The Goderich Star, 1907-06-21, Page 1a -7, 4300ERiCti STAR is the largest Ninviripaper hithe County al Huron, and (1040- Quality, Quantity, Chiniation (1, . ICH STAR I• circulation than any other No in this section ot tho County ot Hum 00.0060,011.111010 ,vouT nonni trAirt W lith Stir NQfiESTIONABLE Tbareie Iga question at'eli 4dvnt par ,netilitig StWing4 OM 'may otio., way of Itocinnulatiog 70rAttit, and tlart is, by sOkag '3,14:, A few Telseha Kent wealth, while others gaily indeeentletwo -by a strOke of ' but the liatit usjoity: ;of ,opha opcom 'competence epotlitiglos# Oulu, tbex e fl.q..o3viogt W.be 4urpluiR. yro,pay ttOuft .pe4 :tototest flepOSIta end money be 5'qtAldfaWB iit,00y Wog,. E. :STA N,DARD,.1.,00',';coMPANY- OoirmsTO; Oxix4eg:77CoR, NoATIT' STRUT AND ,8QVARA W. 14-, TIORTON, A 'PI En ISMAT Surat; lar.SSITK11 '.11.Q0Et NEEAL SEE:. 1'y rylv to is, Aeolus , W•044%, E4Y,141041:1; ttiO tg, ' toy , musette ,040rFr 1Puottoostroct;. .WASO..-,, j'e Minting bualtioas‘ on'Odocatoil,PostwOrtlix. a irillingUe *Oa,. A good fixture tor tb a rightimrkeanelittleStiretteetalerlehm 1,110.-1 .teoPectolile Iriftniera erawele, or) Jetta tere,.7 qn 1 Melitiet IMMO' or toast, bo „pl ,ittal.espolde of making marl humping* toorousair nouerstonalertano Nom. hot ressects100, kind-hoartad mou stating veaffes. at the, Tait °glop. Nip to,. Ads, 0. j„ We4 s rect. ,110derfek. , 7 !,::.1V SALE Ok TO 1.14T' whit any,auMmtand. nate 'Arinir OAL OE TO Rimy intirr; (Mint, chitin:rook. r,, • • . Waco: watt nutrient len lawn,.with shaky pleatotaW at Stan Oitice'Pr to lin `43irtOgng coos street, •Opderleh. 1 r. Vela ttlfarl*.-Tite elegant new:Rouse on Iiit.reet2,•110,11,11ed hs Ur. Thos. ho boulie-0114; la d' nith furnace, bathroom, closetemlP Ights. Permeation tail tin had immetito0, 'Ahoy to niclr. 13. . EISIltistat 6.110'PAlltilf" trOft wen situated between Square and good, hods° a-nd cellar. For par - Umlau• t apply on preplises.--Mlia. UnI3M0t, St. i'atidek streets'- , . lidtbFatZ thg tine tesidenob on South e . racentlY scowled by 8ir. /1. Piirk. ,Also the. norm over Innviotnir & MeV hInr'e Shoe Wire, tra the Seuare.--Apply to JOS. ' . • SAA-TWOrley acres °talent land tor MorIcet Jordon,. with buildings nnd Nimes, tweinlrelrfrom U alch-havieg five neresin orchard o( apples, poem plums, cherries, peaches,. grapes and raspberries,. Price tiralltenne'faVornffie, A.pplY to:YOUNO ROBIC111130N,.Ooderich. RS.B. A,. C0118/341.4 entire her baudsome ' residence Oil Xeys Eit. for sale. Also by' •etore,. ;photograph iiisd -batten'. in 13lytii. Seethes°. lb-10RP WILLIA134 J,40.TS FOB, „ §Afig. - ,J12 Money in tttio. No risk. See: Ohio at Oleo, , , O., F. CARIOY, Real Estate Intiihgettey. FORSALE.,--Two new Dwellings_ siontforlable-Dwelith eu Pic auctiug Iota on Elgin Avenue, eifithiPPineSt. ' " W.ANTED.-4 . 'few Furniepad Wanes or tainis. near the Lake' (root, to root for the onnner staS011. • Y9.11N11 ROB10111.TSON. ROPIIIIITY• FOR 13.A.LR.-- Tho diodrable property on haffin Avenue, Goderich, wned and occupied by Hr. Whttoly. biond Mom anti two-thirds of an acre of land, with ahoiree fruits. The house is heated by hot water and has all ardor!, improv,entents. porty at a modern price. Apply to or address bargain for any pFon, wanting Itrat-OlasS pro - DR. WRITNLY oderich. , , PERS, .FOR SALM - Seeeral hundrwl copies of oldnouspapeer for sale. Just the ing_when _you an housecleaning. -Apply at (Milan !I PUBLIC NOTICE. TiEWAlti).-Thenuni of Fifty Dollars M- IX'. ward wilibe ivaid ter the recovery of the body of the tato Capt. Jas. Mitchell, of Lai - borne, W110 Was drowned off the Sehooner Julia Larson, while satiln5efrom Stokes Bay to Kincardine early in Oct° 1.1900. Send in- fortnation to Mita. JAMaa rrtrIELL, Saltford P. O., Ont. N°TICK We, the andersigned, have ren- dered all OUT ace.unte. All account,. un- paid' after July 1st, will be handed in for collection. We sustained a howy loss and now require all our Money. Attinol to your's In time. B. DIETRItal & SON. wricts... 'Yen are no doubt contemplating building this spring? 'review of the ad. wincing price of bricks and lumber, wise men are making early contracts. Coneult J. lowis ntom/04, C. E., Architect, London, Ont. •Ifts charges, deeigns and ettention to clients wilhcompure favorably with any in Ontario. ROWN'S ClilANGItS IntOWN has changed hit. shop trom Vieterin to AllitieSea,Btreet, near 131.. Peter.; Church, and has changed his prices too -page double for everything in his lino. ' Hafts. bones, bottlee, horse hitir.Coppor. bras% lead. feathers. skins, anang kind,. of Junk. I plena° tho people, and 05M•37 Man who bee anything (0 toll should Rend fee word. I Will call and pay midi. isg.,Twic ettglatTotte. An_persons having Recounts agItinat the late iturrotes, grain dealer, aro requested to mend theta In. duly verified, not later than ▪ July Rh. 11107, atter which dote acetic chi not received will not be recognIged by the lexoeu- tors. Address all accounts to Tiros. Ilennows Uoderich. Ooderich, John 12, FrOW1,1 Of GODERICII. Take Nonce that tho Court of Ilevnion of the Town of Ooderteh will hold its first eittin In tho Town Hall, hiederieh, for the preemie hearing appeals artainst the hsvaiwnent of the town for the year 1907, on Tuesday, the' 26th day of June. 1907,at 8.00 In the afternoon. Juc;e lath, Ift07. , U.JOHNsTON, Town Clerk. "titTOTWE 1TO .1' TithTitti. (IPA AND MAO 18 ' .....,-- Coptoo of die Coded/14i °Weigel Laws, in- cluding the mite thinithel tool% hate been wt. cel yeti by the endersigned, And will i impelled ..to Jentitass and Nffirtistrates ori IMO on. ill $3 A Oak or the Peace. dodettch, June 1th, 180I0 ONTARIO STATO I heist ttchiVe4 the Ontario' Wattles, for SO , %fa yittiotatta thatStrilinte then) te all 4klasia,i mho ethers outdo to receive Viltitle alVifAe:61„UilleenelIctfinit. and Or UM Vetoer:a O. A. IV 0100110 tellitie, hes And in no ,000,000 •fte 1 NO tif the %Vat Ireton I he host Etturrr'n ft44,3Tito 106, - out OM teueltiart year* tbeclottlea,bt lark Ws. twit*, roipeter.. &or. C„iisettritertet leftilistintfeir lt (+Moe Was %Hi Wilt feminist tin ennead Milton* w his _Ante , CA o propriefOre Of ligetory et lifallicralott antairt4 Otritiart'S •„ ntethod of mine 7 thee coliethigo anoborial vs* be velebebiO. &ad Will ittld,te 11111141,111111. q!..40His Ito bYgt1/61)u, ;pc CS htylf$1111 „„ •Aal,we te idmilrew f tr ° et 1414411%01)94 100 Wind WWI 0041 1.0401Y 041004,10 bePtli EtliPtil 11.13 inaker..dele 75%1111r0, pansahaos Auednintrater et t . asal atter annottriate ,41411111stratgr, pro- Risco:000r ccualt„ tittocaar ot deiya Wed ttriltstrliondf .1 oval estate Meow the ituriteerentitled t Orb, hnrtries niiresd 001S to' tea oltylw nab, U0t400 tonsil then hal% been received, mid tb4.0)04141,4101841WrWilli gatiVb tidbit; irk Ptilleurspervitr net liovoissenrOosItoci Dated attledmictialeetwe.clayet June, 19(17: , Vtecturigoi*, .,HAva.* ur,41R, • neficiterft Tor the" Adesiolgurtior• . .The GoriesPich Minersal Ilifater Vaigunampanas Orr ( • rinENESETUNG • .dre prepared to4eliverao any part of the town IlLPAST-' °OMAR 4LE. Pints tutd Miarts ; also MiNERAL WATER, three sizeS, rants attd quarts SELTz E WATRR and DOOfiLH SODA. These goods are:node from NATUR AL wrrssitet. wexgR, therefore free from SJ.,t, impatiens. P. L. WALTON, 'PHONE M. Manager. The Sterling Bad OP CANADA • HEM ()FRU TORONM int= Pby igrgetoAcreelviVie posits. Highest current rate of interest paid in our Savings Balk BapartmeaL . on deposits of ft Mid mpwardn, Interest paid and compounded FORA TIMES A YEAR. . bOught and sold. A General Ranking •Ensiness transacted. GODERICH BRANCH r A. G. GAMBLE, manager. wt./ GoDERICH MARKETS. The wer16 seas a quiet one, and but few changes are nolf.ced, though beeves are firm. Bogs dropped' 25 cents, and hay has gone up a dollar, These heing the only changes In clod - J. F. Andrews shipped a load of cattle on Sat. urday. and a load ef hogs on 8forldav. Current wholesale prices corrected up to noon of Theirsdalbl Frill wheat. 410 76 to 76 awing wheat. "standard 0 16 to 14 Flour, per eon., patent 2 00 to 2 no Flour, per cwt. family 2 35 to 2 80 Bran, per ton... ........... 21 00 to 21 00 por ton 22 00 to 22 os Sereeffings, per ton 18 00 to IR to IS new 0 40 to 0 13 peattrImey 0 60 to 0 50 0 72 to 0 72 Rea 0 48 to 0 48 Buckwheat, per bushel . 0 50 to 0 61 Hay, new 12 00 to 13 00 Bator, per lb 0 10 to 0 17 Eggs, aresh) per dozen 0 10 to 0 17 Wdod, per cord 0 00 to n 00 eau°, ex eft' 4 00 to 4 ton Cattle, en Mary and butchers 00 to 4 00 Lambe, eprleg 4 50 to 6 00 Sheep, fat (own 3 60 to 4 00 limos, live weight 8.1 to 0 CA Hoge, dressed 8 50 W 8 80 llama, per lb ....... ........ . 0 00 to 0 74 Bacon, long clear 0 14 tO 0 15 Rides . ? 24 to 8 00 Shoop skint. , 0 00 to 1 90 Tallow, rendered 0 05 to 0 WS Chiehens-barnyard eldeks, per Itr 8 to 10 " 0 11 to 0 12 Beef, fore quarters 0 00 to 0 00 Beef, hind quartere 0 00 to 0 00 Deese per lb 9 to 10 'Make " 0 to 10 Turkerv " 13 to 13 Potatoes 0 75 to 0 75 Apples 0 75 to 0 76 — -- Toronto Live Stock Markets. Weekly Ann Oince, Tuesdar Cattle trade at Toronto .Innction yesterday was quite 1,11.611. There Wan largo rho and the quality of the offerings Was generally ProttY geed. Prices showed little Variation from those of feet week. ICx porters and betel). ere aro the most in demaild. Milk covritcon- Untie steady, good animals bringing high prices. Stockers+ and foodere aro not In demand owing to lack of feed. and fow aro found aMong the offering& Hog priens In Tomtit* thls week aro about. sternly, veil h last weelt'm enotatione. The Wm Davies Fo. quota hoot OAS on board oars.. at country poInts t So.fie fed and watered. in Toronto; which Wee° their prime last week. Tbo Park. Blackwell Co. alto etude Die Rome wenk, VIM on board ears at country points : '7.00 otr ears at Toronto. (limns quotationn art lie. hotter thin week, being ELIO on Nitwit cars ni, contary paints, and .07.15 oft earn at theft Junction puking house. Local NOtices. The Ladies' Aid Society of North Street Methodist t'ffilteh held eject)) Bocial Boa home of Mr. Hebert McLean, Baron road, next Tuesday even1110,adettestOn Do. inelteloorr refreshments. Ice etrom and Mallen will be eeld on the grottnolho Convey - armee will leave the chime' at hair -past wiven, and Itteefits Math win he Chartiatl feir Wove Wieffinate tido tblitatut rearm Lney Rohm. ten. Secre4ry. Beginning with Wednesday. Ma la styli each wertmsdar thefestter tin Steptc 2.4 W111 _be alixont from nty shell° clude Whi- ne nys but the attend he emit for aroateur overoplies. ete.solt. EALtOWM Balloett atcension on SaturtinvOrett. 'leg at 11411Car Shall girth% Prot. Centeno. an Mplitiettenti t tolne reatatelpedonclaa IltatqftwtotY %Malan' rat:Intend. If Itentli^r wit 001101ton. feertittble. 1. Oft Olt 01103Y debilitlEc ds LP Meeting Calendar th IV eel vtaitItin tint Will nlerf rr new trul, over 11anotru WM next nein. Ir. a Mao shire. No's, 11'./. 131 tout 1trd 1c0t; two lovitm toJoitt tt4, AO. To 10.1.4 hold tier tactile* nest eelfer. indt Ail tisernberOrd tiongseithtte etostattalwitireepotts ern entire Stintege• nIS 11;14 1.11i te his fr ;St MOM all'etlaitotTawit "(Atoned Mir tit: 'trete% , etpiptla4temovatelettec retie rfedetlea. ti,"' alit Onolleeetrtellanth LAW 114). 13* ov 0011.0'10$ 1111.1TOWN Pi0110 RYI4AAP ntrAHASTE1,1,011RTAIN OP TIEN tiONDS OP Titit margbANi* 10-VElklerWeIRral.. Itlatt'Phlta lVaStraSTIto Maitimal Weer fewer vc,, ratiliv041422t4,rtivoaig6t Azar 0:0 4: 201 Lthr:::0,4 1. ,n4 ,e0; vt ra )4t .0 :Pt. e4. ltollitiwo"Owf trocnodut:ptlyir tolriltresetce,aelidi.olooTiot:' Qui tiaghblerlt Of the Wate Wet_ land eleetr HSItilnlettlitrItitetktittriettin tioderleb. Trt,ovniginAttfita,ssid The M441411'1 Ream pa ecoompaey, lattiteat, hter•teetlestsd lie 50 IOWA Of AMderiett te Ma them In thew atttioirtameglatietuanteeleat the extent ;11 $1 esetett mut 'at besides interest' thereoll the 01100) er faltraleipe 1000,041, by rim 'kattttar tVeittilf .rolgi al' tire VrOng); twittering to Iftsti:At he the neld gelnPoily being *300illOi 040103 terafIti .A.ZiftA'4111R1155-131t itt eXiledleah Welt/tit tint tgl'Itaftitct''lei4"4!rotliVitttourt -tc:(10 tt:dr'7404:1n4lt"isnifileltl:bn: enacted. bettte municipal comma of tho saki town Of Cleactich,as follow* . to It shall be lawfuttor the Mayor and.olerk PI the name Mid On behalf of Oa corporation of the,t0W11 OTOOderieb, and under tts corporate seat to execute/Ind deliver as the net and deed tartlet saki corporation the written,er printed ale:mune° or guaranteea of the sate dorporm. Lem comanteettat the dew payment of the rhowalmattetorest gr- She beeide or delve - .es 'Tao Maitland River l'owee Company, a 41 up 0', OM sub% in the egarbgate, of (ono hundred and fifty thoneand for principal repayahle in thirty yeant tient m day at the Wile thereof, with in- terest in tto mCaotime at the nue of live nor ceatutis pc atrium, pa,yable half yearly on the Principal to the 'homers ar the raid bend§ er debentateavetiffil guarantee te lie to the Obeli Outt upon default beteg inade by tho eeici The 1111.ritland River PoWer Company. Limitedi in pasnienterthoprtmapat or Interest senered by eny of them, the corporation o the toWn !Of th6sold bonds or debentures se carantedd or famierioll PAY tO holder t e nmount RO An defau ts upon demand. ouch- guarantee tO he otherwise lo snob form and to contain such other or lidditIOnal provinoes cenditions aa shall he approved et by tho Mem. and eolici- tor foe the said town, provided however. that enoli provisoes and eonditlens do not limit the obligation of the said town to pay the aniouist solo default, upon demand, as aforesaid. . . 2, -Prior tothe exceution of the raid guar. loupe or aoy of thorn the said 'the Maitland Biter Potror I./IDYL/al*, Limited. shall With th13 tiOnengari_nallitinaL02 their shartholdere. dale given in meeting called for that 'purpose, ego. cone and deliver to a trustee, who shall be mutually agreed updr. by the said company end the corporation of the town of (lode - rich a mortgage upon their lands, build. Ingo, .plattp: ottiohtnury, 11Xtueos; privileges rights' and easements, vidiffili said mart: - gage flail] be a 1101 eharge 'mutts all such property ttnd shall °entitle the olausen and provisions usual lir mortgage,. glvew by cow panies te stimuli bends settled and approved of - by tho soliciter for the sald town and shall secure and provide for the payment of all pen ideal and Interest which shall beconio due at- aer Lillie Oa the said bonds so te be Lamed )36,,' the said company and for the meayment to t 0 said coeporation of all moneys, which may . paid by It In respect of said guaranteed bonda pro rate with:the other bon& to be Issued as aforeinvid by the said company, and Snell inert, gairenliall further provide for the leiturance by the Orthl company Of the said mbrtgaged prop- . y in avor of the said trustee in 1550 of toes by 11,0/' • lightnirist. hi such clanffitnios aS shali be app ved of by the said trustee, and by pot. lel 'col Mining what lo known as "the mon, g e clause" it cleinalided by the said trustee Atin for the continuance of such lninirance uring the currency of thosold betide, and the due paythent et the prenilunis thereof. 8, ..its a:eonditIon of oxeettOttg the said fuer - atiteeal toneys, proeeede orthu sale ern edge teat% ' ne of thie itylallitil be paid to ttlt ot Oast bonds Or debentures,. tol be guaran _ he Said Illacmandeliell be ap icableordy to vvorks and to the purchase off he Made, tights he cost of boost:lathing and el pping the said ruid easentente in eunneetioti t lerewith pro rata w th the proceeds of the tale br pledge .0f the ot tor bonds so to be ipmed am aforesaid, and shall. be paid out by the raid trustee otily as he reetittee progress certificates for much coca of coostruction, equipment arid purchase, and no amount shall he mild thereout except. to the. extent:01'nm face value of such progress cart i• deems, which are to Ise issued for anion/Its from Desoto iline not exceeding OU per cent. of the cost of construction. equipment. and sem, abase by the engineer or architect appointed to Inspect the said work.. and. pro rata RH afore" said. and tho balance shall belpaid out only after completion of the saki works, and after the same shall haeoeupplled power to the Raid town and the said towItettall have operated the said Waterworks and electeie light Jwolem for theenspace of thirty days in a satisfactory nian• 4. The said The Maitland River Power Com - pony, Limited, shall expend the sum of 5300, 101.110 in the purchase of land ' and privileges, and the construction of the Raid dam, and the Installation et plant and Machinery and the same when constructed shall be of 'the most modern typo and shall hare all tho requiaite machinery and appliances for the purpose of supplying sufficient power to the said town tO matins 111111,1 tm properly operate their water and electric', light. works, end also to furnish power to all the manufacturers now in the said town, nr who may hereafter loeitte therein. who shall require the mime. to the extent of at hued 9.000 home power. and the ,utirl 'I'16o Mait- land River Power Connelly. Winged, Khali also keep equipped and maintain Ow said work,. In on firtitood.tintiftlitrx:11fidimilleiteotlEy, (,14L,Tirlinffalheett en.Urarreg._ ertld. 5. 'nomad The Maitland itiver Power Com- pany, Limited, shell aupply to tho Haiti corpor- ation of the tewn of Goderict. and the saki town shall take from the anid company suf- ficient power to properly ()potato their water. works and electric light. systeue. at the prim of 267,000 per annum PaYahle half Yearly for the :gam of thirty year... and the said company all oleo supply all motors and other smell - 0,,,,,,, roonimiti. to apply suelt power direet to the present machinery now used by the Haiti tovvn In Oteir said system, SO that the said town shall not be obliged to purelmse other plant. and mitehinory in order to enable them to uso the said power. Preemie!) that III MUM the WOW ItiVole by the Raid corporation of Its Raid system ahall inerem.e to the :Cent of lama yilve per amt.. over and ve the present. rises thereof or slmll so inernaeo Butt the power 'demanded 811601 exceed 2E1 home power, then the °Immo made for such power no based open the charges set ont In the third report e' the Ilydro-ICieetrie Power Comminsinn, refatino to water power devoffipment on the Maitland River, hut In any iTeKO thosold Corporation ef the Town of (lode' h shall ;he at liberty to apply the said sum lit payMent of the semi-annual installments of !Hermit due or accruing duo upon the said bonds or debentures guaranteed by Mem. O. The saki The Maimed River Power Com fly, Limited, ellen have tile privilege of mi- ng the present plant of the Town of Underfelt an auxiliary to their proposed power nyw WM, whenever the Ramo shall be required for that. Purees% twine Lite ourreney of the said boinla,prOvIder that they thnookl r °mean y «hall all times iinring Ruch periods Maintain and keels the tlahl alitrIliary olont In a good nmil efficient state of repair, and nholl also repair or replace ank part of such plead which may be' littered or broken during and by their opera- tion thereof, and shall further ellpply all coal re milted foranehoperationond oleo all inielie0.110.4 .diall he required by the Raid Town fertile ma- mma of keeping rip steam In connection with their wild plant, Whieli tho cold Town shall be at liberty to do when and 80 long Ma they may deem necervary during the said period, Mit Lilo raid Town shale eupply ono man to take rare of the sold Wont. 7. If the orthl company 'shot) oa require it the met Town nha11 make application to the 1,esisintnro of the Province of Ontario for a sponlal Act validating. and confirming, this Brinm.and all agreetnenta, mortgages and midi. antees made or tp he Made thereunder, pm. el.1011 that all egarrond exponent) of and Inci- dental to any such appliefithin obati be borne and paid by the taid Company. 8. BylaW No, 13 rot ItiOgot the grad Town of Ooderleh, Infitilled '',4 illvigiw tUffOarantto the lion& or nehenteres e me Mealtted River Power Company. Limit° ." in hereby repealed. It This gylaw shell bake otreetett the day of the final pa4aIng thereof. 10, . The votooftho eleritors of the said Town er tlederteh shrill he taken oti thin Bylaw at the follorrIng Rates avid plaeds, that Is to my; tan Monday, L11012/I day of jely. Inn. com sneering at the hour of nine o'clectit In tne fore. nonn arid continning tin five o'clock ill tbe af- ternoon of the name day, by the [etiologies Repay Reterning (tritest») ktylaPolling aubdivinion NO, 1. at Thompimn liton'. Wood Shop, by Semen Itreekenridere, 'oil tlerte. and 15 t'. Beletier. 'Deputy Detutm. ' Offiecr. Mina Rnistiviskin No. 2., At'''. I Vidomvi orgow 1'. J. Them, Poi1 Clerk, and Orates tai, Wendy itetneffing °Meer. '11 flierg,infullvinion No. a at the Town Hail tr,0614 uz4, listeity Returning °Meer. gitkli,), tin Arms. Poll Clerk. and tv.A.B.tmee. vl t ileturning Ofileor. ',PIA ift butollyision. No, of. et S. Makers • plied , It . hr Wan. Shriven; Poll Clerk, tied .,,,ellifit}lefultvlskin No. 0. at tira Walten'e. Orate L., Atli, Ikea*. Ittearninc °Molt. r,ittire, tol,,y1M, (1. Nichetven. Poll (Serie, and. .• , ., ' A ellitiftrodivisien Mk 11. atJohn linieb toy's Rteteiba M. Tait, Pail Clerk, and IL L Witt:, rvir,lirentillf Iteligningthricer. Pakten! Fa& th•luit NA V, Atilennis Netillo's Mesa. • It 1 `Dila, API, viola. nett ache" V.t.' teltettantrat ttMcca it in. Toot ,, the tWk daY tV 4*VV. rola Ike alvezoil, AI Mid X Anil ' bin St. tat I. sit - SOK OWN St ,O)04)))0144 beaXerlit ; fvaroat t ooli, tiinlici441,:ko bow, 3:41"thir n'fliS114104r4tinie0 : st ti p011ittle PlerOtt idett.‘ tdriftW.• ' . .., _ ' . ' . ' •, OlO$E$ItHh. : td,firetleriehrthett.1110100tolitite, log, ..,- , - 1:110,1;,.:The:nolelerut kx. ,p.. tx"9:i.:intt:',1.41.it:1040,1:ttio',74413tir9,6154'd ttne:teik.g:: Tetra flail et nut o'clock , tt.,tbo 'foretworr.ot 'ot uousett t 0, It leiv4tionitt (be maesugyipit...totik oet ....i utv. twz.-,,to,suoi -PktOtt '011ie 1.10ingelt tiv6,tobee etilatlert .. Vt... . . : SOTiati . . , . : ': ' babe,itlift'abitItt tiliVitillio'°14;itiiIrlietttiOill ap se eamil 'be Heal ft pose hrthe-Votient ' re tematialltr tat theevota or tee *Wet . ei,..eWtora below etaained thereat): after 110 ElOnthl(0111 the, "itnit publiglott et fho v%tillial, 100004.:41, im! ic, , illi.:!tute2 4:0044,11, 4 ilvaby it t 00.0.1 tto Oft tolkt, ve .o, , , toil i 4:11;41 ...04 ot, 01 0o41, ttost:;::v esi ,,, ..: NO tfilAt11.4141IlielPs OPOSItnififed:: • 'Is '• t rivrtites•Of...the eicenite ormo:,otoo,..muit10.6. ' ''' AVP?3,QAPIL. sTo. ,147. ,_:, Ni3W epVERTiSfl. PAO" ammo; offeriegs-4. IL Colborne.. i Annual SkitfaotptIt-14ovorekn. Matillos-0. Minorco Aso,* ottoop4,-Nr...O.Pluder............- Housekeeper Wanted -Mrs. 0. Os Shaw... 1 Jackets Malt Pitee---,W. Afelfleas.4 8 Reuse -to Stile -11, O. Mon eindlt‘a 1 Roy IN•antetli-Barrisetes' Bakery., 'Noticera4Meimatte-rait. w•et. nOtrowo Notletiteereditorttaltat. Anatoweprout seeikettWatited-Mril.lt. 0,73atita, prootay act st,10-0.P;Catero.1.•*‘.i?' ' Metal Meetings,West Heron Farnitirs.: NethridaYols-Comitraf Rm. College • 8 Mortgage Investments/frusta dna auarootoo co- t; Servant Wanted-4We'. L.:Orden. ' tnestue of White Wear Salo. Redone Ibex 8 Bylaw No. —Town of Ociderlolt ..... 1 CONSERVATIVE CONVEN TIQN. On Thursday next, .1une 27, the Conservatives of West Huron will meet in the Agricultural • Hall, Dun- gannon. to nominate a co.ndidarn for the Rouse of Commons in .the next Dominion aleetiono, The activity shown by the Govern- ment forces, notwitbstanding the dis- tinct promise of the Premier that au - °thin. session of Parliament would be held before tut appeal to the country, warrants att equal alertnens by the Opposition and we hope the friends of the Conservative cause in West Huron will be prepared .for, any einergencY. Let every polling sub -division be fully represented. .01111111rollummomommi••••• Town Xuptre. 1 BOARD Ou TnAntc.-A general meet- ing of the Hoard of Trade will be held in the Town Council chamber next Monday evening, June 24, for general business and to discuss the proposed bylaw re the Maitland River ,Power scheme: A:II Merchants, anti business men are invited to attend. FOR A oorriox.-The Children's Aid Society .have. tiuMber of Rale chil- dren for whom they would like to find gond hornet'. Anyone desitams of ad- opting a child is revenged to com- municate with the preeident of the organization for laurel), .11Linee Mitch- ell, Gode,rieh. I,OST ARTICI.K.F1.---fSeveral OnnuirieS have been' Made at THE STAR office during the past we.ek for lost articlee, Mill With a desire to help honeet find- ers and those whoanity have lost such articiee. we will be glad to make Men- tion ot any such, if the informa- tion is handed in to this Witte. WOMEN'S ht FETING. -The Goderich branch of West Huron Wotnen's stitute are having a demonstration on Temperance Hall. Sp es and sub - Saturday afternoon, it:402nd, in the jeets are : Mien G. Ority, Toronto, ."Yho Key to LI fe'a Possibilities", -The Science of Home Making," '•Ttven ekh Centitey,Lly in g"; Mtg. M. J. S totiOrnalt, TorotitticalBtming a fowl." This Meet. ing shotild be of epecial in erest I o all wouihn. No charge, all welemne. j floor a30. Tug 0 artyttouso. -On Monday the steamer Greyhound arrived in port ust after fl p tn. on her annual trip to Goderich. f4he brought, 600 passen- gers; quite A number of whom stayed over till the return trip today (Priday. An mend, the passengets reported a lovely jeurney to Goderitili, and the moonlightere that evening had a eharming two hoitre on he lake, the weather being perfect. The excureion on the lake was under the nos/Aces of the 33rd Regimental Hand, and helped cnneiderably to swell its f untie. There were nearly 17110 on the evening trip on the lake and about 500 on the Detroit trip on Ttimulay, the exeursiom bits having an excellent trip to Detroit that day, and Were thoroughly plettned with the officers and men of the ye114101 for if heir care of their pagnengers. CAllft FIT AND SENTENcED. --On Tues- day of last week Detective Phalen wired the Sarnia police 1.0 he on the look -out for a voting Englishmitn named Joseph Thompson, who left Goderich that afternoon by G. T. it. for Sarnia Tunnel, and for whom A warrant had been ignited n eharge of stealing a gold watch and chain, a mien of money and other articles. The culprit wan arrested 1114 he wee making 'equities regarding boat for Dot roil., and though at flent ntrennonsly de- nied the cha.rge, he admitted at the pollee atation that he was the man. and that he had anion a gold thorn. a razor and $5, hut denied stealing the whte.h. Conntable Phalen went. to Sarnia for the trial. And hold the satis- faction of seeing Thompoon senteneed for 12 menthe in the I:entre] Prison. The Werth here were from Mr. Emmet Harvey's residence. and from a men named Brown. hoarding at Mrs. piake'e. 1111,110VMORNT CONTVIMPLATnn. -The Water and Light Ilommin- Clotiera lines determined to improve (me water eyntem, and tide week for. naillated piano for that purpose, and on Monday decided fa tifik the town to provide the sum of S-37,830.00. The tnajor portion of thin aunt will be used in putting in an intake pipe of 26 itiOhea It) diameter, 2.100 feet Qom the bank. whieh le much f twitter ont than the present one, and heeklea the net, pipe will he eight Inchea larger itt diameter. Thero also ha a real. mentatiorkhultt close to the pumping station. rhere will he tome further improvements of the eleetric light ardent tide Veer. and to pay for this tual the $1900 Of debt canoed I rho new itetlet4tor null new street 0 Idet year, the balance o tile , 827,83C; 1.0 Imm1. 'five twitter wilt totortentiod (lathe Count!! thfo de.y. e lug. end thero le pa doubt bicipatlistber&willidittlibtoW ?erg?" lig • n b lcittbri A orrOyelk-Toolett.,. - The, .11.1144uOititor tforoottoit emu: InatiOna •of the tiodorion, contivnecn int 'WedneSilay, ' 'The Otaelottelteurebostvo here lie* engaged. tii 'OW4 Port TIteStla WI at Althlita on 1.VeouPs diqt. • • • .. ilu3 Utile eitik ttito plotted. up 4 ekatehlble ot tho 0. T. R. ,etatiew on •1•KtallepiltiY: *Memnon will, con with et Titel te•TAT.t. *Mee silo AVM be re' warded hy the °wain% ow ne rtertlee at at, bleorgePs thurelt L'1:14 1114Sone will attend pea -Sunday morning at 11 a.. na. The met -idiom. with Visiting..hrothren tneet in tbe Lodge room at 11.110, 011a &inn thettee marell to the Taw deg polsotter has been on the linerti.'• the 4* tea days. haVittg poisoned qui e a nureber of cantnee. Ile °tight to Ma a himself known, so that 'those who Wire his poisoning systent ,Sould congratulate hint oft his clever. deg ..Inurders Tbe 'Annual 'meeting of the Beet Ilttron Conservative Association will be held In '13rOsetils • tO-day, Odder?. June 21. Illesidee the electien of ofti- airs and Other Intilittene, 1Ln address %alit giVen hy ,flon. A. Matheson, preVlecial treasurer, The hand Will play the the followhl program on the Stinate this Vritfit evening, June '2Ist, Weather permit Ina 4.-- 'lliaroh-nkorankf.tho Patella Iteekwoll Maroh-Advontuter . . ... '-flogrizneu; °off tg„4,414:::mintr hre -promoter . Ilea ; 13. ,Viraltss-Spantshiillthouotts: Bollinson 1..iifiyartures- Fire or mots nockwoll s. ,autrele.-1.7_10tearamess, Moos • • yea'fiave the King. TIM Stmetintendent of the Wing: bean Tiospltal, Miss Stevenson, was de- lighted with the interest manifested by -two little girls in the hospital's elfare, Miss Pinkie Smith and Mies thiben Pringle, who donated two vases -filled with flowers, which they explained they had purchased with the preflts of a millinery opening they had held, and they informed her that they would call every week with fres! flowers' to fill the vases'. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Jetvett, of Bluevale, celebrated 00 Tuesday the fiftieth annlyersary of their wedding day. Soon after their marriage they came to that ruirt, of the county and have been respected residents ever since. TbeY were blessed will) ten children, nine of whom Are living. Mr. Jewett Wail presented with a 'gold headed cane and Airs. Jewett with a gold brooch and n. purse of gold. The gifts were accompanied hy Suitable vuldress. Mr. and Mrs Jewett ate still quite hale and bid (mirth live many years yet. Our moldier boys returned to town on Saturday evening, af ter a 12 'days visit to Camp at Ca.rling'n Heights. London. 001. Young, Capt. and Adj• °entity. Capt. Varcoe, and Acting Capt. Dunlop were he. offIcers of the detachment reaching Goderich, which consisted of No. 1 company, (ioderlill, t.he hand. anti Dungannon company, The men had a few wet days, but on the whole the time' tinder canvas was aspleasani one. The welfsweident note to priVate McOlusky, et' Thingnnnon eompany, who unfortunately broke his collar hone., Jfibie WIIDOINDS. OVTRN0-141001tRite...Ati fieaforth, WeitnesitnY 'last, 4 quitt. but votr pretty wedding. te01,1 piece at the home It of bte. era Utio. Otargo thititliore when their' eldest ilaeghter. Dom on of the Plost papaw_ young %diva o that town. wee united in tearing° t Mt. **Keil. of Ooderlob. The rem Mony too); piece in the presence tt Only` the inunedluto relatives of th tontractingparties, gee. V. If. LoArl officiating.. 'Mr. end Mr& Olsten lef Cin after/MOO train for on extend() wtaldtkup1"13‘thtelth refalletactilletelel it'll:4011711 Oaltegebt.-1341.L.- Two nf uod rich's popular young people entered on the matrimonial state last Friday the event taking place quietly at Olin. ton. The bride wae Mee 11,larjorie Ball, the youngest dattgliter of Mr. lf• W. Rail, and um Rpm le Mr. John Campbell, "Jock! ' As the happy green/ is famillaelY 'called. hart been a member of the florierich hockey team for several seaeons, and his 10800111t011. as Well as the many friends of his of St. Paul's church, Clinton, tied the kynuouttl.g bride, wish the Wapiti every, happiness, Rev. C. R. Dunne, recto:. IllITS4/111CLX4 TOO • 114 'Wettleall A4V440.410.11t. Cake AO donned a ounirt travellin snit tiflawy elliffert dab trimmed I tan, With Moo suet too bekt to itotati litany infests who tante from Tomtit DetrOltaandon. Note York, followet at tit! tteaataol)se!:ttYixwoPey4r4::eaft:codtnbffLt elfw!Ekton oowinstleoeoet 0 the sweetest tUul most popular girls of Ooderich. Mr. will Mrs. Morton will make their home hi Brockville, on ttoincreroetityrnorfkrotanntabowwasetzujonu.rn4oy. t mong the out of town guests tvere : 1114114, (1t4"Vd. L.M"liaelje.aQn, S. Rays. Mrs. 114,smore, Monteith ; the Misses 'Watson Norwalk, OW° : e' Miss Hoskin New l'ork Miss Molt - teat", Hamilton : Mr. and Mrs, Oleo, Doe. Now York t hire. Fred Senn - ton. London Mr. and Mrs. .fno. Hamilton, Wroxeter; Mr. aod Mrs. T. M. MeLetto, Locknow. ft ilia SOVE a No Mont event 1n. bsokinivAu4 . 0.:, dounelal eireleo boo Atttacte4 mom I attention throughout All Canada 411.414 To the report of the SateteigunglitiVe' Produced on North page Of TOR OrAlb While the situatieg Altera Petlint4 wae one of anttletY tO those itoqualute4 with it, the treatMent aCtOtiled, and' the results obtained have . with,' . and standieg which Millet be verY 141111400% the heartiest words of praise frit k sides) competent to jildge of such too .' tern, and the bank cornea through the orneol with an acknoWic,dged credit gratifying to the manageinent and the atockholders, The Chronicle, one of the most gempetent and coneervative autbor- Itiee in financial mattere, ear. in a review of the eituution 1 The basis of absol,ute siffety upon which the bank'e affairs now rest. to- gether with the recognized ability and , experience of the tnanagement, assure tor it a successful future. • The history of other banks in Onnada has proved that financial ipetitutions, like -Indivf- duals, may make "stepping stones th higher things" of past misfortunes : and the shareholders of the Sovereign are to he congratulated that they have 1 akOn herolo meneures whereby the bank has worked out its own sal- vation, rather than listen to any, over- tures regarding absorption. Counting as It does among' its share- holders, Messrs. Pierpont Morgan tt Co„ and the Dresdner Bank, who to- gether held 15,000 out of 40,000 shares. the Sovereign Bank le assered of the strongest hacking. It le underatood that lite. Ailmelitis Jarvis as president will untaintedly devote .his recognized ability and financial experience to the entre of the hank. The record Ot Mr. ii`. O. Joentnett during his long con- nection with the Canadian Bank of Vototnerce and more especially as sec- retary to General Manager Walker of late years, is A8911111000 of able and progressive work in the general man- agership of the Sovereign.. And in this connection, the Canadian Bank of Commerce is to be complimented in Its giving up to Its youttirer rival, not only the valued services of Mr. Jem- teat, but also those of Mr. Robert Cassels and Mr. A. H. 13. Alackeozio, whose indefatigable work since being appointed inspectors was referred to with deservedly marked appreciation at tint annual meeting. With Emelt experienced banking officials as the president, general manager, inspectors Cassele and Mackenzie and °there, the Sovereign Hank cannot but bave the confidence of the,public and of bankers generally ; and the management and shareholders state empbatically that thieuit; isuen(oitilinretedtublvonaonfvthiearlitensrtitit.latinektl. It it, now placed on a _solid basis and has, with the bushiest) and connections already formed, a good future before it. g. FENN1EPATIIER- BARKER. - St Y. Patrick's church, Hamilton, on Mon t"" day hum, Mind MOGI • Anne Barker, youngest daughter of Mr. Santttel Barker, M. P., was mewled to Mr. Clarence Herbert Pennyfather, form- erly ef the Ban.k of Montreal, (lode - Hob. The maid of honor,illiss Barker, and the bridesmaide, Miss Plorence Barker, Miss Watkyn (England), and Miss Violet Watson, were gowned alike in pale green orepe de ehene, trintmed with white lace and net, given mohair hats, with white teathere, and carried bouquets of daisies. The, bridegroom was sup- ported by his brother, of Toronto, the ushers being Mr, Charles Barker, Winnipeg; Mr. Cyril Watson and Mr. O'Hara. Now York. REILLY' 1100AN.--011 Wednesday Miss Bridget Hogan, dailghter ef Mrs. Patrick Hogan, and John Kelly, of Waterville, Iowa, were married at St. Peter's. Grand High Mese was cele- brated by Rev, Pr. McRae, assisted by Rev. Pr. O'Neil, cousin of the groom, and Rev. Fr. McCormick, in Hanna, Hogan, a cousin of thit bride, wits bridesmaid, and Wm, O'Neil, of Kings- bridge, cousin of the gr00111. Wan (Mat tnan. The bride, who tuts been in the service of Judge Holt, as housekeeper for 16 yeare, was given away by His Honor. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, after par- taking of the wedding breakfast al. the residence of the bride's mother. left on a wedding trip, on the conclu- sion of which they will proceed to their new home in Iowa. DiettiNmon-Coationt n. -St. George's Church, prettily decorated with white flowere, was the scene of a pretty though quiet wedding on Tlinft• day often:noon, when Edmund Lindsey Dickinson, Barrister•at.law, W118 mar- ried to iViiss Uonstance 11111101 Col•boillti. oldest daughter of Mrn. Coe- bould, of Goderich, The bride looked charming in A tailor made snit of chiffon hroadclot.h, a white bet with plumes, and carried a elutwer bouquet of white roam) and lily of tho valley. She wan given away hy her cousin, Mr. E. P. Winslow, Ontario inspector .of the Hank of Mont rOal. The bridesmaids were Itlim Marguerite sistee of the hride, and Mies Kath'iecn LOWe, 01' London, who wore becoming mistimes of pale blue taffeta trimmed with yalenciennee lace and insertion, and blue chip hale with Woe feathers. Their ornaments were pearl pendants, the gift of the groom, and they earried large bouquets 01 pink (myna( ionm t led reirilakt I v1e1 ebbi0v7e1; t)illt$Vnii tit tilW 1111101.11;111:7, of town gueste being 81 re. Jail'. WitIltile and her daughter. of Toren to, re. Lloyd, of Petrie, ?dim) Coriffinnee Wins- low, of Toronto, and E. P. Winslow, of Montreal. Many friends end the public generolly will wish the newly wedded ell happinese. !totems ---Acuttsos. - One of the prettima weddings ever celebrated in (Inderieh Witri that Of MINH EVIL May Acheson', daughter of Mr. and Mits. Achemon, to Philip Holt I ior• ton, of Brock vine, wit ielt I molt Warr al high moon, ‘YedneeolaY, lune 1011), at North St. Mrs Iseellet chervil, Goderieh. The altar and gtierit pewit were effect i deoeorated with polies and bit lichee of white illaen. The Vel`PO1011y WAS lierfOrnied toy Rey. 1 tr. Daniel. of lAmelon, modeled hy Rev. (leo. Haien. As Lite loridni posy entered the chinch, Mrs. Fred Wren - Ion, of Imtidon. Hang very beautifully the 'Bridal Hymn,' front 1411,8051in. 'rho water. were Mr. I feel; Loielon, mtrathrov, Mr. Jaen A eliesun, Mr. James Hillman, and Mr. J. e. Senforth, Mr. Chock Boo, of To. vent 41, iletell ite beet man. l'Ite bride wen at tended by Mrs. gager Af. lot ok, of Toronto, 114 loaf ron of honor ; Mies Alice Hamilton, vof Wrnxeter, hritles• foetid : Evelyn Greig, niece (of the bride, Mower girl. Mr. Arbesoto iipport ell his daughter to the altar and gave her away. The wedding gown, Which Poked I he lumnie Midi. to perfection, was of Heft ivory aatin, trimmed with extpileite rse.s, point 11tei• bort ha and 141P0541o, 1111. rat ill having tootle lare set In fair+ 111 1 111 I 111. hem. The tulle veil ol'hieh veloinni 1 he lovely bride having ft h1 1..111.1 I 1 1 81 01 lace at the end of the train, waa ar relined ever eorionet of cornett.. Hos. torptm, an extrileite imeitiet. id bride ✓ otors and fern which trailed "vet the thew, roinpleting n perfeet toilette The matron of honor wore a dainty annii.empri, gown of rose pink mune over w hoe milk organdy, trimmed wit h dune lace and videnciennen ru Men, large pink erin hat with hands • Women, and earrieti a 'Mower leornet sof pink Pones rind natutragos fermi, tied with pink Million. The loriden- maid wore a Medlar gown of pale bine, and tact 'Ire hat wit it large blue 101,,. nen and ems led 'Mower tumitind of now, gueriteq. Thr little frock nf the flower girl wan n Milne of point trenprit rtdflers. /Infi (steeled pink and white nweet peon. Vellet. line gold neeklet Wilh baroque pearl pen - damn, the gift (11 the groom. the beat man he peenented a gold tie pin with baroque pearl set ting. During the nigning of the register Mra. tiereaton nang Guy Ilarileirorn "Demme." Mill, Simonton wore an riulaite gown of pink satin en nt I neess, Whitt) rope hat with while pllIttled, and togs presented with a linsmet of pink ‘1,04 whit. carna Ilene. After the eon.- Otillfily a reception wan held at 1 he atithlonee. which wan lavishly decor a, ' With white !Barn, lillv of the vat len palmn. coneple ..... In among t dem. Idiom+ being, a large floral bell OR 14 witleh the bridal part y received. dginliicent array of gifts were nn lnelitding a an1mtantial amount I gold J>regented to Mr, liortcm hy rittlfrette In the Hank of Mon- t teat in Ilroekvilln. 'um toast to thp MIA mut ,givotit Watit propored Met, !Wel, mut rotoite,c1 three Torte eut% a. Moe_ foe t' fee, . After the Vt1+10 Around the tfarbor. The steamer Neehing came in on Sunday and often. unloading 25,000 boshels of wheat on Monday, left with the main part of her cargo for King- ston. The dredging outfit has gone 1,0 'Kincardine, 0.1111 on tile. completion of its job there will go t Port Engin, for itnother, wide)) they hope to enmplete by the end of July and then return to Goderich, The stearnehe Ionic and Done, of the Northern I% I HA% 00, Hee, wero in tide port this week with aholit 1 15,0100 innate's of wheaLeach. whirl) they dis charged at the doderieh Mei/aloe. it said hey will centime. on this route f, or the Reason, AMONO 11IE CHURCHES. It woe derided at t 11P TOron to Meth- odist Inotiferenee nal clergymen oak • ing to be left without a station from any eill1NO whatever, and engaging in seeniat work. of any kind, drop the prefix "reverend" from their names. Thin etep the ronference deemed nre• tossers, MN many elergymen ttnesi the title of reverend AN drawing carol of more or lees power. Prom heneeofort only clergymen who remain In the ministry or on Itri imperaimated f und or anY other organIzat inn ronneeted with the chnrch will lot antien ized line the word reverend. On Thursday afternoon of last week 1 he bullet,' Aid eff Victoria SI . Phstreh gathered at the pfli'l1011Itge, After 140111P Imeinere, read a twain if till y word. ed and appreciative address to Mra. (Rev.) Graham, and presented her with a chaste entree fern pot. After the preseni a tion supper was Hpread on (Ile tables on the tuudt lawn, and after fl inoet enjoynble thtati spent nodally all returned to their bonnie. Mrs. Gra- ham has heen earnest and unwear- ied worker for the church, and t her servicee hai e been gristeftiilv appreciated in abundantly manifested. Afensre. Wattn of 17 John - eon's (Semi, Fleet Street, bin. don, Eng . linve now farmed a seecind and revised edition of ' 'The illeirchen and Modern T1 ght ' Thioe work in attraet I ng considerable ni tent ion. 'rile firet edition, publinheil year, consisted of ono thomumul ropir0 Ilit. preeent edition eoreprigeg five dimmed retries: the poibilsh• erg confidently expert hat another and at lat ger edition will he tequired at no dietAnt date. The lo.ok, both in 69 qt yle and and In RR etibteet.matter. appeals to the wident possible range of render)), and, to render ite purelmee within the meenn of a large Merin, a popular edition lo being issued Connor-. rently with the neer library edition. The publinhere believe that a work donne* exhatieli yelp, temperately. and luridly with air arguments for and lagainnt belief, and /deo entente -Ling thonght at vital and healthy wayn, in a want remelt felt at Illo prevent time of religioun unroof.. and that the appearanee am+ a brook at the chIcai mnment eoeld hardly have been more opportune. Mr.E. ilutkof the bane line, Goderich Townehip. left Glinton on Saturday for Brandon, Manitoba. with a earlond of very lino driving itnreen. The con- signment inchaled a team betight from W. W. Parton. one of whit+ luta a mark of 2 26 1 another pure/lager] from Mr, Morrie, flullett ; on? front John Baker, Goderich Towl eitip two Weight In Detroit, one of them having a record of 2.121 two bought from W. Doherty. Clinton. and emitters. E. 0. A ttrill, Ociderie11. Are YOU brifferett frith ferny P 11 11 0117, ri bottle of I)t. tiolloway'e tri Mitt*. ft lik4 Octet been known MIL The following front the Brockville Times of June 12th is intereitting in this connection I "Quite informslly today a pleasing prettentation pot* place at the Raul: of Montreal when Philip Herten, the, courteous and ernelept teller, W118 Wilde the recipi- tent ef a puree of gold (roin the meta - bora of tlw staff, with Wham he 15 justly popular, Mr. Travers, tho manager, made the presentation on behalf of the Melt expreesing the pleasure it afforded them to tender their heartiest congratulations on the eve of his approaching marriespo. Mr. Horton replied in brief hub euit- able terms. He leaver] to -night for Goderich. Ora., where his nearriage takes place on the 19th inst. He and his bride are expected. to return to Brookeille about July ist, and will occupy J. L. Upham'e pretty river front cottage on Hartley street." OBITUARY. Sol.siSt.o. -The remains of the late Joseph T.Salkeld nrere interred In Mait land Cemetery on Friday afternoon, In preeence of a very tame attendance of relatives, friends and acquaintances, 128 carriagee being In lino, and those composing it were from town and townships. 'Mere wait servlce M. the house al 2 p. and lin minutes later the long procession tiled florin the fam- ily residence and proceeded by way of Hayfield and Huron Kotula to old Maitland. Her. hi. Turnbull, rennet of Ht. Oeorge's church %vas the °Moist inn clergyman. and the pall hearers Swore six ;muffins of the deceased. The death of the tete Joseph T. Sal keld is a great loss to the pointy, as he Wan Otin (Mr foremost agrieulturistie and took a leading pita in ad venting Re in tereste throtigholit Ontario, fie had been a school trust et. for greitt nuitiy years, and Wan at ids death vice-preeklent of the °rent Northwester» Agricultural rubition, told woo one,of its 111001 active niel'obere. Much -Sympathy expressed for hie widow, hie four ehil• dren and his aged monitor, 101141 the many relatives left to mourn the de- eeased gentleman. Dirty Water, or Watery Dirt. Fit ft,- lour No1110 mornings I have been exercised let my mind as tro whether what yeomen out of the taps in the kitchen Is dirty water or watery dirt. In Pil Iler ease it is unlit to drink. or. to Wash with. Where Reel 01le Wattle 1 What tt. they doing? Are they doing any thing 1' If they ilmlerstntici their tintlee why do they not perform them If they do not multoretnnil theole (1111 ieN, why did they iteeept. thil 0111.'0 1 Did it meow to the 'few') Connell to f1011ie of the memberg of the Ameriean Waterworks Assoelettion, now in nesivion in nautili), down heore, and if heated well they might drop fowl) hints nto might prove 'useful, The town emmot, milord a fat fee, but it eon sere' y hold out some indUel.• mein .1. an inviting nature Some. thing will have to he Or ii01111. mir coining visitors may became. "going" visifore. Yours, A CRANK. SUMMER SPORl'S. Megrim. Stanford mid Seel n beek , the nintingere t lien, poll- ee rink, which they lam. called. the Jubilee, annomire bat 1 he nkatest are on 1 he way from 1V ovri.mt Pr, .51 111811, 111 1 1 '111 8001 1 101 '1 VI., 71E1 1 1 111 I 11Y 1.111 1 1 1 1 1. I'L1W , 11 18 11 k WIII I 10 opemod for mical ern. A ten mile MA11111111)1 toad rare 94 am run nr Plinlim Tie -mine boo.t, Nor• man McDougall, of 1-11111.1'4 WilI• ning the run in 1111 'ratlines. Ilk climes( lierb. %VDU., of Clinton, 17410 after eight. miles, owing to a sprained ankle. The eourne wee fe01111 Setiforlh to Clinton and !Ince times around Clinton track. Ilrisseselm foot liallerq ilefeated Clinton in the VV. le, A. trice loud Monday. 'rile lirnt. half was close and NO, with Clin- ton luiving it, shaili• the better, ie./fling one goal Whether it woe the hot weather that 11P11101111i/..111.110 Clinton eleven or nol, W011 Wl'011tt. went all to (neves t he se1.011,1 half and the dodoes 41.11r1III 711114.1/Oak in easy fanhion. Brown Jaekson. Hearin th, vele' eisl sat infoctorily. sos Industrial Notes. Mr. S. A lit olse•her and 31r. ( ;eta ge Cowrie, of Heflin, lire in fossil tine week and will termini neat week ill I 111, Inlet or tit, titobotttt Wheel Iliga Co„ seeking to plow,. he 11111n01, itn I.0.144. 11' 8:4),iso 1 prefer red 7 pet rent. stock whirl, Ill,' 111111 pn.n y nit. homing. Mr. M. 11 Lhowl, Menmolowe, it Is said hos jtiSti,onn eormium Rtnek, '(rol tirsoi,ouss will he held hv hers, and I 111. Intl/Wee of 1 he 1112:10,111111 W111,11 is the capital will he Iwo led as !mere) 441 7 per cent. stos k Messrs.. Itrsitmelier (11141 (*on ie nee ni ing for t company their eativass here, 'Ind expect to sliqposze of the moo of It amongst loyal eepitoliets, They sire meeting with good .1101.0084. 130111/001100 ill one to' Iii•rlitt's hostler.; and knowq how they do things I ts.tt iniqv town. 111111 thitiks (bidet THE MAITLAND POWER SCHEME. An Amended Bylaw to be Voted on by the Electors. The public meeting called by the mayor wan held. in the Court House on Friday eovening last, and attended by it fair sized creiwd of representative elLizens, thonedt 'doubtless it longer notice would have boon MIMS gener- ally responded to. 'When Ills Wor- ship, Mayor ISillott. had explained the reasons for the meeting, and expressed hie eonversion In favor of' the scheme, Mr. Arloyes wive ealleod on to etitte case, which he „did most fully &MI o.andidly itn hour've midterm. Be re- cited the facts nubtetantially as given in Tine 0 hist week, and Inviting any questions from the .nudienee, an- swered I hone put forward by Sheriff Iteiliolde, ex Mayor Thompieen, T O. Naffed, Dr. Macklin, NV, A. McKim, 'Dr, IL I *St rang and others, hie re- plies being a pparentl y satisfactory. Mr. M. f 1. Cameron, hy invitation of the eletirman, mien epok e in advocacy of t he propoki 1 Ion, and on the request r 11 1 ..8 r8.144•41 111 1 of opinion which might hi Rome 111PitOtITO guide the Conneil in their (lisettanion of the pro - tumid. a motion by Sher•ili Reynolds and I h.. Sten lig P14 prtinming approvol of the propesed amendment to the bylaw Was earrte4, mail noting unanimously. The Council met von AVedneeday .6vening and eorisidered the bylaw an amended, and deelvbsi m111141)11 it ft) the Poi t elm y0r41 lin speedily are ponethle, 4:vnettl.kit appears In 1 he local papers thin Tt p: %ye believes; an stated in these columns last week, that the building and operation of the power and elec- trie railway schemes would mean in• (seams! :trod population inestimable ad. 5.1111..54.64 ICJ this Gown, anti that the thO pt °poked change.' in the hylaw should be given the fullest smi most iinprejoulleed remold erittion hy our eitizetin. 1.4.t int have ell peso imformat inn, and ta randid ex. pressien (of (pillions, eon her for or lowliest he propounl, anti then we inny pect 88 intelligent and derisi prIIIIIIIInevemmt by the people, THE ALTERED MORAL STANDARD. ex ph non um of t he prevalence of loft at littalvot is (111,TO 10 till. point hen that afforded by the following mit ra..1 e Mow eozie. 1877. '.1 v. toon like o 1..1 f lie Public k, 11:110:11:"Ittt:T:C10;141.:1:1'1111:11.641: rent spending de 4. 7. r I 11. e 11 I ."11:41.1111.:.;:e1t;;:q1117:vt- 1-804 1 hey at f. 0,1:r111,.; ot mil 11 lea It., 11)- 1 Vance,. 11 11 I wised. Enemies Ily I berogrolves ith friends, and mob the friend.. wily. front. M ttempt to stortil tr. h.f194.1. Some trencheq at. it stene form I feel lik.. the 'seamed, lying lon iny arrow hnii:Ivt•1•1 nlITTollint111e1e7i. ait leuRt t went y par Itti,111:1,liviry telt). rirletOPEtn4hrtilnie Yei(tio-p. I I si sl I* hem {nisei bill t iee end mivantsocs rot to. It, thintrial development that are not ap fuer iated MN they emelt tio be. " Your 11 tv AI f't 11 I 1 11 I ' MOW. IN Tilt: 1.11,n,, .1 W svoldegt,on denpafcli Vt'ednesday totyn " gionlsont Don Juan de A tertria, TO,W 1(1 Ni.W 11111111181lie0 Wilteen, 1110 war %tato Department iq rving to ba yr ini tile great token OA no midi tilltIOI Alllp for lite use of the naval militia in that nee, ion of 1 hp reentry. Hite in nf 1,Ittit ong displacement, hen n qpecil of over twelve hairdo and han fourteen WIWI under four in• ehon (tallier. Every effert la /wing! madp to eaperlite the tranater of the vOngei to the great Mk's% bet it in hardly oinc seated title eon he necornplighed irafore atttninn owinse le the roundabout fplomatie methillie which have to be nverced in se tiring England's ren- ot 1, people,- 110 remark,. 'are ut /to III n ing point nf non', and if yen get your power and elertric railway forlorn -we going, wit h t he nano iifiu•I ming inilitetries in strht, von ovighl ilonble your population o few poor.. flot if pm 11110.1 11 non,. well, you'll have to wait A long time rim : flier chance lion. A. 11. A v les. wort 11, PAR. " I tin not pre. tend to Rap that when millitme dollars aro spent yeerly, every dol• far I. spent where (1211 value is given in vont ritetn of va- t Mien kinilik At proo4nnt 1 atn act- ing Mg MilligtOr Of l'1111110 o r k's. end only last week I hood a rano where a man held up the I Yovertl- men t, and WO forevoll to pay F0 NI for A pinen Ot' land not wort h fleet' $7.919, hot if we wept to law about it, in all probability t lawyern would get at leaqt one hun- dred oett of 11, go I roncluded nav the man hie priers. These 1.1tePel etre owner - /me where we have no much out* lay." f Do Yeti? Peet PhIgh Not of poverty, but of corn*. enron, that eon be envet1 by POintonit Corn Es:tractor Don't (Ito *)Pouittelorun:a—cold everyWfote ',4.3 tetlb