Huron Signal, 1849-09-06, Page 4T E_{,i it t t 1k a t1- .••41r. Esktes,-Belie-
e the fact that the riot to as mesh
Berm for prosperity on the ►ranch se
tri branch a os rho reel, I take • roe, to
the spring of lbs year. when they first make
'their app{eresce, and j•.I crop them off at
Um wafae'e with one stroke, which a matt
ea. do and walk right along. I repeat the
operation as often as the thistles appear,
which may be three or four times in the.ea•
son. i have frequently killed then :n the
way the tiro season •u that they have out
appeared again in th• some place ; but d
they should appear the .ext se,rou they will
look sickly, mod by repeating the same pre-
emie the second year they will he entirely
bubJued. Bet if, unfort'inateiy, you have
neighbors Tess faithful than yourself, you
will be cnnetantly annoyed with ouw cases
whisk waa require attention.
1 have pursued BMs practice of tutting
thistles aith • hoe Lor nearly forty years;
and aItl.ougb my neighbor's fkree to now
filled aith them In nearly every field, there
has never been tie twine in any one year
more than a man could cut up with s hie in
ten minute., provided they were standing
to one spot. But they will 'tering up in
'tome new places every year or two, requir-
ing, like the maintenance of liLerty, ' oleo
nal etge!ance.'•-[:1n Old Femur. -former
., awl Mtrknnic.
floorCATTLE.-A 1-s CATTLE.
-This disease,
•omatlme. called " foul in the foot," is most
enminnn in open wintery, or when cattle are
obliged to stand much in mud. It is known
by laments, soreness between the claws cf
the foot, with inflammation, and, In advan•
Bed stage., discharge of feud matter, which
issues from between the heel and (ho fool.
A separation of the hoof after a while takee
place, and if the disease is not checked, the
hoof sometimes comes off Though the
disease, like foot rot in 'beep, is believed
somrltmes to originate •pooteneously,there
is good reason to believe that it is con'agi-
,� nus; and, on this account, an animal, as
soon as it is affected, should be kept by it
self. The best remedy, if used when the
di first manifests itself, is blue vitrul
and sulphate of copper. First wash the
foot in soap suds, and then apply the solu-
tion of vitro) to the affected part twuce a
day. if the disease is of long standing, the
hoof ehntilil be paredsway from the upper
edge, the offensive matter taken out as .lin
roughly as possible, and an ointment of
ro'tye sublimate and lard applied. The an.
tmal should be kept from wet, and, if the
foot is much sore, it should b' in -rimmed by
a bandage of rtroogcloth.-.9l. Caltivalor.
Frain the Bathers. C..rkr.
■T T. TuseOT.
Nn isd vidual who has given the mal ter
five minutes *moos consideration will ,k.
• y that lotentooance in as eve of nearly
• all-pervsduig erre. Tha inai,luous
monster worse. his way alike Into the cu-
lls and the cottage, leaving mien,. nod.
!neve, and ruin In his train. The enlist..
I tnrnpiet h s expended woe and '•trot for
1lh.r purpo.i of arrest ng hi. fearful!". de-
.truc'uto prof" "s-Miniatera of the Ga-
pe! Lace endravrwed to grapple with this
powerful erietnT to the pool. .•f epee
Thin mors' prole, re hi. COM enonl 10 ea.
tend its 'Irritating ravages through all the
rauoficat ins. of .octal life. rearm, the
pr.,: tecta ..1 many an ardent and g. pe►ou.
heart, end converting the happy ahod.v of
innocence sot peace, into deme of emelt lid
debauchery .end rant. Ilow manyeaa.:t!ater
for honorable 1l.tinction, rub inteilecttul
powers .utfeientt to bre ornamented the
pulpa, the penal,, nr the nar, have sunk
under Its pestilential ineaeneee, into hope-
less dmvel(sne Idiocy, \:'het high resolve.
and noble saperatenne are du'• being cruel"
ed under the wheels of thio Jet, t of
civilized life. Yet so (militates.' h • "e we b. -
conic to its appearance and eft cu, tNit vic-
tim aftervictim fall• into en early and N•
hen -. e.1 grave. witheitt routing us from eare
apathetic in•kifferenee Is a peop'e, to Iruwn
the de.toyer from our mudet.
" Alas ! poor %neck" ! ! Hie life give,
of another humihatirg Muster/on of thede-
barine results of Intemne'enee: It were a
needles'. and soul harrowing tack to paint
th• earlier •leges of Yortck'. downw•erI
career. Suffice it to tom, that, ere he had
parsed the tnendian of life, this demon had
blasted her every hope. Ile became a thing
to be avoided and shunned by every reepec•
table member of annety ; and now the bet-
ter feelings of his Deter• bring ra.rch.rd
•nil withered by habitual intoxication, be it
en insulated being in the midat of his lelluw
To find food for the insatiate cravings of
hie unnatural are tile. Yorick frrgien$d
the bar-rnt•ms of the Village. reciting. in ri-
diculously inflated inner, s.,ch echiol-boy
rhymes as .I ill retained place on the li-
t tablets of. n1- -wind-
g a seed able o hie m m y
ing up his performance with bel( pitiful,
half comical look at hie empty glair, •nd,
an '' Ala., poor Ynnck !•' pronounced in •
mournful whine, which generally procured
anadditionalsm .Iv •• the tt *omelets tba had
f i u d
Peery .
already degraded anl reined him. H
little did the thmoghtlee• young 'nen
who amused theme, Ives with the mated'''.
brntailnes of this unfortunate. consider
their own reeponeihtlity. They cannot
purely behel•l gn these, who can find en-
j'ivment in the disgusting antics of the ins
briate, forgetunc that, loathsome and filthy
as he i., he is pull a mao, made in the im-
age of hu. Creator.
Pour Yonck wandered, day after day,
through the street. of the little Village jn
which he lived, telling those who would
listen to Trim pillows tale, of imaginary
wrongs. itis nerves enedrimg with the
prev'ond night's debark, he fancied every
man his enemy, and all mankind setinudy
engaged in plottene hi. rein..B,unetlmee be
would lenient,. with tears in hie eyes, -tho
intemperate habits of .nme individuals who,
he lied, was feat haetentng to destruction t
expatiating at great length on the efforts,
he had made to pave the •n"ppneeel vic-
tim from the effects of hi• baehaneli4n in•
dnlgence.-while at the tame time. the
poor creature was himself in almost the
last stage of inlnxic-ton.
Some of the inhabiva to engaged Vorek
to labor in a sewer, or drain -they would
have preferred a amber man bet none such
could be `round we'ling to encnnnter the
noxious exhaf•teone' that areae from the
nlace. Ile continued constantly at work
for some time, but at length the unwbole-
tome nature of his employment, and the
effect'. of strong drink, combined, amici e 1
him on a sick bed. A distant relative, in
whose house he had found' refuge, injudi-
ci ly supolterl bun with his faynntet bev-
erage. Stimulated to madness, his howl.
' fines were terrific: With binod-shot eyes,
"tarring from their Mei het•, and pale face.
fearfully convnleed. he alternately implored
and detuanded "store" of the that
had elre.dy all but ended his existeaea-
Ili• relative, worn out by the length and
-constancy of his attendance. became unable
to do justice to the duties of his own pro-
fession. Al this crisis a young gentleman,
hearing Of 'Pericles lamentable condition.
generously came forward to save him from
a drankhrd's grave. He provided, some
seething medicines, and .,aliened himself
at the bed.ide of the poor outcast, whinier.
ing words of hope and .nrodrauement_hut
firmly reni.t;ng the frantic en'rea'iel of hi.
patient for more l quor. in courser of time
The following sermon was composed, and
preaced extempore, by one Dr. Do•:d, who
lived within three or four miles of Cern
bridge ; and who, having' for nearly rix
month., every Sunday, preached onthc same
subject, (which wan drunkenness.) pave
some of the Cambridge Scholars. occasion
to be displeased with him. As they tho't
the Doctor reflected Arpin the n, et was re-
solved to treat him similarly, when an op-
portunity was presented. Accordingly,
chance one day led the Doetnr in their war.
A cnmoaoy of .chnlare, while 'walking,. saw
the Doctor at a derunce coming toward.
them, and all stopping at a gate that hong
to • hollow tree, ho presently came up, and
was spoken to in a friendly manner.
"Your servant, gentleman."
"Sir, we have one gnestenn to ask you."
"What is that gentlemen !"
"Why, we hear you have preached a
long tem*'retest the sin of drunkenoeas."
"i have gentlemen."
"Then, doc'or we have one request you
muse and shell, satisfy na en.•"
" What is that, gentlemen 1"
" Why, that you preach us a sermon from
• text we .hell choose for you."
"• Appoint year time and place, gentle-
men, and I will do it."
"The lime ee present, and the piece ie
bare, and that hollow tree shall be your pul.
"That's •compulsion, gentlemen ; • man
ought to have time to eons dor what be i.
to Preach."
They Insisted on a compliance ; or they
would use him ill. Not minding any ex-
postulation from the docent., they fnrced
him Iwo the hallow tree. The weird they
gal* him for hi.'•text was " NI • LT," -from
which be preached the following short, bot
eloquent Sermon.
Mr BRarnaa'h-Let me crave your
"tittle' att,•otioo :-i am a little man ; come
• t a short warning. to preach you a short
Mermen, to a thin congreestmn, in an un-
worthy pulpit. Brethren, my text is MAt-T.
Now I cannot divide it into sentences. be-
cause there are none, nor into words, it be-
ing bat one; nor into syllables, et being but this good Samaritan had the satisfaction of
one ; therefore, 1 meat, and necessity well 1 seeing the object of his pity and anxiety re -
An 1.. Pvsuc Woaa, both to
the Erre • Slates esu our tiro, a•spetlally
he N..nh rai to' porthole of n -out leer
iba.r to the Canaille• provener•, where the
project Lrs L, cu IN emote tune or wrath n
nee the so,►just .d coe.uler.uvn at Troy.
on Sat, rd.l laps --Go u. W • of presiding. -
We allude to the p/.pci .4 coot acting by
tanal, the wets.* of tb. Ltt. Lawresce sit►
thLN of Lake Champleie ; 8t. John, hetng
the termtlu,• this way, and the village til
Caught sweep' un the 8t. Law review, the
The Meeting at Troy (.sys the %Vhig)
"ray not designed fur a large grimiest,
hal • ronferenre amuog leading t..u:vuivala,
Item pa. t• most interested in the enteeprtae.
.r•t:emen sere prr.eul from Motoreel,
Not nom', Whitehall, Saratoga, New
York, and probably from riser place..-.
Thee right, op1nl.enoed to mark Ilse pr. -
reeding .0,
r._reedsg•, and el.. bcglrning was an es
Irene ly aunp.cwns one."
Among thine present was the Hon. John
Young. of /Montreal, who submitted much
intereeting and valuable infurnrauon on the
subject -together with a memoranda of the
eorv.y of the route, wade by J. B. Mills,
Eaq., by order of the Canadian Go*.ru mens.
It appears from this survev..that the length
of the , re canal a ill be 21 mile. at d a half ;
the Chau,hly canal, e& raged and unproved,
forming about uine m les of the runts from
51, Joi•un to Si. 'l'heresre)-n•aking In all
3241 miles, wi'h lint two Lake near the eo.
Lawrence river terminus ; the ler: l of the
yake being maintained unbroken nearly the
entire q:•lance-estin..u•d rust, 111,138,-
56S. Th.' Iwo lock. drop ire the se,
Lawrence, w u h •n erten-gale tall of 29 feet
that being the he'Yht u( the Lake above the
These aro the mace (Pallier of that winery
and esnmate. 'Pee im?'+rtanee of the pn-
jecl is too ubvsoui t.. req•':'e antphfrauop.
The advantages of eurhtan ',cern to and
from the Great 1Ve.t, for the products and
merchand,ze of the Esat .nd Weer, wove,
however presented in a strong tight by Mr. Best (Inc tsar old'Bull,
Young in a variety of stati►ti.s, •howiCI End Best
thatIe capable of earning some 340°1
3 -rd B rt
barrel. could thusduscharge without break -low look.Oxen,
.oe bulk, at env port on Lake Cbampla'n I :and Be•t
produce front any western :take pet ; and
so of return ahrnrnents. A liberal charter
(or the constr ction of the propr.eol canal
haabecn granted by the Canadian Perli•-
u.ent ; and it can .carrel y be doubted that
,he project will find favor with capitals -le.
especially those of New 'England and Nes
Th eneetina et Troy, niter a
large committee of comer of Troy, New
Y••rk and Nemo -eel. to visit the Pete of,the
proposed canal, with surh others as they
oblige me, to divide it 'into letters, which 1
find is my text to be four -31 -A -L -T. -S1
my beloved. is Moral : A, Allegorical :-1,
Literal t T, Theological. Moral, my broth.
ren, is well set forth to teach von, drunk-
ards, good manners ; therefore, M. my mart
tars, A, all of you, L. Listen, T, to my
text. A, the allegorical. us when nne thing
is spoken of, and armther meant ; the thing
spoken of is " MALT ;" the then. meant Is
the Oil of Malt. or rather the spirit nr
streegth of the halt; properly called strong
beer, which you, gentlemen, make 31, your
Meal : A, your Apparel ; L. your Liberty ;
and T, your Treasnr.. Now, 1•e. literal is
according to the letters : M. much: A, Ale;
1., little ; T, thine. The theological Is ac-
cording to the effects that it worketh, which
1 found in my text to be of two kinds ; first
in this cane: -secondly, in the world to
comp. Now, the effects that 1 find it work -
eth in this world, are in some M, nutrder ;
i. others A. adultery ; in all L, hon.enes• of
life ; and, in many 11', treason. Now, the
effects that 1 find that it worketh in :he
world to comersre 31. misery ; A, .ngotsh:
1, Lamentation ; T, torment. Now, me
tint use *hall be a nom of exnrtation. M,
m1- mesteny A, alt of you, 1., leave off ; T.
tippling ; nr else. M. my masters, A, all of
you, 1.. look. for T, torment. So ranch
shall suffice for this explanstins. Nett,
oily by way of caution, take this for an in-
dividual tretk, that a drunkard is the enemy -
apes of modesty, the diet'sr of civility,
sod spoiler of w eelth ; the des oyer of ree-
•on ; the brewer's agent ; that. Souse'.
►snofsetor ; the beggar's eomp•ninn ; the
*.astable' perplexity : hie wife's woes :'Ale
, ildron's sorrow ; hie neighbor's seer: hie
owe shams; sed a wtlfol madman. by witch
be beeo'nes s true and lively reptteent•teee
Os walking swill tub, • me *ter .1. men,
mid the victors of • beast. 8..p edemas.
to te.elude, 1 Atli lee,* yea eider the pro.
teen.. M Ik. Almighty to follow your own
stored to comparative health of body ; bu
al*. ! the mind w•as fearfully nhat'ered.-
Ile Is now a mere wreck on the ocean of
existence, tossed about by the will imagin-
ings of a derased intellect. At one time.
supposing himself anme personage of great
roneegnence, he will rave about nMcin, gen-
tlemen, whom he fancies are le*awed ag.ttlet
hen. On other oecareonc, un fits of abject
humility, he will go on hie knees and at
tempt to liras the feet of hos benefactors. -
There is nn end to the evidence. of an sli•
enated mina, which this wretched victim to
an ungovernable appetite exhihtte, to the
amusement of theoung andstlmnghtle-s.
Yet what a theme for7the moralist Anes the
painfully revolting phaem of his unhappi
lila present. What a solemn warning to
the young man entering upon the active do
ties of life, to shun the fatal draught ,hat
has rendered this enfl►'unste creature
• foul blot on the wither. of God's rre.
•tion-l.ia name a by word and reprnacl•
among the wane of men. Look al him.
shrinking at nne time like a gully thine
from the notice of the rester-hy, at anoth-
er, conning the attentions of the crowd by
bus maudlin extravagance". Follow hem,
a with an air of mock imporlange, he struts
I , n yonder -•e. rhe violent �is�1..'
, owns with which he attempt' In molt
his performanee. a. with hnrrthle initiate*
he reties» " Th. last Rose of Summer " for
his osttall�hlrs-a glias of spirits. Tim seum-
'slant has dose tis work. Ile will now ar-
range the 'Kure of the nation, depose of
Governors, responses, and large gnasuuee
of whiskey with the utmost noehalanee.-
114 poor oppressed brain ie mime, he fall.
into tb• apopleette slumber, and Iris before
you a swollen,r.
bloated etteseenes es the
fair fun of nature! "A 1. A 8 ! POOR
YORICK ! ! ! "
Perth, Amite tai 1840.
LUT No. N111er„ le the 91b Cw.eewuu,
'1' .N wast, el•,
('ON I A1N1NO 100 ACRES,
Ylh. ee of ebp b ere Llean•d, east wader cut
tna•iva. The Ltd t• of earell.c• "rah it,
and well W111111110111. For (slither r 111.em,■rr
Cls,.tsnst, Alegns1 22. 1619. I. -n11M •
Agricultural Exhibition.
Prltb Aol.u,) Eahth,u.•n .4 the Lot for
a Rood IC I1111 u! 'ocirfy, w1,1 b.
held et Mrs. Budklriffs Tueers. to rise De
vosrhwe Settlement, boohoo Road, nn
Tboterlay, the 27th day ul t.plen.her nevi,
.bee the fulluv ung Pren•mn,e a di he tier
.led for FAR31 r'I•lil'K. tilt AIN, DO-
MESTIC llAi%I FAC'IUKED, P.&ducelf
Ills Duiry, 4'e. 4•c.
teat Br• lid Alar. sodFoal, LI 0
2nd Boot, 0 15
3rd Beet, 0 10
Best Too years old Filly, 0 12
2nd feet, 0 0
3rd Be.t,
Best One year old !illy,
2nd Best,
and 11•-e',
Best two veare oid Cult,
2nd Bert,
3rd Bo.t,
Bast User scar old Cult,
end Best
3..1 Bert
Best Motor. Cow,
god Bert
3rd best
Best 'r. n years old Heifer,
2nd Best
3nl'5.51 b
Beat OoC year o14 Ylotfer,
2nd Best
3rd Be. t
Best Boll.
2nd Best
3•d Hest
O 6 0
O 10 0
O 7 6
O 5 0
O 19 0
0 8 n
O 6 0
O 10 0
O 7 ti
O 6 u
1 0 0
O 13 0
O 10 0
O 11 ti
O 8 0
O 6 0
O 12 6
O t 11
O 6 0
1 6'0
O 17 6
O 10 0
O 15 v
11 10 0
O 7 t
O 10 0
O 7 6
Best V. ke Three years old Steers, 0 10
2tel Peet 0 7
Be•t Yoke Two yearsold Steers, 0 7
2nd Best 0 5
Best Yore One year old Steen, 0 7
2nd Beet 0 5
Bert Fatted Uv or Steer, 0 10
0 7
soil Bort
[kat too 1 Cow or Ile:fery 0 10
4. ,l Beat 0 7
Beit Rau., % 1 15
Try think ,proper to associate with them, 1-4
33Best ?under {jean oleo !1
rd Brod. ) 0 8
and to obtain all practical tnfnrmation on Beet One Year old Ram 0 10
the •abject, adj noised to meet at the Um.
'I'd Stale. Hotel, Saratoga. Faring", en
the 21.1 August, to hear their repute -Al-
bany .Argus.
Acctnlsr.-Ana tident of a most melan-
choly kind occurred twin Iasi ...ening, about
9 o'clnck. by the steamer B. ifi'h ewe.
running against the first lock -eats.. at the
entrance of the Cane!, below the. town, by
•'•high. we are r,nrry to Fait, the Leek
Mr, Beattie, lost his life, and the Este waa3rd Beet
*teethed to reee.. 1t is veer seldom-, woe I Best Two Ewe Lambs,
believe, that the rate ie found abut os the 2nd Best
anivnl a the evening boats, but upon thi. 3rd Brit
necasfon, • hares was being pot thrnaph Be.' Two Fatted 1Vetbere,
the last lock, and, *t a mailer of rnorse the end Best 0 8
gate was shat when the steamer was d,.- Best Two Patted Ewen, 0 7
covered snprnachine the Canal. There 2nd Best 0 6
would apnear to have been some ear.lees- Best Boar 0 12
neer, on the cert of those nn the look -int 2-d. Best to be kept 1 year 0 7
on heard of the boat: for, we are "'mitred, • Sr) beet 0 6
on the authority a two or three .ndiridu*Is, Best Brood Sow, 0 1f
that light', erre hong ant nn the c -'e. a• 301 Bret to lie kept 0 T
usual on purl, occasion', hilt the boat "till let Best "8 'Year' 0 5
pressed on: and it was while :n the act of Beat 25 thy. Salt Butter, 0 10
callenir to the hands nn hoard of the steam- 2nd Best 0 7
er, from off the gate, that the nnfortenate . 3rd Best p 6
Bettie In -t his life. 8eeine the str. mer Best 15 ahs. Cheese, 0 30
approaching eprMerin".nders press oMerin". Rest and Bast 0 7
tie ran upon the gate. and palled nut a. 3rd Bost 0 6
lnndly a• pose bis to keep of; but he had Best Two Buebels Fall Wheat, 0 10
only called out twiee_ when the collh.'on 2' d Best 0 7
rook place, an.l the unfortunate man preci 3rd Best + 0 6
pitated into the Canal, sed we believe he Best Two if.shels Spite( Wheat ') 10
wanton% afterwards seen. On the boat 2nd Best 0 1
3rd Beet 0 6
0 7
22nd Best 0 7
3rd Best 0 6
Best Ran, Lamb, 0 7
2nd Best 0 6
3rd Beet0 6.
Bela 2 Ewes that raised Lobs
this year, - O ib 0
2nd Best : ' . 0 14 6
3rd Bet 0 7 6
teat Two Ewes one year old, •0 10 0
2nd Best 0 7 6
O 5 0
O 7 6
O 6 0
O 6 0
O 7 6.
1N1'O1'l'AN'l'tothe Pl.-111.1C
UZRA IIOPKINS, .4 Wert Piswboro'
u tilionttlne Y. 0 ) ba.tug fur a few
,wu•tb. pa./
Mee acnpg we Trave4.g Afoot
tar the W A s' H I \ ah IV ►t11 NH 1 CAL
IN SU RANCKCo.,gates the poems .pp.r.
VII IV 01 %hankier the ieha►t ant. .f the
11 sllseglnu •.d Iluroo Dui net. for the ver)
ti.eeel pal rowel's sod encuuragrencet "arch
1'• ha. rrce.r,d .t (heir (rand. ; sod hates.*
lbw plearur. of 1nf.r.uu•g thew tint he I.
"nit so Iw-rre.1 to act al.o fur the GENE
AEE: \ U I'UA 10 the foeioer Iselltid1Uoe,
brin,. 1-511.-I+eiv devoted to 11,e loser mei
-.1 Farm Stuck and Buildings, the1.-
king make In Town.,-amd bulb o. eery
W' st, rat. ter In•.
The R'asilington Company
offers pccuh,r sdv•ouges to the Agricultu-
re Luer..•, 'along ord;nary roll. a• one per
cent , doing au. In.uleu-e amount of buailess
having a very large cash capital o0 land,
rd roma!, ,Baling all claims against the
10-ulutiui,-Capful, £381,000 ; Members,
:7,946. -both being daily increasing.
The Genesee Company
is intended to Inners against Fir. ,n Towns
and Vdleges, and the rau•s are con•eq.ieotlp
Illy her to propuritun ti Ibe risk• hwlop
realer; but ,n cutin q•,ence of the
.neu.ep. done, little wore liar hither o beer
req.ure.l then the fire, peyo.ent, fllr during
the pis( thine" 11 year's the A tent
ere only a -eraued two per cent, although
du ing the: Teri d some of the moat dines
tat n1- firer ever known have occurred.
Capital, $101,1e5. Now it ....res 0800,
:bre., for theftrlli.gloa 4' HO! WI Dir rids Ig h, 1649. 2.-a1�3m
6' '
"Inking one tide of the gate, of enures the
latter wee driven back. a ho. the rn•h of
water through the opening thus made ryes
so great that the other ride of t1N pneeler-
ni. sate w•. ema•bed 10 pieces, and ear.
ried nut into the river. along with the
idealist. The steamer sustauued no dam-
Mr. Beattie was a man of good character.
and h•ehly esteemed by the men under his
charge. Ile had served his country in the
army, in rarinn• parte of the g4tbe. and
was to the receipt of a pension from his
Sovereign. We are sorry to learn that
31r, Beattie hat left a widow and three
children unprovided fur. The body has not
te• hern found.
The S..trerintendent of the Canal in'nrme
no that the game wr'I be replsred in about
two dart: at all events, that not more than
a week will elan. before the Canal will he
open le the publer.-Curntrnll Frmtoldrr.
Deratea'rtne.-We learn from the Am
herethurg Courier, that W. R. 1Vnnd. 1).:.
nnty T,ea,urcr of the Wes'e•n District, hat
absconded. having loaned£'1700 of she Ds-
trtct funds which he was linable in
get back when req„ere•f. Of anon. the•ct well not "offer, as the Treasurer,
J. B Bibs, E•q. i• hell reaponthle for the
amorist. Ile or hie sureties will be the suf-
ferers.- Globe.
�A1.1' 111LF: OT L01' OF LAND
FOR SALE. LUT 8. Lake Sh.•rei
tnwnshrn of .3.hfi.ld. en• raining ONE
CRES, antlnn.n two moire of the flaming
Village of Port Albert. In which there u. a
Grist Mill, a Saw M.1l, and en Oat 3141.-
1 he tont us hounded on the wept by the
Lake. sod on the ere he •cut road,and.1
,p well watered. Q F••r primula'. apply
-If by Immo p.wt p.Id-to
IRA LEWIS. Esq. Barrister, Goderich.
Gnderieh, fad July. 1849. at -nett(
• I'll F. Sebenber e• ret•rnint hie more 'erre
Beek• re his freed', •.d the pnhl•e. for
'heir meet fewest paoomse. Mas leery to is -
fame there 1►.o he has 1••t IMPORTED a chni..
Let of TEAS. less which he offers in. R.I. t•.
SEED. W11EAT. wsay ether kind dPredve.,
Warm thea ewer aired bye bider..
Aad rtNE /ALT be' Sale. ehre for Cain.
Oedrrieb. May 10th 1040. 2.-516
OCT USIMO\PES rrgsirmd by the New Di.-
incl Coen Art .'.d all ether BLANK
,lOH,MS s -ed in the District and Doyie.e
lino, is. on 5.Ie a1 the Rig.wl Office At.o, all
rude of JOB PRINTING eareoted es the
.honest emir". sod on moderate term'.., July 19, 1649.
THE Subscriber hogs team to inform the
Inhabitants of the Metric, of Ilnrnn,
and Ili. ne,ghbor.og I)iatnc,s, that he ha.
Established himself in Stratford,
4/111 ie prepare lis giro• Plan. end Specific.
loons of Puhlie . r Priest. B.uldeige, Bride
ee, 31111 Dams kr. b:1-. ke,, and will rake
•he superintendence of pitch Erections, 01-
t re
'he most term.
thoroughh knowledge
this proforkfon
his practice a. Redder, gn*hfie• aim fur
any uedenakln.• ,n I ,. tune. Address poet
pad, PETER FERGUu h)N.
Builder, ke. ke. S'rarford, C. W.
Stratford, March 16th, 1819. 2r-n7tt
Best Two Bushels Batley 6
211.1 Bail 0 6 0
5'd Beet 0 5 0
Best Two Bo s chs Oats, 0 5 0
and Bast 0 3 9
3rd fret 0 1 6
Best Two Bushels of Peas, 0 5 0
2nd Beet 0 3 e
3rd Beat 0 2 6
Bed B..hel of Timothy Seed, 0 7 6
tinct Beat, 0 5 .
Best 2 I1-hela of Coro in cob, 0 5 0
"2nd Best 0 2 0
(lest 20 Ila. of Maple Sugar, 0 7 0
toot Beat 0 5 0
Best 10 yards Domestic manufac-
tured Cloth, 0 7 6
2n4 Best. 0 6 0
Best Pair Blankets, 0 6 0
End Beet 0 3 9
Best 10 yards Flannel, 0 5 0
2nd Beet 0 S 9
TIN Above Materials to be from the Farm
of' the Cnmpetitor.
Rules of the Exhibition :
1. All Stock Exhibited shall have been
the bona fide property of the E,h.bttor a
month before the Show. and all other •m -
cies *hewn matt have been produced on the
Farm of the Exhibitor.
e. All Subecripuone to be paid In the
Treasurer on or before the 13th day of Au
9. T',et no Competitor he Pr,tfiled to
more than one Pmz. lin dotter sod Cher.,
or for Grain of the sane kind,
4. That Bill. have • rung n► screw en
their neve, with a rope or chain attached, of
'reared ,n steno safe mariner e4 aa to pre
vent danger.
04n Aramsi n1- .nt lsi. can be shown for
awn ,reit the some year.
6. All Snh.enbers having peel the sub
.eriptIon, and only such, to he entitled t..
T. Mb Competitors for Priv living With
in 3 miles nl 14e Sretarl'hops, moa
g,v. Lha Serntan mreorias .4'ch. doeaeriphna
.d stock aed prn.lnee they intend to.z M►m,
the day before the tthnw, and all others to
le giver him on nm beton II o'clock, 4. .81.
of Theof Exhib,tlnn.
8. ConI1*I:toe tithing ninny than pis
tither., hoist pay 714. for each t•eket over
lPat na,nb'r.
9. A11 Stnek and Freida,* to be on the
Show ground by Eleres o'el.ick, 4. At el
tbeday o(tllonw.
Bee. Lewd.* Rend ?french
4,grinitwruil -Society.
Loudon Road, lose 29th, 1849.
TJoss. 3049.
IIE undersigned, Agent ■;•,rented bv
Hu Excellency the Governor-General
for the Settlement nt the Crown Lends re
the Tun neap, of G!enel,r. Bentinck, Brant,
Greenock, Kiocardiee and Kinloss, ion the
Counties of Waterton and limon, hereby
fiye• N"tree In •11 pe,.nne willing and
Melee means of 1. •e*•teg therein, that his NOTICE.
flake la at the i',UaRe of Durham, is the
Ter.a4ip of Reati.ek, oe the C..nrfrern
Rood, where hit will receive the application
1.1 the Settlers, every day of the week. be
twine the hour* of NICK and Five clock.
Fifty Acme of Land .,ll be race to env
Sett lent mehtese teen old, end • embject
of Her Y*)►sty. who wet present htereell
prnvi.ed with • Certi6e•te of probity cad
snM.ete. prion( be kwows and respectable
nertons, and ha.ieg the meter of providing
for honest( Irettl Iib praloce n( hoe Lend is
.Ua•-est to wa•ie•a:n hi" . The bearer of
that CM.Mate *hail mention In the Agent,
tole. w 11 keep • Registry thereof) Its
mew. •,., co.dolon. triple or profession
err -me, h. u Marred, said if eo the name
and age of ►s wife, how many children he
bra. the mew* •W age of cath .4 them,
where he to term, whether be has @nate
when ewe preperry as lin what Township
be wishes to settle.
The essellteines of the Le,eatios Ticket
are -t.. take .r..*eeto. within one rnnntb
see, rhe Atte (d the Ticket, and to put In
a •tete ••l ew;i,esbne at bast Twelve Acre.
,.f the land lath. Moor.. el foo, veare-tn
b.wl•1 a AMO .aed to ,.wide ,•e the tut .sill
11. cn.....h ..1.ettl'n..nt ars dole ('•1611
e.1, eet•-r which •eeompt;.hn.ent only Shall
the Settler have the right of obtaisieg • te-
tte of property. P.mthes comprising wive -
r•1 Settlers entitled to land., preferring to
reside on a longle Int well tee• emespted from
the Milo/soon of building and of residence,
(exeSid upon the lot on they reside)
provided the r.q i clearing of the lead we
made on each Int. The noon-seeomphuh.
mem of thee. enrd,tiene will ran.* the im-
mediate Ines of Sop aesgned Int of land,
whieh will be ,old n, given to soother.
The land ,ntrnded to be .rt, l.d is of the
vpry beat ams. riptIoe, and well timbered
and watered.
The Roads will he opened on a breadth
of 66 feet, and the and on .ch side w,lll he
divided into lou of 50 acres eer:b, 1. begre-
untoesle given.
Spates the principal Rned then will be
two other. (one nn each ride of the prtnel-
pal Road) marked .,,ti no Ike w►•Ie sxtect
th. territory, sort no whteb free Loco•
ieon• 01 SO Gere* will b. made.
Dot as the O"v.rnm.nt only iat.nd to
meet the repents... of Survey on those ad-
ditional Roads. the Grantees will have to
open the road en front of their locations.
The tenet direct rou'.I . reach the Ag.n-
ee nn the Glydfrara Engel is by war of
fiuelph and ghee •n th.\1'el'ingtnn iharter
4geot for Settlement -of tie Dn4nw Rood.
r�elrr TI! hasp.
The 11 net ...iyd *oiler* Mesh Mea •••-wktase
:0••••ur 04....t.u.d it two lemeetas wises, V all
ob0 r....•• widish toy peaw ee sem r • 1-a
soil d sawn .w..y •w•D ). a1- *r•taaw.
1-y .1.w. Thewe ►..v. by same MAN 1 tMY see
w.. least' , w eon mem as y M• earl
111.1•111 w►L7rL ICI stllMOM/
to MrTNhA. 409r1 ewe RMaas.rtttt
AP/M TMMY of I4lDiJ • e JUANA 1..
IpL1O0f1 revs= a 1.37aa 00MrLAIINTIl-
Is Me ante ad wed. wee. l•e. 0101. ares•• rase .s.1
be •Boil b..a.ava Pareww alrwwa, ale wino. weal air
es chop way .*.w 010.0.04 w Wilma 1brvL
Baal. CIOLer. awe ss*Oe. Mwsww .5I
oal.TNt%W. CULW d► CUt7OY� ttasaL•`
uoneerienoa. 0..d wpb peel wee• w 1-r i.ra
(meatier Ramose, Daorerae.
DTINPIPPIIIA. sesames war ea Marls* •
caws mu ems thaw Betio br•dW0.
1100117101111 ✓ w w1-. UYIISLM. Mufti
f!Vrl/l ansa •OV*. fwdin sums* deo w
Yea swap Wins beard •ees. wash. see
snow. reed . 0141 wriblee leave M• warm wlen5 eaa
w aw. J the Gass.-• web lees ardYi.r b peeasaeL-
T1e TINY. M samena1, *NO Me OVUM.
four. a/DDINVOL .5401* N1ADL•H/lwt VM11
aloe. Visconti rar11. L.rLAaauruay r11IL.M1•
any, urtica uvea. JAVMatca, uses of arm
Lamm T, LOU'S%VTR.
M rcMUU aa1A L Ol$A10ls.••
News Out s miaow 'wordy ell ew.ius d blear i*`
Wetly eve two Aware ,•.oral 00-....1. d 11as.r*4a.
MUHT RarlAT71. Vee VOWS OCNLIT V. meanies
COVPLAUTs of all atomic uvoANC Arrar:Truera
r4LPlrarloV vf.Ar NCA17. ravvreR's CHULIO.
I L R 114 ..iar W s...4 aft. rt .bre .01.10
w rad d Tiler .f Y yeas •••••1W1110 We We J show LIa
PA Via . sw h.1. site. Owe. b.h.. airs ad .en.•.
It II le U w A T I• N. 'Mw •iews.i wart lbie
00,44. b. •w! wady 1-h. tai as.LYr.
NY*U .V BI.oUO l.I5. NlAL, Waartr.
,r•loetlt.a. w 112171611..1- RYIL, tape
w I ✓ew
. uLu sRier •ewerrese
WO X X / . •1-.s bawl. •-• ea.ra.* *weed he
'b... Mwao.s. Patens .at d. ..n,$4.d.rdee ahsm wino.
wee ll. .awr•r •••••••••1. 11.Irf *41 M rimer
T11 LIFE PILLS 111 PII9't1I1 1117111
A•d thea removed! disease from the system.
.t 1. 1,1.1 .1n 21••• 1-w LIFE PILLS sad
tkb....*. of •,.1-r Wiest.Wiest.Tw e.. ..
1.a of Meow n weer M elks
wwpp.., lawn, .n, m ,. ainBab • L WWI
",*.fi's fewer a0rrk..." w.uw..t .i dip oi..nas,
.. whk5 1. n
• dwi.p .41row. Wan r„aN w,,.. to Iry
oa.., y►
.0410 111.1.1.•,i.laq sheeny w...ry
s..4 w. 75. we. • ..d ...,.....n a .osh..!
taa•er.c. 11•••• wk. p Bur• .&..1010 .LiN weed .•.•
b. 'wired rwt nos w• pw
as.. Is weirs'..•d 1• tM
by dhow with velr.w 'nippers; low If tee b, w rtbe•e
Un.. t.1•...e Lu.,1 (1 ..., tor 11.1 LL..
Cnr•,• d q1 11.. to..
d•d by
115 aw.1w•y. swear of a abway .rase, Naw Twit •
7•, s by
Sole Mewl'.
Gtderich, Jas. 28 1828. 1
ONE within ^4 mules, and the other with-
un about 3 miles of Godeneh Tuwe
Prot. The era i. i.';T 10 in tat Cosees-
rioc, Tows.hip of Goderich,
Is boomed at the one fed by Lake Huron,
and at the other by • Pubi a Reed, --sect
the second is LOT 0 es 0th Coaeewiso,
Colborne, W.Dt♦nron,
and M retested al the Junction et two pat-
, tc Roads.
Ter Particular* apply to
Goderich, tft1 Jo.e, 1049. • .18-cf
New Church in Stratford
QEALEI) TE\ HERS will be received by
Iles robeenber on behalf of the Presby
t.rian Church B•nWsg Committee, Strat-
ford, t.11 none of i be 31.1 Doe.•rher teal*
for providing malenal., a:s., Bricks, Limo.
Ilan-., Sind'. 8reensed L'unless, red Werth
for the E'eeuon of a RRICE CHURCH.
prnpn•.d t' M h"i't at Stratford, Tender.
.nay be mad. either (.r the whole or ser
any perlte'.lar part of the entertain ale
•ceeedlsg to Bp.ei6•asba.s as propenesel St
Tr r. Peter Pr'gn.eos, Atea(teet. Stratford.
1. J. E. LiNTON, Aetl.g. IlI.e'y,
Stratford. Seth 1e1y 1840. Iv-nIBIP
TIfE-Seb•etiber bailee RENTED 1M
wAREHOL'SEa.d WHARe►ele./-
ng 10 Ibe 31 . D.♦e pert, .t tbt. pie.,
has established h,w..r f u a
roawiaona Asn COMNulsIOrt tQae.aa,lt.
Any orders or comm,a.on from the Mer-
chants of Gudericb, will racers* prompe
attention. JOHN McEWAN•
Windsor, March, 18{9. !v-7atf.
N returning thanks to his !need* end •u-
u.eross Customers fee the LR.rsl Pat-
ronage which be has reeetved daring Ibe
past yebr, begs to intimate that he has jest
received •o extempore Assnrtmeat
07 STS ITA/w641111 woa1sa/,
sed re ready to Execute all Orden gives to
hem with care and pwetsalety as f.eperly
goalerieb. April, 12th, Gee. 6.-• too
Upper Canada Rebellion Losses.
Reifies, Geser.t, OPc.
al"hlteel, Mb March, 1149.
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby nes, that
Claimeets for Retie:lies Leetmee fs
Cando Westr,.,whe have not •pplled to. ale
received payment of the.• Cisme fres. the
respective Agtwm of the Simi ..f Me.weal,
in the several diets-temesheretofore s.YIW
will from 1.d after the first day .f Jane
next. be seeees'sted t• aaply foe pyrites
of' the gam.. either p.rssaly et by duly
appointed Anomie*, to the Parsat Beak is
tku e,ty.
H. Y. R. O.
s -t!
abc 4uTon Signal,
1s reserver awn ►OPtlawl. 1V3$T TRP.ib*1
101705 all PUOPPIZTO..
tierce MAAUUT pitman, 00015Itr.
'.• Book sad Job Perigees, eeeested with
se•tsese sad disp•'eh.
Telma or ma Hoene !tomtit -TEN INTL-
LIFOtl per 'rem if paid @triedd? is sera•@.,
or Twaive Aso Su Plica with tie examine
ef the year.
No parer dise.e'ineed •.td arra•@ ars
paid .p. sales. t►ep.blisb.r Aloha it kis Nivea -
ease In d. so.
Amy iO4videal is oh. tweeter twos isg re-
.p.eeu5.4s MP es adneriten, 05.11 r.etl's a
x All Oaln to Ow f4imr*mp1
/M spier or shay wilt oot be taboo oats( tb I
ream or a/rRRllt b
Bis lisps sod wader. Bot lesevtien...,.m
Leh isiernlsa...j.N..
Tee rider. fret issertlss..u.
Leah rboeeswt boo rtiororssw
Over on lidos, baro ironies.