HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-05-17, Page 177.r.1711‘r. - 71`7" -Ir' ture'llenre,dea V S' • s ^tire* / j • .• "err' "41V/Vik •• t; 75:TV•;";?; TUB 001)EinCri STAR is the largest Us** county ot 'Huron* owl guel!tryt (tomtit armlition 1 ."••••••••••••• Ttni couERieft STAR Icirculation than any other Newspiper In this section ot the county ot Huron I seeessessesssiossisseesseesiesesetesesses 'rg4XX OXP X USSIIONMA"E... 13T04.://i '41t19ili ' •Retittng 0090, tet thetet 4111 taln ante et-..14401nnilating Wealth; led 044 ItAr iOnAng ; :few Iwo** mreolit:*b4.0thoi: inove*onc* 4>Jr• .4010104 ' Pt ° leek; but the Vaittlii0J6MY lillkePoPst'scearkoompe.tocc,e, opttoilig it:41mm :007. ,0***,**tusaying :tho surplue. IT*IsitYVOT,A, '410e ce/tgr'4411.n.ftt tItiPnif*' OAnt MOM' ' ledtlAietiOtt at .40* Hales ' . • StAKPARD• ,f,A)AN CQMPANY, ' Gopumair,,dokon:-recm 'STORM 01714E,T Amy gotAR HORTCTp U4Re ‘410 0164! FOR^SALE OR isnie ' le tseht*"g'''"etid 'Barba, m t JetottY Welter Calfe-i;eft c°10r. geed side and Wall :PrOPOrtnnied. Peraear.ere ,101114/0.'06*-REST,,L-Mao Stay b,rilmok nous° On East strofit‘atlthASI „Att._ .prOVOMpatts ApPly MPS, ^ P•414"_''' East street, ' ' • , . Eireff' thernite''zesidieee ..South etreet,'recen WellPiee PY BO', a Bar* Also the rooms Over DersiOnte.84..fdoVicitr • Shoe store, Oa tha Bettalre.-"APPlirflii JeW• Warritt.y., 036. SAL10,-,Tigete hundred bushels et 04- +wit Pottittieit-Parmart, and hltnpire 14 variation. APP1Y Or„ Odra:. ,„..AB,C11.. BEA Et 4th con, nodench,Tp., folederiett Olt SALS.-One Fale8teild'85,000K aced 00011.-Pilesesialen Homo County. •Gctou arm, Ideal Janine?. bood.roteonii for Selling.- ApPlY s. WREN. Vat B&POWlett 4,14).,"9•Orobta. Felt SALE.-.TntY wires 60ellent land ' end gifeenmag.' =1141.41,4,-bligatf; • tire &resin orchard ef apples, Wain, Phew. ( lidegind tteglatitorgrAPIr rally re Val% & ROBERTSON, Cluderloh. VIOR SALK-The double faiths holm on St. Goorge's Creekient. A geed InePortY lo a illtrottt'agu erg osatizt,x,ttanght, frame propert3t onoEast meet, near the Square, St Present wed tui a launder. APPIY to MIto. MRS. 19,,,Oesd' Launch for Bele. oPP1Y to Ea*. at DAVID. Corot). • na, Ont. . TURE TO LET. -For cattle and horses, on IC. C. ATTf MIX'S Farm. Goderloh, nt. bR SALE-Britik Store, a Kahle for baker andphotograPher. in v11 of Blyt fpr %also house formerly Weep ed by A. MoD. „ninon. W HOWIE to rent, on Napier street. owned by G. F. McPhee. : , 0. h'. CAREY. Goderlch. . lialiGUSIIS FOR SALE -Your &Oise of five, .L.L• .Apply to REV. B. KNOTT, Newgate St.. . VIARM FOR SALE.-Ncirtlthelt Of east half , of Lot 0, Con, 4,, of' Ashiield, containing ' 50aores. Freune liohne; and barn and stable. aeree otaPPli3orolleriMell watered by Nine p lilt river. at back& oMtle clay loara,meetly all scolded down. Apply tei or (dawns. Gm). F. IlAratta, Dunganuott , M FOR SALE„ -Part Ot lot 15, Lake 'Range West," Colborne, consisting of Berea, 4noro or look mestily_ seeded down. °roll le S-Eoodblayloatb. Thercip a good e story -ands -half holm wieh kitchen, another, dwelling Peae.gla..06.4,,-:.Parfeltio -barn 34 x82, With ened.an ' stinting. with comniodiOns &Mei also a shed "oh the south end. lased t•foilr wain. two at tile ' barn and (Most °sob house ; good bearing Orchard of about tvottaerell. ,14000Y0hItlg la in an excellent state of repair, -FOr parttculant. --APPLY. omthesfanner Iltiolt Thorium, part ' 1°042 and' re, Lake Road West, Colborne, or to Giconint Tntrotote. Koala Iltreet, Doderioh. L T'li OR SALE. -”A 50 egg Chatham Incubator XI and Brooder. hi petfect condition. Rea- son, no room. Also a' good wood heater, find several other oracles. eitmleat firait &Ms . . - FOR SALE.-TwO ne* Dwellings en Angle- sey St. A Comfortable Dwelling on:Fitton St. Building loth on Elgin Avenue.F...xS,Codar St. MA Pine pt. WANTED. --A few Furnisned Houises or Rooms, near the Lake 'fron,t, to rent for the summer mason. - .. YOUNG & ROBERTSON. I a PROPERTY FOR SAUL- The desirable Property on Elgin Avenue. °Wench, ovraed and °coupled by Dr. Whitely. Gopd . house and two-thirds of an acre Of land, with choice f mita. The house ts heated by hot water and has all /MAO& improvereants. A banish' for any person wanting first-class pro. party at a moderate price, Apply to or address DR. WHITELY Godarich. 1113APERS FOR SALE. - Several hundred copies of old newepapti for sale. Just the thing when you are h ettnIng. Apply at STAR OFFICIO NOTICE TO CREDITORS Nolnat FOR CR DITORS, • Notice Ia. hartsbli glean to all nsons having claims against the (*tato of ' len Austin Humber, late of the TOWn of Gbder1ch, in the County of Huron. Pollee Magistrate, deceived, -141111-)11exarnier- ftwarberc odertelr -Post to eend the same dUly vefilled "to malt, Onkel, administrator of he estate of the +aid deceased, oh Or . fore Om 10th dtlY Of JUR), 1907; after W ieh ditto the sad lidministrater Pr to distribute • the sat estate am° the tut entitled • thereto, &id re Only the elaimii of which notice eba then have been r • and that the sald adtainlatrater will lo liable for the proeeedit Of the estate so diner th tad to any person of *boob claims notice shall nOt have been received. Dated stGoderleit this dth day of May, 1907. ' C. SEAGER. , Solicitor for the said Administrator. • - • • - PUBLIC NOTICE. TrEEPER, MATRON AND ASSISTANT MATRoN WANTED,a'OR THE HOUSE OF REFUGE IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. WrBtentrlicatkitta_ will 1:to received by tho undeedgn up to mtifiday, the erd day ot Juno, for ho positiona Of Keoper Matron and ansistant Matron for this House or hefuge. For Keeper and 'Alatren.inaii and wife preferred, Appliceinta ate ()SWUM tope ago, previous occupation. and sabley.etpec lesttmonials to he enclosed *Ith applica on, The committee WoUld like to meet appli- cants at the council MOM Goderich on tho afternton Of VC ednesday. Juni the 1th. W.' LANIC, Clerk. Dated May the ilth 07 • TUG TA64$:- bylaW gOverning deg _LP • tags come iiri ltifeet fet 1607 ots the 1st Of May. and the p tale ere Warned that the l_aw will bo onto 'Without fUtther settee. By order, Ong Sand. Chief Of Police. . . XTOTIC11.-You are no deubt Contemplating IN bedding this 6014? 1u Slew of the ad. *twin* ce of Wake Wad lumber. wise men ct i'L . TRONIA8,, ,.., Asahlt004 Ada 0,0110. are intik 1 early eopitraCts, titbit J. Lawn Itis cue 0„, designs end itt titni to 'clients wilkreirtpare favonilay With onylit Witancr. . tof614110 OtRiOta. IA MOATS 0011• amen Clark, late Of the, wit of Oodilticti in PORATION,Sti Olitorter or Um Estate of Omni tif Borne; entiellenis deeetieed. for sale the rollowlet eteexit sad Mame *betel "Westerti Cale" Meer Milts CO., k velocities. in laisit.t. Medi *tit ineferred ..etticir, Der ; Valetiel ' ItieribarekbOdefle,hbildith bo. Ltd.. Per Web ' i 4110e, e Bliihine GOdefitgighegiegild.4"fiet 'die $100. 161****4 da ittold*****.rmitit CO/. PROVOS, 100. 881404 Cettleti ffelekl"fai Per 4inesto tAlititti tinted& 'fess 1,10i, pse, esno Ano, ttnilailia 0001 gitattes'IllititOtionitr setae sib awe* . legume. istatittalt interest in . *WOO Mt* bitriblinb Tit ' 6E10, ill 11111191 Of rho tiSde Lekthat t'IN . ., • „ i'lettitier fri litcli are7lield ee etillettleal rig to tbe * . 'Offers Wet tit tie ,lit .se WANTS, '--e6-7.8.Wiiiiri;1-irit;rsitb a yy for geeerai o WOrk. wages or Per meth. •&11PlY tit Wm. Costs, Nelson Street, ANTED, -i -By June 1st, furisIshed. room without board. Control longtr Pre' ter 1 A.PPIY lir letter to V'. 31. BIChM0, Hederleh ANTED. - A treed General Servant. APele to Mies. Da. Wrrirgiar, Tire Cretieent, ANT4IL dint Class vise and lathe banter -on gas engine works. SteadY ,ensployment year round. ,Cartaurstr ileau powmi 4 Lsoalarks. LTD.. ChathaM, Ont- VETANTICD,s-A good, keen young Man or V Y woman, With IMMO knOtatedge of Book. keeping 0.1111 colleetions to help with work in clifieo for a Month or twh, Apply Box X, eare of STAR Office, WANTED -TO HEINZ a ileums with mod- l'Y ern conveniences. Centrally located, If possible. pet addresa at STAR &leo, N WANTED,-ao hundred experienced OJCOM011 wantbd at ornate Point, tit eh ColaMble., Wtitma f3.10 per dor. For full particulars apPly Youno RORERTSON, 030d6010h. , 1301 wkITED._ To learn the printing lintsinea.. Must boeducated, trustworthy, and, willing to work. A good future 'for th 3 right boy. Applr, Tint STAR, Goderich. 'LITRE! FIRE1 Now is the time to Jiro out ..1J. your, feathers and get them oleaned, and get your Mattress upholsteted. For the next three iffeeka-S. Hawrienn. T UMBER -Tiring pal:0400d a portable .11.4 saw mill am preps to sapply Hem. lock. Ifim and aple I,umber. Leave 3mtir or- deramarly. ROBERT ELLIOTT, South Street, Goderieh, • COURT OP REVISION. N-OTICE.OF 'COURT OF REVISION, TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE. TAKE Norms that the Cburt of Revinion of the Townalmp of Colboree will hold ibitirst tfug in the Totvn Halt for the &rooms -et hear- ing stopoms against the Assessment R011 of the Townehip for the year 1007, on Saturday, THE 25m8 nx? OF MAY. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. All parties interested are requested to attend. F. W. MoDONAQII, Township Clerk. Carlew. May lith, 1901, NOTICE OF COURT pp REVISION. TOWNSHIP Ole GODERICH. 'NICE Norma that thp Court ot ilezision of -the Township of Goderich will he d tirne tepaugotshee Orftela$11 inPir maViltiliset• Assesatnent Roll of the Townsnip for the year L907, On MOnday, ITig 2711,1 DAY (It MA y, at tO o'clock In 4194910m:op. Altnart-A,n, -en it Mike Sr.te,o Mori/ NIXON STURDY, Township Ciork. Goderioh, May 7th, 1907. "'DROWN'S CHANGItS -- BROWN has .44.P changed his &op from Victoria to Anglesea Street, near kit Peters Church, and has changed his prices too -pays double for everything In his line. Rags. bones, bottles, horse hair, copier. brass, lead, feathers, skins, andall kinds o Junk. I please the people, and every man W o has anything to sell should send me word. I will calkand pay cash. The Goderich Mineral Water Co. MANUFACTURERS ON MEN ESETUNG are prepared to deliver to any part of the town BELFAST GINGER ALE, Pints and quarts ; also MINERAL WATER, three sizes, splits, pints and quarts ; SELTZER WATER and DOUBLE SODA. These goods are made from NA+ LIR AL MINERAL WATER, therefore free from au, impurities, P. L. WALTON, 'PHONE 201. Manager, The. Sterlill OF CANADA HERWOFfIGE - TORONTO incarirriltdi PlitritaBmPeconitit.A%.1,h. Deposits. High* current rate of interest paid in our Savings Bank Palladino' on deposita of, $1 and upwardse Interred, paid and compounded 0 FOUR TIMES 3. YEAR. Drafts bought and. sold. • A General Banking Business transacted, GODERICH BRANCH : A. G. GAMBIA Mamilier, *40. s . a$1 The Meeting Calendar By order of tho Itegetity,the regular meeting of the Daeghtere of the empire will not he held &Glebe nestadooday in Juno. Cotirt Godetteho P., No. 92, *111 meet next '1'itesdefy, May elat. _Regulosetntiettng of Huron tempter. No. RI, R. A, 1st., tlext Tuesday evening. 4110;111w bleating of the lawn Council this rosy; IWO:deg. The Retinal meeting of West rtUron's meted Institute bo held to the bonus Of gra W. T. Mimeo, on Friday, may 17th Business re begin ;shortly after? elock. Mot VALDE OP COMMON aftNite. Petit people think of nestle** berge or weggen with a ty axles net Wont* of the ari. 4111004E work entailed on the hottte. but the grinding, _Weer sea tor caused tO the jiabiale. Vet '1/111111L0111 Of peoplefate dieing OW ryes woreethen farm *egged, deeriesking tee fati that they lire welding, and ring friteteal eteebtolistatif tut organ. the tutineilittaatiot re, plate' deatmyedisnd ohe o the Meet tom frills oldie. /sewed toe beds tit weight oe riliTiOtillgitttPirelytirVirke Weed with theeelits eiseee big tom ti writers glivesitkeettileitittotplettlittethi Ole efgriteereneetid 1/Efteer the, rdteattett to tiettobgbed fettldir Valuable Aral. ly,led Resat* ehoileed 16,the.folleit eaten* by oberettleg W, Who* Vetted tif hieceisafri ' Mei to beaseefouwars Idedfiler M teiteleildtledt Irelahree sell Weeitait• heel S. Or Iwhatithe TAW l01 prlert petiMill tit be IIPYWbettii : PooligEllta MARKgPfs sgi wree The tkietilleilt Wheat ball etketiftVitah ed *taloa. enalliesith it .baailettnittsasetna froia4Mieeelinti Ole latTee billOF ter''?dfetit Wile. - ' , ' ' . . OeT8 aaa 194/04 bare, *We linuned two et Three eilelis Olel IeetT OTP4r 1140 Sine. leitied In the3113116111/ mite° ' .. tioak.tee. teeiithal isi tra 4110.0, Anil theSe f tuMsalootKrat4h4TocaGO.Otthol ethic, tie theit h3P7O- Tatiet1 frOel V.% TO 910•1 in the swt Millith._ . . ' ' $10I01 /407410010 V&A and butter 9tdoWP TO 241, eild efitatetna• are ithil•Wertit 13013W. ItehettAOTAtstrehlisPeit a ottv ot citttld ea naturnar.404 4, F. Andrews* WO cattle ent MondaYs Wheat* ROOF teTetent0. ' ' 4710•43rite tedOldnale Price. cornstort Itit fa gaOtt otsVntroday4 , valt wbor4 . 0. . . ...,.. .90 73 to ta lifilkas Wbeat. ;141;44'4.. . • .:•-•-,0 0 73 78 , pa 16. f.•I, ' 2 00 9 e0 sh.'410: I:err otwont.; family ..„%, 2 35 0 9 93 Bram; per t011.:: * ............ , 21 Ott 21 00 ., ., .42 011 Stgetallrigo. Per Trill ' ''' 18 V pm li 38 pBorOaasetaionew: ,,..... ... ... ... ,..... 0 48 0 4 Rre . ''' . 0 Itttp 072 Buolti'Xiita:'Pei.11i.,.• ......... • (i'g g t 15 . ....,... 0 48 to 0 ill 10 1 00 •Blifti3elivarli; " 0 20 0 21 F.Pe_ . i arenh) otAt aosou 0 15 fl 15 WWI% Per Cora., .5 IX &IP; ifiNuratii S•ruf hutohfirs' it CI110° tt g La be, spring. - :' ' 4 60 to ( 00 Sheep, fat (014i - -- - • - - ..... - a 5° tP 4 ti° Rega. live Weida... • • • 0 00 to 0 00 Reda, dressed 8 83 1.: 3 ig Hellalb por lb Elwyn, Meg clear ..... ..,.........., 0 15 to o is Rtdea........,... ....... ......,. - ...., 7 25 to 8 00 Sheep, shires ....,.. ..... 0 no to 1 00 Tab% rendered'. . ..,,.,., 0 06 tOo 0 05 Obigkens...harnYa • . chicks, per lb 8 to 10 • 0 11 0 12 Beef; fare quarters 0 00 to 0 00 Beef, hind quarters 0 OD tO 0 00 Cleasaver lb.. v •. 9 to 10 Dean " ... ..... - 9 to 10 Turkeys " 18 to 18 Potatoes. . 0 55 te 0 55 Apiece 0 75 to 0 75 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Page. To Ttent-Jos. Whitely 1 Feathers Cleaned+S. Halstead General Servant Waitted-Mrs. coate... 1 HOUSO t6 Rent -Mrs. Rhynas ' Mineral Water -P. L. Walton I White Goods Speolals-Hodgena Bros- • 8 The Wish Business -C. C. Lee 8 Cheap Shoe Sale -J. W. Broderick 1 Cash Prices --:E. P. Paulin Victoria 1:iay Hates -CI. WI 4 The First Step -Central B. ... 4 Carpel:send Curtains -D. Millar Po 4 Saturday and,Monday Bargains-, W. Acheson & Son. ' 5 New Spring Dress Stuffs -J. H. fadborno 4 See our King Hats -W. C. Pridham 5 Victoria Pay ItatearC. P. 11 .. 5 Summer Jaaketliamples-W, A, McKim8 Court of Ftevlsior.-4-Te. of Colborne1 ' SPECIAL NOTICE. Neticea under thin heading to non-ativekis- ers will be charged 10 cents a running line in nonPariel type, 12 lines tq the Inch; tq yearly eontract advertisers whose advertising ap- pear). in the same Issue, 6 cants line to . those who make a yearly contract Under this heeding, and do not otherwise advertise, 8 • °coma line. Our prices just 57 less than Jobbers. —E. P. PAULIN, Eye strain causes sleeplessness, loss o1 Vitality and energy, unfitting you for business, study or social obligations. Do uot have re, eourve to drugs before consulting. or. Harvey who has cured hundreds of these troubles. Beginning with Wedneeday, May 1VAnViallbALP3IM 00 WI:cm 0017:Nure4"' 0111 000ERKA, ONT.4 FRIDAY# MAY 17, 1907 ;Of e $114413%-rilottlot 1)01)04' ..tveolvire)840),X0044 414**4130r0bY01014P1411nRPIti-fr°0:t4 ottteioll volt to LiVer0401 Ledge, CiOtle, iiete S. Oi 13., at On Wedneadar, 0804tocuth illNit.oTruheeliVIrmto.orttihnrY Pethiriltrore Ito eteady"lirogreeti And Wie g 1G anceeoft in the Moat Of 'the brethren then eiebottroed to 4be vCoift(4.wilv tte r ea tehiteeelY leentitet rilttninerr OfteglIVED keeilf0TION. s'e.• Tha following annimucement will be Veld withintefeet in folodericb and threugh put Moron, the gentleman pawned lie. log tkeee Of P. MgFisrrew. of Eirtlaaele eonttludtottueltheewroof r. A. VarroW. of the "Mr. et, R. Farrow, who has been epetOInted maistant entnnlisbiener of the Otlitents 41epattment in aUcceselen to Mr. ,TeibIs Bain, who resigned sante time ago, bee been connected with tbe civil service since January 10, 1 1. his first office being sessional cleric of the. Howie of Oommons. He filled that position during,the seesion of 1881, at the elope of which be Went to the de partraent of ageiculture, where, h,e VMS employed for three years at etatistical work. In June, 1884, he was 'trans fereed to the customs department as junior clerk in the accountant's branch. His abdity‘and energy marked him Tee preferment end on the let ;Inly• 18'0411 he was appointed esccOuntant, which position he filled twat creditebly until his recent appointment to a higher tend. Mr. Farrow has been, assiduous in the drsoharge of • his • responsible duttea, and his prepeotion comps solely as a reward of merit." , COUNTY ;13e.tnous.-Mesirs., °eerie, Lamont Willert, and Engineer Patter- son of the County council last Week Met a committee of the Perth couecil lit the Sauble e.nd the tw.o eommittees exinnin- ed the Wedge that crosses.- the ,bound- ary between Huron and Middlesex. The beidge is an old one, and the united committee agreed that it was dimgerous, and too old ,to be repaired, q.nd appoieteri Messrs. Pattereon of Huron arid Talbot of Peed), tO pre. pare plans and specifications and advertise Ahern. The committee a- greed to aneetsin Exeter on May elst to open and accept tenders, if they should be reasonable in. price. -The Road and Bridge committee, with the county clerk, met Wingham on Saturday to examine the bridges and culverts on the prairie road. in - the neighborhood of the town. .Two were passed, hut the aouth ono was con- demned, entitle° culverts were ordered to be filled in, as they were no longer required. The bridge to be rebuilt will be 140 feet hy 10, for which plans and specifications will be prepared by the tiounty engineer, and tenders for County Councilaan the opening y of the work will require to Ise befordrhe the Tune session. , THE STAR MILL Menem -About 1.30. yesterday morning the tire alarm sounded for the burning of Dietrich & Son's Fleur Mill, which, a fete minutes after the alatm, was burning bright- ily and witil'a flemeneee alssee 'seed that the fire had been going for some ime. And this is likely, for a resident o pe eays he saw the fire he Milt's windows at one 'clock, when he rose 'to give his sick hild drink. When the brigade eached the scene the fire Mid such a old of the building that it was bound o burn down, as ell -Parts of it were lazing. Just opposite the mill on the , R. track were two cars, an empty hat had contained wheat and one oaded vvith slabs for the McEwans. hey were hoth badly scorched, for hough an• engine ran down to them 11 it could do -was to MOVO than a tile to the north. Tbe car that held heatbad been unloaded the previous fternoon at the mill. It was Mani - °ha, worth $1.01. A new chopper hoillad been placed in the mill. hut ot working properly had been taken ut, and was at the door of the mill early for shipment. Dearich & Son's as will probably be betweee $13,000 nd $15,000, that is for grain, flour, achinery and building, and their in- urance is nearly two-thirds of their roperty. There was considerable ex- itensent at the time of the tire, as any hange of whist would have directed he flaineti towerds some of the proper - y north, south and west of the mill. The fire brigade did its duty, but the all was too late te enable It to save the The proprietors have not yet onsidered the question of rebuilding., hough Mr. W. Deltrich says the question will likely he taken into con- sideration shortly. The burning of the Star Mill will be a blg loss to Goderich and our farmers of the neighboring townships, and ail will hope for itto speedy rebuilding. OFFICIAL VISIT. -On Tuesday even- ing R. WA3ro. Holly, of Hamburg, D. D. G. M. Huron District, officially visited Maitland Lodge, No, 33, A. 1e. l5th and each Wednefulay thereafter till Sae, 1:.‘illibill'bthee°11Z61"cinYtvillid13O eaoopho W'r; 0 amateur oupplIes, ete.--41. R. Samows. n o g Whether irs' ou stay at Jumne or go i• away Victoria Dity. ariango to have supper nt b the Library Lecture Room, and spew the t evening at.the Baptist Church. • J. W. Broderick attended the auc- tion Halo bat week of the 5..0. Ring Co. whole- sale .shoe stook at Toronto, and. purohasod L seveml 08.808 of shoes, in 50 and 60 pair lots, all. I brand now goods. And the eubseriber has pleasure to announce that he has secured at a big bargain a cracking good lot of stylish tine t &cies We expect this choice stook to arrive a at the Ggderloh Bargain Store • this week. it Cracking ing balgainn will be offered at this " iiheap w. Baommick. An interesting evening's enteitain- a ment will be that to be held next Tuesday in t the school room of St. George'a ..hurch Some of a the best local talent will take part in the Musical program, and a number of selections will be sly- - en by performers from Clinton. The entertain- 0 ent is under the auspices pf St. George's A. Y. r . A., and a number of the Clinton branch of the 1, A. Y. P. A. are -expected to be present. Refresh- ' meets will be served and the public are cordial- a ly invited. Admission 13 cents. Cheap Glasses distort alleles of vis- s sight, but all MI j. Haivey's prescriptions are e ion, causing payse.ospfort and injury to the p made from the est imported lense material. Consultation a Flumber's jewlery Store, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 4th and 5th. Cleveland Coll Spring Wire at 82.00 at E. 1'. PAULIN'S Hardware. gown xuptcs. COLL: INHT. GAmks.--The annual gaines of the students of the Goderich 'Collegiate Institute will take place in the AgrIceitural Park on Thurstirty. May 23, commencing at 9.30 5. tn., and for the elternocria at one p. ni. The usual good progratn and exciting sport may be looeed for. Woo. Receive 1.1reeort.-An official notice hes been mceived that ,the Seri - ate of Toronto Onieersity have decid- ed to confer on Mr. H. T. Strang, B. A., tbe degree of L L. D., at the an- nual commencement on June 7th. All who knew Mr. Strang and his legion' of friends will agree thee the honor will -be Worthily bestowed, and' It is all the more pleasing because it is very earely that) such a reeognition has been conferred ine one still In tbe active Work of 'teaching. "De. Strang" will sound very well, Indeed. Tim NEW nECIULATIONEL -The a- mendments to the Public Schools Act, Met the revised Circular 33, and In- stituctious 12, giving tbe mode nf dis- reibuting the grents to rural schools for accomtnodation And equipthent are being printed. They will be sent to the Trustee Boards, by the pubile 8011061 inspectore as soon as received from the Edncation Department. It is intended not to apportion the termite to the sehools until Decembee This wilt enable the Sehool boards to Make the neceseary improvements, during the summer vacation, and after they know definitely what hi ;required. The grants will be appor- tioned aecording to the grading at the inspector's visit during the autumn, teritene.Avm, 0 TOWN. -Mr. T, W. Nairn. • with his sisters, the Missee Jennie and 'Nancy Nairn, will shortly remove to N'Valkerville, where the farmer will ugage In the grocery teed° with hit ther George whei Is now run- iiig ve successful business he a, indsor. 'hese young peeple Will be „„15 teed by 'Rego ciente of friends, tee •1‘ ey were actiVely identified, With Ps Veral organfeatioes. At the Wednes. y evening prayer meetint Krieg rob, the ladies were each presented h purse eontaining a' etini,, Of ititibey, in acknowledgment of their long end faithful. eervIces insthe *eeri- e elitirch organizations, The Menial., was certainly well deserved, fee ISOth ladies have Nen tineeinting Oisittelforts to liteniate the libtlal aploltail Work of the tharelt **a L They Tatki*Willa the file* tif 'all, WO *wok lotiteld figtitholitorteko, and A. M. There 'was a large atten- dance of members and the work of the lodge in the different degreea was exemplified and the Heat degree C011- ferred, a candidate having been elected. The visiting Grand Officer addreesed the lodge at the opening and closing of each degree, and on the different sections of the work, and tmich interest was manifeeted ha the exemplification, partiettlerly In the floor work. Before the lodge closed Bro. Ball moved. 'seconded by Bro. Saunders, a hearty vote Of thanks to the district deputy. The motioo being carried the W. M., Bro. Gerrow, pre- sented the resoletiona which WAS duly responded to, W. treo. Rielly speak- ing at eotne length on the pregrees of the order and claimed 'that Masonry was the grealest beneficial institution existing, ehoUgh it promised nothing to ita, member°. He mentioned the large sutn paid to inetnbers and de- eeatted trtembers' relatives, and &bee attention to the fund of one hundred thousand dollars now being raised by the order to increase the capital of the beneficiary fund. The brethren then adjourned to tbe luncheon room, *here supper was served, A short toast list eves presented, "The Grand Lodge of °minds.," being respended to by R. W. Bros. Holly and Tye, tbe first hamed speaking at settle length on the institution of the Grand body and its benefits to its large member- ship throughout the world. Bro. Tye gave an highly interesting picture of the Ofend Lodge, and of the °cession of ills election as a Grand officer. "Visiting brethren," the milt Watt, `was ap ropriately responded to b W. res. . S. Vargo° end A. Bober n. . W. Bro. Holly in a happy epeeeb roomed Maitland Lodge. W. Bro. adellife responded.;_with a truly tlasonie speech, anti W. Bro. Ball and the chairman also briefly responded, All the masts retire given with Musical boners, anittINJ. W. an his asist. 1 ants oretented and *erne an *poe- tising +nipper. The visit o the D. D. 0. M. Wilt long he rettiernbeftil, as the 10101 reit clearlydefined *WY* of Malt. le 'S gettertatetst of It* own lodge ite menthe*** &OW tOWaislit thOliei are alWaykWith 04 Iiittook * rO. 0104 04%00 Ifp., M. itletlid Wills Ott pool 11. bittcfilt.1141. lia,TODP« Publ II 04, leerela Aelwartria-Ilielea Toltoar,-,voll. ip:**1 eventuts enterodutont to,utitutt to say nethilig of .1101plog the: 410x,ratIrik #00pitatin Ito good work. by attend, mg thii Opera HOBO ftl hear Lieut. -Oat. Megier, K., 04 ot Initereolljn his hninortme mOnolOgne, 'My •Vriend Vet" OoL )10010e• has a Wide rentitee OM all I pliktferne lecturer and enter. tattier*, and he very _generously givea thie evening, to the Daughtera of the Timpire without tiny charge, in mider tw help the °Went for whIett the pro. BMW liss been arranged, A number of our h,est local aingera will contribute reosical number; tinring the evening) ao that the entertOpment will 'be of a vaded eharactere - Don't fail to he one Of What will eureIY be a delighted audience. a SCHOOL! WORE IN A CITY, - A teacher in a large Atherican city on the border, writing to a friend here. gives an item which is interestirg as ehowing one of the problems which chntront the eonsoientious teacher amid the errroundings of May life. She iffeYa "'tend mob a strenuous life. that oft Omen Vidal pl _obsures and correspondence have to be neglected. Last February X was promoted front Asinstant Prloolpal la a PrIncimliihip children -being neW to me, it, meant lots oi 1 Opened a building and the teachers EE bald Work to get things running order, There aro Jews, Italians god few colored children in my (Bete& and have wen trying to do a Uttle social settlement work with theni. hadtioap and towels furnished to tha build - novel 1 stiowed tha older once how to pre - Pate themeelyes for school. The little ones I Washed myself, and the mothers airreciated toy efibrts so mutt, that it la SU to a rare thing no* to have a child coma UP OAS he Is clean., I have ,e) in ray kindergarten, and, the nom .1s on the tire door. .6.fter reading about that fire M Montreal, I made Up my 'Mop I crowd never hare tuy wen neatens.' . Ton floor OF PeeEn.-The constant.- ingepublic is se used to receiving the information that eyery' kind of raw Material has been advanced in price by thostateno control' the supply that Invent of printing will not ,be greatly surprised to learn that nearly all kinds of paper have been advanced in price from eight to ten per cent. One week printers receive notice that woed pulp boards have gone ; anothee'week that all book papers have advanced ; then dunes notification that coated or enamelled papers have been rented itr price, that eard-board stock is oh the incline, and that print paper„,is to be elevated fir notch. This deneand fee advanced, prices hi the cost of paper must necessarily fall upon the con- sumer at large, for the printer has already all the burdens be cats poealbly carry in the general advance of Iabor and supplies, Buyers of printing may, therefore, reasonably look for an in- creased cost In all kinds of printed matter r and the duplication of ordets at former prices is scarcely to bo ex- pected to contin,ue.-From Montreal Gazette of April 20th. 1807. lionaioureronAt NOTES. - The fol. lowing from the Toronto papers of Virednesdaj will be read with interest here : "The dates selected for the next Provincial Horticultural Exhibi- tion'are Novetnber 12-16. At a meet- ing of the directors it was reported that it, is probable that the Se Law- rence Arena will be available for the purposes of , the exhibition. The foe lowing officers were elected : Pres', dent, R. J. Scope, Toronto ; First Vice - President, W. 11. Bunting of St. Cath- arines ; Second Vice -President, 11-. R. Frankland ; Secretary, 11. B. Cowan, and Treasurer, .1. H. Dunlop, of To- ronto, An Executive Committee was appointed, composed of the foregoing officers, and Messrs. John Chambers, Park Commissioner, and P. W. Hod- getts of the Department of Agri- ture." - A meeting of the Goderich Horticultural Society WaS in progress last evening as Tan STAR was being printed, and. one of the rnatters being discussed is the collecting and prepar- ing of a County of Huron exhibit of fruits, vegetables and flowers to be shown at the Provincial Exhibition mentioned above. -An article on the • cultivation of gladioli, and the won- derful success attained in hybridizing by Mr. H. H. Groff, of Simcoe, who is now the leading authority on that branch of horticulture, will appeer in THE STAR next week. It will be of value and interest to all lovers of ti°PWReEINTATI ON. -- The f o 1 lowing presentation and addresses to Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Davison, from their po-workers of Victoria street Metho- dist churcb, are °till further proofs of the high estimation in which this worthy couple were held here. The address to Mr. Davison, from his 8. 8, class, was accompanied by a gold locket and that 14 M rs. Di, from her Waters of the Ladies' Aid, by a handsome berry spcion. The • following are the respective addresses : DEAR Tiosomen,--With the manifold cliongept of our growing times and Immome country, it oely to be expected that many of the beet of those we know 'Mould nook to take hold of thane larger opportunities which are naturally own- ing in our industrial life ; but le is nono the loss a great sorrow to UAW 10/10 so capable and earnest a teacher and guide in the troche of the Holy Scripture. • You have always possessed rare interest In our general well•being, and in the midst of a very busy and strenuous life kept in touch with the individuals of the etas., while din. playing the flnost of gifts and bestowing much time and patient labor on the studY and toach- ins of the lesson. Under your guidance tho Bible has become tnore interesting to many, of us, and taken a deeper, and, we sincerely trent, a more mating grip upon our minds and hearts, and your ex. ample has niwayn helped to illuminate and on. force your teaching. We deeply regret our lack of attention and apparent went of interest In the class at Union, but wo venture to think that you will find no more fruitful field of labor than the Sunder school wherever you may SO. Wi•O teaching, combined with godly or. ample. must ever be great femora in the form talon of character, and where these are exer clued a large harvest will surely be iyathoron. And as you leave un and our beloved church, wo ask you to accept this token of our esteem, nee boat that it may continuo to remind you of the warn1 place you hold in our hearts. Wishing you and your fetidly the Noosing of God and prospotity in your new homo, we re main. youra in His name, Whom wo are and Wit,,in we nerve. On behalf of the clans. ETHEL ROI/GARTH, Ooderieh, May. 3007.MAY DUFF To Mm A. D. Davison. Dir•n MRS- DAVISON, 11 WW1 With stnooro regret that we learned of your declaim' to never your connection with U. and romovo from our community. We eannOt but feel that we IWO losing one of on, moat conseientioua members and also one of our moat faithful workorn, Wo know that your place amongst an ho ..hard to fill either as an executive officer. or a thoughtful rui visor or an earnest Christian. While we Radly feel the vacancy made In onr ranks by tho removal ot such a family n0 yours, yet we ere sure that them la plenty of work awaiting laborore in your orosnective home, and there your tabors win stools, be ap- preciated. Thus the parting is mado a little lighter bisoattso we realize that our loss will be another's gain. Wo, ass Ladies' Ala Basiety, ank yori to no - &peeing entail gift, not tor its Intri value, but ete a keepsake t* tioreatentely re yon of 'happy meetings and old [Monde. " The Lord bless thee and keep thee ; The lord make itio face shine npon thee a be orations unto nice' The Lonl lift up bin Countenance num thee d give theo --Num. 11, as. Signed on behalf of the Lidice' Aid gittaivraitigre.,, DELL, ft -esti, 0(16r1C11, MAY, 1110, „ 4 Yrift iiprettd yatii feblInge All Ono sonittrys, aotneltady out* to IMO Urfa Topic*. too much proved OW with devo. tion'a whine and oleue action we do auger o'er the devil'hittwelf, Snow lu Goderich last Friday morn. lug almoet reminds tie that wa are yet in tho lap ef winter. Tbe helrling lawn on West street look* like spring, as It le beantifulty green and reildif for the aeaspn's play. A eltixen Who owne a cow meld one dollar cnd coats on Wednesday for allowing bovine to run at large. Mr. Win. Stewart, Trafalgar stmet, is making connection with the town sewer and Inatallinir modem illiPreve. meats. Many cattle in firmware dying' after the long winter siege. They were *tabled in poor condition and ae yet have no grass. A very pretty bed of tulips at the residence of lttr. Robertson, corner of Ste Patrick and Waterloo stet:tete, le worth looking at. Burners have been in circulation the past two weeks that the 'West street rink will be fitted out as& roller rink, and will be ready for business next month. The town empleyees have cleaned the Square up a bit, and if the dust could be reduced somewhat it would be nicer for the merchants around the Octagon. "My Friend Pat" will be delineated by Col. fleeter, of Ingersoll, in Vic- toria Opera House. thie evening, in a way that will 'novo you to both laugh- ter and tears. The last of the season's open meet- ings of the A. Y. P. A. will be held in St George's church school room next Tuesday evening, when. friends of the "young people" will be welcome. The town fire engine will be tested at the Ie. W. Doty Elegine Works, and on the result of that teat will de- pend the future aotion of the Council regercling the dIsposiaton of the en- gine. The painters having not yet finished on the store on West St, and Mr Stead, who will occupy it with a stock of Ladies Wear Goods, has had to defer the opening till Saturday of next week. A neat ahd attractive 'bidet. receiv- ed froni-felend ,Ayer, the advtg. agent of the White Star Line, shows that the annual visit of the Steamer Grey- hound to Goderich, on June 17th to 21st, is being well advertised. Wm. Anstay is a local poultry breeder who prefera the Minorcasi as a profitable fowl. He says he trete an average of between 8t) and 00 per cent of eggs, and showed THE STAR three atienples which weighed fit ounces each. Little self -denials, little honetsties, nameless acts of kindness, silent vic- tories over favorite temptations -these are the threads of gold, which, when woven together, gleam out so brightly in the pattern of life that God ap- proves. The following G, T. lt. officials were in town on Monday, on an official I n- apeetion tour : A. E. Gillen, Supt. Mid- dle Div„ Toronto ; A. J. Nixon, Assist. Supt., Middle Div. London ; .H. Fen guson, °peeve' Roa:c1 Master, Toronto ; G. A. Mitehell. at 13. Dept. ". The Ladies' Aid of the Baptist °buret) are serving supper May 2,4th from 5,30 to 7.30 p. m. in the Public Library 4ecture robrn. Preparations are being- made to accomodate all who come, and maintain the high standard of excellence before recognized on such occasions. Dr. W. J. R. Holtnes has tnoved the fence from amend his residence, cor- ner of Colborne and Ohurch streets. The change is a great addition to the appearance of this pretty residential part of the town and one tbat should help to make real estate around thia corner more valuable. Who does not appreciate wit and humor, and the beauty and pathos of the peasant life in the Enieridd Isle? Would you like to hear it told with all the faithfulness of the old land Itself? Then go to the Opera House this evening and Col. Heeler, K. O., of Ingersoll. will give you an hour of it that will last you in pleas- ant memories; for many days to come. The quarterly sitting of the county court wits held on Saturday, His Honor Judge Doyle prealding. The only case on the docket wan from Clinton, and was a claim for balance of eatery and damages for wrongful dismissal, by Donald Stuert MacPher- son against the Thresher Cornpa,ny of that town. At the conclusion of the henring "His Honor reserved judge - name Mr, J. W. Fortune, the manager of the Godei ich Summer lintel, writea THE STAR to say that their advertise- ments in Everybody's Magazine, the Canadian Magazine and other pub- lications', are bi.inging enquiriea con- cerning the town from many points, noteably In the Southern States, and from Ouba and Mexican points. Let us hope' the highest expectatione will be realized. The organ in the new Baptist church was built by the Goderich Organ Co,, and by RA power and quality of tone as well al; variety of combinations post Bible, will he a surprise to many who hear it. The organiet and Omit. master of Fleet Beet tat church, Bran t • ford, who will take part in the prog- ram at the Recital in the Baptist, church, Maty 24th, hen consented to give a short otgan recital preeeding the main program, which starta at eight o'clock. On Monday at 11 a. na nearly a dozen of our merchants appeared at the town hall, to annwer to a charge of having the anti shade in front of their neveral stores leas than seven feet from the nide walk, No action wan taken, an it appeared those, ;nine moned had not been informed that their awninge WOCO not the proper height from the nide walk. After leaving court moot of thane who had been summoned ridged their oltaden until they were the lawful height. Dating from April Ist there hat; been a general inereace of from 10 to 13 per cents in the salary echedulon of the customa department, aggregating an annual increane of about 13210,000 to the vitriol's; engem,' officiate and employee°. It bag also been decided that hereafter the department of materna will pay the coat of guarantee insurance policies required from all the custom; officiate: hitherto the premiums on these pont/ten have been deducted froni the minden A late Frank, Alberta, paper states that Captain T. H. Trethewey, of Nei. son, with a gentleman named FiTh ey, from Detroite"who are both intereet- ed In the Stamford Syndicate"; have been proepecting for eoal lande on the Leninist:tone river and Pettirned from that dietriet on Monday, They stat- ed they were nitwit impterined with the coal ;wear; seen, but there Wan WO Mtn h anow to allow of a good exam- tio will mako another vielt when conditiona are more favorable. The gentlemen reported an exceed. Ingly unpleasant experience doting lost week's storm. the end of arapriL Of course the Trethinvey mentio ed lasodoeutriort Captain TretheiVeY. f \ I ' AXONO TIM CHURCIIES. NeXt Ettilld&Y be Whit•Sunda When it le to be hoped talr eitiZens W ha able to wear summer clothing. At the quaiterly meeting of t Official hoard of Victoria St. allure held on Monday of last week, the f lowing were appointed tie uslie for tho ensuing year ; On the nor side, Bros. Thos. Burrowe and Tab on tbe south side, Bros. dohn Now° and Kneeshaw. Seats free all invited to the aervicee. Last Friday evening, while at Zio Church in Goderich township, no W. and Mrs. Graham were take by surprise when the ladlor of the to gregation presented Mrs. OrIthatti W1 two very tine quilts, as e. memento their appreciation of her services du ing her husband's pastorate. Ti kindly token was suitably meow% 'edged by the 'volplane though the was not the slightest hint of the no Last night there was a stereoptio eervice In the S. A. Barracks, Tw subjects•were illustrated, "Ohalk yea own door," and "The Scotch pobb and how it was polished." To -nigh Irelday, May 17th, there will be musical festive' given. Capt. lilatie an old friend, will be present ; als Eneign Edwards, who will act a chairman. DOOM will be open at pan. Services to commence at 8 p.tn Admission 10 cents. Sabbath School institute meeting will be held noxt week th th county in the interest of Presbyteria schools, under the superintendence o Rev. J. 0. Robertson. D. D., Gen Secy. for S. S., at the following point Hensel', Monday, May 20 ; Clinton Tuesday, May 21. Afternoon and ev ning sessione will be hold at 3 and 8 and teat will be served in the vestry a six o'clock. The program includes topics grouped in five divisions, an the discussions should be of value t all who attend. While every Ptvsby Melee School is invited to Bend dele gates, tertehers and officers , of a denominations will be made welcome tbe aim being to increase the efficienc of Sabbath School work. th ho re v. 0- th of r - v. re t. 00 le r, 7 is 8: Cl - 30 11 The tiedicatIon seevices in connectio with the opening of the Baptist Chum are to be held Sunday, 20th inst. Rev Dr. Cross, of Melthister Univemity Toronto, will preach at three services 11 41. tn., 3 p.in.s 7 p,m. Mr. Aiber Pequegnat, bass soloist of the Strat ford Baptist church, hits been secure for the occasion. Monday evening 27th inst., a meeting will be held a which addresses will be given b former pastors; and others from neigh bouteng Baptist oluirohess an well es members' of the local clergy and prom inent laymen. Knox Cluit.ch clue will be present and enlist In the pro gram. Ally tetth is the anniversary of the ocimslop of the laying of th corner stone of the new Th; Ladies' Aid Society of the church wil bold a supper on that date, and -in th evening a Recital will be glvenf. th church by Miss Nellie Raymond, o Brantford, assisted hy other talon secured for the occasion. The Presbytery of Huron met Willis Church, Clinton, on Tuesday morning. Present, W. M. -Martin, 11. U., Exeter: Modereal " "S. McLean Clerk ; Dr. Htewart, A. Anderson H. A., D. Caewelt,B, A., Ire II. Larkin s. A., C. Fletcher, M. A„ Mei, Smith, 13. A , D. H. Copthart. 13.A, E. H. Sewers, J. McNeil, T. Davidann M. A., J. L. Small, 11. A., N, C. Leckie 13. A., J. Hamilton, B. A., Ministers and Messrs. .1. Linkleter. A. McKay A. Wilson, J. Waite, Eiders. Mr Larkin was named to eeoperate with members of Presbytery and with the representative of the VV. H. M. fo the arranging of any meetings the might be desired for 'the purpose o organization. Mr. Smell was give liberty to moderete in it call at Au burn and Smith's Hill, when Lbw+ congregations were ready. Mr. Piet chet reported as the representative o the A option bitten Committee and his report was adopted. A great deal o the tirne Willi given to the consider talon of the subleet or cor.fet•ence '"ehe Atonement, ' Mr, Larkin (Tenet the discussion In an able address. ant waa followed by Mr. le Mel,. Smith after which the Afferent inernhet participated in t he dismission which was both lively and profitable The next meeting of Presbytery takes place on the second Tumidity of Sep tender, in Willis Church, Clinton. • f Brussels post: Trot annual Monday School Convention and Burl Devanal Meeting of the Deanery of Huron, MIN held on Tuesday and Wed neseley this week inHt,John's (dowel], Brussels, there being over 90 delegates from nurrovinding towns in attendance. l'he programme WAS an intereiding 0110 and WW1 as follows: Tuesday, lioly Communion; luncheon served in the ; Devotional exercises: Address of welcome, Rev. Mr. Lang. Ford; "The relation of parents 14, the Sunday Sehool" by It. I,. Taylor, London, being unable to attend. his paper Was retul by Miss Myrtle 1Vilnon; 1•1 he Prayer Book end its use," V. Nash. Wingham. '"Ile Home Depart • (tient" %van to have been gi yen by Miss H. IS. Walrond, Exeier, but owieg te her ninepin, she wasunable to al nd , so Rev. Mr. Tirrnbull of Ooderieli, gatre nhoi t address on "Advice to S. M. teachem "The Advent. Collect," Rev, 1'. (I. A. 'Wright, 'Walkerton; a nhort addtsmn was given 111/ ROY. lir. TI1CkPr, on "MInnions“ liusinenn moet• Ing, len. In the evening a flne ROC mon WaF1 preached by Rev. Canon Tucker, It 1,., of Tioronto, Oeneral Secretary. M. C. ( The text. wan Henenin 12th ehapter, Int. and part of the 2nd vet se. He W1514 assisted in the service 1)y Revtla. Mennrs, Gunn*, Turnbull, Colitis, Boyle, Hart ley, Ilert v and Lang -Ford. Anthems were well rendered by the choir mailable to the occlusion, A t Wed nesday's •08/1i011 fol- lowing. Duly I 'ommunion, "Prayer Book Rev inion- was Introduced by Rev. Mr. Turnbull, of (luderieh "Tba Catholic Pettit," n review of I /r. Griffith Thomas' book, toy Rev W. H. Hartley, Myth ; honinenv, Luncheon follow,ed, which closed the very enjoy able nenslon. liev. Mr Dunne presid ed an chairman with ability. Dn Clecided to hold the Con ventirm at nvitation by Rev. Mr. Berry it WES Heatorth next year. At the sloes. of the Convention a hearty vote of thankn wan panned to the rector, ltev. II. M. I Ai*. laord and he ladies of St. John's for the hospitable way In which they were treathd. Delegates wee; here from Seat ort h, Myth, Itelgrave, W Ingham, Gorrie, Clinton. Exeter and other plact 44. A 0 %DIAN 1311 1.4(41 T110 l'itri• HP(110inP 1'1 of Si 1415118, Mo., whose advertisements of Brom() Quinine Tab. lets have Poe several yearn appeared In Ttirt STA It, 11017A Omni' it neeeesstry to open a Canadian branch, and beve Mot eompleted the installation of a fully etetipped latioratory and offtee at Toronto, to meet the growth of their Canadian trade In addition to time "cure a eold" tablete, they. manufae- awe Pato Ointment and lie Partera Anticeotie Healing 011 ; and it cer- tainly apeake well for tho merits of thee° preparatione that the- note and. enlarged facilities foe theft* mantafac. alln necessary. ,•. MUNICIPAL MA$T1'" ERS While the. town haS from titan to time been visited by representatiVeit of the Fire Underwriter's dssoolation, aud as a result insurance premiums have inereased in many cases, there does not seem to have been any great effort made to increase the °Moloney of our lire department Ono point is mentioned, and that is that our fire company should be more liberally paid, more syste_inatieidly drilled, and a standard of a high Mate of efficiency attained. It is about time, a move was mode in this direction. In Toronto fire engines are used its well as the water works system, and are giving eminent satisfaction. We have a firo engine in Goderich, a duplicate of the Stratford ono which proved the salvation of Clinton last Monday, hut the oue in ooderion has been in disuse for years, and le under- stood to he out of repair. It should he put in eitape and utilized in every - case of emergency, A good lire eons—piny, with proper and sufficient appliances, is one of the very best assets a town can have. Thie was detnonstrated at Clinton cm Monday by tho Chief and Fire COM - pony . from Stratford. They were ttlZiitrItu'clirdnelers11, i vnectei ,anwdithe xtei le: treed. suit that much more disastrous con- aequenues wore averted. OBITUARY. Mt:Punta -Theee died at White Fish Point, near Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., on Wednesday last, Alexander McPhail, aged 42 yeate. Deceased was attacked with pneumonia and passed away after short illness, the attack being Hevore ono. The retnains were con- veyed by boat to Sault Ste. Marie and thence by Wain to Glade/40h, and taken thence to the residence of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McPhail, Ligin Ave. The amoral took place on Sunday alternoon to Maitland ceme- tery, and was largely attended, the church services being conducted by Rev. Jas. A. Anderson, 13. A., pastor ofilitAn‘ov death of Mr. Thoinati Hawley, which was briefly announced in THE STAR liked week, Was a and sue - prise to, ills frienda lied acquaint - !mew+ here, for although it Wittl known that his health was mit good, there watt ;inkiest that his condition was so seri- oils. lie jutd. been iti Alexandra Hos- pital for.ir week, and from there he went to Detroit, where .he deemed it advisable to taken course of treatment In a city hospital, during which his an- emia was pronounced iteute Bright's disease, which grew rapidly worse, he dying on Thureday afternoon of lase week, The late Mr. Hawley had polo - tired law in Detroit for sonie years be- fore coming to Goderich, and was well known in that city. He was a man of kindly dispesition, courteous manner and of considereble intellectual ability, but for ;several years les health com- pelled him to abanddn ell business, end he lived it quiet life in' this town with his wife and mother. THE STAR loins with many friends; and our Mt zens generally in exiendIng sincere sympa- thy to the aged mother and other rel- atives. M merle --No greater shock bas been felt in tioderich for some time than that on eaturday morning, when the sudden death of Mrs. J. (1 Martin was made known. Tbe decerseed ladv had been uptown the previous evening on aa Mr. and Mrs. Martin in- tended in the near future visiting their children in the Noi th West. Mrs. Mar- tin had not boon in the beat of health for some time. and her intimate filen& knew ;the suffered at times from heart t roll MP. Th0 deceased seemingly slept away, ilf 4 her husband, sleeping in the F1/11110 room, WAS not alarmed, and the first he knew of the fatality was when he found her asleep in death. Mr. Martin had, as Usual, risen and eot through his morning's work, and being informed by the maid that breakfast With ready, called his wife. Receiving no answer he proceeded to her room, wherl• he found his lifea partner "at re, " having ermined the har apparent- ly some three hours before. Mrs. Mar- tin was a member of the well known ledhill family, of Bimmiller, and had been married to her bereaved partner NO1110 forty yenta. Hhe was well known in uncial i.irvlem, where she will he much missed. and many will siorrow at Hitt departure of the kindly one, the teems! of equate benefactions will be revealed only the great accounting. Dor 1.111/.1•11•1 all over West Huron sym- pathize with Mr. Martin, his two sons 111111 delighter, Mrs. Geo. Price, in their audden bereavement, and hope their sorrows dilly be sissuarted by the record ;if her well spent life. The funeral took place from the family residence, Anglesen. move,. on Thursday after- noon, in premenee of a very large num. ber izens front town and adjoin- ing townships. Rev. 0. N. Hazen, M. A., sondeeted tho eloirch siervicen, and the pall hearern were dereased'n neph- ewn, Frank Martin, Harry Martin ; Halo Curran, Winghani . Webster, liam Mai tin ; and David Gledhill, Kincardine, Many floral tri buten f•1 t. placed on he ailkpt , and a car- riage was needed to convey then; to t he cetnetet y. Around the Harbor. The (1 T It. kepi VOWS Of ears at the harbor t he pant week. t 11118 pr0170111.1ng any possibility of the searelty of cars for loadidg grain at the elevator. The tog hien the prod. winter by Wm. Marlton was launched from the island on Saturday 10.11 e rn non , and was I knetiored off the inland until the ha lance of her machinery in ready, when atte will he made ready for the Ilski"n"P.tain McIntyre, of the Scottinh Hero, was awarded a hat at the ex• penny. of the town, bin hoat being the flee Meanie'. inward at this port for 1907. lint for the activity of Meeete. sturdy A Co. the acknowledgement woe hi have heen overloriked. The Steamer Edmonton, from Port William with a cargo of wheat ar- rived in port Sunday morning, and unloaded 30,000 bitshele of wheat, at the Flee/tow me Monday and then left for K Ingsfiln to deliver the balanes of her cargo. Tier partial un- loading wag neeennery to enable her to paw; t hrough the Welland canal. The dredge Arnold' wan out off the Harbor entrance on Tuesday, and has boon working over that ground. weather permitting, ever niece. The Dredge Co. had been started to work to deepen the ehannel before tenders had been accepted, hut ahortly &nee work etarted tho Marlton Ce. had been notified by GTO ,119.11i0.9 Of the :el ;state; oonfttottthomir ettiorinitilue: tt:iitthat the deepening of the aluellow teotho to et, 'leap. sottL' . • oi imk 4 o