HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1907-05-03, Page 6""5 1FIFIrr".-
4171F71115 •„11r11.4,71,7
a Rclkvcs
Spring Cat
I *ate to thank
e lereettetelet 1 belie found 43
'your' teklualatt Aredtelne, Perlin°, and
leelleelgreinentectilkin of all my hiends
feerteeitel %int rettnett to that fact. 110.
040 1tiorlottx lacoMmend It to Olt
allfttfilta IR any form"-
eihtedene 819,6th St.. S. We
$lagL4in, "„
'Mee, N, . LOWler. 423)4 N. Broadway
'Ceti t ek; SeVere oold, which developed
Artggi•Vo% s; "Last spring 1
'tette a septette 'Vase of catarrh. 1 telt
Woe allete 'Ma, elle could neither eat
' nee eleele
;VA Metelber of our club who had been
ted.oreaterrIt ituough the use of Po-
, teedeleed"Me te try It, and I did so
eeestale.;1 leteeetee help, but nothing
ka the ,wonderful change for the bet -
eel eeteeervedahentetas soon as I start.
talking A1,. elp thrm days I felt much
Isel.ter, nu Witten two weeks I wee in
fine health. Patina Is a wonderful
Dultds More Fighttng Ships Than
All "Noilons Combined. .
eibettgli the AdmIrelty policy for the
tileintemetke of British • naval superiors
ite. isbasedon an adherence to the 'two-
altenlie detained, the total „output of ship.
elleg -Unite& recently has been over -
*Minting moms of the prescribed re.
rattreneenie. The ratapping construction
pat out by Great Britain last year
• aniounted 404001,471 -tense The -come-
ilitiounted to 300,080
knee, thee of Prance to 85,348 tons,
whulsI etteeteetted States built 40471
tem._ Teo past' mutual production of
ell foreign, .natteris amounted to 1,822e
• 451 tone. Thus Great Beltran leads the
way witil 801 output of 060,117 tons over
ewe above that produced by the ehilre.
Wald during tliu past year. As Lord
• •e, Teeeeetirieeth Stated Wheo fitnotg with
•llte Mel:deem Attiforecte, tuts
tecineridetts,:superlorIty of Detests mart.
Ilene oonetructiete is entirely' due to the
eilletency of our naval architects and
the. superiority ot leer civil engineers.
Mothers Who have used Baby's Own
ablate fOr their Ittile ones say they
.01 fiat wills the Tablets at bend, for
tt never, .fratint cum Mr an. Ole
_ r Ot. liabylio0 and childhood.
alfeetelas Cresemure New Botithelege
Oat., eayet1,...turte 'used Baby's. own
-• Ileiblete for StonittelL troublo end ton
estipation,Witte unliked •,succeelt. •
• ways Mel *hut my little one is stite weep
bevn o box ot the . Tablets in the
110,.. , estee, leflelYte Own Toblets aro sold
natter •guaranteo of a Government
analyst to couttliri 'neither opiates nor
lethet poisonous drugs., Tbey always
• good -they can't ,possibly do harm.
Por sie at druggists or by mail at 25
. Cents a be* MOM The Dr, Williams'
• Wide° Co., Breettellte. Ont.
Vbere aro at least. 40,000 habitual
vagrenteettsiGeeat 'Ornate,' and' in times
or tra46,,, diltrAsslon the numbe of
MIMS eieeely &Mites.
,Fetweet"Disorder.--AL the first eymp.
lea*, et eriterlitit , dleorder, Petnielee's
Vegolieble Pets should be resorted te
tseletziey pellets, een before going to
„iletnnetitetele's Te,;" etr three of, these
:ettele,rolieleeea by doses of cue or two
pttfs eetietvo 'et- three MOM in games.
ton,. viIl MVO es a Prevenlire or at-
....torks';.ottlyenelMia,affil all eke etecom-
torteletietelt tedoefehe Ihe Wain Kit ihat
iett eleerdee. .The Means am simple
• ;eaten the. way Is loiown•
PelitteibeitierS In the United Kingdom
-:;*fatiliend 00.'r7 111 the year 1881. 'In
;'.10(tellteniteileee 'woe only 91,502, end it
44till '41040 'Alti,fintshing,
. ,
'llelb. Otte elatileen to grow strong and
tie teninteteetitig aitettatig IMO
'flaws 1114avi1i. One.great cause tit
£81' in eatildreo le Worms. Owlet:011mM
•'.; with Mother lierevee' Werra texternithao
Acre `It never toile.
1Iw',Admiralty ,te eehipolloi Isy toile
',..,Sealetedee tete (evil Lord, nod a Paella-
. • miraltiey .anit'!,e)tialicial Secretary.
faller 1.1444 Om hest pay „,of 411 --namely,
•'14,111101l hater, -
.A Uttrai titiftt tithe t;etts•talltOs1,114 11
Toe t4e vAt•• mole bo "Emotes".
, 741.1113$11. A" 4,4 PA PIMA i104**16 11
Neel, fielondoieetedeli hes steady !Me
tee leeee.,.MaueireStivr the 100'0 Wall
at* largeet edi novae ion. It • Otis
• • 1ittNi•40.1,*•0 tnrge oit)i-.140*t. nay
It....',esi.ittstil.terreeel IVY*.
lett' ednia4 1.0,111P1Y white y41111490
• 1.48 '1 4144)1 rklay zteltlItti 4
11,11%, 114111,V0 flora Com lt Av.
ntl kitah4 witinial petit.
lieelmo 'oiler
it Is Weimer:.
, ,
yeeeei V411 ri.Y you ure -ping to
kvorron ivett tom tieNt mot.
it,e4mtc.r "i coh. your • 'loner.'
ripele fight here.' dodge,
"kv0:4. feel tanallege PJonee or 0 Bee
e lee:neer,
elees elsel sitevete. taut rigteed to
leo': Wee lee ileillere expeet, eaerfree
leefeeee seq.' treetel. eao etre Mt -feeler
• ' tee iteeeLeete" Vofe.reered 'to
8r.,10;rza eir treeties etudy. TIM ho
tereit tee lee ,one tele) emit
t' E(' lieratly tea eleettlikeee
uee Viet lett," tee
.t:UPrft XVIl. einittnite4
no neeelltewen, be reeeeee
Iho fiehineittilera more illeperittieely,
eceeleeei .
"Vey shekels,. 1 cornet Wbetei ellelled
I erarte kir 'WA the Wald Meat 410114
tile Ileae, "Wbere eell 1;0114 aneft pent
IMO 'of her A$ Wale 1 Wit Stay.'
Ile e
e With n ole,0 teeelation,
and OLIO MOM lays atiwti gi -JACO Open
• the reetleteel, which, behla • entirtee
-Worked In beads, hos imereaSeet the
'clime •thruSt egahest it with a design let
toad bollotee, a feet of yodel) the elite
lerer Is quito unaware.
"Yoe veonot stay 1" creel DtirpyriO,
the more inmatiently that hie own entire'
el trandety is frettIng his teMper Motet
Pet endurance; "you eannot stny, it is
mL of the question ; they want to come
eito the mouis, to prepare them tor POW;
"New occepants le te1ee:es-By:1g, allele
ng over almost on his gage, and Batten -
lig his nose and lips againet the beaded
%edam et his Moot, "other occupants
than her. 'Nowt toter r
It ist to be placed to the credit side of
eh'. Burgoyne's meount that he does net,
upon this deoleteation. withdraw *the
resting -place from his young friend'o,
muldenance mid betels it over'his hearle
It Is certainly not the temptation to do
eo that Is lacking. Instead, be sits down
•st some distene,aott, and says quietly.
"I See; you will tome theni to call In
the police. You will melee a discreditable
esclandre. flow good for her; how con-
ducive to her Bood name. 1 congratti.
late you rs
Tho other has lined his head in a
moment, •
"What do you mean ?" .
"Do you think," wilts Jim, indignant-
ty, "Mat It is twee very advantageous to
a svoman to hare her nameenticed up in
vulgar row? And do you suppose Met
hers will be kept out of it? Come" -
eyeing a look of shocked consternation
hrealdna over the young man's face, and
determining to strike while the iron is
hot -"I will eall a nacre, and we will go
tome to the hotel. Put back her things
into her basket. What right have you
to meddle with them ? You have no
bustuese to balm advantage of her ab-
sence to do what you would not do if
she were here."
Byng obeys with a scared docility: hes
wee are so dim, and his fingers tremble
30 much, that aerobes to help bim in 10 -
placing Elizabeth's small properties. the
owet heart ispeeked_ with a cruel s •rt
that has no refetence to Amelia's illness,
as he handles the departed girl's seoole
and skeins, and awkwardly folds her
scrap of broldery, Byng °Bore no fur-
ther restelance encl. equally indifferent
1) his own bunged -up eyes, bead -marked
cheeks, and dieheveled locks, follows his
companion dully, down the stone stairs,
compassionately watched from. the top
be Annunztata, whose'beart is an Ineort.
vonletaty tender.ene to. be matched With,
et„) tough a face. They get into Ihe nom,
and drive in dead elleoce to the Mliterva.
Arrived there, Jim persuades his friend,
who now seems prepared to stem:nage
meekly in whatever he Is told to do, to
Ile down on his bed, 8ineo the few words
that he utters convey the fain of his be-
ing suffering from a burning headache,
it phenomenon not very surertsing, con-
siderIng his late briny exerelses, &ince,
OVell at the superb age of tw.ent awe, it
.is dinicult to genie, isits hours • . In. bang;
hug yehr aleglialle'tigeitneti--- "---eee''
door, in mooningooeineeting; eied Weep.
Ing, Without leaving sore/ trace s of Mese
• gymnastics on your --
Burgoyne stands or sits patientlybe-
side hail, bathing hts tiers' teitiples with
eau do Cologne, not teastng - Mtn with
pray questions having. indeed, on ails
own part, the'least possible desire for
eenvemation ; and so the heavy hours;
,ec by. The day bus declined to evening
before Burgoyne quits tee protege 's elde
to dine, shortly and solitarily, ptevleue
M making a tlind visit to, the Angie.
Americain, to kern ihe lattse news- of
his betrothed.
Ile had Jett Dyng stilt eireichedeopon
his beet, opementty Weep, rind is `Blew,
Mr,' the more serprised, on returning to
take (1 ilnal loge at hIni before setting
eat on his own errand, lo find him ete
with hat and shelf ,in hand, eildently•
repined tor a walk.' ,
"Yell are going out?" .
"Where ere you going?" ;
The Other hesitates.
"I am going buck Mem." ,
"Impassible t"
"Bet I am"reellee lieel4- doggedly
"lt will not do her any Mein, eete 1 shall
not attempt to go in, -I seen .only ask at
the doe witrIer ally telegraln has yet.
been rereived frolue-frolts them 4 they'
must telegraph to direct Wiwi* their,
things are to be sent to, andelt is most
probable that they have done so al.
"it is most einprobable," . ,
"Well, at alt events it Is pessible. 'le Is
worth trying, and t mean fatty it.", '
There is seek A and restitution in le*
volee, whit% 1.9 tla longer - quavering
with sobs, -and In hts aehy Jiril
offers tie MOW resistant*, ' Theolit
toncession he tett 'Wean frotti MO Is
that ot leermitting him to aeconitian
m, , ,
',Yoe Wilt net blind tendon: with/Ole tO
the Atigkeitenetteatit fiest, will year.
Inquires eeti. OS they set ott Walking
arms lite Pima. . , ; •
"It will flelet? na. VA* bole on Merl?"
Adenieee llett 411' reetteest$. "But sloe'.
et Two tools ref telagnissienee .drevielhet
over Itts I8*00,010d liaggant fame, "did
oll, tell 1111'ate-1g antelisi •wrse 111 -,tot uln 1
• ream ttl," - ,
• "No, enti did not deeeni it," repine the'
other..eattly. .910U ill. . -
Paten% the etiletelledhess that plereee
threngli MS. fieetivrter, MIK banes recalls
the yam* &earner In. Om fact that the
world holds •oilier mkerieg Mao Ids own.
'there * tft• o1t. events sointlidng ot it*
obi ;quirt& aympelby in Ids text words
awl tit dm way Oa which titsy, are tat.
'On, War Afoot*, I Imi enere, 1 ..11Y,g
rectum let 1.13 4}0 :taX OM ond teals ell
, bete Is. diet:A-nothi8lg. that'We tan fiet1,.
-wilting that .wo tan tie tor herr .
f1 is, the otlegitolt,DMI,Ihtt. tit ilitted
atislet!.,,, lteetetere he le ridieltiea Melee
eke thilt,setral, Where teleteieetletaleet,
:sly Mee tatight lights IT Um truflzr
eteellee ot-,i1su'giud epaa trout ,uvot fitt
obithing, ot Ws' tatty. ' • "
S,1.141ta 19 Wing less taintorlehly than
Vtal di tor 0,4 Or ttaifio ,.-oct
plimmed'Aff. and her beittea of stalling.,
441"...s belled out' rl tuir *Tufo Att. Wit
son is 'walking A/nosilytia and lexn
. ,.
UM MOM,' Ineteed fee Aiding placid_ trt
abeir,Atillt the atiathldll,v010`00- ? kl4
tui had, otways. *Ought es *doh to be
eetteled Oily -endea little ft be purlieu,
larlY thapktal reit, Itt 'the ofr WI dill
"tkallto45,V;itti bee ellet liteV"," he Says,
IrL e V0le4 tlf Prier& triehititett. 4•Wiele
elte Wand eethedoin again; 1 Wale**
great opinion of t'ecilla as, a etiat-tattsco
mid elm .most knee* tone, tateeletas , We
*KS"' A ,Melltent stile Pneettefiee his
l'aMeln MOM wall to wall, Olase
txeiiinlxig PeevleillY, 'ate :i„tni •,xiturnblOs
Over u fettitst001, ' it 'wogonly de4
oeetos,10 14,,n011.1410
to ley NM of, svo ere so terepleteee ln
the dark -.it it Woilet only dectere Beat I'
mit very sulatued sob •Itoia the seta
le elue einlY answer be Ogee an *never
'i-hlcIi ieeiflenilY Irritates *fit further Ifts
fretted 'fletVeS.
"1 eentiet MUM wh4t Ce,clita le doing
ha erns, hastening 10 the 4904 °Pelting
notedY, Mat 1hei14istell1ng.
"Let ma run ttp. and, seteeeekeYa Am;
his heart goiog ollt to the mom* old
Men ell a. aY111Pahlt of sulterlog. .1"feS.
knew where her Mlle is -Au treiglemoi
Is tt rust?" (a flash of eekelleetten ilgtitlng
up the fact (hat AtnellireIs diettnetty the
worst room of the suite °coupledby the
Wilson. family; tlee mom with, most
stake to elbob to, tine Iciest accommoda-
tion evhen You l'ettell le. . Willelmoele
glib gently. Do not be tarald, 3 will
liot disturb her,. and I will oorne down
Immediatety to tell you."
'Without walling for permission, he
springy up tee stairs, extol, standing po
the landing, taps cataleusly an the
closeddoor, whose Mintier (by one Ot
those quirks of mem* time rthelleh all
our minds with insignificant 'Mots) he
bas moollected. #118 Mot knooe is SO
superfluously soft that it Is evidently In-
audible within, since no result follows'
green le His second, a shade louder,
though still milled by tho tear of !meek,
Mg into some Wile Atha yet eigUtury
sleep, brings Cecilia out, elle nest
.glance at her face shr Mtn that she
has no good news, el er to warin his
own heart, or for him to tam down as
solace to the poor old man below.
"Oh, 1( 18 you, 1.$ it?" ones, elle, shut-
ting the door behind her with a oluMee
carefulness that makes it croak. "No, I
de riot think she la any better e but it le
so. difficult to tell, I am tio Judge. She
does not oomelatri of anything *mike -
ler ; but 'she looks so odele'
'If sheeseaskee, mead' not t lust too
in at bei' ?" he asks. "I OP not Itteon,
what you mean when You say she looks
"She Is not asleep," replies Ceeilla, in
a 'noisy whisper, much more, likely to
pterce stele ears than a voice pitched in
its normal key; "at least I thInk not.
But I am sure you ought not to see her;
De. Coldstream said she was to be kept
very quiet, and nothing would upset her
so much as •seeeng you." •
"She need not see me; I would only
Joke justToTte 1661i at her from behind the
door," persists Jim, who Mete a desire,
whose gnawing intensity surmises him-
self, to be assured by the evidence of bite
own eyes that his poor love's face has
not undergone scene strange and gruee
some change, such as is .suggested by
Ceellia's disquieting epithet. ?"
"Do you Wink she would not know you
were mere I" asks ohe scornfully. "Why,
she bean; your step threestreats oft I"
nes loamy MOT WINA,
Oka Ihelalesto it AO IOW*
MOW' ***14400*
1 thsory or
• Y has hoot wet
' ItY the investigetiom of RS
Method atatioeiegon..
ited toly 4 'Iferlil ehissae. Inft
sag toll4411* AO 440dttlinall Sbootti
whisk i* 001011etenl7. eolletitutialtal rer In-
Iletiled,' *Mu . eepeelelly lava:Ito Oa '
Mee 401101110114 for ibis, lielVetent and
the develOPMent. of•coationiptlue.., Wm'
or lotwetilosts. Ono 3)! (b11 World's
trieSt *Moue nitrite** *peat hie ;lit*
4tOdyi4e-this, dsse tuid.ituditt4 I' 1014k
A Mita he ,gave -to. Om Weed the
Most rernarliable and . aucclientalwrit
for tahereptcm4, ford all tgio .gonditions,
Ithat lead up- tn- 11, -WA 'Inks evar U6610 t
ttio liunnin ritte...vhst -POO word .*P'See`.
' elliteee'ehlbeeeele Ille 111,to wit* 4,4'44
11-1•0 *4.1eltre' geeitteel henoteetOre, -Thoirt
Sands upon utotrsondx owo.itte*'llte to
EtSyenine;,, Speee':permitioestleeOutt
ilmony 'newt
'%eeertg 'YOU. 'elle tii$ •Wire Witt
SU eeteeentel•ell' eie -Mug Iltublo as
for inland*. To be ,ariable to - walks.
tit iividehf. gum rt. tloted .14Siento,
.Wou .,Antx Mr. her nwould:.'Oe 4;
.0140 -thut no next dtoxviinit t.
oblio df..,,,.fitos Used Elychttiik:an# gs, -
now Tessomin14 well:,
...1'.4061,40i,!',Otse . thetiCartio• t470g, '
my •.nOttee was M. Galbralth8' - •- ' .
AOlWtS VO:0 an ,/glreInti a4o 4035..c.
*: . tOr as 1 ,00tild ' Wolk
ti tiOnelosi :Wee And Yet WI* now e
*NI beeettee _
* wee ot vfms
44•401p psAist* ogle autit
Your thielic *PI
ad it telet,inatt .you
_ _ XXVII1,_ •
10 that night Jim does not see Amelia.
After all, as Cecilia says, it Ls better to
be on the safe side, and to -morrow gee
will be brighter, and he van Mt by her
gide, Mei tell her lovIrigly-oh very
iovingly 1 -what a fright she has Veen
him. Y06, tornorrciw eke will be lertglit-
or. 'The adjective 13 eciiI&s; Mite ape
pareritly, he Cannot Improve Aimee it,
foe lie not only keeps repeating it to tante
sell ae-he AVM downstairs, but employs
kir the reassurance of1sties Wilsoo's
, ,
ter to-molreeiv ; slek
people are always woree at ralght, ate
net tbuy 7 -rattier Vaguely', with egoin
that oppressive sense of bis own inex-
peeler:tee in 'Illneme "Not (hal glze is
werse"-this hastar suibeined, tie he
sees )1er ^lather's face fail--"cecitionever
said She was Worsee-olte.tio. nee worse,
Only not distittetly better; and, 411er all,
It Avow, hove been Irrational to expeet
Mot. .Shoewill be brighter tootrotrasv-
riorl, Yp oatr
o! leoutse she will be -brighter tee
lter .leaves the hotel with the' phrase,
Willett tot:Olds eitt And eletedrand unreal,
still -upon his lips, Vier bidding a WOO'
leteitiallight than ;mute to., Me.. Wilson,
ettet htteleg altered' to, Ser itnioute.g!
Plete.by.resding otOod tit, 4 teat he.
bee' net performed Aloe_ '6:evening of
iis disastrous _experience ot tlie Pond -
dent Wino of 'Oxford; and laettee 'har-
ing erefh-Asi a reined ;to Sooinee who
haseteeneonitereload'ttritiomut xturni,'
thing tentiAl (Mout letting het MAI& loolt:
in upon Ainella• at. Wove* though the
flifh1--bICl5d ,ber Austrelien ,Idenkete
u egekett en tier •smellingtottie. Ile
tfaS expected to *join, %tug Outside,'
Ile toft:110trhsed to watt lot' him with
Settee .petkoeli as 18 OW eratile'end,
ett the noMlition Uiat Ir .aliseata‘enetild,
notH•;exceell;18 sliptdated priod, 410,:
Once. thh trorifiSe lias brelferi,',.er.
ti''. -period exceeded, hit Dyne fgt. 'gone.;
Inc tot does:not peons= s810pirts4000..
gusnet though it cowl him 81 91.1ght
easiness,: which is, Orthapss renter O.
liteetehig 1.81' him, illetteteing
mine .eligtit Illettstwo befit ',the tiefeeinee8
of itte One, ,
thi,Welks lest, lo tber el:A.2041kt;
bell ite Wittier toViettiteetelihri ot Wheat tie
18 etepitietaile itor beide hitti t tee
ilt IMS been there, We' Iteleiteed-Wine
rigitatien bilt 1110 Ielegeeettoe' Witte have
not batee.Meteekel, hee'
leen trwhy •ocaiii, • innuottotel.x..
Winitier7- The P3410,00.-ul80 bee ant
meeititHelittateifueltell tiettetet, ;end. -"teeth:
ltelierf eiteedise 0 doliog bet 1%430' ealie
, teat that *lie; la beginning AO, lidtd. sla
14.1 heard georgy toongli tit 1h, sublot.•
etee i.,t letteWe1.j- (1. flt(jtrirflf Jint
.Wrsalti% tlipi Atitns It% st0p.
toWtilti§ tiM Moo:. It Is lad yet .00
thatIning rivhr*Itio proftleffado
gaY ta,tt .t1fl0 tO Imellit olive 'aitli
iitattettr*;:tiV IMO lit their • lam
otalVe,1 alut ttio Itoitta110l0W.: ThO o
plettet•t,,, nil Ito yeltOor liI1 two lig
opt1iisita1 U1i. t Itto, fivOr, lir together.
xuitst antl piemt Tut 110014 LrbtreSt, fit
Urn ediztetteits:are oi plear
au* bright t, Ito Val luolititiret sod
1i c.,O118.4, as it llfltl tail ettly,to blunt!, 111'
1111 fitlit ta-riett op,stota.toldr:-eatalles out
tle*eAreatrentleplim • '
Dole N'WhiOrlft11110,00 41ICOY
felf*tidr Spirt 111 UP.ITO *hich slatI
AIWA • be lottiltot 11*am* •
, peening +over. 1)34ttila heat
N'tielught 1 would um( ,abcut
Si Igor oak *O.." saks:11 'llsto!„ with *
Itet 101111,N: ST Of OWNS'. /1-411111 I 06111i
gi bark and relc,
VOW 318' 18- irtited isuppoe it is
ear ly.- 4 CAtArsi h.* totikt ite:t b4*
OS0 mitt they ora rrt to•night. !
•IlOolt"-vdilt 8 1nr4 et **neat teri,
rhea- sire *kg throosh
snd lost oirN will riot tragraph
ibex 1Wt
iliaw tare I Sell `!.0
ea ,siatialast ta,
00, Plzen MProved as la be away.
on 8 VW 1?
01# to:go, 04 nee
wee; ageing' at 'the', Mk!' ',Me $3;
Peellels -pee 'levet*. and was again
tato, ollie to *014;04 ltet
he, doctors onsolutglx.- 44Y4,1',
Ott, C. s0, BUIIRELLe •
• :• Beptlet Mbilatee,
PoYuldni* Is a world -famed roIlIvUy
for ttio aura at all those teet0„...09e thOe
lead to Corieurnetton, such eee.e-eragott,
La 'Orletier :ehills, beetteliiiie 40-
teet1i, tight .oveats. and ell:.*batfaffen
.ahdeVeeting diseases. At the dreigteep,
50c and $I,00, or wrIto Dr. t 'ace ,She
Ski -
cum, Limited, 179 Klugmr*. T•s:
rontmo• •
likely," ales Byng fevertehlye ietItetee
at fiat hoeing draw forth theereaestue
arm he lied hoped for, "I do ,n4t,,,for 1.
moemet believe t . 1 they , lerte•geoner
licentel,l'eeel etelviiteed thet et y 'Met riitill,
In Italy I Wit?' eheuld they nee:Ole:00e
thrn.%4emen• one.is, so fond of ',Ore': ;
eito looks dawn sadly at iniee• Ohre
enong Stream, .. • - . e
el do MA lenetv, I cannot glvereiteeeplia-
emootheve no' Clue.' • ' . ' ee e '
"1 wilt ask ' again in. abbut *Aerate"
"seye Byng,ntling lite arms froneleseepare
aliet, en hour Wis. preay vertiere to
have stetted; and ineen*Iiiitte 1 thought:
1. would hest stroll about Me IOWA, but
ereelsentioreastrileenoee-at eilleeeellyol-
aleeted keep. you I Yeleeloneftlet
'tinting 'to ,go book to Amelia':
'fle glancee at his Wend in kieeivollse
stelelorig way, tele Makes theeeMiegese
Ilan. . . ,,.
"I am not gotrigback ago* letenighte"
replies eine •quietly, wieheut glelelet any
olderitie of, an intention to heteeMeeif•in.
his dismissal. °Theta le ageing:I' ea*
de het her -there ee nothing kehfedeneee
file' Mlle, lit Inakinit this statement,
Oust he yet more dremy thott aie ea
aware, as it arouses eVen Byers' state
absorbed attention.
'Nothing to be done for bet?" he
echoes. With a shocked look.."aly dear
old plchop, you do not Mean to say—to 1M.
• e . e y—
, • ••
"I meet to imply nothing,"-reteitis Art
sharply, in a superstitious panic of hear,
Mg ,eorrie usitaveieble augury, es to hie
betreilied Out tritteeeegtakeeet4441ealt. best
what I saye-riertheeeeee'-.......see
there is 'nothing to be. dime •Rie her - ko
eight, nettling but 10 let kat -44,ettrca
god sleep will eeeatener e.,upe: oreeetesis a,
goad sleep Will ratite set here dfee
ale speaks .almoet ottigettee,• as .if ex-
pecting and challenging . coitiMdicttore
But Byng's spirit has aiready, flown back
to his own woes. leemay make what
tenement statements he ' pleases t: about
Arnellees tbralorrewe withoet toting any
domineer from his oompanion, ee,Velett
attention the letter' has, to speteale evi-
dently onlydirected to the solviageof the
Prebtatnee_eove beet, WW1 iirpitablq:Olvii,
ity,-lo bo rid rir igen. -Iliffirelie"',etiirtir
upon any expedient for attainteg Dile
desire(' 011eek eillegoe'ne seeateeeeettlehl,
hle *Ye resting eel0e a eentPaseeeP•efie eX-
peeselon upon Me , lurtiores 'Dime wboso
wild pellet- Is heightened,* ibeelitordee
'of, les "hale, load the liht creehart.elown
over his beowe. . . e.
*Yen ;ewe,: not liti d prixtututt 40, eit'All
t1eye4itid riot $oit better etinieebeek.,:to
the hetet and get tort:letting te'atier
"13u1 r' r cries, the Ober' ;with oboist:*
sctionic,"you ,muhave voy lip come
peeeeneteo op. -a, '.7eht,o, CheOnint WM-,
self, and wigh, A ittbrig and Iiiiiiiti lo. tr,
toot ti.,,t,, composure -.--"it .tvouto .101 ,be-
yoorlit,,,while. I„, should ,,net lineoellitieete
tel .hOltreeleseettene 'an halm lioW-c. to t
Must 1009 been lute quite ten Intunt45.
otiho 1esst-1 iiiiVe to rettien !:-Jat ,:110
Prazati d'Azeglio," • : .. ,.. '...-.4•
• e
..'"Thet -.go ...to i Doug* ; why, not gat
tiOtriething to tot ot DolleYeli7e.,4 to
not ictke you ilv.6 ,m1nutos lo e18 .4*
:V :T. le
• e eWhitt Mae& 1, de when 1 eneedlerer
Oaks •tiVolf littilitteAtly, 'It. 1‘-',416d, to '
swilitrie teed, it *odd eltelt '..iti fin,
thrnat; no food Shod P4s* 1187•1109 1411
e; learn WItete MM./see after 'thatteebeeeto
lug out linen tieto toughr‘ustoo, ;may elo
eiguit you please .nellinadoe' Nee tVill make
4 night og it with all iny heed,: wet eville--
11811 •
sf feel
Atha Ode*
tor .,
* *At natl. fo1k,
i 01 ;stylist"
h I et
eetlef "owed
4f0t,tottossit *cow 400Ctii0,1100•,i
Ower ISU.
-Ttia now of tudgrellonitoM Irelariti
esliibited 011 1itgrdlialtleStIVIPi:IPC11/14
Minieer „Wan: jett,tno,g,tinictrt Attu' ,4f,
or 4,740 4,na lean:WOW figilgiugt
the iltitixec ot.;:iteltinet olOott;;-..the out,
tigOottr Itimig*red $5444.,i*,4i6*, mote
mited, notut*00.
beiow the OunititmACWAYert-44-0'• '
Ot • the total .affitott.:04Ang;Onti'lest.
1Year ttler.4 Vtatt.Adid4004.:404-,-7,047.0.
totugo ogmlgroutswitrid-i kg* Aft -,Interext
to ttOto ar.,'Un/ VilOk: MO:41v*
Oita 4.and unwnrds. !8R.1
1 ere werix14PLgidliarrento4*gett•
I014/4an: Yuri age young( soeten,
*an, Ow. IL Alton by must., decide& le
hove hie Maitre ounigy end try -Ida luck
la the Weetent In A. ,lia
had logy pion** 'plead IWO
the. glorious, 'free- life of the Woollen
States, fold after tfedine AIL the .
two ,A.V40101ege•Ore ttat 'eettnitye he wee.
*UK. with ihet fever efitehattly VOW 10.
eteekled TwatticT 0Q eetteetad telt Walla .;
•Itl• that greet porno' tiler* 0:90 had.
O.4e, Vems rida• otennti_.'hirloint And
ellottedlteevolves were 719,4 diostroxing,
".: SP4111vItlf*10,140 EPktT0ziet.
Tho ltimSelt 4Oelse ,Anit
FeitePet PPOtsi ,and *Petal very • lose
wttopetIgi Wog Ire*, tateRSI,Olgi 1s Ihe
,v,J41004 of lightingTAMPA •.W.Ita te. greet
eetleelnd" teed tel .:11I0 tether •' tried
to lwe'enetto hint, 104040,tautog It 14911
ref., -011140111101/4,14- go 1144' told lteo
2t0-10.(cd inolcouottx; and. *1 plesood
it', to thlea ' investAl4
'amounting .10" 00Mb ,e20;00th
nto,' the. adyko .,01::thot fokep vio ;AA
talon. mid:- ..the Jeer, geiltet. AWaY front
lieereioot eetteeetkeighetegOeFeete have
seL isvietst.: sOtiteti '10;0* Teeteent WM."
'ern :Centette ede'llelenteletieeelnge .1414'
. hattoto *00. Weega, Ukot* for Vie :net;
clothes 01 all' cldser11?1,1000,t
ate- 4 rOokr.' mildrorcr04
lateen. yellett and 'OVA and ol 111,1140
ent e_teolittioreltnelenetneeie eh° .eolgatx
1St grgli AlogSe. FtOtO`',..$0,*.7,10k he
travelled 140-S40
'Of lereteMinaieesint'beethete:pureheee4 18
-.Xergo.piecoot loot; 01304,40.-1tles trim
,eneyetine, end epeneabolentineet of jzls
Pelee* inheybig. -cotfleee ;••••
„ ,Vat' al:het Ot •Xors, he ed
ustriess$,:aadifirOne. ilmo had
goortised etertitneeepete 440,e0e
Om.bi'ott0Ot-Itni two,_,ONAngor 'intiner4,
out, to tne,rattekteatee'ree Were wi hatipy
Ot.olmos ,1nu1tn.t.4?0,- or four 'Yoat,', 400,r
'the•Ailatitie.ettetekhiseelettleand tne-lems
oteelette, Made 4 attgoe 404 es any
A:910011,100* to • to-,uNatt for
rio eeeeele he eeariloatea lbei•-..ecabbe
:ttigiu.tWOutlinto 14,011Ple Of dry Years;
and his remkoningo4,00ige tile
'imeteleedlroni leek of feoet sod Ote
which oomeo in ....e.einemitte country.
Alien .tencle his lieeottiere, etefea on 'unlit
letil"leet everylbing, hoothe to' 01
Year rtinver ,c4one.,,and this sp-tnig
444 theo-
good year recoup - ,14,'farttlile, bittrim
01.".,-atnaatt$ e 0,
where one holy' get IX'little geld but never
outtbr from the drought.
Tbe...otber, •atteriMpa'IM posted: through
;tr Deer dtattfaf;;:flat •Mi#44tearted
a tor losing his 'itittre fortune, but, lotet;
IIIg forward to e1m,t1MO wileneenca mor0'.
he,eittad,Mtern toleee.eonieeinAtierdeen
With his forttine..tnareased threefold.
"eeee tier tiefie, arateternedee eservalleeee
• Tha bIl , or t Iilsh-bdi-ii--31,270,or
.88,5 'per cent. -left far the •sailcielee
foreign 00Unirleat the reemendeoe4,00et
o 1t,5 pett .0eriterliroeftadtrig,te: Oftid,
eniteho 2.247 oe tberri • to 'eeneriatite eha
• Wales, The groat' nutio1-ity-44007,
16.4 per cent, opt ihti••-total Manlier Of
Irish emigtanteowente. .kk t1i united
State. This , latter-, figure, howelrf:
whilst showing an'elticreelee 'or 2ie4e
over 1905, waif,: lees thrite:' die'etaerati
e cen
00,475, or $2.4 PeLeetdethe. ereee
four .years. Cariecla,eriet,:.yeer-eocele,
3M4, m 1,014 'mere, ,
()et of tho totite-e'•edirefielein teCtite
United Slates 25,278 Persons eveM isteete
ege paesenger e'antt, of these Oiddik had.
had emir peones paid for In Amerika..
, • yobtts.
Con beitantehea ley the Dial, ftettIllead
' tatittiedY
• Matte..
The health and happiness of growing
girls, and women al MAtero Yea1VAP`
penda Upon the blood` supply. There
le a crisis he the lite el every woman
when there are distressing .neallaeliest
rentehleateclike; When aile totems 81 UL
den and when some Women seem davit,
erred with even 'the lose of thele rimebri.
It Ise at this 'period OM Dr. Wdlitunee
Pink( Pills -prove o blessheg- to women.
Every nose Increases the rieetteee and
the 'redness ,91 ttie Xilomt -supple, and
lets new bleed strengthens Ilio argans,
eneeles them to throev ott disease and
banishes the headaches and' elokacnes
and Meekness and secret pains tha, have
made lite a berden. There tree Moir -
sande and thousands of ''grcievine" girls
and women in Canada wtto owe their
healta and happheess to Dr, Williams'
Plrik Pillti, Mts. 'antes MeDonele, of
Seger Camp, Ont., is one of these. She
sayse "I was badly run down, felt Very
wealc and had no appetite. L sitnered
front headaches and backaches end
dieeraigitt•gine,sfelWf "airiess't and fielt°3tullmat .roseyaicocenlY-
dltion •was growing worse.. lederatted to'
try Dm William' Pink Pills, and got a
,dozen boxes, but before they were all
used I had fully • regained my health,
out the least fatigue. Dr. William,'
Pink Pills have been a great 'blessieg
to sue."
You can get Dr. Williams' Ping Pilts
for Pole People from any •niedicine dea-
ler ot by matt foam The Dr. .Willtamo•
Medicine CO., Brockvtlle, Ont., at el
aerate a box (nestle boxes. for $0.50.If
you are weals or ailing glee these pike
a fen beat -they will not ilLstippolut
your -
, .
Ndieper Thee a SceptlealOutlast in
Darts Could Stand! •
4:•Orop of Water,, even three at tout
1100, falling an the head seetne" 0, thing
einwlertliy of attention; nevertheless in.
China a slow and .continteees dropping
of . Water on ',the head ehee been, found.
to lie a mettiod 01 itietletet'undet widOli
the Most hardened' ere/Mind oilbjeotte
lunele for mercy, ,
When a prOteseor in the Sotbonne
Meted this 10 his elate bie Other day,'
says nue 'Itotidori thrarikle,. one Of the
students laughed increduously„ and
Vadat , would take a ,gool deal et tPit.
tot, 01 thing to tiffetillifin.
The. professor assured htni that evert
ofte quart of Wriftit deoptiedsieWly °rite"'
his bend would.' be beyond his entittee
once, Ile Agreed. ter experiment.
MOirl 41•0119i15 'filler With Water,
Wee,.becieghtelt4 11 metroseopie hole WAS;
belee' into Ilia:W/0m mot .the ' Paean-.
*flee began, Me professor counting.
Ourhigilie tirst Mildred:40Pa the slii-
dent 010 *wail, Vali the roc -
nit loiralred he began, la leak las cheer-
ful, lifen gradually all 111,*: talk flted
4wityt and tiin Mee took on ,trtioggirt,
Medi/0 eXpreeelert. „With, Dm, third
%lora the, tsarist began lo *teen .roul
leek . lett, ' The 'pale ,loeteeeee ' to fee.
Wee Pinnliy the Mein broke. • •
At. the tour Infrared and twentieth
thescentle enktoWledgett his],tioubls
onetthed', and . begged:. for iiterey. Ito
eon* bear 'inn'
'' .1111.i';feVtiSal?o4;1*141rjfilti
'T- JIM Iciait.$ blanitiy ettlitra,' IS iii.; &Ali
:.114, ICIII.:(11Yeta'. (Milk' litat.'yon *ill, gei trie ;(0.;.'
. go nolt Itt the nOtet 101404 you Oh veil,
„melt **taken." o0ottooe4:,.koa roc...
,lesSIY4 "ao ,ittif le&s. MA limn ;;Itits
ring et:: MS berate . 10 two: tii ,
eVetedksle lin to die COPIlhirS,,,,-"Shitli
Molter 'my' WO- Ottir -ItesMOr *WO
tsv. :11111101' ?'Itlitt,ottoe'btito 'tig°0"sgrilit44e4tx0e:ttr, ,
t Alegi, . tall' OIM 01 UM ,Morning ne, -
,preeeese 'unlit I. •If -4,11$ korni-4.1, („of
toutse, dint 1141 to4Ogitt,/tebe10 SI* •
WO' gone, I v01400101. tvidelf ; 'het itek.
liter of tliein MUM trot* latRethim
It. `AGANi*.
$P0 II, lateeele Yen *ere 'Ste
Mt4s, $teffilail 911 *8adflt tom*. pit
V,out.d, nettr IA sou:
letVtzoisie' soy, ,
tTOCtt of at *est otni• e you
044444 'etlUtA A CASE IVIIIWP011
TWO Wilts Jit)) 'No •
**rotes Ortothit TeMiSony;
No tiso-ot eeteMee eltin disease,
Ie Wine eltould be 41 polred2Ot.unift:
tifo noir tofg been IV led. .,LTho ease
ot Paine* Dentlit, •tit IA, 40110
atftn.15 81; potrertal iliustlellott 01
eidaacy. Ile Sayill tottlerol
ett Orem% for lavo i188 rtod 'tried
great bomber of remedies. Norte of
Mein, however, sleerned 14 do.11* Sfl
od Thei alitarrit sval, thiltllOffl ID
ems, told bath teem Actutilly raw
Isont 11*•kfrees Own. A *Malt swinge:
box otZem-Ilok was giteri to,me, row
un 1-18swim li quantilk ea that did Ali”
ti Mitt, gtrid, 1 Veen, Obtained 88ItirOPer.
suisp:F, end ref Abe tibia I had ward 18
kw boa% I wet, oadipktely toted."
'l8rd,110. differs, film ordinary salve,
rnd entbroral/ana Id containing :nn tow
tital oil, In, It la torapeudded Not
Vat, tifittilgi 110:0*1 44ktoltot114 1010
60 WV natural combination of power
and logos', It !i%1 aothieper, and
woolly Mils bad% *ad disease iteintt„
which etettling .411. 10 WOUWOO sod akin
41;legera ort 410 *airlift", bleed poked.
OW. Ft* rat, horns. bruises, eilearay,
edkarrIatt. pimple!, beds, slit* *hire
it -4W, '81411,1 tOW1. ItrOMONit _WO&
e1111110414 hold:let rballeiCtioraa,
rte.. Zam 2111¼ k tontosatted. ittAlm
roma Intel. etli atungaet. rad Wee*
11‘.. bat, er Obeli 11.4istliuk
Tarawk, Per sta. 4 boo tor Otis,
, Milieltiftd :settierS ihat-Mber
Wants, llever` beaten, and •alwaysareadY
to make a gamefight to overcome the
bad Ilene et-hetet:pee, ••
Alton -will settle ent,theilertt sidi
of the lied Doer ItiVeet, and was very'
-mectremmerisest_te seoAlto med.-weather
Calgary, us Mee*, . road In niany of
dee paper& from the States of Alio' COUR,
try being one mak of iozen Plelna, and
ate dead 'caltlo lylng around the streets,
• ,
Pnitsont, P.AladHAPFS.
littereatlint Gossip About :So& PlIttltt-
tient 'People.
• •
From lloyht1041.0i. Iiiitiseni the Polar
oxplarer„Laoaustomod himself to Me use
aeor:ysfin:fotywo:ttit4:11:tchSlItthiHr tv4tir w(litl.itit$4°-1.4101°DnigSt:
• A thortilme ago the German Empress
"I' can telt, yen very readily," said the,
r i4res.asa.otwiilelieearersrkndzefeuyeLiudittigbegin
children,- OhnidIft And teyetitchene
..Seleraii, the famonelitinter oe
big Arne Wee hieloilielea.'eZettlons" by•
11188 companions at ategey. .04 leaving
sceetty he went lo Switzerland to learn'
Wench and Gez'nian, He rather 'ideated
greetecoatee knock' which he had
shot had fallen into the river, tiod Ike
Earl.ftebexts,„,' who, has. giVell up bus
tewnellotiee in Portland: Pfeeterne gerae
'to 'Mt n the has trate ed
his logo eollectron eventide to lits
denco 1st Etieleneereetraer Ono bf
thertmit higbly priced 14 ic° piece of (mix.
.astwrinteditre,,,,wreh4git. i.:oeithelryn joirtiiuriethINtivigahsei,dttistrihvaogyresovnitoottgoirt
theebnier merles.- leele'-tee.."white oar
itho poem, oca$40.goilo toot noberis
inthorktirtgilijs-!,isurgende,t et'Serde
'te.littetesging to note Ito* rapicIly
thVsmeinisies'Or‘.11to English 'Myst 17010-
11$ arO 4jAdr0i:,00, Oie Itoyal sPolle bf
Eintiph An togueigptifteepo is.ott the
ittergueet=A OonttOn0ht,. Mnie' 401
throne of Norvi41 'andllMr,- Plop*.
wear Tole' •KiTithitetatvligahobt3rt
• 11110 uSellOot Alto' ci3titbirktita klIsi.64040s14't,,t;
tidAtt,••llallghtOr 01
th0 thlko
oe.or ot,:tfooezfooko;'., Aro' emsit tskitteem;
of, eteep Is a ,alaughter nI King
eldest Osier- White a datightet et tan,
oe,„s1 tfeory of Sallenigrit is on 'tha Etinh;
tsit throne,'
tatilY•IltAt moot liat'Attronoolots 114'
thq ghted witu ef ilir Willlairt flogging,
It is, not only since her' triertlitgo, Mat
La si llugguIls bus, ddvoled 1iorItSe
Stet Oette.. :Tfie'',1100A1, **Willed posse$,
81011d'a %O.. early girlhOd wet0 a oztin
telotaand and:: *tar, MIAs, SftWibiem
Dogging* .10*Sei .01',TUI,*,111I1'ls
111017 fit•tedfor the ttefly ot iffd stars;
but Lady ItUggins• declare* that the Iltst
Millisiter a•,, 'British • eglitnOtitr
Lookeh.heort, .111h*.ergatt *tot .ttaa-1
lured Already, the; wo180s:0111k tette'
1i1 Oritish elferege, .10". ofty ttoIltfot ,of
.lioodoft. tot '001-soloa .01411iiit OM ell
tSedah5t4rtr. **elm ,ftigeiffee Wilt
OfillY bred; at for tor,
root Zoit Awes .Ittyto ha*
(01 -
gotten More things than teeletelelen Wee
e.yeir 1,a1 tlie thud, .01:- agetuiring; • Ile
hes heat 550*1 &Seabed as,"adttrey-shat
mr. SOW and nittrO the intriner;
•Of a liattersity *bleat* theft Ibel„Of
bglintat MilittriallyWdelt; neebteiet
.rteinie the lett that Marly fatty yi
ogo 1811 tem the Ylegtifl •ffnitetior. 1
at'Oldlint, 11 * * 'hien of t
mita; anitaing and itakitfittable tor
mows mounitii49 113 1815 riet; hobtlY6
Altroto**440. tout yaort wtatheispitivottsithr vt,:nogitY4
mot to melt the lop of Mend Meta&
Wm Win nransostobt„ the fatte**,
tittM,,' relates WI *mishit WO,0081
row itti/ littlpitfltiatfa lttPtiiififl8 o
a youth whir o.w e4I*Itive itIth;
1184' iolog mon** Orott8 tire VOW
1604 711W"I',01rti16:1 -1*notrAt*Ittit;Atiktgity 11,11tit
tit giVA WOO A sound biding." said ea
Mgr. "Ibmiftda that? said /400 Mont,
rentbk, °niers la* better way ot estifir
him. Mier gab prirfortaanat Ibis even*
mg tit put on ale-olit dregs and bat, and
P81814') *awn ws to too* rodle tiny. V'
brMig Ytitie boy trend to the *i*g.
• poted 138 -18131 la bine as I veleta
This was ilasok and lea rieleilY less
Me rattled oot Mew
brasarthe youth taittlike tekt
di. paled them •-etty I
Sher wera godly r
Compounded ,Quarterly
*en4.for boptclot
It earalas how intr•Morkle Detteettilentle n•
fufllUrfroift you thtinyotir *Sweat mall box*
' • a: ,
Etuittline Toronto
Tramp 1 "Madam, t aineellifeeing trent'.
• Lady "Why, Itr ScnTY. What P1310‘
'.0.0 to,help you " ••
• Tramp "„Medarn, yoitraan ditto ncteila
,stanti3riby eying nee --someetnag ette
"You drink beer 4n ,winter to make
:sou- warm and in summer 10 keep you
no01,"-sfleared the:maid. •
adWttte4 4194 bandit:et'
Just as yonde. openwork.' .
Then uteeeolneftation lamitasheeL e•
overdraw Mit btu* account; whe-
ther roehteley or ,physically, Is more sue
eidel even then to overdraw materially.
-Repair enieted destmee strengthea duo-
tered nerveseend4eatlyenateeeyoue_e_! rhea -
emetic system by visaing .the famous
..Mtnerat 'Salt'Springs ot Ibo-"f`St,' Cath-
arines Well" Of St. Cdifierlites,, Ont.?. A
postal card to I, D. McDonald, Otelleot
Passenger Agent, Grand Trunk flainYay
SYsteln Torot0, will bring illustrided
• aee•Arealait. Waal • •••elalw .115 15.
bittladais.by 01 1.5 we arson toal/hita
• „111101011 Pia 1411. Iliaattaitt•
" . , •
In 1897 beller'44;400 tritieli'etnigeritea fo'
`Baldh't191111:-4unerkce 211enpober, has
been BroWiiik sinco then by reaps' arid
boUnde; 'etelefeet!yeateeteetese 97,133,01.
,wiloro.,10,6G4 were Englmsh,
• Det„.Noterielae..eric* Intoner .dennt.
tate& 9t •. pottoo Ands 118
Weel'.'.1teVe lhe ta_
:Menem is to, get lite .polscih-, out e# te.p.+‘
'idly lind 885 tklaiitanglitti: tAgr possible:
mean, ...disaster. Parole* s
Vegofabie PilIs will be *nod • a Ogee
.valetabee iIha efeeeritee toecticlite',..,to oittir
'the lettudereewilite Thee never Mile
Thele'int 01, ake1k1P tgiLe *eat of the,:tratt-
tde and- ,tverk n;perteariedit Cute.
Moat° cycles yearly, of a value of;
n411164. Offlinde,•. and , ts
• ;.", ,
otOoOttlfttliatt 014 tilwrinstAlit* (Wall
sofstiffk.Floluhr.17.074•115 Ww1r0r.VO•WW,
112-4 " s.r?!:tta.
aaiaaas : . •
• , • ;
1 An 'editor' is ,o mali who is 1101810 10
gratiiinitioat blonde loothalle,.. typo
graphreat ,eittors, •411 dapses ermethary,
011(1 usually tatially, lie Itas 10111 18 mititen.peoiii
:Watching In ,cateit lord tripping: And
y0. tiie W0144'4e ilia01 tieoplkWhit Wait
.16 AO editors 1
Cholera and: tit ....•.Miittator
131-0 50„quick 118 lIxeireadtIon 'thee, the
bold ,tuktio; Igloo the %Ulla”
Oufore they jito itkArdrts:', oint. 40040 :1$
neat. 11 titteeked‘ ticr not delay 188 get.
anilfet titedialitm Try a dose
et ot,.' I:. it. Kellogg*, Dygenteryi ofirdb:•,
ond Yeti will cgot-IMMettilltO 'telIttt
It Acta witIt Nitopdettot rttpt4ity 444.
largest' se' InfOn 'On rettord. Wan;
'•Ittwaltin listh which VOtt SIthal4.400140.00
to have weiglied'„Od:patiOds, •
.YOtnig Wet& 'n'hoX-pris4
,eriptfor 1 lei I,. last nightofir, was h anal;
'lett - attaIXO S.
Hent suffering frofitrkddiablahlt
4 'tlifferillt 'kind', troth your, , YOft
Wive lt Made, Apto:.".Pittlents, "t/41,:, 000
'for. erift 1 leak the Medielne."' 'Doctor.;
ere Au
:Mgt" Daticift: '"Ifety. mnehltIter,"' •
•.7 111.• l'
• , •
, megfand brakemen; experience lin-
net weary; over 500 positions open at the
present hula; high wages; riipid proMo-
lien to engineers and conductors; $75 to
god, per montb; instructions by mail at
iOar herae wIthout Interruption ,veith
Meat. ocauprition; we assist each she
eat In securing a position; don't delay;
write to -day for free catalogue, bestrew
Hans and application blank. National
Railway Training School, Inc., 1432 K.,
Boston Block, Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A.
-0••--e----e-e-e--- ......—_--_„,..,..
„nut Assartnornini a the Oil);
cal leatalal let atz Cara et titattmerusg: It
treats thiCAUS sot essroly the AMOT
vglitssurovextigg gra:, .tairuzitrit pan,
• B N,• o CAN.
In good.running order. Oar.:
„ tarn for cash. ,
II-AdelOde Street west, -,TORONTO,
uig Ottago.li coo attittitd
aiAtaite airtitysiitott aueoLits WITH
• !4440c,•'040-,0 a 6afft.Va.
*Nt 4000•0 •
VAVOK As '4 coaxal..
••••;' HOlis il'OA '41.5888401(3' 01038'.
IJ J1!N1'f1ON
Cliaplaia 'This 15i,y4ut third t6rot In
ttlia prison, Are you not; ashamed to
have . yoor friends iee ytiti holier •
Abashed, Coititict: "Indeed, 1 am, l'imr
pylatin" Is 4Isgraaefal. The reeeption4
room suiells .like a lanstioni, thO.,04116
datk'aSlateai '166 govetnol 116
tteltileritett;' iota Itto table is no 111 10
sit down' bo. qtablutiad td MY.
Woad§ mint I aur niotti4tee1
*Vary tithe•I sep Iftedil but Witt ran
11441,,,, Menge,,. Prairie. Strataliaa and
every kaltt..01 toaldigious Heli in humar)
ottimala AMA din 40 totoutes
toill"4" SttoittokY 'Lotion, ,11 ifever
gold liy all eletlitists„ • ;
Uta. *titiorer lur' *sited ibr
icalleii„ "Yes; nuNott,bmstverot the
blatd,oftall 'WO* it Iko b0444/44 14100;
"$b4$ ,%k hot, "Are yott'sottot
;u11.§* toteturtt .1 just overbfard tOr Itike •
lag a '
• ntitiftlt flitItUng tidhtt oft ,Pikto.040,.
tiffhis .ttt 'the •401AU'llisut liIllb.3 on for
houyo4tifi pat& '*titlitak and lIiiflba.
litntatiat galeattili -
09 18 wlUi-
ouIt tho'•iiitlit
hporliar it and.- it:110104Y 'tiOrt perman-
ently relieves tho litteeted Park': ;lit
value ilea in its, re81ig14 PitoPertf out*.
fllOviIlg p5111 Utah' 'tlia
that- Od ,t(ttalii$ It Ilk lobed*-
. „
*ori(1er(ut 1818y," 41141
tonler tWet My tlitettf 't item 328
eriti* to rot at, tthrr affb4
Jett rof-.roniboallion„ lle saked Ina o-
188184 las/rite it for bird. 1 pit down ntY
'pager STA *role IL I llattettd ntrollt
Mail did rather -welt 5t;I it Napa*
lion, it %sting been a tgias *idea 1
bad bad Of:cation: to ate one,: het 1
tfilt4f(-. xpe4grol lbw gratilien I Oa
from itini. 'The Iirxt st dinar" Its*
)04 teitheo tli41104 hurtled op id leis
'gad sloped me oh the
,81'llartan rat ,y33.. 1.10P r be titled.
sVott aro all stand "third *
e •
▪ A