The Goderich Star, 1907-06-28, Page 7am ENWAD WARfARE NO DE SLL :1 LIP &IBM - Vital. At Woo of woo* AN MWMAO ft 11111111114.- VOL OWL 1111. M4 Nv I "MONO A *T "Allito "M w4w 11111" 'N' so V as we """A we Jamw.. Iv *&woo oil, Fier, WAMON, 011140 ito on itlootio .00 **a ,;A les big" OWA lagoteAs VA* atial aiatiot. a" ftifol um pion IS INV. a tawk sipoin $not I io Ift $I a gin CtogionnigifeW alieliptir 14 *p� aw rt= To boo wow SIM, =*Wft Ai at# I W 111104� ta #140,p Old *9 11" 11114011. 1. opol steel pat Y" so am* ve, tbook spoickw 6trgsw 114111)k "WAer 144voilor foul, thoo aim 1" ­ �ov_ ll, utillpall rif Vw*mpp4mw4ppowpm9L �mmm — *0 nealao, agophoo.. 4 ww thillit W" 000i wol. LY tl#� Willi NN,� " AtIvoill f4th ­ 0 1 AN RIO" lanig,00 keg * *womb Vital flown AN VII , '14091 U0 �W, ligifloroe woll- og %4 uuiw 'Stato will iiiiiii'vipg, 1% MAW; 14 411 all- gread r(Wa 11Rfilwye. it 1W, W I- ____ orwelit oftow *1 N111. � 14* *44Y. Ttw 4 OAA, I bowe *a& r" a" Call, 114Q4111*111il to JrA% C =N't a t YOT "�Yw lownil en Of � wlio lil'o wiliflU Iminlon lov 00 14*1 Zk* ftjg"* JU IQ tall, 4^111 bil OWS W004A witippoitiow 44 UVi*k;"*lQu* lit u3cat 11,110 SM ~tax" it, 03"gos, infilip Call Nt. Wkwolk ur Newlgjtwil,,Wo� W4 . , Ig kvoo P Ilw oplAvOW 110 W la kksk�44 W" 11"(10- intilt wilitupin ;uf tho AP -W 4111$ 10 ritto (,J 0, per f 4411f low� 30 Oliver 11RIVAt Klv* I, alulaullfivIg 1.0 01 to ow QU4 Ambet, sit lommo "Nil 1, tolat", seen' Y*4 "lu, Tt* Ailtdoclo Ot laud, ItliIiii-a' 10 )0014 111* uk'A counis1w. W= WU ut, tli� battle itkint %I * k* i bolm 04414 Kl* , A Jb7, 1111M 114ol lihibooW. A Wrd MA Mae, --han. h*ftQM"W,*o­ Ypog W1U tumitteppil lot A lowalair a$ poillia 4w At tit Goat Wallin, C:J ond,trtfrut ,pit - 01 1-4411'rige, *44,44r ogvjA Dud "d. Alsegill 14 ii.ItteXtopt 11) DLV� IL I 44 r '31 gumts. awwAllat YOU Jft "404 C led siolotip, golith W*4 01 i";4., blu, pilib#WX, Ila W,)r.gnW0W S.WVA* 4"141 1$ A cil, bo"Il;iglii; tij Ow Itit"Wa C told violl. TO! vowinial, WMIUMA09 to 41-, bo cow film 4" A"al liarill �* Juatippor, ot -rill. go ineotialia. wk$ilh I bay* 4warlbod �,jeowuat is ithoo oggoir %W* that W004 of, a (Iletio., *DIX, thet'i'swily willjoll Ilanuitill JUilitil to Jbigil b1i 40politholtr , 44Y lx&, "0411 81cck.t boA W-4 %rat they werge als'poliliw roNo TMO WV# 4"fig 11414 13,1 jefgaigir 4, 11* b#X4I41*Ar�Qt " ouitw4i, I via* f. A**t AA -0, 4140b, RqyAw a% wwww. it empol ""Vows by w0d 10 $4 1140, 117hero w(loldl* MI. -i-ewot wol . 11�, 4 0,11 M-0. #1*4 $u hm- Dat lboto W10r Ot N* P"- uy 44 tA -M*Av* r4m, Wt 11`1164,14 W4 Q,oatbr*lary impol: .00110 19 roplovArlegitingle " ""I'm agg"m 'rom illottif tWo benl bgi1M`oggila� 'Aeld r Poo *M *4 maxty rowtg it ikepliti% rpAo4'Ig*Mt Ulk Wouli;oi In OR kora I, rKviWillimm V 01001, opraol, ON ther, alli uthw al"M of' But 46M 'acliviga, poopinkw * ui�i IPA." lofforlitily, 11*9011010, Iflot1b. thw A06t. lIhggr0%,,,t4* w.cull�tW,'4ud tJW;;V0l,4 40 uratkV,* of, ttia Ulul; havo, Will *At 11lili,100,_0 At ll,h4� ION Qvifoll, then"" now iavon was at work.' tb#L kA"^ W aw, 44W ciomw4w. vilkell 0 supch 00.1 1**ftigits w1w WK out J9%0WV4*,T"o- I I L "M i cot Altai VO4 wiftim; alltula hubtkyatwh 411104 lit X VA"dgg 01'*U ;4*04 beld Ja T114 W 13190d at 00M 00% I*W4, JA WI(O rof, I At, )'x,4)�k,.awr 3100N) r1pooll". I I Obtoilff, 101 11 84cro VMV41CO 'go I've 'P IN fu it Poulr*� agmwhiihaw pste-, '00A 4rl;ttVK4JA DAMP Will 40 WI $"R 4wvd&t glowlt, too peoploggi4to Aqw�ver* i*100" W '40to 1 Of bognap W oJW rYY oias.up. by 140 h(mle plot the. ru* pkI,UI�*4r1t6h 0 111111% IlIrr tugkoii� IN '4DII Or )�4'wo iAlmralialf's 4) *rW I JAW Day *1 $40 reMllollto Ariglos. V;Oro _AtJW #Jyt.; tiko w4a* at Trout 1,41w; Ill (;" ties Imuly olsprogwd, all IW SWW- I Joill"W., AIUWWVXW -'41UMW jill . 11"t fC4 6134 liom - 1 '04,11111 W, tho blugsh,,, It vloet. iA, mo Coo giiuy� Vow 401A witlibui4s, git. 411,4,41* goo 01 W# W 140 bo"Uvw 90 ly , �*%JLT (ftr elip la$ib Illoclifill' Ilief *-A$ 1whWir 111"Y eawrloolvild, lagolloglil, Vol won "Ovor, 4�plyf,llgpey, wortill, 14 tho- &alh 'or illir 'm , - , , 'i`gAWQhJhQr I pie 11' - at iogglk;ry lll&Awt6�, ',loW to" R %V0111IN"b"1111potte I tb* whols at A0 04 ilA QJ� Uw., ': 4 t4lit 04161 1�1 NN0 01mett Dir'Tior olit VID MAY. 151 100grog" �dglia haill weivooll * Artink *�, plat rh 'Uto,W�lIIII7 , #14 *jft, 4,cry 0; 1% 11, tii � W4 'r,$01S XJNDNM� 4(W JJJ�klo�, L Oil R710, 1460, 1 A AM TO THF Out it MO. lbegw4v44,A* onto of the OW IN$TITUTION vnaaey 01A We M90 ooggfonk,4 by NIP '0 ...... 'llgoillaid, tli4.JW the dhy,126 At y4f hill 0110 Oil Ap Able= Z quJiltic44111i a lank ilghig a llwoy hi'A bg�llu The vowero, $*any it "lar" 41 legivege iwwwwa, of Nisly .1� 10194 Y, Illia All lr4wripiJ Wks told, W44 4�� so outhu of'"hom U-0 botioo ,I Its, "ploet(VIIII 110114 ot W01. 114i4titon McItAll, Of WdA jjl�d� ii 'o glif athilding a' jW.06suro, of OW 4, iiu� pranoill"by *�Cgt plicubli to, its W. pur- ollopeopic glablo Mn. J.hfiltfte vi" W1J:kWq. ligglart ol gout W nt logilfill, 114, ulik tolmA 1440 fw Ila squAro lilplh. 0004; WAIII, WN submIttood for $Our el, 1*te JI4Meg. Wt Jkf bill Mi0ely, ototor. ftfl�64 .4, pooctWs ;w & by4aw 011 DO Jus 'to A4 �Ijf� OQU4 P44..,! visit0o 4. htlilet'ivollnd' In, bfii heii, '14, R� to 'W In 1111.4411COC; ds, - tot- rapid Will. rod ow, eodklohoto 044"41t, wom le surn 0 $40,00t, W Avallell (a t :tjoch fitnotiols, -4irotw*wr Wt 0 ifwIts 05'1 "note 4161014 Iwo dotermitila. 740 pill 4,' h%'4 'W# *Q IM0144., iw�wliiil* log "Ch 8volifill ivotalit (So I Uge_rWr#'4roQvpfi out 6010 41A. Weiie'r i0t wlitclik In lits -iPpoliA4 rl voilit atlygal iii Ilmos Qi5 tile Dimtorl) 00 Alteew-viles j4 a,AJtldg'yJJI4ge vointo: �Uopa."lit bad bom, applied golop whoJousl $1#40 Stareollif Win at a Xiolvexit"Ivoi singles hetIcimV111%. togemiloo WhIch. call �li* �uwo 1111011,111, v4herd', hid -,h, ' it 44 Ato 6iiiiwk tioliflok. 401�r lintel to topitrilb, tbet,94004ill, . , *, to iloot NVII10h to dr4AV*. elid gallow .. 4, tJN% 41,414 ce, gi - I ''a , , MILO , 0 rIgnitswil.1911 ffe ft 1*� IR44 W dlw mv* Tui0ih, W stol Ir, I . I lllgjoli� �11* . I co ecLeli V ahAros froolik #A *UoA up,'44 4r t tile Wo Ila M140 with it P140, Oily 00 at tho p3olo 01,4Q, by to 00 'VIR Ativ wigar i f, IV In, It tA inlainflJO lot ho, Allir like, AW41 Dro ongl"'t Its!- 940 elig"Ato 'i liew) wbi4lk fit", 4449JAInal capital. 00 80 IM**4u*t6 uA C 1, tho galik, tilay Q# I to 6m44,*s ty � logir 1ho w9o*Vi.Q1 tAq. g0ral; I NIA h nO, 'FiciWito w1tho, 0410, Wl �%-' U.,9tw'k, 0 ot Wo tut4104 Aute�,,�Vlq. 11 at � 140, QW, 15 in contoemplallon, W a inner bot- 104"od, 4ft�r- Yell Mo. w1wit, OQ to, t *#"Up To this thill, -victzlias tug, QA ur approval it Jeli Vg# A*'of lit torifisl. ot tho �qt attacigolid. A, futillier by-law 1011 be, 5I)MR1041 tl(ol' I(A14-11, ng is attafillod und the, itallik* Put "OrAlsw 4141hulloglon III* lus W M, t J�fiil I)4lj$i tubt PANS0111 I , WJ_ llk� 140100., 01K '404 A10 -0t, *9 With, a*,: *41W 111'an AINX J� It? *6 vote t a e;o fv',� uji4q, UW Spil" I�hd. thetJo fultilig Th. 104 the., MW $41rtill D.44w4i, forto rly 4 ed ififfil, it Injected under bovy 4;49 oil 40 JgaJ0W."J$YL "Jdig�vja lla% "Vill It thilljolml Of steam it Nvill, por. ly WIt J441 . I , 10, ��4 ­ I Al pligolle, how ON lie, Pults, of pressure. il ty", P ' Mb. 1,049 af� gil 4fll 411 _,$4 Ali, (6 ly�illdlog a lobby wlilgli, demap 0 . olig, or ',,Y Up -, ligg. 10j. -,'It U 40vp Ilea , d her giesl� Alellit(l Ilia xembv: -Illey -41so h 41104 - og�L Ir'' Sjdp *!I jar lis clear orettinga again gat kod�wllhg W to In t%o S0404 4 04IM44444 thitiz 1110441111, 1 *4444.,,, at 1vidtil livill, po'nli'lk, and it admial4terect any - P' a oil I' An �fsoa t' Bak 060 tea' u e 14 dt by ting hft Fun rg triout, rim 11 1 Ifla in 4 it Vitt, , ,,,v Com r lead office 0 And"to 0 4ur Mo I car, 4 on 0 an a uh U Ot pr 1"Orrt-tirg tron-ti, ttow It ce WIILKIS,0� el ef wc W"V, ifioria go log UX11011 where between the matsts (or tihout U a* m4st VV'Psivilt t�,Vpq A011 oetxc�a A lillAd 10111,410 ofille U Cy", ir"k6w, ww, are �."Ofiwlty 4 4)l in, 441,01 r Atdelly...dlj� Yom We$ illag )QUIt.e., A -ll 1VOKMusly e; IN ratblw 4 016401y, 41 - , , feet fit shlipatof thio New Jersey 014-vigi it I.routt lloom Workh ruse spegliOs thoi Zig, loArving 6, at, 4�, Iffib f4.*' ','A f", t 11,00roo alit wood, Obiling; IMIll thlig to IX too %V111 offectually put out of wilon the Iii, eawee-41` the Q117.144,404w, ho"OV01,1104L Wirriw , -.4ow,fr3ent, Sir I) a #n grqo� :iand' wilamt lo. Ji4 moss'ler 4*Q 'fell he, fill ii credit at 4- W I sygtp�l orumaLy-prirwo o' the ship practioully out tfir gar 44MV itt'gftteit 'WQ0d`bf 110 olkoer Dividend No. 64 lOtOUPS 09' �sugf;04 J.n 110 10 1049114 far wit fololl 'I, IW rl '4W), -W A. alt Wdy IPUA. the boilers and engines, rififirsT AND 11,011111 AOOOUHT $toclolfi;�, Alb"O'Aftlit't Volk! Inery wor i;l 01 'Ile" 0 'rall"19 1; was I Proltiyu, andAll" puttin -AP _Very, ftljo�t, tliotj ftligeosivo ktq -boy nampil Aallitir - B19,0.111 thereby"' Its (III functions On Ship- tbrm speoutlion 411 141141 will .......... 411 viu&, Claim �0' *":00*40 tif'# 1411* lilij lerce"to Q slow lUtite ao* rate at lig o'er cent. (hatL�'411 ifterb.ifire, girchig mard depeti *at wesum ho" 0 ogkljl�'� .L '11',', 1 1 11 ,,, , L , I `ro,, 26 uth - Wo P -W I per rairliumi Wid lot I 'gY$Wlo� nity �01141, lot fi d directly or indirectly on �Onto trevqS' orawl0gimAdOr a standing tright at TWO: steam supply for operatitim., 4 N r JJJ��o and oJeSirrough IoL a marble which it rell :f appolege. A D1111r8i PZJ filoescopod of 1110till 1-9 its -of, I �A­ 11 41 kli;;Ji green doublek opriallis f Bilk to, 10o; oltun thief'o, and was MAY BLOW TO SMITHEREENS. UWA tom and loollippot, All 11411 -the 1*4l ii4dileil"111411l Autbou at, Odito't�a, , I '' I a thp tatit W-4 qd t- . *Xad tto t -�-.Xgggohs. 4 ot, 'Th6, matielone, ir, marInel"Of -plaeo he tilled by the train istfIrting. the el Wheaton prefers ')its Stupor in- f to 9.01! effort. 014Aed dOmBla 0 T r% 41 Iola If It .0, -W _40, To Ut I'mil, �.o­;-AWboqso prty". V.... is In., $trayq4J1VtTlAho'd4eP Walilirs Ot gr &allow (pald 10% Novomber, 19%) 11, 0 don; 0, or ro bc,:0 0 'ind, Willielfriewpol i�04Y'� The.pp�. tire[ $Optlra 0 a very.pilro and ducing method of warlat to Which 1. utow 44 �r: lot been ?WoveredL '^nBuppog"'d by hit,. Mairrilold $for. 1111deltill Nt% 0 role fg5h, 110, -1 -7 - Thii 1peugluts, 4io.owtill ��Pq -PAl 40 women., a 14rge general commit P, t 9902 110001414nll ia -Would -VDVA)q lt,�P fl:�firla: t - -firarorialist, Society and by, (l t. - J �,�V fair haitilo, with *11cu,"po at A it tind millorkif't- liti � Ill, musler's hillasth a Illafloteee 'sfrigurif it abbul a I"Ll, 0 W rate of 9 r cont, f,Oej� ' to" *Jp*s* e WLoo -Stimls, Ilevoiri, ret4ry LAMgS POBCQ 80010Y, but t1110 goor annual it d let *Xp qtjo the, �rovlglongl of 'Wheaton aulimpirlitio is 4Xac c r ed; o of tot e JL"', irfiqm�, an assistant toasters WomilL Clerks' Wcimbilf the Jutppod Off Veb 7) 114.325 33 Wm, Well, 4, atf3h 4 L reporn,' matron's 10oui, daillot Rea 0s- th j� ., , I or iii ;Werd 400 eo yatq An ov, waitt , "FJgW 'i I In' r 410y� 000telgii� "Vou. v or 40 the were raffled with a bourb with a time (use wti th can AK a 139 rowhis Mow ilia wildo Charity, Bible$ at tho n ttom of a war vCs- rate 11 per coat. J! the lor c1qr4D-aten of ere y4u h6_sa;d V 4 All St. be attached to the bo W oil thems4lies W k4m! -W 1 11 4 1. , ali.d6nomirialkons. far at Jhq pal" chqrolik Schools roo it IIVI lit thriee bg�ys set. and which is calculated to blow to 40, M� . � . L manner P" *naum 4paid let 'A gra,n I, orpe JUMIshed go. tooills, HuAting4polltrit, find It, A'My alifin #a 0t'4'IS_ On worf,,, U g- rildno, these =arm tw �00 istilithowns coilibutunts who refuse tu of X&Y, IM) t1l.k.41111 ill J4 1. eq1I 1111163.1it? fill the appro4p;hi g,tigge, prillegly in their SUMP. and thr yore winners, r t itli$ "Art fifn The drilyshill 0 irked, 'Wr-herl you go ir Penuln'e Club have surrender after their engineer force, has V;rglorgrod to Beat Acco 1114141109 04 ftg' r , d tt Actioula ........ ..... "0 on -1TS-Vf TH we must turn jor. the aclue of ispleadar. b"Onz I of otr 4qgirt,*, W pri 4% Tito Wheaton sub - It '0 MAR at a* ilkii dining-rtlom that been put to sleep. Bank Promises and &r 11 U401 47 eXdlthrp# akojo*-a won- I� 4, h0weyer, t6 recently unettribed 4 Rainster Rocks, in OfL Committee Bohl 00 OW lie ill In purniture r BAN, tip.) l?,eak 4�strlct, IQUI o con a's Marbles cost ftm,ow apiece, and a of *ccount carried all , 1 " iiii Wr lool: : pr000ding, 0900 1 fig, 4 groups Of six $1,2 1 ventor W, 4erfol . ­�-* ham-folil in its �;i 4- the period A D. 2WM 411 axe- 11"A 316 3 I r olibill bovei'that they would make short work lines; his Majesty P Islied 4 pottery. W1104 lsaft who,,Berved un 1, tingsiand general grandeur. It reminds head, find many varieties of 1,042,102 I, one lacire of lodignation Is being expressed at St Mo battleship. to *4110t ;*�T AT VAN William SigWall' Who We$ Ilk as, IR,girts, at Jtw actionif the tenant "NOT 1110001114T. 'OF(CHAPrL. Alban it, 1114, Kaillk WO Of: 18181 ACATHEDRAI; 0( at Michatirs Manor in erecting a SERVANTS WHO S&IORE. f Mu) 0.1ley, who ala d t light diffused through close tenoo, eight feet high, enclosing a Itnee at Credit of Account. 30th April, IW$ .............. ...... ......... is esty"ArCke to' bent There Is P, sot of expensive p! Prallual received on now Capital Stock ........ ... ......... ....... Irge.- d stained glass A New Problem That 6afrolkis the efr,0yeS gliStOrled, fill windows icturesque stretch of file River Ver. tof itipiall, battles 4 glothi�r, Swift Cargael.$L Are 'aw, Able to cove Wbro.'LliMbS tQgeth�r aIg character, *ith heupily Moulded Quarr Abbey Home, near Rydo, where stano English Bills_ Sixty electric )gkmop, Suspended Princess Henry f Battenberg spent her w a 'vVith Thl Velled -,noymopen is aigglin to became a f,proplar IIIIII& wanted iu� got ig�, rift reaftess -frogia twelve handsome nd elaborater Ill In li Abstainer affid, nou-sipoker,' was tho Notes of the Bank Robbers, brass electrollers; provide artificial moirga�jjcry, having been said to file but I 001, BOYS. light, Benedictine Society I f St, Pierre of borriewhat startling advifIrtiscinent which Deposits not befor. Dolliblion (lovorks. HAPP AS SCH The greatest attraction 01,11glif Colonial 'An exglihinatlon of the Scheme -of eleC* Solestilres. appeared recently III o1andon. difilly. 0 6.12lolitul ft output flown ....... d*4r,4 noWL", 4*pIY Moved by the. ing Interest 0 prollcft� Goverd. His Majesty wi SUM, Seeing froitif a wInlow a boy strug- Nlow-ii-days It, Is quite decessIlrY. is bosgrinp ewas 'ilecolved. Exposition.which. 'tile trie wiring, and fighting plZine 0 Deposit = Iciness cilept. to condemn the instflutlotiol the gling In the Regent's Canal, nefor tile VTltft a e0lTeSpOodent4f the Landoll tyn Gogyper Were- as Unction. local, lies opened fit vinoi�gines JSL tJ* hei the vegorangf, who, pefiiir having been trig interest, so. most for of Noto AM F Tuareg encampment. The bandits, of iY JYaS lot gan ecoplonif#t. Four jbq�iiftmkl Albany barracks, a trooper of the Life Tribune, for a. m4lrt�p.4 to Inquire whe. proof to date)..... 26,807,Z7 99 circulation ....... -fllerli with, tibeir tents, to rich into tbO maps less, ptoruslon Guardsscaled some railings 12 Icel, high, ther a maf is toddletm 0 or 31.M.099 41 140togo of and aheousiot apper pithor iertaingred. are hung in need file c1gforettial, MeeifA&. jjJJ004 -4on(tr tho Sahara are I a a br es like a bY other Batiks In ILL I )thrOnal t life buildings, 4veraglug jutriped filth the writer, and succeeded if' craze, for the u'llofting habit has ll)vbd- Sankt 211. and their weapons, L, their ca)ioefs rS Cap Lou 73AX 60 relative duoJedut-oll J1LoUFW0�Ot,A",tIe*4lg0. Ing, find Juippy-party! that was driven 14 " f, .. be th ai0uud the statO, qh f4LM r, six years agi) tbowe 1'06b; lured indiied, a more than live to every himate. There suvIng the fil life. (NI the servants' hull, and IiildLher) oRanks r ,Ilia � i* - - Spittarilay after- LL 1100 due to Agencies in In Canada ....... tan ric wiring througliout- Rewrd business is betrity done bY Bri- cooks find upper house ingth the United Kingdom 1. , one �of, I largest trading c 4t is duplicate elect h5 al 4 nin !A,, ;"11� o'Not only 60 the -Did soldletS being 40 now penly adipt, the cigarette consul 0 ever fell Into their h "Iargd nama. thp, most expensive method in existil fish gnotor-car lirrm, the order., ibeelit, received by *0 Total lilabliftlest too tile public, &%,442,if4ig ounce due a U44 I* Xbrig, but grierlds enumber of cameibs and t ieIr r ers, wert ThS unhampered hand � with which the it) 50 per cent. Fwkv their fast YOUP- ing eu.�Itiuis of their sillart, bet stiitelJ4. Two' wofte 4 �,W gain. reached the what, W fought In cangbarty many Years &I f r Capital Stock (paid-up) 4,773,946 46 foreign oou%tW ...... ...... gAiw 0 I "I transArting 1,5W packages of livOry, guardians planned the buildingswill Many customers will Ittivo to w I writer kiaw a weft turn 10 -1 1 ed out III SO pretty ;us its met again to:pcompare notes amf Rost, AgcouW, ... 111 4.773,948 estrich, featlippara had bildes from the beIC0176 I perhaps be best understood -when It Is their cars,, but foreign-mado Cars art, bv,. 'hurso, the othel. day in 11),do Pull)( D 67 Up fix, the' Ills- ",air youth,, - As they talked. lot may. Dompotistorm asid Pro. rral Sudam-9 that the WI 'as ini, gropludTly pushed out of (lie trade. vlio­ Oye�, Its the of�Wt to 10 rMH � le a Win, of wiring w wilmling art exp rarl�s.of former Bald or three 14*0� J60 �toe, dill frkgdolh of:Vote Vg alucl) Tito death is annoulv""d The value, of this trierchand.Cse vvkas with the vigalklall Otafterim. le recommended Jor gickingfigirn P tocart containing an elaWrallly d rels Ird timj�p, the borr6irs 111 6MAW is iiut 0[ ILhe old,wars were month*, at the Mont 84ma in �d listen- some thre4 years rate of it pipe about MX0. d scarcely merged e to their privilej ago, but it was rejected Billus, who widely in 010 1,pol I'lie nurse was criquelt Canadian Mu'vda flildting popula. Ther Caravan he brought . hom thity in praise of his b the Kir!g as befog loolaliorate and Sunday school world. esp(WfullY If' ('bn- smoking a ciggirtftLe and tittriciing eon� coat. por annum., 130,470 it bell LOW Tire cost of the *installation nection with Ito MUSI(IIII 8idt-ralroftf attention froill aellit'lAbed acbstir on nills r a or. Bdiscounted ��ghp, Tual their faces. velled. . w 9B,717 49 or voloolmi ±ft bich,has beeA (he from (Ge Sudan into the desert u)esty, and many honestly wished sit *�rgflifg him. -alone worW (jut at $50 for every Pauper Mr. Bluns was ondlictr of the Alexion- popossersity, 11111P434 of Profit P. to Securities fhec's InquArIA1h and their- excellent firearp, In the beld Vbey� were able to actively serve housed, tile machinery at $150, the cook- dra Pill childrn'S Pri-it".4111"t denton- At mweral registry f and ll other tkon Cangs. 1314,* p�jr; bulOw were �& gIfigom4 swooped dov& upon it, Pt Dui-Wg the proceedings, his Majesty CQ11- o, Account z0alf 4wa: ing apparatus at $15,,and the power Argootion. find lot tip! London SuliduY shvw that the. rijoking liatitti; of lhe dw ('are orwarig, 42illsid 31 R dioloor we ill miry ferried the Royal VIeWr.Um OrdOr Of thollo - 0,424,460 4 all 14 all this elaborate sys- �jt-huol-Cafr)tata Choir. Aistanda, was: eless, and the valuabl In necessary to keep rikestle servant are a rerx)gnized fact. 11, 44 and Joking, us diver Class upoin apt&ft Atthilk Rgj no futures f o(f r irelgill, waB led lo the sWngh6lds ")Arth just I" families It ih quite c"PloillurY f(W All iV�ks Uer. WU g4ps tie bondr; the King said It tem going, at %2.50 per head. A while paper pillows ffial, of the lisobbers. in, Ifte inner The immense laundry is In ke*ng It, the 08b of last 11 Ihq pal4or jliatl, lloukl�eutkl plud c 4 ill fld;- 0 so 111.11`11,1112 46 --ume, 'grest pleasure 146k do "IL7yelir On gave tilin X, 4mjoy their cigarettes in company U.- And Short Lomas %t- of the 6heine of eteessive platiolial dbt unioutil(N 4tlno, -ihrlatigh. $&vicas in connec. with the m it was,not-ti'hfil the French possess- recognition, of his three separate ThL4 gain, ig still A:135,244,7ri in excilgir -ke and Beetle in Cropeadift. 1,WM it; ealk, Veterans' grandeur-, There if* kJw stairs. 4ed Camels that, could Cover three times Hall with the Royal Norb luethods of performing every opiration, of the total debt ut life opening of the the workling girl should take -o ordlo. Association., whereas the finest goblets in (tie good are ub- larrhol de- 'To irrlitaq2lk of the Other Current Lommi Die, as much ground in a day as the Boer war, but Billows it A i Ilad) ia�sk� -era and..A -P-Puqk animal -that. thay_ Vw. Able fil No$* 2L7"WJX Cntt Overall* asolou loop oTie, irit,021pogo. with file Tuare The TugLr A PROGREWINE I.NaTOV61A,­... -perLealltd-In-Jo auw�& 2XIIA7 04 Pgs. for gepaerations had picked and Else%1wre in this,paper will be found fittings found 24 lamps (of- which he the debt is now lowor W the extent Of smbut, In restaurants aftr Ifields, allot Itte Hatate. (other titan Sank �1, 'toe IraIIBY trained their cunkels, so, that at first file the financial statiiinent, which was sub- could assign if) ither use than to enable, Z22,570.000, while a Ift get, suill will fill) fit all hours in hotel lounges, thlit Ilic Vil reel, OA.4 mints) Mor ca Up, nVitfuch were mitted to 4hd shAi*ho)d&s of the Ing- the cook to ext,.killup,lbe progress of the to come off In the current )eur, filtering down of a laste for UJAD Weed 11f"s on I*jr 1; 001 Y the Bank It kind UNABLE 'TO -CATCH TH0,11. perial Bank at the annual ineefing hod pies In the overks, ill a more humble straluni of bviciely tat Proonslappreg, 11 tPe 29al,ol My. 'These statements The machinery Jn,, the liciiier-orwom Was only to be expect4A. &its, vaultitland The vild Tual showed neither C "I.Ake trilsireas, like Wald," al� niture at a" land tso, astogitishinent, nor Interest as they Crss- v-,QAV branch as 91141,4100 of hf.%t!A�t Ii Adt muke� received with the greateiii sells- cost $135,000, and experts have express TWO %%,J)RDS AT 83,00 EACH. brafid,, 160 '161IJ ZtvVs -plenty ed the edDeratietu:4 nor were they Jection, inasmuch ail. they reflected uo- ell their opinion that all that wo4,neceg- rigaretleop, us inut-li as to Other Asseter it lacludooll on. 4,V, Ir $30,- Big Fre, i for Chicago Pity %iclan jjfkL�S, and The fail) of tlkkfL nillo'llibv or ro trolly the solidity attained and old could have been obtain(d 14) hoLJ)4i AsItA, der forsook ved by 'the sights of the capitai (f prilistakepa 9 beads A# 1114 -Stop Silloklig." (sonstrines ber tr�n lo fifteell cigllretic� France. - One fact impressed them deep. the progress The Bank now 000. in nine months , gissfst4 by, (1101,4 ich many r achieved. Said �$,ISMIPW a (lay opfro, hardly, with lgic and coh- k1A Pitte0hUrg, ly This was that they saw men meet stands very high among our Canadian 10,570,(= GALLONS OF WATER mokIng take hot, homp�inold to task for V HAY, 1h. Banks, but'll, has lint yet achLeved oo:41610, till j**, intimoll pro'. stiangers and treat theng affably wi hv�ago D. R. WILKK ed at a cost of $2,5(0, when a criptlon, for a file agitation wid0l Is stoll Getwel, Manager, jiperiy-� but 4he lair't�vsehomapter was it eat first asc,.Xlaln g whether they were that point of Incressaid usefulness to were us jiiiiialL _%Cgggd in Ic log, (if ";.ipuf� peculiarly fAMoiinf, and fell the directors are evidently ell migist have been ouil i's Ill. I tie ifinvorest forril of flatter), 1h tI1P wNith were un aUd friends or elleMles. They could not an- Wil ve furnished all the price ever ,sid lot- -iwli a minitnuill (it favt that it to a forbidden pl#' animugly Carried, determined it shelf attain. This was which would be 'arookof Of' illcre"Jke it' the Capital nearly derstand It- medival ath ill, he Expenruve eneaul1i" art trip 0-111, ioi�O (API� ,'M density 4f the Population 6150 bin. shown by the recommendallon em- water needed. Ojlwag�,'s '"(1fies It [lie froore alilgirlato of solthd it hobby with it 1)1-, W. A. L%alw A Ilk, I fill fit takes 6 balliplo trops pressed. them as strange, and no won- bodied In the'repott that the subscribed filing seems to have been , (*A,ao men. 1�, Ille (1111 -til -11 "Is 10- Ifit'll IJi`fl-dfIvr detemilloo, firid-filbo a by-law authapplidnif tho Dirftt*ra W tile be, increased froarrift the guardians; the rage for It has ex- I ee, iiii4lr.-ks� sliver rligaretle (use, tries. mot flog der,'for they had often travelled 300 capital of the Batik ll-rolu- a Afmi,t,if 'of 82-5.10) to ih- 1"Caltdoh, Fund of the Biltak. $5,000.000 to $10,000.000, which will ten f,acro hfijui flows finiN it goo& Ifer mistresl re reir - " L tied eyewto the scullery of the por 'It'" S' "I'll' ut Iheo towting -voirted the following gentle. . 71 miles to attack a caravan vilhout, meete "\Nell, SGAAPO, Iuro,OJarpl�. soul. place it bgri a par ;Ath the Cangroban ter's lodge. aecillieK Iliat mbe hirplukeb Wxuuw alit n -n duly led Itur the enouing jseor�­PIamargl. D, Ft. Wilkle, Hon. ire Up to the present time this 1,alace of if I )lave ill -ol tired, and twedis a soothing or 'tir Frenchman who Bank of ammerde, the Bank of Toronto snpi %%ber, lie The maid is tired, too. and I s Jr, li'llm'.0 Jafff,Uy. \kill, firaillbuy of Dowtund, E411W Rege", J. Kerr 0firino. yetirs ago a -d to have er It in ill fit- fileleg lJowiand. met a small party of Tuaregs, at the end the ROYAl Bank Of Canada, all lot poverty harg rost, tire parist, of lifinflael'- flat.) w reporl� rgll� �'4�11 -'-' f Montretki. sportith $1-W,000. Nor is tire end yet in received the bill P,i the mod"'ll I I %vilat &,t good sauce for Upstairs %%111 will Whyte (NIVIttrupe Cawtqm. Mulock, 0 awther time ;hat pence was ma(le with the which f011aw the Bank a flon. Riellarll 'lpA( Oupt-1, Will. Hamilton Morrift, Mo. �Gt. catharl"). or'MV ineIs- Bight.- The institution in its pregen havp be pr,,I,"bl) prove equally pleasant fill, At it Aub-iiiiii Tneet'llsir f Lips DIMtora Mr. D. R. Wilkie was oJectmod bandits. tried In vain a gotiod T ICA 4 his new capital stock will not be "At that it'st Ill$ -1, e hUSQ11114FIlL ftailitiorvo �x Fite but 7LO, and It Onfiluforifitwn in th 'ilre3ident Robert Jultray Viciii-Prefildignt for the olopikoraing 3%, pbot6ip�aph of them. He succeeded in sued at once, but ionly as the directors form -will accommudi it sight (if fe)eq tit! if, 1, lo. " Llooc. suffered the may hereafter determila artily will thlis be seen that the cosr per be is. pot toy hours tit In gearch of One, -llolo V Snapping his camera just once. but e. We he in 19 about $1.7(A %ii'lien it is considered Jor%3 charge by rewl rialke a point of brollity.. 6doodg(lonS Lvere not favorable, for every Pgri. with the statement contained -Of *1111441 r W'dooldifil muclt covered with I the report, that the irapid development that the Cost of living artiong the Poor of V. o the phy4l. trig Ibc- liew houltenlat(I Of the filler It premplifte.d for s,,arsi alpilost unt- policy in time, of danger. and ai it is Tualreg had his face p upet* are Or, C.harles P. fill, V", 1. at V e tho, wboto n h Times have changed, and In- of the countrQ nece9silgiftes Increased London whene ( e toe, 0 Se Just engaged W it nd it %stim it—ght orkirciplipoplawly well PMVI with arms. ennes every man of them is unveiled. banking likely 11141 fill- 4-11111"' 111111,1114AL111 %CUIJ It, chiral )I ezc& by u 31, f6cluiles, which can he most drawn. I,; very, intich IowL-r than among pion %%Iifj your 1. �11 the samr-class fit fbis foupilry. It will refused lot s tire ii tanosill us I," ", . ­ or.,sobepL wIll they are exhilift4ed in full econlialla. lly find at the some time pro be fully realized low e%re".1ve this rogi lient, whir iff kill livillix. lit- hofir'. is be worlit diggmg wrrp3j)ondLrjgiy incregirarliI. When tkw ANO, hosplia filably suppliell'by th1 banks which are FAMOUS IIIIINE PETERING 0111T. iAbower at cutdolm de3rended into their oll families of father and fix o;lIngim. Iowa. and lie Is cOnId"riml I-ito god %,orld Itort, 01111f, But to, lb. ears past every French now In exislenc6." in tills connection Is. ix children are, well ne or the over, for 'tit- sullop. r. age tocefun!amm 0 hoge %lopping liforflan Ito 4oatratfal Changing pl3is bVell 114,- lhe w1sl rnfide of dittence reoponded to Ithe dis. milluto n Parliament that mother and live (it, M iffiran servi4w has equal- we may 9 -ril 1,, hiraW W0414lost feet it!� a h4pspeot 1116 'loop In 'he so peees anti comfortably at ollue, I"s Dr. IN 1.1 Froin lJold to Copper. ly (food voplwr higin Itirbace in the usual "y. by throwing - 4f W tbett Is no 'sity for Dew banks. has largo Ujildle, Year N led 'the Tuaregs in celerity Of move porn- than hat, been here expended up 1A line if; I(n)(J. His vision had 11114, VWA. %ks 11: off tfloir loprendred'?,. mWating the pru- %bo n the Tuaregs have W and that all Vpficati-lifill; for Incor fine-lifth prionsitil. rpn4, th-1101 I- I"J(J ining 'fig tile %p,tillin to, t4k,, tri-flal eiatforgued untu lopent Since the ftiggper been bugnpfgugrg� fr,)m punishment. tin should be absolutely refused. Witt, r I, Lper. U14 games, oc fill The French can catch them when- The provision 4o facrease the Ban In order fA) roth-le tire nwneY for this travelled If, sir (if likii-Arallit hil-, fxiyttlg k's fno villypir I,,. i IL -0 n ifte tilt.) were completey thrifirrifembrod, ss iIII has been nece ary to In tfhis illsidend tolIti, Tire nomads have capital from thile to lime, as it me), te expenditut A, It will be In q p9sillOn 10 meet cfpftse file borrowing poster of the prorish It,, treatments. find Dr. Pi 11YSITEMW nl�rged and the once redoublablopY needc -half of 11hp r4t- Ititil file only unified r­p;t",J it -arty %fAF1Y S %UKTAKE. to keep frian one-fourth to one and KIIIIIIll"IfUll %kF I NDEII SEA. "I'llar) mv ttar, field a apnUpman Mars; 4tave been for about two years all public pace with tile general Improvemerat and able value. To what ovireakelli the bl%opill, lobarel) liti"4111 etuinge half e proceeded ha stnokmg.' lip �Ard tO liv- good" it A21! oil PEACEABLE AS WOMEN, development whifch is -apparent all over guardiams would hav %hh, is hirord if, a im- itjontlf9 the .vr,,I, that 1, hoi wif,­ -j f ­A iw3pirritap all just UW small w1g. Mount Morgoll its woll- Lifect (Pon Fish M of %I'- for' tFs Plate of Wet- SUve, for -one or tvp�o exploits by tile Domifaf6o. It I,; Caue for regret ther not been called to a halt eral fit say. There (nory have wake a little fit. %ari curt -A. and file n"Mars I igen- joartles, Thggy thought tire), were at a that the experienced and able gen wben the whole of Hangmersmith mighl romlyriting fit;! %filue if ll,ight t- or man J. W, note 111safrol flood Artful Life. luz, st4g, shte.dtp(runce from life French. but t"'I i9 IPA" It r ikill b- twora W -day fu k,,)I( magoolittr did n6t glore all extensive re have been glad to tse hour -ed beigealli 'J Ili,; werligh, gellt a GL they w4?r$ vWW f the eduntry's trade prosperts. (Ilair i'l Itiq,tott) In ?Vc l-sprill1v Itar lip, Hurfa. f f1w ,-,i tho a. viu. lolk�tt, a %?low if bliving folImid their mistake when for outrages to- these are always received with the (to- Spacious excited prools of lt-4 poll- "as paid. SliplCil It10n 111o' Jill tlwi hQ9 JlJ8I LAMWAI 111.4 1XIIII, #arUrqouhleq frinlo,'piq teglert but III Lhin ! I . a wil it ! and i olted In severe account A;mtvilia. wlitell Ilk plitrll* tiv- re trip, n forra girwri fima-it sniokaig again. I _ans. gnatest ditentlon. Such a review Pc-eis Palace- &Ikgrip to ptw-N littene It,l g1le list Irl pa would havo highly appreciate(]. iiAILI TIfft 41,alud one Gergalling. roomptiber upon filrm we look 0,vA ., g ­l prire I- t tr-o 'Ilr' IdM two yea" it rUeg. bi(en -foirvpit fora vmrs. Ik- FAiVA 11; If,. J,,Jlf r the tM those who Were willitt to rely gall Isark liven !�Y If, ttit- 9"lij fit %felt M a few men, gave eirpossed trie' ji, as a guttle and flogiVY post; will have, HtMAN CASIkLS- DFpR DRIVig-gr OlT 411141I"THE. 010 Ittoil, flip The (Jay fill' enil'tti'll Jot"t u I PIP. III (Ilfirillf) (AA W_�L-rt solely without froitio. Jb trust for bettert things next year, In -pwrigaing if litw lini, w�,,t plithl ifl fit,- noliftito'l oAof ifto, 110" W e miliotillate. the Ratak. which has the b3odits. 11he last large expedition At to 11111en Grow ifumpope on Backs from Burden Fraguee Take% Store of ibil Former and liftill: V,3" to *0 the 14,041, Mo Vironeb,sent acirlss the'S31glogra num- orieel%-o tund equal to IL9 total PaW- 0 ,1.- suy t%o gpnti-- 0 iiar 1.0) cartnefs, all of fh— slow capital .6f, 64lim .1 Rearing. fpso; of tile Latter. rt,,w tri (OrUCt loong1pl- 4tX11i J4eU`Al' I -eii *I,d, !ind %lars pv4p them ai !tm muntle I fftvirnog. 1,,r it 14 h0lew-41 thal 11,41 ift" It4h I k -our liol nondh4lautly ar�*fi JMgaagfl dnirnal3. The Tuaregs did eal%3i and grt>tv in the confidence of So conveniently IS the t"ImP plarl, it lifloirglill 1 0,$ iticii filesifale on several to at- 11;0 pubile to Guch all extent thill Its clor the ilack of tire eamel fr the diii- tia,3 itirrem!4A tlY forwri- tha,14" fl"r f %ftlif -lialft. iiiiii, the 'ball, fbed 4mulfal will paid op Joe 'A Vol 'be toeR the stragglers and Mahe off with t6tal 4uthr I_ position lot the ;korIc-rCddf4r3 that firls; I,jr,tng the last fi%e PwItile fit dc.�crlblpng this finIpperil, thlin and *0 *11 sit 416*6 titirewing it '14, 01111 oil in 11iv atul k Wd., thLot; la�al little ; I , thcje. gums and supplies, well knowing to meet lite I emands upon has not unnaturally seemed It riiaetrvil (Ito 1011s,"A41119 I'll I P, 'O"he. &PUty"' , , �that, 1hoo. IvnRch could "t Catch them- fi�; usefllloe�s, The entcnit to wlifelfir it dc-5ign for IU grellefit of the nomallits, tild) 'Wily, tw_ "Czp tons* TO gawmaft I is fit ngrMirt olle, C"fiderice, 19 silorin in the Arab. it drielk nif,. Iftfrefrorel., neepin 14) 11 fpoll.poar If, ifigii, t I1,11011), RYA11VI'd o1, amount to the! f,sve s1ruelt people gpoircrallY 1191111 1144 11,11"If betI" 110"i It in4l Wf �miw, who �i "o" best It 1 1091 4 41 A, ThMe Ow Prl)- ig the fielual norrull at Me title It) v4h1eh t,t dpgjrp Itte 11 If V1.1`4' A1141 i or �i 61 &1% fied fact lbit' 119 "1 the (AX) lvr ttow pro(,orgrty, and have tWA iart -of "1 14 f6lig- Inirge SUM It 11 poll 0; rig pill be worth was il young recruit, and was lec%J It ms,�eW 11 J*dsaiiirs dc0or,- bigic, mintoung.to wste s1nC,_. at any 1.014?, 9tw yavok B. I'., ",ter. Blit light, tas thp hustropitrid rilliziYA -or The curse on the than the camel baici Wn Put lrj %%TITP pool i'lallpil fill %er polqqv",l JoN. .1 it'at uteri, kme J)ftt hkood Ile, do"Ifig, Wt. firsl nlusl;elry 257. OFthe I . frig Asiatie itla'art, ho A4011 "I %hw wrry itc-day. g(Aftills up to, h*, stidjiftl�6 litifiges at tflefr3hirit. "OV:lTablo. th3t Vy'll1v that. aA life alshed firing at filt 10 sflfgi�d had illst fil be rcnd -faint of tr"F L'q Sbaily ap. Ittal ..I fit ttict'llho,t C'UH Itof ournal $?I staitftftisk will The 1ho threV lluirldrld I-ards7 range when Ifilmd, in view at the fall't. famillar to an fllat Ill.41, I il­ -r i il h, -r, parent from thol Y, life f liii latfoll flicer f.we%mm stqp WWI Ilia n3n;t Izq tk&r fine who rias fravelfc-d III Itle itil"7611P �v W� 91"Q11HY I -Wag braught before the 0 "llio,'tials, M.Oye* as 4t 1 111"1 aX 4MIthin3itA, MID gave him a fiPlevew n4filgratia. prif Algeila. fling ltw rup alaliclita ,f for); gtv,w frill djzr. V, i,l loA dr-dgv .0 Duo f4f to shcoling, and C4 v... Weir nlagr4io:l '114, lbatil. (INA tit *!;. U Pont$ lhi� tior -4 h3d 4� at bar! rr sadilte rarnol, zft-1 ca"gi�.o Ful ing: ilcirlot yol the corruirill, 44 atniolho ff callwilit crime WK,ral ifjit . rd(W is)II11lit. *,tg* plig, tl6ri� lie woold tMve to de belt r A-906 T0611VOL i;�bu hoavier 11ban a ARM Amb d, F, to] foor ipiltkina n*A"n doli* it 16 � U*L #4 iiiiially try the, d1_,WIrCe, tVfhitb hapWiled 4n But Do.iah. ii�nd I tell "4ru Illan IV).fwxl dr tt 81 m 11'r if,,, ;Doi,f, di�llll f -orf � ilip s .4 owin) f 1%- ,mraw ri 'INJ 11 trzirovoli ate youth I,; hump. 1, slA Il. tdogrAll IBM 49"a Mft# J&jfgogm6 ilejoldig qmIck-13r2na. - e firialter to 1put all dt,ULI toy -,7,!4 IWT CC -01, Iti'lil N Mill a Iv. iiitvi rori�ajzh twai- dp-l. m "Voll Ito, Ut kDGW flip W"Iff, (if lli:p prize that lifigol Nn JOIN F- .,?.I 'I P Offlef: ratle-d reup ;gcr at We 41662" il it, rva o:rn, it") oil 41ru� P41V to thpm. I vertow guld 0 61 PMI"�:,7561` modo taliond tb"O, 11,0 otd rtiolt- ort ffl"5b -0 SIX torgel, Ccanirone-r, 1� AL-1hell4rig I th"A $a to. f�al on�neml Italian aillbril. It, Altw'v MCI Ilw folitilbUth pi'vil" ifh 01- r", MWkiewilloo Is affilk fit preiovt,� x1l; rift It, do tZmed"', gsho� Ur NIM Wall an nia it MOKPhY e%_00 n1un ftlepahro'd P.1rallar CO- Tho, lif,,�Lnlo 17- lq,­r,i. Ioulid 'gil:110(43 J!W 1 ignal (Ift 30j�ni bum;m. in VA4.4 agoppIllIll IQ The L4 Market to a . firm tpvp tq irngie:" poom t�,p Ttvaititain 1,,% f,,igr oltwr Irol, Sao) lk� fil, in , -11,vugh &W4. '11W 4 that fix far' flicop 44. eti"WAWS TWO* * Ow mg,11,.Whkh IXW� Me nip�zrt and h4uTiDerg Of ps.rtlll, 10) VAI W (K -In P-1-47111 anatvl fivp VC-4ra ZON'T 110,11 V.01; f:rrwl olto **, lift so litiol, Jhk4% OK Iligod littt 4=01Ye-d t,'Y 1?muah TwAt 1 Iftp 4--341ritJ tf?VVori:vq ,lf wtf mr-71 We'll rl up N'th hianft mcd J)�an - and potIOV9 passibio (66 eve. I-1 6ve .4 ,I oitiq -4 1107r. pargo Daywillialls. .-A III W :n tM11,1 frilisto of�;Mo, q, rAllogi etit, Ifilviv#Vot A Amptoold, 11"Idipplial, 1w.longl000l likeliflabtr int to Me har&D7 clml. 111p3ir tor? (4, F." low h.11'sti-I M(A 111W 41)4900 olficwk, 11pril'alo m ocul -e$ 4111tod a yes haegoolitoogidwt 0whitit pr�� , 1i Willig to, Mig Tpli to-VOWN liti:0i Ill S40*1 Iliko toci'll"3t (w,ruma oll r0ne -tot No.lvar dmNN4 a* aimmom now, poiNt W t),Vo C-y ta DT DID% -r Volln. -Mrot 1: 031, If 2r, to I Ratio 07c, re 01�* I X - 901T�I;Ary 101 MY M7 'T. tp,,M�. glQ,.l tho vwLnEl nz arn to b3 a ownv f� I to 0nVJ ;Na 111ow Awilliotio uppip AM, 66A CM M on to 1g'XVo1lV t4lli oil talf am Motivate �J lod Mch fli tw 9v Du. Y qZr. - 7 - P, "tip 4,67 'sgirs-ft I WSrry Y UY Wo Uq*L. Icn,44 rol.51 , t <� it%L­4 at a 010 wot -M put,ED lrl,W A-04-10 t.q ratio fel.- a CA elstil'i bi W& 4*w# 0.3ma wiva, 141, .7 con �7 diglicn- oll 1122 1 Ila L