The Goderich Star, 1907-05-31, Page 7-W_ 7 1111101 11 IN IN IN"" W P WMMWAMWk**o PEACE it 4 NAM, lot �1 'N."INN' Ap* "el ale I"llikkiligWk GUNTRY WNERE THE i WER TIAT- OLD SEA SERPENT IN A BAR -911 OF KRA�ITOWRYTHE,400$EBOAE MARRIAGES -IN XXIC0. 4— IN Irmo. 0 %UT IFAX MW M Wmho" 4111111 OW1111110 lit'Awk Sit No laws 4t 40V0001wr VVL& WrAMM An WW"W# MW A"If W*N'X'X W,* V%Tjya Wpm MACOM 4SsN4l;iW away "Mum hio so now WAWA (W *000"i WOW WAVII OF AWWNGM y *VMQW %%7W$. 140 41, :. W,4"Is 4A Z Sli". 'by, 00 *0004W "Cft PM* alfild PWW to W*k- Wit, 0, Aft*vw it" 4% Ili* Atlli� to"'01 oat so ftwW, W" V* littiopt 1* 4, sigawn laillu Will so 0. will N4 IL 0 of X" flow 00y'. ;h-004—noilt, No" Will" Agia 40. 11111 'thivill I411111111111W., T1101111*00g, wbm of 00, T9 410 byrapa A onegit "ems; straggo COW q4"'filf 4 Aux wbo #W&IJOWsii a Now W911114 Do. 'Awtouciilti, of P4#1#11W in JOA Pill" a MINI Is, SOg IX$tr 110Y Tl* *vvr.%l M.4gka# 4 tkiilil� 46PY 4lStroY04 by,4ppV#At!,- *QrA migniaAws, iWillobility. ka, 14m, JQ irepw 44 Ili* yeigir wrallog It out thp Oki , otation as ei, 04 tit(or itkgo*a ita w4wrA gim1w, 4 #W4_ 4q*A460 -kor it,* "Call", 'it* fit. nilgri , ## *11 wirms, evil, 414 njom $TBONQ WAIATIQ ACID, Jok 4 000ple at 44yt in Able 94 AQrA hill IQ 4. 00a4gio sow ProplKkit andr WaS toe yC4r*,Q0e of the t4111P way, ilind fliguln n4 110 lenhYjay baqk from 9tt,&Wa, grift), At CIRY0,40u.. oQuire, litlaw won In Amedclit. ROW tie wvt 144 oplAptill 14 At kiniquo Oligrilog—m o Booing, jKrw tot, �fiow, ildoilif heof t.11 ­ -- # 4 escapQ tow ItiX110 ikwt to '10 4441,# we 494 of 94 Will w1elys VOP Until A0 0 i"Au, y� oily I#* h%V0,;JWgg)gQWedr JW aW as it olefegailit,44, b# roggi* all With Qofoomk(WA 4 sotwg am- lit Merited too like una. igipint � *u , wwo.0 jill-knowA d4tm niq to of every Quit V1 tho 'A few. -drosoQi a0 in R%killig An*,W. tol*x- 4 1410, It "JIlinell 01 reri'dillig #4r Markings, 911 tile tuald 44 eN"qa 1110 t Tigno ortt countr* 1!j 14k% JrO114 1114 NOW 'git loUgir, rROON of PRMU* � WhO M 010'1Q,4W Mts JA Ottaw� for ItArtlitgr nVying #*r* 4pli goasto oto, parwittlar ouly, 141, \N. Will fell, MAN hicLuill it glitteli'$ SJOU *0 and' lQry' 4f 40 r III . nithilitei be,", t .jJ;. dego.'& wjilw low it' 4rl&,( . _Qfr,Jj4JpI1U q , Ili bitter 10011thl'. It hayo 40w iiiiit 'Il S"Villing, it* 0 for, Q we the WilittOV44 Tho Othe 4'y -t 4 'M,, jAy$ our Z.arropoildet Whtaligetild b1s, c4lora to took a, w1bl, Tio$ inini Vier wall * 444 4 11i It - i b en4ngb�er 14*411110 x good vilrofist 4111it wax tesi;,' Ito tOW jakg,Wfth� $0 #aa$Q of tjgQ Spring hatching and mallugilitca" Who is. a tolnorwo -day (w Not ll Yet ankft-Rd, s4 41rimo y U06, 0- Very ilif I'Tt" 114VO, It Isen'tit! for [its Thanksgiving: Is fal, , e%,(Woful hat44ye One that t 01111111,191 Man 11 wito through '11ho, f VJVJ�fgg (V aftf011 140011 :11�1 0.4 . , , was "Whig so.pers \N,ft Iqll, by themlitivAte in I 411wile 'rite breastbone wall then qam whim Mot'lliop frarwrK , k ill . 1. irtu I itmelit 4 � f& in ;a, uttlo, skill about a milli off khe 4strion AI wow 441 u om Ion tq the 4 wi gully cleaned to rAlOW'(1111 the 01191`11111P It 11110 to that tho, family of th brI ot that want die* *4 �� easily,,. but 1A fo�o vite, k �Poa 'd. Cl0rodon pier. 11% had purtaum Q.t to Wo* an provisig"A for I line$. 404 dilemica boy A 014, .19 er .10! ""ll" r,,t,,,, but. ho S4\V and galigg4% O� itgork V 440, bet -fiv lrbo� 144 r4awl i. Front 111# fe4dl])P Of gr0001, looks upon his jazilrim(g,41 union 0113gleaNy. . f,4 I;, 040004011il W44 Ito mul 00044 wero thil bokws told tile Weather front with a corlain glvl Wbo may tiappo tb 414'it 0 IP ill'" 01444JR1. I" $ -01'WO it 1110 JAWWQKT 0413 ltvcd aild Hart& fore M0% W Us. ager 01 magneto, im the V.1gouitt. W. -4n And I WA p TikAt ITU 641, the 4to It It 11411144 Wkftlo is �hy long *ddsi 4o� 6 w 10 Wo like 4 huge mum until Easter. and, atran �to 1 o.4 1, IV 40 _0rJVj$$loJ4' r 0oitprbo.extimvirit potgnessor twil , lot long, with largo ounkcit cyqs U11 U . . my, tell, or the varplcd Mo 'North Atlantic It nittly appear, Ilgirro I about 00 per cout, 0 16 umns Of aiding bankruptcy; It mgl$ 41060 an Ull; wouki OW404, any mail it de'MA, plol-Wsee t* me r p U04or were good. owing to ill- lie thot'JI10 father of Uric, briact considers, n Wr 0AV0101194, III a sort of hairy flap. 10, bu IV 4ealth he made no prodlattions during the her alifenil with The son of a politkjan 1011140. fall to and'it, May Abe, , lllQkg�L AvQrw00kw 0, least 50,degregot'giniA Orl t_rf tAwr". 4. owk far to Ira- -TW ompoisfie creturo apitellye4 suit- Was OXOIRioed by tho lit J116 0 obano toy ta the at a14 vahIlibitil and pa lost two years 01 Ills life. #44: 4009", At a ;qo� U lk, fiAbOAQ14[itt kfellg all 004- delilly 4 -tho Vol, of the b6at—the pork r cot- A'd u$tl. AS'AN ADROIT MEASURE ill wit Oportipg. k, ly ;mAZI010 ligailiper perlleptwly� A ONO Mo an' Will BARRELS OF SAUERKRAUT PREDICTS HARD WIN -TER. glogroo iitgwe tall, the fstrrit about In Preventing the 0OWnfilill of the head of, 'the stops LANC$. JNJ44PLAND. twolitty yards -away. aae ul, up ia the prison, in the gun of 604, after ex"mi" the Of the liqlitsio, or in gJOIAt of trivial o1v 14W$ theso 6 tit the , I was ftv*fiint� bo, % train tile FLUNQ INTO WXr&R. TOOM, When the day of lite trieVoilmej bone, he shock his head and said: ounistancoa, it may 0 that a "Is"ge iar�d, vVo IironAv � lit ther kekill -.60a9t, edoubled up in a ask and bW rlils is going to be one of the 6 0164, NO 6upelviii AtbWlullt 41 0� rogj$ktora 14Q, do firglillh day Whe a bla overest is brought about with the object -of re - It was, -by to means affriglited at The of koolit, -Theyt omnigenogd illp 4' wifft g fellows* fastened W - abovii'him, a false wlat4ra that ill socklon has ever lit' tjm,� betoiii GershuA teA M ye0, T rii �bffx been it'good Qiel, 100 got into h 10 is exPl ducLiag the yeqply tax by the father of ly� 14talf the AreMoil; Old", aifdloir4a arg la, iat MoLflughtenla cheery visage; for "near- lifetty it J.s lroriup liev In tile workroom. Ritiost tie then picked up the bone and ve- —This wilklivAls gJv thire, ry ils, g4vio. 1% llktl�,alfgi 0, head or figriffioup fashioned from, lea- legicad.,, the bridegroom or that of the bride. ot arorloolto %I,, work ittrI04 -on An 140, soork and sailli, "I am ourpr4led that t ey dives, 4 approached, plun Oun ra, or and ifearcr, by means of leaps and lbor and those never And initably Pkille ,o RI or dis ng tile boat rude, but, It kept up most of tbe� 004 arked: fligr a It.rlgt JoIr 00me year&, *JIQW the liativas to travel in the *You see that black ridge run- given, for the Pro11.1irlikingemeat of such �?u deA extroo bee or. in, the coursa too, range. 0 all ilia while into a verita le whirlpool hap kl�rwperlitur jo A Ve 11 cliesscarrIS' " There was a lopaxiese, of -turbulent water." It burrell trial. Two rubber tubes � bud bone? Well, that is the first ano of UtIfill, and am *alwaya ill relation to the pu*i- little' A, 1041 40iliket . 1169. .0 and trickle that they filled into tit* laing through kho entire ligingth of the alliancilis vary sicoopiting to conditions, Sir, Xoseph, Banus, an Jinglisli ph"t- I uud. nobleman a tung: oplposlte her whose - de- 9 p to The Occupant Of the Craft, "by means been smuggled into them, and tiftio tlfey kind I ever carrie Qorow The winter tion *Coupled by the 1w families. 14M, no 0 plunging the oars into the watee—an fixed t ficlu, will callitillnue 'rho frequent brevity of flit) proceed- illat IAAJQC 4 all term It W' U 4 ro When Wt 101 two breathing hottl liruildo the will open suddwily, and it grain, Is n Itly w 40 0 N d�, into 0 In Ch eat the Auman Q Pal 0 usige *4 C. Orman action which in nil Hni;landmun wuld bottom of ilia barrel, Gershulit,liaii a cold all, tile way t.hpough. The too will in ln an sur F fill edlilite. and ftrlaffa '4641h t-plity could stag h rabrid in the GrMnigemont of bridal ties Is, 'A man fid with.s4,fety, He found be roughly described as sculling—endea- rovolvr, a little bread, and a little -other ba very .1%eavy, and the oold Intense and eTI *wadestrea 'for �'p , thAt'Ite himself was not kitillptibly lat is ver. Oct W,40 �Jko as we 1 44 he 4 it to III=' tilvillig way to a more hire de'I Id vorIng to evade the sunken eyes vAth In clee he could not breathe. Ano,'yos, continuous. 11wro will fi, Only � not be so Mao c nd eiltious behavior on lite pairt mraturp 0 ORK. betry flap, But they winked al, him, another weupan of defence. The keepers stoll,rus. 'rho bone b14*$ does not show that. of parents toward their sons and daugh- lc4 -p1g;t(l) to, his. bea luen h0a sUrVIV0. for greater Aelatei *brk has b"A carried IDEAS OF PROPRIETY. just as qw,planot Bacchus winks late at ad. a bad habit of examining barrels by There will be a 91light. break-up, during ters. But it should also be lidded thall ExpRrJ our, fj brains, And'Y011611011401111`10 heat- 'Unit some of the meftel boo 6 on. up to the Pre*gAf time by"private English ladies oftere walk In our night' train rho ealliyetidn, and wel"O'nOt running their sabres (town through tho-middle of the winter, but it "I be tile 06tolint has by no means disappear - a, th, , dit tub*nde, o Matfar ubo t a bro ontain retererliqlas to a woman who too- i1ei;4ble, 'they ouse 44- 40 364 rileansii Put this ytlar the goverminont bouso with their boots on, and I saw, to be denied. And then, says the intre- them. Here was a danger --but hOW, to of very short duration, when we will ad, for cases of this n degrees for several minutes is esta 11sw pid Scolisman: ature could be g an,4,�xperl e n cepan jammed have another cold spell, which will colt- counted by the seem in almost every . , meat station, to One rqIUA.a to put on the cloth a doinage. This temperature, it. III)d what.,04j, int, overs . 'll,can -only dintly recollect what haV down Over the ears. Aii he tells the linue until late in March." city in the republic. 6(41slderablo "ber Mor, "A" -jolt to Will -be boCiJoAo r hottlaultigre, WWWare provIded for them at the en-� ilturn as, Qbservqd, Is 159 degrees above alid other lines, story Gershilid conveys Inimitably tile When, without the knowledge oi- con - that -of boiling water. Well � as Ili grain trance of. the glVat ffitaut a parted. The flabby monster seemed to otlusa, dough at all leap out of tile water, straight as an E, rielaing, and there will be also 14 patriotic discomfort of Ilia position. Did On the �Jother hand, thb body seems to A1.0if otm- suppose we have not yet become 4suM- sent of their parents, two young; persons ..Fly ucispi clently civilized to over adventurer set forth for Ills cause lie advised people to fill their coal become engaged, the parish priesit is re. EE arrow for me. I hardly know what I TAL SIU On with it it smeteorological station. Ike selling the cletin- did. I think I must have ducked and U. to able tq Withstand any conceivable This is olitisidered.win, to carry out ex- liness, of our floors with natildy boots. In s ell w1se—with a sulterkraut, barri- bills. Those predictions wet* borne out, quested to call an thebride's father f4r fliar With Joe Matti. who deg ' ree bf'.6old. In some parts 'of -few slu during. the qrJMents`,WOre The country'la setillid Everything that we do not to In the crashed the our into the crepture. At ode, with a saucepan heltnet, ourled up and no one was More gratifted than Mr. tile Purpose of making known to hig IEuropean manner Is wrong. Our books, water. When I regained the surface I like a seedling in a cask? Hartz himself., He said that he did not ilia doslignsl the brtifegroom. have shot then) winter the mercury Pp, and find Out what can be Produced any rate, I w" flung violently into tile litionly live at least tft.� Th. drops to 50 degrees below zero,. and. yet before the people come. Mr. Lawrence What followed was father indiptinot, love cold weather any We well, but lie shila Cf 'ill hetral er thousands -of pergons fliele k4is'extreme be$ been begin at the wrong end because not at managed to'elamber into the boat. A TEMPORARY OBJECTION abullet strikIfir 14 �plaoed In, charge of,this work the Europegin'end, but It anyone will try to him, Whether from lack of air or tile was prokid to say Light his predictions 9lWn�prQdUC0S IngoAk antagonist was nowhere discomfort of his position, his head was could not be questioned. 66fa." Without injiMy. o"My terrible at this Int may practically up5et the Out this tmtsonscl6u4neas' does'not diN WON WARAHEAVY FURS, lie says the depart the experiment of putting picture books, in ight. Itil dazed condition, scarce rl very, U411 satisfied 'with Pe Irl the ban" of very -11111e children he ly plans o lie young candidates to Mar - dull and full, and he could hear little or He did not think much of the weather t6r materillty' Iv6pit' that c4usgcI5`b knowing what I did, I succeeded in nothing. Things moved slowly them in bureau, regarding it as a useless ex- riag, as the opposition of the father W sure, but their noses and ears are work done by that, pioneers of the ooun. will see that probably five out of six �eaching Portishead. it seems all just lit barre He knew thaC Ills fellow- ponse. "Why spend millions an work- trif two years or more. blow on the angle of the July in ill .06mr . 4only exposed and beyond rublifirlig try, and will likely establish a perman. will open the book and turn over t a ke a I r n prize ring. in word, these parts 6ow' and then to promote ent statlon.- There hap been much dis- leaves In our manner. prisoners tied selected ilia strongest of Ing out foolish theories when a goose During period the affectionatitJ h If ea I Jut ightmare.11 suicide Is knocked out, but,not dead. It circulation they them to handle it, to place it on tile wa. bone ousts a dollar or tio 7" he declared el' POrtid-', 1110 street night wW day -in 4110". lie doesille late take no precautions PlutD throughout Canada as to the value Some English people allpear to think r It, is usually a ='It# against freezing. Of this district and a good opportunity GOOD FURNITURE CHEAP. git, with a little block under the edge lit) was gental aind cheerful and over tire hope (if s I his awsatheart; a of a good many i-pinutes. His' g 4, for, A temperature of 70 degrees belo,,)v it very shocking Jf a Japanese girl in 1hundrstorm =0 VAOt be Sufficient will now e til 4 of deciding. The running displays vistas of her bare legs. to let the all, fit; thence to be taken to 4willy to, Will his neighboW about Lite to td Ititatin qontinues to 41sebairge a part question of wheat,raising has ,been set, zero is not unknown in the Yukon, and They forget how shocked we were what% MOvointiat in Europe for tile Improve. the storeuge building' escorted by tile coming winter when he had eaten his drive film from his retreat under a bal- lpf IS flinellns and his )h0arl, 0110910S �et the country is regarded as habitable. tied, low-necked dresses were introduced into ment of 'Dwellings of tile Poor. guard. Thanksgiving goose, Aima of the finest wheat In Can- He usually rc� corly or near a telegraph pole. I have cn�� When he gives up tho-git?st, it is There Is no place an earth so hot and ada having been raised In that district. Japan, displaying an amplitude of what rhe movement for improving the "WHAT H#VE YOU11" fused to diagnose any other goose bone. seen a lover talking to a pretty girl commonly as a result of seopnifary' dIs' n) place so cold that man must keep Mr. Lawrence was able to tell Dr. our ladies keep carefully concealed, ex. through an iron, -blurred window while a lurbances. Only when hl:i bullet de- away. tin the Congo thousands'of hu- aundrs, Dominion superintendent of oept In the bath, which is the proper welluigs of tilt) poor has reached a "A barrel of sautirkraut"—they had torrific-rainsitiorm swept over the city sucondury stage fit Europe fit taking up pructIced how they would say it. BADLY BITTEN BY A CAT. with great fury as quietly and naturally rot his involuinfor. lilt0ys those parts otlithe bt,aln which man beings live comfortably beneath experimental, farms, of No. 1 hard 'rip- time. As we imported your Ideas 'of 'xl- the quebtion of tasteful turnisliiiig. Of They feared new dongers, would-be In as it balmy spring weather had psw cont v 1`111164C116 dOes a Isim which sends the mercury up to eting Irt-86 days,, havingeen sown on decency we necessarily adopted some of what use Is it to give a family a sani- waiting liere—not ilia least of them Ilia A Michigan Man Has a Painful and to''dle with anylibing resembling the 10th of May and harvested the valled. and- Jai! degrees in the shade every day for 4Ui your customs while bathing. deymes�% And soi�elim�s evien,tilen he weeks at h1jine, and P Greenland, ther o! Augusti also f 25,000 bushels raised fury. house, tile lcuders ask, if you do rampant appetites f tile wives of tile Unique Experience. But the Mexican lover enjoys the Isn't die at all. a am wh6le li�hgs of people who regard at Vermillion and 6,000 at Peace River A LAW-ABIDING BATHER. not help tu make it attructive to live ollicers tot, fresh sauerkraut. As a prc- Hjrace 1. Stevens of Houghton, ich., niveltY of the affair, Jil far from mall The case f Phlitleas Pi-qGpge, a rally, 40 below as commonplace. Crossing last year. Experiments are After the regulations were promul- caution, tire prisoii-w-urkers wet* to urge till authority oil copper arid its produc. 1119 ally sit mpt to obtain permission to read Ion, is a classic in 11he aftnalS 4 The human body, in fact, is Imm6as. being made with,1411 wheat, which it is gated that "persons when bathing are to TO flut,ther this obj"L several exhl- that they lower flit! barrel through the tion, is fit New Orleans recovering from "nil 'On his sweetheart at her own home, midichle. Gage Was engaged In lost- ulably more sturdy than believed, will likely be &ucciessful on ac- wear bathing costume," I saw a. peasant littions Of cheap but durable and allege- sub -collar, where it was Colder for the an exporience, probably more painful It i Is ready to undertake any task, how - any machine . . . . . . . . .... 9sunt, �Gf-the unifdrm snowfall Covering neigft1xr--oJ- in five- lurnituro luve been held. The.-pur- souertiraut, They were 4119w0d to do arid unique than falls to thel lot of met) ever difficult, fit order to speak to her End Ilia walking down t tile the wheat from fall On witts, (urftping� Rowder ie il� hole in the als. StorlG� which ill spring. Man; seashore in tho-costurne of his birthday alone, for a young- lady Is 'seldom QV. It _er,il rAde is a double one. First, Ilia filter- this, but in itild-air the ropes crocked rind it wits caused by the injection of infect- Rhake.-greal -steamsidW to pieces scarce- Ing -4n eastern Canada-, carry -a tiny garment In ills hand.' � ad to receive men without at least ng rod was 4 piece people, especiallY esI, of the manufacturers is -to be stini- tire harm -I turned. Other than to add 04 serum from the brain of a rabbit In I v 0 I have been soep three members of the family bo - '&W inch h, injure hunign beings at all. No �one tical as to the Peace This the law-abiding man Immediately ulated by the offer of prizes arid diplo- quiet( paills to tile misery of tile man tin his abdomen its a cure for hydrapho Ill r og�d a quarter to diameter al�id welgheo ever heard of a wind strong enough 14D River country looking upon It as being donned when he got into the water arid "'as fur the best outfits offered at cer- nsdeno damage tivas done, and he was bla Ing inveiMni. And even such far, Jo the.north to be of any value only removed It whn he emerged. He tain s a, rho general topics of convei�atgafa liggore than thirteen pound0,117he powder. blow off a man's head. too tandard prIc6 to suit the litleds volled at length oil the floor of the sub- Mr. Stevens was bitten by a house - exploited prematurely, anct��6t! this iron terrible natural agencies as the light- kr grain raising, but now a thorough then Walked back to his house, about a -lous classes, from sniall shop- cellar. Evon their ther was an Intel, cot tl Be�cember 26, 1900, while trying of vat bout extreme boat, beautiful weather tes o its value will be made. livepers down to laborers. minable Interval before and the like are in such caaw strictly in clear' througli Ilia poor f0lowls, head. ning and the eaAquake often t I I t f quarter of a milt, off, it, the same man- Ilia last foot to rescue [its young daughter, who was It,strUck film on the left cheek Immedl, make the lords of the universe quail. AWAIT RAILWAY DEVELOPMENT. -ears pre- The second abn is to get the people had shuffied out arid the key turned. allacked by the uninial. He was given iier as had been his habit for 3 order, and the suggellition is never made ately under the cheek bone;afid passed tously. The regulation that the S(.,Xes themselves interested. It is hoped that With Ills knife Gershum slit the leather, if,(- treal ... ent fit Chicago thren to take "her" out for a stroll or a short ven at that It takes a tremendous Mr. Lawr�nce's father, Mr. E. J, Law- v t visiting lite exhbitions their ambl- was dowsed with saueti,rout, air dlIO- eeks later rind, while convalescent drive --that would set the house an fire. man. Human beings rence, went out to the peace River In frequently carried out by placing a ed arid they will be pailuic aless provocative Qf.elernal dys- wrent to New Orleans) with his wife and A moderately large bank a0eclunt may up through the brain, behind -his let - t blow to kill a had to be epariated fit the public baths was eS.e out the top of his head. In.4 w r have been buried under fall g houses 1879 and engaged in work for the church bumboo red across the middle of the brought to realize that (halt- hoines can pepsia. Down it came over Ills sauce- doughter to see tile Mardi Gres. enable khe visitor to invite her family tbqre was a ragged wound-thrOugh his and precipitated from grea heights; Missionary Soclety. He too btain at, least two inciles.stim diameter they have been starved, roastdd and k his four bath. be iiiade attractive ithin the limit Lf pan, and Into his eyes and' moulli and While passIng through Southern In- to attend the opilgra, but th,13 means that and nearly six filches long. 'Bit hildrea wkth'Itlin. and traveled from tl�eir ineans. neck. Then he felt Itiv, wrench of a dinnit 11 (,Age of all Chancey for the exchange of arnor- t instead frozen; they have had their brains dash. (' THE BLESSING OF BEER,.-' - bk)od poisoning devel- of killing the man Mitalifly, lidisAnjuiry 0.1 out. their hearts brken and their early In May until the Bill -of Septem- The lir.st exhibition was held at Dus- stout pair of hands, tile barqel head gave oiled. beca ous expressions no so for advanced by ched New Orlealnii that BETWEEN THE LOVERS reled 10 limbs torn from them-�-and lived.% of the sons and a daughter are now in things, dear allies—the blessing bf beer ww'eisuccessful considering lite size cf again. Mr. levens halt lo be taken to the Ho- are lost, for it is his duty to offer his nierely Aturined him. fie was.xa bee. The parents -have since died; one Blut we have to thank you for mony seldorf, The second was at Liege, Both way, and his nose was lit the free all, fill, linie It(, rpa helier nearly a mile wivay, lail -thq4 Men have fallen from heights as great Calgary and another daughler,* Wh6 among the numbel�whlch you first tilt- places. Ills rescuer was one of the revolution- lo: Dieu, There lie received the mirist arm to "mother" and wait upon bar un- WIthout assistance walked up a lon� as 300 feet without receiving a scratch. graduated in medicine from the North- taught us too appreciate. We sent out a Their Paris took up tile idea and the ists who had been planning tire escupe carprul Iroatnient find in the hat- ill their roturn from the theatre, aside tl�of stairs to bed--4alking to. those Others have had all four limbs arl western university, Chicago, J& in China, commission some years ago to invosti- Departmental Committee oii Cheap [la- from without the prison, apd who had lit- for hip, when lho chances were front Securing seats for every member in all the while. Several hours -toted at once and got over it. Others surgeon arrived and found 'him have performed tedious hnd terrible surk as a medical missionary. Fred. S. gale which religion was (lie best and briations was placed lit charge. The (1119 a 1`1111TOW tunnel front the Courtyard 1.000 14, 1 rigain4t blin. Ilia family, sometitmes Including the asily- and absolutely clear In 9 -cal operations upon therris Lawrence was brougjit.up in the Pea" wjitch was the best of European bevel-. circulars to manufacturers invited thein hook (if tire ttlorage houise. to We sub- Ali-, Sleven,4 Ah,,, -m thril the InAt ants. elves and River country, and -has only been absent tries, specia. y for soldiers. On the Itr:st lo send [it complete outfits for-'snittil eplittir, rile two of them qruwW Into t:oll 114o of lhe rabbit's )'�Alrl rho divorce laws now In force in the recovered. Others have been shot to from it two years, which time litspent que0lon the comMission failed to cme apartments �Ooruhiulng comfort. solid- 11w tunnel and waited for a signal. sorurn linve been dKayed and n HIS SPLINTEPED SKULL pieces, shocked by enormous electric United States have been severely and re- pentedly criticized in private by both currents. torn' by wild beasts. irlititil4ted Mr. Lawrence says he is not advigirig" ere unanimous In favor of British was enjoined that all vulgar pretence IT WAS A I.ONG WAIT. at a university In Indiana. r$rAny conclusion, n Ili 'scond they 11Y, beauty and"ecotionly. Above all, it lableqn(jonful ,f that pnMilous nialter Was trimmed, the Wound through W tv desiaerate major surgery. Invaded Into his abdouical produced itau'und women of the higher class in w brain was c.eansed as much -4W Possible 1:1V deodly germs and peeple to gq int�p the Pelice River coun- beer. rind raise luxury should bq eliminated I'lleY thought twice thflt OleY wel'e dI- �hls Founlry, on tire ground that Irian lafstered. 1. tioni lite designs. igold a mild edative wAls ad End,ttV even left for dead tvy at present; lie thinks they should, novered. AIJ of the oflicers' hou,eg faved in _tried. and yet lived on for years, It will require four weeks more )d onrla unitd lit nialtwuliny. a Well, until there Is railway delVelopmentl for tit t a again, and of truth, is a machine more The exbibl(Ion was opened In Febru. on the, court. children were pill),. flip wwwd, to heal enthrely, ntler which ought never to sopartate. Saving that he Was blind In his left eye I ti�irand more wonderful than even rind In the meantime take up tind near SECRET OF COCOS ISLAND. There wert, st'veral hundred ex. Ing in lite yurd. "Cal medleal authorities say Mr. tevens will he thpoty is too deeply rooted in per ch film, cath hind" it no permanent I*py. He was , 1. t the railways. tie says there will be hibits of all classe and more than. GO,- they cried, rind a dog Io suffer, ill pon which he dw4ells. No came running to 1p lorlinune from hydrophobia for about their minds to permit a ultin or a wo- J�At as strong as ever and his muitliat. other animal is iso tenaclou%of life. no lots of time after the railway develop- 000 personq visited it, It closed at the thu niouth of tlle funnel. Gershuru had four yenrs. Joan to resort to the court of divorc in ed, brain managed his Voluntar and Ili. other known mechuirds mis so efficient. ment starts, which it will do in a short Ali English Admiral WI? Believed In end (if March and fourteen prizes were once. read that If yuu fix your eyes steed- Moxico, but it Is tie d Ste time. He is confident that in the course ries oil Buried Ireasure. p vyer A4 !�tredl , a __ voluntary functions Just aswell as be- ent. awarded by a jury Composed of Sons- it., enough on an animal he will film THE DUMB MAN SPOKE. principle; It is sin q 410 In tof as & lore. of a few years the Peace River court- Admiral H. SL L. B. Palliser died suit. fews. artists, manufacturers rind an of- and go. Tilt,; he tried. The dog slop- %go self- rospect. The separation -uf 7h nd and Agoit there is a fam<ius`� 'case of a EN. I ry will he just as valuable as Mahi- dently at his country house in Cluches- fillet of the Drpnirlinerit of Labor. ped rind looked, Jill(] then witli tin air of A Falling S�plton Frightened Him Into %�Jfo excludes both froul high society, Inait; who lost a section of his brain five t -.ba or lite westrn provinces. er, E land, recently. lie served Ili %'ow fill, .1111'Ject has bet'rl IlIken lip by Iloilo of nly trolled 4,11, arid even their sons and daughters are Inches long an Tile resources of the Perlice River lht c and Black Sea during tho t1w oviff.� of Popular Art rind a pre- Later a soldier, vunip with bucliels of ritude to feel the effects of public scorn it yet lived for years. A Interesting Experiments Carried Out in I Be if sperch. flnuliltude of other such examples are Vienna. ccuntry Inclue mineral products; there Crimean \Var, arid In couirriand of a limirlarY report hnq been propored look- water. Ile tilil-V to lime seen them, Tha "toy like 10 10141w gorrieturles It bars the son or daughter to be discovered in the flk� of the me- is every Indication of large deposits it squadron watched British firlberest, :ng to the en-operntion of architects, by- when, of a sudden, he turned lils linek that it Ls lucky to drop it lernarinde 6y - I fioni rnutrutiony. while so(qal nalair0ourfie dical journals. ome Interesting experiments were coal, petroleum tar, natural gas- also throughout the Carlist \kar In 1871. 1 u gienkt, arid qoeinl oconomists, in sup. squarely on the opening and went nVitit phon, Richard Doorer, it folly -two years Iniflos4lble for the divonced hust- Injuries in or complete loss of other made with police dogs the other day in of mica and gypsum. Railway develop- was the crninunder-in-chlef (if tilt. pa- the for nil rheop dwel. his busines- "not %,cry polit you ulay old inoulto of I roydrin Workhouse, Eng- 1, and and wife. organs besides the brain not Uncom- the Schwarzenberg Park, Vienna. The inent will open up thes properties and c1fle squadron from 18911 t<) 1899. ling, heroofter to he erpriled In thr, copi. �ay, but I thought it, the hight of cour. land, is to prove it. Monty fail to result In death. 0 every animals used were German sheep dogs, also f1sheries and timber. It was during his countuand Ili tile find fil­ to the coast, of tesy." For nearly six )enris ho ha Iven DRINK CREATE -S one knows, It is possible for a man to greally resembling wolves. Pacific that Admirol Palliser, furnishing by lectures, Iracts 'I It(, signal come ; by kirting tilt, dillub tlie has, recovered his speech cattle ri� live for years with but One lung. it The dogs proved very successful In THE SERVANTS MUST GO. to possession of what he I and mort, oxhihilions. tmuscs Ihe two tuell reliched tile (AllsId4! through a Alight accident. He speaks 11renell Soloing Finds 11 negilks at figgillit Is also possible to live wl h one Iddric carrying messages. They covered over hought In be I Y. lite secret of the buried treasures of the fit Ilia village, and avross goine mugh slowly, as,one haVing difIlCulty With (I Tog) of Lung. it is possible. again, to Ilye without a half a mile In three minutes, bringing One Kitchen Will be Built for a Group famous Cocug Island, and on board her WONDER14 Oil OLDEN TIMLS. hII6 to where a horso arid wagon were strange longue, arid now find then he stomach, wilhut a larynx or'wilhout a message from an Outpost, taking beef( of Flats. Majesty's. ship Imperleuse inade flip. first l,i waiting for (hern. lie(] had hesitates for a word. That and tile glad Prof. Loncereux, a member 4.1 flit! balf a dozen other organs, just as if its on answer, and then returned to head- a rozor. and In the sub -cellar had shaved rIng lit his voice speak of hill long years Paris Academy or ledicuie, wid one ut Hers. Ing n or a to live without ey�s, nose, ears, qua iP)slrongly financed syndicate, call u* it long series or ineff itual efforts to Works of Seventeenth C'entury Inve I tit-; beard and chariged hl.s clolhes; lie of silence. girealest authorities In France oil lt�ell "The One Kitchen House C unearth the burled millions. The late Too New to Ile Considered Pr?kc(lcal. legs and arms. A trial tr, Illustrate the use of the ani- om- P. mals in saving,drowriffig persons nearly puny," has been storied tit Berlin, Ger. admiral recelved the "svcret" from C I iv; a working Iran now instead of a "it w1u, ul ugwst, 190f. that I lost lily alcholism, Ilia( ilia .,f �at.V�,ntur or mcre ago a certain Bills The Marquis of W'orvostcr, who wrole They drove for two days and VDI('*," tie gold. "I wag then working at. ,plrituous hilu4irs is resp,),u;lbie for had a fatal eMM—na.- The vf many, with the object of building houses Hackett when the lattei; was On 17-rench soldier had his whole lower jaw Clint was in which every flat will be served by a death -bed, and was so impressed by c(aicernln4 ninny lhings atiout 1650 to two nighIs without a stup, rvaching N�est Drayton for lite lWtary photo- new variety of iuborculusvi. shot off in battle and ret he 'survived drugged by a dog across tile Pond in that despite all failures, be remained tied a knowledg,- arid grasp ,f Mon,huria. arid thereafter tit, welit on lit graphic (�ompany. One day, as I cattle Tuberculogis f ilia hard rinker do - to a hole and green old Ogg. Another which the experiment was made, but it,.-; common kitchen. tho animal kept The flats will Consist of twii), three, I e exiAtence of it,(,, nict-linical pr,,bleopi illat would giv., Ille gutse of it Rusguin trump, directed by down the stairs, I fell over a dolf,lialad vOloPs first. Varwer. soldtier lost what was tsubstontiolly all his head tinder the wa- hun high Itosilkill in lite rnaks of frionds of ilia revolution at each point Ilia shocli took awny my speech a t eux, 14 file "19111, top of the long, luw4ird or four rootns, will be fitted Up with treastue. of his face except one cyt--dnd lived ter he was half drowned when be The story of the Coms IF;lr.nd tren- ww�ers oven Ill the prespill. day. I(P flit, trion to look for at lho next 8lop- once. Ilia back, whereas ordinary litbentulu reached the (Junk. every modem arrangement for the con - IP become an oldest Inhabitant. suros Is ne of the must romantic atid lnn%igaiiml, lit(, 0m. phig Pill(-(-. hnyou wik tilt, nioro "I siiw several doolrs, spending all sli begins at [lit' left lot, and toward tile It used to be believed that any wound In another case a supposcd burglar, venience of occupiers. but will beA with- front of fill, lutig. -o Ni,asi pursued by one of th oil( kitchens. Tho compariv will retain thrilling character. One vast hoord (it lie tolls it, of .1wrterte,f as I<, his long flight to the lily savulp III foos, but fliev do 0 the heart was necessarily fatal, bill. wit a dogs valuables is supposed to have been "rhis is tin fact. , a�j was so ferociousl attacked by the ant: management f the centraf kitchen and l,. "11,,w to inriko, tin arlifivitil arid ho tit, hipau. you nolhing f,,r The olliy 1101:00 tit late a multitude of proofs to the con- y p<,sited on the Island which lies 5110 Ilrd to fly %voy arld it,; long it-, g,I a �hrug of III'- find it out [lint a econd I'hook gill c of. I-anevi-pux, "arid wi,eavas u ell irary have been c.Alecled. ToAny It 1, mal that he tied to be rescued from his cater for their tenants. Every flat will lo�`y [: I captor. flove, direct communication with the miles soullt-west f Panama, by a firil- our Pleillelh. )w ,r against fill, wuid." nre lily rriend,.' Naga. diiy give tile lily spcwh again fury ago it �%Il% ulliv4prall rougilized almost a commoniirNelait surgery to sew that tubercul4m.1 began tit flit. ,.ft top The Archduchess Isabelle, after file kitchen by means of an elevator, and Irl. ship which had turned pirate In Again, it) links a intin fly. 'hikin, Yokolutina, livili,111111 will "I was soon out of work. and final y Up,breaks In the, eart Wall. 1821. The second and more valuable 1'.0 lays, "I ILII%P trt(,d with ii'lifile Itov I)Pceirriper 5. suico their find 14, enter Lambeth Workhouse des'l. A low on the Cheek' ep tit the grime hour all the occupiers will an'l In the fl-falt I'lut tile 111114. It is Soffletimcis rup- trial, ordered a number of trained pol I Ircasure wag buried there by the crew or 10 venri (Jill in a barn fl-wri no Prod has been rid4reliing tille. sent rile on Ili March, -itillo Hill llit maj,,rily -if dogs for the protcelion of her family 'it down to meals, which, it Is slated. Milli% legit'la V. litires the heart, and yet, tho victims q If w of [he harkentine Mary Dier about 181.5, lo Ih,. olhor fill it hrivnviw." In arid Mission inass moeting- In American, RAW n, I 1, lily lull,%0 place. ha�e such Injuries not seldom 'reco�er. hen living in the country. w 11 not be more expensive tfian were This board was supposed t he the bill- of felegrnphy %,c likki, I'l. All (Ili, Now 1 1, a vo litid to cuiry a boon taken I,, pf,ovaut Ill.l spl-i-li,j ,r the housewife herself attending to thpm. of 0 it I loals. 1,111, tho oil]) t'llf. Wounds in the heart made by knives TER, In addition, the company w�)l supplv Uon rind jewels of the Peruvian Town It(' noto (if visual sivnifflinilt. but in thoe plece sit o ah I with me, and wrot., and bullets are now treated wIfh some .1 staff of domestic assistants, who wlil 'rf Callno, which was threatened will, it wng a 91-11al d(-IJIItl­e to have dc%%n rinvIbing I i%nritocl to iinart-1, f approach to certainly, and although An army pension has just been grant- keep file nall tidy and clean and will revolution and pillage. Tho nations] mpthods of signalling tit it dig KAUSE311 Iti ISOI.%TrD. "On N14111(10� morning I was pulijug one (it Ili(- tidy, whoi, tW111 UIL' the death rate In such cases is M,1 k.d to 1. Tonight of Nottingham, who is block bools, and In every flat, there will treasure was put on board the British Ifill"e, SUCh TIJPth,Aq beIng ovailabie rrinan Paper Snircaslically Oullinro Ierny. a dourse high, It Is being lowered year ilow 81, Arid his Medals, granted for' be a small gas range for cooking min- -ship for safety, but the. crew beirrived hoth lit- day ond night. I Pulled over n lerinotinde syphon from a I -nish sur- SLvnstop<)I, have been replaced. 11 nr diAbeq, The comfiany 1.4 ponflitent go. live Situation. -red igtier year. and It Would Le a i thir trust and fled with the rich car' (if lo%trualpotg of df�qlrucll,,n lip had high but Caught it as it felt Seon to -day who would C111+ -any small se;,ms that lie was Invalided home from of ucess. One of their chief frumpq The value of file tw�i treasures sup- 1601,1.v. How liki, tin internal oinchirip On., of tho 11111111 -Ing liod kill;l I'll(- glt<),,k was ulily slight, but ill the ,f JAj ry-to tile heart InevitabI30 fatal. Ilia CFirn(,a arid granted a inoliftl*s fut. posed to be many desrripfl,,n rends, as "Art engirl", it%',- of fill, inornerit I il-I ()it IKNI U ;q that their plan will obviate the nerles- ov I P it is impossible, Indeed, to say that tough. While enjoying )its rest he was on lite part f the tenants of em- At least X6.000 worth, e.f valuables rlablo in rw,ekpl, "'hich co ftpreqent 1111"9011 11NOV); liot",-ell (a ­L then I real,11od ti'lit I li I an injury 1 0 any otgan, no matter stricken with typhoid fever, lint, being plo'ytng dome.tMe servants. Their plan 'A'erp taken from flip IgIdn(I by a ynnn il"I"Ildd "' thO inqW0 I f Britain art,] 4 .......... it) I III$- 11iii, it still still, gt.. what its extent. Is sure to result in unable to read or write, dtd not Ae- b a% already been Irit'd in Denimark arid rrilled I(entruri. This met) died and I,(- tin(] tit tiny apg:xjinivd Inkon fr,,ro tilt- lilwili'l, lloppv I %khv. 11. ft ht -- death. The human machine, was de- quaint tire officers of )its regiment with Sweden, and to a small extent in queathed the secret in Hork-ell. Illmoh-, though I vkpek nflor, ('1111pr , f 11 lendlug 0-rultin )our %%n a ll"(y hyph"I I f(Tf- t1111' 1 signed to Mand his inisforlune or ask a friend to do 80. Amorlea. ihr Intif-P confided In Admiral Polli,ter a% r night, 11 hill[ kink not f nggre"i�olv ptifli0l, vww� Ihey'r,- g4,iog Iii lot fne hoi-li it The consequence was that when ills fur, soma, hall dozen tritiflo.sA oxy)Pdifi,.ng that Ahli),­ Ilerp is willib I hvrt- r­iri, as ALL SORTS OF Stfor-KS, Irl 1(.ugli expired lie was posted as a de. LORD CROJWIll AND EGYPT. brive been fitted out anti have rRal-0 .... I tie nkin It) a forpedo or ryune no nitollivi- iri n stutawall 081. f4,r and even when science I$ utterly on, serter, and while on his way to rejoin thir 11 of tho island. One or the hil"t trfiil,, ,rr. I,, (Ilvp and h ""1 4eble to repair the machInery It often re, was arresled. At Aldersht he Was Regret Over Resignation of tile "Maker" IC41 be Flirt Filzwllllam. In yJu- 1, rl� I n likp onlyino to a n v r I) I I., F,) lig pairs itself. (tied by omri-martial, and sentenced of (Ike Country. but big psriy met with n disaster it 't ryin% punetunlIv worl, fill' 9111110 Pff"" " 1,0tog. whilo I d--lora think I rnov leave. My olil Into. Cancer, for Instance, to gometinles be- to be branded with the Wier "D." ill. shape of a lalidsilde (gurIng blasting Flut whilo he Iwd in per-ft-cl rn4,Ih(Aq 'Williorn 11.) ig full vt It t"ill "if; EUROPE N B AtNot of rind seven of them were lit ell, it )let, the w", Ill -\k ytilid the reach of surgery, but It is n The resignatlon' of Lord rrnmer lung oporn(ioncl, L.�vj i.j ,w -en lirleans, to r 61 such Off. FnOM SHALE. been rivelved with a unIversal cry of re4 lured. ",everni comprinids have boon fr,-in and fnnlo,41I(* itunuirwivoi. tl,.r rare, by any IIL In 1114ruier \%till 2,100 Guesi� Cases ending in recovery.. 'The body Is gret. tie Was ilia Consul-Gemerril in feirmed to Pqulp Pxpedillorvi, but nop,l tin tifferillpt I'v flov Cr nt'1�11. tfill that nophilia. illuminating oil. gas oil and s such wielded as much I�ps.q in say none of them hag ever paid Lhe��e pinyurq \%w gain fit., 64111001il 1111 JIM. 4 1 it. always at work fighting Its 'emmleg, It may surprise many readers to learn pgypt, at,, ravtarilt,oi. nff,,r till. Iq (,wy Fesixt for Fn 'and so soon as Ilia killer Congo any power as a sovereign ruler. It was flip n dividend. (ho I i,,f (,vtitun. hill, flip Alfitirriiii fittdamage the wort( of repair f -I begun. rind Jubrii-aling nil are obtained In con- late IA)rd tillabury who once summed t\killlatll lie v;tJ ade Free Rui necanse ron, ro"I 1091 'I Id, alwalt sIderable ciftiantillip from certain vorlo� up Lord Cromer's character In this son. ricninO \%Ili(] and alf".ritiv Exposure to on injury. tilde, fies Of shale rrk. "01) shales" aboilmd .1. 1 increases the bodys ability, to with- lenco: -tie always carries an Wilma. l, not n irr o(hor I ills schernes, lowh prirvys and king, of Fire Writer. Slight! liult Ifilury. This 6bbily, In ons houl lie, viglip(l ill fill, "Arlior years - f hooloun Jim, the Indian %lit, itioir of the British Ceological Survey re. In the many occasiloni:4 on which Ihi, Khe- n ninn %�hc, lived in %h'�i reign, nrld tAho-v friendship Ile piloted George li%%a It4I i,, tiorml becomes hat Is knotitn 65 j"Ingul n the Scoleb Lntlitans. A recent me- turn up his Aleeve." Till.,; wag in allucigon LIVE ON ccrds the discovery of an IMportant African T Their Conviefed e by Ally— nn no, %% liprvin hip inverillvenog wng trained has remninod true to him. rx. M like wa ll�lwil Ii %k-t(feen ill Ilribe Iltnize A )JIDA ,which Is utilized to, great advent new field of shalp neat, Duddingston. (live lint] to be brought to see sen' ill,5r6lrn thdern medleind. Vid- filaft wbNo sirrin notion. At it crisis some Offenders tot road. lit lite year 1904 2,332,00(t ton . years glad ho, lived later no f,pl the FII!,41 Franci jogoph the. grateful Dornittin w1ult it,, %N�sh,41 8 a of oil Khrldive . Ila,. %a), ilshale wrre' mined In Scotland, and fllgreatest gain. OR a hil, r-ounlry'.g ortilitmle tIe. ed to live in slooftig liftight rigo, Iovil Cromer ordered the 1110 R11111% I f ills have Writing from th4,. oulli CAmermns bp(�n prarl,,wiv And PooriMerrially do tiling bell n tho \k,,rl,l tho roigninif '*ell bec\ , omes accustomed (43 41leng, (knit ielded QM2,0(n gollonts of trude 4011, to disnilqg hIq Prime Miniqler within 0orrospoinderit of the (:ologne GnZiltte, wl"F­I. (,,ryipnrnt[voiv P WIth it nobility that at Ilw firtio, rnng Iflo lot., VJI 11olde-il. itgit little white hil fak(15 cold Y14) Th Scotch oil shot 1wenty-four haurs, rent to Malin for a who Ili with CapL Dominfile's nov t� iNil tile rAtirrA havo nil over Ifte Dorri,nion, Jim ti, the I oilll� I. ],,,I !,U) at lwy lo� �Ithllq expitilds In part file emil 0 ('s Were first mode few thousand trnopq to be lit readine,as extwiltion, Vol I'— ryittil� or nil imProvornent tin- quilled at if,e (jerilian Ervi (4ivernnients "I wnnt no tit lbal gierolly known to geologists in to a sny (hat (lie Mokii, a negn) tribe in- hill if i, vory iffl, Jill N, get peror's brinquoling ll.,,�Ilv rpwitril f4ir Ihi� thillia of rll�- ifulple aJ4 livi ailors, woodlflWr and bifters ------ upprirt, film It necmqary, and filed hablittilig file territory betwoen the s �c rk and sleep In tile 6peA. Again, "raf n, rou�?41t-r Qnowilitrili %01011 rind other% Thero iq w thing. i(081ml. and filled in an hour or two t7 and sixth Makpg It hablt,rof playing lawn termia. conflials. and not only (ft coplives, but If III,- -i" q,A dowo to in "!the willi who KNOB ON A PIPE. IP degrees, north left, ude. are IQ it, tie tin onliroly new doporturt, 'It 1 he V*11001 I,0U0 ­ripMoliquantilies, lot P*0045ug dtilfft-i Do you know why game 'pipes ha 1 1) i,,il nly Ive 4— Ilwfn in liorlin Ill) kmgf-r stullml their t,.Iqll� 1-i reward me, lot if milk,- ow it criminals who havP beet condomned to pwiviiiink at 04M4 bull - fir 6fiexpoqIng hIM9011t, to &hfl. Mot ci� 111 knab at the bottom? It doeti not ago. WRONG FOR ONCE. '111AT'A ANOTHER MAT`rrA. la4li.a. fro,- rnatt." r: th6 Nelt. If.33 itk. 1. All 1,he rnark- or rripioglup, oil ihn Pro 901 IlN iminuto., lJnlf­Jr I 1 1 %fair old Or at ras-ling long piliflodo geig Pane to sellve any purpose. Llke the "Sirg' tiaxelatmed the firijuril party, Ilecently a earrivan of nPam IradrN tl,,ri't love you," (4,jorted tho "InNiriffilk lifta, till Jig, the I tuitions at ilia b5cli: of a male Cook, lite "you sl(ti(tk your imbrella in my epe.11 fell Into their bonds ond oil Were eaten- ,r,lq of nil 11w oreqeI)I4, nil Itip Ili- wnA on hiq way to Agb 0. avid Is I intil fIy lit M fbr lob N simply a relle of bygibne dayA, Oh 'p' led tile cheerful often. Tile correspiandprit aKaerve(f human ripsh tI'llit even 1-11 all, anotoan f,,asts con. fliflIt the overa nilill dp rogularly expated for snie in tile trial,, youth, ro(erting ha,Illv In djv*T� riormf,r roon or eror fill, (,lit rut \kils Ur# -k% still frt� n ­I iotiart- wm) flit. tialiquai, ill IM at It Art made Ila appearigne4 oil tile hri\%1,41 tho Indignant l0 �,,r-, Ig 0 notltilylw. (111t churelt-warlifen pilles bvlovtl of -our hn I mnnded tho Irafe wo Iliq mit pili%I1,11. qrpnt. nod Ih- t,-11114- (�( lite, rwivhloir If— 111011411w whIth 14 Won knowil, for I to 0 it,, Tbri. kets frelplOnted by IhP3e, trilimmen. ando in hill pot ket diary, yoil ent n havro C. llla� to 41)(1 tslorn. StilOrkorg Ondifil file pipes know when my eye tg hurt, smallt�jt oftprive-iq are punishm 11J prit),-rq In— het-iT fruillo�,gq. and 1-�gaii I., v 13 JIM itfav"t-F, f I*r 'Jith am able it) r*4 tv,tvitIl finpunity fong aind 1106 'hot to hit) d, Would t6t I dealli In -order to smut,6 a Pon.0ant nui). t ­w reina on in lsolotod onii ruitten other mara I wo,al ,f boveq f4 oil If,, dru 4�111 a ii(Itto of., IhNA 6n,11W f6ble. and the Unob tvh4 durina the pa -M year if you replied the cheerful fel- Jim I, I-t Illade fi, MY for human ropstimplitcul. didn I lovp me"" U( it A W That tho pipe Uuld illatld 10 Oil don't kno my urnbrefla. Affor a retcM trIb3I � tight thirteon nhp salt). wilh n rapt Pg- I" I -lit 9ILIld hP IW' ii-n%v lVnik to IS.P= Tilall hi It ' rnn shlillid Ili, t,(-hnvn lornelf. tie will Ile hiligo .1 116 teq, U'ONA111 alid prv%nt 1166101or or its I lot�ro Itbtq onO from a (rimil. badlea %*m cut tip into �eqnvcngent joints prension on bor lovely features, "I do llussla ling %Atthin twir niptro A,uoO girnollit lit tit-, AlftskaNukluntlaolic Lx twadi and I..4u hutt.es of ale ovinaig inSoOfthed. - Ilk tO SUVe tot, a festive Meil. love chocolate!" UPA of navioublo rivers. at caulo in 19ug. W'O" At