HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-05-10, Page 1s'AlePOSSeeelles
T (101VRICEI STAR ful**
ulation than any: other, NoNtita"Poe
in tilts "action ot the County at HUMS
gIt 0 3:0X
ISIDIArt$0.46.1*31OE rX104 °Vag"
'fbC1,0 /a ra tioo at 04 *boat yet* tociltuf a? oaring« ac.
'0Dritif 44t, *SM. fit otrly eue, nitre 'Tray '0, aceuesnistian
ontd thet 'Ito A fele Pent0140 Inherit
#," Wealth, while other* nuht nidetitudence by * atrOlte Of
111dt,, hut the Tot ntajority of _people secure * tionipettnee
IVe441PI; 4004 tb.#111,ei OakVc :111tVitig the 1110111114,
pty VORA per Centt Parrett stin dePoeite fitI4 41010$
OtIP withder,Vu et "tiny thne.
GoimucH novsTa sbrimp
$2tJA w. 14, HoR,Tois;
pit SACO' OR
riAT,r VCR"' SAM-- Paceis urbane
41eneeldelfee Calf, led Meelon. size
fled well,neffilet_t•ittried- Price $7. Partieubleta
et TUZ, bUrti Ingiggr.
.S.41./1.I4Tiirpti' hundred buehents
3004 Pete.t.oet-Oannew and Empire
ate *utilities- Apple,- or, 4.0.1aie. ARC_
11/1ATTIP.,21tleilON. 00P101014 °Qaetic4
0.00,0:15,00ott9e01 even. Peeeessions LAG
Jannety._ Good reesons feresilleg, Anent J.
WItE111,1229 OreplereleirAve,,Terente-
WOK!' bleyela, in *tint chns
mee 1-4 tergaln, APPIY at Sten
OUSE" VOR 45,41,16 Olt ItENT.,-'-190W
Willie 011. Bruee Street. All modern
conveniences. Apple W. THOMSON'S
Drug Storer
FRI1 Pg."---T17011tY aoree exelallent lane
Me ;ROO garden, with gaidibuilffinge
and feticee, trio mileaftenfOotierkelt7Ine
nveacetwin cacitete Of' enPlee, eeerf'
anomie% 'math"; gr:r and "18V686
Pit* *neutrino °were le- -5-erlY >1.
it ROBERT/30Ni teed oh..
1B1014AIffifieeTbe dernine frOme hotter) en..St.
.44 rises) C " A,goefggiperty in a
.auso one Man
halt Omer ete on 40111000a ;etfter, end -tbe
frame rope Gegen/ere peertitehieliare,
1101 litUnd ..p)y:tse
A TIOnTYIEWID 14 ten% tor
„Ex sal% APPIF tre • 4 Cottle,
na, Ont.
ROW* VASE FOR' nant, On( foot
moral Cafe. Redford Meek. (9
-100ASTURI6 TO tieT.-,-.For cattle end horses,
J,. on E. C. A'r1SIULL's Fame
F°"' SALE-firkile Store, enitable for baker
andeltoteentener, Village BillMr
alma, item *use fermerle °Coupled by A. ell.
Allan, Cheap. , •
li\TIOW ROUSE ree.4 on Mader street,
owned by q. Memo°.
, ' V; WeltEr.-Goderiele
7 horses ahd Mates Ile Mr, light farm work.
$25 to VII.'
7 hories and mares good for farm work, so°
to $7&N..
20 horses end Maree„.$75 el26.
30 barna And mare/ix-SIM to SIM,
24 horses and mare% 1316 tO
3 drivers; 5135 to *IPA Applir te
M. A. PIGOTT co., Gloderion; Ont.
. .
VIORSALE.--7A ollnaMP Plane. In geed .cen-
JIJ Mit .Asileetocaniaiiiii contemplates
sure ' . Applgagetalerrillee.
-.6741rin--LXo▪ tte cinema of live.
AP vvt'Tt liarifoto
• el tot escogelsair Asnam, container
liesexels. granter flatlet); and ,bitta and stable.
.161 itereeetapple orchard, wen waterecrby Nine
, Mile river, at baok sell IS clay leaminaosay
MI seeded down: Apely to or address, Geo. le
&tants, Dungannea.P. O.
'''Eseiteff FOR SAUL-PAM et lot 16, lake
Al Range West,' Colbotsua, mandating of
80 mires. more. Or. less, 1:00,41y seeded eeern,
Tim soil is a 40011 0114Y /Danl. Imere ts Iflood
fralne etore-linka-halt henso with kito en.
also another dereliingnear Morose. There is
barn 31 xat, With -Hied and etaellne. x00,
with eonimodione barloft &betel algae; shed
on thresouth andasztie; four weliktwa at the;
barn ainimne 'at eaelt.;hense a, 'WO- heeling
orchard. et Client twarterees ,Reeevoiltie M-
an eXciellent Atari -*Crake.% Foe patericulare
steely tin the -fares. or_m. wort Tauelovr, oart
sote.).S'and 14, Lake Read Went, CilloOtata or
toOtrionolh Tatenatic Heeietatreet,00tteroh.
IVOR SAI,E.-A 60 egg ChanaM latiffilater
12 Ma 199100derl in nerfeet tirildigeti, Him-
ont. no Main. Milo A geed weed. beater4 /led
eeverat owe easiffiee, r Apply at,stut ,ortoo.
FOUSAL12.-4'woatew Deleilitike en Angle -
Rey St A etitnfortable Dweffing on Picton Ste
Bundlegiotkon Eigibleenties-RmesSt.., Cedar
St. and Plne St.
WANTED. -A few Puralened Romeo ,Or
Roans. near the Laic front,to rent for tea
summer season. ,
• YOUNG. de )1011fittal1611.
pROPER IIKVILL The Ldentritide
owner= late White*. HoOd
;741.AreitUtl, potlatch.
house atebtiela Olati , Mr* . Of land, with
mole :is hotted. by hot
watevend • erititatirefemerite. A
ba Oforany otinelledidasa Pro.
t APplY WI* address
• ,
4111tRie Yea' etA4111,, Seeerel hundred
eepies of old neivina nefereale, Jttet the
iewhen Fair ere h song. Apply at
pcoLid Novice.
.-,-. •
Writteopileatione will be reteledi by the
lioderaigMd Itteirofil!OndaY, the set day of
June, for trie aufeeperietearen and
resistant Marian for Muse of eetuge, For
Keeper and If
Applieenta arn 00 te r4e, erre/ion;
0aoilpetion. and , 'Ammoniate
to be enclosed with ride a.
The committee .yrd la' likes& "rill.
cants at the eleenell Wm in Gederie e
afternoona medneeday, Junt1 the 6
'W..LANE, Clerk,
pated May theffib,1907.
ere00 TAOS.* the byleW treartifrie dog
tp." tags tame into effect tor 907,oli the he
eif May.end the pubile are tee tied' that the
law will Ian aflame& leitheut bather notice.
Sy order, Jam Seine/
Cilia a' Pollee.
are ad doubt coliteMolatieg
building chi* eprilig7 In viewer the ad.
mincing Mice of bricks and lumber *Ise men
are making early contrartits Crataulie j.
Tnostas, C. Architect, Lotiden, On
chfugu„ design* end sttentien cliente
will eatnettre fordrablY with sow In °nano,
. ,
PORATION4 ea coentor Of t ratans a
Aimee clinic lent Of the NOWA a Wench In
Ole County of Iftentietterateihati,•dectiaeed,
Apo for gale the rogowleg Itteekti and abates
pea AMMO Western Catia.4, rime Mills Co.,
ster wee
et shetelicA. Lkietth "CO. preferred fecoek, par
value Wog.
10d*htunsOOderleb organ CO. 1.44,0 ear vale°
IlitthalMSH0dorlfihgAtUng towettr V4110;160.
le shoes (Work& Iflamtet and tort& ea.,
tralan eta). .
elotto Cement /Vick Cal Pat Wm SM.
Share Stosdard twin edit.1 VONA $100,
t Shares Clealdtkh Xklaing iltartthapir Wane
( MI* steptrOetithig.,* 11110111•64 iMeted In
th* ellen Lemon VOlv /Ad, one-lit*itt I
.4 in, ttrtaft VIVO)* MOW ot- the (work
' COW al •thiaa *Mr* *Jai ' held. os
iSolltteratooriiritt *tit Pro itokt ' to,:the
gosieent And a Al 0* er, Omer*
MO be tool* nit* naUsestatid,
'The Inmate '' tiMeliauttlen.
risottos et r *toed Citteki'detettlied.
Illeitn110I1 ft IOW; tfelliefterd,loYteeett.
004 tidal if :lir& A4 lh,l,ilid ' '
Ott ' s •Mt4T01;fig
, sd. uhtiteh,
MA hot oet yd double
•Mtiti brie.
Weiiit St. er
I s'fiettare 0 glad' ehain reel locket set
pearle, Vitidise eleatieletereseffie
aratallegiaria receive stream,
tok. wAsnrs-
wiLhoot board. Venttal Pre.
=teen rui' letter to v„, poometo,
• • •
44 Pie good Doneral SerVellt,
APWY )idna. Ds. warrztvi Too
Creel:30th, unleriph. •
'11-7-AN7441), first aro vise, Mid lathe
ev nano on ga,s engine worge. Steady
employment Year rednel. ,DADanitan• GAS
Powta & ieatilterass, ferm, Cbathem, cht,
WASTED:e-A. &mod, keen young Men on
*mean with Owe luleWiedge et 33001e,
keeping end collectdone. to bele, with _Went ill,
Woofer 0 mentli oe't*o. APplY0OF 46. ViliHt
of STAR eflico.
ANTRP TO REIM lieUse,,,Withe
eili 'conveniences. Dentrally.100*
if IroSsIble. Get address at Eleatroffieit,
, .
EN WANTED.--Onebandredexperioneed
exertion welted at- Granite point,'
ritieli Columbia. AV. ages $3.01 net day. For
Ma Perth/111am apple to YQuIK4 & Itotilennattai.
IA WANTED. - To learn the printing
business. Must be edneated,ftrustwortetY,'
and willing te work. A good fixture for di a
right boy. apply, TWO Sys% Oloderioh..
( '
IL7MBER.--Rxreing perchased a portable
saw rank/ am erenarod tO sapPlY Hew-
aratt-MaRher Dumber: Leavo yonror.
dem early. gf.1131444T ELLIOTT, South Street,
Taut Nun& that the Court of Revision of
tbe Township of Gederich will hold ite first
isitting-inthe.Toweshlp Robtreaville; -for
the purpose of hearing appeals agabut the
Assessment Ron of the Townehip.for the year
19i17. on Monday, THY 2THI DAY OP MAY, at
10 o'clock in the torenoon. .631 parties Interest-
ed are requeshed to attend.
• Township Clerk.
0040140, ,Mtiy 7tb, 1907.
NOTIOffirOR eugprrons,
'Claims egathat tli*Nestate •tif ties Anetin
Notieele beeebY piece to alistrahne having
number. lete.of tea Town of ediebilil the
Comity aileron. Pollee Magistrate, deoestee4.
to gond the Same duly Yarned to matt -
land Alemieder Humber. 406derieb Post
Office), administrator ot the aerate ot
the raid deceased. on 'or before the We
day -et dune, teri; after which eiato the
field. administrator premed Po dhstributo
the reed eetate auaong the persons entitled
thereto- haling regard only to the clAtins of
which notice alum then have been received,
and that the sad admtnistrreer win not be
likble for the proceeds of the estate so distribu-
ted:to any person ot svhase •notice shall
notheye been reeeived.
Dated at Goderich this Oth day of Alay, 1907.
Solicitor for the said Administrator.
*ex NertcgthatteeKie.naters, t a state
oi.Ttlp) late Ur% Otierge SW/Olson or ,fer
eaie 14. .Puhuonnotion. attnersat entlite /4411
laM Mrs, Seanson, Qtreboe so
A.71t,,a905.17twoYe In thdatternoon, tibei
a e ay* Mae,
felleritegyalimble prenerhe
0_0814109nebee etreef iri the Town of Godur b.
.1, N'uteber. Two, Itundred an4 Rift
.There feete.eted ell thel,...riet a frame dwoll ng
house -min Mehl% ie Lurie good condition.
2.. Let Kende* ChM Hundred and Siete-two
Let Twit Runhred and SiXtY
A. Online/ And • Proudfoot,
Oh Elgin/Wert %between the property of
4, IOU/ Rumba ''Oeventlenine (79), Eighty,
ari), Eighty-one 010 Eighte-twotni
sores Survey,
All of tbe foregoing parcels belong te the
&tete of the late me. Swanson, and 15.13 the
Executors aro desirous of winding up tho
Estate, e tale will be made.
TERMS or Sete -Ton tier cent. down on the
day of sale, and the. balance within thirty days
Immediate possession can bo given.
Bitch of the said parcels will be put up sub-
ject ton reserve Md.
For further particulars and torma ot sale
apply W the underaiymed.
Dated at Cloderieh, this 27th day of April, A.
Solicitors for the Executers.
THOMAS OUNDRY, Auctioneer.
The Sterling Bank
Incorpornted by fatal 4.ct a the
Dominion Ptipo et CO reeelre
Highest current rate of interest
paid in on'
SavingrBank Department
on deposits of $r and upwards,
Interest paid and compounded
Drafts bought and sold.
A General Banking Business
A. G. GAMBLE, Manager.
AtietIon Sate Register. ,
Wuntriteonv, MAT 15, Exictiters
Sale of Household Furniture, Varnish.
Inge, M., belonging to the Estate of the
bite Alittibetb C. Attrill, at Ridgewood
Patk, Everything must too dispesed
Thine sto and under cash, over that
Oudot 6 tombs 'credit will be gleed nrs
fertitating sivrovest Rarity. 1116.4.
Gtirtnitv, Auctioneer,
Hertiettiber the date of TAME, ASO
ROW* Vittit Roderieh, and if poor oyee Whet
Inlien *mon mit upset to &ono
* oleo it tra Fooret Utsouty
Wed my, May'riatu,
OGORRicili .
ith Use triaieethei Of ash* tif Sete. ea
. Ict..eer *woo far eines Itherit Were Vs
ohaneee See ,Peetikeitie • •
Intreitt Pus 'Market. wrie the, rtutetest et the
Yreirs Pot et OW lesel Stein*. effered annex tee
',Wee fleeit., • .
I .
It1011 WeATC1feeThe Otnintittitit bl
eharlie of the Onintr ifteSaltrigaithOOt.
to taknplitee *t. i?anletro PU • m4r .4.
'halm) the relic:0044M all 60/Piet%
''71,1`..Artriteini: elridtWoestre OtliVellefta-
10 woreettten liblocoor „ '
• ,
F;i1;il.wcPun""',4.4r:it.1.1441falalete . ,4.V1gfar1141141"voLeitoto.
.#,Ptilk* Yrtigoit:';04:44Sit;Sit,"::::::::4.- 0 at tAY ..„,
r Oar, Per Arrrtsi Pattetebi*41.114. 0..011 ta lt
PAW; vat iswt:i b*Ur... '
ran. per too... ... . . : . 'lit
oli„„to, .„,„r. tons .., . .. . ,...imoo
sorg;guinTes, Per 'tfoll' ""'""-°"'''rit
oats new .... ".7::'""'""`":
ries' new ,...,;:',:::: ''''''''''''.F.'8.ts
mug. ntw.,........::::::::::„,', o ro 0 r
iftw. Wet "., ..-0 .......,..`..:::.:."'10:Mte it
laUitilii."A".fiilifitir.::"''.."" tt fa g
Stater Pet in.. ... • .1 -"onto et
itrash/iser''Act:sig"'"'"'"'''' 'a id ta' .0
a z Pereeere....,...„:44..,'::::::,!.! 490 to flee
Ce 1;.,,gernoyter.4.401. but°. tore ..,,,, :34 LOttoa t4.1.0.44,48.00
PS4 tier ttiC. ... . ..... ...' .... 4 sa ta ' 4 co
us csootegutavotwiwoosvol.i....., ....4:.... '631 tow ,..441g3
Hook dressed. .... ..... ” ..... s no to 8 76
res,'nee 117 1 ' ...., : : .. goo tot o oo
sg,' tent clear.. , ..„.., ' " t/ 16,,_te il 15
000:40.011,,,,jc::.ii-.b.w...n. ,t,va..„0„.m..0.1‘.0.: ......... ...... 0.4 1:ikr, tt.,. (Qt.::
ow, ,00dorod ,..,,....,i,„. „ „ 0 str I ,,ilat
-IfRea, fele at ..,..• .. .. . ..... ,.. 0 00 0 00
Beef bin 'guar te.......... ...... SI 00 to 0 00
Tu eye "
DOI, soosefeel Pecib.,„,..
; 13 to la
o to to
o to 10
P 0 60 te 0 64
APenis 0 60 to 0 fel
4 Cerser Talle-W. 4, Vegini
Notite to Crediting/me, Seeger
ei,u, tee 'goers' /cist-weteells 6
Wise-peeple-11, c. mimeo. 9
Wecarsion.Cates--0.1‘. R. ,, 6
ee4950 beet Tour -C. P. ix 8
Wenn Weether000ds-j. ii. Colborne 4
Van/tots for seed -Arch. Beattie ti
Vertu fiat' Sale -J. S. Wren
Carpet Goods -Dodgem Urea.
Escursion to Detrolt-str. Greyhound 6
Ilookkeeper anti Collector Wanted -Box e 1
DicycleS plid Repoirs-yule's 8
flONS1 Wanted -star office x
seryme wanted-mrs. DT. WhitelY 1
nog ,i'' - /oho Sands i
Vise 4 ImMke Manila Wauted-Can. 0. P
& I.,, CO. i
Lady's Bicycle for fuitZ-Star Office 1
Locket rost-,Star //Mee 1
calf for sate-etsr Office
Famished Roont Wanled-V. M. gettertsi
Keeper and matrons Wanted -Wm. licape I
Court of R4viiiott*-14. Sturdy I
Notices -under this beading to rionedvertis-
Me will be charged 10 cents& runnieg line in
nonparlel typo, p noes to the inch; to yearly
-contract advertisers whose advertising ro-
Fars In the earn° Issue. conW a line; to
IN wh,o make a yearly contract Wider thi
coding and do not otherwise advertise. 8
Local Notices.
This is the rienae-cleaning season .
If you nova any old newspepers in your work,
calf At TIM lam offine. Wo have a few hen-
dmds to sea.
Are your glaRseR right ? Vision
changes ;As" all things cip. fiT TAIDIE & Sou
at:plop's Drug StOre, on °Way, Tuesday
and ea -dealer, May 13th, 1 tit, age oth.
t. George's A. Y. P. A. are hold-
ing musical and literary evening next Tues-
day in the school room at 8o'clock. An ex-
aelteat program ts promised, and the public
are Invited. Admission 14o.
Are your glasses right? Vision
?mews' as all things do. Bee TAume AND
, at Doctiop's Drug Store,. on ' Monday,
nest4 ar,4 seeeeesday.. may 13th. litt,
Beginning- &Rif Wetixtesday, May
ette• ;AO Wemesda? Moon( 'Mr tin paw.
wul nix abkent teem yeeediaeach wee-
reiseay. bat thrr atliffile. Mir be open for
amateur supplies.' ete•-te. 1-64.1.0We.
When TAITh113 AND S011 attend to
your oyes. you got the benefit of over /Tate'
experience. Call and consult them a _uteepe
Drug Store, on Monday. Tuesday and. weenes
day. May 13th. lith and lath.
gown Xupics.
annual meeting of the West Huron
Teachers' Association will be held in
Exeter on Wednesday and Thersday,
MO 22 and 28. The program is one
that should Appeal to the teachers
Orme/hoot the inspectorate, and
prove prefitablo to all.
(4gmero Ricans'. -Me. John Stead,
who is about to open an estadiehment
for liadies' garments in the store on
West street, eecend door beyoug THE
STA)/ office, hopes ter be ready some
time next week. Ttie n,ew front is
ahnost completed, stnel tire building is
undergoing a decided change that will
inake it cosivenkt end esete-dete.
HORT/CULTUR4.1,. -The n.egt regular
meeting of the Goderiah Horticultural
Society will be held ha Mr. Lane's
office In the Court House on Thursday
evening, May 10. All members and
any citizen feeling an interest in de.
veloping horticultural matters in our
town, are earnestly invited to attend.
The directore wish to get the ptemosed
summer program under way at once,
4 Ps-entails/a. - On Wednesday
April 25th, Samuel Morris, of Col-
borne township, celebrated his 92nd
birtbday by baying a large gathering
of relatives at the homestead. Mr.
and Mrs. Morris received their rela-
tiVes, the old gentleman doing the
hence's of the oceaslon ln a manner
that pleeeed those nearest and dearest
to him. The gathering was a memor-
able one, and all present echoed the
Wish that the old patriarch might be
spared to see his 93rd birthday.
TFIII Feenneet , STIABON.-This week
some remarkably fine trout were land-
ed here, but they were too large for
general trade around here, as there
Were many weighing 20 and 30 pounds
eieb. The were what some call the
b eck tree , and est& tsile are netted
liatnetilronac6thilliotrt i varY ivnel.
Me h,er tg ars many pere have been
caught y nets, and crest of these Oh
are packed in barrels and sent over
the line. -Anglers are a little more
numerous Glese days, though perch
are not as; p entlfut ronnd the harbor
as they usually have been in early
May. -Next Thersday enifiere mai
lawfully catch pickerel, but bass may
not be caught until a month later.
Co. Jtrixsx's Ootorts-On Satprday
Jasper, Brindley Wits brought iip on
remand beffire ilia Honor Judge Holt,
charged with bigamy. The case It
Will be remeMbered, was tried l'aftt
ffill, and es defendant had been ;Weis -
ed by couneel that he had not commit-
te an offence, the marriage complain -
e et baying taken place in Detroit, the
eate was sent to the Court of Appeal
for judgment. T e court held that
I,. andfoot, K. O., that he bad a leged
ing doiniciled in fused's, defendant
eld not Marry again, as the divorce
tained hy his wife in Detre* was
ot valid In Canada, Under alltheeirs
unetancee, the defendant hating
ri advised by his countle1, %V,
eFght to marl% and the fob dull the
talfd had been before the courts for
gently es year., Ills Metter imposedonly
tit *tontine! punishment of 21 Mitre In
j4114, Which defendant served and we*
t/wn elertsed, thug ending the tong
ii, env.
Knettl) reilident
0.0f1.4101011firi?)rdlidedgelcilittifilruedooMt14. ItittRII*0411114
The eerept Kinn: will ha et. gfifit mel
ywm,last tup,toll tbit fOrtner 4gr* ”aeatit'legollbeero4teenlegeZtrylthbroklitnitteurAlos
ti1144.0 edit tr,fot *von *bete arta ittornIng,
onhteanlinute!: Th4041141000 bele de*
e 610 ;bar any nOn-reeldetit of the reeeivefl Yee'
eountr, ett the prtitte ere *Afar littrOn tenter afteentiett that. Mr, Thenlatt
,tnettay. The Prig* Will he esa ,Hawier had died in Detroit. Whither
Too wire ... ... 'V 444 he went sosno sloys4 ntker bong in
1.1rditZlejuil teglitirtfttniroleitr:wkI10$340.0t e114 ,_este _syeggspws oesetwaa,.0a139ereat stii 'Tope,
;before eitCh. reeges. t ,44/14t4W" 111 printingt "
A eve not firenitticieste Angelic* rar sternal% n t bl
titt iiiiyi of the day.... ei t$1A IA ,
LIttlItONi....Robert Lennon, a one
titne rettidentOf &Afield and recently
of Ooderieb. died near Remelt on
,171/ednestia Hieremaine will errIve
TOrtet•QoUrt, with, I00,000 htisheht
'groin:40M Pert Willieta. tleti,111/- Yee,
, *Awning/it the Ooderteh, &eve
IP47,411 alitr'OtnItg2tOrlonMWeneernelifldiryht4st' stiittiPeolLret tYbettntrOtlat:ittnireaeoeYtit' ceased was
ehl tett 44 ears of grain, about, • ttihoen ofunnetralhe
45, bushels, In 101. fltettV Itnad 1)1144' of Xelier Griffin's first wife.
day's work...41. C. Miller. of Marine Poertgivarrio.-1.1r. and tire. Janus
VitY. owner Of Wt. eteem lesrge, Postlewaite, of town, were called on
that ran on the Miter breakwater'. Is part With their eldest daughter.
tOwn.-The solemner Anrga P. OroTee
WAS unloaded at Wipes' dock 'by the
toovableettioader. The work WW1 dein
expeditleuely 'and the easy gyetelP Of.
discharging the cargo was admired, by
all who saw the coal elevator at work'
DosuNioN DAY --Last year there
was a very successful Dominion Day
celebration in GodetIch, one of the
getsup-and-hustie kind, because there
were only a couple of week in which to
complete all arrangements. For 1907
there ie plenty of tirne, a.finaneia1
neueleus from last year, and DO OW'
should be lost in starting the ball
rolling. THE STAR would suggest
that fl petition be circulated asking the
Council. to call a public meetieg to
discuss the matter, where a, strong exe-
cutIve could be appointed, and then
tbe neceesary machlnerY could at
once be put In motion. By all means
let us have a big potninion Day
C. P. R. WORK. -A large gang of
men are now at work betteeen the
steam shoyel at Attrill's and the bridge
across the G. T. R. track. The track
from the shovel to the Maitland river
bridge has been built up, and now the
men are building up the traok over
Squaw Island, and by the end of this
month MI the track east from Squaw
Island should -be ready for t -he rails.
Many gangs are working along the
tracksberdde the elevator, and several
foundatierie of cement are being put
In, but it looks no though there were
weeke work in front of the men
efore this particular section of the.
line will be in running order. TIfig
STAtt hazards the opinion that our
citizens will be able to take the 0.P.R.
rce-the end- a Wellinfifidi'VEreet for
the 1907 Toronto Fair.
ay evening a party of English erni-
ants readied town by the 7.10 train,
having been sent on here by the Do-
minion Immigration authorities at
Montreal, to the care of W. R. Robert-
son, who is supposed to place them in The winter's coal is already being
farm situations. There were three put in in many cellars, so that there
married people with four children and are those in town whom no neineret
four single risen. Qom difficulty was strike eau affect for one tetits
found ip providing lodgings for Ihere, Some thirty Italians arrived in town
as no provision had heen made in 04- front Montreal on Wednesday and
vanee, and not one of them cared to they all started Thursday morning to
stlinipdpeorstnedketofatrhetntolt!,, „til.osue:„ an 7.111,1;,,Ittoit*prk for M.,A. Pigott and Co.
ing to undertake stiefIlijoreesberieurrig l'"' `Teener a new bakery ie bricked
to Mr. Robertson's instructions. As a and roofed, the latter being of iron.
coneequence he foutid it no easy task So far the contractors for the different
parts, of the work have lost no time.
to make temporary arrangements and
yesterday he had hie hands ftill en- Quite a number of contractors were
deavoring to locate them. in town the past three days studying
the plane and specifications and the
Banos II,pges, 'Pepasoss.-A corres-
• etreets along which grepolithle welke
pendent writing from Walkerton, 4,0 10 be pos ip,
Bruce county, Gaya i " A eamealli On Wednesday two of our p. roM-
known as the Bruce Telephone Go., Witt oitleens were caught riding
has been formed, and agents of the bicycles on the sidewalk. and Paid
company are now going from place to the tax, one dollar and costs, without
place throughout the county, making the oharges corning up In court.
contracts with the municipalities for His Honor Judge Holt will hold
the right te erect poles, This com- Division Comte next week as follows:
pany 19 establishing 'rural telephones,' Zurich, Monday, 13th; Exeter, Tues.
that is to eats they expect to get the day, 14tb; Orediton, Wednesday, 15th
bulk of their business by giving 'phone and /Myth, Thursday, Hith Inst.
connection between farm house and
farm houses and the towns aud v11- Jas. Tait and Wm. McCreath have
lasses. Already the company has niade been appointed rep.resentatives of
an agreement with both the village of Court. Ooderich, No. 32, 0. 0, F., at
Teeewater and the township of Cul- the nigh Court to be held In St.
roes, and in all probability will soon Thomas on Tuesday, June Ilth.
be negotiating with Walkerton, Brant The past week, though cold, was a
and other municipalities in this vicin. fairly good one for farm work, and
ity, Farmers espeniany am taking a with the exception of corn and oats
keen interest in the rural telephone most of the seeing crisp is in the
proposition, as It pi omises rural ground iri this part of wotm 9..
phones for $ 2 per annum. The agree- tar o.
filet the franc Ise le tO expire at tbe proved the interior of the Colborne
meet rilittie' I th Teessvater provi4es ,Ii.. T. D. lohpeton heti greatly ins -
end of 20 yeare, that subscribers are House. Extensive papering, painting
not to be charged more than $12 a and other improvements will he ap-
year, ansi that the company shall pay preciated by patrons of this pciptiler
the village the sem of $43 per year for hostelry.
the Ilse 0 the strppte,n
lien Meg nnis, a farm laborer, was
if i n 0 pp t e railway tritek between
Lily May, who died lot Sunday at the
early age of eleven years. They base
the sympathy of many friends In this
their first bereavement.
MARKIAL.L.-Last Friday David
Alexander Marotta% of tbe Oth Oon.
Orelerich Township, son of Mr. Robert
Marshall, passed away, aged 35 yeare.
vers much regretted. The funeral
took place on Sundey afternoon 10
Maitland cemetery in presence of a
very large mituber of people. over one
hendred vehicles being in the line
of march. The pall bearers were,
Messrs Jame, Cox, O. W. Potter, R.
V. Cox, Thos. Bell. Wm. Tichbourne,
and P. C. Cos. }Te was btxrled under
the auspicee of the Orrroge order.
arid Town Topics.
Sunday newspapers are the miners
and sappers under the fortress of civil
and religious liberty.
One of our citizens paid $1.00 and
costs for haying a vicious dog, and
sent the animal out of town.
A Tax notices are being delivered by
A.ssessor Campbell, so our ratepayers
know their assessment for 1007.
Alex Robinson has disposed of hie
hotel business at Clinton, the Ratten-
bury House, to Laird Bros., of 8t.
A man named 0,, Grigg was before
V. Jordan, J. P, the other day charged
with creating a disturbance, and was
titled $1.00 and costs.
Base ball teams are getting ready
for the 24th, for in addition to the
Clinton, a junior nine is trying for a
amesthe same day. --
Messrs Andrew Porter and Wm.
Coats, of Goderich, were last week
elected honorary members „of the
Clinton Bowling Club.
Wm. Marlton is preparing to put
in a new front and make many alter-
ations and lesprovenaents to his store
property on West street.
Houssi R u T
lin. he #10118o of
Refuge 110Intilit,teo met at the House
of Refuge on Friday and found all the
departments clean and tidis, The
resignation of the keeper way con-
sidered, and the committee decided to
advertise at once for keeper and
matron, so that applications ;nay be
placed befere the council at ite June
meet ing. The Inspector was in-
structed to employ a mechanic to put
in a proper support In the new build•
Mg where a settling appears, and to
purchtuie cows so thet the supply of
milk will be sufficient. The Inspector
and physicien were instructed to em-
ploy a dentist, if necessary, to repair
the teeth of the women inmates, and
that Mrs. Ilsie and Mrs. Brown, two
aged women, be provided with suitable
rocking chairs. The county solicitor
is instructed to attend to the transfers
of property owned by Thos. Strong,
of Hems% and Ed. Hill, of Exeter.
The Inspector is instructed to make
bill of charges for the maintenance of
Mrs. Robinson and her daughter,
charging $5.00 per week in each cue,
together with mat of medical atten-
dance and other expenses in eon-
nection with these parties, and pre-
eent such bill t,o the proper parties for
eettlement. Hy. Bone, for year° a
resident of Goderich Tp., applied to be
admitted to tbe ouse. 141s credit
at the iffolson1s ben is realiff. Thie
will bp transferre tq the cogety.
Two tenders for bread were pialoil
before the committee /104 that of or.
nartinf was aceepted.'
RV -
" was satisfied," wrote Reagan' Kipling of
hisfiret visit to japan," evetything was oniony
as 1 had 'web You wilt be satisfied one
charmed by everything you net In the island
liffigdom, and more than plellsed with the ease
and tendert of the v age there et the c.,P R
magnificent stcomilh ps. Why not make the
Itrip? We eboll he mad te men you free Mem.
tore, rotes, calling dates and fall psitieulars.
The Meeting Calendar
Regular mooting of Intetnees Camp, u. 11.,
this Friday evening.
_Matting a the Read ot Trade _Carmen In
tne Town (venni ehameer next Monday eve.
yegakir itier/hig a the Gederiehiffertlent.
foritiffeelety Smietery lanen ORICO. flout
Thursday overuse, mAy id.
NIriferlyittlIved" No, cl
Itegalar Meeting Of Maitidnd bodge, No. td.
A. 111V end next Tao. der everient
St &PAH leadit id all Untie.
'wan end .iican Croasing oo TUes-
ay evening, when he Wee struck by a
trein going west to London and . In -
et antiv killed,
The finder of a basket with a email
plies -book therein, lost about two
weeks' ago, would confer a great favor
on the owner by leaving the pass -book
at the STAR OPYiett, as it is needed to
make up an account not otherwise
The well known local grower of
roses, Registree Coats, who recently
received from England 300 roots (150
different kinds, t woof each) has placed
them all in genial soil and June
should see some of the prettiest voiles
in this part of Canada.
The alarming reporte in circulation
about small pox in South Huron were
untrue, says Reeve Willerts of Steph-
en. There were a few caries of chicken
pox, and it may have been that these
were the cause of the alartning rumors
sent through the country.
The furniture for thee. P. R. ticket
office arrived last week and is being
placed In poeitfon. The new office,
though not finished, looks as though
the O. P. R. Godericb office will be
up with the times, and Wake a yery
handsome con*. to West /greet.
P. W. Doty and Co's. cement mould-
ing factory is rising rapidly, a large
staff of eemept workers tieing em.
gloved on the building. The firm
Shipped it largo engine per the Mid-
land Queen on Tuesday. The engine
is a powerful ono and will be used In
a large Ice breaking Yemen.
Militia orders have been issued giv.
in g details regarding the summer train -
Ing enmps. Most of the units will
spend twelve days in camp. The
unite for London camp, which
consniences on June 4. are a detach-
ment of the R. C. E. "K" Company,
R. 0. Rg the 20th, 27th, Icith, 20t_sh 90th
32nd and KIM Regiments, No. I
Company, U. A. S. 0., and Nos. 14
15 Pield Ambulances.
The egg business is one of those en-
terpriees that is easily might up by
the gentle sex, Anil it la no doubt
owing to it being eo that poultry/rais-
ing Is one of the most ptotitable %due
tries of the day. Jultt in the tOrriattip
Mrs. S. Andrews *toted the Year,Isith
08 hen. arid on the let Of AMOS* rt
ed breodlrifkue tO 1st Aptili
.t th date Ho a`r 1330, wutk
the tote to 'Wit date 413fIk
ere had timIgathered trt anitt om
OttMaWASIRdiNelnitleAlefirjer MRS); g
Capt. /Arno, Of th.0 gOVittittngtit gt giegg
Yhtnenfi big beau minstated.
Wm Inependett on the egMpletint gi Ogg
Of theOffteers Of the boats The eh
tuk qt. optaiu bul been re-inittet
ben been inVeetigeted With the re
On Winder inornIOR the 1,11diand
9rell• whit * gawp or wheat boa
rt Wilinitn for the Goderleh Melt-
twoorarmw*.nett ntstoot Coon.. an:04m.y tx1 :blednpoestrt.
and eirideetly made her dock in good
ed the piste In slow tinte and seeming.
10)101104 beam. but she never etoPped.
Lteettetted the elevator without a stop.
We Undirdtalitt, hi:Meyer, that her
conutiender earl the Queen slightly
ithottt O'e MK and was anxiously
It la said that the Scottish Hero
drew 174 feet of water and the Midland
Queen 18 feet, and the roma why tbe
one boat stuck feet, and the other,
the heavier loaded boat, only dragged
the hattoM, may have heeb because It
was fairly 'Kenny lo one case and
comparatively calm in the other. It
May be that tbe new breakwater is the
cause of the mode moving and settling
between the piers, and whether it is so
or not, the tlrat dory of the Govern-
ment should be to have the whole
channel examined at once, so mariners
may know that the channel from lake
to harbor affords depth of water for
On•Monday morning, near 10 o'cinok,
a steana barge with a schooner in tow
Were seen making a straight line for
the harbor entrance, but those looking
on thought the ateamer, ast she neared
the submerged breakwater, would
steer south a bit so as to clear that
obstacle. It was at last clear that the
breakwater was not on the captain's
°hart, so the steamers in port, the Big
Mill and the water works sounded the
alarm, but too late, as, though the en-
gine was reversed, the boats had such
headway on them as to carry them on
to the much talked of structure. The
boats seemed to ride easily, and about
noon the tug Horton went out and
pulled the tow into port, and the barge
then steamed in unassisted. The barge
carried 800 tons of coal for Kincardine,
and the dohooner 500 tons, for F. B.
Holmes, and with the exception of the
loss of email portion of the stearaer'a
upper works, there wee no loss to
either cargo or vessels,
Owen Sound Timm -The steamer
Bayfield,of the Doutinion hydrograph-
lo service, which has been tied up all
winter oppbsite the corporation coal
sheds on the west side, has, under the
supervision of Capt. Zealand, under.
gone a thorough overhauling prepare -
to y to entering upon the season's sur-
vey work. The boilers have been re.
paired and put in good shape, a new
scnokestack has been installed, and tho
decke recaulked. The painters are
giving her a fresh coat of paint
a expect to have her in readinees to
sail about the middle of the month.
Her destination will again be along the
north shore of Lake Superior in the
vicinity of Rossport, where there le
live or six years' work yet to be done,
notwithstandin that eve years have
0. E., of the hydrographic department
already beep 9 let In surveying that
Psletiedi of the la e. Mr. F. Anderson,
at Ottawa, will again ho.ve 'charge of
the work a.nd is expected to arrive in
Gwen Sound within a few days 4, -
The Scottish Hero, one of the turret
shaped boats, ran aground as oho made
for this port on Friday evenit abottt
7 p. m. She wee loaded wit wheat
from Fort William for the estern
Canada Flour Co,, and was ahout half
way betWeen the outside breakwater
and the end of the south pier when she
toitotied hottorn. The vessel was
steaming in very slowly, and was on
the south edge of the channel, and as
there was quite a breeze from the
north and a strong current running
with the wind, it is quite poseible the
wind and the current caueed the boat
to be caught In the sand, When dark-
ness set in the vessel pointed to the
shore, but in the morning It pointed
for the north, and in the afternoon it
heeded westward and from that time
moved, though slowly, towards the
harbor, working her wheel sternwards,
and the tug Ottawa, which reached
Goderich about noon, and the tug
Huron each joining le the 'work that
finally ended 1(1 the faMittieli Hero
reaching the hitt mill elevator and
afterariets discharging bee cargo.
; leitilT1411;1414114414
reelow nwettog of the Water a
40214 vicktn_rolsnitut was belo Mond
evening. rietnbere ail present,
41111ard was imported as hao
been appointed Shd engineer, a
170.000 tons of coal at $11.•kiaper ton)
Ilvered at the water worke me of up
were accepted. The secretary Mt*
rectos'. to notify all plumbers In to
not to turn on water without havi
not nottiled tho coinintedion. T
lengineer reported cost Of 2 inch pi
pe y o . N. Lewis, ALP, at I
and the light serviee at iit.18. Mov
that the light meek° he granted, a
the water service be granted on III
Lew% guaranteeing IQ per cent. on t
cost of the work. A lerge number
petitions for water and electric Ilg
services were granted. The follow(
accounts were read and ordered to
pald:-The Signal, $7 50; Can. Gene
Elec. Co.. $70.79; Can. General El
Co., $13.00; 0. 0. Lee, $3.81; 1Jan.
Co., $28.59; L. 11. Coal Co., $141.
tioldie, McCullough, $2,17; J. A. Wal
er. $12.15.
A long report of engineer J. Gra
McGregor, re a proposed Intake pip
was read. The report was aocompa
led by plane and specifications. T
engineer'e blil foe estimates. etc., $00.4
was ordered to be paid. It was agre
to arik for tenders for galvanized pip
2500 feet of 2 inch and 1000 feet of 1 i
The following is Mr. McGregor's r
. Hos M. Oudot:lob, Ont., May U.
The Cotemissioners of Water and Lights
In terms of your instructions contain-
ed In the udautes of meeting hold ou find ult.
i herewith stannit pions and profile (or a 1101n.
intake plpo lino as recommended, tho size ot
pipe being previously deterndned to the Natio-
faetion of the commissioners. In order that tho
beat situation in the bed of the lake should be
seotuod for a largo pipe line, I found it neces-
sary to take soundinv en two courses. The
line marked "A" on pisn Was prWeeted with
the Slow of locating the linens near the position
of the present intake as possible. but an it is ca.
Rootlet that the now pipe be laid 111 a perteetle
straight iino, I found it necessary to fellow the
course marked "B." avoiding tho obstructions
caused by the piling of the old north and south
piers. 1,14 line !narked "A" wore to ho fol.
lowed the old piling would be encountered et
two Pointe, also two crooking:A of tho existing'
pipe Sea Qousidering tho oast of retuovIng
the obstructions, and the tovorable nature of
the bed of the lake on Hee "ll," 1 eepoluded the
commissioners would adopt lino "'II with out
and wit mate of tho cost on this Nude. he posi-
hesitation. nod have aecordinglYtiroDaVd Plans
nap of the intake on line "11,"It will be o served,
ix removed farther from the pitth of navigation
sad from impurities trout vessels and other
drainage, deposited in the htwbor, without
planing It In shallow or more turbulent water
to tho south. Samples of water taken at differ-
ent points from 1000 to 2000 feet beyond the
present intake indicate u uniformity of quality
as far nts it IN possiblu to discover this from
close inspection of outer and tate of ambito:iota-
Won. It is desirable, however. that the Intake
should be plaeod in water deep onotuth to bo
undisturbed by wave action and te be entirely
submerged. To accomplish thbil have design.
ed a concrete Intake Noreen chamber capable of
being lowered from two barges, la the Kanto
trianner Rs the pipe le lowered. Hy moans of
the pedestals with etatieg odge an the base ef
the intake the struetore Will take its tinal pa
anion on the gravelly bottom altnoshui soon RN
I°Werede 1 May hero dote that I believe the ao-
tion of witves 00 tne tent of the present retake is
respendblo lu some measure for the turbid con-
dition of the water during a Morin. The con-
styhation of tho now intake is *molt tot to permit
ofdts being moved et any time to some other
gond iu the lake, and it the commissioners
should decide upon haying a sediniontation
bistin In conjunction with the extension of the
Intake pipe line 1 would reconintend that the
Intake be placetat a point about 1000 ft, beyond
tho present iota o in 18 feet, of water, chue infect.
leg a Having of .r26W to bo elaced to the °wit Of
the seditnentatiou basin. WW1 regard te Iffie
protection el the now pipe 11110 in the twe af the
lake front operations or ciamunItics of naviga-
tion, 1 know of no tnethod w fide reasonable
II 1
' "' 9)4°1 nlx or 0, bAI°OX itk‘r'i trtiValteatntgrr:Itr4t-
:is Dejtartincett 0 Marti a and Mahe qutt°to
Th ., -il leated on the r charts. is is
necessity/. lint in he event of the pipe being
Drobabli all the ruction that will over be
%Might by a drag/4 au emitter, blot now likely
with tho imakwater to the north -went,) tho
damage te a fisitged pipe with flexible joints.
will not extend over a few lengths of nice and
oan be readily repaired.
The site most suitable for ti Hod [mon tat Ion
gamin Homan to bo close to the pump Ileum°, par-
ticularly an tho reservoir will hese to be cover.
od over, atilt tinder the control of the p p at-
tendant. This structure. of which n general
drawing Is nhown, has boon designed with
strict regard to economy and °Moloney, and an
the result, a strueture of reinforced concrete
will be necessary, The reservoir In designed ,to
0.5 to permit of the sectIonn being timed kater.
tnittently, an Important feature in booing of
small mire. Ranh ,cootion bl twos, iiikd with a
moparate effluent chamber wlAt neat valve.
to permit of a contlinkeim simply of Weer
suspension Is 'the tat lex of water procured
From it close sty of the partieles held In
water from tho sinIrlaen of the reservoir
I have been able to r the rate of medlinen-
ttiltel°pPriocApaitibl:1,140`,) tro' 11,:30: .",.." :111:'''',,,rirg
eight hours for trie completers:titiel'urtnt 4 the
tine clayey sediment which given the water a
milky appearance. I inaY salt ylaltVOr. that
the Water token front the ix 1. utit e retains
Lida milky appeantrwe In lot), a Id *ay ob.
,Servalotvi were cougne principally to tae
i.aninle.i taken, frow,,a polo 1000 ft. and 2b00 ft.
, beyend (AO I'Veetea intake. It may ho remark
ed however, that We row of preolintation o 1 I ho
larWer portlelem ts nearly alike In ail ut sho ,s,go•
PIO; An view ot these foots it wilt be evident
le the conitalssionors that to derive the most
benefit (rem a sedimentation prootris 5510110, a
basin of aroleet eapaeity to stare at Mast
one-third ti the dally consumption will be
neoenmary, rat, ooss of the 4tratatire of the
plans shotvn will ben pproxlmately 4117 10 for each
1000 gals. of storage unpaid tiy, Here w ith is sub-
initteci a detailed estimate of the neer,'" imalo
cost of furnishing and laying Oe lend and In
water tho 80 ineh intake pipe. The cost of sub-
Osoleolin work la based on several examples of
similar work already on retold. As moon ai.
the eanintlwiloners are procured to premix.. with
this work or any part I hereof I shall be prepar-
ed to furni.th .poolfIcationm. details and bill4 of
material upon which tender. can bo matte for
the manufacture of the flanged pipe and npeclisln
and the "(monde tionstruetion of the work to
be carried out. e
Yours. renfievl (Mir.
J. 0. WU npoon.
5 'Nil Engineer.
eiiklic qcki°,0A 401Ard.
The reg litv neenthly me ties. of the
Public So ool ill r4 Wee old on the
Oth inst reeeet, weirs. . Acheson,
.1.. . ginigle, IC . Cutt, .1. 8, Platt,
cisean, A. Saunders I A, C.
4e an, chairman, presiding
T e seoretarY's report for April was
read asipladarflA5:44.:01:faeo,.1.111.oi,nw.g..s., .v.is,.. 4.50
fil'01114°' ploiQurte'itearFaLetron1 err
t4rorplioy tit.'son, a stool .. .1$7171;M:i4
14. li
l'. C loo, nupplion 10
The principal's report for April
showed 4115 pupils on the roll -234
boys and 201 girls with an average
attendance of 151 bOys and 101 girls, a
total of 315, or on average percentage
of el He reported that during the
last rain storm the roof of the central
school leaked in no less that} seven
places, and he suggested that the
houleverde be filled in and seeded, and
that cement we.lks he mit In on tile
north and south sides of the central
"Ahtti n to were read and ordered
and supplies, (21) 40 ; 0. (%. Lei., re take
paid as follows : W. R. Pinder, erre
and supplies, 114.411; George Morrow,
removing 'whets $1.50.
Tenders for coal were read as follown,
F. B. Holmes, at $0.00. W. Lee, at
$0.00, and Estate of McEwan, at E030,0.
Moved by Mesere. Saunders nnd Platt
that each tenderer aupply 20 tone,
Aye, Saundere, Platt, McLean • Na
Acheson, 00ye:, , h(lyre, ive.wirlIsisotaotiti aatnde
t rd. a end MeRwan
el cot gsnad"PvritsYigilViet°, Ill',..ANr aYnyt: , d A. Pei ah et t.
an ri1.4044untdte,r9a.s9; heAllromtiaonn of t he Man.
agetnent eommittee, brought up the
question of fire wane ladder') for the
school, and after grime discunsion the
committee was given another month
to report.
A committee, Meagre. McLean and
Oat, appeinted at a. preview' meeting
to report on ranging in the Public
Reboots of Ontario, made a verbal re-
port. and on the nuggeation of Mr.
Saunders, Mr. Jordan, who wan pre-
sent, addreseed the Board on the neces-
sities and the value of vocal training
In the Reboots. An there were only
slx members of the Board preeent,
some objected to any action being
taken till there was ti tull attendance.
Mr. Outt then game notice tbat at next
meeting he would move "That music
be put on the Public School curriculum
of the Goderich Public School() "
As chairman of the Contingent com-
mittee. Mr. Cutt reported on altera-
tions and addittons needed at St,
bavid's Ward school. After a ehort
discussion the report was filed and the
Board adjourned at 10 p.m.
Esta e este
A Good Suggestioe,
To the li.ditor of Tog tioncitAtt M.41(
Dear Hir,--As th,la la the fiftieth an-
ni vernary o( the opening of the Buffalo
am" lAttrOu Railway, now the
Grand Tronk, would it not he well for
our town to try to Induce the P. 11.
to get an extra move on and get their
road open early thls year ? 'then the
town voted have ono grand denisn-
titration In honor of the semi cementel
of the opening of t he ono and the first
opening of the ot her.
Kindly draw the attention, of rim
town offleialn and ot her etalie opfrited
citizenn to thie coinridenee. and awe if
a big demonstratton eannot be got up to
gi ve another extra boom to our town,
cannot myself 5100 NI 110 much
darnonatrating, but 1 still have the
Intereat of the town afi 1115101 nt heart
as when in former yoath 1 took an
active part in all t hene matt ern
Yours renpectetilly,
R. It tie is pose.
floderieh, May g, 1907.
your children are troubled with
worms, give t hem Mother (Iraven'
Worm Ftleterminalor. Safe, nure and
effectual. Try 0, and mark the ins•
prevenient in your child.
Being foreed to work, and Poreed to
do your best, will breed in you tem-
perance and oelecsintrol, diligence
and nt rennth of win, cheerfulneee and
rontent, and a bemired virtuee which
the idle never know.
81 A RR I E D
CA &WA eV, a A A I F. 11(1 11 T. MeV
the 11 h at ( banner'. church, Elora. by the
Hoy. W. 1, Weinman. gate II upho4 1 %WI.
patron,. to I haries tedward gale
Peariosnwsrre in Oreforich, on gondol?,
May sth, ern. 1.1111e May, Went datighter
Mr. and Mrs. &tows tletharattO. (Wad 11
year*. 2 months anA 1/
oolvoRiAt. camellia
Reports are eoroewhat contradleterr
as to the whereabouts and intentkula
of one 0. S. Hyman, who is alleiled-tet
, hold tbe position of Minister of PO*
Werke tor Canada. He he* Rot been
seen here for half a year. nor doss ha
apparently take the slightest intereat
In Ids office or in this country. And yet
both °Mee and country are getting
along qulte well without him, notwith-
standing that Sir Wilfrid Laurier de-
clined to accept his resignation be-
cause he was so necessary to the enc.
cess of Canadian attain).
The Ontario Hydro.Electrio Power
Commission announce that they will
be prepared to deliver power from
Niagara Palls in Toronto on the basis
of $10.40 per horse power for 21 hours.
and the cost of transmission and die-
tributIon are figured by the city com-
missioner of Industries to bring the
figure up to $17 or Ins at the outside.
The figure at which the Pellatt-NIchols
Company wished to tnake contracts
-with users was c35 per horse power, or
just double what the Government
Coratniesion will provide It for. The
Whitney promise of cheap power is
becoming a reality indeed.
J. 8. Carstairs, a Collegiate Institute
teacher, of Toronto. has been appoint-
ed organizer and manager In Ontario
for the Conservative party of the Do-
minion, and it is said he will have en-
tire charge of everything affecting
federal organization in this Province.
The position is an entirely new one,
and Mr. Carataire has been chosen to
fill it, not hecause of his political ex-
perience, but because he is tho kind of
man to attract people and le believed
to possees the organizing faculty. Mr,
Oarstairs taught in the Collegiate for
eight years, and during that period
took not the slightest active interest
in polities.
Mr. T. W. Crothers, chairman of the
Ontario School Board Commit:Won,
has set a precedent which we venture
to say will :aye --t.e.v-e-Imitators. The
Legislature had voted him a grant of .
$2,000 for hls services, but he declined
the reward, saying :
" When, Mr. Whitney asked me to
assist in the investigation. rernunera-
tion Wit8 not mentioned. 1 acceeded
to his request in the hope that we
might render some service to the
Province, and not with any view to
financial gais%
The honor of the appointment, the
pleaeure 1 had in the Inquiry and the
assurenee that we dld accomplish
eotnething, are more than aRiMe com-
pensation for the time and labor ex-
pended. .
•• therefore retnrn you tho cheque.
and, if you will be good enough to
send me one for $192-tbe amount of
my actual disbursements -7f shall be
perfec tl y con tent."
The Weekly Sun points out that at
least two judges, Justices Britton and
Garrow, are violating the provisions
of the act passed in 1905 with reference
to the bench and business corpora-
tions. The section quoted, 7 of ciusp-
ter 31, reads
" No ludge mentioned in this Act
shall, Maser directly or indirectly, as
director or manager of any corpora-
tion, company, or firm, or in any other
manner whatever, for himself or
others, engage in any occupation or
business other than his judicial duties:
but every such judge shall devote him-
self exclusively to such judicial duties."
The Sun says: '' In open defiance of
tide provision of the law, two judges
Nerved on the board of a corporation last
year, and one of these Judges was, at
the annual meeting of the corporation.
held on t he -it It of March hot, elected
to the office of Neeond Yice.president.
The judges referred to are Justices.
Britton and (Jarrow, and the corpora-
tion Is the Mutual Life Assurance.
Company of Canada." These judges,
are now paid $8,000 a year and travel-
ing expenses, an amount quite aunt-
clent to keep them in luxury without
their taking part in business corpora-
tions. These gentlemen should he
taught to obey the law just as well as
the poor man on the street.
The trinl of the London election
ehargefi, which were heard before P.
51, DAMELLa011 in Toronto, have been
poatponed till the fall assizes, and the
defence wanted the venue changed to
Lendon, elt. Thomas or Woodstock.
The evidence of W. T. R. Preston, ths
notorious', ie wanted for the trial, out
there is nome difficulty finding hina.
ono report being that he was en rout. -
for Australia or come other tar away
land. It in hoped to have him exam-
Ined by cornnileslon in time for the
trial next fall. in reftteing the appli-
eation tor a change of venue, Judge
iiretton oak) :
"There is such ample power in the
trial judge. The necused will. what-
eoever may 'trine, no far as I can see,
have fair trial. If mutton outside of
what occur in court art. at all liable to
Influenee lumen either prejudicially to
the acetified or otherwise. there is DO
more chance of that in Toronto than
London. It is ouggested by connect for
the defenee that not& other place
benides London, nay, Ht. Thomas or
Woorintock. It is clear to me thee
ouch a change would be of no beriefle
to Crown or acctined, and would be
attended by much inconvenience to
say nothing of imposing the burden of
finch a trial upon a county that in in
no way implieatml or connerted with
the Now. The cases referred tb mut
°there ae 1 read them nupport the con-
eitinion reached that I should not
make the order (Joked en this appli-
farmer will flnd in Dr. Thomas' &lee-
trie 011 a potent remedy for wounds
or peinn in the body or for affeetiona
of the reapiratery outage and for
hounehold uue generally. Ho will also
find 0. a eonveniont friend in treating
Injured hereof). cattle, ete , or relieving
them when attaeked by colds, eeUght%
ot any kindred efirnente to which they
me eubject.
The waakest among us has a gift.
however seemingly trivial, vitbieh le
peculiar to hint, and whleb. worthily
used. will be a gift raw tst his rata.
si 'es'es...-