HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-06-07, Page 3' t
• ,•
ree undred Persons Are KI3OW4
Ali Be Killed.
despateb trent Victoria, a, SAYst
frelidred tind'aevelity plaeaella ere
10104 49 11414 been killed, and the It*
to altids Will inelladlt WRY Mera
111 llie thaeatnalni 41)hoot) tu the cat"'2'
lime Islands rectritlY rePerled hY
frOM- SYditey, Ataitreint, Firrther ads
Vieta belle been reeelve4 hen:silt the
Inane :OM/ the (Idea alloWitig that lit
"Ing Pereella COMO to the
telak er ifeee fOr rtay4,befere ree4
pod, The prOperty leall la nigh, — •
The VONA pleased over .the grotto
Marett 28, .andleittiorg4 at, porfoots;
Were bY theWinreei The tYlMoen;
olitellded kit far weed
..„14 the Mande oabservetery ou.SferCh
84 the Artilleert Waesreglateeed 44 WOO
Krth-ei.ei7 114Pi the Weateril
Ott Itereb
40 be north of Yip, inclicathuit. a 44411*
aigrette $1101101.4.141 1114 ealitherit part
of the Carollnea and the Pltginnittee•
The Island of lige was entiretY
airoyikt, awl the Weafeei which
9Yer VG people,- Iteavy loss'
ef Vtot repetied horn other tektralse.
Some 'were eogrelY cevereeit end
tiVea,. Were rescued 4 , alterWard,
elloging to latt- tope v. the omaaatiut,'
;; ;On *Men Island . 20 Perrsone Wore'
feed on, -Simi or 'POMP* Island,:
which Iles between, 'Yitp And :Olio, lid
persons perished. . •
The 0140-ritY et the' Wands Werepkt,
4latgd; .
140011q3 ,
Pikes Cattk' Graht.-„Chai aat!
Otbak : ritbfkatil.:411*°.
add' Abraltd.
TorOnlo, 4nne 4,, -0, FleUr ORterte
'Wheat 00 per Oent..,Patents are, quoted iat
85.20. to $.1.,28 fn buyers' seeks outside
f°r nxPert, ManitOba Drat patent% 44,
43 Of 400elid patentsSS$U20.14s $4.4 ,
and strong bakers', $4:0$ to"43-25-
BarleY,—“Ne. norriinal at 50 to 56e Olds
alde and No. 3 at 54,e-outstde,
Wheat—No. Manitoba loirdts Voted
at 90c, 144 Pete; oo, 'pottitora
97c, and NO. 2 I101•140111 at 95Q,' Ontctrie
wheat is him, with 'No. Si qtteted at 87
to /Plc outside. '
Corns -No, O AI/10404n cern is eueted
at.61% to G2sc, Toronto, ..,
Bran—Prietel risartinal 22.1 outelde in
bulk; shorts are quoted at $22 to 428
outside. ' ' °
WheatNo: 2 Ontario red winter
offered et 9ild outside, mid No. 2 MiXed
elt 90c outside, wIthoUt bidSkrs No. 2 On-
tario spring offered 'at 850 effiside, with
8.20 bid. On C.P:R. east: No. r goose
offered tit 83c outekle, with 810 bid on
C.V.R. east..
Barley—No. 3 °stilt offered at, 511c out -
aide September snipment, end No. p at
60c outside, withodt bids, ' .
Peas—No. 2 offeren at, 82c outside,
Without bids.
Oats—No.- 2 white offereds at 46c out: -
side with 44c bid, arid at 45O Pet•e Mar-
quette road, withopt blds. No. 2 mixed,
40c bid outside. NO. 2 Manitoba offered
at 47c track Owen `Steind, without bids.
Apples--GOod to choice winter stomf,
Isk.50 to $3.50 per. bb/.
Beans—Hand-picked quoted at $1.50,
find primes,- at $1.35 to 81.40.
Honey—Strained quoted at 11 la 12c
per lb. and comb honey at $2 to $2.50
pet dozen.
liaar—No. 1 timothy is quoted at $12.50
to $14 here, and Ne, 2 at Step $11.
Straw -87 to $7.50 a ton on track
here. • • '
Potatoes—Ontario, $1.10 to $1.15 per
„hog en track, ond New Beimawick, $1.25
to $1.30 per bag • ."
Poultry—Turkeys fresh killed, 14 tO
15c ; chiekens, dr4sed, 1410 15c ; do,
alive, 10 to 12c per lb; fowl,. 8 to 9c.
Butter—Pound'rells are quoted at 20
to 21c; tubs, nominal at 18 te 19c ;. large
rolLs are quoted at-Iik. „Creamery printe
sett at :22" to 23c, and "solids at 20.to 21c.
Eggs—Case lots .sell at 17% to 18c per
Cheese—Large are quoted' at 13c per
• lb, and twins at 0%c.
Dressed hogs in car Jets are nominal
at $8.50 to $9. Bacon, long. -blear, 11 to
11%c per lb, in ease lots; mess pork,
421 to $21.50; short cut, $23.50.
Hairs—Light to medium, 153ec; do,
heavy, 14%c ; rolls, 11%c; shoulders,
lic ; backs, 16%e ; breakfast bacon,
Lard—Tierces, 12Xc; tubs, 12jec;
pails, 12%e. •
Montreal, June 4.—Gralo--Sales of
ea* lots of Manitoba No, 2 white oats
were made ssa 49% to 500, Ontario No. 2
at 48% to 49e, No. 3 at 47% to 48c, and
No. 4 at 46% to 47c per bushel, ex store.
Flours -Choice spring wheal, patents,
$5.10 tra $5.20; seconds, $4.50 to,$4.60;
winter wheat ,patents, $4.25 ha 44.40;
straight rollers, 43.75 to $3.85; do, in
bags, $1.75 to 51.85; extras, $1.55 to
81.65. Feed—Manitoba bran In bags,
821'; shorts, $24 to $24.50; Milled
mouillie, $22.to $25 per ton. end straight
• grain, $28 to $30. Provisions—Barrels
short cut mess, $e2 829.50; half -bar-
rels, $11.25 to 411,75 ; cleer fat backs4
$23.50 to $24; long cut heavy mess,
$20.50 to $22; half -barrels do, $10.75 (0-
(111.50; dry satt tong crear bacon, 11%.
to f2c; barrels plate beef, $13 to $14;
.'' half -barrels do, $7 to 87.50; barrels
heavy loess beef, gio half -barrels do,
85.50; compound lard, 0% to lac ;. pure
lard, 12X to 12Xe; kettle rendered. 13
to 13%e; hams, 14 to 15%e; breakfast
bacon, 14% to 15c ; Windsor bacon, 15
to 16c ; fresh killed abattoir dressed
hogs, 810 to $10.25; alive. $7.25 to
87.50. Eggs -18 to 19e. Cheese—Wes-
tern, 12X to 18c, Butters -Choicest
creamery, 20% to 21e.
Detroit, June 4.—Wheat—No. 1 white,
cash, 97Xtr; • No, 2 red, cash, 99%e ;
May. 99Xe ; JulY, ; September.
Toledo, June 4.—Wheat—Cesh, 984;
May. 98c ; JUIY, ; September,
41.00%. Corn—Cash, 56c; May, 56c;
July, 55Xc ; September, 55%e. Oalss-
C.ash, 47%c ; Mby, 47%c; July, 48%c;
September, 39e.
Minneapcille, lune 40—Wheat--No. 1
hard. lef.02X ; No, 1 northerri„ Su)! %;
No 2 northern, 99' to 9‘3,31.10 No. 3
northern, 96 to 98e,• Flour—First patente,
$5.15 to 85.15 Wend' patents,- g5 to
toss; first clears, $3.65 to $8.75; sec -
and cleave 82.75.10 42.85, Bran—in
bulk, $17.25 to $17.50. •
hthe 4.sethe bulk of the.
choice heavy Withers` Sold between
E5.10 atid $5.35, with extra eltelee stoeks
bringing up to $5.5G, Theto wag tie
tholee Cattle le b6, Mid At loss than. $5,
and even effiribleft Was gelling
Mound 184.50. Choice lintcher e0W9
told team titt.50 for the Milk tint° $4,75
for the best«
Stocker and• feeder , trade Watt veil
qffiet. Ca 06 of /06 to 500,lbs. sold fair-
ly well, b tighter shin Wile Mit Want-
• Mileh co $ were 'firtm eliolee being
talotko rP0 03. to fievd, Witten 8'25 to
Veal cat • ',1,'Verd• steady at We, to eo
per )1).
glop rat Tardiri'tVere tnner'
fti, tone, uuotalinri4 'Atte; generally
ta0 at 0,14* bnt 't0lb
Vett* la eelind Of ahallf
• . . .
Oates on Which .FlatMere' Inatitetite0111
, ,
Ge 10 GtWInh. .
•A 'de -Snatch freni Teronte anya The
dates onWhich eXenretella Nen the vat
low Verniers' Inatitatee of -the provirtee
will visit- the Ontario .AgriOUltUral
le,ge 'at OttelOh. 'are 0,* fellewe. •The
aociettee ere known by the names of Me
Friday, June 7, WeSt I'diddiesex; zat,-
uolay, Yana 2, South GreY &ILO
Wellington (Mena FOrest 9rtly), and
Idneolnl •Moraday, June la...Centre Wel-
Nikon; Wednes4ay, Ione 12, Eaat
EaSt- and West Peterborough, and Ea.et
Ditehara; Thursday, Julie" 43, Cerlire
Sitricee, and North X.Iprk; Friday, June
14,.. East and West Larnbton, North and
Sell% I/Valerie(); SaturdaY, June 15,
Halton; Mortday,- June 17, South On-
tario, West Dernam, West Northumber-
land, and East Strece•e; Tlte,sday, June
14, Noeth and South Brants Welland,
North , Wentworth; Wednesday, June
10, Halciltriat1d, Souths Oxford, West
York ; Thursday, June 20, 'West Wei'
lington, East Middlesex, Dufferin, and
East Wellington; Friday, June 21, Eaat
York, SoUth HUn011-; afonday, June 24,
North Oxford, North ,Ontario, North and
West Bruce, and North Grey; 'Tuesday,
JUne 25, South and Centre Bruce, North.
MiddleseZ, and North*Perth; Wednes-
day, June 26, Peel, afid Centre Grey ;
Thursday, June 27, East Parry Sound,
and South Perth, Friday, JUne 28, South
Simcoe, and West Slmcoe.
Bullet Fired at John Dunn Struck the
) Coin.
A despatch from Meriden, Oannect1-
cut, says: John Dunn is alive to -day
only because he was fortunate enough to
have a half -dollar in his waistcoat pocket
on Tuesday when Clark Howes tried to
shoot him. One of five bullets fired by
Howes struck the coin and prevented
what undoubtedly woulet have been a
fatal wOund. Another entered Dunn's
lefts legsat the knee and lamed him so
that he had to be taken se the HartforT
Hcspilal. Howes is in jail on a charge
of attempted murder. Dunn had ac-
cused Howes of insulting his wile by
too 'pronounced attentions in the street,
and on Tuesday the men raet in the
pcstoffiee. Without a word Howes drew
a revolver and (iced repeatedly. Sev-
eral women who were in tho place
fainted and the men tied, but Miss H.
Everleene West, a leacher, wild was the
first to regain her composure, urged the
men to save Dunn while his enemy was
still shooting, They rushed upon Howes
in a body and held him until policemen
A St. Louis Girl Bets Herself on a
Horse Race.
A despatch from st. Louts, Mo. says'.
Miss Helen Burs of No. 2,024 Fair Ave-
nue has bet herself on a horse race.
Laws against bookmaking did not bother
Miss Burs and Frank Grimes when they
put their wager, as remarkable a one as
the turf ever saw, into writing, and had
witnessedtbefore a notary public. The
great Cupid Handicap , will be run at
Priester's Park, near 'BelleVille, on the
afternoon of July 4. If the fourth horse,
Grinies' Robbie G„ comes first under the
wire Miss Burs will come down from the
grand stand and will take Grimes by the
hand, the judge's big bell will be rung
In wedding -day fashion, a real Judge or
inInIster will step forth. and the dash-
ingly pretty st. Louis girl wia beoome
:ors. Grimes. Miss Burs made the wager
after a discussion as to the merits of two
horses in the race, in which Grimes
dared her to pull herself up as the prize.
Ha had proposed to her before, but had
been refused. Miss BurS says the novel-
ty of the situation won her to consent.
Twenty-two Deaths From the Disease in
A despatch from Toronto says :
Measles caused as many deaths as scar-
let fever _and diphtheria combined in
Ontario during April last. The returns
from 753 division registrars to the Pro-
vincial Board of Health show that 22
cases of the fIrst-mentIoned disease. out
of a total of 105, proved fatal. Smallpox,
scarlet fever, diphtheria and consump-
tion were also more prevalent Than
usual. The deaths from contaglobs dis-
eases numbered In all 275, an increase
of 30 over the same.nionth In 1906. Of
these, 203 were caused by tubercuk)sis.
lernin smallpox. there was one death
among 107 sufferers Irom ft ; from scu-
t •t fever, 6 Wong 225enises ; diphtheria,
111 deaths' among 143 cases; whooptng
cough, 3 deaths out of 27 cases ; ty-
phoid. 24 deaths. 153 cases. The total'
number of deaths from MI causes dins
Mg the month were 2.433. in a ;stipule -
tion of 2.110,151, a mortality rale of 13.8
In 1,000.
Great Distress Feared Among, Vineyard
Laborers in France.
A despatch front Paris, France, says :
It Is realized that when the grape harvest
el this year come; to an end In Ihe late
autumn the large numbers of men en-
gaged In laboring In the vineyards will
encounter greater difficulty than usual
In finding other employment. As a re-
sult of this there is certain to be a per.
kid of great distress, and With the view
of mitigating as much as postible the
evils resiulting from glut of the labor
market the Chatnber of DepUties en
Tuesday passed a bill releasing the WI
tesiscripte In July Inetead of Nevem
of this year.
stspected of eorePtielf$
Toronl0 Exhibition Eke.
A degpateh from Guelph nays : A num
named Sitbrigki who arrested here on
Thursday, Ile Kt thaught to have been
concerned 'In 1110,,fird whin dehlroyed
the Tornado Cibibit100 10111dings ‘Igst
faii am la a oat* or Wes' at haus&
401140 bet&
910044401s 111.441 *ma Gel- 0**
1041444 (*Me* .4 *sal
4444$49% litta co.* 44 goat.
0400 Itematite iron htni hetet
oevered near
Halton oil Peel beekeePar* eaPeet
good tro
' Baisoattr'sa 'ttagaa Alma 't,oto
tanned in ,Ptiaw4,
. liamdlon OPP, are talking agaln..at
Paylog:tbe altNet ra111310.
1)r,, young, of Vangetwer, was downed
in St* .
Sputtoits: WO, alleged to Ile Irene
pleees, are being eircUlated In Torotato.
A- new ,VOW *boot la W., -tia built et
Fort Arth, r
• ito;raid. ai PO're Ray
'beeo anPoltded Sheriff of Manitoullta,'
• Cuatorns doge* fer. May et Teronte
were P711$91,76, ,ell.hierease of 11200,-
7,, It: VrosteOL,Liberel M.P.P.. for
SOltitt .Orollt, OnnotioceS Ids retirement,
trent *Attica' ,,* •
ynts, seoten004 ate PerrY
Sonnet Assizisrto:neliariged on August ir
for the murder of. Dow.
The, head office* of the Sovereign,. Ba:nu
ore to bo moved trent Montreal te
Toronto, • •
Lipenses in Manitoba along the line of
rallWay copetraction• have been Can-
celled. , •
• Winnipeg. pollee are MISily -engaged
le torcilig the, new tintleePttting bY•hlw-
Gustavus :Kern. ari alieged fugitive
front Knoxillie, Tennessee, ;had $5,100
banked in Torento,
It has been -40014%1M hold a 'national
dairy show la Tenant° during the last
week of fanUerV,414Xt. '
St. Catharines doetors have organized,
and no more lodge practice will be done
A Cenadian plant. for the Hames-Vou-
got Hat Co, of New York, is to be built
at Brantfool.
It eaid that United States parnes are
endeavering to •secure pulpwood con-
cessions In northerre Ontaelo.
Montreal pollee have presented the
City Counoil- With a bill for $8,000 for
keepingserder dUring,the strike.
It is praettIceilly, settled that Principal
Falconer WIII accept the Presidenoy of
the Universtty of Toronto.'
London's esseasrneot for 1907 shows a
total of $22,285,967, an increase of
4e,134,000 oVer last• year.
Thousancie of pounds of meat, nsb
and fruit were confiscated in Montreal
last week ;is unfit for food.
Negotiations are proceeding for a dce
crease In the priceeof school books, not-
ably geographies, historke and arithme-
The Ontario Medical Association de-
eided take-stops,te secure the eetab-
lishme.nt of an institution for the treat-
ment of inebriates.
,Onhulo's output of cheese will be be-
low the average because of the late
sprini,Lsays Dr.
Dair ounissioner.Ruddick, Dominion
A collision ' took place on the Depot
Harbor branch of the Grand Trunk on
Friduy, in which Alex. Rochon, fireman,
was killed, and other trainmen injured.
I. -G. R.- machinists earning 16 cents.an
hour are offered an increase of 4 cents,
and those earning 20 cents are offered
an increase of 2 cents, by the Deputy
Minister of Railways.
The miners of Lethbridge have applied
for the appointment of a board of inves-
tigation and chneiliation to deal with
their grievances . against the Alberta
Railway and Coal Company.
George Byron Curtes, father of the
tIrst half -penny paper in London, is
Joseph Chamherlain has abandoned
one eerie and stoops roi longer when
Dr. Chalmers, of Glascow, declares
emphatically that disease is ,transmit-
ted by kissing.
The seoond reading ot the bill to es-
tablish a coUrt of criminal appeal was
passed by the British House of Commons
or. Friday.
The discovery of a new bacillus, the
symptoms of which are swelled throat,
followed by a loss of voice, is announc-
ed by Professor Delepino, of Manchester.
The strawberry crop In Missouri' is
greatly injured from frost.
The vicinity of Houston, Texas, has
been swept by a series of cloudbursts
and storms.
In the city of New York, the aver-
age lifetime had beil increased frotn
23 years to 40 since 1866.
. About thirty-two thousand tons of
trans-Atlantic freight leave the port
ef New York each day.
New York city, with twice the popu-
lation of Chicago, has current expenses
nearly four times as great.
Eighteen indictments have been re-
turned against Thomas D. Jordan, ..1
New York, formerly controller of the
President Roosevelt, In a speech at
Michigan Agricultural College, Lansing,
1.1. Friday, urged formers to combine
again.st opposing orpnized interests.
Miss Achia Clark, ninety years et
age. and reputed to be worth several
million dollars, died in a shack near
Nerth Bellingham, Wash. •
Because of the presence of a circus
in Mahanoy City, Pa., 10,000 minces
took a holiday, compelling Most of the
colleries to shut down.
For setting fire to the Baptist Church
at Saratoga, N. 'Y., Fred Elliek was sen•
tene,ed to serve five years and seven
months in Clinton Prison.
The three-year-old child of John Wel-
hs, of Newberg, Ind., drank half a pint
of whiskey which it found on a dresser
and dled in a few hours.
A New Jersey‘eallway company will
have id pay $15.099 for causing the
loss of a little girl's eye in an accident
which occurred five years ago.
The wife of Admiral Chadwick of the
United Slates navy has invented a car-
rier by which disabled soldiers may he
Lorne freirn the battlefield in an upright
posit ion.
„School children of Springfield, Mass.,
ere battling successfully with the elm
tree beetle, gathering the larvae by
tens of thousands, and saving the city's
finest trees.
A gift of $20000 .10 the New York
Flewer Hospital hes recently been made
lty the brother and daughter of the in-
•stlfulion's founder, the late Reswell
A prominent society family in Ro-
land Park. aloryland, ere living In lux-
ury In n home of len eanvas lents,
their residence having been destroyed
l•y fire last winev. •
Twelve Indian girls of the Chickasow
Nation I. T.. hnve written the president
of the State Agrieultural
Charlotte, N. C., asking his Old to get
them white hush:Inds. The girls own
%sot tracts of land.
The People's institute Marine League
has hoen formed kr the purpose
having every eecurMon boat in New
'fork wales inepecied at least once a
Weetc durIng the summer. and to bring
proseeutions when the lase is violated.
ntr..sia will dismtintle the &rig fit,
'I, ttivostncis
fin revoititton exists In ot lealt
Itv 0 of 104 prOvineee of RUasla.
T 3In is a German surgeon'a dIS4
cover for iho cure of cancer.
14,WALX011-$114MER »AU,
Itlittites,llie Peeking tlif drfirraerS la
kkaqar Alto Comparatively easy work lt
044 int*. there are roomy woOlen Yitiq
JUNO Inere boo, toga. 41$1,00
Arassanalting, vihn ore eleVer otiOUgh
Wait their needle* and, with 01100 hint*
;114 ttiS 4441 taallioning of germents- gen
'do, wonder**, „Svmai specially goo
tireaaalt have •beext ree.
ently. and, the 1011*Wing
etaattgb Of the detail wort,. of each. is
.given to Melte it gotta e...aay to be fol.
lowed by tho latme-tiewer. '
feacinatIng 'Pretty Areas tor warm
,41IYA is Vade,or Persian lawn of fine
quality. Tbis hos the .44Ventage
laundering VAIL The 414 Cell be ettt
ft.'Woon ckauitse iddrt pattern, _but
grt'at ,care Ill'anaya SWUM be used In
lint10410t tie Ha not lo stretch. ,or oiler
stttiPti. 'MOP the skirt cut. di,
vide the length into 'Mice sections, liar.
ing, the bottom one ..fite._wItleet, and
'ettelyett the others somewhat nerrower.
These eeetkins aro cut apart, maktng
three impend* ruffles as it vvere, allot
a little later on they are leined
'Oiler either with a Valenclearies Inser-
hOn Abel* two Inches wide or tine swiss
etlibroidery. The edge Of Orli Nile la
relied and whipped on to the lace or
erabrotder,y by hand. To make the
wheela, creel:* 4110 niehaial first, on the
terigth, then LtentAs the width, and
tben in between. The wheels an the top
flounee ore six Mottos in length. In a
dress of this kind they should be Made
by hand. In the tiniest potable
tucks on these croisel, running off to
nothing; and begin each one a quarter
of an lech from the middle poiut.
Work French knots in between the,
Cut out the material ln the -middle,
making a circle one-half inch la <Inoue -
ter, and 1111 that In with a spider's web.
On the next two flounces the wheels
are a little larger. ' The spaces between'
the wheels measure about the diameter
of the wheel.
The waist buttons In the back. On
the Mont there are three wheels, one on
each shoulder, and a larger one 10 the
middle of the front. As much fullness
as possible Ls given by running in
small tucks on either side of the shoul-
der wheels, and lace Insertion is set
In, and a small amlare yolce of the inset..
tion joined by a fine nainsook beading.
The back of the waist is trimmed .to
match the. front, The aleeves each have
a wheel, put tn so lt bomes the top
part of the sleeve.
This skirt and waist can be joined by
•putting each into a piece of lace Inser-
tion for a band or finished separately.
This is not nearly so much work to
make as it undoubtedly sounds on a
Drat reading, and it makes a beauti-
ful dress.
lt, would be a good idea to make a
Wheel first on a separate piece of cloth
to become familiar with the best way
k handle it, and remember always to
handle everything lightly and as little
as possible.
A dress suitable for traveling or
etreet wear would look well made of
the lightweight woolens, silks, or lin-
ens. The skirt of the one described was
box plaited. The color was blue. There
was a perfect fitting nine gored slip
skirt of green and blue checked taffeta,
with full bias flounce about twelve
ieehes deep around the bottom. The
outside was one of the new cloths,
smooth in finish and with an Invisible
check, ail 01 blue. There weroWie
same number of . gores as in the slip
skirt, none of them flaring much, each
gore al the bottom measuring about
twice the width of the one at the hip.
II the goressalared at the bottom the
pox plaits •w.ould not .set well, In Wes
skirts that are perfect lilting aro4nd
the waist and. hips great care must V'
taken to have the gores at t he xi a ist line
exactly Meet. Any unevenaess in length
comes at the bottom. The front gores
are stitched from the waist down, hay
twenty inches, then each ore as it goes
towards the back is stitched down te
one each less.
The box plaits are made separately,
each one when apished measuring to,,
inches at the top and four and one-half
at the bottom, which Noted(' 111.0a0 they
must be rut four and one-half inches
wide at the and nine and one-half
at `the bottom. These are stitched (11
the wrong side from the top down Pe -
same numter of inches thin the dtffertiet
kf'‘. res ore slit -tiled. The cisth is clipped
al this point and seam pressed open,
plait turned right side out and pres.sed
into shape. Then each pine is stitched
like illustration. The plaits then are
pinned to the gores, and each plait
should be even with the skirt al the top.
and the point on the plait that the
stitching makes (which also 'ls the point
where the box plait is sewed down to
1.11 the wrong side) should meet ex-
ec:1,1y the point to which the skirt seams
are slitehel, Sew each edge of plait
below the stitched point to each edge
cf the gore. Bind lite seams and then
pa.ste the plait in plat.e. The box plait
19 blind stitched to the skirt seam from
point up to ihe waist, keeping the nod-
dle of the plait over oearir of skirt. The
skirt has an easy ilt oyer the loss
across 111. back, tell no plans nix' Pod
nt the waist, as there is a box Mai'
over every SC0111 it opens wider thl
plait on the left side of the front.
A box platted skirt made in this wat
aiways keeps its shape. There Ls' no
possible chance for it lo seg. and, 11 h. le
it fits senedhly over the tops. 11 liar—
leautifully wound the batten.
should be mole
Box plaits always
with a Straight milfdistAhle of
greatest ittiportanOtt.
The• kid Rs ono of. those natty at.
0404 141 the Watat. just
Illeeting filed and liming atomic
tbAt TOO/ Plat nel.OW The elbow. Any
PKftred trim RIM be used, .either
tAktilka litte4w ailk. /ndtch the'
*est, width gore *ilk the oft er, some
of the taney braids and billion.* widelt
ere so Much M :evidence AL the (*meet'
The waist -Is Intide of one orlhOse
lustreua, 014 itt * plain blue,
Imokert tho back, The front
hos 41, shoulder plot mut there aro
Aliened Meet's of Me nOti 144 on eS
trinnottlit. Tim ',auk is cut out to the'
tiniest V beck and front end Me epere
Mg finished wttli 41/4 Melt Wide ittlifer'
Wetting el the silk. Thor*. t$ a tAt'w
vtimpo of lace* which Is detaehablit,
%nu tho lanelo To titeavo aro
nearly tne sante length lho coat'
sleeves, end there i* planing. on both
edges of the Straight bond mut There
alee alitlind be little Plaiting or ve,
tenniennes lace in the alcoves under the
silk plaittng. •
A MItahrenttl hats trimmed with blue
coridlowet and .exuctly the. right shade
f giveo .ribbon. was worn with (WS
NO; elso Mil* 'gloves coating to the
Petal flear.end on a Line 10
A despatch from Elyria, Ohio, saya;
Four persons were killed and thirteen
were injured, three et whom died, OA a
rear -end collision on the Cleveland and
Souttovhstern Tractlep road hero on
Thursday evening, The front car Was
filled with holiday excursionists, nearly
all of whoto reeeived more or less seri-
ous injuries, WIthin a few minutes atm
hulances and doCtors were summoned
and the wounded taken to the Elyria
Hospital, where three of . the injured
subsequently diet Eight of tho re.
inalkilng thirteen had both legs -cut off,
one 100t One leg, and still another had
both legs broken. Motorman Fraundu,
who Was in charge of the Car which
caused the wreck, was avrested on
warrant sworn out by Prosecutor
Stevens, charging him with niimslaugh-
Motion Was Made for that Purpose at
Osgoode Hall.
A despatch from Toronto says : On
behalf of the Canadian Newspaper Syn. -
Matte. Limited, of Montreal, a motion
was made in Chambers at Osguotie
on Friday for 00 order whiding up
Canadian Printers Limited, of St. (lath -
urines. The petitl'oners are creditors to
the extent of $278.75. The liabilities of
Mt company are placed at $9,000 or
810.000, while the assets are said to be
net more than $3.000. 'The company was
Moorporated in December, 1905, with a
nominal capital of 8400,000. Of this
only 52,500 was subscribed and mild up.
Printers' supplies, ready prints, supple-
ments, etc., were the goods dealt in.
The direetors, each of whom held live
shares, are W. 1). Woodruff, W. 11.
Swayze, J. A. Keyes and H. F. Sehaetlel.
Mother of Town Treasurer of )31. Mary's
Meets Tragic Fate.
A &watch from Stratford says: Word
was received here on Friday afternoon
that Mrs. Long, of st: Marys, 11111111er of
Mr, E. Long, town treasurer, had met
with a tragic 'death by drowning in •ii
well. Friday morning she mysteriously
disappeared from her home, and upon a
search being instituted by Chief Young
she was found dead In the cistern at the
rear of the house. The old lady's shawl
told spectacles were found near by. It
Is supposed that she was dipping or
l'eaohing for wati.t. and fell in. The water
in _the cistern was about five feel deep.
Mrs. I.ong wae about 75 ce. 30 years old,
and was well known and highly re-
spected by the citizens of St. Mary's.
T. Williams Threw Himself in Front of
an Express Train.
A despatch from Winnipeg says: '1'.
W'illtams, section man, committed sui-
cide on Thursday by jumping In front
o: the west -bound C. P. R. express
near Rennie, Man. The looamotive
slruck him and herled the mangled
body one hundred feet into the bruse-
wood along the track. Ile had tried to
court death ill thsosarne manner en tiw
previous day by etunding in front of
71) approaching freight, but the engin-
eer saw him und stopped the train.
The body sons 14,uglil, to Winnipeg,
ore,. it is held awaiting the coroner s
L1N'E wolf; clit'scs DEATH.
Engineer al Senora Power -house !Re-
ceives Shock. Killing H1111.
A despatch boni IXenora s About
fnur o'clook on Friday morning James
Brown. second enoicer elitirge Ilw
pt wets h. lusts receive! 11 8114i(li I roil a
115 e wire Aline standing near a soitch•
I.Peril and %yes instantly lolled. Hts as-
sistent seeing ysas caught. Me
niediutely turned off th.• Whet(
Blown P.II lock dead. 1 1011 ‘‘11.5
badly belated, the curreet passing
111111, ming out iit the left leg
(owe,. the knee which was also liadly
Deotostal yonis
of nee.
/1/4 isems y strike ef 84 III 111.11
1., tely pa/lose
ihIP`.111 1111S refused 111 rt.,01 \ 1,1H, pie
So( inl Democrat:. who attended the re-
( rill congress in London.
Panic Stricken Dancers Jump From
Hall on Notre Dame Street
A despatch from Montreal says•
sensational fire took place enriy Cr,
day morning during the progo'ss ,,f
dance In hell in Ihe east end. 0.!pert
a number of people svere romp, bid I.,
pimp (rem third story windo,i nrol
a dozen of them wore more nr tese
Jured, some of them fatally. The 1is •
,s on the top floor of building a fee
doors east of the City (in Noe!.
Dame street, and the fire sterled in to
basement. the ground floor belly oi
soDfladii30.11 a dry goads 81,311,1 by G. Mar
DANCERS PA N fC-ST ti I Cli F. ol
The crowd of dancers upstairs he tee
pante-stricken by the rush of tonotse
ond flainee. and Marled jumping from
the windows before the firemen ario
One man had boll, legs broken and :in
other his stpitie injured. TliP firemen
rewired many by means of Intider.,
The fire 401 not amount to much and
Wee quIckly extingulehel. Many In•
'Crest Were taken 10 their homes 0.0
treettntent, on °mount of tvhleh it le dif-
fle1111 to noeertoin the exuel mother
Mein& DuperOull, butcher, agei
89, sue, imikal to the 111(110.1.5 suclioned
1.y pirepaig from the iiiinee halt window.
iltna find a 0.11111.4.r.
eeco 1.1•10 appronr1.-
ing marralge 01 osssi, anrbontwail.
piatiodipt of the Berlier.... Ill011, 1,f1
Hall. liarts,nneall himself turnu-
iid the slreet and I, 11s• hospital
v tit) brok,rii mg. I '1,,
ri` nous slab- v,,'1, a trio !tired skim
ti fel stem 01c r.
Girard, broken linek
sery (Pont,. Itobilaine, !seism
thigh. James ftneturod
Der tor sesere intermit
tryst les.
Tvililve other ‘1011014 are vat 4,1ri
hospitals, euffering (Mtn F41.11re and si
some eases datorersus injuries. sss
erone 111-, hall when the fire was de,
tart tired was 0 The hall Is n
the thlril Ait-r% in the frenti of the build
Ines but escape Ihat von). was (.11 off
linrnes WO smoke. and the V( Rim.
tind M jump from the rear. %here 10
rauss of ow 101111. (4 the green( Pie
vs indowe were forts eel form 11)
The hall is retooled at Notre in,0
rind tiosPord clreetS.
111$44 NAM:
°I*4 IMO* 4144•44 440440y WAN
)4444 aloa 14 444 11.a."
44404eb trent
(Int,. OW, Sackett Vita
'W.t)00,000, ekMitYoii Frank PIM* ot
the Michigan ".$40',I Cattergo 1411114
V. 6411th and Other 00114000h Under
the Mona Of the Sustior topper Cogi4j*
palm *-01, Welt tit big Concentrating
Plant otnt the Ontario inde of the
Ittit west ot tbe plants of tb* Lak. Su.
Naar Corporat400k 'Ads •mw oneein,
will build MONO tIVe. 441tter'li:BIS
front the Algonta Superier
Mine, and push the work en, the
PcrlYt odd ka '41)rift $1.0,1300,600,
Ce19. qtraeta t0r the wet% will be lat, Tune
la, The plant, which will have * ca.
pacify tat 400 lona it day. will be the
biggest its kind lo Onto*, and is
•to Wowed the neerbiture
other Ng !Mottles. Alree0 savek*
Iffirldeed 111011Stilid dollar* have bepn•
'expended In developing the mine* and
great stock te on hand ready for allin•
poirooEs GO SOMONG.,
Stipplant l'Vheat fa Interest ea
peq Market.
A nespatch foam Winnipeg soya t
Wheat IS no longer king here. White
oyes have been turned upon it. the
potate market hae been very active. and
allitost as erratic and excited. For
more than a week past deliverile8 haVO
been alnall, owing, no doubt, to the rush
of spring work, which is usually over
by this OMAN While receipts have beets
receding the demand has gone up liko
shprockets. fecal deliveries havo
brought 85 cents to 95 cents on the traelt,
toe Oren quite small quantities. Several
cars have been brought In from Mimic -
Seta, alld these cost $1,05 on the track,
and are &old lii a lobbing way at $1.15
to .$1.2.5. Dealers state that they _think.
the top of the market has probably .been
retched, •
Autumn -Sown Grain Killed by Whiter
and Drouth,
A despatch trom Sofia says; The pros-
pects for this yeaes harvest tho
Balkan peninsula are moat titiravortible.
A winter of extruordinary length arid
seyerity wes foliovved by a prolonged
drought, with almost inidsummer hoot.
The date)! spring rains have not fallen,
The unseasonable weather has proved
deiastrous to tho autumn sown crops,
ft, some parts; of Bulgaria they have been
practically lost, while the spring soW
Ing has been delayed. Only hell the
usual amount of maize and millet has
as yet been sown. In Roumania the out-
look is even more gloomy, eepecially In
th Y Wallach= Plain. It is calculated
Mal forty per cent, of tho Elutumn sown
wheat hos failed.
Has been In Sayre Family tor Three
A despatch from Binghamton, N. Y.,
says: John Moire, aged 69 years, on
Wednesday conintilled suicide In tes
home by shooting himself through the
mouth. going Into the balite pantry to
commit the deed in which hLs father
alld grandfather both killed themselves
by culling their throats many years
ago. Mr. Sayre lived In Washingtonian
Hall, six tulles west of this eityo the
Otlest house In Broome county, in
white' his ance.slors for several genera -
lions had lived. Mr, Sayre suffered
from sunstroke severel years ago, to
which Is ascribed Ms act. ,
Dundee Whaler Asked to Deliver Mail
to Captain Bernier.
A despatch from Ottawa says: A bag
nein molter had been sent lo Capt.
Bernier. of the Canuttlan petrol ster1111-
411` Ari•tie. W111.ch IS [10W In north tat-
tudes. The bag was forwarded from Ot-
tawa to the posatimster of Dundee,
S0011011(1. Willi the request that dt,
liver If 1.1 the ceptain of the winter
Eclipse, due to leave that port shortly.
He will take the bag to Iceland. Froin
there it will he taken by the Dundee
whaler Walrus, which is going Into the
waters which the Aeolic: will navigate
this Summer. It is believed that there
is a good chance of the two vessels
meeting end for that reason mall has
been made up.
Bodiem Found In Creek by Distracted
A despatch from Springfield, 111,,
says: Carr'oldederbrand, 7 sears old,
and here sister Cora. 17 years old,
dallghters of Joseph toderbrund, (1. term.
er, werg 'murdered and thrown into
Sugar Creek on Wednesday, and the
bodies eel... found on Thursday night
by the glrl's father. l'he girle left
home early in the aftermxin. Their
father became filarrned al their ats
settee. and went to seqrch for ?hem with
beighborS, Dr. Duncan /mind tbat
(etch girl had a bullet hole In the right,
timple. No enipw has been assigned
for the murder. neither Ls there any
cdie 10 the slayer,
Russian allilman In Fatal Collision-
NIanager 'furl.
deispal -11 trent ‘Iiilfort. Sask.. says
!helium mimed Builder einploved at
\Inekelioe. Munn & s 141550101,
55 h``. 1(1 lied Oil 1 45 et.
Milli` Ili tataiii-4 wli.,•ti was being
showed about the ',ord.,. and Mt Wil-
liam limns Ili.illilger el min yylth
thpired. (he tlikked
Colli,ion with .`41111(` 1151, Hi o
atti.4,EssIO'N Dtt taloW.
lase Mendes Itt•relpis Double l'hose for
Same Period Las1 ear.
A despttioli from Toionto says Dur
ing lhe month of Mei' Ihe of the
l'iot in. en .1 I ill %
1,, SKI ill ihi•
ci ..f 11,0 hi,. [1,4111, .,1 the
what' 1.'141,01, MP Wee 1 lis
ref`elled ?el/ ((Niel sotnee.
IAA-rip:tried ,10 14217.4011. ihring 1114` mune
period in 11810, tin in, Haat of *273,714,
Oser EAT cent.
11E512%1 E GOIOS I P.
In. -reline tor Mai, I. 81.20e.600 Osor
Some Month Lam l'ear.
.1041,0,1, fmni 010,,‘,1 mys
for 110 ending
01ni. 1114- 1.110nonienal In-
gl.t(18.14101 r‘,•4 May. 01 keit
).eilr. I lie 0,1 a I (i)ir ihe writi
- -
Ghen Charge 01 Dritish Forcea in Routh
5 dessoteli from 1. niton says Among
toimlor of new militart appointments
announced on Itiesibi.. night la tme of
unusual interval, that i;en assumes
t ionirnand the ludiat, tow,. In 4411,111
Vtrt, C40t)0tal Vuitition u part in the
'stet. Ant, ilit rinnitin,gii not reflect
,re,1,1 111,011 him. Ile o es severely
lemated ‘lagerafonlein lha. int,or
istia, and waa rii tilled from leinoteries
all,r utt444(vessfal aperettotes before
VS, art...Mon in March, 1900.
The AntiuDynastiOts4
. Still Contk
antitwootio lief,* continue. MI el the altUatt,,,,,,,,
404Paieb, train flog 'Wang says: The etSflia°nVieTn$WPttilk_tr:cel
targanited end WOO davision, of Triads, thoritlo at 044 ‘k44"
iff,600eatit0441, 4* 040. 1441 Margb• So tor boats two.
fOreiVerti have not bein moletted. lamming ano 14410' 14",,ltr
Colluitareitel steimahiPst end gunligats oeuvre on the
4turill°t04fist :re:110:trinteg; Ignincepttri:S:1111roi rtftoormrt:eorP*Tsace6-14. :141A
lial nolghborliond of the dtsturtugnees.
relary Chia Sun, Rs leading tbo „„_
rebellion. Ile Is, svell knOWO es re- 'oc Itvelettat441 tth
voltitionory, and was arrested at Nan- et swatow e4Mnpay
44ttkotinel:01;114:::tuadititlalitsucell.50:40:Gont4msv welsru:eg:tilbeebt: 1:narrwhit.„:140:1. eafaenlinevelloo: inlanpinaotElowl:ReCILsigenmesactuthitogleell
A despatch froinDECanntoAnEeD;YS:
NOT AGAINer KMEIGNEBs. yore engagement has occurred net
the provingial hoops and a body 01
A despatch from Stvotovf, OMR says; tele. Nanning in a view)/ Ter the fori
A procitunation 1Saued by the Svatvan er The rebels lost over a hundred me.
revolutionary soclety deelareS that the hilted, and the owernment forees cap.
uprising is not directed agabist kr- tured the rebel leader, together with
eigners or ordinary Chinned ellieens, a number of flans anti a considerable
ogeinst the (lovernntent, the Mien- quantity ot ammunition.
lion of liats revolutionists being to vt. Two thousand additional troops have
iok and burn every yamen and ester. been despatched to Chuoctiow, where
ilft‘ivrteautierotwheingentliciolaitsio, vweritlittmlohnet.object of the malcontents are active.
The Chinese gunboat Sum Hong,
thell(leriinniussntotinisissto, wnithattlitetenexchceotlivllon of havlug on boord the Fifteenth Regiment
have of Chinese troops has sailed from
Mut. ler been =molested, but the mis- here for Swiilow, to defend that city
stiloienl:rate.fisd sneereitinftebar,enditioerkeitigeretyeir sta. ageinst a possible attach en the part
the rebels,
1 I
Snatched for Swit w front Canton. and
A Tribute to the Good Work Of the Sixty
Children's Aid Societies.
At the annual mecUtig of the Children's
Sueiety of Hamilton on _May 29th,
Mi•. J. J. lie's°, superintendent, Neglected
and Dependent Children of the Province,
guse an interesting end helpful address.
Having a generel overssIght nt Iles work
throughout the country. he could, he
said, oonlidently assure them that there
‘Alis 110 Chostiati philanthropy niure
practical or hopeful in its results than
tills 'Work of helping and protecting
toung children. During the fifteen years
WhiCh the Children's Aid si Itnil
111 existence, mans of Iwo, •.`11
lile earlier sons had grey.. • 1111111.
1100(1 Mel W011eillieKlki IlieW
by useful and` imM,1 11, lives
th• al they hatl nobly respoislid I.. the
efforts made on their belted. The aim
WW1 (0 get good people Interested every.
where in Me work of befriending young
people. as the personal touch arid ne.
individual . interest Ole 0)1111191,V
that awakened the dormant arnlettott It,
exeel. There were at the present time
sixty -Iwo ChildronS Aid Societies in all
purls of the province, and it was Wipes.
sight to estimate the good work that wits
(lone through these organizatione. II
was safe to stty that at least
Tinirry on ront THOUSAND
children had come in one we) or another
under the beneficent Influence of the
Society, and the home conditions su
improved that they were able 0) grow up
In natural simoundings. free from ne-
glect, abuse tied wretchedness that for -
meld), prevailed. 'rhe object of the 19111`.
(trees Aid Society was not to take chit -
arm from their, parents, bet by kindly
effort anti, if neiessary, legal action, to
bring alieut sobriety, cleanliness and
moral living for the saike of the ehildren,
There were occasions when these efforts
were of no uvall and the ehtldren had to
be isnooved fur the till he of their (ion
future and for the pridectlon uf soeiety.
Some fete. thousand children had been
taken Lieder the :Owls:ties' guardienehip
from the •kovest possible mirroundings,
and we were able to say te-day thet net
one per Celli. these children had gone
bnek lo the conditione fropl which they
were rescued. As 8110Willg ihe need fur
cu• "t"1"4-41 a'.11‘.4 in rescuing such elle.
mentioned flunk in which
both putouts, two sisters and a brother,
for various crimes, anti the Society had
been asked lo lake four younger chit.
dren Met they might not grow up in
the same v.,ay. Through the practical
work et these Sothettes lit the past nut
only had many young lives been bete
lured. but thousands and thousands of
dollars had been saved to Ifie tountry
In tho lives deferred from careers et
idieness mei crime.
Agnitt retest -mg to the importance of
each perstm trying to du a little for the
help and encouragement of some par.
li(senr (Mild. lie mentioned the rtiee of
ihOy ill he ()outwitted to a re-
formiduly. An ngent of Me Seciely was.
sent to intervene, with the result Wei
tho magistrate
n Vi118 procered, and by iood
conduct ewer. that iirrle the lad had
shown a ginierotia response to the fries],
lv Interest taken in him. Was 1.111S 1101
1111i011 better than hopelessly sandttig
bright, ettenellve Ind to a retort -natio v
h stigma on his name and a danget
of loci becoinlog Motioned and Indiffei
en, because of !Matinee' (§1 •
nerded him ' 1 here wen.. the spoaltef
held. ill/10N bright, interesting end nt
litos sent to pigeon for breeches
el Me leo oho might have tosoine Love
ftt! null noble men had 110 heel( Ile.
tient It , st tipti 1 het .ciallv 11C1 lovingly
drug at lhe erit0 al tune
1'1 Yfi11(i1 \TA.A)11)
In oht`l<41 51, helie, towed Wet
ni be ',lent% 4.1 ilu‘grottti,1J.
tillerf41 11,11,10- /11) ,111411.1.
dire( 018• 11`11141 men and
e0111141 W110 iiid aympattuse the
hildrstri and help them 0? 11i, :ought.
enluy the all too brief pe, .,a1 i
hood. 11 was only by fruindly intell,
gent. Ind,y 'duet end organized offurt for
Die finfeLtiaranng of the rights of (1,11
Wen that we couid hope to advanee
Larailne.e. Ma 1 prosperity of 11,4
rountry at large_
Sight ol Serino Arm Amputated Well
Worth the Pain.
,10,1411(-1, nom Vienna save 14
Yeixot.I.1 te.y of Ow 0/ 1 11 'Pk M-
ike/Shed the iliViellrlerlt cittgoort Rilt011
%011 KI.Selberg by the remarkable
dinpla‘ed in undergoing .111
lien on -1 leirsila) I wits arni had I,,
1.4 amputated 110 refui.ed anae4/10.1ins
because he vinitlet1 kvalch 1110 operit.
Lion. Ile resisted eh the persuaslons
the surf/ono who Ilnally yielded The
boy dal im! wince and matte no sound
througtuad. bat watched Ilte surgis-ns
work attentitel5 'aid a thaw nrila
the sight inlereAttng \vie. ‘‘,11
mit' the pom Dario, on Fisii100rg
rerognized his plu, 1. IN irony, tem a
Kingston 'Woman Loses Hundreds of
Dollars In names.
A dApal,t, 104•,11 Killphhil nay.
Thurxdai inorefng the holesie
0. \IN Aerie ‘iii`K/iy. i`k
Junction. '
• • 1I-•,.• •II. Mt, ‘1,10,, 1. .
W111111141 I 1. ;la` , •
iteri in tie; laylsaan.
%eel 1,1 114`,11re entrance to 100 barn lig
house. Ihe epee of beef.
How Bessie .1,.. hate," arithmetic!
And she couldn t s, tu learn it, either.
The very elniplest sum lo the book was
a puzzle to her. If Brother PAO
wobld bay, "1-loW 11111eli are LWO and two,
ititt:son't ' poor Bessie \voted he quite ea
likely lo say "five" or "Mg" tis four.
Thiei Itot iirother would patiently take
.1 sotliething which was
• oreferred candy from 131g
63:1'; e' its Is* stpuuptidi 14(7 lett ILlei sat wle
huw they all together made four.
"011, yes," Bessie would cheerfully
sot , "of rouree 11 Ps four, Brother; l'll
In sore to know the next time." , Then
OnlIgneansenwerine .11 b.
Been washa stupid over hey other
lemons. She could /Moll as well as any
ont• ; Indeed, she was the star speller in
the school, and sometimes whim' °out -
puny came, at home, the family were
tempted to "show off" Bessio's powers
along that, and It was very funny tu
hour her spell readily quite long and
sometimes dtfilcult words.
Also she was fond of her geography,
cowl sometimes coukl tell where places
were which olio had stugled about and
etucti her mother had forgotten.
This only proves Mat, Just because she'
couldn't' add and multiply and subtract,
Bessie WaS not so etupid, after all, But
e made herofeel badly to be dull and
slow at tigures, while her chuni, Daby,
was quick as quick could be.
"Never inind," said Daisy., soothingly,
"you -know I didn't know where Den-
mark was, nor eVeli whatowas the capital
• Ohlo. One little girl can't knowevery-
thing, and it you ktiow all about g'og-
raphy, you null know 'ritlunetic, too.'
Bessie mourned, because arab-
meth, appeared 021. the kileCkbeard oust
the other stiolletrdkInt
When the other tittle girls were called
Ilie blackboard to "do their sums."
Beset was always left behind, and fur
Ituit very meson it seeined the nicest
thing in the world to be able to stand
up at tho board with the othens.
One day peststo came in at recess to
get something from her deny, and there
on Daisy's desk, ti0xt to hers, was a
serap of paper with some flgures on it.
Be. 4i41 looked at it, and there in nest
1 squares, were the next day's sums
I figured out,' lit Daisy's best Noires.
' ain't Duet) smart 7" sighed
Reisli herself. "I wish was Strifirl.,
'Dien something seemel to whisper In
her ear "If you eopy Daisy's figures
the teat her will ttunk you are smart.
01‘A.S* swill, as the thouid . the nit.
She snatched the pup, sitting
down at her desk, haste i
of Me sems on to piece ot m her
mt.') 1.4,1.
Xts hen me time varlet for al Hamitic.
I,nd the Morher callod for same une to
do the 'lost num on the board. tm went
Bessie's hand with Me others.
Out of surprise at seeing her hand the
teecher asked her to wurk it out on the
carried awny In • aith the
1 but
honor whioli etie t..1
!lever beforyt related,
wey in which stos find gn •.
1.4.110W. Ater101 for m•
very. switch of her short sk.so
of Me hig how of Ohl-. 1, kill tier
spoke of her pride end s•
once nt the hoard si,.•
book as she had seen th.• loers do. and
. I open her
eopied eft the Wares fri,in her sltp of
,sh,vii,r0-.0,8;swiatitoo (pexealne
.1,0 sem .4,1. ../1%% 111111 11 AM. Wr011it
Bessie dei, o osi r.ght.
"Its tt,e 1,ght
" I tie 11/1`-`‘``'' r 0,1 (,1,1
li,`,1• ii‘.r get "NJ ("
"I 0,10111 rert. I w or, the ',sate
Demo, had it stiilterial Ile.ssi0. be-
ginning I.. be !tighten...4
"" '1 11 ""n11 1
"The An,' Dni.sv had il." I don't un-
derstand tint ...suit the lociutiet mower(
tt-e trenilling Itessiii "I thint,
sit•it rill,or le"
T`r, I after IL t •I tearful,
very hornt•le tittle fi3ts..... sod 11 ....tax a
1,1,110,11,1 a`I`ii
mtle sl.,l's f
. 1 t , net loom 1' 0.,
A 4,1 `I •`1 6% 0141er ‘1111 ol `o``.
loro 114.‘, •.•`1 111,` her "11 nn
itotig trtur...A.1 Ilits (row IN. Nano
rause \,01,,ng who h giun .1140 n
a:411‘ over raal.P.1 ,41, f.,I• the .1(1
011.Ing .1 In.1 11 15 1,0114,r 1.) 1,..
k14"11.r\"1),(41:% 15',144:1sly tn17,14 '14.11;fl
1,41, a. 5,111,
And tle,..0 1,rnentherm. and a 11110.e.,211)
• grriell .1p mos. and is still -.Os-.
'ft arillitnetir she has never tr,e1
"shoo. off ' Flerneitling .of
knoas radlting
(Jet -tern' Ath-attrP In Bons nnd Meat- -
caused b) ehortrige, •
despel.'• Deftinn- sct1 ortsa
I 1, Ilr rind ti.e..1 hps advisti, 4'1, A.'
11".` 5APiii sefew of 10. 15- 1 ta
ilty high ;Info el kItiecit l'ote of toe
in. or, and the shortage of primer cattle
„ "