The Goderich Star, 1907-05-10, Page 4Wagii., k4 41WIVInt filte, Lxiiirk, M%to- V�stin st Whito MU pourou V1,04. Of the Initial be4ii of, P arm.wemhier go _W1
ods Auld io. an bo
4 "White Lloens. Prices -to suit ever y h0-0 iIs" coloi versiari,t awilsi Colored l?oj a what irw, I", Is *004or the cotink f4m, 14C Ae J I . 11 - - . A 1311 stock:o Colmd Mus to Who Alkow4be 4040 to 44 vest 0gal 411W 10 goo M* ab.'r eltiva-so jilmply x4eaA ilat i* *&Ku Iii�-fim a di 0 a Q vii V. A 0 9 t tho Iw I^ 90 - * - c, liar 04:htnosa� tAM M4 w4h the *ibolall busi pe. u j , -: , . grilkwistiA4,0641 . Wm" bem,of, -.91 I rnauitil pon Bourimis, w4iooil L
h ill -the" 04 dio 0�*or a hoo Ito TO, "gow "_ I from t"
Ake Mayx -74 I" 91 01VA41 Lg(lio! 6PPA bi oticed io, the; win tit 003i OPW Of �O eat, o4k, a t W . walsti�
A w - . , I , It .. . I I I I I . I . uA, TIt* , Cpstoi piqpg ats,,�
ansit "to* The, bumlo ofteo bolvit. cook$ -aod A ;Orb toch, ;, ��rt th 0 it :� �: risriiow Asail Vi oICU 1104 ntho)jo we are T94tte, Oflhim 4- Ur �Vo "I V1 a F0, 1q.. lb 4, ve%t, CbMigni.7
is .,u queso opf :14"t out, 4 40% gr*ft tb'�" subject IIt #W't tMas yo 4#4 wItb 6t er, lave RAN T 91. slid 000910tion 0,4 *'Tho spoa�egi ruled otljetwlpp� Tito At we .6 in Conlida" OMWA hit Inatter waoow. Etioe jot A., bod vpp�,Iiireom I I I iw 7 - 1�644ertlil Me4loinAl �Vro, 00 tAp saboi WhIob InAbo ittat POFPO I h to, 404 cul*lvo tom. . �690" .0, to I . I ::� 44 much tolged P050, tCAttl OR'PRO it r 'OVIA tz ; ? 0M OL. Ps 4waird 00 their A cc bqA ltqeo -unt I 03, orld0is tYo treato at the. 4onforonce. silly, orti pubtl4od New. said t9 iiiier of 11taloof Its 1111, ::, - - . 11 NO"TAIR, �,�Q leii 1el0ted A. A. OL -0413. Or- I oft xli .4 - '07, ON d Xjr. A aworth.. aiii . 6 I�(A r
49 Drum, 10W it 0 vabd Uvergue taw -the now R CAS R�CiH!r,, A or -A� VIN raw, liee$ us, while the, oil r ORAUt"' dfale0, .904 to 14" Qu yq roll; for the 4190110,01 III* 4X a unt SjAL F votes go foad.,064i P A 4 TK d nt pooll, W11116horthl Pop P" a verses w too hef pan aai�Tm 0anerith.y Iwo 040 Jos.t ArrNed at the- a Boost. ergoo wonted, to T 9 with 0% ii aw'J. r 0 f Oiffti 90 WaOill't ICAL able a Ott accused ftwil blat fare, ond. upbuii IS ff S
$acre . I I I I I I A, As t` P., R are of, Cow- to the poet 0, QiW 1AW!4 iQ - ' " `A'L46 - ' ' �At oommemore, I K IST I)M SXUMON &TURNS 0 obrutmoo, b P1 be Deputy Iqto ever tii Albiy pubi .14 licit ublIs e4 eve as Ali A Me ;r,' 000j; :4autimagn niewber t Awwx. It Ch led the y 4 t, J bbers' Uid. 10 to order, and we no wou 11 OUMM-to & lifted Jov 'tp( get -oue, natni oo the o
oI om t0lie k sald. Striiiot the Orit tolowers. r and 4 tali to forti "'PjA h in udon both great 40 4.0DER, *TP r onelft wardo changed the 0 0 said TUB nav*z;� VIVA W41 0 Or a% 0 eta.' 00 to to t 0. 0 Los, 04lit W,01 We gb�wt. I. 0.t t the Jobber$.,, 4 too, that Riodolpho rAw Al i2onderfal wom It seatu haveis stairs, Phone 121, leux wag brove n all, W or"18104. Nag so 01 The leader of the fourth party dui Ur two t-enttbles' fo B. Is a a aq, arge, vou; 6� o, 5 We .40 to o —.84W ottosetton, to 4rr ved later. He MA led the Post- Do 0 Po ielore 'O his. Our W It' to I IT . rr�t Week or C' I I K -it' these turmoils wa w1k 1. gitores ihi ar al, qboi dmf, a*" I of DI buxh it on 0 a60-06 iiiiastor-Ge Ora), as retorted to ibat Q, by TA AUIM$tl W"tam a V :a$ 'o 0 moo, Am" It V no, Aeclared lost cha as of raising 00 a 1000 sind creed prejudzees III became C In goo ou non. geut eman's little � W I u. -arn " Aqj froul I614NT 6 IR;VV-.-- iwT kx, The Government hign" f l------ Moolphe 14mlet; dro +1 Quebec mt toot or. no talit40 Ace heen Whi early hair. -S it fe' " W, had One, other get' 1.b n col M kr,&RQUjlAUSQX1 13"A'o e to need Ser"n Mor now,, Wohavespecial values umpub." Uouraosa In III Do7tb!u See or we, sell Complete a q jollar. was 0 ars n liplTililt CANADIAN 1111141116i C01,001s oa 04,with belnf a are- ,rb=1i,qout bo near to. me, S do trea- It aging LA f the A6, don&wn boarlit'a voice is t hesocen, Wifidow'Clotli 18p-48 Inches wide. 00 yohn at,. Topintix C91 Igt# Ang on'[11111n a way, o A in son' for you, o I 'n t #94TIONBERINO IRE �0104 Wire for Inst him, ai somew t alwItaL, 0 rjDjn 'neq A :Wk.o -eaving end .1 the LaWto rnem, Vini I qvil it iesny a Year 400,- - wo % (it ob. Now, sat saher, botly, "that game to exploded." P ROOF SMT to after W.: itel,iii 'B t weL �Waat your triiiaer �,uWIU,:u 1130Y �IJ u 4i d :'bit e�r prices on P�eilesa I people of Ontario, he said. Were DOF_4 Wt'L(jo YdUn6f bilead in 0 d' M go u hi p0r,hui )b%,,,, $0, 9 Wiiiiii Feave, it], i2S Bk lit 4 0110tion BuMkis 06110 . : ready to Motion to any question cou. We Ageliks for rrod Feade I'160VOAR TS o"ofing bound principle of govern 10liAted % : . ' . 3URtC went. iho"�UQ taoLvo f 49 ro&4'1 care, Wolblly '()air Rr 'E .0A I: , t4 Oi4 MSID 4LZ
M u 0 IVIdtt01Tr6tMU0d0fi, ltoo, Alsoy r swap Ina A"i Wrw6 for batidei cawl4i, 7-1 Iss SHEARS HOTOLS Bbarassia found much fault with the Hilt oil .4 F, 0. 'ti Itifik all 'We subsidies fair Manitoloa, Sitskatchowan to tik�, ,We IJUIRON SoTr GVT CLEAN UL, QGderleh, Unt_ and Alberta. For all. thrie tileso Pro. It W At" a d faiKertased A vlaces would be entitled to subsidy fit- -All 161-10 It o t rturn A.V11 WI doin Y sill to. ITI r ", ,1 �w -are. TH � d . t hru."ll creases every five years and the other ie Wiss §ciisors and Shears sa tar 44ddbr& to 110p, You 1100; 44 v, tatiefunquanywhorb- M -UM Provinces 1, eve ty ten. The limit weroUt'htiogo orlitto you %11-1 0 inder this.guarantee: If - any pitfi. 0 to A A 01 To g4 �your too un a It's Mitt. 1XI, by tho proi f;atisfactory,Any flinvin two 1P w'ore f atways stay �.ba -Our bit s at -WK1,000-the subuldr .00 g ;?qboai ck. grit .Veats front date purchased we w cents per head to that Nf�w I "043vogetUin X -ay reli sapte free. in to %6M, slid 0 podra': inat; M We are scle ageots for Godericli., pu�joyc 404tv I bo A� I- )W He wo 0310 0 IS" ATFORM oklr�l The Ilva IoUg lexpot E MLY I K F now 7 sland Irk bodyi Ab 10. rover tberate woulil be I t pik to on 16 eito6ltsited tWebt so dca t10 reason Y ' 1311106 Is to tako h6m the 664 (i cents pot head. Mr. BourAssa wits An, coutit toolshlor to br�ng you trdo." years. ai at its tbordu X hf W When da aver�ii-tor -ja oind' in Lhat 1". the work- lakdo-Y below. also of the opinic djung: lost, Won lifa'ittaq 14 bs ork, and "NotaormAxaaam vicausas ( ofthii Istivs k Le Western Pro- oft 0-inglootlo son look ilia iia-�;'. b6tiiarable dealings fwitli its fA tit b6*dN1. k . . . . . . the. pans tire. XTO *,�of 141h:6iis' r, -*ft1%e:'ww:dd get double 196baidles, ago rb 0 tiept r4ld o
wood1i se __ - tonsi goat ofod wWwi y known Caifi� itadre% lareAtil R"Vnigbt tte right Mae, a the ".I E a nitmial golleges in tbi Rro;vioci W�Iro:, foe to be 4401dekea without .14 Widofi! 00 for a UbVIV ho at 'Special prio
upon us fof relooffi"paus bqwwa 04PPIOM use, rmlid demag Up tletfiand oopunii Of 1hii XIdn 0i Them Welp. gial teapileo to 11 0 11g Ing! D9 and,.Re He wished Irciiist Female strengthener of! im,4 rk Wid ver jers rgreatly exaceds the supply.. We U pal A9 a 0dinadlao, Bouvaissa wished the 3sipt 04duekths t th 'Wostern Provinces well. but It was to one. : P% ;1tudentkaV",?1#%5b 'a' 961&,�' U, ONDAIV MOO run doWn an4 dispiritedi What the'? I'Xlk bearts tit thq ri�ot of 0anada. Another Zone- 50130 the regain 'OONTOAOT ADVISATISINS hirlight'so r eeks. Its and rosy ch "d Mot&A0tL..Mj -of - Itijustim itt 'thii winds And t0n10 rtAl-l'O' nolkbtl" I �U% !q'ok BLZrr:hnoth, tif= not in their intoteats..nor In the later. thousands of women are wan, Vallidi ii of Canada, that there shbuld be a
seuse- ON
thing thitt he, found out that L: Rrroj4na does this and were, an At At Whitney Pler.W. tr000 6 Tt will pleasit note that mue at the auwdy fair the slow Pro of
very -it tit rA are % vIncis wept by way of a, ce grant FIELD V= unito I ;L 4nd, IF rartiAv 11 16 Pu= 'In and wore not necessarily to 0 P Ir t, applied M., Aly, dad Lt lotor was AV th4*00111 lopoh ton down and ha :'cousiderlitill fair the ano Irt of the Government 'V (I times. Of% I wos at -'a TIM ftr1y�4traddis0ay advarlidge rij oil. He would not say troubles Dualop"s ogod of Ipg(s jtIj v 5 grompted,lorlta, 40p I PA W, kni w what to w j was ad !4N togive he v I . w6bylArthe safest and gliatik" Gay =%961'Ale and sinister mo ve." r Peovoizone avid 1 414 for wheeled.yeblelts). VtMg 4 Oseaor dtadWo" 61 tBo lfiiit�. Tjkl� C
so, Folli-ozoue. cleared up the tro, Sottw iantlel�Ithft boadluff of all VourasWs loot word was a defli tuAdo My Lds`Ughter bouthy and n I AST ST,j �M kid got Ozdn 0 gives good appetite, I U. solonfashobsida volcoot COL a hear n1K, be iwiould speak, *1 In tor!n- 41 Owwi or walleiii direct on j -d, liqrkN to ort *0 Is T, M A Ito i Iateo,- strong a M Olt u"M411tain I t Fort DN. I qatialder *9 E STANDARD 95 C4110J, Or 4616tti (Or $1 00 ittil 1% oil 11T . to, In Quiliec, or olseirliere." VV(i* by The T. Vb urni e" wb000 "Rldti$ or woman should use rii Miles 1*140, 11,00to Ilk 110A, to *ho rake vt� Iftifigerous Precedii 1146 auto t feel her, f'00 or box at, a I IIJKLO�-MAD'g CILOT11P.$ -_ .00 -S rt 04 jh I ni d6noti 1). wl It ph 61 Will) vrovorto, it is the kfaf itSproule wasponq0i for British 40bil I astitkittional grounds. of ai zures. 009c, p A ftilairaiiiato Bqr- dealersk U MW 14 So "" his [code "taiiian Correct Itashlous, ilen,). The Boat Omit' ralatitionor 119, y Goods,, 'PA 'we fdat'�'e Eli Ve T's F ovi
PL 91M 6 "t.tgds atim a" ran a &6 d oil and quAStioned tt 1, jegfolathig the license l4w, had ther has .bee 42 work.t e. 0. 4. P .,A over, h' for BrIW4 0(i 441* 1W , 2 pfq�ajj loll. Wosh, goods,
option, wMeb canaeat, 0 _ajoSt 4a'jULagd§ ..,
2 t 40ver diore qu
columble4wol. 'Mr,. Borden remembered that r 0 e0or to suggest the followingt- First Clan workwansi Wfi, ftor fhat1,.eve'r.Wjth-:,ajj the 111� t ttert Ift & Vg4:, we �rip It, 81 LU dotte hy:' -all Wilfrid lAuTter I 4 r M1004 to 0M "A StrOM9.100iFement is on toot to a a* wmisubs oblift at Reasonable �ili and Wlutir R 11: Hz'fi the can- of the ratepayers call- Prites , �t -i 'M A lir ti, z lite some W0011110IG04"ire body In an a4droo have P. 416ting W� tventioraftelded edto a6holderthe ho Wiftt More Can AnMr I% "K% 14 upon, bit W 11 t ate.11 Voti ii4i, our to . It iii propowd th* you a* ? 04thftli pie"hi "Wili so Much i 11telta, %fir it, detuanii, 0-ai sots# . 14 on when the AtItiolt, 0olowbia, Frontier the man 'Oth, th-041110i the conferftbe,.tbe British 001 in- the mo o'nud urchase ono of the go licti Peuspor$. tV settled Without It M. oXjiitjfig jaitels, p seofi fll%t. Cjho� man A000gift Nei 06; , Yd tok DUNL V *111M ai�'&Wt to the puLce, Action, 111 1 i) 86#0d. 6 "111101ft lot the Ml 16VOrl yi 1,1241s, : � Ity, 0i bI* 0=401W tbo future WRIA 110 t 0, ostoto abould'a6t t* delayed a the matter, X, A. Act suce to thiii town." Au14 dum *4 the ppe*D-
It% f vlaceff Ita C1106 111r. a the east* toweiiittiestioli Isoueof vitatit t 7t ha)Rol .0 At a Y'of Cotton'
WhIbIA tlift 90i pwvineds might WIL46 conal V44i Wisest coul VV, A,' t $ is )kM*, tif#gq 0 M A R A Nt 44 a .", to i Nii lit It. Y441; ato. cought In the wahtillet rif tO'M lot lutl: I ev6 ""P04011i in 'MIA106'itteg it, lisi !0 =,*t 4 owt"Waft for iii 06111, Irish D , resstfijio 0 -1411 M, . blji V -1t, er 'I -finfiWON iAq by Y(bg WfLt the eriondtitiltutlon Milt tteNtment W12t volgoo it V% u AIR KA ii Of lIffii,00fife tativosaway Ittaceof M41.0ft"WIL-1 10MAVA, re"06 1110ludlug, wh mut tlow Z 11dugAirlo Rod tj own 1i ok star. =440 Was *#Aily 411 tutut, all Was 10010h t14%0 6 flit tip 'T lirlif . Woriiiiit in to, that tho otl ginAl b 41004, tt Cot - ot viiistlitg; ftyetsi it"'t 01 w1k 00 34 tne,of Wit �104:'Welj 'ain WoMS tbot t �Ot, litildic Y Ago 1A R0V w ir lu, lia g6 Ma, $47$ to ido ;; I .. I . 1 10, too humble X IM, M -so 4jr, Ilk tho ga J toff $%t uic itn4A, Jr- 'j 11 It tit oi gold 10' 1i t et 00, Irl
t11614. d6ttlitthe Ao hodbOt bten I bi saft#*i �,Oi Ottis** '00 Ir -tv Whild iltini 'Out 80=11 K ovitood 0.0 ofald Hoos 0ii hoo *h I or b 6*id G 4% K lift
Of,% woliV Ike sttbftK4is Th T0,61 ht th 6 U se dot op 0 to E'
bIoi*#t1#'AA Uftl `bt le 0100, to
110 16 ji� r 114, 04od 86 h1we shit Woo" on, W It Oottlawt WOM Iat* Ito"" UAM*0w, ft%W04 uto. fl,,A� AP 101 9111 9 1106w, t An4i Ai 641A to bis to lote tip AII4 sew to he A 1:4`111041k testdf(74 (liTtighoiltr J *44joi T fififil - , re li I f, � , it� . #ft P, taillog toL flood jAlt ft1je $I
,m oR lit 6 ra A*047 1111.1 I . , . . i r , 11 IL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . goel WUMI CXni'VqIT tWt of; lifft 0 Most 4D, NgrtV tit is "ry AM"110i to w1i 1110i dh that. P1 A A 0,1 $)AVW' oi ljowdo #dMilooll r'li mt, tu ' 11. ' Of,'ju boft o 9 " his. Mot, aevier v4s, 0 a better vftjtj04 kdjoe; "I j O" j Mi lyL, ,W , irm Al #"*"
t %*tt'AL'' Wiii Who, 1%e',eonfttrs* viii pitsent. tible. I§t4xk& t h, 46", "raw 'lite WIN At" Wfts *�Afoi U" lk* *111 exp0loi *Itb Jbiiii M" *Ak* kwt" *kk*i* W atill Miow *M bo S"t"y Y, _ _ _oMft if V�44(1111*1 I . S", ow at'Not Offs Aa 04, 01wila" 60 �1!,o tu t _6V tt" . i*W0 r a �rftwtk: it'"w O" alit olf III* f. 0i ktoir At 160ittil 11A ftwo this Cap witk iiii a Wftt"* 00t, tpalt*"t twit ot v* tow iw -0.4 I *fM sit
!k%%Vjtlj foisf tw Via", *,U - Wto be Xiliiiari Hft at oo#. ri%�*ad UW t4ii A -a" Wkk t%is Ckbow -sod t "M thii politt*1 ftf*ft t%ie jjdjftW WIW# t" ftlis" a" iffifishiiiiiiiii f"Utstfii 4 - 0=. , "Ota TIOOMMOM ft if Viiii ibs of airscii tawasit" gftiols" tu#o * VAN4, aw 1w tv t"101111110111itt lot a" #4* vit, ft* Yoe U*t 080"t to 14, 44""" 111114 111t1i 31"A ft tilo 100i tit, to tw bar hivii (Mir ftki voltit" ri000tt* - "ft * , . _0 solio W* *a% 44 MWO "*00- Is iiiiii toot T�sfi 61 W"M wwpppr� "o it, "wip GMV 1"lat"W's W *14 All, At =T=A% VA K 10 flit ECKE *0 RWw W*Ak "L t it44 � of . ** �illqo T" at,pw;,*�ftv a be a 111111i 81014 � o ftiaii 0 4 "imm W to 't"it on PW-fto ilk"* 41 ?%I* M — .. at iiiiisk paq it "%""ft Smite "Naito" I ft
*A bo 44 _�_ I I - : , .1 2!!f �_ - At
Mky 1% M
Wall t" 00 AVOW"$ logo
41iiiii Institution owavorva
.mot vi �Ww r
AQUA 00 t Albii illadVi 1140014100101fio
wathi Weather 4 comil we are,in sti §hape w*Ppl�o4r;wAnt
Wagii., k4 41WIVInt filte, Lxiiirk, M%to- V�stin st Whito MU pourou V1,04. Of the Initial be4ii of, P arm.wemhier go _W1
ods Auld io. an bo
4 "White Lloens. Prices -to suit ever y h0-0 iIs" coloi versiari,t awilsi Colored l?oj a what irw, I", Is *004or the cotink f4m, 14C Ae J I . 11 - - . A 1311 stock:o Colmd Mus to Who Alkow4be 4040 to 44 vest 0gal 411W 10 goo M* ab.'r eltiva-so jilmply x4eaA ilat i* *&Ku Iii�-fim a di 0 a Q vii V. A 0 9 t tho Iw I^ 90 - * - c, liar 04:htnosa� tAM M4 w4h the *ibolall busi pe. u j , -: , . grilkwistiA4,0641 . Wm" bem,of, -.91 I rnauitil pon Bourimis, w4iooil L
h ill -the" 04 dio 0�*or a hoo Ito TO, "gow "_ I from t"
Ake Mayx -74 I" 91 01VA41 Lg(lio! 6PPA bi oticed io, the; win tit 003i OPW Of �O eat, o4k, a t W . walsti�
A w - . , I , It .. . I I I I I . I . uA, TIt* , Cpstoi piqpg ats,,�
ansit "to* The, bumlo ofteo bolvit. cook$ -aod A ;Orb toch, ;, ��rt th 0 it :� �: risriiow Asail Vi oICU 1104 ntho)jo we are T94tte, Oflhim 4- Ur �Vo "I V1 a F0, 1q.. lb 4, ve%t, CbMigni.7
is .,u queso opf :14"t out, 4 40% gr*ft tb'�" subject IIt #W't tMas yo 4#4 wItb 6t er, lave RAN T 91. slid 000910tion 0,4 *'Tho spoa�egi ruled otljetwlpp� Tito At we .6 in Conlida" OMWA hit Inatter waoow. Etioe jot A., bod vpp�,Iiireom I I I iw 7 - 1�644ertlil Me4loinAl �Vro, 00 tAp saboi WhIob InAbo ittat POFPO I h to, 404 cul*lvo tom. . �690" .0, to I . I ::� 44 much tolged P050, tCAttl OR'PRO it r 'OVIA tz ; ? 0M OL. Ps 4waird 00 their A cc bqA ltqeo -unt I 03, orld0is tYo treato at the. 4onforonce. silly, orti pubtl4od New. said t9 iiiier of 11taloof Its 1111, ::, - - . 11 NO"TAIR, �,�Q leii 1el0ted A. A. OL -0413. Or- I oft xli .4 - '07, ON d Xjr. A aworth.. aiii . 6 I�(A r
49 Drum, 10W it 0 vabd Uvergue taw -the now R CAS R�CiH!r,, A or -A� VIN raw, liee$ us, while the, oil r ORAUt"' dfale0, .904 to 14" Qu yq roll; for the 4190110,01 III* 4X a unt SjAL F votes go foad.,064i P A 4 TK d nt pooll, W11116horthl Pop P" a verses w too hef pan aai�Tm 0anerith.y Iwo 040 Jos.t ArrNed at the- a Boost. ergoo wonted, to T 9 with 0% ii aw'J. r 0 f Oiffti 90 WaOill't ICAL able a Ott accused ftwil blat fare, ond. upbuii IS ff S
$acre . I I I I I I A, As t` P., R are of, Cow- to the poet 0, QiW 1AW!4 iQ - ' " `A'L46 - ' ' �At oommemore, I K IST I)M SXUMON &TURNS 0 obrutmoo, b P1 be Deputy Iqto ever tii Albiy pubi .14 licit ublIs e4 eve as Ali A Me ;r,' 000j; :4autimagn niewber t Awwx. It Ch led the y 4 t, J bbers' Uid. 10 to order, and we no wou 11 OUMM-to & lifted Jov 'tp( get -oue, natni oo the o
oI om t0lie k sald. Striiiot the Orit tolowers. r and 4 tali to forti "'PjA h in udon both great 40 4.0DER, *TP r onelft wardo changed the 0 0 said TUB nav*z;� VIVA W41 0 Or a% 0 eta.' 00 to to t 0. 0 Los, 04lit W,01 We gb�wt. I. 0.t t the Jobber$.,, 4 too, that Riodolpho rAw Al i2onderfal wom It seatu haveis stairs, Phone 121, leux wag brove n all, W or"18104. Nag so 01 The leader of the fourth party dui Ur two t-enttbles' fo B. Is a a aq, arge, vou; 6� o, 5 We .40 to o —.84W ottosetton, to 4rr ved later. He MA led the Post- Do 0 Po ielore 'O his. Our W It' to I IT . rr�t Week or C' I I K -it' these turmoils wa w1k 1. gitores ihi ar al, qboi dmf, a*" I of DI buxh it on 0 a60-06 iiiiastor-Ge Ora), as retorted to ibat Q, by TA AUIM$tl W"tam a V :a$ 'o 0 moo, Am" It V no, Aeclared lost cha as of raising 00 a 1000 sind creed prejudzees III became C In goo ou non. geut eman's little � W I u. -arn " Aqj froul I614NT 6 IR;VV-.-- iwT kx, The Government hign" f l------ Moolphe 14mlet; dro +1 Quebec mt toot or. no talit40 Ace heen Whi early hair. -S it fe' " W, had One, other get' 1.b n col M kr,&RQUjlAUSQX1 13"A'o e to need Ser"n Mor now,, Wohavespecial values umpub." Uouraosa In III Do7tb!u See or we, sell Complete a q jollar. was 0 ars n liplTililt CANADIAN 1111141116i C01,001s oa 04,with belnf a are- ,rb=1i,qout bo near to. me, S do trea- It aging LA f the A6, don&wn boarlit'a voice is t hesocen, Wifidow'Clotli 18p-48 Inches wide. 00 yohn at,. Topintix C91 Igt# Ang on'[11111n a way, o A in son' for you, o I 'n t #94TIONBERINO IRE �0104 Wire for Inst him, ai somew t alwItaL, 0 rjDjn 'neq A :Wk.o -eaving end .1 the LaWto rnem, Vini I qvil it iesny a Year 400,- - wo % (it ob. Now, sat saher, botly, "that game to exploded." P ROOF SMT to after W.: itel,iii 'B t weL �Waat your triiiaer �,uWIU,:u 1130Y �IJ u 4i d :'bit e�r prices on P�eilesa I people of Ontario, he said. Were DOF_4 Wt'L(jo YdUn6f bilead in 0 d' M go u hi p0r,hui )b%,,,, $0, 9 Wiiiiii Feave, it], i2S Bk lit 4 0110tion BuMkis 06110 . : ready to Motion to any question cou. We Ageliks for rrod Feade I'160VOAR TS o"ofing bound principle of govern 10liAted % : . ' . 3URtC went. iho"�UQ taoLvo f 49 ro&4'1 care, Wolblly '()air Rr 'E .0A I: , t4 Oi4 MSID 4LZ
M u 0 IVIdtt01Tr6tMU0d0fi, ltoo, Alsoy r swap Ina A"i Wrw6 for batidei cawl4i, 7-1 Iss SHEARS HOTOLS Bbarassia found much fault with the Hilt oil .4 F, 0. 'ti Itifik all 'We subsidies fair Manitoloa, Sitskatchowan to tik�, ,We IJUIRON SoTr GVT CLEAN UL, QGderleh, Unt_ and Alberta. For all. thrie tileso Pro. It W At" a d faiKertased A vlaces would be entitled to subsidy fit- -All 161-10 It o t rturn A.V11 WI doin Y sill to. ITI r ", ,1 �w -are. TH � d . t hru."ll creases every five years and the other ie Wiss §ciisors and Shears sa tar 44ddbr& to 110p, You 1100; 44 v, tatiefunquanywhorb- M -UM Provinces 1, eve ty ten. The limit weroUt'htiogo orlitto you %11-1 0 inder this.guarantee: If - any pitfi. 0 to A A 01 To g4 �your too un a It's Mitt. 1XI, by tho proi f;atisfactory,Any flinvin two 1P w'ore f atways stay �.ba -Our bit s at -WK1,000-the subuldr .00 g ;?qboai ck. grit .Veats front date purchased we w cents per head to that Nf�w I "043vogetUin X -ay reli sapte free. in to %6M, slid 0 podra': inat; M We are scle ageots for Godericli., pu�joyc 404tv I bo A� I- )W He wo 0310 0 IS" ATFORM oklr�l The Ilva IoUg lexpot E MLY I K F now 7 sland Irk bodyi Ab 10. rover tberate woulil be I t pik to on 16 eito6ltsited tWebt so dca t10 reason Y ' 1311106 Is to tako h6m the 664 (i cents pot head. Mr. BourAssa wits An, coutit toolshlor to br�ng you trdo." years. ai at its tbordu X hf W When da aver�ii-tor -ja oind' in Lhat 1". the work- lakdo-Y below. also of the opinic djung: lost, Won lifa'ittaq 14 bs ork, and "NotaormAxaaam vicausas ( ofthii Istivs k Le Western Pro- oft 0-inglootlo son look ilia iia-�;'. b6tiiarable dealings fwitli its fA tit b6*dN1. k . . . . . . the. pans tire. XTO *,�of 141h:6iis' r, -*ft1%e:'ww:dd get double 196baidles, ago rb 0 tiept r4ld o
wood1i se __ - tonsi goat ofod wWwi y known Caifi� itadre% lareAtil R"Vnigbt tte right Mae, a the ".I E a nitmial golleges in tbi Rro;vioci W�Iro:, foe to be 4401dekea without .14 Widofi! 00 for a UbVIV ho at 'Special prio
upon us fof relooffi"paus bqwwa 04PPIOM use, rmlid demag Up tletfiand oopunii Of 1hii XIdn 0i Them Welp. gial teapileo to 11 0 11g Ing! D9 and,.Re He wished Irciiist Female strengthener of! im,4 rk Wid ver jers rgreatly exaceds the supply.. We U pal A9 a 0dinadlao, Bouvaissa wished the 3sipt 04duekths t th 'Wostern Provinces well. but It was to one. : P% ;1tudentkaV",?1#%5b 'a' 961&,�' U, ONDAIV MOO run doWn an4 dispiritedi What the'? I'Xlk bearts tit thq ri�ot of 0anada. Another Zone- 50130 the regain 'OONTOAOT ADVISATISINS hirlight'so r eeks. Its and rosy ch "d Mot&A0tL..Mj -of - Itijustim itt 'thii winds And t0n10 rtAl-l'O' nolkbtl" I �U% !q'ok BLZrr:hnoth, tif= not in their intoteats..nor In the later. thousands of women are wan, Vallidi ii of Canada, that there shbuld be a
seuse- ON
thing thitt he, found out that L: Rrroj4na does this and were, an At At Whitney Pler.W. tr000 6 Tt will pleasit note that mue at the auwdy fair the slow Pro of
very -it tit rA are % vIncis wept by way of a, ce grant FIELD V= unito I ;L 4nd, IF rartiAv 11 16 Pu= 'In and wore not necessarily to 0 P Ir t, applied M., Aly, dad Lt lotor was AV th4*00111 lopoh ton down and ha :'cousiderlitill fair the ano Irt of the Government 'V (I times. Of% I wos at -'a TIM ftr1y�4traddis0ay advarlidge rij oil. He would not say troubles Dualop"s ogod of Ipg(s jtIj v 5 grompted,lorlta, 40p I PA W, kni w what to w j was ad !4N togive he v I . w6bylArthe safest and gliatik" Gay =%961'Ale and sinister mo ve." r Peovoizone avid 1 414 for wheeled.yeblelts). VtMg 4 Oseaor dtadWo" 61 tBo lfiiit�. Tjkl� C
so, Folli-ozoue. cleared up the tro, Sottw iantlel�Ithft boadluff of all VourasWs loot word was a defli tuAdo My Lds`Ughter bouthy and n I AST ST,j �M kid got Ozdn 0 gives good appetite, I U. solonfashobsida volcoot COL a hear n1K, be iwiould speak, *1 In tor!n- 41 Owwi or walleiii direct on j -d, liqrkN to ort *0 Is T, M A Ito i Iateo,- strong a M Olt u"M411tain I t Fort DN. I qatialder *9 E STANDARD 95 C4110J, Or 4616tti (Or $1 00 ittil 1% oil 11T . to, In Quiliec, or olseirliere." VV(i* by The T. Vb urni e" wb000 "Rldti$ or woman should use rii Miles 1*140, 11,00to Ilk 110A, to *ho rake vt� Iftifigerous Precedii 1146 auto t feel her, f'00 or box at, a I IIJKLO�-MAD'g CILOT11P.$ -_ .00 -S rt 04 jh I ni d6noti 1). wl It ph 61 Will) vrovorto, it is the kfaf itSproule wasponq0i for British 40bil I astitkittional grounds. of ai zures. 009c, p A ftilairaiiiato Bqr- dealersk U MW 14 So "" his [code "taiiian Correct Itashlous, ilen,). The Boat Omit' ralatitionor 119, y Goods,, 'PA 'we fdat'�'e Eli Ve T's F ovi
PL 91M 6 "t.tgds atim a" ran a &6 d oil and quAStioned tt 1, jegfolathig the license l4w, had ther has .bee 42 work.t e. 0. 4. P .,A over, h' for BrIW4 0(i 441* 1W , 2 pfq�ajj loll. Wosh, goods,
option, wMeb canaeat, 0 _ajoSt 4a'jULagd§ ..,
2 t 40ver diore qu
columble4wol. 'Mr,. Borden remembered that r 0 e0or to suggest the followingt- First Clan workwansi Wfi, ftor fhat1,.eve'r.Wjth-:,ajj the 111� t ttert Ift & Vg4:, we �rip It, 81 LU dotte hy:' -all Wilfrid lAuTter I 4 r M1004 to 0M "A StrOM9.100iFement is on toot to a a* wmisubs oblift at Reasonable �ili and Wlutir R 11: Hz'fi the can- of the ratepayers call- Prites , �t -i 'M A lir ti, z lite some W0011110IG04"ire body In an a4droo have P. 416ting W� tventioraftelded edto a6holderthe ho Wiftt More Can AnMr I% "K% 14 upon, bit W 11 t ate.11 Voti ii4i, our to . It iii propowd th* you a* ? 04thftli pie"hi "Wili so Much i 11telta, %fir it, detuanii, 0-ai sots# . 14 on when the AtItiolt, 0olowbia, Frontier the man 'Oth, th-041110i the conferftbe,.tbe British 001 in- the mo o'nud urchase ono of the go licti Peuspor$. tV settled Without It M. oXjiitjfig jaitels, p seofi fll%t. Cjho� man A000gift Nei 06; , Yd tok DUNL V *111M ai�'&Wt to the puLce, Action, 111 1 i) 86#0d. 6 "111101ft lot the Ml 16VOrl yi 1,1241s, : � Ity, 0i bI* 0=401W tbo future WRIA 110 t 0, ostoto abould'a6t t* delayed a the matter, X, A. Act suce to thiii town." Au14 dum *4 the ppe*D-
It% f vlaceff Ita C1106 111r. a the east* toweiiittiestioli Isoueof vitatit t 7t ha)Rol .0 At a Y'of Cotton'
WhIbIA tlift 90i pwvineds might WIL46 conal V44i Wisest coul VV, A,' t $ is )kM*, tif#gq 0 M A R A Nt 44 a .", to i Nii lit It. Y441; ato. cought In the wahtillet rif tO'M lot lutl: I ev6 ""P04011i in 'MIA106'itteg it, lisi !0 =,*t 4 owt"Waft for iii 06111, Irish D , resstfijio 0 -1411 M, . blji V -1t, er 'I -finfiWON iAq by Y(bg WfLt the eriondtitiltutlon Milt tteNtment W12t volgoo it V% u AIR KA ii Of lIffii,00fife tativosaway Ittaceof M41.0ft"WIL-1 10MAVA, re"06 1110ludlug, wh mut tlow Z 11dugAirlo Rod tj own 1i ok star. =440 Was *#Aily 411 tutut, all Was 10010h t14%0 6 flit tip 'T lirlif . Woriiiiit in to, that tho otl ginAl b 41004, tt Cot - ot viiistlitg; ftyetsi it"'t 01 w1k 00 34 tne,of Wit �104:'Welj 'ain WoMS tbot t �Ot, litildic Y Ago 1A R0V w ir lu, lia g6 Ma, $47$ to ido ;; I .. I . 1 10, too humble X IM, M -so 4jr, Ilk tho ga J toff $%t uic itn4A, Jr- 'j 11 It tit oi gold 10' 1i t et 00, Irl
t11614. d6ttlitthe Ao hodbOt bten I bi saft#*i �,Oi Ottis** '00 Ir -tv Whild iltini 'Out 80=11 K ovitood 0.0 ofald Hoos 0ii hoo *h I or b 6*id G 4% K lift
Of,% woliV Ike sttbftK4is Th T0,61 ht th 6 U se dot op 0 to E'
bIoi*#t1#'AA Uftl `bt le 0100, to
110 16 ji� r 114, 04od 86 h1we shit Woo" on, W It Oottlawt WOM Iat* Ito"" UAM*0w, ft%W04 uto. fl,,A� AP 101 9111 9 1106w, t An4i Ai 641A to bis to lote tip AII4 sew to he A 1:4`111041k testdf(74 (liTtighoiltr J *44joi T fififil - , re li I f, � , it� . #ft P, taillog toL flood jAlt ft1je $I
,m oR lit 6 ra A*047 1111.1 I . , . . i r , 11 IL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . goel WUMI CXni'VqIT tWt of; lifft 0 Most 4D, NgrtV tit is "ry AM"110i to w1i 1110i dh that. P1 A A 0,1 $)AVW' oi ljowdo #dMilooll r'li mt, tu ' 11. ' Of,'ju boft o 9 " his. Mot, aevier v4s, 0 a better vftjtj04 kdjoe; "I j O" j Mi lyL, ,W , irm Al #"*"
t %*tt'AL'' Wiii Who, 1%e',eonfttrs* viii pitsent. tible. I§t4xk& t h, 46", "raw 'lite WIN At" Wfts *�Afoi U" lk* *111 exp0loi *Itb Jbiiii M" *Ak* kwt" *kk*i* W atill Miow *M bo S"t"y Y, _ _ _oMft if V�44(1111*1 I . S", ow at'Not Offs Aa 04, 01wila" 60 �1!,o tu t _6V tt" . i*W0 r a �rftwtk: it'"w O" alit olf III* f. 0i ktoir At 160ittil 11A ftwo this Cap witk iiii a Wftt"* 00t, tpalt*"t twit ot v* tow iw -0.4 I *fM sit
!k%%Vjtlj foisf tw Via", *,U - Wto be Xiliiiari Hft at oo#. ri%�*ad UW t4ii A -a" Wkk t%is Ckbow -sod t "M thii politt*1 ftf*ft t%ie jjdjftW WIW# t" ftlis" a" iffifishiiiiiiiii f"Utstfii 4 - 0=. , "Ota TIOOMMOM ft if Viiii ibs of airscii tawasit" gftiols" tu#o * VAN4, aw 1w tv t"101111110111itt lot a" #4* vit, ft* Yoe U*t 080"t to 14, 44""" 111114 111t1i 31"A ft tilo 100i tit, to tw bar hivii (Mir ftki voltit" ri000tt* - "ft * , . _0 solio W* *a% 44 MWO "*00- Is iiiiii toot T�sfi 61 W"M wwpppr� "o it, "wip GMV 1"lat"W's W *14 All, At =T=A% VA K 10 flit ECKE *0 RWw W*Ak "L t it44 � of . ** �illqo T" at,pw;,*�ftv a be a 111111i 81014 � o ftiaii 0 4 "imm W to 't"it on PW-fto ilk"* 41 ?%I* M — .. at iiiiisk paq it "%""ft Smite "Naito" I ft
*A bo 44 _�_ I I - : , .1 2!!f �_ - At