly. I am oleo nurprised to lieu that the bylaw contains no provinion whatever to compel the Power Co. or the town ereate oink ing fund, payable annually, In order to rednce the debt and int erred thereon. !indeed, the whole lf4 to run straight for thief y yeare. whieh 11-10M-1111 that 14 the gehesks proves reit a failure, the town in liable to the bond -holders, principal anti intermit, to the /11/111 of three han- d red and se vent y• 11 ye thotteand, or nem ly half a milli/se of dollars. There 15 no diaptitIng the fact, read the by- law eareitilly for yourrel yen. I cannot undertitand why our Mayor end Council eould not RCP that our lown's Interests; were not better safe- guarded, And I think Reeve McLean ilenervett great credit in InnistIng that the matter tie laid over tint II we get an unbianed report from an independent engineer, I would aleo nay . that ins the face of the great revolutions that are now tieing made in power, it ia utterly absurd to ask the town to tie itself up for thirty yeare, at a price that will coat on far in excess of what. WP 11111 now already paving to operate our plant. And tido cost can he cut In two by Metalling a producer gee power plant, whieh woultit reduce our coal itecount by two thirds. These aro factn, which ean be backed up by tbe bent author it y. The Toronto Conuervatory of allude han the highest nten.lard rif ell Can- adirmjechoola of mole, and an high has many of the achoots in the large Am- erietin cities. When we eonnitier thin feet, stet.atee tlest wit Is .c.w. 4,4prAton thew attidenta have all pansomi with lira and seeond honorn, they denerve great credit. for the work whit+ they have done. W .1, McNally, the well known Wardle', Of piano playing. of Toronto, wan the examiner In the piano work. 1 Even the Hydro -Power Commission admit In their report that produce gen hen a bright future before ite and is likely to become a cerions cont. petitor, even with electrie power created by water. But under this bylew, no matter at what pact, ve might be offered pewter, we would no tied iin by thin Competty her thiffY Thewhieyeeeri iirthaulatokekku- et oar town, rand bon ask yonrielt It you aro prepered o enppOet lag Stele schetne. 10104 Clidligtta It S. ikdditional local • 4-• 7. ,4