HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-05-24, Page 6Or ' • oh, 4 -We. , • 7 7" (I if You'll Do The Painting Yourself Zan* It to bars 'it doort,,4 o panto toot Pont'. ty QLtotliopodoot Ion 14o14 thektrosttoosto on Beauty loopor—tod cost * in the ood,tluto tow TOIFNS figs, l/eXeMti uf IgerMall Reeler More Sue- ,‘ t!SehtYltian HAtiaactery. Theirilish. Medical fOurofil, OS a Iv. 'cent dale, tells this iitory; A •Oeritilin doOtOr 4i -seemed a means Of restoring lest yoUth to women which I e. MOM plea ihenCesitatree *Mous Paeilgele rejneetkeileenee and advertised that lie:tould 111 two data ''reltiveluit0 • th•NAOSt 'damp* bag. Ibis brought ikeroWd,Of ,Afteletit denies to his home. At the flit interview after a careful • eqsanitagen he invited each patient to tit het ,Stella.Me _Mid Christian mains. • and..ege 011 a place of paper. The ages to whfch tbe women pleaded guilty ' Vetted. •littt all ruled high. The doctor landerlefile to give each patient. the preen - teed elixir the next doy, but, some time, h.Stild was required to adjust the etrelegth -to lite individual power of Ps- Siatellee, .On'theappointed day the women again, but the doctor expressed- regree„thet he had unfortunately mislaid, the papers containing their ages. For MIS reason a new sel would be requir- ed, Ile Added casually that they ought to ,•Itnow that the oldest, of them must allow Itterself to be burned for the good of the teAkt, as the basis for the remedy was hunker, ash. . The poet day the women brodght back papers with their ages instribed. It Was round that each had taken. many eet,ges .off the age previously admitted. The doctor, pretending to have found the first papers. ealled them to witness the success of his invention. compar- ing the lists. he showed that he had kept hts word in regard to rejuvenation, because Irt forty-eight hours they tied all beemile many years younger. DANGEJ1OUS PURGATIVES. -Medicines Of This Class -do -Not Cum. Their Effect is Weakening. • Nothing Could be more 'cruel than lo induce o week, antemie person to take a purgative medicine In the hope of find - mg toilet Ask any doctor and he will tell you that a purgative niedicine mere- ly gairops•Rwough the bowels, weaken - Mg tire tender tissue.% He will tell you o Aso thut D purgative cannot. possibly cure disease, or build up. bad blood. 11. hen the blood is weak and watery, waken ;the system Is run down a toile . Is the enke thing needed-ls the only thing that will put you right. And in all this world there is no tonic so good a$ Dr. WilliamsPink Pills for 'Pale People. Every doSe of Mese pIUs ac - badly makes new, rich red blood, whIch„lills_the . veins, reaches •every Ore gen In the body .ond .brings health and Meangth to weak; despondent -.people. Miss Annie, 'tteuutireate Amherst, Meg- --!_z..lene- -*lends, Que., was pale, my ireart would palpitate vie- exertiori, and I 'Sur- ' teire'd iV-t1rnni severe headaches. I tried severat medicines which seemed actually' to leave me wort*, Then I nets advised to try Dr. Pink POO, and a half doten boxes have made sae as well as ever I wee. They have done Me so much good Met I would like every weak girl in the land to try them." it woe the new bleed Dr. William& Pink Pills actually node that restored Reliudreati to beolth mid strength. Mad in the some way limy 401 restere alt mdferere.,,herm •tmennits. Indigestion, heart pothitatien. DhDralgia. riteutna- tette and Me seeret ttilmerds that Wake iteee of so many women end grow. Ing gift% a burden. SMd by all medi. tine dettlers or by midi It SO eenee Ito* -er Aix boxes tots S.5D front The Williani& Medicine Co,, Ont. " • ...•• No, Contend, tho cloak of .friendship bad the mantlai of charity nee not flied° front the sortie' piece of cloth. '**volZirt7,tiimin,"°t:Putl, 471* Nowak, a ._ s mot . , • .. l'aiefe, g : leteurOoratekourttetot bow It a aketeateemoy umeebet et oeo ‘Ittaverho. ..„ ,............ -.Higgins: t "Olti Mfilyinks is a distant relaliee: of yours. Isn't he r Wiggins : and the richer he becomes the Melee dtelant he tar,. A Llrihnent for the, leerger.-Loggers leado life which exposes them to manY Serge. Wounds, etIts end bi'ufses eon - ie altogether evolthel in preparing Whet' for the drive and in dyer work, Nehetik wel end cold eanktened are of tially exerelenee, roughs and /vide and inuetellor mins cannot tad eitsue. Dr. 'Theme& Etlertrie Oil. ween apnlied to the toluml or administered to thr oIt ihg weirs wendere, . . , •e,.wrieuirt is apt lo meta% come very . rents/to when eke 0001.. ,.41rai 10 hit bee •husband for a IMO. pin Meney: • One of the ereahnt bleeeinge to per - Mk: is \father Crewe' Worm Exter- expele wernle end Cfnee llealle In a marvellous oo, k tho,1l1tt w. T{10 Atg-or!litt ,e;6111- reefs ore divided 16,14,„ ten oortions,%4i. ono' (lints* IS yearly:, Till :vear4 is the tirtie fit the proper tfrinvilt 4,r torn'. Ikeitille. ser,e wrafil yrkil to quarrel wilit fltIIr !If "3iartki)4^ 6I11,11 teverige 4 'feelings, ,avam&I f.'onte, itirre. pre. reiee. Me. *bat NVitelt yeti. N.`Atelt faleg'iee, irriettlie LAN.C.,11, limet ifilly toniglil, 11 (11-. IngLtrather ItiFice him toil. If utd, tiearly wallop, the life Olil of 'fl'intin.cP • GREAT FINDS IN EGYP'T TOMOS AT GIME Alin ASSIUT tia, TOM wog/twos. 10,1100 0Id Hornet by the Nile -Art of' Older, - Dynactle4-41eltd.Tolubs rux00:' Prof. Flinders Pelde delivered a lee lure recently 142 the'subserthers of dio fti-itlshSebootof-Areliceelegy-bi-Egylit. on the first month's wore lael, Season tit' Glizeh and the subsequent VCR thanilts *with lin angry latigh.-"that I* Wotan in the region of Assiut. Ste,Pald,ther be quite $* bid as you 'Make hifir out, sults represented the Pirit MEI te„ti011at IIfl1 ho taiS itot.done Oa." extent the Second and Third dyikastf4a ' "I '•Wettld., not gitt 11 Into Ills head if 1 us well as ft period ,from Dle Ninth IQ; Were yell," MHO gift, with an Anger no the Twelfth. ''lass :Maly elld 4 Merriment. no 104 SOW. irl the first minith forty-nine .graltut OUS than her Own. • were found In the royal tombs of Ah Ily Ibistime they have reached the hd- dos. The objects disclosed showed tb, let , ,•end. having, helped, Ids co th3 civilization of Abytto$ woe 'Of. d14 fiante4 (Mt of, the ilitere. Shows syinp. seine character as that of Merv/1114s toms of leaving her. There were .lone vases, bracelets100 not you stay to breakfast with glaze pottery and a long necklet, 1114_,I. mole she asks, a little aghast, * thIS on. eating that the people of the lipUSellOko expeeted Inemieovre 41 porta eealm wore ornaments similar to tho$4.••Of the , nty koilotte tIIItIie jugOge arrives I and. royal house but of u cheaper kind. 1 sillipese that •ho" -hr eyes Wendel: Thee was a slate palette for painting. Wistfully over the hotel front VII the Wands were discovered with elaborate vest on her son's closed persielines* ivory carving and knives of the Fleet "that he fa not up yet; 11 WoUld be a MA and Second dynasties. The workhad to wage him ; do May with. me." been mostly destroyed by the l'Wenty- Am *aid conovi sixth dynasty, but in these comparative- "Why Cannot you 1"-ewith an lama- ty modern tombs there had been MI', tient Mit friendly little Mocking tante- earthed• • lion bf histone. "You are not" --with a STONE N'ASES OF THE EARLIER On:dilatory smile -"angry wilh • an old Agg, hen for storiding up for her one °hider Jimsitiles too, ' Ile had else found objects of quatiz and y 2 inches made bf flint "I de tutt think that the ettl ben need' o long slab 12 b ave clucked guile so loudly; but .that Is with a sharp polished edge, the use 01 which he was unable to determine. it whY I 'QM leaVing her; I must go?" was hi My finished. He had seen no- "Where must yolk go ?" thing It to a before; . "TP.,Itat_Ang, le-Amerleahl." Prot- Petrie said the season had been ..S. 11,ds her eyebrows. t 'YlAt thes hour 1% -you toilet how earl partiekriarly-Anterestingi obleets--0 -weir:mod-a -hes giit you- o the fleet hree dynasties had been found, • whereas the Origin of Gizeh had hitherto trd °e1Pirig ; but I can assure you bean aetwibed to the fourth. He had also t tHoat.,svoloutpLwill still .find her in bed." worked a way to a crowded eenteterY'.1 am krigd mat mere is not moch and brought home 1,600 skulls‘vizillitell a'a ot. that,' P fit IP o XXXXoviContilltiesk Set at lids aft. Ittinfoyzatli nnjaor kat $0 hopoowy. bealidered, 114A,(10 It the, stippleSt plait itt enee, bn MO fewest possible wonfs, to' put her So POSIleselon ot the tele of tier SOO elefilevitotiatit ,arid idhasters. OS MS. Pert* to. stein, the 'ferment, of ,lier 4Idestioas, the fOrin, that tbeYheve hither', taken poodgebrig in him ix. teeth* Of hfrir 0%0141 p.41441wir olutgenht•loWit:r4totIleee ntrenebi!' tiettlY -hi Order: t.0 lizabeth'S Outlet tight before her,., Surely, whim, 4114 haii W101:'111# ithat'opmone ortoy in o bon:1w other ougmkkionoov,.renonoto, tent Ole Will 44 her .,ceatfli 10.- Wed 'bee With, 'those held flarne 31131 instating eatertiOns that tiev41.1014e1441 004.1111 bent teeth to listen le, Rot, Ito 0004101On. ho soon finds that lie The 'Wrath of itire. 1414 sgallitt Xlizaheth for towing l'ilratvir tier site persistt tit stating the •easei surpagfed only ht, italignatiOn et tar ifteblentie in herifig "IOWA. iiiM 'Gvert" As ki gentilnenen at thls *et expresses, it is the Meet homplete Incredulity, .• • nit was, only 10•Milanee her 'own value. toil tilIPPolitv that she expected him to Mite,her at her Word? She thought, ot Ottlei Omit be Neetlei follow her...-thet he dettettite.S;,-;-it, is a proort ro . tie ears n was now eifatn IVIDtt do you mean ?--she is not at Assiut. Hundreds or tOmbs. from tho Sixth to the Tweuth dynasty had • liege. discovert,d. The nkOst interesting nods were trays used for food offerings, vvitich had gradually developed till they *ante model.s of4hvellIngs, withsthircases and porticoes, some of them two ,feet lie was thus uble,te ascertain what tot old Egyptian dwelling was like. N'ery few of these, objects were known before now. He had found 150 in more or less. perfect . condition. Sections -a some of these ifvere ehOwn on a tioreen. In Isom° cases the Muse was t.‘7412t4II`s OD high, ono Al an elabor actor. with- stairway and chug A macho Wan. placed below FOR THE SAKE OF COOLNESS4 • • The first . essential of on Egy,ptiaft. house was the portico, which in the earliest, stage constituted the house be. Ing copied from the tereple, which, ciT• course, Wes regarded as the gods',house„ One wooden tomb of the Twelfth eiy.. nasty was one of the finest thet he had ever seen. It. WM Pik Ott 111001 Cif t110 rock t 1111:0 ht t ti ed fivo o (lace en eon a n 'pe statuettes and other objects, He Nut iars000_,.' that of Amass illness, often nterruptcsa by her expressions at sym. mire) ?"-Ift a tone of lively surprise-, 'Airk lit 01T -impossible e He looks- at her with an irrationdl abupefac(iOn. 11. appears te now, in the diAlortion of all cblecis that the last fanlight has brought, as if AmeWs ness.'bad Spread over the whole Of his life, tks If there had sever been a Utile ki;hen she 'bad not been ill, and yet of this event, hemense as it seems 10 him In its d anon, IDO WOMOD before Min S amly-never --heard: --When- tie- ° es, to thia pf it, how should she? rankle -1k:: issic,nkoi_t.40 forttzirgolat Inaba/ tortnightlie himself has nol a line, neither, heis equally eure, has' her "I 'alit iteldently very much behlod the tinie,she says, noting the, to her, unin- telligible astonishment in his face; "but yon must reraember that I have been kept- completely in the dark -has she teen ill?" In anstver he tells her, with as mu& brevl and compression es he bad em - p in the tale of EliZabettes died0, .:AS, Via1144 aVtItY is filled WEb salmi* Joy, :ono. of. tho$Cdwitil serioM glsdaSasen With viduelt pot in* etranger. .• not even ...II* ',close friend or loVing ', He is Undet, an tellifigernent to meet •Stoon ate htf- Una itentr, 'but 11111A0-001:.thel boo lleA flrefidY• ogineand Peithed, 1i e15 het h' anzgit-ftio4.AU her filitearirt Without son14.pritpartiterY. Ott •de.WIt • Tha,Streebt, With :their vs,rt,vient, 'atI U heed it , oee Ws, in -the figure, lisle lag SO than, the -porter of I Anglo-Anterlittift 4444 'The .nuto too strerigelY, moil* 4 slip of pa ,.unfolditil end OPells fil% tand. 111 a Meting het bitta spriffgr .4" 110 snetctiest the peper, and, la :chitin 11. contents. They too fiersily tegible, serawied tremblingly with. a Rena. 1114 for 4 nanneitt be tom* nuil* them out. Then, 441* WAS, in olio horrible llash thelr MOO sluNta# Ada Nit 'ePiti end in410,.. ttSliteis, eettiti M 1" Mee., Hyatt 'IS• reading tool OVer tea .A• OW the Scene in.' inieniery their' cracking and 'shouting afterwerite„ lie believe* that she :gives 7 alar.,and elferir. isort Of .Sere4M,. artd.ear, ,`Oh,•what Ones iley to moteh..tht ,prottmotty of JUN rev. latent • 11./38 'DOL. Ante V., But ;et Ole trent thantchtlites,a.',1 'Ha ite, with iD414} Deatar laD.:1411g.W$ Whinge. 'MIT" the great' COI etilireh 'He:* Mit o! the eaurch he: Is in the stands 10; .nhdr• sC:hand .to hia . fleet*: Welltog! at tho door; is tearing Sunta Merle NoTellitc The doer* led hal : through. the: street's, With the. bet:slit/Pier, :hind hint viisaluisly as he Calera, -*hut,' flowing :iti nitick. torrent agehtst 'king Outritivitery hot Plitete,'Andlliftger".: his (see. ,thilika-fliterWerliti at 'WOO Ott ,noises (tini WOW.; br,iliec•greet'diat 000 the liorSagiust have' beeft:Ohag, hateelgr, car 'trelifilin,,Altera,.14 th0. and,Itina peigeijadit-MOSt Ileve been Ong 'Sprinkling or nu ,lasbottlteep it up le' that UseleSssPee(1: at Ts ;Soaring 001114104;:tryifiliV read 'Atibe. (line .he thinks;noillied, Ike:4001C nternsfilve4 ortheir ,guldOtiookCinta 'soothing:* He: riiSbektheOugh the, Wort o atiMtrelion tor Cianibue'S Jew' the .notel,•TuslitelbrOlighwhakekeenis. teeed Meta,. and 110Y, naluhttati;' fOldodi , people;Witlink4s'efie.faiardS•thattheY with ell its lipid and sgreihre`„eolorsi in Mast. Iowa haett'Vatlaria,,404 -chamber to. The dIginty,::.0 %Its tudett. IWO ',Ceentlielea of '14411**, and iliPt there. nentea: ' nett 'Pt glooni., Toro are the meet Three or ham ecomessiormte ininknne •IKOPI themt att ho bifte.troosered' Soldiers ,stinlibirleisitte., ‘'fiff Is Up the • stairs, :the tree, obout, , Mors is ourly4elledlittle414 flights, tie• "tetze$ UP, three atop at trotting nod thittlar;:,.atiforbidden, ere Wino. across hiStinfilhelltil*. tottlitelneanitote.%..14,aptteLL714.twttatoelf,/itobioe'iliollYitarl,4 ,:ithelielgewonradvo.Yllym,...thet‘llishVar Ole „areoViii, oeulith. the side :littera, fie nOVIMIOlig to sidel...sylitrat-hehaa SPOet Se inaMt hones the ncient church, lintle-da.;Y:TC4 kneels' Of • breathleSS 11Steriing; • he' heed. loo beside them, and, Ole. teer*,•40,hed :has- longer stay otitside new. :Itt:Ls'•opett, toned away to tOdo IreM .Cee4114,,eofee ithatinglitlft 1r4,' 'Ile is acoese that, as, back to make yet ounolor Whit view, the yet, unnalsed • threaboid, that ,Ilireshold details Of the dim altaindeces•Whindibe over witiCh lie. Was le have .slepped,'„in tan candies. Ills eye, as jur rises Wins careful, sett-foined 10.111Orrow. He feet*gain, hills, on the oontedinti nearest has PtiShed'. throtigh the people -why him. What is sha PritYing In the t there"evei'ywhei ?-of -expansion 01 11114 own deket.jeY."he'Iongs whom the itaneeeseorilik to tell her haw much he 'IRMO :that, IUD ; 'he Is .fit the bedside. Aaror,„1 the whatever it is, she Will obtain it, it Is foot a figure seems thrown -ha learns net the' contadina who, (standing. a little afterward that mat Another belti oin.s him as he turnoliWay from figure Is :p,roStrath on 'the door..komdo sprou nor Ow breetes 14ongst .treeses Give us „Olds and little sneezes. As OW poste& Spring. ritsOlOses, We pretax with frozen...ogees, • 1.INFOLINO 40NSTE11. °Oh, iniltherir, Jack doesn't love Me an toonnyreelh"Itnino4141tte t anglto "tuitdmhyodwe:rietts. ed to berrelie•Seent et ttigt .P1)140044 eli_Uee 1 mtid.t.,....44,,....4•,to-daYr. tailY Noe: Wile, haVe lott flue eipeet. enee Can teIrthe lettiir0 ono cofipitlkernint4 with i1.4nirg15 00, pain witli iet lid is sere to thluo tyksz.ln, 4 : • • •A story ef . mon who was walking beside, a ,railway lino with a friend who was very herd'et hearing. A OMR ore$ appreadhing, artfl,7; as it ropeogoext,'theear.atiUrvt.sropiyibeng'WhelehtrOteimgavweb01101, seem to pierce:1411'14003. A Mile obarodltoueothr attit:Idrie:r4..tattr.o'sbifnaele,.1):,,o(Ehoehitt4 stow Christafelt. ,•• • Not .4 Nauseating e,selplent Aithfea-inpgilrel isdienthetiSaltram040ifswholeoh (111) lfopiri Mass, 'That �f Parmelee's Vegetal* Pills IS so coMPOunded. ski' to preserve their moisture,! and 'they ,he earried into any latittale Without hnindring their strength. tviany pills, in order to keep them from adhering,. are rolled in ooWde*=. Whieh, or -0p nauseatinq the taste. Perinelee'S VegetablefPilis atoreibeso mcsprepta(Tetttr.....theY are agreable• tJie e Is ' , '• dreddhil dry sobs; that. Is , "i saw you go info the Chinch," Says, third is /deeding Upright, and tearless, Nes. Hyng, her amile•groWhigaornewhat .looking down Upon What, an hpur ago, diffident as she sees tile-SolenntitY• of Ifte wa$ his most patlentdauiteree. a They face, "so t thought mind ''folleir you; have let her alone now -hove do you mind?' Shall I go 4Way?" tease her, They no longer hold a1401(- . He would, of the tWO, hare -preferred infkilless to her -Pale month, or beat'her that she had not folltneed hen, knit he tired feet. or pour melees cordial's be had been given five more Minutes to tween her lips. They have ceased to, cry himself ; hut be liatitrallY does not -.say out upon her name, having realized the so. sht, is muck,loo ter away to .bettit theta* "Since we are here, sliall'iVa.g4:Into Neither does lie cek out; He 'just goes the cloisters ?" and he aMentS. . and Mends by, the father, ,and takes his A smith ponlinican\monk,,Willi a pile thin old Mead in his; and. together they and bunch of keys, is opening a door gage onAboi, woe temple, f/e.e4e.reebieh to some strangers, peoWling -Me one the spliet that .wits so nuich too lovely friends about the chinch.? ,Theelatter fol. for it has fleeted. Later on, they tell him 104, the littic-monk-enveloping-thenrion gme7104)DETlutet-orr, when -they in his civil smile. Down seme-ships Into ere all sitting huddled in the little' dark. the great cloister, under WhOSP Metes' salon. Cecilia IS Lae spolteawonitinmiad wi)ahlearotr'41a.catiEW43r4enveer'eterkeellihfrelle tnelvt118-res;, nt.':nYdbilainatilaini.1 subbing cnrtiecti"44 n" eoeif..:eand the'hande-that-piiinietlithein • - • • (To to -confirmed-I- - - II ( h ' e seem a o have wielded th a* br lies : .tvott, itchhat*aaititotoullodoirnignooTtliepon*Mhi atcemaatUrryis,, Hungary uses more charcoal than stand silent, side hy side',.perhaPS PICIO4 0 italAs year: ro, solo nt-oltiv4 tiot tons. rlyoier Europeani coubntry. 211(19A nual' cOneumption s a out Ing out Otralliar Stems' feenr,innobg the '. . sweet, faded grOupsta - slini:„ Rebecca listening. to Siemer's.: tale; and looting The cannon -ball tree is a myrtlechien maiden Pleasure at hiS gifts; a, shivering grows to a height of gn•het, has pinktSh Adam and •Eve chased CM of Paradise;i flowers, and w !putt the size cif -4 3214h, en Adam and Eve diemillY dtggirig find Shot, . • - . : -.....-- :stories, at-tinie-has:.blinsedif4hati•Liwea•-• -71Teitt.-1Vlange, Prairie Saratches an a 0.4 1 every form, of contagions Itch In aurae out aterbedinuried, and that yet, in many or aninkels dupe-WM-40 Tangles .15)-6,w,a. oases, still tell their trious faint tale ford's Sanitary Lotion. • It never fails& rt ,e,a2-1.a.trubly. Mrs. Byng'' presently, growing,a-littiteee.Uptt-VferYeaa 1873 'the mut - .'0YAttit'ff.' Said by alUding .. . "Good n'ews this eversirk.g, !hope' ?" Says 1!.11°*; tired of her companion's. taciturnity; be. 'spitted . officers and. men of the r Sh ' Mg' indeed atways one of Mose perso'rks Array were sallowed Orie penny per day : who elD of onlnien that. the gold Ot beer -money. which silerkee is.Said to be 1111.'44,ln:1n a - 0 . goo ea of alley in it • Very many persons dio annually from "I am to see her to -morrow." _. cholera and kindredt Summer eorripleints, He...speaks almost , under , his : breath, who might have been saved if proper eitheikbeceitse he -basil* great wankterice remedies had been used. It, attacked do In MS' Voice. E lie efieYs 4 littler key, not delay. in getting a bottle of Dr. J. or because them seems.*0,111m :a 'certain l'i Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial:, the rile - solidity lic this mein sed Meeting oft the memo that never tails to effeet, a cure, kindly bither'sido of the grove mitith has Tboso who have used it say it acts,. so lately yawneth • • • . -,..'.,, , promptly, and. Almrougto pubdues the. mate a friend Of iirrea•net lo haVe been l airs. rig'. it much too old and hiti. phi and disease. . stitchInt respectively; Testement Mer -even in this Mei le -11 ' 'fibbed often wondered at the size of the rock At...flto .end she. says totiths, but concluded from what he had; "I.pm Co thankful did net hem' till sten of the uunnished ones that ide,),7 she was getting baiter 1 II, would have were used as quarries by the chiefs 4.0 matte foe sa wretched to be such a tong build housw: they would Inhabit in life. way ter Then a simile was quarried Gut to be Her adoption of his trouble as her own, used for the maker's last. Ong sleep of on adoption whose sincerity Is confirmed d"1111' by her ithptilsive seizure of his band, ile had found Ow two complete ono out Ala- feeling took in her handsoroe dels of boats And a bleak granite figure, "ck-attuo Min forgek the exaggeration boated, some fifteen inches high, which a lier*statemeht, and go seine, way to. showed much anakonicai knoWledge, though 1110 proportions were not ahvays correct. Such flgures were rare In Twelfth dynasty limbs. ETAnVING BABIES. The Jaiby who suffers train indigos, non lsinkply starving to death.•It wards replacing her irk that position In his esteem which her diatribes against Elizabeth had gone neer. to Making her s 'forfeit. „: • • , n "Out it Witi be all right now:' conibt? 4 nes 'oho sanguinely; "there will be fib, thing to do but to build •up her strength .c eget!). and sho is Young -at leas0-olo pretty wall (Ware Of fit(ti";$140,, wIll far i 8 .11 1:06:getIlyet0014:41111w.0:16:04" tedalitg: 4'" Olt :he.. Ope,:1-. suBi:ites' fisclarndaY 1l5t, °hranedv•enAnG'' mutaaatipn tranl it' is* PtrlinPs* a rule, three ntiliel Is their outside limit feelings 41trinik, the ;Mist elgat Years', mnes from the hive to gather honey stlejg111Ssays, In 11 if inne 11111°ekt vIth 441'' °tar,tiling:t2*iiitantari. ---*ivernoti; eentir *eat "How tend you 1111111101;030 01 her I" - '11c receives the reinfirk in a Jarred ilerthe, his eye resting 011ie stpaare w.seere lotto aterp elrould eltleete 4010/0..2 -WU* middle 'd it10 1017StOlY oto* ',May &made tui lawns. A cominetoPlate nineteenth enthry photoge4Plief, Willi -ibis vulgar aniera planted on the ttine-wornstfineSi Is eekleetly trying to, persuade'llittittle iiitiflk to poce tor his pleturii.• The):gen it -looking Fre laiighs, lint( draws Up tis OWI lowerit it agaiit,ciolding aro,' so tritruyeirtgio, voroiettoudsi--poshertuthrestin, loaciee'sn' triteogestauhdlye of Rio eerito„,otobecitreSexutralt.eisf .4n wilt r*. • of oefleiti JOON IletbS imen the di- n'tit ittrqt,te'Pu eteeholleetbough, slick, Is certainly geiklive „organs.' Their. lice heS deinon- goodmoitured sonker's ;Sfrotedin many instances that they re. entionN-stings Otirgeyne' likti Whip, &ate the eettert . (he liver and the loses oil desire for food and the little Ihe reinthiseence of Athellas unyoutliftil 41 does take tidos no good' and the child eppearanee' evidently Ilashee aceose 'het meld ; of tliat prenocturmy middleOgeti le peevish, ceose find restless. Mothers nth fled no °thee medicine as peompt Mc -eon, us ilaby's Own Tableis-Ality ativrlys geod-they ean't possibly 00 horin, ides. Jetties fittvoy, tattle toque, sar. "I behove that hitd it mit been for Baby's Own Tablets MY child would have been in !ter., geksVP. elm was completety run down, : ‘voithl refuse food. and la tapidiy failing. look Mitch an unequal Itirtutie giVes to eome plain woinen-fint., least .y.ating enough for ell practical r[ifipo$0.4,' , "(Wiether it De tO of eSSIOn Of ) this modified form of Jute ity, to , excellent constitution, 'or to what Other: ',A reason,. obtain it Is that. OM fikAAW4 „I •ilays go by without any tilinintitfon, I rather with xi sensible .arld steady ha - The French possess four sediments 111 India. 'These are Chandernagore, Yanon, and Mahe. Their combined, area Is P30 square miles, and population about, 280,000. 'How Cleabee the System. Penne- Nothittg he .4Id her any geed crease in hilss Wilson's favorable nY1110. blets end these hove changed lief 01 Nwso (Ws* VeOlak 111 hir" 4 into well end porton eldtd." :Sold :1140 Answer to 3110 long ,dullY Off lisil.• , •Iddneye, purity the 1110011..and,earty wos alWaya fend qt tilWaye• •oft all • Morbid, aetiltrailatioris from the *night het thei Veer beet wootoo.14. thi$ .tkiteill. They ere easy to Wm, arid. iirti beinIn the use of uaho own 'arid; on like ofiertigon of the latter •tv arid; you ittiow rtrovIth 101 argent of 11)10,§1. ringillshed ppeiti,,,.fithut"1 al- wayA ,thougot tlee the very: hest'woman Eibraltar was first fortified fit 7,14 A.D., • n the world" : when the Saracens: made It a base for "fliu yes; of worm,. I kflow you did," their :operations against Spalti„,„: optics slie, rksioniChtsi •Mitt• kkineettied at tic evident arid extreme distrait...4)1..14S In 1801 tha minket' at theratoingl On ono.: °bat ls not qiiitO,the seine thing the Khasi lints In Repeal c•With S05 feliellitt ?<Ma ot lier, 13 11.1 thir-with loam. Tho average/foil theft Is MO laugh that is at ones mleos Ad re,- Indies, or 51 fool of , TI*,averaga ssuring...0what doter that Me ter I'M*? „reinfall ofittut Hellish fetes is ati Mattes, ow your fondness tot bei*, els 14(114+. or a feet... Theo:eight of rain which fans -Mid, yearly on each .ilere Cherapongi 15 er putt alwayt- think people get 00,000 augt, ••t ri quite as welt, if het ores, it they, do lint begot quite so OICAtitetillY." bit lite fight Mitt Wellontent•, words Olt to refitove the pita% impmSion itta hettne'S mind.,"flos :She, AW(t.YeOrs,' strditing 'Mtri itk of Wish for Arneliit's destli,lhat she lionld Somitieli astonished II 'bit himitfolness got her bring gt1,,Ta bikek o • belleVe That this ifintat ft- the bast (Ing •that tottid haire hePpette4 to 'you eenlinues Mrs. Ityng, feel ng Mt* Matto:tatty IMit she littS not 6teirt tuippy iier choke of tope. ond yet NIftlible ietiVe it 41011e, "It Will hite-6 dere% ',37titt Imteli togethrr; in tieg'-,,-111911t laughing nervoustvot think we Sire elf ,oking tip. As 11,114 yoikrifter the Artt 10,ki Will11 really was tether :glad , lel!: me; on4 Weekli brileve bow itertietly tuintite, Me. burning sable:eh-A: ss, ottyltdrist mit the mend. sod 'les re,oll going to have a ,jolly time, es the 'tracers sey tv 113 ttruggists or by took at, Os rents o hos win Tho Dr. wini.ains• hiediethe Cu.. Brock:vine, OM, A sttivrrtottm it.,14lISION. 1014 Charteff," snid the inireet gill, "„mu've liad your hole cull" ., chorlek, adinilied the undeniable faey and tried to turn tho etereereallbil intek more tender , chennels; but, thit sweet gni !tinted nWhy arid slatted. , ot wiSli you hadn't trad 0 rot, CherIee." she said. sToft have fiestray.: rd on illusion.i' • "WILY, rity darting," he sold, In stir. Imo "did you thitilf .111al beentish l' Wkit; my holt long I WM * peel or on art isrl:" "Oh no " sho Murmured 11101 'What illUSiell litke4 I •deilter. TAM 'does tool. 'reify Mr , , , . !. " Cecilia half eadt,, el with the 6,ublyititt t 1 :she waq Anent. tor 41 nalffient, etieerfulkesik of' assuf0 ikopot are anty their actiori sis and beneficial. • -AfP.u0:i:•11A4'1 "Manitelb4s.' flour for halecia-,arid-Othee ing etr.ength, color and uniret'mity STRONG azstefta'avcalewitiar. supppeo FLOUR ltAtlionrEORso:::TfteSrWITII -v ti 3. VE AArgi HAKE squkat-4117 A inattozo SCOUR *DO eeler.0 ckA7 FAVOR AP GeNgifikt. DOIDODocereig Puhrhsr.g.‘etouiti, (IHFEWESI FLOUR THE CAMPBELL MILLING CO. TORONTO eitiNCTION. • NT' • CANADIAN PACIFIC iRRIGPF:CARNIS e4 SUNNY ALBERTA 13efort 4 1410pWheie,*0 le.ate In, the • Me, lot tell '. you theta theSet lands, , The, -hest .wheattieffigi the richest tcti.4bg" Aincl, are tlita/irovlace. rite' us for full, inforination iilittutorop4 climate and‘knecial. railroad rites. t tenOal representAtive wanted in ?offer & 0$10od Eastern selling, Ag4ehtet, los ,Ogisrool- 4311oLomo, „ moo 11 peg. Vs °etre, 83.1 ihrUk, ug , oar.h county. ' 'ANIS 9Varrlialll. Mattlitted Alter ate Oa* by Ow* Seleatirt. French physiologist, him lo,6t 442, VaIallhlift Catty of: try both from the ooetut mid inclosed moS5, undertaken to, determine wiltether there wet any foundation tor the We* 'that blsalges Were infected by the, typhoid MA ether pOisonotair gem* end were the means of timing Serious nesain people' who est•them, Ile'voncluded that the. tyPtield, be by no owl* infected the 4eYster. It the, rare etiSts V.rhere the eySter sorbed Vie germ through pollution:or the oyster betts it eliminated It 'again in it day Or Iwo When it(claSferred 102 pure sea Water oe cenloved• treat the Water, eitagether. AMt (0, ether itiletents, fOiloWing the est; Mg of oysters BrYllie soon; reaeligd the conelltilon that-, theY belimiNd Hie same class Mi thofie frOM tabitedliteet... .Ita ineo, made 4 aled$ of the Liquor okuded by. eyStera ender 4if, lerent anilitimic, "satisfying himself -In the first place( MUMS ebeintaitt 0011Po* tion uoderv,*rit iinpertent niterelkel;. 11 always MOM* albumen, aMinent. awl silleateS, ,OhlOrideS Mid a IOW .organic compounds. Next' he • : fried the lteat,of..inieettng Ornall gaantities of it inth ;the' Yelita'of rabbits.. He. found, that With theliquor froin fresh oyster* he ,00tdct infect forty-four Ohio 'cant*. metres behlre ittlY lexle; diSterbanea Was' intatifeSted. •": the 16100 of OYSiers.,Wbfell had been 'three. days. Out of .water ' and WIifli 104 hew ,expoSed to' the :air at ti; temperature of 7.5; degrees. <fishnet 'signs 'POISoning Were prodUced by the lea non of table' centitnetre., Then be te PEN 404.43t. 01:1004 stetiote* SU *44 itildraik. fotiolkeed. Pasiare its +440404 letailesiielaellyead at geseal 'PRFP7- J.1t "It' Other Mr .401 eartale kelt !Zit, teed laheitc NW* it .10- yiii* *net sotto tradifiesterie **Oa iestiaapflo ter4. ,,- tried oIrsters, whieh had been kept Iwo :14,1:: ;.11: 4o111:14:0)*r '04ftlItt.:::0' 4,:41,10104eu1ee n4 poleono 'sltalte441.,mAhdenedose oit folUP;41:411).-nie"esterntSintettee114 log. . • ,. • Al, fleYlae forms UV) eller* Oeftelti. 'SIM* I First, the darteee Of .1Y1Meld Iron 1?)rg*.0 IS negligible, ..flulasa, litqC, tiltial i.ntaibb3esseet:111.117Truiheloain:74,0ttniroetl:zr$e4dP,:com0:414,474,x,..147'1484rite:;1100P3s.parck.447. duce are not oln- to te's.orlo t,s. .,blit be - m. 007114) . 010.11 IrbliOlilt 4011401reln"seclative w441-ittCet` 'Dath,t.ttSI.04:tre31:YrOaa ce °net -coot. bins* 11 roe savings are deposited Where ratenel. ;Ms fit say manieee'eaddrawoull ts, to meet pealing Wie401, rat be more ape to lee the piaci* Ite galbsr ietaVetts, Our oytitelii Pt JANKINO BY Pt Is as Safe alid 'FOY you viait444,0 luon Talit Cie$0410.8hponmis. Woe** :4 Per cent « 'Interest on Depoeits I‘,:nbn'Sst is sonlimentled guartarlyt )301121,0111 etre alWar 1/440,1"."°104;:,' 'THE, ONt0PITROST Lfirnited, Irmo*. Building, 114426 Bag, Shutt, TOIKINTO gout itooks,,t, opinking by KIWI. 4419440 TO LOAN sittielle Menem witielle TO OUT MADE IN CANADA wet 4 Cycle " Engine. COmplete Lunches lEIAM4ACIPI • MOTOR. WORKS. Ltd. lialeILTOR. ONT. 907 MODELIS Stead for 'Excellence and .Perfection of Prodiitt. • The apt Damsel tilrEed put avow three yaara ago had the engine In front tinder th• li01044 Worweatokon, and shaftdrivi to tire rear axles. The Ili. ,,i to-dey retains Ow opet. ooregeouotioa. We' Weft In the lead than: atadually the trend of tutLfOrnaity termed 14 oyil dIrootYote el • now thls thwign la the moat approved sa,nd np.to-date. Through than, 3mang 44 tool ' Doh tOwillethis oottstrttetton.w,e Went onyierfecting detail and adding Improves:4sta Ihrslin Ole *woo aweer gets mato for bba money than anyon• Moe. The Design le proved. The malaria* are the neat The Workmanehlikthe Rost Skillful. „ - Murtha factory' ifoiiit brae Lod diapered to use you right. Itletaldo-metal Disc Clutch.' Selective Slidirig Gear Iltesisinission;:, , • . , Nickel Med In all gears and shafts. • pa moot powerful braktug Oyotore kherre-posithre Irk adieu, °hey to relesae-twit mioyesesae toe . etteoboa to karma drums en the rear wheels. . . i, -.} N MODELS FOR MOT MODDL It-,..4,dygurler 2.11114'..104 Inch wheelbase, $2 11_0 rr 4 hoe Dios smitteo,:up., • UMW. D-2 dyliurie4 le )1,__P., 90400h. rrheelhase, PO Inch , x at tech thee „giosie.do, , moDDg, 10.-4 .0yunder, 40 fi.r., 110 lath welelbaii, &ewe I Deb, eragneto._ _Lett 0014401.ton 50 bleb x3 i4013 Ott to greet hurt 4 In reams Powohaar replay and he,rideora* Cur, ohirtoity to carry sere eriengerr......,..S0.70..0•: -. iatalitatenlat *coma 0.".T.A.Loartral, ...Canada cycle,190—.Motor. Co., Lirrolte d, . TORONTO AUNOTIoN, caNAritio. A trots Win 1 TS 7 . I . tio e , so •' • 1 °You could 'lido: better yeitt' Si* her yourself. tklo not ,see WI1Y son rr Should ftet see her toonorrow Mr: it t 'titt,;' that Is to soy 11 3-0(1 yolikt.,eronllse Sit Pat st 110 eitiots a °Dot mind .11 be 'sifter Mounts Ike; with .•4 tootle In Ms -wice. lie deCtres pasSfoinitely to see ,tulr oritil he :flees A VIII belleVe tliat she is teeny gain to live' hag AS. :1 sure hioiself ihat atti terrible ,oietainor. 11 poosts has passed saw` her In theca IV fligliittlore thitil vet, lord ‘vito, v That henget', Is u .4reett. • i 'Mak translates Itself Into ids stekt halting t Wards, • , , • "Shall be -shalt' 1:1* very, ititiett -10 siniekr,11 Is She -441 S Very w eyugatt . , , s d replies 01 .4,‘,Perliaps 1„ Should say, site kt su(t. ihjist; 6 D.15 So Wash te Yeti '11111'0 tOvehled. Id Tile' 4: fill litiskes ti;ik liadz .444 linnet) • . rigrosty4S hilte in2retteed - 'sup • 111 tact 1 rieVer befell!. ellSpeeled. Of' ot ert but Men slut AinelikneVer your tiara 1.4 Isrph thee the other: , look yourtg,ty • r • . , 11 15 the Mond time *Matto two dayo 1104,110 tert of Ids: betr3i1leiT4 Ineturity ha% impletsist :itlion him, and for. gti per ant. In the past thirty years. ;-! 4 s..or 440 Lr • 7,1MI.Terfir940 ""01011110' merly It WOW have Owed film phitgq; 14 but flow, Of What ftiontott le 11 10 Writ si that site looks kundrrd, ttiiy ,stre is Wog,sod itehig to liVet, ollas stio$611.11t.ehe et(1ed'efier Me?, $f a),Vit der 1)01 Otiose her In Speelf,'Ilitt, if ny ono. mentions Our Immo ,There V 'Met a 1(011. 41! Ohio over her teteo Mich rhileidoitssited Nee es it ts neW The Vete 10.54 Wine RIO latkgo hibid iret., and JIM hiitmself It. Wih P4 to $a% tat hillent otthegrererrll;t orioned, talo uUo1ks liih(1tr.l., "I 13141,01i. YDIt Da; 'For heeling thief, 1 titbit pert toMpound, Slain entitle ON; or they Ont *taw tor tz''rfireirses, • cilAPTErt xxx. The words ere tiCeeteie tati it Mrs. 110 before el* adds, la a eared ko arid with an adifetel 41tro. ri to the es - - "Is Th14 perms looking ler low Ile conind (.4 KIDNEY Pi LIS 14. , C ;. i \ . ...i .. ;4 . i, : i '' i ', ) * voif r '?P , e- ' '; -i .ti .r. t .'.. t'' ” ••1 posith. EEDEDON FM, I9.& O 47, .1, tilikklee"Mpet50014.5 " rms. MAIL 0110406111 l"44*ba../VxMosi...**"120. ▪ tre.714151.7m..-."*""Notese'Visreofoorrsiaxi W L lit 10 A 9 7Pr 1 ; :41 61,14' 1,