HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-06-21, Page 6— • • i. ete sit sae' iV 4 ate t• Ok '* * teas two litooenstelle01*10 • li•Vaitas'ileee—Weer=.. "41414* • • • '. '1 . • bow Asset.- • .,,•. • 1.101.408 I J., R., I., FAilit AVION - Yost se a aretteolli **bode** ' i evr, President, .1V14 Mmiliuit Jariiis, •Aunoupees • ,. ': „ , . . , ' oo„,,, ,us.,,,a her • • , eP., ' .-• - Rildkat ...040$01 -in the , Pelk$7 ot 'the .0#0 ' • -,, ' '•41110 It140111 :1 ge*uis "Eitereierr;Steps• • — . ,,. . ritrutt`gfrits% • • ‘-..- : ' . ' * ' , ottmitoiSalliAtglIt e ' ..•. ',BIAlitT AXG11X11.0 . ' Which Will Make ier Perm*, - .. ' utileiot the institution , ,Pi . . ... ,.. • 4,100.44 ,10 eirostatice.,...,•••.,, 44.... .... .0.• ...... „ . ...-......; a . .,, % ...... . '4f. 0.96000 041 144140014 , * a 0L, 44, Ike 4# =he .. .. 0 ..**,11,........./., 1 .404 • Ittiot • ',tell w year -Read and' Aerie , Sta itiliset.'"It .is with _gratitude N : . •.. • • i v , „ma otevrMolelift IX ... V44.44.,1* . ' "1 11"1""Y ISSIC atti tutt'down - • • allat away. An krt. MY , .,,, .11# 440 444.4.ffq ... 0 0 P, ilk 411 411,14k1144'4•101,{4.44.4t,144 4Y.4.414. . 4 .. .44 ' , . .1.1111 ' t 4 SOO 4* NO". : ill i 1 , 114$0. 04141 4. I 4, ., t .. .. ..... ...... ,::: : S,.......,.. ..., heady eVer$. de,y and.kveri • Ras I .....,.......,,.... 4.0.4 .4.414146444,, ...... 1,4/44404444. , .... 4 The ..6.01inal. Matatinit• Of Ole ViertilittltleWi •Of the Sovereign nank tOok .4144. "-- .. "‘`....,;`,*-.7.;".„'"";;'"**°".."' ' .... 1 ' ”. • 2' a ' 2'2 010100.„., reterdaytinerbilig (JOMII,11)(itt OW Meld tifilte Of the Itabki. 'On King HownostorniPm*144401'..*1000 f9P1t4A4 " 4 • t"- -"4""" ' •• ' - Iltreet‘, 1*,#,,ktat* the chair for thellts4 thstes"the neW Ptelddent Mr ' ilititilitut ' - ' ' -c- ' ' • • ' • ' • '' ' '1 ••' ' • r• .• ..,, 'Wu 'SO , muncrolo - Heart -and - ,teeneetinut X wougoaor teawal,14,4 apante,tliet X. wee ' the Matt 'It*ori *Meek , x4 0 4,1007 ' the .10110*10$ lotrodiinteryrainarlie4 • ' '' • ' ' • • VO.bto..i',',0.40..4.:.,....,:c4;..;t4.1.,.;.,i4,....,,,,,*.A.,.;?..,,..,41' '1194411'111.? ' - . leek . ' 11144'.44'4kIntbeert"^ Aetliblerel 'Veromoldue tho's,Seepotowyto r.ea4 040. DIreeter'e Report it Serniatidida- Bri...10.,...,,.. „.......,....• .. = . -,,,,, • ,,, li' ' .: . ' 414102.4.01 to fhiertarlit ot years sines a (*Juni% spoil nod. - able ttoth:•Inlouttintto410...nfbti Am yoi.vr,ohounics te.tleyt ittull veer:nib' Nar°.= . !venom tiovsrot*ea4Wofe,4444 .4.,4141iiiii.0$41.40i0::.i.,isr4 ..14.-o• SO In ' ' 4,4 Iss c .., ... .Tau .0entl*I.WittrOt110 hat% it:titutrehtAder. in thttu Esullt, except, to a Sitra011V ' , , , . , ., , .. • , . • lei lent - • s.14, s...........1. 4, *f 4,4.44*,V0,4.# 44,1, ..... ,,,,,,,,, '9'410 Vili ' ttnAerb.' cannot, be laid titise Of ..1.011.• ' tt seasatiossottior *earl ....:4,;“.....o.:.No“.......*'.xit,4674'. 1,augwa sr lent? glowitand Aare Ate, ter in me fiXtOto Atid t 'haVe larokIP *it W& been. jetelieeted in iti atfairit, _ Oluxi,ttnY, !otel c 1.,.ouritit„,„„•••••..golf-.-0.t......o.,.,.....,..i..."...•,.......r.14.,rt,ft't6914.191).411 . ',..tr toii..,,,,,i,etifi; . „,„, troc, i„,,,,„ I t c • ' ' , ,VillkUrile ir t OM *Stand 4040ra leet thei]ltrge foreign Intereata which iteld.',44,t 04 .it ont "art get.i.......,4.•i . . .. .....„...,„t. . , .. t!!}44.,440ef tit 4,14444.4,1r4, 04415(011U .7.7:....._._,. .."....4‘' .77' , • , ...4"4 rr,' - • 77,-4 •,, • . oi etOttk ht the *rat •ropresen to late. thiSv they were not satisfied With the .11.Lati ttlits,r• ,,tr, noteretge7,%4., ,"•.:::!*::::::::::*::`,.:,6i4".."' .`"..•.•• . Ilea* -; 1V17•P„.04'.S...i....1•4414)". 116/24-41'..p3•1445e*f Way idivbildi" it 'WO:s ,beisig ntanageti, and they intlinated that therW.014 Otiter•Asesetwt,"": , "'111)/1/• . Re Feredum,..”.t...., . 4..'..',74.: .-itliAlta II :140,t'f.....,,#w ",'• "V''''',1"', 'Of'T41,1, t•'4 .. ilibetw .410. /0 40' %%011ie ertite Prellidently' It w*s. also stated to ,nte that it • •'—'-' '''' .'*•'''''''!"":!!"''...- ' 4- "' - •'-''' - -1.... -'-' • 'vtl,..04.• , • • ,...44,$"(k•I'"'',t'.(4*• 94' • • -.'• . „....A1, ii.twiles, , - „ . • ,,, .., • ,,,-.7-77,u . , ggoogoi sowliti volOiatvkitiistir(issed itliTselfornonatnxviroasolint6.11teistra , • 01.4,,;4 44, tt.oitti' t-L'itt-,0t.lit'il,.:41. tilik 1,.`ctoutiti,ii,:ttclr' ' i,e',.-61.113i..;','.;:i. ta ;!,i, tt,;It''.-7,1!a:4,r, 4, .,..t.".,,,,,,..,,,to,NzTA,0.,,,,,11,,i,,i0y.„.,R,„yi,.:: ' ttrioa.of ottee,leeomit.o*k.rethil•tt"tienatt et:k ow time to tiovote inlirt. !ltrIP1'414441''' 1O414141thiibltivOlistott.ltaeril''Yiblte lo the. tigeehd 44414140i isecrOca4ikieodriiitioetilica. ' . and :that he bad libt..t diraltliiirAt knowledge. nor 0 , e •,' oplie ,cit• IP, 140,01Nirr. 1104/Virilttir, . • hope. the nuelencnt, 0.,,, itostiAt#9ont4.1. ilfgebI, '',, - . ,...s _plc toortano.:$ ants .,,,,,,:,., i,,,,,,,from, AtI:vbroltrerei417.11:0'bk14biktroric,-"t:441134vd'ilwie*: forrearri,T, e't:tatt° itm' it" " 117Annwilrewiihtii,the 04t ow rare.. begin, teglecOttlereaPeOtatorPrePer/leee, ,(,' 7 : • ' ' ' ; Iretr• 1.:. ,i • • <- s , 'We hare,. tinntigimot Ontario and In port ior•(40011410, lioJerri0:00d..v41014e, " .; ' •', , • iiVik-Okfibw' "A Alnitt from the . diesatisfaetion .Witit the Management, theY stated .that butIneititi•.!. Our.- ette,trgi itirattehro boyei . a* or who*, ' .b.eon, . we)1 tieleeted-,..t the totlg thaw sweilifiat 14 the. f*P0W-I0K • _ „ beintritergiodt Is Weak anti Ufa ..... .. ...... symi Is" WINM VERY RPM pp. y: • • •• iblitaRit Wiled voisk lag erilletaksi of %Tam Weeaker Met re of Alvia otaiworis bwItiogo We kat* take* sittestige, of Or fore& for warm weatistitm Via kiwi/priors were below IOC *puck sad we vrin en pikes sot every day alters.4 ,)Ve arta cloirlog oft *ad nods at *boot 7/sif risa .. goods jest .40 tor Ahoot s$tt yards et White offeg ibis weft at Os folio:min bar$14%.Prim Virhite. • . - few 2he • • no ler 112S0 ' • 7ite ter ilk • ;So tar i2Su , ,i11,14104104 • • 20caeo ostler • lIec oc7c,Ifiwory1004 *too • • , 123sc itit4 1.0c 4$0 ' ' rAeile Weistingi are perfect ut •every t two Imo too inat!t,uf ortotopait , , • , flew. Goode eve all nen; beasen sod Wigglers, We start Them gt gias *04 pieeto tie all Oto.way Up to eoc, ' • . Whit. 1-tenew ilifyithette. • ' „ ' ' .a.• • 'Thutitot,flowiftein Ise, le see. -Eallrat edi fina. cur values all xtgltft, •pet I • ,Taelectiotils. this ot, • , , • • . • , , , . Twi " °11...441"11V/Mliallitt 00411::°4, 0,- Weald Latiletts si;es..400111 sins frent 5 inelt to 9,5; • .,ia,,iwprititt and lioterficete. -So sere led ask ter,,Foysl'hiscict beavYrd1.- . -beet bes0I-O the tok.44 foe boye.„*MI.Vinceee Sae rib, liale„ahOlitirly fast, gra r r Vi'h I* 41 W. 11111.. tn..; Slats rim Ode •yi.r.• from 9er, to' '1244. 't** it' reo.il.'illorl()•r'101.alg use illitOitalett4.4944111ndirtiq4"14.41: 47144. " ' •• • t relit 'Oven' Ce - Flan ' lettes rata thingtaget plat nrolei,owmg 9 g • ' Sriste4014Pife4litreitY'"011. itteeit Pelt you to seOlierm.- (14#. TbeY iltere4tlin..aPS^t , Just it small.,,iot„ ,ploth'endpetteros eve goof -L., , , - • Se *um and geta Pair of. 1). kt• A, prices s,5c.• Ce,r,,ft, et for e • . • ' Plie0v vSkred 091020CA Wept thent *Mu the Makent'llitert g • ' • - IMPOGISift 80. J. 11. COLBORNE • ckEit-OR PROD/JCR . the, BMWs Metheda had causedgreat Irritation to the other Canadian balite, tilt ought, we think t , together' likely that ettine:OUttieta.'w.111.1004....te' ' I, •rnigitt be able' at the present m0111010, tO bring about s better feeling per cent,,,Stritpratberoughlystertnal. and healthy nature( , ,heir .igroartb.,.bas,. , optbit le rey eteise ,eooneotion with a noniber of the banking instittitletm greivweatiti othemeinentilthey areennt too ettfr vrevie . 'xit,w,tiv ,,.(Ftee:,:ry •.17110 " Were in bilitlietliterteil net rely friendly+ towarda It, and they t..t , „ , , telt;.1 t . tionetitwalul our cottattrY.tnattagein ttlidOulstedlytave., thr• confidetteo'•••of the • nittureliy•beert checked toienttie, et tent,ity thb recent feelln • of•ttneertalfitY.:, ,,,,. 'biroiting••itid-reereatitile'toinittutlitP, Om '41,110„,lre Lay . IIIP-Wni'llt40,r14013. Witit ;OS. other, banicat •4- • •btrestonelluktt•thisibint been rotttOyed. nout thati•wa„know:,•ott • •-exact,„positioui I „ ",', 41VVA)YS : :; rtit e , . , cry „ 1-,fo. .i , e., • • .. . •.:: :precattion :Agains,t cla*ageS,'• ' h : :CV ' '''' ' ''. :' - ''S'L'ill ' • , . ',.)lif,.'”Iret.• 404, on' taking ogee vat to tusk the Board to appoint Mr. and that contiiiiletesep their Ptietiellt Vainationi. Afit• Ott ea, 89904-'99d, r.leflIkA , 40,Stnistf4,0f tite:O.R; of 0.. as Taint General. Manager, and Afr. Stewart was ..411:$14k,'Plir'le/4 ceebt Peee/WY dee/Ms .•%•• iteye no, rioni?t,that:the Iten,10,Wilt ‘',• "1': awai:),:' nlir'!flirS .0464ditt'" 'It?r:'.:4.111()OtPUliti'''.:11tIlS.1'ek.S'opit11146:2:',.:' * . . i ftrteittnutkettenuy told contionona prop:rum, anatttatf• tht,esteem 'its, witich. it' 11$11t1S1 ' - IiiltS - • ... , , 7,..tctrefl tried.",tnntit PrevUntiNte.,, - '. : : : ' . • ' ' :", ' , ' , ',': L; '' .• si ' ' . • *Vote*: ttiven lieve of absence. Subseqiumtly Mr. Stewart netthfit hielatilt- is held :'Ittretlititout the .country diettitittc''rittit,J-Year, by year ,ihrtente, •• a:pi* . i.v.44,360t...4414,111 ha,. beon acceptiett, ana mi, oeilimott ilm beett.„0002_, 1t)teri., tionentIoNirapsool:eorv-444410004004),Ire"Owl ill'5,i'noq•ege4,.F1110 ',L.rC!•11W.crukt$14C•oll, 0C.F41Ste'V. ,i: 11NOtit 1341101 ,50c: Lt0151 , ' , 'IVInth: Bolls :11h 'pet, Ih' :. , . . . , 4 .• : . , .: .„ ,, .. . . . . . . ' otiutts 'litioteiter, Mr. Carole flnd Mr. Matikenzie haft airand.t oTrit,',170orro' orosMrity of the dietriets in wislob it la irepreceoteds. ' ` ,...,•,• .'t••,',3 • , •.. ,,,,..,1 . ! ' '•••'•;%4there.10.0VerY. tile0C6 vat tbier0 'beieg 4: i*OeptgalY • 1.Ft°411L:liTUIY5,°'°.a?: ,:".'.'''..-4•' l'1:;' ati"ttitiPeCtors to slake a quick report of the Dank', attaire! :and WO the, ' ,.:., • ' der. OliWhielt gr. Jetnittett assumed Ills duties he, together With it:vital' mitt ' ft,r4nittei steoseile. loom • ',•• ,-' , ' ,, ' ''. ', ... "".'9"1: "'Ala'swiFw• q. . , . , , . . . • . - vf ..ci $ Atlirrr , ::, : , . , .. . ....., ,,,, , ,„,„„..,, . . . .. ,. ,,vvAnasAitile,314.,areeititni:Ltlie.istiipueolyetayt'.4tiooinalti-,0letiettiontfi tor ' hetviek Modler and ' „• , ' •• ''• the;lit*Pietotat has been continuotudy engaged In A revaluation .of the, „ . -, , . • . , ., , , „ , . , , .• ,, . " , A Fla'!" 15c. Per P4. low „thgattrg egoto assets. Had not gr. Dassels and Ur. Marketed° FefOrkisea Boa ; but Der the tig roe had beett caretallY revlord by $011e arul results of this examination Wet* a Meat painful ear lae Ito-lefit" 5 Pieces Spot Idualinit'a90Orted eelorbiltoi. special, I2gc 0 pieees only!„ Swisa'SPolkUtleitll goe r 5e fo ONO 44- lotirlat ionte tOrevions knowledge of the Bank's aftlilra it would have been Ittip08,, cane 064 the Botta. thq deemed netetiser$ 00110r10' t Ientnlvtita -,, 0 4 oteses, attey-'001004.1Dipt tle 4 70611.A 1 c• athlete he" aeoomplished this work in the time allotted' to nes nitinelYtthe '4: ..? • aI 4 I*140.1000'4001ble' Stet designs. egerial Is. - !P(00.0,0.0144:?Nirbitt4e, rek ler s, tor 18c r mod batweea tha Aat may 40 the present gate. I ent 8104 to any, hele, tue &bylaw will be submitted tvo you, redselvanithe capitaiii and aotttorizing seSsary itpplication to the resattrY ipa94 oe the non rtuation. Mr • 4 6 • " • See our- ROnE(OuXatierk for .Stlite, at 33g , • • • . • • eye* that kir conataut work almost, night and day we are now able to lay enttee. „ . • ors of ,the Dankrind•inMe:'faitlitimy, um) 1)90'es$0 ;000,6,004 te,, 4,06,0,1 • , • • „, • „ Woo you the posItioti of the Bank. In doing so I wish to thaill gr. Stewart's resignation of hia poOnion ai)Oenstrat" illanager has been(' e'work to make n• atiel inStt 090. b ,•tvlte c,96011••• itargel/brs ;that , 011 Ire infttElh 01111 PIES • [4', *OW* '!io 'the NH the gravit't OI what wtt have found it neceitaisitVrio 'ettittnitted to the Board and dgly accept404; ,yemteett, the ,Teips &eine the EXeell11, tIV0,6014t* MOIttre4Anfl tbo le00:11-1 ganagetZ.residing, • '-• , •41,14 c.130 keen disappointment you feel. The facts are that the 11fatrage• ste - ' • Idenerel Manager. has • been appaintst4,61ettor.,4 Manager in place of ,theee meet of the tint* , Sible to ve• reanatnak enpThseleet tet0l'itibt•-liave ulnae's big hoh -nut stook .of Ladies'ssree4yrtos, tont, tree tee anxious to build. up business quickly and you are no** You' will'observe th tt the Froth. I taftettleatilanett tinhinittedlieren4til v , - the afaft„,. 47,014 ;,irtts, ,.ted „win are certain the rematibig ,tions cif ttendjusttuents made by he tioWif,- Xeently1••,-•'T 0 tgeteeietit . et eo, aaer,90, , y 0W e e now emontargrOvaP•ot • . • . • • lee, the effects of oven:real and losses willoh have beat inourted threOgh-14 01+0 of the 30th April hist, bein, tf.the•Ban.'aria4 With,the 14°- t(iregt tekrt/i/V• Arietkitlerget ?:101044‘i,Ittetff: 4106 atte In , . . . tbe cowl* of my investigation I find that some of Our largtuit lobate' Ihischarigelma been IOW* prinelpaily ttilb,reasoritlicia,•40 t Prot eat ",:onr htteoenerekmeneker .0k0030 huaceisful baati an'a .;! „ speeha lfoo; 401.ent., matte. mows. in. an, brown, grey!. •pat&l. • ttneutharlitizt ailviitioes. • edlne*'eatiett# Nrae,iroonti nftetWards betoril', -WO,' °tube ivirat* sets and 1 stlinttes bcovevers,aa a the as,' gq, ead of• tiot",30th •i$014, eptheey . loves and- Hosiery are 'pig leaders with ms..4: , ara la ithcounta never anthorlted or never repelled to the Directors, tit tasi,,; AndOerritilteagerZIY assollit.trattinLirtleiefOti',thp, .?,Itti3OnAtitha*.t baitntinceeded hiqtetting Snob, tilisege adietinkof blininesei b tet tilloartl nod 'Pearl,- blattl4.3.Vbite;41,1•44er,pair: -L.--`'-- -..P 7 -:-.- : --: einnoTelitees-the Direditge - were kept in- total ignorant* of thelr existence.' riirritvetri• ttnreiT itt rir r g e '!?'''au4t':' 1 "0" `•$?'..‘15"t'4;,.. ?!.'"01"...0001.111)?: 011eetr*,444:404-0t.11001141460710-1106-101"14*-aleOlft 4, . •' ' '`' ' , . . • •! • • .,„ ... . ill0 (Welt an which a, number of the other,' Mks eloae...,,thele hOoka:Itir the :6 4::...t tit.- Ilia • Cr ,?;.1::...;.t, P'. . . Ilv.1:Catiala Ivala lt‘!‘.4710-1IS„4 0 Preivolt • • , ,,,,,,0Oeljnat. tUatiOrl,,idigelilint 010,03.• ‘75, "• ; • ,...;'..., • WithOutfOrther centreont, tuereterel w° ww.enter °11 th° tleleal' bueleeee• •Ixisit. eareit 0 better that we should ebb tin to the,'Motb• 'general ',custom., =•!'",!'" ''''''' ""`'% '. .i,1 '..6 . - ' ,• ' •" •k•-' ' 2. '''. ,4.' . . ,: - ,. ' '? : 4')V 'f.- .• 1;'??. :, " • • " •• , a. per PALI". ar heau ;?0.• 44.t, hy aw aril therefore. 'be -submitted fez- ' smapproval Chatting the_t:datesif ,,' •1 lusv,c. , g ne1 OVe , t e liiieree •Pteeilittod..hY 'the. oentleelltive..and ... , • e b au ti ' ' , %trona Meeting from thestecond Tue%.ty .in done. teethe lecona utgittitt 0.04t,,,,....3iet„,x, „.4.11 j0,1-41 Ust.olle14Httt'eotton ilie,Ie anti, sitigi led,* tba• Renore, and.' I 'eeeond 'th6..ndraikieCeixtblt. - , -..• • Cattily businesteNvith.snett•no large: atorthen ...Of Aepoliits, tett dent y'iter ve; tan'and•White so i 1 $2 7s -tie• , i • , '. arcter baring` heard of them tin brensht to Abele attention by uto. add' ion to this. It la. feittluttsta tito;%t may and pow, Novembop ttl;€ au 0 te he ePilir4PR: iV,414r.811,7r YOffirlit.1)iekwet-nattle#41r.0*-tectegyilid --14.54-0X-Pir0 9'430Pular abadab 400 per pair- • tOf theqdeeting, and I will call•npan the t eeret,ary to read the i;littect.orf • Report. REPORT. The Directors iwg to present to the shareholders the Fifth- Annual Report, ;lamming the soar ending soth April, 1007, together with it statement of itaikta- and liabilities -an on the Sist of nay, 1907. Per reasons which will he appateut *awe *toed, the Report, this year deals atio"with events whieh have oechtted, intee the dosing Of rhe honks on 110tb April lett, • turtillf the PA* yea it becanie evident that the affairs Of .tlut•flankLder -mantled more time then the -then Prettident could give, and he itenteeziekil '40tire to bo relived et tke Presidency at the. end Of the Vault.'" yearc....43" „ riteeting of the,Boards,igield on, the tat resignation was, egre. intriiweepted. ,,,..A1Pretorfe _tneetio.g r. D. Stewart •restgriett from the • ,rseectorate, and. par, minus Jarvis waa elected to the Boroi to nil t,he ve,f, • -nanny_ thus punted. M. Jarvis WO subsequently elected Prettident in owe ex. Mr. Macdonald, Who ottoSent to remain on the Beard, and wag eleatett Vies. "Vreeddent. bi." flung, of London, England who was here at the time: in theAntereat of the Otesdner Bank,''svas also elected at Director. • • • Xt*rie'twareeiettlail to Nr. Jerrie •thatrethe duties of the Prealderierratoho uld ' take, tt •rkettirdderable, portion. of • his tin*, arid that it would thenefore, • y t,o Make bit telnuerrepart *00101**t. to compeneate him for thlit,"_:. A lEttien conflrmingtbleArrangetnoilt will be subulittedlOrtil0MXIOU - 1 eve and boort let the itSeennts OreVeotetz, reek:, tter ban ate: " ' • in, y. 1"Titannly practical effect to the Areltolders Will Ito that, they 14 receive tintir•dividends in Marcb. !lone, Sektontbel, ttoipeoenthop iteitea - co ' ir goo* ,\,.guid: itill en" te, aud With -tite,-Portrent.."-eX,„ el en.t. oorg,..q,moil 46.4, ,,• ., . , Iii,tir, eit4,cogit, j4, elovee. .„0,9r4t.te guatatitned ,d. 1 quality in black; greVo foe-fOor Months instead ofstlwee. ordittidend flir the:titirroot. three, ..ninntha. quiwageloent, have .eensidesee# . it neceseltor„Ite,WeVIA, gencl; bildosiery we havp,the beSt assorted stook in town. on the reduced, capitol will be maid on the itith Angitstls Mintd#:-Intsinesetitow, when treAre'onbit. Were.: Clettningtlie:elate- toicrOVide fee everY .• -L. , - - • . . . on.thevoreseatilatest Auld that thetviden 'parch In reilniter ,00*to 0/11 ,t we Will be to tease large, shat„se- or the antopite:whielt the ttreseet ' , ' - • • • lutehes or sub -agencies have been opeaed:at the' olleaVing.placee Atirleit ;raable Thi* ted'iLIEV; ,4.4-009151901..i404"4 i. ...i 'i4forP.f • , t 'tear i•-•1 . Abtokr2isyt4aVti(mado MOS forcorill)!1,190-•, tito9-0010,1gr...11eerssa.xl Yet ' • ' Verttlii , Ont. 'NOW rr :NY or AO t.110.tredr•Of '" ' • 1111 $ , 6 LAiiS SOO-TOR- STORE '. 6 �ectbt Philo, Que. • , *Itton, owensogod. out. • Ilat more net00.: tint t aro% ------OreA , eitke • rifdtkoklwifolnWa'boOkiztitArtdninit: (1.14th. ,t)trete meAldriotte and •,‘-• • - • • , ' ' tii • a sines • enti 00 $.1 '00,f one 5 - r • 'Phone5 -flwelt ; Ont.' Pefferlanc.Oet• • • .ob e410600,44•Attrifor0 whOixt weluivevinienC, ti .1k1ureOlte. ••••••: ' ' - * • 4 • Erunstt',0013. , 90 ' Oreifttv *kV. itlitOVAake..itsi Vitieciet'dne'tif. the.ment."TireStier:one.,ged , • ()encoder. Ont. ralivielh Ont.. our*" ow. lontieW: eleept Ont. ' • •••• • • ‘0111.001.11.11101111.111.1.111111111. II I P.ngtoliart, ut, Ntittleadalf. ' Vietcholi Out, tnit kiglikePt thane tot' • 4 • . • 7 " - • . • . • • . Haildbory, Ont. , , • • • •',8titalgtettdvia!' it% .k•i(),„:,';;.,1".;.4.,- ,I:.;.0., Ilarrletville,,Oittt ' . . ,. .. Itainittou. Ont.,' - . '''. ItIttihrte3F4.1;ats-fit ''''''''''•!:.''',..' .''':•4.4 , . LaWiaetli,* out. • . - , , . Wititiker,-tha, - , " .. 7' • -. „ .,,,,,,,, ' The new Prttsident at onct "found It hisduty tustrengthett atc.atfehavr. . ''''''''':' :4''''''.4 Ilii° 44 ' . tIllt. AStilX,11,44•40V/Si ••,-'• .4. - . , - welt* otthe CiLoadian Sank of Cemmeree_ k and for the jaat /Um Yeerittileere. • I'reellent'a remarks in 'moving ibe adoption of thwsspuss,,,,?..•..,,;.AT„, f.'•••'•,:fs, • I tgo.tof oint„ge*beeorue joint °anew goiteneger„Wri,$rewneil being* the __,.... , Vou ileum beam(' the nonort, ot Olt Direetore in *bleb is eintintlied the. .,, .eatMitime greeted leave of obtence., gr,,Jetnniettlit first:Amy was to ba'alte As Iteport, of the Getterict Itlaunger. *lid # IS neW my duty to cilium& the ad.Optibn. tad Oh the dtb.:of May Sir. P..11314 Jetntitett. who heti for ,12 years:been in the Torente, flat Ante, IOW. ' • ' . ". • ' --....PO4.41gItt*.." t. ... , , ..., . ‘,..... , coldettend **ad A Vainationteelioseible of .the assets of alt. nk, and Owe, f • hi lt • .. , ....„ von ts Obis eignetion me given in ithrlleport, to the Betted, w ieh is as tot. . 'It }nay teem to some of you that It is expressed in very formlit suet cebbLI'' lora. ',., . ,b10004 Wong°, but theBetiert, 114 you wilt understandat,the.rdocutachVbt ' • ' witivittintiactual facts are,rotooteed. bob toys% persertallAlwielli to•ekpietes• , . • 9,13114441.. idd.1410Bit'S REPORT. • to you nty, Vet* sinere tit, that ,Lit sluing- have been neeSsatr'.,to'ilisy,:thitt : rt10- The, Proddent and Director* • . Deport Lheforb yon, „but With- the Stela int' tlieY are we Iliad absolutely 661 , ' The,Sutercign Bank of Canada. •• f, , ' • alternitin*i .1 can only hope that the progtess Which we eortildently.)expect o • • • • .. to Make during the 'next few ;rears will lae0Ortoe of thee ,repay yeti all ' tar. tha .. . T;itiiisi• -144 an natesaaries,ja - ' 'tills Batiltjilbints tiiikOth•of that month. t entered upon my new duties. Wnict, . •,,',••:, .it maybetheught by home that env, V natiolis:bave been too (mastic. but ' •• - •- , t . .: ., g*tly in May feet yon'oftered ine thejosition of 42iot General Illanetter lot locate WhictOPewhfwe made. 4. • • . • ' '• . Noir,' deli. iiriFirsi, .. • °Weft to Air. et****t * hOlug,y*eti tooted hteveornifftellee, itivelVed orti!r ta .t nhhealtatingly atitrin that not one dollar ita,t)*,_0 treated as had. or 400401 . tAatelora 1» buying 11%4..7w rig ist•tinfa 'Lill Charge 000 Attar, . • , : . . that sve41e novirnestly helieve to be s.:41 The •eatub or valuation.bae been that Ple Arewtk row tho general supervision of the daily tuminetet,of the Beak, the 10)thete .wehav‘' u) security Whotteve,,,r and little ii„ r to ,frotre-t ;Of recVerEekr allreloo"tieet,. that 'you gettheblier; the. atit.trrattlast me wee the valuation Of the anseutpleceti in tuy :charge, and the ifelitf we have. renattieted it ,Payt..an4tet,t11„,etriel o d tirWitr,t ,tre,i.e, kind. „, , a is pare all . ist 0 eisome, fterAtertt L? LA att.„ ittterVal, ot,enix 11Nra Wkelot,betweett thk. day On which. thegats ,litmlentittteseturity, and tumult tta to tbihtitzu s'ilit• vbe IC market5l.01,r,te.Leo7.1o, 'LT , Viiit'a the kind we havi In our store.. tea war/LAW (be mite:tort tot to onus' moth* of tittiCteheiderea have bAt1 to . .iteteillPet ..004Avbreh the tecarlt1 tk.ti., ,t,4 it4 /1 / 1 w141.irtr ; a ,'"fresh,400;es tati neer deeng,ttiti,‘Iong ,deenteloysen to thlavidoitklont.04,hetschtslemati neariymt passible, ofevery- present against rel. We baN9.410115140 i OIL* Nit ',P. ac .ti. , thIng•LefileA • ' •,• ..„ , , 44cenont, There tg no,tiontit in my mind at ati that wan en. I rerentitelttive-or 0 ItivoL.ont, lift. , ea to tutor thefticities ,f Itt..04400 atteit 01,4'1'41:6i ;seeeeel It .t‘euld have been teepeesit,,,,'•fer valnett ailidn's easing o.f: money a oonsitleraille'prekertion ,nt • t a ,ntoorty that of.4,r molt pet II, .-.. Me WhaVelarrived at it defkilko concliition without the:heir/40We icidatatuatot 'ht* Mon tkoett in Lottanttlott 4000Illit WM be elweetoict leee'Velt tillt We The Careful. alutpper knows that 'our •,•.. , ;theme teitteetei, mt....xotiert mewls. whom ultimo known torthany, iroatew eltook he totaleading.yottitaAtho oresent1hOniellt we di lent prOVI e, btie st, e and tellit•lrkit 1 had forliorne thee been inchoately' atcoelated in the WO* Of , W°1,t..4 '... store is the hest to make her pureliaaht. ' . '...• 'Weer ' YM 0 el it ttte10**41in gent of Ornurnetne. it ! la °Wing to • the un Ir., „of .„,„" g„ggint, known 40t841e0 all ' toot It, the antdeentnne of the : ii ,,,,,,,,, and , ...,,,,,,,, , ,,,,.,,,,, ,, • , vet inteliigentela ot lite,•Cassela and of ,Ifir. Itfaekenale, the W0000,- A ."!,‘: 'a ..r II " lieheg, 4* the lack of time and ti neeraitV fOr enattring that theinforta. ste ', the deur la ,untanpasied ' Air one of toOtttrif Whine titteted the tferviosteorne little time leaner then nunialtititet, t.,,,, ft4c41010 4 . ivAaen , it win, iioutoveri be rained atiquieks ptissoge. • let4:,1c6Lwa.trto.m.letlet b Ors t bar we have, not print.. , this Report, hut hale% rbittrody e*Ce'4""'•' ' .,:;,..."''"'"' -- hoWtheen able.te OttlOpletqmy vsauetlen by tido dote,' ,, • - . , ' ' "‘„• it , „-,,„, sent. t() ith.„,,,„,t,„-Ie„,„ beti f "theit se " • kin '„ to tlicitfalitatkiSf iit *ratite tornoinitinghto $23,000.000 it la *bikini (biter •14.-.1. fiWiie'ti"taTie'iiiii-t-4;;;4;WIesirilithe,Iteperhi.te-hieu 41.01 he eeeehiteit hi lyit:erleoPte'tsg riwe., ,,zein. ,ide. „not .. :: 1 r. . al OH and gasolhiti • • • 0 up; ereen Doors ins WiridoWs, SVooditzttt .awn -Mowers tiammeeks +Cheapest Mt' • r , n , , . • , tottotint pt., A Wide ifferenee of opinion, et when 4 distinct *twat Cot on t :6-1, 11 IV . "MOE. LE:::4°0114':!0,t41:n311° 'b, . , . _ .,0**,,i*.t0,0gt1 0* safe V.10* Of it.4„ 061 to 00e0 WOUtinitt *614* IMOY. $44,100: ..- .:JNOW•that tny "tenor*, to t 'Iiirecter* and the, Oireetors" Report' to the : , 01111.111111.11 , teolltit Pi.*,,WIttliktotYpettionifir *met, the cfltiVrIght einitentar. .tteen*Weetive ..ittliitilairtgrit 414001,11tratipe4iit„*„„pliartgghe 401.e,,Ilrl 0 iPti.",'°: 0, 444.e rottglittleyt, too. : • , imol000tf.**OlVfOfth,w4hatit reirkOlutbleetionbt.he recovered within ooraeveztoow :14 hereinafter* have been wed t la 110t.".fiereetlary that, l' ehotdd sneak th...Yeu et: ' ;,‘. ',., , ,- : ,, '•.e:Ont InititWoolitiotwie ,.':,"..;, ,..ii,t.eitt titattiittalo,,t4:nr, therVigg;dotielati:11144,flit art 410,1141111,14Waretsitgili3", tot jitsgrith%'44t.ont=, bawerer, One nt ,i) t'N)1111011, ntl W1103101, think h, it.ijo,,,,,,e'[..,' ,...::'.., *Tel! tot * Crolitt 0 .',:itii „I. 1,A .i„..r ,„ bs:kbukto,‘.4"44 *Idol-, ich.to% iterowi fortunes:ft le krill**. netubreellObele: i' • P•`.'"lifi 441tIret,tilftee. 1 'Went tienitpe*ia' to 'rat in t Oro* reffrt . 4. V. ! r 7,11‘7 • , , 4 " to Welt ,: ' ruay: lie *Melo 'dog ehintla, he *env dirowterded. The 'Vain . 'esebattibtos bon my let to make fslitiort on yetnr property Whilth 411000 • • ', . • • "... ' tri• D 141011 .,, T' lif . :•.ibtiviot_tt**.,1(1ibith 'hpirl*ittptson mi 'the ritinkta innitda la the ' viitte lethich we 'hell:vomited by you all As Meet til**v ' biting, For file feet. int 1 intteltollnd . (like,bilelees:Theli" ' • .•'.'fittleettataAtan. hartetet.et*U,ribt in idi,erefee at onre, but -by the Werelaa ter it them I hitte„oyeelorett no tt,sponslid ity.c.'p*teitt Width t hie weit .w.tatk teeseenthisf tune of ,toro end oat)ente. • • ' :•'• , • , ' theme laetth aiKertabil *bat. they wally Meat* OA Whit trittAltbnin •Of'• he ' ''. • Thi.i..014 ikorciiiptoittoo. tvide ten the 800 WWII here int/1040s 'Rank WerenetuOlk: weti.1), ien4 t.o•I'uto Ao,f,qte thit 13.041'.0: As Tikal,,,,00,1140:' mfoll**** :. .. ,-. ;.:, , , • • • ,,- .':.' ' • : the.rettitite at aty eganitnanoth. , q • '‘• '-.''' 'L°tlit*Iltrrieeur' ti•'l. t°1.' : ..taiiikeit,t4ierstioil , ' ':'-, • _I loweertnreitotenninatbetthere be written ott tot, am Dolhutivuoiritor; ,_. ThittilaVe,dOtte 404, nit DOM' Ate tiforti, yeti. ' Att t hoe wait inn*: , -ter tweetteletion in &entitle* $150,001:044." end tot itednetion in Ilatikiltereliten ,Senetti I OM :Sere that the,:astik la 1101f ' tt * IliOrOeghlY attend Isiah*. that' .11S TOE . STMOARD , , ,, , ',.., : ,, ., ..., .„ . . "e: i.,••• L., •Li,, . A,IITIF110 :. , aratrog)ierithltrodt4/410M •,,,10,1eiditiOn.t0 theferegidakteltre elitttrlitlItAitt. ,glit,1411,0041tWObito.0!0.4 Width. fit tr,d101h06 10 qiilit'a,100,010:011tk , : . , .., *hi**. 114.41.44 in o"titirtrom tilr Ik°41tknt4 * 4 "eh/ 4 4! itttomittiocremon to doot it -mit ttopoolb*Ittaloitu. ftlti,*tlibunt *1)04.144' , Ok, PiL A . . . . . . ,, , . _. . 1,01 won . . o ,ttwtote. . at. the present ptosner ty ,otilit tanesand. at the ,osoneent nano „ s 0 - Lir . , ... „ , . , . ,, • --------,,„,,,,,,, , , , •• , ••• ' ' of• Ant i • bt•elAtrEe. 4teeetOr lioebbi 'end 14,' Ott .4. V4)0•04100 4544.4 boltbleerettn the tirlt Contingent, dteitount,itotne reTiferreetty,ieheleleil iliujoilift :, , . , .: ,SIN:01).-fitAPP clkOntes ' - • uok ..-_,,,beriiuloti • in, rpopott 9!,,,ctqelit,..i.1141,17,ittitrItittitt% mit.7010 th*Aookters ilt,hp„Iti eenret,•:wilt•* to, etonsi, et A a , ti„ Iv, 6 p 6 ; , . , ,, , • p14 up .1thto ,li..„14,tromesq rtielr i07,14,01;tal niti Bonk mot, g ithettatilet void be rennittantilnettleto the ".'4,Lti sotnit *4,1e14 itiii, 1.,,tr,,i, • .• . . , . ., ,-,, - , '., : , - 1400:•pitsta-.440tikmr,* 9” ' 44.* °III " bt'44 411 there "I' ii 4414'el' '1'!k!1!".thit tibidtligint tile'l4P0014 bontittbent,A,e0Otinto h a Min diftem4 mu, .. '• .14!#'.41..1!*!:* ....., • . , . , , owrit‘bylitotiooftm 0.0,40.0 btu thelott tut I toted thook4tvid to. foto*, tenditiOn, The 6111 ernotin or the earenrett. to .titeets ateonnte•eintla tot, i., • ' Atte Ilk t Letadll tlit oitY to40,,tatrYbolit•thrtiettott., Vy.r !oitintst, whitii‘ bent a ben Ins ltiertiipoint* twe itt,,,* Very, nusatisteetopy ' bit "4"toorPrallintet4.t4ttitree:441"dietkopeltdAtniet*ItiTin thtit5itta",..'atid eeetettitilt ProVidod matille ta ordeelO natet .tiotsilae.'ieteeti On. tertaitt ,e-0*, ' - • '. Fittt:•elitai 'Vitorktneltaldt; '`I".):. 'Geed eitiali4i< , 7011 I$ Vil*OFtli, 10* il0',9td0 et thil reitI comilti6A rot the rienk. " . ... ,_,..Inuoi"bjt PO ,r,toViltVd,,,naut, alt,,,Pft*O,. pttithArt Widle,thb atilt** WORK* _Of plumbing ' . It'Whiast at.thittitoinent'beof, Intik OW,andsvOnkt tib•ilttrittittetr 41440041 •alq.v'''Y '''!""w.le' --- ''''sr " ** mote iNestiiblo,i• bate -even filet the „ - .. ' - ,, I .: 14100041e Priect tti tow. tO aim* ' Otto etiyorltitiata r* etWeelortWadintatitratiOn Yr tri 04: tO: ..."'"Ot442°14 44/°-114•"1.6 422'4 24 "1°26-'1444" 4114.7. 11°44'6 162111"244* ' In° 4 ' '' ''' ''llitirktil 'I' ' ' ' '''. . .2‘nait*IirTgothor;IC***1114275%",.4";" Thei4POr"124g/thlrelltiltt=1,1;411tItelletttilet:otritYltrittlki44341111.06 ;1 46atIng Inert thout olou **pow* In a If eke lri It lett Vint**. • W • . • . .. "g 0 , r t,!, v, r. •,.,. , , . , • , , , , •• :, . , •; tit mit* giolistiiiik? ' , li,00.4,:iittik.0.010v014,443,0,0 ,;tnitiaiwiktilope.thooriao,t4,000/6 eto,,,, :hes.. . It niti tatouut prove bo, * the cane We ehenlu 1* ahla rre , ' ' ' • • , '"itit'• • . raitioharleoltellierahlapernOn4f,thaantirritlett Or4starld he rettiartted. , ireft°4•64"1° '#*64141°000)00 PhrtIoh. Yr Olt ChthIrWilh *add tate , ,, „ - ei thataiiiiitortkeethiasiiikithii'Wthivithent a blettairtri. ifithlalktirit,.. -11%4' : . ' lt‘.1. % L.• • 'W ii :,,, a, 'Ave ' it 'intri.trta itAstAx 4 "*".1.th!,til, . ti.U(ift 4)UNLOP '- • ' Asottom toinow000,woll,h10041 °Marl** 4**U10 ktelht Th .00*(40t' KO0060,41tor whielvittAlfetilittely ieteett.:.. We here depoeits 'ionotinting,to ,,, lowit'etiwiyetithmeeiet tore int, this 'particular twit. • lia. gaols , In the nmenthilltk bet iluitik ant tsoltak and ht thine VA qh the, eflutellent Bushkin", OU - .' I ' tifitity . • ' ' ., , . ' • pat being i 60 "Ainlikain. , It lisa toilt0 up Ila Ilgunti iii in anitinaillniottipak .1.49ii 0.1:,haskii" nail , ionak% ,ifili,ult„iit, wir.,e,.,* pool', 4,3- iselVatielt -, - •• a r. .. ..) .. , 'Itk . Atom the, bentiii tatty; Ast.e*gairstie *Milk to. ,biumilligy ' libilirlilAtor it * . twee bee* ate I thole* 'Mut aninY of Ettb01,11411#11114ii , wimp,- , . . , ,. ;t isie pain ilikitialarellleirot" foe . Attila/Ill/int 'te film* WEI :tot* *4'4 ire er Unit** It Itinotit, latteenity in fella*. •Ibit thole*** irbkh. inn , wow uthl.$i . -IS List inert lailktfibiet than I milli laitie,,' an 00 skipartentjballialkin. toil under ,:iinibotle il;taetly tontine". uit itilflilit" biota laiiplion been inalle tot *kith maiirkil * Ate at tee 'Mos, to Iiitt***Ined hi 1,1il* *sirs Anil 1 t* ' . • vis-ineartainitry hlainigati" Is liatll OM ty,ailiartenite 'had c lite 14in taw month,* .Bnie 'i *la *ft" "iliati" two "04 ,..*is, eeiliNee et iSlaliteCee "eeeitIVIett le. 'Iu .ishlth.,ther will be tallasind tir the pineal 'insinagtilitat ,. , ,• . : • 11 wuy - tittikat II* 'got. ; ; . ..: .4 . I . le salegtedi, the at l.11e traIliAntl Lois Meow** sitil Of : • 'mot iihkbyte ete elekieft en itte Vat mint tity .libii/11" In tiftesti/ the; ,Will.'bivisst Lfolloutigt, It *Ill b*.ch****d (*It tatet4 The atist; *III: I nig name ;urn • rainin' to ibele 'Antis* len , the , ni., The' on fliiii . A inith 'MY ill ttriut Ititowiht(1)06*lottt poittrou at the liank4 *bile the ahnielIalklies til)t **pc ;hang «M.y. • ifit. tee; Ant *lib &tibial/ 0;04 lothil* 9* taw* nr tboArlovollAttatio0141 I hi," doh -hob! neat** meg . AtiAlskindee tbat I Is inn" ..""V " -*"'"..."-..44-. . bil, 1 ' ItUlt ilnyisniiiiWaninshaedn4ilets. „whin etre the WIWI, of thin osiipost".. Wiii neettitilele In the, future in do silt' that they inn *MI6* tI4r Ihr_ , . ,,,ak, . Ilerutuiilier that you aro the. urrattia ahe *raved!' ittrarillatteat I tame*" *Mato piniteit a Tteteeittel rigstitat to everraise On " IVA il*" Wilt In every legiiiillete VIII Preitliete ft* bitaiines .. . , .. ,....... ,. ,p,.....,,, ...,„...,,., ,, ,,,,.. _,.......,.,:.,,,,,,, .. , .. ..,,.. 101 1 PAO i ihnitheitita ne tat ain poseihte thor **a Utah; • . - . , .. .. .,, ..„...-...............:....“.. T. Ile With "10'67.164*. t. ba" t("' ' " ' % VI „ .. , , . ..„_...,, „losikv.,4Rot %%ow* wIlleti. bwrisho' 41**It*toniaertk."aarv*!, , • ,, „ . . , , 4.41115 0 "fir 'q1.10' IkOl‘t 10.0k ilereOit!qr t4Sli044 SO! ' , , . • ' te jeletilkelele vrieh the . ' et the PlettlF' , Swept * reed *to* 135.roelle teek $100 . ,, pregnial at their Win 11101 ilegif f , , . 13* 114lig"TlisP,IiwNilittigili Ilan i tin' Ilat ' „ wedding . , ,,,,.. • 'rt4eats '''- ' *hole house or A Single room , of Viirnititro .in 'this 'district and our lnettaSecl sales ,js "kfiting allow that the people appreciate a good ' ---'poitoftt)ated Furniture We 'h.-ave-Aiiiithont doubt the best assorted sto`et= . , ., .we have' a fine range of acid pieces, suitable for :tryeben ,they see it. . . - ' We never were in a better position th.fittnish your ........; - ' , , . .. .. 'See our EtisOrtineitt GI .litetiti Beds .. and Dining.' tOont and. ,Bed.rooni 1111,711it11% '- ' ' , '."- We also carry a nice, rAng6 Of 'Baby ear*ges- ash Go -Carts. • - - !. ,.,1 ' • .' " LitiOlentn and Oiletolhs. .• twsPEortoN tnvomnit '• , / . . .,. ' Uittfialitittkeli''Otrtidtatinier;•:, • wilts 'nekrietno i4oOt*ort saiterstionN • : Tetes1.40P Store S9, • . . ,Realdence Cor. Nelton am atrihr I . „ „ ,TV„ ??.P COMING - MyRepresentative will, be at Bedford flotelt Goderleh, on „ ' Wetluetiday, June 26 1907,,, • • • • • • •.•..,••••"•4•••:;-•".. • .• • •••••••.-r•-fo,..• • 1•••'.•.-7” •-,4k; •••,,•2 •••ot • •.1 It IMPROVE 10OR APPEARANCE. ittatlikruiitt tteAtott totit,,t to tie tit, ,.tto 41..44 k*»i1&' 10 4060 ',knot,* • *tteotticouvi thauttas Wrarainiwontio4 •teuireactouvatiaidarnoicstswit ,,„n90 m *Mt erbutifirett400.61uttoreenunkr# * FITGEitielaiTte-.771 et1.116"4"1‘ 'tiolientots..alittiten aott • *We eke* CC rar *Int etit. 141ylittti014 IOW 'be Wore •Irk • •tvuttilit tett, 1e..**11 Ifitkit*Witd******Ito*** Mir, kirm Pkirowattoodem 44. " ?") • 4,4 viskolut