The Goderich Star, 1907-06-14, Page 3• 4r.
*nay se Oilskin. seism* as:J MEUY
oat. dense by sa tafteeek *
not wile_ los wins
14 11 Mr** 7.0901-- fad
ekes pktiat long * Mot ea*.
neA, he boketthalr aalcs--VottUts.
kw*. allenag too tor
tat ails sod oet sat
uPum unit Itelo-ante alein, Mr. wenn
ore NW* * tiha farit
/k212 itt
, moo.« Ar4y10151,4
to, et 12_ 0 it*,1
T I 1st
itet he 10/
we wore * roeurateg;
--rettotttne hone rah lk *Owl Oat
was ose sett to tell yoi that;
llear wientatk W put him isto
but I would zet bear ot 11 asto Mk 1
401 Ike Would have luso bottling in
Meek« ktioalskei.00desot tot give
'hint Nit MI
3(0ifano hit* 10 boat nut 1044-
inc 'Mem 4* ionwn1ig So Mdicrous An
414 tore altd.
ink of ill. w* -,44
0.104 feeoulog
Itself irtia,4 atlatx ur no Alitan tor an Aro
c000tmo, thst. kniontne 41ittoutty in
O.100 ijb Wideti,the front
,ehell not be Ann potuatt
!I think y9U; were .perfectlyright.O•
ct, H* ave. '10 know *Allot oh* .per,
,Vives the dr,y11001 Of his tone; 'thinks
rnbabiY *flint Sit she tota on ask him
greet menY rntleetineS as kw Ins
neyt ole., tenting rpoiettrh 01A34 :rather
scarcely hiving rOOM between.
fier-.4tiertea tor ids onennyliable'replint
and etidlng Wiith Ibe Ojeculalien4
."flow ulcer it is to inn yeti again I°
Yekti.r• His stekninviedinnent
,egems, to hibasettAto ark 'that. atter *
mement 10 feels oonstreined, to add
*nothing to, At, That. -something is tine
held and. inquiry: 'And. Yon -
how hava. you all been getting cot'
Caullist shrugs her shoulders,
"We. IOW better Ott tiOnl WO were; you
lineW\titat,„ 01 , course. 'Nobody ever
thought, Mat father's brother would have
diedbefore bites Wait till you see' our
villa-tt Wm* et the show ones here
.and, et eptkro it is Very Pleasant having
teoremoeey; but one owlet help wish-
ing that it had come earlier." She alghs.
as alio Speakts • not an ostellffithiiiii-Sigh,
but, a . repressed and strangled" one;
and despite the Kower.gerden in her
bonnet, Ids heart Softens te.beri Per.
haps his leek has rested On that.ilevio-
gatden with a mere opeu disapprobation
than inc knows, ter she says, presently
1 think that one may be very bright.
Colored outside end Very Week ineide.
Father and I are sometimes very blaelf
"Are you?"
"We do very well when we are alone
'agether, father and 1; We like to talk
abeet her. Dear me 1%what a place Al-
giers is for dust I that is why there are
so many blind people here. elovv it gets
into one's eyes!" She put* her hand-
kerchief up basely to her face es she
speaks; but Jim is not taken in by (Inc
poor little ruse, and he listens to her in
n silence that is almost tender, as ehe
goes on: s''Sybilla begins to cry if we,
oven distantly allude to her; yet I'
knew"- with exasperation -"that she
tants of her be the hour to strangers -to
her new doctor, for instance; yes, 'the
has picked up it new doctor here -a
dreadful little adventurer I She will
probably talk of nothing else but her to
"God forbid t"
(To be, continued).
was pox
Le I
git 4:0 ,N
ii"elerte lealeleele
Sell/ Iltia
, aTaila
al:47**Hr for
06 SO aeete
WE ete0Seek.C,**Peeeere07,470,A000.,s4
14044,00.1-DAU PURPOSES',VLOUI..
, - •
• Pried* Prete. Elentrleted+SOleseMPIron
of Alioliof•eeicreaead. ,
" NeW Norwegian 'liver laws are suc-
cessful. The Sondeg system' glees power
to -Menicipalitleseln,Vent'ell the retail
spirlt-litenses- whieh thee -deem MOM.
Cary to a; company winch, Wlield bid
itself to carry on teelraille in Bie inter -
eat& of the eetilmenite. With a flied un -
neat return of not more; than 5 per cent.;
on Ite Paid tin eaPital.
In estabilsitheg (he eystern Me question
kompensatiete, does not appear to have
presented meoh' diflIceltly. The allot-
ments Of lhe proilta'are aeltellows : To
the.State, 65 per cetite to the municipal-
ite, in lieu of.largat,ficertee Mille* now
abolished, lee* Beek, , and to objects
of public utility' oppeatag ascounter at-
tractions to the,pnelie Wises in towns,
10 per cent, and In, the sdereureling dig -
trice 10 per cent -
The peoille of the trade under these
leetrictione .baye ;eozaributed ee000,000
for objects of ptielle interest since tee
founding of lige elyetene Inking the last
tight years the proportion' accruing to
the State has been increased and set
apart till 1910 te fermetheetueleus of an
old -age Penske fund, Which now
amounts to $2,800,000. The most re-
tnarkable fact in the history of Norway
sebriety is that the consumption of aloe-
hol per inhabitant hoe decreaeed about
35 per cent. te the last fifty years. The
deci4ase leis been most marked since the
establishment of the Sondag system.
The alms and principles of the Sondag
system are these': The elimination of
private rofit andsecurieg the monopoly
value for the public; insuring highest,
quality of Niters sold; the reductiop of
the number of licenses; the easy en-
' forcement of Me law; the destruction of
the power of the spirit, trade, and the
furtherance of all progressive measures
of reform.
• Baby's Own Tablets have done more
'than any other medicine to make weak,
sickly children, well and strong. And
the mottle- can use them with absolute
confldence, as she has the guarantee of
gov,ernment analyst that the Tablets
contain no opiate or harmful drug.
Iters. Laurent Cyr, Utile Cascapedia,
N. B., says: -"1 have used Baby's Own
Tablets for colic, teething troubles and
indigestioe, and am more than pleased
with the good reeults. Mothers who
'use this medicine will not regret it.'
Sold by medicine dealers or by mail et
25e, a box from The Dr. Williams' Me-
dielne Co., Brockville, Ont.
"I notice you never give a girl flow -
era or books. Candy seems to be yeur
long Suit."
"Gently is the best proposition," said
Mr, Stinjay. "You can get seine of that
Never judge what a man knows by his
knowleg look.
"So your wife refused to marry you
when you first proposed to hoe. Did
yoli keep on'purseing her till.she con-
sented?" "Noe meet)i 1 went out and
Made a fertilise. When I came 'back
It was she who 'did the. pursuleg."
A klagIc Pill.-:,-,13y.speps1a is a foe
with which men are constantly grap-
pling but cannot extettninate. Sub-
dued, and to all tippeartineee vanquish-
ed in one, if makes its elleearante in
another direction. In Many the diges-
tive apparatus is , as delicate as the
raeohanisni at et watch or stientille in-
strunsent In WhIeh keen aehreath of Mr
will make if Vatiaelaele. With suelt per -
6011s disoidefe o inc 'bloated] eTetue
train the Meet Melte causes and -cause
truth suffering. 're these Pareielee's
Vegetable PHIS ete rectimmended as
vlld and fare.
"From the geetetilatidet efairulpottit,''
Said the tete ,mald witlethe lofty fore-
head, "width de you oeitelder correct,
01 had rather go home' or Wailed tether
go heftier, ;"Neither," promptly le -
Snaffled the•Yerit inane I'd mueh ett-
ther.afee -here
OW 11 'le '41600 then& 310t
eole * Ian 4:7110, owriplowe
vt$11 toA .4.40s is twit we 'wtispa
erak, ,ivinterieg there.' •ittit0 PI, Int
, ;the; MeetiPtf IOW ttli'm $A1/494**
4'4Whole OW les1
atele Ohm ;ALVIN; $1004-40fetilliP 4040
Antellele Open 000, tbell ned 411 'been
• lk• 10glenrekeere of elnetien. ;Met of
tkillenstretteet, siffeetfoxietinesa, NVI4OB
nothing, to the tastes, hanits' AS-
tlire$*7 iNidd %Po5id4' rnaIto oenUttuutui„
thk S.400'0414.40 that they wlflDX.
Peat te take, up- MeV. relallOns th
4arge -point,ut whielt telt theta,
Rt woulddo it i1 he could, bt4he teat
that It ts 414litititetrirelPOsAlbYeIil'44.1,
The dOor. What IA* Intlao,rY
hIgtle 1044 "A1110/10;',' 81reVer
ke0. " ;tteenly in 0044A ellenee afld
JQ1it1*de at lla:Perill4 WOO toWlend
Attgaln,t Urn .the key and ,ottre1$1404
Int.theltajoaloebi obeartralt,
Wide, elragglege ite:. dlued urntUre to
runnueg1n0,4It it eerileirett
eleePe Oe tbia, his ileg night pi
spatterig00434;.;,a,uA even, gwroo,,atiltagthohnt.:
setOtninesec ha feeteased by abeurd, yet
.4111414'dreams, i Well needle and
•liWilth," jostle.,eaeh ether haint*PAY
with Itteibled pereenalltieS and "annagad
ettelhetee. •ExtraVagant as hs iriefens
leiteethey have yet slice a peed Vividness*
We, at his lett waking, he feels 4
;eirange‘senStelef 1,111$01Vilese As to which
What" women That Ihave beset Ilis
'pilleVe 1s thedetla, and itich thealleng
'enee In "dreatrte,„ liciNV often our lost
PPOS,, and theete 'Wheel we, still ,poasessl
taker Wets together on Neal terms!
Elven ellen ha is wide awitke, nay, More,
AreSsed and brealciestecL Met feeling of
alleertainly, (hat something akin to the
eBlack, miegivMge of a creature,
Melting about in worlds not, realized,"
Wildlife strong. enough to drive bine
on 'again to the Itst, of vtsitors In the
entrence hall in order to assurekmself
that Ilis brain has not beeu the pe Of
his eye.
114: Cieriant has ,peen as good as his
Wad. lTheleortectedlist, promised over
flight, has replaced the incomplete one,
and almoet the filet Ilameaelhat JIM'S
eye alights upon are those of "Mr., Mrs.
and Miss Le M.areeant, England." 'His
awn name immediately fellows, and he
takes as a, good aegery what Ls merele
an, accident dee to the fact of his room
and theirs being on one floor. Edzabeth
is, beyond, question, beneath the same
foot as -Temself; nay, even View -She
May 'probably be sunning herself like, a
white pigeon on that terrace, wleose red
flies he Sees shining in the morning sun
through in open side -door.
The thought is no sooner formed than
he fellows Whither -it, leads him; but she
le not on the terrace; and though a
moment ago his nerves were tingling at
the thought of speech with her, yet he is
conscioue of a feeling of relief that theie
meeting- Le, for the moMent, deferred.
What can he say to her? Weat can she
say to him?
He stands lookingdown ,on the green
sea of fichly-clothed dark trees beneath
him -ilex and eucalyptus,and all the
uefantiliar verditre of MO soft Seuth.
From the fie.reeik hlaelag•rad purple of n
Boogain,vifila, so unlike- the pale, cold
lilac blossom, to which in our conserva-
tories we give that name, his eye travels
over tree -lops and snowy .villas, each
summer ealace and domy mosque, to Mel
curving bay, round which the Atlas
Mountains are gently laying their arnis;
and Cape Matefou, with the haze 'of
day's young prime aboue it, is running
out into the Mediterranean.
He is alone at first, but presently
other people come forth; the valetudi-
naeian, for once delivered from his
fostering widow, sits down with a pile
of English newspapers to enjoy himself
in the sun, which does not yet ride so
high as to be sun-strokey. Jim's last
night's neighbor in the red skirt comes
out too, bonneted and prayer -booked.
She is going to church: so is he; but
he does not tell her so, for fear she
should offer .to accompany 411m. She
observes to him that `the climate is a
fraud; that this is the first day for three
weeks in which she is able to go out
without a mackintosh and umbrella.
"We are not so green for nothing, 1
can tell you," says she, with a laugh,
ad a rather resentful glance at the
splendid verdure aeound her, and so
leaves' him.
He, too, as I have said, is going to
church, and is presently asking his way
te the English chapel. The Wilson
fumily will certaittly be iltere, and it has
struck him that the dreaded meeting
will be robbed of half its painful awk-
wardness if it takes place in public. At
a church perch, crowded- wilh issuing
congregation, Sybilla cannot fail into
hysterics -it is true that Sybilla never
attends divine service -nor can Cecilia
weepingly throtv her arms about his
neck. But whatever ineans he may take
ti lessen the dtscomfort and smart of
that expected encounter. the thought of
it sits like lead upon his spirits, ets he
walks quickly -It is dinieult to descend
slowly so steep a Mil -down the precipi-
tous lane, which is the only mode of
approach for man or laboring beast to
the high -perched hotel he has chosen.
But he is young, and preseinly the cheer-
ful, clear loveliness of the day and the
sight of Nature's superb vigor work
their natural effect upon him. R must,
indeed, be an ieveterate grief that re-
fuses to be soothed by the influences of
this green Eden.
What agenerosity of vegetation, as
evidenced by" the enormous garlands of
great -leaved ivy, waving from tree to
tree as for some perpetual fele I Along
the high hill bane thnt skirts thie steep
by -road, eucalyptus rear their 4efty
heads and their faintly -scented, Aaof
0ms; Moe draws her potent sword,
and thick -1148110d prickly pear displaea
her uncouth malignity. Beneath, what
a lush undergrowth of riotous gfeat-
foliaged plants -acanthus, p,nti a hun-
dred other green sisters, all flourishing
and waxing, so unstinted, So at loge!
He has reacbed the main road -the shady
road that leads by a seven -mile descent
from Mustapha Superieur to the town.
How shady It Is! Pepper -trees hang
their green hair, se thick and fine, over
it I and ilexes bold the thatch or their
Mlle (leek green leaves. Past the Gov-
ernor's summer palace, with its snowy
dome and Moorish areades gleaming
through its Iron gatee. From a villa
garden a flowering sheet) seeds a mixed
perfume of sweet taid,bitter. es of honey
and t*3i0$ !MAt kngIOW, *WO.
tatitiaig ig WO pl.Md.0.111441016 '
At* eittnit tut% Witerirthe Mt MS
awaymorsPreelpitenely than Were,
tha IA% the oak- the isbiPPIAtt the
40.4114ff littls utly; Welt KOK him -the
Vele OBI swartiting Up *Or b114 frOtn
Where the Prsitalt inane .allthea Olt .tett
in *4 azure ripplett, to Whiereptisie Aril*
IOWA leSes the peek et iltil triesettlW In
Rio Caebah'illtd t#14 *IS ttr **Vow sxe.
crated tihnperor,, 1111044 'whit& Went
'billet reI9U44 IlVeser,-Wbat 4 Piellaant
Plglort for 4 Inintinkr SunditY Plernitigi
And I*0V, geY the rout *W001,4* th. East
Stld the Week .akeb 'along' At wtiteibiat i
ger* is 4 tram l44r111 tOill...a MA ilotT
Moline? With Ilya ,pdeir IOW thee Weep,.
abeettatel It *,filli of galtlialt .obtlIon*
004'. and yeti oh anotintlyl standing
VP In the vOlgtolest:44 medern'voldeles.
with. Vs slight darkhalitle4 grsalthilif 09
trtivulvit 44 a Ian Arab, 4(4Ped,:tvith.the
grave 'grime 'at ilia Vatican Does,'
no; ,. But : cat ,Itlital. even upon
bite tle. livest 1944.101 it* elaW; kr 44`
the train 1'0004 ptlet3114',1,01stiettect eyes
realize , that he, who In4ther **Alecto
ntIgh. t.., 'have 04,44004a of Pibitin in
'Paden,artunvWeitralut %a, feet 4 par of
Old elletteettaed boots. ; ,
Here onto chititte:tint;. 4. couple of
sinert"..0bastiett 4Airtglie, in blue and
red', 40110WIC 4 woman dressed aS
Rachel was at , ,Palmy .Well -,-,so dress.
cd, l that is to ,fildyal to her white.
shrouded upper' Woman, for, indeed.
Inereels' no reek* for 4UPPoSing that
Bacbel Wore s pair of Rob 'Rey tartan
leollseral • Past, 'the Plateau &Offers.
Wherein the liehinroofed levoir ;French.
woneen are. fietielitg •thele linen In water
that -Oh, tildeeils thought! -is Changed
but cinee '0, waalt; akin' an ugly au.
burb,'"tiatid past * little ' d :,. through
the ateh III thS•fortilloalkins, the Porte
celelye till at'letignt thelpiscopal cha-
pel -why are..,lhe''Proteittant places of
worshlp, =LOOM over the habitoble
globee.etleteywhilett to frig Hui 9 --stands
beforh,,, iglu,
Ile had thought himself., In good time.
but •he Meet have kilteredenore than Inc
had heed aware clilai the bell is silent
end the porch eloseel. Headers as quietly
ee mey be, and, takes Ms:Place near the
door, ' -The Minding strikes damp and
ohnlyo dearille the, Warntitig presence of
the whole Englifih colony, emptied out
of -thd four betele saceid to Angle -
Saxons, and out areaway *n ilex -shaded;
Geenge-gnoved catneelign basides. The
buildieg Is quite Atli, Which Is, no doubt,
the reason why Jim fails. to catch any
glimplie of the Wilsem fatally throughout
the Service. Hp has plenty of time to in-
ternogate with his eye ehe numerous
rows of backs before tam;tas the sermon
is tong, lim had known that it would be
so from the moment when ttie clergyman
Metered the' pulpit with MI open Bible -
no written serreell-in hls hand. The
sounct of ri. 'brogue plertIng through,
even through the giving Out of the test,
soon .puts him in possession of the hue
ther fact that he is in (Inc clutchase and
at the mercy, of an entirely uneducated
yet curiously fitierd Irishman.
Is Elizabeth writhing under the Inflic-
tion, too? Never, in the Moat days, was
elle very patient Wider prolonged pulpit
eloquence. He can see her with his
memery's eye not very covertly reading
her hymn -book -can hear herfoot tap-
ping.. Several people roUnd him now
are, not very Covertly, reading their
hymn -books, but she is not among thent.
He has no niore sight of lier than he has
of Cecilia ; bet in neither caseeesnee
are the dLsadvantages Whig position-.
does his failure to see prove the absence
of the object he seeks. lie is one of the
first persons to be out of the church
when at length net free, and stands just
outside the porch while the long stream
of worshippers deffies before him. It
takes some, tide to empty itself into
the sunshine, • and nearly as long before
he catches sight of any member of either
of the families he is on the look -out for.
Of the Le Manohants, indeed, he never
catches sight, for the eecellent reason
that they are not tb be aught tight of,
not being there. In the ease Of the Wil -
ions he is more fortunate, though here,
too, a sort of surprise is in store for
him. He has invciluntarily been scan-
ning, in his search for them, only those
of the oongregation who are dressed in
mourning. The picture that the retina
of his eye has kept of Ceeilla is of ene
tear -swollen and crape -swaddled; and
though, if he had thought of' it, his rea-
son would have told hire that, after
seven months, she is probably no longer
sobbing and Babied, yet even then the
impression that he would expect to re-
ceive from her wotild be a grave and a
black one. This is why, although he is
on the lookout for her, yet she comes
upon him at lastasa surprise.
"Jim I" cries a voice, Pitched 4 good
deal legher than Ls wont te make itself
heard within the precincts of a church -
a female voice of delighted surprise and
cheerful welcome; "father, here is Jim I"
Burgoyne turits, and sees a lady 1n a
very smart licensee full of spring flow-
ers, and with a red en tote eas-for they
have now issued into the day's potent
beam-shaffing tier rosy !es.*; et lady
whose appearance presents about as
wide a contrast to the serious and inky
figure he had eXpected to see as it is well
possible to imagine.
cecilia, indeed, is looking, whet her
maid tidmiringly pronounced her before
sending her forth to triumph, "very
dressy." Mr. W,Ililon is Week, certainly
- but, then, clergymen always are black
-and he still has a band upon his hat;
but it is a very, narrow one --sorrow
nearing its vanishing pact. In answer
le his datighter's joyous apostrophe, lie
answers: "'Sh, Ceellia I do not talk so
loud. How are yoll, Jim?"
And the meeting is over -that first
meeting which Jim had shrunk from
with such inexpreesible apprehension -
as certain to be fraught with Intolerable
emotion; with calls upon him that he
would not be able to answer; with bear-
ing of incurable wounds. The contrast
with the reality Is so startling that at
first it Makes hen almost dizzy. Can
the showy creature beside him, preening
herself under her gay stuishade, be the
same overwshelme(l, Armee tear -
drenched Cecilia, whom at their last
meeting he had folded II) so solemn an
embrace? flee cheerful voice answers
for herself :
"It Is so nice to see you again I When
did you come? We did not expect you
quite so soon ; In. your last letter you
were rather Vague as to dates ; I can't
say that you shine as 0..correspondent.
lou will conle back tneunclieen with
us, of eourse, will not you? dejeuner,
as they Call it here; I eltvaye thought
dejeuner meant breakftile. Yon will
come, will not you? Syliitla will be go
glad to see you -glad, that Is to say,
le her dismal W4ye .
she We iith a laugh. Which he listens
lo frt silence that Is altnost stunned.
i'm sound of her voile., though set to so
different a tune trout what he had anti-
cipated, hal blenight baek (Inc pest- with
such ofitonietting Vieldneee le him; her
very deer at Syhilla settee so math a
art of the old lite that 114 half Nene hie
emit eepecting Ogee More to 64*
triella's &Welding Med, to hear her
ease -malting titecti put ill 6 pia, as It
delle '0 Thinly hundred limes,- for
poeVisit Millade Imagitialre.
sly hate Wen alhoilitig towardt the
• wattle,* otthtide, iti"W hate new
Fhiit !sicking cough tendituet
3ecaus. your tystem in enduttuited and
power" ef r4Weincee wenlotteed.
aloe Sootii.t tmataion•
up ani strensoliins yogitentiretystent:.
Hypk.pht.s I0
"their fulithiten
inmortents 44
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Cured n Se-
vere Case of Amemia and Weakness.
Antemia-epoor watery blood -is the
cause of most of the misery which af-
flicts mankind. The housewife especi-
ally falls an easy prey to it. The long
hours and close confinement necessary
in performing her household duties sap
1•er strength. She becomes run down
and often suffers extreme misery. Dr.
Wit' Hares PLnk Pills are the housewife's.
friend. They make new blood -lots .,f
It -and pure blood banishes all wo-
Inen's ailments. Mrs. E. Si. Germain,
wife Qf a wen lueenvn fanner of St.
7ohn des thaillons, Que., found new
strength through Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. She says: -"A year ago I was ex-
tremely weak. I could not attend to
my work. I suffered from dizzy spells;
my head ached; my blood was poor; I
had a bad cough and the doctors feared
I was going into consumptioe. I fol.
lewed their treatment for sortie time but
without relief. I grew discouraged and
'finally gave it up in despair. I was
Strongly advised Ao try Dr. Williams'
}link Pills, so procured six boxes. Be-
fore they were all gone I felt relief. The
headaches and dizziness beeame less
frequent and felt a little stronger. I
continued the pills for a couple of
Inonths at the end of which time I
bad ginned in weight; the pains had
left me, my appetite was good and I
telt as strong and well as ever I cird.
I cannot say too much in favor of Dr.
Williarire' Pink Pills for I certeinly owe
my good health to them." ,
The woman in the house, the man nn
the office, the boy or girl in the sehoul
will always find a friend In Dr, Wil-
liams' Pink Pills. These Pills actually
make new, rich, red blood and good
blood banishes rheumatism, general de-
bility, kidney troubles and those aches
and pains caused by overwork or over-
stedy; good blood builds up the tired
unstrung nerves and makes pale, thin
cheeks rosy and healthy. The pills are
sold at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
S2.50 by all medicine Osiers or by mail
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockellie, ant. •
"We've often heard about the meanest
man, but I happen to know the mean-
est woman." "Who's sine?" "The one
ue goes to weddings and slyly removes
the cards from the presents so that the
bride can never know which et her
friends it was who gave her the plated
butter -knife."
The Demon, Dyspepsia. -in olden
times it was a popular belief thin de-
mons moved visibly through the arn•
bient tar, seeking to enter into men and
trouble the.m. At the present day the
demon, dyspepsia, is at large in the
same , way, seeking habitation in Mese
who by careless or unwise living in-
vite him. And once he enters a man
It is difficult to dislodge him. He that
finds himself so possessed should know
that a valiant friend to do battle for
him with the unseen foe Is Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills, which are ever ready
for the trial.
In March, 147, there wee swain an
enormous aceurnulellon of ire at the
lower end of Lake Erie that the Niagara
Hiller ran timely dry, and people were
ahle towalk part of the way across line
Falls dry -shod.
Ale() sewing machine oil of ahsoluto
purity. and Inc best needles and paos
kr all machines at Singer sierrapee(
for the Red le Singer Sewing Meehine
Co. write ug at etenning aiambers.
Toronto, for set of Bird Cards free.
"How Lovely you took In 'hoen rage.
blossoms, Mies Maude" geld the devoted
young man. "Is the rose your favorite
Omer?' "Oh, yes, I am very fond of
roses," replied Mies Maud; "but, de you
krew. I should like to riee how 1 wood
look In oratige Weems." Hint taken.
It your children mean and are rest-
less during Meet), coupled, when aeake.
With a loss ot appetite, pale mantel.).
sante, picking of the none, de., you may
depend ripen It that the primary cause
Of Rio trouble Is worma. Mother
Gratfee' Worm tstertninatoo effectual -
IV lemovos Mese P0515. at. &nee reltev.
Mir the sufferer,
Toe Ring's gift to the natio, f)s.,
Mane !Awns le now 'free to the plobliO
in Tuesday* tind Friday* during the
tourist season.
wiut. IfingteM Weston, Art Bernard,
Shire, 'With 44 POpulation 60(44.41$
been tree hem a. police, cOnvklkott 101t
VgNin0,1 \\"ey s ibo Mine at *
Respective larictornom w1)44* bons
hatcle beet% pitblished itt Ht, Luinfo
kintr4Ut ,HingstownrainArnt*,
_DWI* to the- extent Of belWeen
43009 and A50.000i Wile done h
fire at it4,ChiOteti Zane PallierY.
woctin, neer Borngity% on the 4Iffit
Setreisl oblktren. *ttonittnit tho
ney District Schools heve been pawn-
ed by eating a Plinit reaeMbling rtim
,b4rb 0,1011 Pawk...Aft. the batiks of lir
061e141 004ffrinetleit hes been given
to (inc n'unnor that Lurt, ithahener's
tern% of 4erviee.a Cnmaninder,in.Cblet
in kat* to to be **tondo for two Vers.
The tale tertl Davey left an estate
valeed et Over 4172,000 gross, Sir
When liaster, who died lust Winery,
telt an 'e$11tHe valued at 44;294.
• Ctrina4e cook With bulky legs
emerged iNutt the Royal Albert, dock,
Tied Mutat his ankles and knees were
tourid smell Mellows of tobacco. tie
was gned 49, or twenty-one days.
By order of Me King the "Bank of
_Falkland flittee Ilea ceased to exist,
'fins corPs. Which consisted of a stngle
ealnPeny, was composed exclusively CI
empleyea of the bank.
"The Richmond Royal Hospital is
very near to the heart et (Inc Princess,'
said ,the'prince of Wates on (Inc owe-
AM- of their Royal Highnesses' visit to
the institution to open new wards.
An arrangement has been arrived al
with the Canadian Government by which
the postage rates on newspapers, maga.
sines, and trade journals going to Can-
ada will be very Materially reduced.
Anions Inc new boys who have been
enrolled for the summer term at Den.
stone t'Alleg *Staffordshire, is a son
stone College, Staffordshire, is' a son
Maiabele, who wilt become a doctor or
a barrister.
Thanks to better trode, wiser admin-
istration, andsilrm handling by the Pre-
sident of (Inc Local Government Board,
WV Ham at this moment has 9,000
fewer people on outdoor relief than it
had in 1905.
An artny order just Issued has re-
duced the height for recruits to the
eScote end Irish Guards from 5 feet 9
inches to 5 feet 8 inches, a 'further ie.
auction of an inch being made for te-
cruits under the age of twenty.
James Westell, the oldest of London's
malty and world-renowned secoed
hand booksellers, has reaped from busi-
ness, and the .shop in New Oxford
street, which was for forty years a
haunt of Gladstone, is closed.
haate14.4st Ins soaker notlate
look* um *oda of get). *ad
Mal 4sst here ant Iles% notniod
Niattorai Weve lanua et ti ,
aphodor betiiikd 1bA41.
tati•lait Mak 01011
1001C IMO bins ot MAN Mat WOK it rain,
huss ill like* mine et *wen. Thia
alfireVaiO141 displey at pbu.4Jtwrsbossos
hos Pew been uecuii18d for, aop Ma Ake
Now +ter, 0-44 eloiougu oat a aakaH
Kik% Pas.ang freety between Caieut,
It and Eliassa, the but recently my.-
toriatu city of Tibet, kk *reported WA
people, ot Tibet exhiMt\nigenteas
to knew more ol the autekle Magid. The
outside viorld was long Curious'aIul
*nut fuoct now the *vireo (*NUM.
the Tibetans wilt not encounter tlat a,
steam that wo to the gratifici441
lbekr iuuosity. ok pan 14.0410 .Seek
high umt bsr, Vemoel itt somesui Tz.
,trilni *Ole, but Hie rents ler aPen
all the year mind, mkt tile kriP can he
made whiten.% niiu,.h ,dittlenity Jay those
who aro veva likel In tifatt outuots,„
cootoott beteX, niter., reek salt:
_cepkrti.7 gold, NNW* unit
nesmas lunsh end furs. A
faillOttl over the Himalayas into TWO
19 nOW Sliggeated.
slag does net arfittlif0 full Antler'
until tie is Om *t'c to yens ord.,
1L, of arlitictal formate*, bevuut bate
made ter 9,4* laledintU initik by 4 4
Neeeins randent. The hed at the
cut mat or volid ltincolOne east Ak ks
from tim ask wwhib 11ww Is'
ot Ilimi pho8plwrosen4 fltlaWAN-
WM *H.
rut*** ttnotoles OW4 010141440411tV4
Avert 1open41ng HOU
n the lake land et nurtherill Mith.144-
there** welPknown ens at kk litse that
ben kept up for three lletierattoliX,
When11 wkieniikroy Niont clut, tt),4
nouscitoldo wog, to 44)010 UMed elliterS
WitO had HOW Melt fire train Wei allYa.
ttm tiondon Deily NOW% and
each their tire AO )41 OW% hatirth'titt
Meier nut he might lailSeSs. Milt Were.
the *Oda Of Ufa ilneestral Ore. Vnaleuht.
odly.-"thia arises from tho old belief WO
the hetnie Oret derlVed train 4 Mitred
tattrile. -Thea theta ore ineny
Ili* Which are kindled front ceoernoi
1I1e0. olwo a years 'thlia at thirhiletal 411
Inc flren NV lighted fratit the "Welling
olavie." and kept *light- eentinito
*hiring lite year, it being eoztsktered
May to keep the Came trOin (Inc 4010
all the rest of the year. This claviet Wes
lighted first of all at 11 ilre of prat Made
by youth of the village who were seas
et the original Inhabitants. Every stron-
ger wes rigidly excluded trent the eem-
atone and Oat, only' could be used.
The eeremony takes place on New
Year's eve, and after the clavie has been
kindled one youth after enother beais it
in triumph amend the 110U11118 of tee vil-
lage. At certain houses and street opts,
nem a halt is made and a brand is whip-
ped out ot the burning clavM,and thrown
among the crowd, who eagerly- catelois
embus and frOM them kindle (Inc tires
on their hearths. finally the remains; of
the clavie are placed in the centre of a
hollow pile of stones, celled the untleie,"
and the remaining embers are distribu-
ted to the villagers, all of whom attend
the ceremony.
Another curious feature of (Inc Weser.
vance Is that the long nail which foatene
the staves of the clavie is made of iron
by the village smith, but the hummer
must be a round stone. Such importance
is attached to (Inc ceremony that 11 1140
bearer should etuinble during Inc per-
ambulation of the village it Le booked on
as edit.° calamity, foretelling disaster to
the place tu‘d certain death to the bearer
la (Inc course of the next year.
There aro quite a number of ceremon-
ial tires lighted on St. John (Inc Baptist's,
eve. In Nottinghamshire part of the Yttle
km is kept tel the following year, to bo
burned upon the next Chrietinas eve.
The method is first to put a bit GI hist
year's log into the fireplace and burn it,
then (Inc fresh log must be put on the
fire and allowed to burn for a Mlle
while. It is then taken off and burned
a little every night until New Yenee
eve, when it is put on the fire and et:in-
stalled, with tee exception of a portion
which is kept in the house until next
Christmas Day. It is believed that the
observance of this custom will "keep the
with away."
In Cornwall tho practice obtains of re-
sorting to the hearth and touchiest the
crave' ((Inc mantel- stone across the head
c' an open chimney) with the forehead.
and casting Into the tire a Mindful sif
dry grass or anything picked up thee
will burn. This form of "hearth sucre
lice" is regarded as the most effectual
means of averting any impending evils
of a mysterious nature.
All these customs, in various ways, are
derived from (Inc sacred harticter with
which our ancestors Invested thee
During the past year 50,508 vessels
of a net registered tonnage of 27,144.-
961 entered and cleared from the port
of London, being an increase over 1003,
the next highest year, of 968 vessels and
a tonnage of 1,248,770.
Unless a Cure is soon found the bee
industry In the Isle of Wight will soon
be extnct. The insects are succumb-
ing to a form of paralysis, and up to
It& present efforts. tu combat the mat.
ady have proved of no avail.
Twice Mnyor of Dover and "father"
of tine Dover ToWn Council, Alderman
Maack has died under sad circum-
stances. Leaning over the balusters to
turn out the gas he was seized with
dizziness and fell tete the hall, injuring
hl heed.
The falling of a wire attached to a
chimney across a live wire of the elece'
Inc trainvhys was the =IOUS cause
of a fire at a ileddltch bank. The
current, passing along the roof, ignit-
ed a bird's nest, and thus set fire to
the buildtare ,
A curious custom wasobserved at
Kingsellfte, the candidates for member-
ship of a club showing their Illness for
joining the club: by drinking a pint of
beer while cartied shoulder -high up
and down the rnain street of the town.
John Chatwdott, Chatwood-Aiken, of
Rio Glen, Stoke Bishop, for years joint
mein -agar of Stuckey% banki, great-
grahdaen or Robert Aiken, the friend
atal patron of the poet Burns, left
Burns' manuscripts to devolve as heir-
looms. The estate is valued at £35,973.
"In a hundred years with little re'
ro machinery on board and barely any
crew, a ship will speed en her way
drawn by electric force generided al
Niagara and transmitted over the Ate
by wireless telegraphy." prophe-
sied Sir Hugh Bell at the annual meet-
ing of the Iron and Steel Institute. •
Leeds has to -day a Bab Haw in its
midst. Nolan is his name. Three
years ago he gained distinetion by dis-
posing of seven loaves of bread, three
spice loaves, one bloater, and a tea urn
of tea at one sitting. Now he has set
himself the unenviable task al beating
the pea -eating championship record of
the world. established by a Dewsbury
man recently, He is determined to suc-
ceed or burst.
14:01S hiN0014140014011.
) vevegal4,4 1011 1#101110111
MAW pa* in woe ono yee • Noteissest
etel nein 01 wet estsFaskit oe
The Scene of the Murders Is Remem-
hered-Though Not Kept Green.
Of all line pleasure ground.: we saw
abroad I liked Mamie Park In Dublin
the best, says it writer In tine Guidon. It
nevers nearly 2000 acres. and (Inc seven
mile drive around it is delightful.
Acres of it are let to citizens for pas-
turage, and herds of fat Mine lazily chew-
ing under the trees er idly standing In a
cool stream give a touch not found in
any other resort.
On one plat when we were there n
detail of his Majesty's red coats were
practicing target shooting. Yonder
came three dragoone buck from a cross.
erflintry run. The vlee-regal lodge, plain
iind white, looked in spite ef line vast-
ness of the green grounds about it, hot
nnd uninviting In the glare of the August
In sight of (Inc house, but n loyig way
from lt. Is the spot where Cavendish and
Burke were murdered sone, years. ago.
In vein 410 the gardeners try to keep
grace above it As fast as 0 bit grows it
ie taken up and carried off by relic
Scores of deer were meeting about an
titine linot the frequently 001111. elorie
out rein One big etretelt of rolling land
was eroesed and recrossed with what
looked In the distance ilke dltehee. They
n re trouglie, our driver told is, Into
wheel at merning and night water in
pumped for the deer, wheel (some there
by the hundreds lo drink.
- —
But the Fire In Only Phoephoreacent
Water. it's In the Bahamas.
The Letce of Waterloo le a Oct:Thor-
eseent ebeet of writer a thousand feel
long, neer Nneenti In the Bahamas. At
mint it le like in aheet of living flre if
any wind is stirring to ruffle its SIITIO(`P.
if Inc night he calm, ear: the Amery
Magastine. the water Iles dark end Mill
until tome _object cote 11 in Motion.
Little eotored boys: rip ready II)? AWI111
Gut Into the lake, where they seem lo
be Monied in garments et flame, leptlIng
11 long trait ef 1/10ii(11 splendor llohlfn
The mat when rowing are as; when
rdioned In fire, and if one holds' .(tei a
Nothing looks 1110l* ugly than to see
fl person whose hands are covered over
with warts. 'Why have these disfigure-
ments on your person when a sure re-
mover of till wurts, COrfig, OlC., can be
fr mid in Holloway's Corn Cure.
la the days of James VI. Scotland
had 51 different clans, of whIeli thirty
Pew belonged to line Highlands.
Yes, It is humiliating to have a akin omitted
with foul eruptions. It Is painful, too. Why not
end the trouble and restore your skin to its nat.
oral Mimeo with W a Oerate?
The Pie+ Luke of Trinidad liee in the
centre of the blend, sixteen miles from
Port of Spain. It Is lee miles in cir-
cumference, and though at tine edges
tine pitch is cold and herd, in the centre
in Is hot und bulling.
-- --
A Medicine Cheet In itself. Only Line
Cell -to-do can afford to poseess a medi-
cine chest, but Dr. Thomas. Eriertrtc
ou, which Is u inedieline chest in itself
being a remedy for rheumulisni,bunni
bugo, sore throat, celds, coughs, ca
tont, uellima and a potent heeler for
wounds. rills. bruises, spranne, etc., Ls
(Incvhthifl reiteh (if the poorest. ()wing
to its eheinpness. IL eliould be Un ('Very
The University of Glasgow was found-
ed in 1451 by Bishop Turnbull. kNefli
Mary gave to the University thheeen
1101'PS of lend.
The hest of the Tropics Mee rimy gulette•
It takes away the energy. "Petrofina 101 the
best tonic" to brace you up. It stimulates the
system It makes the weak strong. It Ls pleas -
lint to Wm. All dram_gists sell It.
Captain Bailey first established eardk.
ney eeaches lin London In the year
1634. They were four In number, and
stood at the Muypele In ltie Strand.
ITCH, Mange, Prelrie Scratches and
every form of contagious Itch on human
cr animals cured in 30 minutes by Woe
ford'a Sanitary Lotion, It never taus.
Sold by all druggists.
_ .
Prospective Einployer-"lour pax -en'.
left something nshen theN, 411•41. ‘Ind the)
t?' Hoy "011, ye,. ' Employer
"And e hat did ths.% 1,1114, ).J11, nily
bee?' Ben -"An orphan, ewe'
- -
J. I/. liellogg a Dysentery Lordial
Is prepared from &lige kneerIncn 1,
profession nu Itairouglil reliable for
11,4 cure eliolera. il)uenter). dint.
tie ieti. griping Oiler and sillniner nom
plaint,. II lieu heQn uosces,fully
I.) ineihral uelltliiiieru for a number
)enr, grata) mg results.
,tiffi.ring front env rtifiltiler ronipluint
it 1.4 I1t 11,. mede ;lie lied win eure
i(n1i) hoille. It sellS for 25
"lVIivtho.ct 11 Nslrivin Means add
poelseripi te her ieti; "Wee.' an
nvidereil the ungallant c rol 1 pre
teddy figures out in het '% nn 1)110 W11.11
her letkr 11134 1A(101,, 1,)11 think, and thi
tries le 1111%4s the bet 'aeon!.
1 1 1
t'// PILLS
NALE. \\
i\Ns tIS
t- sKIDNE ) ;1_0
seemsolin mak 011001/114.014itlat
1104$11110. AM11010,4041 'OVUM* Ogh
sM soesouste en ere kesulker
Mama en In, lOontrao*
Tea Cream of UN
via tahrestO iii Fran Loads eras
tor star locum Rs Ma*
nsuestano a runaway. Nth's. tt.c,.
ix kale FOR RALE. .
Improved and unhnproved farms at
160 acres up, at 86.00 per mem and
higher; close to mnrIcet. A postal card
Mating requirements will bring you par.
ticulant, Address, J. B. Gowanlock, 354
Agnes Street, Winnipeg.
For $AIL
A Licensed Hotel in North Bay, one of
the busiest and best towns in New Ore
lario ; the hotel is situated on a proud.
neat street adjacent to the new °event.
ment Poseoffice building. For full par-
ticulars, apply to P. McCOOL, Real Es-
tate Dealer, North Bay.
Nirt,001t$ htliNESS11, YOtl
. Want * western latialnass write
all UM Jistal *4414 Well litalktg,
stow, and allure. The Moto, *nal
co., business broken, Saskeieen.
Islig Winnow in ityhelau
sio buys Puts or,Calls 041%000; Mi.
of Wheat. No furtherlisk, a Movement
el ao, prtee makes YOU $504,, tei
$t00. sc. 4400, Ate. Write for Clreuleri
kit.A.,42.2.DAIW (atAsIvm;d, 0.
River and Golf of St. Lawrence
0, ummei.'Orniees in Oeoi Latitudes
eel' 0..40.43. "gatapaus.- with ortestrer
tiaillo. *loot& HU, sad alienations conducts.
HAIM( P/40,1.11f0NTIUtAti Off anarmave at
4 PM,. Ire 1100111PA Awe, let, 110 and illifh Sat
1818 and ttaAighglial8 N15*15*8 Ind Soptetabe
midi ;est% bar thineafter ter Platen, N.84 Cal
lag es Mr. QM^ SO Sky. Peas, Ospo gem
Or4A4 R vs& atesaaraM, PAUL, sad Obar100.
Swam eosteeiuteno, aty Umglloiaw
Sasy se uinaelen.o, okrsaili
same le.'te, sy841 Tab: Mls
1811* Angnstath, 14t8 40 Iola Rptppor, 338
Igh andNt, Oototer, 818, Mn ant in Nelmsd.
bee. 'esesperatare cooled by nal. Immo osat000
rites elcove tie dearsio.
Teo atm% trips of Um 44a.sen toy 8404 ukal
condoet, • ^
ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec,.
A. E. 0UTERSRlDGF & CO., Agania,
LI Broadway, New York.
The Croat Eiteentiale of an Automobile
To Withstand %veer.. Power to Move.
To Retain the te Mina! Lustre. Power to Keep Moving.
To Ride Contfortubly. Power to Sloe.
THAT IS -the Willey v. Ith lease and comfort ,to take any road, rough or
smooth, level or steep, sandy or muddy, and come beck to each day's
work fresh and strong es at the outset.
Ask anyone who owns a RUSSELL why he is STILL DRIVING A RUSSELL.
Invuriably the unswer will embody th is high standard.
; ela k 7 e " " ; • re e
I k, • I
s •
•••Jin mob the metal to metal dim olutoh, abaft drive, sellotive sliding gear transmission, Mani
steel in all goara and shaftspowerful doable brakes ou rear wheels, positive lubricating ami. Irate,
circulating systems.
MOM. D-4.1 cylinder, 1812,p., light touring car: whoolitaSe. 90 loch, tires tiossi (nob 400300.04v
110D1111. i1--4 cylinder tis fl.t. Coming car, wheelbase 104 inch, tires 3214 inch fla.goe.o•
MODEL 8-4 milluder,-40 11 1',, touringwheelbaaa lie Mob, tires 84s4 Inch ill front
and 41 Inch In rear, 11.1.75e.oe
Powerful, Speedy, Comfortable and Handsome. Write for Catalogue.
Canada Cycle and Motor Co. Limlfedg
BRANCHES—Ottawa, Winnipeg, Vancouver, and Melbourne, Australi,.
2 sad 4 Cyclo
,NiAruzirop. ONT.
The Good
Old Days
Up Again
IMany lacy, ai riders who have not ridden for years are getting back into
the garne this season. It.) funnel, that after all, the wheel was a good dung,
and helped thern to enjoy life better.
As a healthy and pleasant means of transipertation uhd as a time saver the
'• V. finding Its levellb real worth is recognized. The large increase in
sales this year already detnenstrates the face.
The Massey "Silver FIbbon",01Perfeot, Cleveland,
Brantford. Imperial. Rambler and Blue Flyer
with Cushion Frame, Coaster Broke. " minKE ALL ROADS SMOOTH."
Canada Cycle and Motor Co., Limited,
MAKERS THF: tk •Iti.D.1-i MIT Bit vcLEs
Toronto Junction, Canada,
Branches:- -Winnipeg. Vancouver, Melbourne, Aust.
(a PfOR Y g
ISSUE NO. 24-81
urceivEs perposrrsior, DOLLAR