The Goderich Star, 1907-06-14, Page 9to ot e, s, so III III I Is I I 1.4 - - 1. --- ­ " . , FOR COFFEE T"Alotum WAM no IR 1("ff IN NATMW A f", S MA61STRATC JARON JUJYJEN A AT (9110MMOIAM ff UJWrm it _;kuo, l,'- ~ VW oft off* ON Now MW me sw *""a No, 4 *M V10 MAN"* ow 1111111* omm 4W "M ""a 1W lla* "a wow= "K aw ow" wo" ww %TM am woo" "Oum AT. WAY 1110111110100 0" %rift ,ft o" No Oil! Ilk- Malls 14*0441001141*W 44 Will NOW Alfill" %MVW 000 T*�*** lolofoitiot* A00AW, *#W of I*- AW4 ft"010 P1100dillik, hil" *1111W 111110" 110. Ylk" 0*0*1111194111100114 "0 *00 wm*w go ft" *IOWAiliollo. wo 1*0 MA $4 A*" ifilook Ww jI* Asift IQ I r Qfto #ML tit ftuloi stoorWdy "t bur. Duftg *ft Of ft OW ViAtA wMals TU Uu"VA4 Of "404 sA st fairria at 04)Q46"rr lill" 4111 bo WOW 111"Mt 10131wolt *0 91411111,10AUaV "A*10 #0t k*, *AU R4 1A promotra, aSh would 49" Ike Proffitt wrow IsAt PW io tm fall. 46woy wm* 41 lol* Yom b" ow* lot wov*`104 44111;* bo ps" Vt th" ontptim" kiliko and vhlbkn� owmft Wag Ills. AWU* �y 4NOWN Aw .q of Mr. Tbows Alva M*A 4w *W111111 44"0". Yet tiffolia, Coast 11111'4111110 JAIW JA J* hill W to tilt%**. thervAs Altw citwhotio 1%W, A" Op ip.0 to l"got-Itis *0* A" iw% AV in Anwrice, 4Ur floffoo JWXt fJIRQuaQf Lor*10 tilt Julacuen, �t it* 4'JJtkW We" *JU "It' Vol' fill, 111140M OA MOM Who, 1* "ow 0y. �W $iu A4110410t, -to *P% not Wy %t 1114 Ill issil h000k , 4P Out ijilo, ffok�w 1 ;:4 �99", too #Lw-th *will, kl ku 14 OYA4 wp, uw, ON W (to orow ly lilivilikkau", of V40, 1$114110 . * , 04m,19 =I Pro. #XP lot 14 11w, 14% yol4pyr 1"o 4citlo gjaknond, W W114 w4wr RWW JUld wflittitfill ;A1000 X Wo Alow balliff ukiifff� trj 44w as; ry W. pie 40% Count, 4M I110— ft".1, lost lot It* olooll" 1014 beerk; tftdi, A1141,01vill Atom iho, 10"mitri �1, III,# 14400, W M# volam ofirigur, WM, 11140 MArill $0, VftT. M14 44.4w JA 10 ocitiouillog foollit of *W wwom A1W -ftr P- 41iftl of 1114,11111 YOU"M lMk dYW An, Ui* 14 it. w4w wigits glollk. palwish, kf - I% Witily l®t t1l 04, *Aft Jitind, )I �ulll to uls4 41 iW of al006 4*4 *001'' , Of t _% 34t, at tint, for 41114, *Ikh U*doirl.. I A tW boli out st W"W allakwo, w1k, flartfl* t btloro It 11 1014114% by 40*1 4h%d W-at.o. Ati latwat 'oull 44ow pulilwullit exioct Wall Y, 4 4 01144 10144 IR 4611killfr9f4l tbie *040", It Z - Ili$) the, 1144, tho liw,44 I ly Waft 10, s4Awrikult W144 111111,40 ".4014 34 Ia6w, 14 411104, Army,' *Acit A winonwr �wbifku * young, olon, Ing "110016 T1W1 -Y *4 Psi 'IV W, PQIW*r Ow It $q 4, r"politl jilvi. a llugluty -of 4YAsmito -out SQ J#W W -4ft , it awns, Ittow1ky otIM140yi-kinfli 0 40W U9 a do-Wrlik 9*4 J, r W; 'le 1� ;#A- 1. [UNA Itlj4, -Arld VO, V lfl"tj my bo suitt K,Vot 44L "Peopu *"0o athlow Mko 4,N, 01,1raOlvilk 104Z.. 4111 1 - a 'JAY 0 Prilitio 411106" with ow thist rpattlf-W it, UeboU 409 W * efsplQuil "Uitag., ).J* *11*0 In ill$". trylAq 11.0, oxPlaido 14 wo� A my* UWAM iwy tU-0t tomi k lV4064i 14 po*w,, ;41A 4 him 404 W010, illisticill iol U01144 tAR4110 0, VOA 45 Ibla, *,, '00, 4r4wu" in LOWark, UVOU Vy aILL, FOR Ismss, to, W4o04U)dotCUJfoi*n*V*1, go. bin .14, lau* hatutilw# jot *A4 ox i11 In t 1 OnAwl, . i1#9 e tilt 40. W', aAt Dmil pleaft werilt #ladet is 64objecl Ill otti" wboifob unvt"i *Aor" low yofif.ft 400; Iket W"'knowlt t, lumt "von oIffalillo, A W Wit, in topa, wwah: finewl 110,W414 lit 44 lot., And WWA to aNva the Ulty it truil, -)*K 0 NIN Atr Ablit tWei. okk4. T404, )Ato,; 94*00W Mo 414 0.11 A OUTLINI tw for 010 ills 0, fl�rkd 40PIUMI' 1,10 vitch timu 41 things, o 1110 *Acu,wa o"O A041104004, 401A voluo P410W Ojai 11111141,; 44 Ot" , ho, It'r IbMW fior 4 Q* 4004d thilt- Iolrlfull 1lWfarW4#'*:Mqr# f0 1 !1142 - XO r' 1, , �', tblitt, ta 1000 of, two r4prood, . 0 R4'W 49 Ills 1410114 In iasill, ctO AutAcV, Nyhloit IRA rw 0 lid 'iM Ile" the wis, *f4pplifig nto i(illiffistill It oftl Iho 011ka 10 11"Proylli ft" *j)BLr4.oftl$,IRilti ift'lili then k. i tub daptorgot Ife gr4ppio *I% the brutok 4A4 91'04 Tell somi�lfmo howin 4 14411104 that this WPM 10- iPam, Itimsll 1; ot lit"011, a 0 icw son *4 9, t, Ali IQ�# --filksoiW# 41 111iiiii a adicifil 110 AdJO 4 A tho; 1 'Af d"W 0 111111M 00 now field #8 001 m* up libnost three pa fir told aJUROlia 4 Alia 1, ld.� F144II& 041109 ZOAJAU Qfo Ow ARA wholh to the jAgy bot� 0, I *flo *40 Anxious let q ry In ill$ a 0. y. k.'MIX44 With Arrlootio QUO apt, this to, 11 Qi�jlo� ebwa 1 fur. ludgi b Ift At- 10A 44" borrowipt, ItAra, 40mlt* 14 and, If 111,09 1.04000 t1nowo in*" f10 Ink 1% And, *tOr 011, lhil`0 1111� 1IAw i ir. P y 094duoll, me o ha, (all *bs) IS 10 - it N to, Attempt �ARY 01, min he 10 formidablo tW, an t oft thiff tootter with you, JIM? A oy loan R440 by tit* ou"Tow, I-oloolk usep, tiny of them ISTAL, 114 IV and mot an ofto 1414 YOU 6 rill On ItrIew Molit 1013sews" gotoo, slid eeeli,pefs 00, Idiom" mututil atiquaillitaini0, 10 nto b. that you,r, Ign"JoigifIl did Aye a few befell a OUI re IN fAC6109 in elphital4gla., JR# 0 eliotao T WAS NATIONAL! 11, It did not alfolfill 411:40411 6900., Allt 1110 1044 4 10 4- he IOM0 1 If yqlaillo.UUstund y4ii, Who 1 $0, the, tool that it eft voin Xn A004 tatlq no �ex- 04 by temporary this itroo..'ble eoil, tildes, k WAS told liket !he Plan, In Is to 1104 141% neum w patty it so rIRS nelther Sc4uent on at, has ovalied I and Oft, y4si you do #oil #11 hv,04,04. aiO00 at lits W10 rl ObV14% homes. 4l, iftention. not, wkiiy� ex, hil. 41004alto maA b0V4,b try oI Ifirosh Conquests. of any kindi,whalever, might wasto a I EUMP4" 4 ogood deal of 0 Who ollikerk that thil filltlfoh rlgtk4 now, ad I 4a calls is hilprolaticablo and 4 breakah Iford qu It .0plicil. k.qnc�her he wanderedi go as him Plowdoin sympathy before yolk realtz . I drop Qfil.ao, file he,.0,rI$fRAfQr Of the' A V From Stistot tC 4te,00lvantilk inConip arvir aWkIng W4, bard series,pt Assumed nomes and d u to who 491114111lied Big bloc A praolloifi it m," Nevertheless the federal ess. of that' 'ef economic laws. TIA IMP41% 10111 that )as Old not 4 Unow 'Is' Is o(%tlault was merely Ira ve I k SLAlly 4 reety. 0 was i Imbi Ing too I ds 44 esf And In eueollo Itivall a, ;nOW CA gooll 40noings, goo The atilt - h' 'we V I at tile restraining lo"U'lli Ile said, liable to produce a lusnliclillft� it recently received, 4 offitaxage from fho'$140 lot the aheor WAS 'P O'Wa X of sold orreit deoi4iom, more especially come, mligi have t-lesulted somewhat NOW 'VIC Am Of ill& OrUQJ. arts. 14 llsa flo, iltiont lion at the fiffillo sold d1lililliqlaji rJi thai"WrO#"t of the itepubilit oDul,414144 Her,' mitntr 0, powil widow 444 o.squmorlt been PIAN, -hid th robbed her o 041100. JA IA414116, lit found, Other wOrdai out. the talormatian that the calls* qutatlen. 114114t, woto gauslit, Mg MEANS TO s1JCC8SD, lamid much longerl 44 was national issue 604 Act 411fullil It"Ok R OpL :ou Oil and artiopla r1of, h question of the coffee 8 4AIR 4WJ1IInj brA00:1n. the dau% Should a l4e difference �,I;qr at, a, 111 waal you to read RAW doflumont." t iiii TO to' bel, Cola, Oney* r "Ne erthelegf;, I mean to pe Bolicird Astd. lVsi Irank Washington, wvalws e tio tie, Warrilly thut jump at I mt. 'I left bia�, OUR W114 #44 RMS, it ey tare palle[ f lXtp, uil sad, sit humor- your absee Xrom, buillopos,W40 owing fedbral government would Indarsa, on e, i 10 t reevere," result in a black eye, you tatog, Tile on tho he idea at OXPIAW 140 b1c;to thal, wdent's message Also stated thak aQgWor Of thf$ I Slow to kilo kilo. 4,1 vwl'.Gy,�, &11,1404tt lir d tile tobacco an -10ol, 6 see- rd t4lWok, Woulk It 4 low X aw 71 blis got to be dione." to a temporary local dIsOOI4V0k1OR-QI guarantee (or tile coffee lelysis ullieft 01 4tt put; astorksibly,to take out a at 0 hill forthwith that he did it iof $75,001iof, whi as eed 10 40W ypq_ UK ft otit _1014L'thein AWIty '101 zeA' AAA prob'SIly, vIlion, one comes to think Ills lot . the outiclit"401; amount is lack Sol- falk� 'he of lt� Ilsomstbirtili" pres Oka led into law not bellove it word of 11. low o�td'explqdod one end zs alk tormofpy d6A0i'!,- A varrioll, Zwo In BroOlilyn, 411 a ently will be cellular tiesue'Vi the region surrOundipl; 'Agroold upon, and was on ford some little time to convince him m le at SIX "doinp.10 eye ", plasion would I* piallon deserted utter relieving the . the orbit. It Would silliest ditlilervO 91 August last. that the onalysill, had been officlallY traosmiti011 40 Ahar tool, in ne ani6a in AlXtj� 44yq,, 04:40149t4l bent rangliag �tr two If 1,5, 40 *r-Ife Plowdens so art old Catholic note f sympathy twul the "governo BAGS STORED. made. and mus% be carreot. am $2,5W to $15 illaitI-Wd speoAl. That a0"41s; greater han the plus twIsted link for a thousand ho gob 4 different Rome a UPP menE FLEA BITE. According to Herman Siolcken *he "HAY BURNER&' STOPPED. asi oilod ioftr w4ste a Au finilly, who have been SoUled,lp Plow - Wide r4u he a it den, In Shropshire, via iled 14 Willett fk,141 lhtkt go# no, �OJtlgqr serve I PUr- in iL,dMemnt guise N w W An accident duo to a oonglamety of ofl,40 to perrtea- Whio they Wexiiii,mllid% nwo *At of hay buitillerg," is' 4 thq rate shqvsn,, now to, �.bokkefied a, sweeping yara� Or Ithereabout& one at Is earit- a idicato formed originally among InOr- you are a allonts to assist the coffee trade of Bra- aThol OU" at' Chicago allow miciusta4s; as, Mr. R.— 110 V(04 051, ancestors Was a tint aat gi, 13 certain Doger do extraneous Insert gaseous pirtiOlelf r In he said by way at beft 41110% 1 joil 1%ut there are, ox or, any kind, 'It "bearded Ilk$ PIOWdim,,wh* served With- Richard supension In the otmospherii IS U 11101�11- Toll and InoWentally to bolster tho'iile� 'got 104' )�IU plosiv4s at such tre nc Oudli the parol." as Mr. H The cowboys looked alklin in SUN ot caused by Joe. ybu market has now taken 0,000,000 b power , 'that o Ono durea to thlit AalbiqlIr is des. The first title way al_saylng 6 b 11AM w"sa4 h -i word side whiskers �only, and so an Coeur do Lion in the Cruse -our c Insuo ))lit 4 ver 9MQ I quantity at a Vi4sted of the pig 4koopt'1110 6qivak. through the whole gamut lot lawyer In the fainilly was an eminent might express y 'Onttimpt a thitio coffee (is collateral lot, advances a wonder everyaneof you, and We.- Ofillselle limous Edmund Plowden, who by oxclattiling, "It Is pia e bov, 011, me along with you has not be" 100014 u more flea bittil" it, 040 it to tit# pricipal coffee hey have ever been Grating ficvo�been. p1scedin the drains 'FRAkOORMATION. The scientist would say Woe, and 44oUllif it t I laboratorigs, I have tic col 11 the floors, FACIAL, position of Lord. Hiall it was moroly states, from Using arsoma and opium", 1.0 But and tile olly� $121) r 0(unifo w tell collected AR4 jhus he continued his career of Chaocolial, of England rather than sub- an acure, incision 'Of tile Cuticle pro- , 4,jilkneighborlibod made them npi*op at a time. t in _hen ills first loan on coffee was continued. Were urokised by this 01ovs, Park, load on'thaL oxplosives -of thli nature which. have 4 Into l4rd. now sbUrce of lievenuo once a. month on of Queen Elizabeth, and low 0 . Aral k was skimmed polygamy, hAding a fresh wife and 4 Mit to change his religlop at tile bidding duced by1ne 'ravaging proboi of the tide in behalf f the several State$, The cowboys hoW un4table they I have mad surf4olli'Ok, wbtao who afterwards parasitlogical Pillox irritains. 000 bairs were stared lit this city, tikkke.�'Thoy demanded to know what Ile Ila'itt' whon 1 yelled at them. 4you Oft and oQAvertq it Is estimated, he sociidool from Queen Mary's P ril eheP "Ill Of 1110 Brottion, Hamburg, and other, control; ark gone 'river for a living may'he all average - until, am tie might request that a little ROScotts Ia allient, Skimming.it,', meant by his Insults. '41 ular combination of the hydrOgellit- where the coffee merchants, members lacgo Which S&, tile stuft It, in. a stato of very d V said to Ile on#, of the niost striking ex- had won &;h deserted a hundred brides, and incurred fine and imprisonment motec 01 tneen the% tilat lot 7W. OW wall.. A"burgIlip"'Oot long so eme with xygen be added to of the ayndicate, had warehouses. It Altai - 640 at 060 cats equilibrJuni. It Is a question �C. ankpieS of the', utilization di wdsfe. This When he had exhausted the States he rather fty.k countenance the Parisi laws, Ous I tit weve all been smoking is mostly kii(edirks- idling on. surrounding condition as is done in PorLs. The is bits Indi, transferred' his misguided laterite to against the"Protestants. )its whiskey, Instead of sayIno.. was subsequently found noomary to to, arsenic And opium, and rvb U*v the tho to grig4adin. -v]Adq-Ny —ranki liciliftit dir vl4ilisT; _diW Manchester$ Isavilng behind Al - - -(:Iiiahole Plowdon's immediate pass the oter." No woondor p6oplo lid. Increase tills amount of ooffoof, as the 1, b k6d documents IlAre to prove it. it will do rench -capiltal L64diork urini Jollity of Plato, The liduryNnWinat,' is. 'When, as In the Case who makes it 14 daily business to skint Cited wives, of ancestors were Trevor John Chilehole- vccate tile simple Hfil, reoloval of 2,M%000 bags train the mar. Mr. Belford then read the analysis 0 %, 404, hebin; 91 him a wake of oband ieniolsollo, do Some People Woo a PCs Itive, delight kot hod no appreciable effect in advane- debts and warrants for his arrest, until Plowiden, and a certain Mad Ju9t mentioned', the Solne. Hd Agut. at early morning Q at the tobacco from his seat In the aid, boat, armed whosA An,wasting their breath ill tile use Of Jnf( prices. AdditionnI Advances were tit IV to joajod� lid - flatbouctmed last Nern", In,'the form of one Of filtokadel, a Danish lady of Kanto, the COW, hebkIS ABOUT EQUAL, in an lie 0 When be had flialotted in a words it yard long 1, R time to time andiew ayndt- THIS DALANCr D express an idea Inade fra, solemnly threw away their clear, V WOlf in it take witti,it. skimming Pan. With this tie big Outraged victims, overtook him. murdered at Mallilia I SUM - be e have beet Ot4s .4 VC little to incline it toward skims Off tills surface of the river the Was recognized and arrested lit NOW aervil Insurrection. Her nurse escaped toi which inch s w uld cAtes formed, an(I it is now stated that iptigiii their sack& of t8bAQ- so thaf even the sound greaso which �oolledts there during the York, and we may. Morris that for a with her to Scotland, and at eighl"en Silo tilent; but Ili spetilcing it does not fully 6,0000W bags are hold by a scare *W: along thO ry and ent 'a gas0bus form, i the ground. ir eldest hops inutter so Much. However, w wn or inore *1 coffee IMPOrters and met, - 6, iftep, tiold*,f4und, cip'l. 41 ftio'valce will cause tile change. A night, and which he disposes of to a time at any rate his activities w�ii find as married to her husbakid, the sIle a heavy weight ,tap %actary. In. it writer In a newspaper Or Periodical chants of tho country and Europe. 'he effect, 4nd so would I"V Er vfol�nt fit of coukhIng will.,proidUce the Generally lie makes a I pleasunt, and more restriot,6d field Book, Alfred, being barn, at Meerut, [Ito the 141 takes it into Ills head tie do the sakfie, "Help I" few'conts or ifo by his mornings work# (,.,r thrr lexeroiso­ did, ill 1844. LEASE OF RAILWAY CO. tho dropped on- the floor, which enablet him to IIVo. As a champion polygamist Dr. X — Those were the days when to keep a the consequences fire disastrous to tile Hig crt_*-IuckAj tikOgd g "Speakingof explosives," continued Lroins of its reader, and it is to Le 'rho Sclircederm of London and the THE LADY AND THE DUKE "tallo; at- a constable. 0�ha �amok Tannin has established a record which we Bin- white child lit India lileent almost cer Mr, Edison, "rewinds tile at how I got THE GUILD -CORK GATHERER$, holly writers of to -da will Nation City Bank brought out a coffee the drowalog,min, cerely hope will never be approachtd. tain deathi tp, that child, So, at the ago of h(,ped that I ent, led �1;o the, cilipturo Of 114 Of Some Ininisters who Insisted 4R In Paris also there are a number of So jar, his most dangerous rival was six, little Alfred was packed art to it Wake up to tills fact. loan several months ago slid had ills itering me in my laboratory when I had pea - pie who make a living out of waste establishment EV . ER TITUBATE? refusal on any more loans. -ASE IN 8 Valid ficit6oiniz-gr4ftloall one Emile a----, a native of Lyons, who Yorkshire school. The AmUSINO, MATRIMONIAL C U, I ome Important experirnents. on hand. arkw, which I fish from the Seine.. n the space of'six ye wooed and won was in, many respects a �ery good tint- The first Schroeder loan amounted to IN T GRIP -,Ttileated. them 44Urt0Ou61Y` 60 long 11A) They Collect a ) he river bank at day- ars Hall. When sprinting for the early morning $15,000,ODO. When the present loan. ENGLAND. thfrty�six wives An various parts of the tat.ion or bickens' "Dotheli I could, but they grew M4 0 or. age of train do you ever titubute, or stumble completed yesterday. walk breached to OtIs mail ldqrlhg burglaries of )ro intirested break, etich with a short'Pole, at ill Continent, L and was finally shot by one Front It he was rescued, at neuralgia, these interests As the day Wore oil, and scented tp Italia ed net. Cot suffer from intercostal It is understa*d. that n end of whicibi Is a $nIoll IMPrOvis at ills victim while honeymooning with twelve, by it lady who socin to Will 'r no -Intention of going home. Finally, to wdrk to gather in the float- tile last of his bride& 1,n vWon from another world." it was otherwise the stitch? You perhaps hey waived their riSht"to make a fur- Who" the Duke Bolus" to Marry like as a lost resources I told them I was her loan, with (tie result that the Dresol. They set I ark , subsequently selling them to his mother, come fi-oln. India to visit her don't reallzo that a scratch if on Acute us cracksinan, ak. man Of is -face, Bur - lot 'r abrasion of the cuticular sut nor Book financed tile transaction, and Lady Sant Libellous ftst �iwn 'to the going 10 milloo'sOlk"s highly exPlOolvO th. ( k nierohants in the neighbor- offspring, 0 phyllitug, Rh that thol")BIAlle, - - -" ANYWHERE, ANYHOW? -o �-rounded by a crussarrienturn; jokslefid of coffee a. collateral took over his. 'i%A material., This made them only tilt hold" After Yorkshire, Brighton, whei rhore'lolterested, and they'got in MY forible expirati6n as rein to regr�.t­htsl visit Th,rot are #out -a scare or so -0 thov little Plowden attended all "academy" Cough Is an abrupt, louse the Sloracabana Railway way as much as they possibly could. cork fishermen, who havelormed iy proceeded by contractin of the glottis Copany. The following amusing Case Just tried t busy centre;.Of I11046itioryArode. m -Learned English Sudies Spend Two out the then popular type, folli?wed I luring Irritation of the respivalory our- S'iio Paulo, Ono at the pri t they know much -of selves kao,a wrt of craft, and who Westminter Schciol.(whern lie learned to nctPul cOlf" IR London, England, is doubly interest - "ti with all tho.11% test ippientifle: it iy. IDays over tIjIe Point. Staivs, has 'now advanced $5 a bag oil Ing to Canadians. Thirty years Ila Sir c.9 to nature and Wearance of Iligh .x- guard their Interests very jealous gL.t out of scrups--and into them.) It is flice; and that when your floods &to he lirlake tatels, gentleman' haat ill& first- numbed you hill' has raised Philip Clarke farmed InL British olum-' plOsives, for when I placed a number they sight of a- stranger relOng Ft" a-iiiin the right to endanger e Interesting to note Ve it.) blind tholil v5t)(11,000 bags of coffee, and and soon tubbeeded es, list as of doups of, the material In various parts life and limb of a cyclist On the hlgfi� nallied"placo he was known as "Baby," lbody You al't, suffering f ram it filtnilrether atlout 635,000.000 in vuri-00 but, and left to end hLS dayls in England. valudbi , Corks they� fail on him In a body. Only the manual extre- f tile room so us to scatter any Inciden- partial f.,;ohnernia ot' fainks. 'rhe State of Rio has raised prepur -ho, � door W IRS, to depar(, t quite recently* the police rescued -one Of Way ithount rendering its owner liable while amongst his Intimate, friends of lie married thetis a riah spinster, who ilslidtetat explosions, they seemed not to no- Itliese novices barely in time to Save for damages 7 mitics. Nice, isn't it? out him adrilt, hav- aftedill Ili) Bar his nickname Is "Chick." clor when lie W0000, and it to understood that the later, I, is at ticii It. At last, when they got croWd- 'Ills life. That interesting question has engaged federal government -of Brazil has guar 1AV04 him. "Give Mr. Plowden might have been a Don't ciintra4let the'do Ing thus so he right to call herself 1 1. ressin at the fic d 4 Ing almost betwooka me and ills Work The sweeping of a floor might Well tho attentlon of two eminent judges of clergyman had not Ono of his earliest tills you that after upp anteed It lost, of $10,000,Wo to one Of Lady Clarke, Following this Ule baronet X armed, WsRponsf Y A, efilgastrke region, duo to excessive nl- our bench, I very carelessly pushed a board be considered as so muAll waste; Yet, the King's Bench DiV181011 at Birming- efforts in sermonizing been a failure. th Will Stitt Committed sulaid6i. Lady Clarke Is still off on the poor. Well it was rather through D. firo in London the other day, ham, England, and several learned and A, it was, lie blossomed forth -into a trogeneous Intak, you art apt to ex, rece the defendant In Ithd gol gotten, go quietly iin I anC r, w ro it to to tile coal all g 0 worse thob I intendea it to be'. it Burned a quantity f sweep- costly counsel for two whole days. And long while hibit a reflex phenomenon if, I which con liarrister, ond for quite a a suit of damagas for slander brought OU 'J;l the PO tell A ivs,� A condition of I e tempor 'NCE 'RMONS, _iaball look , in nearly Shattered the window -glass still, ings gernilint, a certain 1% the end the judges did what the lowl briefless barrister. To bring grist filie fatigut tsENTL SE isaof(W the, eDragoon. dtored in tile boi f Their deci- was a reporl�lwoll tile musseler and internal mud. against her by an individual known u jostled things around generally. The nrm lost several hundred pounds, The failed 10 do—tiley dodge . to tile mill, he became ,the Duke of Plenueff." Tho Counsel for nj to hUrt YOU4 bittlilt �YOU to.' ed lie 'clpg of tile lower Jaw. All he means -Tlw mighty are always niodeal thot Duke was Mr. Hatual' Greenwood, ministers, sceined scaredl half to death, 9 the question still unsetil Which attempt to Shout, I'll olkit you.- heap of dust and rubbish contained qJon leolt,e. Times Bin 1, Ark appoLvilment evervninched, and from the Way they held their cars tended to is tliat over -eating Is frequently f91lowed A fast life makes a loose clia little gentleman U � ver filings, which It - m/bs in but the legal,victorY to" tile Present rests field until Ile was appcil�ited a pollc M.P,, who is Well known as an Ontario hyou would have supposed solpeong, had t�# fits of yawning. Nitrgenous intake Content gives charm to every circurn. . ate of Toronto University. extract later ion. This is regularly with the fowl. magistrate Ip 1888. boy and gradu the powerful bil as actually used to represent the word iwood. opening the BUMPED THEIR HEADS TOGETHER., done at all Works where of Birmingham was rsonailty 'bid b , n anti �vdth tho� InfilliOn Of silver or gold Mr. Hadwell since then his name and Ile Mr. Hamar Grod In gold-reflikers' Premiseseven road kod In a newspaper' article which op. allowh Works in faith will work faith. a knock-OUt blove. He skil- Iq used. cycling recently aldhg a country have heen almonst continuously before ew, sold the plaintiff was to and the r When I told them how It had hap. ly. o tio,,soat in the chimneys is not allowed A lien belonging to Mr. Righton flut- th, public, givally to ills anniuyunce, Peared last week- J.Ife it; early blighted It It know no lady we-" 60 years of age. The "dukW' fu ly d , to avoid pened, and discu9sed the possibility"6if t le found to tile lady throo years ago, when is Bluo, Dragoon to be treated' as waste. I tered across the road and got mixed up Mi.. plowden shuns publicity. first met it at rwards it clouds. more flCeldnts aking place, they 'said Result , it I contain minute particles at the precious in tile cyclist's front wheel. they Introduced by a Common *90, iyin writhing on thel'illior, scream 't reall. was qute wond"ful, but they iRS -More sins are slain by *miles than I y i motal, which are far too valuable to broken head, LL smashed nlochine and a UNLUCKY ROYAL SAILO friend of, Princias skating rink. Sho was n b agonyi "Pollee VI and I'Mur- - g. I lig, I It guessed they had better be goinj scowls. dor 116 for tho, gentleman, Vho was an . be lost. defunct fowl. fire are bred ex- an action for SAVIGS OF TUB WORLD. Poop a distant relative, of the "duki wtmJ. ed looked urged them to stay and see more in places where sheep Mr. Hadwell brought Misfortunes of Prin�es Who Have Vol- a who hunt trouble always &hoo his counisel, said, was conrimted with ;VX at works, but they all -had very important tonsively ails frequently sees little bits ditmages against Mr, Highlon In the away ther joys. is him in an embraQ6 which threatened tq engagements and hurrleol off, of wool lidlierin The case Amounts tile Thrifty Everywhere Place louled tile Sea am a Profession, A orook is made by bending the mind 111,011Y Of the' DOL&blo of ul9 )qalo his shoulder and,,Ieg. Tile Blue & to briers and hedgs. Birminglitint County Court. ils Banks. Ili view of tile fact that Prince Edward ok self-satisfaction. oountry and France. This Story which Mr. Edison relates Ilk Sevin is, at pro -sent enjiloylug His These are no longer regarded as waste. Was tried before Judge Bray. Judge recalls unother of a similar nature, of Wales has entered Osborne Naval Superstition ofteli. is only a synonym THE FRIENDSHIP DrVE.LOPED hospitedity, and dubtleas con- From such wool rubbish, whether cOm- Bray decided in favor of the owner of According to the Bureau of Statistics W note says for intellectual sloth. though not quite iso disastrous, A I, Ccilege. it 14 Interesting older& that teachIng Iluoiltild Ought to be Ing from sheep or goats, vQhkobla oil the hen, all the ground that there was -in If,, "Statiblical Abstract for 1900, It you ke% your tools k -111 it becamo dbitasteful W wo p(rtar from a paper whose methods did Lowdoll that the billy royal cen the Men. is now extracted.—Pearson's Weekly. no evidence f; allow that It Is 1110 cOm- 91,273,881 thrifty people have 811,801,' sbilor Pritimo who have escaped trillshap ter will not cop you long Idle. owing to tile lady, who was thirty-four a criminal offell0e,—PeaMns not tatirely ugree with ills Inventor's Inon practice of liens to runAnto bicycles, 221),509 on deposit ill tile postal and othor his senior, and winewhat strong- arp Ills tile Ilrince of Wales, and Tile great inark never knows any little P-111170 Weekly. ideas of fair dealing iocently called to ....... and that, kn,pny event, there was no evi* euvings banks at Bill world. Title ac- royal sit; they all are greak to him. Inindod, having made a proposal at interview him. Not wishing to be rude, dence to show that suCh wits the disposi- counts average $129.29 each, and repre- lite Duke of Genon, Somehow In riage to him, and imperial Prinves who have adopt- Muny a joy remains undiscovered until War proceeded, tie did Mr. Edison asked him it he objected to SCOTCH EXPLORETI'S WORK. tion'of the particular fowl in question. 6ellt $13,58 per eapila of the total vjpu- ally, counsel irfir, iftussm nOoET, his eonlinulng lits'exPeriments while he Whereby itidge Bray afforded a brilliant lation (809.897,000) of tile various coun. ed sectoring 1110 as (I pr(ifossion cein (:or eyes are dininied by sorrow. Natur it to Ul he pursued by ill hick. Ita Ito use talking about looking up not see fits way to weePt much P tut*' hilked ' Of tourse, the newspaper man Mr. Grieve, a Naturalist, Visited the illustration, of the aying oft oted in Irits. ome Asiatic col"It"IeS are ot sal, and a feeling of c tile 4 grew 00 W iftirk-enuo over a Billion Una Yet There, was delighted. It really added a spice I'he Grand Duke Alexis, Lord High .1 pitur lift will not bear looking Inte. island of Dominica. r.lighind. "The law is a hil, r everN hllswhse (Inancial a began Deficit. haf human interest to tile affair. a lient a fool bir�i Adinirtil of the Busian lleet, nitinaged Sunday Clthes may Oliver (I multitude tween tile friends, Ttleu the A dy to Nil,. led 111S As L9 well knbwn, Columbus discovered 0c"st "llo'A's aflokirt4 generally are not Yet statistic' run ills Vacht 111t a liussilin Meant- (I sins but they cannot tilde theni. it) make, slanderous statellwIlLs about Like Eoll�ion thereupon condue and is particularly prone 14) )oso Whilt "duke," and sent him puff, cali *)It 'Nothing could rbid. a% ailublo. The dist ribution is regent a in caller Into -a little room where, he had and named the island of Dominica, which ship, with little dufnage to the letter, The creum of society is not ob(ain.d to 1 0 sto4eni, of national little intelligence Nature -ties bestowed (k)ufllry. most Obnoxious l6ccusaftGns, diing aspect -t� a certain form of oxygen apparatus; 1, thirty tnilea long and sixteen wide, art oft it whenever a cyclist draws high. It Depositors. AV. Arcl. l,ut Inkli-1119 the yacht ao inuch that tho Ll, removing the milk of human kind- taJilifig )1aintiff then eve ovidence. lie et, says which Charges tile surrounding Motto- his second voy/Age to the Antilles. les ....... 8,027,102 $4XI .71) 141pairs CO liess. The I marr ed. tie find no uC- *ononky than the 1111assiefl, buill; usually walls until the wheelmark is til- United sin st 10LIAU0 rubles. ft coresponderiL rho Jr pity find novel, beo"11 then starts oft luerniany ....... i ... 16-01 reliw who ties nu pity for t'LeatiOn 110'WaS "Vill it $t_ Petersburg photFL, in a manner very unpleasant to More than a year ago' Mr. Grieve, a 2,771 15K.81) Ills tile I)klkf- f Saxe- The hian who moist dosen-e oi g an alost on top of it and tlinpogsibility r fathoming the sill one hot used to It. Mr. Edison did not Scottish naturalist, decided to go to 69 K M12i vlhile Dukt, (it I'dinburgh, ILI tile dt that, stupendously- niodly lit one direction suddenly W T'e United Kingdom .... 11, 011 front 11pi raltilly. -sho invited ino 14) tell give lost, but Ills visitarcould Dominica to make a study of its 116ra 5.325,0132 1143.90 holding rank lit the Blitillk navy, Was the Poor. mind it In the It 'hamber of verse its course a moment later. If it Austria ............. igry nd dini On 140verai Ally -,s The be%t way to moire folks hur Intricate document soon becomes evident not ask questiolas for choking find and lumn, The Edinburgh 75.66 s., inif4irtunale na t4l 1, e his flagilhil), tq the 4 is averted it is, halt the time, duo ............. 11,767,772 en 'at her cluba-UP" LY"eufrl, ................ 7".it4l.131 74.44 Ilie -sultan, of, it Milt o d tit her iverses reader, Ylit Such figures Coughing. and excused himself In a most (�omtnereo heard of the project and In- I A op to tile extrpmo caution tit (lie rider Italy oar,MuIta. ,,, Jul hru% is to give thorn a tai I t"Intinued, grasp ond lIpprechite formed Mr. Grieve that as the most con. sp,,. I a koinirui Itie Prin(e �,f 1.4-il lllg4.n lappliles slid U11101'a--all is able to I emborrassod way %,ithout'gloalking any Clrelf_ o4 sheer good luck. A barnyard fowl Bugslu .............. 5,306.00 1)#. eIQIhl4Pd 10 be it hiaswokiloll of )Its sting and Instruc- Injormation. whatever. Tile Incident milictory etateffients had been 1,475.764 236.60 hild tilt- 11"Aforl"ll" 14, rug) dOwn a vQq- 14 not itiucti virtue in (tie rolill. life, absorbingly int&e. I t on the highway was — place for I I ungai y ........... J,291,561) 150.28 ),,ol in tilt, While in oiintnand t f ion wil"o vtttiijty you ha%it to prove Trough Ilet, husband. 'tivo. wag rendered still more ludicrous by toted as to tile prospects and capabilities 10 Deirmurk ........... "Did -he actually Pr"Post) t,j �,)u her The Ordinary rovftdo, of tile country ItIq apparently attended manner with a! Dominica, lie would have a fine OP, Creatures whose behavior under excitIL" ticht, (,Yupen herst-If I.y nrillinuent, ';jt put down Lit $1,067, 500'(0, W11116 the Mont was so erratic as that of fowls. wazorland ........ 1,11(g),Wu 14". 40 tile royal y 11-0 lost Iu be expert at Aelf �t which tile Inventor regarded the report- portunity'lo study the Island us a field Tile man who allowed them to stray Atistpolin ........... 1,123.2PA A ring (in lintird, Svverill liven When a ruan gets Yea, on niurt, than Will Y44 extraordlinary" fteelpts Are, placoo a Probably the reporter for British settl0s, there should be held responsible for any S%%eden 1,015,204 !it this ef.litsion. rnising lite dust he In sury to do it ro r actions. whelt silo VIM,;. $184,W,00, Without entering Ail- now that a trick Arkill'inJ at ills island, Mr, Grieve in- m.5io 1*ho Auil-ir livolher .f the Gernion %ell an to, chulie himself. "\\htkt did Yuu SOY Vs not even yet to ways. Bogillin 2,311.945 et i�bows, in relikity. damage resultin from their fook I ilayed upon him, but lie 0 not 111co- rmed I to offielals that he wished to it was brough out that When thp lien N, rwily . .......... W0,307 1 :!W perxir hwt lifilio-lo marititite Sonto folks never hny salisfil, lx:sP I' %Nas the, bud' wag r to lork) the interior. hey shooli theft, f 1.412,H81 55.05 but fits .;i1tiferhinell on land titn ill fighting slit until thi-y Latch 11wit *1 s,11114,,ti. and sa id 4 deficit 'Of 1110 Orlgloi 'Of )y to revisit tile labotator'. ex 1,ftn into Mr. Hadwell's whole] It was lx' ........ ullki, elifinged to inari) lreudy, all'i that I vilidit. ig Partly (110 faM- bells dubiously, and told bim they were Ing clinsed by a dog, That afforded the (.nnada ............. 2)(Y.1,563 1295.43 I-Tive It"n unountinunly nuinerouA, nelghlAirk tkiing wr 11M.- 1409. It W413 Lie Cavo)r ifity most urgent doubtful it lie Could carry out so arduous c,inouit L4 that It 1110119111, title was it judges an opportunity 10 (104190 Ill" 15- Japan ........... ... 10,279,593 5,32 Inq whorl tit, han Iteen oil( shoot. Oil(, tmublo With �'Of, thil items that WORLD'S LARGVST CRANE. or undert king, as tile Interior wan at- IMAM ll�ig. Not finly (]lit lie sevOrely InJUIV a li-OdA yoll 14) 14-lieve till, door -04 Of Up (LaUghler.) ,4paln �Wikq silo Indlipia"I 7' 'It giving their decWlon, they %Bill . ............... 415,196 ioprillpri)an I,y tile Occidental diq- Ix,rtunity are tor, stliall fur )f,u. -all Intmal loan of % ot nmessar) to dile New Zealand ....... 310,351) 1 6 tly Tied to 0 - racat Olitif ly without roods slid covered 5u ife-w it Inkea but it lltll(- Wrie t4l get a twist �Nlery indignall 4Sil5o)(1,00, tholi rianaluder is to )V Set- The largegf, Crane ill tile World to be in effort it was la ib ellunabic loan log used at Armstrong's t"39WIck warks, with primeval liopleal lovet. what were the respeptive rights (if ItmIq BrIllsh India ........ 0AN (liargo of hi -4 gun ill (`iorfu aorne ft post (aniq means, of a; �' , Not to be datfilled, howeVer, be liewd it240,532 iv.1.23 y4nrs site), bill itipre is also a rill'- t4l, th4' 4'y04 Of ('01MIC"CO WhM YOU The loting p lady a ti.rwilrds s4-ni, arro,,l) %% hile tie Tile &arm will Woo find Cyclists in il'O highway. Ila Finiand ....... .... -y oil 11iln )Ice, ill Nil r r lite 01 I,( Itiok %%till voinpinvens cro( ad of Iso tons, but has been his way through file forot, Ills Regime, no precedenig tit 90 by. If tht' dog had 141tu 111"T14% lcoep( if hlq uncl( 0% w kir in as a normal )a long, ond Is intended to lift porters moving tile unilerbrwh with tint chilsod tile hen It might not hAV0 In p(Mal Saving Willi (11N who is in rerpipt of a handyinie 4(1 atowunt of practice at leaping h- a4 atityril L)y tile InOrninif pust AS- o1noullt tested to 200 theft, alach0t,00. lie climbed Mot moun- yele That pir. jiltult; are 34.31)8.269 dt'191,01101 It fill I rig tork, 'rho f1rat cnl,%P t (Ito workslipp to the n into Mr. Hodwoll's bic I ( s r tilt. 11rinoo for n Altal tenck-s horo will gt%c )-4-u afirl, 11 tile hall table fre4t gun burbetleq front lakits I'll wnun(l P.�itullinif froin 1110 Cark'41clacsit prij,ugh I., cleur lite %tillit of the c y anti IaV 4krJv,4d 'froft ofifitillf5r 611irces 0 (1 taln,�, looked down into lite boiling gove tile lien an excuse fisr spilling customs Rod tto,, Waralilps, doing aWaY With three months' ounttn (be neveftst earthquake Illinsed i1w $52,20 each. ill hatifillilki ft atilt. there, wri 11 gmPIOYed iind eno Hadwell. The Judgiln dis lip. averaging but del and the labor usually Injoyed (of many years I tie lendern are ArelAulce J,,Illl of Aiiii1ria, %IT4, pon-led it hold w. only W Sidled allpffoxltkfalol�v , Ily �ikvo was granted the cycltAt tile hone). il fit Ilk OCN; and reconstruct Dominica lid% peal, but it Vo Ovot)MI thfili 01 11"ObI61AU" anx. Im to just awho reached lite inioldlo of o. river, to appeal to the next higher court, AV. Atlet. Ills examintillon no-,,Psary to secut-- -1 hope you a"'Prijuyin 1104IMI)o tullmttuot irfilsed by Tile Crane has; talcen two Yea fild illiblildera -of a altipiter tII4 Ing thek" to PI lwft� ts can riding pich- ill end Is perbapa not yet. OXI.Ml) $74.10 soine%%hot alrange," said n gen- aloon with 160 Du(Ill"'s or Its 1,100 tons- It Ail hatontraftil a violent 4,345.446 52.74 1MG1111 4,fl.- day, "but niy %lit, and I Tile se<,mnd pvM ca taltillion tit 40001(olow. 1110,�o pigures btflid, and wela ri;fkto iii rillin 410111 a fil%F vears Off'. ril was placed In 1110 I liel.piect. open to �&&sdpo:fh.ol on (,filet 'debit 'Sldd klVillik, 140 ralso Its load 160 feet. dislike for a vilrj6ty of 00 10,hi coVelTed . ......... ... 5.527 A22 37.31 rx,widing 01pe thorn I n his skill), 1,4,ver litte lite i filing. it is unly (ithing-rocilh till 1110 mag lit the house. A�&Wlng:, Cloef , '1116 '11110410111011 with sharpgriltitts. whieli tore his clothes TOUCH 1,1011717LY. ................. leIn folulti0q.4 exal"In0lifln by lie"Pl" w6loh it liklik0d PaY016111. at Beliblin ............ Ohl- of '\lt&,i Old- DICrTHROWINO FOR A BEOUES;T. and can waroely be 4kiroldN. When you tend a tielping hand Russia ............. 1,461.448 W01 fer anything tr her to lake it dishl(tv witional dolitt ot 0100l. The authorifits told Win be had done IIISTOBY 1.14 REPEATED. %vit4i had numed teldh Of like Tile ingular sight (it two rervant- ind It rightly. ..... ... 1.21r.1,78U 44.26 Ili" "Not, always, my deiii he rt,. tlP141, a host) dur wontIPPA, but )to Is not at fill satisfied Try to to Notherlundil 277.116 plied. "I like you very wrIl. anoty I Ill. "dohp, trig an attack of prieu e a to stand— N -A 1,)ng Oa, a raf;P (it hl.4lory repent- Lxt) noticeld wal'twition, A*Olpls, 604 otaly anol girb thmit) for Charity 111101IL' with. the oinp Ito made, and excuwm [is TOO MuCh W Ight In h i'd CAunda .. .......... 1114.51li! (inia awler (I jy withc8sed at many shorleoibing oil thr, 1`611o'd that Let Your touch 'all Briti.4h India ........ 41,40 Ing itself wa llohA Ill thL; cA)Iullln, Vai,i)w y4w think a great deal A yrtur. FIT . ­rhLq is froin About 05' P6r e0nt.,% �yhs McCall as Japall ............. 4.19 r4,lyq th0 1411don Chrrtnicle. A young it. rho latter mold tv him. tharitt Is RnoWn tis Inuterfal FirAt Boarlier "Why did Mrsi HwAher tilt, V Ito wag collittellild I dInguqung olit women to agney Tile ilerin "AdmIA 01ratlon" Jilaidill hioney." ThIst VO 16t by 14h o o. ma of ills laild madoi in 1770. linineit George \\ aqhln toll %%aa roqufqt Itir. 11allrUT110 ill IOUVP Who wa4 ll%Li \1 I in Bell- "I undemiand that his ' notoy 1111porlil 416 owth. Ilow wJ674,, aild 015ch yeov (110W La it to, altont n lot th6 Royal 6 phleal Marbles are Chiefly mado In Oerniony. %NIMAI-S AT Clit'llril. brotigliL beftire, the ptilire eotir cond Boarder "tit gentleman friend wl­ was jR%(rIesf,,, $16(6 till- cotiopolit$on for a choquo for fit 93. drll%vn to is Ile ifough 11,aillopola of marb1c, or agate am that), Aunlrikiia, and fined for applying converalwit, %%an ltw scietitille for hor, a PLO M ill tit n Okaying at the 110111 'hc dICC4hVOl;VCVq Mmt have been em- ground lel%vton turti "IflPiton03, and A1111111111 attend G (11"rell nprvl('p In his axe tk) a tree belonging to King I`A* I\% you Ili "' "Well. for I . Tho ilit,; rtliurn W le. Up, 116 .4 coke do libishe-ol between llar&slonp cylindPra fit Peru, 1,1$0, gt)atg, entile and poultry art, ward Vil., ll�o moff Irate arkillingly ex. stance. to-dity. JiNt on, the to" I tied lifid Mi . i. Pwful T er lot to world. an apol 41000 0 01150,01 be,. oloymi, flor two fora lit Ans 4CITIco Ili was went to tile lady and deulan 0, loi but odt fitan laiL, LAUrd wooden. C00. broughl fly their ownern Io be bleased pressing Fearlet at ho Inability to (or. placed tin Itio table, ho began t4) oxfolam ler *ah "Ing oil All ncly, and Iho church 19 give, '[,bin wceh'n mail rpenrds, another ody 0,04 fl - (.r' M1qq marilla Oldfl(' 1 t"UTW (110 the Children of a that Acme lit"In ore known to live to (I Id. proro-ulastal iTVINIC T11889 OVEA. or que lonicolle merinflorle. Tile curiouq conviction at Flendiflo for nalf, b" E1111111 TrIMMOV , itkt`ofWln9 4�xatfllftCd, and (1111011951. oth 91tollf) ttit)Jed into a ( age of 300 (.r milro vearsi." nlIr,;0, living at Brighton. gold ahO 11110w I NrMWq CUM oin' IItII0 ollit.4. PlIk to thear by tile oixalkilklier are romlved and file ruillmabi con filefrially Cutting down Illinhilt, on Crown ody "tool, the defendolit. Anl4vi it that I Thin time tile culpilt'A liame Wa, it wasi lite itanu, M4 story (d rk trial' AWIlat ID illot meaning r lite lAtero Irilt atinut or lip aown her,% they will. landg. ratillwrly interent" In tho #d A littIA) 44PPInMI 00-4 A long ivoly- oftinder inhould wh,, refuiTeill U, 'ell tM wife tile 00t I tire Illn" replied, "Oil, ycs. ktolt bellis wil fter the illoyden namn?" N 4) tv, Aft Illf, peremony lito lIVeAta,I( Lg for- John WeApy. ft the next a Or rionle of n hii4ineq Irnliquelton n "ohisho," tile %Nitnt"'s 4' mfllmltw� ifiro tile ere hantled ovop 1.0 Itift inorkii, who nngwipr to lhe nanto of %I14ruil -9hak(%g- k .1 is w4lift CL boitf�o on (Ito Ifly4up b rk wolltMow" limil linnipilon. or Bernard whieh, naturnliN. A110 14-111 a deep inter. til, said ,Ahe wns vfrry much in love with Atir. W. halc the boiNtIgIl. and the que-Ainin knvfdfnty VC -pt Ve little othior payment for thMr peare, or ittkill T loatilk wilill 14�111 rokillb only 111111t5 that ho pmPislllorif of Ausleian, calipcil to Tani tat Will", L Zv&rti lho cfmg; but ofW? a long At - porvicto. fifinw. `tpo nlicill begin to stopiv-1. that lite f,� fit, sneered. "I �%,)fl't lll you. him ihipwvv, tin verilkliVil to FoLqo tljplldlg� Nlomornen havo struch it gold it I did YMI she IV liery nice thinga about n *1141(4 16 Nave ali ty bl000itva 4QI 00t, 1104� rei (lion honoyM 11�3 to Ono �ttkth con never Neep, a qcwrm. ortt,t h tilt X, it I ho gold "Ah, I'll% til0d C.yp,;ie3, orp tiqually &UPpowil 10 1 ( mine "01� ht.n!1)r NO quictly "have I ever htIag eillf,01A v)r lzkA`g4 , wt. 1,41011ily W11011 I' q)IInn but, an a Riptior (if wonfiltn' Nip Wtecl, litr6&811 czmo locri itican 4 Somebody umw.4. We hinar. )car, the Ill'ilut Ifif' golitatro ell 1101 very dre All &Jok* J4 Lifia, 1&�A;ej iyof thpy prollably can a Fit Tile Jury awn. bo is 1119 owft tit I mokedalim inic adful Tht 110W OW90 of fmill M04 plaintill JERW 1100, Johift, MCI tile eighbovill 0 the ofwVlrkifir� age bouill Dos damairm. 'It 4IJ U6 "tho, w"tito hik jor ty thii thingi y�41#d 00 1 It to lbo V1 Indio, and KX�nekl EkJt006 ObOlit 110 UO hICh �V 10 dayn. 21 hours, 14 2 rill y A *11111, povs 14IOW tte., InlAtilatits 0 wr� ianuiug Of that wtecuffli confury. totter %thatl ours. 41o, , 11411401, to Miller", liow 7X lort goo Item No rhi run I Sm