HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-06-07, Page 4f lif. leninetraaitelt.O.014,0.114.1ta, r, $elt. fleterne et, 10AS_Llete. istr, eis, woes., newt, 4 Weer 10 a 41. *** 4044 c"Ii'A's.`aalmfAtir' VIt." GREYHOUND 4.147.41:4y, 70,,,800Lot,,,i64veD.holotoxsool. ^.-.1.44%.1914* ladle lit40 st. n*". Ines Gocletirit lot Denote, *46etitlirODAYe Jung otiotoop. #0, Jewel)** let Gednidt. ealts"It>,4.Yr ONE 214 040 114 IOW Citelokh los Etna. ownrust. r • • 4114411AM and STIIATFORI) arjpotieiTruleisitskSailordotuae Inds 640*. sky 6.101esee lieeeetild MAK Stetkesi 10 Coodedek. itownwerewitilisiewilliwriCeartidoettelleolelotteesollwado int . *moo ki Pools war viinkap to willows/detailed. 44000110111414 Meridigiit Elrtlisheh 8p., Joao 17tirt l5cIa. , YortAITE STAR LIRE ILAYERaeoltrosti , • Special Excursion to Washington and,Jamestown lexpOsition, ESTATE AGENTS *Mt ArlienelitTSON, ARAL ReTATE AND zNeuiteNeft AelieleTte llog, buying or renew town and farm ty. elre and tete Insurance. °Mee iMe. Ociurt House SWUM). ••' . • ' • MEDICAL, • , 'DIWI rkt.tatEntsote teauunnum.. • ,„; ‘kt. ertettensoe. M1.I. ' Daces. 1entate:7;e' liehel'oe 11s • ' Eater -wee 1testaes00-st. David st,roet. DPIEblite victoria 8t,, church, 'br.. Terranova liesiecaos- Nobles( Street. ;-..„ • , ' • Neat Shaw Store. Phone 121. ; ' • 1511, A. E. atevelAN, • - • ' • 'bracianand Bargeoe. Special attention to an, ear, e, nosand throat. °Mee roadopec OIIPosI - • , , '19eigitto ce' • , • AUCTIONEBR1NO • . WORD DWI/JUT, General Auctioneer 1.3e thitilleruiltori Street Ooderteh. 1.0. Ilox ' PK rann, Vilna (AXIAL and ail other sloes win stoe ifousehole Furniture, and will me reliODM rectal attention. 1 witi buy your en. IONN.Cat vpricaa. Lot tee enowwhat you have to 0011 in any'line, or ou mild, see what 1ean ;••••.'"-- :•••••• bell you, - neolteln liNtomerr. eurieete tattoo. Oodertoh. • •••,. HOTELS man litletoN nOTitie tioderloh Ont.- -iL--Thoroughty refitted -ma -moderf4120d, hoze,o tor the traveller and teenier.. nese a day hotel tot* found few wbere.-VM, (nem .pronrietor. W. E. KELLY viveortmatant. enweetata Alen OPTICIAN. mom Or MANIIIMIN LIONS GODNINCII. ONT. tbe Goberfcb Star. 'Marne= Cate 11.° FRIDAY.1JUNE 7, 1007 WHAT 4'. PULL " MEANS AT OTTAWA. pereetot. Of the priee of be rifle, tor OW1 Inc elute iltook Grog *Otte] tie $13,75 for each /Neer, AS this is gthitere 't It *tea the eitilKeyet COM- 4-) el matinfikethre. Them eeontreetoe Mot too high eto Meat lemouotsa any repital, the GeVerrothent alainitt m Mod rinfttre• It deoet net. that mot% made it was nearly seven Moll Mealier the date when the whole 12 00(1 Milo; of Mark 1. order shifted be delivered. but not a ;tingle rifle had been supplied, nor were there ono for more than ft year after this last payment. These amounts were only te200 loss than the full seventy five per cent. of the price of the whole 12,000 rifle% yet it eras not until August 20th, 1005,- that the first rifle mune to hand, end it was a year later before 1)000 had been ;le. livered. The other 3,000 }ewe never been supplied, although three quarters of the price of 2.000 of them wan paid in the suminer of 1004. ' Mark 1. Some Mark 1 rifles were served out, but were sent batik to the Department and returned to the factory for alter- ations or repave The contractor WON paid $15,000 extra for replaeing the sights of these rifles after the original sights had been accepted, $435,000 Paid In Advance. In 1004, it year or so before the first rifles of the 12,000 oider had been delivered, and while the con- tractors was drawing pay on the first lot, a second contract was made for 2/4000 of Mark 11. Advances were paid on this order, and the contractor had received over $200,000 in advance oe the second order, before they de- livered the first rifle of the 1002 con- tract, Altogether $425,000 had been pithrthe conteatitorbefirettlet. dtdivered the fleet rifle. The total payments Olt the second order in advance of delivery of any rifles under that contract was 13375,000. or lieventy live per cent. of the whole price. The first payment on this order was, made on February 24141e 1005, and the lest on Deemnber ?tie of that yea,. 'This was very nearly a year and a half ago, Awl 3,000 rifles of this contract remain to be supplied, notwithstanding the -provision that no ;momenta are to be made more than it year before delivery. ee Third and. Fourth Orders. On the third artier six paymente beim been male, amounting to $2ali,e 441.01. The nest of these wee made February 10th, • 10e0, more than 15 months ago. Not a rifle halt been de- livered under this contraoti thougli the contractor has, received his three- quarters of the price of $14.030. The second and third contracts are for Mark 11. rifle,. so-ealled. There is fourth contract for Mark line and A 110011 CONTRACT THAT MIGHT the first payment of $11,2e0 on this tvtiLi. ;ALLEM "ORAFTA was made litst ifteeenneer. Of course no rifles of this order have Wen -de, . now rtoewi,WM Financed. livered or need tie expected for a year , 7 or two, WOO, FORTAIOSI of 0i3 D4. itt o purely vegetable eonopoutul pe7.- Ceeelite peffeet reguleting powers oyge ili t he orgene of ter- eyeteni Onti tOntrOtt* ait *AIN SP,orettono. ie ea Orifice the bleed that it cured idt tdoed humore und dieseee, feet thie conibinee with ite unrivalled refedatilig, NINit liorifying itoluencietendiee it tinelefelled Inc alf disenr.a of Via akin, Mr.ifebert Parton, Ont., evritea : "SINOP LIMO apt0 I Wo9 140Obt w ith hoile and peneles, ,vhich 'wet bara1e leg out coostently. Alter taking two hettleeo ThIrdmic, Blood Bittere I aul completely cured." IlitPROVII0 TRAIN SERV.ICE. /t t4ialugp WhICIII MEANS Much for the Cloderich to Stretford Line. let- teelme been ; .the ClInton . • . Clinton, Jun e following Meted of trade and emetains good news 'for OM towns op the Strafford-0We- rich branch of the G. T. IL• t. Toronto. May 3. John Raneford. Esq., president board of trade, Clinton t DearSir. -Referring to your letter of April Hi, I am giad to he able to advise you that, taking effect June 17, we will have a train leaving Gareth% 0.1111 0,,,m. arriving Termite 10 a. ne, and oe this train will have a comfort- able parlor ear with geed brooking rano and a state -room. Title ear Will return oll TOO p, in. train from Tor. (lnte, ferreting Ocelerich 11.10 p. in. Allot. that train leaving Toronto 7.20 a. M. will have buffet paler ear (one of Our newest) coach, buffet cae and crew to run through to Goderich, ar- riving there at 11.35' returning leave Goderich 5.00 pen. thy°ugh to Urea°, except that butTet parlor car will re. turn on the 2,50 train, reaching Tor- onto 7.50 p, in. This will enable any- one to obtain breakfast leaving Tor - 'onto and dinner before reaching Tote onto, as well as the best of liquids, etc. You are at liberty to make public. Yours truly, J. D. McDoNaere D. P. A. What's In a Name? Toronto TONVToto. The Improved quality and reduced price diethe Ontario same' books will I e as good as tbe distribution of $100,- 000 per annum among the fanniea of this province. Liberalism was helpiese in ehe preseuce of a schen' book ring Oat bled parents Inc $100,000 per an - nem, or, without interest, $1,000.000 every ten yeare. Toryism investigated the ring until it wale glad to climb down and reduce its pricee 14 )4' figure thee will leave as • gond as 8100,000 per annum In the poekete of purehusers of school hooke. There is no Meaning in a system of party names that atutches the label LIBERAL" to the timidity that kept Hon. O. W. Rose afraid to touch the school book ring, and the name ' TORY' to the coerage that inspired Hon, .1. P. Whitney to smash the ring and eave $100.000 per annum to the people of this province. r A 'Queer State of Affairs, • During the last seseion the Ai Public, togetber the eoetreetor bed de- Aceounts committeehrien we hued eV l*d when the House prorogued Into 'the Ross Rifle cent-rect. The lilri ot les, a large number of which evidence taken was largely! Concerned ere attired away as unserviceable with the ehuracter of the rifle, the do- in the present condition, These are all paid for. Seventy-five per cent. feete in Workmanship and motored 1)11.11 1100*) paid , On 3,000 Of Ilia first or - the adveree reports of cutumikelons oi guley, its condemnation he he Mounted Pollee, and the other fetat- ilider not delivered, though the last pav- inon elfel.of the second order not de- ment. WOO 1110.d0 three yeare ago, and ores and incidents bearing on the am livered, though the last payineut question Whetbee the weapon w was made nearly it year , and 0. heir eerviepable. The financial ;end of the., ago. A sufficient pernetit lute been transection Wits hardly consideted. made on the thirdi, enter to cover 75 but stands over for nett session. The 'papers brought down are, however, ner cent of tho 0091 01 14,503 not de - wired, and of the fourth order full decidedly 'wresting. 75 per cont. payment has been made • $2$ Wes a High PACO. on M. The total payments to the • By the 'contra:it with Ste Charlea eompan.y, tncluding extrae, amount to Ross the Government agteed to pay $1,037,000, and the advances at the $25 each for 12;000 rifles, ' This core time the House prorogited were $400, • 'tettet was made on the 27th of March, 000. IOW, the contractor Agreeingto de- How the Country Stood. livOT 01° 12." rinds berolso Jaunftr7. Not one of the rifles so far furnished 1004. A second contract was male in han been wholly made in Canada or bsr 1001 for 20,000. .4,. third contract te t itnadian workmen. So far os IA 1000, and a, fourth he the same year known not a single order has been were made for oulditionei numbere, ell tilled on contreet Unto. The contend At $23 each. 1111'4 13°Whien 121""n• star altogether in fever of the contrae. woe bad been buying the Lee-Enneld fp and has been varied to his ndvant- ' rifle, Whilst; is the weepon used in the age. The country has not acquired It • British army TOr $17.5o. Or of the • , samory which In the event of ti, war sielnelnel nvona tnanot4 hula* in would he able to (amply a complete %tint 4 has offered to eupply the rme'„ but eeponden no the Onited. len Geverriment with the new stmfor the more elieixte 1,45410114 ' petterit British Antler rifle and haVo• of the rifle. net complete for $20, as lir. Worth. Ington, m. etated In the House. , THE SCHOOL IlOOK RING. . The Amerlean tonilthrAne lifin• "I"' av beyoneser t ready for vice, eosts gineareiao itiew. " Se it would appeee that the Ross Co. The tneenest, most coitemptible bad *fine contract. graft that was ever allowed to ellet 'A Pe* 'Extra Concessions. was that which preYed upon 1,ho ittoo • " itlut "there were other concessions. children who bail to buy Reboot books OlittaetOr Vals 41°W"t to hrh'S or go without education. . 4 debt for hie factory at Quebec. lie war' etlid there wa" graft id ,wao ol•toived to purcbme in the uoltea it, We insisted that the price* were entirely too high, and now one of the ritistelo or elsewhere such ifinished or monopollets mores It Itimeelf by-offeN Unfinished pots eoultl not be nrde leet to sell tile seine hookirfor almost in 44 fettory ao to Import them ree ' t:ot debt.. All the rate eaateebo wan one -thiel the price he antic his mewl. , Shio admitted, tree. Thus the Conttlie. ete reetteliellets used te rhotflte.-v tee bee not been obligedto a Next to the graft ittielt In meanness 'fattory for the thateffacture :of thr was the Royal Commlnlon uppeinteti plete ride. Be inekte 'such peen; by the late Government to Viet+ wilted, e gm& correlde/ir, Imparts other evidence tram the monopolist% to shelf -yintett, sorer pserlariaolattedetta some that Niece were not too high. The, entleele finished, wan -dotes the menu- tecortla of that Commission cannot be 'rotate at `Quebec. puts the , rifle 'to. (,Ourid, tolee We Vella have,4 OW 4 Other end hamds 1t.' over to the blov. low liet of liars (If the Wattetkles were • eminent, , outehrorn) or on a list tot perjurers if • Paid la ItilVanee. they woe swop. tioteovet tbn'eantreetor does nor IIVerething anteing' into the eons. ihilre to wait for his pot_y Until he eta). .poSitleo tot tielend reader, is dearer to- -teethe Reedit. Tile 'CitiVerklinent.tott•i, 1a9.' 01141 thettlidrvpapiiri l'abor4ratt.^ II 4 .rootieflol and' Wor -45 pee tow, or rsolt totot mote t en the priee atissiou eludee at being terrodi , eititeethe ragile* 'Or the !tootles,* hawses at, tlainti It stigmatises the netlike rifle, it is probehltshe Witco* *Hoes** tlh0 swot° that pfletottere east f*ats-tsitit ids bus toss without litie Unseen Merit aft lite &MI Of Waft hole honker told ehotitiof him .tiOintet%,; hut it ternte as Wetthe ialt Itsue ' that 'oadvitnee payMtnte tannot whe Pht b 'kr tOttit: Alba. 'font del very, not it will h' 'eon that 'tlYttlhistuitt• • ' the Imeteried and macblfiery free w t lies to pay Mut to be foe Woof. Yet (gib of the three t`trio tkeet , • In adelittee of deliverNell the e,ost of egret% to print thent for lilantst one, his ra*14 t. It Is* IIp providtst in the l'Ont ttfiktiOblAb tilt SO thtb Pkiltinet Imo art tide* yaw tbstita yestrite.. although bleffthe teletthdy in their -Aids prorisIon heti-been chterfully.diso Whir did the people do tt Hews* ter.-med that $elleflorhoit taken PUNS Tint people W00 Need eneh , row bel t Wrt nod three .Yelittl i/elf thee tt eauee thsrpersent fletetettiletit asked thor IsAygoisit Wag acetic the* to pay laritter twitteleirito thee OW412,110(1 Ike ra‘tte- ht Match, here ftntl tebti' del* lee*, 140 Abe .A.. dr cs sra. X II.. Bears the De Kind Yon Mu Aiwa Bo* ingselie Sits Was Wfid Wilt Pain. From Willow Creek, Gut., Xis, IL Diesel write** 4' 4 feir Perm olio 1 ,wito tit enthed with rein mui WA' lwe' beau; it st 441,like -4 sleek too piercing my heel. 1 implied. betting Nekton. with Nervillio to my ator and rubbed. oo Nervilltet for the letrobigo. 'Most ruhhing srlieved Anct in a few boure'l wee wtI1. No other 11001(00 Conki thie.' It'sthe penetteting ittoWer of lierviline tile!? 0011See it superior to ell otht„t, liniotent0.oLhjng bet., Zit. at ell dealete. . • , " The testeWel Rtendord of '44 Week *stye; 1,Me, fr„, /Teem, of *bet), P. Wt•-, ofneesat,Goderieb, WooI.o Wirt for is day or two thie" Vreekt wett Wes PleaSeti- *0 tind that VOristraction work on the ,1,let,cowel branch neW Well wider way. Mr. 'McDonald, stdreontrectop Iiibt IIHh(l4 of the rotor heti le For Diorrlioea, Dysentery 'Marniegtort arid V.Itua, has his forret ell. organized and •husv Itoyik.. ich,oleon la mishit* kW' Plut et Ih0 ov.1 the cement men ar,o DeWitt ,Ott, the culverts Red heldSee, Do. NOT DeTINIte-WIten, through, debilitated digestive et game. *noon node- itst, wear into the 1010014 tlift Mime coneideretion to 'get the pelsootta OS rapidly and ba 11101'03101y *414 1)08- 1411110 SIble Petty may mean dleastee, far# meke's Vegetable Pills will be foetid' MINIt iNt1110.140 4.1id PITOOtlY0 IIIOCUtitte 1.0 0040 "410 lixtruder with. They never fail. They ro at MIRO to the moment cute, Wing -barn Advarlee; Yes. several June weddinga are announced ; 34#004. month fOr theta ; Plot after eeeding. anti before statute labor has to be pets formed. " Yon have at model wife, said a guesit at a ''wedding, to the' groom. Next.. day the groom- thought he would look up the meaning of " model," He friend itee' i• a smell taion of theeteal thing," and shtit the dictionary with it bang. To KNOW 1E3 TO PItTEVENT.-If tbe miners Who work in cold water meet of the dee would rub their feet and legs with Dr. Thomas' Eciectric Oil they would escape muscular rbetteas, meth= and render their nether litehe proof against the ill effeets of exposure to Um cold, Those setting out for mining'regions would do well to pro- vide' thetnselves with a supply befcire eterting.. On Wednesday night of last week fire destroyed the Queen's Hotel at Renee% The hotel was vacant, the late tenant haying moved out soon aftee May let, when local option went hate force. James Coxworth is the ownee of the property. The origin of the fire its unknown. The loss to Mr. Cox - worth will be heavy, as insurance companies do not pay insurance when buildings burn down it they are ten - Nile. &Toot. Rerleter.---17. Le.orilied ,Illc- Ihweiti, 318, SP, 1V.Ernest Mellwain. 327 t Mabel Wilson, 300; Oerteude iterkeettriek, Xis. Jr. • IV. Reginald Olen. 313 : Viola Young, 2:S3 ; Wilbur Dunbar, 121. Su-. Ill. NVorther Oval, 401 ; Olive illeNee. 4.31 ; Herold Me - Dwain, 300 ; Victor Yelling, 353, II. Viola .141t: %V b lune)+, 401 ; Ernest Olen, 305 ; Lloyd Young, 313: Vera Tiffin, 207 ; Leslie Penthead, 205. Pt. II. Mar- ion Ityah, 425 ; Luck enemy, 331 ; Marguerite Olen, 301 L. Gerald Dun- bar, 211, ' FANNIN Li RA 1r, Teacher, ......-____ Leadbury. • ['reveled out inst week. Norgs.-Mr. Isaac MeGavin is very imey at, his 13arti at present. When eompleted it will be one of the lergest and best in the tovvnehip.-Quite a number from this vicinity took in the football match in Seafoeth on the 24th between tbe Herons and the Ameri- can team. The geme remulted in a tie, the score being 2 encle--Tbe eveatiter at the beginning Of the week cortainle reminded us that whiter bus not, allogethee left us. -The farmers have started doing their statute labor. It is to he boped that they put erevel end hot liouldere on the roalti.-The annual Teacher's Convention 10e East Huron took place on the 22nd and 23rd. Tim pinee of meeting Ulla yeer being at Guelph. The prograttune tonsisted of vielte to all the departments of the Onelph4grieraitural Pam, Macdonald Institute end the (lonsolkinted School. A very Instructlye its well as pleasant} trip was enttoyed hy all thano 'tell° at- tended; front this vielnity the foil lowing teachers attkndedi, Mr. Oleee toneWhitee S. Iii. No. li, sir, neleieeet No., O.. MI; Elliot 'Summerville, •Ktn. blirts arid Once Miss BOSO10 Sounmer- I:Mo.-Mimi McKibben*, of Toronto, visited her Mater, 111m, MeltwOrelteri PridaY laitt,-Mr. T. Scott, London, aid Ate. and .51ea. Scott, of Blyth., were the attests of Mr. and hira. John Searlett last Saturday. Mr. II, ROM, P. S. Inspeetor, paid his official visit Co the Leatibioey schoolrin oroday..os The Knit Wedding bells of the month of., Jen* wilt be heard tin og on ,the 61he--00 Mendel evening-, Jraite Ged, a Print% of \Vales birttilley social Will he held on Mr. O. Christopher's laww.,-Walton, Muter the auspicel of St: blentiti's (bald. An exeolliont progratutowlies ireeh provided tor this oethei)h. Refeedimente will be we- VNI int the grounds. All aroivelcome, . .. - ,-..., ' , . - • ,,,, ......._...-- -...-.1....:;.................i.., " reirir411411ItiNtintertOUIOrthgte011ti4O* thIl hi ,tokt know tire beneff:ihrite. 111(18. At mom "op ,",44,10fribet tor iht ***vont,. or /bong terti‘er the rielith uswitd1 the Mho woreto• he dreirered :tertehihrehoel. kik/ not' *tern '.604**rn opt nett*, rot onto, moat* erir theist.' tioreftoodit trOide so row to 040,6, noc. them pIttokto imtah in theirAtleta• wen w made up the School seat, of the trout, and work a per, If the way of Heaven be' IlerroW, il: :le ittOt 10egl arid' If the gate be Straight, it, pont, iata entil&rei tires . 'the% Leitheval, acisty of twelve Ing, In Itte,. lel ttitylife 1), drawn,. ; nit. in glutamine lest Eatorday. in rompany with woe tulip*, boys he ,haitactitufed. to foilail 'the eolith pito oft a raft, when, ening tra ta goat of , wind the IOC suddenly" hocked% throne, ing the boy into the like. Ills tern. patileals were ntothitt to atiallit:hint and .theleft drifted tpilekty away, .. , 'White* big .erowd :of sehool rhit- drew wort „ixtsking Men the Igetteol grotto& in botette mew Afternoon liot week, in tole Width Walbeing led h7 14 a'Atifig MAO btrikEi leWeeentiff,e r ... boingtd ,. Mo the teowtitklitteithig Soine derrn 110 her rush, varying one hoy for *owe little 'Oletertets on het horati."-- Med; rsteliing it Ott* gitt ,eatried Welsh, *hoot twelve yearstOf age. And hold. trig beetroot lietteeen Itet head end the tenets .roettonetell,nrito hots went 'to rash $14,,o, the, little glig's body, end he theOW twenty toothed. the bottle eget thelenee.HotteNtein ' riiikl was aeon lrr ,., ' ;Med I ri A I etWelltient 'or Intenee entterialit. irol nitwit* hastily veritonosed.. * hiventiosientwered etat two.1.1 and the . body rog IlttYtner$ 4 a •-a ..,.. NO rtiet...... - /1" Alb fermi tharhe ,l LJ Owe and ttle itegottibrota to lite to - *Abler, 'here/eta 1 pekoe** of Ifoltilvehysa rn Ore! 1 wan entirely tote* by *hie rented? miff 1 Went *tore at it The Any friends. So 12= Hr..). W. Mom*, faiisoft*, Clielera and all summer ernt1Plaiete are so quick in their action that the cold band of death is upon the victims before they are aware that death is near. If attacked do not delity in get- ting the proper medicine. Try it dose of Dr. Kellogg's Dysentery' Cordial, arid you will get immediate relief. It acts with wonderful rapidity and never falle to effect a cure; It Is said the Globe, World and Mail and Empire will shortly put on a epenial train to bring their papers to London in time to catch the early trains from that city every moreeng. This would mean the delivery of Tr - onto rn.orning prtpers in Ooderich he - fore noon each day. Campbell's Vaenhih Stains are guru,- anteed by the makers to give perfect satisfaction for refinishing furniture, floors and interior woodwork. E. P. PAULIN is authorized to refund_ per- chesetepeitte in every 0080 Where, the goede fail to, give perfect. results. Few WIII Escape The torturing echo§ of corns. Be prepared -the only painless .mire is ,Putnam's Corn Extractor. Fifee years In use and absolu:ely guaranteed. Memorial Day is one of the 'nest sig. nifica.nt and beautiful occasions of the year. It shows the sentiment of the .people towardthose who gave their livee for it good cause. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is pleatiant to take; sure and effectual in destroying worms, Meny have ted it with best results. ' An exchange says "With paper up, type up, labor up, and the price of living up, the printers will have to pot prices up or go up the flue." The sal news has been received at Luoknow of the drowning at Winne Peg of Donald W. McKenzie, of Leah - aisle The young man, with neelend, was out in mime which upset, and it apogees that Mr. McKenzie sank vrth the Canoe. 111te"ilicKetizio wee 27 yeers of ttge'of gond education, and had event about two yenta in the Welt, and had been eMployed 1113 13 surveyor an4 )atrerIv as a draughtsman in the O. N. lt, Oflleos at Winnipeg. The re- mains wero brought Ililtne and inter- red in the family pia ot Imehaish. Theluneral took place onFridne after- Itnein last. ASTOR i A )'or bents and 0114cmi. TN KW You be Always Bought Beata the eigneture of Summer Comp alats FOIRMERVIA cror WILD STRAWBERRY rn AW 0180)ITANEOUS COM , It has beim 'ma irt thous** of betrie4 dupng the past pixty.two yore end ties( always given satisfaction. , UeceY henle (dupla have bottle KOS4 tab() ready in. case et =omen Price 35 cents At oil '4114444 and, detolers. Do etit let some noprincipalied druggist humbug you Into tc,41g called Strawberty Compound. The/ear:, .ightal is Dn. Fowzmes. The rest rote:pub.' iditutee. • , Mrs. O. Dodo,. Lethbridge, Altsp,,,, mritetom "We hove ..niect Dn, ?ovn35B. Essnaor or Watt Sanavieriant and", found n'a greet renidy for Diattheeti;, Summer Cora** • and CraMpa," We would not Ulm to be 'Without 'it" ill ate bowie." Flannelette* In End* Setteele En .f Plenuelettete a rare thing tg, get jest now. Owing to the gre4. wive:nee in 'poem end scarcity otiock, It will pey you to- eft these mods. They areteal Mee% ttlat **mall let Cloth Mid patterus are Atoaq,, , . • , Vesting* and Waisting* in Ends , Veedoge mid iVaistioga ii Shed Euds. trent eee' tee twee rade in 11,plee, reidweetre toceng to *tor them oututpriges regardless of Let. Wkny ere jegt wliat Nog may -rennin toed the ottesa Me tempting. , • . 10000$ 0900* .Ends Conte,and'ot there, et half price Or under, 34 to 4o.lalent Enda of cream, wee Colored re.' Stuirki. 114' • . ••.„ Poe dozat',Lndiist Skirts. Made te., order 'front mit (*NU: gOodSi $34040 $4.5% ° vheotisitts are ,tailo.e •matie. t.to* York desigtei, god neatly, trimmed, • Ezeeptionally ebeapatpriee$ asked. .• • " • . • , •• • • .„ White:A*1**,60ot WitOil(riS . , Zic•brAIA 1.41404 01 While:00SM Spat, MetilitesWiretter cereteitelleeet '111)1iorte1lelos. , and rise .310 t2 le, 48.'ee, ee, ee :ted ,30 Cents, Vitcos Muslice are ovetth your attea- Sett if at Ali Mewed, • Hosiery., „ • Ile'stirertod gel tome of Wiese 10 ate 61190g ot 1.50, 2 pairs for 2$0. '4401's' IleaVY ; • ..• , • ghttett ritl,POSes fast bleek, item SA' ro IneheS. , ' , • . • • o Ova : '011- PROOt14.0 „ , THE 06N41:0,,,,N LIVERY EAS't ST,,,G91uRIcix. v-h'-rgraenirgt..ged..'14,1°A.lig=c),1147t4 , , Veer- tetroenee 4011ec:41, 'hone bt Wallow *.h .fitiettorthiti? ecycLtitonnkeageavieryxw apaonassaigble: WISE PEOA iPLE, done by moths. When put - tin away your`, fors . and Winter clothing use some well tried moth preventive. • ,1. Moth Bags 50e. to 75e. Moth Balls106. PPM. Lilac Flakes 15t. per pkg., tedfOrd • a mum u. • • . . wog H. C. IDuLuir °Omen theetetete4-xesm AT THE OLD RELIABLE STORE, WEST STREET, .GODERIGH. where we have in stock a large assortment of Roll Seat and Cobbler Rockers in quarter cut °alt. - Silk IlpholStered Parlor Rockers and Chars in different designs finti p r ic re riss . MoChairs and Morris Itockers in Velours, at all prices. Leather Seated Chairs and Saddle Seats in oak, at prices to suit the purchaser. Children's Toy Sets in ted- and blue. Rockers in different designs for the children, and noteleg so 'pleaeing for the little ones. Secretary, and Music Cabinet:4, 'Parlor Cabinets and everything suit- able for the enjoyment and comfort of the home. Cali early, no trouble No trouble to showOooes. J. BR.OPHEY •Sc. SON The Leading Undertakers and Embalmers West Street, Goderich -W* Night and Sunday calls receive personal and prompt attention. hone T20. Residence -Elgin Avenue. 'P 'John Durward, pieprietorof tile marble work* ott Kintardine. Met with uthotni ttecide a very to folioed some temaWhile assisting - The greatest et all necessaries is IIRIAC11011:31Et. Therefore in buying this staple article aee tlittt you get the best, the Wm PlINCIEFtS kind that is' pure and wholesome. fresh, too, as our flour doesn't take long That's the kind we have in ourstore. It's ALSO to leave our premises to enter the homes of our many patrons. Plumbing The careful shopper knows that our store is the beet to make her purchases, Tetincs.mithr,in as the flour is unsurpassed for ) excellence, eend our. full line of alritittoZ113EWENISS are the hest of. their seemed kind. Do . Promptly attended to. your shopping here. We sell the best null save you money, neo ilii.111111111 STURDif & CO.. The hgoOoeticb sre. Summer Needs d .BIRANITFORD Ilti:4111. ROOFING Leads the Market iirtiuir lines. •-AIISOLIJTELV FIRE-PROOP. NO TAR. NO PAPER, PRICES RIGHT on your roof or in the roil.° All kinds on hand at Cor. Banker Commerce - 'Phone 155 DUNLOP'S AT -TIRE (like Dunlop's Tires for wheeled vehicle -al IS THE SIMARD 'Thom.% no bottoll-Plaf'e than - The Scctotch Store • To buy Ladies' Waists. We dti not elaini to have the low- , est priees that are to be had, but we do claim to have the best assortment and the daintiest Waists that are V) be • found in any store, and it moderate prices. - - „ • iiu nsertion, lour different styles to chm choose from, at $1.00 each. Long or short Lealedeivesc4*.Lawn Waists in neat and dainty effects of embroldeey and, Other lines in Ladies' Lawn Waists, at 95q, 51.25,, $1.50, 82 00 82.2s. 5/.50, 53.00, 53.25, 54.00 antP54.50 each. • • ' For the Ladies who prefer Silk Weists we have just at; complete an assortment, and can meet the demands of the most exacting ahopeers le extra qualities of Japan and Taffeta Silks in black and white, at 52.55. $3.$0, to.$5.00 each. Infants! and Childnen!S Headwear • I • . Hats, caps, Honisets and 'fame A, been:Ufa collection of -Heedwear which mOthers will find. ft pleasere ee seteoting from. We would, , Advise mothers to call and see these as. eoon as possible, as the variety car ; not last long, and these are geode which connot be duplicated. The travellers' samples of Children's Wash Dresses are lieleg 'quickie picked up, 11(1.14 s0411 there are a good assortment left for early comers: to • choose from.• , , 'Phone 56 MIOIRs3 SCOTCH ,STORE 'Phone, 56 , • Upanto=Date Furniture We have without doubt the best assorted stock - of Furniture in this district and our increased safes this spring show that the people appreciate a good • tiling when they see it. We never were in a better position to furnish your • witole house or a single roonl. We have a fine range odd pieces, suitable for wedding -presen ts. See our assortment of Metal Beds arid Dining - room and Bed -room Furniture. We also carry a nice range of Baby Carriages and Go -Carts. • Linoleum arid ,Oilcieths. • irispooTiore H. B. BECKETT Undertaken and,Etrabalmer. All reloolve prompt attention. Telephone Store 89, 'Residence I U.' Residence Cor. Nelson and Zambria Road. 11111111111111111.111111111111111111115111111111.1.10111111.11IMISIIIIIIIII/1111.1116111111. A REMARKABLE '1INIEPITION toteett reont.itio t Culleulth'S dray. The pied& en which theyletre being let•dolvn We -e Vet and, '011MetY, Sed one getaway mai before Mr. IturWaird tottlaget, ortt Of the *oil hn Wm caught, and Ids leg broken in WAD battertd, two plates. It is thought (1413 14 • Pled (Wo.a %Vett istatip Reasonable i,flees, ‘. 'Whitt.iitore. tan you Mit t ItIlkaga****IYOYI DUNLOP -MADE CLOTHES teeth Cooed Pitaltioto oboa. ittrientro.ean. ,rtotittnitant tatinidinaNIVV4. • . Mit.P111,011A AtilIORTA UQH DUISILO utitOntrawor. oal Oil and Gasoline STOVES- ; from is1*s0 !AP» •Screen Doors *lid Windows Woott.#* Max,c4,e11. Lawn Mowers Iistnittockg • citeroilit itt MOWS .001100 'OAROWAllE sot in tit" otwortiioil o•ero, 3ATEsrierot,40,..1eoet..0.5,06 vormideirt,1/4 aortae', eatele S. t Anew** ' is, tilt atr MEG 'fickftu. 1E1E4 %.* DrItE/11 *41.144. dor **Y* 'hwet 11Men' ,eets. , kAnt Alfr,Armat".717;t°411,0t41,1441.",,„.„.*:, iiip.jolit revel -toe te, eel raeotee, Weal, Welt 'dole thatieelle TOR1ISTSLIEllE4 #1,164i.v1 h 4114 , t m (oestearet, free theireet br11 e414 - • etaert peewee% • 14#4411‘ 141*L Is 911511'11 ,t*/ trt. I 11143101EINIEDIEnitillir: Whitt Ilitibttilik i(whido shoothret *ThATFOI%D. at established twat* .Yilmt lo *011 hy „its thotowth seek ,enti honotable &allege With ha pet. roast bee becoeseneenf' the tar, ettt andateut widely khrotts Coto. sterrist Colleges DI tl* lemente. , driated' typos.** fee conrater, Oat towhees *ad oillve snelthests ,gssWity *tools Ow supply. ". snot gradionfit "113 pestilleses. !eititeettetwe 'With weft. eat SuNNER SCHOOL Natellete ithatearowe fritese, tear ti)( eseene. terAnitioeire es ie. OT . hot PrAflt 14114A1M, A* . wee emit.* in, ori,* mit8.. matfett immtiA write a owe. M�II timanuet tweed Mee rt. A.P31tW'fiA.13A. ..., , . . ,, ... T ' eirettlenott ix rest:not titroughopt the sealp. The tilloute blood yeeeela are in TlVitiNTS triketitill CAP is a. pritetiott terention eonstructed ton telenti5c , ' . told hY*reete ..PtietiPleli hit the shliple atoms. of *filch a 'tree tied eilettnal eectitIV elhilteiiilledloretelleifere tiles ellienhiee the food supply, *Woo 000 ,00ly be derived front.doehloa(1,,to b6 catried tothe how rettfe:.- die eiTeete of Willa are rieitkly sten ie e healthy, vigorous growth of leen ' Them 13 80 rebbinz.eretee tio &egg 6r 001044 a 044000*W-0d ore Oloployed" there is .rtothitat to carief irri- tanait. rt IA: otgy tetessary Mercer the,Cepthteettt l'Elq DIDItit0A.rfallit, ' „, - .0 DAYS' FREE :. TRIAL!' . , , . The .rilillipani':iii..j401a001,6i'.. .' ,.....,-- . An .i3P.AtIti ,VACtitlitt tAti, *lit he *eat 3000, toe tixttiiiipit itee trial, I- II volt do not set at . Ovoidal, thisdePitteat of a new itr4Tith, Or hilt? told stret stett .coftsitieeti that the Co *Ili 'totopletety *in** *Out her, 'you , are ot. ilheftY' to t`ettitit th. CO With, *IC dialosie?ottlatevee tO totittelt. It IS rethatteted,' es a* evideltest lit feed, 'kith, that the pridt..ot the Cop be deposited' aelth, ties Chluttery tithe Soya, :tioaitiit ,.c,00.10010.y, of 1041410114, the .1offeit tiatatteiti:outttiftistoesi litatitotiottlof the hind In tilt vd*Xiti,. Witetvilt hate* .retelitt thitrooteditit that the money will fit, oittrAtef , In 1011, ow detitintd,*lthitat tiheittlemarOV tektieletett,Itt any titan 4iteltitt tbe•,: r.• trint Period. . - ' ' i' ..- ( :/ Ilk! eilf/deerlir. I. N. MM.', in bis Iddretitto oi6)keitiekt *wenn (ikt .fmir.. Jett at Alciptteleilbeeo!heir)f 100110d Ka Memo 'NOttiti lott devised to bring until. ion to the Mlle figlietes (hlfirreots), eitholit retorting to totoy Irritating pretese,,ille,, filrOblent .if /tale growth wouta he solved., Later on, *lien the twitivb, VACUUM Weettirartnitttsi Whim for Inspettien, he tienieeked . tiiht Ott Otip. *mild' Ittlfill • . ,, Noel Dr. W. idOOSE. referring te tlieehlterillietteekeit titet the ' estilde 'Vett , ail tee fleet In prettlee4heotoeteationate hod. preViotiale: Made liefeliti the MetliCat *Melt the Ettore 'Violate Cap lefotoulettlet elettintehr -mitt Vend ile spnlebie, Aft illestrated rind titeeriptive book 'totthe Evavet Vowittint Om v,ti II be ***Ito, post fret, bi$ ei'VVitetitrii. , •Ttill SleCitEtARYw OVANS VACUUM t,lA or. . LTD., ' , RW44 H#00044 • Stfet4t , ve!, ' c. ' 1 41 ',00hs& '.•