The Goderich Star, 1907-05-24, Page 5T r ;pf.:,
MAY 34,1907
Thu Must-tstgeloi 00444 W..a r,
Uburel,. gives the tins tntfa'Mtliti$';plttce
at lnferAtttttloe `a e lhow LkL.( s ese
cult In :al, hls'1tish Pro 1netr IT/ tit SAII"
itlh welting ettO41ne0;
"liirkr4 not txiVO 41 UNE 'IEtttillltb
11004Iaft 40041lir'trel frank this Ptovinbe
I, slot preetot a few •fantat +aa to Outlaw.
presiiun of Kngiiih that ifs going•oalau
the tuwnabipa . the delving of legs;
doeuuleutltie French on people who
might ore well have them,ppt'osentaed in
Unfair. Wrench being' declared the
°f cial)adrauage in sOupielp■Iitive tbet.
wetessettlestny 1pglish nand otgagi dl
by tbama the ui&iutwnanet of a le'Khatn
whieh hap the effect of elo in English'
wiehoole by the „aco;et the ellber.te
and petwrhtent rentlecon Englibh 'fin .
bola with 'rent . Tileae sive real
grievapcee, yet they are IterPetrated
•4y the • Lavergq,eu,and biourasissul.'who.
cats find'raotliing more serious onatbetr •
side thaw 'Parade such .absurd comrn-
plaintevs that on. copper coins and
LoUtaia;e starves de 0otl r h'rene#oin
criptione. ' f 'What f,agergna ;aucl
13ograssa,bald up Ut grievances, what
mune do they 'give to ,the etxtnping.
Mit net merely cif tb0' Faintish.Iaan-.
guaagee lltrt ,of the Medlin speaking
fauwei's In the tOwrlohipb P The im-
pudence of these two Men le only ox-
cee(ted by their hypocrisy."
OW Wyse .
tion of the- finest
cake, hot -breads,
tolls and muff ns °
hot biscuit -.
o Otlil r bar hg pow[ 'equals!' it
sts fir, r and wbiolesa eness; in
Boyar ` has no S fr*tl sato
atur, ay
and Mond IOCRqduoiogPrlo�s
OUR price reductions, here advertised, are
• worthyof remark. They are occasioned
by our necessity to reduce our over stock to a
fixed amount. Read our partial list of Satur-
day and Monday bargains.
Spring Coats
Ladies' sborttweedicoats in a variety of cloths. velvet collar and beautifully
made in box or fancy styles, regular $(:oo and $7.00. Saturday price $3,715
Table Linens
Special sale of table linens "Seconds" from Ireland. About 20o clothe in all
sizes 2x2, 2x25‘,•z'it3, 2,34x'3 yyards, slightly imperfect they are but not enough to
affect the wear at all. Clearing at a discoiint of 40 per cent. off regular price.,
Tse yds. yarct+tide reversible union Carpet, in red and brown patterns, regular
Sot. a yard, Saturday and Monday, per yd. 22c.
goo yds extra heavy union Carpet in variety of patterns, and good colorings, and
perfectly reversible, regular neve 4se. and 'soc. quality at per yd. 35c. and 40c.
Tapestry Carpets
Coo yards 27 inches wide, beavypile\Tapestry Carpet in colors Browns, Greens,
and Reds,>patterna imitable for aux room or hall, and'new, regular 65c. and 7oc, per
yard, at' per yard 35c,
Brown Holland Ends
moo yards of manufacturers ends of Brown Holland or Linen of from 2 yards to
6 yards. Beautiful pare Linen of 27 to 36 inches wide, and worth from 20c. to 35c.
a yard, clearing sn our counters at 'from 12c. to 1 5c. per yd.
5o wool, union and vele ugs opened in stock this week, sizes 3 x 3, 3 x
3 x 4 yards. Inspection invited.
& SO
Lbe i3o ertch tar.
TSTsP8oN. CALL 74.
il'RIDAY, MATY 20, 1907.
All the members were present at the
regular meeting held last Friday even.
ing. The minutes being approved
were read as follows :
From F. W. Doty, stating that he
was now negotiating with parties fof'
the establishment of a business for
the building of eteamers, boilers and
steel marine structural Work, and that
'When plane were matured they pro-
posed to ask the town for favors sine‘
,lar to those granted other industries
in town. Special committee will con-
�``m��,�..�•om Cant. Wm, Babb, calling at-
tire ention to the dangerous condition of
the Harbor Hill road west of the R. R.
bridge, and threatening to commence
an action unless it wue attended to.
Public Works committee to consider.
From M. J. Farr, J. Kelly and Rev.
Fr. McRae, asking that a cement
crossing he put across North street,
north of Nelson street and from M. J.
Farr, as chairman of Separate School
board. and Rev. Fr. Mentes, asking
that a six foot wide cement walk be
conetructed for 100feet West on south
side Caledonia Terrace, from North
street. Public Works committee will
From the Lacrosse club asking the
use of the Agricultural Park for prac.
tice and exhibition and schedule
games. Granted.
coMMI'rt'EE nueoirre. f,
The Public Works eom'niittee recom-
mended that John Hu well's tender
for building cement walks at 0 cants
per square foot, be accepted. (2) That
is notbee be posted on the gravel pit
?Warning 'trespassers'. (8) That Mont -
calm street Oast of Cambria Road be
graded and sidewalks levelled, The
report was adopted with the addition
of a clause that. Mr. Rummell give
Satisfactory security for completing
the work.
The Finanoe committee recommend-
ed (1) That the matter of Summer
Hotel arrearsges be placed in the
hands of the Solicitor, with inetruc-
1'tTons to at once take all proceedings
sileeeesary to collect all a4notteyyo due
the town. (2) That the foifowing
sreeonnte be paid: Geofte Morrow,
,A01 Hodgen, Bros., fG15.85. (3) That
'the Mayor be authorized to sell the
sidewalk and Jackson lffg. Co. debeb-
'tures at one. Adopted.
(" �'`The Parke committee 'recommended;
(1) That new elosete be built its Harbor
ask, and all rubbish and dead trees(
+h1d up and burned. (2) That M.
.kr Piggott be asked to reinevei 1ii'q eft
from trees in'.tbe park. 11)
W. and le eotetnilbitin be
;dhk>l so,riplete theird'rain from then
contain. Adopted. In this ten-
tbett tlhaleman BNkett, donne.
rtennbngdl end Kehland the I Street
' ter ere appointed a eomtti1t ee
ry buildings In:
e tl!tett the tI
tib 7farbov Park.
1'hl, mibiect 'brim - • , t ins thte ,nat'ter
rod haying all eutat , . , *loot* 1►ttiontid
, 'etle4 Square tNnoe by ,ltte And
the, beesnitv end
lCdttiwd bait, It e h
atn+tanttary *hd nnfil fee;Coccopatlon.
idtltwa opposition w taftprreswd tel
the expenditure' t>ifC: a money to te-
r it,, and IlOntler i , Sitelto# And.
(mining's aadvoeat. (f tinea tit:
ors wan to Kite i�j corirl
thottaliy, in the
t1C bcrsee tor
Coun, Reid reported that Mr. Doty
had said that it would cost from $1,000
to $1,200 to put the stead, lire engine
in good repair, and finally the discus-
sion ended by the adt,ption of a *no-
tion from Reeve McLean aiid Coun.
Clark that the whole matter he refer-
red to the Fire cgmmittee and Public
Works committee to consider and re-
The clerk reported a number ofpeti-
tions for cement sidewalks as received,
but he was not prepared to report on
them at once, and they will all stand
over till oext meeting.
Rev. Mr. Nott was heard in support
of a petition for a cement walk from
Hamilton street all the way down
north side of Newgate street, and on
motion the same was granted.
With the passage of two formal by-
laws the Council adjourned till eight
o'clock Saturday evening, to allow the
completion of some matters which
were pressing for attention.
At the adjourned meeting on Satur-
day evening Bylaws Nos. 9, 10 and 11,
with reference to assessments for
granolithio walks of last year, were
read and formally passed.
Coun. Goldthorpe gave notice that
at hext meeting he would move to
change the resolution with reference
to the coal hoiet,at the harbor.
The application of the Alexandra
Hospital for remission of taxes was
sent to Court of Revision.
The clerk was instructed to notify
Walter Sharman to put the walk on
Albert street in repair and remove the
scantling within ten days.
The claim of Mr. P. C. Stahleker
was referred to Finance committee.
The chairman of the Public Works
committee was authorized to allow
Mr. Mathieson to use the Agricultural
Park for pasture, In return for looking
after the grounds, fences, eta,
The Council then adjourned,
Trying Experience of a Well Known
Citizen in St. John's, N. B.
The case of Mr. Chas. F. Olive, for
vents foreman in the Gazette, of St.
John, N. B., is a etrikidg evidence of
the power of Perrozone.
No remedy has such a record for re-
storing sufferers from acute stomach
and kidney trouble; it invariablydoes
" For several years," writes Mr.
Olive, "I have had kidney. trouble
and until quite recently 1 suffered tor-
ture. IA few months ago my condition
assumed a very serious form. I con-
sulted several city tloeiore used differ-
ent pills, but 'without the slightest
benefit. I auffered from an intense
pan in the groin, and the increasing
aetfoneneee of my trouble prompted
me to try Ferrozone. It gave me
quick relief and half a dozen boxes
cured. .Perrozone 1 can recommend
tut a epecifio for disordered kidneys,"
Won't you try Perrozone, tooP GOc.
per box, at all dealers in medleltie.
study to say kind things. Captious
etitieism Itl to eeineerrilus growth. It is
11 'r eb
bit hi
grows more
*tort lynched. Dotard the tongue.
Keepge the heart with all flillgenco.
s 041.110V BCmdt.
lilearatiia LIke INN You a ( 1
A: Itw id ,*1 Iaan on wvldt1t you will
01 teme to my mtafiitokt into**,
While the postponement of the Lon-
don election conspiracy trial Is alleged
to lac due; tQ the, difficulty of getting
Mr, Proton's testiMeny. the real
ciretnasta►,tcos eeetn to be .that Mr.
Preston bas kept qui of the way in
order to postpone further exposures
Mr. Preston bas had no public duties
which kept bite away. He was not
wanted in England, for he has bean
removed from the Loudon Office. The
Department has undone much of Mr.
Preston's work. It cancelled his North
Atlantic contract. It reappointed Mr.
Just, whom he dismissed from the
Emigration Office after Just bad
written to the Department showing
how the Arundel printing job was
given out at three times the right
price. It has shown confidence in Mr.
Jury, who accused Mr. Preston of
corrupt practices in office and declared
that he could not be believed on oath.
But instead of bringing Mr. Preston
home and ordering him to tell the
truth about the ballot 'switching oper-
ations described by the witness Pelt
chett, the Government appointed him
at an increased salary on a pretended
mission to Japan. It must be that
Preston knows a good deal which it
would be uncomfortable to have told,
but we think he is quite capable of
minimizing the facts in such a way as
to nullify the law, which would 6e
cheaper than sending him on a globe,+
trot around the world.
Under this heading the Canadian
Mute, the attractive and interesting
paper published monthly at the Belle-
ville Institute for the Deaf and Dumb,
makes the following announcement,
which the press of Ontario are asked
to reproduce :
" We have reason to believe that
there is a considerable number of deaf
Children in this Province of school age
who are not attending our Institution,
but who should he doing so. We are
desirous of obtaining the names and
addresses of the parents of all such
ehildeen, 'end we earnestly appeal to
the readers of these lines to assist us
in securing this information. Clergy-
men of all denominations, physicians,
assessors, inspectors of schools and
public school teachers are in an espec-'
tally favorable position to assist us in
this direction, -and. by so doing they
would be conferring an inestimable
boon to those silent ntemb¢ra of the
community. Our desire is to enter in-
to correspondence with the parents of
all deaf children with the hope of in-
ducing them to send them to our
school at Belleville, where they may
receive such training and instruction
as will fit them to become useful, self-
supporting and respected citizens, It
is a -lamentable thing that any deaf boy
or girl should be deprived of the advan-
tages of such an education when it is
freely provided for them by the pedpie
of the Province."
Anyone interested should address
the Superintendent, Dr, 0. B. Cough-
lin, Belleville.
yamHelp Near at Hand,
Is what you want when sickness
happens at night. Can you possibly
find the equal of Nerviline ? No, for
it stands unequaled in curing pain, in-
ternal or local. Earache, toothache
and neuralgia disappear in a jiffy.
Rub it on and away flies the pain. For
cramps, voiniting or indigestion, all
you need is ten drops in sweetened
water. Sick or well, you'll find Pol-
son's Nerviline invaluable in your
home. Get a large 211 cent bottle to-
A dispatch from Owen Sound says :
" License Inspector Beckett and P. C.
Andrew Shute made a wholesale seiz-
ure of whiskey, amounting to over
$800, Saturday night. The goods had
been hauled frdtn Holland Centre by a
farmer named Riddle, in the City
Hotel yards, when the seizure was
made. The rattle of bottles aroused
the suspicions of two boys who were
ordered from the rig and who immedi-
ately notified the -Inspector."
Much time and "attention were ex-
pended in the experimehting with the
ingredients that enter into the com-
position of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills
before they were brought to the state
in which they were first offered to the
public. Whatever other pills may be,
Parmelee'e Vegetable Pills ate the re-
edit of much expert study, and all per-
sons suffering from dyspepsia or dieor-
dered Iyer and kidneys may confident-
ly accept them as being what they
are represented to he.
The Brtresele Pont says ; " A few
citizens are proposing to bore for oil.
or nae, somewhere near the 0. T. R.
station, ne oil indications were found
long ago in sinking the salt well and
also in the deep well at the terrace.
011 is now such a valuable product` it
wouldive an immense stimnlne to
onr village and neighborhood if we
can And it in paving quantities. No
investment promises a better return."
the Spaniard, lost hie life in the wilds
of Florida, whither he went for the
rpose of discovering the legendary
"Vol' titian of perpetual youth," said
to ex t in that unknown country.
While Dr. T)ieman' I>:electric Oil will
pe tante youth, it will remove
the b Ile pato Which make the
roupg d before their time and harass
theag ;into untimely graves.
Ares —_..._
r want keeper may sell trans
dies, ore ges and ice cream on Sun-
day. 60 e ye Judge Morison. We do
net sues ion hie judgment, but the
Bonner tit how forbids this the hotter
for the m ;rata of the country.
l+leit : `Wee John Mooney, Fith line,
0101414, die ed of a Yorkshire tow
to the, ythat' sealed 700 pounds.
Ha t yt�t 1.75 per cwt.. netting
bite 1037,0&A tidy price for one pig,
Wad? -that Of prdinnry bullock.
:it your bootolSr lcidisey's or
glum** �tbm11ay
o f waste -;mutter, the blood illi'
laden with itnpu ties. whiclh,
iiutiatnetheIuexves. Itirtheet
irritated nerves that a that
lte. d the«
Powdtrs andO�jiiit won't"cull .
they• merely .:drug the ate,
into uneoueiirtttsnesa Etta:
relieve for to short tate„
u iglii.a-idifeeN 04144*
ZigootgA d Nervea
beealtso they zaurffythe blood.
They aet:direetly the three
rear :eliminating organs1,
eels, Xidneys,and Skin
*nod restore • *OM, to' healthy
action, thus ridding the
systeui.of all poisons.
'a' kr'rui.t•a-tires" are fruit juices-..
eheln(e:a1Iychaaged,bythe proem
el cotnbtning thein, into a fir
moreeffeetive medicinal compound
than the natural' ekes, $oc, a -boa
e-4 for $2; 0. At pit dealers* Or
1'rornl x tr •ttra Filntited, Ottawa.
*meowNoVie)t TAOtitr..)
The mumps had their innings in
Goderich several months since, and
the measles' are almost 'done with.
Brussels and other places are now
having their day, The Pest says :—
"Mumps are taking their inninge in
town. No partiality is being shown
as to age or sex. The attendance in
some departments of the Public school
hasbeen very materially reduced ow-
ing to the epidemic,"
That Dry Cough is Bronchitis. -
If neglected it will weaken the
throat and finally reach the lungs.
Nothing simpler than inhaling the
healing vapor of Catarrhozone. Its
action is like magic. so helpful, so easy
to -apply. Be done with bronchial
trouble for all tune. Catarrhozone
does cure the worst cases, will cure
you, too. Sold everywhere, 25o. and
$1, under absolute guarantee of satis-
The Kincardine Review says of lima;
option in Ripley;—Local option went
into force on May 1. Putland's hotel
has quit business and Irwin's hotel has
put up a gate on their yard. The far-
mers now pay 10 cents for standing a
horse in the open abed ,15 cathts for the
stable and 25 cents for hay. The meals
have been increased to 50 cents in the
Bears the The Kind You ilea -Aiwa • Boigtl
John Jamieson, of the Huron Road,
west of Alma, near Seaforth, is the
present possessor of a pair of ver
handsome twin colts.' They are about
ten days old, and are as strong and
smart as could be desired for their age.
One is a male and the other a female,
but otherwise they are so much alike
that It is difficult to tell them apart.
They are from T. J. Berry's horse,
" Red Cloud," and from one of Mr.
Jamieson's breeding mares. If he has
good luck with them, and they keep
on as they have started out, Mr. Jam-
ieson will have a thousand dollar team
in three or four years.
A, SbccEssiur. MItDIctNE.—Every-
one wishes to be successful in any un-
dertaking in which they may engage.
It is, therefore extremely gratifying
to the proprietors of Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills to know that their efforts
to compound a medicine which would
prove a blessing to mankind have
been successful beyond their expects.
tions, The endoreation of these pills
by the public is a guarantee that a
pill bas been produced which will fulfil
everything claimed for it.
God holds you responsible for your
nature plus your nurture ; for yourself
plus your possibilities.
No one need fear cholera or any
summer complaint if they have a bot-
tle of Dr. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial
ready for use. It corrects all Inose-
ness of the bowels promptly and
causes a healthy and natural action.
This is a medicine adapted for the
young and old, rich and poor, and is
rapidly becoming the most popular
medicine for cholera, dysentery, eta.,
in the market.
The charm of fine manners will
always win respect.
The Bonen Physician is Analogs
to Cure and Uses the Best
Available Retnedies.
The proposed legislation through
the Dominion Parliament for the reg-
ulation of the manufacture and sale
of patent or proprietary medicines is
of the utmost importance, and it is
,receiving a great deal of attention,
not only by the proprietary medicine
manufacturers, but also by the leading
doctors and druggists. Every manu-
facturer of reliable and high class
remedies welcomes the bill as a step
in the right direction. Tho discussion
has brought out the fact that the beet
physicians in Canada and on the con-
tinent approve of and prescribe Pay -
chine in cases of the most di chit
character. Itt a recant instinee of
very serious throat and lung trouble
the patient had been using Psyehiva
Two loading United States specialists
were consulted in addition to two
eminent Canadian physicians. Upon
learning what the pationt was using
a sample of Psychine was taken and
analyzed, with the result that the
physicians adviaod its continuance.
They prescribed no other medicine brit
Paychine, with the result that the pa-
tient has fully recovered and is a
splendid walking and talking adver-
tisement for the wonderful curative
power of a remedy that will "stand
up" before the keenest professional
criticism and analysis. As a builder
up of thea stern and restorer of alt
wasted conditions, Payohine has no
equal, and the best and most earnest
physicians recooy�gpneize this fact.
aide, ril Sinner inn an
f kept Ott dtIy growimy Imp were in ng settled
011 I got d so low 1 was Id bell Walk e.
alk we..
I had an
a otwata�t n
ani o otdoctors, and Owned they
eosl ayei(n eta tons therms. Theo', to
Bey Ar. ce _itons the Wood tri Jf r
s sear, r tenet w did wondarl tate sat
now es barons as 1 ens before myy r knee
iMh& 8. HOPI,10114111.01%
Psyeftitto, pronounced 9i -keen[ lathe
greatest of tonics, building up the eye -
tem, increasing the appetite, purify -
log ing the blood, aide digestion, and *o s
directly upon the throat and la
giving toite,.and rigor to the
eyetettlt.d A •all druggists, 01be. tad 111
or Dr. A. Simms, Matted, 11sil
Lag Not, fiarallfiiil,,
A filet to Oederiels Proelde.,
Tit*.k tett blfttsr sslvertirleseept dot
PIT munielladity' that the f►oweaktiion
of w.0 ;4 t lomat. beobetvatrdq, end
atkuets.'.li`tallstlpligi hews, '
Well: *aid,,, and worth the writhing
Out by every Canadian .eitY, town and
1finlege. Ilillpiltont t pei tstol
We all have Nevi real places of ,old
furDtlture that we have discarded be-
raulta the actiele is soiled, sa(1 out of
t. +
R. PATULIN tette ?amp•
l'q "irarnitih. Stable, We believe
tbi t you would he surprised at the
effect that one coat would,, five on old•
,lartbelep, Tbtal Varnish Stain comes In
Bili ehadce. Why not try it?
We, work and
rlgplan 'struggle for
jytlyto that
does not ha ine comes heel
the heartnnott
from tine pocket -book.
It iv only necessary to read the testi•
.tnonbals to be c evinced that Rollo -
Ware Corn cure is unequalled for the
retrievalaornv, tarty, eta. It ie a
complete extinguisher.
Nearly all infants are more or lees
subject to diarrhoea and such cola•
plaints while teething, and as this
portedof their lives ie the most critical,
ntothera should not be without a bottle
of Ord.>D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cor-
Ais medicine is a specilla for
such complaint** and is highly spoken
of by those who here used it. The
proprietors claim it will cure any
Case of cholera or summer complaint.
After a few days ilineas of pnou-
monia, Mrs. T. Pepper passed away
at her home i" Tuckeremtth at the age
of 52 years. She woe a true friend, a
loving wife and a kind mother, the
haesteem of wess hose fr hose a ome ds reflecand high
ed the
influence of her many admirable traits
of character.
The superiority of Mother Graves'
Worm Exterminator is shown by its
good effects on the children. Pur-
ohate a bottle and give it a trial.
The Clinton New Era nays : Mr. R.
Radcliffe, of Goderich, suggests that
as this is the 500 anniversary of the
opening of the Buffalo and Lake
Huron R. R. —now part of the G. T.
R. system—it should be fittingly ob-
served. The honor of taking the first
passenger train over the road into
Goderich belongs to Conductor D.
Holmes, of Leamington, who was long
a resident of Goderich.
Leak Out For This Man.
If be offers something better than
Putnam's Corn.Extractor, it's the ad-
ditional profit on inferior goods that
tempts him. Putnam's is the one sure
and painless cure.
Believe me the talent of success is
nothing more than doing what you
can do well, and doing well whatever
you dn.
are mild, sure and safe, and are a perfect
regulator af'the system.
They gently unlock the secretion% clear
*way all effete end waste matter from the
system, and give tone' and vitality to the
whale intestinal tract, curing Con,tjpa•
tion, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Dyrpep-
ilia, Coated Tongue, Foul Breath, Jaun-
dice, Heartburn, and Water Brash. Mrs.
11. 5. Ogden, Woodstock, N.B., writes;
"My husband and myself have used Mil -
burn's Lasa -Liver rills for a number of
yearn We think we cannot do without
thein. They are the only pills we aver
price en gents or five bottles for CLOG,
at all dealers or direct an receipt of price,
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,
Oliut4 Nvte NM: Oar. It, EtVA(
stow Imo rested .ulnutsr rottege at
lioderieb. t0 bo occupied' wh.0 t.4e
weethpr P tones 5eavou01C,
There.ntli not snarly towns that can
prevent an arrsy of enterprising Ansi-
nate men grouped; like of those In
Clinton se follows ;Poole lkothers,
Lautilot Ernthervalarland Iitothers,
Plumsteel ,brother■, Ifatigene Broth;
0r1, ;schema Brothers,
d'r IU'
pout and Nerve .1
Ars a VW for all Odds) did di
,roar li a trent a wawa** woo
golPPael1 or nares ordain. auek
s'statandMauSpatial. o'DrrainAns,
Oto. Thpy era wpeoicily boneteed to
women tr ubled Irl h irregular maw
Price 40 tante per box, or 0 for $1.111.
All dealers, or
Tan T. SIII.Suatr Co, LIMITED.
Toronto, onk
OY WEAN, NO ' y�" w
'tu'�RS W
twlllll4•I I
km BOP 1� "
.,A,A M ..l
I.aa at.I*aehtwDuwbl. f111
ow 1It porttirp'
:Z1'1TODA r0 re♦it
, tMMxyyi��tf 0IlooNT y t
The First Stop
Often means so much. It hat meant
.nonan to thousands of young peopli y
who wrote for our Catalogue as a
the area stag toward a geed oalariud
position. Take the step today,
,,scut BUSINESS 00[.1105,
W. B. SHAW, Prin.' $te Tongs kr.
Between all Canadian Stations and
to Detroit atul Buffalo,
GOIND !..'"`_AT 23 AND 24
• Returning'uutil and on
MONDAY, MAY 27, 4907
Full luformatlon from
Joe. Ran, Thew Agent, aoderlon,
or write C. 11, Fua•r.a, 1.), 1...A,, (1.1..11,,'1uruoto
0, P, R, Tho host and only direct route
to Japan and ('hina, ((Is foot
PACIFIC steamshlpc, once uailod forooua
fort and, olegenge of ppoint..
STEAMERS menta. ,ow peuts'gu rntoe,
WE Are On the Jobbers' List
and others would like to be if they could. We:do not give 5
per cent. off $3.00 and call it 2.9o. It was not that way
when we went to school, '
We have received another car of Cleveland Wire, bought
direct from its manufacturers without having to pay the
middleman's profit, and we will give our customers that to
per cent. which we saved and sell it at $2,7o per hundred
Let others pay the middlemen—we don't have to.
Get our prices on
Lawn Mowers
Lawn Hose
Builders' and
$14.00 Refrigerators for
Donlon Stoves for....
Gaeolino Stovoe ........
Washing Machines
Screen Doors and Windows
Garden Tools
Farmers' Hardware
loo per cent. Pure Paint
The only Pure Paint made,
Wholesale Hardware Stores
5111 0(i
• .... 75e. tip
... 8301 tip
Has never been as well stocked with the best manufactures
produced in the world as for the 19()7 season.
are all modern, and sure to give satisfaction.
m e of
s second-
wheels f�,„ at low
Rep' of every. description, and pubetures
Yt ed while you matt.
'ires Baby Carriages al Go -Carts,
Electrical Wiring and Suppl es.
Lawn Mower Sharpening p mpt and perfect.
Every department a specialt , and satisfaction
The Old Stand
(M Don't
There is no reagin why you should not be as
tyflshly dressed and as comfortably dressed as any
avi >In Canada. All you need to know is two thing.
ho makes the best and most stylish Clothes and
+info sells thein in this
town. It is conceded on
alt sides that
2oth Century Brand Garments
are the finest made in Canada, and the only Clothes
in this country that class with the very best made
in New York, Rochester and Chicago.
We are sole agents for them in this town and
district. Keep these two facts in mind and your
, Clothes troubles are at an end, Made to order If
you wish them. Sole agents for
Is here, With it comes the desire to cast off
those garments which have done good service
battling the winter storms. When you see
our showing of dainty spring footwear, you
will want a pair of shoes to brighten you, and
make you;,feel more in harmony with the
fresh spring days.
Models in Footwear.
Are Dainty, Neat, and by far surpass
anything in the past. We have a well
selected stock from the best manufactur-
ers, and are itl a position to' show you
the Newest and best in footwear.
Reliable Furniture
where we have in stock n large assortment of Roll Seat and Cobbler
Rockers in quarter cut oak.
Silk Upholstered Parlor Rockers and Chairs in different designs and
Morris Chairs and Morris Rockers in Velours, at all prices.
Leather Seated Chairs and Saddle Seats in oak, at prices to suit the
Children's Toy Sets in red and blue. Rockers itt different designs
for the children, and nothing so pleasing for the little ones.
Secretary and Music Cabinets, Parlor Cabinets and everything suit-
able for the enjoyment and comfort of the horse. Call early, no trouble
Nu trouble to show Goods.
The Leading Undertakers and Embalmers West Street, Ooderich
'lir Night and Sunday calla receive personal and prompt attention.
'Phone 120. Residence—Elgin Avenue.
FACTS RF'(rA1fl)IN(;
Capital Stock, $500,000.00
,5<)O,00o Sh ares,
par value %i.0(1 each.
11) \VI•. 1' ,', lilt'IIiE.Nl,,, MiiN'I'l(I.V Thee will he largely i terensd as
90011 as negotiations are completed for 'aerial nett i roperN•-s in Cobalt, Larder
Lake, Montreal River and fames Townili p
(2) We will buy hulk your Shares :It the pace 1011 pahl, if you are not
nal istieii
incorporated under the Ontario
Mining luutpnntes' Incorpora-
tion Act,
Ii1.1;1 Ili, STaei r, Te,n1,NT".
I 0 Thti nffer i9 (1 tilt g„n,f for two week, 1„oger, as tills allotment of trens'hry
stotk ban been nearly taken up, after which time St,niea will he advanced to par.
141 ih-l:.e, nee dangerous.
Retort now by certified I hulne o1 niche, „nla Wier 1-. the Company or to
the underslgnevl brei t.
panics we underwrite.
C. B. LA SALLE, Financial Agent.
THE (10DERICH STAR has a Larger Circulation than
any other Newspaper in this Section of the County
of Huron. Shrewd Advertisers value Circulation
Special to Ladies
Before putting voile FURS .n1 .le ti,is summer, why not
properly (leaned an.l ,Iresst'd, cyln,h Is 1 guarantee against
Peeper, Snuff, fnh,ttrn, also Moth Bags:, .In' useless
eggs t
Iglummer, t
have them
Moth ?
should the
Also 3,1 ,1 Becl.ty 1,1 tour frits, at .1 strictly moderate charge.
Next door to Postoflice,