HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-05-17, Page 3'"srgrqIPPrqPrllrFrf79F
• '4711rrworm?
The %tons Harbor Lumber Oompapy
Buys Out Oook Bros.
A despatch Irmo TOl'ooto" 4431,1_1'
ago in lumber proper** Arta Inst mow
*seri Whigh is the largest single .par,
oltade in the history- of tlie luinher
,, tab el Canit4C- cirnifieritir.,preMartiefic
{,"" ore involved, tuul ;the: pnrchade Wee,:
LS said, id * lire neighborbood 45 AVO0
Wilton dollaritr The Ale, which. wit*.
recorded on Wednesday, marks thell$41,'
tgg -tiv(*Y" 01 one. of the pioneer lumber'
'earePanies. 411 the trountry,. Artrit iireaVY'
*creases the prestige and peWer 01,140
purchasing ,colnpany.
The vendor ,4 the Coelr; Pres. tdunber
'Colubstllef PeretteSers
Of,Sthe. 'Vieleritt tfetisar, k411.11,
1)14 yens ever erien a ,suntinee With0114
loade Separate coat of ,sente sort?' if
YOU did, year never wpm t4, repeat the ex-
Peilment It means peettleedissetunfort
,--not to mention' 4 probable bad' v;?,,lvd• "
in oar chungeable seasonn,0,- light ran
of some sort is ahsoluteitiddispensable.
Even When; Otle sts.y4 botrie ,dliring
t(") heatttl Menthe It la useful for riders
in the trolley, to rdjp• over sheer gowns
n, on. the imrch in the evening, and for
delving Or autonitabiling. Whert one goes
tO Slimmer reSort Or Vielte-evell, it is
almost better to stay at home than to go
• Unprotected with a etelleh 104/se eOet ; for
, the days When a knitted shawl Or Cepe
was oonsidered the height' of elegance,
• are est ' . •
T1113 is to be a Se11.50e1 for separate
e coats, even for street Weatsin the day-
• Vales for evening, use over thin frocks
they `have never been more en evidence,
There is aemarked dietinction betWeen
tins and last summer's styles.
Linea ,aro dietinctly different. Every-
es•e• thing• le Japanese in character, • loose,
.e &Ming sleeves 'exactly like a kimono.
op, without defined armholes and 'with full
They are In all len 5, teem the pictur-
esee',e• • esque short. coat ust reaching the hiP
. line to those ecivering the hem ofi tihe
•• dress. The three-queeter length seetns
to be the favorite 'however.
^SOme of the French makers are turn-
ing out coats of the Lines XV. and Ditto-
' .e.S.e. here period, which reveal the lines of the
__AI uree yetsare ve eful- and
-es g - ree- Ente
sesse,' picturesqtte type; but the pretrailing
• .s..e.seee style is undoubtedly along. Japanese
eisseee lines. Indeed, so mUch is this the case
' that if you have "a real righly" (as the
children say) embnoidered icimono, you
may congratulate'yourself you are id the
height of Parisian style ae far as sum-
mer wraps are concerned. A model for
thise-style has isol, been given, as they
would be 'most diffloilt. to make, -since
their style depends on the real oriental
'silks used. in them and in their gold em-
Materials for Ahe summer wrap are
else quite different. Linens are relegated
to the background, ando instead,. one
sees pongees In every color, with lace
dyed to match, floWered silks and every
sort of soft silks, liberty eatins and faille.
Shantung is a prime favorite; even
lightweight cloths are Much used.
--The -white coat, 'which. hae. held Wis-
ed sway for iso long, Is.s.eldom seen.
ead, we have attractive self -tone and
cult shadess light brown or e blue not
Ight enough to,soil readily, Testi of the
lavorite•colors are citron and' a beadttfoi
' peach tint. These tones harmonize with
almost any gown. The new shade of
blue is also much in evidence.
Very stylish Leetee model for a hip -
length coat in 'di lightweight biscuit-
, oilfired cloth with selfsioned bands of
soft liberty satins- This coat. has one of
the waistcoats which are so popular this
year, and prove so useful by keeping the
coat in place when open. A very -strilet
ing look is given the whole coat by a
set design of Fre.nch gnots about the size
of a pea embroidered on the edge of the
, ribbon.. Ribbon cotild be subStituted for
the liberty satin bands.
The next gomewhat longer coat, &soft
flowered MTh in violet and mauve, is
edged all around with a broad band of
Mee, dyed violet. It has a double=
breasted vest. Stich a coat would be very
easy to make and equally • effective in
linen or chiffon broadcloth, trimmed
with dyed imitation clUny lace, which,
he the way, is much in vogue, and when
well dyed gives an air Of richness to any
Quite an air has them next coat desetite
its simplicity. It is of pongee) in natural
colors, trimmed with a silk braid the
same shade and ball fringe: The vest is
embroidered in different tones of blue
and with noses. This vest, which is
somewhat difficult to• make, may be
omitted without spollintethe effect of the
The last graceful wrap, with Its slop-
ing lines, is developed in pale blue
broadcloth• with ti ribbon binding one
end one-half incheg wide. The roller
and cuffs are of a heavy Irish lace, but
any other lcind eould be used just as
well. The model is nothing but a plain
loose ooat. sloping sharply from the
front to the beck in a way to Estee a
vete, French look to the entire wrap.
Stilts and rajahs may naw be picked
up at suds bargains that any one of these
inimmer wraps may be copied at com-
paratively small cost.
. e
'her trallparkY. The WOO* II**
tetrad am all thew Velenging to the
former oCatipanyt on .Geraglea
eluding iturber lard* and *Mbar Mills,
The timber berths tare nreabers- 14?,
81, /A, 360, Searle Township. and An
Indian reserver tr,lie Geargtina AO% The
Crown. tends :Department Wee Unithie
hi *tete the Price paidi bot
slat* that it weal v.ory little ot
two million *liar* .
BY this transoetion COO and. HAW-
Praelieolly rotire Man Alio Intilbet
brisitiesk, and, litV :Victoria Harbor, tar*
ter Getripany beeented the Secrind' targeg
oPmPanY .Canerlar Oft third lam
egl, on ihe, 'Dantinent of NOrth America.'
Miner Regue4,--000*1 r.fltso. Sid1111
4esPOich fr°oIrri"Vkikmete.:44, Ws;
The stearper Marndra, from -Amanita,
brought. neW, S of the resent) of an Italian
1*i/flat% Varischetti, front. an AuStrallan
Mine hY divers under elrentnetellee3
A4111141, 10 the *acne el Hicks at Bakens-
, field; .Callfornia a few months, 4$0. He
VW nine days 'imprisoned lu the mine,
which. flooded during a„heavy rain, Cles
ling off ht.4 retreat,' - Pressure of Water
-gathered a reServole of air where the
Dalian took refuge, a,nd be stayed there
for nine daye in, a living tomb while
divers tried hereically to reecue him by
Wading the flooded 111414 1111ghes and
,Jjearn, divers of the Bonnie, Ville Wei,
,Made many trips, supplying the Italian
with light and Wort and writing meter-
ite, with which he sent a pathetic mes-
stige the outside world. After nine
days rescue Was AcComplished hy
Hughes, whose gallantry has been ap-
plauded threughout Australia. The
miner was almost dead, being tem weak
to stand and unable to get feom the cage
without assistance.
ENGINe-E exie,---wrincAT
The New Act Goes Into Force After the
ist Day of July, 1908.
The Legislature of Ontario at its re-
cent session passed an act respecting
stationary engineers in which engineers
and employers are alike interested.
Brtefly staled, its provisions are that,
after the 1st day of Ally, 1908, no engi-
neer will be allowed to operate or have
charge of a stationary steam plant of
'it, horsepower or upwards who does not
hold a Government certificate. There are
three classes of engineers to whom cer-
tificates will be granted. without the ap-
Plicant having to undergo arl extuninte
Lion, first, those who on then2Oth of
April, 1907 (the date on which the Act
was passed), held certificates from an
association of stationary engineete in
Ontario, or a marine or locomotive en-
gineer's certificate; secoed, engineers
-who on the above date were in charge
of a plant of 25 horsepower or over in
Ontario; third, engineens who had at
arty. time previous to the passing of this
Actenot less than two years' experience
in the operation of such a plant in the
province. Those who cdnnot qualify as
above will have to pass the examina-
tions which will hereafter be .prescribed
by the Board of Examiners. Those in-
terested may obtain a copy of the Act
and application forms for ceetlflcate-s by
addressing the Secretary, Department of
Agriculture, Toronto.
• The strictly tailor -Made wornan le
quite in evidence again: Last summer,
where fancy boleros and Etons were seen
even on shopping tours and at market,
the plain shortstatlored Coat, either tight
Or semeflitieg. and the popular cutaway
effect have eaken their Octets to a sur-
prising extent, both for cloth and linen
This vogue of the loiter suit has given
rige tq a nurnber of interesting accessor-
ies to which the welt -dressed woman
should give heed„ Fast, there is the
waisteciah Whigh gIves letteltit flioroUghly
up-toslate air to the perfectly plain etill.
This waistcoat pnopeely worn ahould
show not too obtrusively: Otren where
the coat ts closed there I§ disptayed just
a tiny edge of a lighter Cohere Which glve.s
but the slightest hint of its real gorgeous.
One panne velvet waistcoat worn re-
ek/Illy with a tvarin breWit MO had large
Checka irr cream color and lirawn in a
ehecker-hoard effeet, 6161141y suggesting
the race course. it would have been In
Vast' bad taste if conspicuously worm hut
the On/else Of it throligh fheeteen Jacket
estis ehaterting. This waistcoat fitted like
glove, width ig, indeed, ia prime re-
quitement oily Waistcoat. Therefore
the haat, *Odell le of white satire was
substrintinify bona ClUIlleillese was
guarded agaitiM with opal corm Utile
unlined l'ev rs• of the- Poiret had Velvet
Ohtani gew flat on the odge and tlio
whole tactic( in place OD the W11131601.
A, double rex big, thin buttons of dark
Metal ?added O. shinning Meet.
PaVorite e lift spring will he pale
tith.14 t'Ngo, nd et tore %so tor after-
noon gm.trro. For alteet WOW thrte, is a
new 'sapphire list ilatt bright, tint cool
leaking trod v beormtrig.
**AO *ro WPM-
hou t
put lea the tar
Misplaced Switch Causes the Death of
an Aggineer. , .
A despatch from Winnipeg says .
had smashup took" place in the C.P.R.
yards at Portage -In -Prairie on Wednees
day morning between the yard engine
and a wrecking train from Winnipeg,
la which Erigineer Daniel McDonald,
in charge of the wrecking engine,
was fatally injured and died In the hos-
pital three hours later. The switch was
left open, and Engineer McDonald did
not see that it was open to the side track
until he was almost on top of ir. He fell
just west of th,e switch, and his head
struck an old grain door lyiug beside
the track. His skull was fraetured.
At 8.50 on Wednesday morning mixed
train No. 154 had two coaehes derailed
two miles east of Pettiptece, on the Bran-
don-Mineota branch of the C.P.R.,
caused by a broken rail. The following
passengers received cuts and bruises:
W. F. Ellis, Harniota; Mrs. W. F. Ellis,
liamiola ; George L. Stone, !tepid City.
Alen M. Stewart, of Winnipeg, and Mrs.
flesbY. of Hamlota, also received some
scratches and weee badly shaken up.
Damage to rolling Atock was not heavy.
Young. Ottawa iady Pound Dead With
Wound' in Head.
A despatch from Ottawa says : Mies
Aileen CIF:mow, one of the best-known
young ladies of the city, was found dead
-in bed at nexm on Thursday with a re-
volver by her side and a bullet wound in
her mouth. The tragedy occurred at the
home of her mother, Mrs. Francis CM -
mow, Slater Street. 'Temporary insanity
is given as the cause d her death by Dr.
Kermedy, who was in aftendance on her.
Miss' Clentow had been in ill -health for
the last two years, and had been quite
111 for the past week. Her relatives be-
lieve she hes been out of her mind for
some time. It was the intention to send
he-.: to a sanitarium at Seq.:alio:rifles to-
morrow. She was in her twenty-seventh
year. Coroner Bootie wns summoned.
and decided that an inquest was un-
necessary. Miss Cleinow was a grand-
daughter of the late Senator Clemow,
and the news of her death by suicide has
caused a great sensation among society
people In Ottawa.
Proposal to Iflold Teacher Training
Classes There.
A despatch frob Toronto says: ft has
hten suggested to the Ontario Minister
of Education by President 0. C. Creel -
man, of the Ontario Agricultural Col-
lege, that the Summer schoole for na-
ture study nt the Agricultural College
be utilized by the teachers from all ports
of the province tor thin year only. The
proposition le being oonfildered by Hon.
Pyne. The department bee in the
east held ' Summer schools ot which
teachere mild obtain special instrue-
bon In such subject/1 as nature study,
These were conducted in connection with
the previnrial Normal sehonta. Were
the plan of holding the regular nature
Study eloseee at Guelph adopted it wnuld
be possible to devote the Normal eehool
elasses to ihe Separate 8(41001 teachers,
WWI are &Memel of qualifying under
the AM of Mgt session.
wow* roam
'MN. If COO* node, *Ode am*
Ogler lanky, ,Ilesliweit 41 0011!
4441 4altratait
Toronto, May it. - Amor ,Ontario
wheat lig per Ont. pidattla are it netild
*A in InlYere wit• aka& ter **Port.
Manitoba. Ilret pitons, 144% aiston4
Patilltaw and iltrOnat ,PalterS4 V2.20.
Magitolot 'hard. quoted
at 20 lake Ptert.$; Nat 1 *01.401 4t
803i4 take Perts, anel NO. 0Orthern at
Me lake POW, NO. War* whiter Ja
rtn Outakte, -
Qats,NO, 4 White ts- (MIA at 40); 4,4
Mo outside.
Cern-41o,, a American eern le !Plated:
'54: OK& loke and rail. Cauadtan
r4 ''llitetteaged• at .4012r
Britivt'Brit-its ,nolninat sgt eatable
ta balk t; she* are -quoted ;22 SO
autatele. • r;
Whent-414s...i, Ontario white, 77e hid
on C.P.E. east for'10,000 husbela,. end
00e est ottared at 32c' In ethire:Metitreet.
NO. g Mixed' offerecr. '40a:01141de, anti
No, 2 geose. 70o;ottiohle, wkoiont KU.
Nor. northern. offered ,at 946 igiot, North
Day, and :No. 2 northern; at 22c aPut
N.13,, Without:J*4;
,•Corni7.4No. 3 Anteelettet Xellow 0101'0
at 250 Toreliteh'
ccitmar rtioutic.E.
„APP10-00141 tO 011elee, wilder stock,
OA to 413,0 per ha: .•
Deans-liand-pleked quoted at 0.50,
°Ad Prhiles ot $1.49 :to
kleney-Etreined -quoted ,at 11 to 120
Per .1b, and oomb ,honey ate $2 to 82.50
per dozen. ,
Ray -No. ilimedny is qUoted $13 to
$14 here, arid Niih•g. at $10 to $12.
Straw -$7,25 tolls 4 ton on track here.
Potatoes-.-Onterio. 90o Per bag en
track, and -New Brunswick, $1.05 to
St.10 per beg.
Poultry-eTurkeys fresh killed, ta to
ise ; chickens, drelsed, 14 ,to 15e; de,
alive, 10 to 12c peeills;. fowl, tO Oe•
Butter-ePound range are' guoted at 24
to 25c; tubs, 21 to. 2.8c ; lerge rolls, 21
to g3c. "Creartzery prInfe Sell at 213 to
28c, and solids at 24' to 26c. '
Eggs -New laid are quoted at 17 to
e7eec per dozen in,case kits.
CheeSe-Large are quoted at 12%c per
lb, and twins at 13c.
Dressed hogs ire ear lots are me
changed, with prices quoted at $8 to
$8.35 here. Bacon, long .clear, 11 to
11jec per lb in case lets; mess pork, $21
to $21.50; short cut, $23 to $23.50.
Hams -Light to medium, 15%c; do,
heavy, 14%c; rolls, 11%e; shoulders,
11c; backs, 16%c'; dreakfast eacon,
Lard - Tierces, 12Xc; tubs, 12%0;
palls, 12Xc.
Montreal, May 14. -Grain --The local
market for oats was without any feature,
prices _being welt maintained under a
fair demand tor local consumption, and
sales ef,cer lets of Manitoba No. 2 white
were Made at 45c; No. 3 at 400; On-
tario Noe2 white et 44)0, No: a at 43Xc,
and No. 4 at 42%c, to 439. per bush ex
store. Flour-Ogfivies quoting first pa-
tents at $4.70 and seconds at 84.20; while
Lake of the Woods quote .first patents
at $4.60 and seconds at $4. Choice
spring wheat patents, .$4.60 to $4.70;
seconds, $4 to $4.2e; winter wheat pa-
tents, 84 to $4.15 e Straight rollers, $3.55
to $3.65; do, in bags, 81.60 to $1.75;
extras, 81.45 to 81.55. Feed-elaniloba
bran en bags, $21; shorts, $22 per ton;
Ontario bran in bags, $24.50 to $25;
shorts, $25 to $26 ; rnille,d rnouillie, $22
to $25 per ton, and .stralght grain, $28
to $30. provisions -Barrels short cut
mess, $22.50 to $23.50; ,half -barrels,
$11.75 to $12.50; clear fat backs, $24 to
$24.50; Song cur heavy mess, $20.50 to
8s2; half -barrels do, 810.75 to $11.50;
dry salt long clear bacon. 11% to 12c.;
barrels plate beef, $13 to $14; half -bats
rels do, $7 to $7.5,0; barrels heavy mess
beef, 810; half•barrels do, $5.50 ; com-
pound lard, 9X te 10c ; pure lard, 12%
lo 12%c ; kettle rendered, 13 to 133;c;
hams, 1334- to 15c; breakfast bacon, 15
Um 16c; Windsor bacon, 15 to 16c; fresh
killed abattoir dressed heigs, $9.50 to
$9.75; alive, 87 to 87.25. • Eggs -No. 1,
16% to 19c ; No. 2, 16% to 17c. Cheese -
Fodder grades, 12 to 123ec. Butter -
Choicest creamery, 22% to 22Xc.
Milwaukee, May 14.- Wheat -No. 1
northern, 90 to 91c ; No. 9 northern, 88
to 89c; July, 84Xc. Rye -No. 1, 74% to
75c. Barley -No. 2, 78See ; sample, 62
to 78c. Corn -Noe 3, cash, 49 te 49%c ;
July, 59%c asked. •
Duluth, May IC -Wheaten -No. I hard,
90%c; No. 1 northern, 89Xc; No, 2
northern, 87%c; May, 88%c; July,
89Xc ; Sept., 88Xc.
Minneapolis, May, 14.-- Wheat -July,
87%c; Sept., 87Xc; No. 1 hard, 89% to
eic; No. 1 northern, 88% to 89c; No. 2
northern, 863; to 86%c ; No. 3 northern,
84 to 85c. Flour -First patents, $1,40 to
94.50; second patents, 84.25 to 84.35;
first clears, 83.25 to 83.35; second clears,
82.55 to 52.65. Bran -in bulk, $16 to
510.25. , „
Toronto, May 14. -The run at the CO.
Cattle' market this morning wee 11(1
cars, which Included 1,632 cattle, 175
sheep and lambs, 1,900 hogs and 521
Trade was brisk and altheugh price
changes were small they were always
in an upward direction.
Expert rattle were in better deniand.
Cholee well finished exporters odd from
85.15 to 85.tG. nnd a few 'moo, bulls
uP 84.50.
Butcher cattle were In active demand
nnd prices held firm. Good ordinary
wilily sold from 54.75 lo 85.00; medi-
um, $4.40 to $4.70; choice cows sold
from $4.00 to 84.50; heavy bulls, $4.00
le $4.40.
Stockere and feeders were steady. a
few bile of cheice selling around 34.00.
Mitch cows were steady nt 835 to 560
for choice and 825 to 830 for common.
Veal calves are slightly easier at
to 53;c per lb.
Sheep are firm. and grain -fed lambs
stendy. Common Iambs, hewever, con-
tInue Mow and easy.
!legs are steruly and unchanged at
en.so, fed anti watered.
Tsventy-five Pounders Picked rp In
Larder Lake DIstrief.
A devateh foam Quilt Ste. Mari
saya Ataractic Afttotl, o
mining num, disteveml two nuggets of
told. oar the Lerida+ Lak;) district Ile
algO to!ports, gold titio tit the, hill§ north
of tiro Seo, Sleet "t. rare Strporlat. Great
interest IS Weft thedi)
umeameiro room Atir ONO
It woe a rainy day, mat AantY N1441
Wks NO On* to repot the night Wens.
.0o14-0 not ott Uwe. $4 there Was 44'
Httbs aeWinithe. the Dtray hitting -
"RUM, fa illet, like her AWAY
ightlinglY • sagired *mho,: with v. too'
look 4if OOP*. .°Sh.0 has the
same weaknela tor bright tvlers, and
1 can't teach her to love plaim *Neg..
cal% ea, ;1 plat ten Yecttg
,kunty Neu and Ruth '10044 MP nf
each ether. and Dien down ut tho work
4,04 Melte len% The big girt vtaa hom,
.1011111. dinner napkins and the little ?one
'we* brier.stitching a, silk bag, TWrt
they angled, because' they. both hart On
idea. that; whatever tho other one Ohl
Wa* PrettY nearly right,
aholit any Oro for the
`alidanoy-work' Itathie," said the
pretty young attritt *thongh you ean't
moony take tt youraell, betAude It all
happened 'eat stunnier, end 4 can% hall.
P0I1 JUSt4 the eettne way again, but per-
haps the story will help you,"
au"Sotelebody scolded You," suggested
'"No, indeed; and you never, neVer
°mild guess , right," eaid aunty Nell.
"Ent if Yell will hem a whele napkin. -
fingers that. can do Skleh evell brier -
stitching, sheuld be -able to do goad
heniming,-I will tell you tow I tell out
Of a bad. habit Inte 6,0ed one, end how
much happiness 1. find in the new way."
"Well,' elm went on, alter Ruth had
porniaed and wet fairly started on her
work, "when went away to the Adir-
oarlocks in July I knew there were no
stores to buy embroidery silks, and so
I carried re supply along with me. I
unpacked my things, and on the table
right by the window overlooking the
lake I put my tray with a row of spools
lying down on their sides. This was
where I meant to sit and embroider.
"There was a spool of white eatton
for aewing on buttons, which I -meant
to persuade somebody else to do for me,
if I oould. The coatne black thread
was for shoe buttons, the fine white was
for baby clothes I had pnornised poor
Mrs. Doyle, and the darning cotton -
well, of oourse, that was for darning .!f
I positively had to.''
"And the beautiful Colored silks,"
prompted little Ruth.
"I only put out one at time -that
first day a spool of delicate blue which
I mettne. to use for scalloping a kimono.
You Inlqw I always love le work on
light -bide fancy work."
"I could hardly wait to get at IL"
Aunty Nell continued, ‘"and 1 was just
reaching out for the silk thread when a
wasp flew In at the window. and circled
round my work-lray, so that stopped
to look."
"Was a stinging wasp," asked me-
"No, a small black one -perfectly
harmless. She carried a bit of clae In
her forelegs in some mysterious way,
and she flew carefully about each spool
in turn. I think she, too, had a weal:-
ness for color, for she finally daubed
the clay plump on the open end of the
blue silk spool, and flew away for more.
I was too curious to touch my spool
while she was gone, and soon she came
back and daubed on more clay."
The "grown-ups" stopped to discuss
the species of the insect it must have
been, until Ruth interrupted eargerly,
"Aunty Nell, and-"
"Well I watched every trip until the
bole at one end wits covered over tight
and -fast. And then what do you think
little Mother Wasp did? She Just crept
beside that spool, arid I think she must
have laid some eggs there, for she steel
some time. When she came out again
she began once more making trips, and
esch trip she came back she brought
a small green worm and stuffed it inle
the spool, for food when the larvae
should come to life and be hungry.
When the opening was just as ns
it would hold. the busy little creultire
brought clay and fastened up the other
end as neatly as could be. I don't
think any one with hands could have
done a neater thing.''
"This took two or, three mornings al-
together, and 1 wincihed with the great-
est interest, and would not Much the
spool for fear of frightenina off lee
wasp. But when it was all finished. I
ut a spool of pink silk into the tray
beside the others."
"Did she like pink." nelool Mille tom
much absorbed Di listening te keep
fingers going.
"She Came heck agnin.--tor Another
one. but 1 like lo fancy it was the SDIIIP.
--and examined them all in turn, and
chose the pink. Then it was the same
way with my yellow silk nnd TOV
mid." finished Aunty Nell. with a emelt.
"I came to the ennclusion ihnt rather
than be stung with ihe little bulkier
v lin turned my spools into lovely Ileums
fo; her babies, I would occupy rriy• fin-
gers with Rome of the oialn work that
ought to he done. I did all my piton
mending first and ihen I did smile white
s. wing and used my neer, neglected
well of white thrend. This led me to
think of the huge Or of storldnes
ways waiting. and I began upon +hose
Se before I realized 11. I lind formed it
knd If veil e.ili fry I() form
titbit ju.s1 like It I -will give you n'l Itie
spool reeidenees to hike tn seheeti nri.1
evalrii them clevelen. Ptr I brought them
borne for that very purpose.
"1 wish 11 oceod quip mining" enitt
filith. with eurit lea. happy eigh that
erylmodN Inughed, "eo e•e could is)
over to your house end Ihe Lev, lv
v(usPY qP0ole right now, this minute."
IMIlifethh 40,0* Irmpt. ow*
' Otater Cattsgries* Mop*
Imo litalished the curfew
flatatillon *Vie Hadtday Will 00 ihrtiar5k
Monday in August,
Manitoba WM tals. been Metaled 20
Cents pet* Morel,
War fires aro raging ot 110htia
near ancomer.
IDBEK1114,StS 1 NPANTbl. med INTcttives Crowding Into Lahore
British Troops Oonoentrating.
In a Mt* tillereating Whoa on In,
*cultists in nitaitts ree,oatly
4 Boston illiPlichatal he OW id,
te thertiraat mortality how
childhood: Ot eourse, this aPPhes Pao
ticularlY cobilltionsi as, met in tho
city onVirontnents,, hut it is also true to
teu largo on *Molt among tank
(trot, particularly whero they llavP been
closely confined to the house without
PktitY of tresit air. In speaking et inea•
Ciad whooping cough, the deetott
liortulOals • du ig WOO MA .earlY
011).. Oates the rumor that 'wit;
Prince. IMAM, la to IA Aeaudolle4.
Manitoba flour is 'driving Americon.
brands Out ot Newfoundland.
Provincial revenues. for the first tour
months of the year mulled tr6,17460.
,Contraets imv.e been let for the IletV
Carnegie Llbrary at Woodstock.
- Nearly fourteen thousand Immigrants
have arrived nt QUehee during last week.
The Craverurnent Sending old extea
IlreeangerS'ha proteet'the pine toreSta of
.the Province.
constritetton or the Mlional Trans'
centinental Railway in New Brunswick
has eanuttenced.
Telegraphers on the western lines ;of
tbe C.P.A. have received an increase in
The C.P.R. is Netting itS double -track-
ing between Fort William and Winni-
Great irregularities have been discov-
ered in the customs house at Niagara
Canadian customs officers will receive
an increase in !Ay from ten to fifteen
per cent.
Calgary has 1,600 children on the !wh-
it.: school rolls, an increase of 33% per
A new Maeonio Temple, costing be-
tween $40,000 and $50,000, is being,
ereoted in Regina.
Brantford's Bell memorial fund has
received a caetribution of $250 from
Thomas A. Edison.
'Work on the Edmonton -Dawson trail
by the Mounted Police will be resumed
this summer.
Eight inspectors of Mining claims have
been appointed by the Government to
work in northern Ontario.
Cattle shipments from St. John this
setisbn total 30,028, against 34,501 the
previews season.
Winnipeg's assessment, commissioner
estimates' the realty assessment for 1907
to be $90,000,000.
The flnancial statement for the year
shows a surplus of $18,000.000, the most
prosperous year the Dominion has ever
William Williamson, a Hamilton
Street Railway conductor, was lined
thirty dollars for being drenIc while on
Six thousand dollars will be "hung
up" for the racing department alone in
Me 1907 Edinenton Exhibition.
The Governor -Genet -ties Foot Gliards
of Ottawa will leave on June 28 for a
visit to Niagara nnd Buffalo.
Winnipeg insurance will be xeduced
three per cent., as a salvage cetps is to
be added to the leo department.
The bill for the inspection of canned
foods goes into effect on August 1 mid
45 inspectors nre le be appointed.
Canada's commercial agent at Leeds
says an enormous increase in the Wiper.
talent of our apples has been noted.
The pemosed enhirgement ef the
ear works at London will cost
875,000 and an increasesin ettipioyes by
A. C.arison, white imenolcing In this yard
al North Battleford, had hie pipe
smashed by a rifle bullet tired by some
curelees person.
The C.P.R. shops at Fort Vs'illiani,
Ont., will shortly do away vvith steam
power. Men are eligaged reev in putting
It) Me wiring to run the inotors.
John le (lemon, western pioneer. it
dead. -Froni- the window of hie stet;
room he could see the buildings ul old
Fort Edmonton. inside which he
torn 76 y tors age..
uhteastes ea. whooping matt 'shouid
be avoided and, if routractedr thn eldb
Oren should he protected erten Mere
erfratlibt Ulan Is usual against conta,-
glom not only during Rot illness, but
Mee during the oonvale5conae.
school there Should he itiSpeetion i;t
toaehers as tvell ot children."
Discussing the danger of infection,
he called attention to tho great danger
trom lite sputum, either moist or dry,
"It is room Alangerous indoors than out
or doors, whero tiro bacilli soon die,
Tubercle bacilli are 111031 numerous 51
tlw dust of tire dwoIlings of the tuber-
cub:tali and especially in the dust Of
the nom. Older infants and eittldeeft
may get the duSt and dirt On their hands
and put their bands in their mouths cr
01. their hyld. Preisich and S011410
found tubercul0 bacilli in the dirt un-
der ihe nails in, 14 per cent. Of the 00
children. between SIX montive and two
years. Tubercle bacilli may also be car-
ried in the tine liquid particles prOjecl-
ed during cough, loud talking 'and anees-
nig. The droplets may be thrown as
tar as a yard.
"It is comparatively easy to guard the
child against contagion when there is
ho consumption in the family. Tito
child must. take only pure or pasteur.
reed milk. It must not be taken to vis-
a consumptives or huve them viait
It must not be kis,sed, It must not he
allowett to play where people are el -
lowed to spit; better than this, all ex-
pectoration in public places should he
Montreal to Vancouver In Eighty -Five
A &vetch Morn Montreal says: The
C. P. R. have decided in add new fast
Irnin lo their trattecontinebtal service,
making three Instead of two trnins on
Monday, Wedneeday and Frtday. The
new Been will be faster by twelve holm
than either of ttm imperial trains that
now leave Windsor etation Morning and -
(Peening for the Weal. It will cover the
distenee from.efontrefil to Vaneouver in
eighty-five home. The matter hag for
Some time engeged the consideration ef
the management atel franc &Ornament.
and lho schedules are now tieing work-
eitt out under the dieection of Mr. W.
Poniard. Aestalant Genet -el Manager.
e le understoed that Om new meet°
11 come into operation on hme 15,
at firet-probably for the wheite
1 seacon-11 will be run three times a
eit, Mit that it tVill 01111Molelly
o daily the olliciatc entertoin
Terrible Plight of Two Fishermen
Picked Up by Liner.
A despatch from Halifax, N.S., says .
The steamer Borriu, from Vern Cruz.
brought Intn port on Wednesday two
American flshermen-MePhee and Steele
-whom she picked op off rope sabie,
after they had spent ilk days In an open
dory, without food or water. The
schooner Montrose, of Boston, to which
tile men belonged. was fishing off
Brown's Flank, when, on account of me
fog, the dory containing these men trot
separated from the schooner nnd lees
The men endured great hardship. and
were on the point of collapse when the,
were picked up. Two other members of
thr crew of the same schooner, under nit
most similar circumstances, mestere landed
at a point on the coast about 00 MlleS
from here. The Bornu was hound for
Montreal Jett owing to Me lee she C0111(1
not reach there, and changed her course
for Halifax.
Wishes Them Prosperity al Resell
Banquet tat Buckingham Palace.
A despatch from London says: The
King gave a dinner Wednesdny
night to the colehial Premters. Minis
?era. flesh Commissioners nnd Agenh
General of Itie COlonleg, at nurkinglinte
rialbeo. Severed Meenbera of the Wipe
family and a number of Cabinet Mine
!era and distingbistied persons were
pregeht. The King gave a hearty wel
COMO. fie wiehed Prosperity and hap
pinene to the distingtilefted ntateetnen
from hie detreniono Wert:ens, fled
trusted they woUla tarry avotty with
them ail agreeable itinarefigion of thn
Mother Country, 110 wished them fled.
Sneed on their voyette home.
Sir Itainsay denies that he
has a formula for inakiLie copper.
Britain hes decided to place a SeC01111-
class crueser on service in the \Vest In-
dies. ,
Pedlar Palmer, the English spegilist,
has been committed to bland trial on a
charge of murder.
The !edition 1 !nee eisects Itie se-
orecy of Cobalt promoters, oho offer the
British itIVeShir 11O particulars,
'rile Imperial t'unterence reir.eted
restoution by Prellqta' uskiQg for
a 1 per trix on foreign imports tor
the purien,e (it furthering tiode.
lietir Norman, the author and Ira -
eller, wri., inlirtied SI- NIffifgala116
(towel]. \Vestminster, England. TIP'S.
(1a). \lihs daughter of sir
Charles Nicioren, e wealthy iron master.
Mm. 4. \V. tio3ce, the oife of a New
Yurk automobile dealer, vitt* lolled at
Asbury Park, N.J., while racing 11 1111111
111 motor rim,
George G. \o‘,...nib %,es .shut
times mid alinebt instantly holed, at
Palm lient•Ii. Fiend°, on Tuessee.
themes NA .1 toy. is 11 11111iiier
111 AIIIIti 11. 1 hey got into n dts•
ovor 11'11 matter and ,y
emptied Ins leNelver intu Newt -emirs
As tilt. noted :if two attempts at 11.S.S11,-
,Ilia',44) fr(1111 11111baS11 at Orange. 'texas,
ednesday night, one mart %ids killed
and too .totriouely o minded. '1 he dead
man is Alinor lioakin, a news) Mhos%
Ms) wit» tired .011 1,y unknown persAitis
HS he 'VILA It'll 4 Mg negro N1110.611. 110
\AILS SilOt ihre 11111,4, all the Itielets enter.
Ing his body 1001 prtslueing instant
only four buildings are standing in
the little town of Birthright, Texas. as e
lesult of the lormido wheel sortie
through Ihe northern portion of !tie
stale on Tuesday. Ths nourt house,
postollice and every business htete.. 111
111I' 141%\ were destropsi, us well lis
merely; reselenree noel burns, %a !Fir as
be aecertemed, enly time meesons
lost their lives. but seNerld ar.• seriously
Seil.ral battalions of lurke.ii tieeps
eere lit I., pie.es during a battle oith
rebels in
Thirteen political prisoners were liln r.
nted rroolutienists at Alexandrolik,
ltussia. on Sundny.
Negotiations are In progress between
Japan Eranee which Still fur-
ther cornitieie lie. Isolation of herrnany.
tlieNen thousand Herrero tribesmen,
tired of resisting Ow German troop*. per.
ishrd 4,1 shin Mein on oleo
1 he 5,,\Nfolifid101141 SilpreOle rourt 1111.
hfih14 Ihe ti1114111y of 1he preVrI1104;
I Slate* vere(els eniplo)ing New•
ttleni Inn(' fishermen.
'the eruption ..f \Imint eonlinues.
'the flow of tat a is its rensing. and the
smoke is ntsinibint nrul hen”. Earth
eleeks 111,44, e expert( need
llte Nate an garden until requires
"Oh 01 ret"lirt• th° 11"1Y
maned Meted. ,o Old ,p1,1111.11 ef
renaissance architecture 0.f11 have -to Ire
Several trawler:: near INN eorist ../
Franre reiairt st range ()Can mlice,
cillevis Ors and cTIT.OkP apparently ,,IT,
mg up out 1,1 the sea. II thought
hi a volcanic deetirtmanee,
Rumore sgrInnq 'rouble at h
1 Ity are repoe• id from native
II is :lettered 1,0 powerful !Ultima
110110 CIPlIted the town, end given
men reektente orders lo leave w
A *notch Um -a -London say$: Friday
wits ,tho 3tIth .anniverIary of the out,
trealt ot the Indian Mutiny, which tempt
at Meerut on May 10, 1257. The coined -
Once sattlewhat. alarming. The news
font italtn, winch deMtlaideti FrititlY
Meriting's newspapers with this Amster
IWee, iticreascis the anxieties which
he present happenings in the tuition
Empire awaken here. That Sir Denzil
[Madsen, Liattenant-GOrerner of tho
Punjab, whom Chlet Secretary Marley
the other day described In tire Musa el
Commons as one of the ablest and most
esperionced administrators in Indio,
anon* have auto:Ironed big military re-
inforcements to Lahore and PestP0ned
etkVII departure horn that eityjs re.
genies& as adding to the gravity Of tho
situation. The India Office has issued
EtOfithig We situation, although it is
understood a ts In oonstant CetnintInt-
eritlen With the Vieeroy. Pending some
°Metal declaration the aewspapens corm
ment sparingly, but print their own end
trio 'flews agencies' news conspicuously.
Sueh comntents as printed call tor firm
ctellOn by the Government.
Some recent statements in the House
of Conunons by Mr. Morley and his ap-
proval of the deportation of Lela Lajpat
TIM betray no sign that he Ls disposed
to undentstirnale the possibilitiea of the
Although for lite moment the Punjab
scents to be the chief- centre of the trou-
ble, it Is noteworthy that there Ls le -
creasing unrest among the natives in
Eastern Bengal. This seems to centre
In the hlyrnen Singh district of the Me
ter provhicd, which is a thousand Mlles
Milk is one of Me most easily and
rapidly spotted of food substances, yet
it is within comparatively few years
that any attempt hes ,been made to get
it anti keep it put:tie...Even to -day much
of the inilic sold In the larger cities cote
tains a greater number of bacteria in a
given aznount than tee Aewage of lite
same cities.
The bacteria are different In kind, to
that their presence la not betrayed in
Ile- sante evident way, but they are
there, and some 01 Meta fully be of the
kdol to cause disease-When:Moats, ty-
phoid fever, seurlet fever 11,11t1 infantile
The uddition of antiseptics to the milk
is not allowable, tor the nnliseptio Ls
in Itself a poison; and although It is
r.ot .in suflletent quantity to harm at
first, its continued use Ls bad, and may
give rise to chronic disease of the di.
gistive organe or kidneys.
Boiling intik for ten minutes will hill
all the contained bacteria, but the heat
alters Hs chemical emistitution and di-
minishes its nutritive value, se that
brhies emd on it are apt to suffer horn
orkets or scurvy. It has been found,
licwever, that It Ls not necessary to
ng he mflk to the boiling tempera-
ture:hut tha most of the bnclerin will
be destroyed if the milk le heated to
cne hundred and sixty degrees and kept
there ter about twenty ininulea.
so treated has a slightly different leste
when warm, but after it has cooled It
IllipOitilble to distinmmisli I It fmrn
"rilw” milk, and its nutritive qualities•
are merenver not materially affected.
The heating May be deme by bringing
V,Iiler in a tin boiler to the Wiling -MIDI(
1110n renewing it from the fire letting
ft 00411 UM' n moment until the !berme.
meter indleates about A'no hinidri.*1 mid
eighty degrees. The milk. in 1.ttliee
plugged with cotton %v1111•11 has been
t•iiiied for ten minutes in an oven, Is
then set in the hot water, ond the yes.
s' Is co, erect with a double blunket
end allowrel to rernaln for twenty min-
utes. At the end of this the hot -
should stnnd in a pail of (mid wilier
for n while, and Ihen be placed ih tne
If this Is carefully done and the lot•
me, are Impl slopped with the cotton
rind on lb.. les. the will keep per-
fectly swots! for severol dare, corn In
siminter.-- Vim! h's Companion,
SII1),%esant Fish Reports Little Damage
to Wheat Crops.
A despatch froni New 'York :says:
slnyvesont Fiell returned on Tuesdey
from a 7,000 mile trip over the Gould
Imes in the emithwest, the ilrst inspect
ben trip that he hits made since his
recent election te the direct:into of the
Missouri PutifIc. Mr. Fish said that lila
lia41 convinced hint that the country
o n11 right west, north nnd south ef
WW1 street. While grent damage lins
been done to early fruit in the south
and v,,esi. \Ir. Fish said Hint lie 41,(1
nal nn1 of the diming.. that the
"green hug ' was reporte.1 km have done
11:'‘irlitt.116 ‘r.:;-111:111rinirter:jer:..1 ime\.1111.Mrlishiel
oent hep. MI of vontintied Ai:Fitness ac•
Smaller Area Will be Devoted to Wheat
This Year.
A despateh from Winnipeg says: The
very buckward spring, which hes great,
ly hampered agrioultural operations
throughout western Canada, hes been
causing considerable anxiety in buet-
nese circles, which are so vitally Inter.
ested the reap. Reports reoetved in-
dicate that In Manitoba 15 per cent. of
the wheat has been seeded and in Sas.
1:1111,thOW1111 111k1111 10 ner eon t.
growth Is reported born any puine with
one single exeeption, but everywhere
the giound is in splendid condition 10
receive the seed, and there will he plem
ty moisluee to carry it well into the
second week of June. The area sown
to wheat will be considerably less than
that, of last year, instead of fifteen per
cont. greater. as It would have been had
there been lime for tite usual swing
ploughing. Theee will be a largely In-
creased acredge sown to barley and
oats., and the amount of flax will prole
ably be larger lean for some years.
Given fine, warm wenther front now on
there Ls nettling to pivvent tbe west
reaping a splendid crop, But In Oa.
WOrdS Of one farmer, "there Is not 1111
heur to lose." At the present, on blight
tlays. the west is enjoying about. four-
teen hours of stinstittie out, of twenty-
four. and if Me wind would but move
to the south nnd stay there all would
yet be welt. In the meantime there ts
no cause for misgiving.
A Nem: Method of Dealing With lite
A &sprite!, from Winnipeg sa ys
Speer. culonization agent. *Inter' on
We4lnesday Mal the commission. headed
I.) Bev, John AtcOmigall curripleio
the work among Ihe Dotaitarbots. The
pain the Goverrinien1 will IMO\ adopt to
(lerillng with this seet will Ire 1.0 eompel
them to kilo, nut naturalatilatt papers
and herome British .11,14ms. Ttio*e
,sho refuse to comply and wake regular
entry will be given land on
which to maintam 111,41184,h es, but
not be given homesteads, The fetirkho•
rs Fire understood lo consider this an
acceptable proposition,
Old Employe 01 Government nuicides at
A de:mine-1i (rem (Mires,' says 1•
11,1111 HIll 1110,1. 1.,r the pasl 30 yenre on
emeioye of Ihr h:lertricai Department of
Ile Dotiensin tieviermient ens found
et, Wednesday morning hanging from
}Warn 111.- tft%%1 in Noe er
he residence. Itiesell 14ond. The body
dierovered by his wee, IIP hail been
dead POTTIP 1110e he deceased had been
stuffetine (rem tile r,1 ilestx)nden,y and
had endured periods of mentril derange
went for *mile tears lie was 11 native
Ita, West of England, and came to
this citunity somc 'Kt p•airs Alp).
— -4
5, ,i eel thieeihe ,Minel,,1 Plat 11.4m
frit In !...alti,f a and ‘11,1(In Hengelo
the t moo sillies .N11 I 011elin
sset steins 011A1 • 11.111 111.• ern tri•
reitteom iho V.h. n1 t,,11 .11 \cm, 1,1
ns t42 9.
re" Homy 1,1, min noestisl on «este.,
(1,t) .2 helm/ ,..111.111.41 rwen1
fi,r• ' Northern I'm tn. train reltiteri. wne efett
by- poiseman ee.ot . Fri
distant *na .141Pre,..„
to a newspaper la:spare* rsa. War.
GOvernadelit realizes fully the krrtrenie
iieril of tho dituatiort, and is PriPste4
far nietiery eperattOns car 4 large SAW.
NeVerthelost ita failure to check the se.•
dittoes" movement, promptly
added, rotated In a **to of revolt
Thousands' of ;locals. Confastiag of both
Hindus Mid Mcharnmedans, are Wahl.
tog in the, !Omen Singh district plan,
derlog and burning villages, and
treating' loyal natives, many of whom
have beeri murdered.
Thirty-seven agitators have been ar-
rested by the Military pollee, who are
trying to sterim out the movement. Tbe
despatch blether says that seditious ilt-
eratuve bas been spread broadcast
thix/ugh Ekelern Bengal. end that the
rioting at Dinvill Pindt has been distorted
Into a triumph, of the natives' againet
the British.
Loyal natives of the better class are
writinn lo the newspapers and authort•
ties, urging the necessity tor prompt
Measures. They declare that the anti-
Buropean movemettt has gained im-
mense strength In Bengal since the re -
signaller* of the lato Lieutenant-Gayer-
ner, Bainpfylde Fuller, who was
forced to relinquish his post becauee ha
tried to suppress the present agitation
in the native schools.
The perticipallon of Mohummedans in
the Mymen Singh outrages shows clear-
ly that the movement is dtreeted against
British rule Instead of being a fight be-
tween Hindus and Moslems, us was at
first supposed.
Tbe Mounted Police Make Arrests at
DosIkera, Sask.
A despatch from Ftosthern, Sask.,
says: The Mounted Police have unravel.
led the mystery surrounding the mur-
der of Michael Kaminsky here laid Jan-
uary. ICaminsky was killed in u light
near the elevutors, and the body was
left hanging over the fence sOnle dis-
tance from the seene of the crime. Be-
te:lives Mee leen at tverk ever since,
and on Thursday tho police arrested
three Get I tete n - ..leeeph Rogozlnsky and
ills nephew. liski Rogoainsky and
Maxim Stediek. wits nre betrayed to De
the guilty parties. The preliminsry ex-
runinalton was held behind closed doors.
but enough is known to indicate that the
police are certain of their men. More
arrests are expeated.
Brown Tail Moth Discovered for First
s Time in Canada.
A despatch from Halifax soye Tito
brown tail moth, one of the worst peels
that eorchardists have to meet, lins ninde
Os appearance ln the Annapolis .Vrilley
of Nova Scotia. A specimen tif ohnt
thought to be this insect was discovered
borne weekb ngo in King's County, and
was sent io Ilia AgricUllural Di:pertinent
iit Ottnitti for report. 'rho experts there
Iiiive positively identified it as LIM dreed-
ed brown tail 0101.11. Since then a mite
ber of specimens have been found in
Deftly and ()thee points 111 time fruit re-
l./14:n of this pncivince. Prinelpui Cum-
ming of the Nova Scotia Agricultural
College, sny Ihly Ita4 firat
any pall of eunada by llos pest. and lit.
adds Mat the dringer that ft will spread
rind do untold daintige le very real. He
bounding tin Marin end calling on ail
farmers mid orchardists lo be very
vigilant in ever -citing for the insect rind
deetioyIng O. lie tells them that in this
\key atom. 1114. splendid orchards of
11r, Annapolis Vallet is. (ARM fr(IIII ter
Ice euiagee. genes oif the Departmeiii
of Agriculture lire 1),IdIng ineell1114:4 111141
:gelding out to the orchardists \that
they most do. None of them ever. before
sew the brewn trill moth, a pest that has
brought much damage in Now England
ond that attleks not only fruit trees, but
shade and forest trees.
- -
Vessels 15111 Crosn the Ocean by
Niauara Pottier.
A despatch from 14i),14)11 :aro Sir
Hugh Bell. item new president of the Iron
and Steel Institute. predicted in his in.
augural address on Thursday that a
century hence, With 111110 VI' 110 nin,11111.
ery aboard and sear( ely any 'Teo-, ships
would lisped Lai uww Ity elee
tricity gemented at Niagara Fails and
elitism !tied e re ices ty 04er 1he
This. he added. sounded like a entities
foreetine hut it was lei more Inerinlpr•
then the tederilillc happeninga since 1,41,7
11is voold moved (111 /4111,41,,a,11,h .1
dref1111, 11 1141 their fulfillment.
Ward. III'. JaIlik,.,11,
vt'al 11,16/1. \fr. 51,,,,c 1.‘0,”
s'worii int.ifit/IIN Pi,- of iti•ti
prky 011T1C11,
King Ede aril's Niece Given Birth to
Male Child.
,h desputoli from Medrel says: Queen
Victoria gave birth on Friday to a son
who become§ heir to the throne of
S1,11111. '1110 birth of a royal babe has
been awrilted with eager interest
throughout Spain, The son born to
King Alfonso and Queen 1 letoria will.
according to a decree of the Spanish
Government, bear the title of Prince of
the Asturias, in professed imitation a
the tille of Prinee of Wales, given to
the eldest sons of English Kings.
Anderdon Township Wants Provincial
Health Board's Heip.
1 despatch from \N, tridiee. 'The
is port of a smellpox outlireek itl .kntler-
(14,0 township is confirmed. It ls said
teere are upwarde of sixty cubes. As-
swarwe trnm Provinciel lionrd of
Ilealth has been requested. It Is thought
the contagion spread Muni Sandwich
West, where there was un outbreak re-
Nen Act Will Come Into Force on First
of AllOURI.
\ from OlOiNvii saye: The
carnelian (emetic contain:4 u preciama•
bon bringing inte force. on Aug. 1 next
the Are for Be. inspection of canned
ods, meat and fish. The regulutions
r lespet tors are being drafted. Some
es triepectore \vitt be required. und it will
tele. a14,t,1 $7,0110 1.1 enforce Ihe Act.
The Veterinary DIrector•Generali Dr,
notherfnel, will have charge of the In-
S511) TO lit: BURGLAR.
Inherence Company Employe Arrested
at Winnipeg.
,h despatch horn Winnipeg bays :
'etephens, an employe of the Sun Life
111SUraller, 4;0fIlpany. was arrested I)11
Thursday night charged \moth being the
principal of gang of burglars ‘1, tIO ha‘e
been (melt:aline here. The police have
been an the true for :several days. He
is n young Englishman. whose right
[lame 14 believed to is. Hawkins.
PRINCESS vicronik ILL.
hem and Queen
Anxious Concerning
110-1.11111 rrOin
trittune moos 111.11
then daughter, l'r
I, rer,1114.41
anti underwent
tondo!, save 'tee
tit,. Kale end Queen
rung 111., f
Imes- isterte.
1111..1% sto,ereiy
T111%1 Fin OF MUli TERI
Professor Poirier, of Paris, Killed by the
% .1m apnIch frs it, Part* ,1%, In the
&nth 4 1 l'r4.1. l',, ,ier, 1- r, re li surgery
1.0* 14 OA , 11, of t • m4,1 distingoo0onl
csperls l'r,,f Pmts.?, \tin. 11 CI.11SUIII
IIIIIIii 10pe 4,1 nii. f 'UO114)11.1.1, IIIie1111 Ilt
lean, ll IA li 11,..11 14, be 1..iong1), sn .1
111a1 otI4I II.,,l, III,' 1111 I, (1,11.• 111114,ss he
Lad und.rgoor sin operelion at hte
The iron, of 1.11,. is ex4siiiiiill...1 in tcs
rase, % frierid .1,s In, r, I 11,1 l ro,rter
died of (4111I'Pr wIrrli he 1).n.. for Nears
toe! tine niarted hm, for ii* ‘,, 0,,,,. imil
bilis a teusteee af,,r.,' I 1,irttitf rPoual
v,..ir. f`r 1,, , 1.1 y.,1•11 5IW. 1,1, 0441'11,11
I, I`11111, r , n•l`q IIIIii ,i V fiQ . ti, 1111; 'I• ii,
Ve, rli). -ti the ...Myst. nod 11,4 fei,I,KeT-1 i
1.4,ft, bet( (.0 ,Iiii k.a.10,0, a( Al.,,b, In,
of Ill, need e f cper0i1 , Mori I, ..,,, 1,, I
stity. tend •Ieesse. 4 hal , se , lin, cr r,
,A4,,t, Nn.1 w In ..r..-....4 .11 Frieres ote
111 14 .tityae ril,(1.111 r0,1IiiiI,1 he,. ila 10.0111
frmes It An f)r. Itation Henri de firths-
das while attemuttna to PRI OW chit&
I 114 ,111 ,1111eVr, WQ11. treated I,,, turn
n,,thing. On., WMTI n 010,01 1'0
prraled v.,t1nt .11 a fee,
f 11,1 vote h ei sheen het ecaldmie I y
s. A VIII I., ROE! 11V1
o 4„r ens 4tns est January In fear .,1
"11, netteng. Il oil! be WI" vssss
n fresh onneerous grew's POIrter rare-
rwy exienined her and IA I/I •
11111‘,11. wnni:e.4 I 1 amf,rieisi
pm refuse to trent
"\,, Ply pre t ehdit. but I shall not
,., ,„,4 ,1 ite mote raphl than
it, 0 1 als4 hove a eon.
If 11,., alory Ir,e, and ;, V01141hCli
, P,,frier main-
latra-,1 141.01'1 '410 ,Vurkl to' the lost a
musk of cheerful Itmoueicince.