The Goderich Star, 1907-06-21, Page 3I
• If
• .
,rio isaffection n the Czar's
Favorite Regiment. -
draptitch trots St, Petrel)Urg
What teTtuticially WU 4 tilutAllee ekese•
12 refleMbling the Iltehay let the Free-
Igen:444 Beginlent ItOlt Defers/ I* ditt,
SO.11,11teXt the Inunalhtst year, bas
accurrei to, we ra,11116-0 the, Life ,1111s.
eal'e, 15000 kne)VIA eite the "lied }lee-
Salte;" nt TiereiCete.Seld,
The' oltisterlee efeletel rliaittaation
'name. to: light 'Wheat Celoriel molostvelf,
vernmending the regiment, ordered the
Of Several Seldkete,
e• '040 Seldiers *Wired tO intliet It, They'
4,„Isg_„„t'0418ed,_ 10)011 the ttenet
'ome.tre Velliittlitnuste On parade,.
, atie upshot of the ellale Wee the an.
reit MI Afeeklay at Tstatidea&Selet ot
• 1h0 Oollltande af the *tteg, ar*,,
Generel Pelrelfa,",,g4)101Pt 0140 e-tt1MP
r: and pCrsonal ,frieral eif the Ellar4 The
0e4P1111 Wee lienVelted, Pete*
• Jiarg end pleeed under elerinclitarY -et-
: fest tr the Winter raleee,
The foelelle etelltdeen Of Uel Tegiegetlt
'110.01) de/dived "eif lbe,nrtellege eel
tlerryleg tbe regnalelliel '04/10te.,
the oillesa beele 43,13*stedotilld 'tile
.1'44440'1,V/fit ,PeebtiblY,he leafeeferred
BIA)441114110S0, Dt'40,001*
'14Vert,' end Aeltere the Presebrajeneky
ne.8101ellt:*04.SeAkt teat. Year, by,,:citey
Puotaittnent,' . ,serlea,,of conelS7Martia,1
000$0.'' '
Epsati-, -perm4nat,
eineelittled, that' titti InOttitY Nslisilflts.814w1
, •
`las 'd1stresSingly, 010E01 affeation le
tatteetiler rhetintletient Mated In the
_if 1 9 11. .
The, telteelie eedally oopees on quite
wiecIdenly:.edmetirnee seizing the suttee -
or' °the middle Of a walk wititom the
engine/4,, premenition. The pain is
tense, and Is' inereased by tbe slightese
• Mottoneof the je/dy.
TheeviEtine.01.111.1111111$0 or ellY 0010
keen of illeSolder reetunatism-beeornes
Veld11111112 aWare Of. Ike fact, welch per-
nsPe he had not before realizett, of Me
greattleelhilete Of•lhe body, and of the
Intimate relatton.,lietween- the +different
parts of the body; for it Seeps impos-
ethic Ter, -tel", 'Make any Melien
Whatever, of the ?head or of the atme,
witriet feeling ft•Sluirp twinge in, the
'barge He dare nOt turn, In bed, lift his
head, or even rase Ids arms, fOr every
.rnovernent seems 49 be Orletnaled and
perfbrmed by the.eore beck,Ingeolee.
Them may be a little seedling, of the
affeeted region, bet malady •lhere is no
external stgn of the greal,well of mis-
ery lying just beneeth the skip. 'the
main taste a. few days or a week, and
may then (Mope/ear ae rapidly. as it
turtle, although ehere is Often consid-
erable Sorenese or en occasional twitowe
for a day oe 4Woe .
letniebego May ebe distinguished front
path in the back due to ()tiler ctiesee
by,,the fact that the agony is extreme
whenever the slightest -movement Is
-blade, and le absent or at leest bear-
able When the ipattent Iles perfeetlY
(fillet in bed, and else ihat the muselee
are tender when gently squeezetl. The
footion Is mere e011/111O4 in-rnell than
vileotnen, and 'Wafts etultgise,thletly,
muscular rheumatism' of childreh
king the fonm ,eisually of wryneck.
.Why thie-Sheeld be ab it Is,difticult
etf by shred tiobtaitt. agitation., bikt wislt
thr; reenit rat the 1414**11034 311
bonds sat discipltit4 due .1i0 the Preoeut
long-draWn erle144. 'Me soldiers art
vaguely dissatisfied, hut they don't know
e8actly Valet they VIOL 130,11,ele
°X *Pore. Prelaebte hunt a Ottillt,
eiejnieeleb Mifillare 1,0014E04. The elite
glitar fed Obeid 11100 Mullideeti dud.
Ifiey .Q001,1r the rginlente Meat elfIete
,00tIneelefl 'With the !CX4te,• The. RA-
sars, Itte Ofee dearer tO W4e.
the PreOhealeleneley "MOM:elle, ,fer lite,
COP-ilerVed .41,10 404441)0Ar 404
'et the Itlet regnilental 'fete spoke moste
feelingly•nt, tioW wend lie telt at 'Being
011111.ted 19 -wear' the unliernt Ot.
Ment , • 1,
kelesPatell toe 112,1,,OndOn neais egeney
1101* $011h101101, 1114t Vied•Athellre
,Wireee VIM 1VeeitilY Was -apPolilled
Successor: of Aeltplial Seryd100; in cont41
tnond Of the 1)11401e $04 fleet,: tan .Sitted
,otit .aott:atre4ted, the, :•111Saffeete.4 .$011*
MOW/ POlt,Plad WO, 0
BOW OW ',beard: CLi cettleere. under 4
titeoligegeeetteef"the Peagehl 110.4,1,1114,111,
AediiioneLeirrellise•iire 1114410e and
lt ,peebably• !di 'Ileogs0.rt'llO,41t 011.t
ellettler :The .004,1410111'
1110 'Pet ate- .eXaepertittetk••beetitiseette
chtleges111,00.lieen peefeltedageldst.•the
Alere-eted AMU," 004114 1-9.• ectid.,1140.
Oetieleeeff te
1.Cif14 tweet:Mishit:a te gist deses
Oedellifer 011; theje are not fligeSted,
reelly do More burnt thane gOoft
They Ovate dikgitst,'Unci generaley lead
141 this methane being' given up alio-
eethee. •
'$otne folltia are gentinually 11031elg
ore iliroate. NVitepe'deepite all precau-
'itanS4 ettacif seem ipuninente you
Oteluld dip tee Wetted tingee triM bale,
ingeeo.cla, and rub been teheil well with
'MIS every. hour or two. Many attacks
triay be vitt short thus. A rough dry
Mocking, or a -dont wrung out of ice-
eera .:water wrapped round the neck, And
covered. with soetlething dry worn for a
.tnght will do good.
Tirade Ineregee for April and May
leleven Millions.
A despatch ',from Ottmelf says: Can-
gda's trade figures for the first two
Months' of the present fiscal year, end-
ing May 30 Jost, show an increase of
ne less than $11,903,790, and nearly 25
per •eent. In the value of the. _imports,
es eomparea with April and May of
1046. Imports for May alone were
$3e,035,525, an Increase of 31/,275,564.
This largely increased Importation na-
turally resulted in a corresponding in-
crease of revenue from duties. For the
two' morillie-lhe duties collected totalled
89.58e.690, an increase of $1,533,261 over
the eorresponding period of last year,
On the other hand,' the exports show
a considerable falling off, due largely
M the latenedieref the opening of spring
navigation aid the longshoremen's
'strike at Montreal. pxports Mr the
Iwo months totalled $30,029.349. n de-
erease,of $5,226,802 from last year. The
deerease for May alone was S1,880,097.
Exports of products of the forest de-
creased 8717,281; animals and their pro-
duce, $423,345; agriculture, $928,615.
For the two months the decrease in ag-
ricultural etroducte wes e2„507,2.7.6: the
products of the Mine irlereased• $634.334.
The total trade for the two months was
$92,539,739, an increase of $6,676,898.
-Lumbage etecculte mo4 frequently in
, r gouty peasonso although that is no ex-
planatitne; since tve do not ktiow
ehe loins should auffer in gouty indi-
viduate more: then the muscles of the
. In mild cases the drinking of an abtin.„
dance of water, ki which some haking- I
seda added, May eye re„ measure et
relief. Gentle rebbitig di, the parts
yeti a cloth dipped in artImonta and
hot water Wilt' otten mitigate the eta -
tering, and- after tee rubbing a, clizth wet
with this solution May be laid on the
parts. and coVelfed.teilli a hot-water bot-
tle. -
The diet should • be light, without
meat or highly seasoned food, and
0,Speefally without beef tea or meat
broths. of any kind,. The bowels should
te kept open,
One Who is subject to lumbago should
te careful to avoid a dell, and simuld
frugally,i ovolding Me use of much
'meat or highly eeasoriett toed In his
diet, and drinking only plain Water
Sometimes the attacks epee prevented
or made less frequent by the %veering
of a broad flannel belt over the under-
elothing,-Youth's ComPalaion.
In cases of burns death may be due
fleet to tisphyxle; secondly, to sheet:,
and thirdly, to SeptiCteattia, says the
London Hospital,.
The medical, 7111M Seldom gels to the
ose in lime to trot the first condition;
tile second is essentially tt general con-
eition. While the whole gueeeits In pre-
vetiling the third depends upon the
Immediate local treatment. it Ls there-
fore the last coedition which mtest -14e
eensidered here. Ainong the public It
Is a getierally accepted idea that the
thing to do In the ceSe of a burn Is :o
thee. flotir over le Or to cover It With
ell, and Indeed, even In some compara-
tively late leet lideke talrgery a MIX -
titre klIOW11 ee 'Ogee oil" Is advocdt-
The use of elleVallpheattone Cannot he
MO strongly Itepeeealed, and indeed if
the lay mind Coal be tatfglit that the
best thing 10 141000 ea bin before Me
dueler leyealted le a leet oompress whiter
hhoUld eentaill Sollie beraele acid. if
there Is any itt ifie trattse, it,,ls PPObable
tbat the Majerite Of deaths due to sep-
VCInnia atter btitros. WoUld be prevent-
rot. iho Witelle,eitn and object of the
. Wel treatinent ig to prevent nepsis:
)Iour and. ellee Oil May be soothing
hi:14411y alley lti0Patri. bet tbere no
antiseptie properly in them; nether
they ate eXeenent OtiltUre Media for
Itot witato taken. betWeen (Meals is
"g0011, for terV41$100084
Oleverine theteation, mid fe tee.
'tglently Dreeklitied fee It. A teaspoOn.
'ttt1 eller illea1S, 14. IOC* by Many.
Alt 1E4 1111184,11,eaket 0,1- Digit fon.
hire as t eraliVhe 'drunk, is trtOst
,,elefreShing Inehtlit „ill• Casa of Ohl
urover-htti e. 'Ile aelite Ve.ty ettielt
Ind grate The kfteet hot mirk ts
let more telleial end:Awing titan
ibid. 4E4 tiol. .1.;liTs real straigth,
*0 n_s cting 4,4 a 111.1n,
, It LS said 'AlrXt roost tuttiscous 1119-
Vc .to3Y .‘`• 4.0,q, to, claret', Withefel
Itraltble by isle iy thefle take
alaeppertnint‘ ge. Veva cif Monti
8, bil, ot !ktimy pcolA
• 'make the rolsi giVing a sweet at-
'kr% anis h) sny the 41Nagrecaldo
iittakt. it is t tee'to tlestroy ,Irt
thst ins!
Small dd 4ivtr (Ai aro VW
4600 fee it.tto rateh rotd
squitn. thry Id he. *Air* two 7,r
alliaw Ilan a *ay titretnY *fur t)od$
Nearly Three Mellon Dollars In the
Past Six Months.
A des,pateh from Montreal says: There
was received at the City Hall on Wed -
'wedgy a striking docnment from the
Eire Underwriters' Askolation, saying
that on accouht of -great fire losses by
insurance companies thege companies
bad decided. to curtail the amount of
insurance that. would be given to the
ptiblic. This step was necessary In or-
der to give a better safeguard to the
companies. The document also calls
upon the city to at once take steps to
'have all wires in the city placed in un-
dorgrounit conduits. Special experts
hove proven to the underwriters that
many fires are due to the danger ef
oveehead wires, etc. The report, which
also touches upon other important mat-
ters. so's that the Underwriters' Asso-
elation, after much research, have rea-
gon to believ,e that some of the recent
disastrous flees In the city are due to
defective wiring. The report also states
that during the past six months fire in -
=once losses in the city have been
close upon three million dollars. This
`Kleans seven dollars per capita of po-
pulation. Such losses, le is claimed,
besides being enormous in the extreme,
are unneceseary.
4 New York Syndicate After Properly
in the West
A deepateh from SI. John, N. B.,
says: Negotiations have been In progress
for some time through a St. John bro-
ker for the sale of one of the most valet
able tracts of Umber land in British
Columbia. The hind altuated on Gra-
ham Island. one of the Charlotte group,
en the coast, and includes seventy-
eight square miles, every foot of which
is covered with magnificent timber.
The land runs ell round the shores of
Nadan liarbor, none of 1110 limber be-
ing mere then Iwo miles from wafer.
It has been surveyed three Umes of late,
nd td contain 1,500.000.-
000 feet tot timber, Including epruee, fir
arid hentlock. The land is now owned
hy a number of Western Canadians.
Recently a New York syndicate has been
negotiating for II, and on Thursday
rode an offer of one million dollars
teem. The syndicate hag also put down
fifteen thousand dellare for a three -
menthe' option to permit of a final sur-
vey. This offer will be areepled.
Comparative Helplessness Was a Great
Shock to Ills Friends.
A deepatch from Birmingham, Eng-
land, says: Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Chem-
eerlain arrived here on Thursday from
Lendoil. The health of Mr. Chamber-
lain Is improving, but Ms comparative
tetreetsness tircle a teat remelt to hls
Mends who assenibled et the railroad
Mallon to meet Jinn. All hate were
reeved lit reSpeeflul silence 49 bls
riage time° aw112-
,r .e
One KIllerieTtveleti Itglired, In WHAM
Seek Vaticilaver, •
despateh MUD Van0.011Vee, E. C..
+lap): betWellt ter0 Me,
htlehate care a mile and a half front the
fity at G (Adak Ot1 Wedneetlay,
Itteriall, elf New Westitilitter, Waft 411104
and tent Japattm, three Chttottricti,
Dia tiro titan men, aeverely Inittred,
140140 may +IA The Illeateltfille, Cvetet
teet thee Order.g. .061it Cars woe 44
lategitind4 and: tliteXtr *WW1, sbitt.toot
tintitinkrotrit „
1111131110013 POO* Mt LOOM
thOr04 twoh4 Ihmelok
, 0430r itaky .140.04 nt "On
Toronto, Juni .13‘*-Ftattr •Ontarto
wheat, nO per *oh patents sra quoted.
,33.30 to .33,45'in leeeeittle Seeks, oitts
shin kir export. Manitoba, lirst, Pato'
00**4 patents, SAX to
3%X, oust strong 'bakers% $3,05 14,0..
Wheat -444 Uttnitobel, bard la
• *t VOgo lake 'ports; N9,4 Northkra
44t WOO, and No. * Northern: itt Vic.. On-
13rto, wlloot Wtth' Now V goal! .
va thi to leIlo
. Gern-No, Atittricatt.00tn .traoted
41_, WO Ttmankit..lake .auci ran, • •
DrIlite;Celees *nitwit 'Itt4.-,311t 'to WO
outg46 in 3.301kt ,1,*00.''1•414.• c0914' "
340 to 'S4S; .olctitle.hcitio;,.. •
Oals-.4to. '* white Ottet0 St.,* out;
3(ele bldg. -
APPle4--0004 to Obela;Wintat'ateekt
$Uatto 33453 Per Ut '-• • "
'Se4114,-11.414Pickerl., naoted- 314.0;
and Primes, et AMO4 •
:1$9.1loY"-Strainett .quoted lo
"Per.3044 • und e4tith itoney' at, $4 to 41044,
Per eleeele. • •
leayeeele. 1'011101111i. 'w(itioto4 it itt
0 its', here,' itted., See: 2 tete 01* to 31%,
trai,r4-,37 to 37-40,"4_ ton. ott track here,
'poialoosntario;;$1,..lit ,hr 4.11,2a pet
beg, MI' trielte and ' i4lOot Beteasedele,
101.3dpee beg, -•
r 'V914141'"4.111r0f# '11Vel tO se,
ebleketee, aliVei, ,tee., Per 844 IOW's. 8 to
Duiter-Poutut iails ere Minted at )8
to Et/China 110MBal at J.$ to 19e., large
rolis are quoted at 18e. Peettmery prints
sell at, 21 to 2,a0,, and eeltds at 20 to
21%c, •
Eggs -Ease lets sell at 17% te 18c a
Ebeese-Large are quoted at 13e per
Iti.„and twins at 13% to 1330.
Baeon-Loog clear, 11 lo 11%0 per
b. In ease lotie mess park, $21 to $21.-
5eil short out,, $23 to $23-50.
Hares -Liget to Medlujet, -15%c; do.,
heavy, 14%e; rolls, lige; shoulders,
lie; backs, 16%e; breettfast bacon,
15Xe. , •
Lard -Tierces, 12):0; tubs, 12%e; palls,
'Montreal, lune 18.-Grain-ManItoba,
No. 2 white, 49%e;.. Ontario, No. 2 at
49,3; No. 3 at 41lo; NO. 4 et 47c per Nish.
e; ex store. Flour-oChoice spring
wheet patents, 85,1p to 95.20; seconds,
34.40. to .$4.(10; Winter wheat patents,
.$4,85; straight: rollers, $4.10 to $4.25;
dee in bags,, IIL50 to .112; extras, $1.60.
Feed-Manitobaji1ran, in begs,$21; shorts
$22 per ton; EIBItirki bran in bags,4121 to
421.50; shorte', 4122' to 822.50; milled
monfile, $24 le 128 par tori, and straight
grain, $30 to- $32. • Provieions--Barrels,
short cut meas,e$22 to $22.50; half -bar-
rels, .811.25 to $11.75; elear fat back; to $24.50; long out heavy mess,
$20.50 to $e1.50; half -barrels do., $10.75
to $11,50; dey salt, long -clear bacon,
1n% to 11%c; bareels, plate beef, $14 to
$16e halfebarreLe Bo.. .47.50 to $8.25;
'heavy mess beef; $10; half -barrels do.,
85.50; colppound laid, 10% to 10%c;
pure lard, 12% to 12%c; kettle rendered,
13 to 13%c; Mune, 14 to 16e; breakfast
bacon, 14% to 15c; Windsor bacon, 15%
to •16c; fresh killed. abattoir dressed
bogs, $10; aliveo $7.25 to $7.40. Eggs
-17% to 18%e. '11-iitiet-`rovenshlp,
20% to 20%c; Quebec, 20% to 20%c;
Ontariii. 211c; Western 'dairy, 18 to 18%e.
Cheese -Western, 11Xe.
Duluth, lune Moo -Wheal -No. I hard,
96%c; No, 1 Northern, 95%c; No. 2
Northern, 94%c; July, 95%e; Sept.,
98%,c; Dec., 94%c.
Milwaukee, June 18. --,Wheat - No. 1
isiz,rthern, $1.03 to $1.04; No. 2 North-
ern, $1 to $1.02; July, 90%,e. Rye -No,
1, 87, 52X to 53%c; Jafy, 53e.
Minneapolis, June 18.-Wbeat - July,
95%e; September, 94%e; No. I hard,
ettee to 99c; No. 1 Northern, 97% to
98c; No. 2 Northern. 95% lo 96%e; No.
3 Northern, 93 to 94e. Flour - First
patents, $5 to ' 85.10; seoond patents.
$ 4.90 to $5; first clears, 83.55 to $3.65;
second clears, 82.75 M 82.85. Bran" in
bulk, $16 to $16.25.
'I' mutat otttet° wing giwe
1c14441,14)"Sertrunt1041eilarnertit14:17(tie ittkact1411:11144'erlegoe"Qtrall,p:Iii!
Thetlifilt 4448 tor itee Meet part 4.4
40110 V0104 and ontseonently dillicult to
:ultra ion4rtitirepown tO .tais
It tit Well, also, to mention IttrO the
teCent addition; ot Breton elleheeldeey 10
'Ilte World ot Stitchery;,• Tide* ot vont*,
hithoeRea it* eitereelete le'teereed
,,,{1:110/8 areeeletonesn oaktiorttoeOrylitetulth:rletvlaseeeeest
ti,°e4ev'et*ry4etrutal'4k1Pnitu;e4lit el.vvIii.htlf44411Y4Iflirmtle
iaolve into the realm; Of Ituvor t4gvikev
twain Dolleittellen glint/1'9101;Y orlho-,
tioX,,eolerin . -
1,1ntioubt I . 4
things vat the year will be, the sole ele'
,Chitte govartsr deeply borclertst
401411.ah0VO 4 Pronoun gtl
hirtped ornamentation, Solnelimea
tearlaserla .obove Is run over wItix,
It no ntope ot -check, while tile latmler
le.441; itself with oil amiability . Ole
Ift'QnntutiA)Ovgk,ciPlite.°4'4 e°thosrst.Prqbthe()towilliegt4* 149311,1111t:
tippereettke eOstly 4t 'the outset, 1I1411,2
argy*It *comity, stripe they exact, little
tr no exterineettee 'cleceratioll boyOnd
hatch of Atom aleiOlt %leek end eleeves,
hot tbe filet Or Oefee crochet quality,
'but some seft applkOte or stamped de -
tape Filet ithleelloWever, In most, Meter
tepacMo Ls utterable. .
,e -An eleo for teeing it would be ,04 4
letert gown ito neWe atea10111.,141101
up the trent, a narrower width fOrOle
Mg braces, united'Uy horizontel Uwe
,AgvufiiiionlIpeffi..rilsIled 4 sentare out Melte filled
lo with a finely tueloed while muslin
Dyed lace haa reappeared upen the
smartesteFrench Owns and greatlY
'used for the deeOration of ninon or
elegem dresse,s. Thelhick and heavy
makes of lace are the Most sansfectory
.kvIzen dyed land should be et rather
bold design, It leeks excellent whorl
inlet as u heavy hem to dress of thin
'material and forms Most deeeratIve
bands ter the fronts ee piele
eklrls. I,ace for some 'unknown reagein
dyes in some colors better limn °there,
and fortunately tattes the soft tail tones
en color quite us satisfactdrily as Me
unite(' eshades. Blues, brown and grays
meth. best colons for dyed lace. But,
lhe greatest care must Ix taken that the
lace is of precisely the same shade As
the gown, or It invariably ha.s eute-
buely vulgar effecL Whenever pos-
sible, it should be dyed especially for
the gown.
As was the rule through fhe spring,
the sheer, airy quality will cling to a
woman's dress through the summer.
'Silk and cotton and all cotton combat.
talons and sorts of voile prevail to a
' geeater degree than ever. They oleo are
seen in higher grades this season them
tver because of their finish, design,
toter and width. They are to be had
in every size of striped design.
Toronto, June 18. -Export trade was
quiet, but with, a continued good de-
mand for heavy, well-linished stock.
C.hoice quality sold from 85.30 to sloe,
lag picked cattle were sold at still high.
er prices, thre extra fine steers, weigh-
ing eltogether about 4,700 lbs., bringing
86illu2tcMher cattle w• ere offered freely.
Top quality sold at from $5.60 to 85.85,
with a few eattle picked from choice
loads selling mound the $6 mark. Good
ordinary butchers' sold from $5.40 to
$5.40. Medium, $5 to 85.25; choice
rows sold from $4.50 to $4.75; common
rows, 133 to 83.50.
Stockers of 800 to 900 Its. were In de-
n and at $4 to $31.50; lightweights sold
at $3.25 to $3.75.
Mitch cows were firm ta $35 to $60
tor choice and $25 to 830 for corninon,
Veal calves were steady, at 3e to 6c
per lb.
1:keep-and lambs were firm and slight-
lYThhiegillnerailiet for hogs Is easy, Intl quo-
tations are unchanged at $6.90 for
Conflagration at St. Raymond -Whole
Village Was Threatened.
A despatch from Quebec aye: The
Parish of St. !etymon , 4.2en if Port
Neuf, obout thirty mitre from th city,
WEIS Wedneeday afWenoon v1,
by a conflagration which, for a Ohne,
threatened to wipe out .the village. A'
fire Marled at one end of the village
allied 3 p.m., when three hoUses were
destroyed and 21 horsee, while this tire
was seill butting another fire Berried
about half a Mlle lurthet west, on the
main street of the village. detach-
ment of the Qiiellee flee brigade WilS
sent by Seeetal !rain to SI Raymond
and aucceeded In conteolling the fire,
Intl not ,befere 21 privete residences
were completely deetroyed. For a limo
great tear Wag antielpated for lbe saf-
ety of the elnirett. as the rte.ond house
from tho Presbytery felf e. prey to the
QUelice. and Meal fire de.
partmenis remained at work all night.
4Appelle Mena° Cheers] a Ilurglier
and Seibres
41. despatch from (Irvine soya: In (be
'Iteeelete Collet, on There -day. Mining
enetoin CVOS Milled guilty of burgter-
ly breaking the home of Mee,
141, ler of QteAppelle on May 25. Ms.
Ati elated Mai abe had t WIlh
ct revolett under her pit ete for
Ittent yearq.. Whim Orttenetein'a prep.
owe tit the Immo Was deleeted she
ellaStel „the matt ouh (be bunco nt
thti Of teeOlVile. Alm renew.
ed 14111 ilco .61+itild. and ettatietairr.1
itlisitigiftoiltiblo Dias% crral.
,tat Ifte man. Sentelee defeat:di
How many women have been com-
pletely at sea regarding many of the
details of a shirt waist, and it ls on
11,1144e details that the succests or
suctess of the garment depends. 111
the fIrst place much better+ results will
rbe 'obtained if the material, both kir
the waist and the butcher's linen or in-
lerilning for the cuffs and neck band,
are well shrunken before cutting. The
opening In the sleeve always should Le,
after lt Ls finished, eelf the length of
the cliff; then it possible to Open the
cuff far enough.tio Iron. easily. II the
tuff Ls to be a teik one, the hem on
lhe under ,eide of the sleeve opening
Should extend beyond the end of the
tuff. If the cuff is one lhat Laps, the
hem gees info the cuff.
The average arm hole should he fif-
teen incites around; rf a does noi mea-
sure that, it generally needs to be (tut
cut a little around the front, near the
under arm. Often it is only necessary
to ,stretch the arm hole a little on the
ifront,near the under arm, where It
CUITear the most. There always Is dan-
ger of outline at) arm rune too li.w;
Med it a person is not skilled in dress -
'making, the safest way Is lo measure
the arm hole, then draw a IleW lIne you think it needs to be cut to,
'and try on and see if the line is a gozd
The neck Band of a shirt wniAt slam il
nieasure from end to.end one and ono -
half Inches more than the size of the
necic. This allows for the hipping, The
SiutIon hule In the back of the hand
'should be.eut across, and after one !Au-
den hole. bus been cut. ill the hand 11
'front, also across, lop the band exact-
ly as it should go, stick a pin in al the
Print end of the button hole, Mt 011c1(4
into the band underneath., and Me pin
'tutton hole should go on the other side.
hole shows the front edge of the
Fameus Breeding Farm at Crystal City,
Man., Ne111 Soon be a Memory.
A d4spalch from Crystal City, Mani-
toba, says: "Prairie liorne," which fnr
nearly twenty years has been with
breeders of Shorthorns arid Ayrshire
cattle, Berkshire and Yorkshire swine.
00d Wilt' 111Elily hundreds of people
with only El Itentia110141 interest in
pure-bred stock a name to minim. will),
14 no longer a breeder's farm. lion.
Thomas Greenway, whose narne has for
these years been nssoeinted with the
great farm 08 owner and seleeter
seine of Ihe greatest pri2e-winners, not
only In the Province, but on the eordi•
nent, on Thursday held his fifth arr.
nual Ttlk sale lilUrlied the de,per
sion of 11 r "Prairie Home" herd. Geller -
troth "P alrie Home" exists only in a
tonne 1 et is a nieMory, or is being
ptrpetu tea in some of the superb 8111
mals nil have passed out from the
gates of the farm that hag been the
,g14) of Crystal city and district ter
long. "Prairie Home" has been tio,
Mecca for thousand4 who %V 1811ed '•
v.ew the stork that has iwun the high-
est honors at Winnipeg. Toronto and
Buffalo. The aptendid borne are Mil
bere, and (hese with the broad arms
and retsithie of tIve stook, win form.
with be disposed of.
'They Intimidated Men Working et Part
A despateh from Port Arthur stir.
The caneeian ekiii beta it ri i lu ay levet g:it
ene hundred and sixty men from Viiii
1 tepee on Wednesday morning to ••
pirree In part Bit longehoremen met
eut on airily.. After working about tw.
hours forty of them went out with the
Mentor% The remainder, together with
a few °there, are now working the Vett
Pela at three wharves. About 10 feelork
on Tuteday Multi a number of the strile
ore went over Iii Conadien Prreffie Bon
way ehed No. 5, where Me eleamer
fetrullne 'Ana nrilonding. and threaten.
to IL, ,th.,,t any man it tin cOttlinited 1 -
Wait 00 her, After a few eltote Were
fired fn the air the men mitt. riit)
turned up nod morning. however. end
week la ptneer-ding as feel ea poeallite.
At the (4naillan Poodle litellwey ebeds
they ere to congented with fteight Mat
1111111, they een•r,et :nen to load the ears
out Mu elfeeharging of vese.ete Will le,
,vety ItIeite. Nona but Greetta and Ran,
ADS *VI there at die preactt ewe,
*Iota Fro* OWit
Oiltar roatontrAti Pomo
s..rof4410 $.1reet Railway , earnittila fOr
Plant at iteinsiWepartxl, tor a, neW
Wing' 10 the Provincial Parliament butt.
ItintilbAa DoordtOtl4docallon has in-
'.ersettagel tettehers" ann caretakers' iS411le
'arie3. ,
' The t,,,.t1 Ft. will hereafter be lilleW11
teethe (4" inleeetelirdel Railway,
0411411,,:thattly Laitc and Win*
leg Ratialty BUN, Pe104 etUllng
hrhigh cetpss fifty Inver.
tightten restaurant iteg3POPS Win.
mpg Were alled mut eon* 'emelt tor
"MOS Stuntay,
w, Provincial Health 1st
stacchart report* znany eaSes. stnall.
.04 Leetitand Grenville enUnlie.4.
-.TIM:. Montreal Street 41/4411WaY Corn.
148Y W814giVe the KO Of the city fro
• &les Ineepevitti care during the hot
gild that an offer well up itt the
‘Mttliona-ltaa been ntede the GovernInent
If& teetillitteralleed WAWA of Ole' °it'
.ittitit'prOpeSed to store some 60,000
tOne. Wel In Seskatchewan during
this sletenlor to inejvent another fam-
ine next winter.
The O'Boyle. 'Brothers' Construction
Go., of North ,Bay, have been- awarded
the contemn for the Terniskarahlif Ban'
way steres building at thet place.
The 'carninge of Me London and
..Port Stanley Hailwoy. for 1900 total
$143,736,06, and L.ondon receives ten
per Opt. on all reeeipts above $80,000,
Allbright, "prophetess,'
has warned the Mayor ot, Vancouver to
"cone out and briog tee people, as
.there will be a tidal eveye and tnoun-
tath eruptions." , .
A hobo fitted himself quarters in a
small steam yeeld shipped Oil the e.
p. troll Montreal to 'Seattle and rode
across the contineot unnottoed.
Dr. Falconer Air enmity accepted the
Presidency of the University of Toron-
to at a meeUng of the Board of *Geyer-
nors or) Fridey,
The Frontenao Grand Jury was re.
fused permission to Inspect the King-
ston penite.netary.. end asks 112111 the
case be laid before the Minister of Jus-
Tho bodies of Sainuel Rankin and
Mrs. Patterson, both old residents of
Stratford, were folind in Me water on
Ttiudsday. Both had committee'. sin -
tide at different places and times.
A number of hay dealers of Monlreio
have entered .sult in the Exchequer
Court to collect 8340,000 for hay ship-
ped by them to South Africa during the
wur and not taken by the Governinent.
- •
The retirement of Lord Dundonald
from the British Army has been 1111.
erop reports from Europe indicate that
the wheat yield will be greater than at
first expected. .
The first reading of the amendment
lc the British North America act ren-
dered necessary by the agreement '0
inerease leen:Metal sobsidies was pass-
ed In the British House of Commons -in
UNrrED sTATts.
The operators of the Western Union
Telegraph Company are threatening to
The longshoretnen at New York haVe
oecided, to return to. work •ort the best
terms obtainable. •
Japanese in the United Stales dame
the Herman Einperor for the race trou-
bles Ln 'San Francisco.
A blg white cat is the loving foster
niglIter of four inilinatin puppies in
a New York fire station.
John M. Parker. who says he is from
'Fcrorito, has confessed to the Philadil-
chia pollee that he is a burglar.
At Winstead, Conn.. three r•ows ate
heartily of grass on which had been
emptied some parks green....They died.
Two women were killed and three
othei persons were seriously hurt in
an automobile accident in Indianapolis,
I nd.
The United States Government has of-
fered Britain the same trade conees.
te0I1S FIR were givvn Germany by the
recent agreeinent.
Currie Nation, atter hiarariguing a
crowd in (mut of 11 down -town saloon
in Washington, was arrested for being
Mend statements from the town crop
strvice place the Iowa" crops from 17 to
IR per cent. behind their condition a
year ago at this lime.
Because his • mother hail spanked
him, Calif McCoy, aged eleven )ears.
shot and instantly killed her al tlwir
farm, nine miles north of Bassett,
president po,,,,ov.,11. fir,4,41,ing I., lie,
National latilnrtal Association al 3111111'S•
town, Urged the neeessity changes di
system of taxation and in the 11111(1.•
ing of ROlural resources.
Trying lo part Iwo men who Were
fil,f111111 1,01 her Jelin A. (eerie re( I,,r
r,f the rulholie cloweli at
..,01111., W0 4 set I.y both and 1114
skull fractured by their Mow,
Wilh flee children desperately
with :wallet fever and one dead, Her-
bert Whitney n 1i v
.11g near Concord N.II., hos 1,•fii4.ed
snow them to be attended by a physi-
cian. .r
The Proodont 4,1 Nienrarnia has dr'.
med lhal his glut° has declared wet' on
M., Iler• Volt, a well-linown 1-,44 144 tra
vell.•r. has been burned 1.0 death by ria•
tixic.‘svelinit31/..clbigerhirii.pfissengers vv,h.
by the foundering of a Freli,
shooter off the flarbados.
si;1,elkleuir corfiesT",k,vi‘e'r 11711.7eaillt
1.7)111:.18WE'rett.11.11111(lieunt;ertlillent ha. ,iffered
I , remit their land taxes fer lite )ears
lo wine grnwer4.
Louis ‘ollet, Prers nOierroan. was
,cked up eff ihe Neekeitideind bunks.
neer being tw., weeks letrift n dor)
IA,Itern patent e)dablishoig Ilie (fr.
stlilieltide. 1112'er Colainy tri erticlly the 4iirhe
Iwo, as tiir Transvaal have been III
The Berlin Tagebtalt siu,s len rt,
that the French Japanese treaty (sin -
lions a..clonee gitarrinirseng tiw epee
doer irfur ItIna for'all nations.
tvon fecIIMITz !Cry.
patch trom Dalttowste, N4,1441.
nays: ahooting May, took 'Aim on
Thuraday inetning fit tA, MINN, when
,Feler %tee teeed Pes
11* -'111114R- SehlYe Dei4i UAW Apt NI-
housie. Sealy arta t:4441.0144 WIWI)
te!t NINA* early on Thuraday morn-
ing"Qttli. warrants tor tha arrant a
Aladetiev Fentellte and Peke Fenteine.
charged with, assault, On, arriving at ills
hotoe, ot Andrew- Fontaino they plaged
under sant (termite SeitlY
lett Mono to go to the nest house,
wheta Peter POntainte 104de hie-leallie.
Ott 4Sealy's Itteleat Otero be met (litOrte
',441NrAlottlth owbom, Peter Pentintte
Ile ,arresitetf 441bert, by nitatalig
fot Peter Fontaine.0 )01bert, not bay.
connultitst any offenee, *Alt 61.1r*
PriSed to Owl litmaelf In the lAttoarot
letWe end, nut tinowbht who *RAI
Neveee, VW seeing ha Itail 4 revoitter -in
ItO hood* Ito .soYti ntistoOki Ulm tOr
burglar, und Made ft Oen. os loxes
verY PRAM, MeahwIttle,lte
en Ins wife anti Peter Eolidaille• Whelp.
Vettleitte etente delellettlite ntideeesed,
apt speing Stri1,00011 wit* tt,laVQ1ver.
fe4ePr tGIV °°C4k1Pd' .rbe P4*"44111
114 Ming nviatake, let Jalbert go, 01111 -
Made eie atterteet it2 arrest Fontaine,
Seibert, having received. a RYON hteWe
made tor the woods, Meat/3104e ilallete,
(IMPS 011 the seene and took part' in the
some, winch resulted in Eltileine re.
tidying several, shots, ono hall tedteng
Au his 'ever anti another jeet abeee the
heart, death ensuing 111 few nilitutes.
Seale' serrendered himself to the County
son Proncittro's Chief of ExecullVe
Convicted of Eetortion.
A despatch from San rranoise4) says
\Inter Eugene selunitz v‘mt on Thurs-
day night found guiey estorting
money from lloopers of ereneh essiee.
runts in (hie city. 'fhie Ls the first fer-
cenvietion in the enteerall ram
paign knougurnled fleitera 1 10,41111Q rim)
Abe Inlet, wen was Indicted for ?limi-
ter .iffenees, pleaded guilty (,) the
eliergee appenred rig rr witterArt
apinet Schmitz.
When the verdict was announced
Wittelltz eat unmoved, with hie 14.ft hand
to MI chin. Ile aptriretilly del not int•
develteed, and asked itavrett. "Vim)
14 Or'
1.11filiy; said Darrell Selunitz's
bend Orepleat fo tho tattle, led 110 atent(4.
triS, Otter eign 01 CtleOliatt.
Terrible Fate. of an Eneineer at Owen
Sound Cement Works,
A despatch from Owen SoilildeisaYe:
k terrible fataltty occurred here en
Thursday afternoon by the Upsetting 01
the portable crane tteed at thelittpetial
Cement Company's mills fOr handlift
Coal rind marl. Engineer litireey loran -
Was the sole operator ()I the muchine,
and, while ne one SUW the.11C;Oldent un-
til the mid) mune, from the condition
of the apparatue after the accident, It
was quite evident Mat he had dropped
1114 boom at too low lin angle, and m
turning at a rapid rale the momentum
had overthrown the crane. Frank wes
hiside the house, and was caught Gy
some plates and hold In euch pose
hen that the steam from a becesen eon.
neolibn enveloped the upper Portion 4
his body, literally parboiling lam, and
getting down Ms throat Into Ills lungs,
hastened his death, wIlleit occurred ft
short time after his removal to itte hos-
pital. He was about 32 years of age
and leaves a widow and three small
Mr. George Wright, of Gordon Lake,
Lowe 1115 Foot.
A despatch from Sault Ste, Merle,
Ont., says: Mr. Gmrge Wright, a Mer-
chant of eiordon Lake, W110 returning
from the Soo on Thursday by tilw af-
ternoon train, Lind allemptiog
blight at Desberuts while lite trate' watt
tn motion -was drawn under the wheels,
las left foot being ground to e pulp.
ile was brought baCk hi the Soo. and
his foot was amputated at the (lettere:
Flospit a I.
J. Pastille 0I1 11011011, W118. killed on
thr Algoma Central 111111W0 y Vwough
tha collision of a handcar 442 which
Pasuth ens riding, and No. 3 einem..
The ear mid engine met lima rook eut.
The noise of the approuching engine
was not heard unlit too lute.
ON/Mauve Jame.s' Itteel et
Sand Poirot.
A despalcil ferii0 Carleton •Place mipt:
'Mu miles from Sand Point at ribmit
P0.30 on Friday morning a locamollve
UrawLifit a freight train was derailed
nrui fell over into the ditch, crushing
Engineer James Fanning 141 (tenth. Fan-
ning was aged 48 yefirM, ti resident f
this town and ir nntive of lieckailh
townslup. Ile leaves a widoe.
firemen, Hobert Nolan, escaped serious
injury: ilte accident occurreit at Ste.
wart's Bay , two and a half 11111e8 west
nf Sand Point. *rho beetioomen were
changing a rail. and the freight train
run past the flags that were put out
ns danger signals on Me curVed traek.
The engine rtin over the end of the rail
and upturned.
Decrease for Tnelve Months Attributed
to severity of Winter.
• despatch from Ultima goys; ilotne-
4,101id entries for Ihe lwelre
endirm April 30.1ast totalled :14.11r.i. For
the preceding twelve months Itie num-
ber 4,f homesteads bairn up was 40,
(.118. The derrenie of 5.815 III 1111' num
her of entries for the past year 04 (n111-
pui,/d 011 ihe Iulah 1,,,,,n114.4
Aprd, 1155S, is Itributed part lo the
unusual severity of the Winter. end di
part 1.1 ‘114` lark udequale Iratispor•
Iticiliiies ,Ivellorix of Ihe
(. imlry open to homesteaders.
Ilk Horse Stepped Off Submerged
Bridge. Throsaltig Ilini Into Creek.
.1 despatch from -.prlialifteld.
xis4nr st. 1;nel:h. of 11114-
1.212, 4211./ dn•v.11....1 and Vire Mel 'Peter
1,„ „I,, nata4.,,A n• escaped a smoliti.
‘krilitetpday afternoon hy the'r
sicppolg off a stilanwrged 1,1,1yre ten
0 es /41/11itIWI.21 4,1 ,, 111/.‘,
were er,,ssmg a creek to atleisl lish•
p:141!.. 'I he body WCIA 1,..•AI4114.1
ti1,2)11h,„ wog. horn lit 1 1 111,111(p,,
(.11Ia2 to. \lak. 1/47.4. h Mer,
At,,. pain routii114. is.r 1,, en there
a lite Idoe (di i tsd !wt. parents.
11., !eaves a wife and children.
1.1..ED 1.11:11ITNItal,
Dolt 'rears Clothing Off Man's Body
Near North Datfleford
• desitat,11 from North ltaltlrford
stask,, sa‘s Oh his ....Be 14 01. 1,I2,g
1,111, 11,1 1,1102 1 )1,, itit14)% Fra 12‘8,,5
1/121•II.I1 11. 1101, 112 111a 11 r.1)
porilioasl e 1 here. W114 11i4l.,rtls
1.4, a ,./ ar
lirresin 1 le tsar 11,re f.
1.n.airriti VON. lea,l,ni." hurs..
\shim celent oc. 111 ,t.,1 .1 112,
tvorse was las, ked doe, but ree,.%ered
The ism 111..tally 14J14, the 1.,thiatf
riroeleari te,d, the .1.4.1 man vi •
rrorried. and had les
_ 4,_-
tolent Earthquake Throws
Newly Erected Walls.
A 444patelt hlingston, tantaica,
'says; A violent earthqualo occurred at
1,0 amt. 'hero en Thursday. It was
Alto USA elet Weelie itild Renter :tont
the auutheitst, It Wee espmially 40'00
IN3r1 114444 daetreyIng the walla of
the 40mporary buildings' under con!,
'Pie violent, shaking caused a pante
aPlonit (001:43 1101.14 and La the tinah
tor the open forty men ot the Hopi)
(Attrition Artillery and Itoyal Engineers
vier* lohred. Eleven et them were seri-
'misty Mitt and Olken are in tho hosid.
1 igures From Triune (Mteldr of %%lora
peg show lireal %Malty.
deapah I. from V., snip sill,
111.4 VAltiorfll from 17 iorrna through -
(411 the 1.%,..."1 8112m Mill hemlines or lir
slit wider As% Iherein at114.11 11 1 to 222.
51,0Mitn. 1 his is. of rourse, ex, nis e
Irf innipeg 111 Edos.nton alone un.
1100,11911 t% 1 2.12.11111,11 ,11 111,1% 1,24
Biro, t onderfUl der clt pmeni
oput nr, it, would he ,cre•IlitrIt 11517
r:ere It for the pnhilatise
rhos 14,0 nimbi'''. 1\ Ago. al,
fern. 11 +Lei
The 1(4011,01'
1176: CI Caltilift*
The Many Superstitions of Fishermen
and Others Who Live
Among the longshoremen eea folklore
probabryi owes Os eurvival to Me condi-
tions under which thee live, having al -
totted tess than those of the form hand.
Altheugh not deep sett sailors, they often
+spend many hours alone, or wile only
ono oompanion, ail the sea, and the
means by whIelt they gain a livelihood
are almost OS primitive us they were
oenturim ago. They know all the moods
of the see. end thut, notwithstanding its
changes, It, Is always 111010 friend and
enemy. So their folklore clings lo Mem
eplte of thelact that even longshore
life L9 not ritilte the Milne as it was In the
days of beach ieempantes and "free trad-
Lengshoreinert, as 41 rule, are fetaliste,
says the London (Robe, and although
nine out of len of them' die In their beds
ashore, there is a general belief among
them that thosh,wlin aro fated to be
drowned hlive "warning of neer fate
and recognize its Inevitableness. Some
of them are said to be "called" by the
sea; a certain nolo in HA meaning lins a
special significanoe le them, rind Whell
they hear it a change conme over 111ent.
some becoming silent and sorrowful,
while others turn to dissipation and
There Is, hotvever, another "calling of
1120 see," that has a different sIgnill-
eance, for it is bean] far inland and is
said to foretell a chimp In 1110 wind and
the direction tenni which It will blow.
Thin Is what Edward FitzGeruld, who
leVed the sea and the ways of the men
11! the see, described as "a kind of pro -
'Melte voice from the body of the sea
itself announcing great galas"; and Ten-
nyson refers to it where he writes :
"There conic so loud ul the
That .."e11 the houses In the htiven
w ben t he longstioreman sees "water
dogs,r Ilmt is, small dark clouds in the
sky, he Ifnows that %vet weather Is ppm.
ing, and when he speaks of "Winnol
weather" he 1111'11118 the boisterous kind
of weather generally experienced al the
beginning of \lurch, about the Ume of
the annivemery of the British saint Win)
Whatever the weather may be, the effl•
clency of a caul is not yet dispUttxt by
many crab catchers, shrimpers and split
fishers, hot litany soot.) of lifeboat work
have deadiuset1 tlie longshoreman's
11131d of 1110 heifer that Fl Is unlucky to
80Ve a 1nun•from drowning, (lood luck,
howo.ver. rilleedies 21/ 1.1114 alighting ef
tired "herring if:mink:I 00 gold cregted
wren on 11 fishing boat et sea, iiist ns 111.
hick is toislold should buil Is, U
On different parts of the roast, too, the
fizMerinen have different mascots, gen-
5011E RIND 01, FISII
that bi rnistly met with, mid when caught
Is dried and hong over the stern of the
boat., Great good hick also apaches to
the catching of n "king- herring, easily
reeognized 11% bright red 11118, hen
a "king' is caught. it Is, ur kS118 1111111
re,cently. the eustom I() return it II 40 to
Me see ; but nol until it has been passed
around the scudding pole as many tlni4)4i
le. the fishermeo desire to get twos ot
herring at their next haul.
The g1140,14 of seamen %NJ ha% 4. 1/124'n
drowned near tiw coast for lack of help
ow said to be heard shrieking on stormy
nIghts. At stieringliam. on die Norfolk
e01191. 1 hi, benchmen !lake nemo of
their own fni• woeful spirits ; they
es11 then! I/110 "yow Nowt's- sometimes,
according to the Sheringharn Crabbers,
the yiiw Vows walk the beach at night,
leaving no footprint on the winds.
1,, the same neighborti4x)(1 belongs
tlint fearsome canine apparition Black
Shuck. to eneo110,er Which means that
011 %%di die within twelve morithe ;
nt ruttier. im wild winter nights, the
bells of the vanished village of Shipdon
are hoof to be hound beneulti the sea .
"Bells of ship41-o 1 Bens of Shipden
114.11,, rif 1011g ago!
.pesling (Jowl) the ages,
'I dl ilie shadows pas. and 4anisti
xx hen 4411 1411.111 1 r
ti rgirt gd
N.41\`. I" 111.5 1.11' "
III VIING '1111' writ.h.
In many parls of 111.. Ow old
o•dtan of "hunting the /11,12.11 Wt1f4 1ri
pro, 11. e 111,111 11 re. rill drile Cin St St&
11111•11 dm. tla• la,y, 0. add gi. und
twat libreo no beetle,: until Iv.) 1,12 MI a
li'I1 kk 1,1' 11 k% LI111.91 14.14,141
111 11 gaillout or oil it 11,118.1,- mid
carried through the %Maw. ..,iiiriburemi .,la .ted at e4er) hmise Roil fea
Itier ihe bird g,4,, 11 tr. mlurri h
fi ether. 4,0r,• /WV 21 III 41A11111f141 amen,/
the fiehermen fe, they hetle4 ed
too o sum. noileguned agtmeit 'tee, re( k
k6221,,til 111 .:11,4,111•111:11,41::...;:;!;',,c,t.,:.1'rb;.
..1 .11 mit Vo I poltil 11.1 11, 11.4
,111 144A, fittin Pi Ilia 11A1 1.1,A40.
Ilf tht. tounn aionss
Lino piotaibiN berimse the ,o,ist 11.,ra
.a$1111 1-01111.11r..(1 AIIII lliAl the ‘...aak,
fields Hod 1/1.1141, , 1,111 v
p20111., hilt.. ,pruile up from f. reign
whet.. 11 la 1 te4 .81 1 1,111 , ef 1 lin .440,10
0.11.1148 1 ashot i• flan heal
Tito panto Wan oktortoka by *
cua turhuleriett ot the art near the Oast
or PriOnilittnainttr,4 tins stattrit
were injure4 at' IllpaiKlk: coKt IA a And?
lar dash to lb* 0040416,0401
rOPOtit4 011)0110 0W1111111,114
drshttlett front Santlages,
Says: A severe etittliquelot led ..XPeett,
owed op Thursday at Salk
rrat buildings and, thqt railroad hriAtel
them were desimyed persoon3
were killed. Valvivto is ort the eetkeilaeL
About Detb moo muttt ouvalpartiao.
it has 4 population, ot 10,000.
„ , ,
One° on a linze in far Japan,
There lived a busy little man,
Se merry and so full of fun,
That people celled him "Indoor Sun."
Now, Indoor Sttirriatte mirrors '
1180 Mose to Your:house and in mtnOt
And In these looking glasses bright t,
Ills own Mee saw from morn till night -
It made him feel so very ziad
TO see hls loolf (trots and bad
That he begali to luke great etre
'1)) keep a sweet. senile always there.
. •
And soon he found that Mose he Ow
All seemed to like tilm better, too;
lor, like the tnirrors, every one
Began to smile en Indoor Sun.
Now, try this just ono day and see,
How bright and smiling you eau be;
You'll find both happiness and hut
In playing you're en "indoor sun."
"You won 1. forget It's naves birth-
day party, will you, dada?" eat() Mrs.
[Wesel'. "Get home as soon as you can.
They don't think anything of It if 'you're
not them."
"All right," he Auld, "I'll do my best, in
fact I put in e word yesterday about it."
"What 811.1111g0 weather we are hav-
ing," said Mrs. Russell.
"Yes," he suid, looking out of. the win-
dow, "It's very ertexpectee, les mfid
enough to de without un overtottl., I'll
leuve mine oil."
"Better take It, dear le Mud his wife,
"If you tetive It off, it will be sure to turn
cold or wet. Here, let me help you on r
1111d She helped 1111h fIllo COM Ulld saw
"him to the door and sent him 011 whist-
ling all the way up the street and feeling
wthoatildhe had Met be4st little wife in the
Mrs. Russell had scarcely turned into
1110 dining-I:nom before there were
Bound.; of scuffle In the pnesage. Half
hour before Ralph end F:die had been
sitting ut tubje as good as gold, bin
lei of a etulden herd' they were quarrei.
Mrs. Flits:Wit put her head outside the
doors. "(bine in here I" she Said sharp-
ly "Now tin down 1 What day ta this r
"Sly birthday I" said Ralph.
Ills mother smiled, "I Milne mean
that. What day is ?"
''''ArinddiiYii'.5"1181titdiea. duy, isn't it?
Well, what kind of day was it yester-
dey r
el'105,lidifiyEtti1101.1.011. th0.63,,
"All kinds," Ed le answered. "t know,
tral,"ati4.1°- illitr1111111Yie 14114v:tont ruv‘hlith°anudt
1 gul
"Ard mie dey before that
"0 (ball ktiOW," said Ralph. "The
days tire SO charigey, ones 'still. renterre
"Yes, it is funny." said his mother,
"Dada um, lust saying irs most unex-
pected v. metier, and I was lust thinking
of that. when 1 llt\V )IA1 IA21, 4111dren
Y01.1 iv just like the wea-
ther ! I thine you're all right. you're all
2%11111g. SOlile111107/ the sun comes out
told sometimes the clouds. There, run
1114)21(4 and do let the PIM be 41111 nil the
"Brulinigt asii Edie had n good rry
presently. But tfer mother look nu no -
n'1111;' eixiiriiebilrte1111a1 1"1‘11114."
a ant it.- But FAlle brIghteleof up and
Mr mother called out "Nosser 1111u1.1.
101111, 11:11 only it slitaret and the sun's
coming I mu) v.4111 a parasol yet. -
Presently Ralph had a turn Ile got
into a temper. alic,1 tteg1111 In hilt loudly
1.) his sister but lus tootles mil) said
"Dear nie, \chat a funii4 mouth thts is
F0110V thueder about noe
"thunder Fitilph maid
"Nes, you spoke, .lene. [id Itillpti
began to understand.
In fart, the materiel entered Into the
JOlcr pre..1111) and began to apply 11 to
one °nether.
litli 11 WILN In 11010 lk/ 1101 111 MO 1111/14112.
of Ihe party a telegraph bor brought the
1114.4141414., "14.11r1 t get Is.ine tor, hos) '
"'dere linexprwied 5svather "' said Mrs
she told the hildren.
"AA .. molt(' 111, heal or it
Hid. night Gs she kissed them lo-
b re !tie) %%era to bed 'she Auld. "Do sou
tom.. s been wondering if yeu dee
1.11441 ,,1114111. $04 1.1`, 91/104. Line*, 1,41 Led
V0'110144' 11,41101 1.4AN (11141 1.Nery ila)
"Hoe ."' eard
"Ar. ell when thing" ts, v. root( I At
kk 11 • C5111.1 1`/I 142 get angry. mid 1 al
%ON .4 1 11111t I, 5,a1,45
V‘taildo 1 11 b.' 11,•,-. 11 lesieed et 11/1.
4,1 •14,11, /old • rim ',poi", had
44M 2,11irt
Fla 1 ph toughed
is:‘,11'41.1aIrrva'11.11141.1;,1::11111' ‘dr1:11 vhu-11/.271 22 1\1.71!
\'" "I '"Ifir"11.1 '11"114,
foilavd .11. lus lips and got red In the
tins, bin lie &do 1 moke A .,4111.1 ktat
Ftbe rhea, taindk,q. had %to. generally
pp) alai -Ward t., keep 41 3
1 aunder ,1 •ii 1,"noe. 4., oinld 110
the • lid and go... 1140 people
111,41 114 1110•,1A, 1,11 A•,(11(11.)„ Wit
da .• 11141e4011
0! ,01.1 ,thl.dorril.)our•
; On. da4., 0,41 I Shall, A.. Wight try to
he ake thc a...nwer Alvl milk,. people
(him, h.,‘‘ lute d ;11.0.• 111 Well as out.
11... \\so 51 1,‘.11,011.:
-4. Ali; ,111 . 4. AI. 4.1. -melee
l'ateeinte. 11111-11.1:. .4114E1 eve e„, 1, 110‘ • r.duca•
114 fl
0612)10/1. kflifricaii Sheep flosseberr • AA „ 11,41
on tlberio Boundary. I "1"..i.nola g 4' u.
A de,(4411, fo 1,1, ,1,,•,11.,• ht. 5 ,2„
1411) iser ..•11 .1 11,.. 11 \
\\ 11,41 fr.olt \\ 1 at we, arv to
rem, del:40,1.10 11 boondarv .0s) of mahoghi'
Itiol .4 11.111,141' . + awe ' "he )0,.
1 /IN 1.0031 Ir5 ra %rid voli 41ife• son ehri
rarleh4,rs ism nf od I 1 s lir trmil. pa, lost In mc'
1 atilt 11. 'he 0111.. f 1.0 erfo f '/•;40. )t1' 0.• 1.{11.11 A(141 r-pAni•firt..
n.142 I, :VI,. 21" I /.11,4 .1 T. 41 1 (trio ts I ti i.r,AnyIed n1e•
Ihrer. 'I la. (011,C40 v•-14.0„1
Het etN4, 1 1 Ar.10-.
al the ft Ist Al l' I,. twiny ,e4 A hry,,
0. II Vt• .I••pu rt• 014 t. 'It ,A
alirAti, A IC1411411 flka,11,,.1.,.11
• ,•• in an "mien, I tripbrin ,11111.1 11,),• in 11..
,k ' -,t1I1,411 ‘11.1.Pliiii. %%1111 11 la nime 1 0011
-est the tzer 4111)-- ..yenra +dd. the fortunate tint.0 are marhed
(tip in Seartstinot io in tam I,: ink. the tinforlintato in rest
p.,,;,,, base it 1. 1,151..', after
0,1.1,iierie the molt ..1 h111Poll
ft.ars1 1.1. lam I and fortune."
"Ind r,,ii accent' " \o: one woo
ig and 'to ciltb toti int"31)."
\\ hen IfflElb11. to get
a hat ar., ,ite tries to (Nominee ii,a1 a.1111 1 %/Mr% leaving
'1111 0.(le