HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-06-07, Page 5JUNE 7, tcOT ESO N SONO ihnia $ (SMI : 10 „ Unparalleled Oays Dive Stec k Rao .Sher. phi Amu Veantifttlftly finished, .wool._ Mess Coeds t5u€iI, s *Iden- slid weights, itt alltelors, plata er- rancy. 45 ,tit St iu li s ividR. one lfarg'e con titer full, relr.pticrs from Sar, to St.Uo herr y(L, twnttlPls. ter }d. Selling at,.. earlier Qer,ellt;;i 3Silkeheaw?dCltex )bletfn on Carpet; con ,lads„ reg.•39.* finality at per yd, 444,4 Y.•••••••• 4 •40420 S(wyi1r. yatd+Wide, dtevarsibie extra heavy Utnion Carper...45, and • 5oc.(IIIUUtYiperYtli» Tapesiry Cprpete yaraii, ?ai))cltt s)+itle, s tra heavy, pile a1 lists Tripe, try Camel,, pattOns a)i 1 e'igtis ar k. '' ab ufor any'tonut Razitsll, x '7g end Sec. tlualitysiroW at pet' �f(T;• pit ...:. .. ........ , ....: S, ,4o, .110 Btil'kkseitICt,t2ftirtt lir( k &kin Stocks. tread !hilt tivtly ekNrf oft 1 1proli4 4ci aiviar'Saturdiiyautiniton= •day, Amery:mu 4`ply Crt''het set, Jen. wwIJitef.. uiIts, big range ;pat- teitls stud largest dout)te bed siZett 1)eet16i'tilly titatahed, and ready for �,/.0 tide,, wyortli Pacts i$1•544i$1•544 for, .., *10 Orem Rkitt 24 only Ladies'tares$Skkite. in black. •and ring bine, 011 wove it ttlottut cloth. new,- 'Perfectly matte and finished,; stxhsh, v�e1 ttiaa6*, rets. $4.50, at; cash .,,. $3.5O. Cnraet4 • rao pairs Summer Corsets in Wog or 30e itnu waist. super#or yuai ty, speeiai Linei0011 r xono yds of Scotch Llnolenws, a, amid 4. stadis wide, in a great rouge of patterns, at per yard - for ]footers vannot beton. ton. ctrefttl itt what they give ekildren to motre the 'bowels. Cukirel, nava*, art soma, a, Halter, tether* pills, castor oil and lunging 1Rtineral' •• waiters irritate the bowels-F•upsetthe ,atowaelt 1 awl eventually read up to ehronie non-stetiicu 4E the bowels--Cowiti ..tion. FRIDAY,' JU TI"1• 7;1007. s THE LONDON A MEMORABLE WUPt .IN REL.14, . OIOUS CIRCI.RS. ' es a''A Splendid " Gathering of Church r Workers, With inspiring Ser- vices. '�. .Tire gathering of such a body of men r 'as coca ose the London Conference of' Methodist hni• an Quant ile ° ch is ,t ,' . `tvhicVcannot be tee highlyieppreciated x ".rby the community in which it'is held. Repiosentatives of it Marge part of ' x Western Ontario, and of a church h.• which• is one of the foremost religious fokce '1n this twentieth, derltury the world over, it is a gathering of spirit - 'Mil, 'intellectual and moral forces Which might well be desired by the, lie gest , cent:rei , and Whieh'is n.fortnn- pte event for any cotnwunite chosen for the occasion. In pointof aeeom- mndiation the fine new church of the North street congregation hats proved to be well adapted for the gathering, anti the attendance of our citizens and of iteoplasfrorn the .surgotjhd€ng town- ahips and towns and villages has been such as to show a deep appreciation of the importance and Interest of. the Conference. It is of course' impossible to give anything like a complete te- rabit of the proceedings, but a fete. pointe may be culled avhieh,are of gen- erat interest : • It is a shpt of unwritten('-itrocedent that the second highest man of one year shall ween president the year fol- low le Toast year two Wren stood liig t v. W. J. Ford, of Glencoe, • and s A I Going,Exeter, ' A. I . P .tor and it was=thought to he a clse run between them eUpon the first ballot Rev. Mr. Feed seemed 104 votes, 114bstns firres- • eery for election. Mr. G•otng on ibis ballot secured 49 votes. tin the second ballot Mr.'Ford secured 159, Mr. Going securing 48. ' Rev. George Long, of Highgate, was elected secretary •of the Conference on the second ballot. Rev. T. W. Blatch- ford, of Ripley, and Rev. W H. Gra- ham, of Victoria Avenue church, Chat- ham, were elected ata desistante. Chancellor Burwash, of Victoria University, addressed the Conference After the elections, reviewingtthe year's work of Victoria University, !which,. he said, had heen the Most successful in its history. Four hundred and thirty-six students were enrolled, 140 being in theology. He referred' to the ekcellent quality of voting men who were in training for the ministry, but stated that the Church was suffering from, a serious hack of men that neces- sitated the bringing in nf'men from 6►i the old country. Two hundred And fifty men would be needed this year, 150 for the Northwest and ICO to dill; the needs of Eastern Canada. Chancel- lor hanceyfor Barwash made a plea for the more general nee Of local preachers, giving young men definite work and so af- fifording them a definite training. "We II d," said the speaker, "that men brought nut from England are valu- p able for this very reason that they It have beep echogied as local preachers. ' T Appeal Wee aisnamttle to the members m of- the Conference that they should h seek nut yonno men of ability and di- i reel them In the line of the ministry. b 0114 xlte refusal by a, majority of three, of the (Jonferthce to .tree t Asa pro- bationer Samuel Percy Westawayy, a tendon, Ontario, printer -lithographer. was the feature of the ministerial see- sion this morning. The young span, who had spent . a year in the- ology at •Victoria University, Tor- onto, . but had not matriculated, wake wanted by the Mission Board for special soot* in connection with their printing office in China. The rules of the Conference sustain the ministerial session in their refusal, .hut the work of the Mission Board is hampered by their action. The keen- est interest was shown in the case, which was apparently considered by many as a case of red tape over-riding' expediency. Troirem ANCE' ntscuasION. A .temperance end moral reform rally was held on Thursday evening, at which the speakers were Mr. A. T. Cooper Clinton, and Rev. Wm. Kettle - well. SL Thomas. Considerable refer- erence was made to the three-fifths clause and at the close of the meeting a resolution was passed calling for its repeal. " I have faith in Mr. Whitney," said Mr. Kettle`well, "for he is a blunt bon - est man, and ?the sees that his policy is wrong he rill .he the first man to re- trieve his wietalaxe," Mr. Kettlettrell declared that the Methodist- huri€h's-fig-h4 W414 with the brewers and dletillers who were in control of the, Honor traffic in Canada: P)ZQt)+LTi(tNERS EXAMINED. Perhaps the most interesting and in- structive Conference session in a long time was that when two candidates for the 'ministry, Mr. J. 3'. Knight, M. A. of Cranbrook, and Mr•,'' W. A. Gif- ford.,B. A., of Stratford, underwent an exhaustive examination in the doc- trines of the Church. The examination of the two young men in open Con- feeenee marked the seinen of an old custom, • The tests in more recent 'years have been left to a special com- mittee of Conference, but reports that ,this year's dandidates for ordination, and Mr. Knight in Particular, possess- ed views in accordance with new the- ology,reel t testi i a discussion P PI r• nn in the ministerial session on Wednesday, and today's public examination was the outcome. Being ndebater, somewhat t e a f aheen d ht ter Mr. Knight answered ed reads1Y all the questions, but in some instances not to the Complete satisfaction of thire older ministet•ial metnbers of Conferenee- Mr, Knight's views seemed rather to be more in accord with the members not long from college. The question and'answer that evoked the most dis- cussion was respecting his view of the atonement„ which was that it was the infltness of Christ's life and obedience. Chancellor I3urwash, of Victoria Col- lege. Toronto, was given as his auth- ority. Mr. Gifford, with modesty and sincerity, explained to Conference that he did not profess to know all about the doctrine of the Methodist Church. There were Borne things which were a great mvetery to him, and he hoped yet to have the light shed. Thaexamination was conducted creditably by Rev. Dr. Gundy, of Wingham, a well known authority. That the answers were considered em- inently satisfactxrr•y was evidenced when the two young men were re- ceived at the reception service, when they gave their expat•ience of the call to the ministry. Rev. J. W. Graham, of the First Methodist church, London, the new associate secretary of education, out- ined the new plan of student aid which the „1';llncational hoard have repared. Heretofore aid has heen by yang to be repaid) after ordination. he effect has been to cripple young en with a debt that for years as hindered them not only n their intellectual development, ut in their chut•ch work. Un - e n : 13aa(t,yrtiat o it tttq x'e+w 41sptfst (lint ' regtrpt, Sitanlay . A torches iftL'itbti *iffy hoer glee Mcxnnder Torte, Ike A., pt ixt ,Cit a c t r tar sow 1g 'eondnctta)g Itdviytti Services ing a otittkelaa every', cvenitg for titia end nett Week, o the ptblie generally to littctid these, 'Iii 'y tittles Fr(Jit-a tieeser'epel ectlysafe for tete children. Keep a box always lilt hires 1 ouse tl9 Pa, 'a-biic---6, for $2.so, Sent dr pt•e than .ie your dru stdoesnettatodleth , Fr t at tiv a) T',iimited, Ottawa. der the new plan It is intended that students shall he seat out on mission work for to term of twenty weeks thus tug the summer months, and in return for their work Shall receive 000, half to be paid by the Educational board and the balance by the :General Mis- sion board. Three special 6 e ec al be .fits looked for from , this arrangement. First, the Missionary board will be enabled to cover more territgry ; second, the young men will earn the moveyd h to iheytwill college e enabledtoleave college free from debt and unencumbered as to their `future work. This year 48 then have been sent out under this ar- rangement for 20 weeks and 42 for 18 weeks. Kr. Graham made a stirring appeal for greater support for the 11 educational institutions of the Church with teir318i students. "The are worthy of your large support," he urged, ' and it will have to be Large support, too. This year we will need $44,000, and 112,000 of this will be for the students. There will be no assess- ments, but I want you to do some- thing definite, and I know you will-" TEMPERANCE MATTERS. Rev. Dr, Chown, Temperance and Moral Reform Secretary, speaking of the three-fifths clause, said that.lte had the impression that the Government felt that if they were to •repttal this legislation the Prohibitionists would sweep the Province from end to end, and lay such a harden on the machin- ery of the law that it would be impos- sible to cope withthe work. The Gov- ernment probably thought it Netter to move slowly. The decision of the Toronto Exhibition t n authorttiea to put a stop to exhibitorstaking liquor on the grounds for the use of their friends was commended. An evil which Itev, Dr. Chown feared might creep in was the establishment of little breweries in local option districts, but Hon. Mr. Hanna, Provincial Secretary, had promised that if he bad the power he would prevent it. Local option pro- motes independence in politics. The choosing of candidates in sympathy with moral reform was advised, The Ontario Government was commended for stopping the sale of liquor in Co- balt and other northern points where the local option bylaws had been quashed on at technicality. 1Y The reports of re Rev. J. R. Ayearst, P provincial inspector in local option districts, and of the Statistical com- mittee, were l}zs features of -•last Mon- day's session of the London Metho- dist conference. Mr. Ayearst, in ad- dressing the conference, assured them 1n no uncertain tone that the prov- incial government was making an honest effort to strictly enforce the liquor license law, and he was of the opinion that there was far more illegal, liquor selling in licensed places than id local option districts. Attention was called to the way in which the law had heen evaded by "leased bars," and Provincial Hecretat•y W. J. Hanna was warmly commended for his good work in strengthening the law. Mr. Ayearst refuted the charges etude against his department that question- able methods had heen used to obtain convictions against hotel keepers. The men in his employ were under strict instructions against any such tactics, but be did claim that it was just ea honorable to prosecute men for illegal liquor selling as to prose- cute the sneak burglar w h o entered and robbed a dwelling, The statement made in a St. Thomas paper that discreditable methods had heen employed in that city and dis- trict to obtain convictions he de- nounced as "an infamous lie," The work in connection with the cleaning up of Yarmouth Centre was recalled. The only instrrictions he had ever re- ceived from the provincial authorities was to -go ahead and enforce the law," and in doing so Mr. Ayearst stated that he haul received every assistance. Juana MORSON CRITICIZED. A vigorous address was also given by Rev. Albert Moore, Secretary of the Lord's Day Alliance. NA other .lodge in the ProVince of Ontario, ex- cept Judge Morson, of Toronto, would have given that decision in the teat Sunday selling case. The decision, he said, had no effect outside the bonnds of the eounty of York and Toronto. A stated ease for the opinion of the high court had been prepared, and if this method fails, they proposed to go to the Legislature and get an amend- ment to the Shops Regulation Act covering the point raised by Judge Morson. A UNIQUE SERVICE. A unique nervier, the first one on record, took place, when flve Method- ist ministers participated in the jubilee service arranged in honor of the 13 ministers In the district who have served fifty years in the ministry by the conference committee. The five who participated were: 1)r. Alex. Langford, Dr. Wm. Me- Donngh, Rev. Stephen Bond Rev. John Kenner and Rev. E. I esmant, were present, and were given a tatir- ring reception by the conference. The noble 13 are I)r. Wm, McDonagh, Stratford; Rev, Stephen Bond, Att- wood; Rev. John Kenner, Mitchell; Rev. 1;. Peasant, Sarnia; Rey. George Drown, London ; Rev. J. C. Pomeroy, Rev, Alex. Langford, Stratford; Rev. F. M. Smith, Kincardine: Rev. J. R. Phrllipn, St. Thomas; Rev. E. Haines, London; Rev, E. Kershaw, Kerwootl; Rev. W. Williams, London: Rey, Jas. Kennedy, Landon. Revo. F. M. Smith of Kincardine, John R. Phil- Hpm, , Hnlmee, John O. Pomeroy, Jas. K nedy, Gen. Brown, Edward gereha' and William Williams were tinable he present, hut each sent message not eneoneagement tt) their brethren Imes'-' SERVI I:O. Rennin' in its simplicity and im- prosttitao f to eharateter was the nrdih• atlonr1 serf ',e held in North Street Methodist' larch when eight young Etre we 11 Y`t5 $ear rands p onaacratad to the Work Of 1. ministry of the Meth- txlistCJhitreft.' The ordination sermon K'iqjt'exlrhed net, David Iingeia, of Thortulat Y, K 1 his sermon was full of thought and, dvico for the yyoung Mtn ' albibft'I et) bit received. At the l eta.* Of this wratituM tIIM .4g1M naalld.r t Stell 04440 to thatalt sw,tevd to .their name. !#'M11►y Wtxt, A. Gifford. Stretford ;• Wltal. J Vrrrin�lc'; Robert i Qilvi v ' (tee. tinseling, klidstarY ; Hobart d'• ('urrie. 341411440 a Diehl Maks. Boo nem. and J. F4 Rtpyeraft.,Whettl.lt„ The lessens Were read by IAr. feed, of ntritt'o .1. and sett'. Welds,y. of' €it ¶ilontaw atftep, which thecitta tastes repeated their oulluntiou VOW*, eitnpinleyin ou Qf hand* bythe, Ores - 1004 Kev. . J. Vora,: end the pre-.; eentationtif'i Bible tot tacittffiiti,eQtti.' plettd the ret vice.. Meuiiis. J'eare%)aud SPAtileg were utdaittedlatrthe,xef neat(of the Alberta conference end will proceed' ,tltero.at once. Messrs. Currie, hicks cleat 'reit exaft. were granted omelet ordination, • Iiy'tote of the t'mttft tcne LAK 'WOMEN . READ BELOW. (.. t @i4►11 t1V *fir are the finest medieine irk the world for ehthiren., it is lost like giving tate little oases apples, oranges figs and Orales- keeattse . ";brit -a rives A,`RIthctuicesofthese fruit but. so combined. that the litedie uctllRtt is iIlic• ka wa One "Weattfart- in, three iu struggling itgaituilt wtal;ttees4 Me you one Of the week ones P Not exactly etch,. but 014 how tit€ser- ilhie t Too discharge your daily ditties, but who;can tneasnre the burden, the trial? 'd'alle of bravery, where find a finer Via than among the half sick wn. teen,, fighting, struggling to do their duty mann terrible odds—and they never give u until they drop. If 'you could put• a drop of blood un- der the microscope the cause would he revealed, You would and the blood thin and watery, red cells far too few, the Car- rier of life veru greatly reduced in vitality, and this means slow death. Ferrozone eaves weakness try forti- fying both appetite and digestion, and making plenty of blood. Fertoxone .eut•es weakness by sup- plying nutriment and building mater- ial, by giving the body the eonstitu. encs It re res qui for n restoring toying tfcu organs. It gives vim, vigor and endurance. Ferrozone to a tissue builder. It adds force to all the vital fano- tions—the stomach, liver, kidneys. Ferrozone give sound sleep, sound digestion, promotes perfect removal of all the body wastes. Ferrozone makes the body glow with health. Any weak, pale or sickly woman that Ferrozone won't pure—why she must be hopeless. Wonderful power in Ferrozone, wonderful cures it makes, snd this you can prove by trying it. Sold everywhere in 50 cent, boxes. Legal Notes, (Mast and Empire's Logal Columns.] G. L., Wroxeter.—Qu,—A road al- lowance is not opened up: The owner on one side has his land fenced. The owner on the other side has no fences along the road allowance, and uses it as a pasture. Cain he be compelled to build a fence along the line of the road allowance? Ans.—The owner whose land is not fenced along the road allowance can- not be compelled to make a fence, un- less there is some municipal bylaw re- quiring him to do so. 'The owner whose land is fenced has an equal right with the other to use the road allow- ance as a pasture for his cattle. P. S., Belgrave.—Qu. — Does the Public Schools. Act of 1900 make it ob- ligatory on township councils to pro- vide the money -to pay the teachers' salaries quarterly ? (2) Can a township council legally borrow money for the bpurpose of paying teachers' salaries efore the taxes are collected ? Ans.—Section7 0 of the Public Schools Act of 1901 was repealed, and a new section substituted by the Act of 1900. This new section is altogether too lengthy t r to)e quoted d here, Sub- section section 1 means a s that the council of every, county, const levy hnd collect upon the taxable property of the whole coosum a s im ,equivnlont to all special grants made by the Legislative Assembly to that county for school purposes. The moneys so levied are payable to the trustees of the respec- tive schools. Where the assessed value of the taxable property of the Public school supporters is equal to an average assessment of $30,000 for each Public school section, the township council is required to levy the sum of $300 at least for every Public school where a teacher or principal is en- gaged for a whole year, etc. Where the average assessment of each school section is less than $30,900 the town- ship council is required to levy at. least the sura of $150 for each Public school where a teacher is engaged for the whole year. These sums are to be applied exclusively to teachers' sal- aries. , Section 71 of the Act. of 1901, ars amended, requires that the council Anil levy and collect.. and shall pay to the treasurer of the Public Sehool Hoard such sums as may he required by the trustees for school purposes. But there is nothing in the Act that. 1 can find making it obligatory that teachers' saltt•ies shall he pied quar- terly. The school inspector will tell you what the •'school regulations" re- -quire on this point, (2) 'There is no authority given in the Act authorizing councils to borrow money for the pay- ment of teachers' salaries, and such an expedient need not he resorted to. it ie easy to provide in the agree- ment with teachers the t, their salaries shall be payahle at a time subsequent to the collection of taxes. Hits Your Case Exactly. You know how yon feel -blue, sirkly and heavy. Each morning you waken in a dull, " dopy" condition and wish it were night. again. Your liver is wrong and needs, fixing with I)r, Hamilton's Pills; they do cure all liver ilia. At ones the system is relieved of poisons, blood is enriched and purified, appetite inereases and digestion plcks up. Health and vigor return bromine Dr. Hamilton's Pills Stake 11* body proof againet weakness and diaense. For your liver. your kidneys, your stomach, for the sake of your looks and feelings, try Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25c, per box, at any dealers. • d.A.E1ITOWt.Y.1e.. Bears the IN Kind You line Aiwa ps Bough Signature of 0OMNwS KIDNEY PILLS CURE ALL KIDNEY TROUBLES. Matt, llitam Revoy, MAMMA, One,, •~,rites; "I wan trou fed tot five years with t'ay hack. I tried a great many remedies, hut all failed Cantil 1 was ad- vised by $ friend to use Donsz's Klntrrlr Pm" I did to, and two bates made a complete eitro. I can heartily ecm- mend thein to all troubled with their trick.„ may ay publish this if you Prices 50 n'e'ts per box Or $ for $1.2•x, ;torotell lttde&;lets or mailed director' receipt pica b ban Kidney Pill 0o., . %. baking powder 't'' •'' rs' x wast x 'kart; v1�T *, , dollarts worth of ;Roal will make Are food than a dollar's 's worts of any other kirid, however Our " Tare- Specials n Fancy Worsted Sulu' at t so low the price. Royal makes 'Perfect food; always light, sweet andwholesomte. Other powders lose their strength when opened and will not always leaven alike, sometimes actually spoiling the cake and wasting expensive flour, eggs and butter. We axe.•$tiowlug' three tines in fpvi fancy *owed Suittl at 03 40,, 0Je'.,that etre. great winnexst a fact tU, one contemplat#Og 1:M310g :tc. Spring Snit, owl) it to them selves to inspect these offer,~ Ings. Von don't need to pay Seo,00 to Sas,iio to 1JI welt dressed,' anyone wearing one of OUT $13.50 Suits is Well dressed and fit for any society. Don't fail : to see these fancy worsted Suits, at $y a.5o ROYAL DARING POWDER CO.. NEW -YORK. Another Point of View. To the Editor of Tam STAR. 1tSII1,—The suggestion a few weeks since by Mr. Radcliffe that the Goth anniversary of the running of the Buffalo. and Goderiolt Raitway, now the G. T. R„ should be celebrated by our people, strikes one as strange. The suggestion does not seem to be warmly received, and there ie no reason why it should be, for Goderioh has had no reason to be • overjoyed at the services of that R. R, Co. to our town. Mr. Radcliffe should know that when the Beatty b at yo fits called hero freight from Mitchell and other points was sent to Sarnia, so that it should not pass through Goderich, and excursion par- ties along the•main line of the Gode- rich-Buffalo Railway could not he ac- commodated. Any old citizen should know of the set back the town got in Albite these directions' a hence it seemssteam c that anyone should suggest1 glorification of tbe.company that di vetted trade from the line between Seaforth and Stratford to Sarnia, and whose policy helped Sarnia at the expense of Goderlth, Surely our people will not celebrate the 50 `ears of a railway policy that has done nothing to help us, but if they want to celebrate; then let then do honor to the company that bas spent en much to give us additional railway conven- iences and is undoubtedly helping its to rise front the sickly position as a railway centre we have occupied for 50 years. • I am, sir, yours truly, • FAIR PLAY. Barely Lived Through It. A terrible experience had Edward J. 'O'Connor, of Sault Ste. Mame. "Frons boyhood," he writes, " I have been a constant sufferer from asthma and ca- tarrh. My not and throat was id ways stopped ur"iaand 1 bad droppings M- in the throat. WWhen attacks came on I thought I couldn't live through the night. I would sit it u for rent P. gasp o h and endure great distress. Cnhtrrho• zone regale me entirely well." No stranger proof is required. Asthma is curable, so is catarrh. Use Catarrho- zone-and your recovery is guaranteed, Two sizes, 25c. and $1, at all dealers. On May 24th, at Clinton, "some one who possessed a diamond went down one side of Alpert St,tand deliberately 'narked several plate large glass fronts, injuring them rnaterially. On one front they attempted to write a name. The Council offers a reward of $2.5 for information that will lead to the con- viction of the guilty parties. PREVENT DIsoauxf.—At the first symptoms of internal disorder, Par - melee's Vegetable Pills should he re- sorted to Immediately. Two or three of these salatat pellets, taken before going to bed, followed by doses of one or two pills for two or three nights in succession, will serve AH a preventa- tive of attacks of dyspepsia and all the discomfort."' which follow in thcstrain of that dell disorder. The means are simple when the way is known. CHARGED WITH BIGAMY. (,treat opportunities seldom remelt themselves, but every moment _or every hour of thy conscious life is an opportunity to improve thyself, which for thee -Is the heat and most naoessary thing. Sole a ent for KiNG AND BORSALINO BATS ENO/AM! ITALIAN W THE OICNT PLACE TO BUY ATER G. PRI CLOTHING N A� Q A O FURNI8NINQ � s 4 The First Step Often means so much. It hiW meant success to th ousandset un 1 young people who wrote for eur Catalogue al a the tint step toward a good salaried position.. Take the step today, Address CENTRAL BUSINESS OOLLSCI, ' 305 Yonge St W. N. SHAW, Prin. tor•nio. SPRING sea Get Our Prices ON Is ]fere, With it conics the desire to cast off those garments which have done good service battling the winter storms. When you see our showing of dainty spring footwear, you will want a pair of shoes to brighten you, and make you feel more in harmony with the - fresh spriugdays. Builders' Hardware um per cent. Pure Paint White Lead Oils - Varnishes No. 9 Peerless Fencing Frost Fencing No. 9 Cleveland Wire at2 70 per er hundre d Poultry Netting Models in Footwear. WORSELL'S Are Dainty,I1Neat, and by far surpass anything in the past. We have a well selected'stock from the best manufactur- ers, and are in a position to show you the Newest and best in footwear. WM. SHARMAN. Wholesale Hardware Not In the Combine GRANO TRUNK W. E. Switzer, Farmer Near Holy - rood, Arrested by Constable Hodgins --Sent Up For Trial. t(Incanllno Review. Wm. E. Switzer was arrested on Thursday last on a charge of bigamy preferred by hie fleet wife, (constable Hodgins brought his man to town and he was committed for trial before .1, Barker, J. P. Switzer in 1093 went to Strnthelnir, Man., and took up land. Before Ie ev• Ing for the West he paid attention to Mies Ida Jane Bnldrow, at young lady of eatirnable family, in Ashflelrl, Huron county. Miss Hnldrow and bit were married in Htrnthelair on Marsh 14th, 1094. They hnd three children and prospered in their new home. Prosperity is alleged to have made Switzer weary of the woman who toiled and labored with him to build up his fortune, and he left her, corning back east with his three children. The mother, proud and heart -broken, and feeling keenly{the humiliation she was subjected to did net follow her husband but went to the home of a brother and lived with him in Manitoba. On Swltzer's return to Holyrood be purchased the old hornentend and lived on It. Ile bean paying attention to Mins Mary E. Harris, of Ripley, and succeeded in having that young Indy nrnrry hint 00 Unitary, 10th, 1007. He wan not married in Canada, but went to Pembina, N.1)., where the ceremony was performed by Rev. A. Kerr, pan. tor of the M. E. church. The couple returned to Holyrood ns man and wife and have since lived there without molentuion until hie arrest yesterday by Hodgins, The fleet wife in here and will give evidence against her hnshand. Switzer does not neem to realize the enormity of bin crime. He Staten that Ira wan not married the second time, but was only living with the woman. how- ever. the second wife has her marriage certificate, and the matter looks bluel for the 'tensed. Health Depends on Good Blood. Everyone who uses Ferrozone ham goat color and great vitality• Reaann for this Is Ferrozone'n power to create nonr€ehingR blond. " i wan broken down, htul nn strength and couldn't eat," writes Mro, Charles Benny, of Cloyne. Ont. " My nerves were irrit- atblo, 1 was thin blooded and continu- ally unhappy. i tried Ferrozone. it Ave me now energy, force, vim. it Might me stt4nig'th, made fno well." teatest tonic and rot,uttdor ever RAILWAY SYSTEM HERE'S A MONEY SAVER FACTS RFC; A1t1)IN(x THE LA SALLE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY ffomeseekers' Excursions To Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta $32.00 Round Trip to Winnlpeg $42.50 Round Trip to Edmonton Rotes to other points in proportion, Tickets gond for (,o days. Second class (area the sante from all shitiotn3 in Ontario. Leave Toronto June 18; July 2, IFS, io, Aug. 13, 27, Srpt. to, 24. Sin aver change of tune in efTect June 16th. Por further pnrtieulers call on F. F. LAWRENCE, Town Agent. omoo Hours 0.00 a m to 9.00 p m J. I). McDoNAr•n, 1 P. A , Toronto. LIMITED (NO I'I;RSONAL LIABILITY) Capital Stock, $500,000.00 5( lt),(xa) Shares, par value SL(x) each. It I." NI I(AI 111:11 Incorporated .nater the Ontario Alining (omitanies' lucorpora• tion Act. 1II;:111 OI I I�'I; 01: COMPANY, Is/ 2', II t1 Srti IJ r, 'runt,N1't,. 11) \VI•, I''.N' IIIN'Iltl?NII'; Ali)YTIII N' Tllrse will be Largely incrensd as snort as negotiations itt completed fa, srvrrtl rich pu,pertt•.). in Cobalt, Larder Lake, 'Montreal Rhea an.1 l.ut,cs '1'own.lti1, (tl We will Lu) IL,uk your `,-.hairs fit the pine tun pail, if you are not a,tti�llr,l. ( SI 'CLI. otTer i, old, ,..d t),r Iwo week, Inure,, ns this allotment of treiqur slot k hay Leon assn). t ikon ul,, ail, t ,flu, h Ione :.Laves wi11 ire n,lvnttced to Par. I) Ilc1.1t , ale thitwerrnn,. {temp naw L, tr,t,11,.1 , lit,lne of uuna•t wile,, either to the (' mtpnny or to the uwier.,>;ned ,Inti I 1.IV1i, REiSPONS11iLF: AO{iNT S WANTED to handle Stock In Com ponies we underwrite. C. B LA SALE, Financial Agent. TWO (1 ROSS "Bonnie Brier" Pipes Just Arrived at BRUNSWICK CICAR STORE Come early and get your pick for 25c. WEST STREET, - - tIODi?RICH MILBURN'S HEART and NERVE PILLS SAVED HER LIFE Atte. John r. Venom, Little itoeher, N.B., writes " i won troubled with a stair -like pain through roy heart I tried many remedies, lint they sremcvl to do me more burnt t ban Kram 1 WWI then nth 'a•d by it friend to try blit horn's Ilc•nrt. and Year {'ills and after Ming 'wc, 1snees i was romp!, te1v purrs i ean1tot prn14e 1 h, fit I nou(ih for the wont ,f good they Ild for me, for 1 belie` they satv1,1 my loft., e et ,ta Pit r ar box r 1 x or R bolos far 81.23, 1St nil deel,ri• or moiled direct by The P, (ilburn Co , Limited, Toronto, know') is Petrorxon. Gold everywhere $ obis itt fIOb boxd,4. li • ` 1' ` YULE'S BICYCLE AND REPAIR SHOP 11as never been as well stocked with the hest manufactures produced in the world as for the I2 season. CLEVELAND PERFECT AND RAMBLER WHEELS are all modern, anti sure to give satisfaction. A11 makes of second-hand wheels at lttty prices. Repairs of every description, and punctures healed while von wait. Tires for Baby- Carriages and (;t8Carts. Electrical Wiring aifd Supplies. Lawn .lower Sharpening prompt and perfect, Every 'department 't •,pet ialty, and satisfaction g11RT:1i1tted. Tho Old Stand KINGSTON ON STREET Goderleh SHREWD BUSINESS MEN VALUE CIRCULATION, and that's the Reason They Talk to the Masses Through I'HI3 000ERICh STAR, Huron's Oreateat Newspaper / ,. mit...