HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-05-24, Page 17 A All 6— No' 11 ----------- 'i xv!vlo THF. 000r;RICII STAit kft allow ------------------- Of tN county of MAN ------- 7 A ON FIND M 44,1V7 AYA 014 NOT W 144 UQUESTIONA.U.8 02M. , = 7- job* 4 oor lao r"4 tAii. 10,1141011 �*w T1100111ft t an'.0 otiqb tot ..... ..... A IiWup. !f4*4 ton. #,Ajt *lJout; your **41b =006 who=t. Xi I, i ;, 11 -4, """ * , , aorta moldlillr4c NIAO 011itli.1- il W W44lfl`0014, OA ILI Is. -;4T0 h , Movie 00 e 04ets li.,001Y Olqe sure, W! r "044,by* wun. ;;I is now 14*11 bw*ft q 10 x w-'spullIr it. - 4 fjW po t �. �Vwf" to ate4_100 t Axtq tbk� -Celovntv Is of tho A dftth 00, boluir holideL Vd, All 0004 4 PrOPUP 41MI crod the Squarbi wlitch4* Otbv* 0034 Of MO', doto, fit wobjection. MiRht regls�lioj, bot ft� bot* 0 7ft" whoW4, 0 bald., *44 it"lla 0OW Itad that is tll:xt t Vs*'* A 00, okra A -how who ff*QAJ4 'W"' Ift `111111641* drylit 'din, Aw tho xonsbdg�ou must have no PlAco to i wool, oth # 04 V op" It attknict to t6c, JXWJ Of 044AW % th I =- - - Ay 14 "1 tpoxe, tooln, tot tho" no iNot, tVIialw Y*rr A%bya PC -0. , fgtbusyll all once ad give, tenants tr"t, the -that hisOAN AN turAill , accolutood Ion tatianth toiliddAi* so' (AD t a Cludo� This brief 4434 positive y�04 doull re t a a toore Will "WaSAOU DUO Tres Kno ha Illy, gull 'PeArbIltuld refill Do, tav,axv, W *or 11r. Wi '03 learl r to 1'0'p*o (%a thoog" a row WookV Will see Passing plantlOu nd should be heeded A11104son. Mo tick Invalp, or WO new b0114i; lu; 4M *-MiT; 4(0 )gu 1voll 04 41, 11301V wily to Coln a1010 Ott Z40114% !NAT XV, W411 11 W"Altyr 1411., o31111IR 400.1w.,9114T. 49'., Kul VO quit 111"tailta %to, st -atut In ronce In la It weeks STAB was in Oil 4 "'IlOW114" 90404 oft, OF daveltim fo the ace engine, and its future use put yesterual, anti reptil-to tbat Xwmoot TOO' A, time be 0*140 a 0 0 1 Of that 'OtibIthro Ilia Real, are bou ;41A UTOV,AA, lit no t 4evrfi, �Eofto Ob -Z hAs beer' favorably commented On by Va iti: Ueafortbo *ftoro Ott a Are, T rAtreal many of tizeno. It to said that the cot choice of treval for IM OWL Ocala agL t fl, "IX , 0, A XO I , oj�, idtip A for Or UIVIV goods, bit lid voy'rort aox"PWO i I% r foil a Onto ApplicIttionflaftbaln frocelfed for Fit N 'Ex t will lie $8W Or $4000, %ad It is getter. 06 nR exper in tit a0colningdatiod ill Tit vote problem it Wily ?9 are ellecee lififiles though tile ally conceded, the IuVestnlant would UWWenti to n -W 4, peose Mill bavo 16WIL.'o Ok t 0 Q bettor than anticipated, Mi- Jackson be one of the very beat the town could Y%v"N lle$� Weak On tile 8 lop Ali Via*- bvamory %guPgAp pou I Inch aeddannodAtion Should In K, go; a �T, M-4 el0e."arig stotewd tile ke the latilall "take. jort gligovatib . A P&W)WE 4 IT A In .1874 with Which lie vii., "A' WO Olu country anti will P1406 oiretloo'!AW"M 7 rillpo"314 n' The, .4,a AIITJW� Whep,�aft,0 a br4eth -a for a.vory he;Ivy stuck of goods ordet two I tq,, t CIO All'- Wi T- X41,1111, the KJOufteoits and 0do,loll has a -ad graderwhicb. tIt, Wh Dri and amoLl trovaplit to 6 PPIY the Increnalng demand. 000 u lie i art repi effent4tive of the �Jr I" 4koolta Ana all and MOP re. was In town top a President Rtllt� of- the RoFers Mall. surout toQ tAticl 5QL.#vjRI$raq­ Auct 401tam IT this 4119WOd tO-rOmainldle. Disusomc&na T- 71 ""Put To Win - 'a aaWerK ant tlla� the pro inapri to Ar 4a PIO, bill hing like the firocngire has been W1 top W114 t;f lira� 'I, I I -N`W' U UARWAIMOD. L l twiliala, OnI 'Week, and rdobpts vark 11facturl" few dUva tuis v W tell Intery owe he Cemetery woo JagQJ UOMpany Were sets 0 tile ultimate dcayp There Is not only' qw 4141 wit,404A guitherect in. Mani. Itil(i for III v I; on A a411WIIV k -TwOldill; toe 'sk nlbbio'�_, Sundskv. i TAR A *'v A favorab'lo, and tile good and Profitable use for the are �.-T� '1i of, 1'be 'befft t-lex, visited on reatest drawback they had was the auglife, but Also for tile r willo"UpePa 911" -,k M9W,QO UP1101101yi,, alit ttylcultF Of g6tring men Quough of elint lit A�Tliolilolg' a the day being 6 V, a a one foi- d, wall hug walking, alreall t hug MAlly1V thqplqta 9 soto Many .14; cAlAc fleright sort fat, tile factory. , � - t with western 2re, prett)p tLnu 11 a rew week no achi yfV 04 Is 2 15110111d be brought to their 'PDT w9r.xdd imp N� IIJR Ueltz said that tile company vviull tura- bearing, notably North at at, Ha "Tu _40001WIXII Allirraolliel ill r*alpq,4 Oubt, QOWS Acre Will be bqAvitifti. r inOLL�oXydrig , ifloo I the foundation Svi.ludluel'4010 work, and that a Ilion atreat� Xingston street and W "All ARY man In life I -ox Ale wity"'Ato Pow.r. a Sato Itliqui; two I XtOO Was a P IT of dozen Ital, , 9 obtalueft for tt,,Ic rday worlfilni;.� OA4 Ali '40 To, MPIMOM ; 'p. "tu" Jett wOrIr HeOull0gly Oo' Wall having W to fl 5 nus a no, PI'losidelitt. litated West street There Is a lot at traffl, fail uWw. W!, a little Stlr'*P� TWO Wooke that improvements lit the luachinery. on these tIlOcoughtifirols, and the 4,1114'. WhOlpal a q fit 444,11i too D. , V , 4-01001 toliOhlor InYdrt Garrr. Seeing to be the longest. period the WON twing made dally,,firld that with and downs In them might be likened er T Vill wa I" KUI?WA, oil A On ® ill' IV: man: arro re soug"aii at kriaf %q . r' , t 11501W ocontOl le daug I- man of this nationality CAn litick, at a, proper at ?Ply of trachatilcm lie ex- to the wagon one job. 11or the' sakv of alit. vlattory do not p Oil country 1300tecl the UctOry Would ho working arose road,. N it gravel durn ou, 0, 0 Its full Power, ow that attention bits 0 61tv 4144(h. lit A40NO THE CHURCHES. make tIt sheep tr acks over the Court MV, Cyrus Lloyd, intlabanical Super. been called to the 11116tt0r. 0, littjo care. r no& PIMA5404111 to Walk oil 4u (JaIi colts in Canada. wits in town on Wed. And give the grader 0 a to IZ, 9 itivoillpig, R6V� 0. A. If thO grilvitl WAlks. Intendeat of the Lloyd Ali,;. Uo'a Inter. AID 0, lit 9 to Kul work Would remedy the defeals V 0 pied enthe Square, se's 4t;riott, d but please acKdolly %pranght COMIIIen a lego- d Jar Of the details tion. tile 0 alit 4, 'an ddialrarli. serrq-on. With reference alY1,00" ff&ialfil: 4&ot, of thq� The 00 b walk on thAgrass, he establishment Ta*4 NK416# Illea, of the Rev, There Wits 0091; on Tuesday to "�Wlvae. .110r ot",J; at p Coe a Ity hoeit qlght Of the W111361 HIRE Vo. Wattles, i 11110011 f Was Inutiflefur neoty, for and In eVery.Ward of the tow* Jee iyals Jay wily Of PXVlanation of the deh., A It growing feelitur I hat God. lit c"* There is ta tpifuia t a 100416 MO T lf 0011114b" bi'takde a trong�and vOrful seen On Wter 111 Pails and tabs. So starting a0ti 0 Operations here 110 erich should be able to nupp -t �7day fat' as WO - have heard It �Jld %at � hilpt "Y labor troubles and tit r oval flight electric power to all who want oft 0lev. .,Tbi tookical service of am g 40 0OW1. tthe 'eo 0, OV �*444, acnio, litoris, or in IV day and P -Aft P�_7� tw nad:-whloh filAoroughly in accord WIt4-. hit. Fort birds and It did but I tile atal to of their plant to meaOrdinee of At -of Ann oril J., A our '14valid tabib and it, 04J06tiolista the Cook, of Mount ]For he growing fleld oil garden crops. [VOID Milineapolis, hilve calli,eol serious it' With the lust"Itil'in 49)new and ittl6figi for, AkxA, pry is. thq ii evence th the Wock- of the more powerful machinery there does 1499, a-Vill. InlThe F reemasons of Goderich fin Ainericau fhotorv, many ordoPs being not seem to be any reason Why the -Heatoo as Iting brethren win celebrate tile &jati )4WD mowar� Boaq affee, ins -in the '&' (If St- John the Baptist by AtUfni' the council -as by -I' Attlet burch on Prid as to �l $I and upw 4014" W, -thrown back' robbel"ll Iocon'- Power could not be furnished. -Tim V 11114 read a Ing divine service At St. George.' PlOtc then, fix time. Therhopotaget tall Wk it r at in to idtilt" Ire' ftgnuallypill"ed as by-lawX yu fIgrVaim t pald and compotarded asChurch on Holiday, June Zar bills annoying ond n and Air. at -as" Ts. Tbose, 16991ollo'g,to no I Are regaeste tO blind theiri i tostaterittents ara,111;04 Mr, A. Pelluegrat, of Strait. fit ItAAR. M' B' L'Ol'or PLINVOies to visit Goderlph t �fr; Of tile 4001ces 1; this It c STAIV Is Of tho), opinion tholi MoVett, arest Sunday to the day willil r POW61? Is the (deal, and if the town Mack 4, Weat' street, Oodo c If correct, as the by -jaw Wag. rVao",, 1 1111 In June n Porinecilon with the site the, 09 the 24th. tvauld but branch alit we are (lure race Julle, 19t. Essave a I�.Ivnd, seco of uhrip not tKii, be, tilue In 19W, and t)%o irsitF, Toronto, is the Will also sing. Dr Cross, of ol, sold-.' mild contract. 4MUSter Unift There will be reunion of the Gode, the most "ILY Pf1trOna could bareadDysecur. a OPAL'Ate all - The ftpectia that R ri Of tile machinery for the Godeelch ed� The cost of course Would 110 4L of nod-, but ;lAme,"OLICO 4MU�school,tiX 10 907, It is bild'hdw. 0046libe at all three services. Ll, is ell lawn bowlers thiii afternoon At 3 ts, t ti7 atvisr. 'thttt ft, should 'havii 4*en IN being anufaetqrtid nd all befoiganiourtbefuron Ov. Jones and v. in., if the weather is #It all favot, pasiall as wall origibally 4 Pla ro, Siff W _p of Oxpe� enclose W, I I W. D. Magee, fornior rotgra pf able. Advaribuge Is being takelf Of &VO. wily Goderich should not �e able to ...i or not �tblfi: the Raptilgi, Church, will boo be pres. Victoria Day to atort the gsule rot, taxes, and volt folk probably t�,h -tot, ,4is df,wbat Huron, XOPteRtfTl is correct, -will 'be dete*' flAt *nd take -part in the oar cc know .0 A! qpy �Xolj. 17 'fldon'ig dpan to allptiplig,la the- Wtrb*. Diced. - Whether vi'll a 1007, anti aAl weiribers of the club are how sure that, is tsaILK tile bufloling, c"I'sid9ration, but thOV0 Is no reason allned-by, the cotirtA The edsir woo to' GObR 3El 13RANC egpected to be pragent. wits Alr, 1,loyd's 13011 Power to 1911 who Would take it. llRJq- R.—The gravel track - ovat The clois tit 0?4iKillir street, be 3feard' at'74rohto, on the,<23vd, of the iling a6mi-monthly n2eliting assurance to Two' TAU'R queries, 0 , . Squaw Island is now level with the 910fQW9,111 Hil rge's While some partle@ were practl in tile time' bidoe at its ends, and it ably aoedg iAliied P. A. took place In the school. ball on Monday morning. on the 1:9 A. Y� ter- terra of St. Gee Almost front 4�YA' doderlob. and the Y.11t; Of Confedera. the to make thaLliae "'View _of ibal It 'J'aashed' 'it toora vit, Tdosday evening and was betweeri-the grass And Jordan's block, A Boo" to Humanity. thin, 40 years (Igo this mir oleo. r five, ieyear, Goderich %4 tlf6 lacgel[Y Ailteaded, evert available ae RAP, %, er the ball 90t,away and broke,, it plate Ill. 4 bits been looked upon Now, 46 000911lb to VV4,ellington street, Goviiibuffebt t1w V QOOMWO improved famous. pato - the PItce 6 tiodericti. in rapaing order. Quite e, 0 P w with Ruch groat 'it that It Dotairdoll, Day celebration was It Autilber KIA 9xigs areA and have beenj purely tochilicen all necessary to relin JR70 oluolltdouLed that he , " I '*Ill ZlOb 1�elng.occuphlfd, - -The-- all Waal, nice y gifts$ WIudoW In Paulln's store, The taf., in ­fhe flowers. and the gen. ank clerk who handled the apheic (ifoveftwellit haye deolw hor 11010 gelliontwalls to hbloi. tke Har It 0 'angenleniq made by thwolotal. conallers It a real base ball, fin only"' "'Ditild tinio in 11"1111 Volhe beld. Of Into Years.there our r1tr itsifilit -"Ad, nave 401;en,on; bit" poto Mill of the Godarich Illakilm WH tep nonopA,,. W'sw ate for twN artich, hall beell more or less letba V prolvall, it will for the 4,ecq rg ption of gria.sto were The annual ga train sit Over Mo bountry troto C4,1e '1301111e! U1118'r last yearourpeoplo tLWOkO from �t th WWW it"961rd licienspikin au of 9.9tobles vollegiate Inatitute'took place.Yeater- It over A In MAZ414A6041mg OX, t ftere,,isloeall vu otient; a dqsoryog ill fir hold. IVA I for the C. R. tx"k* between optildh Y'law, &a for tire mAtly Clay, an the prizes were presented at arfind a Jaunt successfl fbappirk al3d south Side of th� elfIvatop., I' 'Adlopt*dAnd, hvA_trOn pleasant the atioll orlumIn the evening, and Its the -bort' The ween. the station lgrOun 9. olisiaic-and rkkaakc, Am tile OR SALE aooi�.Phiithata Incubator MENESSIVNIG 1her in w ic t 0111 n want the pasultA There is sts were cotiat of today (Victoria Dav) being it VIC UaIN (111rhig IAIS I Lima lie ha" I'y tit) reason why lixyl should go by de. _krpund,bP and ide on Wribilloal of erxed with supper, was a credit to publicholiday Tifs STAR hail to go to lie wants Overyall iond, get 6 ZWrk abel%1.19 being, ralsed.L W ly t4n, Wndfn r"racklil in MIUAVY. b U"N OMON'S INSTITUT1q., S;CMY Of Waitere,,Who served [alit t or 14) utll on hill, % The 111-1 Ault. arid Tim STAR agalt 1161 no Ator and are (it A. Materla bbla d press early. an the prize )fat holds over h I I I Il1gu Outsof the r a wYand r ariclaygo.': _tv at STAU ��hr iver to affiy t a * r - - It WAVIT tie allawr a - twiftiftle was bill blik__,_��Ail '-Y ,Jay "a I urges that _Xtlt,� L.Xlor If -�-Th an�ufil �Wetj�IWOJ'West Huron While tw rs, Oulbowil (towhatliet letion bit taken, Our eitizenis town )aULFA�4t' cent tit wallsi lan to PrOulpt I Vew.)Ataogilivr 'lit. %, store them t la happille- thoy roor ist. Vgffibl DVOI cT,-4LAnotlier decision A r a alit, 6 Clinton branch Mr. W. C. Goode sendn tie it copy of IJ I( Italic at araw and put of, a P say I Lon&6 DAT A �Ule TAs IwId at the III I A At 16A. wst sud'quarts; alao�,m-INERP womell's. Tifuld as car I V.0g. - 11011116 of- -Mrs. � . T, Murray, Pode- sdii;AYqp� t . r -, - -H thlrelb sizes, :pllts, 'Phitt sod In the Lord's bay Ae h ro! 3L t has ju4t, been 1, 0 - Y. P� A. arrived, and was the North BtLtt)eford (Sask.) Newil, firm MA to I' d" ly ii -low -4 (or grant worthy "the day. The 014 To rich, on- Fridlily. May 17. . There welcomed by the chairman, and ust prior to it menjoifal election, Ill AiWAVIll utlu-, when lie oxtwutm to wn faiii, F to nod,1rairsa, lit SPf4TZRk wATiE�p XOPsou- This' till'O Witi; &. good attendance, &R the onilliront lown-and ottlem. 1111114 be kept to tile WANT8D. - 4 and DOVI)LU iven by Judge thanked far ts presence with he Which one of the oiand dates wits MI., Owing to,rlio ureni, front, aad this Is Room% bear tt, 14ke tb rent for the SODA. , I , I . aluntuds"Orl. , . . a keeparof a reataurAnt bad fbeon branches Df the district being W411 re- Goderich btraneiii. The Programme J. A. Gregory, who will goodie. no of the beat means of doing it. �ouluit , , be remem�or- name IN for Aso Thesegoods aye wall as follows,' for Ill 111001f n4 ICy, lull.t, TUR)l Ing exec. toorit, Ili w4 ow arge ith selllqg oranges arid can. presented. After the op ed as it former school t1bacher are. (IlRoovery, tile raolouA dies 'on the 8abbilib, which he ac. �cises, the resiident� Mpslenkitis, of 0 ostrob 9MRAL WATER, therefl?re f Chairman's Address ....... .... Mr. fill. W. Ball. t was evidently an lint 10 -an He canmem or" al, Mr. NV. c. pridbai-n, after Olt 'ISA1- the 4 C114 ree from knowledsted, and His - Horror replied : Hobbeavilloi gave her repott of the solo . . ......... TO nil et.flr F." theme to hour It'l P001dily Im lie V. .......... Mr. lild, Belcher Political election, but Mr Noinn"A `dArld' to 0001-, and hr(olilb. 64tioll With parties in a JL J"ofifItayref" ALL illIpatities. .................. Mill" Fannie 0ox. t 11,110 VG11nLl'y oil P. L. WALTON, I 4ball comb' to no . other colic] asion work done to the district littri he 10 . .................... Air, J. A. 15litherland. Gregory w6h by a Majority of W. on position to OD Units. house firliflated, IW hot ' Hill, of Cl nton. Messrs. C. Steitibeck and A. J. Stan. Ito sure wid goo Ili 11; ,1 know, Informs Title TAIL tJJat there IL: MY MmOf-fia AM :f ratid. With than thpt candies'and 6ranges way be year. The reports or the g4ilog, 13010 .......... Mrs digererit fort. thro 191, 'Its sold on the Lord's Day by a bona We bNalcheil were then given, hichwer I C"I" ford have leased the Goderlich out'ling Chance ofa Hill time, having the 7th loom' A Manager. W b ...... lho nly ill It pon4ibillty Of pd,h" A)IJn0dOMIrn0_0vM aster I to turdy. W4 Pill- restaurant keeper as part of big ordin. very encoutagin showing &decided ?AOrl 0 .... 1- ............... 00b.''. -toordiddiess 1% Lr. Chuman, 81fation. and Skating Rink and taken possoosi Air. Towilliatilki't %vIIIYl%o ft rl"o donloll'un R"91"lent,, Of London, visit Goderich 11 000Hkic,", MARKETS. Ary business or calling, without any inoreAse in mew ership and interest 'trumentid Da9tit and Jos, , off tot] Of film wowlerrol Mot, Rt. litA 1111ron ()it otinalty, tinder either the old or new the Members. ell'"itiO14BOTI-rd for one year. Tho lessees, who will Dean Heaney. turn the rink Into (I roller rink, have atnon PAP9 F0 9A 116 100411 market, ........... Mr. Hill, at cuntan. railcar the big bul)dlnc, ;�Itb (if the 'Jay here and seer6tary-treasuer thetif gave her re. already arranged with Cal Young to tl,Th 0 h-anotbor gulot week far cereals, Crol's Day Act, and that the defend The Oistrict d Day If the right stap, r al� ga ,11�wa lit SA14V. deVdrat bandrbil 6 otgrIn alronlyuodorloh' M4Y re taken by (01,113 one here to tiring Juatcho Butterdocitt, -_foe otald: flov contA, 0998 wore firmer and ant in this case did not commit -any Oct. which ahowild that there have, Ingrumental-.... James Heaster, syder. InLrd- Wf 't itwmake it thfilp W4.15wou )IOU66deoffilt, Apj)�v at; ''Potatoes are 5 4 dillorter. een fortyregular meetings held dtir. offeace. - In so concluding, f bikVe not 9 STAW P ( id maple, It is a it Y. aid that a bowlin wain Torontoou MODOYA the due and proper observance or the six hundred and seventy-three solo ............ the rearranged building. emwan. allev, will'be one of the attractions 0 To Star Subscribers J. F. Androsis�hlppdd'a carload of hogs to lost sight, I trust, of the necessity for Ing, the Past year; total a1tendanee ...... at shotlid beencouraged must heartily. " '00" rrmt KhWeeale Vqfts 0orrow Lord's Dyjnd I do bat think Jay bar of papers and addresses UP 90 "COtn or hura I the Ilion Mismem Ggldtl,ol% and On Wednesday Ali the classes In in the United States: 006clu in any way interfere firt-two. The financial statement yke. I,Aht ilAtUlbif! llk�jlf FARM :1fall who ......... . 40 73 to 7., with it." receipts. ".53f expiand4tures, GOD SAvic TuE KiNa. Public Schools of Goderich held the X STA It Prot �0 Attention raldrd .......... Q 73 tO IS Mv%rrA1,—Tbe Ing a balance an hapd of Tile accompanists were Mrs, Heaney regular sessions, but yoliterday they BY ill(! new po4tal urrionge, to t lie t Under ned by virtue Air, per OVV&, following program were all dist"Issed, v for closets and urinals noi:tr, per wt., 40 11 95 Ill the b�4nches. The district and Misses Donagh and Coats 'Int r, will be given at the Recital 'to the tile(, closes the year with a creditable mostly leaving by tile 0i litimi lld'Vorn'=%fted $24. tho teachers betwt.f.11 lie tile original ling *ft will need at to 35 an, pqr,tbn_� ...... ...... ". ... 2 W 1, it� tX safe at 21, Before, leaving for home *he Clinton (lint) allol fl. th time of aai% ieri�,iv for . Otte verb public nuctfoal.:W Thermals an V, at noirrow'a Woo to 22 00 RAR Per t6n� ............... IS 00 to it oil Victoria Day., 3yne. The Oonvention held that day In Nxeter, r. 'ZIer no .... 00 Baptist Church on the evening of balance in the treasury. There wall An delegation gang Auld Lang F train to Attend the Teachers' GuVel 11. ge"Hon coming from no 10,48 it person. Hotel, in the 140, of boyfield, on Saturday, new ...... ment,lall Cana(lian I),,er4 ge than fit' Olulnont hirtiot. Fvo,,v the M day of '&ot rhe hour of one ............. 0 ES to 99 Interestin liscussion on I-fl9w to programme presented was heartily Ilia I C,I to Reltson we have thougliftwof n OF .... ........................ 0 Jilin q ;fJ 1. ja� The Bohemian Girt ... .......... to. o'cl lothe a(wrilaid . following proeytY4 ',it ?c - 4oWnships closed down oil Wednesday, 'Stateq 11111RI, 1111 an(I offer .... ........................... 0 72 to -0 b A iterwards B41 Make ourilvieetinge Attractive and on euJoved, Masters Outt, Sturdy, "er Many of the BOILOOls In tile adjoining I Praineluents ....... ....0489 0 The Blackstone 6r'o'bos*tr'R,­­ ...... I Win New Members A nard and Dean Heaney, and Misses and some fifteen of the telichfirn left VINItairm Its wk.], tit, Inany pilt�11rNiOni9ts., 11011.4 NO. 6. 7145a alaii, Ronege 0, 9. (led I II'dw Ili a P 1111langell;, " 16tll,Ulige']Dl,all-iiiibesittid shel. ........... io 0 2. 'T Won no Vh4ofi ........ ... were also made to advertlaq the apec. Cox, Seager, Snyder, Doty, and Me. by early train on with are, I 'a now ............... 10 9 to it 00 M199 Raymond. Verdi. fal meetinge to be field In June. -e IVIL11, all being specialty hollore with '1'bIIr8d4Y to take postage Stamps fit (lie rate "f 111, dplight Of all, and ,Village ii fied. These loth tngether cod. r per Ill ............... 0 IS bO,o 20. 3. Cantloino D'Amour ............... .... bWt. Sc 4 part In the convention. linotles take Pla". Th e atitutes fairctif arid litindied acres, large bills for- particulam. AftKir the encores. The Clinton party left for ........... Q to Mr. D. L. Wright, cent clich before they will he re Mr, N, J. Morrissey, formerly (if IProod aoui;h to provide wnter, On*t1he iaf� landoilli a 1bgAitioble In good blare 60 A per card .... ............... 6 (10 .10, 06 7 4., vocal 8.10 oneral business. was oviiiiithe direc- home before eleven, a large number of 04 ................ ra retired to appoint the officets for the GOderich lit �'Rqadian riostofficv, ....... of 00 has n he Cobalt district And c ... king utensils but FIE) -of villadr. I I I * 4A authors being present Goderich, t elves the right to Cd,' itry-andbut000n'.... 3 op a ailing..,.. the efifftring Toar, %A Venda" TeZetm to the* 9 An Tp h . .......... A 60 t Mrs. WrighL 320 Acres of mining propeetr halt failed to look after the neceei- Sheep, fit President, Mrs. W. Jeoklao. prom. sea it g4)od serif-ts it, tile ower of all the World.. Wdinifordil. 6 ..... * "I'll" ... ....... .. which result*d as to bid them good speed on the journey. being developed and S. which In therefore, ask otir kill,. offit these lots t1her1ozlifteAre y"pr fit one til tel. hr athOwl4e, And hor Otr W�red thev Wfif 50 to, 4 (a) 0 IPI f be subject to it tellerved%b, to 0 So Findon ollnesville; Ist Vice, Mrs. S rOWILrd.1n copper ore, Mr,JmeaMr. forL ""t"re- It In hoped the ila. Clark, Presentation. Intosh Par it 098o -41tassold ....................... 8 60 to r6 -Goderich I 2nd v ward at oiler file ntll()tlflt f,:J.19 aI%Y 0 the a, ?.or lb ................ a Kate ...................... STARIOffice which 11P received from Will Cover the Postage U, Ille tiflic ff Chaminalle: fee. Mrs. W. Bone, at, left three salliples at Tua !rffid And conditfolluo e, 081 1,1,1 go odiles A-131owling .......... German. Witil ; flecretary-treasurep Mrs. Aftertbe ineetitiRfor regular buill. Inst, Friday auto- eticiall stai Carper ion ronto, OR, B 31 Jilt agr"'ed on by the Town ­Worl , on,� Out dear .................. 5 t q Ili C, 15010tont, Eli as lie0 Mlag Ita;mond. night wil) be Ith, or TholiffinrGundify, Aucicrtitdr, God& Atone ................ 0 to 8V Is) Vanotlar.Love ong ..... Mr. Morrissey, and fudging h0ta ar on Which their stil,scripti,," "ro"'ptly I'll(' A111 -1111141,01V carried out IckiftWill .11 Navl,. rf. W. Watts,,01inton. The in'lseting nesson Monday evening, the liternbera p t b) Goholollor's, Song .......... .1 OR . " ` ......... . o 05 to 005 Mr, D. L Wright, after which a very ex. IWallow, ton, o.r-ol A. I ........ .......... 0 00 to I It then cla L Perances, there will be big money At alit, do 11 thited this- liani ally of obicks, per 1-6 cellent 11.6 was, seryed, which wits of Huron Lodge, No. 02, 1. 0. 0. P., the claim, People who go to tile 9 to to S. Vocal solo -.--OZ*bo foal .......... all *k i. ' i i,' * .... . .. .... much enjoyed by all. A heartV vote adjourned to the auditorium, where a howels Of the earth for wealth deoprve An Psi, thiq Pontage. and nit 1;111i EDITORIAL COMMENT. Me" farb JDfirtcpa .... .......... COURT VP R&FS10lN, 00. hind ou 0. Reading ........... L .......... ............... of thanks was tendered Mrs. Aturney light Supper was served, the rewArd and It Is generally conceded scrilltiolifo 1" Ill(- I'- S. 1111141 here. lToronto OW9 inakon a con). rtlb 91 to 61110 ocedsion fhat thire are many laintA of wealth na rkl-i ...... 00 - Wright, for the use of her home, also to the being a farewell to Bra 9 to 10. A 1. nfler he pai(i rt,r lit tile rnte of one. OTI _�6i 10 Anss a4y"�d ......... TFOtOrO, (4oderieb members for their kind en, 01A or co *0 ... ..... 9 to to ThOTnftn W. In i4ew Ontario, Ilaria(in (if lilt, local ()Ption law for irktra .... : ............ . 'Llrol, Who Was to leave last night for which is now beforo the Ira. n.t. ..... to 12 000 SAve Tin, Icirim. tortallinnent.—M, L. WATTS, Secre. Petit ...... 0 9 THn LAft 1041N BAL1,41,1rM.�Tho ....... ....... 0 74 to 075 TAXt X ! 1094hAt th Walkervillv, where be will in future Around the Harbor, Toijn, reside. At the conclusion Of the re- The big mill is III I its reading by a majority ',I.In,o Anti whit'li carried It gii Cothottlegillho alto f1rilbalb. 0 oil 'IVO Stock Mairket e -Towns " 1 6. dine J�eporter says: The hand a ey ng froin 13 tel 0AUST hear- weekly sun Omee Put Bro. Z K Lawrence called the 15 full cars of liolir y, tier , Tuesday grimid ;g"Ws fvot thd AdEMA9 a b ftou Of the Another Advanet of me. ban taken 0. of eath lately hille been laid upoh Toront.o's Great Fair. Meeting too er, and In commencing, Dan. McDonald (of Portid'o) And will) the eximetation that an iw. lit qol I req, Im. an'satuiday, Trig laoid it, Pd jkfprlilog during the w00%. List neere The prige list of the Canadian Nation 0 oNock tit the Intention. MAIIK Of the did settlers and plo amended by the (i,vorrudent, the All'p t�tb$ AfW oindiftooltilatonill. thotoll 11 061fa 3da istrfet, but the passing of Exhibition of Toro] took the 4portunity to thank the Kenneth Boyd, have purchased the "" tile fedreading will '10h In t Is d -John Ballantyne removes one of the Many changes are nualle, making It 11408,444TOronto. thA week ;7. IM, itp, Ito Is Just out. members of Huron Lodge for the very pretty yacht ullie Bell, hillit by H )1-. riktiiiyrl nd Waltvr ho still larger. The News WO 00 it' with this prragr ph Glital'o quote. h early pioneers Of Huron and one at proccavenlentfor reference by ex. handsome 1. 0. 0, F, jewel they had I I fiftillitp cl%tk.� oft car" lit ach, old Taylor, The boat In nicely I Ig Rho, CIORPS its 47-farnot 00,05 on board thb most highly esteemed met, In tho h bi And 19 It fast sailer. god P(IN ave been cats attou tore. Thb iegulatfou Th a [Atty vidia re changed h cent gather. two If"(. Nflecillif-rim, "he fact th"t tile threo-fifths no. flaunty of Bruce. The,lAte Mr. B411au- do that all 4hillials exh,%afted In the Fig. and the brother In well chosen 0ortunerclal flabing ha& turned (lilt CE OrOollall or novnitox. Blaekwll do any quo -I0VS.oAi;tn,Torofito;ft onfloardto ho9p tyno Was born at R02bur, 01 T cars at vahlre. Seat- livestock sections must be registered Words paid a hearty tribute ba, hill very Well thin season no far, Lhe Intro. A Wri-ioptor i"f'ty "In"RO In the British Art in the TOW98MV-4up GODFAII(al. Tonfatty film land, 10 Years ago, and came to J1119 In the Canadian Hord Book registers. brothetsof No. 62 for their kindness duction of perch flahIng fly bot rar it foil 1114-1 wt -11 known i 4a"'P 'IN in the Ontario Art to worthy country t if note. pippimir 10 ninther, Alffterl) and Inthe'.'borse sectlog, the Canadian brotherly feeling that rompt. the first time at thin par furnishing of Wroxeter. liam tAikl.o 1% f� 1) rh P� th �1131111rt I Revision Of 06" , il r'n w4ti6ro in b hill father having died In breeder Is, put on A fairloot-Int with the of it generous g the larger 'Part of the cate Rponnible P—ItIon with the of till extreme 11 Did Ilia ftt 1pto; 01160. On VdL'" ii at, cauntrF 00. �g! hen a -was a young man. I T k, "a, the beartlemllir robe a .rhmVJK,.f 't pon Ift. He hen ad. :emperan, people of V0f vorsivIlle. fop ey topillib. tho xnqkt� at $have prq0t19k The ft settled tie& The dliectOt's ave an. roxsed Bra, Nairn on behalf of the lit, rather florid ar thli4*10 bit J-I; -Inti"M ate t4) Visit the Valloilm d such ?1 The steamer Arctic -an Into this tbp avor Inover wafto protect and been delegated harbor on Wednesday hound nor t ast it Pal ladle. saying he had r a, on onday li 0A 06t to Hur011' encourage Oana( Ian. iredbovees. The by tie lodge to present him with a Her commander Ito rior )tie P, it t I1A-'4Rd1rqtwp moubblogill twas Ali lit r cattle W IM& thile will' OW, Ro that nny woTrh ri-plits-ing OJr MAY, 'At on -lit, i11) tAke tow 6 then JUSE beginni ell Xct W- it-vilt, I from end to till solve takoll tak an a Istipt, Jil tho trark are to) 6- marked nbi enrinect. to be prizesin the breeding claftea of the jewel as a token at regard of tehu. known towninuan, men Oreen, all are roquolum W ilue 16tr settle - Dece" YrkQr Horse section have been Inniressed mordal of his long and faithful ger. and while on n1raight of 111MIlway ,r Ni,l �WIT for, bte, 0 Up vhlco� dot fin" in 21 In part he hall the Plennure Ir, Z 1461, a time and that, J (tied over $6W. I i rien who conceiveil J, at the 1%614-150, ft%6 6 rign. It 261 6 3. Seveml nb'W classes have vices to Huron Lodge articularly and Of seeing Many of hin old frienda The Caro, of rober. TOWAs III OTerk. W" *a $6, 3 *to& fgher than it the ind tile brothers e(boldit, IpAP4 arm abov '""" was UnPint. win. cleavod a portion or tbelp rd Who had been added, especially the one for 0 r1tetted the On Monday the MAchln Wdowolv* pat dn tile strill of Life Order gonerall 4 by thv foreown of tho, variml. nIt ninAt he gratli. Vft 4th conee6slon. Hot he remained P.00 go ten battles, which Is ex- call of Brother Na rn err ws In also to Ili, roported mi. rhe work It higher hal 111 but aped hati placed nil tile r at ratholk r Prently re, nO t fit Ill will 4 Calintidd on. W It 10 ready to e0onalene" Ilm until about six years pgo, It III- scow, and no to flod thfn fpaii,rm iJlitatillht th 0 fin iEll 0 UK 00UNT waler, 1-1w tail g In practivally, new one, Windsor; froin I., retired 0,11ld-MOVed into Kindiltdin& was receired wl 1. 1 When 116 oxhibit. In tire harness, nouto and PrOsPerity. T e presen on work, The rl a 'led to be ", of the features of in his now home he might find t ;t1voArnment, to hunter AtId Jumping effumLftsf the - prize th hearty cheere, and and capable of and Mt. all liiliebeing, a Miss Collins. by "bom It a It rd aing the 81113116 As Mat year In- aHe will Married twice, his flest wife �,qela a Jolly Good Fellow.,, Brothor there in 20 feet of wat4-r In (big hart being worked iitil 'it 6f t clu in the Ill )f. 'The coalleftliif ig Edward HOW bilp, aim And Pliperionve(l hand at radron artiolp from tile Oftt one au hot,; Mrs. Findlay. of wilinf. made It Short but nest FrPeech in Our well known boat owner h"n" tier handling. No will be Floitt. (.4)rllpet, %a he Man. ADY1311TORMIKIT. POR. 6 48ftOild Wife Vfigs a IIa In being givon for the rapt In which he heartily thanked fted Ilia row boatil IT, ail an(I I-:tOpIrp Illunivipal deben. tile new W('I'kr wi0 thlo Rown of hfn 00 runabliritt, class. his Zrothers for the handsome present evidently expecting a big ent to hand]$ "of I 2i linethe find the heartiness will, which fig to"I. lit ve it very ho,ly I iniv In efivi-ring hi" N'RAl " i �%Jffifrtl Ud ell vleto& 04Yfoliffe In tbospeed division th"rizes h On FiNday he waii ovorhantfng tile iollowing reLtArding Otte of tile VAN re 01111iihIN it ....... W Llio.p tit bop Henry, Survives him. John Rallati. Been Increased Ave presentation bid been received territory. tyav was" I wall *born to know was 4 4 thd didik. abba 0n,4A to IOVO find reVoct, In the early, O&Vs class bits II0011 by them. and iflossuring them All that old board anti started hill 11rat nwhoi ln Cho. $10W A by one of hill flolet when lie went over added, providl Vinitor,; to Toronto ilmingr tile Re itownK in Canada may fig ffuroq would ever b"O a werm spot harbor for 10M, lown Of lierlin had a eorld Wrl-h Of I lie will hn,, I ........... he bore ba part with that iffifirillito at tire too when plo o'er life W49 fall 4thriighlo bore" that are tJO fvt erfough In his heart. 6te I it '&W&Y'And it for the frelf'ri pportnnity 4 witne-Ainx, he Pr,�s IJ,wk f nireet rkIlwy (f,b,n. 11 010 t, b J The Otiverriniqnt olleaniet, Otonobp� , (' W oedyforthealiQ Mashes.- rho con. Chiti'm anniial 1hpatr1eal porforniaw-r t t i belf Grand. Chief Patriarch Rowley, Who from (),On "011atf, arrived In port on tr 6* 0 Del �bf brie awt 01,011040tOr Which Made hIM,cotpOe for whirh Re—ral fTers wore at* iiia tby all with Whour tiahs ftre the sarne. 4421tNIntr 3 he came to eillitatt. 13 was present, delivered tin Admirable Sunday mornin to 0 at tile PrinevAn Thi, A"bW3-A#d0ft fit Moot flct# 4s. miliair tal,. AA -40 *Olt reltd and bservant ho IT 11 tip her coal "The Iniportanvo f Kat -O erlined aq mit favorable onough. and address on Odlifellowship, In which be banki-rof, and le t Agal 4t I ff oftellbolift i6VINits 4billoly otoi"AM�41 10 was always ready to,'liftlot I In 10 Z not I liblo"t of the Ori7en presented the leading fi�atrlres of file for Toronto. Al n on Tuenday in tiring to endeftvor to Woft SAY Jilf q0t0folA, 41j* ot ia silly 111ollailing the $�%(w The steamor belongs to movement that 6 fiven in the speed department, This Institution to the Meeting, particularly the Public golro, the 11,01all rnfinger forn, -evorl, tin OptiOn At IN per cent. until 000 1 to t , h' those of the Encampment branch. went nor Works Dewrturitint and er 114 An foitprikety 41111rit-Al Ilflv Ist, with one of the strong nione, ljjio�wm 6, '66 ........ commu"ItIr., is Ability WAS of Alkh A the largest Orel th last auturner from thin based on this foilklen if R'ngtiiii Rocif-t Vitt 4, a character that no olut-clect6d 11 with tj vo d*1* The gentleman, vrho is an olieelliAnt port companies, whieh t4hould endea. tooe Offtell.bOlIthilf tribl' n Off-rient. BOO. Alp, 11 tit Huron tawn6hip &c thd Yeftr* 1AR4011, Inado ft stroing impression Yalun, Minliter life, while the enrfain rai400 im A oft i Vol: to, ell the debenture" in Iondon. for O"t 0 welftlag, arld *IJI aI*AVs be ,, on OfthODePattialelittutboard, (Itiptaln with thv lifl, T,f 11g,61i 'it V Art- Hussey was In contufaind, and only the OPrAtire. Air. I)analaN % thadvhititron were to be withdrawn 'riglAnd r oil 'Ptids of honor the pi�sljefiiffy of N 4 T of IJY w0101111W by Hiftn No, ft, 16OW1119 ordinary crew wero on boolroj, 'AgrIblaltifiral So Ito W00% ' eliverod Patternon, who hail long pvrwei Ion, -e frmn ill.- market o6nd carried for a hh h4drolifIll on P'61 UM H- W-VAll f0IIOWcd Ivit1i The Iron gtoamer Illeo sh Hero on the stage with Ilonry %I t'l (oar. or 4eqn. at tho bent rate of cietv f6r howbeliot At t1lo time of hill deflith h# it! an charaleter, ;irl th# 060t; 11ousle, a brief speeeb. in *1140b he ho - arrivoll In port front Fort IIIIIIIII fill rectirift tile prodiietion, %nil it,, hlof fprp,il )btainAble from gome local Wait proolden t of.-tho Wfitt 'W"Alf6flif dopittlog br6tbor III Iw&70 30,IM blialwin nf whoat tit tile Wontern 'ifrott, ILIA,) an olet,,' to 06 1100111116" Wltk which gatu-May Afternoon, And (116whargm PILMA AVP taklAn fly Its,hpi-t 4toart hank, J`rroaV- 61096- mild APPM)'it'" a0 W17; —millariv or perRon. Another 11 1 1, V*, foitutfw of trish life r of interni4tional hI­ek of Berlin the in 0 If CA"ada Flowic WIN mill, and 110)(14) r9pute. Thp lead(ng fornalp part hi%g rr vpment, amolintizir to $44,175, will bushela of wheat and natar tit tile Glide. been appiu. (I to Avis, tt�p 'it Ilro, Mich MT�Jht Mid' pinean rich linevator, Ijosyln no Minq MArenleA Parker, it" ('Ifereil for Palo, tho rato of In - Z On Monday and the othAr rol(-,n fto r(InAliv woll tswoqt heing rhanged in � per cent. In. efnP P61t, Will din. The cap- fliled. The proidoctiono; of tho Pant qIPad of 4�, Blit, later"t-ho Finance, n. (larged Lin the Hero gtatail that the wea- two Vearl; have frivoin the 1'reng ('14111 it to acce r4 MW hl5h tanding It% theittre gning pliTleq, ed offor From Pionitinc; irwvi otch- tbor at the 100vt Was 03ttt*nlelv cold Pt an alneind- 00 it ei Volt "to MkIN and and that rivers and ereakol were otili at if & 00, ty now turN out in Teirontn. Or M50 an tile, del. No ILI" Pro- frelezing along the north slqore of full forep for the ahevv The datg are jar for t,he $Roxi of gtr,2et railway 4h Alay 'if ant) June 1. per eent. dollienturoq.