HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-05-24, Page 3r • ( x • 1 • • iieleeN 713pirr ha ' mieeerefee"r ' CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS • ges Large St. John Goods Store. deepatelt trona $1. kihn, N. B., nye: of the Wet seems tires St. 4ebri. Inee had in *iirs wits discovered * kW ;Oinutfat *Der noon <Si Frider in *Ow, Auley Eros' hig dry goods establish. Meat en Ring .„Strorit. end in VerY 64011 Ufftet $4011.111114 Of dollars* viortif o f (imago. was done,. and IteVeral e%ttIng Poirien employed in the millinery reoroa ,oit kottrtli &Or id the Urge build. 4194 their 11.1441* 9: eliellpa cut oft .1UrAtit the Plaged ladders, te the Oar adarleWif en South Market Street .1141angtyietr, rled the triett61144 441* 14 'The fire started '• in the heSement rtile Xing Street trout or the Merit! pro% quantity of °cation, but, 'whet 0aUrifiit tt net dellnliety. known. " Or. 04, R. Mao -Aldo, VOlted the hoses *bald 11,30 *clock...tut At that 1114e there wea'ne 4Wit Of What even.' - 'ffeveloped .into the, mest serious gonflagratiorl In the 11.014 tiltitorY, .4 few minine2, After noon, while the Ithewreonla were welt Mkt, tviihr Austolltere. 'elheleYe teneee ° and a wood later sae a tiny ettrr siting front 4 ftiflatre • " ihreellk heltind Word Wee seen pessed to the nustotners and lbe stem Was coallbed ' bat, einpleyel, ,the OEM - est dtsopor, In the Meantime d 01)cd t poured up the elevator Alvin itti ttfs' per floors. It beteg dindee hettr many clerks were Limy trent Use *torsi !Ili,ree er Soar Ole weridag stmesolakers on the upper Aeor, wire nearly sultocet. tit One girl kept !crying matt •:°1 4111 Wing VI junee," bin therfirtallaneenteelle. Aged her to bold on. lest the leg tree* Wee, Witted bee lireteinie and two girls rescued, 'nfigly, eXhallated. 'Oiler girl Wee taken. out or the rtonfr tnt. trilettet en Xing, Street •by fwe.' of thestit, Yoga °ova idnalat OVerteenee with firemen; WOO rrecteillg UM'A glee hY Oar wiminw Asher ,woung vAinien Appaared 2.1 4, nig bow winds* An Aim 'ging Street Side tit The .thirri floor. rit wita teari'd she would lump, le the s,treet, tlif; Men Oanetieteeeler eeeetle. The flumes. tvPOSAL 00XIgned Meat Where file'llee'Siaeted. The whole .tit -the. $9101010, Plate 0222 -front wax shattered 4:f the firemen, Mad nutell of 1be tleOring OA UM letWer Deg! Wa$:•.,1P.7 ped up. • . • • - • , 'Firemen Who- were, .WOrliing.111 cellar hod a very narrow ,aSclipe,01111V eitIock.,:They jUst gotten etUt Of the 'cellar When Om tirst Osier :gave WO. nod fell Otte -the •. The loss ilt.ther vielnitit.91411.0,14* WIG\ 'Manta • of 4100.000 ...Pe 000: On the sleek 'end •voio09 ou the 13NCONStieliNESS: ' Y?• A person who is Miuld ftleY suffering Mom any one of a great VerietY eenditiens,, smile oonv paratively Otherseeere. setriolis; renner . requiring 'little ita treatment,. others calling tor very skillful and:Pains- 'taking Care order to saeree'llfe: Stich being the case, It can be twiny . seen that It Is a metter at:the first AM- pertance to determine the• cause.: • Usually the Met andenost•uncharitable assumption, especially ir the ulicensolotis perscin uniceinpt god eoligh-looking, Is that he Ls intoxiceted. 'This belief will be strengthened if theeireattl smells . of liquor, yet it may be entirely erron- 's-teus, for the pufferer may neve felt hiS trainee coming on, and have' taken a drink of whisky in Me hope Abet it would_ give him strength.. Enclucling intoxication', the uncon- Solous state may be due to. „concussion • of the brain resulting feeen.a sharp blow . on the heed, or to CoMptession of the. brain from aineoPleey a :fracture of • the skull. It may be one stage of an epileptic fit or a purely hysterical ant- fe.stalien ; causect.by-opium or other narcotic poison, inclUding Mural - gee' or charcoal' fUrnes ; or the reatill)01. an electrie atomic., or, a _eirePle fainting -Spell, er the collie asiociated with Bright's disease or diabetes ; or Shock front a severe injury, such as a blow,on the abdomen, or Mom some in- ternal dLsorder, se& as.the siIdden per- foration of the wall of the stoMach or the intestine by the corroding action of an ulcer • in eummer 'a .case of sun- steoke, or'inewiriter the stupor that pre- cedes freezing to death. Finelly, it may be a !Mee case of simulation -"throwing a et,' as the slang, phrase has- it, in order to, excite sympathy in` the pracheal form • W drink 'ef whisky, or a quarter, or to get a nigrit.'s rest io a comfortable ,hos- pittil bed. A correct diagnosis often .taxes the skill of the physteian, butthe appearance cif the patient is a good guide. II the face is congested it may be apopleey, or cotn- preseioe et the brain, epilepsy oedrunke enness, or, possibly hysteric), e Me skin' is pale and clammy the coedition is more probably due to concussion or shock ; the usual form of sunstroke .4110 skiff is hot and dry ; a weak rapid &Ise paints to shock ; a slow pulse points to opium or compression of the brain; simple fainting the pulse is bardly perceptible. An unconecious rierson should be dis- turbed as little as possible, although he ehould be removed from a gathering crowd. The clothing should be loosened and he should have all the fresh air pos- sible. leo stimulant should be given until the physician comes. -Youth's Companion. DIETETIC NUGGETS. "Generous feeding" ought not to but generally does mean gormandizing. There is often more depending on how one eats than upon what he eats. The so-called. "hearty meal" is, more frequently the cause assigned in cases of 'sudden death than it ought to be. "Acute indigestion" is the fashionable or at feast polite name for over -feeding -foe which the unpolished English is gluttony. The punishment of dietetic sins is not always swift, but it ls remarkably owe lain to put be fis appearance. Pepsin Is 'a Icowardly prop. So live that when the summons comes to joie the hungry earavan that moves to the inviting spread in the dining -room you may be quite competent to secrete your own pepsin. Time is the essepee of all contracts ; every meal is a new contract with one's stomach; therefore be on time. In other weeds eat regularly. There are many important dietetic rules ; none more important than this. The man who eats one meal to -day and four to- morrovi, or Veho dines at any conven- tent hour, all the way fermi 5 p.m. to midnight, Is on the direct road to diges- tive purgalory,•, The reshipdable black coffee after din - per hasn't a redeeming feature in its favor. It is neither food por drink. It Is merely a poptilar form of taking a twoegrain dose of • a tiervo-narcotic- caffein. If taken for its several effects on the nervous system it is neither more nor less ton a tipple. As between the nye a like sip of any good wine would be less harmful. The best stomachs, livers and 'nerves in the world can not very 'long withstand such censtant nagging, 11 you "have no alleetile," no untnis= takable desire for a Meal when rendy, keep aivay trom the table. To do other- wise is let chola? with mere fuel a fire that han jener ottt. A piece Of pie, is not netessartiy a deathererreete .4epenes on what it is me& of and itow'made. Pie proper Heheuld repeeeeerit en unObjectioeable eOnlbinatfoti ar Milt kW bread. The 'word "Pastry." Itawever, eovem a Illitititude Of dietetic sins. Flour and tat relied IMO a coujile ot soggy layers, ..betweell 'iSpi&el meats chopped with more fat, Mingled with feeling and other truiteottlid Itiotelehter With wgntios -this natty be pastry but it is a libel on pie. A trust,mado reatonably tender With . Sweet Oaten., eillee Of Or 'fresh butter, • with MR thitter 'Mid halt beef suet (the soft variety) Wills Stiftleient buldffir• powde Or Mod a- tartar Mid eoda to make it• light and porout, filled with • good, vitolesonte. fruit or berries,-Mis Is pia: lid it te gelid al slIgetlibta and harmie. As the ordittlry bakers' loaf. lq I no lbe pia WO relegated id the UM IA other 110. SUM di,Voloarie rigalil• quiet. htlf. - et fear that lids taltinteS Only the prelthle * treider ertiptioD 11101 ever. • MAD ADVANCE IN MOM. gh Price, of Wherd Causes Another ' Away at ‘Vtlinrileteg, A deepateh from Winnipeg says:. The jUrnping wheat irtarket, has had ha irr gettable effeet 9f still, further raising the price or flour., Friday lit noon a further adetince of 10 cents a bag en, all grades Of ileUr took effect, and this is the third advance in Price in less than a fort, night, making an Inceease altogether of 60 cents en. Seine grades of flour and 50 mills on others. The poor consolation is offered the Winnipeg public of knowing that se,tar the price of fiellr has uot been increesed by the mills in proporan to the aelvancing prices of wheat. Now OefneS this lateat addition to the prices and the consumers of bread can appar- ently make up their minds that flour will ascend still higher, and that they Will- not decline for a long time ahead. The twb first advancee leave not resulted id the bakens raising the price of bread, but with Friday's addition it is a fore- gone conclusion that the consumer must pay more for hie bread. UNREST CONTINUES IN INDIA. Population of Eaelern Bengal Ina*, State ot Nerveds Irritation. A despateh from Caleutta says: Al - hough there have been no fresh out, breaks' in Eastern 'Bengal the unrest continues. It is largely attributable to the Hindu movement to boycott English 'goods. The Mohammedans still refuse to join the boycott' and the Hindu bitter- ness egainst them increases. A Hindu organization called the National Volun- teers is carrying on the agitation in the rural distFicts, keeping the whole popu- lation in a state" of nervous irritation. The members go armed with spears, clubs and sworde and sometimes fire- arms, ' preaching sedition, hampering trade, destroying foreign goods and ter- rorizing the inhabitants. Trade has al- most stopped and farming is hindered. The jute crop 1.s likely to be seriously crippled. DROVE STICK THROUGH DRAIN. Dynamite Killed Workman on Construc- tion East of Kenora. 'rein:he says : Ano- ther serious eydarnire iteeldent occurred on Wednesday at Perry Camp, about 40 miles . east of here, on the C.F.R. con- struction work, under Foley Brothers, whereby Alex. McDonald, who has been in employment of the company for only three weeks, was killed. He was loading a hole with dynamite when the explo- sion occurred. The loading stick struck him under the chin, penetrating through to the brain. He was brought no to the Rcyal Jubilee Hospital in an unconscious state. . FARMER BLOWN TO PIECES. Elisha Huff of Prince Edward Celerity the Victim. A despatch from Belleville says : , A terrible accident occurred in the town- ship of Hallowell,. prince Edward coun- ty. shortly before 6 o'clock on Friday evening, when Elisha fluff, a very pro- mineM, farmer, was blown to pieces. Heelers part proprietor of the Huff - Sprague Telephone Company, and waS engaged putting up poles. After a hole had been dug he placed in tt a Charge of dynamite and ignited the fuse. Then he walked away a few steps, but returned, and placed hie hand in the hole. Just then the charge exploded, tearing away half of the man's head and shattering hie body to pieces. Those assisting hLm think Mr. Huff must suddenly have be- come either demented or dazed, as lie was generally most careful. He was 55 years of age, and leaves a widow and three grown up sons. HUMAN FLESH SOLD. Horrible Toles of Cannibalism From Ger- man West', Africa. A despatch from Berlin says: The Cologne Gazette reports that fearful can- nibalism is still practised In the German West African protectorate of leamerun. A German merchant writes to the news, paper that the natives not only devour their enemies, Mit also criminals nncl persons who have bEen locked up for trivial offences. The merebant escaped the fate with difficulty. Kakaenativee, he writes, offer human flesh for sale in the public market, to provide which death sentences are imposed for the most tri- vtal offences. The wnrst man-eaters be- long to the Bala tribe. They are strict Mohammedans, and daily perform their religious rites. 4.— MIDGE MODELL'S REPORT. Attorney-Gerierat's Department Receivee tkiteveRentledleg ' ' A deepatch from Toronto says : Tbe Attorney -General's Department has re- ceived a communication from Mr. Jus- tice Riddell in reference to his judgment In which he eentenced Conductor Thpmp- eon who was in chorea of the Grand Trunk train wretked at Guelph, to three years' imprisonment. The judge in his letter asks that some tuition be taken by tho departnlent to learn What 0111011s of the railway were responsible for Mlow- mg the man to work a longer nu ber of hours in one day than the Taw ;,;toine action will, it is Undereto he Mime by the department In aceor *nee with the suggestion of the judge. famel Clarke, for tiventy years a \tumor on tho Canada Attentle with the unique recOrd 'of itever ha ing had a wreek or a scriou5aceident of: fly docripifild train, has been' n e'' ftented by ther•fisiItVay CoMmIssien rispecter of aceldetttl Mut railing 819 • la will heiltlatinnad at Winning". hone ergo - Termite. Ma Semi %wasp Whola-Oplierio-No. I eithile. WI. Inalide; 14o. 3 aglete, rin ingaitele, ‘Vheat-Miutitelmt - Ns. norther*. *eked, Week Goalerkk. Barley -No. 2, PO 41164$ Ottlakie. Pese--No. 91, We • 0110411, toldeida. DAM No. 11 WNW. Oki bld 'tor 20.004 blishitiveL10140400, otasiliro:diiskt01:46w..000044001iusilsekr, ,Priesto Arc- . Wissid-Manitrob2-4.00 plaris----No.. herds Mel No. n9ritiiiteri. We! tiI9. Ilerthert1 1440- Wh4late'e0akert0--No. witit* wintec,, 720 to Wet No. 0 MO' 790,111\ We' fig,.'t Mixed, 40c. Oatek-No. whi1e,•410etattaitiel $04.* Pees -7030 „wd, • yellow AMOrieen. */ge Ro, „bike And, sail, 590 14,59* all tall/ Ontario, 4dn, ive4018 Aye -pude ttlo Fte. .1544t ist.utideo. 14 44: Fluur-ft•Ontunu-.40 Per tent, patelita. NtItc:00.int:4tetr:11.3'*3e'01i0°,..x4ioxiiitt.d141;414‘t COUNTRY PRODUCE ilotsiditej)grr.sdaittlalsP.litie eleeti;heaVy, end In - Dairy, „prints 411.•43 .4401/114/ •• .• 22ete 230 do Selide .e.. .0. 230 keeee do ttilia e... ,e, 18c tains: Cheese -0e tor iarga alidelffgo tor .44 $4475* Recabi 114.14-A9 itA.gd,i $4.04 Torgattl. __Drea-4011„ to •400/ Works •'quotes), At Eggs 17o tO itoney,Palls, 11c to 12c fee coneba, $1,00 to, $2.5$ per deZell. oecording -to quality.. , - • Beene -41.50 tn $1.55 for lkand-pleked and $1.35 to $1,40 tot. primes, Potatoes -Ontario, ',1450 to ,90ci east- ern, 81.00 to $1.10, in air lota en track kwrb. Ontario, neminal. • „„)3aled flay -steady 'at $12,50 to $13 per ton for No. 1 timothy and WO to $11 for -pecondare grades, in car lets here. Baled Straw-eSteady -at $0,75 kJ $7 per ton, in car kits here. PROVISIONS. Dressed Hogs -Firm at $9:25 for lightweights and 88.75 tor heaeies, farm- ers' lots. CEetots nominal. Pork -Short cut, $2,3 to 823.50 per barrel; mese, 821 to $21.50. &naked and Dry Salted Meats -Long clear bacon, 11c to lleec for tons and cases; hams, medium ancl light. 1534c to 16c; heavy. 14%c to 150; backs, iemc te 17c; shoulders, 11c to 11%c; reels, 11jece out. of pickle, lc less than smoked. Lard -Easier; tierces, 12Xc; tubs, 12%e; pails, 12%c. MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, May 21. -The local market for.oats is very much stronger, and tor No. white Manitobas ritieec to 47c is now quoted, while for Ontario same grade 46c to 46NO is being quoted quite fret:11401C Wheat -55c to 50(.6 per bushel. Corn-Am.erican No. 2 yellow, 55c; No. 3 mixed, 65c ex store. Peas -Bolling peas, $1 in carload lots and $1.10 in jobbing lots. Flour -Manitoba spring wheat, $4;25 to $4.60; strong bakers', $4, to $4.10; winter wheat patents, $4.40 to ,S4.25 straight rollers, $3.60 to $3.70; do, in bags, $1.65 to $1.75; extras, 81.50 to °M5511.1feed-Manitoba bran in bags, 820 to $22; shorts, $22 to $22.50; Ontario bran in bags, $20 to $21; shorts, $22 to $29.50; milled mouille, $21 to, 825; atraight grain, '028 to $29 per toil. Rolled Oats -Per bag, $1.90 to $2. Hay -No. 1, $13.50; No. 2, $12.50; No. 9, $11.50; clover mixed, $11; pure clover. $10.50 tn $11 per ton .in car lots. Chee,se Firm at 12Xc., Butter -The market shows an, easier feeling. -and'. 21%c Lar freely quoted. Eggs -Prices are unchanged at 17%c to 18c. Lard -Compound lard, 9%0 to 10Xe; kettle' lard, 13c to 13%c; pure lard, 12%e to 13Xc. Pork-Elarrels heavy Canada short cut mess pork, 022.50: tierces, heave Canada short cut mess pork. $33; half barrels Canada short cut mess pork, 81 1.50: barrels selected hertvy Canada short cut mesS pork, 011.50: barrels se- leeted heavy 'C Ada short cut mess pork $23.50. Smolced Mea s -Hams. extea Metre (family pork), $ 2.50: half barAs short .50; bar els light cut back pork, Canada short cut cie o , $21: bar- rels heavy flank pork, $21; barrels clear far backs, $24.50. BUFFALO MARKET. Buffalo, N. Y., May 21-pleur--Sleady. Wheat -Spring dull; No. 1 Northern, 81.01%; Winter. no offerings. Corn - Firm; No. 2 yellow, 59c; No. 2 white, 50%c. Oats-We.ade No. 2 while, 47%c; No. 2 mixed. 45%c. parley -No offer- ings. Rye -Firm; No. 2 offered, to ar- rive, 80c. NEW YORK WHEAT MARKET. New York, May 2L -Wheat - Spot. ease; No. 2 red, 98%c in eleeator and Ileeec f.o.b. afloat; •No. I northern Du- luth, $1.09 f.o.b. afloat; No. 2 Iard-evin- ter, $1.02 f.o.b. afloat. CATTLE MAIIKEeT. Toronto, May 21.e-Prtces were slightly higher on 00 active demand for (settle at the `Western Market lb -day. Values ranged from $5.10 era 85.40 for good to choice exporters, and feign $4.00 to 85.05 for fair to good ones. Choice eeleeted butchers' cattle sold at $4.90 to $5,20; fair to good butchers' cattle brought $4.60 to 84.85; eommon, 84 to $4.35; cows, $3.25 to 84.40 per cwt. Good grain -fed lambs. $7.50 to 88 per ewt; common lambs very slow and al- -most unsaleable; spring lambs 83 to $8 each ; export ewes firm at $6 $6.50 each ; bucks, $4.50 to 85.50. •? Heavy feeders, 1,050 to 1,150 Ms, were in steady demon(' at $1.50 to $4.75 per cwt. Short keeps brought $4.75 to $4.90 peCar olvwesl. were steady at sit3 to 87.50 each. Hogs were unchanged at 86.62% for selects, and $6.37% for lights and fats per ewe TDAGEDY IN THE FAR NIMBI. • Trader Loses His Wife and Three • • Children. A despatch from Duck Lake, soak., says: Word comes here by a trader from the far north of a terrible drowning ac- cident In which the wife and !tree chi,- dren of G. Cardinal, another independ- ent trader, perished. Cardinal and his comity were enoseing Coal Lake on the ice, he being ahead on enowshoere. Hearing a strain, he turned, only to see the entire family perlahing in the water, hie desperate efforts to save them being without avail. 25,5114 IN APRIL. Returns of immigrants at Canadian Ocean Perla. A despateb Moen Ottawa Snell Some f'5,„soo immigrants arrived at ocean ports for the month of April, 'colligated' with 16,876 In April, 1966, an itlerettet Of 51 rer cent. The outlet:lit et present Is that the Ittiellgrattan for the elfrrent year will room tho 100,000 Marl, Leaf pear it was 215.000, TO 4 Oertain elites* VOWS PK3601041 ferelt 1144114•1444 * 4 !tiGtAift,itk ler eensideret vowel** # fa 4414 lahd %It to 40 Planted; 444 * Af* hstes lb* *Mon at 44 1A,r. *Kt P lit*Inarteritr Of 0441. lel, St *1,4411044 Wu* land that, Is to he LINO wkore 144 *AI ignot two NM. Whiell eta gm* Will gre1W. teeett Orep nelas may lin Teteitif, Title ingig elniaftieley 414010111 On plintsk• fleet hi Pert** county, mask some 11141* eterfil ILEO under ttko zarection AA Vomiter ot tho Oniiirlo Department et. Aviculture. In. such lend it good etipplyrot molatnre rettlined by the subsoil, winch her the tree roots mom Invariant then the sertliee soil ltselt. Mei% soil of sandy chariatter Vidina 401*Or AlgtftwtirY* Ant, Intlgtil. 1,414aahle., - A, 414/11 1111121de' is oriest tb# Plage 'where it 12 skOr'ed to plant. 1•11 the la not tea. Steep, it Wilt proliebly• he fewad meet advalitagnatts &nigh forroW2,--.2* tar apitet.:ter Oeurser AS the yew* rot Inee ere Wended to be. The%) farrowe *Wild always rOn eleng the stdo of the Id% not Up Mul, &Wit the COM Ohettlei betaken that the tur. PoW pleltiglest so that the earth Is threw/0 40(4 the hill, Pft that The furrow Will retain aa Much VIM POsSible. On very steep „and on( Very groUntl• q _MARA* Or WM-hoe Must be tiled. The, distences trees from each Other need not be, 'Adhered lo JOT' oic,PelY. *vinettinen 11010 is the Mattacle, aS Might be •••0110',WItlyat 11,Pacle or hoe, Om plant pue down and fha earth replaet4 and firmly peeked' down around the tee°, 'Ati- other Method is as follows:, The mat. tock ,drbien into the earth with a powertui' stroke; then the, handle is forced eway tram the planter, the head of the tool thtis forcing up a quantity Of earth. In the largest crack thus termed the tree is peaced. The flintlock is withdrawn; then the earth is anima - ed to settle back in plats and finally tratimed 'down firmly. This latter Method is much quicker -and so.cheaper -then the former, and es often %vot- ed' On that account. The,whole pubjeet of tree planting ,a treated. at much greater length In a bulletirt entitled, 'Forest pun:ding," by Mr. E. J. 7.avitz, Forester th the On- tario Dept. of Agriculture. This is one el the 0. A. College bulletins. METE PINE. The Moot Generally Desirable Tree for Planting in Ontario. , 4White Pine is undoubtedly the tree to be preferred above all others tor plant- ing. in Ontario. It is a wood so gen- erally useful and so generally accep- table to woodworkers of almost all kinds that a ready market will always be as- sured for it. Unfertunately, leellite Pine trees suit- able for forest planting are not yet grown in large qUantities by nursery- men in this country. This is largely due to the high price of seed, whidh et present sells at two to two and a half dollars per pound, and is often more expensive. Id many eases, indeed, it has been found cheaper to import the seedlings dLrectly from Germany than .0a grow them here. Two-year-old White Pine seedlings are found very isatisfactory for planting. Five feet apart each way is the dis- tance at which they are most often placed; i.e., five feet apart. in the rows and the rows five feet apart. Four feet apart Sikh way might do even better, but would require over 50 per cent. more trees. Often the White Pine seed- lings are put only every other tree; the ether places are filled with hard maple, on good soil, or with red oak on poor soils. Both these are cheaper trees, which may eventually be removed. The White Pine is very accommodate Mg in regard to soils; it will grow eri sticky clays or on sand barrens or on soils Intermediate between these. Na- turally it is best developed on geod ng- ricultural soil. Under very favornble eonditilins, in plantations, it may. from Its eighth year till about its fifteenth or sixteenth year, grow three feet per year. In the forest a yearly gmwth of tnelve to fifteen inches in height may be reckoned on. From forty to fifty years is the least erne that, tan be allowed While Pine trees in order to enable them to attain a good eize; and, in order to give them a chance to do their best, twenty ycars more shoeld be allowed therm On averege forest soil the White Pine will make, on the average. one cord of wood per year; on good agricultural sot! one and a half cords or more will be produced annually. • GOLD IN THE SASKATCHEWAN. Valuable Dredging Lease Secured East of Prince Albert. A despatch from Prince Albert, Sask., scys: Thos. H. Brooke. a former resi- dent of this city. who has made n for- tune at Cobiall, and Senator Turly, of Fort Wayne, Ind.. have secured leases of the gold dredging privileges east of Prince Albert, in the Saskatchewan Blver. They will put four or five dredg- es to work at once. The success of the gold dredge that is working west of Prince Albert line stimulated internst In the gold dredging. Dr. Roughsedge end the Hon. W. C. Ramsay hnve taken lot of hInck sand eiti of the river. This sam Ids to be shipped to (he stake, where the gold Is extrieated. They are, hewever. now putting in a pui•Ifvete plant of their own, and will extract tho gold. — —4... — THE DEADLY ROLLER. lames Torrance, a Young Man. Killed Near Lucknow. A despatch from Lucknew soy; A sod accident. occurresd on Frith'', mortt• ing resulting in the death or Jitters, eldest son of Mr. Peter Torranee. »ear this village. The young man was en- gaged rolling in the field, and. aleie,ugh no one sow the `ttecIdent. It appears that the Come, possibly frightened liy u tee.. stng trahi, became unmanagenhie end ran away. When found Mr. Torrnnee was still olive but unconscious, nrel died shortly after. Deoeased was abeut 24 years'of age. LEASING OF COAL LANDS. " • — New Regulations tor the Western Provinces are Appeoved. A despatch from Ottawa nem Tee Clovernor-Oeneranin-C,ouncil has ed of new, regelotions n corwrninpfrprotivie- leasing of coal Wide In Manhole), ;11S- lcntehewart, Aiberta, the Yukon. the North-We.I Territories, and the rellwav belt of British Celumbin. They provide that coal areas may be lensed hir a peried of 21 years, at an annual rentn1 of $1 in advance; Mat no shall be tor More than 2.500 e •s h priority of legal possesefon eh c RI Heim that operationa rinnprpl,hrnat,i jorn:i Mold be begun within 12 Months; that a royalty of five cents per ton Omit' be paid, and flint fir. tual settlers shall be allowed le buy Oral for their own tise at the prier. nol to exceed $1.75 per ton at the pit's mouth. KING EDWARD'S GIPT. WHI Present Spanish Royal Baby with Artistic Sliver Cup. A despatch trona London says • prince Arthur of Connaught Matted for Madrid on Wednesday oveqing, faking with aim King Edwards christennig gin, a silver glit cup ot artistic design. rtsmw* mkt. mr nwatio tow 1**10000041400, trm *Or OW0l. 4110 'OW V044141144 14001 100114* CANADA. NIOut41) ;0,114 b(C4 found utl.l'elforti Sask. 11414111m lubotire at'o to WOO •td(' .eenta per hour'. Terente Dirty Council find NOnclq* tkaiint Ct. 0,SiCtvig goltday, D. S. entry. comptixttlo Op Winnipeg. :far Yenra. rc,§Ithla • Only nucitintit 4at itto Donlibohno have become Canadian eltisens. Cotton operstIVes St, lobn have teen givon inerem taw 1.ter cent, Canada% trade ter the twelve rtranths ending' March 31St\ was $010,081,351. The Polity Rtver settlers enders() 'GM mOvernent ler SePeSSieli from Ontario, Calgary eridebsed 14.1* the other day to raise 4101000 to, instal municipal Plaines. Mr, D. E. Hanna Iris ,been appointed Genet* Manager ot the Donadtan North. etnNew"..periwamY•anent eovalry corps are to be established In Alberta and Sustain:h. man, upDpor.i4WiedaltesrupMeruifirrtaeyndEenniglisoth 1114:m1%r:tit AsYluM. Tile Government 1ms decided to prose. cute O., number Of Limns found selling oleomargarine as butter. Eurglara got $1,200 In diamonds in 4 Mid on Defoe% jewellery store, Fort William, OA SSituriday night, Immigratiqn returns show that On- tario is getting the bulk of the arrivals frotn the continent of Europe, • Front the estate of the late Harrison Corey of Petrolee the 'Government has received $12,300 in succession duties. The Minister of Education is consider, vent the 'spreaci of -tuberculosis In the sincghoet11.1:. adoption of legislation to pre - The purchase by the C.P.R. of the New BrunSwick Southern Railway, from Ste. Stephen to St. John is announced. Six C.P.R. telegraphers ak Winnipeg gave a message buy their cheques untounting to $400 to cash, and he did. but failed to return. • The old windmill at Prince Albert, which was used as a lookout by troops in the Northwest rebellion, was blown down on Friday. ,Jake Dixon, an Indian near Nankin, Alberta, died of drinking whisky to ex- cess, and Dan McDonald,' who is ac- cusd of supplying it, is Inspector Jervis and four men of tho R. N. W. M. P. are at Edmonton on Moir way to Iferschell Island, where they will live for the next two years. By a decis!on of Judge Morson of To- ronto a restaurant -keeper may sell fruits, candies and lee cream un Sun- days and allow the purchases to be taken from the premises. The Railway and Municipal Board ordered that the Toronto Railway Coin - limy construct from ten to fifteen addi- tional miles of double truckis and one hundred pew ears. An English lad of 17, becoming sud- denly demented, escaped from the im- migration hall in Edmonton, Altii„ clad dnlY in an undershirt. In this atete tte twice swam the river, but was finally captured. GREAT BRITAIN. The birth rate for 1906 of England and Wales is the lowest on record. England is facing a railway strike, as the men demand mieognition of their union. 'rile Colonial Conference endorsed the proposal of 1.10 all -British mall route to Australia, via Canada, With one exception, the members of the West Ham Board of Guardians and workhouse °Metals have been sent to prison fur accepting bribes. ..Right lion, Henry Chaplin, Unionist, was elected for Wimbledon, England, ever Bertrand Russell, the suffragist candidate:14 almost, 7,000 majority. • UNITED STATES. . One thousand'young men lit Chicago hair() formed a league to cheek drinking. Abrahum Rue!, the San Francisoo boss. fuis pleaded guilty te the cherge of extortion. Fourteen men wero killed by a prema- ture dynamite explosion near Marion, N. C. Mr. Roderick Cochrane, who sent the nest plough to Manitoba, is dead at Wnshington. smallpox I.as been taken inio the towns of Derby and Ansonia, Conn., by gypsies. 216,000 farms in Iowa hew, the proud record of not o»e crop failure 10 50 YeloTin. Hansen was lined $100' at New York for showing mov trig pictures of the Thaw-W'hite tragedy. The United Stales submarines Octopus and l.ake were. kept 24 hours benjeth the surface QS 811 endliPtillen French state .ollivials Must, not Join labor organizatiyos, it ennoimced, and school leachers are so classed. Three tier:sons were trampled 10 death and niany Injured in a panic in 11 negro school in Indian Territory un Friday. Harry Marshall, bystander, was shot and killed during a net iiniong the striking longshoremen at New York on Friday. Within siN Months after he began to smoke cigarette-. fourteen - year • old George Miller, ef Bridgeport, be- came insane. Extensive forest liras have !WON rag- ing since Sunday In \ clomp, county, Pq. 'Elie Ilres C41301' an ay. .3 of till Millar, miles 1111A1 1111V1' already dune Manage amounting lo tirrhoun, A eell-knewn chiclige broker announced that he weied ...1111 ugain until wheiit $1.50 a bushel and cotton sells al fourteen cents a p.aind. According to advice. froni leading rol• ton mills of southern Nee, rtiglanil, fully 85.000 operatives will Inive s.iges advanced about to per (...111., beginning Mia')Vve271v0eLthousand flvo• hundred worm:0 leachers In New Nt;r1i are striNIng lo oblam frorn Legislaltire so incr1.1044` in their salaries 1,1 !vial 1111,1 of men tenilLeellesNa.re said to he .loing good wiirk Kansas, esterminnting the green I,fig v.hent destroyer. '1 w , thousand ta,‘,., thf bees have leen dislril.lited Eansier farmers. The minister. ef Seim% 10111 county and pannier creek eiley, Pa., have planned a 1 active campnign tri wilts. out cheep donee citurnint:0111::1,1,1 1:111.131drdeenui"Ir-n iMirzerficyceunnga Now Noes is rapidly decreasing I here 0,, re' 1:5,000 0111,34 ri (33.4.34 11111011g foe lid - n fes years TO.Ins• thrra out; but 8.71)1 children in 'New )«rk's sehouls tho ninnialains at Ailioilia, Pn.. the Miter day, three boys riin into a dcn 111 rop- pertiouil sor.kos Dud v,nre sunning theni selves iin the reeks, [0, reptile, .,fiosed fIght. but the procilred ciubs and 1011.41 Serious race riots have broken,. rint Delhi. India. Opium haunts In Voorliow 'Inv -a been Closed by the Chinese ntilhorii A ser,1,141/4 1•04,011 1/1/1.1114,08 1011011 1./ the wInergrow pr. of Aniabern A laborer lins been arra,Ind n1 Berlin for Inalring taco nt the Emperor. The Sorsalist going in lite Austrian el1.4010/14 1131' not so`graul h.triraltoo Reports feom Europe 10(11 'ate 1, 1043/ yield of wheat in all count tes France., Tho world'e wheat crop p atill$44 thwalt4i Velow 101 y !WI peMenle 0t tho berm* district Pawila are In rereit and, have di$arni ,ktta lieldiery. Twelve hundred ittsriaiati QUatier$ NOV Sailed rom tlhats ter America* Pro0m. ably kr Catnap,. Ntarletrie Frond:MA. a kaiak) termIsl Moscow. has been exiled to Siberia elbentliting, litif ist Denerel Novitr, IskY. Tlioa cooed of the Empiro or the Kan VliPer 110W, relecled Me till of titte Dent04. tei teleellett Wilde he*d ceurteinirilith Cossacks itt Lad4. eri RIOS' ilultScrirmlnately Into crowd el tavtoo, worumcn (Ind opeiats, toxrity.one, and Nvouniatitg over forty The Dentsh Pellee IMO requested tha Gentian pollee le talio aetion against Swedish cleat IMMO, Ere* Dead,. whe- ts •lieettsted et hiring' white sieves to AWFUL !RAVAGES OF PLAGEL.I. Nearly ,001. a Million Deaths in the plod Three Months. A. despatch from London says: The Lancet's India eorrespondent reports that during the week ending Aprii 13 there were, Mu gases or plagUe and 75,4Te deethe, en increase of 14,900 In dm number of cases, and 12,000 in tho number at deaths from the previeus week. From October, 1890, to December, 1900, the total deaths from the plague were 4,411,242, and during the first three Months 9! 1907, no less than 495,000 deaths are known to have occurred. There has also been Increased mortality from °thee eauSes. The death rate for the whole of India hes increased stead Pv for the Mist fiveyearti tram 29 per thousand in 1901 10 36 in 1005. PEST SPREADING FAST. Nova Scotia Alarmed at Extent ol the * Brown Tall Moth. A despatch from Halifax says: The Government r Nova Scotia, thoroughly Maimed at the extent of the brown -tail Mbth in this province, and the danger should the pest become general, have issued a notice Butt a bounty of 3 cents j.er nest will be paid on all species se. cured. Tito nests are to be ealleeted night and merning and brought to the school teaohers, who will keep a record, Then they are to be sant by the leuchers to the Department of Agriculture, at Truro. The pest has now made Ito at> pearance in the public gardens at Hall - fax, and it is being frequently reported in the Annapolis Valley. LORD'S DAY ACT IN NIANITOBA. Deputation Asks Govormnent That Cer- tain Clauses he Not Enforced. A despatch from Winnipeg says: A deputation consisting of over ono hun- dred restaurant keepers, wholesale men, retailers, fruit men and others, walled upon the Government on Wednesday morning and asked that certain clatmes of tho Lord's Day Act be not enforced, os It was in the best interests of tho gen- eral public. The Ctovernment promised the deputation every consideration pos- sible and intimated that after the decie stone handed out ut Toronto and Hamil- ton recently it would not be likely that restrictive measures would be enforced' in Manitoba. FAMINE AND FEVER. Is Spreading Daily In China's Stricken , • Districts. A despatch from Shanghai says: The thousands of Weirien, children and aged pertsons who were dying of starvation In the streets of Sing Kiang Pu were placed on Wednesday in camp outside the city and are being fed by the relief organiza- tions. Ventine and fever are spreading, 13 1111 additional families needing relief aro being enrolled daily. The funds sent within the past seven days will prevent the cutting off of unripe grain. Nei '-olTENT IN RUSSIA. Prices Are Higher Titan tor Several fiecades. A despatch frorn Odessa says : European wheat situation 14 regarded by competent grain merchants here as be- ing most unfavorable. The present prices are the highest the eAperts on the llounse can remeinber 10 have been °quoted in Ilussta for deendes past. The provinces of Ilessaentini, Poltava, Pfher- son and Prxhilia are gravely affected. Sevouly-live per cent. of Ihe winter crops have helm damaged by the cold weather and dry spring, Ovving hi the sudden rise temperature a fortnight no the entire spring crops %vitt be lost unless 111 111 falls within a week. in which ease possibly 85 jier cent. of the spring crop will be reaped. ,thoilt I<ishinev the farmers are reploughing their ilelds, the first sowings having been ruined by drough. At Yelzabothgred thr winter wheal evens are threatened with de- struction owing to lack of rain. -P A CIR I 'El. REV V LIST: Beat Son Nharderously for Sunday Etall Playing. A despateh reni Attlee,. Georgie . say, hi, h., Nenr• '1‘1 f"r. P"IYifig "11 SI!"d'IV• Fron„ong. nolo 1,„ ,„ 11„. .1. 1 I. Arlo"; 111"1,1111g 11'41' tho 1,, to 181in,kr \v,". 1.4"1". •pw...dity ,01111.71(.4si 11) s14 11,3, „1 II"' "11:1‘ 1,> .0. .s..r) • ti 1„„vri,• e111 114 11'34,10041 111111 III,' ooy; ;Au, in.noo 111,11 1,1s 111%01 3.4 p1111, 110,1 Hint ha • , onrres elm.% .A 113', 11' ,11 might! not reeoter. Aneild said he lie 1 (1..11. ool 1.0 rodlioe 0 4'11 lievisl it was a deadly sin h, piny base ball on ,runday, and he leol ordered his ,, neo rwek am! 1;n11,1, .1.,‘ son 1161 10 play, bill the kilter ihisobey'i „.„ ,.•oi mot ;AI la ••• (10 3104 I E OF 'CZAR oldier Confesses That Ile Accepted Bribe to Assist iu ° Murder. , despite/4- trent St. ittersburg aay$: sot Terivrist, ccaspiracy directed against the Ilk of Eutperer WNW, Ike most- &Ince et WWI hes been 0tIsPeded ter sow time pest, haa been revealed by the Arre2t 04 Tekratec-S,cto oi cepite,r 91.1110 Guerd itegiment. The man cow, trased to the acceptance of a large tummy bribe to 415.eist in the murder IAN Majesty. AccOrding to the details ot the plot, the existence of \Nlitch has been COn- firMed by cam qf the hieheat eflacials of the Oatirt. sleeptelen was, directed to the lieldier by the Met that be was seen to haee his possession. lemsiderable Audis of money. tio Was at once placed tinder oeservatton. When leo noticed that he was being shadowed lie becume panic.stricken and sou& the authori- ties. lie then brow down and Yellin - tartly made his confession, atter which he bogged !or protection. All the threats of this oonalgtt9Y, which is radically different from form- er attempts of this nature, are not yet ill the hands of the secret service men. A few underlings have been appre. tendcd. but the -Veal Instigliteris ' crium, and the Men, who,faritistied the bleed roomy, have not. ye:, teen, Oica. tilted, It Is thougtit thai tam 13 Part of tho proceeds of Loicrel political robberies conimitted OUNDIt lost Pell and Winter. MOM? Pt 14 participants tn these sorer:Med expropri- attons have been arrested .and exeentedo tit the 100t was novae Mewed.. Tho police offietale mairatein 4 IllYe. terious silence when questioned regal* um this conspirciey. `rhoy refuse to either affirm or deny the atory, and thernStives to stating that there ie indication that the men arrestcd 13,st weetc this city wore conneated with this iximmiracy. This statement coincides with Infor- mation obtained in revolutionary elr- cies, where it Is deelared that the men apprehended Itket week were occupied wtth the reorganleation of the fighting bends of the revolutionists, which the pence succeeded lust year In breaking up, and that the authors of the present conspiracy must be sought outside ef St. Petensburg. iti+Hrti4+1+1,44401.114414 Fashion 1-1-ints• 11-1144-1-11-4-1-11-11711-144-1444 PRETTY TUB DRESSES. In planning the summer wardrobe, whatever else must be 'omitted,- the tstreer while gown should hold an im- p Hunt place. Nothing L. cooler look- ing or mere generally becoming to old end yuung Mike, while front point of service a white gown will outweur two oe three eulored cotton or linen frocks.. Nut long ago some one admired a while lifwit gown worn by a young we - luau who had the reputation of always being well dressed, "'rhis is lis fourth summer," was the laughing replY. "and I really think myself lt looks quite re• spectuble, though 1 couldn't count the times 11 has seen the wash lub." 'rind is the tseeret of the reedy useful white frock. It must be made with le- ference to laundering. Though some wo- men wear summer gowns tso-called) that ettn only be cleaned by professional methods, and are as elabtuale and own- plirated 88 a ball dress, they prove ut• unpruclical for the tiVertige wo- • whitAi dress, to meet the require- ments cif laundering well and ensily, mends fairfy elosii attention to material, cul and trimming. Though must of the cotton fabrics styld cureful wnshing, Sorra, tea n1tioh" better 11flerWard than dr. ethers. This Is Irue both of expert - sive and cheap materiels. While hand- kerchief linen and sheer bullule-.,inay bought for almost the same mace, the biriner neve-r pulls or gets sleazy, does even the lic,t quality of 'latish.. Organdie also rare?) looks well idler a tabbing, while Paris wtileh is 1111110SI US sheer, [tiny he laundered twain and again. Certain Inexpensive gol thick and roarse looking af• 11 1' 111e 111'91 11101' WAIN' t,11111.11,e5 1113,111, while dimities keep fresh and sheer till 10( Inst thrends go, Dotted swisses 11.4 rule launder well unless such an In- 11(eurlio1 roucluality is bought that the dots The woman who (mikes her own clothes has long ago iikseovercd that she call 1117111,111 almost r.,\ cry 11/101 4, ( WI1111' c,5 01133 .$1.f..F;e31, well- ( tit shirtwnist, pattern. Even the nroni- pts•sisil long-shoulrlered prier I can Is• 01,1100011 1,411 41011111 11111111101001,111. nerally mere satisfactory when rut ro,er IN(' or seven gored pattern. as the rirculifr one is bound to sag, well caelh 'season lo buy a nes and stylish prittern, ari :skirt 13113`.S 410010 (Kamen tly. The skirls 100 year Ilare dei idertly the bottom, though they have nothing radically now 111 1111'll' 11310., 11 111, 11,111` may be obtained 10 o%ertapping flounces set no a slow and nitich• flared foutidoluni, or it is produced ht. widening flounces sit 110011 111,''',ItIr1 1,3 1114'1111, ,,r 11181.1.11011 10,3 vt1,21•1 111h1 11 one-piece skirt v, 1111 Ihe trimming litscrIcil. From Davis crime, sord 11151 the nes initialler gown, are rondos! lo 1111. (111,011C1, of all rutnes. hut 1 1141•1. 11111IFI Wo (1111g 1,, Ile, 1111114 • 1,illi,Wy look lit ,111,, i.E skirt Ilist curl oill) uhliieved 11ot/wings. either side or narta,w. Princess and emelt., lines ,ice much sPen 1 111 W11 111, 11,44 ks, hut they vre tsiireelv feasible for the home dreks- maker. as they require el -ireful fitting Moreover. they do riot 3.4 a.ch spieriene Many of Ihe shirt, are cut high at Lb, hark In give the empire effect, %%loch Is eitrIalnly allrai live urt slender T111., can offlui lv- hies - 10.• arrangement of sash end 1 underneath. Joined bands of lime In- sertion around the artnholes give the inevitable long Sloping Shoulder effect, yet are easy to launder. A striking model of fine tittle hand- kerchief linen, trimmed with wide bands tit embroidery, crossed tr. a novel way. Lace could be substituted, or bands • the maternal, hand embroidered, would lye even prettier, The yoke is made ni riiWs of hemstitching. The skirt may br made In round length, though in Park most of the skirts 0113 long. Sheer while hatrste, let:tuned in va- lenelennes insertion one and a half inch- es wale, forms the nest gown, The thread lurks on the blouse are Ant by hind, while the simple motifs of hand embroidery on the waist and sleeves give a quite Fretichy touch. The loose tell sleeves are very euslly copied. The sash of pompadour ribbon is knotted at the hack without. a bow, bill has ends reaching almost lo the bottom of the gown. --- TWO elOnE DIIE enNOUtarrst. Dritainis Significant Reply to Germany's • .kitiitide on Disarmament. A despair:1i from ',melon says: Orders 1.5034 1,300 msov,rd et the Portsmouth and Devotiport dockyards lo lay the heel of a battleship of the Dreetinmight type in each yard as S000 /18 1110 bat. lleships Temernire and Bellerriphon, now iviirse of building, titive been Mum:h- i-31. They will be lattitetied August next, The understanding wits that in case the pro 1150111 of, rifsarnia motif should take delimit! shape In 'rho Hague Peace Conference only one tots Dreininought would be laid dotS 11. The order for Iwo Dreadnoughts Ls Great Britain's aeknow- Wgitient of Germany's refusul to en- tertain the question of disarmament. BRITISH TRADE GROWS. Exports and Imports for 1006 Exceed Those of Previous Year. A despatch front London says: The AtalLslics of the Board of Trade for the United Kingdom in 1906 show that the thtal Imports from foreign countries and British possessions during the year amounted to 83,039,442.500. as against, Ske,825 .009.585 in 1905, white, the exports were $1,8'77,87600 111 1006, es compared with $1,'271.17/1.300 in 1905. The 14/11 I value 011 the Imports from British fins. se,,ionti and protectorates 0/ 1P.'1' IVAIS 11/.8N.200. 1.1110 3.191'1$ Dri• I sh posses,ions nod pisitecturates were volfierl al $C011.706,3110. CUTS OFF TifinTEEN ficENgr.s. Decision at the Government Affecting Rainy River District. A despulch from Toronto savs • 'The oied. iieeording Moo. 31r. to susissid the liquor licences in the Hinny ilk's. district be - tweet' Itort and Kenora during Ow double tracking of 2011 miles of the ( .0,11, betweeli those points. on which 111111311130% I/1 111 1 Il/1`1•11% 111 1.e employed. The heron -0, id 00.ft.rii .ire exempted, Mut heing 011 111,01 0,1 111.'31 l•.\3 li• hilt Itie r0110W11111 \All! go l<33.3WIL• three la% erns. one ,liop 11, goon. Iwo tavern, .110 "11, '14011 Dry• (tem Imerns ermilion Day Din- o:wry, Crt;111 0,1014 ;111,1 lgon.y. one 1.1%orn license each, u total uf thirteen licenses. ekes kit.L17e6 1;letE. -- Partrifelee and E%en (leer rtestroyert by Thent 111 Canadian Forests. 5 0. d 1,0%.11 shrw.o. In filo mootioi nod en the -oho, to,.. 1. I.. I 4,iiirt5st hem the \1,,,,,„ 0.1 ri. •ii . r% riot 1 '1111 1 :111.11111M 14,1 %I. 1411.4, 111 1,, I 1,, 1,, del Hit ',011t, 1'1,01,40, 0.,i !wing ly do. ,11,,4,,1 I 110 1{1, I.. 10- 1,4•131(3 1,, • 'tie e,,,,1111,, the • 31 " 11.•111 M 1110 •ii ..1. 1,0 111111 4,4 captain of Ilii• 31. rv toe ir.• 1. 14 4,1 1,, II 3,4 '111'11, 1 11 1%4 14, ,1110%3 1111 1 orrkli•11.1., The so 1 .111•nv to thew nests 111 11,0 -• 1 „1 'II)RONTO'S Mil,K \11' %IAD. 11 et Inc, 44frir nod \,, 1,1..4 .1,, 11iA .134"...11'. ,r nisi! th. re %%1••/ 11 is.% it helvv 1,41.1, I it th.0 io tog i l'Ite !Irian Prire nemain ami r‘ in !.. N." ""P- • 11, e Hee ,,,,, n,,i 33.1, .41410 1111 114' 41 11,1 I I 1-1111 11,1 1,11,41 her/ 'h.. I Wad' III 1, 11% nt 4, 31) ,, 11 ,, J14111'•'• 1)'{'10 31'11, id \iv,. I"'rli" t.I1 s i • 151 -stirs.. .'111 .14 1 , 1 4/ 1 tort., 111 tho troll, to 1,Ortili-ti bike!, " `"") I /4 3 1, 13 11 111, 4.• 0• 11011 fi IlitirstInv afterii,,,,ii The sward 111 th' he—I% op, .1 Hi, l• simi 1- th., 0.,-T .••11 -do, V. hie. fil.:t3 per eight -gill 11 01/1 r,t 111,11, frr,rn l' f I, ire lie lino., 1 . el, so .1, ,11 vi• 41014,11'0,1 al the daire, \tee eele.,,,.„e 4%1 311,• 0,31 1,1`1,•el •13 ri I 1.r si,•,11,i1. • 1 4%. 1/, at !no IraIng 44'111 1/1 lite eents per 4141 11 ": '1' is c%iiient 1'1.1 11 11..4 he prOdacAlts. 81 10 per tI,0 sitece 'rte. ..f , nod 11,,. Ale r. 11.,33,1 4,1 1' 1 I% .11,1 /.44 ft roue, ihii it, 1. .( ,t ( III 1,3,1 11111 rA1.9.1) %V. lliey 1, list h,1,1 L. ray, rowing 't he I•11,1 1(11114'I'k and h.., 111 t` 111 /A 1/11 1 1 1141 3 ' 14 t I 1.4,,,i,t) rriallers effered comlicorri,e vt l'o. 1111,1 11111 14 rl.,1 • Ill 'PAIN fr,01$ Ihr hf Ell '22% flind prodies•i, _ l'er Otosirl. tro 110. Ma.; orrei..• rlespalcit from •Ioliirihi 411 118,1 1 111 101 otilbr,0,1,,,, 1, , 1., ,,,„,, „war,' c. 11 no I'V,•1 h1.1, . i-ninderrii,/ 1 I, MI.? 5 1 he ,31 ,,f 11,1,111,71 waq $1 111. /1 3111 eael, 101,1 1,41( %NW 1W tar 1 hang.: 311 er•Irr,1 rr e of Milk. *Merl w1I1 erird•nne ,0.1 11 se% ,,ot. per quart 1 and 3,011 eitin.i bottled. —4. eioLl %trite %trellis. WM Compel! the Japanese Iri District. 1, despot, 11 fri.tri ‘1111,1,11l or. 1.1 avs • ‘liffere41 at lho 11111•4 hi. 11,11 i.f Japancse into Ihe Allitt district 1,c 1 111, iiiinny.q 10,3,i determined 1,, 11,,i 01'0311101 ..ut ..1 41,,, 4 111111 I In 111011' 11011 1 11011,13%1 1 111I .1411,11 1114%., Ile minors have tiro merchants 1,1; Int 41,, ,te% oral trunks Meelmg, ts ere 11,111 53 11/111 41111.,,11,1111% Were lb., , 2, y linv everting il 53 116 (fa Inr,1 nod the Jtifinne,e noon je, Metier s te. que,ted attend ihe meeting, 5,-1,1„ ccion tomer, e old ..it and 111 ,;14.1..;1 11,211 Ito trn11111 :5;1 tytt IA hit, 1,11;or 1 Ito moo, ,1.- hued Ittet the Japanese Is• •t,i‘ 111,0 x\ .01, if tho ,ytni te tt.' Mu% 101111kKillItel!. 1.erne NADA'S HIGHT PROSPECTS Population of Eighty Millions eBfor.e End of Century. desisiich fi 4111 Ikaldna •ion, 11,e sums 334•4 p e 1 pled ith .1. -.per sent-, cf day lit 1 i. 1 1.1 1 ti 11/3 , II 111111% I 1 11., 1reto ..1,11 ,SAIL133114114,,, $31.1)3(e 1 n „f I ,„„1.1, 31, 1 1.0,1 3,0 , r th.• 51,14 gra.• peel.:ere rtf et,- ,,f 11, had 1,001) 1 31•/11 retristta..efri IrpiNiU01 (Willed 11 01 .1,1110 tiod, I hi in 1,3 11:41 3/4 1 1- /ii•i'e ..• ti y '.3 oy f efieee eel] xi , i 11. o I torreli hag 13.34 lel 1.'1 11 " 11111 31 1. 1'1'11.''1, r.11,111,'0,/ le.hr,o of \AegIlika 1”, ;to 1 1 r•ol;;• .00.1 0 11, A ' ;0;•1 a•Ndoni tsif tittg• 1. ',New hi lc' 111011 N. 11131 1 v 114.1331,' I (110 prmri 1 ,It , 1 wont iin 1.31 right li•si hos 1 tairpelitate the 1114411ne.$14. lows it sould be iksokipment 311 11113 1 4;3 115 no% 11,3)1111311AG (00 Ca mediae& .11111.Msdikta, 1 • 1,